StarTalk Radio - Cosmic Queries – Space Traveler’s Delight

Episode Date: June 18, 2024

Is there anything in the universe that is not moving? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice answer fan questions about stillness, humans on Mars, and what songs they would add to the Voyager Gol...den Record. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: to our Patrons Scott Nelson, Bjørn Furuknap, Paul Robinson, Jonasz Napiecek, Micheal Briggs, Blake Wolfe, Brett Maragno, Adam Stephensen, Cicero Artefon, and Paul Lesperance for supporting us this week. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Chuck, I'm exhausted after that last Cosmic Queries. I am because we spent most of it over in Europe. This is the internationality of StarTalk. Yes, it is. Which I'm delighted to know of. And that people are curious everywhere. It's foundational to what it is to be human. Welcome to StarTalk.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Your place in the universe where science and pop culture collide. StarTalk begins right now. This is StarTalk. Neil deGrasse Tyson here, your personal astrophysicist. And today, we're doing a Cosmic Queries edition. And you know I need Chuck Nice for that. Yes. Alright, Chuck.
Starting point is 00:00:40 We got him right here. They're burning up the iPad. Alright, they're all from our Patreon supporters. Absolutely. We used to do this just for whoever had a question. Anybody. No matter what. Well, this is just potpourri, right?
Starting point is 00:00:51 That's it. All right. So we don't have a third guest with an expertise. No, this is just the galactic gumbo. So this presumes I know these answers. Right. Well, I think the true presumption is that you will answer. Okay. It doesn't necessarily
Starting point is 00:01:06 mean that you know, but there will be an answer. I'll go somewhere where there's an answer that I know. And we're doing this from my office here at the Hayden Planetarium. Yes, the Cosmic Grid. At the American Museum of Natural History, right here in New York City. Yes. All right. All right, let's do it. Let's start. All right. First up, Yes King. And Yes King says, hello, Dr. Tyson, Lord Nice. Yes King of Queens here in New York. If we ever get to move to Mars, will we be stronger and faster because we're accustomed to Earth's gravity like John Carter of Mars? So are we stronger on Mars? There's the real question. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:47 When we get there. That's an odd question to answer. Okay. Because the question is, are you stronger than what? Right. Okay. If two of y'all go from Earth to Mars,
Starting point is 00:02:00 whatever your strength ratio was here on Earth, It's going to be that on Mars. It's going to be that on Mars. It's going to be that on Mars. If somebody can kick your ass on Earth, they're going to kick your ass. You're just getting a Martian ass. I'm just saying, in terms of strength. So we have to be precise about how we're going to answer that. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Okay. How much stronger will I be as an individual once I land on Mars? All right. So we got to benchmark it. So let's say on Earth, you can lift 100 pounds. Okay. Okay. We have to ask, what does that 100 pounds weigh on Mars?
Starting point is 00:02:35 On Mars. Weighs 40 pounds. Right. So on Mars, you can lift more than your 100 pounds. Right. Because it doesn't weigh as much, not because you're stronger. Exactly. Am I clear about that?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So I'm getting that 220 pounds that I'm lifting, but it doesn't make a difference because it's really still 100 pounds. Well, on Earth. On Earth. Right. It's still 100 pounds.
Starting point is 00:03:03 So you are not actually stronger if everything you're lifting weighs less. But the stuff that I bring from Earth to Mars, which probably won't be a lot because the truth of the matter
Starting point is 00:03:13 is you're going to print everything that ideally you're going to print. It's called in situ resource utilization. Oh, I love it. I-S-R-U. I-S-R-U.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah, it's a whole branch of NASA. In situ resource utilization. In situ, getting all Latin on you there. Yes, exactly. So they don't want... In the situation. They don't want to have to carry everything. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Because that's very costly for the payload of any rocket. Right. We did a rocket equation explainer one time. Yes, we did. How quickly you need more and more and more fuel to carry the fuel that you haven't burned yet. Exactly. To carry the excess payload that you haven't burned yet. Exactly. To carry the excess payload that you're trying to take. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:47 So, if that's what it is, then you would be 3D printing it on Mars. On Mars. Using raw materials there. Absolutely. Yeah. So, now, let's just say I need an object. And here on Earth, it weighs 200 pounds. I need an object.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And here on Earth, it weighs 200 pounds. And there on Mars, when I print it, it's going to be the same, like 200 pounds, but it won't be. It'll be Martian, much less. Well, it'll be Martian. It'll be 80 pounds. 80 pounds.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And so I'm going to be able to... Do I do that right? Yeah, 80 pounds, because 100 is 40. So it's going to be 80 pounds on Mars. And so really, it doesn't make a difference. That's why And so really, it doesn't make a difference. That's why the question... It just doesn't make a difference. No, no. So here's something that matters.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Okay. If you're going to build something structurally, it doesn't weigh as much on the supports. Okay. So you can build bigger structures in lower gravity than you can here on Earth. Cool. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:50 At any time gravity is less, you can do more. Right. So look what we, our mammal branch of the tree of life has done when we entered the water. When we entered the water, how much do you weigh in water? I don't know. Zero. You're neutrally buoyant. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:08 You'll slowly sink. Right. Or you'll slowly float. Right. But basically, because humans, depending on how much fat to muscle density you have,
Starting point is 00:05:16 okay. Let's not talk about that. Okay. Please. But some will sink and some will float. So on average, we have the same density of water
Starting point is 00:05:23 as we are of water. So in water, we don't weigh anything. Okay? Put a scale in water and stand on it and read it. Okay? That's what I'm saying. Okay. So when you don't weigh anything, then structurally, you're not putting yourself at risk.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And that's why the largest creature there ever was is a mammal and it lives in the ocean. Right. It's a whale. Right. The blue whale. That's it. We got one of those lives in the ocean. Right. It's a whale. Right. The blue whale. That's it. We got one of those hanging in the museum. In the museum.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yes. Okay. And by the way, it says all the time, my back is killing me because there is no water here. It's held up. Oh, these hooks. I can't believe the gravity that I'm feeling right now. So when they say how much does a whale weigh? Right.
Starting point is 00:06:05 The answer is zero. They give you a weight. And how do they give you a weight? They take it out of the water. Right. Put it on a scale on dry land. Right. And then it weighs a gazillion tons, but that's not the weight that the whale feels as it
Starting point is 00:06:19 moves through the ocean. There you go. Now, there's another side of this, Not to just make a long answer longer, but your weight is whatever is the attraction of gravity is to you. Okay? Your mass doesn't change. Doesn't change.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Doesn't change. Right. Okay? Mass is count up the molecules in your hand, your body, and the rock. The mass is the mass. The measurement of a mass is the same
Starting point is 00:06:42 no matter where it is in the universe. Okay. Okay? Nice. Alright. Wait, unless it's moving relativistic speeds, then the mass increases. But holding that aside, that's a different conversation. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Okay? But mass matters with regard to momentum. Right. Okay, so watch. If I take a 100-pound brick and I throw it at you... I'm suing you. It'll knock you over. Yes, so watch. If I take a 100-pound brick and I throw it at you. I'm suing you. It'll knock you over. Yes, it will.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Okay. Now, so how much mass is in the 100-pound brick, we can ask, okay? You can measure up that mass. If I pick up that brick on Mars, it only weighs 40 pounds. But if I throw it at you. The mass is the same. The mass is the same. It'll knock you over in exactly the same way it would have done it here on Earth.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Right. Okay. Just so you know. And in both cases, I'm like, why you hit me with a brick? Sorry. That was a morbid example. What happened? I know.
Starting point is 00:07:35 What did I do? There's probably some other example I could have thought of. I'm sorry. Sorry about that. All right. Next question. All right. This is Alicia Okorafu.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Okorafu. Okorafu. This is Alicia. Okay. Hi, Alicia. Hey, Alicia. What's happening? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:07:59 Alicia O. Alicia O. Yeah, okay. There you go. If the Earth Center wasn't hot and there was a hole all the way through, what would happen if you jumped in? Because you will only fall down until the center of the Earth, and then you'll start going up and you'll start falling backwards.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Oh, by the way, my name is Arian, age 11, and I'm from United Kingdom, Wales. Okay. Wait, so what was the first name? That's just a handle? I guess that's mom or whoever who sent it. Okay. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:35 But Arian, who actually- Hi, Arian. Okay. Who spelled her name, Arian. Mm-hmm. Arian spelled her name- You don't know if it's a boy or a girl. Oh, who knows?
Starting point is 00:08:43 Okay. Spelled her name. Oh, I don't. Okay. Arian, who spelled their name, their name phonetically is 11 years old from Wales. Don't be so genderized, dude. Okay. That's true.
Starting point is 00:08:55 That is true. So this is what Arian wants to know. What happens when you jump in a hole that goes all the way through the center of the earth? Oh, yeah. So I'd like the fact that Arian turned off the heat first. Isn't that something? That's good.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Arian knew the deal. She was just like, we have a molten core. Yeah. So, at the center, here's what happens. Right. Yeah. You got it. So.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Crackle sizzle. Yeah, the core is hot enough to vaporize you. So, you would not make it to the other side. Wow. Just so you know. But if you dug a hole through, and I did this, but I didn't do it. I did the math on it. Well, when I was a kid, maybe when I was 11, I said, if you dug a hole from the United States,
Starting point is 00:09:40 because that's where I live, where would you come out on the other side? And everyone says, if you dig a hole all the way to China. Right, that's always the case. That's how we say it here in the United States. That's right. However, China is not where you will land if you dig a hole through the center of the earth.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Because if you dig a hole through the center and you start in the northern hemisphere, you have to end up in the southern hemisphere. If you start in the western northern hemisphere you have to end up in the southern hemisphere in the southern hemisphere if you start in the western hemisphere you got to end up in the eastern hemisphere that's how that's how the geometry works is that because it's a ball it's a ball right all right so when i did that and did the measurements on that if you dug that hole from the united states you would end up in the indian ocean nice so basically the south indian ocean you just flood the United States. That's really what you did.
Starting point is 00:10:27 You pop through, and all of a sudden, you're like, oh, Lord, what have I done? What have I done? And the whole United States is now flooded. So now, so we have to ask now, where, if you live in Wales, where does their hole come out? Well, it's easy to figure that out. It's trivial, okay?
Starting point is 00:10:44 Because what line goes through the United Kingdom? The Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian. Most famous line in the world. And what is diametrically opposite the Prime Meridian? The equator. What? Let's try that again.
Starting point is 00:11:00 What's diametrically opposite the Prime Meridian? Oh, give me a second. was diametrically opposite the prime meridian. Oh. Give me a second. I'm trying to think of the line that goes across the North Pole. Down on the other side. On the other side. It goes all the way through. The South Pole.
Starting point is 00:11:15 No, no. Okay, I'll help you. Oh, the prime meridian. No, no. The prime meridian is only pole to pole, but on the other side, we call it what? It's the same line continued, but we have a different word for it on the other side. Oh, no. The Prime Meridian is only in pole to pole, but on the other side, we call it what? It's the same line. Continue,
Starting point is 00:11:27 but we have a different word for it on the other side. Oh, I don't know. The International Date Line. Oh, I didn't know that. You didn't know that? I didn't. You didn't know that?
Starting point is 00:11:34 I didn't know that the Prime Meridian and the International Date Line were the same line. They are the same damn line. I did not know that. You didn't know that? I have never made that connection.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I've always, because people always talk about the International Date Line in its own world. In its own way. In its own I've always, because people always talk about the international date line. In its own world. In its own world. Okay. And then they talk about the prime meridian because it's like, oh, this is the line that runs all the way through. So I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Okay. Okay, cool. All right. So that's why I was just like. When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time looking at maps and globes and stuff. I thought that was just cool. Sorry. But just to be clear, I was bigger than other kids.
Starting point is 00:12:07 So thank God. That kind of nerd activity. Let me just tell you something. Get your ass whooping. I'm just going to say. Up in the Bronx. Yes. But.
Starting point is 00:12:14 You're a man of large stature. If you were Chuck Nice size, the world would not have Neil deGrasse Tyson. That's all there is to it. Because if Chuck Nice was a kid and was just like, did you know that the International Date Line and the Prime Meridian were actually the same line? Isn't that amazing? First of all,
Starting point is 00:12:33 they'd have been like, take off all those clothes, the shoes, give me the money. And then they'd have beat me. They'd take your lunch money. Money, sneakers, and then the beating. That's how it goes. Money, sneakers, beaten. In that order. In that order.
Starting point is 00:12:46 So what's convenient about the international date line, because that goes through Greenwich, England, is on the other side is the middle of the freaking Pacific Ocean. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So you don't want the international date line going right in the middle of your country. Right. Because then one half of the country would be one day,
Starting point is 00:13:04 the other half would be the other day, 24 hours different, right? Exactly. And so, you don't want that. So, it's just convenient. Now, there's few places. Is it the Solomon Islands? There's some place where they have to do some bending. Right. Because there's some scattered islands in the
Starting point is 00:13:19 Pacific. Right. But basically, it bypassed that challenge. Right. Okay? That's why I'd say that. Okay. So, Aryan will dig a hole and will land in the South Pacific. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Let's get back to the question. What's going to happen when you jump in it? So, you jump in, you will fall and accelerate continually. Right. You're picking up speed the whole time. Actually, it's not discrete. So, I have to say you will fall and accelerate continuously. Right. You're picking up speed the whole time. Actually, it's not discrete. So I have to say, you will fall and accelerate continuously. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:49 The difference between continual and continuous. I was talking to a Brit who invented the language, so we got to be good about the language here. Okay. That's right. Yes, they sound so much smarter than we do when they speak English. Well, some of them.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And we're self-aware. Right. You don't go deep cockney. Right. Yeah. We sound smart if they're going like, Yeah. Then we sound like the smart ones.
Starting point is 00:14:15 You know, but if you're like Gary, our Gary O'Reilly, automatically sounds sophisticated and smart with a British accent. Right, right, right. So you'll jump in. You'll accelerate continually until you get to the center. Let me just, for those who didn't know, okay,
Starting point is 00:14:30 a river flows by continuously. Right. The parade floats moved by continually. Continually. Right. Right, because those are discrete objects. They're discrete
Starting point is 00:14:40 and they are not connected. They're not connected. But if it's connected, then it's continuous. And usually it's the same material substance, right? Okay. You can't tie a chain between the floats and call it continuous. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:51 No. So you jump in, you will accelerate until you get to the center. Where you'll be, you'll hit peak speed. Nice. Peak speed. And I'm thinking that speed is five miles per second. Okay. I have to verify that.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I'm just pulling that out. Five miles per second. So you're dead. No, no, no. You're just falling. Yeah. You are weightless. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You don't care that you move five miles per second. Well, you care. Well, that is true. You're on Earth going 20 miles per second around the sun. So now, okay, I'm going to let you finish. Your speed, you don't care what this is. When you're in an airplane. When you said peak speed, that means now we're going up because you're.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I didn't get there yet. We're in the center of the Earth. All right, all right. Okay. That's what I'm saying. Peak speed center of the Earth. Now, what happens to you? The hole is all the way through the Earth.
Starting point is 00:15:42 You will overshoot the middle. Okay. Right. You're going five miles per earth. You will overshoot the middle. Okay. You'll overshoot. Right. You'll overshoot the middle and now earth will slowly slow you down. So that's what I was saying. You're dead. So that breaking, actually you're going
Starting point is 00:15:57 up now. You're not going up. Up is anyway away from the center of the earth. Exactly. So you're going up in terms of that. Up into and towards the South Pacific if you of the earth. Exactly. So you're going up in terms of that. You're going up into and towards the South Pacific if you're in Wales. Right. Okay? And you are slowing down continuously.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Right. And in the exact rate that you had sped up going in. So it's the exact undoing of everything that happened en route to the center of the earth. So then you will exact, we're ignoring air resistance here, of course. Okay. Okay. There we go.
Starting point is 00:16:28 And then you get to the South Pacific. Mm-hmm. Assuming the water's not just flowing against you. We have a tube that takes us above. Above. Above. We'll give you a life-saving tube. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:41 You'll come right up to the edge, and unless somebody grabs you, you're going to fall back down, and you're going to repeat this forever. Oh, that's terrible. Somebody's got to grab you. Well, this is a good version of hell. Forever. I like it as a version of hell. Yeah, you'll just keep going back and forth.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Right. There it is. Oh, well, that was cool. And one round trip. Right. It comes back to Wales. One round trip takes the same amount of time as an orbiting spacecraft. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yep. That makes sense. So if the space station orbits over your head. Right. And you jump in the hole. Right. You go down the other side. You actually see it passing over your head.
Starting point is 00:17:18 You're going to see the space station. On the other side. Oh, that's great. And you come back. And there it is. There it is again. That's really cool. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah, because you're going the diameter of the Earth. Well, you have to do the math and the Newtonian physics, and it all works out. Yeah, it makes sense, though, because we're falling. It's falling. Yes. So you're falling the diameter. It's falling the circumference. You're both in free fall.
Starting point is 00:17:38 That's awesome. In Earth. Dude, I love it. It's physics. That's really cool. Yeah, it's cool. Well, Ariana, thank you for that. Ariana, sorry. You're right. Yes. I messed That's really cool. Yeah, it's cool. Well, Ariana, that was, thank you for that. Ariana, sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You're right. Yes. I messed up her name and she spelled it phonetically. If it's a she. Oh, sorry, Ariana. Hey, Chuck. Sorry. They.
Starting point is 00:17:53 They. There you go. Thank you, Ariana, for that question. Thank you, Ariana. From Wales. Great to have fans in Wales. There you go. Mm-hmm. Wells. There you go.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I'm Olicon Hemraj, and I support StarTalk on Patreon. This is StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Alright, here we go. Brett S. Chappell says, Hello, Dr. Tyson and his niceness. Warm greetings from Copenhagen here in Denmark. Wow, we're getting international.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I know. Look at this. By the way, one of the most famous astronomers ever was Danish. Okay. And I sat for 20 minutes with some native Danes to teach me how to pronounce his name. Okay. And I will show off now that I can pronounce his name. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Who is this? Tycho Brahe. Tycho Brahe. No idea. Tycho Brahe, we call him here. Oh, Tycho Brahe. Tycho. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:00 There's a crater on the moon named after him. Right. Tycho. Tycho. It's the crater that has rays coming off of it. Nice. Yeah, it's called the Ray Crater Tycho. Very famous crater on the moon named after him. Right. It's called Tycho. Tycho. It's the crater that has rays coming off of it. Nice. Yeah, it's called the Ray Crater Tycho. Very famous crater.
Starting point is 00:19:08 But Chukobra. Chukobra. Yeah, I want A plus for that because I worked my butt off pronouncing that. Pretty cool. Okay, what do you have? All right. Carl Sagan edited a golden record which went into space in 1977 on NASA's Voyager Expedition. Voyager Expedition.
Starting point is 00:19:23 This disc included music by diverse sources such as Chuck Berry, Peruvian Pan Pipes, and Johannes Bach. If you had to revamp the playlist to meet 2024 standards, which one of the two songs
Starting point is 00:19:36 would you add to ensure a more modern repertoire? Oh! So is there a song recently? So let's get past Chuck Berry time. So I'm going to say you have to go from late 60s till now. What two songs would you add?
Starting point is 00:19:54 Two songs. Two songs. From late 60s till now. Because Chuck Berry's the 50s. Okay. So you got to go late 60s till now. I got to put in Rapper's Delight. What?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Well, it did start it all. It birthed an entire genre. It's from my home borough, the Bronx. That's true. Okay. Bronx birth hip-hop. There you go. So I put in Rapper's Delight. Wow. Okay. Worst rap song ever made.
Starting point is 00:20:19 But the most important rap song ever made. It was number one. Yes, it did. And we danced our ass off in college to that. This is true. Because it came out when I was in college. All right. And shake it off. Shake it off. Wait.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Oh, Taylor Swift. Shake it off. I don't know. I mean, we got to update it. Right. And that's very in the moment. Right. Whatever alien finds this will also find the leader of our world.
Starting point is 00:20:49 It's the leader. When they listen to Taylor Swift, they'll be like, oh, and this is the leader of their world. Take me to your leader. That's the leader. There she is. From the realm of pop music, I think that's what I would pull out. All right. What would be fun if we put John Cage's 427 or whatever the name of his work is.
Starting point is 00:21:06 It's a piano work. Okay. Do you know it? I don't think I know that. The pianist sits there at the piano. Mm-hmm. And doesn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Is this the guy who doesn't play? Doesn't do anything for four minutes. Okay. I've heard about this. We should put that on the record.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah. That'd be great. Four minutes of silence and somebody going the aliens are listening clearing their throat it's like what's wrong with these people right so maybe if i were to do it maybe that i might have thrown in a disco song but disco kind of came and left yeah and i would not have predicted that at the time right i would have said hip-hop was a flash in the pan and disco would be here forever.
Starting point is 00:21:45 No. But the opposite has happened. Yeah. What two songs did you pick? Hmm. Okay, for me, I'm going to go Kendrick Lamar,
Starting point is 00:21:55 They Not Like Us. Ooh. Yeah. Ooh. Just because clearly these are aliens that found it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Okay, very clever. Very clever. Okay, all right. And for my second song, Smells Like Teen Spirit, and that is Nirvana. And the reason is because I don't know any teenager ever,
Starting point is 00:22:17 no matter what their color, no matter what their creed, no matter like what their background, who doesn't hear that song and isn't moved by it. They truly capture teenage angst in a song. They found the resonant frequency. Way to say it. Not just of a generation, but of a death.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Of a period of life. Life. Yeah, a period of life. Everybody knows what it is to have the anxiety of teenage existence. And it exists in that song. All right. So, yeah. It smells like teen spirit.
Starting point is 00:22:51 All right. All right. I love that. Okay. We hope that. There you go. All right. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:22:56 This is Oliver Cook. Hello there. This is Oliver. I'm a 36-year-old painter and decorator from South Wales. Whoa. Love the podcast. This is a second question from Wales? This is another second from Wales.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I want to know if there's such a thing as absolute stillness in the universe. And if so, what would happen if we were to reach it? Would everything else just blink out of existence? Wow, look at that. That'd be a fun science fiction premise. That would be. Or if you can't find it, you create it.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Right. Right? Earth is rotating, let's stop the rotation. Earth is going around the sun, let's stop that. Earth's sun is going around the galaxy, let's stop that.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Right. Galaxy is falling towards, let's stop that. The power of stillness. What a cool super... Ooh. I have the power, but now,
Starting point is 00:23:39 would that be stillness all the way down to the vibration of molecules and atoms? That's not how I'm thinking of the question. Okay. But, molecules and atoms? That's not how I'm thinking of the question. Okay. But it turns out that that's not possible because quantum physics demands that even when you cool something down.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Right. To absolute zero. Absolute zero. In the day. Right. In Lord Kelvin's day. Right. Oh, dear.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Lady and Lord Kelvin. Kelvin. Kelvin. His actual name was Thompson. But Kelvin, when he became Lord, he and Lord Kelvin. Kelvin. His actual name was Thompson, but when he became Lord, he was Lord Kelvin. Right. A brilliant physicist. A little cocky, but brilliant.
Starting point is 00:24:15 He pioneered the Kelvin temperature scale, which is the absolute temperature scale. So what they found was, at any given temperature, air molecules are vibrating, or they're moving and bouncing off each other. Okay. If you drop the temperature,
Starting point is 00:24:28 they move a little slower. Right. Drop it some more, they move a little slower. Nice. And so he extrapolates it. There must be a point where they stop moving at all. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:35 If they stop moving at all, there's no temperature left. Absolute zero. Nice. You can't have temperature less than the temperature of something not moving. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Completely reasonable before quantum physics. Quantum physics, as you try to take it to the lowest possible energy state, and you cannot characterize a zero energy state, there's always some fluctuation. Something is moving. Or fluctuating. Or fluctuating. I want to distinguish sort of vibration
Starting point is 00:25:00 from translational movement. And I'm thinking he means translational movement. Is there a point where nothing is moving? Right. Okay. So, the answer is no. Wow. Because you've been on a train before.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So true. Let's say Amtrak. Not everyone has it. But Europe, they're all about trains. Right. Some of us have been on trains. Yeah, we only have one. It's called Amtrak.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Yeah, yeah. And you sit on the train and you look out the window and all of a have been on trains. Yeah, we only have one. It's called Amtrak. Yeah, yeah. And you sit on the train and you look out the window and all of a sudden things start moving. Right. You're at the station. Right. And you're there and then things start moving backwards. Right. And you rationally say,
Starting point is 00:25:38 oh, they're not actually moving. I'm moving because I'm on the train. Right. But you didn't know that because it was so smooth. Right. Okay. All I'm saying is, if on the train. Right. But you didn't know that because it was so smooth. Right. Okay? All I'm saying is, if you believe you are stationary, someone else has equal rights to that claim. Hmm. And if you say they're in motion, they can legitimately say,
Starting point is 00:26:02 no, I'm stationary and you're in motion. There's no experiment you can conduct to say otherwise I know I am but what about you who you are but what about you
Starting point is 00:26:10 I know you are but what am I I know I am but what are you so that is a foundational principle of relativity right
Starting point is 00:26:17 yeah okay and so we're stuck with it that's how the that's how the universe is put together there was a brief moment where looking out to the cosmic microwave background.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Right. The question was, is it a different temperature in this direction than that direction? Okay. Because if it is, that means we can tell absolutely that we are moving relative to a reference frame that's the entire freaking universe. Right. There is no such thing as no motion. There is no such thing as no motion. There's no such thing as no motion. Correct. Because once you get down to the quantum,
Starting point is 00:26:51 there's something. And even so, even if you think you're in motion. Someone else's frame of reference. It's a reference frame. Someone else's frame of reference says they're in motion. You're still. Your frame of reference says I'm in motion. You're still. Correct. There you go, I'm in motion. You're still. Correct.
Starting point is 00:27:05 There you go. And there's no experiment that you can conduct that can tell you differently. Right. Okay. Wow. I never thought we would get all of that out of Oliver's question. That is fantastic. His name, Oliver Stone?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Oliver Cook. Oliver Cook. Oliver Stone is the director. Yeah. I'm Oliver Cook. Okay. Please, sir. May I paint some more? That's a bad Welsh accent.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It certainly is. You're imitating Oliver from the streets of London. Yes, exactly. All right, here it is. Caleb Carter says, Howdy from Northern Indiana. I just watched an episode where someone asked if a pair of quarks get spaghettified,
Starting point is 00:27:42 would they sooner or later find an equilibrium? Y'all responded with, essentially, I don't know. But I do know this is the moment there is enough energy to sufficiently separate them. They would just make quarks to become a pair again. Thus, an infinite amount of quarks would be made. I remember y'all talking about how a single H2O molecule doesn't make water, but water
Starting point is 00:28:05 is made from clumps of H2O. It's possible that quarks and gravity are related in a similar way. If, and this is a mighty big if, both cases are true. Could this explain why black holes are infinitely dense? Could this just be another version of a runaway thermonuclear reaction like we see in stars? But in terms of gravity? I'm going to handle this one for you. You got this? Okay, thank you. Here we go. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Nah, bro. Sorry, bro. Nah. That's not how it works. That ain't how it goes. So I'm thinking again about this quark falling into the black hole. Into the black hole, which we were talking about. Would you have a runaway creation of quarks? Of quarks.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And I realized, where's it getting its energy from? It's getting its energy from the gravitational field of the black hole. Correct. Right. So the black hole, I think, would eat itself. It's right. Its entire gravitational field would morph into particles. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Because it's feeding that reaction, which is feeding off of the field. But then the particle itself can then make a field. Exactly. So you have this kind of just infinite loop that would keep happening and it could end up
Starting point is 00:29:30 eating itself. Yeah, so. That's really cool. Now I'm no less than what I knew before. Exactly, right. So I don't have a good answer. I don't think,
Starting point is 00:29:40 I don't know how to respond. Right. It remains a mystery, at least to me, if not to others. Okay. Out there a mystery, at least to me, if not to others. Okay. Out there. There you go.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Mm-hmm. That was easy. So is he saying that the gathering of quarks is itself the black hole in the way the gathering, because you can't have a single black hole molecule in a sense. Right. But a bunch of water molecules makes water. Right. A bunch of quarks makes a black A bunch of quartz makes black hole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Nah, bro. It's fun to think about. But you did give it quite a dramatic read, that question. Exactly. All right. time for just a couple more questions okay here we go fabio later says good day fabio here from Fabio? Yes, Fabio. Okay. Or should I say, Fabio. So lovely to see you, dear. Might I say you look ravishing? Excuse me while I stroke my hair and look at you longingly.
Starting point is 00:31:00 While I flex my peck and wash your clothing on my washboard abs. I am Fabio. That was his real name, right? Yes. I am Fabio. That was his real name, right? Yes. I don't know. That they drew on all the romance novels? That was his sad name. We know that.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Screen Actors Guild. Screen Actors Guild. That was his name for them. All right. He says, in your educated opinion, do you think media censorship should exist in future space colonies in order to mitigate most of humanity's undesirable traits wow bro that's a good one wow look at you yeah i mean he's talking so selective selective protective yeah censorship yeah he's talking about with all of its weaknesses, I think its greatest strengths outweigh them. And that's the strength of freedom of speech.
Starting point is 00:31:50 There you go, my friend. And maybe I say that because I'm indoctrinated as such as a Merc. I'll tell you what you said because you live in the greatest damn country on this face of this earth. Merc. That's right. Merc. Apostrophe M-U-R-R-I-C-A. Let me tell you something. Merc. Jesus gave me the right to free speech. That's because. Merk. Apostrophe M-U-R-R-I-C-A. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Merk. Jesus gave me the right to free speech. That's because I'm hearing Merk. All right? He let all you other people speak too. All right, let's go. Because I could do this all day. We need a ref here.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Blow the whistle. So, maybe because I'm indoctrinated that way. I allow that to be a possibility. First of all, I agree, but I disagree that it's indoctrination. Here's why I disagree that it's indoctrination. Because with the right to censorship comes a certain power,
Starting point is 00:32:36 and we all know that power corrupts. Yes. Power also seeks power. Yes. And so if you were to give people the ability to censorship- It never ends well. It never ends well.
Starting point is 00:32:45 That's all there is to it. It's not just indoctrination, there's evidence. That's right. There's empirical... If you want the stability of that colony to be a thing,
Starting point is 00:32:54 like with all the challenges and all the fits and starts that free speech causes, the benefits outweigh... Outweigh any of the detriments. And quite frankly, what you need to do, Fabio, is have free speech and teach everyone in that colony to think critically so that they can assess the value of the free speech that's being spoken. Ooh, so you get it for... You nip that in the bud.
Starting point is 00:33:19 That's it. You start out that way. Start out that way. Maybe you don't even allow people to go to that colony. Right. Unless they... Unless they can think critically. I'd like to go to the colony. No, dumbass.
Starting point is 00:33:31 No, stop. No. You stay your dumbass right here on Earth where you belong. Stop. All right. It's the dumbass disqualification. Dumbass disqualification. That's it. It's the dumbass disqualification. Dumbass disqualification. That's it.
Starting point is 00:33:47 That's it. We can formalize this. We should name that planet Rationalia. Okay. Okay. Like in your book. Which I just happen to have. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So, I tweeted. Wait, you got to tell them the name of the book. Oh, Starry Messenger, Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization. Sweet. So, I and others came up with this idea of rationalia. Okay. At a conference. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:12 A science conference. All right. And I tweeted it. It says, Earth needs a virtual country. I wasn't thinking other planets. Right. Virtual country, rationalia, with a one-line constitution. virtual country, rationalia, with a one-line constitution,
Starting point is 00:34:30 all policy shall be based on the weight of evidence. Whoa. There you go. Boom. That's it. That's it. That's it. You get rid of so many problems.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So many problems. And if you don't have evidence, then there's no policy. Yes, exactly. Wait a minute. I feel. Shut up. Shut up. Nobody cares about how you feel. You shut up with your feelings.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Get out of here. We said evidence. No, no, wait, wait. Hold on. Wait, just to be clear. Go ahead. Unrationality, you can have feelings. No, your feelings are fine, but you can't.
Starting point is 00:34:58 You just can't make a law. You can't write. You just can't write a law. You can't be a part of the conversation. Based. No, you can have a conversation. You just can't write a law based on your feelings be a part of the conversation. Based. No, you can have a conversation. You just can't write a law based on your feelings. No, but that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:35:07 When we are debating the law, what the law should be, your feelings don't matter. Because it's all about evidence. If it's about evidence. Correct. Right. Correct. Yeah. So, on that planet, free speech would be, oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Exactly. It would be the blooming of the greatest democracy the universe has ever seen there you go wow so that's from the chapter in here called law and order law and order law and order from starry messenger very concon it's really what thank you for the sound effect it's things that we care deeply about in civilization it's what they look like when seen through the lens of science. Right. And so many of the arguments that we have over holiday dinners, they evaporate. Right. In the presence of rational analysis. There you go. That's what goes on there. Okay. All right, here we go. Let's do this one. It might be our last one. Hello, Dr. Tyson and Lord Nice and anyone else that might
Starting point is 00:36:00 have been invited. Craig Cordwell from the UK here. I was wondering, how sure are we that spiral galaxies like our own and our neighbors, Andromeda, are not being sucked into the black hole, which is what causes the flushing toilet-like shape that makes up the galaxies? Love the show and look forward to hearing the episode. Ooh, okay. This makes like four people from the UK?
Starting point is 00:36:25 Is that on this round? Yeah, we got a lot of people, a lot of love from the UK. A lot of love from the colonizers. A lot of love from the colonizers on this show. But watch out, we tune in next week. We two British dudes sitting here. There's an old joke about Earth.
Starting point is 00:36:50 There's no such thing as gravity. Earth sucks. Right. So black holes are not giant sucking machines. They just have a gravitational field. If you get really, really close, kiss your ass goodbye. If you're not, you'll just maintain an orbit around it. Like we do the sun.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Like we do the sun. Exactly as we do the sun. Right. We don't crash into the sun. We don't crash into the sun. We're not getting sucked into the sun. Right, right. And so if you step back, it looks like all the planets are spiraling around, which they are.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Right. But they're not getting sucked into the sun. All right. So the toilet bowl effect. That swirl. These the toilet bowl effect. That's the world. These are called spiral arms. And our understanding of them came of age while I was in graduate school. Because how do you maintain that?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Because the inner parts of the galaxy actually will complete in orbit faster than the outer parts. So you get this stretching of these coherent cloud formations. Cloud. Gas. They're not clouds. They're gas clouds. Gas clouds. Not puffy clouds.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Not puffy earth clouds. Right, right, right. They're gas, streams of gas that because the galaxy rotates, as we say, differentially, which means the inner parts rotate faster than the outer parts, it will drag it into the spiral shape. Right. And one of our big challenges was, how does it maintain the grand design two-arm spiral
Starting point is 00:38:14 without over time just winding up on itself? Right. Okay, so that's where it got complicated. We had to worry about what's called spiral density waves. It's not really a physical gaseous structure. The gas is everywhere. There's a density wave that's moving across the clouds, triggering star formation.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Wow. So wherever this density wave is, there's star formation in that shape. So it's more complicated than it looks, but all I'm saying is everything is just simply orbiting the center of the galaxy. Right. And it's not like a toilet bowl that's ultimately going to go down the tube. Right. Because there's gravity at the center of the galaxy. Right. And it's not like a toilet bowl that's ultimately going to go down the tube. Right. Because there's gravity at the center of the galaxy.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah, there's gravity there, and that's what maintains the orbits. The orbits. Right. But if you want it to fall in, you're going to have to stop the motion. Right. Then it won't know to go sideways, and it'll just fall straight in. But that's what you'd have to do. If you wanted it to actually behave like a toilet bowl.
Starting point is 00:39:08 By the way, we detect black holes because of this toilet bowl phenomenon. Oh. Okay? If a gas cloud or a star gets too close, tidal forces will rip it apart, the material spirals around, and the spiraling material, because
Starting point is 00:39:23 the inner parts are rotating faster than the outer parts, there's friction. And wherever you have friction, you have what? Heat. Heat. So this, as we call it, an accretion disk, this disk, as it spirals, gets hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter.
Starting point is 00:39:38 It starts glowing. First red hot, then white hot, then blue hot. Then it's glowing so hot, it emits X-rays. Uh-huh. That's how hot it gets. And so our greatest discoveries of black holes occurred when we launched X-ray telescopes into orbit. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Earth orbit. And you look out and you see these sources of X-rays. Those are black holes talking to us in the universe. Is that the Chandra? Yeah, Chandra Sekhar, a brilliant Indian physicist. We named the telescope after him. In the way, we named Hubble after Edwin Hubble.
Starting point is 00:40:13 So the Chandra Sekhar X-ray telescope is named after him. Cool, man. But anyway, that's how we found black holes. Very cool. There you go. That is a toilet bowl because it's falling in as it radiates away. Whereas we are not falling in.
Starting point is 00:40:24 It's just a density wave moving across clouds that are already there. All right. That's all the time we have for today. That was great, man. We got a lot of ground there. That's our international version of Cosmic Queers. There you go. There you go.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Plus Northern Indiana. This has been another installment of StarTalk Cosmic Queries. Galactic Gumbo. Galactic Queries. Galactic Gumbo. Galactic Gumbo. Galactic Gumbo. We love those. Those are nice. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Because we can do that just ourselves. Exactly. We don't need like bringing the big guns extra expertise. We don't need no stinking astrophysicists. Extra astrophysicists. Right. All right. Until next time time keep looking up

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