Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Enjoying Your Own Farts and Jason’s Potato Suit - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: December 9, 2021

Spit Hit for December 9th, 2021: Today, we face some real tough life advice like, ‘when to be honest with your spouse about how they look in those jeans’ and ‘what to do when a co-worker cont...inues to ask you to meet up outside of work’. We also banter on some arguably more important topics such as - eating contests, body odor, and controlling the frequency and smell of your own farts. In everyone’s favorite mini-segment, Jason tells us everything he knows about BACON in 60 seconds. Lastly, help us sniff out a winner in our ‘Best Smells’ draft. Subscribe and tell your friends about another hilarious episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:01:07 Chime member overdraft fee savings based on eligible members' use of SpotMe versus $33 average overdraft fee. Overdraft fee data based on bank rate, checking account survey, and CRL June 2020 overdraft fees report. draft fees report. What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Mike and Jason. Welcome in. It's worth mentioning, I just saw a video of a father and his young daughter and their top-notch scatting to start the show is what I'm saying. It was impressive. It's fun to see all the spitwads out there getting in on it. And, Mike, not bad.
Starting point is 00:02:14 You know, when we do eventually our first live show for the Spitballers, which I know, Andy, you've said will never happen. Eventually. But it will eventually happen. When that happens someday, can you imagine? We'll get you a diaper. You'll be all right. The audience.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Ta-da. Beep. Bop. Ba-diddly-boo. But can you imagine the audience? We would make the audience scat with us. Well, don't get me wrong. I'm hilarious.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I just don't think you two will hold up in front of a live audience. Oh, I will fail. I will burn out and flame right into the audience. Well, because we've got all the editing advantages here. What you don't know is most of Jason's comments, we just take right out. Yep. I talk 90% of the time, but then once the edited product goes forward, I about the same We hit you with that AI machine.
Starting point is 00:02:56 We take the profanity out. Yes. That's most of it. A dirty man. No, Al Borland, have we edited this show? A sailor. Have we even edited this show before? Do you do anything?
Starting point is 00:03:05 We have not yet had to cut anything out of this show. That's right, I did it. Hashtag goals. The only thing we would have to cut out of the show is if I have to cut out early after what I did to my stomach yesterday. Okay. Did you do a little bit of damage? I know you started
Starting point is 00:03:21 early. I went a little boom boom pow. You started early with some raisin canes. I did. little boom, boom, pow. You started early with some Raising Cane's. I did. Which, delicious, number one. So delicious. Yes. Number two, it really does hit harder than most things. It's heavy.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Especially if you go, did you get some Texas toast in on that? Of course. Okay. If you have one slice of Texas toast to lay on top of all that fried chicken. Of course. You are, did you have a nap in between? I did not. Oh, my God. I was not able to have a nap in between? I did not. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I was not able to have a nap, but then I followed up with some pizza and wings. No, I didn't do the wings. But then the television show, it was Sunday night. It was date night with the wife, and it was, okay, I'm going to get some ice cream. I see dessert's coming. I got to get some ice cream. But then they had the French fries and the cheese sauce, so that came with it. Oh, this is Culver's. I'm not doing some ice cream. But then they had the french fries and the cheese sauce. So that came with it.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I'm not doing well, fellas. This sounds like me. This is great to be on this side just hearing about your bad choices. Yeah, but was it fun? Did you have a good time? Oh, man, my mouth was so happy. It really does remind me of the best edit we have ever made in the history of any of our podcasts we're near a thousand episodes in there was a podcast once where we had to take a cut because you just
Starting point is 00:04:31 you just had to go to the bathroom he's like excuse me gentlemen he's just like guys i gotta go he just gets up just well runs to the bathroom that may or may not happen today okay well if you want to follow along with the show, you can go to Twitter, at SpitballersPod. You can visit the website, SpitballersPod.com. We're on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.com slash Spitballers. You can watch the show, and we always appreciate your iTunes subscriptions, your
Starting point is 00:04:55 reviews. We have a lot of fun doing this show, and it's because of you. So, thank you so much. Let's get it going. Would you rather? All right. You can send in all of your questions. And, well, that's what Caleb did. Caleb sent in this question.
Starting point is 00:05:14 He says, if you're entering an eating contest, would you rather be judged on volume of food you can consume or spiciness of food you can tolerate? Ooh. Why is it a bad? Let me ask this question generally as I open this up. Why is it such a badge of honor to be willing to burn your mouth and endure horrible spice?
Starting point is 00:05:39 Why is that a badge of honor now? I don't get it. I mean, it certainly is. It 100% is. It's like, that's a man. I mean, it... Because it certainly is. It 100% is. It's like, that's a man. I mean... That's a woman right there. She can eat that hot wing. That'll burn her mouth off. I mean, I
Starting point is 00:05:53 will say this. I guess it's like, you're tougher, right? Yes. I mean, flat out, if you can lift more, you're stronger. Yes. If you can take more pain, you're tougher. So maybe that's the... What am I if I can eat more ice cream than both of you? Fatter. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:07 That is the answer. No, I mean, the reality is... Is it enjoyable? People pretend to like it. That's my problem with it. 100%. I do not believe these people who scald their face off. This is so good.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I love that. I mean, I don't... Oh, my sinuses. I don't consider myself a... I don't... What would you call someone who can endure the spice? A spice head? Sure.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah, clearly. A spice... I'm not that. I do like... A sinus survivor? I do like an occasional extremely spicy meal, but I don't think that my standards are on the level of the people at the competition. Can you psychologically let us know why?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Why is it so good to you? It tastes good. Really? Yeah. It really does. Hot wings taste better than wings that are just meh. It helps you feel alive, man. I like a little spice.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Once you've been to the edge, you can't go back. I like a little spice, but I am a baby. I'm not one of those that can take the Dumb and Dumber Burger and just deal with it. You're not a ghost pepper father. No, in fact, so here's something. When I was a late teen, maybe early 20s, we were making a homemade pizza. And my sister's husband was over, and he putting these i think it was ghost peppers it was some kind of monstrous why would you put that on a pizza well of course i don't want it on the pizza
Starting point is 00:07:32 so he took him off half of the pizza but that was not then enough then then it cooked and then you know whatever it was 20 minutes later i had a slice of this pizza without him without them and but just to clarify so he had put them on and then pulled it so it had already touched there was some it had already okay and that was enough yeah to end my night i mean i was that was the spiciest thing i've ever ever eaten and i didn't eat it was not ghost peppers. Right. Exactly. It was, I mean, that's a true ghost pepper. Because I was like, I don't see it. I'm going to be judged by the volume of ice cream I can consume. That is the, so volume.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I'm choosing volume over spice. I'm coming in with a wild card here. It's not actually part of the question. I would like speed added to the would you rather. Yeah. And then I will win. Yes, you will. That's true. I mean, we get asked all the silly questions. That's why you like Yeah. And then I will win. Yes, you will. That's true.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I mean, we get asked all the silly questions. That's why you like spicy. You don't taste it. It just goes down your gullet. Yeah. Mike eats so fast, it's unfathomable. I consider myself the eater of this group. Like, if we had to.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Certainly. We allow you to take the moniker. Yes. But I can't eat as fast. He takes it by force. I literally cannot eat as fast as you. It would be impossible. If I did my best.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And I'm not even trying. No, it's just. Have you thought about, just throwing it out there. Have you considered chewing? Is chewing on the table? Yeah, chew, chew, swallow. Chew, chew, swallow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And that seems like about right. It's the train method. Sometimes when we go out to lunch to a specific restaurant, we order a pizookie, which is a pizza cookie with ice cream on it. And we tell them, put that on hold. We'll get it a little bit later. Right. You don't want a cookie right out of the gate. And then you've got a melty ice cream.
Starting point is 00:09:18 You want it for your dessert. So you say, hold my cookie. I want a button on those registers. That's hold for Mike. No, because just deliver it to mike three quarters of the way through our meal yeah i'm halfway done you're three quarters done mike should get his food now yeah so we all finish about the same it's fair so mike you want to be judged on speed jason i'm definitely going volume i think the loudest food i can out-eat everyone. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Bronx has a question. Bronx says, would you rather get 10 cents for every step you take or $1 every time you jump? That's an interesting question. I think it's too easy. You think it's too easy? I think it's too easy to take the steps at 10 cents. Well, one thing is a casual passive thing. You think it's too easy? I think it's too easy to take the steps at 10 cents. Well, one thing is a casual passive thing.
Starting point is 00:10:10 But I think it's too much. I think that to make this question actually have some merit, it has to be a cent. It has to be a penny a step or a dollar a jump. It's just too easy to take 10 steps for a dollar. That's fair because here's the truth. I take steps every day. Like I do this in life i take steps you take when i go places yeah but the last time i've jumped when i was not at the gym paying a trainer to tell me to jump free training was man when was
Starting point is 00:10:40 the last number you wanted to go to one penny a. So if it was 10 cents a step, the average person takes 7,000 steps a day, so they'd make $700. You'd have to jump 700 times to equal that money. So that makes it, like you said, far too easy. If you go the other direction, you're making $70 a day versus 70 jumps. Oh, dude, give me a jump rope. I mean, when we jump rope, I'll do like 200. That's what your mindset with the jumping is.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I'm going to make my money today. You're going to take an hour. You're going to go make your money. With the steps, you're kind of like, I'm just making money while I live my life. Now, Jason would make less significantly than the average. So a jump, we're saying both feet have to be off the ground. Is a skip a jump?
Starting point is 00:11:27 No. Could I skip around? That's why we need to define this because we've talked about my skipping before. You're on point. I'm Air Jordan when it comes to skipping. You're going to need to take the elastic exercise bands and put them around your ankles. Wait, what? Why do I need bands?
Starting point is 00:11:45 Because then you won't. When you just get up to go to the bathroom, you'll be reminded. I should hop. I should hop. What about a potato sack? There you go. You can't walk yourself in a potato sack. You'll be making bank.
Starting point is 00:11:58 See, I feel like I live in a potato sack. You'll look like an idiot. That's a potato suit. I live in a potato suit. And so I feel like I'm already living that life. A sack's not going to be that big of a problem. So I'm just imagining dressing Jason like Mr. Potato Head. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Let's get him some blue boots. Let's get him the big red lips. And we'll give him the evil eyes. I just can't. I'm remembering him playing pickleball and an 80-year-old man in blue jeans when Jason dove for a ball said the guy went down like a sack of potatoes. Yeah, I felt like I dove athletically. Did you mishear him? Did he say you went down like a man in a potato suit?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Maybe. No, this old man said, you went down like a sack of potatoes. And I proceeded to go all out at Pickleball and destroy him. Yeah. But apparently, you know when you do things and you think you look cool? Yes. But then the other person sees like, oh, man. I call that dancing.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Right. It's like I feel like I've got a good vertical. If I lower the hoop down a little bit and I'm dunking, what happens in my mind if I were to go back and watch the video of that? I'm like, oh, really? I just got an inch off the ground. I felt like I was flying. Let's ask it this way for a final answer. Let's say you get a penny for every step you take and a dollar every time you jump.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Now, if the average person does 7,000 steps, you earn $70 a day just passively living. Are you going to do enough concerted jumping? Are you going to get that jump rope out and do so much more than that 70 jumps per day to make it worth that? Are you wanting to commit to it? I would absolutely do that for three days. Three days I would give it everything I got. I'd probably rake in $500. $70 a day?
Starting point is 00:13:42 That's not too shabby. Yeah, I'm still taking the penny. Just for passive walking? Yeah. Basically, just give me free money for doing nothing. I will accept. That's the one. I accept free money.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah, but when you're on the golf course, do you pass on the cart because you can make an extra few bucks? Nope. Yeah, you got to carry the bag. No, thank you. Nope. All right, Benny. Benny has a would you rather question.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Would you rather be able to fully control The sound Frequency and smell Of your farts Or Be immune To everyone else's fart Poop
Starting point is 00:14:18 BO smells Once again we go back to the well The dirty well that is Poop related questions. But look, it's not they send them in. We don't. Yeah, we don't send them. This is not just poop related.
Starting point is 00:14:31 OK, because you said something here at the end, the body odor. Yes. Oh, I've been in a bad Uber this this last weekend. So we're painting some bedrooms in my my children's rooms. And we went I went to Home Depot and I needed to get some samples made you know you pay four bucks and you get a little sample so we can paint the wall see if we like it he says it's going to be 15 minutes just wait around so I'm going wandering Home Depot and I'm in the the packed appliances area where there's like too many you know the aisles are super small like
Starting point is 00:15:05 you can't even bring okay a shopping cart and as i'm going through a home depot worker is helping a heavily bearded gentleman and um i need to like do the excuse me and we pass by each other guys i have never in my life oh no ever smelled anything like this. I thought, I'm not even joking, I thought, am I going to throw up? What? I'm not joking. From the smell of this person. This was a few days ago. I had to run home and tell Tiff.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I was like, I can't believe. Don't go to that store. If you gave me a one-year challenge to smell as bad as that man, I couldn't do it. I could not't do it. I could not purposely do it. How did you feel about the Lowe's employee having to interact with him? I felt so bad for that person because if it's your job, you can't not help them. Yeah, you can't run away from that. What was the radius?
Starting point is 00:16:00 How far away did you have to get before it dissipated? Well, it stayed with me for hours. Apparently he ran home. Did it stick to your clothes? He just straight ran out the door, ran home. No car. It was literally one of those windows down on the drive. I ripped the roof off so it was a convertible.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It was one of those things where it's like once you smell it, even if it's not there, you think you can still smell like a like a spooky smell this is why he sneaks up like what happens when a masseuse runs into that situation oh you know they do you know they do nothing's worse there is etiquette people there there have to be Like, I'm sure there's masseuse. Excuse me. You have to leave. What's multiple masseuses called? Is it masseuses?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Masseusei. Mies? No, I'm going to go with whether it is or not masseuses is perfect. Masseuses. So listen, there's masseuses out there listening, and I'm pretty confident. Masseuses out there. I'm pretty confident they have to have a rule they have to have like a limit like if you work at massage envy or whatever yeah like you're too stinky i i am allowed to not work on you excuse me sir
Starting point is 00:17:16 yeah you stink you just hit him with that you got that stink but yeah i mean when you talk about the the nuts and bolts of this question controlling the sound frequency and smell well i mean what is smell control what are you talking about you can yeah oh you can drop drop a bomb but what about the inverse opposite yeah what does this mean that you could make the best smelling fart in the scope of smell yes of farts yeah or all or can it be like blueberries sure you can control all of farts? Yeah, I can control it. Or can it be like blueberries? Sure, you can control it. All my farts can be blueberries. Absolutely. Well, I'm going with that one. I'm still
Starting point is 00:17:51 taking the other, based on the Home Depot experience. I'm taking the control. I mean, imagine because, see, if you're in the BO situation, you can just fart some blueberries on that situation. That's true. And just mask it. You can make the world better. Of course because i can't go on there's nothing that could mask this andy and apparently frequency means i could be dropping blueberries into the world at all times imagine leaving an
Starting point is 00:18:14 argument and you don't you don't have to slam the door oh you just you just silently... And that's why I'm going to bed early. I might not... I might not win the argument, but you will lose. You will lose the war. That's not a bad point. Man. Now, this would make you immune to your own BO smell, right? So you...
Starting point is 00:18:43 Generally speaking, you are. Clearly from this guy. Well, no, no, no. You don't, look, there are some times where you'll, after the exercising, you know, oh, man, I stink. But I have plenty of times where I will go home, I'll give the wife a hug, and she's like, what are you working now? I'm like, what are you talking about? She's like, you stink. I'm like, no, I don't. You can't always smell your breath. That's a shame. But I feel like I can
Starting point is 00:19:12 smell. I know when I stink. I'm like, oh my gosh. But when you can smell yourself, that means you reek. You don't just stink. You've upgraded to reek. Is this true, Amy? That is correct. And here's the thing. You can also control the sound. So my farts will sound like laser beams, and they will smell like blueberries.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So I am going with that one. I mean, you don't even need a car horn anymore. Can you imagine walking by that guy in Lowe's and being like... But when you do that, you have to touch your toes. Wait, every time you fart, you have to be touching your toes? Well, no, for that guy. You need him to know this is active. This is against you.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I am turning into a weapon. Well, you're jumping a little bit to get it to go all around. Well, I need a dollar. You got to get those steps. All right, we're going to move on now to another segment. Before we do, I want to remind people that are joining us on the Spitballers train. We do have, if you're into fantasy football, we do have a fantasy football podcast called the Fantasy Footballers.
Starting point is 00:20:09 See how it's similar to Spitballers? There's a little name similarity. You can check it out. Here's our next segment. It's the busy time of year. You might need a break from the holiday action. And from the family. Don't forget the family.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Oh, I want to take a break. I want to pull out my phone and I want my Best Fiends. My Best Fiends is the perfect pick-me-up. It is our new favorite game. It's one of those match-three style puzzle and adventure games all rolled into one. You can de-stress with some Best Fiends. Absolutely. It's just you with some best fiends absolutely you you it's just it's just you and your best fiends you and your best fiends taking down them slugs i'm on like
Starting point is 00:20:52 level 300 try to catch up goodness gracious it has it all it's got a storyline collectible you know fiends tons of fun puzzles i like the little brain busters i like being into these games forever and you if you sign off on this game, I know it's legit. Yeah, it's a legit game. And if you got no Wi-Fi, you're going on travels, no problem. You can play... You're saying on the top of a mountain, I could play Best Fiends. I'm saying if you got the battery, you're good to go.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I took a flight, no problem. No Wi-Fi, no problem. I played Best Fiends. Download Best Fiends free today on the App Store or Google Play. That's friends without the R. Best Fiends. That's a great question. Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Is that blue business? Is anyone making a pie? It's ironic because of today's draft. Yes. Right, Borland? Did you carefully craft these questions? No, totally intentional. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:57 We are drafting smells momentarily, so I'm not sure you're going to draft that guy from Lowe's. I have first pick, and I am taking my blueberry farts. Oh, well, there you go. I approve that message. All right. Chad from Twitter sends in this question. Is there ever a point in your marriage when you can? That's already dangerous.
Starting point is 00:22:16 When you can actually tell your wife the truth when she asks how you like her hair or jeans. Yes. Chad, come on, man. Yes. 100% yes. Look, today is my anniversary. Today is... Wait, is it really?
Starting point is 00:22:31 It really is. I didn't know that. Happy anniversary to my wonderful wife, Tiffany. This is 14 years of happy marriage. This is going to be the worst one yet. The best part of this is that this show is not actually recorded the day it's released right so when it comes out she will hear this and believe that you don't know your actual anniversary that could happen if i don't talk to her at all today wish her a happy anniversary
Starting point is 00:22:57 but look i'm 14 years in you you guys are years in and i can i could tell you firsthand chad from twitter yes you can be honest you we have a healthy marriage you can absolutely be honest i would tell her they make you look beautiful oh every single time oh and i am super honest beautiful I can honestly say no matter what it looks beautiful and how long have you been married
Starting point is 00:23:33 you guys are cowards unfortunately I can't mask my face all the time it's true no poker face the way that I get through these situations sometimes is I have to do the full, like, dig out of the hole. Like, she'll see my face.
Starting point is 00:23:52 She'll assume something. I have to say, no, my face actually meant this. She says, oh, I'm sure. Then I'm like, no, really? Here's what I was thinking during it. And then, you know, I see her a week later and we're good. The reality is everything's on a everything's on a fine to great scale right like that oh that's a that's that's fair like when something is bad it's fine I like that and they know it you know it was like
Starting point is 00:24:15 you guys are cowards what are you going oof no I gotta go full woo No, like we, like my wife. Give some feedback. My wife recently got some glasses, and she got two pairs. One of them I liked very much, and the other one, she's like, what do you think of these? I'm like, eh. That's the find a great scale. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah, they're fine. But then she went with the point, Blake, of like, so do you like these? No. You got to hit like, because I don't want, this is the last line of defense. Before you step out the door, I don't want to be walking out looking like some kind of buffoon because I know my fashion. But there's a big difference. I know what I've done in the past.
Starting point is 00:24:58 There's a big difference between an accessory that you're saying you don't like. Like, do you like this purse? No, that purse is super ugly. Versus the question of like, how does my my hair look how do these jeans make me yeah but you are her last line of defense you gotta let her know not necessarily self-preservation comes into the focus here also let me add this there is a difference between being asked and then he says, will you actually tell the truth? Like, has your wife ever warned something and she's not asking you, but you feel like... And then you go, whoa! Mr. Last Line of Defense over there, do you take the initiative? If she walks out in something, she thinks you...
Starting point is 00:25:39 That I do not do. You just walk in the room and you just go oh you're not wearing that are you that's yeah yeah we won't make it to 14 that way um but but this i mean this kind of begs the bigger question like if you aren't telling the truth you are lying by definition, and is lying going to help? Lying never helps, Andy. I mean, let me ask you this question. Is everybody aesthetically beautiful in the world? No.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Of course not. Sorry, ugly people. And we're not talking about you no you're gorgeous but i'm talking about those other ugly people uniquely beautiful um so does it do those people favors to tell them they are no then you're just a jerk but are you a jerk to not tell them that like how do you pop are you a jerk for not are you a jerk to not tell them that? Like, how do you... Are you a jerk for not? Are you a jerk for holding back, whoa, ugly? No, not for not telling them they're ugly.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Are you a jerk for not telling everybody that they are aesthetically beautiful? Andy, the fact that you might not know the answer to this question scares me. Like, yes, you're not a jerk. Yeah. If you don't go out of your way to tell someone ugly
Starting point is 00:27:04 that they are not aesthetically beautiful. And you're not aesthetically beautiful. And your child is also not aesthetically beautiful. If your daughter grows up and is uniquely beautiful, are you going to tell her that she's aesthetically beautiful? Hard to say. My daughter is beautiful. There you go. Everyone's daughter is beautiful. It's the eye of the beholder, man.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So subjective. A little bit subjective. Somebody will get in on the BO guy from Lowe's. Yes. Like someone out there. Was he aesthetically beautiful, Jason, and just had a bad odor? I couldn't see him. Couldn't see him through the smoke.
Starting point is 00:27:39 What's the character from Charlie Brown that has the pig pen? The pig pen with the dust all around him all the time? There's some people out there and their thing is feet. They like feet. It's true. There's something for everybody out there. So when you walk up to those people
Starting point is 00:27:56 do you say, how are your feet? You got nice feet? No thank you. BaseHip from Twitter sends in this question. I have a co-worker who keeps asking me to do stuff outside of work, and it isn't getting the hint I'm not interested. What do I do? This is an interesting question.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I just heard a statistic on the radio the other day that the average person has not made a new friend in five years. Sounds right. In five in five years. Sounds right. In five or more years. Yeah. So, because you kind of get to an age where you maybe not. So here is a new friend, a new coworker. They want to hang out.
Starting point is 00:28:36 You've given them the half truth. Oh, I'm real busy. Yeah. Got to wash my hair. Look, the answer here, Bass Hit, is you need to just go. Sure. That's what I think the answer is. Live a little.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Because look, I know I'm seeing this like this. Unless it's like 20 minutes away. No, but you got to understand, if you go, you're going more than once. You're going for a while. That is a pot committed situation. But here's the thing. I see what you're saying but i'm saying if you go once you have the chance to have a good time to be surprised let me
Starting point is 00:29:12 let you in on some insight from me because i am usually thought of as like a a social you know a social butterfly a type a you know out out of a moth but yeah uh sure uh uh you know an outward uh clothes eater outgoing extroverted yes uh boisterous and i can do aloof i can do that but that's not like i never want to do anything like andy if you invite me out to a movie my in my instant reaction is no i don't want to go not because i don't love hanging out with you like once i do it yes i often have fun and i'm the same way where I don't want to go. Not because I don't love hanging out with you. Once I do it, I often have fun. And I'm the same way, where once someone forces me to go, I enjoy the time when I'm there.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Sometimes it's crossing the barrier of going. That's what I was saying. If it's 20 minutes away, then it's no dice. I'm not going. It's the time commitment. Can you make it nice and quick? Can you come to my side of town, please? Never have them over to your house.
Starting point is 00:30:03 There's a place by my house. That takes a couple stages before they get to know where you live. All right. One more before our draft today. Big pun. Big pun from Twitter. Very nice. When you are at dinner and you have steak, salad, vegetables, and potatoes,
Starting point is 00:30:20 what's the proper order to eat steak, salad, vegetables, and potatoes? Okay. The proper order to eat steak, salad, vegetables, and potatoes is... Throw the salad and the veggies in the garbage. Well, first off, hold on. The salad didn't come out first? Well, as you say, the salad's first. Clearly.
Starting point is 00:30:40 If the salad's not coming out first, then you need to leave Denny's and go to a real place with real food. Yeah, I mean, the vegetables are being, quote unquote, saved for last. Yes. So salad. Now, see, I would eat the potatoes and the steak together. This is really hard to tell me. I guess I'll go salad, potato, steak. I'm not going to finish with potatoes after a good steak.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And I feel like I will always eat the steak, and the vegetables will be quote-unquote saved for last, and then I will be full after the steak. Until the dessert menu pops up, which I will then save for last. Do you worry at all about getting a set? Like, you're getting a really nice, really large steak. Do you worry about getting some kind of really big, nice Caesar beforehand where it's like, I'm going to be full from lettuce?
Starting point is 00:31:37 This is just the life we live in, man. To not eat my beautiful steak? No. I do. You do? So you would save your salad and eat it after the steak no i would not get a salad how would salad is delicious your order would be steak my order would be steak and mashed potatoes with a side of french fries if i have to start i'm gonna have a baked potato soup
Starting point is 00:31:58 it's basically jason has done wait wait he's done a four potato tour you want a potato soup a potato based soup correct and you are afraid that the the leaves of lettuce may make you too full who are you kidding you just said you'd win the volume challenge yeah absolutely you're you're you're misinterpreting i'm not afraid that the that the salad will like not leave me room for the entirety of my steak because i'll always force room i will make room the problem is inside of my stomach now the steak has to share space with lettuce right like i could have my stomach full of just meat or meat and potatoes also acceptable okay do you feel like you're personally offending that slab of steak because it has to share some space with leafy greens.
Starting point is 00:32:47 When it comes out with garnish, I say, can you please take this back and remove that stupid thing on top of my steak? Bring me back. Put a slab of butter on top of that. Butter is always acceptable. Butter is acceptable. So I'm going potatoes, steak, potatoes, dessert. Okay. That's my order for Big Pops.
Starting point is 00:33:05 All right. I will go salad, and then it's good. I mean, just I'll triple load the fork. And I'll go steak. I guess if I got to. But you have to choose, man. Okay. I feel like the steak should be first onto the fork.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Oh, you're choosing. Like I'm making a kebab over here. Well, that's the right thing to do. So steak, potatoes, then vegetables. I think mashed potatoes always taste better when it's mashed potatoes mixed with something. Potatoes are magical because potatoes in all forms, if you
Starting point is 00:33:35 mix it with another food, it's almost always more delicious. I love them on burgers. Are there enough? Oh, absolutely. On and around them. Are there enough potato Oh, absolutely. Why wouldn't you put them on and around them? Are there enough potato-based items to do a potato draft? Because I think there are. Possible.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Well, not today. No. Although it may win one of the spots on today's draft. It could. If we're thinking about it. Let's do it. What's up, spitwads? With how much we rely on our devices,
Starting point is 00:34:06 it's easy to forget about the hardware we're born with. I'm talking about your ears. They're just like fingerprints. No two are exactly alike, and that's why, unless you shelled out thousands, dare I say millions, for high-end custom-fit equipment. No, that's probably thousands. Your earbuds probably cause you some sort of
Starting point is 00:34:25 discomfort because it's not one size fits all or maybe they're just like popping out of your ears all the time because it'll fit right it's not convenient no more and they try to make it one size fits all and that's why i want to tell you about ultimate ears fits true wireless custom fit earbuds from ultimate ears i have tried these the experience of having them mold to your ear is so futuristic and cool. And I got them. They use this light. You put them in your ear. The light turns on.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Magic happens. And then they mold to the shape of your ear. Do you have to say abracadabra when you're setting it up? They don't require it. Wow, that is magic. And you feel like this warmth, but it doesn't burn your ear. It's just like this subtle, comforting, warm molding. I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And then you have perfect ultimate ears fits right in your ear. Use the promo code BALLERS at ue.com slash FITS to get your pair of UE FITS for just $169 during their holiday sale. That's ue.com slash FITS. Promo code BALLERS. The Spitballers Draft. All right, today we are drafting a best smells. We're drafting the best smells in the world. I mean, bad smells. Bad smells are bad.
Starting point is 00:36:00 If you don't take that at some point, Jason. Good smells are good. I will. Good. You guys fight over your own smells everyone smells look everyone loves their own brain everyone no they don't not everybody loves everyone at times we're gonna hold on we gotta pull the uh our producers are running away borland borland come on tell you ever enjoyed your own fart? Ever. Once. Yes. Yes. My man.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I contend that I have never enjoyed it. I have simply been perplexed, surprised. Have you ever been amused? Amused? Then you've enjoyed it. Oh, no. You trapped me. We have discovered that Andy has been.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I've definitely been hit with the, oh, dear. Oh, me. oh, dear. Oh, me, oh, my. Whatever do we smell here? All right. Mike, are you the first picker? I am. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So you and your stuffed nose have to try to select smells. Absolutely. Because you can't even differentiate a good smell from a bad smell. Sometimes I cannot, but I know that this is fantastic. 101 for this draft is not actually where I want to be. Oh, okay. Because there's one thing I really want. There's one that I really want, but there's so many that are fantastic. But I'm going with fresh cookies right out the oven.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Give me all the cookies. Cookie, cookie, cookie. Well, I did. It's a wonderful pick. It's a wonderful smell. It's endearing. You know deliciousness is coming. Cookie, cookie. Well, it's a wonderful pick. It's a wonderful smell. Yeah. It's endearing. I mean, you know deliciousness is coming.
Starting point is 00:37:34 If you are a realtor, you prep the home by baking delicious chocolate chip cookies. So then you walk into the house and say, hmm. They better have cookies available. Does grandmother live here? Yeah. All right, so you're going with cookies. I get it. That would have been my second pick. It's a great pick.
Starting point is 00:37:41 All right, so you're going with cookies. I get it. That would have been my second pick. It's a great pick. But to me, the 101, which is now the 102, is movie theater popcorn. You walk into the theaters and you smell. That would have been my 307. You're a monster.
Starting point is 00:38:00 No, it's great. Just after my own farts. I love popcorn. That smell like popcorn. Well, to be fair, we know that if I say, do you smell popcorn, it means you're not going to smell popcorn. But popcorn is both a great smell, but it's also nostalgic. It brings you places. Places that apparently you don't want to go. I will say the only thing i will say about popcorn is that the the smell of
Starting point is 00:38:26 popcorn means something different to anybody who's ever worked in a movie theater because of how every time i worked at a movie theater i'd go home greasy smelly the bo problems never more prolific than my movie theater days running raggedged. Oils flying around. It's P-O, I believe. Popcorn odor? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Thank you. So you're going with popcorn.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Mike, you took? Cookies. Cookies. Fresh cookies. My first pick is an easy pick. It is fresh-brewed coffee. Fresh-brewed coffee. There is no greater moment of my day than the opening cups of coffee,
Starting point is 00:39:04 and there's no better smell when you walk into a coffee shop. I mean, it's just wonderful. The thing about coffee is it's polarizing. You only like the smell of coffee. Well, not only, but generally speaking, if you don't like coffee. And I was someone who hated coffee until my early 30s. Which is crazy. And I'm glad you came around and i mean i love it now but i couldn't i couldn't go into a starbucks because it smelled so bad i hated
Starting point is 00:39:33 everything about coffee like so that's why that was not an endearing smell because you didn't like the taste of coffee correct yeah it smelled like a taste yeah dumb take though you know um i came around. I'm having a really hard time because we're going to start getting into the nuance. More smells are going to be like that. Polarizing. A little bit polarizing. Some people might not like them.
Starting point is 00:39:56 There's a smell I want that I know a lot of people hate. My son likes the smell of gasoline, as do I. Yeah. My wife thinks that's ridiculous, and so does my other son. I'm not picking gasoline. Don't worry about it. I'm going to go with chocolate. I'm going with chocolate. Yeah. My wife thinks that's ridiculous and so does my other son. I mean, I'm not picking gasoline. Don't worry about it. I'm going to go with chocolate. I'm going with chocolate. The smell of chocolate. It's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:40:13 You enter a confections shop, you can get that strong smell, but chocolate is just wonderful. Confectionary? Okay. Alright. So I've got coffee and I've got chocolate. Chocolate shouldn't be polarizing. And you can put them together, by the way, if you want. You can.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Which is totally fine. You can put mine two together as well. Popcorn and farts. No, so there's one that I really want. It's probably my favorite here, but I definitely think it can come back to me. I worry about you, Mike, that you'll steal it. Wild card! Wild card!
Starting point is 00:40:50 But I'm going to let it pass so that I can either be super excited or super angry, because I enjoy emotions. Polarizing emotions. In the meantime, I'm going to stick with my brand. Oh, great. Okay? I'm going to take me some bacon. Yeah, that's upsetting.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Yeah. Oh, the crispy crackling. That was great. Okay. I'm going to take me some bacon. Yeah, that's upsetting. Yeah. Oh, the crispy crack. That was my next that was my decision between chocolate and bacon and I made a bad one. I went with chocolate and now I do regret it because that is upsetting. That means Mike's got 45 minutes to pick is what that means. Yeah, start the timer. You guys confuse about something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:22 So let's talk about Mike. You figure out your picks when we pan back to you, you better have them. Bacon, though. Bacon's a wonderful smell. It represents the morning. Bacon is the only food item as versatile as potatoes. You can have bacon bits. Can you have a bad bacon smell?
Starting point is 00:41:39 Could you have messed up bacon in a fashion where the smell is problematic? Like burn bacon? Burn bacon is not good. I'm pretty sure you could burn chocolate. You could burn any of these. If you burn popcorn, it doesn't smell good. Can I request that we hear everything Jason knows about bacon in 60 seconds? Mmm, let's.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Can he fit it into 60 seconds? Never. Bacon is from pigs. It is the most delicious of all the meats, including fillets and best steaks. If there was a bacon steak, I would eat it. You would eat it. Everyone would eat it. But that would be too expensive.
Starting point is 00:42:10 It is very fatty. It's not healthy, which means it is great. It is very versatile. You can have bacon bits. You can have bacon pieces. You can wrap steaks in it to upgrade steaks. That's a rare treat. You can also put it on ice cream and in desserts.
Starting point is 00:42:24 What? And it is wonderfully delicious. Bacon might make you have a little bit of extra weight, but that weight will be delicious if you, unfortunately, have to be eaten in the mountains. When you're stranded with a friend, that friend will be thankful that you ate so much bacon. Also, you'll die young. All right, all right. Mike, you got two picks on the table. Jason, your team is so much bacon. Also, you'll die young. All right. Mike, you got two picks on the table. Jason, your team is popcorn and bacon. Mine is coffee and chocolate.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Mike, you opened up with some cookies. I got fresh baked cookies. And now you got two picks. Yeah, the second pick, we'll get there. Don't worry about that. But number one, I'm going to take pizza. It's pretty universal. It's a good smell in fact i'm i want
Starting point is 00:43:06 to eat some immediately after this yeah that's that's the thing about pizza let me think yes can i get bacon on it yeah probably is that everybody loves pizza and then i'm just gonna stick in the i guess we've all taken all only food so far. That's very interesting. Well, food is delicious. You can migrate. No, I'm going to take bread. Oh, man. Oh, just fresh bread.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Fresh baked bread. Fresh baked bread is one of the most delicious smells in the world. Yes. I have found about myself that there is very little that I like as much as bread. I saw last night. You're not wrong. Jason came over for a meal last night. And he just wanted bread? No, I brought some treats.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yeah, he brought treats. And we had also, the treats were bread. But we had eaten. And then we were having barbecue sandwiches on, like, little barely flavored bread rolls. And we had all eaten our first round. And then Jason just went back for the bread that you're supposed to put stuff on. And he just ate it. He just ate the bread.
Starting point is 00:44:16 That's a pro move. I just grabbed a couple rolls. I said, these rolls are mine. Here's a shameful thing from my past. This is true. You know those Hawaiian rolls? Hawaiian rolls? Sweet Hawaiian rolls?
Starting point is 00:44:27 There was a night. No. All of them? No. The whole double-decker box. No. I swear to you. No.
Starting point is 00:44:36 The whole entire double-decker box of Hawaiian bread rolls, I had to hide the packaging. No butter, just bread? No. It was... It didn't... Look, I didn't mean the packaging. No butter, just bread? No. Look, I didn't mean to do it. I just wanted one. You had to hide the packaging? I was so ashamed.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Hold on, hold on, hold on. You've got to elaborate on this. I want to set the stage. Okay. You have the package. Yes. Okay. For some reason. Did you go, did you have have like a plate did you put one on the plate
Starting point is 00:45:07 oh that would have been that might have been okay so i grabbed the package did you did you ever leave the kitchen you first thing that was that was the first step i grabbed the package this is a not sealed but you know they got a little tie the tie on it unopened and i for some reason grab it and start walking upstairs so you brought it with you yes it had a handle i used it and i for some reason grab it and start walking upstairs so you brought it with you yes it had a handle i used it and i carried it with me upstairs and i ate one and i was like oh that's good so i ate another one and then i started eating two at a time so just like because it was that good i think you good. You can compress those real small. For sure.
Starting point is 00:45:48 To deceive yourself into the fact that you're not eating an entire package. I finished the top tray and I went, what have I done? Can I do it? And then about 30 seconds later, I thought I was done. But about 30 seconds later, I was like, my mouth needs more Hawaiian roll bread. So I think I went into my child's room, and I finished the second. This is like a-
Starting point is 00:46:07 Why did you go to a different room? Because I was out where I could be seen at that moment. I was at the top of the stairs. I didn't make it to my room. You went to a child's room to shame eat Hawaiian rolls. That is a moment from my past. Okay. Last week.
Starting point is 00:46:23 No, no. It was clearly when you had children. It was two years ago. Okay. Wow. That is not a... That is... Not every man can say that.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Do you celebrate the anniversary? Your Hawaiian roll day? And Tiffany found the packages. She was like... Where did those Hawaiian rolls go? Yeah. You forgot to buy them, honey. Jason, you have another pick.
Starting point is 00:46:45 You have movie theater, popcorn, and bacon. Okay. My gamble paid off. I could see this going undrafted, but I know how much Mike loves the season. No, no, no. When I draft this, you guys will be upset because it truly is one of the greatest smells in the world. It only comes around once a year.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I know where you're going. It is a real live Christmas tree. When you smell a Christmas tree, the whole season changes. The smell of... It's a good smell. Yeah. That's why they make fake smell like that to put on your fake trees, because they want to replicate the good smell.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Pine trees. Sure. Yeah. But no. Christmas trees. Oh, gosh. Sounds like pine trees. No,
Starting point is 00:47:26 it's similar, but this one is, see a pine tree. You would smell it out in the woods. It's pretty good. But when you cut, there's something about murdering that tree. I see.
Starting point is 00:47:34 It transforms it. You know, I've noticed when you murder things, they smell better. They smell. Well, sometimes so far we have pigs and pine trees. Hey,
Starting point is 00:47:42 both on my team. Oh gosh okay um so do i want to pivot away from uh from the foods maybe i've got two two picks here man oh geez take forever new car smell uh it's on my short list new New car smell. Sometimes it lasts a while. Sometimes it does. You can get four to six months out of a new car smell. As long as you don't put... If you don't bring food into the car. Oh, because you could...
Starting point is 00:48:14 Or the guy from Lowe's. But the second you drive through anything, it's gone. So you have to keep the food out of the car. That's a pro tip. So have you guys ever, you know, you go to the car wash and you get the new car smell. Sure.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And it doesn't smell like new car. You're not fooling me. This is not a new car. It never works. But if you go buy a new used car. You do get the smell. They've done it. They've figured this out. There's some detailing secret.
Starting point is 00:48:44 This is a new car. That's funny. I never thought about that. New car smells one of them. Now, I'm tempted to go... I wanted to go with a bakery, but I feel like you've got bread, and then you've also taken cookies. Yeah, you can't take bakery. I can't take bakery. Because I got it on lockdown.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I was just doing a little test there, just making sure. I would like to dress all of your smells. Jason's over there thinking about maybe I could do bakery. Because there are cakes in there. There are pastries in there. Make your pick and then we'll talk. You can't take bakery. We just established that.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I'm not going to take bakery. He's going to definitely try to take bakery when I pass on bakery. Borland, I need you to hold fast back there. Yeah, Borland, what's the rule here? No bakery. I agree. Al? I'm going to wait to hear his pick wait if so wait if my so okay here let's make it easy the rule bakery i'm sorry i'm gonna wait to hear jason's pick the rule is no bakery on this pick i agree yes but wait no bakery on this pick we'll hear how he describes that's not's not what I meant. No bakery. No bakery. Agreed. On any pick. Now, see, I'm thinking about some different ones here.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I think the ocean smells good, but it can also smell bad. Oh, the ocean can smell terrible. That's why I'm not going with it. It smells like fish. Jersey shoreline. It depends which ocean it is, really. I'm going to say, I'm just going to go with this one. Go with your heart.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Wood-burning fireplace. All right. A wood-burning fireplace. It right. A wood-burning fireplace. It's like Jason's pick of Christmas trees. Are you burning pine logs? It emotes. It brings out a feeling, right? Like if a smell brings out a feeling.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yes. Now, several of the ones we've picked brings out the feeling of hunger. You know, delicious foods. Right. But this one brings out just like a homey, wonderful smell. So I'm going to go a wood-burning fireplace. All right. Now let's talk Borland.
Starting point is 00:50:31 So here's the thing. I was going to pick this, and I don't think this is the same. Now, I can see where you can say it is very similar to a bakery, so that can be the argument. And I'm fine being overruled. But to me, one of the best smells in the world is going to a donut shop. You walk in Dunkin' Donuts, and the smell of donuts is unbelievable. And it smells different than bread.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So, look. Yeah, no, that's fine. You can say donuts. Sure. Yeah, we'll let it go. A donut shop. Boom! All right.
Starting point is 00:51:03 There you go. I got my bakery. There you go. Well, your version of a bakery right. There you go. I got my bakery. There you go. Well, your version of a bakery would be? Sweeter. I mean, take your delicious bread, and I'm adding sugar and frosting scent. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Well, I win. Because none of those Dunkin' Donut employees have the BO problem from the. No, they do not. I can't smell it. All right, Mike, you got a final pick right now. I do. We'll lay out our teams, and you can't smell it. All right, Mike, you got a final pick right now. I do. We'll lay out our teams and you can close yours out.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I have fresh brewed coffee, chocolate, new car smell, and a wood-burning fireplace. So I was going to draft something before you brought up bakery that I think is so on Mike's brand. I'm shocked that it hasn't gone. I drafted
Starting point is 00:51:43 movie theater popcorn. Thank you. Bacon. Oh, man, so good. Live Christmas tree. Why does it say live? It's dead. We've established it's a murdered Christmas tree.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Christmas trees and a donut shop. You can go with Christmas. I mean, technically, that tree is a live tree. That's what he's saying. Murdered pine tree. It's not a plastic tree. I think it's saying real versus, obviously. Yes, real Christmas tree. My plastic Christmas tree doesn't do anything for's saying. Murdered pine tree. It's not a plastic tree. I think it's saying real versus obviously. Yes, real Christmas tree.
Starting point is 00:52:05 My plastic Christmas tree doesn't do anything for me. And then a donut shop. Oh, man. And then Mike has fresh baked cookies. I love my pizza. He's got pizza. He's got bread. He is carbo-loading his smells.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Are you going to finish the carbo-load? That's where I'm actually torn. I have two that I want to go with. I think I can guess one of them. And one is another carb. That smells oh so delicious. You have the new carb smell. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Nicely done. It was right there. Yep. Yep. Oh, man. Yeah, I have the two that I have narrowed it down to. One stays with my theme. You can tell us both.
Starting point is 00:52:42 And I do love a theme, I guess, on the last one on the clock. So it would be French fries because walking into a McDonald's that has the fresh fries going. I think you really mean McDonald's, though, because you don't walk in and smell fries anywhere. Like you're romanticizing McDonald's fries. Yes, I absolutely am. But I could say McDonald's and people can absolutely link that with not not good sense you would say McDonald's fries I could say that yeah and then the other one is rain okay I am a big fan of the red but the hard
Starting point is 00:53:19 part here so I'm working it out it with rain is I think you like desert rain is when you say i like the smell of rain you're like well do you mean like you smell that it's going to rain yes i like the pre or do you are you saying you like that it's just rained i like the smell of water do you like that it's just raining now the air is actually clean uh bottle well yeah i thought fresh air was was a thought fresh air was a thought. Fresh air was a thought. I mean, it's not. I haven't smelled that in forever. You have to say either before the rain or after it rains. But that's why I was saying I can just take rain.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yeah, if you just take rain, that's. Yeah, go for it. You can do whatever you want. But then you're just drafting water. Mmm. The smell of water. People know what rain smells like. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. I do love a good theme is the problem. I hope. So I'm guessing that you might not like the smell I wrote down. But if you do like it, I think you'll be really disappointed in yourself. And that's my hope. I see what's this mental warfare happening.
Starting point is 00:54:21 All right. I'm going to take. I'll take rain. Okay. That's a good smell. I thought you might go with brownies. I thought he might go with sneakers, like a new pair of shoes. Trust me. That's literally my favorite smell in the entire world.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Well, that's weird. We just drafted your favorite smells. Because I, because I'm, no, I've learned my lesson, Jason Moore. People love the smell of sneakers. I almost took it. I would agree with that. I would agree with that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:45 No, no, no, no. I would imagine sneaker smell would have gotten you as many votes as range. 100% and it's on brand. No. It's my favorite smell in the world. It is not a carbohydrate. It is, but I've learned my lesson that sometimes when you take your favorites, you lose. Yes, and then Jason Moore is just
Starting point is 00:55:01 like, oh, I take this movie. Star Wars. I've never even seen it in my life, but I'm going to take it because I know people like it. And I won. Yeah, you did. What was the other card we were going to go with? French fries. French fries. Oh, French fries.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I got you. All right. What did you guys learn today? I learned very recently here that Andy has indeed enjoyed his own fart. I was amused. I was amused. I learned two things on today's show. I learned that Jason has a shameful past with Hawaiian rolls and that Al Borland loves his own farts.
Starting point is 00:55:34 And I learned that you two men are cowards when it comes to speaking to your wives. Smart. Smart. Still married. Hashtag still married. Romantic lovers. I love you, Tim. Smart romantic Still married. Hashtag still married. Romantic lovers. I love you, Tim. Smart romantic lovers we are.
Starting point is 00:55:49 All right. Goodbye, everybody. See you next time. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com oh no oh no oh no what happened is this another ad is this another ad for join the spit.com i've got to get rid of these suckers i gotta i gotta get ad free on my spit wad love
Starting point is 00:56:26 i'm going to join the spit right now join the spit.com and i'm getting these dumb ads out of here

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