Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 155

Episode Date: December 20, 2023

Chapter 155: Breezy Penif. It's just after 2pm on 20th December 2023 and a pyjama-clad Herring is doing what he does best, clearing stones and inexpertly commenting on it. There's a medieval fong and ...foggy focks and an attempt to recover the lost WhatsApp messages as well as some news about the birth date of Jefuf and whether ftone clearing might be coming to an end.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone clearing with Richard Herring Stoned man, stone man, does whatever a stone can. Can he sit in a field, yes he can. That's what a stone does. Can he be cleared? No he can't. Because he's the stone man. He needs a stone man to clear him. All right come on wolves. Hello my fine friends, kind of flag hagg, happy Christmas, nearly forgot to come out today, which at this late stage of the year would have been a disaster to not come here also, well, what's coming, to not do my daily stone clear, but having come this far, it's, oh, I'm gonna watch on the home It's
Starting point is 00:01:34 The 21st of it 20th of December it's 1406 PM, well, you know that because of the 24 hour clock nature of what I just said. We're just heading out. I'm in my pajamas. I've been a little bit under the weather, not too bad. I'm just cycling out at the same time here. I'm nothing too bad but just trying to take it easy. I've just come in, I'm coming out of my bag. I must walk a little bit like needing a walk.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And the stones, they must be clear. We'll think of me. The hell? Let's go and on. I need to put this in here. I can leave you that bin. I've come in. All right, Ulst.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Pick up. Hold on. Sorry, this I'm just'll... Here we go. Oh, there. Sorry, this I'm just tidying up some bins. Pass, pass, I will. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do something. Oh, that would be embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Alright, the other moves. Here we go. Grr, welcome anyway to Stencloving. I'm fine, I think it is. Let's head up the top. Yeah, I'm not sure about how that number is working. It's about 150-5 days just this year. But my tech bot is this, that's the right number.
Starting point is 00:03:30 So I'm trusting on that. Wolf is pulling very keen to get out with her walks. Just slightly out of sync today because everyone's a little bit poorly. everyone's a little bit poorly but say you know it's if you must you must don't hear in your pajamas it's a pajamas a bootable clothing that's the old stone clearance proverb and the San Brioffan does it like the you know don't then the great medieval people hey sometimes they sound a very modern with a proverb so a camera at that it's passage and this is obviously going to be a short
Starting point is 00:04:27 stone plate a day, but you've got like 350 or something and you're going to go from this year if you complain about that. Stotion looking very green as the crops do grow. Nothing around, so I'm going to let me off the leash so to speak both literally and figuratively but mainly literally. And oh my phones falling on my pocket. I saw that happen. It's finding out for a number of stone walls before we do anything else. You know how it works. And that's all of the thing I'm not seeing anything, is that it? Tiny little bit of frinta, there's a few.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Oh, Wolfie's jumping in at me. She loves stones, that's something about her. So we'll see how we go. The Alpha Enomaga pancake it should be called. Flat at the Flatis Ken, you will ever hope to see in your many long years of stone clearing. I don't know what happened, I don't know who do it. But I kinda like it.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Oh, I've got a bit of a headache. And this is in my, I've got new Wellies today because well, one's sprung a little bit. I think Wolfie might be chewing my Wellies because I get through Wellies at a alarming rate. These ones are hopefully waterproof and last up both were not waterproof. Nothing worse than getting a soggy suck, a foggy fuck, a foggy fuck in the morning time is where the worst thing that you can see, a foggy few in the luncheon time will make you want to we a foggy fuck ducking in evening time.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Foul make you feel quite cruff. A foggy pant in the night time. foggy pant in the night time and you will become Jonathan Roth. There's a different Jonathan Roth I guess back in the ancient times because seeing weirdo all feeding in a poo so I think she did need to get out here nicely out in the field a lot of mocks don't have to deal with that. So it's been some here nicely out in the field a lot of walks then have to deal with that that's been to moles that live in the holes coming up here good go walks oh so yeah a little bit weary not too weary to sing a medieval song or two Christmas is coming the non-stone Christmas and not so bothered about celebrating that course, Jesus, Gephyr was not born on the 25th of December, he was born whenever the first cloud had come and revealed the stones, look at this is a blackened stone here because it will be blacking from the fibre, it has it come all the way out here. It's purple on the inside and on the other side and black on this side.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It might be some kind of warning of the year to come, the stone clearing year to come. There may be changes afoot for the herring family and stone clearing itself may be in peril but I will never forefake this field, this ocean I can always come back wherever I may end up I will always this is my true home and you know I haven't done this daily all the way through 2023 just to give up in 2024 but we'll see what happens. We'll see which way the wind of blow. On where do we go.
Starting point is 00:08:55 No stone stars yet. It is a bit of an unusual time. So the stone stars will have been thrown by that, I'm sure. And they may be attempting to get together. It's very like the fibergade, the bell rings, they run to their stone clearing, the stone starsie station, come down a pole, and then grab a dog. I don't know why they go, just don't have the dogs at home. It's all grassy in this corner, which is weird, the crops run out, so it just turned to grass, it'd be a nice little lawn here, you could come and play here with the kids. It's quite nice and the farmer to do that, I'm just going to take a little sasjern across into the territory to see if I can see anything. It's tasty for my tea.
Starting point is 00:09:37 There was one of it, a flint, I'm not going to eat it, not yet. I'm going to throw it from a distance, they walk a little bit excited. It's gone from a distance and bounced nicely into the shrubbery walk. He's picked it up and brought it back like a can at a can't and dropped it down on the floor. Here's another stone. Oh, but let us soil on this one. The soil fell off in transit which is, of course, I don't know where the stone that I cleared that will be brought back has ended up though, she's dropped it, I think. Oh, the wind is blowing around my peanut area through the flap of my pyjama. That is one thing that's going to be about when they say they advise you to the pyjama is a suitable where. They're stone clear, they don the jarmas of suitable wear.
Starting point is 00:10:27 They don't even want you about the flap. You go and command on the meat. I mean, you know, there is a button there that could do it up, but I don't like the feeling of wind on my neathers. I don't know what's wonder how they can't see. I'm just recording this from my hand defence. I've got a coat on over the top side, even with my penis to spring to life from the sight of a sun-aching stone. The only thing we can get it to direct these days, the right these days. It should be covered by a cat. My cat is right behind it, hence the breeze on my wallet. My single wallet. I've mentioned that to you guys, just to be a cancer don't let's talk about it. And the irony is not lost on me that the stone clearer has had a stone clear and don't worry, I've sure we talked
Starting point is 00:11:35 about that before. So I am just happy to have you to know a veil. I'm talking an animal pathway in between the plants. there's nothing here so much like someone's been in before maybe with me. Clear every start, maybe my work here has done my friend. I can move on to past this new. We fail the night Not a single stone, I want to put a stone on the... There's a tiny little half-egg And we've got the camera, because the main camera is walking
Starting point is 00:12:12 We're trying to take it back Trying to throw it enough away that she can't retrieve it And we're heading out the pathway now between the two pens Yeah, there's nothing here, there's nothing here, there's another little stone just on the sidelines. Quite a light one. I don't manage to throw it to the edge, and then buffed it by the wind. I thought they might not even get through this strong in the schooling breeze. Yeah, some people might think I'm eccentric. I mean, I'm in my full pajamas, by the way.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Just for the count of my Vanessa, this one. over nice so this one they're blue and blue that blue and light blue maybe I'll take a photo of my legs just show you what's going on trying to get my penis in get the dog in Try not to get my penis in, get the dog in. It's an unusual fighter. Most people would not think that was suitable for hot cast, but it gives you the basics of what's going on. It's a nice big stone for you because you can lay a projapas in the middle of the day. And there's nothing anyone can do. He turned up at your job. Do you think that a stupid
Starting point is 00:14:05 old retainer moving stones around? What are you doing at your job? Putting in putting data, you turned up two o'clock in the afternoon in your pajamas, did 20 minutes of work and then fucked off again. I don't think you'd last long in that job. But as a stone clearer, I can do what I like. Now, how eccentric I can express how much I'm enjoying. It's the cool breeze around my penis and no one from HR gets involved. So, you know, think about who's the crazy person in this so-called society is it may move in stones around in my pajamas two o'clock in the Christmas Jesus wasn't born on 20th of December I thought I'd have finished that thought but I think it is and that's just a pro-prating that that's a poo down there that's not very nice that's too near the
Starting point is 00:15:02 that's found a stone no next to the poo, not so near the moment, from danger of touching the pool. Look out for pool, it's something I can't reiterate enough. It's one of the main hazards of phone theory, especially if it's stone-content. When the rainbow stones are all cut, so any pool could be mistaken. Yeah, that's what it's fair and' barrier, so we approached the main 10. Now I'm not as feckin' as it was. And my main 10, I might take a picture of this main care for the ice man who's got to kick start at the moment he's his job is in melting ice. I've been doing that for many years for art and my job is gathered stones and we have an affinity for each other.
Starting point is 00:15:56 We recognize something more of... Oh, we want to be able to take a photo because there's people coming up. What do you think of me? Now in a back here every day so I'll do it tomorrow. Don't. They want to see me in my pajamas. Don't start as he. Two ladies I saw that he don't want to give them glimpses of penis poking through.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Flapping pajamas locked. That slot very useful when you need a wee at night time but not very useful if you walk in public in the daytime and I don't want to be arrested I was worth remembering my classic penis is so big that many people wouldn't stake it for an erection for a human erection and of course the actual erection looks like some kind of animals penis but that's another thing that's stone-to-wing dusty guys if you clear stones you will gain it inches that's a guarantee that's why Brian Bramble does it doesn't work in the southern hemisphere though though sadly, for him it makes it smaller. The southern hemisphere, any penis growth in the northern hemisphere is taken from the
Starting point is 00:17:11 penises of the southern hemisphere vice versa. The penis length of the world is a constant quantity when one grows bigger and another becomes smaller. As Samuel Beckett once said, come smaller. As some of your back it once said, family your back it. I call him. He's correct. It's very difficult to see any stones here. We're coming up to the ditch to stop Brexit. Hopefully it's going to be the ditch that finds those lost WhatsApp messages that sort of weird how many messages from the Tres and how many phones are going missing. I found a nice stone here. That's going straight in the ditch. I should get one message back. And there was just head down the hill.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Hopefully we find another couple of stones in this farrow. Nothing yet. What's that? That's a stone, is it? No, not really. Then there comes a point where this stone is so small, you can't read, differentiate it from soil, these will do. There's someone trying to dig a hole here, and there's a nice stone in it. There's three nice little stones there, nothing big today, hard-earned and cleared, if you've heard. Warp you're very excited, but three nice little stones there nothing big today hard ending clear Did you know that all three very excited but three nice stones for the after and on with the can
Starting point is 00:18:29 Oh Well, let's add the doing nice work in there That house has been rebuilt all the time And onto the alpha another can we go Hope you heard the nice clink, that's my clink of three stones. I don't know if that window is always with no big window into their bedroom. We've done some nice work there. Garage all done up to the house like a male, like the living quarters in there as well. So well done to them. Anyway, heading down back its passage.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Just time to leave your emails for today. Obviously getting to this daily, just to complete your emails slightly, we are getting something like 2000 emails a day, but some of our working through them a long, quicker, the usual reminder, stop sending their leakage. Both toes, young women and middle-aged men as well, please stop sending their leakage. Photos, young women and middle aged men as well please stop sending the photo. Let's have a look, we've got Fulu,
Starting point is 00:19:36 elderberry, I think that's an elderberry, that felt like we did. Flu elderberry, like Fulu, but FL Newy E like the chimney. Flu-algebraic, bring in cups, so happy Christmas, Richard, though I know it's not proper Christmas. But you would recognise as Christmas, but I hope you will recognise my face as well, I like the christian. I've run with that relation between the old D5 and my G5, I'll be the same guy, because
Starting point is 00:20:07 mine was one of the twenty-fifth of December, which I am the thing you're going to say. Your one wasn't. Well, your one wasn't either. G5 is the same guy. You could have coin examples of good in Jesus, some people in the Christ, some people in the Santa Claus, some people call him Dr. Snow. It's got many different names but he's the same fella. Came to the spread news of stones. A lot of people misunderstood the stone message thought it was some kind of metaphor. It was not metaphor. Catweed is that same car's the first stone. Rolled stone aside. I like stones, clear stones, that's the best thing to do. Don't get a job, clear stones, falling the body,
Starting point is 00:20:51 looking at a group of people that have mentioned these stones, it must be a metaphor for love for something, and it isn't. If he does mention love, that's a metaphor for stones. So, here you go. You're on the page list. Right, so much for stones. So, here we go. You're on the prejudice. Right, we're back home. So, yeah, just a quick one today. Next time for me we'll be up here too.
Starting point is 00:21:12 She's happy now. I just want to die hard too. I have some problems in the plot. It's, uh, it's unenjoyable. You can try to catch it. I don't know, it's at the cinemas. Goose! We all see tomorrow on the next Deton clearing, Richard Herring and walking there.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Thanks for your patronage, happy Christmas if you don't listen to another Saturday and Mary New Year as well, I think it's in. Leffin to the stone for my friend, and they for half a year married dance. Don't live unto the birth and tree. Don't live unto your underpants. But tone clearing with Richard Herringstard me rich, Turing and Wolfie the Dog plus those women in the distance, but that's basically it. The music is by Mark Cobb, great, the voice of and they faltering, you married us. Don't live unto the birth and truth. Don't live unto your underhound. Listen to the songs and they intern for a living to hear my friend, my friend. you

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