Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: The Flavor of Science & Animals We'd Like To Ride - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: July 28, 2022

Spit Hit for July 28, 2022: On today’s show, we discuss building houses, whipped cream, and holiday decor guidelines. We answer some difficult Would You Rather questions and then dish out some of ...our coveted no-cost Life Advice. We close down this episode with an absurd draft of animals we would like to saddle up and joy ride. Subscribe and tell your friends about another hilarious episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On today's spit hit, look, we answer those difficult would you rather questions and, you know, life advice for free. Oh man, we should be charging so much for this. So much money. I've seen what other people charge for life advice and it's a lot more than the zero dollars that this podcast is. You should be giving us 10 grand for this episode. But you're not.
Starting point is 00:00:18 You're getting zero dollars and you're getting a belly full of laughs. Stick around. It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. A-do-ee-da-ba-ba-bum. A-boom-boom-boom-pow. A-boom-boom-pow. Oh, I like the backup vocals. I like the scat. Gave you a little boom-boom-pow.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I don't know if you heard that. No, I did. That was moments ago, and I loved it. Welcome into the Spitballers, Andy, Mike, and Jason. Spitballerspod.com is the website. We want to welcome all the brand new listeners. This is episode 120. It's a great place to start your journey with the Spitballers.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Your weekly dose of nonsense. Especially you, Frank. Frank, welcome in. We've been waiting for you. Janet. Janet, a real winner We've been waiting for you. Janet. Janet, a real winner. Congrats on the new job. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yes. Oh, man. I think that promotion's about to show up for Janet. Now, if you listen. Since we've been waiting for Frank and Janet, it's important that people realize our main demographic is in their 60s. So welcome in all the Franks and Janets out there. Frank and Janet, are those names on the way out? Yes, they're on the way out.
Starting point is 00:01:55 You didn't know Mike's two kids are Frank and Janet, right? Yeah, I was talking right to my children. He's got an old heart. When do those come back around? Because I've wondered. There's the Ethels and the Dorothys. Oh, my grandma was a Fedoris. Fedoris, that's a hat.
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's a combo of a hat and a Doris. Also, Doris is out right now. I mean, imagine that. That sounds like we are so far removed. But that was my grandma. Do names come back around, or do they just continue to mold and move? I don't know that they come back around. I mean, you've got like biblical names that never go away.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Sure, that's true. And then you've just got fads over time. I mean, I don't know. Two-thirds of our mothers are named Linda. Is anybody naming their current kids oh no linda's on the way out yeah real quick uh why don't you take a look at the second would you rather question are you joking right now it's a name related one oh it's from frank oh no i told you man frank is in wow. Owl is not a common name.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Now, you were born owl, right? I was. I was an owlette, and then I became an owl as I matured. We poll incredibly well with Franks. That's true. Yeah, and polling. And beans. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You couldn't hold that one back. I couldn't hold it back. That is such a bad joke. He knew it instantly that this was not acceptable. We have standards. Yeah, but I couldn't. In beans? It's rare.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I mean, this might be the only time he gets a Frank and beans joke. Oh, I got it in. All right. One and all. Spitballerspod.com. It's not even a joke. It's not. I said Frank.
Starting point is 00:03:41 That's it. He just threw it in beans. Well, if you're still with us, we've got Would You Rather. We've got some life advice. And we've got. Yeah, Esther, thanks for joining. I think one of my favorite drafts. I love drafts like the one we have today.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I will leave you in suspense. I can't wait. But let's go ahead and kick this thing off. Would You Rather. But let's go ahead and kick this thing off. Would you rather? Now you say, I'm going to leave you in suspense, like the title of the podcast won't have included the name of the draft. He always says that. Do we include the old draft in the title?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yes, we do. I don't pay close attention to the titles of our episodes. In fairness, we do it every single time. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Forget what you read. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Also, people probably, they're listening. They just click the next one. That's true. Don't we put it at the back of the title? Yep. Thank you. Yeah, they might not know. You might not know.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's going to be good. Yeah. All right. Would you rather question from, let's start with Frank. Frank has a question. I need opinions from you Arizona natives. On a hot summer day after being outside for a few hours with no beverage, would you rather somebody hand you a flat Coca-Cola or a bottle of water
Starting point is 00:04:58 that has been sitting outside in the sun for the last few hours? This is a good question. Really? If you don good question. Really? If you don't know. Because that Coca-Cola is flat, but it's cold. Yeah. If you don't know how hot it gets in Arizona, and he specified in the summer. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 If you were to put a glass of water outside in the peak of summer in Arizona for multiple hours. Okay. Yeah. That is. That's a hot glass of water in Arizona for multiple hours. Okay, yeah, yeah. That is... That's a hot glass of water. It's not boiling. It will not boil.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Right. But it's darn close. I mean, it can burn you. Right, but a flat Coke sucks. A flat Coca-Cola is awful. Like, when I'm in a restaurant, right, I am not the... I'm not trying to get into it with the waiter or the waitress if my order is wrong maybe if they forgot something i'll ask for that
Starting point is 00:05:54 but if when they come by how how is everything tasting and i could be like in my head oh it just tastes like dog food yeah but oh no everything is great but you bring me out a flat Coca-Cola or you bring me out a diet Coca-Cola. Sure. I have to speak up. That's where the line is absolutely drawn. Bad food, fine, but a flat Coke is just miserable. Now, do you just tell them, can you grab me another Coke, or do you say, can we step outside?
Starting point is 00:06:18 Well, it's quite the dance because you have to do the, well. This seems like it might be a little flat. Maybe check the. The flat is not as bad as the diet. Oh, come on. No, no, no, no. I'm tasting like, because when you say, I think you brought me a diet, I feel like I am insulting the person who just brought me something. That's true.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's on him. I'm questioning your intelligence. Are you sure you know how to read regular Coke? I thought what you were saying. I thought you were saying that a flat Coke is much better to drink than a diet soda. No, no, no. And I was like, that's ridiculous. I would rather have a diet soda than a flat Coke.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And diet soda is great. No, it's garbage. No, it's trash. It's garbage. Because diet soda is great. No, it's garbage. No, it's trash. It's garbage. Once you get used to the science, once you know the flavor of science, then Diet Coke
Starting point is 00:07:10 has a special burn. That would be the best Coke ad. The flavor of science. Yeah, certainly. What was the question? Well, look, let's say you've been outside for a while. Oh, yeah. You've been outside with no beverage.
Starting point is 00:07:25 You just went on a hike. You forgot to bring a beverage. You're basically dead almost. And then you get to the end, and somebody hands out two. They're holding out two cups. One's got a cold, flat Coke. One's got a hot water. It's really hot.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I'm taking the flat Coke. I drink LaCroix, so I already know what it tastes like to kind of have the muted taste of something, but I will drink down a cold beverage. It's ironic because the muted taste is the exact opposite of this situation, right? This is full taste, no carbonation. You're drinking muted taste. I want the cold beverage. It's like something has gone wrong. I don't know how a drink can go bad. I mean, I guess dairy, but it's like something has gone wrong like i don't know how a drink can go bad i mean i guess dairy but it's so it's it's like when you're drinking a coke it's like drinking like this milk has gone bad you could overheat from that water yes you could you yeah you could overheat yes you're telling me if you went out and you had a cup of tea outside that's going to be good for
Starting point is 00:08:21 your cool down after a hike you You will cook, my man. I don't know if it cools me down, but my body needs to replenish the liquids. You'd be too hot. You would still be getting water in your body. I mean, I think it would hydrate you. Yes. That's the word I was looking for. It just wouldn't feel good.
Starting point is 00:08:39 But to your point, Mike, when you're at the restaurant and you get the flat Coke, the Coke is broke. It's broken. Yes, this isn't Coca-Cola. But I will take a broken Coke over a hot drink. Really? Well, if I'm already sweaty. Al, you've probably been outside before. That hot water, that's going to do damage to you.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You've got heat stroke, right? I don't know. I mean, I definitely notice when I drink a cold drink that I get chilly. So I would imagine it affects your internal temperature. It'll change your internal temperature. Good question. Can you
Starting point is 00:09:14 get heat stroke just being in a hot room like a sauna? Would they call that heat stroke? Would they call it something else? Does the sun have to be involved to get heat stroke? No. It's heat stroke.
Starting point is 00:09:29 It's not sun stroke. It can be, but it's heat stroke. No, yeah. Andy is right here. You can get heat stroke without direct sunlight exposure. You can get it in a jacuzzi at night. Can you? No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:09:39 You bet your bottom dollar. You can get heat stroke in a jacuzzi? Yeah. That's my question of like if there's heat in in uh it would be heat stroke if you're in the jacuzzi yeah man this this show is so informative really packed with facts oh well speculative facts packed with speculation i'm taking the hot water you bring me a flat co-Cola and we... I mean, they have articles of how to avoid heat stroke in a hot tub. I love this.
Starting point is 00:10:07 So I Googled it because it seems insane. All right. And I just love this sentence. Most heat strokes do not occur from a hot tub, of course. But it happens. Wait, hold on. Most of them? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Most... Yeah, okay. It's sweeping the nation. Yeah, I think they also say don't drink alcohol. That's true. That part is true. I've heard that. Oh, because you dehydrate.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah, and it makes you warmer. You have a glass of wine and a jacuzzi. Just say goodbye. Sayonara. All right. I'm taking the water okay all right we'll get you some hot tea next time you play some pickleball mike um would you rather this is from d smith on patreon one of our spitballers supporters would you rather build a house for you and your family
Starting point is 00:10:58 to live in using only ikea instructions and tools so all all pieces and parts are supplied. Oh, man, so much Allen wrenching. Yeah, yeah. Or wake up on a sailboat in the ocean with your family and be responsible for getting them to land safely. You can barely see land faintly on the horizon. But I can see it, so I know which direction I need to go. Oh, man, but what a terrible torture that would be to see the land and never successfully
Starting point is 00:11:26 navigate that boat close because it's a sailboat it's a sailboat there's no oars on this boat there's no engine on this boat you have to figure out how to put that sail up and see here's what i don't understand okay let's say the wind is going the uh the other direction like if the wind is really heavy towards the coast i think if i just put a sail up, I'm going to be somewhat okay. But if the wind is going the other way, I'm pretty sure sailboats can still go the way they want, right? No, you got to wait. You got to wait for a wind. For real?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah, well, I mean. For certain directions. Yeah, for a direction the opposite of the wind you cannot trick the wind into pushing you that way it doesn't suck you well i didn't know there was a way that you could turn the sail the wind blows jason so you're telling me and i'm i'm i'm being 100 serious here you're saying that if you're in a sailboat the wind has to go towards the shore for you to go? Not directly, no. You just can't have it going the exact opposite of the shore.
Starting point is 00:12:30 There has to be a degree at which you will no longer go forward. That's where they turn the sails. So my family is dying on the water. Yes. Although, I was going to ask the question, if you can see can see it right how far can you see could you just jump in and swim no oh no no no you will not that'd be a bad trick huh yes you will not make it yeah you think you know we i i just went well how good's your back float yeah i mean the truth is is if i was really really close to the island i still might not make it due to currents and stuff like that. You swim and swim and swim. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Oh, man. So if I build a house from Ikea, well, one, it's going to fall down immediately. I mean, that is a concern, but I'm ruling those things out. But what's funny, Andy was just messaging how he just built something. I did. Yeah, my daughter's dresser. And I said, it's not an Ikea build unless at least three of the drawers are inside out at one point or not. Because it is guaranteed I am putting something on backwards.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And it will not be until 12 steps later that I realize it was backwards. So imagine that's like, those are the walls of your house. You're 50 steps further in your house and you go, oh, the chimney's upside down. I had a couple things come to mind. The first thing I thought of was because, look, I can get it done. I can build the thing. Right. If time is not an object.
Starting point is 00:14:04 But when I think of building shelter and having a place for my family to live, to go from stage zero to something over my head, how many months is it going to be until we have a residence? And on top of that, your house will always be a little bit shaky. Yeah. It may not fall down, but if someone pushes on your house, it definitely wobbles. Oh, I've never had anything from Ikea that is sturdy.
Starting point is 00:14:30 That's a little on us. That's a little on them. I'm going to put it all on them. I'm pretty sure I've built these things perfect. Now, what square footage are we talking about here? Why do I have four extra pieces? Because I feel like my family would be living in a 250 square foot home at the end of this regardless of the amount of supplies you've been given I mean I just I don't have the time
Starting point is 00:14:50 to build me some 3,000 square foot you know beautiful home would you rather build your house Ikea style or you have to build an entire house except that the whole house is made out of toy lincoln logs i would have did you ever play with lincoln yes i did i love lincoln we bought lincoln logs recently what they still make them oh they're great yeah we bought them for our cabin we wanted to have that as the toy up at the cabin oh very meta so very meta that's exactly's true but you have to build the whole house out of the tiny little baby ones no no i mean you're going ikea ikea will stay together the lincoln logs aren't staying together however if i could build an entire house and all the supplies would have to be given to me because i'm not a trillionaire out of legos okay Okay. I would do that.
Starting point is 00:15:45 A Lego house? And if you built a Lego house, it would stay better than the IKEA. It would stay forever. Yeah, they grayed out at Hurricane Force Winds. Yeah. That's why they're so expensive. They're so durable. It's all about durability, right?
Starting point is 00:15:58 That's why it's like $600 for a Lego set. Do you guys have that? I mean, fantasy is a bit of a strong two word or too strong of a word, but like the daydream of. What if I 100 percent? What if I built the house that my family lives in? Yeah. Like that. Do you have that feeling down inside?
Starting point is 00:16:16 Yeah. The gap between where I'm at. And of course, it's just massive. But yes, of course I do. But, you know, you're deep down. Like, I wish I built this house. Yeah. And you hear tales of like, I have a friend who knows a friend who knows a friend, and they actually built their house.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And you're like, that's impossible. I know. I know. I've been in the house. I've been in the house. A close friend of our family. I've been in a house of a friend who knows someone. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:16:42 No, our family growing up, they were close friends with another family, and that guy built the house. It's impossible. Those are the worst people to talk to because I just know how much better they are than me. Like when I talk to a man that's built his own house, I'm just like, I already know we have nothing to talk about. I know that. I'm like, hmm.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Every house. Yeah, how are the eaves? Yeah, did you put the eaves up there? Yeah, okay. All right. Every house you go in, hmm. Did you build this? Yeah. Yeah, how are the eaves? Yeah, did you put the eaves up there? Yeah, okay, all right. Every house you go in, did you build this? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I mean, no, we moved in. To get an upper hand? Someone shows up. Oh, did you build this? No. Oh, I built my house. Yeah, even on a new build. Did you build this?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Yeah, we built this. Oh, what did you use? No. Oh, no, no, no. Did you build this yeah we built this oh what did you use no oh no no no did you build this with your hands i couldn't even contract a house i couldn't be the general contractor no no for my home let alone build this i wouldn't know who to talk to and in what order i would roll over on every decision it'd be like uh, yeah, you know, that would be, what do you think? What do you think? I would go with, what have you seen on other houses? Let's do it. Build it like
Starting point is 00:17:51 a house. Build it like a house. Build it like a house. That's right. Build it like a house should be built. That's my general contract. I like this, but could you make it like a little more housey? Yeah. Look, when I built this dresser for my daughter, and we can move on after this. When I built it, sometimes I sit down to build something and I go, I'm going to do this like Al Borland would do it. You know what I mean? Like perfect. Like a man. Like a man.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And so I sit down and I go, I'm going to build this. I'm going to follow the instructions perfectly. I'm not going to mess up. I'm not going to do what Mike said. I'm not going to have any moments where I have to undo something because I put it on wrong. And then I get, oh, this thing isn't fitting in there. And I'm like, well, that's just, I don't know. It's just a little different from manufacturing. I got done with this dresser and I kid you not, the top was 100% facing backwards. Of course it is. Because on the instructions, you'll go back and you'll notice, oh, this tiny
Starting point is 00:18:44 little portion they show me, they put the little, just a couple scratches through because that's supposed to be the colored part. Build it like a dresser, Mike. Build it like a dresser. Last night, we had five chair stools arrive at our house. Oh, no. See you in three
Starting point is 00:19:00 weeks. All we need to do is, there's four screws, the back just goes right on it. It's metal. Don't tell me you called Al Borland. No, no, no. I didn't. I have already completed this task.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I built these five chairs. And that's a strong word because all you do is put four screws. You've assembled. Yeah. I put four backs onto chairs with four screws on each chair. That doesn't seem like a lot. I've never been more sweaty in my life. I was drenched.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I had to take my clothes off and strip down to my underwear because I'm screwing in four screws into a couple of chairs. And at one point, my wife looks over. She's like, you're sweaty. I'm just in the kitchen. We keep our house at like 73 degrees. This is a deep problem right here. I mean, that was the most work I've ever done in my life. What do you do for a workout?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Do you ride a bike? You run? I assemble bar stools. All right. All right. We can move on. We can move on. I would go with, there was a question here.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I forgot. Yeah, it was the Ikea house or the sailboat. Gosh. I can't do the sailboat thing. I would start to have an existential crisis that if the wind's not in my favor and I have to wait it out, I'm going to lose sight of the island or something. I am taking the sailboat and I'm going wherever the wind takes me. There is land if I go in any direction.
Starting point is 00:20:27 If I'm on the sailboat, it's just me shouting at my kids, to port! To port. No, to starboard. I don't know which one is each. I know that it means a side. There's a lot of port and starboard on those IKEA instructions, too, and that's what throws me off.
Starting point is 00:20:44 All right. Hey, Al, should we go to life advice advice or do we got time for one more? We got time for one more. All right. All right. This has been outstanding. Larry or Noah, who do I go with Al? Oh, let's go with Larry. Larry seems like our demographic. Larry is another, another real popular current name. Thank you your support now larry's not short for something else is it larnold laryngitis i'm just like usually the y names is is it's uh they've shortened something like danny is it daniel it's short for lawrence is it oh see yes see okay okay Is it? See? Yes. See? Okay. Okay. What about Harry? Harold. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:21:28 That's two for two. This is incredible. I told you. I mean, Randy, which was my middle name, is Randall. Yeah. Andy. Andrew. Mikey. Well, Mikey's not a real name.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Billy. Thank you. Billius. No, it's William. The problem with Billy. William, actually. The problem with Billy is William. actually the problem with billy is william what when did i don't know will and bill i don't know they're robert and bob that's so dumb
Starting point is 00:21:50 if your name is robert you can be called rob or bob yes but if your name is if bobber they don't call you rob oh that's not fair yeah we got robert rob bob bobber no bobber there should be a bobber yeah and you know what that's it used was the game you played as a kid. Twist it. Larry from Patreon, would you rather be completely blind anytime you are inside a building or completely blind anytime you are outside of a building? Oh, man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Okay. Which is- This is not hard for me. This is some philosophy. This is not hard. It's sad, but it's not hard. You're going to say that you would rather be blind on the outside, because even though you can't take in beautiful scenery
Starting point is 00:22:31 and see this wonderful world, you can watch television. I could exist. Yeah, I guess you've still got the nature channel, right? What a beautiful mountain. Well, you've got windows. You, right? What a beautiful mountain. So, well, you got windows. You could put your house next to something pretty. Okay, let me carry this out, though.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Let's say you did the outside one where you can see outside, not inside. Okay. Do you basically then just live mostly outside, and then when you sleep, you just go to sleep blind? Or you just sleep in the great outdoors, man. Sleeping bag. Unfurled. Now there's a reason we have houses, right? You would want to go inside and sleep. What's it when
Starting point is 00:23:14 it's just like a covered tent? No, no, no. Because a tent is indoors. I'm saying like you park under a carport. Yeah, I'll build myself a fancy carport. Are you looking for the word patio, Mike? Sure, but it was specific to parking, so a carport. You're asking if you could sleep under a bridge or something?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, like a troll. So that you can continue to see because you don't want to go inside. That's right. I'd rather be- I mean, I don't do a lot of seeing while I'm sleeping. Do you? No, but you could sleep with the lights on uh in this situation that's well i when you're blind you can see
Starting point is 00:23:50 can't you see some brightness and dark that leads me to that's actually a great question i'm pretty sure you can't a question not related to eyesight okay would if you had to right now you're calling it you are forever inside or you are forever outside. Oh, come on. I'm forever inside. Yeah, okay. I'm going to throw this question to Andy. You're forever inside or outside?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yes. Forever, huh? Yes, forever. And it doesn't mean you can't seek shelter, but you can't go inside. I guess if I had to just choose i guess i'd choose outside you're done you're done i would choose outside easily what yes that's impossible owl oh come on come on owl i'd rather be blind inside i think see what yeah he'd be outside it's like i as it look i've i've approached
Starting point is 00:24:47 the age of the of our demographic where our names are on the way out i'm old you know the best thing in the entire world the entire world is waking up at six in the morning and sitting on my patio outside doing nothing. Just sitting there existing in the outside. It is the absolute best thing in the entire world. People are like, man, what do you want to do today? Oh, dude, could you make it morning forever? And I will just sit and I will do nothing. And Andy's reaction over here tells me that he is 100% on board. I was in the hammock this past weekend up north, and it was like, yeah, this is like,
Starting point is 00:25:30 if you say, hey, what are you going to do after you retire? I'll be like, right here. I'm doing it right now. Does this mean I'm younger at heart than you two? Does that mean you like TV more? Right, exactly. I haven't aged out to that point yet. We know around the office that if anytime someone brings up, there's a brand new show, there's a brand new series.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Oh, my gosh. And we're like, hey, guys, have you seen this? And Jason's like, oh, yeah, me and the wife completed that entire series last night. You're like, I just heard of this show. It's rough, man, because we try to like, you know, sometimes if you're watching a series with somebody, hey, did you watch an episode last night? Yeah, we watched an episode. Jason comes in, he's like, yeah, we we try to like, you know, sometimes if you're watching a series with somebody, hey, did you watch an episode last night? Yeah, we watched an episode. Jason comes in.
Starting point is 00:26:07 He's like, yeah, we watched 13 episodes last night. Jason has some sort of time-space continuum in his house where he can consume absolutely every new show. You are younger than us. You stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning. It's not just Netflix. It's all of them. Oh, yeah. It's every streaming service.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Jason has them all, and he's watched every show. We have finished everything. I don't know how you do it. We have genuinely finished everything. We don't know of any new shows that we haven't seen. And so we're re-watching Game of Thrones right now, and we're almost done with that. This is where he is. He's re-watching Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Because we've watched all the other shows. Jason makes a big deal of the fact that he can do multiple things at once like watch a show are you watching two shows at once do you watch one on your phone while you're watching the other show behind one on my phone my iPad has a third on my knees and then the TV that's
Starting point is 00:26:57 impressive yeah no but we go to bed really late yeah I think that's it yeah so you're gonna stay blind outside yeah okay spit molars to the rescue all right uh this question from sarah yes it's a great one i want to debate this with you guys i really do when is it okay to decorate the exterior of your home for Halloween or Christmas? Let's talk through this, which I wasn't expecting to see quite as much Halloween deco, but I did see one the other day.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Because we've been trapped. Everyone's been trapped. I am not a Halloween fella. No, me neither. But the second October 1st hit, it was... Do you got stuff up? No, I did not decorate, but it's just like I'm getting in the mentality, man. I don't know if Halloween's happening.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I was going to ask you. In the rights. I don't know whether it's happening either. I don't know what we're doing, but I know that there is a holiday coming up, and I'm trying to get in the mentality. All movies, Halloween. Really? Scary.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I am in. I want to feel feelings again. Yeah, and we want you to feel feelings too, Mike. The question is, let me bring it to a higher level. I already know we all love Christmas, so I know the default answer is you'd want it to be Christmas as long as possible. Yes. However, there is, and we were talking about if you lived by the beach,
Starting point is 00:28:27 you might take the beach for granted, right? Sure. If you live with Christmas decorations up all year long, it really does. There's no Christmas season, right? It takes all the joy away from it. But it's very easy. I get it. You don't need to have it up all year round.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I agree. There is a takedown point, and that's a whole different argument. We could try and figure out when you take it down. But this is incredibly easy for me. Super easy. Okay, Jason, we'll do, on the count of three, Halloween, okay? When you can start decorating for Halloween. Okay, because there's a right answer and a wrong answer.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah, so Andy, count us up. Three, two, one. October 1st. Okay okay now do christmas i've changed over the years three two one november 1st boom i mean those are just the right answers this isn't like we did not prepare this this is this is how we legit feel i know i know you do and uh the the more traditional view would have been post-Thanksgiving. And I would have said that the date stretches to January 1st, when New Year's is over. That's when you tear down.
Starting point is 00:29:32 That's when you take down. And you've got a week of buffer after New Year's to take down. Agreed. Agreed. And so I would have normally said Thanksgiving right after. But I feel like Thanksgiving, because it's not a set day every year, well, it isn't, right? No, it's always the fourth Thursday of the month.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I feel like it's just a little too late. But I've tried to get in the November 1st mentality. It's a little too early for me. I'm on November 15th, right in the middle of November. I'll give me six full weeks into Christmas. That fulfills it for me. So you are 15 days late. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Just according to the real rules. Yeah. Also, there's a problem out there with HOAs. I mean, HOAs need to get on our level, Mike, because sometimes they're like, you can decorate two weeks beforehand. Two weeks? No. That is absolutely true. This is America.
Starting point is 00:30:24 We have one of, you know, the houses in our neighborhood where it's this. Oh, I've been through your neighborhood, Mike. They go all out. Yeah, they go to town. They got the radio station. They got it all. They've got the synchronized lights. They've got everything.
Starting point is 00:30:35 This is the house, and it's called, in the Wright household, it's the singing house. Yeah. And we know every Halloween and Christmas. And we've been down there and been like, why don't you guys have the stuff up yet? And they're like, the HOA will not let us put it up yet. That HOA. Get out of my life, HOA. Fulfills everything I think about HOAs.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Because I believe that they are our demographic of listener. Traditionally taking power over people's joy. And take their joy away oh you got too many flowers in your front yard cut some flowers get rid of them too many trees get rid of those trees hoas should exist houses too colorful for three reasons that's it houses that are that are painted stupid colors yeah that does suck Weeds that are out of control. Yeah. And I'll even allow garbage cans left out forever. I don't, I mean, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:31:31 What about cars on the street? Well, that's a neighborhood dependent thing. I mean, how big is your street? How many houses are on your street? I think that's got to be, you know. How tight is the street? Case by case. I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:31:41 How tight is the street? Case by case. I agree with that. What's funny about this question is things became fuzzier in the Wright household this past week. So on Saturday, there is an absolute, a very fair debate. And I don't know which side of the spectrum I'm on. The movie, Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. Is it a Halloween movie? Is it a Christmas movie?
Starting point is 00:32:09 Is it both? I think the argument could be made that it is absolutely both. Sure. And I just said, you know, I'm fired up. I want to get into these holidays as much as I possibly can this year because I need it. I need it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:20 So I fired up The nightmare before christmas we washed it for our movie night and uh the wife she's like whoa like i could see the light bulb over her head she's like what if for halloween we bring in the christmas tree and we decorate this thing on halloween with no if for the halloween season and we put up Halloween ornaments you go full nightmare before Christmas with this and then on November 1st we switch it over and I was like holy
Starting point is 00:32:54 crap I've never heard a better idea in my life so are you doing it so we are it is not up yet because this just happened haven't had the time to get it out yet but very very soon this will be going up and we will be collecting scary really ghouls and ghosts to put on our christmas tree just me or should that tree have no needles on it it should just be a dead tree exactly you just what you do is you know how you fan out the tree eventually you don't do that right you don't fan it out you just leave
Starting point is 00:33:20 everything smashed but i'm very excited for excited look i'm all for holiday hype holiday hype is special it's kids look forward to it the age all of our kids are at even better now i am curious al judge giamatti are you both on mic can you rephrase that yeah that's uh jump on board uh on the microphone get on my back yes yes we're both on the microphone. When do you believe Christmas decorations should begin? I just want to see if you're on board with November 1st or not. That's a little too early for my blood. I'm a thanks after Thanksgiving person. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:55 For music and decorations. Me too. And people have strong opinions on this. People have strong bad opinions on this. I feel like it's been a little early the last couple years for me. I need the 15th. To be fair, Jason, we are a part of the new movement. That's true.
Starting point is 00:34:10 But when the young generation will look back, they'll say, it started here. Fedoras didn't decorate until late December. The day of. Josiah from Patreon, when you get a drink with whipped cream, are you supposed to eat the whipped cream first Mix it in or wait to eat it At the end
Starting point is 00:34:29 I want to know the answer Like I knew the answer to the last one This could be a question from Jason from Patreon Because I always do different things And I feel like there's no right I feel like the thing that seems most sophisticated But is the worst choice is the mix-in. 100%.
Starting point is 00:34:46 The mix-in seems like I'm not going to eat this like ice cream. This is meant to be mixed in. And that's a way to not taste the whipped cream ever. But if you wait for the end, yeah, I mean, if you wait till the end, I mean, the whipped cream will saturate. You'll get some of the flavor of the beverage. But now you are forced into a straw. Correct.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah, the end is not a good solution here. You need a spoon at the end then. Now, is this an iced beverage with whipped cream or is this a frat? Let's say it's a, oh, does that matter? Oh, it matters big time because here's the thing. If you drink an iced beverage and wait on the whipped cream, then at the end you've got whipped cream and ice, so you can't really spoon it out well.
Starting point is 00:35:33 You can't really straw it out well. I feel like if you're an iced beverage, you've got to either mix it in or you've got to eat it early. Now, do you guys like whipped cream on the beverage? Adore it. So Andy is all in. Jason, where are you on? I don't usually.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Like whenever I order a drink and I say, do you want whipped cream? I say no. I say yes, and I feel like I'm guilted into saying yes. Now, is this because you're a board member of an HOA? Is that you say no to the joy of whipped cream? No, it's literally. The psychopath? No, it's literally this question.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I don't know what to do with it. I get it, and I go, I just, I leave it. Here's what I usually do, because I'm thinking about this with like an iced drink that has some whipped cream on it. It's usually got a lid that's like the bubble lid. Yeah, it's a bubble lid. so i can't spoon it so i right you do here's i got the whole process with whipped ice who wants whipped ice at the end what you do with the bubbled top drinks and i love that we can solve this problem maybe for you you drink the drink down below the bubble then then you're going for the kill with the whipped cream yeah but you've got half the drink down below the bubble. Then you're going for the kill with the whipped cream.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah, but you got to take the- When you've got half the drink and half the whip, and it's a nice mixture. But you're taking the lid off. After you drink it down past the bubble, yeah. But what do you do with the lid now? Yeah. You throw it in the trash can. I'm just driving.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Yeah. Well, pull over, man. Did you drink this? So now because I ordered whipped cream, I got to pull over. How much of this- I mean, the driving does change the whole equation too. Well, where do you, are you making this at home? Well, no, a lot of people like to go and sit down with the drink.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Not everybody's cruising around whipped cream in it. I'm just thinking, look, Starbucks have a drive-thru in the last decade. Did you just verb? Yeah, I did. Whipped cream. Look, you pick up Starbucks, even the drive-thrus, you take it, people bring it to work. I will admit, if I
Starting point is 00:37:30 am just going to be driving only, whipped cream's not a really viable situation. It's not practical. That's like saying, hey, do you get a Frosty? Do you get a Wendy's Frosty while you're driving? Heck yeah, man. That's a nightmare. I almost careened off of a freeway trying to eat a Frosty coming back from vacation.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Some things are worth the risk. I agreed. I totally agreed. But you're not going to use a straw with a Frosty, and all I'm saying is- Oh, it's impossible. Let's drive through Baskin-Robbins and have a bowl of ice cream. I mean, it doesn't work. But Baskin-Robbins doesn't have a drive-thru for that reason.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Starbucks, they all have drive-thrus now. Money, hungry, whipped cream, and people have drive-thrus now money hungry whipped cream and people i just decided i don't like whipped cream i'm anti-whipped cream as a person in all it's delicious or just because of the just because of this guy well not i mean come on man if i'm having pumpkin pie i'm gonna load that thing up with more whipped cream than you've ever seen anybody do this is you won't see the pie no No, there's a Cool Whip and somewhere underneath it's like the old Nickelodeon shows
Starting point is 00:38:27 where you gotta find the thing. Oh, with the Double Dare Challenge? The Double Dare Challenge. I'm gonna find the pumpkin pie in my Cool Whip. That whole bite was Cool Whip.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Another company that the delicious taste of science. That's Cool Whip right there. That's Cool Whip time. What is it, just oil? You just drink an oil? No one's ever known. Yeah. The recipe has been lost to time. What is it, just oil? You're just drinking oil? No one's ever known. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:46 The recipe has been lost to time. Cool whip is... It's one of those old recipes from Fedoris and Hank and Frank. All right, we've got one more question here beforehand. This one comes in from me. What is better, cool whip or whipped cream? You can only have one the rest of your life, so it's for all applications. It's whipped cream uh you can only have one rest of your life so it's for all applications yeah because i can eat pumpkin pie with whipped cream instead of cool whip is not as
Starting point is 00:39:11 good but cool whip is not a substitute for on top of a coffee it's not something that have you tried it yeah i haven't tried it yeah no you haven. All right. I have to plead ignorance here now. Okay. Because I'm not the dessert expert that you fellas are. That's the truth. Yeah. You got to know your role. And the dessert takes, it's not over here, but Cool Whip whipped cream.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I feel like really the only difference is one of them can come out of a can and one of them is in the bowl. I appreciate your naivety. Yeah. Naivety. Naivety. I appreciate your naivety. We're making up words.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Explain to me where I am wrong. Well, they're not the same whatsoever. Texture is number one. Flavor density. Flavor density. Yeah. Science amount. texture is flavor one flavor density yeah uh science whipped cream is much more it's lighter and it's much more vanilla flavored it's very and it's made of real milk cool whip is kind of a
Starting point is 00:40:15 it's cool whip like velveta yes it is like velveta and it's like a yoohoo same thing with chocolate milk right a yoohoo is not really chocolate milk. You need chocolate water. Chocolate water. Yeah. Velveeta is the best example ever, and it tastes like Cool Whip, right? This is why I love Yoo-Hoo and Cool Whip. I love science and Diet Coke. Ready Whip is the can. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Oh, goodness gracious. There's too many whips. Cool Whip is the superior answer. It's better on everything. Whoa. There's a real whips. Cool Whip is the superior answer. It's better on everything. Whoa. This is a real Miracle Whip guy over here. They've got to find a way. It's another whip.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yeah. They've got to find a way to can Cool Whip. I don't think I agree with you, but that's okay. We still have better takes than Mike. All right, let's draft. The Spitballers Draft. The problem with Mike's food takes now is that if we – it sounds like there's a whole world we could unlock for him, right, Jay?
Starting point is 00:41:14 He could really turn over a new leaf, enjoy some new things. But if we offered him, he'd just go sit on the porch. Yeah. He'd just go sit in the – And I would do nothing. And he would do nothing. All right. This is the greatest draft we've ever had.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Oh, man. Could be. Could be. Because we are drafting. It's also the most difficult draft we've ever done. We are drafting animals you'd like to ride. Oh, yes. Oh, what animals do you really want to ride?
Starting point is 00:41:42 This is the home run. And I'm so glad Mike's got the first pick because i mean what a position to be in there are so many ways that you could go for this jason is making a face at his computer i can only assume that it is powered off what is what's going on this is breaking news i'm so sorry to interrupt such an excellent draft, but Al Borland has shared with me that they do have canned Cool Whip. Yeah! They have put Cool Whip in a can. They've put it in a can.
Starting point is 00:42:12 They have done it. The pinnacle has been reached. You know what, Jason? I'm looking at the can. Do you think it's Photoshop? No. No, I don't. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:42:21 But you notice two things. One, it says made with real cream at the top. So I'm wondering if this is a little bit of brand. They're putting the brand out there, and it's just whipped cream named Cool Whip. One way to find out. But if it tastes like Cool Whip, and it's the texture of whipped cream, you might have unlocked the secret to life. Al, please order these.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Agreed. All right. Also ordered some hot chocolate. So the draft. Animals, I would like to ride. That's right. There are so many different factors. There's just like it would be fun.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Fun, yeah. The enjoyment of the ride. There is... It would be awesome. There's awesome. There's the awesome factor. And there is definitely a respect clout. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Sure. To me. Because that is what I'm going with my first pick here. Because a story that I could tell any party I show up, you know, I'm in that guy's house. He's like, hey, I built this house.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And I'm like, hey, you know what? I rode a great white shark. And that dude just melts into an absolute puddle and just is swept away. And his family no longer wants him to be the man of that household because I rode a great white shark. Wow. Imagine me coming up on the – I'm surfing a wave and it's me with my cowboy hat in the air on a great white mouth open snarling at the all the kitties in their little
Starting point is 00:43:46 floaties i first of all great pick second of all i am picturing every one of these picks there is a saddle of some sort on this animal of course there is in every situation how else do i hold on to a great white that's right i just pictured you hold that pin go no no i am now what what's great is when you said the respect factor i thought you meant like you respect a certain animal so much i was like i think they'd all probably not like you riding them but this is pretty disrespectful what we're doing but if you could throw back i wrote a great white shark to everybody's stories that'd be pretty good great white shark was on the list i didn't specify great white i just said a shark but i mean come on sure so that made me pivot what i was gonna have as my first very interesting because i feel like i've got to compete with that
Starting point is 00:44:37 but also i feel like you took the wrong one when you talk about awesomeness in the story you you started to say i'm riding up on the shore and then you realize we can't really come up on the shore because then your ride's gonna die you're out in the water that's true but wherever i'm going i'm going wherever i want i can go fast but i'm riding this guy slow and he's the king of the jungle man oh i'm riding a lion baby And he's the king of the jungle, man. I'm riding a lion, baby. I'm riding him right on into our studio up on that saddle.
Starting point is 00:45:11 What's up, boys? I mean, what would you? No, that's good. It's a great band, man. I mean, come on. Now, to be fair, if you got up to the shore and you were trying to go into the ocean, you would have a problem there, too. I would have a problem there, but I have a feeling I'm on land slightly more often. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:27 So I am the Lion King. That's what you will call me. Well, I would be on land a lot more often if I had the lion to ride too. Dang, so you got a lion. Those are two great picks. I was hoping one of you guys would really suck at this. Alright, there was one that when I was
Starting point is 00:45:43 putting them through my brain and thinking about like, look, of all the animals that we could ride, it would be pretty cool. There was one that when I was putting them through my brain and thinking about, like, look, of all the animals that we could ride, it would be pretty cool. There's one that when I thought of it, I said, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I want to ride that real bad. I want to ride a rhinoceros.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Oh, that's so good. I want to ride the. It's not even on my list. What am I doing? When I thought about a rhinoceros, I was like, yeah. That's so much better than a lion. Do you know... Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Are you kidding me? Who's winning that fight? Oh, no, we're fighting now. Great. Who's going up? I can jump. I mean, you're on a level field. Let me put it this way.
Starting point is 00:46:21 If my rhino goes up against your lion, you're going on a ride on a rhino. That's what you're doing because I'll be carrying you around. If you honestly think that if a lion and a rhino were to fight that the rhino would win, you're sorely mistaken. Oh, I'm certain the rhino would win. One lion, one rhino? One lion, one rhino. My money's on the rhino.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Big boy rhino. No way. This lion can jump on the rhino's back. That rhino is so immobile. We don't need to be fighting. This is not a death. This lion can jump on the Rhino's back. That Rhino is so immobile. We don't need to be fighting. This is not a death. This is my fault. This is Joyrides.
Starting point is 00:46:49 A fight to the death. This is Joyrides. That's right. What are you mounting in a fight to the death? That's for another show. Yeah. We'll do it totally different. No, this is just pick something that's less aggressive here.
Starting point is 00:47:01 All right. I'm going Rhino for the first one. And then I think these other ones will get back to me. So I'm actually going to go with what I grew up thinking was my favorite animal. I might need to lose a couple LBs to make this effective. That's all right. But I can get there. I want to ride a cheetah.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Yeah. I want to ride a cheetah. I want to go as fast as any animal can go cheetah was my pick if i didn't go with the great white shark yeah that was i i felt like the cheetah was one of the 101 options because you talk about what's the fastest animal right what do you want to ride right there's certain categories like you said you want to ride something awesome you want to ride one of the categories and then a roller coaster. One of the categories is I want to ride something so fast. I mean, you're basically on a motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah. Like that's- With four legs. Yeah. That's pretty cool. Wear your helmet. Yeah. That's an animal I'd like to ride.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Look, I'm going there because this was the first thing that came to my mind. You say, what's an animal you want to ride there's no animal i want to ride more than an eagle baby come take me up you can carry me by the talons i can get on a saddle but i'm riding an eagle no how many eagles how many what's a flock of eagles? How many? What's a flock of eagles called? I love that. And he's like, I might have a little bit of a weight problem. Does your cheetah have to get into the air?
Starting point is 00:48:39 That will be, I mean, that might be a shorter ride than you think. Yeah. I mean, we're scooching along the ground just trying to take off. I see the problems, but look, the draft is animals you'd like to ride. And I would love that. I get it. The word for a group of eagles is an airy. An airy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 It's going to be very airy up there. You may need a few airies. You may need five. Now, it is quite the mental picture of either riding an eagle, which you've got control. It's almost like riding a griffin, like a mythical creature, which you could ride that. Or being carried in a near-death experience by an eagle. By the talons. Don't drop it.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Your arms are ripped to shreds. Oh, yeah. But I'm so high up. I knew you would skirt these rules a little bit. But eagles, if I could ride an eagle, I'd like to. Yeah, darn right you would. You want to fly? Of course you want to fly.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Pterodactyl. Oh, man. All right. All right, so I've got my great white shark here. Yes, you do. You got two picks, too. Oh, man. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Now, I'm not sure how smooth the ride will be okay all right i hope this is the one i almost it's i think it's gonna be a little bumpy it's gonna be a little bumpy and i totally i accept the consequences of this but these things when they're moving man they they are just they are majestic creatures and i feel like if i was to ride on one of one of their backs i want to ride a kangaroo man yes yes that was the one i said before oh you've got it on your list so this is i have it circled it's about me right i wasn't sure i'd be on the back or in the pouch, though. Oh, man, I didn't even think about the pouch. That's a huge pouch.
Starting point is 00:50:28 So here's the funniest thing. Let me just get into this thing right here. We were in the other room coming up with what we were going to draft, and we came up with this, and immediately I thought to myself about riding a kangaroo and how ridiculous that was. It made me laugh. And I said, that's going to be my, I know what my fourth pick is. Oh no, that's my second pick.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Oh man. Well then, okay. Spectacular. All right. Well then I definitely know what my next pick is because I thought of another one. Oh, did you? That could be a fourth pick, but apparently you guys are on your game. So.
Starting point is 00:51:04 All right. So great white shark, kangaroo. Man, I am pretty torn. I'm torn between these two here. I don't know if I want to just go all in on the water. That's tough. You know what? This creature lives its life in both. Oh.
Starting point is 00:51:27 It definitely sleeps in the water. A hippopotamus? It is a hippopotamus. Yeah. Dude, hippopotamus. What are you, hippopotamuses? Hippopotami. Hippopotami.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Hippopotami. They are dangerous creatures. And then when I- They're a little faster than people give them credit for. They are actually very fast. And then when I'm in the house and the dudes, he tries to scoff at Great White Shark.
Starting point is 00:51:51 I'm like, hmm. I followed that up when I rode a hippopotamus. So this is more about this one guy you met that built his own house. Look, mister, I built my own house. Owl. Mr. Borland. Yeah, dude. I'm following up kangaroo with hippopotamus.
Starting point is 00:52:07 You want to know why I like your hippo pic is because your personality, let's say you're in a conversation. You're on land. You're in a conversation with someone. You're kind of getting bored. You could slowly backpedal into the water and just swim away. I can see Mike doing that just slowly. And he'd be like throwing his hands up like
Starting point is 00:52:23 I don't control this guy. Yeah. I thought you were going to go I'm just standing there and I'm like doing that just slowly. And he'd be like throwing his hands up like, I don't control this guy. I thought you were going to go with, I'm just standing there and I'm like, and then my hippo comes on out. That is how you call a hippo. Of course, you have to whistle. The slowest smoke bomb ever. That's right. You just slowly walk into the... So you've got, what do you got now?
Starting point is 00:52:41 I have great white shark, kangaroo, and hippopotamus. Alright, I am so excited shark, kangaroo, and hippopotamus. Hip-hop-opotamus. All right. I am so excited to draft this one, guys. It's wonderful to be a kid, and I miss being a kid sometimes. So I'm going to go and be a grown-up kid, and this one has an asterisk on it, on how I'm going to ride this animal.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I am taking a gorilla, but I'm going on the shoulders, baby. Yeah. I'm riding like a little kid. I'm so high up. He's holding my legs, and he's my daddy, and I'm going for a ride. Did you really have it? Yes. The best part is you don't have to be a little kid, Jay.
Starting point is 00:53:26 A gorilla would carry you without a problem. No, I know. I'm saying me now. I'm saying this body, I'm riding up on the shoulders because he can actually take it. But I feel like a kid because- I know you're not going to believe me, but I showed you on my list. I had gorilla written down, and I had sitting on the shoulders in my head too. That's how you got to ride it? I'm not going piggyback style. If you go piggyback, at least then you could do gorilla swing.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Do they swing around? Not too big. They don't swing, do they? I don't know if they swing. They can. Is that more boring than we think it is? Riding a gorilla? Of course it's not because it's a gorilla.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Gorillas are incredible. Okay. Now, just I want you to close your eyes and picture this. Okay. Gorillas are incredible. Okay. Now, just, I want you to close your eyes and picture this. Okay, you're shooting hoops out back with your sons,
Starting point is 00:54:13 and you turn over your shoulder, and I'm walking up on the shoulders of a gorilla. The best part about that story. How tall are gorillas? I don't have a good gorilla context in my head right now. I can finally dunk. If I'm on the gorilla's shoulders, I'm throwing down a couple slams. Yeah, they're five foot two.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Interesting. Maybe I'm not dunking. I thought they'd be a lot taller than that. The largest gorilla ever stood five foot nine. I'm taller than the gorilla? Your feet are on the ground, Jay wait a minute that's not true that's
Starting point is 00:54:48 what i'm saying is that like a silverback gorilla it's 860 pounds but it's only five foot nine okay but i think this is because they're measuring them on all fours they're 860 pounds that is unbelievable i'm on my way all. I have to make my last two picks? Yes. You've left me my two favorites. I really want to ride all four of these animals, and I get to. The third pick I'm going with, look, the shark would be cool, but I want to be deft.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I want to be sliding through that ocean. I'm going with a dolphin. Oh, sure. I want to ride that dolphin around. That would be fun, Jumping in the waves. Not scaring people if they see me at the beach. No, actually, you have a problem. The great white shark fits my personality because ain't no one walking up to me while
Starting point is 00:55:37 I'm riding on a great white shark. It's like, hey, can I pet your shark? It's true. You roll up at a beach on a dolphin. You have a problem. Well, I don't mind showing off a little bit. I'll do a couple flips and then head off into the middle of the ocean. Yeah, I mean, people, I think you could argue that people would prefer to ride up on their animal
Starting point is 00:55:54 and have all the crowds be like, oh, that's awesome, versus give me an autograph, dolphin guy. Also, I have a question for you, Andy. Okay. How much faster are you riding your dolphin compared to me riding my great my terrifying great white shark well the fact you know the answer does not make me like you asking the question however i believe it is more of an endurance world here i think i can can go faster longer, but I'm guessing barely any faster. Plus two miles an hour.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Okay. All right. Now with you on its back, come on. All right. Yeah. Hold on. The giant creature and the tiny little dolphin? Shh.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Shh. All right. Let's hear your thoughts. My final pick, it is very much, it is like your first one, Mike. You talked about the great white, the respect factor. Yes. Look, I'm not riding up on a lion. I'm not riding up on a great white shark.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I'm cruising up on the back of a ferocious, hairy grizzly bear. I might as well have a crown on my head. Yeah, a bear is pretty good. I'm riding up on that bear. That would be a blast. Take me through the woods. Take me through the woods. Take me through the water. Take me through the... You can climb the trees. Oh, it's great.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And the hibernation. Do nothing for a long time. I'm cool with that. That's like having your car in the shop. That's not cool. It's like having your car in the shop. That's when I got to switch over to the Rhino and it's
Starting point is 00:57:24 my big car all right i was between a couple there's three that i'm kind of trying to debate here i want all of them i told mike i wish this was 20 rounds um i'm i'm gonna i'm i was thinking about a polar bear but you just got a bear a bear's bear you know a bear's a bear um they say i'm gonna go with one of the first animals that came to mind. And knowing that I might not get much off the ground with my eagle, I still want a view. I want to get up there. I'm riding me a giraffe.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Oh, yes. I thought so. Oh, yeah. I mean, I am so regal. That'd be very interesting. You'd be doing some big time galloping. I think that's a bumpier ride than people might expect. That can't be comfy.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I'm going to need a soft saddle. When you said bumpy ride, I thought you were going giraffe earlier. Oh, I thought it was either kangaroo or a gazelle. Aren't those the ones that, like, bounce? Pretty much, they do. Yeah, yeah. That would be bumpy. All right, Mike.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Wear your biker shorts. Final pick? All right. I was The one that I wanted, I was torn between the hippopotamus and this, and it came back. Honestly, I have no idea how fast
Starting point is 00:58:32 I am going. I just know that the people are terrified when I come through because I am riding a crocodile. Okay. I am looking ferocious. I am looking scary. I thought about that one. But I know where your feet go. Are you surfing this thing?
Starting point is 00:58:50 Are you crisscross applesauce? Multi-purpose, man. I can do all of these things. Or he's got to lay down on his belly. I'm trying to figure out where your legs are going, man. These things are pretty close to the ground. But we're going through the water. It's swimming.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Okay. I'm not thinking about it. Why am I riding a crocodile on the water? It's swimming. Oh, okay. I'm not thinking about it. Why am I riding a crocodile on the water? That's what we wanted to know. Mike is exclusively a water. The hippo's in the water. The croc is in the water. Yeah, that's...
Starting point is 00:59:15 The kangaroo's probably in the water with Mike. Probably. Go in there. Go in there. Let's go swimming. Let's go to the watering hole. Is that the last one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:23 That'll do it. So we've got... Let me read the final rosters Is that the last one? Yeah. That'll do it. So we've got to, uh, let me read the final rosters here. Jason is riding a lion, a very funny, an Eagle. I feel bad for a gorilla and a giraffe.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I'm riding a Rhino, cheetah, dolphin, and grizzly bear. Mike is riding a great white shark, a kangaroo, a hippopotamus, and a crocodile.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And, uh, Jason, I assume you had some other names that you wanted to bring up? Yes. Reindeer would be fun. I think that would be... Yeah, it felt a little too plain for me.
Starting point is 00:59:52 You assuming they fly? Well, that's what I've heard. No, yours is going, you're riding Sven. Sure, that's fine. A sloth. I just thought that would be hysterical. I'm on my way. I feel like he just said he's going to kill a sloth. I just thought that would be hysterical. I'm on my way. I feel like he just said he's going to kill a sloth.
Starting point is 01:00:09 To be fair, on my list was giant tortoise. Yeah, exactly. I'm not getting anywhere very fast. I only had two from my entire list that we didn't get. I mean, tiger would have fit with kind of the cats. We dropped the two cats. A whale because of the size. You are not getting messed with
Starting point is 01:00:25 yeah i had a whale on there a narwhal oh you know what i mean like yeah yeah you're right you know what i mean you know what i mean right in that big old tooth like trying to find a different reason you'd say that you know what i mean uh i wanted to say like hey check this out i assume none of us put elephant because people do ride elephants elephant is on my list but it wasn't yeah yeah don't get me wrong i want to ride an elephant yeah i'll be honest i want to ride a horse i would like to ride a mule i would like to ride an ostrich i would like to ride a camel have you ever been horse riding i have ridden a horse before yes all right i'd like to do it again it's very fun. I've never heard of horse riding before. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:09 What did we learn today? As we've been doing this show, our producer, Al Borland, has been simultaneously posting Photoshop pictures of people riding all of the animals that we selected today. You'll get to vote on which set of animals. I'm looking at the rhino, and that looks like a good time. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:34 The croc, not so much. Yeah. All right. What did you learn today? I think I learned that I want it to be Christmas soon. I learned that I can get heat stroke in a jacuzzi. Good to know. And I learned there is a difference
Starting point is 01:01:49 between Cool Whip and whipped cream, and now they both come in a can. Jason also learned that you cannot sail into the wind with a sailboat. Right? That's useful. I have not learned that officially yet. Oh, he's going to go Google. Thank you for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:02:07 See you next time. Goodbye. Bye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com.

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