StarTalk Radio - StarTalk Live! LIGO and the Black Hole Blues (Part 2)

Episode Date: August 5, 2016

The conclusion of our show about the discovery of gravitational waves, featuring Neil Tyson, Eugene Mirman, cosmologist Janna Levin, LIGO astrophysicist Nergis Mavalvala, and Michael Showalter. Record...ed live at the Count Basie Theatre, Red Bank, NJ. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to StarTalk, your place in the universe where science and pop culture collide. StarTalk begins right now. We're live at the Count Basie Theater in New Jersey. We're live at the Count Basie Theater in New Jersey. This is Star Talk. I've got Jana Levin, professor of physics and astronomy, Columbia University and Barnard College. Did I get that right? Yeah, sounds good.
Starting point is 00:00:40 You got it. We have Nergis Mabalala. I'm telling you right now, you're going to get it right. She's professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and she is one of the world's experts on the detection of gravitational waves. And who do you have with us here? Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I'm Eugene. Eugene Merman. Michael Showalter. Michael Showalter. Michael Showalter. Thanks for being here, Michael. Michael, you're directing a movie now, right? Yes, I have a movie that's in the theaters as we speak. Hello, My Name is Doris with Sally Field.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Nice. As we speak. As we speak. Excellent. Right now. Excellent. It's great. I went to see it. Cool.
Starting point is 00:01:26 What I want to know is what's next? Okay, detect a few more gravity waves. First one, we're done. Just go out and have a beer. How can I make money off of gravitational waves? Yeah, yeah. Why should they matter
Starting point is 00:01:44 to anybody? Can they be surfed? Surfed? Well, I should they matter to anybody can they be served? Sure, I like that Jana. Can they be served? Yeah, it would be pretty hard to serve him But in some sense that's kind of what the mirrors are doing is they're kind of surfing the wave So the mirrors are suspended so delicately in this instrument that when the wave passes they just kind of Bob So that's kind of what they're doing. I mean, they don't write it. Okay. And so what happens next, Nergis?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yeah, so the detection that we made was with a certain sensitivity on the instrument. The instruments are actually down right now since January for a few months where we're trying to make improvements. And the idea is that every time we make improvements, we improve the sensitivity, and that allows us to look a little farther into the universe or to see fainter objects. And that's what we're trying to do.
Starting point is 00:02:35 So over the next few years, we're going to just keep walking the sensitivity down. It's just like with telescopes. You build better and better telescopes, you can see fainter objects. So we're trying to do the sensitivity down. It's just like with telescopes. You build better and better telescopes, you can see fainter objects. We're trying to do the same thing. So what... So say you see all the waves, then what are we going to do once we've seen all the waves? Wait, wait, wait, wait. There's all the colliding black holes, but that's not the only stuff
Starting point is 00:02:58 out there giving you gravity waves. Ah, ah. Exactly. In fact, weren't there gravity waves in the early universe shortly after the Big Bang? There were. So why aren't you detecting those? Because they're too weak. So our detectors are not...
Starting point is 00:03:10 It's the Big Bang. It's the Big Bang. Should have been bigger. So they are too weak. But there are many other kinds of sources that we could look for. We could certainly look for the same kinds of motions of orbiting neutron stars instead of black holes. So neutron stars are not as big a gravitational disturbance, but they still give you a gravity wave. That's right. They're cousins of black holes.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Basically, they're lighter, and they actually have more matter-like properties than what Jana described black holes are, which are regions of space that are really not matter-like. But in any case, so neutron stars could be colliding supernovae when stars sort of run out of their nuclear fuel and they explode as supernovae. That should give off copious amounts of gravitational radiation as well, so we should be able to see that. Okay, so this little, this gravity wave that you imitated, okay, with such precision and accuracy. What's the other way?
Starting point is 00:04:14 No. No. No. No. No, I got this. I got this. I got this. Yes. Oh. That got this. I got this. I got this. Yes. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Wow. That's it. Well, Brenda. B plus? B plus? A plus. A plus. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Good. So. You can tour as an impersonator of a gravity. Yeah. Yeah. So that took a certain amount of time to happen. All right. Like fractions of a second.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Now, suppose there are things that give you strong gravity waves but take seconds or minutes or hours. Do we have the power of detection to see those? So our instruments are most sensitive, LIGO and sort of instruments on the Earth are most sensitive to signals that are occurring at about 100 hertz. So these are motions at about 100 times per second. 100 hertz per second. Hertz from Heinrich Hertz, famous German physicist. But the idea is, so what sets the frequency of a gravitational wave is really
Starting point is 00:05:17 the rate at which these black holes are moving around each other, or neutron stars are moving around each other. So here's something really remarkable that it's really hard to wrap our heads around but say the signal we saw. So these were 30 solar masses, 30 times as massive as our Sun and they're whipping around at hundreds of times per second around each other. So it's mind-boggling and that's why the distort space-time as much as they do. Just to be clear, the Sun rotates but it does so once in a month. Right. Now you're talking about two objects, each 30 times more
Starting point is 00:05:50 massive in the sun, revolving around each other. At a couple of hundred hertz. A hundred times a second. A second, yes. So we have to just think also about the longer story of these black holes. You're not buying it.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I'd buy it. I just won't forget your face. You've given that face like eight times this evening. The first time it's, well, space and time are reversed. Give me that face. There's a whole, there's a list, a laundry list of stuff that made that face. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I'm impressed by that. So here's something I know that happens in the universe and it's got to make an awesome signal. We just don't live long enough to hear it. And that's the collision of two galaxies. I'm betting that makes a nice signal, but that takes... Like a wham! But they take...
Starting point is 00:06:42 You can calculate how long that takes. It takes like a half a billion years. Yes, and so those signals... You're not hearing those signals. No, because they're not within the band of our instruments. What you mean is you don't live long enough. Well, we don't live long enough, but even if we did, those signals,
Starting point is 00:06:57 when those black holes are merging, would cause signals at frequencies that our instruments can't hear. LIGO's actually sensitive to the same frequency range as the piano. The black holes that collided were actually in the human auditory range, the sounds that they made. They didn't have to be rescaled. And so that is something that's just remarkable. That's what LIGO is sensitive to. Just like you're talking about different telescopes.
Starting point is 00:07:20 There's going to be different instruments that are sensitive to longer, lower notes. Are other LIGO centers that are being planned around the world, are they going to take you to other frequencies? No. So the terrestrial detectors on the Earth are really limited to having sensitivities. It's pretty hard to make a sensitive detector below 10 hertz or so. I feel what's coming. You said detectors on the earth. Yes. Okay so that means... Space. Space. So here's what you have to think about. On the earth you can do well up to about 10 Hertz. Maybe if you really push it you might get out to 1
Starting point is 00:08:00 Hertz, so once per second oscillations of the wave. But at lower frequencies than that, you've got to get off the planet. And that means you've got to go into space. Tell me about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So like, what can we do with this?
Starting point is 00:08:13 If you go to space. You could make a sandwich with it. So like, it's a gravitational wave. Space, there's a, is it Lisa? Lisa. Yes. Laser interferometric space antenna. Is it a good thing?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Does it make you feel good? Yes, absolutely. Like is it a good thing that this happened? Yes, we're being bathed by these gravitational waves all the time and that's what makes us so happy. I wish that was true. So that's what it is. The secret to happiness. I wish that was true. So that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:08:46 The secret to happiness. So what does this mean? What does the discovery mean in terms of everything? You have to realize that we can't see black holes with telescopes. The reason why we argue that we're seeing black holes in the universe before this is because what we're really seeing is the black hole demolished something in its neighborhood. We don't ever actually see the black hole, right? So this is the first time...
Starting point is 00:09:13 Just be more precise. The black hole is essentially flaying the star that got too bulbous in orbit around it. Yeah, it's like pulling tufts of the star off like cotton candy, which then fall onto the black hole and become incredibly hot from the fall, collides with other material from the star. That's what we see. So if it looks like someone's eating a sun, that's a black hole.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Exactly. Exactly. Right, if the sun slowly, like cotton candy, starts to splatter someplace, there's a black hole nearby. But this is the first time in history that human beings have actually detected two bare black holes, black holes with nothing around them. And you could argue, in some sense,
Starting point is 00:09:56 it's the closest we've ever come to really, you know, the detection of black holes. And it's certainly the first time that we've detected two black holes colliding, because that is a completely dark event. So that's an important fact, just in case it was not obvious to people. Anytime any one of us, we the astrophysics community, said we have a catalog of black holes, we have a catalog of radiative signals coming from the matter descending into what we are pretty sure is a black hole.
Starting point is 00:10:26 That's what the catalogs are for. Yes, that's right. And it's excellent evidence. I mean, we see stars in the center of our galaxy orbiting a dark space, and you can tell from the orbit of the stars that the thing it's orbiting is 4 million times the mass of the sun, but it fits in about three sun widths, and it's dark. I mean, that's pretty good evidence for widths and it's dark I mean that's pretty good evidence for so so here's let me offer a philosophical question you detected what you expected to see so so could something have happened that you didn't have a template for
Starting point is 00:11:08 that is going on in the universe and it remained undiscovered because you weren't even looking for it yet it what's the word it was invisible right before your eyes yeah so we certainly for the black holes we looked in a number of ways one of the ways we looked was what you mentioned templates What a template it searches is one where you figure out beforehand from theory like janitors of what the signal should look like And then you try to match that Predicted signal with what you see in your detector slide it along. Yeah, and when they match up you say, aha, I have a black hole signal. So that's one way to look for the signal. But we also looked for signals in the, in generic ways where we don't make a prediction that the signal should look
Starting point is 00:11:56 like the whoop sound that we hear. It could look, it could be a poop, thump, whatever it wants to be. I would like more examples. And we would still find those because they represent some excess power relative to what the background of the detector is. So we looked in a number of different ways. Could we have missed something? Yes. But we didn't look just for the things we expected to see. We looked for other things we expected to see.
Starting point is 00:12:26 We looked for other signals. So you're more... I'm not joking. No, you're always joking, aren't you? This isn't a joke. You're more than pretty sure that what you heard was two black holes colliding. Yes. Yes, but you've given me confidence that you might have detected something that you didn't understand because you understood your background levels very well,
Starting point is 00:12:51 and you looked for things that just went above or that revealed themselves on that backdrop. That deviate from that average background in both detectors. See, that's the most critical thing here. Gotcha. background in both detectors. See that's the most critical thing here. But here what I want to know is because we take telescopes and we can put them in blank areas and just look and see what shows up and by doing so we discover things like galaxies and we discover things. I don't know what this is. It's not any catalog. It's a new thing so uh can you imagine what kind
Starting point is 00:13:27 of new thing is out there that we haven't detected or even dreamt of so that the signal will come and you say i am dumbstruck as to what this is in our universe well if you think about galileo he was also only looking at what he knew okay he was looking, when he first pointed the telescope at the sky, at the sunspots and at Saturn and at the moon. So you could say, oh my God, we knew those things existed. I mean, it was still huge and revelatory, but he didn't think, oh, I bet there are black holes out there and things called quasars, which are sending jets a million light years across.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I mean, he didn't even have that vocabulary. He didn't know about quasars? Was he an idiot? Wait, wait, wait. But he had the wherewithal to look at the sun and then say, wait a minute, the sun has spots on it. I've discovered something new that no one, and we call them to this day sun spots, okay? that's how we roll in astrophysics so so and he looks at the moon and he finds craters and mountains and valleys
Starting point is 00:14:36 did not expect them all right so there's some things you can see and identify that you don't expect and they count as discoveries. I'm wondering, is there some astrophysical phenomenon? Because every 10 years, something shows up. Dark energy, dark matter, black holes, quasars, pulsars, everything I just listed there showed up in a decade where before that decade, no one had any idea it even existed. An expanding universe, for goodness sake. So I want to know that your telescope has the power of discovery that previous attempts to understand the universe have granted us. I think it does. I'll give you one example right now. You think it does?
Starting point is 00:15:19 Well, history will tell if it did, right? I hope it does. Look at these 30 solar mass black holes we detected. Look, this is the way discovery goes. You discover something and it only opens up new questions. We do not really understand how nature forms 30 solar mass black holes. We don't know how those are put together. And we've gotten the first snapshot into how that happens because we saw 230 solar mass black holes merge and form a 60 solar mass black hole. Okay, so now there's a thing to talk about. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:52 That we had no way to talk about. Someone gives me $1 billion, I'll get to the bottom of it. All right, so... In 50 years. How much more sensitive... But I promise to give it a real try. How much more sensitive do you have to be than a thousandth the diameter of a proton to detect stuff that happened at the Big Bang? So it sort of depends on exactly which theory of the universe's history you follow. But if you take the most standard theory of what's
Starting point is 00:16:35 called slow roll inflation, it's about a factor of a million. It's a big factor. So a millionth of a thousandth of the diameter of a proton. Yes, but like I said, that's the most conservative version. I have a question. What are you guys talking about? All right, so wait. I'll catch up with you there in a second. But I'm on a roll now. What is it about the Big Bang that you would be detecting? So what we really would be detecting are gravitational waves
Starting point is 00:17:17 from the very early universe, which should have been around because space-time had quantum fluctuations on it so all of space-time itself was ever so slightly popcorny or Ripley and those ripples as early initial ripples grew with the expansion of the universe and they would have a signature they would have a signature because just to be clear space-time would have these ripples because the entire universe would have these quantum ripples because the entire universe was the size of quantum phenomenon at the very early universe.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yes, and then it grew. And so quantum physics, the physics of the small, normally separate and distinct in our experience from the physics of the large, now influences the physics of the large, because the large is small. Yes. I think the worst part is I followed that. I heard popcorn and then just... When I leave here I'm going to explain it to cats and they're going to get it. I think I got it.
Starting point is 00:18:30 leave here I'm gonna explain it to cats and they're gonna get it so just to be clear why it is from the Big Bang at all if the Big Bang happened 14 billion years ago we can detect it because because as we look out in space, we look back in time. And as you look 14 billion light years away, you are seeing objects being born at the beginning of the universe. And at a billion years from now, that horizon will be another billion years farther away from us. That stuff is now a billion years old. You'll see that boundary of objects being born.
Starting point is 00:19:09 So we should start looking now. As long as there are always matter being washed over by our expanding horizon, you will always see evidence of the birth of the universe. And it's a profound fact. I see. Unless— And it's a profound fact. I get that. You get that?
Starting point is 00:19:28 I do. I get it. But it's a profound—it's like, holy shit. It's like, the timeline of the universe is being laid bare in front of us in every instant of every day. And the spooky part would be the day the signature of the Big Bang disappears, because that would mean our horizon has washed over the last bastion of matter forming in this universe. And it goes into oblivion. And cosmology as we know it would end. But then what?
Starting point is 00:20:05 What is there then? I have no idea. And you think that's like something that happened in a few billion years or a hundred billion years? Oh no! Do you have a guess? Your guess is pretty good. There are some guesses.
Starting point is 00:20:16 The size of the actual universe beyond the horizon. If you're at a ship and you see your horizon, that's not the edge of the ocean. You know this. All right? You could like move and you see more of the ocean coming in. So our horizon is forced upon us because light does not travel infinitely fast. Because there's a place where the light is still just reaching us
Starting point is 00:20:39 from stuff that was born 14 billion years ago. Well, here's a problem with that story in the future, is if the universe is accelerating, that means the expansion is getting faster and faster in the future, which is actually what we see happening. Our universe right now is not only expanding, the expansion is getting faster. There will become a point in the future, if it continues like this,
Starting point is 00:21:00 where not even light can outrace the expansion of the cosmos. And even if there is matter out there, even if the universe is infinite and the Big Bang happened infinitely everywhere, there will come a point where the light can't make it to us and the sky will go dark. For how long? I'm always a bit of a downer at this.
Starting point is 00:21:18 You mean the sun will go dark? Well, this is, you know, our sun is not expanding with the expansion of the universe. Thank goodness. So you know the Woody Allen line? He won't do his homework because he's worried that the universe is expanding and his mom's like, you live in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is not expanding.
Starting point is 00:21:35 So Brooklyn's not expanding and neither is the sun and neither is the solar system. Yeah. Okay, so she described a terrifyingly factually accurate future. Because dark energy is not only an expanding universe, but it's an accelerating universe.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And the idea that galaxies at the edge of our horizon who send light in our direction, that light will never reach us because the fabric of the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. So it cannot overtake the expansion. The universe will start blinking off one by one. I got it. Until the night sky has no light in it whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Oh. But that's in like... That will be the end of astronomy. The end of cosmology. The end of any attempt to understand anything beyond the events of Earth's surface. But then couldn't something else happen? What's that? But then couldn't something else happen?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Something else could happen. The dark energy could evaporate and the whole thing could start to slow down and we'd start to see the galaxies. Yay! Or came back. Or, what's a little more terrifying, I've read this. Janet, you got to help me out here, that we do not know how elastic space actually is. So that if the dark energy forces this acceleration on our expansion to some breaking point,
Starting point is 00:23:00 maybe the fabric of the universe will rip instead of expand. And what would that rip look like? I mean, it might look like a quantum event where stuff is being created. So it's kind of like little mini Big Bangs almost, like you're just tearing the fabric of space-time and quantum particles are being created in this big rip. You sound like you just made that up in this moment. I'm not telling. How would you know?
Starting point is 00:23:23 This would happen in like 2040. Well, here's the reassuring bit is that the future is much longer than the past. So we look back to the Big Bang and it's about 13.8 billion years ago. The future is like... Trillions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Google Plex, is that a thing? That's a number. It's a really big number. Yeah. Of years. Roughly, easily that many years in the future even if we keep going exactly as we have to clarify Another universe well, I have to clarify okay our son will not live that long well. We'll go somewhere else I'm going to freeze myself and put it in a robot. How long will our son live the son? we got about another five billion years on the sun. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're good. We're going to collide with Andromeda before then, right? No, about the same time. About the same time. Oh, good. Striking. Have you picked out an outfit? So let me get back to Nergis here.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Nergis, a lot of frontier engineering occurred to make this detection. Are there any obvious or not so obvious spin-offs that the public can look forward to? Yeah, so, I mean, I think... Home gravitation wave detectors. Absolutely. When you make a measurement at the level of 10 to the minus 18 meters, something good should come out of it. Yeah, I'm thinking. So, I think the two main
Starting point is 00:24:46 technologies involved are our lasers if people wanted to make your own gravitational detectors there's really only two things you have to do right you have to make mirrors that are really really still that means you have to isolate them from all the vibrations of the ground so vibration isolation systems and then once you've done that, you actually need something that helps you measure those tiny motions, and that's the laser light. Oh, not the ruler. You know, the laser light.
Starting point is 00:25:13 He wants the stapled ruler here. Yeah, but you know, I'll tell you something really fun, Michael. The laser light is our ruler. The wavelength of the light acts like the tick marks on the ruler for us. So it is actually acting in the same way. It is a ruler, really. It's a space ruler, Michael.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It's a light ruler. A light ruler, a quantum light ruler. But tell me about the spin. I mean, surely there's something that's going to come out of this. Yeah, so I mean, so the laser that we, the laser that was developed in university labs initially for LIGO eventually became a commercial product you if in your lab could buy one and so that was a spin-off of companies started what would you do with it you would do other experiments and measuring atoms for example okay or I mean you know you
Starting point is 00:26:00 could you know the kind of thing you like to do. Yeah, yeah. Cooking and measuring atoms. I have my hobbies. I'm just thinking if I can make a sandwich with it, I want it. You have very low needs in this world. If you wanted a sandwich that sat really, really still, didn't go anywhere, I know how to do it for you. Okay, great. I'll paraphrase Carl Sagan when he says, if you want to make a sandwich, you start with the Big Bang.
Starting point is 00:26:32 It's true. I start with mustard. That was 13.8 billion years later. Yeah, you need your basic ingredients first. Okay, I hear you. That's all I'm saying. Which for me is mustard, rye bread. So we've got to try to land this plane here.
Starting point is 00:26:54 So what's the... Nergis, what's the future of gravitational wave astronomy? Okay, so I think we're going to continue taking the sensitivity, improving the sensitivity of the detectors. We have... How many more powers of 10 sensitive can you get? I think powers of 10 are going to be hard in LIGO, in these four kilometer long facilities.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I think we can probably do maybe another factor of three, five, maybe we'll eke out 10 over the next 10, 15 years, but not more than that, not powers of ten. I think personally the next big news from gravitational wave detectors is going to be something like gravitational wave detectors measure a signal and scientists have no idea what it is. That's what I want. I want to stare at something and say I have no freaking idea what I'm looking at. That's a beautiful day in science. Exactly, and that, I think, will happen
Starting point is 00:27:50 for the same reason you said it. It's happened with every telescope we've ever turned on. Contrary to what journalists report, they'll say, oh, scientists are, they have to go back to the drawing board, they're befuddled as though that's a state of mind that we somehow want to resist. In fact, we seek out befuddlement,
Starting point is 00:28:08 because out of befuddlement comes discovery. Janet, what's next up for you? Well, I think you're exactly right, and I know you were trying to get at this earlier. I mean, we're going to keep working on the things that we know we understand, like the black hole collisions and this. It's going to be very exciting. But already, everyone's getting greedy for what is out there that we've never detected
Starting point is 00:28:34 before. And we know that the universe is made of a significant amount of dark matter, which is just a proxy for something we don't know, a significant amount of dark energy, another proxy for what we don't know, a significant amount of dark energy, another proxy for what we don't know, the stuff that makes up this room, and everything every telescope has ever detected in the history of the universe is less than 4% of what's out there.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And so this is an opportunity to detect dark stuff, the dark side of the universe. And so I would be... The dark side. I don't think I can do that. Here, I'll give you a space. We want to detect. The dark side of the universe. And that's going to be the thrill. Exactly what you were getting at earlier, what is out there that we haven't even thought of before? So that's curious. What you're saying is that we've been blind because we've only been seeing the light.
Starting point is 00:29:28 There you go. Ooh. Ooh, I got a nod from... So do you have any concluding, reflecting thoughts on what just happened? Oh, I mean, fascinating stuff. Fascinating and perplexing and just glad that my children won't be around when we crash into Andromeda. Apparently. Yeah, unless you freeze them and then you thaw them out in time for it.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yeah, actually, it'll be a visual spectacle, but probably Earth will be safe. You'll have much more to worry about with regard to the end of the sun. Right, but that's also not coming for a little while. Yeah, five billion years, right. But they'll happen around the same time. But when the sun ends, it will expand so large that it will engulf the entire orbits of Mercury, Venus and Earth. And Earth will be a charred ember spiraling down into the center of this crucible that we call the Sun's nucleus.
Starting point is 00:30:37 By then Earth will have vaporized after the oceans would have come to a rolling boil and evaporated into the atmosphere. And I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that. And the atmosphere would have itself come to a rolling boil and evaporated into space before Earth itself vaporizes. That's fine. So have a nice day. Can we save the sun? Would that... If we blow on it?
Starting point is 00:30:59 If we blow on it... I think our power to travel to other solar systems might be greater than the need to have to save our sun by then, is my suspicion. Sounds good. Yeah. So, Eugene, do you have any reflections? Oh, boy. Yeah, I mean, I guess I'm very curious about the 96% of the universe we haven't seen.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So I'm very excited to learn a little bit more about that. Yeah, okay, cool. that. Yeah, okay, cool. Yeah, we're in a field where we're actually I don't want to call it proudly ignorant, but we're bluntly we're frank about what we don't know, and it keeps us all humble on this
Starting point is 00:31:37 frontier of search. If I can offer some reflections on this. You know, I didn't know until I saw the notes prepared for this what LIGO cost over all those years. You added up taxpayer money, more than a billion dollars. Some of it's Italian taxpayers? Well, mostly, yeah, okay. Taxpayer money went in to detect the collision of black holes and for many people it's your tax
Starting point is 00:32:10 money and you didn't even know it or you didn't explicitly vote for money that would be allocated to the National Science Foundation which is the principal funder of this and so some will say a billion dollars we have problems here that we need solved. And I reflect on this just briefly. NASA is way more expensive than that. We're talking about a billion dollars over
Starting point is 00:32:36 30 years? Divide that out! That's the annual hit to the budget of the United States. NASA's budget is nearly 20 billion dollars a year. So, ground-based experiments only really get super expensive if you put them in space. That's where the real costs are. Now, to put that in context, take LIGO, a billion dollars spread over 25 years.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Take the NASA budget, 20 billion dollars in a year. Go take them both. Add them up. Fine, fine. Let's do that. And you know what you get? You get one half of 1 percent of your tax dollar That's what you get That's that's the hit to your tax dollar when I hear people say why are we spending all this money at all?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Why am I and I and I'm thinking? How much money do you think it actually is? And then they say I think you're spending probably 10% of my tax, 20%. What a testament it is that NASA can spend one half of 1% of your dollar. The NSF can spend a thousandth of that on your tax dollar. Have the results be so visible, you think it's 10% of the tax dollar. you think it's 10% of the tax dollar. I wanted to start a movement where federal agencies got an allocation of the tax dollar equal to what people thought they were getting.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So, I'll leave you with a thought. Whatever this costs, however much you think the money maybe should have gone somewhere else, okay, in a free country you have that right. I'm not going to even stop you from that right. But at the end of the day, I would pose you the question. That question is, how much is the universe worth to you? Thank you all for coming. Star Talk! Count Basie Theater! So let's start, yes, right over here
Starting point is 00:35:12 Hi, my name is Maria, I'm a senior at Point Beach When you were talking about black holes earlier You mentioned how light and all particles can fall in but never out And how the temperatures inside increasingly get hotter and hotter To seemingly no end. So given the theory that the Big Bang could have been, you know, was just a giant explosion, presumably it would have taken many, many, you know, thousands of degrees to make the Big Bang happen.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Is it possible that within a black hole some sort of Big Bang could happen and an entirely new universe could be created in which life could theoretically exist one day? Woo! Woo! Do you wanna try this? Oh, geez. Do you want me to try this? Man, you're blessed after that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Isn't the answer just yes? Yes. Thank you. Yes. Okay, next. I was gonna guess that. Now I regret it. I think that's a yes.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Yeah, I mean, we really don't understand. We don't know that black holes are getting hotter or anything like that in the interior, but we do know that the singularity conversation that we had earlier is a lot like how we talk about the Big Bang. The Big Bang seemed to be some kind of singularity, and that's not what we think will be the ultimate story. We think that as we understand quantum gravity,
Starting point is 00:36:28 the idea that space-time itself can have quantum properties and fluctuate, when we understand that the singularity will go away, but the idea that the interior of a black hole is very similar to the Big Bang will not go away, presumably. So, yes, I mean, it is conceivable. That's why we think that although the black hole might be 200 kilometers on the outside, it could be as big as an entire universe on the inside. I will add that if you ask, if you look at all the mass in the universe and ask,
Starting point is 00:36:55 what size black hole would that much mass make? That black hole is the size of the universe. And our horizon would be the mathematical equivalent of the event horizon of a black hole Wow Mr.. Tyson you're my hero We've got a lot of people online Let's see if we can do like a lightning round Q&A here okay see how many people we can get through and we got Like a few more minutes work, okay? Okay, okay. Yes, go.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I'll make it quick. Why do gravitational waves travel at the speed of light? Go. Why? That's actually a prediction in Einstein's theory of general relativity. There are other theories of gravity where that would not have to be true, and in fact, that's one of the things we can test with our signals. Good. Next. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So if it requires an infinite amount of energy to reach the speed of light and the universe is eventually going to be expanding faster than light, how does that work? And is it going to create new energy? Yeah, we got this. Janet? So the fact that space-time is expanding faster than the speed of light does not violate the principle that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light,
Starting point is 00:38:11 because no information is propagating faster than the speed of light. It's really, that's the reason why you simply won't see other signals, because they can't outrace the expansion of the universe. So it really doesn't require, oddly, as much energy as you would think to make the universe expand faster than the speed of light. You can't make a particle do it, but you can make space-time do it. Right. So in other words, the fabric of space
Starting point is 00:38:32 can stretch faster than the speed of light, but you cannot move within that fabric of space faster than light. Thank you. All right. Yes, right here. My name's Eileen. I'm a junior at Rutgers. My question is, what adaptations will have to be made to the detector in order to get it into orbit? Yeah, so that's not a short answer. Okay, next. But the idea is really just that you're really putting three mirrors out in space. But first, you don't have to create a vacuum,
Starting point is 00:39:05 because space is already- Space is as- You get the vacuum for free. It's a little easier. Okay, now go on. So you put three spacecraft out in space. They're spaced by five million kilometers, so that's a triangle.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And each spacecraft has a mirror and a laser on board. And so you're shooting a laser beam from one spacecraft to the other where it's received and you do that in a pairwise across all of these three combinations. And then the wave comes by? And the wave comes by and then the spacecraft just should change the distances between the spacecraft and that should make the light travel time longer or shorter. And so the challenge is there are just that these spacecraft are kind of floating in space
Starting point is 00:39:48 independent of each other. And how do you keep the distances between them still enough that when the gravitational wave comes by, you measure that? Cool. Next, over here. Yeah. Hi, I'm Mike from Friel.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I was kind of curious. And what high school do you go to? No. A little past that. A little past that. All right. real? I was kind of curious. And what high school do you go to? A little past that. A little past that, alright. I was kind of curious about how far away were the black holes spinning from each other when you
Starting point is 00:40:14 first detected them? Yeah. Like you saw them like when they collided, like how far when they started to when they... It's a great question. Presumably those two black holes were formed as dead stars maybe billions of years ago they were very widely separated they were emitting extremely quiet gravitational waves which caused them to spiral inward so it could have been billions of years or hundreds of millions of years at
Starting point is 00:40:37 least that they were doing this so those gravitational waves were passing over the earth this whole time incredibly quietly and it wasn't until the final 200 milliseconds, when they were only a few hundred kilometers apart, orbiting each other near the speed of light, that it got loud enough to ring the detectors. And in fact, how much energy was released in that last fraction of a second? 10 to the 49 watts. Okay, 10 to the 49, anything is big. Trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion.
Starting point is 00:41:08 A squillion watts. Okay, so... Brighter than all the... Is that a lot or a little? No, no, no. It's brighter than all the shining stars in the universe for that brief instant. Oh, so that's a lot. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It's the most powerful event we've detected since the Big Bang. Yes, sir. Hi. Ben from Ocean Township. All right. Everything I've seen is explanations about the formations of stars, planets, the matter within the universe. But where did the space that everything goes in come from? Janet.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Where did the infinite space come from? We got this. Janet. I got Janet. Why do you think I got her on stage? Go. Where do you get the space from? Janet. Where did the infinite space come from? We got this. I got Janet. Why do you think I got her on stage? Where do you get the space from? This is a not entirely understood question. When I first started learning about the Big Bang, we learned things like the universe simply didn't exist. No space, no time. The Big Bang was the creation of the space and time that we call our universe in this quantum event that we don't fully understand, in fairness. But it could have been instantaneously infinite
Starting point is 00:42:11 when the universe was created. Or it could be that the universe, like the Earth, is finite in size, that if we travel, like, in a straight line away from the Earth, we're eventually going to come back to where we started. And that is a real possibility. But the more we understand pushing beyond Einstein's theory, the more we think maybe space-time is this lumpy surface, and our Big Bang is simply one area that kind of caught fire, became a Big Bang, and looks like an entire universe. But it's certainly not the first time or the last time it has happened. And there might be an infinite number of universes out there. This is a kind of the multiverse. The multiverse idea. A kind of the multiverse. The multiverse idea.
Starting point is 00:42:45 A version of the multiverse. Yeah, so the answer is we don't really know. Oh yeah, so we don't know. That's the answer. That's the answer. Yeah. That would have been faster. Yeah, yeah, it would have been faster.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I admit that would have been faster. If you go straight to that, it would have been totally... Yes, right here. Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm a junior at Lacey High School. And I was wondering, you guys were talking about how the black holes were spinning in like fractions of a second at a time and how there was more and more gravitational waves being created.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Is it possible that the ripples and the intensity of those ripples caused by the orbit of those black holes would actually cause a like a rip in space time and would that be possible or... Jana. Oh. Nargis? No, I think Jana should take this. Showalter? I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I'll take it. That's a really... Because this was a serious disturbance. It was a serious disturbance yet the black holes are so big that in some sense the while the power is huge the sort of the the gravitational waves themselves are not energetic enough to do what you're describing however you might ask if something more catastrophic could happen if you actually weirdly made the black holes really tiny, which is kind of a confusing difference.
Starting point is 00:44:11 The smaller the black hole, sometimes the more intense the gravity. So we worry about things like black holes exploding from Hawking radiation and things like this as the smaller they get, not the bigger they are. So we don't expect to see something like that in astrophysics. Big objects. So you're worried about the universe ripping itself in part.
Starting point is 00:44:30 She doesn't think that'll happen. Yeah. Like when they turned on the Large Hadron Collider, we were pretty sure we weren't going to make any black holes. But there was a really cool video, a YouTube video of the parking lot outside of the Large Hadron Collider. Falling into a black hole. And they had a countdown clock to when they turned on the collider.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And when they turned it on, all the cars fell into a black hole. It was very cool. Yes, over here. Hi, my name is Nicholas, and I'm in third grade, and I'm from Sayville, New Jersey. Wow, that's cool. You're in third grade? Yeah. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Is this past your bedtime? It's past my bedtime. Wow, that's cool. You were in third grade? Yeah. Wait, wait. Is this past your bedtime? Because it's past my bedtime. That's what I tell. Well, thanks for coming out for this. My god, thanks. You like science and the universe and everything? Yeah. OK, so do we.
Starting point is 00:45:18 So very cool. OK, so what's up? I hope you get extra credit for this in your science class. Yeah. All right, good. I was wondering if the placement of the detectors is strategic. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Ooh. So there. You just got into fourth grade. Fourth grade? Ninth grade. OK, so explain the placement of the detectors. So that's a great question. So there are two detectors,
Starting point is 00:45:48 and the best thing you could do if you have two detectors is to put them as far apart as possible. And what that does is two things. First thing it does is it keeps all the different noises that could be correlated between them, that could be the same in both detectors. It kind of makes that very hard when there are thousands of miles apart so that's the first thing that you want to do you want to keep them far apart
Starting point is 00:46:10 because of that reason the other reason you want to keep them apart is one of the things we haven't talked about is gravitational wave detectors are kind of like our ears in another way which is that they're not very directionally sensitive so if you hear a sound you can kind of tell it came from this side of the room or that side of the room but you can't tell exactly where it came from and they're kind of like that so the further apart you put them the more precision you have in reconstructing where the black holes in the sky were is that like a triangulation triangulation is the word for it I was I was trying to avoid that for the third grade but I think you
Starting point is 00:46:43 think you will know what triangulation is? He just asked you about strategic placement of LIGO. Use the damn word. Triangulation. We got that? Okay. So, but that's for two detectors, but other detectors coming online around the world? Yeah, so there's one in Europe that should be on at the end of this year, maybe early next year.
Starting point is 00:47:09 There's one under construction in Japan. There's another one that's planned and it should begin construction in India. So eventually in the next five to ten years, there will be multiple detectors. What that allows us to do is if you triangulate with multiple detectors, you can localize the source on the sky more precisely. That's the goal. And then maybe put your telescopes on it, but they probably won't see anything because we're detecting black stuff. For black holes, they won't see anything. But if you were to observe a pair of neutron stars colliding with each other, those should actually give off a flash of light.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And so we should be able to see that. Very cool. So this thought given into not only the engineering, but the placement on Earth and around the globe. That was an awesome question. Thank you. Yes, indeed. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been StarTalk right here in the Count Basie Theater.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I want to thank you all for coming out tonight and helping us make our show. Thank you all, and thank you to the panel.

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