Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Surrogate Poopers & The Best Soups - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: October 12, 2023

Spit Hit for October 12th, 2023: We’re back with a new episode after the extended holiday! After we talk about awkward typing, a funny pooper power, and holiday cooking chores, we jump into some re...al life news articles that blew our minds. Lastly, we draft our favorite soups. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. I'll soupy, doopay, poopay, slurpy-de-durb. Now Okay, now That was good I liked it The beginning was very interesting
Starting point is 00:00:39 Very topical It's a soup-based show I love a topical. It's a soup based show. I love a topical, a scat, but you went from poopy into slurpy. Well, I mean, you know, look, if I remember it correct, pretty sure soup rhymes with poop. Yeah. That's gotta happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Oh, for sure. But then I went back to the soup. I'm slurping. I'm not slurping the poop. It sounded like you're slurping I'm not slurping the poop well it sounded like you're slurping down it was a soupy doopy poopy a slurperty derp yeah okay okay I see how there's a problem there you see the the I see the lines of communication have been crossed yeah it was a poopy slur you always you need to have multiple words that separate poop and slurp that's all one of the rules of the road well now does
Starting point is 00:01:25 uh count like the word a because it was a i'm pretty sure there was an a in there that's just a filler word you're thinking there's something in there welcome in to the spitballers i want to say this at the top really appreciate everybody's patience we we wanted to have some new shows out earlier um the world is a crazy wild and wacky place filled with disease so unfortunately uh we weren't able to bring you a new episode last week but we're back with the brand new spitballers today and we're very excited to be with you we have would you rather is this real life and we are drafting slurperty derp on this show we are we are drafting the best soups which when i first heard this idea i was like oh it's gonna be a little struggle to get to 12 soups it was no struggle whatsoever this is exactly what we
Starting point is 00:02:18 went through i mean when i heard mike was like well have we done soups and i'm like i don't know that i can come up with 12 soups are there not only did I not know if I like okay I'm sure I could come up with 12 there's enough but who gives a crap because it's soup because it's soup I don't care until I started making my list I had no idea the passion that I have for soup I was like oh man I have to have this one oh what about that soup so good soup is an afterthought it's you're like ah that's that's not really a meal it's soup and then you'll start listing them out you're like i love soup i'm never in the mood like i don't have a craving for soup soup is what you get before the meal right
Starting point is 00:03:01 you know and but like my wife she gets cravings for soup she just like that's what my wife does that too that's like one of her favorite foods is soup yeah that's because soup has been boxed in inappropriately as this appetizer dish it's like it's like oh i can't yeah i can't big entrees big big entree they are against the soup, people. When soup can stand on its own. Some of my favorite moments. No, it needs a salad. You can't just get a soup. Some of my favorite.
Starting point is 00:03:31 You could do it if you want to. Possibly a sandwich. You can get a soup and a sandwich, soup and a salad. It really does seem like. Bread bowl makes it. I mean, bread bowl tried to make it a feature. Yes. Bread bowl's a meal.
Starting point is 00:03:42 That is. Because it's a sandwich. It's a soup sandwich. No, Mike. A bread bowl does not make it a feature yes bread bowls a meal that is because it's a sandwich it's a it's a soup sandwich no no like a bread bowl does not make it a sandwich what if you put a top on it no that's a bread bowl it's a bread bowl that's what i'm saying like but what if you cover the bowl uh then it's it's still just a bread bowl it's a soup bomb at that point yes oh my goodness well this was yeah it's there'll be i i was wondering i was like do we have to draft another round that's how many soups that i found myself wanting
Starting point is 00:04:13 to draft but uh we'll see you can follow us on twitter at spitballers pod instagram.com slash spitballers pod and you can support the show at join the spit.com our patreon group where you you get some perks over there and we're always looking for for some new ideas support the show at jointhespit.com, our Patreon group, where you get some perks over there. We're always looking for some new ideas on the show. Let's jump right in here to Would You Rather. Would you rather? Well, our first Would You Rather question comes in from spit waddle waddle away from Patreon, who says, would you rather type with your thumbs on a keyboard or type with your index fingers on a phone?
Starting point is 00:04:56 Those would both be very awkward. Now, I'll start this off with, I mean, you probably know somebody in your circle of trust, unfortunately, that does, in fact, type with their index fingers on a phone. Oh, crap. I know somebody. Yes, we have. We all have grandparents. No, not grandparents, Jason.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I might be dropping a bombshell on you. You know, Mike? You know who it is? Oh, I've seen it. I might be dropping a bombshell on you. You know, Mike? You know who it is? Oh, I've seen it. I've seen it take place in this office. It's shameful and embarrassing. Look, I haven't seen it, but it's got to be Josh. It's Papa Josh.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah, of course. Papa Josh, who helps run a bunch of community stuff for us over here at the Ballers HQ. Slowly. He slowly helps us. He holds the phone in one hand and then does a chicken peck version of typing with his index finger. It's abysmal. Instead of dub thumbs, which granted, even on an iPhone, dub thumbs can still be a bit clumsy. Lots of typos, lots of autocorrect errors and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:06:00 But this dude is typing like maximum 10 to 15 words a minute with his you're trying it right now this is so how does it feel it feels stupid but i was breaking hey breaking news producer producer brooks his left thumb right index finger wait what bro he's a hybrid he's living a hybrid life i have i have instituted that a time or two in my life. Like when you have an injury? Right. Yeah, pinky's not doing well. I got to get the index out there.
Starting point is 00:06:33 No, but I... Wait, pinky? What are you using the pinky for? Well, I'm not. It's injured. So clearly that's out of commission. Yeah, so Brooks, you are thumb and index king. So clearly that's out of commission. Yeah, so Brooks, you are thumb and index combined.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yeah, and I never realized it even until Mike called me out for it. I forgot you did that. I'm sorry that I had to shame you publicly. Mike prowls the office looking for weird typers. It's a dirty job. I can promise you this i can promise if you walked around and you saw someone using only their thumb okay i'm going to try and type some messages on the keyboard you would scream at them this is silly i mean when you do that your thumb doesn't move i just i was trying it your thumb stays locked, and it's all arms. This is delightful.
Starting point is 00:07:26 This is not delightful. It feels so silly. Yeah, instead of having the proper technique where you're on your home row, and you're just moving your fingers around, you're like a really slow machine, slow crane machine. You're like a really slow machine, slow crane machine. I mean, you might as well. It doesn't even need a thumb or any appendage.
Starting point is 00:07:56 It's just you're using your entire arm to move and get that next letter. And it feels so dumb. Can I ask a question? Now, can I ask a question? It's fair to say that you're a superior human being if you can type properly on a keyboard and type properly on a phone, right? Like anybody who can't do that is inferior as a person? Yeah, but I think there's very few of those people that can't do both. No, no, I think that there are. I'm starting to realize, and I get on my kids all the time about this because man well do i hate them they're just learning they aren't learning good enough they refuse learning good enough
Starting point is 00:08:30 okay all right they aren't learning quick learning good enough learning getting out in my house. You dummies. That's amazing. But they, like, I'll walk by, and I'm always yelling at them, like, home row, because they don't do it. They don't sit there and use home row typing. Okay. And so it's, you know, they're not, like, super slow typers.
Starting point is 00:09:02 No, I know, which makes it worse. That does make it so much worse. It makes it worse. Because they're functional, but they're still wrong. Way wrong. I used to be very fast at hunting or hunting pack when I was young. And yeah, just because you can efficiently do something incorrectly. Oh no, does that make it okay?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Well, and when you efficiently do the inefficient style, And when you efficiently do the inefficient style, what you don't realize is that if you get efficient at the efficient style, you can't hunt and peck as fast as someone can. Yeah, you have a ceiling of how fast you can actually do it right. I'm not typing with my thumbs, though. I'm going to convert to an index finger phone type. All right. Now I have a follow-up question here for Jason.
Starting point is 00:09:46 He's chastising his children about the typing. Yes. How do you shift key? I shift key pinkies. Yeah, but do you actually switch back and forth between the right and the left shift key, or do you have one that you always use? I always use the left shift. Always.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Because you're supposed to. Yeah, if you were to shift Q. You're supposed to yeah if you were to like shift q you're supposed to push with your right the opposite hand but i i don't do that either but i'm always right and uh you're always right yeah and i've i've interesting i have found out i'm a perma left i have ferned out ferned out found out that uh good that most people i think most people are scared most people are dominant left and i'm a dominant left for sure i'm dominant let's see what do you what do you got with your shift key left yeah i use both i use both i just oh you do it correctly yeah i mean like flip flop it's the way to go because i definitely definitely, like if I'm doing a big type
Starting point is 00:10:45 up, like a research paper or something, my hand gets fatigued, because it's the same hand doing all the shifting, and I'm crumpling my hand up to get all the right keys. Doing a lot of research papers. I'm talking about back in the day. Okay. Back in the day. Yeah, I will hunt. You don't do a research paper for fun with my
Starting point is 00:11:06 index finger on a phone i i i've seen plenty of people do that it is actual i've never once witnessed someone typing with their thumbs like you don't accidentally see someone who's a hunted pecker but they use their thumbs instead of you gotta like go thumbs down i feel like spread out spread hand does not work but just thumbs down could work i see what jason's saying though you could almost just cover both of your hands with a single digit yeah and because you need to move your whole arm all right charlie from twitter charlie would you rather gain the ability to transfer any of your bodily bathroom needs immediately onto someone within sight? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Or... What a superpower. Oh, man, that guy over there, I'm going to make him have to go to the bathroom. Or be able to... Chipotle! Or be able to transfer any of your hunger craving prompts to someone in the same manner. So you can toss your hunger around. So then I assume with both of these transfers of power,
Starting point is 00:12:07 I no longer have that need or is someone just on an equal playing field with me? No, I think you are relieving yourself by putting the burden on someone else. That's so easy. Is it easy? Wait, the food one, you can control all of your hunger. easy. Is it easy? Yes. The food one is the food one.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Then you can control all of your hunger. Yeah. Is that your pick? Cause are you doing that? Oh, no way. For fun. Going to the bathroom is like,
Starting point is 00:12:35 it's a real issue for Mike. No, it's not that it's a real issue. It's that it's a big waste of time. Wait a minute. I'm just realizing, I don't know if you guys never have to, to, to pee again.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I don't know if you guys read it the right way from the get-go. Wait, did we do it wrong? What I'm realizing is that it's your need to go. You thought we were peeing on people? I literally thought if you need to go, you could transfer your pee or your poop right onto someone. And I was like, that is so weird. Who would write that?
Starting point is 00:13:12 And then you went to correct us in case we had made the same mistake. I just, I wanted to out myself here of realizing that what I thought it was, was that if, look, if you got to go to the bathroom, if you got to go to the bathroom, you could if you gotta go to the bathroom. This is your need. If you gotta go to the bathroom, you could just snap your fingers. That guy's covered in your bathroom. Just hit Joe. No. But this makes so much more sense this way. I mean, we went to Disneyland,
Starting point is 00:13:36 so I'm picturing myself, you know, you're drinking drinks, you're eating, walking by somebody and just being like, you gotta go pee. Like, that's pretty funny that would be pretty pretty funny not only is it funny and you can weaponize it uh but just all that time where you're like i know i no longer have to take pee breaks i just let somebody else do it for me mike if i i'm delegating my urine if i may peel back the curtain for our audience, there are several food establishments that you enjoy.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yes, yes. That you actively make the choice, I can't do that today. Yes, that's true. Because of what's going to happen on the way out. We were just talking about chorizo. Yes, chorizo. You wanted chorizo, but you got to decide what's tomorrow look like. I got to decide how singed do I want things to be.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Right. But this would allow you to do whatever you want and then really punish someone else for your bad choices. Have you tried the Jason Moore method of food eating where he pops the multiple gas X before the meal, Mike, for the chorizo? The problem is not the gas X. The exiting- It's another- Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, I got you. This is the solution. You need a full bowel transfer. But if you can transfer your hunger and cravings, your weight control is a hundred percent sure in check permanently because really that's the only reason why you know anytime you get an urge you can you can give your hunger away yeah but you would be weaker you would be weaker then because you wouldn't actually get the nourishment i don't listen to my body telling me I'm hungry I kind of I think you do no no you you're you're hearing me a little differently I don't need to be hungry to decide to go eat in fact sometimes I'm full and
Starting point is 00:15:35 I'm like that looks good so taking my hunger away and giving it to someone else I feel like wouldn't okay okay so you're gonna make them you going to make them go poop for you. Yeah, I'm never visiting a bathroom again the rest of my life. I will use this superpower 100% of the time, especially in the middle of the night. When I got to get up to pee, I'm just, honey, you got to get up to pee. It has to be in sight, but think about a road trip where some car, some innocent passerby is going the other way, Tony, you got to get up to pee. It has to be in sight. But think about a road trip. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Where just some car, some innocent passerby is going the other way, like zap. I think I would save it up for when I'm in a line and I want to get the person in front of me out of line. In front of you? I would save it up for the line and I'd be like, you got the score. They just start, you see them doing the dance. And I am a notorious non-public pooper. I don't poop in any public places. I do now through you. Surrogate pooper.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Oh, my goodness. Surrogate pooper. I'm just glad. Oh, surrogate pooper. I'm really glad that you figured out partway through this that you weren't just putting what comes out of you on to somebody. Yeah, that was really disturbing. All right, Farrah from the website. Would you rather be in charge of cooking the big holiday meal for the extended family
Starting point is 00:16:53 or be in charge of cleaning up and doing the dishes afterwards? This one is not close for me. Okay. Yeah. Well, let's hear it. I am the cleaner. Okay. Because it is so casual i can take as much time as i want to i can get into a groove i can pop a podcast on i'm willing to do there's no pressure with the cleanup i don't got to get it done on time i got i don't even got to do it
Starting point is 00:17:19 right no one's inspecting this i'm going to clean it up the best i can i can take some time i don't want to be responsible for the big meal we should do thanksgiving together andy you want to cook oh you're darn right i'm cooking wow i enjoy cooking i like that i i you are a chef i'm a chef and so i would i would enjoy making the big meal and you're right there's more stress more pressure but also there's more you know more pressure, but also there's more, you know. It's more rewarding, huh? Yes, exactly. There's more reward.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You get something of value at the end of your work. At the end of your work, Andy, you're just wet. You're persuading me because I've had to spend the last several days taking care of the family, all the needs, right? All the food, all the cleanup. All the door dashing. The door has been so busy. There has been some of that.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I will say this, though. I made the permit change to all plastic products yesterday. Oh, no. Because I was tired i didn't i was i clean up one set of dishes and the next one's just producing all over itself and i'm like what am i doing and i went all paper for everything so maybe i'm underestimating the value of like how rewarding it would be to just be able to prepare and you're done oh yeah i'm gonna that must feel that would feel good here's the best part of that.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Okay? The best part is, and we've all made, I know we've all made a few meals. You know, we've had hella fresh meals where you got a couple pots and pans going at the same time. I am paying no mind to how messy I am. I'm splattering. Or how many dishes. Yeah. Or how many. How many pots and pans.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I'm piling it up. Or how many dishes. Yeah, or how many. How many pots and pans. I'm piling it up. Here's a new one. It will look like a 187 murder-death kill in that kitchen when I am done cooking. Sauce will be everywhere, and you will have to clean it all up. Okay. Mike, where do you lean on this one? I lean going with the clean. Okay. Mike, where do you lean on this one? I lean going with the clean.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I just did my first ever Thanksgiving scenario where I cooked. I had this brisket and some sides, and I was like, I'm going for it. I will summon myself. I will take the mantle. I'm going to make all the Thanksgiving food, and I certainly could have done a better job. The brisket was all right. And then I had to clean anyways.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, I was going to say, you are a master of both, aren't you? Yeah. Well, here's the thing that they don't tell you about cleaning. When you're at a big family gathering and it's time to do all the dishes, you escape from everybody when you are doing the cleaning yes because as soon as you're like oh it's time to clean everyone just smoke bomb they all vanish and go do something else you're like well guess i'm all by myself i'll clean this up as quickly as i can see you in an hour see i find that people smoke but like when we're having a big now you're persuading me the
Starting point is 00:20:24 other way when we have a big family event and Now you're persuading me the other way. When we have a big family event and there's all this mess and all these dishes, that's when we don't even get to the cleaning. Everyone just eventually smoke bombs their way out, and then it's like, oh, no, we've got to clean up a party. And I would love to be able to host the party and have none of the cleanup. That's a dream scenario for us. Wow. So I'm definitely cooking
Starting point is 00:20:45 i'm back to cleaning i want i want the solitude i want to get away from that is my go-to technique when i want a party to end too as i start walking around my house and i start putting chairs away slowly or throwing trash away and then uh sometimes people get the hint i don't know they start helping pajamas turning off the lights turning off the lights opening the front door leaving it open saying goodbye please leave these are my subtle hints these are my subtle hints. Is this real life? All right. Well, is this real life?
Starting point is 00:21:36 It is time to reveal some stories that we have stumbled upon from the real world. This real world we live in. And share with one another that they are. And these are factual. These are real. These actually happened. And I love this segment because I want to know what's going on in the world around me. And these are probably the most important stories you can focus on. When you say current events, this is what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Yeah. I mean, this is real late breaking news, things that matter going on. In fact, some of the spit wads out there they they brought this article to my attention and i felt it's importance to make sure that we oh we know what has happened excited here um did either of you guys watch 90 day fiance there's a reality show anyways no okay yeah i i know the story. So the 90 Day Fiance star, this is the headline, 90 Day Fiance star retires from selling farts after heart attack scare. So-
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yeah, wait. You said heart attack. Heart, yes. Not a fart attack scare. Thank you for clarifying. 90 Day Fiance star retires from selling farts after a heart attack scare and however good the headline is the actual story is better this was a woman who was a reality tv uh star for a minute and she turned that into becoming a fartrepreneur her words something that
Starting point is 00:23:03 you've wanted to be for quite a while i I mean, look, she has a good idea. She doesn't have the talent to execute. I have the talent to execute. Okay, here's what happened. Are you sharing a story or are you pitching your new Etsy? One of the same. Go to farterpreneur.com slash Jason Moore. Here's the reality.
Starting point is 00:23:25 We're going to need a bigger bottle. So you're going to have multiple farters. Oh, for sure. Yes. I mean, mine will certainly raise the most money because of quantity being able to sell. Well, this was an issue for her was the quantity became a problem. Apparently, and this is maybe the biggest problem. People were buying farts.
Starting point is 00:23:46 That's the big issue here. Let's just call a spade a spade. People were buying her farts. To the point where she almost died. To the tune of $50,000 a week. Come on. She had $200,000 in sales through a month, and she couldn't keep up. $200,000 in sales through a month, and she couldn't keep up.
Starting point is 00:24:13 So in order to try to keep up, she's eating diets entirely consisting of beans and gassy stuff that ended up giving her a heart attack scare. And the doctor said, this is stop it. The diet is why you're having a heart attack scare. So she has now retired from a very lucrative business. Can I give her some credit here? I mean, it would be very easy to fabricate or fart-bricate, whatever you want to call it. Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:24:35 She went to bat. She wanted to produce a real American-made, oh, I guess this is overseas, a very true to life, authentic product. Yeah. No cheating. I respect her. She didn't get a team of people to pretend that, you know, their farts were a fart. A fart farm.
Starting point is 00:24:52 A fart farm. No, this was. A fart farm. She didn't subcontract a bunch of other butts. No, this was. I mean, this was one. This is one system. Genuine, genuine farts from her
Starting point is 00:25:05 which I respect I mean I haven't got my order yet but I mean I yeah that's my article Mike why don't you go next alright my tale it's a cautionary tale
Starting point is 00:25:21 of well you'll know what I'm talking about so all right uh there was a family and they were just look you mean a lot of people trapped at home right now and they were they were doing like you know fun physical challenges like laying down uh rolling over holding a shoe on your foot just like you know silly silly, holding a shoe on your foot. Just like, you know, silly challenges. Holding a shoe on your foot? That's the quote. Don't you just wear it on your foot?
Starting point is 00:25:49 I don't know exactly how they're doing it, but they're just trying to come up with fun physical challenges, you know, spur-of-the-moment things. Well, they were asking their Amazon device what they should do, and they said, okay, you know, Alexa, give us another challenge. And then the smart speaker replied in the Alexa voice, of course, but plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet and then touch a penny to the exposed prongs. No, it did not.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That is what it said. Because apparently this was going around on TikTok, a viral challenge called the Penny Challenge. Thankfully, this particular gal was wise enough to go, no, because that will potentially kill me. And so they alerted the Alexa team and it was- Oh my gosh. They said this was a mistake and they got it removed immediately.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Oh my goodness. That's not the kind of mistake you're allowed to make. Go to the tallest building and jump. Like, imagine hearing that. Oh my goodness. Your kids are just in the other room. Yeah, the kids play with the Alexa. Alexa's like, hey, try and electrocute yourself.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Take a fork and put it in the outlet. Wow. Also, social media people, stop it. Stop it. I know. All of the things, like you can clean your phone the best. It's so addicting to try to die. If you put it in the microwave.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You put a little bit of water on the front and you put it in the microwave. It's like, nope. Stop it, man. They're just trying to get you. They're trying to make you microwave your phone think before you do things the power of trolling is significant and dangerous that being said i mean the electrocuting yourself too far but if i can get you to microwave your phone it's the problem on you is the problem well yes if you're an adult but the problem is like i mean younger and younger kids are getting phones where they haven't had the time to really establish what they're hearing from from the
Starting point is 00:28:00 internet and social medias as being a accurate or a fake thing to do. So just saying that, just stop it. Just stop it, people. The world will be a much better place if the Alexa wasn't telling you to put a penny between two electrical prongs. Oh, man. Oh, my gosh. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:28:19 This one is going to hit close to home for Jason. It's a very special story. You may have seen it already this past summer. This either has to do with farts or spiders. Not quite. This has to do with something that you went through in your life. And you wish you had the superpower to give it away at the time. The NBC's ultimate slip and Slide series halted.
Starting point is 00:28:45 The Ultimate Slip and Slide series halted after explosive diarrhea reported on set. Why do they have to call it explosive? Listen, listen. This story gets better and better. First of all, they're very professional. They came out with a public
Starting point is 00:29:02 statement that health and safety of everyone on our set is our number one priority. Okay. Out of an abundance of caution, we have made the decision to stop production of the ultimate slip and slide at the current location. Reason being, I mean, look, they started out with one crew member that tested positive for Giardia. I don't know how to pronounce it properly. It's a very uncomfortable, bad parasite that goes into your intestinal tract. Diarrhea monster.
Starting point is 00:29:27 It is. And 40 more members of the crew caught it. People were collapsing on set due to, quote, awful explosive diarrhea and being forced to run into porta-potties. That is, that's an SNL sketch. They're running into porta-potties with explosive collapsing diarrhea. There's no way they all made it into the porta potty. That's what I was going to say. You know there was Poopy Pants Club members.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah, had to be. They had to fully shut down production and move it to a new site later on. It's incredible in fact the two i believe producers of the show were uh bobby moynihan from snl and another uh ron funchess who tweeted out he says uh was it an snl sketch it was it was not um but he said did i have the uh the goal of being an owner of an explosive diarrhea water park on my vision board no i never dreamed that big because and now i say this all hits home for jason is because you visited a water park and you in fact had maybe this yeah i mean ours was like crypto lukakis or something i don't look i don't know what it was but I think they called it crypto for short.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And now, obviously, crypto is all cryptocurrency. But yeah, I got that at a water park, and that's how I entered the Poopy Pants Club and got my membership. So I understand. But what's crazy is that there is this parasite whose sole purpose is just to like this parasite is just like, I got one job to do. It's going to make them poop their pants. Watch this. I go from person to person.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I just make them make them. Oh, yeah. And to tie it into the idea of like this is a ultimate slip and slide I know the diarrhea wasn't all over you know what I'm saying at least a little bit was yeah you're sliding around oh man
Starting point is 00:31:37 so there you go there you go congratulations to well no one on that set. The Spitballers draft. We are drafting. Soup's on. As we said before, soup's on.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Slurp, slurp-a-derp or whatever you said earlier. Jason, you have the honor, the privilege of the first soup pick we're drafting the best soups yeah i don't i don't know if the first pick is the best if this is the draft for the best first pick or not um there's a lot of strong classics uh that i could go with here um mike can attest i was making a list and I had 12 things on my list before I ran into my one-on-one my, my, my favorite soup. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:32 it was shocking. Yeah. And I, I don't think this is a poll getter because it's so specific. Uh, it's not like a broad, you can get this soup anywhere. You can get the soup one place that I know of.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I mean, maybe this- Oh, seriously? You're taking this one as your one? I have to because- I don't blame you. It is the best soup. It's on my list. Zupa Toscana.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Oh, no. Okay. Okay. All right. Zupa Toscana, which is- From Olive Garden. From Olive Garden. When you say it like that, Andy.
Starting point is 00:33:07 The most authentic. I feel bad about my pick. You do love that. I've been to Olive Garden with you because Mike won't go. And I've been there. That's right. And you love it. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:33:20 We've made a homemade version of it um that was outstanding but zuppa to scanna if you haven't had it if you're out there you're like i've never even heard of that soup do yourself a favor and try it because you're gonna love it what why have olive garden there when you can make it at home yeah i mean very nice i am i i I feel like that one could have came back to me. I will tell you what. We could have gone 10 rounds. I have 14 soups written down. I got 14 soups written down and not one of them is that one. Yeah, I had 12 written down and not one of them was this one.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And then I was like, oh, my gosh, soup with Toscana is my favorite soup. So I'm taking it. I give you credit. The heart wants what the heart wants. Yeah, I'm taking chicken noodle soup. All right. The classic. It's a classic.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It's the go-to soup. It's the one I think I could eat the highest quantity of in repetition than the other soups, although I think that there are probably lots of soups that fit that mold. I just think chicken noodle is the most. When you think about soup, it's warm. It's comforting. It's hearty. It covers all your soup bases it certainly does uh we've somehow been introduced to different restaurants and their chicken noodle soups because i was never on really on board because it was always just the classic can which had like maybe three noodles there was a couple
Starting point is 00:34:44 carrots in there and little itty bitty two pieces of chicken but there are people out there doing really good work with they're doing good work that's right with chicken noodle soup so don't be afraid if you've been off chicken noodle this is my uh a pat on the bottom try it out again because there's a lot of places doing really good work all right my number one has fallen down to me and this is a soup i ignored as a as a younger man but as i became more grown and sophisticated it just worked its way into my repertoire and now it's like it's the one i go to just a good tomato bisque sandwich you do love a good tomato you get a tomato i mean and i'll
Starting point is 00:35:26 throw on the grilled cheese sandwich usually comes with it but a tomato soup is absolutely it's my favorite which is bizarre because i do not like fresh tomatoes tomatoes oh they're the worst they contaminate everything they touch tomato soup is so good oh man it's so good but it seems like you're not allowed to have it without a grilled cheese. Yes, without an accessory. It needs something. You need at least a piece of bread.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, you can't have it by itself. Yeah, it is tough. And that's not to say it's not delicious by itself. Right. It's just against the law. It's an accessory soup. Yeah, absolutely. Tomato's a great pick.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of great picks here. And I have some soup. Look, we need to mainstream soup, guys, or mainline soup. Yeah, absolutely. Tomatoes are a great pick. I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of great picks here. And I have some soup. Look, we need to mainstream soup, guys, or mainline soup. I think there's a chance we might go 22 rounds. Alright, so with my second pick, I'm going to play the game here, the draft game, because I got one that I need
Starting point is 00:36:20 to have, but this one probably doesn't make it. I don't know. You're trying to pick a popular soup you don't think will make it back. I know which one he wants. I respect it. And that's what I'm going with. And Jason says there's a better version of this, so I won't take that one. But I'm going
Starting point is 00:36:35 with good old-fashioned broccoli cheese soup. Broccoli cheddar is a solid pick. It is so delightful. Take the broccoli. You got a good soup. Broccoli is actually extremely solid pick. Oh, it is so delightful. Take the broccoli. You got a good soup. Broccoli is actually extremely palatable when you just put gigantic amounts of cheese all over it. So like just not even as a soup, but a steamed broccoli, cover that with melted cheese. It's good.
Starting point is 00:36:58 So put it together and it's a soup. It's great. It is a good soup. There is a far superior version. That's what you say. Yeah. But we'll find out later. I do wonder, like, sometimes I've had broccoli cheddar soups
Starting point is 00:37:10 in which I imagine the vat, like a giant vat of soup is being made, and they used one broccoli floret. Oh, yeah. You just have a couple of the driplets of the broccoli, and that's it. It could be very hidden. So I don't know if there's a certain, yeah. I don't know what quantity. Doesn't that make it better? It does make it better it does make it better no no no guys i just wonder what the
Starting point is 00:37:28 rules are to to include the word broccoli in it most sub places or sandwich places have broccoli cheese but it can be very hit or miss i can go real thin with it and then it's just it's like a broccoli water no you don't want that no it, it's no good. Broccoli and cheese, yes, is a hearty soup. All right, Andy, you are back up. Yeah, and again, I think I can play the game here. There's a soup that I believe is my number two pick. Well, I'll soup a Toscano over here. A wild card.
Starting point is 00:37:59 He's not taking my soup. He's not going to do it. All right. So I'm going to take the one he probably will take. Don't do which is a baked potato oh yeah that's the one come on you talk about that creamy potato soup it's so good and cheesy and yum yum jason is a broken man this is the truth it was right that you had the first i had the first pick that's the true first pick any kind of oh man i've never seen somebody stumble from the 101 so quickly i mean cream of potato or baked potato whatever any kind of heart potato soup potato soup is that's the pick
Starting point is 00:38:38 the clear 101 it reminds me of broccoli cheddar but it's so much better. Yeah. Man, I wish. I need the broccoli. Weird. I mean, I wish I had that pick. Can I trade you Zupa Toscana for? It was the first pick. Well, do I get the unlimited breadsticks?
Starting point is 00:38:59 They come with your soup? I mean, it comes with it. It's unlimited. It was drafted to be great. All right. You got two picks now. You can make up for it right here, right now. All right. You got two picks now. You can make up for it right here, right now.
Starting point is 00:39:06 All right. Man, I was all prepared. I'll take Zupatistana again. I was all prepared to take my baked potato soup, and now that that one's off, I do feel like I need a hearty soup. I need a, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:21 not a broth right now. Okay. I want something creamy. You've got your tomato bisque yep oh no and he's got his uh you know he's got my baked potato uh soup don't do it uh i don't i don't think you're gonna be in on this one andy i'm gonna take a lobster bisque. I love a good lobster bisque. You got real close. When I go to a restaurant and I see lobster bisque on the menu, it's like 70% chance that I'm going to get a lobster bisque.
Starting point is 00:39:55 So it's not at like deviled eggs? No, because – Level? No, it's not. If deviled eggs are on the menu, I always get them. That's 100%. But the reason for the disparity there that's how you sell the
Starting point is 00:40:07 farts by the way but the deviled eggs are she should have focused on deviled eggs alone those are the premium farts that's the path that's the upcharge once you've bought the would you like to upgrade to deviled egg farts but
Starting point is 00:40:22 the reason I will always get deviled eggs and most of the time get lobster biscuits because lobster bisque is on far more menus okay deviled eggs you just don't usually see anyways for my next for my next one here okay oh okay so i know what i want the most i'm gonna play the game because y'all play in the game um and uh this one the one that i want the most will come back to me so i'm not gonna grab that oh there are so many how many rounds are we doing here just the four just the four yeah four four rounds this is so hard you gotta narrow it down okay um nope i'm not gonna i'm gonna just take the one i love uh we were debating this in the in this in the studio whether or not this was a soup when you google it it says yes oh no i don't know i was
Starting point is 00:41:13 proven very wrong yes really i'm taking ramen yeah i love okay a good ramen bowl a soup of noodles and and uh yeah ramen soup is a soup it counts it was on my list it was funny because mike was like i don't think that's a soup and then i was like well it's we don't want to get into the mac and cheese category that's why you want to be careful there but like it's a it's a bowl of broth with noodles and yeah my argument was like well it's like chicken noodle soup so it's not a soup that's a bad argument argument. Yeah. It was, I pulled back. I lost. I'm very happy because I have my top three picks.
Starting point is 00:41:52 He has my top three picks, which is, I'm going clam chowder for this pick. Clam chowder is in the category of if it's on the menu and the place is not fast food, clam chowder wins the day. Read me your soups. Chicken noodle potato. Chicken noodle's number one. Potato soup. And then clam chowder.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Oh, man. That's an all-star lineup. I mean, that's... Clam chowder is amazing. It's a must order if it's on a menu, as long as the place charges more than $3 for a meal. I'm not going to lie to you. I think it's better than lobster bisque. I
Starting point is 00:42:27 thought for sure you were going clam chowder. Yeah. No, I should have. It was a couple spots lower on the list that I made. I didn't put it in the order. This guy's struggling. I am failing today from the 101. But man, I love what you're doing over there, Andy. You're wide awake.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Mike, you get to close your draft day. You've got a tomato and you've got a broccoli cheese. Can I say something? Sure. I know we're friends and sometimes we've got to be honest with each other. You don't got a lot of hearty in this menu right here. You can't do the commercial where you come in from the cold and this is all you need to eat.
Starting point is 00:43:02 You could do that with a thickened up broccoli and cheese. You're not chewing. You're not chewing any of your soups. This may not be a popular pick amongst this crowd, but I'm not in on clam chowder. You get the sandy pieces. Clam chowder's not in on you, brother. Oh, I know that, but I am in on chowder.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I am in on corn chowder. Also delicious. The hearty, creamy, or what? Chunky. Chunky chicken corn chowder is, oh, my goodness. It is so delightful. Corn chowder's much like you were talking about lobster bisque. It's pretty rare that you see corn chowder
Starting point is 00:43:45 clam chowder is everywhere because it's basic but corn chowder that's where that's where the action really is capitalism says you may have a different reason corn chowder is not everywhere i love corn chowder so much wow maybe there i wonder uh jason is one of them never mind i was gonna say maybe you only like clam chowder or corn chowder, but Jason likes them both. I like both. So far there's not been a soup mention that I am off of. And all the chowders count.
Starting point is 00:44:13 All right. One more. My last pick again, I'm just going with this is what the heart wants. And this was a part of when the soup world opened up as we were in the office talking about, well, can you actually get enough soups? And then we brought up other cuisines. You're like, oh, yeah, those are definitely soups. And hot and sour soup. Jason wrote it down because he knows how much i love i knew i love hot and sour soup
Starting point is 00:44:47 and it it might even be in my top two soups i just know that knowing and playing the game that it would come back it is i've certainly seen my world changed once i opened my eyes to what hot and sour soup is all about i have seen you eat hot and sour soup at least 50 times. Yes. And it's an excellent soup. It's probably my third favorite Asian soup. I like the egg drop and miso. Those are the one and two ahead.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Who's up? Is it back to you, Andy? It's back to Andy. Yeah. I feel like I went out on stage. I just played the three number one hits in the world with chicken noodle, potato soup, and clam chowder. And the crowd just called me back out. And they called me back out.
Starting point is 00:45:31 And I'm playing them some French onion, baby. I'm playing them some French onion to close out my draft. Oh, you bet your bottom dollar. What? French onion? Oh, you don't like a good French onion soup? French onion is very popular. It is on my list.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I can't even tell you what it tastes like. It tastes very tangy. French onion, is it thicker? Is it a bisque? No. It's a broth, but here's the- It's always got some cheese. The novelty of French onion is they usually have it covered with cheese, and then they
Starting point is 00:46:01 bake it a little bit to where- That's right. Even on the bowl is like the baked cheese. And the issue that I have is the soup part, because the baked cheese on top is always good, but the onion soup is not my favorite of the soups. French onion, huh? Someone needs to take this thing that, for some reason reason only French onion soups get this baked cheese crisp.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Was that because the soup is bad and they just had to make it a little bit better? Yeah, yeah, what? Have you ever had French onion dip for chips? I'm sure I have. That's never my go-to. It's a wonderful dip. I'm a dill man. You need to try a little french onion soup
Starting point is 00:46:46 next time you're out and about i'll give it a whirl i don't give it and you know what i'll get i'll give corn chowder a try even though i made a disgusting face oh it's so good um yeah i i just want i just want all soups to start putting the cheese topper on it all right chicken noodle with the cheese topper you're telling me that's just not better? I mean, I will say from my list, there is the ultimate cheese soup is still remaining. Really? Yeah. Is that like the Wisconsin?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Oh, I know which one. It's the cheesy cauliflower. Yeah. That is very good. Also known as cheese soup. All right. Last pick. I am up for the last pick here.
Starting point is 00:47:23 A lot of different ways I could go, but I'm going to go with what I eat the most of. I love, love, love sushi. My wife and I go to sushi restaurants probably more than any other type of restaurant, and I'm always going to start my meal with a miso soup. A good miso soup is... That's my third of the Asian soups. I thought you were going to go Cocoa Puffs soup. Very good.
Starting point is 00:47:47 A cheese topper on that. Miso soup's great. It was on the list for sure. Very nice. There's a lot of good soups here. My wife will be super angry at us that nobody took cream of mushroom. That is her diehard favorite. That's just used for cooking. Cream of mushroom soup is... People eat that?
Starting point is 00:48:04 Oh, it's delicious. Not like the canned Campbell's cream of mushroom. That is just used for cooking. Cream of mushroom soup is- People eat that? Oh, it's delicious. Not like the canned Campbell's cream of mushroom. That is just used for cooking. Okay. But there is like a- It's like a mushroom bisque. And it's outstanding. Even for people that don't like mushrooms. Don't sleep on chicken and rice.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Chicken and rice soup is delicious. We can shout out like- I mean, special shout out here to chicken tortilla. Yeah, no doubt. Let's give Dumpling Soup a real pat on the bottom. Where do you guys stand on? Beef and vegetables is nice, too. Sure, I can get down with that.
Starting point is 00:48:34 But where do you stand with a bean and bacon? I have it on my list. I love it. Growing up, we didn't do chicken noodle when you were home from school. It was always bean and bacon. My family would always talk about how they grew up poor, and they would make this bean. They'd have like a hawk of a pig.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I don't know what it is. Hawk of a pig? Horse of a donkey? Not H-A-W-K, but like a, I don't know. Honking? Like as in large? No. Cat of a goose?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Like a, I don't, I'm making up words here. A hawk? I don't know. He didn't learn good. You're making up words hoping that we will track. What's the word I'm about to make up? Hawk of a horse dude i'm not making up words i am perfectly what's the word it's hawk h-o-c-k a ham hawk the ham hawk is the part of the pig where the foot attaches to the leg that's exactly what is
Starting point is 00:49:39 in the soup so eat it literally eat it it is delicious but they would always make that like a big family gatherings and it was so good so good wow well this has been a heck of a show guys a heck of a show we did it jason's sweating a little bit like oh man all this soup talks got me hot and bothered hot and sour over here all right right. We got one more important thing. What did we learn today? Well, I'll jump in. I learned that Brooks is a hybrid typer on his phone, and it's changed my opinion of him.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I mean, I know he comes from Michigan, and they do things different back there, and you got thumbs and fingers all over the place. But that's what I learned. I learned that Alexaa will try to have you kill yourself so be careful out there and i learned that fartrepreneurs they're making some serious money out there yeah 50 000 a week i mean that's good money that's good money that's good money might have to look into that. That'll do it for today's show, everybody.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Hey, tell your friends about the podcast. Get them in on the fun. We will see you next time on the Spitballers Podcast. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com.

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