Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Moon Poops & An NHL Mascot Battle Royale - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: October 5, 2023

Spit Hit for October 5th, 2023: Today’s episode kicks off with a heated debate about Hollywood. We then talk about Mike’s juvenile crusty forehead problem and pooping in zero gravity. After dishi...ng out some invaluable Life Advice, we ice this show with an NHL mascot battle royale. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast, with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Do karate with my ice light tank, y'all! Okay. Do karate with my iced latte, Keogh! Okay. I feel like I did not pronounce the word latte correctly. Okay, so that's what I was going to say. I was going to say, do karate with my iced latte.
Starting point is 00:00:35 I loved it. I really loved it. I was just confused about what the iced thing was. I thought it was iced lightning. I thought it was like you're trying to you know mush the i was going latte but somehow just just uh charlie brown the football got pulled right at the end i was feeling it it's amazing how many times i've thought i've been on the right path with a scout and then you get in it's it's just it's like uh the eye of a hurricane oh yeah i mean you're just looking at that train you You're like, I can beat that.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I can beat that train. No problem. That's exactly it. So the music starts going. Yes. And you have one mental run through because it does the same drop at the very beginning. And you time it out. You're like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:01:19 That's what I'm going with. I've never done that. Well, that's why yours are always terrible, Jason. Mine are awesome. Yeah. That's what I'm going with. I've never done that. Well, that's why yours are always terrible, Jason. Mine are awesome. Yeah, we know that you're not going to get another shot because we're an unrelenting group of people. We're not going to forgive. We're going to commemorate, save the file.
Starting point is 00:01:38 There's only so much RAM. Yeah, you're not going to lose it. But welcome into the Spitballers, episode 168. Would you rather on the show today? We'll be answering some life advice questions, and we'll be completing the mascot battle royale. We'll be doing the NHL today. Now, Jason knows so little about the NHL,
Starting point is 00:01:58 he asked openly whether many of these teams were real. What was the Florida? You thought there was like a wolves or something. Oh yeah. Well you thought the Hollywood wolves said there was a Hollywood wolves. I'm like all right. I'm surprised that Hollywood has a team because it's not not even a real city but that the mascots are what matter here. Hold on. Hollywood is not a real city. Correct. Hollywood is not a real city. Hold. Hollywood is not a real city.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Hold on. Hold on. Do you want to make sure of that? I will Google, but I'm pretty confident. As in your address cannot be Hollywood? It can technically be Hollywood, but it is not. Wouldn't that say that- It's a district within the city of Los Angeles. There it is.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Boom, bam. But your address can be in Hollywood. I mean, it's... Wouldn't that mean you live in Hollywood? A real place? I think we're wrong on this one, to question him. No, yeah, you were saying, you were talking to Mike there. Yeah, that's correct. I used to live there.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But no, but... Yeah, you used to live there. That's exactly my point. Well, no, you can live in New England, but that's not a state or a city. No, no, that's... Mike's saying you can put it on your post. Your address. When someone sends you a piece of mail, does it say- You can't put Tinseltown on there, can you?
Starting point is 00:03:13 No. Does it say Hollywood on the envelope or not? This is a thing in the United States of America where you can have an address that has almost like a DBA of the city name when you actually are located. They'll find you. You're actually located in a legitimate, the actual city, the incorporated city is a.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Is Los Angeles. Right, and that's all throughout the country. This is not exclusive to Hollywood. But it's a real place and it's in an address. And that's fine. I'm not but it's a real place and it's an it's an address but i and that's fine i'm not saying it's not a place i'm saying it's not a city okay well whatever it's a village i don't care right i don't know when it's appropriate to move on you guys are in a spirited debate because this is just this people come here to learn and we're not learning anything we're learning right now'm not learning anything. We're learning right now. You're learning a ton.
Starting point is 00:04:06 You're learning that Hollywood is not its own city. I'm learning you can live in a place that's not a real place, but you can still get your mail there. Right. Even though we all agree it's not real. Yeah. But there is a city in California called West Hollywood. That's an actual city.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Oh, it is? It's formally a city? Just not regular Hollywood? So how does that. That's an actual city. Oh, it is? It's formally a city? Just not regular Hollywood? That's so confusing. There is no east side of Hollywood, is what you're saying. That's right. There's only west side. Look, I mean, it's the west side story from Hollywood. Ooh, I'm a shark.
Starting point is 00:04:39 At SpitballersPod on Twitter, Apple Podcasts, thank you for subscribing, reviewing the show over there. We read them. We appreciate them. And, well, I was going to say we're going to jump into Would You Rather, but I don't even have the button. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:04:55 So that's Al's fault. There it is. Would You Rather. I do need to apologize real quick. Sorry. Sorry to cut you off there andy i said producers implying that it was the fault of our producing team um that the button was there was not there but in fact it was just one of them i'll take partial responsibility because the button was there the button well i mean was the button there the butt look i just accept a partial responsibility he normally puts them really elegantly at the top in order of what's happening on the show that's where i look so this is a ron burgundy he had last week's
Starting point is 00:05:36 drops in there because he gives this show no attention um would you rather jonathan jonathan from the website it's got six zip codes how can this oh my gosh would you rather have anything or have everything what does that even mean oh let's get deep what is happening today let's get deep would you rather have anything or have everything so is this just like well look if you have everything nothing is special yeah but yeah you also yeah if you have everything do you have nothing is that the same thing because you know we all the phrase everyone is special but if everyone is special that means that nobody is special mathematically it cancels itself out so if you have everything do you in fact have nothing i believe that is the case i believe if you have everything i do feel like you strip things from people you strip you say everybody's special you strip the
Starting point is 00:06:30 ability to have a special moment or a special day or a special accomplishment absolutely and really what you're doing is you're just lying um first of all because everyone's not special um i've met plenty of people are like that is the plainest person I've ever met there is nothing significant or special how would you describe them I would just say they're unspecial it's like one of my unspecial friends run of the mill
Starting point is 00:06:55 total plain vanilla yogurt yeah but I still am having a hard time with this one because you know is this like a warehouse do I have everything in a warehouse time with this one because, you know, is this like a warehouse? Do I have everything in a warehouse or do I have everything at my disposal? Isn't having everything at my disposal the same as having anything at my disposal?
Starting point is 00:07:14 Well, here's the thing. If you have everything, think about the vastness of that, right? You have the world. It's all yours, which just means that you that that none of that matters if you have anything anything you want then that one thing you want becomes extremely valuable and you could put it where where you live it's like i'm look at lunch what do you want for lunch yeah anything what if you say what do you want for lunch? Everything. Well, now I'm taking the everything. Now that you put it in lunch terms, you totally swayed me to the other side. Because if I go to a restaurant and they say you can have anything you want, my order would...
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah, do you want anything or do you want everything? If they say you can have anything you want, I would want everything. I would say, yes, please. I can't wrap my head around the practicality of this question. Because do you get anything you want anytime you want? Or is this purely philosophical here? I think this is philosophy. You don't come to the Spitballers podcast for actionable advice.
Starting point is 00:08:24 You come for deep thought. So then I'm with you. I'm with you on the if you have everything you have. Nothing is unique and special. It's like when I was a kid, I still tell my kids
Starting point is 00:08:36 this. Like if I wanted to collect sports cards today, you know, I could just go buy a bunch of packs of sports cards or go on eBay and buy a bunch of things because you're a grown man. I'm a grown man. Some money. I could waste some buy a bunch of packs of sports cards or go on eBay and buy a bunch of things. Because you're a grown man. Because I'm a grown man.
Starting point is 00:08:46 You got some money in your pocket. And I could waste some of my money in that way. But as a kid, it was like I saved like three allowances to buy one pack. And that pack was uniquely special because it took time to get. Or Christmas came. And why Christmas was special is I got three or four things I could never afford. Let me put it this way, Andy. Let's say you had everything.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Now it's your birthday. Yeah, I get nothing. How much does that suck? It's not special. No. Because you already have everything. What, are you going to get doubles? What if it was your birthday every day?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Or it's just one day? Yeah, exactly. I've seen a great video. I think Elmo might have been behind it about what if- The great Elmo? The one and only director where Hollywood, it was Christmas every day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And they thought it was like the wish came true. And then it sucked because. Oh, they know that's in the that's the it's the the duck kids. Donald Duck on the it's Mickey number two. Mickey's Christmas special number two. Maybe that's what it is. I'll bet there's more than one of these stories. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:46 They could only tell that story once. So I don't know. We've probably covered this. Look, we're 168 episodes in to this podcast. Lucky number 168. We're over 1,000 podcasts in on the Fantasy Footballers. So I don't know what we have and what we have not talked about. But this is, we think we want everything
Starting point is 00:10:06 like you i'm okay i want to have it all and i'm gonna just but i'm gonna narrow this down to the streaming debate the streaming conversation because i know that you two are on the complete opposite side i believe i believe let's see when a new show is released oh yes should every episode be available at release or should it be once a week do you want everything or you just want to have something if you anything release one episode at a time it is because your platform is tiny and you don't have enough catalog for me to blast through it and you're worried about hooking me and keeping my money longer no you give me everything you're talking to disney plus i'm talking to disney plus hbo hbo and um who else there's at
Starting point is 00:10:58 least one more yeah apple tv all the platforms everybody but netflix well actually netflix does that too they don't only release it that way. There's shows on Netflix that go one at a time. I've never seen a one at a time show on Netflix since House of Cards. Maybe it's been a while. No, they're like, stuff your face. You can't get enough. Here's more.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Feed that addiction. Do you want everything or do you just want the one? I like one a week. I love one a week. I think it gives you. Do you want, do you want everything or do you just want the one? I like one a week. I love one a week. I think it gives you something to look forward to. It's so much better with the listenership. Jason is not the case study focus group that these companies are looking for. Jason,
Starting point is 00:11:38 the other day, I know I'm just going to quote it. Mr. Menu. Everything. Yes. Yeah. Let me just quote Jason Moore.
Starting point is 00:11:45 The other day, within recent memory, he said, my wife and I just started Peaky Blinders, the show. At lunch today. Okay. So lay the foundation for this. Because I'm aware of the title. I don't know when it came out. I have no idea how many episodes there are, how many seasons there are.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But I think that's very important for the context of this. There are five full seasons of Peaky Blinders. Oh, my gosh. Okay. The other day he says, we just started Peaky Blinders. We like it so far. At lunch today he said, we have a few episodes left of Peaky Blinders. This was not a large amount of time.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Look, that's not on me. This is by the order of the peaky blinders um i had to watch it that fast but um in my defense in my defense if i can have another gripe on streaming shows um more seasons more episodes per season because look and i think i think i can get you guys on on on my side on this one thing the peaky blinders which is a great show not a sponsor um so now that you've watched it all is a good show is a great show fantastic um not for everybody scarecrows in it right but yes scarecrow is in it he's outstanding um but there's only six episodes every single season, which is insane.
Starting point is 00:13:05 That's like a night. That's one night for you. Right. Well, it's half a night, but I would say that that's what – what do they call those? A limited series. You know what I mean? That's what – they're doing that every season.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Six episodes is not enough. Get your act together. Yeah, okay. Who does – I mean, six, yes, I agree. Six is a limited amount. six episodes not enough get your act together yeah okay who does i mean six yes i agree six is a limited 10 is the is the barometer for this is that like stranger things like eight or nine or ten somewhere around there somewhere around all right well we should move on so i'm changing my answer officially to everything yeah jennifer from patreon would you rather have a perpetually runny nose or perpetually watery eyes. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I have this problem with one of my eyes. You still have one eye that just waters? Yeah, the left side of my left eye is always watery. Wait, hold on. But it's one side of one eye. Is this a tear duct dilemma? Could be. Could be.
Starting point is 00:14:09 No, no, no. No, tear ducts are on the inside. Yeah, there's only one tear duct. Yeah, so it's not. Okay, so we've ruled that out. Not a tear duct problem. It's my outside tear duct. I've got four tear ducts.
Starting point is 00:14:21 You should see me cry. Well, there's your problem. I go nuts when there's a sad movie on. I could drown someone. I cry, quattro. Now, are you feeling extra sad on the left side of your body? I might be. I mean, this could be a stroke situation.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I'm not sure. Oh, no. I mean, I'm not a doctor, so I'm not entirely sure, but I do know. Here's what's crazy. It looks a little watery right now. I don't know if you guys see me do this a lot, but I'll bet you anything that, I mean, we've got literally thousands of hours of recording. The amount that I do this and touch and get that.
Starting point is 00:15:00 You wipe that spot? I thought you were just thinking. This is how I think. I touch the side of my eye and i go hmm um we all like everyone's got a tick from time to time yeah i thought that was yours no mine's rubbing my lips yeah i've seen you do that always rub when i'm deep in thought i don't know that i'm rubbing my lips i'm always rubbing my lips but i you're a weird guy we've all got our idiosyncrasies i just get a few more um that explains why sitting over here at this desk i've always thought you were crying
Starting point is 00:15:32 and mike has never thought you were crying right you're on my left um so now what was the other option oh runny nose all the time i mean a runny nose is uh In this day and age, you're not allowed. That's like socially unacceptable? Yeah, that's true. Also, you've stayed relatively healthy for touching your eyes and your lips all day long. Yeah, I have. What's crazy is for all of my lack of... Hygiene.
Starting point is 00:15:59 No, I've got good hygiene, but for all of my lack of... Willpower. Willpower is a good one. You can add that to the list um taking care of myself okay okay i think that's you know health wise physical activity discipline those things all of those um i think we were uh exhibit a was that you've consumed 30 of Peaky Blinders in about two days. I mean, it's Peaky Blinders. But we have had blood tests, you know, done for doctor visits, and we've gotten insurance as a company,
Starting point is 00:16:36 and we've all had to go get our health checked up on. And every single time, I'm healthy as a horse. I don't have blood pressure problems. I don't have prediabetes, which is shocking because I should. He's been buying blood from someone else for a long time. I'm a pretty healthy fella, and that is something I should never have verbalized out loud. Does it give you a false sense of security? No, it gives me a jinx I don't want to live with.
Starting point is 00:17:02 All right. I don't know if the runny nose, I could handle that. But runny eyes. I wipe my tear on my eye all the time. I don't feel like I immediately need to go wash my hands. If I wipe. You wash your hands if you blow your nose or something? If I wipe my nose, like if my nose is draining and I wipe it.
Starting point is 00:17:22 That's super gross if you use your bare hand. Well, sometimes you have to. If you don't have a tissue or something. Just give a little flick. I feel like that hand is now unusable. You know what I mean? If you have to wipe up a runny nose, now it's like I'm down to one hand. I've got one wipe left.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I better not be driving or I'm going to be driving with my chin. I think I've talked about on this show that as a wee lad, the allergies and everything that I had to deal with, that I would often do the bull ring with the Kleenex, where you just twist it up. You're saying both sides of the nose. Yeah, because you get to the point where your nose is just so raw. You poor thing.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I appreciate that. Thank you. but part of that then as as a younger lad i would often go to um just like a full hand swipe up oh and sounds gross it's how you get green hair well no that's exactly where i'm going and not the hair but apparently when i was like like a four or five year old I would always just have a shiny crusty looking forehead. No, you put boogers on your forehead? I dragged it all the way up and now my youngest who, bless his soul, he inherited the schnoz of his old man and all of the mucus problems.
Starting point is 00:18:47 He, too, has joined the club with the shiny forehead. Now, I can think of a product to cure these ills. Now, you used to roll up the Kleenex and put Kleenex on both sides. That's not going to stay there long. That's not a permanent fix. You'd be surprised. But what if there were basically like plugs with a strap that went behind your head and just held your nose closed you want your nose closed what is your nose open when you bullring it with kleenex when you shove no but it's not
Starting point is 00:19:17 it's not restricting the flow but it doesn't sound like this hey everybody yeah i don't know if i'm down for the strap i mean i i don't deal with you could at least do like fun animal noses then like oh that's true like a little nose they didn't have allergy medicine when you were a kid eh oh they had it they no match no match yeah yeah allergy medicine that was pretty uh claritin days that's a racket there's those that's snake oil right um i'm gonna vote for the runny nose because oh there was a question because i think that the perpetually watery eyes not just one side of one eye like jason but if both my eyes were watery all the time it just makes life difficult it it does but one's wiping your eye is i think far more
Starting point is 00:20:03 socially acceptable than wiping a runny nose. Exactly. So you're worried about the wipe, not how it affects. Like my vision being obfuscated by tears all the time. That was an incredibly big word. Yeah. O-B-F. I am so impressed right now.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You don't even know if it's real. No, I know. I assume it's real. I just can't spell it or say it. John from patreon would you rather have to poop underwear or poop wait what's funny is this kind of made sense because i know that there are dogs who have eaten underwear and they have to poop out all right let me try that again. Would you rather poop underwear or wear it? I didn't read that well. John from Patreon, would you rather have to poop underwater or poop in zero gravity?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Interesting. Well, this one's really easy unless you can strain the underwater one. Because if I am pooping underwater in the ocean, that's fine. Is that fine? It is. If I'm pooping underwater in my pool or in a bathtub or somewhere constrained where it's floating around me like zero gravity, that's a different story. But both are floating around you, right? Like, no matter what, even if you're in the ocean. Don't care.
Starting point is 00:21:20 It's floating around you. But my point is this. The salt takes care of it. Yeah. Sanitary. Wait, does the salt really? No, that's a lie okay you almost got me there like you almost gullible me into this the salt kills all the bacteria he starts putting salt just put salt on it oh man dog dog threw up just put some salt on it you're fine um i was taking dumps in the kitchen uh man that would be great though if you could just put some salt on it like
Starting point is 00:21:50 oh we got a huge bacteria problem just put some salt um but my point is like when you're in zero gravity there's nothing connecting i mean there there's technically still molecules there right like there's gas but there's liquid around you that is connecting you to the fecal matter. In water. In water. That's worse than zero gravity. In zero gravity, it's away from me and nothing is connecting it to me. Just depends on what kind of number two we got today.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Oh, that's a good... So, water may come with the package. Oh, man. Zero gravity is worse for the loosey-goosey deuce. Astronauts have to have some type of vacuum, right? They have to. Oh, yeah. There's a vacuum toilet, right?
Starting point is 00:22:36 Well, I mean, there's. More of. I think it would be the opposite of a vacuum, right? What, like blowing? That's not good. Wait, wait, wait. Just stay in there you stay in okay hold up no i'm not talking about getting it out of your body they don't have a vacuum to get it out of the body there's no way i know but it's like you sit you like i'm imagining some kind of just a vacuum hose that that just goes right up next to the bum bum and while you're
Starting point is 00:23:06 going you you just you hold the button and turns it on because if there's nothing if it's just you and zero gravity and a hole it's not going in there it's not happening well no it's not going to go you're not going to sit on a toilet maybe what they do is because you can't sit no i know okay i've got an idea here's what i would do now nasa if you can't sit. No, I know. Where is it going? Okay, I've got an idea. Here's what I would do. Now, NASA, if you're listening... I'm sure they have not figured... They're still struggling with the body problem. Well, they could be struggling, but listen.
Starting point is 00:23:33 If all you do is... We got to the moon, but we can't poop in space. You take off that suit. You just do your duty. You just squeeze one out. Okay. Ziploc back, man. You just hover right over that. just squeeze one out. Okay. Ziploc bag, man. You just hover right over that.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Zip it up. Done. Like an air grab of your... An air grab of your turd. You just... Like a net. Like a butterfly in a beautiful net. You just put it right over.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Zip it up. You can keep it as trophies or expel it into space. Whatever you want. Well, that's where the loosey-goosey is a problem. I thought you were going to say there was a part of the space station or the spacecraft where you go, you do just go into the zero gravity, then you leave that area, and then you just airlock it out. Airlock it out.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Well, that's where I was saying the blower is to get into space. Do we hold the poo, or do we? No. Is there a poo room? There has to be poop in space. There has to be now. There is poop floating. We definitely ejected into space.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I know that for a fact. Do we really? Awesome. That is awesome. This space is claimed as ours. We do not bring it back. No, we blast that stuff out into the great beyond. This was actually on my list as one of the liar, liar facts.
Starting point is 00:24:39 There's like 96 bags of poop on the moon right now. Thank you. Wait, why on the moon? Oh, because of the moon's gravity. It just loves it. There's no gravity on the moon, now. Thank you. Wait, we sent it to the moon? Oh, because of the moon's gravity. It just loves it. There's no gravity on the moon, is there? There's some gravity. Wait, say that again?
Starting point is 00:24:50 From the moon landings. They took 96 turns? Man, when you land on the moon, you got to go. Listen, you might go twice, you might go four times, but if you step foot on that moon, you got to turn. No, no, no, no, no. 96 bags of poop on the moon? Okay, so this has to be they landed on the moon and they brought everything out.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Correct. Okay. So there are 96 poops on the way to the moon? There's an infinitely growing space. The six Apollo missions that landed on the moon produced 96 bags of waste. Okay, but that doesn't mean that they're on the moon. That seems like a children's book. The 96 bags of poop on the moon.
Starting point is 00:25:21 They didn't leave them on the moon, did they? Take one down, pass it around. Why would you leave it on? You have the infinite space of space, and you're going to be like, let's leave it here so someone's going to find this. You're saying why don't you just swing it and huck it into space? All you got to do is, I mean, if you just give one little light toss and a direction away, it's going forever.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Well, but that thing- Until it lands in some- What if that thing hits orbit and comes back to the space station? What would we do if we found the space poop of another creature? What if that was the first sign of intelligence life on another planet
Starting point is 00:25:55 was we found a bag full of green purple poop. Take a whiff of this. That's what it says. Well, that's what we write on ours. I don't know what the aliens would do. Take a whiff of this. Yes, that's what it says. Well, that's what we write on ours. I don't know what the aliens would do. Take a whiff of this. Just pranking aliens, man.
Starting point is 00:26:10 It's totally worth it. Was there a question here? I have no idea. Pooping in zero gravity? Oh, underwater. I'm totally taking zero gravity now. Yeah, you got to go. Really?
Starting point is 00:26:22 You both think that? Let me ask you this. Look, the water means that that poop can get into my ears. That got to go. Really? You both think that? Let me ask you this. Look, the water means that that poop can get into my ears. That's my concern. Yes. Oh, okay. Your ears, your eyes. And also, try to Ziploc bag that thing underwater.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It's going to be very... It's possible, but it's going to be moving away from you as you try to approach. Haven't all of us had one of our kids at one point in time take a dump in the pool? No, never. In the pool? None of you have had to clean up poop in a pool no what about pooping alert what about a poop in it yeah the good parents keep their toddlers from pooping um you put them in a swim diaper what about uh the bathtub nope we've never had a tub poop either don't know maybe my wife had to clean up a tub poop
Starting point is 00:27:06 i i understand that certainly does that was a great time okay um but moving on now i know what i'm doing after the show zero gravity pooping i wish no that is researching how scientists poop in space And I don't know why they're scientists. They might not be. Astronauts was the word I was looking for. But specifically now scientists. I'm going to research how scientists poop on Earth. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Scientists have got to do it. They figured out something better than what I'm doing. Okay. I have an alert for you. Okay. So in 2018, NASA spent $23 million on a new and improved toilet for astronauts on the International Space Station. There we go. To get around the problems of zero-gravity bathroom breaks, the new toilet is specially designed vacuum toilet. Yes!
Starting point is 00:27:56 There are two parts. Yes! A hose with a funnel at the end for peeing. Yes! Wow, Mike. Yes! A small raised toilet seat for pooping. Mike!
Starting point is 00:28:04 I would have done this for $18 million, NASA. I was here the whole time. Now, this brings up a new problem. Yes! Oh, no. Let's keep it going. We might need to choose the underwater because I don't have $23 million to make this. I mean, if they had to invest $23 million to fix this problem, it sounds like pooping
Starting point is 00:28:22 in zero gravity is a no-win situation. Do we have any pool toilets that have been invented down at the bottom of the pool we got all i gotta do is take that little uh cleaner off the end of that tube and then just done done i saved money i didn't even have to spend on this thing feel bad for the pool guy little bear allra-pooda. Barra-tooda. Let's go. Wait, barra-poopa. It's right there, Jason. You know, number two is how I went.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I thought it worked. Okay. That was a lot of poop talk. Al, I know that you want us to stay here, but do I have permission to move on? You do.
Starting point is 00:29:14 spitballers to the rescue alec from patreon i am getting married in 12 months oh congratulations alec yeah and divorced in 16 oh no that's not what he said he said i'm getting married in 12 months and i got to get it right and get it tight before the beach honeymoon yes you do what actor's body should I be aspiring towards what muscles should be most important I mean there's there's only one answer to this okay let's hear it I mean it's Ryan Reynolds by okay 10 billion what about baby goose doesn't he got what it takes give me a break Ryan Reynolds Ryan Reynolds and baby goose get in a fight and baby goose to look like a little boy in there getting beat around by Ryan Reynolds. What movie, Ryan Reynolds, is your ideal physique?
Starting point is 00:29:56 That's a great question, Mike. Deadpool is obviously a superhero, right? So he's shredded for that. But I'm going to go with a surprising answer. Maybe it's recency bias, but it's Free Guy. Because in Free Guy, the new movie. No, he's not shredded in that movie too, is he? Dude, he is on.
Starting point is 00:30:12 No, they have a fake character though. No, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking about the end of the movie where it's his face on some other giant, you know, making the rock look like a tiny guy's body. Sorry. No, but so let me just say the truth here. Dude, run. Okay, go. Do it.
Starting point is 00:30:31 I watched this movie. Uh-huh. And he is known in this movie for just wearing a blue shirt. He's just got a blue shirt on. Yes. Spoiler. Sorry. And the whole movie, front to back, all I could think of the whole time is, damn, he looks good.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I couldn't believe. I couldn't even wrap my head around how that's the – he's older than me. He's 44. That's when I was upset. I'm so upset. And he's funny and he's got good – Okay, someone's in love. I'm so upset. And he's funny. And he's got good chemistry. Okay, someone's in love. I am in love with Ryan Reynolds.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I am 100%. I do not have a problem with this. Guilty as charged. I would go for the Paul Giamatti Beach Bot. Ooh, I can achieve that. I think you can get there. Yeah, I mean, that's more my cup of tea. Or the guy from Lady in the Water with just the giant arm.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Just works out one side. Just work out one side of the body for the... Wait, is that true? No. I've never seen that movie. It's a Lady in the Water with just the giant arm. Just works out one side. Just work out one side of the body for the... Wait, is that true? No. I've never seen that movie. It's a character in the movie. I understand that, but there's a character in... There's a character in a movie.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And all he does is work out one side of his body? Yeah, but then it comes into play during the very nifty M. Night Shyamalan ending. But what is this? Where they only need one side of his body. What is the shtick? The shtick just works one... He just does curls. He just does curls with one arm. FD M night Shyamalan ending, but what is, they only need one side of his body. What is the stick? Like this? They just worked once. He just says curls.
Starting point is 00:31:47 He just does curls with one arm, but this is not a comedy, right? I think maybe his other arm was hurt. I really do. I think that's fine. That makes, I think his other arm was hurt.
Starting point is 00:31:58 So much more sense. Well, let's look that up. Cause I remember this movie being really silly and dumb. And part of this is the fact that there's a guy who just worked out one arm. Because that's absurd. That can't be real. Well, again.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Look, this is just a little too deep. We'll research. Okay. Mike, do you have a contribution? The problem is 12 months. I mean, you have to decide which way are you going. Are you going lean or are you going bulky? Bautista.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah, because clearly any feller of our age group, I mean, Ryan Reynolds notwithstanding, that's a good pick. But any guy our age, that means that at some point they probably saw the movie Fight Club. Oh, man. And Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Good answer, good answer, good answer. It's impossible. It is an unattainable goal to hope that you can actually look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.
Starting point is 00:33:04 to hope that you can actually look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. And I've heard celebrities talk about how they went to their trainers and say, I want to look like Brad Pitt from Fight Club. And they essentially said, no, it's just not going to happen. I want a trillion dollars. Your turn. I mean. Because if you're going lean, that's how you go.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah. If you're going big, I mean, if you're going big, I'm not a like Arnold big. I've never wanted to be that. The rock big John Cena. I've never wanted to be that huge where all of a sudden your head just like the proportion of your body to your head. Things just start looking, looking a little sideways, but you can go with a Hemsworth is Thor. That's not bad.
Starting point is 00:33:45 That's a good amount of buff. You know, every now and then he pushes that limit. Of too much? I mean, I've seen some pictures, I think, for this upcoming Thor. Oh, is he super jacked? He is. Oh, is that a fat Thor? Yeah, it's not fat Thor.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I think they mixed up the role. I think he thinks he's playing Hulk because he looked like a giant. Matt from the website, is it okay to roll up the sleeves of your dress shirt at a job interview? Oh, are you kidding me? Now, are we talking just like the- It's not 1944. You can roll up your sleeves. You should roll up your sleeves.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Hold on. In my head, I think I'm thinking something different than you guys. Are you talking long sleeve? Oh, yes. We are talking long sleeve. If it's a short sleeve button up. Oh, yeah. What was the actual question in your mind, Al?
Starting point is 00:34:36 I was thinking long sleeves. Okay. Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too. Then, of course. Easily. Now, if you're rolling up a short sleeve to be like a fake tank top, you got a problem. Or it's 1920s and you got a pack of cigarettes up in there. You can't go fake,
Starting point is 00:34:48 fake tank top. But like, I have some other shirts where the sleeves are just too long. Like, like they go down to like my elbow. So I got baseball t-shirt type. Sort of. No,
Starting point is 00:35:00 no, no. It's not a three quarters, but it's just, these shirts happen to have long sleeves and they're just, they're too long. So I have to roll them. I wouldn't wear it to the interview. I mean, let me ask you this, Mike. Do you really like those shirts or do you feel like these shirts going to have dumb sleeves?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Well, they have I like them, but they have dumb sleeves. It's a combination. I need a tailor. Can you bring it? Can you bring a T-shirt into a tailor and say, I need that. I need these sleeves hemmed up. OK, new great question. I have. Look, I've got a body problem right now. And I have looked for like you wear a parka to an interview. Look for like a tailor for T-shirts, because I think that would be great to get a T-shirt that comfortably fits. shirts because i think that would be great to get a t-shirt that comfortably fits and i've got a unique body size which is um is is got the got you're running into the taylor t-shirt part of life yeah i mean this is this is my world um so if anybody out there knows a good taylor t-shirt company let me know this is the same as the blood test coming back positive we don't want to give you this information.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Yeah, I know, because then I don't fix anything, but I'll bet it'd be comfy. Tailored t-shirt. Could you add a little something in the belly area for this t-shirt? It's always tight around the belly, so if you could fix that. Yeah, so personally, if I had tailored t--shirts i'd wear the t-shirt to an interview i'd say look how good i look and you'd say would you mention it's tailored yo for sure i'm not wearing a tailored t-shirt it's tailored uh in the words of joe i'd be this is a 100 shirt come on i see you noticing my t-shirts i had the belly taken out a little bit yes yes exactly can you take
Starting point is 00:36:47 this out uh sir only take things in i gotta let the button breathe oh my goodness um but to to dial back to i mean i'm sure that uh who asked this question roll your sleeves up yes if you just nail the interview matt from the website yes aleeved button-up T-shirt with sleeves rolled says, I am taking this interview serious, but I'm confident about myself, and I'm here to party. I like to party. If you're going to a place and they're like, we would have hired you, but you rolled up your sleeves.
Starting point is 00:37:22 You don't want to work there. All right. One more. Moochie from the website. I have a sister-in-law who is very frugal and very vocal about how much she saves on everything. And one of those things are subscription services. Oh, no. The problem is she is constantly asking to use our logins.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And when I asked my wife if maybe we could just split it with her so we can both save, she says we can't ask her to do that because we would already be purchasing the subscription anyways am i wrong in wanting to go havesies with us this is great now real quick before we dive into this great question is it a coincidence that he's worried about asking for money from the sister and this is coming in from Moochie. No, there is not a coincidence. Is there a nickname problem here? Because this guy's used to getting a little from you. This is immediately where my brain goes.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Okay, if I have a family member and I know that things are, their life situation is it would be tough for them to have all the subscriptions, which, again, remember at the top of the show I was saying, people, we think we want everything, and we think we know what we want, and you're like, I don't want to pay for cable. I want to pay for just the channels I want, and now we have to subscribe to 80,000 different platforms. We are at our own demise here.
Starting point is 00:38:47 We have no one else to blame but ourselves for the situation. But if I know they're in a situation where they cannot subscribe to 80,000 platforms and I want to lend a hand and they want to moochie off of that password, that's fine. But if you come to me and you are bragging about how much money you save and how frugal and the like oh i did this i'm so incredible at saving money look how great i am and you're mooching off of my back that password has changed immediately immediately and then i cannot wait for that moment when someone gets the text message saying, Hey, I tried to log in. Something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I can't get in. It's hard, though. The free trial expired. I mean, this is a great. Yes, it did. Yeah, you just let them know. Dude, I'm so happy you were using this with. What is it, your free trial?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah, your free trial has expired. Now the rates are still great savings. You're saving 50% after the free trial. Yeah, you could split this, but you want to give them the taste. I would offer it for free for first and then yank that rug out about 30 days in. Send an invoice from Moochie. Look you can save way more if you package multiple subscriptions. That's right. That's right. If you want Apple Plus and Netflix and Hulu I'll give you a 60 percent discount. They're doing some stuff to try to eliminate
Starting point is 00:40:17 that even more aren't they. The password sharing. Didn't Netflix do do some stuff there. I think that they were. I think it's happening. Yeah. They encouraged it at the beginning. Because they were chasing. They just wanted to get a taste. Mm-hmm. Pulling that rug. Shall we draft?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Yes. The Spitballers Draft. Well, we've done the Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, and National Football League mascot drafts. And here we are circling around to the NHL. So we are drafting. Go ahead, Jason. It's a stupid name.
Starting point is 00:41:03 The NHL should not be the NHL. It should be the IHL. Because i was realizing as i was looking through this that it's called the national hockey league and it is 100 not national it is i wouldn't say it's 100 not natural national what do you mean it's not most teams are from the united states they have a team literally called the canadians right now at what point i'm just saying i thought you meant 100 proportion or something but isn't this binary are from the United States. They have a team literally called the Canadians. Right. Now, at what point... Well, I'm just saying, I thought you meant 100% proportion or something. But isn't this binary? Like, the second you start including a different nation, I think now you're international.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I think Andy has a point here, because I'm thinking about the National Basketball Association. They got the Toronto Raptors. I don't have beef with the... It shouldn't be the IBA. No. That would be like... Isn't that... Irritable Bowels?. That would be like – Irritable bowel. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's Irritable Bowel Association. I am a member of the Irritable Bowel Association, and I'm on the board. How many teams are Canadian in hockey? Do you know, Andy? Not at the top of my – probably six or seven. Yeah, it's too many. It's seven. That's a quarter of the league.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Is it? I have it in front of me, so yes. Oh, yeah, six or seven. There you go. Yeah, that's the International Hockey League. So we'll be drafting IHL mascots today. There are a lot of them. In a battle royale to the death.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah, there's the battle royales who are back into the Coliseum, right? Now, unfortunately, when I was browsing these team names, there were a lot that I thought would do very well in a water situation. So that's concerning. But, Mike, you get to pick first. Not only do we have a problem with the water situation, a lot of these are like, these are not physical things. These are very ethereal.
Starting point is 00:42:37 These are concepts. I like the selection, but I'd like this Coliseum to be half water, half earth, frankly. Fantastic. It's right on the coast. Are you in? Yes. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Thank you so much. You just gave him the 101. Thank you so much for adjusting the parameters of this fight because we're on the coast. Perfect. My first pick will now never, ever lose power because I will be taking the Carolina Hurricanes. Okay. Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah, you need... That would have been one where... I think they're the 101 because a hurricane's kind of a big deal. And, yeah. I would say they're up there, but I will not succumb to a hurricane. You won't? No. Not when I am a mythical sea monster used to living in the wild tides of the ocean,
Starting point is 00:43:34 and I create the hurricanes. I'm a Kraken. It was my second pick. I was hoping that somehow you guys missed the Seattle Kraken being one of the NHL teams. Not this crack staff over here. We're up to date on our energy. Mr. Hawaii Volcanoes over there. Yeah, I was hoping that would be my sneaky final pick,
Starting point is 00:43:54 and that's actually why I baited the Coastal Coliseum, and now I just come back to bite me. Oh, well, yeah, now you're fighting a Kraken and a hurricane. Yeah, good luck. Well, this stinks. So I am on the coast, right? And I've got a Kraken, and I need... You don't have a Kraken.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Well, no, I've got a Kraken to deal with. Yeah, it's nice. And I guess I'm going to have to deal with it with some sharks. Okay. So, I mean, the plurality of sharks against the Kraken is all I can hope for. So, all we got to do is just stay on the coast side of the Coliseum. Yeah, I mean, there's something to be said about surviving on the land side. Now, it was a bold choice by Seattle that they didn't go plural.
Starting point is 00:44:44 They're just like, well, there's only one Kraken. Is there? Oh, yeah. Is that the plural of Kraken? Kraken? Oh. Oh. Why am I asking that question?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Is this a moose situation? It could be. A fish? What is the plural of Kraken? How is it not? It's got to be Kraken. It's Krakens. Oh.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Or Kraken. Okay, both work. So this could very, very well be. I've got tons of Kraken. Or Kraken. Okay, both work. So this could very, very well be. I've got tons of Kraken out there. So I'll go Sharks. Okay. And then this is really hard because everything you guys have drafted this far, I can't counterpunch on land because you're not on land.
Starting point is 00:45:23 You're a storm. You're a Kraken. Try and punch my storm. And then I've got some Sharks. And so nobody's on land because you're not on land. You're a storm. You're a Kraken. Try and punch my storm. And then I've got some sharks. And so nobody's on land. So I feel like if I put something on land, there's going to be an issue. So I'm not going to do that. I'm staying in the air with the lightning.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'm going with the lightning. I was hoping the combo. I was just going to be. No, your hurricane has got no lightning in it whatsoever. That's right. I got wind. All right. No, your hurricane has got no lightning in it whatsoever. That's right. I got wind. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I'll tell you what. I am going to also stay off the land. I want to just simply be dropping bombs. I can fly over the clouds, over the lightning, over the hurricane, and I will take the jets new i was thinking that winnipeg yeah i was you always said the new york yes i was thinking you'd avoid that so the hurricane yeah so you're like your jets are flying into the hurricane oh he thinks he's going up above oh you're going over it does that mean you're over the lightning as well? Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I know I can get over the lightning. Not positive Googling about the hurricane. Can you fly over a hurricane? All right, you look that up. Mike, you've got a couple of picks. Are you going to be the first land creature? I know my first pick. Yeah, I'm back, baby.
Starting point is 00:46:43 You can fly over one? Yes, it is possible to overfly. Oh, by the way, his Google search does always end up no. Yes! Yeah, and it seems obvious now that you can fly over a hurricane. But, yeah, try being accurate with your bomb drops through a hurricane. Oh, they're heat-seeking missiles, man.
Starting point is 00:47:00 So, my first of my back-to-back picks. We're gonna go go. We got to get we got to get biblical on these people. Oh no. And no. In the Bible there's just one. But in this but in New Jersey but in New Jersey it's plural. There are many many. So I will be taking the devils. I'm not sure of their powers in this particular. When you're fighting a kraken, it's good to have a mythical creature. So I will take the devil. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:47:33 In the Bible, there's one in New Jersey. It's plural. That is fantastic. Oh, my gosh. Wait, was that your first or your second bit? That was my first. So you've got the hurricanes and the devils? All right.
Starting point is 00:47:48 That is correct. Is the hurricane going to hurt everybody, including your own team? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You're wrecking everything? Honestly, you could have just ended the match. I don't know how to stop the hurricane. We just got to wait it out, right?
Starting point is 00:48:02 That's the only way. You need some salt. Oh, just pour some salt on it and then for my other one i just i oh i feel like oh this is almost like a combo so i'm taking my new jersey devils and i'm magnifying their power. It's just going to be real strong, but I'm taking the Calgary Flames, baby. I was worried about, I wanted to take the Flames, but I was afraid I'd give you superpowers. The problem is with the Flames is you've got the hurricane putting out the Flames. No, not these Flames.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Not these devil-powered Flames. All right. Good luck. Mike's got these devil-powered flames. All right. Good luck. Mike's got his devil flames. You're up. Okay. Man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:52 So now I feel like we're getting to a little bit of a dicey situation where we've really avoided land for the most part. I mean, I don't know the rules on devils here, but there's not a lot of things. Can the devils swim? The Westchester water devils. You're just drafting who to die now. No. Oh, give me a break.
Starting point is 00:49:16 My Kraken and my jets. No, now. Now. Well, now I will draft my distraction. You'll be fighting them. Well, now I will draft my distraction. You'll be fighting them. You'll be fighting them on the ground while I sacrifice them with my missiles.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Say, sorry, Predators. You did good. But I am going to take the Nashville Predators, the only hockey team I have ever seen in person. I guess that's not true because they were playing a game, so they had to be playing another team, right, just by the law of NHL. What team were they playing? Do you remember either of you? You guys were with me. I don't remember. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:49:56 So I really always saw one. I love the only team. So still the only team that I have seen in person, the Nashville Predators. Which, I mean, is the Predators – I mean, this could be a whole gamut. Oh, I hope so. I mean, you've got raccoons. I mean, the whole, what is, attacking trash? Is trash prey now?
Starting point is 00:50:14 I guess they're not Predators, are they? Does that mean I get humans? I mean, the ultimate Predators. All right, so look, we've been in the water quite a bit. There's Predators. They're just roaming the land with the devils. They're just spiraling in the air. And, look, I'm going to move from the terrestrial to the celestial.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Okay. And I'm not sure what the value is going to be, but I got more than one of them. I've got the stars. I'm going with the Dallas stars. Okay. So, I think they could be falling super far away yeah they're very very no no these are falling they're not the shooting stars are they
Starting point is 00:50:52 the well they're washing out that hurricane no they're just they're lighting away i see the twinkle wait a minute i see the twinkle up in the sky this is just for aesthetics yeah oh it's great it looks beautiful it's a nighttime fight. I mean, if you could see through my clouds. I imagine. Right, that's true. The hurricane completely blocks out these stars. That's like you saying the Kraken's over there.
Starting point is 00:51:13 It doesn't get to come and be in here. The stars are there. The stars are there. The stars are there. I could see them clear as day. I'm wondering if I need to pivot to like stars of Broadway. Are these like Hollywood stars? I might have to pivot.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Get Ryan Reynolds, man. Dude's jacked. He is ready for a fight. Everything comes back to Ryan Reynolds. That's right. Well, shoot. I'm going to have to stick with it. And then my final pick.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Man. Some difficult choices here yes and um it's hard after what you guys have selected to feel like i am picking something good i like hearing that um am i allowed to take back the stars let's move forward all right uh you can make a wish on them, though. They're yours. Okay. We'll allow it. Well, I have to get royal. Get Jiminy Cricket in here. You got yourself a team.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I'm going to have to get royal here, and so I will go with the knights. I will bring the knights in. Yes, okay. They're wearing armor. I could have gone kings, but it's like the kings don't fight all the time. The knights are fighting. The king never fights. No, the king's like the Kings don't fight all the time. The Knights are fighting. King never fights. No, the Kings just like chilling.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah, I almost, I know, Mike, you still could pick. I'm going to say one that I'm not drafting ahead of yours. I don't think you'll take it, but similar to the Kings, I was like, Senators cause a lot of war. Oh, my gosh. Maybe I could take. Ottawa? But instead, and I'm very happy this one came back to me,
Starting point is 00:52:45 because I know Mike would take it. I'm pretty confident. He likes the hurricane-esque, the flame, the things that you can't really necessarily kill. I'm going to take the avalanche. Oh! Okay, I'm going to take the avalanche. Oh, that's such a great thing with the fire.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Cover this up. And I don't know how you beat an avalanche. Similar to, I don't know how you beat an avalanche. Similar to I don't know how you beat a hurricane. The avalanche only has one shot though. If you climb out of it, it's over. You don't get unlimited avalanche. You get one big avalanche. That's fair. We're going
Starting point is 00:53:17 back up. The flames are probably gone at this point. You may impede your kraken from getting to land though. Kraken is gigantic. He would climb that avalanche. Try to keep a... You may impede your Kraken from getting to land, though. Oh, Kraken is gigantic. He would climb that avalanche. How big is a Kraken? He's got to be...
Starting point is 00:53:30 He has no idea. Three miles wide. He's that big. All right, Mike, you are our final pick today. All right. So there's two I'm looking at. One is really silly. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Oh, and I don't know if I want to be silly. That'd be that silly. No, I, I gotta, I'll, I'll save that pick for, for the ending here. Um, and look when, when there's a bunch of high speed winds that you're talking, these are hurricane force winds, you know, very dangerous objects Objects are just flying through the air. What if there was a bunch of buffalo sabers just flying through the air at random? You want to know what's funny? Just taking people out. Tons. So you're just a chaos.
Starting point is 00:54:18 There's just a bunch of swords flying, swirling in the air. What's funny is the buffalo sabres and the Buffalo Bills, both of them come from a city. The city name is Buffalo. But don't both of them use buffaloes in their logos? Yes, they do. They have buffaloes in the logos, but buffaloes aren't the mascot. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:39 So you don't get the buffaloes. So they're ashamed up there. They're ashamed of their teammates. I guess so. Swords and what was Bill again? Barbershop quartet. But then it would have to be the Buffalo Buffalo, which. Ooh, Buffalo Buffaloes.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Buffalo Buffalo. What was the funny one, Mike, that you wanted to say? Because we're done now. I have the Sharks, Lightning Stars, and Knights. Jason has Kraken, Jets, Predators, Avalanche. I thought about if my team was trending in a bad direction and I really just had to protect myself and I had no other way to do it,
Starting point is 00:55:10 I thought, how else am I going to do this other than making everybody else really, really sad? And I just drafted the St. Louis Blues. Oh, my gosh. That's funny. And I get my man BB King out there just making everyone feel really bad about their life situation. There was something funny in my head about drafting the Penguins and having them just waddle out onto the Coliseum and look around and be like.
Starting point is 00:55:38 They could handle the avalanche. The avalanche would work well. Yeah. They'd turn into a slide. Be like, look at me. What did we learn today? Well, let's conclude this episode. I learned that Jason has sought out the professional services of a t-shirt tailor.
Starting point is 00:55:56 That's true. I know what Mike has learned. Mike has learned that Hollywood is not. Yeah. I don't think I actually learned that or not, but I learned about space toilets. Oh, yeah. I also learned that. Just took the Dyson up right to the rectum.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I learned that for some reason we put poop on the moon instead of outer space. You got to balance the weight, man. They had to put space rocks in, so we needed to put our rocks. That was a race. That's what causes the moon to hit us is the extra weight. Something to think about for next time. Take care, everybody. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com.

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