Stavvy's World - Bonus #81 - Live Call Show Vol. 12 w/ Matteo Lane [PATREON PREVIEW]

Episode Date: June 20, 2024

Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at Matteo Lane, beloved friend of the pod, returns to Stavvy’s World for a very special live call episode!! Matteo and Stav ...impart their wisdom directly to callers LIVE ON AIR – including a man who’s concerned his girly first-grade son is gonna get bullied, a woman dating a man who has hooked up with his cousin, a father who wants to educate his son on being uncircumcised, and much more. Watch Matteo Lane’s The Advice Special 3 out now:  Follow Matteo Lane on social media:    If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken. Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, can you guys hear me? Yes. How you doing, Sandy? Doing great. Super excited to talk to you guys. Especially Mr. Mateo. Hey, especially the fuck. What am I chopped liver, Sandy? You know, it's part of my world every week. Oh, I know. He's here for a reason. And Sandy's defense, too. I remember like a month ago, she was like on for two and a half hours
Starting point is 00:00:22 and we couldn't get to your car. I'm sorry, Sandy. You for your patience and glad to have you. that's an eldest issue. That's not me I'm sure he put on some fucking idiot that took too long to get to his question So just take it out on him not me, but we're happy to talk to you And yes what your reward is to be second on the Mateo episode so what's a what a blessing? Thank you boys What's what's troubling you my friend all right, so so I've been having this kind of situationship going on For honestly, it's been
Starting point is 00:00:51 Close to two years now Kind of on and off we lose touch get back in touch Initially the first reason why we kind of stopped talking or I distanced myself was because he fucked his cousin. Hold on. He fucked me about it. So that was a little bit of a hard pill to swallow. What the fuck? Sandy, you're gonna have to fucking rewind, sister.
Starting point is 00:01:19 So we kind of found the bond. We're not hearing anything you're saying over my raucous laughter. So you're gonna have to give us a second here and kind of explain yourself. This show went from Star Wars to Ricky Lake in like 0.3 seconds. And the casualness of Sandy being like,
Starting point is 00:01:39 look, we've had some ups and downs in this situation. By the way, that was initially why she, so she went back after the cousin fucking came to light Okay now complain. He leaves laundry out And you you're mad about it. He fucked his cousin Yeah, we would break up every year right around his family reunion He just wanted to be single for that the way way other people break up on spring break, this motherfucker breaks up before Thanksgiving to fuck his cousin. Anyway, all right.
Starting point is 00:02:11 OK, sorry, Sandy. Because it's quite so we're going to we're going to let you start over. Yes. He fucked his cousin. So he's he's kind of an emotional wreck. So we both kind of bond over. We're part of the dead parents club. Okay. So both of us.
Starting point is 00:02:29 He's really looking to strengthen his relationship with the rest of his family. Okay, sorry, I'm going to stop roasting this situation. It's hard though. So yes, you bonded. Okay, so we bonded. He was kind of going through some issues, obviously. He had been laid off from his job, kind of still like reeling from his grief, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:02:54 His cousin and aunts, they are first cousins, but they don't see each other often. Apparently she just, you know, made it very clear that he's very aware that she was down to the bed. I can't believe he brought the cousin up again! No, no, we need to know about it, absolutely. I think Sadie's kind of winding up to the cousin thing. Well, to my understanding, they didn't actually have penetrative sex, but he did eat her out.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Oh! That might be worse! They didn't actually have penetrative sex, but he did eat her out Was he an adult when this happened or they first cousin Yes, yes in his 30s you said first cousin yes yes in his 30s you said yeah there's it's just honestly if you're gonna do something like that don't tell me about it something you yeah you take to your grave like I don't need to be knowing all this that's fucking wild yeah so the thing is is we've hooked up since then. It was not a deal breaker for me, but it wasn't it. What we're going to find out. Sandy's life's got to be all kinds of fucked up here.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Breaker. Yeah. If this guy's like, by the way, I hate my cousin's pussy. So what do you want to get pizza? So what do you want to get pizza? So what do you think? Should we watch American fiction tonight? I've been putting it off for a while. I've been saving it to watch it with you. Okay, so the damn.
Starting point is 00:04:36 So you guys were on again off again thing. He yeah, and one of the's he engages in some oral What's it called? What's in some oral incest and then you guys come back. This is about a year into your little situation What are we talking? Yeah? Yeah, we were like We were like speaking to each other at the time. He was you know partaking in this type of situation and that was kind of You know, this is was this a one-time thing. This isn't healthy And then of course he reaches out months later
Starting point is 00:05:12 You know sad boy type situation and I fall back into the clutches of all of this sure So another issue which is now why I've kind of distanced myself again. Okay. Um, distance, join the witness protection program. So he, um, he likes to like fool around with guys, which not a problem for me. I think it's, it's kind of part of a fantasy of mine and we have partaking in like pegging it's been really fun and pretty hot to do that with him which is probably why I caught him a lot of slack because you know
Starting point is 00:05:56 this is like a fun thing that most guys won't let me do to them sure so sure she's got that open hole sometimes you you gotta take the good with the bad. He has it all awakened. The only fucking guy in the ass, he gotta be okay with him, you know, doing some incest. By the way, this is what, like, homophobes think gay men are. They think they're, well, you know, they're freaks that eat their cousin's pussies and get fucked in the ass by girls. I'll tell you what, them guys gonna eat his cousin's pussy and then take a fucking dildo up his ass. Ain't nothing right living in this country.
Starting point is 00:06:34 OK, sorry. This is awesome, Sandy. So all right. So, yeah, we get we've all been in a situation ship where it's like, I know not like this. Listen, yes, not. OK, but the problem has been, we live in the same city, okay? Like, there's not any, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:52 distance constraints, I work a pretty normal weekly job. He works at a, like, a retail job, whatever. There's time that we can, like, hang out, but he's, like, a big camper, and recently he's been doing like some broke back mountain shit and going on these camping expeditions with guys and they all just like fool around.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Cool. And fun to hear about, but I'm kind of getting just like upset that first of all, I'm not included. Secondly, like, why can't we enjoy more time together? Sandy, you're here? Doing our thing. Rather than- At what point did you hear yourself?
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, I mean, it's true. You should read back the transcript. At what point are you gonna be like, you know, I'm gonna move on. Yeah. There's a little- I did do that. You guys would be proud of me.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I did do that a few weeks ago. Oh, there we go. We are proud of you. I did do that a few weeks ago. Oh, there we go. We are proud of you. If this is going to be a friends with benefits situation, I need more benefits. Like, this is, I'm just like emotionally giving too much here and we take our claps back because you're not, you haven't moved on.
Starting point is 00:07:58 If you're even talking about friends with benefits, it's over. This guy's not it for you. You know what I mean? Like, yes. Would it be, you clearly have a fantasy. and the point I was gonna say earlier Mateo was we've all been in a situation ship where all The it all because of the sex you let a lot of stuff go I don't know if I've ever let incest fly
Starting point is 00:08:21 I don't know if I've ever let grief stricken Cous cousin pussy eating fly on my behalf, but hey, to each his own, right? But we've all been there and you're clearly in this position where he checks a lot of boxes for you, right? And sexually anyway. But you've come to the point now, at least I hope you have where it's like look, it's not gonna happen You had a nice time. It sucks because we've all I've definitely thought many times like I find you I wasn't gonna fuck her again. I would have tried that one thing You know what I mean? And there you're gonna live with the regret of not that is the benefit of being gay is I we do
Starting point is 00:09:01 We just do it and then Yeah, you just texted me by the way my biggest regrets like I should have remembered his name being gay is we just do it and then afterwards. You know? Yeah, you just texted me. By the way, now that- My biggest regret is like I should've remembered his name. Like that's the only regret that we have. Yeah, so yeah, look, you just gotta let this completely go. There's no, he clearly doesn't,
Starting point is 00:09:21 like let's throw all the insane shit. You've said out right which there is Let's just say a lot of right and let's just put this in the most basic terms You were casually dating someone who doesn't make time for you Who doesn't include who you're okay with if they hook up with other people? But doesn't even like ink doesn't hook up with you as much as you want, even on the most base friends with benefits situation, he doesn't fulfill your needs really. He's not there emotionally or sexually for you. And now we can fold in back some of the other shit
Starting point is 00:09:54 where it's like. He ate his cousin's pussy. He ate his cousin's pussy. He ate his cousin's pussy. He ate his cousin's pussy. He ate his cousin's pussy. So it's just like. I don't know if anyone needs to hear that again.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah. But that's a glaring problem. I don't know how he even moved. The fact that he ate his cousin's pussy and you're like, I just wish he wouldn't camp with his friends anymore. Bitch, we have a glaring issue. He's just spending too-
Starting point is 00:10:22 And she opened with it. That's awesome.

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