Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: I Think I Swallowed A Clementine! - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: December 23, 2021

Spit Hit for December 23rd, 2021: Calling all doctors! Please listen & write in to help us diagnose Jason’s medical condition… Also on today’s show, by popular demand, we hit Jason with a... surprise new segment. Long time listeners can probably guess what it is in 60 seconds or less. As always, we have some great ‘Would You Rather’ questions before we head into the ‘Situation Room’. We close out this episode by drafting ‘Best Colors’ and the guys must rationalize why their picks are the best. Subscribe and tell your friends about another hilarious episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Spit wads, you do not want to miss today's episode. Look, Jason's got a bit of a medical condition and we need to examine it. And I mean, not me personally, but we'll talk about it. Not a doctor. No, not a doctor. Please, just look at it. No, no, you can't make me. But you will be entertained as we examine this situation
Starting point is 00:00:22 and step into the situation room itself, along with some would you rather questions. You do not want to miss it. Enjoy. What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Oh, we're ready to wheel like a booty. Skim-a-da-ba-da-ba-ba-da-da-booty. What?
Starting point is 00:00:59 We had to find the ending. No, we didn't. We had no need to find the ending. That's where didn't. We had no need to find the ending. That's where we are. I'm not sure where we ended. I don't know. I know there was a booty in there. I think it was.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I went with a pootie. Please tell me that was a booty. It was a pootie? I went with pootie. It was a pootie. Welcome to the show. Scat's like a lie detector test or something like that. It's like a serum for the words inside you.
Starting point is 00:01:27 They come out, and they're just, sometimes they're not for public consumption. Got a problem with pootie? I do, yeah. Welcome in, the spitballers. Apparently, episode 81 of the show. Something like that. Impressive. We have a very fun, fun exciting adventurous episode for you today
Starting point is 00:01:47 full disclosure jason is in some sort of very severe pain for the duration of the day we have you know what i'm going to take this platform that we have we have a lot of listeners dozens no we we've got several million downloads. All divisible by 12, dozens. That's true. They download a lot. But I know that there have to be doctors out there that could help me because I'm in a lot of pain. Well, no, it's not pain. It's pressure.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'm in a lot of pressure. I'm in a lot of pressure. Jason, it doesn't take a doctor. The upper... That's not fair. It's not to be mean. But it might take a doctor. No, it's like literally a doctor will tell you, have you tried doing this one
Starting point is 00:02:34 thing? Have you tried losing some weight? It's the solution to almost every health problem in America. I'm saying that looking in the mirror as well like i'm sure some of my health problems would go away these pants have been giving me a lot of pressure lately too i mean that's that's fair and i and i deserve it i need to take better care of myself but it
Starting point is 00:02:57 doesn't change the fact that i've been this weight for about a year and all of a sudden now yeah at the top of my whatever what would you call this stomach abdomen yeah right beneath the sternum yeah oh thank you where the stomach's located where the yeah it's just so much pressure there it doesn't matter if i've eaten or haven't eaten what kind of pressure it feels like you feel like you need to burp no no not at all nothing like that maybe need to learn how to burp it feels like what i need to do is lean back and expand and give it about another three inches of my like i need more body you need to loosen your chest belt yes i need to unzip the you know the when bags have that extra zipper where when you unzip that suitcase yeah expands. That'll get you five more years worth of...
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah! Five more years of active eating. And that's what I'd like to refer to it as. I'm an active eater. Because then when people say, do you have an active lifestyle? Absolutely. I have a very active lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I'm an active eater. Today, your pressure's more active than normal. Yeah, it hurts. Well, your pressure is more active than normal. Yeah, it hurts. Well, I think you need to burp. If you're a doctor out there and you listen to this show, I'm not sure that's the one you want, Jason, but write in. Let Jason know what's up. What's wrong with me?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Everyone's going to write in and be like, dude, you need to lose some weight. All right. Other people listen to the show not just doctors and sometimes they send us reviews here we go review asaurus rex this one comes in by cray dog oh yeah love the show. Andy, Jason, and Mike literally keep me rolling, laughing, on the floor, laughing. All of you are very funny, but you all make the show well-rounded in your own ways. Jason definitely cracks me up in tears. Mike's laugh alone is contagious, and Andy controls the show very well. You know, that's nice. Thanks, fellas, for making the drives to and from work more enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And this is from Craydog? Craydog. Bow wow. Yeah. Craydog. It's funny, Mike. We've been doing the Fantasy Footballers podcast for five years. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And you, I mean, I guess they don't really come in anymore, but you used to get people writing in in and they'd criticize your contagious laugh. I've never seen one spitballers person criticize it because laughter is fun. Say, hey, that guy who's laughing all the time. I don't like it. Be quiet. There's fewer curmudgeons that listen to this comedy podcast. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, that's all it is. You listen because you want to laugh. How could that guy be laughing right now during the comedy show? Your laughter is fantastic, Mike. Never change. You can find us. Can't if I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:05:55 There was a time period in my life because, look, when you're a younger fella, you're not so secure in certain ways of your life. My laugh is very high pitched i so you were kind of self-conscious about it oh yes from for several years and i'm an easy laugh which like i appreciate and it's like i'm to the point of my life like yeah so what i laugh a lot at things easily what's the... What superpower do you have? You're a monster. I don't laugh at things.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Okay, congratulations. I'm a selective laugher. But I tried. I actively tried to work in a low-pitched laugh. Oh, man, that's what I was going to ask you. Oh, man, it was horrifically bad. So you... Wait, would you...
Starting point is 00:06:44 I was going to wait, would you? Did you catch the high pitch and then it changed? Cause if it went from high to low in the middle of the lab, imagine my laugh, but you just throw it in a pitch shifter. Yeah. It's still the annoying case, but it's, I want to hear that. That is not pleasant to the ears, but there's nothing I can do about anything. It sounds like you're boo-hooing. I'm a rich villain in an 80s movie. Or Eeyore.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Or the cowardly lion crying. That's what I hear. I hear the cowardly lion. All right. You can find us, Instagram.com slash SpitballersPod, at SpitballersPod on Twitter, YouTube.com slash Spitballers. Excited to be with you today. Let's do some Would You Rather.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Would you rather? All right, Jimmy. Jimmy from Twitter has a would you rather question for us. It's an important one, Jason. Oh, good. I only answer important ones. Would you rather subtract one year of your life to add five years to your pet's life or subtract five years of your pet's life to add one additional year to your own life?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Oh, me, oh, my. Oh, man. Jimmy is a monster. Yeah, this question is just not fair to any one of us because, look. On one hand, oh, wow, I can't wait to hear you guys. I'm taking the extra year for moi. I'm sorry. Whatever. Call me a monster. I love my moi. I'm sorry. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Call me a monster. I love my dogs. I love them to death. Not really. No, I love them. I love them to a quicker death. Yeah, I mean, look. Based on his health condition, he needs to kill as many pets as possible.
Starting point is 00:08:43 All the time I can get, Mike. I don't live in dog years. One year is only one year. Jason in the backyard, just breathing in the life of his animals. This is how I stay young. He's buying 14 dogs this afternoon. Now, wait a minute. So you could make the argument here that it's not fair, right?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Because five years versus one year. For the regular dog, five years versus one year. For the regular dog, five years, that's half life. Aren't there some dogs that only live like five years? Yes. Like the big ones, the Great Danes or something like that? I'm pretty sure the average dog is like nine to 11. Okay. 15.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I guess I've always had mutts, and I think they live like 13, 14, 15 years. I do think mutts have a longer lifespan. I really do believe that that is true. Well, purebred have all the genetic issues connected with them. Maybe the mutts fill in the blanks. I don't know how dog DNA works. My point is this. My point here is you say, well, that's not fair.
Starting point is 00:09:39 You could give five years, and you're only getting one for yourself. So the selfless thing to do would be to give more time time versus take time from yourself but what is a dog year you both know the answer right dog years are considered this is not real okay but yeah but there is i don't know the answer no i don't the the public perception 10 years seven seven years is a is a dog or one year in people years is seven years that's the normal that's the way we rationalize dogs living 11 years exactly we want to say they have a full life we made
Starting point is 00:10:13 that up in 1892 to feel better and it's just like yeah it works out but it applies here but you never call the dog you never tell me your dog's 74 no right when is the last time you've tell me your dog's 74. No. Right? When is the last time you've asked me my dog's age? Oh, yeah. Now who's the monster?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Come on. I thought you cared. Of course I would have. Have I missed all the birthday party invites? Yeah. It's every couple months we do another birthday. He's seven today. He's 14 today.
Starting point is 00:10:40 He's 21 today. We can never keep up. Okay. All right. So you're taking. Yeah, I'm going to be the monster. I'm just going to be the honest monster. I'm taking my year and, you know, I'm going to have to get another dog.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Well, it's hard, though, because, I mean, just I don't have a dog. I used to, but I don't have a dog. But we have other pets. I was going to say you don't have pets, but you guys do. But you have. We have frogs and lizards and a bird and the bird doesn't need five years well what kind of bird is it a parakeet oh then it does it needs some time but um and i don't even know how to pair it i don't know how long the lizard the the bearded dragon lives or anything
Starting point is 00:11:21 like that but to me like pets already live such a small amount of time. That's how it feels. What if you get... Okay, so the monster over here has already spoken. He's selfish. Your one year adds five years to every single one of your pets. Not just one. You don't have to pick.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. You don't got to be selfish. I get what you're saying, but no. I'm not extending my bearded dragon's life five years. But here's what I'm going to tell you, Mike. The question becomes interesting to me is one of the hardest things about having a dog is if you have small kids, you know, they're going to have to deal with the loss of a dog. And that's the hardest part.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Now you say a dog's average life might be like 11 years old. Well, if you have a dog and you can extend its life through the duration of the child growing up to be 15, 16, 17, processing things, you know, their whole childhood, they get their dog. Does that change it? Would you give, like Mike, are you giving up a year of your life? I'm not giving up more than one year of my life. I'm giving my dog 10 years and a bonus. Bonus. Sorry, kids. So you're giving them two. I'm giving up more than one year of my life. I'm giving my dog 10 years and a bonus bonus. Sorry, kids.
Starting point is 00:12:28 So you're giving them, sorry, daddy's going to leave. Don't say sorry. Kids say sorry. Grandkids. Cause they're the ones that are going to know you. They don't even exist anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I don't care about that. You don't want to be an old grandpa. I will. I only want to be an old grandpa because you know, like grumpy or old men. I can't wait to be that guy. I'm going to be grandkids. will want you to move on anyway i can't wait to just be the most curmudgeon of curmudgeon old people i genuinely believe that that is true i think i think you will be the most like just total we need to meet up when we're 75 and go to the movies all the time and be the worst to everybody at the movie theater.
Starting point is 00:13:06 That will be a blast, and I am in. But, yeah. Now, it'll just have to be you and I because I've stolen extra years from my animals. That's right. My dog is still alive. Mike's dog outlives you. Mike, I'll take your dog to the movies. I appreciate that someone cared for them when I'm gone.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, wait. One more thing. I cashed in dog to the movies. I appreciate that someone cared for them when I'm gone. Yeah, wait. One more thing. I cashed in infinite life for them. Your dog is eternal. Yes. I gave him 50 years. And I gave it to him last Tuesday. Mike's gone already.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I was going to ask you, when you start hitting 65, 70, and Mr. Would You Rather comes back around, and your dog's fine, are you cashing in at that point or are you like, man, I'm on borrowed time here? I'll be in a computer by then. It'll be fine. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Brandon from Patreon, would you rather be able to play fantasy football but can never watch any of the games or be able to watch football games but never play fantasy football? My wife's like, would you rather just never play fantasy football or watch football ever again? That's not a would you rather, honey. Would you rather never or be divorced? Would you rather be able to play fantasy?
Starting point is 00:14:17 I mean, I'd rather be able to watch the game. I'd rather be able to watch football too. Yeah. Guess what? I could still bet on the games. You can't stop me no matter who you are. I feel'd rather play the game really with and just read box scores yeah because look it would take a lot of our time i love fantasy football obviously this is you know our our uh career outside of this show is the fantasy footballers podcast and the thing is is
Starting point is 00:14:43 i feel like if i played the game and didn't watch football, I would be super happy right now. I wouldn't be as good at fantasy football, but I'd be super happy because the stress level of watching these games is out of control. Maybe that has something to do with the giant problem in your chest. Do you feel that area more when your fantasy team is losing? Do you know what I think this might be? Right here, I believe there might be a clementine.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I think maybe. Did you swallow an orange? I must have, because that's what it feels like. Just a full clementine? There's a clementine. It's unpeeled. Well, if it becomes a mango, that's when you call somebody. There's no time.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I'm starving. And I think it just got lodged. It needs vitamin C. Oh, my goodness. So, yeah. You think you lost? Let me just be clear here. I think I lost a clementine.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You lost a clementine in your body. Yes, I think so, but it's not gone low enough for the stomach acid to get it, so it just sits there. Oh, my God. I want to see that x-ray so bad. gone low enough for the stomach acid to get it. So it just sits there. Oh, my God. So if, like, if we- I want to see that x-ray so bad. If we turn you upside down, can we juice you? Oh.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I think you can. Orange is coming out the nose. Gross. We'll find out on the next episode. All right. Matt from Patreon, would you rather only have sight in one eye or hearing in one ear? To me, this... I'm trying to make sure I don't answer too quickly.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I feel like... But I want hearing in one ear. Yeah, you have... You'll lose your depth perception. What about my earth perception? Do you have like... You lose stereo. There's no more stereo sound, right?
Starting point is 00:16:23 That's true. That's true. But who cares? By comparison. Who cares? Want to be mono eye or mono ear? Audiophiles care, Jason. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:32 What about you, man? You are an audiophile. What would you do? Would you take ears? I got to keep my death perception because you got to be able to drive. You're a liar. Audiophiles don't care. I do care, but there's certain things that go away but i was like listen
Starting point is 00:16:46 to a record from like the 60s where they were everything is just split into left and right and you'll go why can i only hear the drums because you because you gave up your ears well that's your ear that would only be if i'm listening in two different very specific buds if i just put it out through a speaker i would hear both parts through the single ear so i think i'd be okay with that and and i wish there was a way it's funny what comes to mind when i think okay i lose depth perception and i'm wondering could that in some way make me better at cornhole could that help my game? Based off the last time we played, anything could have made you better.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Because now I'm judging. You might as well have had no eyes. I'm judging based on my body's work instead of what I see. I promise seeing depth matters for throwing to a certain depth. I'm thinking your perception of where you're throwing it is aided by an extra eyeball. Yeah, but I guess I'm with Mike on this. Nothing was going to help you against Al and I. Isn't that right, Al? True story.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I wish you had no depth perception. That would have helped you a lot. Yeah. I think all of us in this studio wish Andy had no depth perception. Because of cornhole? Yeah. Or just like you want me to suffer a little bit? No, sports.
Starting point is 00:18:10 In a weird, morbid way. Cornhole, pickleball. Okay. I think that would be awesome. So you have to wear an eye patch at all sports. I mean, it is quick to test that. Dude, what if you beat us with some of these with an eye patch? Then I'm Michael Jordan?
Starting point is 00:18:27 You have extra glory, and I will be totally fine accepting a victory. You're beating him with an eye patch? 100%. The upside for me is extra glory. Yes. The upside for me is victory. Would you rather have... How about this? Would you rather have...
Starting point is 00:18:45 How about this? Would you rather have only sight in one eye or hearing at all? That makes it much tougher. Do you know what I mean? Because you could have no hearing. So you're saying I can hear and see through one eye or...
Starting point is 00:19:02 You can not hear at all, but you get both your eyes. At that point, are you making the trade? Yeah, I'll take the hearing then. And then no depth perception? Yeah, I think so. I need my music's... Okay. All right, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:19:16 It's tougher. All right, we're going to introduce a new segment. We are? Jason Explains in 60 Seconds. Oh oh my goodness i did not know this was happening we've done this from time to time jason explains something that because you know you know a lot about everything pretty much know all of the things i mean you didn't even call it an orange you called it a clementine i mean this is just specificity matters but we've got we've got a little wheel here and you can only see it on the video version. We have a wheel? What? What's this made?
Starting point is 00:19:45 But it's got a lot of things in it. And let me just read a couple of them, like dogs or bananas or meteorology or gypsies. So I'm going to spin this wheel. Wow. And then you're going to explain everything you know about it. And you've got 60 seconds. And if you want, I've got a 60-second timer I can hit. I don't know if you want to be that.
Starting point is 00:20:02 It's got a sound effect? Apparently it does. We're spinning the wheel and it comes up. Who authorized this app? It comes up. Okay. Circus. Oh, the circus? Everything you know about the circus in 60 seconds. I know everything there is about a circus.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Alright, so circuses started in 1776 and they started. The beep goes the whole time? Don't interrupt my time. They started in 1776. It started the beep goes the whole time don't interrupt my time they started in 1776 it was originally because of two runaway people that got on a train together and on that train car were animals
Starting point is 00:20:33 there were a ton of what we now think of as circus animals but it wasn't a circus yet until in an attempt to make a living they disconnected the train cars and the train got derailed into a field. The animals were everywhere. They corralled these animals and the only thing they could do was build a tent.
Starting point is 00:20:51 And everybody passing by said, what is this tent? I have to see it. They came and stopped by and said, are there animals in there? I said, yes. What kind of animals? I don't know. This is some kind of a circus. Is this you, Neil?
Starting point is 00:21:03 This is you. You were there? I read a book. No, this is something very specific. I don't know. This is some kind of a circus. Wait, is this you now? This is you? You were there? I read a book. No, this is something very specific. I don't know if you realize what you're describing. So everybody started paying tickets. Why is there a demon? And now all of a sudden people come and pay to watch animals do crazy stuff inside of
Starting point is 00:21:18 tents and they call that a circus. Did I make it on time? That's 60 seconds. That's everything you need to know. Do we fact check these? Do you realize that you were explaining one of the missions from Red Dead Redemption 2? Oh, I wonder if that's in the recess of my mind. That's where this came from.
Starting point is 00:21:37 But I guess that would have been what, 1899? So I was wrong on the timeline, but everything else was accurate. I don't know what just happened. You learned everything there is to know about a circus. Is that a real story? Yes, that's why circuses happen. The fact that you could even question right now if that's a real story, Andy. Well, if it's a plot in a game or something.
Starting point is 00:21:57 No, that's not a real story. No, someone didn't get on a train car and derail it with a bunch of circus animals. And then the circus started. I was distracted by the very loud countdown. Yes, the demon man. Look, we're working through it. Five. You know so much.
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Starting point is 00:23:45 ballers it could save you thousands a year truebill.com slash ballers let's enter the situation room brains the situation realm so wait j Jason knows nothing about circuses? Is that what? Well, his date was 1776. Right. Coincidentally. Nothing was going on.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I heard nothing about P.T. Barnum being a terrible human being. That's right, Grace Shulman. I see right through you. I don't even know what word you just said. Situation Room. Here we go. Taters from Patreon. Doctors. Taters? That's his name. Taters.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Don't wear it out. Doctors have combined the DNA of Jason, Mike, and Andy. A pair of twins were born and are now grown up. This is disturbing on every level level one twin has the best attribute from each of you the other twin has the worst attribute from each of you describe each twin and give a name oh so this is we're building the twins from the movie this is twins from the movie
Starting point is 00:25:00 but instead of a a combined combined DNA of the whatever 13 Olympic and super people there were, this is us three. Do you not know the plot of Twins? With Arnold? That's the plot? Yeah, the plot is they like made genetic creatures and Arnold got all the good DNA and then Danny DeVito
Starting point is 00:25:20 got the leftovers. So now... Ah, the 80s. Basically, here's the situation. You have to name your best and worst quality on the leftovers. So now. Ah, the 80s. We have to. Basically, here's the situation. You have to name your best and worst quality. That's easy. On the podcast. Oh, man. And then combine them and name these.
Starting point is 00:25:32 One of these two is a gluttonous beast. That's your best quality? No, that's my worst quality. How would you think that's my. No. I thought you thought it was your best, Mr. Active Eater. No. You thought that's my... No. I thought you thought it was your best, Mr. Active Eater. No. This is more...
Starting point is 00:25:47 You thought that was my... That's your best quality? Is you're a fat guy? You eat too much? I thought you were saying that was your skill. You've got a cool skill to contribute. I just lean in. Look, so you're giving the gluttony to the the yeah the bad twin evil twin
Starting point is 00:26:06 yeah the evil twin is definitely why is he evil now because look he's unfortunate well he should go evil after these attributes yeah if you're taking the worst attributes of us what is he what's the worst of you mike what's going into this twin so we know this twin is just a huge fat guy. Right? That's one of these twins is way severely overweight. That's what he got from me. I can't even lean in anymore. What is that? I will bequeath him my anxiety and depression. So he will be.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Oh, he's a sad fat man. Oh, that's rough. He will have crippling panic attacks. Oh, he's a sad fat man. Oh, that's rough. He will have crippling panic attacks. Oh, no. Just curled in a big, big ball. Oh, man. Well, you are right when you say a big, big ball. What other thing could you lay on this poor soul?
Starting point is 00:27:01 He will be pathetically impatient. Oh, yes. Not waiting in a line at all. And grumpy because he's impatient. Give me my happy meal. What's his name? He can't even buy the number four. His name is Bert, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:27:17 His name's Bert. Oh, man. Right? I can go with that. And it kind of ties in. Jason can't burp, but the evil twins name is burt burt so burt now what are what are our best qualities my height okay no that's i think that that is one of your top three qualities that's all i have to bring i can reach things oh yeah so top shelf i can open jars well too so somehow okay your height my strength so physically we got a tall strong person um what what would you give him my music ability oh so he's musically inclined the tallest strongest i'm gonna give him he's a guitarist
Starting point is 00:28:02 he's an eight foot two eight foot two rock star. An 8'2 rock star. With a great sense of humor. I mean, obviously, if he's coming from the three of us, he's going to be super funny. I thought we only got to give him one. No, it's just the best of us. What's his name? Is it real? Jason.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Damn, he got there first. Oh my gosh. You guys both went there. Jason Michael Holloway. I feel like you need to weigh in a little bit here. Well, I do think Jason is a strong man. I don't think that's his best quality. I would have to say Jason's humor is what this guy is going to inherit.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Mike's musical ability. Yeah, there you go. And Andy's ability to keep the show on track. Thanks. That's normal. So organized. He's very organized. True.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I still don't think we have a name. We have Bert and then this guy, Ernie. I thought it was Jason Michael. Yeah. Mike Jason? There you go. It's you two. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:02 New situation. You get the opportunity. This is from JP from the website, SpeedballersPod.com. You get the opportunity to face off against a, I guess, against a baseball team, an MLB franchise of your choice. Okay. So you get one at bat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:16 If you get on base, you get a million dollars. All right. The catch is you don't get to use a bat. You need to use something else you brought from home. Okay. Who are you batting against and what are you need to use something else you brought from home. Okay. Who are you batting against and what are you bringing to bat with? Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:31 But you got to get on base. That's the caveat. It's easy to find something that you could potentially hit, right? I could hit a ball with a boogie board, right? But I might not get on base because it's not going to do nothing. You're thinking about this all wrong. I am? I know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It's a million dollars. I'm getting hit with a baseball. Oh, you're thinking about this all wrong. I am? Well, I know what I'm doing. It's a million dollars. I'm getting hit with a baseball. Oh, you're using your body? It doesn't matter what my bat is. Are you bringing a pillow? Yeah. That man's booty is a little fluffy. But it will just be under my shirt.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh, okay. And then you're just turning into it. That's the way you're getting hit? You're going face first? I will look happy gilmore oh you're dead man i'm i'm yeah i flip it around to the backside at least get hit in the back we've already established i'll give away my entire life so that my dog can live forever yeah because i'll risk my life that's a million dollars if you're very frivolous very frivolous with your life um everybody's got one if it was an item like let's say you know i bring my my my frying pan right you could hit it hard
Starting point is 00:30:33 with a frying pan the issue it's got a big surface area a big surface the issue is still hitting the ball yeah i know that i can do most things excellently, but I don't believe I can. Of course, land a plane. Yes, exactly. You're speaking the truth. But I don't believe I could ever hit a major league pitcher. I don't think that would be humanly possible for me to do. I didn't think it was possible for you to reach this level of humility.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Thank you. I'm really like professionals who are very good at hitting a baseball hit it what three out of ten times that's when they're really good that's when they're really four out of ten times is really good the greatest of all time so you know if you bring some wide surface some huge surface. Like a big bass? Maybe a bass. You could swing a fish. I was thinking like a folding chair or something. The folding chair makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It's very wide. You could potentially hold it out there, and then you could, in your follow-through, hurdle it at whoever was going to get the ball because you would need an advantage to get to first base. So I can hold the chair up, and then wherever the ball. Because you would need an advantage to get to first base. So I can hold the chair up. And then wherever the ball bounces. I can hurdle the chair at them.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And maybe I get on base. I think Mike is 100% right here. You got to take it. Just take it in the chest. I'm bringing a snow glove. And that's what I'm going to hit the ball with. Just the back of my hand. Oh.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And no you're not. You're swinging your arm. Backhand? You're breaking your hand into about 50 pieces. The other hand. My palm. Because here's the deal. You could not catch a ball. No way you could catch a ball. I don't need to catch the ball. I just need to get hit by it.
Starting point is 00:32:18 You won't be able to. If you were swinging your arm into the strike zone, you're crazy. You're trying to take this thing in the rump, man. That you could do. Your hand would explode. You're right. My rump is definitely.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Rumpelstiltskin. So what could I bring from home? To benefit your rump? Yeah. A diaper? Okay. All right. That depends.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Oh, I see what you did there not bad all right um there you go what's happening i have no idea taylor from the website you're offered fifty thousand dollars to get to go three months without washing brushing your teeth or using deodorant and a or a fragrance you cannot explain your reason to anyone until after the three months is up. Do you take it? Oh, man. I don't think I could do it. I don't think I would be allowed. You can't explain anything, Al?
Starting point is 00:33:14 Nope. Nope. So you're no comment to your wife who says, hey, you need to shower. You stink. You have no comment. No comment. That's what you say. Have you ever replied that for anything?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Look, if you go three months, you're going to have to start no comment. I'm saying that particular phrase. Hun, the garbage is getting full. No comment. No comment, dude. I'm busting that one out. I am busting that out tonight. I plead the fifth.
Starting point is 00:33:43 This is like my son. I feel like I probably said that before If somebody left something out and it was me Sure And then she goes hey who left out the this that or the other And I go no comment and then I run away as a joke It's when you're asked to do something That the no comment's gonna Work the most against you
Starting point is 00:34:01 I mean how many days is it gonna take To be asked to shower It's not the shower It's the brushing your teeth I mean, how many days is it going to take to be asked to shower? It's not the shower. It's the brushing your teeth. Oh, no. Because look, in the winter. I'm going to need $50,000 in dental after this three months. Like in the winter in Arizona, you could pull off two days.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Like you could go a day without a shower. Okay. I thought you meant that was related to my teeth. I'm like is if it's cold outside my teeth are cleaning like you could do a few days without someone making a comment about a shower situation i agree with you but brushing your teeth yeah i mean that's that's a morning that's like okay let me let's let's just walk through this because i think there's a way to that we could get this done okay you say the winter would be easier i'm thinking look in the summer swimming pool i can go take a take a swim i'm just gonna swim i'm not washing i'm not but i'm gonna swim and i get off i've got the chlorine or the all right cheat code yeah but
Starting point is 00:34:58 no but i'm saying if you if you took this deal you'd do that you'd also wake up you'd probably eat an apple every morning, right? Like, isn't that an apple a day keeps the dentist away? It keeps the doctor. But I've heard it's like the- It's not cleaning your teeth. I've heard it's like, I don't know, something for your teeth. I've heard it's very scientific.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I've heard it's a sweet, delicious treat. I've never eaten these fruit things other than a clementine. Wish I don't chew. But I think if you wake up and you eat breakfast and you, you know. Okay. There's certain things you can eat that would help your teeth. I imagine celery. Celery.
Starting point is 00:35:43 No way. Celery stinks. Celery's got a bad smell. Wouldn't it help clean your teeth? Yeah, that could work. I mean, it's the shape of a tooth. Maybe. And then you smell like celery.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Better than what you probably smell like. Here's the real. You smell like bad, dirty celery. I don't think I'm willing to take $50,000 to have the most miserable three months. It's a lot of money. It's a lot of money. But let me ask you this, Mike. Let's say you could make your, you know, like a yearly, a good yearly wage.
Starting point is 00:36:11 All right. Right? Above average yearly wage. And all you had to do was three months out of every year you had to do this. And you never have to work again. You never have to work again except for you've got three months where you're basically quarantined from the world or you're that guy at game stop because we all know that guy if and we wait for him to leave if i'm
Starting point is 00:36:37 making livable wage every single year i think it would take my wife one time to figure it out like at the end of three months also a giant amount of money would show up and then the next year all of a sudden i'd be real smelly again she'd go oh i know what's going on i think we don't he's out of money i think we don't remember how deeply bad someone could smell yeah three months three months is a load. There's been a few times, you know, in my life where I've walked around someone that truly, like, I would throw up if I had to keep standing next to this person. And that's what you're going to be. So I'm out. Shark tank.
Starting point is 00:37:20 But then, obviously, the question is, you're out until the dollar sign gets how big oh because 50 000 is a lot of money but 500 000 is a lot more oh i'm in for 500 000 you're talking about a half a million dollars i'm in take about a big bag all the stinky stuff yeah all the stuff i'd be i'd be straight up blowing on people. I don't care. Smell it. I'm going to have to. Smells like money. It smells like the ball.
Starting point is 00:37:50 All right. Al, just out of curiosity, are you in on this deal? Are you going three months for 50K? I can't do it. I'm a smelly guy. Yeah. I need to shower every day or I'm getting kicked out of the house. Your wife's like throwing 50,000 at you to find the climb in.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yep. All right. Moving on. The Spitballers Draft. All right. We are drafting. Mike's got the first pick. What a lucky guy.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Oh, man. I'm so jealous. We are drafting colors. You're putting together. Are we going three rounds or four? I don't know if I know four rounds of colors. Yeah, that could be tough. Let's go three.
Starting point is 00:38:32 See where we're at. And then you decide whether to extend. All right, so you have to draft a color. You're building a team of colors. And you've got to find a reason why yours is the best. I mean, I know you got the softball when we did the months of the year draft, Mike. Yeah. And you got to take.
Starting point is 00:38:48 December. December. So this is perfect that you don't get to do that here unless you think there's a smash hit. I think there's a smash hit. There's one that I'll be. Look, there's only one that I'll be upset if you take. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Interesting. I've never drafted colors before, so this is going to be exciting. Interesting. Interesting. I've never drafted colors before, so this is going to be exciting. I'm pretty sure I know what Jason's is. And honestly, it's between that and my favorite color, which my favorite color has a lot of reasons why it could be drafted.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It also could make it back. Why do we all need favorite colors? It's funny how everybody's got your favorite color. My son asks me all the time, what's your favorite color? What is it? Oh, dang it. Nice try. What do you normally say? So Mike is so honed in on one color with this topic that he's actively looking for yours to take.
Starting point is 00:39:35 My favorite part is he's already said he has a favorite color. Like he said, I can take my favorite color. But you're not, Mike? I don't know what to do because this draft is so ridiculous. Okay. All right, whatever. Okay, I know what Jason's going to take, but I'll take my favorite color. I will take green.
Starting point is 00:39:53 All right, so green. All right, okay. So I will take green. Green is the color of life. It is the color of nature. Just being around the color green brings a certain uh a certain vigor to your spirit color of algae yeah algae is a big one dirty pools that why are they why are they green though algae the color of leaves i think isn't vomit generally green? No. It's a yellow. What about in cartoons?
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yes. In cartoons, green is also- Vegetables. Vegetables. You also got vegetables up in your green. Yes, vegetables, life. All right. It is the color of oxygen because without the green leaves, you will have no oxygen.
Starting point is 00:40:39 It is the color of life. I feel like oxygen is not green. Oxygen is definitely not green. What color is it? Clear. Yeah. It's air. Look, this is an easy one it should have been the one-on-one and i am not having oh you're the color of poison too mike yeah that's true uh life and poison yeah life and death yeah um the
Starting point is 00:40:59 tale of mike wright and his dog years no i look i'm not having any of the, no, it's not a color. Black is super important to me. It's my entire wardrobe of shirts. If I can't have- It doesn't have to be. You could wear green. Yeah, if you wanted to see all of my shape. Wait, so you're taking black because it's slimming?
Starting point is 00:41:22 I'm taking black mostly because it's slimming. That is... It's the color of darkness, evil? Sure. It's the color of darkness and... Spiders. Beautiful night. Not all spiders are black.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Okay. Some are. Yeah. Black widows are. That's fair. They'll kill you. Penguins? Penguins are black?
Starting point is 00:41:43 Why do you... That's good stuff, man. Penguins are awesome. How about Black Panther? Look, black is timeless. Black is timeless. Black is timeless.
Starting point is 00:41:56 There are numerous black things that exist. All I know is... Outer space. What color shirt are you wearing today, Mike? I'm wearing a black shirt. Andy, what color shirt are you wearing today? If this is the reason for andy what color shirt are you wearing today if this is the reason i'm just asking because i maybe i can't see uh it's black oh what about me you're wearing a black shirt yeah we all over eight recently yeah okay so you're taking black darn right well i'll take my favorite color as my first pick which
Starting point is 00:42:21 is blue my blue is my favorite would be a blue guy. The sky is blue. Yeah. There's a bunch of things just overtly. Like, blue is such a good color. They just name things very simply. Blue Jay, blueberries. Yeah. It's such a good color.
Starting point is 00:42:35 It's blue. It's the same letter that starts basic for a reason. Oh, basic. It's the same letter. It's basic. The ocean is blue. I remember being a little kid and having blue be my favorite color. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Oh, my God. When you grew up. The argument against blue is that it's a kid color? No, it's like a little baby color. Like Oshkosh overalls. Oh, those are cute little blue. Oshkosh blue gosh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I know what you're saying. Honestly, blue might be my favorite color. Blue's the best color. That's usually the color I answer when my kid asks. I don't really have a favorite. Hey, what color are your walls, Mike? Gray. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:43:11 You thought he had blue walls? I really thought they were like light blue. You live in that smirk village, right? What color are your walls? I thought his house walls were light blue. I think he's lying to me. No, I knew his walls were gray. What color are your walls? I thought his house walls were light blue. I think he's lying to me. No, I knew his walls were gray. What color are your walls?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Not blue is the answer to everyone. Whoever is listening and hearing that question asked, the answer is never blue. You're only seeing one big blue, bright blue. Except here's where their walls are blue. A little boy's room. Yes, yes. So a nice nursery for Timmy i've got i've got to pick another color huh yes you do oh all right i actually have three colors i really want right now
Starting point is 00:43:55 oh my goodness i think i think i'm gonna pick i think i'm gonna go orange oh that's one of them i like orange i respect it it was my old favorite color back when i was a child uh but look jason clementines i mean oh yeah started right there you're a big fan uh you've got uh like fall leave colors orange orange is uh what fire yeah i mean they used to be green. The Spitballers podcast. Yeah. Our logo.
Starting point is 00:44:28 We picked it for orange. Thank you so much. That crap. Yeah. That was a good goldfish. Many. It's yeah. Orange is good.
Starting point is 00:44:36 It's number one. Brooks. Brooks has just sent me a message and he said orange number one. So obviously it's proven. So I've got blue and orange, and I'm feeling good, and I'm so glad I don't have to pick anymore. You're still going to have to pick again because we're not finishing the draft where you've got blue and orange.
Starting point is 00:44:53 However. You're the Chicago Bears loser franchise. Oh, man. You must be pretty embarrassed. I actually like those colors a lot. What color are your walls? Orange, right? I'm going to pick a color that i i look i didn't
Starting point is 00:45:06 expect this to be how it was gonna go but i'm in a position here where i can have black and white and i'm taking it i'm to look you go look at my pool my umbrellas my seats they're all black and white striped i think you don't have you know you're picking white you need to tell me why white's good not why it's a compliment to your black. Because it's clean. It's fresh. It's bleachable. It's clouds. I mean, you know. It's clouds, and then there's clouds.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I think my colors are very complimentary. Snow men. Marshmallows. Sheep, like you. Sheep? Oh. Oh, sheep. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I heard cheap. I was like, why is cheap a color? All right. Well, look, I got black and white, so I feel like I got the gamut, even though I also have no color. No color in my color draft. That's the problem. I realize-
Starting point is 00:46:00 You either have all the colors or none of the colors. But the truth is, I think I would start with black and white on my palette. Okay. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. So, with green, I guess I'm just taking more out there colors. I'm like black and white. I will take purple.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Okay. Purple is... You're moving from the primaries? Yeah, the primary colors. Like primary Schmymeria. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I've heard you say that before. Yeah, it's super basic.
Starting point is 00:46:29 But now I have, isn't green and purple, those are complementary? Is that what they call them? Also, you're building an appropriate team there. Yeah, I'm looking at the color wheel. Yeah, black and white. They're not on there. So blue and red, you put them together You get some purple Isn't it complimentary colors
Starting point is 00:46:49 Isn't that what it's called Yeah those would be like ones They're on the opposite side of the color Blue and orange They're complimentary Which is why the colors They look good together But purple the opposite of that is yellow
Starting point is 00:47:04 On the old wheel. But you're good, man. It's a really good pick. I'm making all of this up because I really like purple. And now I have the Joker. Plums. Oh, man. Plums.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Very underrated. When's the last time you had a plum? Like 15 years ago? It's been a while. That was in your favor. How long it's been since I've had a plum. Yeah, but I remember them fondly. Remember how good they were back when they existed?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Does anyone eat plums anymore? No. I don't think so. They never did. Do they carry them at the grocery store? Eggplant. I mean. Oh, eggplant sucks.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Oh, yeah. Yes. These people with their eggplant lasagna. That stuff is garbage. But you've got purple crayons. Yeah. I can color purple everywhere. We all have the crayon color of our choice.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And then there you go. Grapes, Mike. You're good to go. Yeah, but green grapes are better. I do have those, though. I got green. You've got all the grape colors. Oh, man. good to go. Yeah, but green grapes are better. I do have those, though. I got green. You've got all the grape colors. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:48:08 So much wine. So you still have another pick, right? I do. As you think, Mike, through these important decisions, you have green and purple. All right? Which is, I mean, there's the Joker right there, green and purple. That's what I said. And then Chase has got black and white.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And then I got blue and orange. What a team we're building. You have another pick. Please tell me you're Googling what colors exist. Please tell me that's what's happening. No, why would I possibly be doing that? You're running out after a few. I've got two that I really want here, so I'm sitting pretty.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Two that you really want, So yeah, you're fine. All right. I will take red. Okay, that was one of them. That was one of them. Red sucks. I hate red. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:48:55 He just took a color and then said, I hate it because it sucks. It's so stupid. Yeah. Okay. How is red a stupid color? Red's the color of blood outside of the body you're all about life right yeah but if you see red that means death is approaching you're also
Starting point is 00:49:16 all about christmas and you got green on lot so oh my man coming through i got red and green eat it apples you've got all grapes all apples i have the best apples you're right i think we're getting down to stinky colors now yeah like red what a dumb color red's not a bad color it's the worst it's the color of uh midlife crisis you can pick up your miata exactly it's the worst oh you'll get my red my red vet not a big red fan okay no what color are your walls red right yeah uh i'm look i'm gonna go out there i've gone i've gone very you please take gray i've gone very neutral with black and white i'm gonna go a little bit of pizzazz i'm gonna go with my white and your red i'm taking pink all right i respect i think i think pink is such a great color.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I mean, every time that we rock a pink shoe. Mike, you've got pink shoes. You get compliments on them left, right, and center. My wife, that's her favorite color. She loves pink. So, yeah, here we go. Black, white, and pink. The problem with red is when you grow up, you're a boy, so you've got to like blue,
Starting point is 00:50:28 and you've got to like red. That's why green, purple, pink, orange, they're way more interesting. You've got the pink panther. Ooh. I got cotton candy. Yeah? Cotton candy sucks. Who's the SpongeBob friend?
Starting point is 00:50:40 Patrick? He's pink. The starfish? He's pink. Pigs? Oh, fantastic. We're on brand. All right. I don't want a couple of these stinky colors,
Starting point is 00:50:54 so I'm going to go a little off the map here. I've got blue and orange. Here comes salmon. No, here comes gold, baby. I just got some. Oh, gold. That's nice. Gold, right? Gold. Here's some of the things it's similar. It's the color got gold. Oh, gold. That's nice. Right? I love gold. Gold. Here's some of the things that's similar. It's the color of gold. Gold is the color of gold.
Starting point is 00:51:11 End of story. That's pretty fair. That's not bad. That's not bad. And then I'm going silver. Oh, wait. We're going four rounds? We're doing it.
Starting point is 00:51:19 We're going four rounds. Oh, are we not? Are we done? No, we're going to go four. Oh, good. Someone can draft the pea color. All right. I'm taking silver because it's the color of silver.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I love Andy's team. Blue and orange and gold and silver. Yeah, baby. You get first place and second place. That's right. You can take bronze. It's all up for grabs. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I'm done. So I'm going to do it. Which one are you going to pick? Pea or poop? Go. I'm picking pea because it. Which one are you going to pick? Pee or poop? Go. I'm picking pee because yellow. Yellow it is. Look at our monkey.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Look at our mugs. Yeah. Look at these banana peels. They're yellow. Yeah, they are. Like cowardice. Which? Tell me something.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Which runt is the best runt? The yellow. Which Starburst is the best runt? The yellow. Which Starburst is the worst one? Oh, man. I had no idea you were talking about candy. Runt of the litter? Yeah. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:52:15 I'm talking about banana runts. I'm talking about banana Laffy Taffy. You're talking about banana. I'm talking about banana flavor. I'm surprised you didn't say. You took banana. That's the color you drafted. So, hold on. Let me see. My team is black, white,, you took banana. That's the color you drafted. So, hold on.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Let me see. My team is black, white, pink, and banana. Yeah, and that makes sense because you love banana things. Pikachu, Big Bird. You're good. You're good to go. I like it. Pac-Man.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Oh, Pac-Man. Cheese. Cheese. Yeah, baby. Urine. All right, Mike, your turn. Cheese is a little more orange. Cheese classically yellow agree if you were to if you were to color you wait no no no you think that cheese is orange yeah that's how you would like cheddar cheese i would describe cheddar as orange what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:52:59 is kind of right no i'm not saying that it's clearly you lay cheeses out i'm not saying oh that's clearly yellow. But the color that is associated with cheese is yellow. If you get a pack of crayons and you've got this little mouse with a wheel, you're going to color it yellow. You would not grab the orange. That's fair. When you're coloring like a child, yeah, you would color it yellow. If you type cartoon cheese, you're going to see yellow. Okay, but when you type cheese that a but when you type like cheese that a human being
Starting point is 00:53:25 would eat cheese is that a human being would eat orange al borland you are a giant packers i'm seeing a lot of swiss i am and crap that's not that's not yellow but he's got white you're a giant packers fan packers are known for being cheese heads, their logo, everything. What color is all of that cheese? Yellow. Yeah. Okay. I feel like it hurt him to say that, though. It's actually on Team Orange when it comes to cheese.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Okay, let me ask you this question. You go to the deli. They give you a fine sandwich, and there is a piece of bright yellow cheese on that sandwich. Is it American cheese? And you're okay with that? Heck yeah. Because it's what it American cheese? And you're okay with that? Heck yeah! Because it's what kind of cheese?
Starting point is 00:54:09 Cheddar? Cheddar's orange! American? Look, Mike should have taken yellow if he was this passionate. Or orange. I guess I got cheese, apparently. I had no chance to get orange. All I know is I just googled I image searched just cheese.
Starting point is 00:54:24 That's it. And is it cartoon cheese? No, no, no. Just cheese. And it's just images of cheese. Cheese is yellow. This is the weirdest debate. Cheese is traditionally yellow. That one's orange.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Yeah, that one's orange. There's a couple orange ones in here. This is yellow. Yeah. Predominantly yellow. All right. There's a lot of yellow going on. Can we get a close up here?
Starting point is 00:54:41 Can we get a close up on this cheese? Brooks, can you... Orange? Brooks, what color is cheese? Yellow. What color is cheese is something we're asking. Yellow is the actual Google answer. Yes. Yellow is the color of cheese. You learn something every day.
Starting point is 00:54:58 You never knew. All right. I will take teal. Why cheese was first dyed yellow. I will take teal to close it out. Teal. So you didn't want to go brown because I got a lot of things to say about brown. Yeah. was first dyed yellow. I will take teal to close it out. Teal. So you didn't want to go brown? Because I wanted to...
Starting point is 00:55:06 I got a lot of things to say about brown. Yeah, I bet you did. No, I'll take teal. I'll take... Now, is teal the same as aqua? No. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:55:15 No? No, because it can't be the same because that's aqua. Well, but that's like saying, is teal blue? And being able to say yes. It's of the blue family. That's what I mean. Sure. Okay, teal is darker and more greenish blue with a slight tinge. Thank you. It's not the same. Aqua is aal blue and being able to say yes. It's of the blue family. That's what I mean. Sure. Teal is darker and
Starting point is 00:55:25 more greenish blue with a slight tinge. Aqua is a lighter blue. It's like if you're like, is turquoise the same? So are you sticking with... Yeah, I'm going to take teal. Over turquoise or teal? Yeah, teal is... Turquoise is the worst. What? Turquoise is great. But wait, do you like teal? Because they're very similar.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Teal is a fantastic color. Aqua looks like the one you should have gone with. Aqua is a delightful color. It's the lighter. I mean, you... But teal is like... It's a blue-green, right? Yeah, it's kind of my baby brother, drafting blue over here. No big deal.
Starting point is 00:55:53 No, I guess I get... Yeah, teal's fine. I get a grown-up color. Teal's kind of like... Oh, teal's grown-up, but blue, is it? Oh, yeah. Blue's for babies. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:56:03 You're losing that one. No. Teal is for babies. What? Te. You're losing that one. No. Teal is for babies. What? Teal is a little bitty baby boy color. A baby doesn't even know what teal is. They know what blue is. So a baby doesn't know what teal is.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Correct. But he comes out blue. Yeah, he does. I just typed into an image search what color is teal when I meant to say what things are teal. Oh, mercy. Yeah. Okay. search what color is teal when i meant to say what things are teal oh mercy um yeah okay so you're going teal to close it out wow this was a good one what what's teal in the natural environment like a like a nothing peacock feather yeah there's teal in a peacock feather you would not look at a peacock feather and be like, oh, that's teal. It's a rainbow. It's every color.
Starting point is 00:56:46 It's blue and green. Okay. So just to be clear, what's these final teams, Al? All right. Mike has green, purple, red, and teal. Jason has black, white, pink, and yellow. Andy has blue, orange, gold, and silver. There you go.
Starting point is 00:57:02 The first and only color draft in the history of the spitballers podcast i am uh it's this has been very very exciting what did we learn today i learned that the cowardly lion might be laughing and not really afraid. Maybe he just has a real high-pitched laugh and he's embarrassed about it. He's a little cowardly about it, actually. I learned that Jason swallowed a clementine whole. And apparently cheese is yellow. You just learned that.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I did. You've grown, Mike. Congratulations. I'm proud of you for being able to admit that. What's your favorite color, Al? Green. Yeah. Of course it is.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Mike. Anything Mike says. Goodbye. I'm the best. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out Spitballerspod.com.

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