Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 150

Episode Date: October 5, 2023

Chapter 150 - Fticks and Ftones. It's 4.22pm on 5th October 2023 and there's very bad news for the believers in the Alpha and Omega God or those that think the Stocean can only be accessed by a portal... and for those who want to hear a man talking about stones, not about walking along a street. Eventually there is some stone clearing, but it's not very good and a go on the stone pole, but then there's more non-stone stuff and all in all it's a disappointing chapter given the momentous occasion of making a hundred and half a hundred chapters. The FF win again.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone clearing with Richard Herring Come on, what's the question? Come on, you little monster. You little monster. Come here. All right, here we go. Two, three, four. Alright, here we go, 235. Well, welcome my fam friends to Stampering the chapter 150. That's a big moment. Wolfies, do you leap in Pajoy?
Starting point is 00:00:54 That's a big moment for us all. But, you know, halfway through that intermediate stage, it's the fifth half of October, 2023. Oh, haven't even a little yarn are you tiring out a week? It's my son's sixth birthday, not with that matters. It's 4.26pm. The bus is just coming through. And we're heading up for Duckett's Passage which they have a little bit of a problem with today. I didn't notice something
Starting point is 00:01:36 to go past this morning so we'll see if we can get up there because no it's not looking good. Somebody, it's very much like an episode a good night's sweet heart. Somebody has shut down Duckett's passage, that's recognizing that this is what takes me back to the medieval times horse and There's wolfie not being able to get through or take a photo of that for posterity So we have to go
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah, this is most rum We're gonna have to go right up to the other corner of the field, walking on the street because it's closed. Duck, it's passage is closed. I'm not sure we'll even get through to the same field if we come in the other entrance, but certainly it's going to be a lot of not stone clearing as we traverse this path here. There's always something to do there.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It's all you think a man walking around the field and moving stones around. There will be fires, there will be lightning, there will be closed passages. Most of my passages are closed to entry. Exit only for most of them, I put stuff in my mouth but I'm not making it to the section. And I will eat food. I think they get their coffee. I think they get their coffee. I don't know. I think we can get the coffee. We can get some water on the table.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Or anything. Because I am going to pick some of my dog, and he's actually back. I'm not going anywhere with friends. Stop thinking about that and just think about stones. That's what we're here for. So we're walking up the street. A little bit of ringing in my ears. I hope you're not getting that as well. So we're walking up the street.
Starting point is 00:03:48 A little bit of ringing my ears, I hope you're not getting that as well. That might just be me. That'd be my old ears. It's just a little bit. But it's in no stones, there are no stones here when they're walking on a path that's made of tarmac, which probably has some stones in it. Or be out the fucking road, you're lunatic. Don't walk in the road. You know that's where the metal beats are.
Starting point is 00:04:16 But anyway, even though it's in a special occasion the stone stars have turned up to fucking ruin it for me and thereby closing my entrance to the field but I know other entrances maybe not as good who knows where will I come out am I going to come out the way I go in because not how much talking enough to do about stuff isn't so just passing a driveway that's littered with pebbles that's littered with pebbles. That's interesting. And they used to come out with a baby, covered me, took a driveway. That's embarrassing. The conquer smashed on the floor. I was rowing this in my blog today, the old days, in the back of the 70s, there were conquers on the ground. You pick the fuckers up and turn them into weapons, but now they just lie on the floor to make a crush, and broken, and head to the scrolls and then die, this is the poisonous.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Then they are poisonous the scrolls. After I've never asked a scroll. That's something to Google. Anyway, another driveway, this one with stones, but stones very much embedded in the ground. What we're just going to weathe. That's what you get if you close down, you'll weathe or we on the house. I think about that next time, Stone Starsie. This is backfire, isn't it? Your driveway is near to the smell of some wheat. Anyway, we are now approaching the other entrance up
Starting point is 00:06:01 to the edge of the field, but it will still not on the field. I mean this is really wrecking podcast 150 which could have been passing some sort of a round sort of importance there in the field. You want to see that at the end of the coffee. So up we go now we have to go up a trail. Good vehicle to get up and has done. It's one of those, you know, access for farm vehicle roads. You can see where the tires have gone either side of the middle, but the middle is all grass. You know the kind of thing I'm thinking of. Wolf is eating a bit of a leaf off it. I've got to push there. Still some way from the stotion and some way from the alpha and omega can. What do I do here? Do I correct a new alpha and omega can? For this corner of the field? How will the alpha and omega go? I don't like it when any tradition changes. It's all about formula, isn't it? It's all about following the same procedures each time, which don't
Starting point is 00:07:14 clear it. So any changes, even when I have to go around the field backwards, that seems a bit much. Right, I think this is the interest of the field here. It's a bit steep, but we can get back up. Boss, come on, happy go. Whoa, you can drag me up. Whoa, whoofy doesn't have the power to drag me up, I don't think. I'm wearing my old trainers which I'm slipping out of a little bit. They've been so so many times we just slip my feet into them. The backs don't really now grasp on. Right, well, here we are, we're in the corner. I guess we better make some attempt to assuage the alpha-nomical gods but I can't see any stones, the ground is covered in hay
Starting point is 00:08:09 we'll walk up a little bit further so you can find any stones, I'll hear some stones so shall I put them on the can in the corner of the field? I suppose that's this corner's alpha-nomical can where is it there? it's got a bit covered by weeds and grass. I think it's here. Ah, there it is. So, half an hour gods that will have to do. I'm sorry. I'm not even sure we're going to go to your corner today. So, a lot of fat. Before we got eight minutes minutes of fat before we got to the actual stone
Starting point is 00:08:49 clearing there, that's got to be a record, not that kind of record, do we do we do, here the eight minutes since we got to the fears and that kind of record, there you go, our world record. I've cleared another thing at the bottom of the trees there. A couple of stones here, this one looks like it's been crafted with precision by a stone age man. That goes into the, just into the bush. Oh, did a long dog walk today just to keep this the stone star'sy guessing that didn't come out of the field, it's about the hill, it's an hour long walk. So a little bit, I don't know if it's tired from that, this is just going to be the short evening walk. No
Starting point is 00:09:46 stone stars around me. They've also found they can't get onto the stocean. I hope that footpath will be open again soon. This is wrecking my life. I routine, that's the word I was looking for earlier. Routine, I like routine. The three hours routine, that's the word I was looking for, really, routine. I like routine, the three hours routine, routine and rocks. That's what I like. There's a crop of some kind of, a did- did-art farmer did respond to my tweet when I posted it, it said it might be something like rape seed or something like that. It looks like it's going to be peas to me, but you know, what do I know? I don't know plants, I know raw stones.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I don't know much about stones, I just know how to identify something as a stone, and then I had to pick it up and now I had to throw it to the side. The next field along, which we never go into, this is over the other side of that part, that sort of driveway we've just done. And that expression of plow looking beautiful, I just want to get over there and see what I can find, but sadly I'm still here on this.
Starting point is 00:11:07 This field that's grown two crops this year. Didn't know where that was allowed. Didn't know that was allowed. I'm not sure it is allowed. I'm going to renegade farmer. Just mixing the eggs up, see what happens. It's grass and there's baby rape out here, not that kind. And I found a little bit of brick or something here in the pathway. A long way from the edge of the walk, he's getting ready to run the gadget. Oh my goodness, that was the worst throw I've ever done. Not only did it get nowhere near the edge, it veered off to the left there.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And that bit of brick is lost forever. It was very light. The wind is quite heavy. The good news we might get past the stone hole as we try to exit the field. It's going to be more walking outside of the field than on the field today. Nice to get the exercise and I am getting fitter as with this last couple of months I've shed nice seven at least seven and a half kilos maybe a little bit more in eight weeks I think it is So that's a stone over a stone. I'm sure we've talked about that before.
Starting point is 00:12:51 That joke we can make with that information. We're going to do it again, always to time. If you want to make that joke, you can go ahead. When you're on, it's quite easy to put together. It's still chubby, but it's a new diet, does seem to be working very well in terms of just giving me the energy to do this job, I feel tight today. And also taking the pounds off. Well that much effort. Whatever diet works for you and I want to say diet, I mean just what you eat not necessarily
Starting point is 00:13:33 a diet till you wait. Just what ever gives you the most energy. You are what you eat. That's why I have 80% stones. And I can see the footpath close just down by the Elfrenomal G-Cain. Very mysterious. Hopefully it will be a temporary aberration. Though you walk across the field here, just the crops are covering up potential stones, not clearing any.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I'm not if I cleared like four stones this whole time. I think I've got about 15 minutes. I can see a small stone here in the path. I mean this is pathetic, this is the size of... I mean it's sort of twice the size of my figure now. So the size of a normal person's finger now. I've got some kind of machinery going on, but that's it, that little tiny stone goes right into the top falls, it's nice to put in some little screenth onto your cans because it
Starting point is 00:14:35 does fill the gaps up and make them a stronger, more durable wall surface. There are a few bits of stone here that can gather. I can either keep them for the stone pole. I can think I'll just put them to the edge, build the wall like this wall has not got the cap because the fence does allow you to throw stones through. Yeah nice bit, there's a few bits of stone here that will start to nicely build up. The wall, don't forget about your walls. Don't get too obsessed with your canes. Do the capy if you throw, that one was perfect. Just bounce off the bottom of the fence.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But big holes in the fence here made a square bit of wire, tangy bits of wire, that you can easily get most stones through with a casual throw. So, get that in mind to be careful. Maybe start gathering for the stone pole now. Oh, a little one, slightly bigger than the little one, still little by any standards one of these they got five little stones kind of stones I imagined David King David's of his relights were have used in his little stone propelling device he had catapult that's it you're sort of the Bart Simpson of his day That's it. You're sort of the Bart Simpson of his day. And I imagine even though these stones are small they could fell a fella, even a glithy and the fella. But I won't be using them to kill large people. It's not the kind of guy I am, I will be using them to attempt
Starting point is 00:16:36 to hit a pole from the short distance away to ascertain whether luck will befall you the listener or bad or good, or just indifferent. Yeah, I can see a tractor moving around on the new I could hear it it's on the field but it looks like it's on the wreck. I have it it'd be there I don't know we're at the stone pole there's no one around as I can see. Number one it's a miss. Number two it's again to the right both gone through. Number three goes to the left, it's a different pole. Four is a hit, one out of four.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Five goes through that hole, it's a terrible, it's a little worse and sub-done there, the same pole, we'll be coming in. And that is one out of five, bad luck. Do remember if you buy a ticket to the Relespa Tour, you can take it ward off some of that bad fortune that I've given you. Or equally if it's a good day and crease for the luck you would get. I'm just walking up the little bit up the field just to see if I can find some stones. Just by the old tree, the old tree that's a little of the feel for some reason.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And that was a good clear. Oh, that was a perfect clear. That makes up for the previous throw. That was a good throw from a distance bounced. Didn't go through the wire. There's lots of sticks down here, not many stones. Sticks and stones won't break my bones. And stones will never hurt me because they love me too much. Right, well we're going to have to head off the field here. So I'm going make the Dominic Cummings can and add to that for the first time in a while. Where the Dominic may rest in peace you know we look back now it doesn't seem as bad as he now. So many worst people have come and gone since misunderstood man we lost his hat here I think on this can it's somewhere under the can lost his hat here I think on this can it's somewhere under the can presumably lost his life here too
Starting point is 00:18:56 no one mourned him that's what happens if you want to you can fly high like Dominic but when you fall no one will care anyway three more stones on that can the ones and we're going to go down the dark passage through the woods that's a big stone there and I can move that onto the can. We'll be cheating. It's not on the field already. There are no rules to stone to move. It's a nice brick there. I just want to move that out.
Starting point is 00:19:16 No rules. The first rule of stone to move is actually no rules. Second rule, you must not bring stones onto the field. There were not on the field. There's a massive stone in there. You must not bring stones onto the field. They will not on the field. There's a massive stone there for some end, I think it is. You know that to increase your cans. But if I'd wanted to make that,
Starting point is 00:19:33 don't want it coming as can. Look out for actually high. I could. And we push onwards, ever onwards. Just had a call from my mum. I'll bring him here at home, probably ringing to wish everyone's happy birthday in which case me being out in the middle of a field talking to you will not be appropriate it's not what shall we after? it's still going, it's good, I hope it's recording, it wasn't the first time I tried this it just recorded as if in the inside my pocket but so the phone in this jacket is close to my pocket it's close
Starting point is 00:20:30 to my mouth, pockets close to my mouth it's close so you may have got it in any case even if that tragedy has happened but ashamed to have another one you have to squint your ears to listen to but if you're dedicated and if you're a true stone clearer of course you can hear those ones. No stone clearing here this is the pathway we're going to pass the garden and my personal trainer in a second. Oh yeah she did very close to me and her dog hates my dog and my dog hates her dog and and maybe some pisticuffs and some snarling but only if the dogs are in the garden it doesn't seem to be. So yeah no duck it's passage for the first time I think ever, apart from the fun of time
Starting point is 00:21:25 for special. There you can hear that dog barking, it does not like Wolfie being nearby, but I think that dog's locked up as it should be for suspicious behaviour or faulty bear's a teeth in this dog and that's quite a sight to see because you're so placer than lovely on your wolves you're such a good girl there's some big mushrooms there if you want to try to eat those ones fellas give it a go if you like.
Starting point is 00:22:06 There's a 20% chance of death, a 20% chance of the trip of your lifetime. A 20% chance of just them going nicely with an omelette. That's, I think I'll kill the ESL. I'm not going to risk it. I'm eating a lot of veg and mushrooms at the moment. It's very nice. Oh! I've got a very garlicky breath. I could taste it on my own breath. So that's a good thing. It keeps away with the vampire and the stone stas in there. You've seen today no stone stas in.
Starting point is 00:22:40 There's a dog down there. I'm going to try and cross three. But it almost will be no produce, but she did two this morning on the big walk. So you know that's really clear that the slew skates, isn't she? The passage, your passage is clear. No one's going up there, wafes, don't you worry. I'll protect that in my life. Well we're done because we've not come to that
Starting point is 00:23:11 passage we haven't done emails. So it's the last day so let's have a little bus stop bin when in touch. He ain't done one kilometer fucking hell. Come on. Just stop being in touch. To say, I was wondering what would it happen if you couldn't get access to the field due to no natural disaster. What would you do? It's very apt.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Getting often very apt, he must come in, don't they? I would, by any means necessary, I would get onto that field if they shut down their re-access, I've crawled through someone's garden, and I've had to break into the house. The stones must be moved, and the stones cannot be ignored. Wolfies trying to get a dog behind us. Right, we're here for home. We're about to have my son's birthday party. So, I have to go back to pretend to be the normal guy who created this little dragon muffin. I'll be back tomorrow of course, for a daily podcasting. See you again. Thanks for the number of systems confusing, I know. We'll be. See you next time. How on the Stocean, if access is at all button. Mary dance, don't live unto the bird, fan tree, don't live unto your underpants.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Live unto the dove, live unto the dove, Don't And they And turn To Ye My friend My friend For tone clearing with The Richard Herring And will be the dog Ye dog
Starting point is 00:25:40 For TARD Me, Richard Herring Plus, nobody else really, some people in cars. The music is by Mike Coffgrave. The voice of the fatones is Michael Faheem. Don't let them to the front. the stone, live unto the stone, and may in turn fall into the to ye my friend, my
Starting point is 00:26:37 my friend. you

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