Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Guillotine Garage Doors & A 90's Film Festival - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: June 8, 2023

Spit Hit for June 8th, 2023: We are back with a brand new episode this week! We talk about deadly garage doors, roller coaster parks, pooping while standing, and sleeping on a La-Z-Boy. We also talk ...about a vacation vs. a trip and when a vacation becomes a residence. We shut the episode down by drafting our own 90’s Film Festival.  Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You ever tried to poop while standing? You think you can do it? You think you can get that done? You think that's an easy task? We're going to get into that on today's episode. We got a lot of crazy stuff we're talking about, like garage doors acting like a guillotine, and we are drafting a 90s film festival on today's spit hit,
Starting point is 00:00:19 but mostly the big question is about, can you poop standing up? We're going to figure that out today. Enjoy. the big question is about can you poop standing up we're gonna figure that out today enjoy what happens when three buffoons give life advice explore unrealistic situations and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve it's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Bow to the bow to ding dang to bingy to bing bang.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Oh, man. Bow with the bow. You almost, yeah. I did it. You made it through. That's not bad. That was not too shabby. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:01:07 You rocked out like a kid, you know? Welcome in to the Spitballers Podcast. So excited to have you with us. A brand new episode. Thank you for bearing with us in recent weeks. We had to skip a week, had some family fun. We're back, baby. Let's call it that. We got a review
Starting point is 00:01:27 on today's show. Would you rather? That's a great question. And we are going to do a film festival today for our draft. So we'll keep you in suspense but it's going to be fun. And by suspense, I mean it's probably in the show title. Also, it's going to make you want to spend
Starting point is 00:01:43 the rest of the week until the next Spitballers episode comes out just watching greatness. Unless you're like 20 years old or younger. No, even for the youngins. No, not even for the youngins. Absolutely. Absolutely. This is the oldest man thing you've ever done, Jason.
Starting point is 00:02:03 This is really. No way. You don't even realize what you are doing. No way. My 12-year-old kid, I know what's on my list. And my 12-year-olds would love every single thing. No, they wouldn't. I know for a fact they love half of it.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I know for a fact that you're their dad. They might like some of it, but when we were in the office compiling our lists of of things that we want to draft jason you you let out the the quintessential they they just don't make them like they used to yeah well that was a joke and you aged 10 years on the spot like did you watching a lot of 70s and 80s movies? Oh, no. Those were way too old. Okay. Only old people like that.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Well, we appreciate everybody out there listening, subscribing, and reviewing the show. Let's read one right now. Review-a-saurus rags. This one comes in from Zach Davenport from the United States. The Spitballers changes lives. Five stars. The Spitballers podcast is many things to many people. For some, it's an easy drive into work. For some, it's a road trip time consumer.
Starting point is 00:03:16 For others, it's gym time background comedy. But for me, it speaks truth into my life. It showed me how evil and wrong I was for enjoying carpeted bathroom floors and back-to-front wiping. Who likes carpeted bathroom floors? Thanks to the Spitballers podcast, I now know how lost I was. Thank you, Spitballers, for changing my life. I will forever be in your debt. You're welcome, Zach.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, we appreciate you. The conversation that we had, and this was early on in the show, but the revelation that many, many people out there discovered of the standing wipers and that they're out there. Yeah. Some of my closest friends that I went to school with they it became a topic of conversation and it was like i've always done that i've never thought of doing it another way and it was so yes we are we're out there changing lives wiping is one of those things where like i
Starting point is 00:04:20 mean you don't watch other people do it no if you were not taught at a young age, then you will never be taught. But who teach? Do you teach the stained? Like when you were doing the potty training, did you say, okay, now here's the part of here's the variant. Here's the party, a part of the poopsie where you stand up. Well, I mean, think about it. You have a way.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Bad habits happen, man. You just develop a habit. Yeah, I guess. well i mean think about it you have a way bad habits happen man you just you develop a habit yeah i guess i mean a lot of times though if once your kid is becoming potty trained yeah don't you have them like stand up and turn over make it easy to wipe well yeah that's when you're wiping them right but that's what they're learning which is still my preferred way of yes that is that is my preference as well. I mean, if we're picking. I've done a duty. In sickness and in health. So, yeah, I mean, we've opened up a lot of minds. Unrelated, Jason's wife has left him.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Unrelated. He needs somebody to wipe him. I'm presenting. Okay. We're moving on would you rather i like how much you thought your own joke was funny right noah from patreon would you rather listen to all the music from now on at half speed or two times the speed the timeliness of this question is hilarious to me because i was just in a car last night with some friends and we were
Starting point is 00:05:54 talking about how one of the people in the car is like so well i want to say well read but it's not it's well listened i mean has heard every podcast right yeah the person that's heard every they know what's going on in the podcast world and so i made the joke i'm like oh do you listen on like four times speed or two times speed it's like no no i don't i don't do that and then we started to wonder who listens at half speed that's a feature on all the platforms but who and how and where are you listening at one half? What's the benefit other than it's very funny to hear our conversation at half speed. The scats at half speed.
Starting point is 00:06:37 We've been told it sounds like some fellows who are out very late. Yes. Right. But who is the people? What's that for? The half speed is novel for a good 10 second laugh. You know what I mean? That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:06:49 There's no real reason? No, there's no. I mean, if you were like, wait, what did they say? Hold on. Enhance. And then you could slow it down and crank the volume. But there is really no practical reason for that. And if you're listening to music this way, correct me i'm wrong mike you're the you're the uh music maestro here yes that's what they call me either way whether you speed it up or you slow it down i feel like it's ruined you're
Starting point is 00:07:20 the yes generally speaking the the there's ways to do it now with audio processing, but the pitch and everything is going to change. The key of the song will be different if you go half speed or at double time. Back when we had cassette players and things, you could manipulate the audio, so to speak. Yeah, get Alvin singing. Yeah, you get the Alvin and the Chipmunks. And I actually found there were some songs that if you speed it up you're like this is kind of this is interesting like this is cool you know like making it even more upbeat but
Starting point is 00:07:55 going down to half speed sounds just terrible i don't listen to blues and jazz which i feel like the only things like if you really slow it half to half speed, it would be like, okay, okay, I'm chilling here. Can you imagine only time on half speed? That Enya. Who can say what? Oh, Enya? Yeah, Enya.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Half speed, would you die before that ends? It would sound like a bunch of monks. Yeah, I think if you speed it up you're gonna have some songs that maybe become even better bangers you know what I mean like oh that drum beat yeah if only this were a little faster and at least like you were saying Andy at least you can consume more right if you go to or get it over quicker like there's there's people out there with hour long records. You're like, this is now an hour and a half. No one got time for this. Not my tempo.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So we're all going to speed up, right? Oh yeah, for sure. Addison from the website, would you rather have a garage door remote that only opens your garage or only closes your garage? The opposite must be done from the button inside the garage. Well, that's easy. I mean, that's not really a tough one no that's super easy yeah i mean you would want to open it now because when you're coming
Starting point is 00:09:13 out at the beginning you you would just click the button you're right there so am i am i yeah there's something i'm confused because then you could just get in your car and open the garage right right wait no no no if it opens okay hold on which opens every time let's say let's just always opens it always opens my but i've got to close it by hand then when i'm leaving so then you gotta do the laser would you rather be inconvenienced when you're leaving the house or when you arrive at the house yeah we were reading it like there was a clear path that there was no inconvenience. Yes, that is how I saw it. And I think all three of us got suckered into being like, if I only open it, it's fine. Owl, did you not think through this?
Starting point is 00:09:54 I looked at him like he was an idiot. It's so obvious. But then I started walking through it. I'm like, wait. He's never an idiot. Then I would still have to go back inside. Did you, sidebar here, did you guys, I have to go back inside. Sidebar here. Did you guys, I mean, we're old.
Starting point is 00:10:08 We know this. Did you ever grow up with friends that didn't have the remote door opener? I mean, I had friends that did not have a remote opener. We had to open it every time and close it every time. I would never have had them as friends. No, I did not have. I don't recall that. That's how my house was.
Starting point is 00:10:23 We had a key for the little knob, and then you'd turn it and lift it by hand. You'd get out of the car and run and close it for your mom? Yep. Yeah. Was it wood? No. Okay. What material was it?
Starting point is 00:10:37 I'd like to dive deeper into it. It was aluminum. Was prohibition still going on? What garage is this? I mean, this is this? Did you have cable? We did. We splurged there. Now I know why you had no garage opener.
Starting point is 00:10:52 We had a garage opener. I remember garages that didn't have the laser sensor. When that garage is coming down, it's coming down. Respect the garage. That's why I asked whether it was wood because they used to make them in wood and then without a sensor in wood that's it you're done i mean that's i will bring up a farewell so a situation that i have been living with
Starting point is 00:11:14 uh simply due to it's one of those things that you totally forget this is a problem until just the moments when you're dealing with the problem and then you forget so you never actually ever fix it okay so my garage button the at some point the the actual the physical button on the out that covers the trigger essentially was broken so now that's that's gone and it's just the the metal i don't know the technical term but so you have to it's pushing the switch without i don't know the technical term but so you have to it's pushing pushing the switch without an actual button on the outside but what's we've never known about garage door openers and i don't know if this is universal somehow the external button it like
Starting point is 00:11:58 helps with depth of how far the switch goes in because things get crazy with my garage opener if you push it in too far oh is it a double click it goes up and then as soon as you hit the laser the garage door starts to come down that's called closing on your car and it comes down upon your car so you have to push it the perfect depth or when you're backing out the garage is going to come down on you. And then when that happens, then your remote no longer opens the garage door from the outside. How long have you had this problem? Like a week? We're just waiting to sell the house.
Starting point is 00:12:37 This is pre-pandemic, my man. Oh, goodness. Those are years. Yes. I know a guy whose garage door came right down on him. Yeah, he's sitting between you two. Wait, your garage door smashed you? Did you not know the top of his car is cracked glass?
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, the top of my car is crushed. No. It has been for six months. Both of our cars, me and the wife, the garage has hit our cars multiple times. Okay, so you talked to Andy about the- What kind of garage door? Dude, my garage doors are legit, okay? Not to brag here.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Not wood. We're talking steel. Yeah, look, we've got the wood paneling over the front, and it's so doggone heavy. When I first moved into this house, the sensor didn't work. Is your button broken? No, the button's fine. Because you see, if you break off the button... But in one of the garages, The sensor didn't work. Is your button broken? No.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Because you see, if you break off the button. But in one of the garages, it came down and crushed a blower, you know, like the leaf blower. Oh, it just crushed that thing. I mean, that thing was toast. Wait, is there a laser on this? That's what I'm saying. Is this going to kill one of the kids? So that got fixed afterwards.
Starting point is 00:13:46 So it came down and it hit the object on the ground and did not retract. Oh, it stayed closed. I was like, what is that thing over by my garage? And it was half of a leaf blower. It forced its way down? The other half was on the inside and then it was flattened to the ground like a cartoon where the garage comes down. He has a guillotine brand garage. That's right. The guillotine garages are all the rage. the inside and then it was flattened to the ground like a cartoon where the garage comes down so he
Starting point is 00:14:05 has a guillotine brand garage that's right the guillotine garages are all the rage but yes so i was i was backing out of my garage uh-huh and because we have like a little rv garage and so that's where i saw that the door had been left open so i reached down to my garage door opener to close that one and so i accidentally hit the i'm backing out of my garage when i see the other one okay so you're on you're halfway out halfway out and i clicked the button to close the other garage door okay but i also clicked the button to close the garage door i was coming out of okay so it came down right on top of me and i just assumed like i'm back sunroof destroyed yeah i'm i'm backing out and i assume i have destroyed my garage door like the garage doors of course car versus garage door
Starting point is 00:14:52 okay hold on hold on pause pause garage door comes down did it like continue to try and go down or did that actually go back up went back up it hit after a little shoot you know big smash i was like oh no i ruined my garage door i i pull out i can't even see i literally can't tell where i hit the garage door the garage door is invincible my car is wrecked like it's gotten in an accident because from the top you do not mess with the guillotine garage doors man they are they are hefty this is a wonderful long detour to tell you why the manual garage doors were really good i mean all these buttons and uh yeah you didn't accidentally close close your door on your car my my thought here to some to some of the question
Starting point is 00:15:39 and answer it is that i would rather have it open when I get home. You're coming back from a drive. You're tired. That's when I want it to open up, not when I'm leaving. When I'm leaving, I got energy. It could be inconvenient. But you're in a hurry. Yeah, you could be in a hurry. Not me.
Starting point is 00:15:56 You got to do the laser jump. Yeah, I mean, the laser jump is getting harder the older I get. And sometimes you'll, once out of every 50 or whatever, you're going to trip it, and that garage is going to go back up. You're going to go, ugh. Yeah. I got to go back in and close the garage again. You ever try to do the laser jump, and you get about halfway into the run,
Starting point is 00:16:16 and you're like, I'm not going to make it. Dude. And then you just stop, and it goes all the way down. Listen. I've never done that. You ever done a laser jump, buddy? I am the pro at the laser. Here's what you got to do.
Starting point is 00:16:26 You got to have the confidence of Indiana Jones, okay? You just walk. You don't have to run. You don't have to beat this garage door. You just walk. Yours you do. Those are high risk. I play with fire, my man.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Guillotine. And then all you got to do is like a little, you just do like a walk with a little scissor kick. So you just go and you flip your leg over and then you flip your other one over. Yeah, this is things that short people say. Ooh. Well, I didn't realize we were fighting today. That does make sense, though. We have a clearance issue up top.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah, I got to get low. I've got another three feet it could come down. We're limboing, man. Oh, I wouldn't lean backwards. Go forward. Is that my problem? I always do the limbo on my way out. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Maggie. Maggie from the website has a question for us. Would you rather have someone cut you in line for a roller coaster or at the dmv oh i mean now the last question we thought it was very clear it was not this one's very clear very clear it has it's the roller coaster 100 has to be because if when someone cuts in front of you in the roller coaster, as furious as you get, that person, perhaps they end up being the last person onto that particular train. But at the most, that's adding three minutes to your weight.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And worst case scenario is you're still in line for a roller coaster. Oh, I didn't factor that in. I'm having a good day. I'm at a roller coaster that's oh i didn't factor that in i'm having a good day uh-huh i'm at a roller coaster park this is great do you know how angry i am at a dmv that's what they call them roller coaster parks you ever been to a roller coaster park they're the best um but at the dmv when you walk through the doors oh my gosh anger overcomes you yes just it doesn't matter you could be having a great day you walk through the doors there anger overcomes you. Yes. It doesn't matter. You could be having a great day. You walk through the doors and you're just angry. There are several Dementors in there.
Starting point is 00:18:29 For sure, sucking the joy out of everybody. And one person in a DMV line, that's 30 minutes. Yes. I have always thought, like, you know, part of it, it's just you're doing the DMV thing. But why in the world can government buildings, can they not paint them? Like, why do we have to have like no like post offices uh the dmv they're not welcoming places because they are just it's white it's the cheap linoleum floors with white walls
Starting point is 00:18:58 there's no personality i mean put put something on the walls, man. No natural light anywhere. Get a mural up there. There really is not natural lighting in government buildings. No. It's just- Because it's part of the control. We can do better. And you know that they've skimped on the lighting, so it's like some flickering lights. It's just a really sad place.
Starting point is 00:19:19 It is. Bring up a- Man, something's just been driving me crazy. Oh, man. Talk to us. Talk to us. to us here we go lights that make sound oh my gosh the buzzing humming light you turn the light on and it's like i i should not be able to hear light light is a visual light is a visual thing you sir have
Starting point is 00:19:41 jumped into the wrong sense there is there's yes i have five of them and you employ one there is a restaurant here uh shout out to l and l uh hawaiian barbecue not a sponsor um but when we when you go in that store this is running on for four years The buzzing of the lights in that building drive me crazy. Clearly. Yes. No, they've been buzzing since we got in this office. Which means people live in that buzzing place. I have a confession.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Oh. Oh. There's a buzzing light in my kitchen. Oh, you haven't fixed it. And I haven't fixed it. Because you learned to live with it. I hate it. Every time I turn the lights on, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Al, do not help him. Now, is this because it's out of reach? That's exactly right. I wouldn't have to bring a ladder in. Is that because you're so short? From the grow, I walked right into it. I was already building that up in my head, too. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:20:43 What an idiot. I thought I was going to joke about being too lazy for a ladder. Instead, I got shorted. Dang it. So you don't like buzzing lights, eh? Oh, they're the worst. I don't like being shorter than you two, either. I don't think anybody does like the buzzing lights.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I don't think that's ever been a feature. It's a feature like buzzes when you turn it on. Not everyone can hear them, though. I mean, the one you're turn it on. Not everyone can hear him though. I mean, the one you're talking about, I think everyone can, but there's like, there are lights that emit a frequency that not everybody can hear.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah. Just, uh, mutants. Yeah. They're the only ones that can hear us with the superpowers. Al, do we have time for one more?
Starting point is 00:21:19 We got nothing but time. We got nothing but time. All right. Uh, he's paid by the hour it's a two-part episode have we ever done it to be continued before um all right big Lonnie B from Patreon all right would you rather never be able to sit on a toilet for the rest of your life what you can still squat well ironic with the discussion earlier or never lie in a bed the rest of your life oh come on i mean i i mean how how do i not
Starting point is 00:21:48 choose you you lay down is it lay down or lie down you lie down you lay down you both you lay down you layeth to bed um you do that every day every single day yeah but let me just bring a wrinkle in there because my first gut was like, you've got to be able to lie down. Yeah. However. Lay down. Yeah. Lay down.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Lay down. However, we think of not being able to sit on the toilet in all of the good normal regular movements. But you're in a pickle, right? You're having a bad day. Right. You've got a long – you're going to spend some time in this room today. You got to squat for all that? You got to squat for a whole session?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Yeah. For a whole bad bowl session? Man, I didn't think about. Think about how strong your quads would be. The power of the legs and what's necessary there for a bad time. There's a benefit. I mean, your legs will get stronger. You will. Yeah, you will. Or they'll cr. I mean, your legs will get stronger. You will.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yeah, you will. Or they'll cramp up, and then you're falling in. I mean, those are the two outcomes. Every once in a while, you will have to take a standing break. Yeah. Which is just a full stand. You just go from a crouch to a full stand. You'll have no choice. Which is emasculated.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And it'll just be either you're wiping all the time or it's just mush. Now, I imagine that I have already built blocks up on each side of my toilet. So I'm standing elevated, straddling the toilet so I can squat. Because of the shortness? No. You can't squat and be above a toilet seat. You guys aren't that tall, are you? Yes, you can.
Starting point is 00:23:20 So hold on. What are we defining squat as here? Work me through this. Okay, okay. Why do you need blocks? You're putting blocks on. How tall are you? Okay, so listen.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You're putting like individualized blocks on like the left and the right of the seat to go up? Yes, because what I'm seeing is not just kind of crouching down to like a slightly higher than chair position. I'm picturing what I want to do in my world is I want full squat. I want like, you know, the squatty potty. You get your knees up high. You're not sitting though. I know. You've got to be resting on your legs.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I want to squat to where I am like full knee bent. Knees are all the way bent. Look, we are very westernized here. We're living with our big fancy toilets, but there's a lot of cultures that it's a hole, and you squat. Yeah. That's what they do, and they're very- It's doable.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Because they grew up doing it. Right. And we're these big, fat, lazy Americans. But you don't get to build out your squat toilet. You have to. This is existing toilets. You figure out how to poop in a squat right now. You don't get to build nothing.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Then I can't do it. Yeah, well, you're going to have to find a way. Could you stand? I don't think I could stand and poop. Guys, I have another question with this. If you are not sitting, okay? Uh-huh. Because normally, look, everyone poops.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah. You pull your pants down. You keep your shirt on because you're sitting. Right. But if you're in a standing position with your shirt and you got a shirt that's longer, are you going to have to fully disrobe, like full nude? Because you get a little wee-wee on the shirt?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah, or the backside. I mean, I don't want to get... I mean, if you're standing, I don't need the shirt down. I'm just saying, like, you may have to do more. You might have to pull the shirt. Or a roll. You got to roll. No, you just do the thing where you pull the front of your shirt up over and put it behind your head.
Starting point is 00:25:22 That's what I'm rocking. I'd rather be naked than do that. Oh, no way. You know how cool you look when you got the front of your shirt behind your head that's the what that's what i'm rocking i'd rather be naked than do that oh no way you know how cool you look when you got the front of your shirt behind your neck that's all that's an awesome look it's really you're like this it's restrictive in the armpits it is it gets a little tight in the armpits but that's going to help you with your posture in the squat oh man um your squat shirt your squat shirt um i'm gonna i'm still gonna squat when i sit down well now on the flip side does this mean i can just go to bed on the couch no you can go to bed in a chair on the ground no because you're still what is it okay i assumed by bed they're they're
Starting point is 00:26:02 trying to mean like you don't have a comfortable place to lay That's not what it says. It says would you rather never be able to sit on a toilet, not like I can't still sit on a chair, or never lie or layeth in a bed. You're going to poop in a chair? If I have to sleep on a couch for the rest of my life, sign me up. I love sleeping on the couch. I do too.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I love sleeping on the couch. I get fantastic sleep on my couch. Now, do you have like a recliner or are you laying across it's a section oh yeah it's the best sign me up man somehow really no couches in this situation yeah see that's what i figured lazy boy's fine okay well then they're great lazy boys you could sleep in a lazy boy oh heck yeah i could sleep really i can get that done yeah i. I mean, yeah, absolutely. Why couldn't you sleep in a Lazy Boy, but you could sleep on a couch? Because you're actually flat.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Oh, dude, I incline my bed every night. I'm with Mike. I couldn't sleep in a Lazy Boy. I can't sleep flat anymore. You can't sleep flat? Oh, no. Are you a back sleeper? If you're a stomach sleeper, your spine is in trouble.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I start on my back. But, yeah, I love an inclined sleep. Walking in on someone on a lazy boy's stomach sleeping? No, see, that's the thing. Oh, the visual. Is he breathing? I was going to say, like, when I would sleep in a chair. This man's been murdered.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I would turn sideways. I would sideways sleep on a lazy boy. This is not good for your back. Oh, man. Yeah, no, you've got to be a back sleeper if you're going to do that. The visual of walking in on someone on a lazy boy face down. Face sleeping? Because they're not sleeping.
Starting point is 00:27:33 They're just listening to this movie. What? All right, let's move on. They can't watch it that's a great question alright you can't watch it if you're face down
Starting point is 00:28:02 alright that's a great question. I'm peering over the edge. Sorry, go on. Let's have some great questions here. Evan from Patreon. At what length of time does a vacation turn into a place where you live? Hmm. I think you can have a month-long vacation.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I've never had one. It sounds awesome. But I feel like people do that. You can definitely have a month-long vacation. I've never had one. It sounds awesome. But I feel like people do that. You can definitely have a month-long. Right. I think you could have a six-weeker. Oh, man. For sure.
Starting point is 00:28:34 For sure? For sure. Do you still call that a vacation, or do you call that an extended stay? I mean, people go on more than six-week trips in their motorhomes. Is that a vacation if your house comes with you? Yeah. That's an excellent... Well, it's not your house for those people.
Starting point is 00:28:50 That is an excellent question. Some people it is. Yeah. Then it's not a vacation. Okay. That's obvious. Now that he says it like that, it's pretty obvious. If that's where you live, you're never on vacation.
Starting point is 00:29:03 But do you live in the motorhome or do you live in that environment that city that you live in the you live in the motorhome yeah you live in the motorhome yeah for sure because that's where you are that's where you sleep yeah yeah where do you live the nebraska well i mean to be fair you wouldn't get mail at the motorhome you'd get mail in nebraska uh you'd have to have a p.O. box. You'd have to. Can you deliver to a mobile home? Can you get an address for a mobile home? Now I'm picturing them on the road driving and the mail truck comes,
Starting point is 00:29:35 and there's an exchange of mail while it's moving. Delivery! It's like a relay race transition. Yeah, that's pretty cool. I would take that final answer. So, like, if you said, hey, I'm going to go spend six weeks in Europe on a trip, I mean, that's a vacation. Okay, so we got to go longer than...
Starting point is 00:29:55 I think three months is where I'm going to draw the line. Oh, man, I would love a two-month vacation. Where do you need a visa? That's a sabbatical. How long do you need a visa? That's a sabbatical. A sabbatical is... Is a sabbatical a vacation?
Starting point is 00:30:07 A sabbatical is... If you're coming back. Not a vacation, no. A sabbatical is... Is a break. Yeah. That you're going to take somewhere else. Oh, that sounds like a vacation.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Because I feel like a vacation is a break. Not usually, because when I go on vacations, I come back more tired than when I left. Well, you've got kids. Yes. A sabbatical is technically a period of paid leave, granted. It's like a vacation, like a paid vacation. Sounds pretty similar. Now, if you are unpaid, maybe you're just out of work.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Like Al. Right. Can you take a vacation? I got plenty of of work or are you always on vacation no money oh are you always on you're always on vacation from work hmm now is it yeah so is it that's if i go someplace for three months are you do you guys think i'm on vacation or did you think i moved there i mean if i know you're coming back i guess i still would say you're on vacation but at the three month mark do you start going is andy is he coming back yeah my six months so if it's long enough that people start asking the question are they actually
Starting point is 00:31:19 coming back then then you've moved into you live there now i think a vacation is entirely dependent upon the purpose that's it it can be any length of time do i get mail in this new place is that the line oh that's a great line to draw in the sand you can't get mail on vacation if you do you that means you need people to know you've changed address at that yeah uh Yeah. But I guess I'm thinking like, you know, if you go somewhere for a year, right? A year, that's too long to be a vacation. Unless the entire year is a leisurely trip. If I'm going for leisure and for entertainment, that is still a vacation at any length of time. But if you go overseas for like school. That's not a vacation at any length of time but if you go overseas for like school
Starting point is 00:32:08 that's not a vacation no it isn't i think it's well can i can i make this more complicated oh please do josh from the website also asked what's the difference between a vacation a trip and a journey okay okay let's get deep it's a combo look vacation to me it's a round trip situation you're coming you're coming back from where you left i feel like a trip is also included in a round trip because it's in the name does it but a journey feels like you're going from from one part of the map to the other part of the map and that's the end of it yes journeys are one way they're one way you're you're going to be different at the end of a journey. I'm in. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:47 That's the whole point of a journey. You're going to Mordor. Your character has been transformed. You don't know if you're coming back. You might come back, but when you come back, you're not going to be the same. That's right. Because you've been on a journey. Okay, that one's easy. Is a trip a vacation with multiple stops?
Starting point is 00:33:04 No, a trip is a vacation where there is no fun. A trip is something where you had to go on. It's obligation. It's I went home for the family reunion. That's not a vacation. The Little Einsteins disagree with you, Jason. There's a wedding. There's a wedding someplace.
Starting point is 00:33:18 There's a wedding. I got to take a trip. Because the Little Einsteins go on a trip in their favorite rocket ship. Heading to the stars. Yeah. That's a good point. That's a good point. I didn't think about the little Einsteins.
Starting point is 00:33:30 But that's not a vacation. That's with a purpose. Yeah. I mean, I do feel like taking a rocket ship makes it a vacation. Because that'd be super cool. If it's a trip, the reason is not just hanging out. Yeah. There's a little bit more business. It's a business trip.
Starting point is 00:33:48 You can write it off for your taxes. If it's a business trip. Yeah, a trip is not fun. A vacation is fun. Yeah. So let me ask you this. Final question. But what if some of the...
Starting point is 00:33:57 I mean, you've been on vacation where it's not fun. No, it's a trip. Oh, when you come back, you're like, hey, did you just get back from vacation? How was your vacation? I didn't get one. It was a bad trip. I was on a trip.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Now, I feel like you could go on a road trip with your family. Right. And that would turn into a journey. Yeah. Because you are not coming back the same person. That's true. But what if you have fun? Then when you get back, was it a vacation?
Starting point is 00:34:18 And what if you went to see Journey perform? Oh, man. That is... I'm trying to bring down. That's the circle of life, I believe, is what that's called. This show's so stupid. It is dumb. It's a dumb show.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Mr. Odshu from the website, what is the ideal time for dinner? Oh, this is a very, very good question. Yeah, and there's only one right answer. Because it says ideal. Hold on, hold on. It says ideal. What is the ideal time? We're counting to three, and we're saying what time.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Oh, wait, wait, wait. Okay, hold on. Do you have your time? I have what I think the world thinks, and I have what I think. No, this is your answer. This is Andy Molloy's. Yes, I have mine. This is a one, two, three, shoot answer.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Okay? Okay. Just the number, right? Yes. One, two, three, five. 6 p.m. I went six. 6 p.m. I went 6. 6 p.m.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I went 5. That's because you're 70 years old. People are still at work. I don't even get off work until 5. 9 to 5. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this real quick, real quick. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:35:15 5.30 was the real answer. Let me ask you this, Andy. Have you ever gone at your ideal time to a restaurant and had any problem getting a seat? No. No, because nobody's eating dinner at 5 o'clock. You want to know why I eat at 5? Because you're old. Because I don't want a problem getting a seat.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And I got in that habit a long time ago. I was like, man, I go at 5. By the time I actually get my food, it's 5.36. I'm a genius. I just love it, Alex. I got to leave work early today. I want to have dinner. No. We're going to need you to stay until 6. I just love it, Allison. I got to leave work early today. I want to have dinner. No, we're going to need you to stay until 6.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I need to see my family. Now that I say it out loud, 5 is not about right. It's 5.36. I wanted to say 6.30. I wanted to say 6.30, but then I'm too hungry. That's too late. See, I think when I was going to answer what the world thinks, I was going to say 7 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:36:04 What? You want to know why? Yeah. Because that's when people eat at restaurants. That's dinner time in my house. That's dinner time in a lot. See, how you grew up. I grew up like, the friends go home, you better be ready to eat at 5 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Sure. And so that transcends your own life story. But the world, you go look at when people are booked for dinner at restaurants. Yeah. When they're on the road for dinner. It is always seven o'clock. I think 630 is the peak restaurant dinner time. I think he's 625.
Starting point is 00:36:36 But Owl is right. Like dinner time in the right household actually skews more towards seven. But that's because 530 rolls around and we're like, what's for dinner. I don't know. Someone should figure out what we need to do for dinner. And it takes till about 7 PM until someone makes a decision and either something has been made or food is being delivered. At what part of the night does your door dash get canceled and you have to make new plans? Not 9 PM is where as soon.m. rolls around, that is where you start. You know there's a chance that this is getting canceled because you might order, but then
Starting point is 00:37:10 the kitchen's going to be closed once they get it. I mean, I'm very experienced. They should add a reinforcements checkbox to the DoorDash where it just auto orders you a second meal from someplace. Reinforcements? I like that. And you call it reinforcements. I like it.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Now, what if you want both? Well, you'll get both, hopefully. Ohforcements. I like that. And you call it reinforcements. I like it. Now, what if you want both? Well, you'll get both, hopefully. Oh, okay. Okay. What was that? Ideal time for dinner? I think we figured that one out. 6 o'clock p.m.
Starting point is 00:37:34 We got time for another one or two? We got nothing but time. Oh, gosh. Yeah, he's going to be here till 6 or 7 p.m. I'm checking the cameras now for this. How about this? Tara from Patreon. What's the difference between a rumble, a fight, and a brawl?
Starting point is 00:37:49 A rumble, a fight, and a brawl. Well, brawl's easy. It is? Oh, yeah. Brawl's super easy. A brawl's not two people. Brawl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:57 A brawl. Yes. A brawl is. We're back to Kid Rock. Yeah. A brawl is a group of people getting in a brawl. You don't. Yes. Or You can be one on many. I got into a brawl, but I can't get into a brawl with just me and you, Andy.
Starting point is 00:38:12 We can't get into a brawl. We can't? No way. So it's amount of people? See, to me, it was a mental picture of like, while we're fighting, some objects are flying away from the fight. From the fight. It's a brawl.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Do you know what I'm saying? I understand that picture. Like a watch goes flying off or the fight. From the fight. It's a brawl. Do you know what I'm saying? I understand that picture, but the reason- Like a watch goes flying off or a shoe. The reason for that picture is because there's more than one person, and that's going to cause a ruckus. But there's- Oh, what's a ruckus? Well, so here, let's start easy.
Starting point is 00:38:37 A fight is 1v1. Mm-hmm. For sure. We can lay that out. Okay. Now, see, my problem with your definition of a brawl is because a rumble, to me, sounds the same, also has more than one person on a side. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Mr. Buffer asks always, are you ready to rumble? And that's a one-on-one. That's true. But I believe he has also asked that at the Royal Rumble. Oh, now that's teams. So it can be. No, that's not teams. But it's 1v1, v1, v1, all the way up to whatever, 30, whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I think the difference between a brawl and a rumble is when you're in a rumble, you know whose side you're on. It's very clear. And you got one side over here. You got one side over there. When a brawl happens, it's so impromptu that everyone's fighting. They're swinging. There's clear sides, but when you're in the heat of the battle,
Starting point is 00:39:31 you don't actually know. You might be punching out somebody who's on your side. Oh, you're swinging wildly. I think part of that is because of all the stuff that's flying around. Well, more tables get broken in a brawl than a rumble. For sure. Oh, yeah. Brawls are.
Starting point is 00:39:44 It's a bar room brawl, right? Yeah. Yeah. They don't callwl than a rumble. For sure. Oh, yeah. Brawls are- It's a bar room brawl, right? Yeah. Yeah. They don't call it a bar rumble. No. I don't- If two tables get broken, that's a brawl. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Okay, so- Maybe a chair. This one was easy. A fight is one-on-one. A rumble is more people, but you know who you're fighting and who's fighting you. Yes. Yep. And a brawl is anarchy.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's just complete. Everyone is fighting everyone. And you don't even know what you're fighting and who's fighting you. And a brawl is anarchy. It's just complete. Everyone is fighting everyone. And you don't even know what you're fighting about. At this point, you're just fighting. You're just there to win. Night Howler from the website. If brands were brutally honest, what brand would have what slogan? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Oh, man. Taco Bell. Something to eat. Yeah, okay. Yeah to eat. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's good. Prius. You're stupid by this.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Oh, my God. What? You're stupid by this. I just hate Prius so much. He hates him so much. I hate the Prius. I hate him. It's a dark place. I still don't understand why you hate the Prius so much i hate i hate the prius i hate them um it's a it's a dark dark place understand
Starting point is 00:40:46 why you hate the prius so much because i've seen them drive on the road mike yeah but like it was a it was a good car oh the car is fine sparked a real revolution it was the first car where it was like we can get better gas mileage we can do better yeah and we did we did way better there's there's so many better options. I mean, look, they're hideous. Yeah. I will give you that. They were the cars that like, how can we make a car look real stupid, but it looks like
Starting point is 00:41:12 it's from the future. The stupid future. The payday loan companies would have a change in marketing. Oh, my gosh. Goodness. Like, it's not going to work out, Or, please, no, please don't. Payday loans slogan should be, do you not have any money? We'd like more money from you.
Starting point is 00:41:31 That's what it is. Yeah. There should be certain industries that are just not allowed to exist. Oh, yeah. Yes. Jimmy John's. Oh, no. Are you just trying to wipe our sponsors off the map? We make this from the toilet.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Oh, my gosh. That's their slogan. Wow. My wife and I debate Jimmy Johns all the time because she likes them. Why? I don't know. It's funny, too, because- There's good subs out there.
Starting point is 00:41:59 There's great- I said, did you say Jersey Mike's wrong? Yeah. She's like, no. I'm like, the bread's terrible. She's like, I like the bread. I was like, the bread's so hard. She's like, no. I'm like, the bread's terrible. She's like, I like the bread. I was like, the bread's so hard. And she's like, I did worry about breaking a tooth.
Starting point is 00:42:09 She said that. She worried about breaking her tooth on the bread? Yeah, exactly. Because Jimmy John's. On a sandwich? On a sandwich. On a Sammy. How do you break a tooth on a sandwich?
Starting point is 00:42:19 You order Jimmy John's. Man. I was trying to figure out like Apple. Oh. You pay for the logo? Yes. I mean trying to figure out, like, Apple. Oh. You pay for the logo? Yes. I mean, that's Nike, too, right? Apple's slogan has changed in the last decade.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I think it's got to be something along the lines of... The only thing we innovate are our prices? That's a good one. I was thinking more along the lines of, like... You're going to buy it anyways. That would work, but this is brand new. You've never seen it before. This is way too long.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It's a lie. They always say they're the first with everything. Oh, yes. But they haven't invented something in forever. Yeah. This is our first. Yes. Maybe we're not hearing them right.
Starting point is 00:43:03 This is our first. Just buy it. All right, let's Apple. Maybe we're not hearing them right. This is our first. Just buy it. All right, let's draft. The Spitballers Draft. All right, we are going to... This show is brought to you by Jimmy John's. We do talk a lot about the toilet on this show. Something to eat.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Al contributed Benadryl. You can't have allergies if you are unconscious. Oh, man. I mean, that's pretty good. Benadryl puts you to sleep. Yeah, that's true. It's fair. That's the NyQuil slogan. You can't be sick if Benadryl puts you to sleep. Yeah, that's true. It's fair. That's the NyQuil slogan.
Starting point is 00:43:46 You can't be sick if you don't remember where you're at. We are drafting 90s movies, but we're doing it film festival style, where each of us have to pick a comedy, a drama, an action movie, and a horror slash thriller. So we pick one from each category. So there's a little gamesmanship in terms of taking the best from a category you think is deep or not deep. And I get to pick first, and then I have to wait a while.
Starting point is 00:44:14 So I am going to go with my favorite movie, which is Braveheart. I'm going to take it, and it's in the drama category. Yes, and I am so glad I didn't have to make the decision to destroy Jason yeah I'm just gonna take it this is really really upsetting I assumed when making this list that Mike was first that he had the scat today that was my son and so I knew I was gonna get braveheart because I didn't think you'd take that number one I knew I would not you wouldn't and there's no way I would let that past me man there are a lot of good 90s dramas i would say that that's the deepest category that is my least deep category of my personal bucket list here so i really want to
Starting point is 00:44:51 brave i'm really disappointed i don't get to pick some others from that category by all means by all means retract your pick and move somewhere else no i'm gonna take it i'm gonna take brave heart i know you and i it's been our favorite movie for a long time. So what I attempted to do here when I was compiling my list is movies where when I... It wasn't just like, oh, that was the greatest movie. It had an actual impact on shaping the way I see entertainment, shaping what I think is funny. So I'd really try to dive deep. So I don't even know if all of these movies will completely resonate with people at that level.
Starting point is 00:45:33 We know when you pick a favorite movie, everyone out there is shouting at how stupid we are. But I will start it off with it's one of the best movies of all time. What genre? It is an action movie it changed action movies it changed my perception of reality and i knew nothing about it as i was going into the theater and i left and my mind was was shattered into a thousand pieces i know where you're going it's my number two on this list. And it still holds up. The sequels, ah, ah. The new one, hopeful, hopeful, hopeful. But the original The Matrix was a movie event that it's hard to explain just how much it
Starting point is 00:46:17 impacted things if you weren't in the world. You went into it not knowing anything about it? Yeah. I did too. Not even seeing the scene, the bullet scene? I knew that Keanu was in some kind of science fiction action movie. That's really cool. That's basically what I went into it with as well.
Starting point is 00:46:34 And I had never to my life at that point experienced what I experienced in that theater. Yes. Which was, I remember at one point when the character finished this fight scene, the whole theater erupted. Not like kind applause. They were screaming and shouting in the theater. It was really unbelievable. Great pick. Yeah, it's a great pick.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I think I had just, I don't know what year it came out, but I mean, it's like, I'm just old enough to see R movies. Or just under and got into the R. I don't know. I don't remember. But it was very, like I'm just old enough to see our movies or just under and got into the arm. I don't know. I don't remember. But it was very like I wasn't old. And so I'm sure these stories already existed. But this was my first real Rodeo with like, is stuff really real? And you're like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:47:20 There is no spoon. I've just assumed it was real. What if you are correct? And it is not real. Also, I challenge no spoon. I've just assumed it was real. What if you are correct and it is not real? Also, I challenge... That's why I fell with land before time. If you enjoy this show, I challenge you. You must watch every movie that we draft today.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Today? No, no, no. You can't watch it all day. Even if you're young? Absolutely, if you're young. Speaking of that... These two have held up so far. Man.
Starting point is 00:47:43 All right. I know that it's not necessarily the... A movie movie i know it's not necessarily the best strategy to go with a category that that one of you two have picked but we're already talking about these action movies we're talking about how you know these things change and this to me was just in the category it was the one that stands out as the 90s action movie there's a billion of them but this is the number one action movie from the 90s and it was the first r-rated movie i ever saw terminator 2 yeah judgment day that was number two on my list unbelievable did you see it in the in the theater i did i saw it late in the theater it was in the theater
Starting point is 00:48:22 forever for years i know when i did what what was the first rated R movie you ever saw, Andy? The first rated R movie I ever saw? He's still waiting. I don't know. Mine was a big event. My grandpa brought me to Cliffhanger. I'll try to think about it. I do not remember.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I was 14, and my parents approved it somehow. That was a big moment like i'm clearly i'm almost 40 and i still remember that all right um negatively affected you ever since yes for my next pick look at your tattoos i try and climb every mountain i see it's unrealistic um for my next pick i'm gonna go with comedy uh there are there's a 1a and a 1b so it's kind of a little bit difficult for me to to take this as the first pick they're both just so unbelievable they're two of my all-time favorite movies but i will choose dumb and dumber okay as my 90s comedy uh film festival i like it movie i like it it's very funny it's not on my list ridiculous bad list uh mike is back to you all right you cannot select another action movie i don't need to okay i got
Starting point is 00:49:32 the one i wanted to and and then so in the i will go to the thriller slash horror section i which it's the definition of a thriller is tough we were were talking about this before the, the, the show. And it's like a thriller to me is it's intense. It's very suspenseful, but it's not necessarily jump scares. It's not, it's not necessarily someone, a psycho killers after you,
Starting point is 00:49:56 but you're still have those feelings like a horror movie. And this, again, this, this movie is now, uh, kind of turned. Unfortunately, it's got so popular and it was so impactful.
Starting point is 00:50:11 That's more of a more of a. I'm just hoping you take what I hope you take. Oh, it's more of like a joke now. But if you didn't know anything about the movie, this and this to me was the first movie where it was like you learned the importance of spoilers. And you cannot get spoiled before you go to see movies. And the Internet's starting to explode. to me was the first movie where it was like you learned the importance of spoilers and and you cannot get spoiled before you go to see movies and the internet's starting to explode so you could avoid spoilers but i see what you see but i will i will take the sixth sense you see dead people yes and it's spoiler it's hard to truly explain the impact that that movie had if you weren't around before it are no it was? No, it was a PG-13.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I remember seeing it. There's a few movies that I can remember being in the theater for, and that's one of them. Like, I can remember being in there for six cents. And the end of it shows up, and you go, what? Your mind is blown. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:58 So you took your thriller slash horror category. It was on my list. Yeah, it was probably going to be my pick for that category. So was that was fabulous thank you all right i got two picks now it'd be dumb of me to pick an action movie because you have both selected an action movie uh it'd be really fun so i will go where do i want to go here i the hardest one for me was picking the horror thriller genre oh i got some more if you want. And so let me make sure this movie was the 90s. This came out last week.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Let me make sure. 91. Qualifies. All right. I'll go The Silence of the Lambs. Oh, really? Yeah, I'll go Silence of the Lambs for my horror thriller. It's older, obviously, in this genre.
Starting point is 00:51:44 When did you see it? Later. Okay. Yeah, I'll go Silence of the Lambs for my horror thriller. It's older, obviously, in this genre. When did you see it? Later. Okay. Yeah, later on. But it fits the 90s horror thriller. I'm glad you saw it later on and not when you were seven. Yeah. Yeah, that's the weird thing is I was born in 84.
Starting point is 00:52:00 So most of the ones in it, like the other one I had on my list, I mean, maybe you take it, maybe you don't. Two of them have been picked We give the end of our list At the end of the show The other one is certainly one I wouldn't have seen at that time either I'm just curious When about in the 90s you saw it
Starting point is 00:52:18 I probably didn't see it in the 90s Oh really I mean maybe late 90s Early aughts no there's no no problems there just uh and then comedy there's so many 90s comedy movies but i'm just gonna go with my heart okay i'm just gonna go with the like again there are others that will get mentioned probably um but i'm gonna go with the one that i probably saw more than anything else which was tommy boy yeah all right i thought tommy boy Tommy Boy with Chris Farley and David Spade was like the funniest movie on
Starting point is 00:52:47 earth for many years. Tommy Boy. Did you see it in theaters? No. Yeah. No, I did not. VHS, my friend. The first time I saw Tommy Boy was on a family vacation and you could rent movies on the
Starting point is 00:53:03 TV in your room. Yeah. And this was like super novel. That's the first time you saw it? That was the first time I saw it. could rent movies on the TV in your room. Yeah. And this was like super novel. That was the first time you saw it? That was the first time I saw it. I mean, movies cost like $45 to rent on this stupid system, but the parents allowed it because it was vacation and it was. So you all watch it together?
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah. And so it was like, this was a, that was a transformative comedy. Yeah, but Bo Derek, right? It was so, so good. That was my only non-Jim. You come from a walkie only non-gym my non Jim Carrey 90s comedy yeah I mean obviously there's a bunch of Jim Carrey movies there's a bunch of other comedies so all right so Jason has his comedy which means I will go with my drama and I will end up getting my top pick uh which because Braveheart's on my list it just wasn't my top one. There's so many movies
Starting point is 00:53:46 this is not fair. Yes, it's very difficult to narrow it down to one but when I eventually saw this, this is like it came out I wasn't old enough, came back to it as I'm starting to get my education on movies and you know the things that took
Starting point is 00:54:01 place in the 90s but it really changed how I thought a story could be told where there's just multiple interweaving, all really important storylines going on that connect at different time points, and the dialogue was something I had never experienced at that point. I will take, because there's a couple of them, but I'm going to take Pulp Fiction. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Tarantino was not for everybody, but that indoctrinated me. I'm guessing you, did you watch that in the 90s? I watched it in the late 90s. Okay. Yes. That's another one that wouldn't have been an early age movie. But I do remember it became popular right around the time my older sister was in high school. And so it was like I kind of got a little bit of the gleaming of this changing how young people were seeing movies and everything.
Starting point is 00:55:01 And I got to see it later. I was like, oh, yeah. I get it. I'm in on that. Yeah. I didn't mind Pulp F Fiction I thought it was a little overrated I have since come to love Tarantino I haven't seen it since many many many moons
Starting point is 00:55:16 but I didn't like Tarantino at the time alright so here I am I've got two categories left I've got two categories left. I've got my drama, which is just heartbreaking to not have Braveheart, but I'm going to go with Forrest Gump. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Such a good movie. Because it was just one of the best movies of all time. Great story, great drama. Not an epic, but like a... I think it's fine. Is that a good term for it? It's not a movie you would normally think of as it, but just how it was. Time spans. Decades.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yeah, no, I love that one. And then my thriller, I'm really happy to get this one. My thriller slash horror. Because I'm not a huge, like, I do like thriller movies, but I have a hard time really classifying them as a thriller. You both have yours, right? Yes. So, like, Jurassic Park is great. I just have a hard time calling that a thriller.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I get it. It's a thrilling movie. It's not a thriller. It's a thriller. What do you call it, then? An action movie. That's what I said, too, earlier. See, I don't think it's an action movie.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Oh, you guys were discussing this? I don't think that's an action movie. Jurassic Park's not a thriller. But to be... I guess you could... Yeah. Not a classic. But it's almost a horror movie where the whole entire movie is setting up the bad guy, which
Starting point is 00:56:33 is a big bad monster, and then the monster chases them all over the park. Sort of. Yeah, sort of. So I can see the argument, but my point is I didn't want to go that way. Okay. And I don't really watch a ton of horror movies because I'm a big fraidy cat. And I don't really watch a ton of horror movies because I'm a big fraidy cat. But in the 90s, there was one of the best horror movies of all time that was truly up my alley.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I would watch it and love it now because it's hysterical. It's funny. Is it ironically funny? No, it's not made to be funny. It's just a really fun to watch movie that is really, really scary, very clever, has a twist, and created a franchise. I'm taking Scream. Yeah, of course. Scream was.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Scream had a real cult following to those movies. Yeah, I loved Scream. I thought that those were great for someone who didn't really usually care for that genre. For what it's worth, I asked Google what type of movie Jurassic Park is. Wikipedia says it's a sci-fi action film. Sci-fi. Yeah. I mean, because they're...
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's a science fiction action movie. Okay. Did you know that the science in Jurassic Park is not real? And the dinosaurs aren't actually. You know what's funny is. That's the fiction part. I have a really hard time seeing science fiction ever. Not being an alien.
Starting point is 00:57:51 That's not in space. Science fiction means I'm with the stars, baby. All right. Was that my final or do I have another category? You're done, man. You don't get any more. All right. Mike, you have one pick left.
Starting point is 00:58:02 You already have your action, your thriller, your comedy. You need a drama. And here is where I will. Sorry, you have your drama left you already have your action your thriller your comedy you need a drama and here is where I'm sorry you have your drama going comedy here's where I will complete it with a movie that unfortunately has time has
Starting point is 00:58:18 diminished the impact that it had when it originally came out because they whipped out a couple sequels for it which were still funny but they like lessened the impact of the original movie and this was the comedy i saw in the theaters more than any other movie and it was the original the original austin powers international man of mystery with mike myers when this thing came out mid 90s something like that but when this thing came out it was so fresh and so original and like a character that i had never experienced and i just laughed my butt off for the entire length of the movie and it just got funnier every single time i saw it and
Starting point is 00:59:06 i'm not joking i saw this thing probably eight to ten times in the theater where once it got to the dollar theater it was well what are we doing today let's just go see austin powers again yeah i mean that it's funny because i do think that's incredibly underrated because of what time did to it. It ruined itself. Yes, it ruined itself. It made the character just not funny anymore. But when it came out, it was unbelievable. All right, so my final pick has to be my action movie
Starting point is 00:59:36 because you guys already have yours. There's two that I love, and I feel bad not picking both. But I can't pick both. Yeah, it's not the game. I will actually go with Speed. Okay. I will go with Speed with Keanu Reeves. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:56 It's great. I won't argue. It's top to bottom. That movie has more depth than you remember, too. If your head is just like, oh, it's just a bus. It's just a bus. No, it's got character development and a good villain i mean hopkin uh hopper yeah dennis hopper and um so i think speed is going to take the cake for me in close contention since we're done with the draft yes the two other action movies that i brought up that i really liked were fifth element okay but that's
Starting point is 01:00:25 more of an indie kind of action sci-fi yeah and then uh actually the fugitive is a great movie i don't know if it's a good movie fugitives are really i don't care yeah is that action i feel like that's drama but it's an action my action movies i would call that a drama my action movies were Independence Day, The Rock, and Face Off. The Rock. Yeah, I got to get some Nick Cage movies in there. Those are just so bad. Action thriller film, according to Wikipedia, for The Fugitive. Yeah, thriller.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Action thriller. I'd include that. All right, what dramas were left off? Oh, Shawshank. I mean, Shawshank was going to be- It's on my list. If I didn't take- Tombstone. Tombstone. Great part. Okay. For drama? Oh, Shawshank. I mean, Shawshank was going to be... It's on my list. If I didn't take... Tombstone.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Braveheart. Okay. For drama? Oh, yeah. I mean, what would you call Tombstone? I mean, it's a Western kind of, but that wasn't a category. Yeah, I guess I would have considered it like Western action, but that fits. No.
Starting point is 01:01:20 For drama, I had Green Mile. Jerry Maguire. Oh, I love Jerry Maguire. Chandler's List. It's fine. That's very drama. That's a tough one. No. For drama, I had Green Mile. Jerry Maguire. Oh, I love Jerry Maguire. Chandler's List. It's fine. That's a very good drama. That's a tough one. Titanic.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Classic. You like Titanic? No, it's just on my list in case I need votes. No, no, no. Fortnite. Genuinely, one of the very best. Few Good Men. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Few Good Men is one of the best dramas of the night. It's tremendous. What else did you guys have for your thriller horror?'m interested seven that's what i was gonna mention seven seven was on my list on that that was my list my list was uh uh scream six cents and seven yeah i think comedies happy gilmore billy madison and office yes ace ventura men in black be drafted ace ventura one it's all all the Jim Carrey movies. Liar, liar. Is Brooks in here?
Starting point is 01:02:09 Goodness gracious. Yes, sir. Brooks or Al, any omissions? I got nothing. Al doesn't watch movies. If Brooks has nothing, you know I got nothing. All right. What did we learn today?
Starting point is 01:02:23 What did we learn today? Oh, man. So so many things but in particular yeah go ahead i learned i thought i was gonna steal yours because you started talking about mike i learned that mike has had a dysfunctional garage door button for years that he has not just replaced as you say i learned the cliffhanger was really the unraveling of his moral compass. Don't let go. I learned that they're called rollercoaster parks. Yes, they are. It's fun to go to the old rollercoaster park.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Bring your friends down there. Better than the DMV. That's fair. You don't have to pay to get into the DVD. The DVD? You'll never get in. Thanks for tuning in everybody goodbye thanks for listening to the spitballers podcast to see what other nonsense the guys are up to

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