Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: Throwing Fruit & Mt. Rushmore of Iconic Athletes - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: July 4, 2022

Spit Hit for July 4, 2022: We’re back with more comedy for your Monday! On today’s show, we get into some very serious debates. Would you rather have your parents read all of your texts or your ...children? How many times is it ok to reuse the same bath towel before washing it? What fruit or vegetable can be thrown the furthest? We then construct a Mt. Rushmore by drafting iconic athletes. Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Spitwads, we are enjoying the Fourth of July holiday with our families. We hope you're enjoying yours, and we have a special Spit Hit episode for you right now. What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. A rutabaga marmalade of that dope-a-ding-dong-a-dow! Holy moly. That was awesome. Rutabagas, huh?
Starting point is 00:00:43 That was... I'm sorry, Al. But I think that was up there with yours. That was one of my favorites. Good stuff, Andy. Well, here we are. Spitballers Podcast Episode 89. It's been a while, so I had to bring it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And it seemed like... And those are two obviously rhyming words, you know, rutabaga and marmalade. Yes. It was eloquently put in that song from, was it Moulin Rouge? Oh, yeah. Christina Aguilera.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yes. Those were the rhymes? Yes. We've got a great show for you today. Rutabaga Marmalade. I'm probably red right now. It's got a great show for you today. I'm probably red right now. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:01:28 At Spitballers Pod, thank you so much for joining us, rebranding your Mondays with a little bit of nonsense, hilarity. Levity. Life advice.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Elevation. Just saying words now. Levity and elevation. Yes. We're going to make you laugh and we're going to go up a mountain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I think Al Borland went up a mountain this morning. Is that true, Al? It is true. We were supposed to play some pickleball, but we quit on you simultaneously. So you thought you'd climb a mountain instead? Needed to get that heart rate up. You're a genius. Then he came in here limping.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Because he climbed a mountain. Because he climbed a mountain. Because he climbed a mountain. There was a time when people had to climb mountains. We had to find food. We didn't have a choice or something. I got to get to the other side. There's something very important over there. There's food.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Something's happening. But now we have people like Al were like, I should probably climb that mountain. For what reason? I have no reason like, I should probably climb that mountain. For what reason? I have no reason. I just want to climb that mountain. What did you do this morning, Mike?
Starting point is 00:02:31 I went to the gym. And lifted a bunch of stuff for no reason. No, there's very much a reason. I'm trying to get swole. Mike's argument came crumbling down quickly. I have always had the problem. I mentioned this to Al Borland with the hiking, and I've complained to my wife about this. I need always had the problem. I mentioned this to Al Borland with the hiking and I've complained to my wife about this. I need to be going somewhere.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I can't take the hike where you hit the dead end. This is like, let's go drive down cul-de-sacs for fun. I want the whole... I need a loop. You need the restaurant at the top. Sure. You need Sonic. I didn't think about that. I thought I just needed to find hiking need a loop you need the restaurant at the top sure you need like sonic yeah i guess if there
Starting point is 00:03:05 was i didn't think about that i thought i just needed to find hiking trails that were loops so i am not doing something backwards but if you gave me a destination a purpose if when i got the if there was a starbucks at the end you will not like an elliptical because you're going going going but you're not getting anywhere yeah you're actually not even moving and there is no goal you're going, going, going. You're not getting anywhere. Yeah, you're actually not even moving, and there is no goal. You're just there forever. Would you rather? That's a great question, and we have a very, I think, it'll be a very entertaining draft on the show today, spitballerspod.com.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Learn how to become an official Spitwad supporter of the show and get access to some pretty cool perks. We like looking at your questions first, your draft ideas, and obviously you're out there. You've got life questions. And who more qualified than the three of us to answer those? None more qualified. And set you on a course of your destiny.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Your destiny is... Like climbing mountains. That's right. All right, let's get it going. Would you rather... case in point this question comes in from hostess apple pies on patreon it's a delicious question that's true have your parents or your children read all of your texts wait the question is would you rather have your parents or your children read all your texts from last year oh would you rather have your parents or your children read all your texts from the last year either way you're gonna have some splaining to do. Yes. Yes, that's 100% true.
Starting point is 00:04:47 You got some splaining to do. Just which direction do you want to explain things? The one I have the most power. I would like my children to read my texts. Yeah, I think that makes sense because our children are still... But here's the deal. Our children, specifically the three of us are still young enough to where some things can go over their heads no not yours mike your your children actually
Starting point is 00:05:14 no no no that's not at all what i'm saying i'm saying that we all have at least one child at at an age where things are not going to go over their head. I do have my concerns now that I think about it. And here's my concern as a parent is that I can say this honestly. My wife and I, we don't text about my parents. But we do text about the kids. So the kids will see lots of texts that do relate to them that they're not always like flowery kind words about what's going on. So that's not even my concern.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I know it's not. There's smoochy, smoochy things. I have a wife. Right. You know, see that. I enjoy my relationship with my wife. This has actually already been somewhat of a fear because specifically with the kids, like my daughter, she uses my wife's phone to text certain friends.
Starting point is 00:06:09 She doesn't have a phone yet. Okay. And so her friends have a phone or whatever. And so there's a couple friends where if she's going to text, she uses mommy's phone. Okay. And I'm always like, you don't read our text. Oh, okay. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, we... You're private. Yeah. It's private. It's a me and mommy sitch. So then, dude, would you rather have your parents just read all of that? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I can... Look, I can live with that. That's how I feel. I'm a grown man, Mom. I can say what I need to say. You ever get into text arguments with your significant other no i can't say that i have no i don't i don't think uh no i don't think i have yeah it's not easier i've got yeah we get into text argument it's easier to say certain things via text
Starting point is 00:06:58 you come home either either direction you know sometimes it's like that's sometimes if we have an argument it gets resumed in the text when you know we've we haven't resolved it yet and then you know now jason i got a question for you specifically this has to go to you okay in your wife's phone what's your name i think it's jason it's j? I assume. Okay. I don't, yeah, I assume that's right. So do you have any concerns that when your son also has a phone, that someone might receive the wrong text message? Oh, no, because my son's name is Jason, and if she, well, here's the thing. My wife would put my son in her phone as Bubby. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:07:40 But other people around, you know, as we grow older, you know, my daughter, she's probably going to, you know, have Jason and Jason, Jason Moore and Jason Moore and a text about she'll have dad. She'll have dad. Maybe I have Ron in my phone. You do? I have dad in my phone. You have your dad in as his name?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yeah, but that's his name. What? What's crazy about that? His name is dad. Yeah. I don't call him Ron. that that would feel super weird hey ron what's up you do though but you let him be in the phone as ron i don't know it says first name last name when i'm putting in a contact dad yeah mine's dad holloway like i'm dad blank he doesn't He doesn't need one because he's Dad. It's like Madonna.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You don't need a last name. It's Dad. Jason gave me a real hard time at football practice last night because I said, like, my oldest son had done something, ran around or something, and I just, just off the cuff, I did. It sounds dumb now. It sounds really stupid. I just said, good job, son. Yeah. He really stupid. I just said, good job, son.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, he's out there. He goes, good job, son. I didn't say it like that. He sure did. My response was, thanks, father. It was in 1952. And then Jason started saying, well done, boy. Nice job, child.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I started calling my boy child and boy and everything like that. It just came out of my mouth. I think the answer to this whole would you rather question goes back to the first thing that andy said i think he was right i want the power in the situation i don't want like i still you know i don't have the power over my dad we're we're you know we're both you mean you mean ron over ron but but uh that's that feels so weird. Everyone out there, if you're a spitball right now, just act like you're talking to your dad and say his name.
Starting point is 00:09:32 It feels weird. Everybody out there, the next time you speak to your father, call him by his name the first time and see what happens. See what happens. But I want the power in the situation. So I'm still going to take the kids. I feel like I can explain it easier, go over their heads with maybe somebody to smooch a smooch and uh i feel like i would be empowered if i if i had to read all my text messages to my parents just be like
Starting point is 00:09:54 yeah this is you'd be set free this is the child you raised so anything that i'm saying it's all their fault this is on you that's interesting so just remember i would say the same thing to my kids all this is because of you all right no matter what it's not my fault keegan from the website would you rather have everything you've ever lost or had stolen returned to you or would you rather have everything you've ever broken be fixed as if you never broke it. This is very, I think this will be answered based on obviously your own experiences with losing or having something significant stolen. And when you break things, do you just leave them broken? Like the things that you want repaired that are broken right now at your house,
Starting point is 00:10:41 are you just like, well, I don't have an oven anymore. My garage door doesn't work. I guess i don't have a garage door like no you're gonna fix it you probably have broken things like phones or computers that you'd get back that you've had to go and get a replacement or something sweet get my computer from 1996 i know you get this thing was a power my iphone one see but won. See, but I'm looking at so there's a problem that you're recognizing with, well, you already fixed broken stuff. But see, the problem that I have is if I got everything back
Starting point is 00:11:13 that I had ever lost, I need acreage upon acreage. I need The amount of people showing up to deliver. He's lost a lot. I don't have space for everything that I've lost. I thought you were implying that you lost land. No.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Where's my house? I have misplaced my backyard. Never did find it. But I don't have room for everything that I've lost in my life. I lose something and I just. What would that pile consist of? Of the things that you've lost? A lot of passports.
Starting point is 00:11:41 How many car keys would be in that? Passports and car keys galore house key wallets mounds oh you get that money back too oh that's nice although i've i never have cash so i would just get a card that goes to the same account or old accounts have you ever had anything of significance stolen i have not i've been fortunate we haven't had like the big break-in or a car being stolen i have never had anything stolen that i'm aware of in my life man i've had my radio stolen twice oh like your radio like my car my car stereo like your cd player that used to be a huge yes it was a cd player 90s and it was cool and i had like awesome speakers in the back of my truck and
Starting point is 00:12:23 i had a cool cd player but you parked down the street because your parents used the garage. Well, no. I was at my buddy's house. Oh. And it was supposed to be a nice neighborhood. Oh, I did have something stolen once. I remember this. I was at a church event at our former church.
Starting point is 00:12:41 And at the church, someone smashed the window in and stole a little toy it was it was a christmas gift we got for our daughter a sewing machine but it wasn't like a real sewing machine they stole a toy sewing machine and that's all they got thing you poor thing but my point is they at a church that went into the church parking lot broke a window this thing was maybe 35 dollars like it was a little toy sewing machine to to bust the issue was the window in the glass right i mean yeah that's a that's just come on man or a sewing machine like at least grab have you don't learn your craft at least learn how to break into a car. If that's your job, do it well. If you're a criminal, you are not smart.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And they might have thought it was anything. Was it wrapped? No, no. It was just a clear as daylight. It was obvious. I have to have that right there. Clear as daylight. So somewhere there was a criminal.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Is that Fisher Price? There was a criminal that had holy socks, and they really needed to get them repaired. And they made a mistake, though. They saw a sewing machine, and it was an act of passion. A children's sewing machine. Did any of your buddies have, like, because back in the day, you had to carry all your CDs in your car. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:55 If you wanted to listen to music. Oh, yeah, you'd lose the whole collection. So did any of your buddies ever have the CD wallet stolen? 100%. And you just feel like you've lost everything. As a teenager, that's what you had You had your music And then when it's stolen, I have nothing left
Starting point is 00:14:09 We had friends that, you know They lost an engagement ring Into the ocean So it's like that person is going to instantly choose So the ocean stole it? Well, it said lost, Mike If you've ever lost, you would get that back And that would be like enough to turn the tide.
Starting point is 00:14:26 How does... Oh, nicely done. How does one lose an engagement ring into the ocean? You lose a lot of weight. That's step one. Okay. And then whoopsie-do. And the ring slips off the finger?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, the ocean is actually quite... It moves a lot. It does. Somehow, it just slipped off in the ocean. But I guess just the bigger question is, why are you wearing your engagement ring in the ocean well i don't think this is the time to shame you don't wear your wedding ring you wear your wedding ring i do yeah i've never taken it off i haven't taken this thing off in forever like can it come off it can but it takes a lot of work i say that as as a man who i now wear i gotta do the lick my
Starting point is 00:15:03 finger thing i wear the rubber silicone wedding ring because my old one does not go on and off so easy anymore. I used to have an older one that was bigger, and every time I'd play sports, it would literally come flying off my hand across the court. But, yeah, I mean, it would be nice to get back something. I'm not really partial to either of these. I want my CD player back.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Nothing's jumping out. It was awesome. It had, like, color display. I remember when Brooks. Spent want my CD player back. Nothing's jumping out. It was awesome. It had color display. I remember when Brooks lost his sunglasses in the ocean. Oh, what an idiot. See, that's common. I mean, that's fair. He caught a football.
Starting point is 00:15:34 He turned towards the ocean. That was mistake number one. And then he was linebacker smashed by a wave. Did he hold on to the ball? Did you hold on to the ball? I think he did. Then he did his job as a mayor. Yeah, I think he did.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You catch that ball. Here's what's funny. He had pretty stylish sunglasses, but they were just easy to get sunglasses. I have prescription sunglasses. I was with him, and I was like, oh, man, that sucks. It's amazing. The sunglasses go in the water. You reach for them immediately they've put they've vanished there's a shark swimming around with your sunglasses
Starting point is 00:16:10 somewhere and then so i've got prescription sunglasses because i'm all four eyes over here yeah and then as we're playing i decide to keep playing with my sunglasses and the pacific ocean ate them wow the ocean was hungry the ocean was hungry that day. The ocean was hungry for sunglasses, and so I did not have sunglasses for a long period. Our friends paid a metal detector guy to comb the beach for four or five hours because apparently at low tide you can go do that,
Starting point is 00:16:37 try to find the diamond, the ring. I always wondered if he would have said if he found it. How much were they paying him? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Here's $5, Mr. Metal Man. Matt matt from the website would you rather get a fierce static shock every time you touch a metal object or step on a lego barefoot once per day at random oh so you know it's you know it's coming at some point you just don't know which step but it's once it's coming at some point. You just don't know which step. But it's once. It's just once.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Have you guys ever had the real big, just static electricity, you touch metal, massive shock? Yes. Nothing that disturbed me. I get it all the time. Really? At least once a week. I'm talking where you reach and you audibly ow. And that happens. Is this from carpet feet shuffling?
Starting point is 00:17:28 I don't know what it's from. Yeah, you do pick your feet up while you walk or you just drag them? No, I pick my feet up and it happens around the studio a lot. We don't have a lot of carpet. I've never been shocked here. This is a me problem, okay? And I'd like to believe it's because of some hidden superpower that has yet to come alive. And I'm confident that it is that.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah. But I could not handle getting shocked every time I touch metal. The way you react to anything, that seems like a bad situation. Because you reacting to that shock might be equivalent to a nuclear bomb hitting you. Have you ever gotten a real electric shock oh like in the outlet like an outlet yes that was not fun i have not i've i've had it one time plugging in a like a uh shoddy guitar amp and it's the weirdest thing because you don't even know you don't know what's happening all of a sudden your entire body just hurts it was and then you if you're able to let go yeah oh apparently i just got electrocuted
Starting point is 00:18:31 yes it was almost like you didn't realize what happened what was happening until after it was over and then you're like oh that feels awful i think i shared the story once but i was i was a teenager uh doing like painting gigs and we were washing walls and i so i i took a wet washcloth and just washed right over an outlet don't do that owl borland's letting us know we've told these stories no yeah i'm sure we have well for safety reasons stories and so if you keep listening to this podcast you'll hear all five at least once a month i think i'm gonna take the lego you have to take the lego you got it's once oh that's not and then stepping on a lego is not going to impale you you're just going to be it's gonna hurt really bad yeah it hurts really really bad but once a day i'll take that
Starting point is 00:19:20 it's time, parents. Time to finally cross off one of the most important things on your to-do list, life insurance. Fabric makes getting a great term life insurance policy for your family quick, easy, and surprisingly affordable. Fabric was built by parents for parents to help make it easier to manage your family's finances. Fabric is all online, so everything is on your schedule.
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Starting point is 00:20:13 That's meetfabric.com slash ballers. M-E-E-T fabric.com slash ballers. Fabric Insurance Agency's policies issued by Vantis Life, not available in New York and Montana. Price is subject to underwriting and health questions. That's a great question. That's true. Dale has a great question.
Starting point is 00:20:41 It is a good one. I like this. How many times can you use the same towel after a shower before it becomes dirty do you gauge it by the number of showers or the number of days i'm gonna throw in another thing not just the number of showers the number of days but maybe how dirty you were before you were before the shower i think that makes an impact i really do the whole like oh you get out of the shower and you're clean thing is like that. I think it might be more of a mental trick.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I'm not scrubbing myself so well every inch of me that there's no way I missed a piece of dirt or like it's just not. I don't think that everyone exits the shower 100% perfectly clean. I get dishes out of the dishwasher that have run through a full cycle. It's like, this needs another go. Before you answer this, let's try to answer the number of days question simultaneously. So think about it for a moment. Let's say you had to give some advice here and say, this is your day limit.
Starting point is 00:21:41 some advice here and say, this is your day limit. This is the max that you should really be using this towel at your house. I have my day in my mind. I have to do some math. Do your math first. That's not good either.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Here's one thing I could say. Oh, do you have your day? I think I got it. Count us down now. 3, 2, 1. 4 right. Okay. Let's go. Count us down now. Three, two, one. Four hundred and eighty. Wow. Okay. So a seven for me, 14 for me, and a hundred and eighty. I just went about six months.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Six months. So Mike truly believes he exits the shower 1000% clean. Mostly clean. Yeah. And also believes that a wet towel dries perfectly clean every time there's never been a no i don't believe that that's the problem is have you used the sniff test yeah the mildewy smell i don't do the days it's just one eventually it's time i'll be exiting the shower and i'll be drying my face i'll I'll go, oh. Oh, no. I should probably change this in like three or four weeks.
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's so gross. So, Jason, do you change yours in seven days? I probably change it well before seven days. Really? How many towels do you have? We have so many towels. That makes a difference. We have enough towels for Arizona, the state we live in, if we were gracious and shared.
Starting point is 00:23:06 That's why you don't have room for your stolen stuff, because you have towels. Well, I lose them all the time, Mike. How do you lose a towel? I don't know. If you were to lift up my- How many towels would he get back with that previous question? If you were to lift up my bed, I'm sure there's 25 under there. Where do they go?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Well, here's the thing. I don't do, like here at the studio, right? If we're working out and playing pickleball, we come in, we shower, we take our towel, we put our towel back. That towel's the same. And so here is where I can apply this lesson of like how many times can you use that towel again? At home, I use my towel. I leave the bathroom with the towel in the wrapped, you know, waist position. And I don't know where I put that thing.
Starting point is 00:23:49 You know what I mean? Like, sometimes I hang it up in the other bathroom where it is like in my master bedroom. Sometimes I leave, you know, I throw it on the bed, get dressed and accidentally leave it there. Sometimes I need to go downstairs. So does this factor into how many times you feel like you could use it? Because I am a 100% hanger-upper. See, that makes a difference. I actually have a bit of a
Starting point is 00:24:11 I wouldn't call it a pet peeve. I'd call it like the way you were, Mike, with the carpet bathroom. Right. Wet towels on the ground, I can't take them. Yes. I can't take them. Yes. And it's the exact same reason. It's disgusting. It's gross. It's not going to dry Yes, and it's the exact same reason. It's disgusting. It's gross. It's not going to dry, which means it's going to sit there wet,
Starting point is 00:24:30 and it's just going to – like, someone's going to step on it. Like, that is super gross to me. So, like, in the house, I'm like – it got to the point where the kids had left wet towels on their carpet so many times. I said, if I find – like, you're old enough to hang a towel up. If I find your towel on the ground at any time, a dollar. Oh! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I was like, you're going to put it on their bed? No, because I want it to dry. It only hurts me if I make their towel not dry and then they have a wet towel. When I was a kid, this question meant a lot to me when I was younger. Because to me, the number of times you can use the same towel after a shower before it becomes dirty is once. As a kid? As a kid, I hated using the same towel twice. I wanted a fresh towel every single time because I feel like I'm clean.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I don't want to use... And Ron was amicable to this? Well done. No, but I mean, I didn't always get what I want. You know, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Right. But... You should wash better.
Starting point is 00:25:34 I think that's what we're learning here. No, it's not that I felt like I was dirty. I felt like I was clean. I come out of the shower, I'm perfectly clean. Then how did the towel get dirty? So I want a clean towel. I don't want to be dirty after using perfectly clean. Then how did the towel get dirty? So I want a clean towel. I don't want to be dirty after using the towel. But how would you get dirty?
Starting point is 00:25:48 If you're clean and you use a clean towel, then how is that towel getting dirty? If I were to take my t-shirt and I were to wet it in the sink and then I were to just hang it over the towel rack, I don't feel like that's clean for so many years. What if you used soap? That's different. Do you use soap in the shower? Yes, on me, and then I rinse it off, and then I just put water on the towel. So I'm not saying I feel this way anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:15 You thought about leaving the soap on. So, yes. Leave the soap on and then wipe it off. So you're cleaning the towel at the exact same time. My mom, Linda, of course, as I called her. Oh, that's my mom. Linda just did the towels every week or two, and it was just like clockwork. I always knew the new towel was going to be there.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I didn't worry about it. Wow. Should do it every day. Give me a fresh towel. I was wondering if it's like your socks. I want brand new socks, and I want a brand new towel every day. What's your number, Al? What's your number of days? I'd like to know this. I actually use a clean towel every day. What's your number, Al? What's your number of days?
Starting point is 00:26:45 I'd like to know this. I actually use a clean towel every single time. My man! Every day? Yep. My wife hates it. We've had the argument many times. So who's doing the towel laundry?
Starting point is 00:26:54 My wife. Whoa. Whoa, the privilege going on in the Grantham house. I don't think about the privilege. I think about what he had to give up somewhere else in this negotiation. I cook all the meals. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:07 There you go. All right. Jared, from the website, what fruit or vegetable could you throw the farthest? What fruit or vegetable? What fruit or vegetable could you throw the farthest? Oh, that's easy. Al thinks that we should film this. You pick a different fruit or vegetable.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Actually, this is a great question. This is not just, you know, it's got to be the right weight-shaped combo. Weight-shaped combo. Which by default, I think an orange is the answer. I was going to say, you could throw an orange in there. But maybe a lemon. Maybe I could get a lemon a little farther.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Ooh, like spiral it? Well, not even spiral it, just a little bit of the lower, the smaller mass. If you get a smaller... But it's smaller mass. If you get a smaller. But it's heavy enough. If you get a smaller coconut, that's the victor. What, like a kiwi? No, what?
Starting point is 00:27:52 That's not a coconut. You said a smaller coconut. Yes, as in not like one of the, coconuts come like oranges and like other things of different sizes. So you basically, your answer to this question. Is a coconut. Is not a coconut, just a. No, my answer is a coconut. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I thought you were inventing like a miniaturized coconut. I'm not saying like if you could take a coconut and shrink it. That's what I thought you were saying. I'm saying like a normal handheld size. You know when you go out and get an avocado, sometimes there's bigger avocados. Are we doing this? Sometimes we're definitely doing this. Let's say this then.
Starting point is 00:28:23 You have to make your pick right now, and you're locked in. So are you going smallest coconut? Well, no, because we... Yes, I'm going coconut for sure. Okay. But we each have to have different things that we throw. Because it's not me versus you. Like, if you throw an orange further than I throw a coconut,
Starting point is 00:28:39 that doesn't prove that the orange is the right call, because you can throw further than me already. So you have to throw... Let's all throw So you have to throw an orange, a coconut. What else? No, I didn't go orange. I'm going lemon. You're going lemon? Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Because the first thing that popped into my head was I want brown. I wanted like a ball. And so it was a tomato. Grip problems. Yeah, grip problems. And then I started thinking about the weight of it. And I think it's got to be an orange. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Now, would you throw a- Mandarin. Oh, I'm going Mandarin. See, Mandarin's too small. I was going to say- No, that's what I want. A clementine versus an orange, you know, a cutie, one of the small ones. But how is it not an apple?
Starting point is 00:29:19 Because- The apple is dense. No, I want one of the- That's what I said Mandarin for. That's a smaller orange, right? Yeah. Yeah. So you think like a cutie, you could throw further than an orange?
Starting point is 00:29:29 No, I'm a little bit bigger than a cutie. That's why I was in the lemon category. You can get too small for sure. New question. New, that's a great question. All right. Let's go. What do you think you could throw further, an orange or a cutie?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Just those two. Do you think you... Because they both have... An orange. A cutie. An orange. A cutie. Cut two do you think you because they both have an orange an orange a cutie cutie's too small so orange is too big oh man this is this is the new debate because i don't know and i think it might be a cutie i think i might be able to throw a cutie further than i think it's got enough mass for me to where it's too it's too light it really depends on the size of this orange man no. No, a hearty orange. Oh, definitely a cutie.
Starting point is 00:30:09 That is what we have to film. The cutie versus the orange? A cutie versus an orange. What can you throw further? And then we need a grapefruit. And then I'm going to come in after you guys have done this. We've got to park down the street. And I'm going to bring my coconut. This is so easy.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I'm going to launch that thing to the moon. I don't know why you're all in on the coconut, man. I don't either. You're going to end up having to- Is this shot put style? I was going to say, he's going to end up having to the moon. I don't know why you're all in on the coconut, man. I don't either. You're going to end up having to- Is this shot put style? I was going to say, he's going to end up having to shot put it because it's too heavy. How heavy do you think a little coconut is? Heavy enough.
Starting point is 00:30:32 When it comes to throwing something maximum- It's not an organic hand grip on a coconut, man. How big are your hands? Yeah, how big are your hands? My hands are nine inches. Yeah, we did measure the other day. We did measure them yesterday. So, Jason, a full-size coconut weighs about 3.1 pounds.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Oh, good luck. I mean, that's a max coconut. I'm saying when you're picking out your coconuts, you're getting the small one. But it could still... What's a small coconut, Dan? Like two pounds? No, like a pound. I don't want to throw a pound. A pound coconut
Starting point is 00:31:06 is still on the tree. You don't get access to that one unless you can climb up and get your own coconut. If you're going to the store, do grocery stores even have coconut? Yes, I've seen them. It's seasonal. What is a coconut? Alright, we'll do something with this.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I think that that was... It'll be interesting. Mike, you're sticking with the kind of more orange size. A football is about a pound. It's 14, 15 ounces. So 16 ounces a pound. Exactly. I can throw a cutie farther than a football.
Starting point is 00:31:37 No, you can't. Yeah, I can. Yeah, because you can throw a baseball farther than a football. Yeah, there you go. Oh, that's a good point. Is a football a vegetable? Yeah, football is. You got me to spit all over my last song.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I saw it, and I loved it. All right, Sean from Twitter. Wait, what was Mike's pick? Let's lock one in for Mike. He's orange. He's cutie. No, he said orange. Well, I was debating.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I think it's an apple. I'm going with apple. All right. All right. So we'll get an apple. We'll get all this stuff. It's not going to cost us very much. But the real issue here, I think the name of the video is Orange vs. Cutie.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I think you just get all. How far can you throw these fruits? I mean, get at least three of everything so that we can all compete with each fruit. Oh, you got to get nine of everything. I want three tries with each fruit. Of course you do. Watermelon. It's going to take him five hours
Starting point is 00:32:29 to find three coconuts of the size he wants. I'll have to go to several locations. Oh, yeah, many stores. Too windy. But I will find it. All right, Sean from Twitter. If your handwriting had its own font, what would it be called?
Starting point is 00:32:42 What would it be called? If your handwriting had its own font. Jason's sitting there drawing. i'm i know i'm writing out a sentence to look at my handwriting my handwriting would be called prescription pad oh that's good that's not bad because my handwriting is horrifically bad looks like chicken scratch looks like a doctor wrote as fast as they possibly could because i am in fact writing as fast as they possibly could because i am in fact writing as fast as i possibly can i cannot be bothered to slow down and have good handwriting i'm calling mine rutabaga
Starting point is 00:33:12 has no meaning yeah no meaning what's so funny about that is is papyrus two that's what i'm calling mine what would jason's holding up a sign, and what does it say? It says, what would my handwriting be called? What about in caps? Fourth grader. Yeah, I think that's exactly where I was looking. I'm like, this looks like not like a baby wrote it, but not like an adult wrote it. So what is between a baby and an adult?
Starting point is 00:33:43 I think I'm going to give myself toddly i'm gonna give myself middle school okay okay because i like i've got so call your font puberty you went from not liking it to really considering well i love the name i think it's marketable but the problem there is i don't feel like the font shows growth you know and and that's what puberty has to like have some hairs coming out of you know what i mean like little little scraggles on the font that's got to be puberty and i don't have that so i think i'm going middle school i think my handwriting is middle school that's fair because it's better than a fifth grader's i've seen my children's handwriting but it's not like totally adult all right i'm not a grown-up i'm not a grown-up
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Starting point is 00:36:01 We will fill up our mountain with the, the best that I've ever played any game ever yep and what a perfectly timed draft this is i have been musing on the greatness of my first pick recently i got to pick a state yeah with your number one yeah thanks i am selecting number 23 yeah out of north carolina sure michael jordan yeah so you so you really went out on a limb here on this one his greatness has only been made more clear by the time that has passed since he played i tell my kids how lucky i was to have been part of the Michael Jordan era of getting to watch him play.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And, yeah, Michael Jordan, easy pick. It is the easy pick. The question will be, because you're the first pick, can Jason and I get two stronger picks? There are two picks that I really want. There's two picks that I really want. Well, then you'll get at least one of them. I know, but I don't have a third.
Starting point is 00:37:07 So I'm saying I don't want you to pick either of those with this pick. All right. Michael Jordan was the easy pick. And then after that, I guess I will simply go with who should be and is considered to be. I mean, it should be because some people don't buy in, but he's the football goat. He is the greatest of all time.
Starting point is 00:37:28 He is polarizing. So I do have some concerns when it comes to voting, even though it should not be debatable, but I will take Tom Brady. Yeah. Yeah, I get that, and I'm thrilled. I'm thrilled. Was he not one of your two?
Starting point is 00:37:43 He was not one of my two. He deserves to be in the conversation for this pick i'm not saying like this is terrible but that's what but i am saying that if we took 12 athletes he wouldn't be one of mine wow if you took 12 iconic athletes yes the most winning quarterback in the history of the nfl would not be in your list yeah because i don't like them i mean like i love watching greatness and i that's fair i'm not like anti the patriots i enjoy like i like dynasties i like uh i have enjoyed the run of brady and the patriots but at the same time it's like i don't know he himself is boring when I think of iconic athletes Michael Jordan changed the the landscape
Starting point is 00:38:26 of athletes and endorsements and you know built brands and all that so I'm gonna start I am nervous on who's coming back to me because you get you four picks yeah I'm before I pick again I'm going a little bit you know Tom Brady's still playing depending on sure what year you're listening if it's 2032 uh because this podcast will stay out there forever, maybe he just retired. Maybe. Maybe. I don't know the future.
Starting point is 00:38:52 But I'm going to... No, my two-pack is right there for me. Not many people have their own candy bar. I'm taking Babe Ruth. Okay. Okay, you don't get much more iconic. Got movie after movie made after him glad you went with your favorite sport my candy bars yes my favorite sport eating candy bars um really that's
Starting point is 00:39:15 where i know him from it's not edward t snickers center fielder for the boston braves yeah um no this isn't about like my favorite. This isn't my favorite athletes, right? This is the most iconic. Right. And so Babe Ruth, I think, is up there with Michael Jordan. And I'm going to go another sport that... Oh, don't...
Starting point is 00:39:35 I'm just... I'm leaning back away from the microphone in fear of who you're going to take. I'm going to take Muhammad Ali. I mean, you know, arguably the greatest boxer of all time but iconic pictures and photographs and moments in sports history that became legendary even after the career
Starting point is 00:39:53 lighting the torch and all sorts of things that both of your picks were on my list yeah and uh when I compare Tom Brady to them it's like yeah he achieved a lot in the sport and he's he's he i think i agree with you he is the goat and he's the goat of the best sport so you know plenty of reason to take brady but i just don't see him as iconic as the as those other three all right mike that means that there is a pick i really want and i wonder if you're going to steal it well i'm lucky that there's only three athletes left in the entire world So I have a good chance to take your pick. I'm going to take who I
Starting point is 00:40:28 think is the best pick at this moment. I will take LeBron James. Okay. Alright. Both of your it's interesting. Your Mount Rushmore is they're both still playing. Yes. Yeah. That's okay. And LeBron James, like how you feel about
Starting point is 00:40:43 I wasn't really super into basketball when Michael Jordan was playing, but I had a good run when LeBron James was playing. Talk about... He's the Michael Jordan of his generation. He 100% is the Michael Jordan of this generation, and he's also changing things off the field as well. It's very... Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Didn't mean to cut you off. No, go ahead. I was just going to say it's interesting. If I was choosing another NBA player, I don't know if I would have gone with James. I wonder if – is Magic Johnson more iconic? I don't know. Johnson, Bird. There's others as well.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Yep. I'll take LeBron. All right. That's great. I am so thrilled. Yep. I'll take LeBron. All right. That's great. I am so thrilled. Yep. I have two locked and loaded set up picks. Number one is Tiger Woods. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Tiger Woods is a Mount Rushmore must have. I can't believe that he made it back to me. I thought he had the potential of being the number two. If he didn't have a fall from grace, he had the potential to be number two. He is still one of the most iconic athletes of all time. One of the greatest runs of dominance that any player has ever had. Very polarizing. I don't think his play is not polarizing at all.
Starting point is 00:41:56 No. Greatest golfer. Other than when he fell from grace and stopped being good. Yeah, but he had already accomplished more than anybody had ever accomplished. True. Say that to Arnold Palmer. Yeah, does he had already accomplished more than anybody had ever accomplished. Say that to Arnold Palmer. Yeah, does Tiger Woods have a beverage? Well, Jason, that should
Starting point is 00:42:12 have been your pick based on your... Tiger Woods is easy. Tiger Woods is easy. Sure. And then I'm actually going to go with Jackie Robinson. I'm going to go with Jackie Robinson from... That's called baseball, which I know you were in the. He took a candy bar.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Broke the color barrier in the 40s. One of the greatest players of all time. One of the only players to have. I mean, is there another player that has their number retired by every single team in the entire league? No, I mean. Probably not. Jackie Robinson is the only one to do that. He's on my short list.
Starting point is 00:42:43 This has nothing to do to me of like, oh, do I like baseball? No, it's boring. It's stupid. But he's an incredibly iconic athlete that changed the shape and landscape of athletics. No, he's a great pick. Your team is very solid. I think Tiger Woods could hurt you in the polls. Oh, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:43:03 The name is monumental, for sure. There's one player that I want, so don't take it. It's so weird. You don't know where I'm going, do you? No, I have no idea where either of you are going, and you're both sitting over here clamoring of how you have picks. You're like, I need to have this pick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:23 And I'm over here like man i wish i knew who i should pick who's playing right now uh because there's a couple there are i have my short list going and i just don't think oh my goodness you gotta go barry bonds man people love him people love the home runs they're if The home runs, they're a big fan. If I can finish this draft without a baseball player, it will be outstanding. Andy's team is very strong. I don't know if I can even compete in the poll, so I will just take the people that I want to take. Kyler Murray.
Starting point is 00:44:01 No. When you're taking a boxer, that's fine. You want to have an iconic boxer who people really liked, like, what, 80 years ago? I'll take the guy that people right now, we still remember because we played his video game. This is a great pick. I will take Mike Tyson. 100% great pick. And I don't think you needed to throw Muhammadhammad ali under the bus i had to comment
Starting point is 00:44:26 okay that was a little rude tyson's an interesting pick after you lambasted the all-time pga tour wins leader for his fall from grace but and i but tyson's back baby i i tease you can argue woods is getting back not back on in the ring um no i get that they They both had a fall from grace, but I guess it's different. You know, Woods has won a major since then. The difference is Tiger Woods was on a pedestal that was hollow and fake, whereas when Tyson was there. That is the most ridiculous thing you've ever said. Think about his endorsements, his personality, how he was revered as a...
Starting point is 00:45:06 Think about more PGA Tour wins than any golfer in the history. I'm not saying in the sport. In the sport, that's great. I'm saying outside of that. That's a really weird take. No, it's not. It's a very weird take. What made Tiger Woods more than everything, his smile, his demeanor, he was a universally...
Starting point is 00:45:24 I feel like Tiger hurt you. i think tiger hurt a lot of people he did um all right so i'm up all right i don't know what my fourth pick is gonna be but i'm so happy with my third pick i'm so happy this got to me and i think andy and brooks will be proud of me for this pick i think you're gonna be like be like, good for you, Jay. Because look, I don't like baseball. And I don't know a darn thing about hockey. Okay. But if you're telling me Wayne Gretzky isn't one of the most iconic athletes of all time, around the studio here this last week, we have been looking up, just because we have
Starting point is 00:46:02 our football podcast a couple weeks ago, we did shocking stats. Dude, the shocking stats that Wayne Gretzky has in hockey are unfathomable. Correct. He'll never be overtaken as the great, as the GOAT in hockey. What's his nickname, Jason? Oh, yes. Isn't it like the great one? Oh, he got it.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Okay, all right. There you go. the nice thing is it was just in the back recess somewhere that I kind of know his nickname he was so iconic in the deep recesses of a brain of somebody who doesn't follow hockey still when you think of Wayne Gretzky what hockey team do you think of oh that's good that is a good question um I when I think of Wayne Gretzky i oh man mike is trying to find a way to paint you into this sad corner no no no uh i can i mean i don't know hockey that well but i picture it's like a gray and black logo okay yeah uh was that the was it
Starting point is 00:46:58 the king yes okay that's fair there you go well i was just he played on many teams so i wanted to know when you think of him, what do you picture? The Gretzky trade was one of the most insane trades of all time. Did he come? Was he on the Oilers? He was Edmonton Oilers. Greatest player. Won them championships.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Was traded. Edmonton turned on their own ownership. The Kings got him here to bring hockey to the U.S. But Gretzky is clearly one of the most iconic players well i tell you man this was an awesome draft i can't wait to see how the polls do this three round draft was excellent and i'm really proud of all of us thank you spit wads uh you want to hit what did we learn today guys of all the things to want to cut it short, I've got an endless list of iconic athletes. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I've got plenty I could choose from. I'm looking through a list, and there's a lot of people. But I think they're all such a tier below. Gretzky, Muhammad Ali, Babe Ruth, super iconic. I think there's plenty of great ones out there, but they're just a tier below when it comes to the iconic nature. So what's your pick? My pick, I'm going to... Does it help to let you know that I think that you're wrong about that
Starting point is 00:48:19 and there's some other really, really big names that you missed? Oh, that does not help. In fact, that makes me feel like a little yucky. Hmm. Okay. That's. What do their names start with? Rhyme their name.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Snickers. Oh, I'll take Snickers Mars. Hingle McCringleberry. All right. If I've got to take another one, which apparently you guys are going to give me a take. Alright, look, my favorite sport growing up,
Starting point is 00:48:53 basketball. I don't have one. Recency bias here, but I think belongs. If we've got Jordan and we've got LeBron, I'm taking Kobe. He is as iconic as it comes you nobody shoots the shot at a garbage can or anything without shouting Kobe so I'm gonna take you know
Starting point is 00:49:12 the two numbers retired and I'll go Kobe there's a couple others on my short list that I'll bring up when we're done but are we on our last so this is the last pick. This is the final pick. All right. I am torn between... Because I'm trying to have my sports be all over the place. I don't want to just take all iconic football players. That's our other job. So I am torn between two people that... Goodness.
Starting point is 00:49:44 All right. I'm going to take Tony Hawk.k okay i like this thing tony hawk revolutionized skateboarding i really like his video games ask me to name someone outside of tony hawk from skateboarding jason name your second favorite skateboarder does lil wayne count because i know he skateboards. There's not one. Bam Margera. Bam Margera was a notable skater for a while. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Tony Hawk is a name that I think almost everybody knows. Knows who he is. He doesn't carry the clout as if I was to take Bo Jackson or Barry Sanders, one of these guys. But I'm giving him the respect that he deserves. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Shout out to Bo Jackson, Jim Brown, Pele, Jerry Rice. But my pick is Michael Phelps. Yeah, he was on my list. Michael Phelps, 28 medals. Took over the earth over the course of 10 to 12 years. I just don't care. A lot of people did. Because he's a swimmer.
Starting point is 00:50:44 A lot of people did. Oh he's a swimmer. A lot of people did. Oh, no, I get it. I'm just speaking for me personally. Like, I just don't care. And that's what makes me so disappointed in you both. But that's a common thread around here. We've joked about that. Usain Bolt is cooler.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Usain Bolt is a great example. Yeah, he's definitely cooler. Usain Bolt is not nearly as accomplished or iconic as Michael Phelps was. But if you're a sports fan, you don't sit around bashing baseball or hockey. You don't sit around saying, I don't care about competition. You like it all. I'll watch the seventh game of the WNBA finals, and I'll love it because you want to see people win and compete.
Starting point is 00:51:22 The Olympics, I mean, when you talk about having events that everybody watches the olympics is not one of them you're the center of that for what four olympics for michael phelps 28 medals he's been that long yeah he was forever he did it for a long time and then was like no i'm back he's 34 right now and he participated from, I think, maybe three Olympics. All right. Most decorated, most golds in a summer. I mean, this is a guy that is a perfect round out for the – and it was very tight between him and Jim Brown, to me, for iconic athletes.
Starting point is 00:51:58 But I'm going to go with Phelps because I – I wanted a football player, but the problem is I feel like there are so many football players. Yeah, Rice, Montana. Exactly. Joe Montana. If you're taking a football player, you should have taken Rice. Jerry Rice. But I feel like they're all equally iconic.
Starting point is 00:52:14 They don't stand out like Gretzky stood out. Yeah, Gretzky was definitely on the short list. Jordan stood out. I almost took Serena Williams. She was the next on my list. The second when I was over here debating, it was between Tony Hawk and taking Serena Williams. She was the next on my list. The second when I was over here debating, it was between Tony Hawk and taking Serena Williams. Would Bruce Lee have counted?
Starting point is 00:52:31 No. You don't think so? He's not known for competing. I think he is. I feel like Chuck Norris would count more. Is he? I know. I think Bruce Lee is. Bruce Lee is known as a movie star. No. Surprised you didn't take McGregor. Bruce Lee is known as a He's known as a martial artist. As a martial artist, first a movie star. No. Surprised you didn't take McGregor. Bruce Lee is known as a...
Starting point is 00:52:46 He's known as a martial artist. As a martial artist, first, movie star, second. But, yeah. I think by the people that know and appreciate him. I'm sure he competed, but I don't know. All right, what are the final teams, Al? I know that Brad Pitt threw him into a car in that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:01 That's true. All right, Andy's got Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Jackie Robinson, and Michael Phelps. That's a good team. Mike has's got Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Jackie Robinson, and Michael Phelps. That's a good team. Mike has Tom Brady, LeBron James, Mike Tyson, and Tony Hawk. And Jason has Babe Ruth, Muhammad Ali, Wayne Gretzky, and Kobe Bryant. Feeling good, guys. What did we learn today?
Starting point is 00:53:19 I learned that calling my dad Ron feels weird. It does not feel good, and I highly recommend you call your dad by his first name to feel weird. I learned that Jason's favorite sport is candy bars. Such a good sport. We learned a lot about Jason today, because I learned today that he has infinite amount of towels, and he thinks you can actually lose a towel. And he thinks that a clean body and a clean towel equals a dirty towel. Yes, 100%.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And Al Borland agrees with him. Thank you for listening, supporting, subscribing, reviewing. We appreciate it. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. Bye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com.

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