Stavvy's World - Bonus #61 - Gabby Bryan and Stef Dag [PATREON PREVIEW]

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at Gabby Bryan and Stef Dag join the pod to discuss Hillary Clinton getting farted on, fake college majors, Fifty Shades of Gr...ey, Twilight, and much more. Gabby, Stef and Stav help callers including a man who's bummed out that his favorite massage parlor has gone legit, and a couple who wants to know how to let their kink-curious couple friends down easy. Follow Gabby Bryan on social media: Follow Stef Dag on social media: Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, I went to a school where I made up my own major so this feels that's better or structure. Yeah Yeah, no, that's such bullshit your major What was your major like relax? Yeah fix your body your body language Really came at me for that twilight. Well, you were clearly lying All right, look we'll pause the podcast you can go watch Twilight and then we'll come back and do it Okay, so what was the major my major was called awareness and troublemaking I'm sorry awareness is a joke. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, you're actually somehow the more educated one of the two
Starting point is 00:00:51 Oh, I'm sorry awareness in trouble making and trouble The concept of awareness and the concept of trouble We're gonna have some trouble to that what the fuck who that even mean what were you going for please give me an explanation I so I when I
Starting point is 00:01:16 got to college that sounds like this pussy grabs back the major that's what it's the movie tees it's the movie tees it's the movie tees This pussy grabs back the major What was your did you have like a capstone like A thesis and it was kind of about John Stewart They really they need to go to jail whoever let you do that they literally robbed you of so much money Have an A&W You were actually cool. I actually really liked it. Actually, you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I really liked it. Yeah. Have an A and W. Relax. Stay awhile. Chill out. You're fine. Get up.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Get up. That's awesome. That's fucking hilarious. What was your point about John Stewart? Like, what was the essay saying? Well, the New York Times called John Stewart the most trusted man in America. And Trump was getting voted.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I made this argument that comedians and politicians were switching places and so people were turning to SNL for like political opinions but then like Trump was like a comedian and roast comedian killing every show. Oh my god. I miss his sets. We were roommates at the time in this apartment and we literally would fire it. We'd be like, dude, Trump's on. Let's fucking just get high and watch Trump call somebody gay.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Like, it was awesome. It was so funny. He was magical. I don't think he quite has the juice he did then, but the field is so weak that I think he's still comparatively still as strong because- He still can whip out a really funny nickname like that, like it's so impressive. The way he calls everyone a lesbian, I think we need to bring that back into the business.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Does he do that? Yeah. Well just, yeah, who, Nikki Haley, is he calling her a lesbian? No, they dropped out so he's sweet on them again. Oh, okay, nice. And Ronnie DeSantis. Yeah, Ron was awesome, that guy's.
Starting point is 00:03:22 He's sweet on them. That guy's a funny way of describing that. He's all sweet on them. Meet Bol Ron. I'm not up to his... Yeah, Ron was awesome. He's sweet on them. He's a funny way of describing them. He's so sweet on them. Meet Bol Ron. I'm not up to date at all. I don't even know who's Ron. That's okay. Don't worry about it. We're not done with her major.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Don't worry. We're gonna get back at it. I have to fucking get extended in the red. So like what was a couple, what were a couple classes? Like what, you didn't, surely you didn't get to just make the classes up too. Well I did make up some classes. Okay. There was, I took a lot of... How do you populate those classes? Like what you didn't surely you didn't get to just make the classes up to you
Starting point is 00:03:53 Listen I took a lot of film classes a lot of documentary classes I wanted to be like a Funny performance artists like prankster. I wanted to like show up in Congress and like throw Maria Brahmavich but funny right get this I thought that was and then I like I see I see where I would like read like Ancient Greek satire and oh to get your base to get my base from Listen, okay, so the trouble-making Somehow is coming through what exactly did you mean by awareness then? That's a good point. Because trouble making I like.
Starting point is 00:04:29 So the awareness is interesting because that word stuck with me through variations of the major. So I did one month of marine biology. I did one semester of film marketing. That's awesome. At one point I did macroeconomics for a few weeks and awareness seemed to stay in all those major names.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Right, right. So I think I just really liked that word. Man, they really shouldn't let like 18 year olds decide shit like this. You thought it was such a cool word. I was, yeah, I was just like, I mean all these majors are about being aware of the thing. Yeah. But other people in my school majored in the color purple, the concept of evil, like medieval basket weaving.
Starting point is 00:05:08 There was like crazy shit going on in my mind. That last one makes sense to me. The medieval basket weaving. I think actually all three are, in no disrespect, more valid than, like, at least I could see how that could be. I could see what they're studying. I am having a hard time getting my... I think trouble making is cool. Yeah. Awareness is the problem. I could see what they're studying. I am having a hard time getting my trouble.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I think trouble making is cool. Awareness is the problem. Yes, comedians. I'm still stuck on marine biology. Was it awareness of marine biology? Yeah, it was making people aware of the problems in the ocean, ocean conservatory. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Conservation. You see how even though that is what the majors are, in the ocean, ocean conservatory. What did you do everything to conserve? You see how, you see how even though that is what the majors are, none of them have it in the title though, right? You could have just done troublemaking. Yeah, but I didn't want to take, like I wanted to be like a marine biologist.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I didn't want to take any of the biology classes. I wanted to be more like the theory of being aware of marine biology. That's fucking awesome. So, that's so cool. I was sort of orbiting around all these ideas. I love that. And look, you know what, if I had the opportunity to like not real, it's like I'm sort of
Starting point is 00:06:11 interested in something, but I don't want to do any of the hard classes. That's it. That's basically what you're talking about. I did that for four years. Pretty fun. It has zero expertise in anything. Nope. But I probably had a good time.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And I'm doing neither to you guys. Of course not. But we never claimed to. Right. And I didn't spend, I'm gonna say, what, 200 and. Well I got it, I got it. 250,000 dollars. I got a full scholarship, I got a full scholarship.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Oh, that's why, I'm randomly spending my dollars. And poor, and poor. Smart and poor is a perfect combination. Such a good combination for NWU. I'm back in then, if you didn't have to pay for this. No, if I had to pay for it, I would have, you know, gotten a PR degree. For that?
Starting point is 00:06:42 Come on.

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