Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Eating Crayons & The Worst Animals To Be A Vet For - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: May 4, 2023

Spit Hit for May 4th, 2023: Come on in. Grab a seat and hear us talk all about seeing dinosaurs, giraffe shoes, and jellyfish poop. Then, can Jason go for a repeat victory in Highway To Spell? Lastly..., we wrap things up with a draft of the worst animals to be a veterinarian for. Don’t miss this episode! Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On today's spin it we're going to be talking about crazy stuff like giraffe shoes jellyfish poop watching three grown men try and spell better than a fifth grader which is I'm sure I nail it it's a lot harder than you would think and of course another draft we draft the worst animals to be a veterinarian for tell your friends about the podcast and enjoy podcast and enjoy. What happens when three buffoons givechika, bum, bum, bum, dingy. Oh, man. So I don't know if that was... I love the beginning.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I was feeling it. I was in. I was vibing. It's been a long time since I... But here's the thing. You used my stinger. I was rolling with it. But then you pulled out the old stinger.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And then this new, fresh, whatever, wah guitar you were playing over there. Yeah. Yeah, but that's kind of his calling card. Yeah, I haven't used it in a long time. I can tell you, I didn't plan it. I mean, that's just, that thing was born for a reason. Look, I was in for three beats, and then I was out. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I'm sad that. That's still a 75%, though. Which is your new high score. All right. Welcome into the Spitballers, episode 191. Would you rather Jason's favorite segment, Highway to Spell. Barf. B-A-R-F. Barf. Hey, you're the rating champion. Oh, that's favorite segment, Highway to Spell. Barf. B-A-R-F.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Barf. Hey, you're the rating champion. Oh, that's right. Thank you for reminding me. Yes, yes. Sure, yes. I really am. The best part is that you are just as happy to win that with me being handicapped as if I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Makes no difference at all. Also, I went to a grade past where you were handicapped. So loser says what? I'm just saying that if you were in a sprint, like a race, and every one of your opponent's legs were tied together and yours weren't, you would feel like you had beat them in a real race. That's all. I would lord it over them as I should with my heavy metal around my neck.
Starting point is 00:02:25 We are drafting the worst animals to have to be a veterinarian for today. It's very interesting. Yes, because there are different directions to go. Yes, I had my approach and I have no idea where you... I don't know what angle
Starting point is 00:02:43 you guys are coming from. I got some on my list that I'm excited to reveal. Yeah, it'll be fun. At SpitballersPod on Twitter, Instagram.com slash SpitballersPod. You can watch the show on YouTube. We appreciate all the reviews, supporting the show, following the show. We're in episode... 191. 191.
Starting point is 00:03:03 We're in the countdown here final countdown to 200 yeah yeah that's fair that's the math that checks out i i am so excited to see whatever special stuff oh yeah the producers have planned oh my gosh that will be fun show 200 yeah i've been hearing whispers from the bushes that they have something big planned. And so I don't want to spoil it. It's always a surprise when you hit a threshold and they have all these plans. But I know them. And I know how much they care about big events.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And the listeners. Yeah. Because really, that's who it's about. They are going to knock it out of the park. And the cool thing is it's going to be a surprise. I don't even want to know all the way up to the show i just want to be blown and we record a lot but the fact that they would put that time in for that special episode even when we're busy yeah with a lot of recordings tells it really tells you the listener how much they care about you yeah they're
Starting point is 00:03:58 even busier about us they're busier than you can imagine and to really put in those extra hours that they're going to have. Clearly going to have to do. Probably already have. Yeah, they probably already have. Would you rather. That's a pro move. That was not Andy that hit the button.
Starting point is 00:04:22 That was the producers just pushing us along. Oh, well done, Al. I don't know if I've ever been brought along. Is that what it feels like? That is what it feels like. I had at least five minutes of material left for that bit. Yeah, we'll come back to it. Would you rather question from Mark on the website,
Starting point is 00:04:39 would you rather have goggles? The goggles do nothing. Goggles that allow you to. Is that a line from Arnold? It's a deep Simpsons cut for everybody out there. It better be. Would you rather have goggles that allow you to see your surroundings in a historical time period? Okay. Which sounds really cool.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Okay. Okay. That's a typo. That should say in any historical time period. You can choose. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it made sense.
Starting point is 00:05:06 It's got a dial on it like binoculars. You could go back. I've always thought that would be really neat. That sounds awesome. Yeah. Or a flask that gives you an infinite supply of whatever liquid you put in it. Hmm, man. By the way, we are very close to the first one in terms of what Google Maps can do now
Starting point is 00:05:28 where you can actually look at an area. Now, it's not high resolution. It's not the same as this, but you can actually scroll time periods and see buildings change and be added. Sure. But I mean, you can only go back as far as we have the record. Right. But tell me if you guys have ever done this,
Starting point is 00:05:45 because this may be just deep philosophical version of me. But sometimes I'll drive by an empty lot, and it's like that lot right there, where it's just land. That's just dirt. here where it's just it's just laying that's just dirt that means that that area has been dirt for all of modern history and it is just sitting there and nothing ever has been built upon that like how outrageous is that it is i've never really thought about i don't have that deep of thoughts like i i just i i figured it might only be me but i'm throwing it out there that's just you i mean that is pretty cool to think about i'll forget it by the time we're done recording nothing has been where nothing has been built right yeah it's just
Starting point is 00:06:34 well that could have been underwater or something right but like exactly yeah yeah it's just it's a crazy thought when you try and think of how old the world actually is. Hmm. Okay, you put the goggles on, and then you see someone bury a body out there from 120 years ago. Okay, but on the other side, an infinite supply of whatever liquid you put in it. What? Do I have to fill the flask to the brim, or can I just put a couple drops in there? Well, I think- Because I get an infinite supply. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:07:04 You just want to gulp oh but no i want to put in like some valuable right that's well that's where my brain immediately goes what is the most trying to make that money expensive liquid we can put in there is there any liquid that you could put in there that would then like yes you can make let's say it's the let's just make it the most expensive liquor in the world or the most expensive wine, right? Okay. Right. But to refill it, you got, let's say you got to put the flask cap back on tight. You don't have to refill it though.
Starting point is 00:07:31 No, he's saying. No, I'm saying to initiate the magic. You just screw it. You got to put the lid back on. Okay. And it fills back up. Right. And so then you got to open it and then you got to pour it out and sell it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Right? Right. So then I guess that'd be pretty cool i was thinking that was some great burden you're trying to make some time argument i was just saying wouldn't that get boring and and i was like i'd probably just hire somebody to do it and let me ask you if it would be boring if you could put the most expensive liquid in the world in there which is scorpion venom yeah welcome to the to the spit bars podcast where we fill the pool up with it's 10 million dollars per liter yeah we've learned
Starting point is 00:08:11 this that's that's yeah but but demand demand on scorpion venom is probably not meeting right yeah you'd sell it for infinity the market you yeah you you it that forever. And it goes back to what Mike was saying. Does three drops count, or do you have to fill it up, and then it stays full? And I think you've got to fill it up. But to fill that up is going to cost you a milli, at least. Now, let me ask you a question. Substances that need to be hot or cold,
Starting point is 00:08:41 I assume that they are going to be in that condition within the flask? Yeah, so like infinite soup. I are going to be in that condition within the flask. Yeah. So I could have like- So I could have like- Well, I was going to say infinite milkshake. What do you got in there, chicken noodle? But like a lot of it. I could eat chicken noodle forever. I'm taking the goggles.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Oh, yes. For sure. I just don't see the benefit of the flask one. I just don't see the benefit of the flask one. I don't see the benefit of the goggles other than a very cool parlor trick. If I'm standing at my house and I take these goggles and I put them on and I rewind the tape 100 years, 200 years, 300 years. You want to know what I'm seeing? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I'm seeing dirt, Mike, to go to your point. Like, we live in Arizona, okay? For the vast majority of human existence where we live, people have not been stupid enough to just be here in the heat. It's just going to be flat dirt. No way. What if you see a T-Rex? Yeah, that's exactly where my brain went. What do dinosaurs actually look like?
Starting point is 00:09:45 what do that's exactly where my brain went what do dinosaurs actually look like because we like if you we put it all together we you know we're assuming that our skeleton structures are correct and but now the idea of what a dinosaur looks like that has changed just in our lifetime where they were scaly lizard-like creatures and and now we're giving them feathers. Now they're ancestors to birds. They have feathers. But does that matter? It does. What are you talking about, does it matter?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Why would it matter? A T-Rex looks awesome, okay? Now let's say that we've got it wrong, and the T-Rex had giant arms, okay? It doesn't have these little baby arms. I don't give a crap. I don't know. Okay, that's just like really a reason not to know anything well let's just let's go solve any of the the biggest mysteries of life the biggest the big and by let's you mean me and you because jason's not coming yes yeah yeah let's solve
Starting point is 00:10:36 like you guys thirsty like like i got some scorpion like super dark, but Lee Harvey Oswald. The JFK assassination. Oh, yeah, you get a small batch. Which is like, what? What happened? We still aren't 100% sure what happened because the official report feels like there's no way that that's actually what happened. Okay, you just brought up a valuable point, and I don't think it's that one. I think that's too far away.
Starting point is 00:11:02 You'd have to travel to that location. These are goggles. They don't let you see different. I'd have to travel to Texas far away. You'd have to travel to that location. These are goggles. They don't let you see different- I'd have to travel to Texas. Right. I'd have to go to Texas to find out. That would take me hours. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:13 You understand. But, I mean, say you're a modern day detective. Okay. I mean, you don't need to go back- We're back to the money. No, it wasn't about money. It was about you can solve every crime. As long as you know where it happened.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Well, yeah, but if it's like what happened here, someone was, you know, you find a body. Well, let me see who brought it here. I'll just go back to, now we've got practical. I like pragmatism. I like things that are useful. Like scorpion venom. Well, yes, do something for me. Like scorpion venom. Well, yes. Do something for me.
Starting point is 00:11:47 An infinite flask does something for me. And in 50 years, when we're all in a drought and the water scarcity. Yeah, when it turns into Mad Max and everyone around you dead and you'll be alive. I'll have so much delicious cold or hot chicken noodle soups i will uh i will formally go water i will go goggles yes and i will not even close and it's not just buildings i mean if you scroll back in time you'll get to see people walking around and stuff you ever seen those old videos where they have like yes downtown san francisco or someplace in france i'll watch those for a long time.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And they're starting to colorize them. Yes. Because it's so weird to look at black and white photos and try and wrap your head around. No, the world wasn't black and white. It was just as real then as it is now. It doesn't see. I don't believe that. I just don't believe that the world was as real as it is now i know it's crazy everything because everything was shades of brown right yeah is
Starting point is 00:12:49 that just because of our media that like you know it was all black and white and everything was shades of brown i know like dyes were harder to come by but doesn't that mean yeah not to the black and white point yes sure but shades of beige is pretty boring um all right let's move on janna janna janna from twitter which one which one do you think it is janna doesn't sound right but it's that's the way janna also doesn't sound right so janna ah. Ah, we got there. Jannah from Twitter. What would you rather eat for $10 million? 1,500 red crayons or a delicious hippopotamus? You must complete all of it to get the money.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Okay. I just recently watched that show Alone in the Wilderness, and they are alone, and they are without food, and they have to find their own food, and one of the guys got a bow and arrow that he made, or no, he brought it, and he killed a... Some crayons? He killed a very large, I don't even know what it was.
Starting point is 00:14:03 It was almost like a bison, but it was some, I don't know, wild cow thing. Okay. I hadn't heard of it before. But he ate everything. He ate everything. Including the bones. How do you eat the bones? I saw the exact.
Starting point is 00:14:17 He didn't eat the bones. Okay. I lied then. But he made soup from the bones. Did he go, okay, so did he do the bone marrow? The marrow soup, yeah. He ate everything. I mean, you're talking-
Starting point is 00:14:29 Everything. Yeah. If there's a thing, he ate it. I mean, I assume the skin, he didn't eat the skin. Well, he used it. Right. Or I guess the fur. Did he tan it?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah, he did. He did. What what people know how to do that they do they if you scroll back in your goggles people once knew how to do that um and but the crayons they're really not for human consumption that is correct now what and how many could you eat a day healthily the question yes that's what it comes down to is like 1500 crayons yeah and i specifically read that's very it comes down to is like 1,500 crayons. Yeah. And I specifically read. That's very interesting. What is the weight?
Starting point is 00:15:10 I've already got you here. Thank you, sir. I'm on it. I knew I could count on you. 1,500 crayons is way less than a hippo. Way less than a hippo. 1,500 crayons, 9 grams a crayon would be 13,500 grams or pounds yeah 29 29 pounds now on the other side of wax of wax or now so you so it's red wax uh thank you specificity matters red dye is very dangerous
Starting point is 00:15:36 um but the hippo males weigh anywhere between 3 500 to to 9,920 pounds. 9,000? Yeah, we're talking that's going to be a minute. Now, is that a regular hippo or a red hippo? That is a... Because that would make a difference to me from a die perspective. Yeah, no die. All natural. The hippo is all natural.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I got a tomahawk steak for the first time in my life. You did. Oh, my goodness. A week or so ago. The table kind of bent down that direction. And it was, what was it, 32 ounces? 32 ounces. So we're talking two pounds.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Two pounds. That took me three dinners to eat it. Three meals. And I'm not going light. I'm eating till full. And you're never getting through this hippo. 3,000 pounds. That hippo is 160,000 ounces.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah. I will take my crayons. I'll eat one a day and someday have a reward. You will never finish a hippopotamus. Ever. But it's delicious. As per the question so then the reward is the hippo it's 5 000 tomahawks oh man and you said that was three
Starting point is 00:16:53 days that was three days which you could do more you could do better but you die off quicker wax is not poison i think i can eat three crayons a day without consequence right i don't know man i mean my poops are gonna be red for a long time. For sure. But eventually you're going to start jamming up the works. That's why I'm limiting it to three. Yeah. I think three's too many.
Starting point is 00:17:14 No. No. You think you can pass three? I think you could do eight or nine. That would take you a year and a half. Yeah. If you only do three crayons a day, it's a year and a half to get you $10 million. I'm back over to eight or nine.
Starting point is 00:17:21 half. If you only do three crayons a day, it's a year and a half to get your $10 million. I'm back over to eight. On the other side, I just did the math on if I ate the same amount three times a day, gorged myself on hippo, it would be 41 years. So, you ain't
Starting point is 00:17:37 getting through the hippopotamus. It's not happening. Without looking like a hippopotamus. Yeah, this is the crayons. Crayons all the way around, right? Yeah. You got to risk it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Crayons are way lighter than a hippo. Now, if this question was eat a quarter of a hippo, you're taking 10 years still. Yeah. Hippos are big. Let me ask you this. Are you going solid crayon or are you melting these bad dogs down and making some kind of a stew? That's what's in my flask. I've got so much.
Starting point is 00:18:09 No, I would probably cheese grate it. Oh. And I would mix it into other food. That is super smart. I would put it in all my spaghetti sauce because it's already red. Cheese grating your crayons is super smart. Into spaghetti sauce. Absolutely. You wouldn't see it. small. Into spaghetti sauce, you wouldn't see it. You wouldn't smell it.
Starting point is 00:18:28 You wouldn't taste it. Would you like some red Parmesan on that? Well, yes, I would. You would notice it. No. Any of you guys, are you fans like I am of the wax lips chewing on those? The candy as a child? Yeah, or the bottles with the goo inside of them.
Starting point is 00:18:41 That was the worst. I love chewing on wax. That was the worst. I was not a fan. All right. Did we paint chips? Stupid from... Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You got got. Yeah. Patreon supporter. Thank you, Stu. If you were part of the 10% who survived, would you rather survive a plane crash or a Titanic-style sinking shipwreck simple that's so i think this is the yes yeah yes let me let me ask you would you rather be on land
Starting point is 00:19:16 or in the middle of the ocean i mean it's definitely not the ocean, right? Yes, but you do survive. Yeah, well, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not about that. I think we can infer that you would safely get home either way. The point is, which would you rather say you've survived, or what ordeal would be more difficult to go through and then have survived? I'm thinking, as Jason loves, pragmatically. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Titanic-style shipwreck. I go down in a boat. I survive. I have PTSD forever of remembering going down into the ocean, being terrified, all of that, getting rescued. I never have to go on a boat again in my life. Fine. You go down in a plane i mean like people that
Starting point is 00:20:06 survive a plane crash how long does it take before you can get back on an airplane how do you ever fly again two lifetimes right and like and i know some people do like uh um travis from blank 182 he had that horrific uh wreck years ago, and I believe he's finally flying again. But it's like an airplane is something that if you're actually really going to travel around, you have to have an airplane. But a boat, I can absolutely do without. You can skip it.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah, and so that makes this question super easy for me. Yeah, but part of it is not the... There's a huge difference in these two beyond some of the things we're saying. The plane crash is a... It's much faster. It's the worst terror possible because you are certain you're going to die.
Starting point is 00:21:01 It all happens very quickly, right? And then the other one is literally potentially the slowest eventual death scenario with a boat that's slowly sinking and you're just waiting for water to fill the... Hours, if not days, where a plane crashes, like, what, five to ten minutes or so? So is it level of terror?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Like, the terror level has to be higher on the plane, but's for a shorter amount of time where the terror level is still very high on a boat but you have to live with it for a long amount of time i don't know that the terror level is less on the boat like unless you don't it's going down but that's my point if i know this boat is going down right where it's starting to crack it's like everyone's got to get off or whatever i am max level terrified. If I'm in the middle of the ocean. No, no, no. Oh, you think I'm cool, calm, and collected?
Starting point is 00:21:50 I'm having a good time? The reason is you don't actually know how you're dying. You might be rescued. You might find a life, something that you can be on top of. You don't know if you're going to drown. You don't know if you're going to be eaten by a shark you're gonna be eaten by a shark but and one of these it's a band-aid one of these i'm ripping it off and i'm saying this is super scary for those five minutes and we crash into trees and i am okay i have survived i'm on land now and i'm like okay that was insane i can't believe that you know i'm i'm alive unbelievable on the other one i am spending
Starting point is 00:22:28 hours or as you said days terrified in the middle of the ocean adrift surround i mean you might be easier to find on the ocean than in some random mountain no way no that's an interesting question because here's the here's the reality if a plane goes down usually not always but usually they know where the plane goes down if a boat goes down they might know right where that boat went down but where are you later there's no when there's no smoke going up yeah i mean you know it's like you're you're adrift at sea i have more hope give me the boat of being survived of surviving a boat sinking throughout the process. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I would agree with that. So I want a little hope. If I'm on that plane that's going down, I'm just like, I hope this is quick. If the question was which one of these two do you think you could survive more likely, then it's the boat. Yeah, there's more time uh to to figure things out the plane is just not in your control at all you have no say you're buckled in you said you could land it so no i this was a plane crash i would land the heck out of it we would never we've established that jason's not flying the plane give me the sticks i'm bringing it down between
Starting point is 00:23:43 those two mountains yeah i sure i've been a pilot for 25 years shut up Give me the sticks. I'm bringing it down between those two mountains. Sir, I've been a pilot for 25 years. Shut up, you. Give me the sticks. Sit aside. Watch me work. There are no sticks. It's called a yoke. No, I don't need any eggs right now. What are you talking about? Andrea
Starting point is 00:23:59 from Patreon, would you rather have a pet dragon that doesn't understand you or a pet zebra that always listens a dragon i mean a pet dragon eventually becomes a an adult dragon yeah worked out for daenerys pretty well to be they listened they understood yeah he didn't i mean that's it so is there a risk of death it didn't work out well for. So is there a risk of death here? It didn't work out well for Hagrid. 100% there's risk of death. Okay. Well, I mean, the previous question, there wasn't risk of death in a plane crash.
Starting point is 00:24:31 So I didn't know what magic is here. Dragon, gigantic mythological beast that could burn a city to the ground. Also very cool to see. Oh, super cool. But like people that have pet tigers, pet lions, they get killed killed by that animal and that is not a dragon that's a solid counter argument what what is a dragon are we what is a dragon no no no what is a dragon like supposed to weigh oh that's got to be i mean more than a hippo five hippos 50 000 pounds five hip- Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I mean, I'm going bigger. I'm going bigger than five. Adult dragon. I'm going at least 20 hippos. 20 hippos? Yeah, I'm going at least 20 hippos. That's like 200,000 pounds. Yeah, you see the size of these things?
Starting point is 00:25:17 They still got to get airborne, Mike. That's a little too much. Wait, we're worried about the science of flight with a dragon with a mythological dragon yes hey listen mythological but how was which how is it possibly going to fly what's the aerodynamics mythological mythological aerodynamics are important too my first google search didn't help it says average weight of a male is 180 pounds i think this is for like a little uh that's a human uh no it says it's for a dragon but i think these might be figurines or something statues all right well i i'm this is about how i think you eventually get rid of the dragon right
Starting point is 00:25:59 but you have a cool dragon for a little while yeah maybe the zebra is your best friend but you all you got is a zebra i'm taking the dragon i'm the zebra is your best friend but you all you got is a zebra i'm taking the dragon zebras are pretty cool yeah but but here's the thing if if i have a zebra that always listens to me the coolest part about the zebra is that it listens but i am if i have that which is awesome i'm not gonna spend my time out there talking to a zebra like i still might spend some time oh at the first week or two i'm gonna talk to the zebra all the time you ever heard a zebra i haven't i i've not yet spoken great order no but i'm have you heard the sound of a zebra oh no what are they like is that supposed to talk them into it i'm just saying they're they're crazy sounding creatures
Starting point is 00:26:41 my point is that's a good that's i really hope that's what they sound like um i just i don't think i would use the novelty that much the zebra it's not a novelty talking zebra it's a horse you could talk to that's a novelty no it's not it's a gift it's a parlor trick no i, I'm definitely taking a dragon. Do you want to know why? Keep the dragon well fed on zebra and you're fine. It won't want to eat you if it's eating lots of zebra. Because I will have the only zebra that talks or the only dragon in existence.
Starting point is 00:27:21 That's unwieldy after a couple weeks. You remember how quick that... I mean, they grow quickly. You're going to have to let it go. I'll take my chances. All right, let's... No, no, no. Don't move on.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Let's do it. Let's do it. Highway to Spell. I've been informed that the zebra does not talk. Yes, it does. Jason said something about having a zebra that talks, and I was just saying that's not what the question said. It can understand you.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Oh. Even worse. It just can listen. How do you know it's not right now? How do you know the zebra can't listen right now? Because it always goes, huh? Huh? They're very confused creatures.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Okay, we're into highway to spell now. Am I a horse? Am I a cow? Jason, this is your chance to prove it. Hey, back to back champ champ coming in. Does Jason start with the handicap? Well, we're all... Yeah, fourth grade. Oh, because he won most recently.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah. The person who won most recently should always start one grade ahead. That's a good point, Jay. I think it's if you win three times in a row, you get a handicap. Correct. Highway to... Hmm? Huh?
Starting point is 00:28:38 Highway to spell... Kick it away. All right. We'll kick it away with Jason, our reigning champion. We're going to start in 6th grade, Jason. Here's your 6th grade level word. No problem.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Faucet. This segment sucked, by the way. Man, this would be so bad if I get this one wrong. I think I got it. F-A-U-C-E-T, faucet. There was a word the other day in the office that you couldn't.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Was it curry? Oh, no, no. Chili. I could not. I was like, but I knew I was wrong. I typed it out. The food chili. Yes, the food chili.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And I'm like, that's not right. I had to Google it. And sure enough, I was wrong. All right. You nailed the country, though. Yes, I did. Give I was wrong. All right. You nailed the country, though. Yes, I did. Give it to me. All right, Andy, your seventh grade level word is?
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'm sorry, sixth grade. Oh, man. Yeah, I was ready for that. This is sixth grade. Here you go. Scarcely. Scarcely? Scarcely.
Starting point is 00:29:40 There's at least a 5% chance I get this one wrong. Oh. S-C-A-R-C-E-L-Y. Scarcely. That's what I had, too. Did you have it wrong? Yeah, I put an E in there. Well, there was an E in there.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Wait, how did you spell it? Scarce, L-Y, basically. S-C-A-R-C-E-L-Y. Okay, I had the E in the wrong spot. Okay, so. Don't even worry about it. The word is scarcely, and I went with the root scare. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:15 All right. All right, Mike. I got you. Yeah. You ready for your sixth grade level word? Clearly I'm not. Violence. Okay. Violence. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Violence. Yeah, that one's easy. Lents. It's the T that gets you. Violence. V-I-O-L-E-N-C-E. Now, Al. Violence.
Starting point is 00:30:40 All right, cool. We made it through one round, which is really, that's all we need. Yeah. Moving on. On to the gravy. By the way, are these words, Al, which I hope you're having a great day, by the way. I am. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Are these words that you know are coming, are they completely random in the show? They are completely random in the show. Wow. Okay. They're randomly generated from a list. So there's no biases of any kind. Correct. Okay. So there's a program of any kind. Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:05 So there's a program out there that is just like, give me six-grade words. Give me a six-grade word. And it does it? I made it into a Google Sheet, and every time it reloads, it randomly selects one from the list. Wow. Neat. I'm impressed. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I can't wait to see what you do for show 200. All right, Jason, you're getting a special word here. Grievance. That's not how you say that. Say it a different way. Grievance. Oh, man. I am so sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Here you go. Yeah, give me another word. Wait, no, give me another word. Grievance. Oh, no. Oh, wait, I'm going to need to hear that about six or 17 more times. word. Grievance. Oh no. Oh my. Wait I'm going to need to hear that about 6 or 17 more times.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Grievance. I've got like. Oh man. I have like 8 variables going on over here. I don't know the beginning middle or end. G. R. I'd like to file a grievance against Al for this word. What? Oh man this is. I think I know it.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I've got my final list. Seventh grade. Yeah, seventh graders know it. Seventh grade gets hard, man. Hold on. I've got to finish writing this down. Someone taught me. Grievance.
Starting point is 00:32:14 So you've officially begun your word. Just remember that. Yeah. With a GR. I think you're off to a good start. Thank you. All right. Both of these are wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Oh, this could go so many different ways. I will bow out early. Grievance. Grievance. Grievance. Yep. Grievance. Can I hear it one more time?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Sorry. Here you go. Grievance. He says ends. It just looks so wrong. It's no way. All right. Grievance. He says ins. It just looks so wrong. It's no way. All right. Grievance.
Starting point is 00:32:49 G-R-I-V-E-N-C-E. Oh, is it A-N-C-E? It's A-N-C-E. No, that was how I... But he says grievance. He doesn't say grievance. Oh, my gosh. I hate this game.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I hate this game. The I and the E wasn't 100% sure. The E and the A? And the E and the A. I was going to go A until the last time he said it, and then I changed it. Look, I'm with you. You could file a grievance on that. I will file a grievance.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah. All right. Keep it going. Why do we do this? This game is not fun. No, not this. Oh. I'm saying like these words.
Starting point is 00:33:32 The English language. The man was saying grievance. Because you have how it's written and then how it gets pronounced over time. Right. But those things should match. I'm fine with- Yeah, but dialects and things. I mean, it's not a perfect world, Mike.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'm fine with colloquial, you know, the way that we say certain words being different. But when you're telling me that the dictionary robot says it one way. Yeah, but he was from like England or something. Grievance. All right, give me my word. All right, here you go. Your seventh grade level word. Now, if they both fail.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh, sorry. I didn't hear that. Boulevard. Oh, fail. Oh, sorry. I didn't hear that. Boulevard. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. Well, we got problems. Oh, I got this. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I think we're good. What? My problem is that I'm not sure how it ends. B-O-U-L-E-V-A-R-D. And I am concerned about whether there's another E, but I'm going to leave it off. Yes! I had that one right.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I think it might be Boulevard with an extra E in England or something. We had the same thought process the whole way. You thought about that last E? The only question was whether it was an E at the end. Oh, man. All right. So I am out-out now. You're out-out, and Mike,
Starting point is 00:34:42 you have a chance to stay in with this seventh grade level word. Chaperone. Oh, boy. That's not how we say that word. Oh, you're not going to like it? Chaperone. I like this one. That one's better.
Starting point is 00:34:57 But the other one. Chaperone. Oh, my gosh. This looks so terrible. Chaperone. Oh, my gosh. This looks so terrible. Chaperone? Andy, congratulations, Andy. Do you both have a different? We both have a different than each other.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So if that's helpful to know that this is very difficult. I don't think that's right either. Go ahead. Hit me with the word. Chaperone. Okay. I'm going to be very upset if that vowel in the middle is not the letter I think I'm chaperone okay I'm gonna be very upset if that vowel in the middle it's not the letter I think it's chaperone c-h-a-p-a-r-o-n-e you want to try again
Starting point is 00:35:38 no no I don't end this stupid give me Give me the whole word. Spell it out. C-H-A-P-E-R-O-N-E. I'm pretty sure. I threw a G in there. Indiana G. Hold on. Hold on. Play it one more time.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Like champagne. Play it again. Chaperone. That's garbage. Chaperone. Yeah. Chaperone. I'm here at Chaperone.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yeah, exactly. And that's how I spelled it. There's a lot of anger in this place. I'm angry at the English language for being so stupid. Congratulations, Andy. Well, we get to move forward. We get to... It's actually Chaperone.
Starting point is 00:36:18 We get to have a drift. The Spitballers Draft. All all right we are drafting worst animals to have to be a veterinarian for i did have a point of clarity on this one okay that they have to be real animals they have to be real no dragon um i just i don't know where anything goes I assume there's not like a shortcut here as a veterinarian where these animals are not being brought into you tranquilized already or asleep already. Like you're... All problems. You're taking on all problems. All problems. All problems.
Starting point is 00:36:55 You might, I mean, I would imagine there's sometimes you might have to go to the field. Sometimes they come in. It just depends. What if they've got a broken nail? If it's an animal with a nail. I will say it's pretty easy to just hit an animal with a trank broken nail or if it's an animal with i will say it's pretty easy just hit a animal with a trank dart yeah that's what i was saying like there's that's not that transporting them of course that has its own but the trank dart doesn't normally
Starting point is 00:37:14 come from the veterinarian that comes from like a games person like i don't even know you know they do someone brings them into the vet you're gonna have to deal with whatever your clientele bring you okay yeah the way i so to clarify to you the way I looked at this draft was I'm a vet, I'm scrubbed up, and they're bringing the animal in. And I'm going to deal with what? I'm the most talented vet in the world. I'm dealing with all these animals, the best that I can deal with, and that's why I'm going to be a little uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:37:39 when you bring your porcupine in. I mean, you bring the porcupine in, and look what it's called. It's a porcupine. It I mean, you bring the porcupine in, and look what it's called. It's a porcupine. It's a bunch of razor blade pine needles, and I don't want to mess with that. I'm getting hit. There's no doubt about it. Well, no, because it's going to be unconscious. It's not going to shoot
Starting point is 00:37:55 him. I've got to get it unconscious, Mike. That might be his job. I've got to give him an injection. You can, porcupine, I think you can... Oh, you're going to pet it? Is that what you just did? I think if you pet it. Pet it to sleep.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Pet it the right way. The right direction, you don't get the poke. It's easy to startle them in the vet's office, Mike. Don't you know that? I mean, it's on my list. All right. The barbs of a porcupine are unfair because the way that those things hook yes onto you is gruesome i believe it's into you yeah sure yeah and it's uh never pet against the quill that's the thing that our office has
Starting point is 00:38:33 but i feel like you could go things go wrong it's like shaving against the grain yeah you just don't do it all right mike you are up all right uh the first thing i thought of is just like a reigning champion of almost all animal. If there's an animal draft, this monstrosity always gets picked because I don't know if there's enough scalpels in the world to get inside of a blue whale. But somehow you've got to open this thing up. You've got to make sure it's doing okay. Yeah. I mean, you've got to keep it hosed down, but I'm really more concerned about just the girth. That's a big animal.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah, that's a tough one. You're going to need a bigger office. You're going to need a chainsaw. I can't imagine. I think you're on the go. You've got to go. That's not coming to you. You're going to the blue whale.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I would imagine that that's part of it. Okay. All right. That is not a good animal to be a vet for. No. No, it's not coming to you. You're going to the blue whale. I would imagine that that's part of it. Okay. All right. That is not a good animal to be a vet for. No, no, it's not. And I'm going to stay in the aquatic area as well. And I went a little different than you two on this one. On this one, you know, look, sometimes you're in charge of maybe this family's pet yeah you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:39:47 there's a lot of weight on on veterinarians we we talk about the doctors and nurses and you know the mental trauma they have to go through i'm sure veterinarians i'm sure they let a family down that's hard and i can't imagine anything more difficult to work on or bring to health than a goldfish. Yeah. Because you bring me a bag with a sick goldfish, and I am not going to be able to help you. The only hope is that I got a bunch of goldfish in the back room. 100%. You can go to the back room, you flip it, and then you bring the other one back out?
Starting point is 00:40:24 No easier animal to replace than a goldfish. Yeah. Yeah, that is true. So could I sleep easy at night knowing that the family is happy even though their goldfish is dead at my watch? Look, money solves problems, right? So think about the family that comes in with the infinite blank check to save this one specific goldfish. infinite blank check to save this one specific goldfish and as a veterinarian you've got to you've got to do the work on this goldfish when you know its life is going to be so short regardless of what you do yeah that's hard transplant for a goldfish right um and then
Starting point is 00:40:56 i'm going to go the other way um from from small to large oh uh this is an animal that is awful uh they kill i believe more humans than any other animal in the world oh we were just talking about delicious and we have talked about a delicious one today so i will take the word that i cannot spell so this is bringing it all in together hip-hop hip-hop hip-hop anonymous i will take the hippopotamus which we now know are just 10 000 pounds of of work of deliciousness oh man feed me for 41 years yeah i don't even know if you can the question with the hippo is in my mind you can't pierce the skin to put it to sleep you know what i mean like you you give it a go with a needle and it just doesn't go through. It just bounces off. It's so thick.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah. I don't know that there is anyone in the world that works on hippos. No. There has to be. You think? Yeah. Someone out there cares about the hippos. I guess.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Are there hippos at zoos? Do zoos have hippopotamus? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know they got rhinoceros. Yeah. I've seen- They have hippos. Yes. I've seen plenty of the videos where-oceros. Yeah, I've seen... They have hippos.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I've seen plenty of the videos where... You don't need to Google, do zoos have hippos? They do. It's a good time where the camera will start zoomed in. You have no idea what's going on. There's just a bunch of gross stuff. And then they zoom out. And it was the hippo's mouth.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And then they throw a pumpkin inside. And he just chomps it. Oh, wait. Oh, yeah. They annihilate a pumpkin. And a watermelon. Is it the hippo? It's a hippo at the zoo video.
Starting point is 00:42:26 The poop video. It's unbelievable. It's the chainsaw. Yes. It's the classic. That might be a rhino, but they both poop the same. Oh, man. It was incredible.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Was it a hippo? I'm on it. So you're going goldfish and hippo as the worst animals to be a veterinarian for. Mike, it's back to you. Now, you have an unwieldy blue whale. Yeah. We went, Jason and I, have started in opposite directions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Oh, you're going small now? We're going to cross. And I don't have the steadiest of hands. I got a little bit of a shake, a little bit of a tremble to the hands. And I was trying to think okay if you had to cut open an animal do a little precise careful procedure yeah and like do a heart transplant on a on a hummingbird oh like you're you're margin for error of getting into the internal organs of a hummingbird is non-existent look there's a chance that when they hand you that bird,
Starting point is 00:43:26 you pop its head right off on accident, and you didn't mean to. Have you ever seen a hummingbird, like the actual body, not just with the feathers, but the actual body? This thing is so ridiculously tiny. Wow, that would be, and just think about all the, like you try to give it a drug, but you got to take the drugs down to a really small level for a hummingbird. You could OD a hummingbird real bad.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Oh, yes. You give like one CC, that's 10% of its body weight. That's right. It just... Also, I have confirmed the hippo poop sprayer is the name of the video. Highly recommend you watch it. Please have your sound on for the hip open sprayer. You won't believe.
Starting point is 00:44:08 This is basically a cartoon. This is what you would do in a cartoon except real life, and it was in a zoo. Yeah. Okay. Well, my next animal that I'm not looking forward to, little Bobby bringing his pet eel into the veterinarian's office. Eel? An eel. Okay, an electric eel.
Starting point is 00:44:28 It's slippery. Yes. Operating is going to be difficult. It's not exactly friendly. Ursula's not far behind. Yeah, and you don't... My poor little poopsies. I mean, if you have to strap an animal down, that thing's not going to be strapped.
Starting point is 00:44:42 You can't strap that down. No, you can't tame an eel. So an eel's what I'm going with. And then we're moving forward. And I'm going to go with something that's just simply difficult to deal with. And it's a giraffe. Oh, a giraffe is on my list. I have it on my list as well.
Starting point is 00:45:01 You know what's not in my veterinarian budget this year? Scaffolding. I don't have scaffolding in there, and I'm going to need some if I'm going to go up and down that ladder and work on this. Imagine the strep throat of a giraffe. Oh, boy. Dental work. Are you kidding me? Strep throat.
Starting point is 00:45:18 That's a lot of throat. That's a good giraffe joke. Yeah, I mean, just think about how long legs yeah do they not a good question i'm just curious if like it seems like a giraffe should have giraffe shoes on like like like a horse it's got hooves. Yeah, but like... They need Nikes? I don't think they need shoes. No, not Nikes. Like the metal shoes like a horse has.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Why don't they put the one... Oh, because... I mean... You're not riding around on a giraffe. That'd be a lot of fun, though. I know. Did you ever see the video? Like a lifted truck.
Starting point is 00:45:59 You want to spend your day on YouTube. After you do the whole hippo poop thing, there's another video of a very inebriated man leaping off of the edge of a zoo onto the back of a giraffe. Does he make it? Does he land? And he rides it for all of three feet before it chucks him onto the ground. A giraffe can fight, man. Yeah, they do that. Don't whip that head around.
Starting point is 00:46:20 They do that neck fight? Yeah. That's crazy. It's because they have a bad case of strep. But I've got porcupine, eel, giraffe. Mike, it's back to you after a blue whale and a hummingbird. All right. So I've got the giant creature.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I have the tiny creature. And now let's take the perplexing creature of where do you even start if someone brings in a jellyfish? Okay. What are those things even made out of? I don't think you can touch them where yeah well you can't touch the tentacles because you'll get a poisonous sting do they have you have to bring in a plastic bag to replace part of the parts with we lost him but i got you it's ziploc just toss this in the water but what is it what is jellyfish even made out of what is jellyfish i don't know is jellyfish but they're all they're alive and they're eating not after you get done with it exactly they're eating other creatures in the sea
Starting point is 00:47:17 wait they're carnivorous oh yeah the the man award what do you think the stingers are doing yeah those are catching little fish i. I thought it was protecting itself. I guess I never thought about what a jellyfish eats. And they just float along in the ocean. I give you credit, because once you said perplexing, the first thing I thought of was a jellyfish. There you go. Because you don't know where's its heart, where's its brain, where's its anything. It has to have organs.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Is it a mist? Does a jellyfish poop? Probably. Probably not the way I poop. From where? Exactly. And the best part is if someone's bringing in their pet jellyfish, they're really distraught, obviously. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Because their jellyfish is hurting. And they're a psychopath because they have a pet jellyfish. And I assume they bring it in kind of holding it like a baby. And you bring it into the veterinarian and you have to act like you know what you're doing. Yes. You can't pretend. I mean, you've got to pretend. Let me take a look here.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Why don't you go in the other room? We have breaking news from Owl Borland. All right, let's get it. Jellyfish. Wait, so this just says jellyfish-like creatures. So maybe I'm just going to. It is a jellyfish. Okay, so I'm going to include all jellyfish in this because i maybe i'm just gonna it is a jellyfish okay so i'm gonna include
Starting point is 00:48:25 all jellyfish in this because i'm not a doctor uh they sprout a fresh anus every time they poop that's so genius jason's face you don't need your bidet anymore no because every time it's a new one this is fine and you're living in the water, so it's going to be fresh and clean. Something probably eats their- Their anus? Their former anus. Some animal. This is the circle of life. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:48:54 If you're sprouting a new anus, where's your old one? It feeds- What hemorrhoids? They gone. Yeah. Wow. I shed thee. I shed thee.
Starting point is 00:49:04 To the ocean. Okay. Wow. that's a good one yeah wonderful speaking of butts wait oh also if they come in with the butt problem yeah say wait yeah i'll take care of this um you're back i am back on the clock you have two picks speaking of butts okay uh i am going to take a skunk okay because yeah you're gonna ruin an office and i don't know you know how like you can't get cat pee smell out of carpet or you you go into a house if you're if you've ever been looking for a home and it smells like cat or dog urine like that that is hard to get out. I cannot imagine my place of business ever recovering from a skunk spray. That is nature's fart, and I don't want it in my office.
Starting point is 00:49:58 No, you could be a vet that specializes in only skunks, too. There's got to be one vet out there that they're known as the skunk specialist. That's true. And I'll bet they're very stinky. Or they just have bad sinuses, so they've never been able to smell it. They probably wear hazmats. It is funny.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Have you guys been around skunk before? I've never seen one in a while, but I've done where you're driving through and you're like, okay. It does hit a large area very strongly. Oh, yeah. They're very impressive. Up in northern country here in Arizona, you're like, ah, is that a gas leak?
Starting point is 00:50:32 No, no, that's a skunk that walked one mile from here. Anywhere in a 20-mile radius. Yeah, exactly. There's an animal. So you got a goldfish, a hippo, and a skunk? That's right. What's the last? Well, the last thing is um the devil which is the
Starting point is 00:50:47 devil the devil tarantulas i am not dealing with your pet aquarium tarantula if you bring it in i will first die and then i will come back as a ghost and i will throw that aquarium oh you'll spook him oh i would never throw the aquarium. It could break and let the thing out. I don't know what I would be able to do. That's an underwater tarantula that Jason's talking about. Oh, man. Wait, is it not?
Starting point is 00:51:13 It's a terrarium. Oh. Is there a different word if it's not underwater? Yeah, aqua involves water. Well, no, I get that. I get that, but I thought there's like you go to an aquarium department. Yeah, it's the same thing. It's the same actual thing I'm buying. I just don't fill it with water it's glass which is yeah i mean makes it slightly different but i get what you're saying yeah words are important
Starting point is 00:51:34 here yeah i'm just saying that you don't ever put things that don't go in water in an aquarium you put them into a terrarium let's see you a good point. Look, it's just a word. Is there any difference in the construction? No, probably not. I mean, yeah, a little bit maybe if you happen to aerate the water or whatever an aquarium does. But you're telling me I can't go to a store and buy an aquarium and then put a mouth-breathing thing in there?
Starting point is 00:52:02 You could do that, Jay. Yes, you could. You could do whatever you want. Yeah. Okay, so you're done.antula mike final pick all right i've got another animal where if it's got some kind of heart problem it's gonna be quite difficult to get into this thing i'm going to need some sort of a powered saw. Whoa. If someone brings in their tortoise, how am I getting in there? You're breaking the shell open?
Starting point is 00:52:31 You got to cut it open, right? You should probably go from the underside. Yeah, that was pretty clear. Why is he taking that chainsaw? Go from the belly, Mike. Yeah, but what if you got to go through the top? He's got a drill? Well, all the most important organs are in the shell.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Which, fun fact about turtles. Oh, no, not another anus thing, is it? No, no, it's not an anus. Apparently, a turtle shell is not a shell at all. Oh, don't do this. I hate to bring this up. Actually, I'd love to bring it up because it's fun fact it's a it's a set of modified ribs i hate people like you yeah what is the difference
Starting point is 00:53:15 between a tomatoes a fruit it's it is a fusion of modified ribs and vertebrae and shoulders. In a shell shape. Wait, what is? The shell. Yeah. There you go. I love it. I love it. What is the shell composed of, Jason? Bone.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Yeah, ribs. I'd like working on the tortoise because I know it's not getting away from me. Yeah, that's true. It's like I could leave the room for like a full coffee break and I come back and it's like three feet further. I'm making an escape. All right. Porcupine, eel, giraffe.
Starting point is 00:53:46 My final pick. It's a Cobra. Yeah. Black Mamba was on my list. Yeah, I don't want to mess with that. I feel like the more intimidating it looks, it's even going to be worse. So the Cobra's where I'm going with. You got fangs in there.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I don't want to mess with that. I know that they're valuable. I'll probably siphon off a little of that venom and sell it. I mean, it can make some serious money, but no no i don't want to mess with a cobra not today not tomorrow it's fair it's a fair point all right are there any uh it's like you now glaring omissions do we know how the uh uh do they does the snake venom ready to go at all times, or is this like... Oh, like once you puncture? Yeah, like you accidentally poke the fang of an unconscious mamba. Are you getting injected?
Starting point is 00:54:33 I don't think so. It has to act as part of the bite. They milk them. Yeah, so like you have... Like over a jar. Right. You've seen that, right? Yeah, yeah, yes.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I have seen... That's how you... For the anti-venom and stuff, but the snake is conscious for that stuff, right? I think it is, yeah. So is it actively pumping out the venom? I think there's a gland that releases that, yeah. Okay. I'm just making sure there's not like one slip.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I'll let you know when someone brings one in later today. Any glaring omissions, Al? Do you see anything that you really don't want to work on? You got all the ones that came to my mind. I had a couple others. I mean, I had the the rhino but i didn't want to really piggyback the 10 000 pound animal poison frogs i figure aren't a good time no they're all they they start ugly and then they're poisonous i had a octopus because they have two hearts oh you could do it wrong that's double trouble and then uh you kind of alluded to it of like when you're the vet, the stakes are high.
Starting point is 00:55:26 So I just had a dog because I'm not carrying that. Oh, a beloved dog. I'm not carrying that weight. I've got a lion and shark, of course, because those are just things that can kill you. Honey badger because it don't care. Oh, yeah. And then similar. A honey badger is not paying for care.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And then cats because I just don't want to help them. That's real. I just don't want to be responsible for actually helping a cat. They come in with like a broken nail, and you're like, we do need to put the cat down. We have to put your cat down. I did it for free. Don't worry. You owe me nothing.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Let me check on this. Walks to the back. There was nothing we could do. We go to a vet that every time a dog has to get put down, they actually do come out and give you a goldfish on the way out. Here you go. All right. I had a grizzly bear.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I figured it was a problem. That'd be dangerous. Yeah. What did we learn today? Oh, man. Did we learn something about a jellyfish? Yeah. Did you want that one, Mike?
Starting point is 00:56:21 Oh, yeah. I learned that zebras are very inquisitive. And I learned that Jason much prefers the very harrowing, quick demise of a plane crash instead of the slow, hopeful sinking into the ocean. The hopeful sinking. I hope one day I may sink to the bottom of this great sea. Which one are you more famous for? Surviving a plane crash or surviving a
Starting point is 00:56:50 sinking ship? I think it's a ship. I was going to go plane. Hey, tell your friends about the show. Or else. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out Spitballers podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out

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