Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 148

Episode Date: September 21, 2023

Chapter 148 - Flug. It's 5.50ish on 20th September and it's piffing down, but stone clears must clear. Richard mourns the cairn that has gone flat, but vows to rebuild and measures the angle of the and moans about wetting his trousers, but his advice about the stone diet and how to get net zero nice and quickly. Mainly by everyone following the stone diet.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone clearing with Richard Herring Right, hello my finest, our friends. Welcome, hello, welcome, he's excited. So you've tapped 148 to stone clearing. Keep it down, I it terrible for the dog. Um, the date she may be wondering, he's listening to some sign in the picture, is 20th of whatever month this is, whatever year this is, I think it's September 2023. It's currently 1749 in my fan's friends.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Can you put, put any credit it? It's evening.walking on an evening stone clear. It's still working. And it is a rain in, it's raining quite hard. It's not as hard as it was or dogs in the distance were going to see. Um, it was peeing down a minute ago. So I'm just taking this opportunity to get the dog out. But the real reason I'm here as you all know is my daily podcast of Stone Throong here 2023 every
Starting point is 00:01:46 single day this year. Some days it's been tough to get out here I have to say but surely now I've got this part to the end And I had some anxiety, but it's gone out of my head. I was just trying to think what it was. We're just heading up to this passage now. We'll see. Happens again. Now, I'm pretty sure there was a crop of wheat, as you know, in the field this year. It seemed to plant it another crop immediately, which seems good business sense. So there was no plowing in between, just scattered, having a nap, but there was no churning and taking everything up. So there is a thick, the stosh in is green with some kind of plant. You can probably hear the rain bashing on my A hole. Sorry, my window pane. In the Alfredo Mugakian, let's take a photo
Starting point is 00:02:57 of the Alfredo Mugakian. It's been flattened as we mentioned last month, I think it was a lump, I think it was. It doesn't look like much. It's a flat of cans, no can at all. Care for your cans, my friend. Care for your cans, care for John Cans. Care for Ken Kirchval. Oh, it's nasty out here. I've done a how long we're going to say out here, but doesn't matter, never man the weather. You got a stone clear. The wind make it, oh that was
Starting point is 00:03:34 good throw from a thrown one stone onto the Afro-Narmagah. It's disrespectful to my religion that someone is flattened the Afro-Narmagah, that I will build it up. I can rebuild it to make the worlds first by on it can. Oh, again a couple of nice throws there. The ground is very soft. The ground and the dough is dirty again. The soil is particularly dirty today. And clinging. You do have to remember how we put it? I didn't mean to call you weas, but you do weas. That's a good nickname. The white rain is coming in to slant. Almost 45 degrees to the perpendicular.
Starting point is 00:04:25 It's not particularly nice out here, I'm just going to use my Wellies kick the fuzzah! Stounds off the path. There's a nice grey off the pitch. Really hoping that we get the land churned up. I love that day when the land gets all churned up, new stones come underneath the ground to breathe the air to know they are close to rescue. If only has gallant stone clear and find them in time. Well, I can see something in there that seems like a stone. It's not a species paper. Disappointment there. I was doing a little bit of casual stone clearing in the next field along. I don't know, Rolce, I've done clearing, you know, that's actually Rural 1 of stone clearing in the next field along. There are no rules for stone clearing, you know, that's rule actually rule one of them. You have to be on the right. Rule two, you must clear the people you are clearing before you move on to any other field. I've broken that rule a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I'm average. Brian Bramble might do that, might be a that rule. Not Richard Herring. We've also made it be broken. That's rule three. It's not that good. In the Richard Herring rule book. It's written in by a hand.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Oh, I'm trying to get it in. No! It's a big bone, as you can hear. Usually I quite like being blown, but only when it's a picture of a slug there. Just a typical slug. I get it, yeah, of course I did. Phone get a bit wet though. And I don't know if it's still recording. Oh no. It is, I think it's still recording. Don't want to get this phone wet,
Starting point is 00:06:40 cause I've cracked the screen and I've already lost a watch to water damage. So the is going to stay in my pocket from now on I think and it stops recording so be it must be shall fuck me it's so horrible out here let your first knee walsh if we go poop if you want whether we'll get a we go poop if you want. Weather will get annoying, let's do some kicking. And now, well that's what's happened, I knew there was something that was going to tell you in the last month. Well, six weeks in now, and I knew healthy diet, it's not like a diet diet, it's just a new way of eating food,
Starting point is 00:07:26 no calorie counting, I've lost one stone, I've cleared a stone, you've heard this before, it's happened before, cold as well, that's quite, you know, you get wet and then you get cold, you're not really drister. square you know you can get wet and then you get cold and not really dressed. So I should be a lot fitter. You should hear me moving a lot less breathily, a lot quicker around the corner. I can tell you something, I'm not fucking going the long way around today. I can tell you that right now. We're getting back home as almost as soon as possible, but I could just turn around and go home now. I'm going where I'm going, but The dry myself out, maybe I'll light a little fire tonight. Maybe I will.
Starting point is 00:08:19 It's a cut, because rain. The stone gods are angry with me for some reason. I'm not going to have to do this because we have to. The stone gods are angry with me for some reason. But yeah, do try and stay fit. You can't, a man cannot live by stones alone. That's what Jesus said. A lot of stone clearers in those times were just filling their stomachs with stones. Again, again, against the rules of stone clearing. Rule one, no rules, rule two.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Stones may not be removed from the field entirely they must be put at the edge. So it's a rule I've broken, send a few curse stones out to now dead. This is podcast, you paid money, so be cursed. I picked up a nice caramel stone, that the size of the palm of Hermione's hand and that's going on to the can over in the corner here so I can find it some things to dump some grass on top of it but yeah there it is, the beer's day, that one's not been flattened out, shit, it's not that bad, it just goes from back to worse than it. That's been bad. Now, it just goes from back to worse, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:26 My chas is a sodden. And once it's not with my own urine. So yeah, what was I saying, cover them? Yeah, do you feel, oh, it will be no-no! I think it's chasing a small bird, ground bird there. Yeah, it wasn't going very fast and I thought it might actually go up the whole thing up like BFG. But the bird, source sense and blue, before it could be, detuned in the jaws of a gigantic
Starting point is 00:10:04 dog. Onwards we've pushed my friends, my fine friends, and the air game, some shielding from I think the rain is abating. I said abating. And we have got the head drop to our left of course as you'll know a couple of geese fly by up in the field or we'll if you can get them. And not much nice sounds along here just this mysterious crop, extra grass and maybe some peas, I've had a
Starting point is 00:10:46 pea, it's weird to plant two crops in a year, is that common sense? I don't know, what about leaving the field's fellow Mr Farmer? We're not heard of that, crossing onto a grassy bit, see if there are any stones but I can see no stones, which is good news, means it's a presumably a high-end this section. It's going to keep on, I have the stone stasie, you're foolish enough to be out in the rain, of course, unlikely, most of them are elderly. I don't want to catch a chill. It's a good time to clear. A load of stones off the field. There's nothing around a fan. Small bit of flint, that's going on the can, up to the main can, a thrown it nicely,
Starting point is 00:11:38 landing well, or some distance away. I mean these ones are almost too small to bond the bending over, but I can only excite. That one's gone off nowhere near the can but it'll be a fun part of the wall. It's stretching that way. And up we go, the path here, another tiny bit of zone. And a nice throw. Nice throw from distance. Oh, I'm a bit chilled to my marrow at the moment. My marrow is still got my trousers, a little slack from not having quite so much gear to hold
Starting point is 00:12:14 them up. I almost falling down. I'm not enjoying myself. It's water dripping off of my fringe. I'm hoping this is still recording. Let's face it, this was lost. We haven't lost much. Ah, fuck. So I'm not seeing many stones, I don't understand it. It's like someone's been here and just cleared loads of the stones off. Slowly bit by bit over the last four or five years. Come on, we'll see you in a few if you want. That's on the table. The beautiful thing for a wall piece can put once you like.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Do you just feel that doing a shit in a field bang, do it, a pavement bang. If I were to do that sent to prison immediately. The life of a dog in many ways, superior to that of a human. If I was to lick my ball in public, what would the police say? Congratulations on your flexibility and for your company prison wolfie does it people say well how did you get a ball you're a female I say it's one of those false test schools you can buy for dogs you've been neutered then people say why did you put that on a female dog I said to confuse it
Starting point is 00:13:44 why this why should it not and had who are you to say? Ascribe an identity to my dog maybe my dog identifies as a male dog with balls And you say that's ridiculous and I say well your cancelled So I found some stones little caramel So I found some stones, little caramels. I think it's probably one of them up. And that's small, even together, I know it's really pretty in Leithray. Three together. And this used to be the land of milk and honey and big stones.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yet I see like Nelson, I see no stones. I'm not even holding the tent tent to the wrong eye. We're twirly patterning the grass there. Don't understand what's going on in this field. It's very confusing to me. I'm an old man. I've got any of the ways of the farm. But apparently I do not, we're not getting to anywhere near the stone pole today. I mean the new fit me should be able to get around. Let's get that on the me. Don't get in the way. You'll be saving the shot there but I need to kick it onto the main can. Again not looking that grand.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And as we head down hill we have to accept this is a short chapter today but I'm sure the daily podcast that people set something to do a bit whole. That's nice as a stone to come out of it. That's what I'm going to see. We can go in the wall there. There's enough to keep going from the daily podcast we're in this year so I don't want you to play me for one of them comes in and under the usual three hours I've been doing. I don't think you can play me for one of them comes in and under the usual three hours I've been doing. I don't say I've got I live for this rich many of you do. You know me and I live for this rich you are my hero I'm just reading a few of the emails now and um you are a god to me it was a picture of me naked please stop doing the f But yeah you can have a day where it was a 15 minute podcast
Starting point is 00:16:13 chapter and you've learned a lot, haven't you? You've learned a lot of stuff today so it has just been a man witcher and other, something so many podcasts are, is my point. So man imparting his wisdom, his knowledge is understanding of the land, the dips and the curves where the stones may live. Here's one. Nice, almost spherical, slightly, I'm obviously in a pool, it's great news and it's in the field. It's in the field, I don't have to pick it up. She's crapamped, you can see if I wouldn't do that, I'd probably get away with it, no one around, I did do it on a run the other day and no one was around and it was beautiful, maybe that's why I'm so jealous of Wolfie.
Starting point is 00:16:58 This egg, it's like an egg with the end cut off, but instead of being full of egg, it's full of soil, or it looks like it of being full of egg, it's full of soil. Or it looks like it's some soil on it, it's actually something stone, once you get past the soil. The soil, I'll sharpen the ditch that stopped Brexit. The ditch that made Richie Sunack respect the 2030 cut off for cars with petrol rather than what is it called zero carbon whatever that thing is rather than weight or 25 that's the dish that will do that it does many things
Starting point is 00:17:37 it's known to many people many different times in England it is John. Oh God, I'm not mad. I'm not mad. So back to the Alpha Enormig again, the sad. We've got there quickly, and actually the wind has rained, stop now, the wind has abated. My trousers still damp, but now with the warmth of my own urine and even so we're not going to we're not doing any more wolfies done a business I'd have a small amount of exercise going into it chickpea and tofu curry would you believe with the greens spring greens yeah that's what you got to do, that's where it's got, that's where it's at kids, that's where it's at. If you want to get a fit, don't eat no shit. You definitely don't need any actual shit.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Anyway, we're coming down to our luggage passage on the way back, so we, yeah, let's look at some more of the emails, I guess, let's look at this. I literally podcast, thank you doing it every day, by the way, you are the best person in the world. I imagine you're in terrific love at you, imagine correct people, so sadly, my love is reserved now for the stones. Anyway let's I wouldn't name these people saying these awful things. Let's go on here, are they building something? Oh no that's that. Got scaffolding up. Right, down a lot of manner I'm trying to just talk to you uh firm scaffold and uh she says the huge stuff pictures thank you could send those in um Richard looking very thin these days i've noticed in the many photos from
Starting point is 00:19:38 there unusual for you to photograph yourself and admit me in the picture for a bit. I'll cross the line to do that for you looking up. Thank you. Yes. Do you think although Jesus said a man cannot live by stone alone, I could quote that to me. I'm a woman. My name is Fern, like I said. That was a girl's name.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And I am attempting to, my name is Fern, like I said, and that was a girl's name. And I am attempting to lift quite slowly like I'm just eating stone, the green things, liquidizing stones that can drink them. And it's going pretty well. So far I've lost 18 stone. So a lot of stones, then. Those are the ones I've clued out as my bottom that haven't taken
Starting point is 00:20:26 ISC, is that kind of stone you think? I've lost a lot of weight, but mainly because my body has started eating itself. Do you recommend this in the course of action? I think the UDU is. I do need UDU, but you to carry on this thing on your phone. Some people, they're stone gods, they're saying I want to see you. I'm not waiting for you. Like Richard Herring here, he'll be out there for another 20, 30 years. Fern come to me, come to my stone,
Starting point is 00:21:05 and I'm going to drop him. And let us create a stone jeep with the new age of jeep with us. What I had in there, so yeah, carry on. You're doing God to it. If everyone listens, Bob got to take stones for a couple of months. And probably stop
Starting point is 00:21:25 moving this. Right, Wolves, we're here. Let's get in the dry. Let's take out my trousers off. And they will take my price. And there's chocolate to the cat. You're right, chocolate to the cat. You're going to need roses.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Not roses, roses, roses, chocolate. Oh, can't we'll get you any wet little bitch. That's how they like to be called. Right, see you next time, tomorrow. Back tomorrow. I'm also very excited to tell you that was a very good one, but I'm sure you've really been quality
Starting point is 00:22:00 the last month of my life. Bye. quality of the last month. And the country don't live unto your underpants. Liffen to the stone, Liffen to the stone, And they interned, I'll live firm to ye, my friend, my pipe, when. Stone clearing with Richard Herring, start me, Richard Herring, I'll walk you the dog. No, I don't think anyone else was in it.
Starting point is 00:22:57 It was raining, wouldn't it? You notice the music's by Mike Coughgrave, the voice that fatones his mic off a heen. Liffen to the dawn's my friend Don't live unto your underhound. Live unto the foes. Live unto the foes. And they enter and found it to be my friend, my friend. you

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