Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Smug Butterflies & The Catchiest Songs - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: April 6, 2023

Spit Hit for April 6th, 2023: Today we talk about drinking saltwater, getting beat up by a kid, and sucking dirt out of your carpet. Pretty normal things. We also share some wild news headlines befor...e closing it down with a draft of the catchiest songs. Good luck not getting something stuck in your head for the rest of the day! Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 spit wads today we're talking about drinking salt water oh yeah getting beat up by a kid and sucking dirt out of your carpet oh you know pretty normal things and we're gonna finish it all off by drafting the catchiest of catchy songs oh yeah please enjoy What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike was whispery. I didn't mind it. I feel like you chickened out of what you really wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:00:58 So here's what I wanted to do. Okay. Take two. Okay. Action. I can't do it. I just found out i can't do so here uh welcome in spit five six seven eight ago um we are drafting today the catchiest songs okay spoiler there is one song that i have not been able to get out of my head all day and while i was
Starting point is 00:01:21 thinking about doing this scat i couldn't remember the spitballers music I was like I'm just going to end up doing this song but then once the music was going the song disappeared I'm not a music man like you Mike I can't have two different melodies in my head at once you can't handle a mashup
Starting point is 00:01:38 no I can handle a mashed potatoes just fine but music mashup not not my bag. That wasn't too bad. I liked it. Welcome into the Spitballers. We have Would You Rather, Is This Real Life? And we're drafting the catchiest songs, as Jason said.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Which, I mean, the truth is you could go 50 rounds each. So there's just so many songs and so much source material. So this isn't more interesting. You know, sometimes we do drafts and we're like, oh, man, can we make it four rounds on this draft? This isn't one of those. And it's very interesting. And it's a little subjective.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Yeah, a lot of that. And, like, what is, as you know, what is catchy to you? Is catchy lyrics? or is it melody? You know, there's a lot of things that weigh into it. Yeah. Is there nostalgia in that? There were a couple, like I was looking up lists of, you know, catchy songs and every now and then I would see the title of a song and I go, I don't know that. But if you play it, you're like, oh, well, of course.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Now that's in my head forever. You can follow the show on Twitter at SpitballersPod, SpitballersPod.com if you want to support this incredible effort that we all make on a regular basis. Do you know how long I looked through these lists of catchy songs? Minutes. So many minutes. Guys, if you want to support what we're doing here, join the spit.
Starting point is 00:03:14 If you want to support Al Borland, this is the way to do it. Jointhespit.com. Would you rather time. Would you rather. William from the website, would you rather water always taste salty moving forward or have it taste the same as it does now, but it contains 200 calories per 12 ounces? Either way, you still need to consume the same amount you do to sustain life and health okay great news so to clarify here the salty tasting water is not going to destroy us like you can't just drink ocean water and survive the in fact the number one tip of being stranded in the ocean is
Starting point is 00:04:03 don't drink the water. Right. Because you're done. It tastes salty moving forward, but it sustains you. All right. Got it. Now, the other one, you have to drink a decent amount of water. What do they say?
Starting point is 00:04:15 Is the eight glasses a day still what the doctors want you to drink? Oh, don't listen to big water. Yeah, there's a big difference between what you're told you're supposed to drink and what you're able to get away with. Yeah, there's a big difference between what you're told you're supposed to drink and what you're able to get away with. Because I can tell you, I think there's been a year in my life where I've gone without water. I mean, I... You don't make a commitment to stay hydrated. I do right now.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Like, right now I'm in one of those phases where I'm trying to drink like a gallon of water a day and be hydrated and healthy, all that stupid stuff. But there have been times in my life where I genuinely don't remember like ever drinking water how many ounces is a gallon 64 i maybe i'll tell you i'm just curious because that's like if it's eight ounces of glass times eight glasses a day that'd be one our whole system of like 128 okay so it's two gallons that you you even though you're trying you just said i'm trying to i'm trying to drink a gallon a day that's half what you need no yeah oh no wait you said a gallon is 128 double what you need sorry uh which is good because i usually go about half of the gallon now if you drink you said it's 128 correct okay and divide that by 12 128 divided by 12 is what well just mental math would be 10.6 uh perfect now multiply that times 200 which would be about i mean it would be mental
Starting point is 00:05:37 math mental math be like 2133 and then like three. That's your calorie intake on water if you choose the non-salty route. A day. A day. 2,000 extra calories. How's that going to work out for you? I ain't drinking those calories. I like food too much. What?
Starting point is 00:05:53 This has become the easiest question of all time because I know I can get away with drinking no water. I've done it. Proven. I'll get my water via... Now, that's a loophole. Okay. Well, no it's not but it's no it's not a loophole that's what i wanted to clarify beverages that are well if anything if other beverages because they're all they all have water yeah they don't get tainted by the salty water right right? No. This is just plain water. Then you're just loopholeing it. No, like Coca-Cola is not going to taste unbearably salty.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Well, then this question is easy. Yeah, it's super easy. And it's not a good question because the point is not that, oh, I can just get some seltzer water instead of regular water and be fine. The point is which would be- No, no, seltzer water will be salty because that's still plain water. What if I put some lemon in it, Mike? Where's the line here?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Lemon syrup. Salty lemon. Syrup is the line. Sugar. Sugar is the line. So the little beverages that have got the five-calorie sugar, those are fine without salt? See how stupid it is to draw that line?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Man, Al, what a bad question. Is he even here? Yeah, he walked out of the room. I thought this was great news because what if I told you that there is a delicious beverage at 12 fluid ounces that has only 140 calories? Coca-Cola? Coca-Cola classic, baby. You know, we drafted a little while back. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:07:21 We drafted myths, common myths. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That you thought were true. Ostriches don't actually stick their head in the ground, and people think they do. One of the myths that I found out while researching that was you always hear that soda is dehydrating because it's got caffeine in it. Right. It's actually not true at all. The amount of water versus the amount of caffeine.
Starting point is 00:07:46 It is a hydrating drink. Not like it's hydrating like water, but it does not dehydrate you. Same with coffee. Coffee does not dehydrate you. Right. It's mostly water. That's a myth. We should also draft moths at some point. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Like favorite moths. Yeah. I would like to. Seems compelling. I'll take one. I don't know. Can you name a type of moth? That's an excellent question. Can you name a type of moth that's an excellent question can you name a type of favorite type of moth go the clothes laundry moths okay yeah yeah yeah laundry oh yeah they
Starting point is 00:08:14 love laundry you can find them in laundry um while you were gone al these guys were trying to take the easy answer of just saying that no that they don't need to drink any regular water. Therefore, the salt water thing is not a big deal because you can survive on other beverages. Yeah, like if we drink Coca-Cola, would that be super salty because it's got a water base? Because the water's in it and the water's salty. Go back out of the room. Also, butterflies are moths, so I'm going to take them as my favorite. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:08:42 What's your favorite? Oh, name a butterfly. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Butterflies are not moths. Butterflies are definitely not, so I'm going to take them as my favorite. Oh, yeah? What's your favorite? Oh, name a butterfly. No, no, no, no, no, no. Butterflies are not moths. Butterflies are definitely not moths. No. Pretty sure they are. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:51 In fact, the way you tell- Pretty sure. He said it with authority, and you didn't even look it up. The way you can tell the difference between a butterfly and a moth is a butterfly, when they land, their wings go up. And they're awesome. A moth, when it lands, wings go down. And they're stupid.
Starting point is 00:09:04 What do you get if you Google, is a butterfly a moth? It says absolutely not. You're stupid. It says butterflies and skippers are groups of specialized moths. Specialized moths. Thank you very much. And crocodiles are specialized alligators. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:19 We are not leaving this. You're telling me a butterfly is a moth? I believe so. Yeah. I mean, I don't know i'm not a it's interesting that this entire search result is all of the differences between them yeah eight differences between butterflies and moths i want to know scientifically butterflies do rest with their wings closed while moths rest with their wings open butterflies have long thin antenna
Starting point is 00:09:40 while moths have short fat so other than the fact that they're different, they're the same. Look, they both have wings. Why do you call them different things? Butterflies are not out there eating my laundry. Look, to be clear, moths are disgusting. Butterflies are cool. Oh, moths are terrifying. Moths and butterflies belong to the same insect family.
Starting point is 00:10:02 The lepidot- Oh, cool. We're going high-level insect? Well the lepidot. We're going high-level insect? Well, I'm just saying. Okay, yeah, we're all the same exact. We would call them all moths if they were all moths. We're all stardust. We're all the same. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:10:18 First of all, what if you found out that moths were really kind and sweet creatures, like their personalities. But butterflies were like really mean. Oh, because they're so pretty? Because they're so pretty. They're like really hoity-toity, haughty butterflies. I guarantee that's true. It would make complete sense.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Like the monarchs are kind of the worst. They're the worst of the worst. They don't want to deal with you. They're so much better than you. The Kardashians of that family of insects. Their luggage is outstandingly beautiful moths would be so kind it's no it's true like rich people have beautiful luggage right i was hoping he meant luggage yeah no i 100 percent meant luggage um 100 percent of ugly people are
Starting point is 00:11:00 very kind uh so i think moths would be would be just pretty kind i wouldn't say very kind. So I think moths would be just delightful. Owl's pretty kind. I wouldn't say very kind. Well, that's a good point. I didn't think about... I mean, that's a small sample size, but owl isn't always... Is he a moth? He is a moth. He's a moth. He's a moth man? It's me!
Starting point is 00:11:21 Owl! Don't call me a moth! I'm an owl! Oh, I love you, Jeremy. Oh my gosh you Jeremy Man it must suck to be on this show But not On the show Just berated The people love you though
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's not the worst way to make a living People love butterflies too but they're jerks That's what we think I'm pretty confident It's all about the luggage Can we move to the next question Wait what was the question That's what we think. I'm pretty confident because they're gorgeous. It's all about the luggage. Yeah, can we move to the next question? Wait, what was the question?
Starting point is 00:11:50 That was the saltwater one. I'll take the low-calorie version. Yeah, you have to drink saltwater now. Give me the ocean. Have any of you ever had to do a colonoscopy? I have done a colonic. Okay, did you have to clear your system before that? No. The colonic, in fact, clears the system.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So when you get a colonoscopy, you have to drink a very disgusting kind of salty substance. Sure. By the gallon to clear yourself out. And that is. By the gallon? As in more than gallons? I mean, just like two very low. I don't know what the ounces are, but it's a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And you have to get through it all to clear yourself properly. And it's just really, really, really hard to drink something that's salty. And then it wrecks you, right? Yeah. Because you're evacuated. Yeah. It goes in to clear out. It goes in to come out. It's a real Arby'suating. Yeah, it goes in to clear out. It goes in to come out.
Starting point is 00:12:46 It's a real Arby's situation. Yeah. All right, but I just don't know if I could do that, but the 2,000 calories, I mean, you just live on water then. Yes. Yeah, your calorie intake is going way up. And look, is salty Coke even going to be good? No.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yes. Do you know how much sodium is probably already in Coke? Not that much. I'm on it. Look, I'm pretty sure when you buy a Coca-Cola, it says this is a low-sodium product. Doubtful. You're thinking of Gatorade. Yeah, 75 milligrams.
Starting point is 00:13:19 That's not that much. Are there any salty beverages? Yeah, Gatorade. That crap is super salty. Yeah, and it gets masked by the sugar. Right. You're right. I mean.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Because it needs to hydrate you. Don't hear what I'm not saying. I love Gatorade. Yeah. But it's very salty. No, it is. And if you've ever had like Pedialyte and stuff that doesn't sugar it up, it gets real salty. Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:37 All right, Randall. Also, ocean water. Ooh. But have you ever had it fresh? It's delicious. I have. Don't drink the ocean, kids. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Randolph from the website. Would you rather publicly lose in a fight to a fifth grader? Impossible. Or an 80-year-old? Definitely an 80-year-old. I got to let the youth know, man. I can beat you up. I'm not losing a fight to a fifth.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You don't care if an 80-year-old beats you up. No, because that's respecting my elders. If an 80-year-old beats me up, I would like to believe it's because I'm not going to. Jiu-jitsu master. I'm not going to. Well, sure, a jiu-jitsu master. I mean, wisdom is power. Knowledge is power.
Starting point is 00:14:20 So, I mean, I probably will lose. Your bone's not breaking his power, too. Yeah, well, yeah, I hope he doesn't break his hip while fighting me. But at the same time, like a fifth grader. Look, I remember there was a fifth grader at our school that had outpaced the rest of the class. Were you also a fifth grader at this time? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Well, I'm just saying that this question. Well, I'm just saying a fifth grader can get big. That's all I'm saying. There could be one that could maybe... One of these fights sends you immediately to jail. Which one? The kid, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, go out there and fight a fifth grader and see what the repercussions are. Win or lose. It's about embarrassment, though. The question is, which is more embarrassing? It's a public loss to this. Obviously, it's been sanctioned.
Starting point is 00:15:11 But you get beat up by a fifth grader. You're not going to jail if a fifth grader beats you up. Really? Yes, you are. You're going to jail. No, not if you don't fight. If a fifth grader starts the fight, you're not going to jail. If he's smacking you with a shovel and you're doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:26 You can defend yourself. fight, you're not going to jail. He's smacking you with a shovel and you're doing nothing. You can defend yourself. Yes, you can. I promise you a fifth grader comes up to you hitting you and you punch him in the face. No, you're fine. If it's on video, as a fifth grader comes up and sucks you or tries to stab you, Mike, are you defending yourself if he tries to stab you? If he's got a weapon. A stab is not a fight. Oh, so you can beat up
Starting point is 00:15:46 a fifth grader with a pocket knife? Wait, it's a knife what? That's a knife fight. What if you don't have a knife and he does? You're not going to use your fists? Jeremy, please get in here.
Starting point is 00:15:58 If you have a fifth grader attacking you, you don't want me to get in on this one. You guys are insane. I'm not advocating here. If a kid is threatening your life, you can punch them. But yes, if it's...
Starting point is 00:16:10 The question is a fight. You guys are taking a completely different argument. If you get in a regular fist fight with a fifth grader that they start and you punch them, you're going to jail. No, you're not. Absolutely not. I would agree. You're going to jail. If a kid walked up to you and it's on video and he punches you in the face and you punch him
Starting point is 00:16:29 back you're not going to jail you're going to jail or you're giving that family a bunch of money you're probably giving that family a bunch of money but i mean it's it's just a literally lock a sliding scale because if if that kid comes up and punches you he breaks your nose and you and you and you what do you have to do? Take another punch? And you push him away and he punches you. And you push him away and he punches you. You're going to suck that kid and you're going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And that kid's going to go to juvie. No, they're not. There is a sliding scale here. Kids cannot just punch anybody they want and not get in trouble. You're not going to juvie for that. Let's flip this question around. Who would you be more embarrassed to? You're not going to juvie for that.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Who would you be more embarrassed? You're a not going to juvie for that. Who would you be more embarrassed- You're a kid. You walk up to a movie theater, and you go inside, and you punch one of the people in the face. You're not going to jail? Correct. Not for just a one-off. No, definitely not.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Definitely not. Well, unless they press charges. Yeah. If you press charges against a fifth grader, they get in trouble. That's what juvie's for. Yeah. Otherwise, it would just be your room. Go to your room. your room yeah i mean it's a matter how powerful are they you know it's like you break if there's some kids that could not do anything to get them in trouble does it change to
Starting point is 00:17:35 you if she if a fifth grader walked in and punched your wife in the nose and broke her nose i'm not punching the kid you wouldn't defend your wife? But could the kid go to juvie? You can defend somebody without punching them in the face. That's true. That's true. Bear hug? Yes. I'm really good at a bear hug. I'm just saying some fifth graders are bigger than you think.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I mean, that's where this started. That's where it's going to finish. Well, so I was curious. They can be big. They can be big. Who are you more embarrassed to publicly lose to in a fight? I would be more embarrassed to lose to a fifth grader. To a man-sized fifth grader.
Starting point is 00:18:11 To a man-sized fifth grader or an old man. I'll bet you anything there are 80-year-olds alive right now that could beat me up in a fight. Yeah, 100%. Thank you for agreeing so much. Just to be clear, you. Right. I'm not talking about you. I'm not talking about me.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I'm talking about you. Yeah, absolutely. No, I hear what you're saying. So I choose I would be more embarrassed with a fifth grader. But I'm curious, who would you be more embarrassed to win? We would win in these fights. Which one's more embarrassing the story of like okay yeah i beat up an 80 year old or i beat up a fifth grader that's
Starting point is 00:18:51 they're both pretty embarrassing you don't want this right you don't want to win this fight i think it's the fifth grader i think it's probably the yeah i think it's probably the fifth grader because i think people understand some 80-year-olds, they get real grumpy. Yeah, get off my lawn. Yeah. This is my house. But, Al, what was your opinion on the whole matter? I'm curious what Jason's line is.
Starting point is 00:19:24 If it's not a fifth grader what about a seventh grader oh like where could where would you rather lose in a fight on the young end um now a seventh grader some seventh graders can have a must like a full mustache yes i've seen them that's what it can't yeah big pit hair mustache seventh grade you said seventh grade we had a we had a fourth grader like that with a full with pit hair, mustache. Seventh grade is when... You said seventh grade? Yeah. We had a fourth grader like that. With pit hair and a mustache? Not a joke. What?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah. What kind of milk were they drinking? Well, they were held back like six years. They might have been. I mean, they were 14, but they were in the fourth grade. Yeah, I think once you get to seventh grade, that's where... Junior high, that's where it's real. Junior high is where like like I'm just going to
Starting point is 00:20:06 act tough and back away because I don't want to lose. How old do you have to be when you punch somebody in the face? You go to jail. Google doesn't have the answer. I think it's really truly like I know this sounds so stupid. I think it's really truly a matter of power that like there as in power in the punch power in the punch absolutely like you could if you're younger not like political power right no but like if you can my dad's the mayor I'm not ever going to jail um if if you can hurt someone then there are
Starting point is 00:20:42 repercussions for it I don't care how old you are you could be an eighth grader and if you can hurt someone, then there are repercussions for it. I don't care how old you are. You could be an eighth grader, and if you can't hurt me with 100 punches, you're never getting in trouble for it. Yeah, I think if a kid clocked a woman on the street and did damage, the police are getting involved in that situation. Exactly. It's damage. This is damage-based. Obviously, if you're just like, ah, what was that? You're not going to
Starting point is 00:21:05 get a moth or a butterfly right right which is a line probably a butterfly probably a butterfly jerk uh that is the line i go to when my children try to do any damage to me is oh is that a fly oh yeah to bother him uh yeah uh manny from patreon would you rather have to vacuum your house with your mouth or wash your windshield with your tongue that's a good question so what's so this is saying what's this is the this is the question manny from patreon is writing and asking what's dirtier right your windshield or your home? They're both terrible. I agree, but what's nastier?
Starting point is 00:21:50 So your windshield. Bugs. Well, bugs. There's definitely bugs in your rug. Poop. Yeah, there's bugs in your rug. The bird poop is the true separator between these two. Now, I mean, there's stuff in your carpet that's
Starting point is 00:22:06 carpet is so gross why do we why do we have carpet well the three of us have discussed three of us have grown up we have replaced most the carpet in our homes i still have carpet in my upstairs oh man what it's actually interesting that you say that because this is a this is a discussion between my wife and i a lot of the times oh it's gross. And she takes that opinion that it's just so dirty. Yes. And I have always had the opinion that while I am totally fine not having carpet in a lot of living areas, there's still something awesome about carpet because... It's soft.
Starting point is 00:22:39 It's soft. It feels better on the feet. You can lay on the ground and wrestle your kids like we... You could, but according to most estimates, carpets are 4,000 times dirtier than toilet bowls. Wait. That's right. The surface you walk on every day is grosser than the place
Starting point is 00:22:57 where you do your business in the bathroom. So carpet installers should go to juvie. Carpets, yes. Carpets are disgusting. And they are soft. They are plush. And they're great day one. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Right. If you want to put new carpet in every couple of days, then have at it. So wait, that's just carpet in general, whether you vacuum it or not? Oh, yeah. It's disgusting. But what kind of damage can that disgusting do to you? Like something being dirty, like pillows. I think pillows in general, they get a little bit ignored on the old cleaner scale, right?
Starting point is 00:23:29 The dogs might jump up on them. You use them for years. I'm not talking about bed pillows. I'm talking about couch pillows. Oh, I was thinking bed pillows because bed pillows, like my pillow case. Sure, but how often? Same as the sheets. Okay, so how often do you wash your entire bedding?
Starting point is 00:23:46 Every couple weeks. Okay, so you're going two weeks, and I'm thinking about my kids. Yeah, you get home, and you put your head on your pillow. Maybe you were sweating, and you haven't showered yet, and you lay down to rest or whatever. My kids, we try to make them shower every day, but sometimes it's in the morning when they fight against it at night, and they refuse.
Starting point is 00:24:04 You get your children i was gonna say the same day that's a shocking shocking thing it takes a lot of effort but yes we we try to i mean during the school year yeah but my point is they got dirty my 13 year old gets close to it it's at least every other day for him yeah i will say that my younger goes four or five days younger i have a little bit more they don't they hate it it's like poison stink pits yet yeah you know so um but they're laying their head down on these pillows get out of here and they need it their pillows are probably disgusting and then you go the next night and you sleep on that same thing well then the world's dirty that's what we're learning here the world's's a dirty place. Yeah, but you know what's not dirty?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Toilet seats, apparently. I don't know what I want to do here. I don't want to vacuum my house with my mouth. That's gross. You got to go surface area. Oh, yeah. The smaller windshield. You take the windshield. Yeah, there's going to be some bird doo-doo.
Starting point is 00:24:57 There might be. I'm taking the windshield for a different reason. I'm taking the windshield because I know what I'm getting. I can see it. It's right there. Ain't no surprises. I'm not vacuuming up my carpet going, oh, what was that? Oh, what was that?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Oh, no, there was a chunk. No. And it's probably more fun to lick glass than vacuum a carpet. Yeah. You know how much carpet hairs you're going to get in your mouth? I mean, it's probably fun, right? It's a good time. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Oh, now just think about this for a second. I just had a visual realization. Because it's been a while. We've been carpetless for a long time now. We replaced them years ago. If you at home have replaced your carpets, think back to when you had carpets and you vacuumed. You vacuumed a carpet that maybe you vacuumed yesterday. Are you talking about the bin?
Starting point is 00:25:51 The bin that comes out is unbelievably dirty. I'm imagining the vacuuming. You're spitting this stuff out, right? Sure. You don't have to eat any of this. No, you don't have to ingest it. What, into like a bucket? Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:07 A little baggie you carry along. Yeah. I mean, you want to throw it away eventually. You don't want to put it back on the carpet. Yeah, you're the vacuum and you've got a little vacuum bag. Yeah, give me the windshield. Okay, are we moving on, Al? Yeah, let's move on is this real life all right uh who wants to go first here
Starting point is 00:26:39 we are sharing some stories from everyday life that are, in fact, not made up. Real things happening to help reinforce your view of humanity. I'll start it off here because this one applies to the three of us. We like cryptocurrencies. Sure. Three good-looking men buy cryptocurrencies. That is, I mean, is this real life or what? Very strong. Maybe don't look it right right and definitely never scared we've established that honorary doctorates given to three
Starting point is 00:27:13 so we've done that we've played in the stock market you know there's there's investing is an important uh part of life as you get older uh kids if you're listening you know learn learn to invest but here's maybe a tip in investing uh this title is quote a crypto trading hamster performs better than warren buffett and the s&p 500 this this is what i'm yeah i knew you would i knew you would love this because it's's all fake. It's all fake. It's all a gamble. This crypto trading hamster is set up on a very high-tech hamster wheel system with a live stream Twitch attached, where basically this hamster runs and then chooses two options
Starting point is 00:28:00 to buy or to sell. So this is like when they have an animal pick who's going to win the sports bet. Exactly right. Or the big game. And the portfolio as of the time of this article was up 20%. This hamster is killing it. Well, that just supports every investment I've ever made. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:21 So, you know, I'm not necessarily saying you need to go by what mr gox uh that's his name that is the name of the hamster two x's um i'm not saying you use him well yeah i mean it's not gonna be one x is a hamster go get your own hamster um to do this no gosh i don't think all hamsters have this kind of ability ham Are hamsters stupid as just stupid geeks? Hamsters are real dumb. I mean, there was not one redeeming single quality to the time that I had a hamster as a child. You didn't have a hamster wheel? Not one that he used.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Oh, we bought it. Don't worry about that. Dude, you put him in the sphere? Oh, in the ball so he can break out and hide under my cabinets? Cool. Well, he's not that stupid, then is he? Well, don't worry, though. They also don't really stay awake during the day.
Starting point is 00:29:14 They stay awake at night. Oh, yeah. They go to sleep during the day, so that way they can scratch something while I'm trying to sleep. Or, if you want to hold it, it will bite you. Yes, that's true. Yeah. Or, if you want to hold it, it will bite you. Yes, that's true. Or, if you want to invest with it, it can really up your portfolio value. So that is my article for Is This Real Life?
Starting point is 00:29:34 You or me, Mike? Go ahead. All right, this one's rather simple. Box of human heads stolen from a truck in Denver. Box of human heads. from a truck in Denver. Box of human heads stolen from a truck. So this is a theft situation. This is a theft situation. But we can't overlook the fact that there is a truck driving around with a box of heads.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Well, you see. Human? Human. Human heads. It was stolen out of a medical truck used to transport body parts for medical research in a nice family area of Denver's Central Park neighborhood. A lot of families out and about. Kids getting off into the school bus and people walking their dogs.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And then, well. Now, I don't know if you have the answer to this, but you read the article. Was this an accidental? I'm going to steal from this bag. Ooh, get home. What'd you get? Right. Oh, I got some human heads.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Or was this like a planned heist? Like the human heads are going to be transporting down I-17 at 12 p.m. Let's get them. I think it's the former because they stole a dolly and a box. And it just so happened that the box they stole was filled with human heads. That was their loot. That was their surprise. Now, when I was a teenager, I remember I wrongly stole a box in front of a store.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It turned out to have oranges and bread in it. It was a great find. Wrong. No, no, no. It was awful. Don't go into this. Why did you steal this box? I think this is because I could.
Starting point is 00:31:19 It's not a mischief thing? It was just a mischief thing. We also stole a bunch of trays from a Whataburger. We didn't need trays. Was that to carry around all your oranges and bread? Yes, apparently. We, you know, we're just being stupid teenagers. Teenagers don't steal.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And then we served all of it to underprivileged teens. That's right. We stole from the rich, and we gave these fruits and breads to those in need. We definitely didn't throw them out to car people. So listen. Oh, no. breads to those in need we definitely didn't throw them out to car people so listen but my point in the story was more along the lines of imagine if you were causing some mischief like i can't even fathom if you stole medical human body parts and what do you do with them at that point how do you return that?
Starting point is 00:32:06 There's no way to unsteal the heads. You don't want them. You're not like, oh, I found a keeper. You can't put them in your garbage can. And your DNA is on these human heads. Now, the box said science care on the side of it. They should probably say human heads. They thought they were getting a cool science project.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Don't steal human heads. They thought they were getting like a cool science project. Don't steal human heads. You don't want this. We are not joking. Human heads. And the police have yet to make an arrest in this situation. Okay, so that's the answer to what do you do with it? Because no, the answer is what do you do with it? Yes, that's
Starting point is 00:32:40 the only end game. But then somebody's going to find perfectly legally acquired human heads underground somewhere and think there's a serial killer. Well, but then they weren't legally acquired because originally. Yes. But like those heads, as long as it says science care on the side, were legally acquired. All right, Mike, what do you got? All right, fellas, I have quite the tale.
Starting point is 00:33:04 It's got some twists and turns, but I'll start it off with the headline. Headline? No, it's not about human heads, but it's a little eye-catching here. Best man steals bride from groom after confessing love in his wedding speech. Oh, no. Oh, my goodness. It happened? After the speech?
Starting point is 00:33:25 And it worked? So here's the story. And she got married because the speech comes after the marriage. So here's the story. A guy and a gal getting married, tying the knot. What a day. What a special day. Committing each other. Committing to each other for eternity,
Starting point is 00:33:40 for life, what have you. So the backstory is the best man and the bride were lifelong friends. Eventually, bride meets groom, and groom and best man ended up hitting off, become good friends, and he's giving his speech. and he's giving his speech, and he kind of left the crowd stunned as people weren't really sure what to make of it as he starts talking and saying how he's loved the bride since he saw her and just goes on and on. At this other man's wedding.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah, but also is including things like, so you're a lucky man, but you can't deny what has just occurred here of, it really seems like the best man has just let out a gigantic confession after a ceremony has already been performed. So that on the surface sounds like like that's wild the most uncomfortable situation you've ever witnessed in your entire life so moving forward bride and groom things don't go very well for them uh as the bride puts it uh his personality really changed uh he started to wanting to live a different lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:35:06 He was nothing like Jimmy. And they're actually pretty quickly divorced after about a year. Well, in comes the best man who's kind of the support system. Well, you know, as things do, they end up turning into a little bit more than friends. They start dating. They end up turning into a little bit more than friends. They start dating. They get married. They have now been married for over a decade and have four children
Starting point is 00:35:32 together and seem to be living a very happy life that started when he confessed his love for her at her other wedding. At her other wedding. Which really, in some ways, that may take more courage to say than anything that he could ever do in his entire life.
Starting point is 00:35:52 It's also awful. But, I mean, to be able to say those things. You're not wrong. That's true love. Because you have to know that that's wrong. He had his opportunity. They ask everyone, if anyone wants to speak now, forever hold your peace. He did not abide by the rules of the wedding.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Did they ask that at your guys' weddings? I don't remember. Because I don't think they actually asked that at all. My father officiated mine, so I doubt he did that part. I don't remember. I was crying too much to remember anything. I was in the middle of a panic attack. Were you?
Starting point is 00:36:27 Oh, goodness gracious. Be the center of attention. How much of your wedding ceremony do you actually really remember? Not much. Yeah. The same. It was terrifying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Weddings are very much that thing where it's like everything is about the lead up to it so when it's actually occurring it's surreal yes it was very much i remember most of mine other than i was crying through the entirety of it yeah yeah oh my gosh yeah we were balling so was she that's true that's true i was different reasons and we're back dang and i stumbled into the truth you want to know the sad part of that story is the crying of the of the bride and the groom and the new groom and the best man of the people um was that i what i had i'm not sure if i hoped, but I assumed that it was like later that night after the wedding, not like a year of bad marriage divorce. No, it's a wild story.
Starting point is 00:37:32 And if you're the groom and your best man just does this. But what's the responsibility of the best friend at that point? I mean, I don't know. I don't think he has a responsibility. You divorced her. Maybe he says at the end game. Now, the confession, your responsibility is not to confess your love for his wife. I wish we had the transcript of the confession.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Because I want to know if it was like... Alluding to or on the nose? Yeah, exactly. I want to know if it was like, man, Andy, you are i'll i'll tell you the truth i mean really lucky when i first met her i was i was in love i was madly in love and i can't imagine how lucky you are and then you go on or if it's like andy you're really lucky she's great i i have loved her since the day I met her. I still do. But anyways. I wish I was you, and I plan to be you. In a year.
Starting point is 00:38:31 In about a year's time, we're going to have four babies. That's pretty much what he said. Wow. Okay. Time to draft. The Spitballers draft so i'm really curious about this draft jason has the first pick we're taking catchiest songs so you have a million to choose from and i just am curious if we end up with the same songs i imagine some might make the list and be shared but i also would not be surprised if we end up with the same songs. I imagine some might make the list and be shared, but I also would not be surprised if we all had original takes. Yeah, a lot of these drafts, you know, we go 12 total picks,
Starting point is 00:39:13 four rounds for the three of us, and most drafts I make sure I have at least 12 picks. But in this one, it's like I don't know how much overlap. There's several that are on my list that I don't think are going to be on yours. We will see. But the first one, the 101 to me, was the song that while looking at all of these songs today, and all of them had an opportunity to get stuck in my head, there was only one that did. It was just never going to give me up.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Yes. And I got Rickrolled because, I mean, that is a generational, like, my kids know it because of Rick Roll. Yes. My grandparents know it because, you know, Rick Astley was, I'm sure, quite the charmer. Your grand, that song came out in the 80s, Jason. That's how it feels. It feels old. That song came out when we were parents.
Starting point is 00:39:59 It never gonna let you down. I thought that that would be a sneaky later round pick for me. I really did. That was on my list, and I thought it would just be one of those ones I kind of stumbled on. I found it later in my search. That song is very strange because as a child, I loved that song. I was aware of that.
Starting point is 00:40:22 He also had another hit, which sounds exactly the same as that one, but that was his big hit, and I loved that song like i was aware of that he also had another hit which sounds exactly the same uh as that one but that was his big hit and i loved that song i still love that song and the it's the fact that it's turned into like this it's an internet joke of you rickroll someone which is i mean that's just it's because of the vintage internet of like how insane is it that this became a thing of you send someone to the wrong website so that they could go listen to this song this is the ridiculousness of the video yes that's the whole that's the only reason it's it's what it is is because it's it's quintessential time capsule ridiculous video i think it's the combination i think it's the combination you've always said
Starting point is 00:41:01 that the ridiculousness of the video and the catchiness of the song. Because once you got Rickrolled, it's in your head the rest of the day, man. Because you don't need more than a split second. And when I was making my list, most of the time I was thinking, like, I'm annoyed when a song gets stuck in my head all day. I'm not always like, yes, I have this song. I've been waiting to get this song. And that's one where it's like, someone please sing something else.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Get this out of my head. Gotcha. All right. I will go with, I mean, so many to choose from. I don't know how to prioritize them. That's the hard part. But at the end of the day, I'm just going to go with my heart. I think Billie Jean by Michael Jackson is one of the catchiest songs of all time.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Okay. You get the bass line. You got a hook in there with the chorus. I mean, it's just in your head if you hear it it makes you want to listen to it over and over again and i actually love the song so it's a great song it's not just catchy it's a catchy plus you like it guitar uh this is one of those you know fun facts that a lot of people do know so i'm not breaking ground here but uh the guitar player that's Eddie Van Halen. Really? On that track, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:07 So that guitar solo is, in fact, Eddie Van Halen, who was asked if he would like to participate in the music video, and he passed because he thought the song was going to be a dud. Really? That was why? Whoopsies. Yeah, mistakes were made. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:24 It's always funny when you hear about actors passing on certain roles. Right. Or the one I always remember is from E.T. Did you ever hear that? Which one? Where M&M's didn't want to be included. Oh, so it was Reese's? It was Reese's Pieces.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh, whoops. I mean, I don't know if that's just urban legend, but I always heard that they passed on that opportunity and Reese's Pieces, the rest is history. Was that the moment that Reese's Pieces took off? Because that would be really funny. I think it was. I think it was a catalyst. They are delicious.
Starting point is 00:42:56 All right, with my first pick, I'm not going to go with a radio song. I'm going to go with a song that when i it gets stuck in your head absolutely it still slaps and when you when i really think about it i think i may have heard this song more than any other song in my entire existence so curious i'm going with the super mario brothers theme song. Whoa. Wow. Left field. Because if you grew up on-
Starting point is 00:43:29 Let's hear it. Now you're in. Now you're in. Now you're totally in. If you grew up in the Nintendo era, that thing was just on repeat for hours. People could say, oh, I can listen to that same song forever. But the Super Mario, they make you listen to the same song for hours and hours. So that's a burn-in.
Starting point is 00:43:52 That's a burn-in situation. That's not just like hook. That's burn-in. And I still love it. It's still great. And you have tons and tons of new remixes and fresh looks on the song. But I love that song. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:44:06 No, I was just going to say, it makes me think I should have gone into some different alleyways with this question. You are free to... Oh, wait. Brooks is saying if I want to correct myself. What are you talking about here, Brooks? Sorry, I thought you would see right above there.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Is that actually on Beat It, that guitar solo, instead of Billie Jean? Oh, it was. I thought that's what you had said. I apologize. Billie Jean. I figured you'd appreciate that. Yes, yes, was. I thought that's what you had said. I apologize. I figured you'd appreciate that. Thank you for correcting me on that one. That would have been a faux pas.
Starting point is 00:44:31 But yes, Beat It was the Eddie Van Halen. You can all delete your tweets now. Everyone's already seen it. Yeah, I've already gotten them. Super Mario and then this is when you get into the area of songs where it's like maybe it's considered embarrassing if you like it. But it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:44:51 It's catchy. Because this song gets stuck in your head. And this was a generational moment for us. There were three young fellas, all related. Brothers, in fact. Okay. Brothers, in fact. Okay. Brothers in fact. One played the keyboard,
Starting point is 00:45:08 one played the drums, and one played the guitar. And they had an anthem that went out. They had an anthem that went out to the United States of America. And that anthem was
Starting point is 00:45:18 mm-bop. Mm-bop. Mm-mm-mm-bop. Let's get it like that. Because mm-bop. It did take over the world for a while Once it's in there Good luck getting it out It is a virus
Starting point is 00:45:32 So Super Mario Brothers theme in Mbop That is correct Alright I have Billie Jean by Michael Jackson Tough decision here I'm going to go with We Will Rock You by Queen. Okay. Different Queen songs that you could choose from. Yeah, that's the hard part is deciding which Queen song,
Starting point is 00:45:53 but I think We Will Rock You takes the cake for me. Yeah, it was the same with Michael Jackson. I feel like you could pick several Michael Jackson, several Queen songs. So you've got some great performers here. Yeah, and there's some, some songs that like, especially when I think about like there's catchy, like Bob,
Starting point is 00:46:10 which owned a little piece of time, but then there's catchy, like is in every sports stadium for all of eternity. Yeah. Stadium song. And so those stadium songs, like which, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:21 they have two songs. They have, we are the champions too, which could be in there, but it's really, I believe those songs, I don't know, Brooks, you might know songs. They have We Are the Champions, too, which could be in there. It's really, I believe those songs, I don't know, Brooks, you might know this. On the album, those songs just run into each other, right? Oh, yeah. I don't know if they're technically one track or not.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I think they're separate, but it essentially runs like one seamless track. That'd be real dumb if they didn't do it that way. Yeah, take that, Queen. Jason, you have a couple picks i really wish i was not on the clock because choosing between i don't want to be here i don't want to be here at all choosing between these songs is like i i don't feel like there's a tear break i feel like everything is about the same to me. But the one that has been stuck in my head probably the most from this list today, it's another classic. So I've got Never Gonna Give You Up.
Starting point is 00:47:15 It's a classic. Sure. So I'm never going to give you up. You know what else I'm not going to do? Let you down? No, I'm not going to stop believing. Oh, okay. Don't stop believing.
Starting point is 00:47:24 A little Journey. Yeah. Journey usually is a pretty catchy, catchy ditty. Now I'm going to go a different direction. A little less classic. A little bit more recent. A little less good. A little more bad.
Starting point is 00:47:40 A little more rock and roll? No. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, okay, okay. This one is a little bit more do-do-do-do. We're going baby shark dude, baby shark dude. And now you might have that in your head. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:56 That's the classic. I hope that ruins you in the poll. Please someone get that out of my head. Yeah, I hope it does too. I really do. It's the worst song. But tell me it's not catchy. It can be catchy, but you can have catchy
Starting point is 00:48:08 songs that are good. Oh, I got two of them. Yes, I do. Yeah, but now you have one that's real bad. Yeah, I do, but it is real catchy. This is not best catchy songs. Am I back on the clock? Yeah, no, you're up, Andy. This is catchiest songs. Am I up for real though, or like fake? No, I've
Starting point is 00:48:23 when you've made your bad picks I have never said a thing. You just let me walk off the cliff. I'm going to go with Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. I'm going to go with Eye of the Tiger. So that is my catchy song pick number three. Iconic.
Starting point is 00:48:42 You hear it and then it's in your head for a long time. I recently heard a story from the Always Sunny podcast and so I will take their story and I will share it on our podcast. Let's hear your story. So my story involves one of those guys sitting on an airplane by a member
Starting point is 00:49:03 of Survivor and they were telling the story of how they wrote that song. And they got, this is just total podcast, just stealing their podcast, but it's a great story. So the singer or whoever was getting, got a message from Sly Stallone, said, hey, I want you to write a song for my movie. Rocky, yeah. And he completely blew it off.
Starting point is 00:49:27 It's like, who is doing this? Like, who's screwing with me right now that's pretending to be Sylvester Stallone? A couple weeks go by. Gets another call. Hey, why are you ignoring me? This is Sly Stallone. I want you to write a movie. Were you about to do a slide like that?
Starting point is 00:49:39 I was, I was. You bailed out? I didn't want to go into the whole bit. Ignores it. Gets a call from the manager. Sylvester Stallone is trying to call you. Why are you not answering Sylvester Stallone? And he wanted two songs.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And so they go, and they spend a whole bunch of time in the studio recording a song, and they're perfecting everything. This is it. this is going to be the theme for the new rocky movie uh oh crap we have but we promised two songs we need to rip one off real quick the one they rip off real quick turns out to be eye of the tiger and become one of the most iconic songs of all time it's just wow you just so... You're not saying ripped off from somebody else. No, no, no. Just got it done quickly.
Starting point is 00:50:27 They banged it out. Isn't that how it always happens? Music is so wild of the songs you know and love that are iconic. Oh, yeah. I wrote that in 10 minutes. Yeah. You hear those stories on Howard Stern and stuff when he interviews artists. So wild.
Starting point is 00:50:46 So I'm going with Eye of the Tiger with Billie Jean and We Will Rock You by Queen. Mike, your final two picks. Alright. So with hmm with one of my picks I know where I know where I'm going and I'm going to go with
Starting point is 00:51:04 I think it's their biggest hit. I believe. It's their biggest hit to me because it's the song that I'm drafting as their catchiest song. But there was a group of fellas. They were a pop group. They swept the world. And then when they wanted to break up with a lady, they said, bye, bye, bye. It's on my list.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Oh, yeah? You got that one on there? Yes, it is. That's their biggest song, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that was the song that brought in. It took it from just the hardcore NSYNC fans and the young ladies who all were into NSYNC
Starting point is 00:51:42 to guys were like, that's not half bad. That's not half bad. I can get down with this. I bought the No Strings Attached album. That was a very, very big song. It was fantastic. It's also very funny to go watch those old videos, live performances,
Starting point is 00:51:57 and how ridiculous they look. I still think of it, like anytime someone says bye-bye. Yep. Bye-bye-bye. Bye-bye-bye. All right. For my final pick man it's uh i am gonna go with uh i'll go with this i'll throw a modern song in here because this one also swept i think the world and the nation. And this thing was like number one in the billboards for a record-setting amount of time.
Starting point is 00:52:29 It's Old Town Road, my friends. Well, Jason's nodding his head. I know the song. I saw it on a list. It's a good song. Wait. I don't think it's that catchy. Really?
Starting point is 00:52:44 Let me hear it. I'm kind of on Jason's team on that. I thought that sounded... I thought it's catchy. It's just hard when you're only down to 12 picks. Okay. You can ask me now, Mike. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:57 It's very catchy. Thank you. Thank you, Al. I believe I said it's very catchy. I believe Jason said it's very catchy. I just felt bad because I couldn't support his take earlier, so I wanted to get in there. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:07 All right. So you got your four picks? Yeah. All right. It took me a second to find my last pick because I started trying to think about different alleyways than traditional music once you put the Super Mario Bros. theme song. Gillette.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Gotcha. Yes. I'm talking about some jingles. A song that never ends. But where I got to was actually the Imperial March by John Williams from Star Wars. Okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I'm in. Because I started going down there like, maybe I'm going to go Jurassic Park theme. And then I was like, and you just let your brain go, what's the most catchy, iconic music theme that you would just repeat to yourself? And that was what came to my mind. I don't know if there's another song from movies that is that kind of – Aside from all of John Williams' songs.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Yes, all of his songs are that way. But that one's turd, man. How can you be so good at anything? Yeah, he's unbelievable. Yeah, do yourself a favor. Watch him compose one of these themes in front of a live orchestra and have your mind blown. I feel like if you're making a really epic movie,
Starting point is 00:54:22 you're making what is going to be a blockbuster. You have two choices. Make it better or don't use him. Like those are your two choices. You're deciding, okay, who am I going to have score this movie? Well, how good do you want it to be? Not that good. And I want to hear the stories of John Williams of like, well, how did you get the melody for the Imperial March?
Starting point is 00:54:46 He's like, well, I was taking a crap. Yeah. And it just came to me. I wrote that in three minutes. I actually... I was like... Oh, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Yeah, okay, I got this.
Starting point is 00:54:57 This is like... I don't know. It's such a... I don't think I like this draft. Because I feel like it is a betrayal. It's one of those drafts because of the choices, where it's a betrayal of a thousand songs to pick four. And we all have different opinions.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Are we done? Did we do that? No, Jason has one more. I still have my favorite one. No, we're done. Not my favorite. My final pick. I did consider doing the song that never ends.
Starting point is 00:55:24 You know, this is the song that never ends. What happened to you? Because once that gets in your head, you can't get it out. But I already took Baby Shark, and I can only take one of those gimmicky. It's great, yeah. Yeah. And likewise, because it's gimmicky, I'm also not going Gangnam Style, which is pretty catchy. But I feel like.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I love that song. I know. When the song isn't even in English and you can't get it out of your head, it's like, yeah, which is pretty catchy. But I feel like... I love that song. I know. When the song isn't even in English and you can't get it out of your head, it's like, yeah, it's pretty catchy. But I'm going to go with a song that I have right next to my list, next to Bye Bye Bye. Very similar, kind of a poppy. Once you get... I think it's that alliteration of the diction, and it's poker face by lady gaga okay because
Starting point is 00:56:07 your poker face yeah no it's uh i got the song yeah no uh that one is my my daughter like every now and then that that song goes around my house like just not not not even played just someone is like it has it in their head from somewhere, and it spreads like a virus. Yes, it certainly does. So I think that qualifies for catchy songs. What do we have on our list? To do honor to the other songs here, what do you got, Andy?
Starting point is 00:56:38 The Final Countdown by Europe. Great. I don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith. I don't care what you say. I had Wanna Be by Spice Girls. Again, that just stays in your head. Sure. Staying Alive by the Bee Gees.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Sure. And also Who Let the Dogs Out by Bahamut. I do have that one on my list. Yeah. I have Mickey. Hey, Mickey, you're so fun. You're so fun. You blow my mind.
Starting point is 00:57:02 That's a way better pick. I've got Rick Rollick rolled i've got got him yes you just got rick rolled right now who did it i did jeremy rick rolled oh that is so great um you did not verify the link yeah it was so good timing uh i've got happy because i'm happy yeah um and then um uh pharrell yep yes and living on a prayer oh by uh bon jovi yeah no you sound just like him thank you um see that's the perfect example i hated bon jovi i. I could not stand Bon Jovi. He was a little too old for me, so the older crowd liked him, so I hated him. It was for old people.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Okay, I got you. But when you hate someone and their music's so good you can't get it out of your head, it's like, okay, you win, Bon Jovi. Leftovers, I had the 500 Miles, which in title alone doesn't look as good. I would walk 500 miles um and uh call me maybe okay oh my gosh that song is amazing mike's having the time today i i am 100 i don't know if you guys have seen like memes of uh it's like i'm not saying i'm the super buff guy but like it to make the meme is funny where they show a guy was shredded it's like me walking into the gym and he's got headphones in and that it's like what i'm actually listening to and it's
Starting point is 00:58:36 it's carly ray call me maybe and that is 100 me on the bench with Call Me Maybe blasting. Any others that Al or the judge want to contribute? I had Call Me Owl by Paul Simon. Is that because it's good or because you wanted to make a Call Me Owl joke? No, that song really gets stuck in my head a lot. Okay. It does. Take on me. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah that's good all right that'll do it what did we learn today i learned that butterflies are jerks oh yes so i learned with their fancy
Starting point is 00:59:18 luggage i learned that even if you uh keep your up most of your life, you can still get Rickrolled by now. Oh, man. Did you learn anything today, Mike? Not really. Okay. That's good. That's good. I learned that carpet is as dirty as I thought it was, which is dirtier than toilets.
Starting point is 00:59:37 That's one. I got to research that. Is that because your butt cheeks are cleaner than you think? Oh, and the carpet's just still really clean? Yeah. No, I don't think so. I think it's because the carpets are freaking disgusting. Just think about what you vacuum up, man.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Shoes are disgusting. This is why you really shouldn't wear your shoes in the house. Correct. Because you save the carpets. That'll do it for this show. Tell your friends. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast.
Starting point is 01:00:07 To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com.

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