Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Snorting Snalt and Andy Is A Narc! - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: November 11, 2021

Spit Hit for November 11th, 2021: On today’s episode, we talk about noisy and nosy neighbors. Find out what had Old Man Andy calling the 5-0 in true “get off my lawn” fashion. We also talk abo...ut inventing holidays, eating sticks of butter, and uncomfortable store purchases. Then we pass the torch on to our draft segment where we draft ‘Best Olympic Sports’. Subscribe and tell your friends about another hilarious episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On today's episode, our spit hits of the week. Old Man Andy, he's up to his shenanigans yet again. It's me, Andy. Find out why Old Man Andy was calling the 5-0. We also talk about inventing holidays, eating sticks of butter, and then we draft the best Olympic sports as one does. There's a lot of Olympic sports. Which one is the best?
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Starting point is 00:01:35 apply. Overdraft only applies to debit card purchases and cash withdrawals. Limits start at $20, maybe increased up to $200 by Chime. Chime member overdraft fee savings based on eligible members' use of SpotMe versus the $33 average overdraft fee. Overdraft fee data based on Bankrate Checking Account Survey and CRL June 2020 Overdraft Fees Report. What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. He's breathy. He's breathy. He keeps going. He always keeps going. When did Mark Wahlberg get on set?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Oh, hey. It's me, guys. What's up? Because that was definitely Mark Wahlberg scatting. It's me, Mark Wahlberg. I don't mind it. I really don't. I think it was original. I thought that the haas were...
Starting point is 00:02:46 I thought that was heading into a full scat. I didn't know it was going to be the whole main event. No, it was an ASMR scat. Yes. Oh, that's right. I forgot you don't like the whispers. Oh, welcome into the show, the Spitballers, Andy, Mike, and Jason. Back again.
Starting point is 00:03:01 We have Would You Rather on the show today. That's a great question and a special draft. I have so many questions about the draft. I really do. This draft is so timely, fellas. It is so timely. It's the holiday season. Depending on when you listen to it.
Starting point is 00:03:18 But we'll get there. We'll get there. I have questions about it. It'll be a lot of fun. You can find us on Twitter at SpitballersPod, Instagram.com slash SpitballersPod. The website, guess what? It's SpitballersPod.com.
Starting point is 00:03:31 You can get access to the full archive if you become an official supporter of the show. We appreciate all of your Apple podcast reviews. Except for you, Frank. What did Frank do? I don't want to talk about it. Oh, did Frank say something? Maybe. I was just throwing someone's name out.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Alright. We like to keep our reviews five star only. Frank's out there like, what did I do? Yeah. Do better, Frank. Let's get it going. Would you rather? Alright. would you rather all right zach from twitter would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors oh no no nosy or noisy two different words very difficult to just say right then i i thought it was going to be easy to repeat and as and it was difficult
Starting point is 00:04:25 nosy or noisy yes you have broken down the english language for us they mean different things have you ever had let's start here when we decide this would you rather question do you have any stories or situations where you've had either of these because Because when my wife, now our oldest is about to turn 11 years old, but when she was first pregnant, our first kid on the way, we were living in another home, and we had the noisy neighbor. And our bedroom, our master bedroom, was right on one side of the house, and the neighbor on that side, they liked to do strange things. They did prototypical noisy things, which is every single day, it seemed, they had a massive party.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And it was like a- Oh, and you weren't invited? It was a garage party, but like a three in the morning garage party and my pregnant wife couldn't sleep kind of party. And that's normal. But then they would do really weird things where legitimately multiple times the music would be blaring at three or four in the morning and I would walk over there. And the music would be on in the truck that sat in their driveway. Nobody in it? Nobody in it.
Starting point is 00:05:42 To the point where I'd knock on the windows of the truck. I'd knock on the windows of the truck. I'd knock on the door. It was like you set a car speakers all the way up, closed the windows, closed the doors. Maybe they disappeared. I wonder if somebody was in there. I still, to this day, wonder if somebody was inside that vehicle. You couldn't see? Were the windows foggy?
Starting point is 00:06:00 I'm just so confused. There were tinty windows, as they say. Tinted windows, maximum base, maximum volume, 3, 4 in the morning, empty driveway, no one answers the door. And I'm like in my flip-flops, walking over angry. Did you report a missing person? I did report him to the police once. Really?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Oh, yeah. Take that, missing person. What? Yeah. Show you'd get kidnapped. And I didn't want to be the one, yeah. Take that, missing person. What? Yeah. Show you to get kidnapped. And I didn't want to be the one, because the police came, and I'd be peeking out my window going- Did they go to the empty car?
Starting point is 00:06:32 Well, no. I didn't call on one of the empty cars. I called on- There was more than one empty car? Yeah, there were two. And I called on one of the parties, and I felt like that real- Oh, you're a narc. I felt happy and guilty.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah. I had a pregnant wife that couldn't sleep. Did you get some stitches? I feel no guilt about this. But the noisy neighbors are rough. I've never had nosy ones. I've never really had either. I've never been a narc.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And so I'm not entirely sure what that experience is. In other words, you might have had them, but you're not going to tell on them right now because you're not an ARC. You know, the only noisy experiences I've had are like, you know, I think they're common to most people. It's like 4th of July, right? The people that just, okay, we get it. You get fireworks. It's 3 in the morning. We all love America.
Starting point is 00:07:24 We get it. But we're old now. three in the morning. We all love America. We get it. But we're old now. A couple years ago, it wasn't me. It's like a couple years ago when I've got small children who are like, please don't you wake that kid because then I've got to work to get that kid back to sleep. And when the bombs are going off outside, and of course, I wouldn't call on him.
Starting point is 00:07:48 No, no, no, no, no. Let's be very clear here. If you've never had a nosy or a noisy neighbor, you are the noisy or the nosy neighbor. Really? Jason's clearly the one. Look, every neighborhood's got him. If he's not hearing it, he's the one doing it. Honestly, I don't recall having both.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And I can tell you one thing i i am certainly not nosy because i don't i you have no interest in other people's lives i don't know my neighbor's names i've lived there for 10 years i was going to tell you i i i could name one person that i live next to i don't know anybody red hat red hat guy i'm i'm the neighbor who i'm driving up to the house and pulling into the garage. And if I saw my neighbor was out, I'm hitting the garage button before I even shut the car down. Oh, a closey neighbor. That's how anti-nosy I am.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Okay. You can be my neighbor. I'll allow it. Noisy? I mean, I'm a headphone guy right so i can protect against nosy i can't protect against noisy oh see i'm the opposite i'm the opposite noisy is going to annoy me noise a noise gonna annoy you but a nosy one is like that that one's like an invasion of privacy let's put it this way i got a pool recently and if i had nosy neighbors oh they would they would regret their choices
Starting point is 00:09:17 watching me swim late at night we've heard tale of Jason's Shamu swims. My Shamu swims? Is that a weight thing? Yeah, I think it is. It was a weight and a natural. Yeah, L-I-V-I-N. Can I ask a very. A swim the way the Lord made me. Let's put it this way.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Whales don't wear pants. All right. No, we don't. pants all right here no we don't this is taking a turn hey uh alborlan i'm gonna include you on this because i want to know social etiquette question here oh is it okay to peek over your neighbor's fence no it's not no okay that's a no because i what What if I threw my ball over? What if I lost my ball? Then it's okay.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Can I see where my ball went? I'm still going to knock on the front door. My neighbor's having a pool built right now. I like to peek at the progress. Is that nosy? I stand up at the ladder. That is nosy. That is nosy?
Starting point is 00:10:18 I think so, yeah. Okay, so I'm a nosy neighbor. Now, I've had similar situations where the neighbor is doing construction on the house, but we have a two-story. Now, I just happened to gaze out. Are you using your binoculars? Look, I may or may not have a replica Hubble telescope in my... Look, I'm just looking out my bathroom window.
Starting point is 00:10:43 That's not on you. How am I nosy if I'm just looking out the window? Nobody said you were. I have a lot of two story neighbors. Alan Borland over here. It's binoculars. That's what changes it. I'm saying he's peeking over the fence, not looking out his window.
Starting point is 00:10:54 No, I'm literally pulling up on the fence. But if I look out the window, I'm literally looking over everybody's fence. That's true. That's fine. You're in your home. You bought a two story house for a reason. Yes, that's fine. It is different. Because home you bought a two-story house for a reason yes that's fine it is different because let's say i'm in the backyard right and and a neighbor is watching through and a neighbor's watching through their window i don't know any better
Starting point is 00:11:15 but then i turn around all of a sudden and there's wilson eyes over the fence staring at me i'm it and what is what are the what are they going to do as soon as I see them? You have to say hi. You have to say hello. Or you are. So what's. Because I feel like they're going to go for back down. What's worse? What's worse, Jason?
Starting point is 00:11:35 You're on your midnight excursion. My midnight excursion. Yes. Well, he's talking about your free swimming. Right. Yes. Free swimming. Two scenarios. One, you look over.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It's your fence. And you just. You see a head pop down. Okay. That sounds bad so far. Or, number two, you look up at a lit two-story window, and you see the blinds quickly shut. Which one's worse? Definitely the fence. Without a doubt, the fence.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I mean, at that point, I'm 10 feet away from this person or less. That is creepy. The only thing protecting you from me is a thin cement wall. Now, maybe the only thing worse is I look up at that lit window, and they're watching with a cup of tea. The blinds don't go down. They're in the recliner that's facing the window. Hey, Al, a question for you on this. The lines don't go down. They're just not. They're in the recliner that's facing the window. Just this is what they. Hey, one question.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Al, a question for you on this. Yeah. Are you a narc? I'm not a narc. Okay. Not a narc. You never had a noise problem? You said that, right?
Starting point is 00:12:39 Al, have you ever had a neighbor with noise problems? We have, yeah. Have you ever had to make a call? We have not, no. Dang it. All right, moving on no all right a lot of mariachi music uh next to our old house look nice i'm actually i like some mariachi jason brought up the like holidays there i would never think about it on a holiday that is just carte blanche to me i don't like that you're up at four in the morning blowing up firecrackers but i get it new year's day fourth of july it's the worst it's just gonna happen if i had a neighbor that was always noisy because i you know me i've talked about this on the podcast many times like i'm i'm non-confrontational i'm not i'm never gonna go over knock i'm not
Starting point is 00:13:14 gonna call the cops i would if it happened long enough we would move we would that would be the situation that would be the situation and i'll leave them a note when I do. I probably wouldn't. I probably was not in good shape going over at 3 in the morning, banging on a car window. That probably wasn't the right call. I should have, once again, called the authorities. All right. Sarah from the website, would you rather eat a whole stick of butter?
Starting point is 00:13:40 I know Andy's answer, no matter what the other half is. Or snort A teaspoon of salt Sarah what So salt What would the salt do in a snort situation Would it burn It would not just burn it would annihilate
Starting point is 00:13:57 No it would burn I don't think it would burn What To be fair I have not snorted snalt I have not It's called snalting yes also i'm not a snalter do that you're not an arc not a snalter putting putting salt up your in your sinus cavity your sinus cavity it would that would be bad it would burn it to the ground why would that burn salt doesn't burn my mouth salt doesn't burn have you ever dumped just like regular pure salt into your mouth just salt is the problem like what kind of question is that have you ever just poured a bunch of salt in
Starting point is 00:14:37 your eyes what about a wound yeah yeah jay so okay is are my nasal cavities equivalent to a wound? Is this how unprotected my body is? It's exposed flesh, right, Al? I think. I like how it would. Mike, it would definitely burn. It does. Mike, you've done the sinus washes.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yes. And if you have a too high of a concentration of salt in there, it burns pretty good. Yes. And that is water with a saline solution that is supposed to go through your nose. Right. It's not table salt. Now, first of all, regardless of how delightful snorting a teaspoon of salt would be, I would choose the stick of butter because it's delicious. So someone, have you, what's the highest concentration of butter you have ever eaten that did not
Starting point is 00:15:23 accompany another piece of food? Oh, you know, it's really not good. it's not great to just do it by itself have you like but have you done like a finger swap i've done have you chomped the stick you know the situation is is i you get the cold butter and you can't spread it on the thing on the on the biscuit or whatever right and then you go for the bite but maybe the butter just falls in your mouth and then you end up chewing a little bit of butter and that's about the the extent of it and it's quite good actually your your butter intake is darn near equal to your ice cream intake i think dairy is really sense something you love because thank you when we go out to the cracker barrel right and you get a mama's french toast and they and they bring that little ramekin of butter, and that is a giant ice cream scoop-sized thing of soft butter.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Did you just say a ramekin? Yeah. I've never heard that. That sounds so vocabularistic. What kind of animal is that? It's not an animal. It's a little serving dish. A little ramekin.
Starting point is 00:16:25 It's a dish. I didn't say ramekin. It's a dish. I didn't say you were wrong. I just was impressed. A small dish for baking and serving individual portions of food. There you go. A ramekin. Booyah. So when they bring the ramekin of butter.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Ramekin. Yes, when they bring the ramekin. Andy usually says, can I get four or five more of these? Fetch me my ramekin. Says, can I get four or five more of these? And they oblige him, and then he uses all of it. Well, to be clear, what I ask for is I don't want your little aluminum-wrapped pads of butter. I ask for pancake butter regardless of what biscuit or bread or dish that I get. I want the ball of butter, I ask for pancake butter regardless of what biscuit or bread or dish that I get.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I want the ball of butter. But when you get the hard butter and you can't spread it, you just cut it into pieces. Into slices. And you put a chunk on it. And Mike's done that too. You just eat it. But what else are you supposed to do? Am I supposed to huff and puff on it
Starting point is 00:17:22 until it's room temp? I've got a surprise for you, Jason. Okay. Butter's delicious. Oh, come on. And you should eat it. You see my weight. You know I love butter. So custard.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Isn't custard like ice cream with more butter? Oh, no, that's the egg whites in it. I thought it was the butter inside of it. Are you familiar with the Simpsons, Homer from the Simpsons, the moon waffle? I am not. No. Tell me more. So this was back in the day, old school Simpsons,
Starting point is 00:17:48 but he makes a waffle and pulls it right from the griddle and just puts an entire stick of butter in the waffle, wraps it up, and eats it. That's a moon waffle. I kid you not. As you're telling me that story, Mike, I just got a spam phone call from Springfield. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Is it Homer? You should have answered it. I send it to voicemail. So on the other side of this question, the snorting salt and whether or not that would burn, I looked into it. Okay, tell us. Someone on Quora posted this question. It would be a ramekin of pain.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yes, posted this question. Accidentally snorted salt. Sinus feels weird a day after. Will I be okay? Accidentally? And that is the response. It's how the heck did you snort salt accidentally? And apparently it can cause tissue burns.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yes. And necrotic issues. Thank you. Tissue. Yeah, this was like, do you want to eat something good or be in pain? I'm going eating something good. Final answer. You're still going to vomit if you eat a whole stick of butter.
Starting point is 00:18:48 No, you're not. And keep in mind, you're not eating this on your toast or whatever. You're eating a stick of butter. Are you eating something right now, Al? No. Oh, okay. You're going to vomit. No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Halfway through the butter, You're going to have to be choking it down. I think I could do this. I know you could do this. I think I could do this. I would prefer it cold, though. It would be really rough. Warm butter. Really? Yeah. Oh, no. I would much prefer it warm. Cold means you're going to have to chew this thing. Well, I need it to be more
Starting point is 00:19:19 of a meal. Al Borland, how much do we need to put down on this? How much do we need on the line? The risk of vomit. How much do we have to put down on the line? The risk of vomit. How much do we have to pay Andy to eat his stick of butter? Yeah. No, no, I'm going with Jason because he's so confident about it. I was going to say, I don't like throwing up, so the risk is too high. Like, I would need some real cash.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I'm not confident that I would enjoy it. $100. I'm confident that I would not throw up. This is not a bet. You can puke, but I'll give you $100 to eat a stick of butter. Yeah. And also I'll give you $100 to snort some salt. Never.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Let me ask Al. Am I allowed to put sugar on the butter? No. It's a stick of butter. It can be salted butter though. That might not help you. Of course it can. That would be delicious. What if you snorted salted butter? Or combo platter.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, that's what I thought. Are we all eating butter then? Yes. And then we're vomiting. If you're like me, you're listening to things on your phone non-stop with your headphones. You know, the podcast, the music. But if you're also like me, headphones, they don't fit right.
Starting point is 00:20:29 They're uncomfortable. They're falling out. They're doing all these weird things. And it's because ears are like fingerprints. No two are exactly the same. And it's like, I need a customized solution. And then, ba-blam, Ultimate Ears fits true wireless custom-fit earbuds from Ultimate Ears.
Starting point is 00:20:46 They're changing the game. I got a pair. And I was like, come on, really? You're going to send me a pair of headphones, and I'm going to be the one who custom-fits them in my ear? I don't have a science laboratory. There's no way this is going to work. I put them in.
Starting point is 00:21:00 You connect them to the app. There's a slight warming sensation, and then you have custom fit headphones. That's awesome. Earbuds. It's absolutely incredible. Our producer, Al Borland, he saw them and he was super jealous. He got in with the UE fits immediately after. So he's in, I'm in.
Starting point is 00:21:17 They're customized earbuds. It's incredible what technology has brought us. You get that guaranteed perfect fit in just 60 seconds, eight hours of continuous playback on a single charge. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee that you're going to love them. You are going to love them. You're not going to send these back. They're fantastic.
Starting point is 00:21:36 For a limited time, you can get 15% off your pair of Ultimate Ears Fits true wireless earbuds at ue.com slash fits. Use the promo code ballers at checkout. That's 15% off with the promo code ballers at ue.com slash Fitz. That's a great question. All right. This question comes in from Dre on Patreon patreon after winning a mare for a day contest you are given the opportunity to create one holiday that does not currently exist what
Starting point is 00:22:16 holiday are you creating and what day will it fall on oh interesting all right i can tell you right now i don't i'm i'm still working out working out on what the holiday is, what we're celebrating, but it's a Wednesday. It's a Wednesday. It's just a Wednesday. You want a Wednesday holiday. You want the two days on each side. I'm so sick of this.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Every holiday has to be a Monday thing. There are no Wednesdays, huh? There are no. It's always a Monday. It's either- Ash Wednesday? Yeah, but you don't get that off. It's not a national holiday.
Starting point is 00:22:46 The bank's open. So you want a holiday right in the middle of the week so that you have to go to work on Monday and Tuesday. Sure. And then come back. It's not so that I have to go to work. It's so that I can get out of work. This is a hump day. It's that getting over the middle of the week.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Imagine if you only had to work two days this week okay pretty sweet more but then it's just a new week it's just a new week i'm so baffled that you're upset by i think it's by the three-day weekend like it's all in a row you can do something i got no you can go out of town if you want you can't go out of town because you have a Wednesday off. I'm sure you can. A little turnaround trip. To where? You leave on a Tuesday night to wherever you want within a good distance,
Starting point is 00:23:33 and then you come back the next day. By good distance, you mean like 30 minutes up the road? I will say this. It's innovative. I didn't expect the Wednesday situation, but it's unique how we live in a society and we have our weeks the way that they are and the days the way that they are. I probably go something sports-related.
Starting point is 00:23:56 A lot of people want opening day for baseball. I know you're not going there. What? No one cares. So what I'm doing is I'm moving the first football Sunday to Thursday. Friday. And you're running into the whole weekend. See, that's so bizarre because the easy answer is Super Bowl Monday.
Starting point is 00:24:16 The Monday after the Super Bowl. That's a trailing day. You're not celebrating anything. You are celebrating the fact that everyone you're uncelebrating is not ready for work because you were all at Super Bowl parties I get that that's but that's a reactionary holiday Mike that's like it's a practical holiday yes I agree with you but I want something to celebrate on that day I want it to be like you move you know the the all the slate of football games, and everybody takes the day off work, and you watch them during a Friday.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Don't they do that? Isn't that Sunday? Well, sure, but it's not a holiday. Yeah, I feel like this is done. I feel like your first opening day of Sunday football, they give you that off work. Well, I mean, there's some people they still have to work on Sunday. Like, we still have to work Sundays because our job is football. Some still have to work on sunday like we still have to work sundays because our job is people have to work christmas that's true well jason just
Starting point is 00:25:08 wants it moved to a wednesday i just want to celebrate what are we celebrating jason i think we're celebrating uh american eating okay so we're not talking we're not talking about american eating day yes it's it's american eating day um you know, it's Glucktober the 5th. Oh, you're trying to build on glutton? Yeah, because what you do on this holiday, okay, this is your Thanksgiving, Mike. Mr. I-Want-Jack-in-the-Box-on-Thanksgiving. On this holiday, you celebrate the weight of America. And that's W-E-I-G-H-d yeah it's we're there it's the heft
Starting point is 00:25:49 okay and you got a day off day is you get a day off to really just lounge and eat and that's the that's what this is different than a normal wednesday this is well yeah because you gotta usually i gotta go to work and then I go home and lounge and eat. I want to stay home and lounge and eat. I really like this. I think that if you had a Wednesday and it's Eat-A-Lots-Giving or whatever it's called, and all the restaurants out there, they're all having, it's like Black Friday. For Black Friday, you get all your electronics. Well, Eat-A-Lots-G giving, you get all the restaurants are on sale.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Oh, they're half off. And then you go, you get your Bogos. Your Postmates drivers are dodging each other on the roads. Oh, your cheeseburger. The problem is you took the day off and you gorged and you ate whatever you want because everything is super cheap. But then you have to go to work on Thursday. Yeah, but everybody does. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:47 There ain't no work getting done that Thursday. Except in the bathroom. What the heck? We just said the same thing? I love Michael Keaton. Wow. I put zero poop content into this doc today. No, and that wasn't poop content.
Starting point is 00:27:04 That had nothing to do with that. What are you talking about? You're replacing... You gotta wash your hands. You're replacing all the new fixtures, putting decorations. Yeah, plumbing day. It always follows... Plumbing day always follows Gorge Tuesday. Yeah, International Plumber's Day. Because they're all
Starting point is 00:27:20 on standby. It's the following day. That Friday is International Plumber's Day. Br Friday is International Plumbers Day. Brought to you by Charmin. Do you buy people cards for this eating holiday? Of course. They have to be edible. You have to invite people. They have to be edible cards.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Oh, an edible card? Yeah, everything is edible on, what do we call it? I don't know what the card says. A lot of foods giving? American Eating Day or something? I hope you enjoy this favorite date and add 10 pounds to your weight to your weight yeah there you go all right don't be late now we got that settled ronnie from twitter what three items could you walk up and set on the conveyor belt that would make the
Starting point is 00:28:01 store cashier super uncomfortable, confused, and concerned. I've been down this road before, and we'll keep it copacetic here. But here's the thing. When you're at the... I think this happens the most at a Walgreens or something like that. Okay. But also like Target, Walmart. If you have a wide variety of things, this is why men don't want to buy certain things for their wives.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Family planning? Yes. Family planning or times of the month or any type of products that you're uncomfortable buying because do you feel like you need a buffer product? Yes, always. You feel like you need, but it can't just be like- Not this guy.
Starting point is 00:28:44 It can't just be some gum, right? It's like, give me some gum and a more embarrassing product. Give me gum? No, I said a gum can't be the buffer product. You need some more significant shopping. You can't just go, and a stick of Wrigley's. You know? You're just making eye contact with the cashier uh and but let's for
Starting point is 00:29:07 the ease of conversation this is to make them uncomfortable for the ease of conversation here let's say that that item is something like i don't know you need some hemorrhoid cream okay very awkward to buy just right hemorrhoid cream because they know what you're there for your problems it's sliding them a confession is what you're doing this is what i'm dealing with right now but if you combine something with hemorrhoid cream you're also implying a weird combination like oh hemorrhoid cream and ben and jerry's that's weird see i was now and later i was thinking what is the the ultimate thing to make someone really uncomfortable? And it's just, it's two frozen burritos and it's a pack of adult diapers.
Starting point is 00:29:52 That's good. That's good. I was going to say it's rope, steak knife, or I mean rope and some butcher knives. Oh, what did you do? You look like a murderer? Yeah. I mean, you put three things. And some gloves.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And some gloves. Yeah. You get the kitchen gloves. That would make them so uncomfortable. That's getting you reported. For buying products at a store? Here's the thing. And I have been here, done this before.
Starting point is 00:30:13 But it feels bad. And I know what is going through the minds of the worker. I go and I restock my medicine cabinet for the Wednesday night essentials. Which is Tums gas x you said that like we know right gas x and maybe some pepto okay you you know you you go to the checkout line with those three now do you have those three and then some like burritos oh no those are all at home i've always wondered why've always wondered why Postmates or Jack in the Box, there should be a little, you just check a box and you get a thing of Tums thrown in. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:50 It's a single serving. A single serving Gas X or you choose. Let's not make a joke. Have you had the Postmates driver give you treats? What? Uh-oh. That can't be good. I had a Postmate driver like- Have a candy. They gave me mints. They gave treats? What? Uh-oh. That can't be good. I had a Postman driver.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Have a candy. They gave me mints. They gave you mints? Yeah. But they're from their own pocket? They didn't just like, hold on, scrimmage, scrimmage. But how did you know that they were their mints and not from the store? Because it was wrapped in like a special bag.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Oh, like a thank you? Yes. Oh, for the tip? Yes. Oh, they gave you like a- It was like a thank you yes oh for the tip oh they gave you like it was for the and it worked i would say i would not be able to not tip that person more okay okay yes you say it worked yes i say shenanigans do you tip the people that don't bring you those gift bags not like i did the person that gave me the gift bag because there's there's multi buttons
Starting point is 00:31:43 yeah 10 15 20 percent yeah well i mean if you're a good tipper then what do you do every time 15 like 20 you go up you'll go to the 20 you're a postmates up upper yes i'm a 20 percenter wow well yeah certainly if you max out the tip option in the software that's not going to do them any favors exactly the problem with the percentage of the tip is i already know that postmates is is rounding up my prices and then throwing in all their uh this is the convenience fee and here's the fee because we made it easier like it's all the same thing why do you keep i'm gonna be honest with you i i move it down to 10% if I feel like I paid too much on Postmates. I do, too. So the bigger your order is, the smaller your trip is. If I feel like I bought, and if the food really stinks or something, I just.
Starting point is 00:32:32 What? It's not their fault? I know it's not their fault, but it makes the, like, you go, you spend money on Postmates, and I brought this up to you, Jason, the other day. There's, like, a place down the street, but we were watching a movie, so I decided to pay for it. If I had just gone there, I probably would have saved like $20 instead I get the food it was horrible food then I spent like 50 $60 I just didn't want to put another 15% into
Starting point is 00:32:54 there but I did 10 and I know it's not their fault I do it based on like items yeah that makes much more sense than price because if you're let's say you're getting a $12 order or a $60 order, chances are they both come in one bag. Yep. You did the same amount of work. You walked in, you grabbed this, you came back. Why am I tipping you more? Because I'm spending more. I'm with you, Andy.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I want a Postmates person that comes up with their own, like, the pizza bag that's warmed. I want their own custom warming box that they pull it all out of. That would be some extra care. Because I get cold Postmates way too often. They'd still get 20%. Man, we pay a lot for convenience in America, don't we? We do. Because the food's colder, gross, almost always wrong.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Almost always wrong. And way more money. All to sit on our couch. I look forward. Meanwhile, Mr. Postmates is like, ha, ha, ha. Yeah. Have some mints. I look forward to the day when we can look back and remember what it was like to go to restaurants.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You do look forward to that day? Remember when we used to go to these places? You are trying to get the Wally thing to happen so bad. Dude, I can't wait for the article. The millennials killed the restaurant. It's like, no, that was us. We're lazy. The Spitballers Draft.
Starting point is 00:34:20 All right, we are drafting the best Olympic sports. Now, one of my questions has already been answered. I didn't know if we were able to mix and match winter and summer sports. I don't even know what makes a good Olympic sport. Is it the idea of just watching it? Is it how cool the sport is? I don't even know what makes Olympic sports stay Olympic sports and why they pull things away.
Starting point is 00:34:45 There's some super secret committee about it. I know. Behind closed doors. I know. But Jason gets the honor of the most valuable first pick ever. Because there's a clear winner. Everyone out there. Whatever you do, don't take pole vaulting.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah. Everyone out there is thinking. That was straight up my number one pick. It is pretty cool. Yeah. That's why. Pole vaulting is cool. Don't take pole vaulting. Yeah, what everyone out there is thinking. That was straight up my number one pick. It is pretty cool. Yeah, that's why. Pole vaulting is cool. Don't take it, Jason. There is no number one pick here.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yeah, look. He's already tilting. Well, this is just so stupid. It's so stupid to have the first pick here. I should get the first three picks. The beauty of the draft on the Spitballers podcast, Jason, is that you get to tell us why you were right. You make the first pick.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Then you tell us that you're a genius. That's it. Well, there's only one pick I actually want, but I'm not going to take it. Because I'm going to play the game and hope it gets back to me. Okay. That's part of the game. I'm going to take gymnastics. I'm going to take gymnastics I'm going to take gymnastics because
Starting point is 00:35:45 are we going checking with Al Borland are we going that broad that's a great question when you say gymnastics that's a lot I get a lot of different pommel horse and the rings and the dancing
Starting point is 00:36:01 the dancing thing I think there's so many sports that it is one pick. That would be my vote. Yeah, I agree. Okay. You get gymnastics. You're not taking freestyle swimming, and then I'm taking the butterfly, Mike. Right?
Starting point is 00:36:16 Because nobody tunes in to watch. I'm only watching the rings. People say, I'm going to watch the gymnastics event. And those aren't separate sports either. Gymnastics is the sport. Yeah, so I'm gonna watch the gymnastics event and those aren't separate sports either they're all gymnastics is the sport yeah so i'm gonna take gymnastics because okay look i think that over the last you know several decades our lives the last our the last our lives is going we we've had some great american gymnasts and and going forward which one what's your favorite one Jason Simone is that her name
Starting point is 00:36:48 it is right Simone and Pumba no oh that's Simone which one's your favorite what event did you love that she did that's Simone Biles right and I don't know if I'm naming What event did you love that she did, Jason? That's Simone Biles, right? Yes. Okay, I remember.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah. And I don't know if I'm naming this correctly, but it's the freestyle dance. I think it's called a floor routine. A floor routine? Thank you. They could upgrade that. Freestyle dancing would be way cooler marketing. Watch Simone Biles freestyle dance into your heart all right let's do a floor routine so did you you're it's really good your case for this number one pick is on the basis of just like
Starting point is 00:37:35 we've had some good routines recently I have no basis for this pick this here this is a shout out to my sister because growing up she loved loved it. Okay. That's it. I regret not taking the pick I wanted. I totally regret not taking the one that I actually cared about. Shame on me. And neither of you take it. I am going to select the sport. It's a winter sport. Now, Mike, you've got a couple of.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, I have. You've got two picks. I do. There's so many. got a couple of uh yeah i have you've got two picks i do there's so many like for me it's is it super unique super fun to watch and um i don't remember what it's called but it's when the skiers go down the hill and then they fly for like the long jump is that is that all it's called i the ski, the long ski jump. The ski jumper thing. When they fly, that is symbolic of like all the Olympics to me.
Starting point is 00:38:30 That is the most iconic. Eddie the Eagle stuff is called ski jumping. Incredible marketing. Once again, just like your floor dancing, we don't need to market this. It stands alone. So ski jumping seems amazing to me. It was a last second pivot but when i picture the olympics in my head ski jumping where else do they do that that's you do that
Starting point is 00:38:52 just a great point to compete for distance nobody's doing that just for fun there are weird olympic events where it's like this is the only place we do it so you spend your whole life being the best at this thing that every couple of years you can actually do. It's not high profile, but to me, it's the best. I like it. So I'm going number one. No, it's a super cool event. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:11 I'm on the board. Yeah, you get a back to back. So I will take basketball. Dang it. That's the one I should have taken. Because it's the best Olympic sport. Well, but it's not anymore. But why?
Starting point is 00:39:22 And that's why I didn't take it. Because it's the only summer Olympic sport I will actually watch. See, to me, it's the only summer Olympic sport you could watch every day of your life, even when the Olympics aren't going on. Yeah, it's not even an Olympic sport. It's just basketball. What a dumb pick. It's basketball, except it's the U.S. of A kicking that butt.
Starting point is 00:39:39 At least we used to. That's why I didn't take it. Oh, because we lose now? Because we're not that great at it. I'm kind of shocked. I'm like, I like basketball, but it's on like tonight. You can watch the NBA tonight. But it's not National Pride.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Okay, I get it. National Pride is awesome, by the way. But I don't think this is National Pride. You want National Pride, there's a different one out there. But I believe... It's really all the Olympic sports for National Pride. Sure. But my best,
Starting point is 00:40:07 like if I think about the Olympics and watching the Olympics and what mattered the most to me in my life, there is, there is a dream team. It's the dream team, man. There is nothing that comes as close to when the dream team was out there back in the early nineties,
Starting point is 00:40:22 crushing the souls and spirits of the world. Oh, you want to add basketball to the Olympics? Fine. I mean, it was awesome. How did we get away with that? Because I thought it was supposed to be no professionals allowed. When did the loophole enter that we could send our professional basketball players? I don't think it was a loophole.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I think we always sent collegiate athletes. That was just what we did. I think we just went, we've kind of been losing. Let's just show the world what's up. They started trash talking. Wait, why is Russia sending their pros? Maybe we should do that. Mike, you have another pick.
Starting point is 00:41:00 All right, I don't know all the events I possibly get. Since you took gymnastics and you seem to get them all, I will take track and field. Oh, that's great. Because aside from basketball, when it's the summer. Is that okay? Is that okay? Track and field?
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'm not trying to. I'm really not trying to trade pick you. But I was like, oh, I can't draft pole vaulting now? I almost regret telling Jason. Does he get get 13 things? Yeah, it's in track. So long jump, running. You get track or field.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I feel like he has to at least take the... Should we make Jason take a specific gymnastics? No, decathlon or something like that. No, then I'm going back. I take basketball. No, because that's like taking the floor routine. You told him he gets the full i think he gets track and field well they're different sports though gymnastics is one sport
Starting point is 00:41:49 right no but track and field is multiple sports here's here's here i'm just in andy's defense here's the difference there are a set of gymnasts that go and they compete in all the gymnast things there are there are gymnasts who specialize in certain events. I don't know and cannot verify if that's true. I 100% know that's true. Yeah, I don't think like Simone Biles is doing every event. She does. She does every event.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Some do floor. Some do balance beam. Some do rings. Yes, 100% they do. No, they all do all of them. I don't think you're right here, Mike. They really do all of them. That's why Simone Biles, she won multiple events.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I remember watching the gymnastics. They all compete and the scores go together. There were the people that were great at multiple events. Or this is this person's specialty. If he wants track and field, that's fine. There's lots of other sports. I will take track and field. But I think you actually, genuinely, I think you lose for that.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Boom. Oh, fight. Like you lose your argument because you don't get to talk about like one specific thing that's exciting about track and field. Yeah, I do. Track and field. Who's the fastest man in the world one specific thing that's exciting about track and field. Yeah, I do. Track and field. Who's the fastest man in the world? Okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Usain Bolt. So running. Is it still Usain Bolt? I don't know. All right. I know his name, so yes, he is the fastest man alive. I'm going to go with table tennis. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I'm going with ping pong because, I mean, we decided that's an Olympic sport just like that. Very strange, but it is. I don't get to watch ping pong ever competitively unless I'm cheering on the US of A. Yeah. We compete in that? No, we don't. But I'm still cheering for us even if we don't compete.
Starting point is 00:43:17 We don't compete in curling, do we? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We took care of business in curling? I don't know if we win, but I know that we're in it. Yeah. We have ice places. I imagine the Norwegians and the Canadians. Oh, it's We took care of business in Curly? I don't know if we win, but I know that we're in it. We have ice places. I imagine the Norwegians and the Canadians. Oh, it's all the Canadians.
Starting point is 00:43:29 They got it on lockdown. It's a racket, man. So many brooms up there. All right. All right. We brought forth the US of A. We're like, we need the Summer Olympics. And Canada's like, what about the winter sports, eh?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Jason, you're back up two picks. All right. First is easy. It's swimming. Swimming's great. You got Michael Phelps. You want to talk about, oh, I know his name. I mean, you've got superstars.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And this is really one of the most watched events. It is. It's great. It's an awesome sport. Swimming is fantastic. Now is where I get a little bit more creative because there's a couple different ways i could go here and they're they're both very much not you know i've got gymnastics and swimming major major events i wanted to i'm
Starting point is 00:44:18 i got my majors now now i need my minors okay and to start me off with my minor, I am thinking that I am going to go with one of the best movies of all time. Cool runnings. Oh, Bob. Give me that Bob. That's a great pick. That's a great. That's a great pick. Except the, the, uh, what's the luge, the loop, but what's the one where you one where you like die every time? Oh, you mean where you- Skeleton. Yeah. You go from bobsled to luge.
Starting point is 00:44:49 There's an event called skeleton and you didn't take it. That's where it's just your body. I don't even know what that is. That's just your body. Where's the bobsled? You got rid of the sled. You're the sled? No, I think you're on a sled, but you're like head first.
Starting point is 00:45:00 That's stupid. Why do we do these stupid things? I don't know. I did search for skeleton and I did not get what I wanted. I got a lot of skeleton. Yeah, you were on a little bit of a thin little piece of plastic, and you're face first. And you're going down the same bobsled tunnel.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Is it really? Yes. Oh, that's so stupid. Why would they do that? Because they want death. Wow. But bobsled's cooler. All right. Because it's? Yes. Oh, that's so stupid. Why would they do that? Because they want death. Wow. But bobsled's cooler. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Because it's cool runnings. Yeah, and you got four and two-man bobsleds. Cool runnings. That's pretty good. Wait, he gets both of those? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:35 He gets both bobsled variations, Mike. All right. I'm going to go with figure skating. Okay. I'm going to go with figure skating. That's a great one. It's just an iconic, world-renowned, very fun, kind of defines the Winter Olympics.
Starting point is 00:45:48 So I'm going figure skating. Mike? I am shocked it came down to this, but I'll take soccer. Oh, no. That's the one I was going to say is more of like the national. Yeah, and it's back to me, and I will take it. I love that every argument I made against basketball applies to soccer, but I totally buy the soccer pit.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Not really. Not for America. There's not just soccer on day in, day out. So let's just be clear because I brought the thing up at the beginning. What makes a great Olympic sport? For you, it's apparently that America wins. 100%. It's not what makes the sport.
Starting point is 00:46:21 To me, I thought it was about what the sport is. No, but I don't enjoy losing. I mean, it's one of those things where if I go. But you're so good at it. If I'm, name something I've ever lost at, ever. This draft? Oh, doubtful. You lost at foosball 20 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Hey, Al Borland, how'd pickleball go? Hot pickleball? I just can't remember this year. Haven't we played three one-on-one games? I can't remember. All right. What's my record? We got to wrap remember this year. Haven't we played three one-on-one games? I can't remember. All right. What's my record? We got to wrap this.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Al. What is happening? Is your mic broken? Who's on the clock? Oh, yeah. It's 3-0. I'm on the clock. Mike gets to wrap it up. He's got one more pick.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And the team games just keep flowing. I will take hockey. Hockey's a great- So you've got hockey, basketball, soccer- And track and field. And track and field. And track and field. Well, look, you didn't go for any nuance there. I mean, you're not.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Nope. Like, for instance, I'm taking the biathlon. What's in there? I have no idea. Is that like a loser's triathlon? No. It's like, the three's too many. I couldn't make it to three.
Starting point is 00:47:22 You do two things. What do you do? You ski and you shoot a gun. Oh, that's pretty cool. I'm taking the biathlon. You don't ski. You cross-country ski. Yeah, you cross-country ski.
Starting point is 00:47:33 That's walking on skis. Then you shoot targets. Then you cross-country ski, and you shoot targets. I'm trying to take this back to Athens. I want to go back to when- Then you should have taken nude wrestling. Well, my point is very... Did you not know the Olympics were
Starting point is 00:47:47 nude? What? Oh, bro. He's talking about not now. Yeah, I know not now. I'm well aware that now the Olympics are not performed in the nude. Like the OG Olympics. Them was nude sports, my man. Ski jumping, table tennis, figure skating,
Starting point is 00:48:04 biathlon, which no one will know what it is. If you were going to take niche, you should. Curling is the one niche sport I would watch. Well, I had other ones like pole vaulting that I can't take or water polo. That's part of the field. Or archery, which are very cool. All right, archery is very cool. Yeah, but the one where you don't just shoot, you also ski.
Starting point is 00:48:21 You also walk around on skis. What are my picks? picks are do i have four no you have three you're finishing okay but that's just we're not concerned with you we'll give you all of our picks gym now gymnastics swimming bobsledding last pick before we close this out jason you got to make your final i was close to going when I wanted the minors and I wanted the nuance. I was really close between curling and bobsled. Curling is awesome. So I'm going to take, because I literally don't know where else in the world you can watch curling than at the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I, you know, everything else is, you know. You're watching a lot of biathlons? I have, I've never watched a biathlon, including the Olympics. That's your problem. Your problem is I don't biathlon including the Olympics that's your problem your problem is I don't watch it at the Olympics people aren't watching a lot of curling oh my gosh it's one of the most popular actual ratings wise
Starting point is 00:49:15 people love curling curling is awesome that's what I would say about my pick if I had just made it I didn't make the pick and I'm supportive of curling from the research I see, the four biggest most-watched events are swimming, gymnastics, curling, and bobsled.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So I think I've got a W here. All right. What did we learn today? I learned that Andy's a narc. I learned that Andy's a narc. I learned that Jason swims at night in a fashion worth narking about. Mike?
Starting point is 00:49:53 I learned that Jason doesn't understand how a nasal cavity works when it comes to sodium. Alright. Just snort some salt and get it over with. Then you'll know how it works. I'll be right back. This will be Jason's last show.
Starting point is 00:50:09 We'll see you next time. Thanks Al. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the spit ballers podcast to see what other nonsense the guys are up to. Check out spitballerspod.com.

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