Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Splashback Situations & The Best Sitcom Characters - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: March 23, 2023

Spit Hit for March 23rd, 2023:\ On today’s show, we talk about brownie eating habits, dying on a magic carpet ride, squeegeeing food off the floor, and some passionate trash can takes. We also dish... out some life advice that is sure to help listeners around the world navigate tough situations. We close it down with a draft of the best sitcom characters. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On today's incredible spit hit, we talk about brownie eating habits, dying on a magic carpet. Right, I forgot about that conversation. We also dish out life advice, as we usually do, and we close it down with a draft of the best sitcom characters. Ladies and gentlemen, before you start this show, tell your friends. Pick one out of your context. Say one or two people and say they need to know about this show because it is so hilarious and so, so funny. Now that you've done that, enjoy the show.
Starting point is 00:00:38 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Scooby-dooby-doo, there's a pickle in my shoe, bananas! Oh man. Oh. I'm really torn on this one Because it was actually not bad But it was too cringy It was like I am uncomfortable right now
Starting point is 00:01:13 Without cringy We got two food references And a Scooby Doo was in there Alright So Hey Your catch phrase Welcome to the Spitballers podcast everybody Yeah, welcome in All right. Hey. Your catchphrase.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Welcome to the Spitballers podcast, everybody. Yeah, welcome in. Andy, your catchphrase on this show is Badingi. Yeah, it's my catchphrase. So you simply modified Badingi into banana? Yes, when I go food. I wanted to end with something a little bit different. There's a pickle in your shoe.
Starting point is 00:01:51 There's a pickle in my shoe. Bananas. It was plural. Oh, multiple bananas. It's bananas. Now, was bananas like the exclamation of, oh, I cannot believe that there's pickles in my shoes. Bananas. Like if you were walking around and you found a pickle in your shoe, you'd go, this is bananas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It made perfect sense. I'm with it. Just like this show always does. I liked it. We are on episode 160 of the Spitballers podcast. Oh, we're five away! 165 is the return of the owl
Starting point is 00:02:22 as we're calling it. And so we will have a scat likely superior to the one I just performed. Brought by a very sweaty, nervous Al Borland in five shows. Would you rather life advice and we are drafting the best sitcom characters on today's episode of the show.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Want to thank everybody out there that's supporting the Spitballers podcast. You can do that on spitballerspod.com. All of our show. I want to thank everybody out there that's supporting the Spitballers podcast. You can do that on spitballerspod.com. All of our patrons, thank you so much for keeping the show going. We are excited to be bringing you not only the new episode every single week, but the Spit Hits every Thursday. That's been a lot of fun. Been by popular demand.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Yeah. So we've got a couple of entertaining episodes a week for you. And we are very thankful for all of the reviews that I've been reading. People enjoying. I like it when people listen to the show and then they have to go hide so that they can laugh. Those are the situations I enjoy the most where they're in a place where they don't feel comfortable laughing at the show at full volume. So then they have to go hide and laugh, which you creepier do not you're a weirder person don't hide in the bathroom like run in there and laugh yeah like if you are without
Starting point is 00:03:36 checking this if you're in an office building and and i walk in a giggle bathroom and someone's just cackling up a storm in one of the stalls. Right. That's a situation. So be careful of that. Yeah. It's one of the warnings that we've been required to put on the podcast. Also, just share the joy, man.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Listen in the car. Listen with your friends. Listen with your family. Bananas. Bananas.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Let's get this going. Listen with your family. Bananas. Bananas. Let's get this going. Would you rather. This makes, for what it's worth, this is the 160th consecutive time I don't know what's going to happen on this show. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Feels like that's going to work. Joel Bowl Barbecue from Patreon writes in, says, when eating a brownie, would you rather have an edge piece or a middle piece? This is a great would you rather, as this is a question that stands the test of time. You have actual brownie pans, not plates. I don't know if you guys have seen this. The demand has been high enough to where they make a pan.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Exactly, where it's all edges. It looks like a maze so that you can have an edge on every single slice of brownie. Which I think is a really cool idea. It is if you're a psychopath that would pick the edge over the ooey gooey middle. What are you doing with your life? I don't. The edge. I think there are merits to both, right?
Starting point is 00:05:14 You get the center, you get the gooey, and I get that. But you can only have so much gooey, genuinely. What are you talking about? Look at me. Yes. Look at me. I eat and I eat and I eat. That's a lot of gooey.
Starting point is 00:05:28 But the truth is, even I can't do, like, I feel like. What? No, no, no. You can't do eat too much gooey? If you gave me a normal, like, not the maze, but just a normal pan filled with brownies, you said I have to eat half. Here's how you get to eat it. Eat the entire outside, the entire ring, or the entire inner.
Starting point is 00:05:49 There's no way I could do the inner. But that outside, you can keep going with that little bit harder cook. Let me be clear. Oh, yeah. Let me be clear. Everything Jason is trying to convey is so spot on to how I feel about brownies or even, I mean, you could take this to like a large cookie as well. Cookie is a completely different dessert.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Different rules. It's a different shape, that's for sure. Yes. Yeah, exactly. But you can't fit a square brownie into a circle cookie. No, that's one of the classic idioms of all time. But Jason's right. When you are going to indulge, you can't have a thousand bites of gooey
Starting point is 00:06:26 but that's why I would like to try the pan the brownie pan situation that's here you'd like to eat a whole pan right this is what I like to eat a pan we can test this out right now so wait if Mike if you could have uh it doesn't change for you if it's like if it's one bite of brownie I'd take the goo one giant bite i'm taking the gooey part no let's how how do you eat a brown let's say you have an edge piece of my mouth uh yeah thank you that's that's good you have a you have a a piece of brownie that's got one edge i eat the gooey first really you save the the crisp for the end you eat the outside and then you go in of course because you save the best for last.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You eat the outside first because it's on the outside. This is simple. Well, it's on the outside simply because of how you eat it. How are you going to eat the middle first? It's impossible. I'm talking about a piece of brownie, James. No, we're talking about the front or the back of a square of brownie. You don't pump a hole through the middle and eat the inside.
Starting point is 00:07:22 That's what I'm saying. You don't just go right for the middle. That's a psychopath. But, Mike, you don't trim the outside of your big cookie, do you? Like take nibbles around the whole outside to save the inner? I have done that almost. Absolutely you do. I do that all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Yes. If it's a good cookie where the outside's a little crispy, the inside's a little doughy, I work my way around it. My grandpop, he always said, you eat the cookie you're dealt. Straight up. Straight through. Yeah, but it's your choose your own adventure when it's your own cookie. When it's the bottom of the ninth and there's two outs, you don't want a single.
Starting point is 00:07:54 You want a grand slam home run and you want the gooey middle to finish it off. Okay, but let me just play devil's advocate here. The best. You are with your. I am the devil. Your edges. What I'm saying is, isn't the best bites of the cookie your i am the devil your edges what i'm saying is isn't the best bites of the cookie actually the first few bites when you're hungry for cookie because of the
Starting point is 00:08:11 satisfaction of that first cookie bite wouldn't you want that to be the best bite as opposed to no maybe the cookie's so big oh i gotta finish this cookie you're a little full you're not as it's not as delicious at the end but a cookie you can't it's it's scientifically proven that the middle of the cookie is the best part and you can't hole punch out the middle of a cookie and start with that man i love the corners of a square pizza i'm gonna tell you right now what i'm gonna tell you right now all i can think about right now are the little baby triangle corners of a pizza. The ones that have 25% of the slice has actual cheese and sauce on it? I'm talking the thin crust. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:50 But you mean the corners? Oh, the corners are the best. They're little bite-sized. You're making like a stop sign, a little stop sign of pizza? I want them to just sell the little corners in a bag, and I'll just eat them like chips. Mike, here's the question I have for you. You go to a party. Okay. eat them like chips. Mike, here's the question I have for you. You go to a party. They're setting out pre-cut pieces of brownie
Starting point is 00:09:08 on a table. Which side are they facing towards the crowd? Are they facing the back side with the crust or are they facing the gooey side towards you? I believe that you're going to get a random assortment. Oh, you are not. They're going to put the goo side towards you.
Starting point is 00:09:24 The goo side would clearly be towards you. I mean, it's just. That's how you serve a brownie. They don't serve it backwards. There's simple etiquette in life. Certain things that are. How do they serve your pie, Mike? Crust side front?
Starting point is 00:09:37 Would you like an orange juice with this cookie? There is no level of OCD out there that the person who is managing the party is going to cut up the brownie, pull it out of the pan and set it up so that they're all angled exactly the same way. When you go to a fine dining restaurant and they set your edge piece right in front of you, where's the back of it facing? Away from me. That's right it is.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah, because they're hiding it. So the final answer here. Hold on. Okay, when they said done a piece of pizza, the crust is in the back. I'm just saying they expect you to eat the goo first. That's all I'm saying. They're presenting the best part of it to you. Then it's up to you.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You eat your pizza crust first? No. No one does that. My son does that. No. I'm so sorry. He's the kid from the Pizza Hut commercial. He's the kid from the Pizza Hut commercial. Straight up the kid from the Pizza Hut commercial.
Starting point is 00:10:27 He just always eats crust first. Cool sunglasses, backwards hat. That's darn right. You're a walking, talking food hypocrisy machine right now, Mike. You don't save the best pizza part for the last? No, because that's food. Oh, my goodness. That's the appetizer.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Wait a minute. What are you talking about? You're not saying the crust is the best part of a pizza. No, I'm saying, but he's saying that the edge of a brownie is not the best part, but he eats it first. Because the gooey part of the brownie is the dessert, and the dessert goes at the end of the dinner. So you have to eat the meal?
Starting point is 00:10:54 So it is the final part of the experience. Best for last. Okay, at least you have some delusional logic to it. Outside's better. All right. Tessa from Twitter. Would you rather sweat milk or sneeze glitter? Oh, one of these is a party.
Starting point is 00:11:11 One of these is a party, and one of these is a nightmare, okay? Let me tell you something about when I sweat. I am hot. I don't sweat when I'm freezing cold, going to have some nice chilled milk rolling down my no we're changing it because that was my my first reaction was i am now sweating hot curdled milk it's it is it's warm milk this is ice cold milk i get to you can lick your arm you could if no one's around you and you wanted to just sweat drip it into a cup, you could drink it.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Just hypothetical then. Does that mean that you are wiping an Oreo on your armpits? I don't think you've got to go armpits. I mean, I sweat everywhere. I'm sure. I'll just put it on my forehead. Just a little dab, dab, and eat away. Sir, are you sitting on Oreos?
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yes, I am. Hot or cold, you are still covered in milk, I'll tell you. But there's a big difference between it being cold and hot milk. Not much. Not much, but there's a difference. It will go from cold to milk on your warm body real quick. Forget milk. Just imagine
Starting point is 00:12:17 that our normal sweat had a color at all. It's blue. Everything's ruined. Everything. You just look like a Powerade commercial. Your car seat's ruined. Everything's ruined. Everything. You just look like a Powerade commercial. Your car seat's ruined. Your couch ruined. Your shirts are single use only, disposable. Like, thank goodness our sweat is clear.
Starting point is 00:12:34 You would probably have to get in a full body suit, in which case you would be collecting milk from within it, just not to contaminate your whole world. And then you just dump the shoe out? Yeah. On the flip side man gotta milk myself if i could choose between sneezing glitter and normal sneezing i think i would sneeze glitter man well you're not thinking about the mess but there's glitter that's a good point you have in this situation there's a problem you have to sneeze once a day
Starting point is 00:13:01 this is not because to me i'm like oh i can never sneeze if I wanted to. Like, I can stop every sneeze that I have coming. That's impressive. Yeah, I've worked on it for a long time. I can stop some of them, but not every single time. I'm usually getting at least a little. Maybe not if I'm sick. I'm going to say you can stop the sneeze, you know, where you go and it's just in your head. But now your mouth is full of glitter.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Your nose cavity is full of glitter. And you got to pick that stuff out. Now, see, here's a problem with the sneeze. You always, well, you're supposed to, at least out there. You got to cover the sneeze. And like my go-to, I go sneeze in the shirt. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Not elbow. No, I prefer to go into the shirt. That does make sense. When you go into the elbow, your elbow is now very moist from your sneeze. That's true. But I have seen a lot of these, in recent history, masks. I don't know if you knew about this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:54 They've been in the news. And I'm guessing your shirt, it's just blasting right through. From a germ perspective, you're firing probably. That's a good question. I mean, you don't have a... I think it's doctor approved. I don't know. That's a cotton shirt, right? Yeah. You're not wearing one of them... I'm not wearing polyester. You don't have a HEPA shirt on?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Nothing getting through that? We need some doctors to answer this question. It's gotta be better than going into the elbow. No, because the elbow's not gonna go anywhere. You can't go through the elbow. But you go around the elbow. You got some spray better than going into the elbow. No, because the elbow is not going to go through the elbow. But you go around the elbow. You got some spray out. Not everybody's elbow.
Starting point is 00:14:29 So when you go in your shirt, I don't understand. Like, are you you're putting full like are you going eyes deep in your shirt? No, going over the nose. Yeah, I've seen it. I've seen. That's why all the shirts are a little stretched in the front. Oh, yeah. Sneezing the crap out of that's the car.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I got to fit this big schnoz in there. Okay. Oh, that's just from going over the head. Never mind. That's true. You know I have to put this shirt on, right? That's the biggest problem of my day. He steps into them.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yeah. That's because I don't want to stretch it out. He pulls them up. He pulls his shirts up from the bottom. Oh. All right. I'm sneezing glitter by the way is that when you do when you sneeze are you just are you leaning back full godzilla oh yes and i'm not you andy says clean up no this is just over time you're gonna come to my house
Starting point is 00:15:17 full glitter party i mean it's just yeah it's just it's shiny and sparkly everywhere when he gets really sick the bed is just loaded glitter everywhere the light keeps me from getting depressed raquel from patreon would you rather go on a magic carpet ride with aladdin or fly to neverland with peter pan either adventure last 90 minutes i'm going with peter pan this is no wait this is the easiest question i've ever heard i don't know about that. Because it's... Sell me on Aladdin. No, I'm going to...
Starting point is 00:15:47 I want it to be Peter Pan here. But here's my word of warning. How do you get to Neverland? Second star on the right straight on until morning. Oh my gosh, you only go 90 minutes. Yes. You're trapped in space. You're falling.
Starting point is 00:16:00 You're falling. Okay, you found a bad loophole here. I mean, it's fair. But he goes pretty... Joe, you're falling. Okay, you found a bad loophole here, and it's fair. I doubt in any of these movies that it's taken them 90-plus minutes to get to Neverland. It takes all the way until morning, man. Yeah, but I mean, eventually they are portaling, right? We know that they're going into a portal. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I got the answer. We're going pan. We take off about 60 minutes before morning, so're gonna be just fine oh i see what you're saying straight until morning so the whole night goes right you don't want to leave you don't want to leave at sundown because that's good my big question is do i get to actually i get to fly with pam which that sounds pretty cool i mean it is flying do i get to experience any sort of neverland or is it no i don't think so see a little neverland if you get to experience any sort of Neverland? No, I don't think so. Yeah, you get to see a little Neverland. If you get to see Neverland, it's a done deal.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I mean, it's just a done deal. Imagine Carpet Ride. I'm puking everywhere on that one. Yeah, probably. That thing is a sky roller coaster that I can't handle. How fast? Over, sideways, and under? Ooh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:58 No, thank you. How fast is the carpet? Because if I'm remembering correctly, in Aladdin, I mean, they go to many different countries, right? Yes. It also gets out of a volcano situation very quickly. I believe if you have the plaid version, it's 0 to 60 and 2.2. I will say this.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I have had thoughts before about a magic carpet ride. Not specifically, but magic carpet like they they seem like they would be magical it would be the most terrifying thing ever you imagine strap in okay okay follow with me here let's pretend that you're suspended on a carpet that not even a carpet it's not it's not loose a little six by six foot pad of cement right it's not moving and you're 200 feet in the air you having a good time up there you have now move now have it shoot around like there's nothing to grab on or hold on to it takes care i mean the carpet takes care of you if you fall it's gonna pick you up i've seen them i don't want him to
Starting point is 00:18:01 have to do that guys mike break it it down. We have the math. Al Borland has found this. Amazing. So in a whole new world, you see them start in Agrabah, then they go to Cairo, Olympus, China, and then back. And if you work out all the mileage, apparently this carpet is going at least 1165 miles per hour and all you're doing is you're plopped crisscross applesauce on this thing just flying what is what's the speed of sound are we going are we oh that's gotta be mock one that's gotta beat the speed of sound has to uh the speed
Starting point is 00:18:40 of sound is 343 oh is that meters per second? Oh, no. We're close. We're close. Someone do the math. I can't get from meters per second to miles per hour. It's impossible. Nobody's ever done it. 761 miles an hour. So we're going almost Mach 2.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah, you're not staying on that carpet. How many people rode that carpet in a bird head and it's over? You're done? You're done. What's his face? It was on the roller coaster. Oh, yeah. Fabio.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Fabio. Fabio took a bird. I just brought that story up. No, you did not. Yes, I did. Andy was talking to me. I've never heard this until like two days ago. He was talking to me.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Two days ago. No way. I swear to you, the Fabio story of him going down a roller coaster, getting smacked in the face by a bird, breaking his nose, blood everywhere. Now, the best part is why this story came up is because we had Kyle, one of our editors for the Fancy Footballers, and his wife, who we met for the first time, came to town, took him up north to Prescott, and she got hit. A bird flew into her head.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Just right into her face. Wait, what? Just right into her head. Yeah. She's sitting there reading in the morning. A bird flies into her head and Just right into her face. Right into her head. Yeah. She's sitting there reading in the morning. A bird flies into her head and then flies off. She's not moving? No, she's sitting.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Bird says, that head looks great. I'm going to fly into that. Was she okay? Did it draw blood? No, she was just fine. All right. But then I was like, hey, Fabio wants. I was like, he got hit in the face with a bird.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Anyways, that's really fast. They took 1,100 miles an hour very well in the movie. Yeah, Pan is not going that fast. I mean, the reality is it's magic. You're going to be safe. Both are magic. If we're breaking this down for science, you're freezing in space. The vacuum of space, you're done.
Starting point is 00:20:23 You get out of the atmosphere. Start of the right and strangle. Straight on until morning, you're a dead block of ice when you get there that's true so we gotta go magic okay and i'm still if i get to play in neverland i'm going i mean you you do have magic dust that lets you fly yeah but only if you have positive thoughts that's true we really broke that down, didn't we? All right. One more. Would you rather question Alex from Patreon? Would you rather?
Starting point is 00:20:49 These are great today, by the way. Alex from Patreon says, would you rather have to bathe fully clothed? Oh, no. Or throw all of your food on the floor before eating it? What? Oh, my gosh. The idea of sitting down for dinner and knocking your food on the floor. No more soup.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And then go eat. The soup of sitting down for dinner and knocking your food on the floor. No more soup. And then go eat it. The soup's going to be a problem. Then you get on the floor and eat it up. You're going to have to have a straw for the soup. No, you're going to have to build. What you're going to need to do is you're going to have to have your kitchen done like a commercial kitchen where there's a drain at the bottom and the floor just kind of slants a little bit. So you just sweep it into that drain.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I thought it was more of like a half pipe. But that just cleans it. You think sweeping the soup on the floor into the drain is going to really clean your soup? I'm talking, but I'm trying to eat it. Yeah. How are you going to eat it after it's in the drain? Well, you put a cup in the drain. I'm saying you sweep it into there to collect your soup back up.
Starting point is 00:21:42 That's pretty gross. You're mixing everything together. You're sweeping it all together. That's the point. This is disgusting. Don your soup back up. That's pretty gross. You're mixing everything together. You're sweeping it all together. It's disgusting. That's the point. This is disgusting. Don't use that broom. That's my soup broom.
Starting point is 00:21:49 That's my soup broom. I feel like I'd rather have a soup squeegee than a soup broom. Oh, yeah. Oh, you sop and squeegee? Yeah, for sure. The classic sop and squeegee? Well, that's where you just lay down, a cheek on the ground with your mouth open, and someone squeeges the soup right in. Yeah. What would be a real problem is if you sweated milk while you were gathering the cheek on the ground with your mouth open and someone squeegees the soup right in.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yeah. What would be a real problem is if you sweated milk while you were gathering the food on the ground. All right. Both of these are bad. You can't bathe fully clothed. Well, you're washing your clothes too. Yeah, but you're not washing the parts of your body that really need to be washed. You could get in there.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I think you could soap through. Right? You could soap through. You can't soap through. Absolutely you through. You can't soap through. Absolutely you could. You can't soap through denim. You can use the inside of the denim. The jeans would be a little bit of a problem, but I'm thinking about a wash rag, right?
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's just cloth. I put some soap on a wash rag, and I wash my armpits. I'm just saying, if I go in with my shirt on, and I wet my shirt, which already is disgusting. It's already wet. And then I take body wash. Re-wet. And then I put body wash on my hand, and I put that right under my armpit, over the shirt. You'll soap through.
Starting point is 00:22:52 And I keep washing. I think it would work. Unless you're wearing denim. I mean, the denim problem is a real one. You got denim, and you got underpants. What do you got now? Underpants. Underpants.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Now, to be fair, I don't wear denim. Or underpants. Or underpants. Oh, to be fair, I don't wear denim. Or underpants. Or underpants. Oh, man, I thought we were going dark. Yeah. You know, basketball shorts alone, I can clean through that. Okay. I don't think bathing fully clothed is something I can get used to.
Starting point is 00:23:24 If I throw my food on the floor, I've eaten food off the floor. Who hasn't? But not a whole meal. Not a meal. Is this just a big scare tactic from the mothers of the 40s and 50s? Like, can't you eat off the floor without getting sick? What are you going to get sick from? Well, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:23:40 What's on the floor that's going to get me sick? Probably poop particles from uh shoes yeah but how long do they live down there that's a good question forever live there forever doesn't live forever it lives very long i believe it was uh the first life form i have to imagine that tables are dirty oh yeah especially at a restaurant where they're like, let me get this real dirty rag. See, germs are a myth. Well, interesting. Interesting take. So tell us more about this myth of germs.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I just think it's a scare tactic to get us to have to buy more food every time we drop it. Big food. Big food. Trying to push that bacteria. Fecal matter can survive for days or sometimes even weeks on surfaces. Prove to me that one week old fecal matter gets me sick. Then I'll believe you. Poop is everywhere. But does it make you sick or
Starting point is 00:24:32 is it good for you? That's a question only you can answer by trial and error, Andy. Trial and error. I'm going to wash myself in clothes because afterwards I change clothes. I don't have to wear my wet clothes. I'll be fine. That's clothes. Yeah. I don't have to wear my wet clothes. I'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Oh, that's fair. All right. Let's take a quick break and then we'll do some life advice. Spitballers to the rescue. I'm glad that that last segment was so grounded in reality in facts because we've reached the point in the show where we give some life advice get real yeah let's get real let's get serious life's not all about fun and games optimal pooper from patreon right thank you thank you for your support thank you optimal pooper uh when i get out of the shower is it
Starting point is 00:25:23 acceptable for me to step out onto the floor mat and dry off i think that is why the mat is there but my wife can't stand it when the mat is soggy and expects me to dry off in the shower before stepping out mike i know a soggy mat a soggy mat is not mike's friend oh my, my goodness. No, absolutely not. And this to me, I'm very concerned, number one, about this person's bath mat. What size of a bath mat? Do you guys have the big shaggy ones? I don't have shaggy. I have a big medium pill.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I have a pretty large bath mat that is kind of like. I don't care about surface area. I care about thick. It's very, very thick, but it's... Hold on. It's very thick, but it's more like a memory foam. I don't think it soaks through.
Starting point is 00:26:14 It's made for baths. It's made for... This is its purpose is a bath mat. It's not like an absorbing material that's soaking into the pad. Mike is picturing shag yeah shag but it's not carpet so it doesn't absorb so you you get out if you're very wet your water it's made of marble your your water will simply go on super slippery your mat that will not hold the water and
Starting point is 00:26:37 it will just spill it all over your bathroom floor so there's like a layer. Does it absorb or doesn't it absorb? There's a layer on top that is like, you know, a thin layer of absorbent material. And then there's cushy, comfy stand on this pillow. And a rubber bottom. And it's fantastic. And it's where I dry off every single day. You step out well wet. 100% I dry off on the bath mat. It's what it's made for.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Okay. I was about to say why do that because the shower is much warmer, but then I remember you take 45-minute showers, so your whole bathroom is very warm. My whole bathroom, nice and steam. I dry off, I would say, 81% in the shower. Yeah. And then when I get out of the shower, the bottoms of the feet get the mat, obviously. I don't like... I don't know if's like drying the bottoms of his feet doing a little
Starting point is 00:27:29 hop ski over to the mat no absolutely not when i'm mostly dried in the shower when i get out it will leave a couple footprints but that's it that's the only evidence of me being on the bath mat i have to be footprints yes i have to maybe three completely get dry on the bath mat i have to be footprints yes i have to maybe three completely get dry on the bath mat before my what are you doing my bathroom floor guys is whatever material the people that built this house put in should not have been used at a bathroom floor if there is an ounce absorbent if there is an ounce of water, you're going for a ride. I literally finished drying off. I was doing stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I was getting stuff. And then I remembered, this is because of you, Andy, I had left my glasses in the shower. So I walked back in the shower to get my glasses. Oh, re-wetting. My feet just get a little wet, but I'm totally dry. Because I made that idea the other day about you taking your... About taking a shower with glasses on. I wasn't there. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yes. On another podcast, you said I should try showering with glasses. I tried it. Don't forget your glasses. It was... Jay, go back in. It's important to say, I was not there for this. No, but I walk in the shower, grab my glasses, come back out, and I ate it.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Oh, you did? Oh oh i just straight up like banana peel style on your butt yeah well it was it was kind of i went towards the butt turn in the air landed more on the shin but i mean it was towel on or bear nakey oh bear nakey brother i was i was happy no one was around for that one i just was like, oh, I got to get my glasses. I'm getting ready, and I'm hustling. It's time to get dressed. Whoop! It hurt a lot.
Starting point is 00:29:12 That sounds dangerous. So fully dry off on your bath, Matt. No. You stay in the shower. You stay warm. That's the reason I stay in the shower is the warmth. It's absurd. It's actually one of the reasons I kind of resent the open ended shower.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Like they're really nice, but that open door shower, it doesn't contain the heat. Yeah, I got it. They do look cool, but just try running it longer. Yeah, that's an option. I have, yeah. All right, we'll stop there. Nick from the website. Another life advice question.
Starting point is 00:29:42 When one person pulls the trash bag and takes it to the curb. Oh, yes. This is a great question. Whose responsibility is it to put a fresh bag into the interior can? I'm always doing the legwork, so I expect my wife to put the new bag in. But she says the person who empties it should be responsible. Please help. I can't tell you how many times I've thrown something messy into a bagless can.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And you do that after you've taken the trash out, which is a selfless act. Yes, of course. I mean, there is a clear right answer here. There is multiple right answers to this question. Wait a minute. There are multiple correct answers. I've got a framework that I live by, which simply, if the spouse is in the vicinity while this bag is being taken,
Starting point is 00:30:29 they should meander to said basket and put the new bag on. Asked or unasked? Unasked. Only asked. Only asked. Oh, okay. If you take the garbage out,
Starting point is 00:30:42 that is your job. You're saying, I'm doing the garbage. No, I'm volunteering, so you put a new bag in. You've got to finish the job. You start the job. You finish the job. If I'm having my son do chores and I say, hey, take the garbage out.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I come back and there's not a garbage in there. You're darn right that's his fault. It's not like, hey, take the garbage out. I'm going to put the liner. Now, if he says, will you put the liner in? Absolutely, bud. I got you. If I'm taking the garbage out, I'm like, hey, will you throw a liner in there?
Starting point is 00:31:12 Great. Yeah, you can do it too. But if it's unspoken and you're taking the garbage out, put a liner back in. That's on you. And then you throw something in the garbage later and get upset at the other person that they didn't put a liner in? Look in the mirror. and get upset at the other person that they didn't put a liner in? Look in the mirror. It's your fault. So basically, if you start doing the dishes or whatever and you don't ask people around you, they're free.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Absolutely. Do you have – I think it's hard to do dishes with multiple people. Clear the dishes, move them over, kind of put some in the dishwasher. There's room for all of – there's room for a couple people to help with that. I'm with Jason. I've never understood where you show the romantic, oh, it's back in the 50s. You got the AM radios on and the mom and the dad are dancing next to each other. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:32:02 You say you got dibs and walk out? It used to be like, I'm going to wash it, hand it to the other one, they dry it. You just keep drying. We got a dishwasher now, so we just load it. I'm just in the way. What do you mean we? Well, you don't mean we, right? I mean all three of us own a dishwasher.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Oh, okay. Yeah. Right? If your wife starts cleaning up around the kitchen and you walk out of the kitchen, that works for you? That's when I take the garbage out. And the nice thing is the longer I take. Here, listen.
Starting point is 00:32:32 That's when I take my poops. Here's the thing. Pro tip. While you're taking the garbage out? No. If I'm still doing. When the dishes start getting started, I go, I'll be right back. I got to take a dump ski.
Starting point is 00:32:41 If I'm still doing the garbage and there's no garbage in that liner, my job's not done. I can't do something else yet because it's my responsibility to put the garbage in the liner. Mike hasn't weighed in. He said there's multiple right answers. What's the policy around your abode? We've really laid out everything the way that I feel about it.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I believe that if I'm taking the garbage out and someone is around, I shouldn't have to say anything. You should notice I'm bringing the garbage out and a is around, I shouldn't have to say anything. You should notice I'm bringing the garbage out and a liner should be put in. But that's not the way that the real world actually works. So I sideboard with Jason that if I am taking on the job of the garbage, when I'm back in, I need to put the liner in. I need to finish the job unless you ask. Can I make an audit to my policy?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah. How about this? If you take the trash out and then you get back, you can't get mad at the other person, but I can go, oh. That's fair. Can I go, oh. Just super passive aggressive. No, just a little sad that there's not a new liner in there.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Is that okay? I'll allow that. I will allow that because it's a step towards the right direction and that's all we're doing here is trying to improve everybody's lives all right here's one final one before we get into our draft here brian ketron from absolutely any platform he can stalk us on writes in is it necessary to wash your hands after peeing if you're in your own home oh this is a legitimately necessary great question this is a great question because the answer of course is yes but now let's talk there are multiple correct answers and the answer is yes you're supposed to wash your hands after you pee in your own house
Starting point is 00:34:18 absolutely but now we get to spitballers real life yeah let's discuss yeah you know i've got you i ain't washing my hands after i go to the bathroom in my house no number one no absolutely i'm just saying i take a little pee all right i'm i'm making very i'm making judgment calls on look if everything went according to plan i shouldn't need to wash my hands. Yes, obviously. If I just so happen, I'm like, oh, darn, I peed all over my hands. Guess what? I'm going to wash them, suckers. I'm just saying, it seems like the act can be completed in a safe manner, germ-free, you know, at your house.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Now, at a public restroom, in a urinal situation, the distance between me and where my pee lands is very close sometimes compared to at the house where it's way down there. Right. The splashback. The splashback is an issue. I believe in invisible splashback at a urinal. I don't believe in invisible splashback at home. You're covered in a mist of urine.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Yeah, you don't need invisible knowledge. I mean. I don't need a black light. It's just super visible. Yeah, I mean, my legs. I'm wearing shorts. My legs are just covered in dew drops. Have you done that public?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Okay, no, I want to go into that. Because we've all, look, ladies, you haven't experienced this. Congrats, ladies. But there are urinals that are misengineered. Oh, my gosh. No, I know. They're made as reflection machines. And when you pee on them, it's not a soft stream right onto your leg.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's a pure laser beam to your leg. Why do some urinals just, they take my pee and they do a great job at it. Others are like, I reject you. I reject you. I might as well be peeing on a wall from one inch away. And those urinals, we all do the same thing on them,
Starting point is 00:36:04 which is we try to then when we notice it we try to move a little to try to stop it and those urinals never let no you go i'm gonna aim down maybe try to hit the side right into the drain no this is just you you try to risk you try to beat the urinal it's gonna find a way to attack your face just increase the surface area of the rejection you may make it worse not better sometimes you just take it because you're like this is the best it's gonna get listen guys this is my number one problem with flip-flops i mean look i'm a flip-flop man but when i go to a public restroom i know the problems that are gonna i have to piggyback this because i've many times
Starting point is 00:36:41 that that happened i've washed my feet. This is where I'm getting. Have you been in a restroom? Now, look, I've been alone in a restroom when that's happened. It's very easy to grab a paper towel, get it wet. Absolutely. You wipe the legs, you sneak out. I've done that. But when there's a full restroom and you've got two wet legs,
Starting point is 00:36:57 there's nothing you can do. Do you have to commit? No, there's nothing you can do. You're walking out with wet legs? I'm maybe doing the back of the shorts wipe um that's about you know like one leg wipe the back of my shorts but no if it's a busy place i'm not showing these guys that i peed all over my legs and washing my legs could you imagine walking into a restroom and all of a sudden you got some guy with his foot up in the sink just
Starting point is 00:37:22 washing his pee foot see i'm thinking in this you look and go been there brother i understand maybe if we did it publicly the rest of the guys would feel like i'm going in the stall thank goodness i can wipe my legs now look we are doing great stuff here we are normalizing what everyone experiences in the men's bathroom and we're teaching the ladies like i don't think they know like i don't know that my wife knows this life because we hide it and look you can you can extrapolate here what happens when there are multiple people by these rejectional urinals no it's not always your dew drops on your legs so cross mic mic mic mic no. It's always mine. It's always only mine.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Even if I've stopped peeing, that's mine. No matter what, no matter how close I am, even if I have just finished and I think it came a little late, it's mine, 100%, mine and mine alone, Mike. I've checked the science. It is correct. It's only able to bounce straight from one person to that same person. We can't solve the problem if you don't identify it. Why can't we in in the men's bathroom? But I know that not all of them, but there are ladies bathrooms. I've heard
Starting point is 00:38:31 tales like there's couches. There's there's like it's all rumor, but I've heard it. Yes, we've all heard the rumor because because women take care of the bathroom. They don't go into the stall and then just start doing 360s for whatever reason. We've all seen that stall, too. Who was in here? Who was doing this? But my point is, why can't we get a hand sink and then just a little foot sink on the bottom? For the flip-floppers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Okay. By the way, there's a lot of- Rinse them off. Ladies, there's a lot of urinal policy that you're not aware of. Oh, the etiquette, yes. One of the others, you know, Al Borland wants me to bring to mind, maybe he does, you never pull up next to somebody at a urinal. Oh, never.
Starting point is 00:39:15 No. That is... You leave a space. You don't sit next to the next seat at a movie theater. You go in and there's three empty stalls, three empty urinals. Which one are you taking? Far one. One on the outside.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Left or right? Yes. That's the only acceptable options. in and there's three empty stalls, three empty urinals, which one are you taking? One on the outside. Left or right is the only acceptable option. However, you can get into a pickle with that situation where people think you're an animal because if you're in a full restroom, obviously you are taking one of the close ones next to somebody. But then if the other people leave, it's you and that one person. And that's when it gets real awkward. But people understand. We understand that. Yeah. When you're using a bathroom, it's you and that one person. And that's when it gets real awkward. But people understand. We understand that.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Yeah. When you're using a bathroom, it happens. You guys want to draft now? Oh, my God. We're talking about pee some more. Well, it's tempting because I've got more to say on the subject. But let's save that for another episode. I have been caught.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Like we tell the kids to wash their hands after they go to the bathroom at home. And they've definitely caught me not doing it. And they were like, you don't. And I'm like, I don't have a good answer for you. That's when you just. Growing up, he is healthy. That's when you come and you grab them by the face. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:40:14 With your dirty hands? Sure I did. And then you walk away. Okay. It's time to draft. The Spitballers Draft Alright, we're drafting the best sitcom characters I'm not sure that I'm in the best spot for this or not No, I thought you'd love having this spot
Starting point is 00:40:37 And this is kind of, man, there's really two, three There's three that I love you got three one on one interesting three that i think could be one on ones and the problem is is you go i mean sitcoms have been around for a while you have a little bit of the you know you have older ones you have newer ones uh i'm worried about recency bias in the polls people being fans of you know more recent sitcoms i am not caring about the polls one ounce on this track. You got to go with who you love. This is all heart.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I assumed because I know both of you love a certain show that the 101 would be just a clear... I'm surprised to hear this. I don't know which character he would go with. That's fair. But I feel like... Here's the problem. There is best characters,
Starting point is 00:41:27 but those aren't always the most screen time either. Most prominent. They're not always the most prominent. There's characters that you love that are favorites, that are fan favorites. I've got a bit part on my list. Yeah, that's what... There are bit characters that are...
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah, I do too. ...sometimes the best part of the show. But I think I'm going to go with Michael Scott from The Office. Okay. Because that combines both, right? There are other characters that are bit parts that are really favorites, but Michael Scott's a favorite. He was also the main character of the show.
Starting point is 00:42:01 He managed to pull off being the hilarious main character of the show. Yeah, I would say so. I would say he was the- It wasn't Jim? No. No. No. Michael Scott was the main guy.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah. So I will go with Michael Scott from The Office. That's who should have been the 101, in my opinion. Yeah. That's where I got to. I mean, there's so many favorites that I have. I think some will come back to me. But Michael Scott, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:42:25 I think was the best sitcom character. So he goes one-on-one and I still have not made it through the entirety. Why you asked whether Michael Scott was really, no, I mean, I think he's great, but it would also, I wouldn't draft him because it would be disingenuous to me.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Now you would have though, Jason. Oh, Jason, 100 Michael Scott. Yeah. There's no chance he would have got past me. I feel good.
Starting point is 00:42:47 He would have been my first pick for sure. Yeah, so you are up, Mr. Mike. You are going Hart. And I could play the game, but I'm going to take my favorite sitcom character of all time, the longest running show of all time. Oh, you're going Alan
Starting point is 00:43:03 Alda from MASH? Not the oldest show of all time. No, you're going Alan Alda from MASH? Not the oldest show of all time. Oh, sorry. I'm taking Homer Simpson. Homer Simpson. The Simpsons was designed originally. It was supposed to be Bart. And then they realized quickly that, no, Homer is the best character on this show.
Starting point is 00:43:21 And I mean, you go. And what actor is he played by? Dan Castellaneta yeah and you like if you know if you have Disney plus and you haven't watched the Simpsons I mean don't watch the first few those it's rough it took them a while to find their way but if you jump in the last 28 or 30 years is pretty good but like season three through season 10 man it is just I can say I've never really I've watched them casually throughout the years, but I have not seen a lot of Simpsons. The Simpsons have done every single joke that you could ever think of. It's already been done. And Homer is my favorite sitcom character
Starting point is 00:43:55 of all time. There's nothing wrong with that pick. Yeah, no, I, I like that quite a bit. So I know my first, that's easy. I mean, Andy Dwyer is locked in oh okay from parks and recreation parks and recreation um chris pratt especially fat chris pratt um was just so funny nobody ever just did the character get ruined when he became no no absolutely not he was you know it was different um but not ruined at all i mean chris chris pat's just too funny Year one, Andy Dwyer wasn't the best, in my opinion. But I think from season two through the end of the series, he was max funny. Yeah, year one, Parks and Rec wasn't really that good. It did take a while.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Now I'm in a bit of a pickle. Now I'm in a bit of a pickle. I am so excited right now because I just don't think you guys are going to take my picks. And it's great. I assume, man, the next guy or character on my list would be from the same show. And I don't want that. I'm fine with that if it comes back to me, whatever. But I just...
Starting point is 00:45:00 That would be tough to not have diversity on your roster. Yeah, I want some diversity. And I'm going to go with a character that was so good, so funny, that when he left the show, the show could not survive, no matter how funny it was. That's true. That is also true. Ehrlich Bachman.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Dang it! Oh, man! An adage from Silicon Valley. He 100% was my next pick. I mean, this is not a poll winner because not everybody's seen Silicon Valley the way that everyone has seen Parks and Rec in the office. But Ehrlich Bachman was as funny as any character gets. I feel like you were so true to yourself on those two picks. I'm proud of you.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Me too. Neither of them. It wasn't no Fortnite picks from you. Oh, no so erlich bachman jerry seinfeld oh my gosh the show would be over i've missed an opportunity to just grab seinfeld from a show i have not watched just because he's a huge name uh but no i'm gonna go to go Andy Dwyer and Ehrlich Bachman. So the question here is, who does Mike go with next to add to Homer Simpson? And will my dreams come true? Your dreams will...
Starting point is 00:46:14 I mean, one of the characters that you want is definitely on my list. But I don't think I'm going to... I'm not going to take him here. I really... I can't believe you took Bachman. Yeah. That is... Were you going to go Bachman? i want i 100 was gonna take him on this pick if you took him on this pick i would be tilting right now because i i just assumed nobody was putting him on their list he was not on my list and i he was
Starting point is 00:46:35 gonna be my fourth round pick but i wanted him definitely tell people what show each of these guys are from so that they know okay so, yes. So Silicon Valley. All right. Okay, I'm going to grab a character from a show. This one, this show has been on forever also. The Simpsons, I'll take part. No. But it's a pretty popular show, but I wouldn't say it's an all-timer because it's not a main network.
Starting point is 00:47:11 So we're going off the path a little bit. I'm going to take Charlie Kelly. Oh, yeah, baby. From Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Wow, God. And this is very tough for me because it, when people ask, what's my favorite character from, from Sonny, it, it, it flip flops. Sometimes it's Charlie.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Sometimes it's Dennis. It just depends on the day. We're on a Charlie day. And he is one of my most quoted characters. I like that you're on a Charlie day. Well done. Yes. Nice.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Pun withstanding. This is the greatest day of my life. Because your 102 got back to you no my i had three 101s and i get them all oh look they're three 101s for me michael scott and then i'll just give you the next two real real quick ron swanson yeah from parks and red that was who i wanted but i had dwyer kramereld. Yeah, Kramer was the one I would have taken. Which were the two clear... I could not decide between those three for 101 and I got them all. I don't know the last
Starting point is 00:48:12 time Andy won a poll. Well, it's going to be this one. It will be this one. But that's a monster team. That team is... I don't even care who my last one is. I might go mash. Who knows? What's nice is that frees me up completely to just take the characters i love that might not be the biggest uh characters i i would have taken
Starting point is 00:48:31 ron swanson like andy dwyer and ron swanson were my top two on my list but i didn't i didn't want both and i knew you wouldn't pass on andy dwyer no so i tried to take my shot i didn't know if michael grabbed ron swanson or or not. He's on the list. Okay. You've watched all the way through parts of it. Yeah, I made it. Ron Swanson is the number two on my list. Well, he plays you in the biopic. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I've heard that. He was just like, he was the second name I thought of. But like I said, I'm going all heart on this one. All right, so I'm back up? Yeah. All right, now this is where- We're both free. Fly, fly. Oh, I'm
Starting point is 00:49:06 flying and this is where I'm playing the actual game where I'm using knowledge I acquired before the show. You son of a gun. I knew it. I may not take your character but it doesn't matter because I will be taking the first character
Starting point is 00:49:21 from this show and this is maybe this is recency bias I do not know but my wife and I are currently going through Schitt's Creek right now so funny and it is it's a good show it is I'm in the fourth season this is an all-timer oh you're you've you have to level to that yeah I'm not even done with this show and this this is this is an all-timer producers need to learn to give a good comedy show multiple seasons because Parks and Rec season one was not that good. But you had talent on the show.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Season one of Schitt's Creek wasn't that good. It wasn't great. Yeah. It took a while to get me in there. Oh, but it gets so good. But in this, it's really tough to pick your favorite character. But I'm taking the mom. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:50:06 She's unbelievable. I'm taking Moira Rose. She's spectacular. David. Always dressed up like a wild bird. I mean, incredible. She literally created an accent that doesn't exist. And the best part is she just has to talk because her character is so eccentric and the accent
Starting point is 00:50:27 is so out of this world. She just says regular words and it's hilarious. Yeah. My wife can do a great Moira. She does great. Then again, terrifying. What is that? That's Catherine O'Hara?
Starting point is 00:50:43 I believe so, yes. Yeah, from Home Alone. Oh, man. From really a lot of stuff. No, I know, but we diminished her entire career and put it into Home Alone. She is unbelievable in that. I'm just going to piggyback because I wasn't sure who I
Starting point is 00:50:58 was going to take between David and Moira. That's where it was for me, too. And so you picked first. I give you credit in that, but I'm gonna take this guy. Ew, David. I'll take David Rose. That's not even him. Yeah, you just did it. The sister. Yeah, I did the sister, but with his
Starting point is 00:51:13 name. So I'm gonna take David Rose. He's my first. And now, oh goodness, my last pick. I have so many little bit characters I want. I guess I'll wait on naming them because there's two more picks ahead of me. All right. I'm going to go with, I'm down to two.
Starting point is 00:51:37 That's a real grunting. In the end, only one of these characters got ran over by Alex. John Raffio. You guys are just drafting Parks and Rec. I only got two of them. I let Ron Swanson go. It's only 50% of my team. Should I pivot back to my other part?
Starting point is 00:51:58 No, it's too late. No, John Raffio is a great character. It is. You almost went three, though. That's what's funny. You're like, I almost went Ron Swan. You just draft Parks and Rec. Man, maybe I should have gone with the guy with $3,000 suits, but we'll see.
Starting point is 00:52:12 All right, Mike, it's back to you. One more pick for your team. Oh, man, I am very torn here. Goodness gracious. So two characters characters both excellent shows all right whatever we'll stay with the show that whatever okay I'm trying to talk myself into one of them it's it's tough over here because I love both of these characters let's go five rounds let's go well we we can go five because I got two but i'm gonna go jake peralta oh that's very good i'm gonna take
Starting point is 00:52:49 uh andy sandberg from brooklyn 9999 and this one's a little tougher because the other one is a character that i was gonna draft and jake peralta is basically just andy sandberg he's just him in all all the things that he is in, which is hilarious. And he's one of my favorites out there right now. But Jake Peralta, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. All right, Andy, you now have either your final pick or your second-to-last pick. If you'd like to order your third-to-last pick, I'll go all day here. I really don't care.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Whatever you guys want to do. You want to go five total? So I've got two picks? I want five because there's just too many good players. Because I mean, all day here. I really, I don't care. Whatever you guys want to do. You want to go five total? So I've got two picks? I want five because there's just too many good players. Because I mean, this is easy. I mean, this is a walk in the park. Okay, so I got two more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Lucy O'Ball. She's on my list. Oh. Of course she is. Yeah, because I pay homage, my friend. I've never seen an episode in my life. It was great. I loved watching that with my mom growing up.
Starting point is 00:53:44 All right. I have Michael Scott. Jan life. It was great. I loved watching that with my mom growing up. All right. I have Michael Jan Brady. Now that's funny. Michael Scott, Ron Swanson, Kramer. I have them so far. Um, I'm going Dwight Schrute. Okay. I'm going George Costanza. All right. Yeah. Very good. The best sitcoms have the best characters. Very powerful team. And so Dwight Schrute and George Costanza will round out my team, which is unfortunately for you unbeatable. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:10 In the polls, you got this one. That's fine. Although, I mean, I had Moira. Had David. Had John Ralphio. So you guys have made picks right off my list. It's just you left me the best. All right.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Perfect. Whatever. Now the decision on this is over uh going to a show where i mean you could have a hundred people and you're you might end up with eight different answers of your favorite character from this show because there are just so many but i will go with my favorite character from this. I will take Job. Oh, come on! From Arrested Development. It's a $3,000 shoot. Come on!
Starting point is 00:54:48 That was my... I know! That's okay. That's okay, though. There's one more from that show you can take. No. Oh, there's a million from that show I could take. Tobias is on my list, but I'm not.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Because at the last minute, I was between Job and another character that I had forgotten about. Look, we're fantasy football players. The League was not the most popular show of all time, but Rafi from The League was one of the best characters of all time on any show, so I'm happy to scoop up Rafi at the end. Wow, crap. I can't think of his name.
Starting point is 00:55:21 The actor? Jason Manzouk? I don't know. Man name. The actor? Yeah. Jason Manzouk. I don't know. Manzoukis? Yeah. Is that it? Yeah, something like that. He's so funny.
Starting point is 00:55:31 He's the same thing. Oh, yeah. He's in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and you know who he plays? Rafi. In everything. It is because it's great. He's also a voice in Invincible. And you know who he plays?
Starting point is 00:55:41 Rafi. Rafi. Yes, he is great. He is fabulous. All right, so those were our- Oh, that's a good sneaky pick, Jason. Favorite sitcom characters. I have a feeling we'll receive a large amount of thoughts out there.
Starting point is 00:55:53 No friends. No friends on our list. I didn't watch Friends. Yeah, I mean, Chandler being- I watched lots of Friends, but it's- It's harder to- Who's actually the best character on that show? They congeal.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I think Chandler would win. I think Chandler's kind joey yeah joey or chandler really for me i would have said i'm in the middle of it right now like i'm on like the second last season i've never watched through it all there was a wave where it was easily ross oh yeah and then by the end he had they just they morphed his character into the most unlikeable turned him into just a complete psychopath by the end. But in the middle, he was the best. Got any other characters on your list? I got a couple here. I did genuinely have Lucy Ricardo in the show.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I had Elaine from the same show that I just brought up. You also could go Larry David. Sure. Yeah, absolutely. Although, is it a character? You know, if you're playing something. It is. Tracy Jordan by Tracy Morgan in 30 Rock.
Starting point is 00:56:51 He was hysterical. Fresh Prince is just like a shout out. Not as funny, but a great character from a long time. And Kenny Powers. Oh, yes. You know who deserves some credit would have been the mom from Everybody Loves Raymond. She's one of the best comedy actresses ever. She's so ridiculously funny.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I did not watch it. I'm pretty sure that character annoyed me. Oh, my gosh. I had just the couple I had left. I also had Jared from Silicon Valley on my list as just low-key. Oh, yeah. Hilarious. And then I had my shout-out.
Starting point is 00:57:31 There's no way you could draft him because I couldn't even remember his name, so I had to look it up. But NoHo from Barry. Oh, totally. I saw him, and I almost put him on my list. He is so good. Barry. He's so good.
Starting point is 00:57:46 That's not a sitcom, though. That's a drama. Yeah, that's questionable. It's not a standard sitcom at all. Sure. Also, I need to apologize to the mom from Everybody Loves Raymond. She was very funny. She was not the character I was thinking of.
Starting point is 00:58:00 I think I'm thinking of the mom from that 70s show. Oh, yeah. What? I can see that being a nod. Oh, she's great. Well, let me Google because maybe I'm thinking of the mom from that 70s show. Oh, yeah. What? I can see that being a nod. Oh, she's great. Well, let me Google, because maybe I'm wrong. I'm just shading all these old moms. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I think we've exhausted the sitcom characters. Yeah. I just want to go. What did we learn today? I learned that I really want to go watch television right now. Okay. I learned that I'm not to go watch television right now. Okay. I learned that I'm not alone in peeing on my own legs. It's important. And I learned that
Starting point is 00:58:32 no matter what is going on at a urinal, it's always your urine. Yes. Very important to know that. It is never anybody else's. That's a fact. That'll do it for the Spitballers podcast. Thanks for tuning in. I was taking a fact. That'll do it for the Spitballers podcast. Thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:58:47 I was taking a bath. Goodbye. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com..

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