Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 158

Episode Date: April 24, 2024

Chapter 158, Fame Coin, Different Fides. It's 9.01am on 24th April 2024 and a giddy Richard Herring is heading out to the Ftocean, desperate to finish his task before it is too late. And don't skip one, it includes some important info on what to do with stones that are to your left or right and a desperate plea to make love to a man in a flat cap and a woman in a bobble hat, plus a memory test about leaders of the Liberal Democrats. The Ftone Pole is back and we're in a rape maze, so it really has everything.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone clearing with Richard Herring. Hello my fan friends! 24th of April, 2024 of course, the year of our Lord, Chief of Creift, and it's chapter 158 I believe. Wolby, come here. You've got to put a lead on you, Wolby, come here. You can't just walk into the road. Are you crazy? Are you insane? You're a fool, you're a stupid fool.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Come on. And yeah, another stone clearing episode. You've waited a couple of months then to arrive. It's like a really inefficient bird cross service. So off we go. Heading up. To who knows where.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Probably to the field. Probably to the Stootion Wave, a life on the Stotion Wave a doopy doop not much has happened since last week five days ago, been clearing some stones obviously, goes without saying. And a lot of people emailing in, you know, just so unhappy about the prospect of me moving home, possibly not coming to this particular station anymore. Please don't, so many emails.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And don't worry, we'll find somewhere else if we don't do here. And the goal is to finish this field before we move on. It's good to have, finally have a deadline. I think maybe just the endless quality of it is making me think, I've got the rest of my life. Then of course, halfway through this particular project, I discovered there was a possibility my life might be truncated but I fought through I fought cancer I thought I can't die thinking of the people who
Starting point is 00:02:32 listen to the podcast what would branch telegraph pole think if I died how would they cope I don't know if it's a man or a woman or how they identify, so that's why I used they. It's not that hard is it? How would rape seed nettles? How would they email in all the time? Haven't read one of theirs out on air I don't think. Anyway, I found a big stone, slightly off the field but it's so big I've got to take it and put it in. It's on the Afranomagic, and if the Afranomagic gods are offended by that, fuck them.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yeah, a little bit of spirit today. Why hast thou forsaken me Afranomagic gods? Yeah, when all I've done for you. So, you know, it'll be a similar journey to last time. Just, uh, there's crops at a similar level, similar amount of stones. There's a nice patch here just where there's no crop and there's a lot of I mean you know I know the size chart got used up to the small small medium sort of thing I mean
Starting point is 00:03:46 I would say these are the size of if Action Man were to wear some kind of Norman helmet this would be about three quarters of the size of that if you can imagine that that's sort of the average stone around here because of course the big stones have been largely cleared by... I don't want to toot my own stone trumpet but I mean RK Herring will be doing away a couple of stones here just at the edge again they're those sort of stones you sort of think are they off are they on there on the left hand side of me already which is for a lot of stone creators that's the rules if it's on the left hand side of me already, which is for a lot of stone creators that's the rule. So if it's on the left, it can be left. If it's on the right, that's not right.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And then, in ways that's never come up before. If it's on the left, it can be left. If it's on the right. But you know, it depends on your standing, don't it? And I always feel the ones that are on the left just on the edge of the verge rather than right tight against the wall there's a danger they could do. A rolling stone can gather no moss but a rolling stone can also go back onto a field and then become a problem for future generation. We'll be doing a big poo now. I'll have to pick that one up Wolf, it's put me in a difficult position. It's sort of off the field, again this is an interesting poo, it's to the left, which
Starting point is 00:05:13 would usually be a... It's time to pick it up but it's well off the pathway so it's slightly annoying to have to get this one. I think I've managed to avoid getting poo on the handles. I'm just gonna pop that one. Pick up a poo, pop it in your pocket, don't forget it. Here again another good example actually it's on my right because I'm standing on the verge but it's on the left of the path. So you know that's a thing we haven't really talked about very much on this podcast and that's why you have to keep listening.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You might think I know it all now. Oh StoneCleary what's that? Just pick up a stone. You know that's a thing we haven't really talked about very much on this podcast and that's why you have to keep listening You might think I know it all now. Oh stone crew. What's that? Just pick up a stone take it off the field Well, I hope you're laughing as much as I am at that Caricature there if somebody doesn't understand stone crew nice there that could be on the far show or something. Oh It's what is it that could be a poor last what is that carrot just stone crew and just pick up a stone do you that what you do I think that could be yeah they bring nothing they might bring their fast show back I might write Bob Mortimer and say if you'll give that poor white house because I think that will give everyone a bit of a laugh in these difficult times you know and I know I take this on crew very seriously and I know I generally say this is not the place for jokes but there's a little bit of time for levity you know there's a time wave and a stone clearer not just on Stonecliff MacRiffmouth and Stoneethica
Starting point is 00:06:48 there's a time when a stone cleaner doesn't have to sit back and go hoax them on it's have let's have a little laugh but at the expense of people who don't understand stone clearing never laugh at stone clearing. I've actually been Hasselhoffing here a little bit there's a nice big patch of where there's no crop I found a bit of tile and I found what I would definitely call a medium stone which we're not seeing so much of these days. And a couple of large small ones. I'd say the... We're using the Action Man. The large one is sort of the size of the torso of an Action Man, almost the shape as well. The...
Starting point is 00:07:20 I mean the other ones... If the Action Man... How old would this be in an Action Man? Well, there's a slate. If an Action Man had a house, that would be about a quarter of its roof. If an Action Man... That's like the size of an Action Man's... like a groinal area. This is... I don't know, it's hard to put this one in terms of an Action Man, it's an odd shape. There's a sort of... Again, one for the Action Man head, squashed Action Man head. And then, if you've got an Action Man sentry box,
Starting point is 00:07:54 this final one that I'm struggling to define via the Action Man scale, I think this would be the bottom of the sentry box, but maybe part of the dog's body. Actually, my dog's sentry dog is by the side. It's like if he'd been in Pompeii and petrified. It would be the bottom part of that. So there we go. I think that's a nice hall.
Starting point is 00:08:20 That's, you know, some people were emailing in. Sunshine. Just looking for the email sun I know when the first name was sunshine sunshine purple flower maybe Native American has emailed in to go there's not enough actual clearing stones in this podcast anymore I like it when you're clearing stones less jabbering more slabbering which is good because the stones come in slabs of course that was a clever thing for sunshine to come up with I imagine just on the spur of the moment I imagine sunshine
Starting point is 00:08:58 said jabbering and thought oh fuck I've got to think of something that rhymes with jabbering that has to do with stones and thought and then immediately came up with that like a genius would. That's what I'm imagining. I don't think she spent a lot of time sitting back working that out was what I'm saying. I think that was spontaneous and beautiful for it. So well done. But yeah, look, I'm happy to do one that's just me clearing stones without commentating. I think we've got to that point, but that is probably 200 onwards. You've learnt enough to know just from the sounds. We could try one, just from the sounds of the stones. You know what's going on. And
Starting point is 00:09:42 the fact again, there's a big portion of the field here that hasn't got crops growing on it and I'm clearing off a few little bits now into the trees of course, watch out Wolfie, come here! There's a... come here, done. Let's go round here. Just pretending we're going in a different direction because nearly threw a stone at a middle-aged and elderly I would say, a couple there who were just behind the trees as I threw that
Starting point is 00:10:14 stone. Luckily the trees caught the stone. They smiled at me but I think they were concerned about the man jabbering to himself or throwing stones around. Hopefully they weren't members of the stone sluzy. I was taking a look at the Stone Clearance Handbook that I wrote during the lockdown. I'm sure you've all got a copy. I've kind of forgotten about it. It's a very good chapter, I would say, about their FF and why they do what they do and how we can counterbalance them. I think I had
Starting point is 00:10:48 sort of sympathy for that. There were two sides of the same coin, the stoneclearers and the FF need each other. They sort of want the same thing but unfortunately I expressed that by wanting the exact opposite thing. I want the stones off the field, they want the stones on the field, I want stoneclearers to live and prosper and on the field, I want stone clearers to live and prosper and rule the world, they want stone clearers to be obliterated from the face of the earth. But apart from that, we're to hit this, that's sort of the same coin, same coin, different sides. Fame coin, different fights. That could be the title of this episode, if I remember it, which I very rarely do by the
Starting point is 00:11:26 time I get home, fame going different fights. I should write it down so we can record it. If I thought to record it. I haven't really had any breakfast today. I've had some of the lion, it's rare. My wife, I usually give her the lion. And there they are, the couple I was talking about, now crossing. Just that little delay screwed them up.
Starting point is 00:11:55 They've worked out their chev moves in advance, of course. They can't deviate from their course, which is fair of them. But had I not paused a little bit, bang, I'd have been caught there. It's like a rape maze here, a rape seed maze. You can't, once you're through, you can't say over the top, so you can't see what's coming, here comes a pathway, anything could be here. You can just see the flat cap of the gentleman and the bobble hat of the lady, presumably. Two of them are partners, but they make love. I don't know if they wear the hats. While they're making love, all I know is I'm not invited along. When will we see we're all the fame? Two same fame coin, different vibes.
Starting point is 00:12:43 We should be pressed up against each other but no and whenever I suggest it people look at me like I'm mad. But old people do make love I imagine. I'm not one and I don't make love. Oh there's some kind of farm machinery out on the Ftotian today. It's always exciting. Could mean the crop is about to be harvested. I don't think so. It's a little... is it a little early? I don't know when you harvest rapeseed. It looks done to me but you know I don't know. I'm not a farmer. I'm a stone clearer, I'm a flucarist. Maybe it's just spreading some kind of awful pesticide over the plants, which would of course grossly affect anyone who happens to walk by. I'm now on the path up the,
Starting point is 00:13:39 go heading up to the top of the field, and always do go this way way looks like we'll get a stone pole in today and just want to check my recordings going every time I check of course there's a danger that I could stop it seems to still be going uh yeah full walk today then I'll go home and have my breakfast. Probably a tuna stir-fry. I know you may say I'm a dreamer. I might save that for lunch today, just as a little, you know, change the pace of things, keep life interesting. And there's a stone on my left. I'm clearing, I'll kick that into the bushes. Another stone on the path, kicking that off. You know, I think maybe today's all about stones on the left. If there's stones on the left it can be left. If there's
Starting point is 00:14:30 stones on the right that's not right. I don't fully subscribe to that. It's a good rule of thumb for the beginner, but you guys are intermediates now and you have to do better than that. You have to do better than childish nursery rhymes to help you remember. You have to assess each situation, decide if the left stones can be left or if they must be cleft. No, that doesn't work. Don't cleft them. That makes more stones, that just adds to your problems. I've picked up a particular another stone from the left I'm gonna throw it into the singing ringing tree see if today's the day that's the one going I've got another one there nice one I picked up nice meat small large all small large all sort of
Starting point is 00:15:15 size of melted action man legs those really a bit more density and no fairy folk arriving I can hear the terrible machinery crossing this ocean maybe it's there to weed out stone clearance who have stepped out who've Hasselhoffed dangerous thing to do to have a legal of course against the laws of the puny humans the non stone-clearing humans yeah it seems to be spreading some kind of fur it's one of those long arms it's like the danger of the north is a tract looks like the angel of the north and I think the wings of the angel of the north
Starting point is 00:15:59 are spreading some kind of deadly toxin probably to kill insects. Oh, they don't mind killing insects today, but if a man tries to move stones, he's insane. Sometimes I just ask you to... I'm moving stones to the left all the way along here. Stones that maybe have already been cleared. Oh, but here's a couple to the right. The wings are turning, heading a different direction. I have to cook, cause there are pharmacies and there could be
Starting point is 00:16:29 and all kinds of shit. So not just the shit in my pocket. I've got a shit in my pockets. It's turning, going back the other way. It may get me as I cross the field. the fields as he run over his own crops to do this little roadways as he goes up. It's exciting, maybe we should get a picture of the angel of the North Tractor. That's more than you deserve. There's a stone to my left. I'm not bereft. I've kicked it a little. Look at that weird little beeping sound. I think it's just a bird.
Starting point is 00:17:21 It sounded like a mountain sector or something. That's nice. What was that weird little beeping sound? Did you? I think it's just an iron bird. It sounded like a metal detector or something. There's a... That's nice, there's a stone that is very much the size and shape of a cartoon ham. They've come across occasionally.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And again, there's a time for a little levity, a little bit of fun when you see one of those you can pretend you're eating it if you want. Just for a second, don't let it affect your business. There's a nice medium stone again on my left but now it's far on my left. You know I guess sometimes you might see a stone that's on the left and you think that's Keir Starmer but I need that stone to be Jeremy Corbyn. Jeremy Corbyn! I can't remember the tune of that now. Jeremy Corbyn!
Starting point is 00:18:11 I can't remember. Think of that as a rule of thumb. None of us want Keir Starmer, we all want Jeremy Corbyn. Who did have in his manifesto rights for stone clearers a lot of it you know it wasn't as much he's not as far left in the stone clearing world as I would like him to be that only stone clearers should be in government he doesn't clear any stones himself he should have been voted in then
Starting point is 00:18:39 immediately resigned handed over to a proper stone clearer but he did recognise stone clearers rights and a lot of people think that's the reason he didn't win. That and not really getting behind Remain. So but anyway it's a good, it's just a metaphor again, a way to make you think oh there's Keir Starmer, do I want make you think, oh, there's Kirstama. Do I want to leave that alone? No, I don't want Kirstama. I want Jeremy Corbyn. Just did it then, with a nice medium stone. Kirstama'd. Jeremy Corbyn'd it. But then, you know, if there's a, on your right, there's a Theresa May, and that ends up being Kirstama, you
Starting point is 00:19:23 might think, well, that's good enough, that that's close enough if it's a Boris Johnson you might think oh even if it just becomes a Patty Ashdown that'll do if it's a Jacob Rees-Mogg you might think I don't even mind if that's like that bloke who went to Afghanistan does that podcast now that's that's how it works. Oh there's another one. It's Carla again. Don't know if she's her same starzy. She might be coming this way. She's got three dogs. Hi there, you alright? Morning Wolfie! Come on Wolfie.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I'm only wearing earings today because you've been rolling in something. Come on Wolfie. Come on Wolfie. Good girl. Three dog. One of them's been rolling in something. Nice little stone right in the middle of the path here. So there you go. That was sort of just centre. Right of centre.
Starting point is 00:20:22 So that might be the one from Facebook you know one like for a bit and then didn't like you anymore sheffield guy I don't remember his name but he's in my hand now like like I'm Mark Zuckerberg and I'm gonna toss him aside which is obviously what will happen to him eventually. What was his name? The guy I, I agree with Tim. I agree with Tim. Who's the leader of the Liberal Democrats now, Wolfie? No idea. Apart from Paddy Pantsdown, there's another one, this one's much more...
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's on the path, but again, right of centre. This is a good way, I mean I might just do this for the remaining 10,000 podcasts, just compare each stone to a politician. There's no... you can't even see... oh look, I've just said that, here on the left there are a couple of little clefts in the rapeseed and I picked a couple of my stones there. Small, beautifully formed. Another one on the just on the left of the path but we all show him the light and what I like about this is the political metaphor is they all get thrown in a big heap and I don't bother anyone anymore at the end. What was his name? I would uh, I agree with, I agree with the Liberal Democrat guy.
Starting point is 00:21:54 People at Sheffield didn't like, what was his name? If you know his name email him. Not Tim Farron, not Paddy Pants down, Jeremy Thorpe was it? Oh, I dropped something there, but don't think it is. Okay, my trousers are slightly falling down by the way. Got these loose house trousers, jogging bottoms, they aren't really, they're quite expensive. They look quite nice, they feel quite nice, but they never fucking stay up. However tight you pull the drawstring, those are the kind of trousers I like to wear now. And this is a beautiful walk, I should say it's a beautiful day, sunny day, there's a
Starting point is 00:22:33 flight coming into Lytton Airport, there's rake seed flowers on the pathway, it's like I'm getting married to the stones. Quite a cheap wedding, I've got a lot of politicians in my hand. This should be a cartoon in the times what I'm doing here. That is how clever what I'm doing is. A telegraph even, that's how clever it is. Ghost! That one's up, that's another small one. I've got a handful of stones to give you. Conservative stones, liberal stones. I agree with... See, it's that show business, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:23:19 One day, you're the most famous politician in the land. Everyone loves you. Next day, everyone hates you. Next day, people can't even remember your stupid fucking name and here we are at the care in the middle of the field which now they've taken all the foliage away doesn't look weird but it's more of a ridge it looks like a volcano has happened here actually it's a nice big stone seems to rolled roll that in we maybe need to fill the center up there just got a bit snotty there right we're gonna go down this pathway here wolves I let you off the lead this is really like a maze maze just seen the nice stone there that's close to the centre but not there yet.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Oh! Can I get it up? That's what I asked my wife last night. Ah, I can't. I'll come back to it. It's the stone in the stone. It's the stone in the soil that only the true king of England will be able to pull that one up. He won't have dog shit in his pocket, that's my guess. Right, we've got to try and gather five stones for the stone portal here. Which might be an ask, because there are some nice little pathways where the lorry's been coming through. Is it not going to come through now?
Starting point is 00:24:39 There's one. That's the perfect, that's the kind of slingshot that old David and Goliath would have favored. I'm going to pick up a stone that wouldn't come up, stone in the soil. I like to think I am the King Arthur of stones. I will go back and get that stone, I've slightly grazed my finger and that is one of the things that can happen. I'm not wearing gloves today. That would be the way of the ancient of days. Two fives of the fame coin. No, is that what it was? I can't remember what I said I was going to call the episode, so I only have recorded it.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Well, there will come called whatever it's called, and that is again one of the rules of stone clearing. There are no rules of stone clearing. First rule of stone clearing, second rule, each podcast you make will be called whatever it is called don't try and force it instead of dog barking it's very hard to see if anything's coming here I might just precaution in a precautionary manner put my rape covered dog on a lead
Starting point is 00:26:01 what's that some sticky insect or thing has gotten my little slug. I think it might be a vegetation rather than... Oh that's a nice one. We'll set it up to three. That's a good size. I mean you really want to... It's like when you're reading the size of the text, the size of the stone can make a big difference in the competition. That's a nice I can't really miss with them it's not huge I don't want to you know I'm not gonna make out I'm going up to font 33 but I'm on that's definitely font 16 there's a guy looking at me as if I'm mad it's got a dog it's gonna be in the way of the stone clear. Morning! I'll have to go the other way. Come on, Wills. Come on, we'll go the other way. There's a dog there looking at us. Called Pater, but also I want to go to the... I want to do the stone pole. The guy's just
Starting point is 00:27:04 staring and looking at me like he's seen a celebrity or something. I can't believe his eyes. I've almost put lots of feathers up on that... on the... what was his name? The old Barnard Castle guy? And his... can't remember that guy? It's Dom Cummings, Dominic Cummings... the Dominic Cummings Memorial memorial post has now got feathers on
Starting point is 00:27:28 it like it's a Native American. This has given me a chance to walk over to another big patch of field where the where the rape hasn't grown. There's some dog shit here, I had to pick that one up. There's some dog shit here, I had to pick that one up. And so I now have the five requisite stones, so the stone stars you played in my hands there. I mean I'd like to show you a picture of that, weird. Who put feathers on the side of the field, that's weird. Maybe next time we come through here, it's been a while since I've come through here hasn't it, old Dom Cummings Memorial. It's not looking good down there. That cairn is not looking good because I haven't been here very much.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Sometimes come up this way when I'm walking my daughter to football and sneakily out of stone. Right, no one's around, let's go. Number one, dark position. Oh, missed. Was that the one I thought would definitely hit? I think it might have been one. Missed, hit the wrong pole.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Nought out of two. One out of 3. Still hope. 2 out of 4. This is the smallest stone. 3 out of 5. Wow what a comeback. Just had to get my eye in wolfs once I got my eye in bang. Bang-a-roony. So, you know, it's been an exciting Stonemaking. We've seen farm machinery, we've seen dog walker, a man stared at me. I feel like something else happened. I can't even remember what happened. We tried to remember the name of Tim Farrow. is that his name? No, it's the Tim Farron you can have again. I agree with Paul, I agree with Nick Clegg. You don't have to email him so I've had a few emails in already. I did come up with myself, I just checked my emails and I don't know how they've done this because of course this isn't going out live but oak tree stone
Starting point is 00:29:26 Good, it's a very apt surname for this podcast It says it's Tim. It's Nick Clegg, you're thinking, oh not Tim Farron I don't know who the current leader is though Can't remember. Is it Ming Campbell? That's from leaf grass No, it's not Ming Campbell and the end go it's not Ming like that No, it's not Ming Kemble. And you know it's not Ming like that either. It's not like, it's not like
Starting point is 00:29:50 Emperor Ming, it's Menzies. So you know, you're the foolish one now. Tiny, this is the tiniest stone I'm going to clear today. This is the size of an extra man's hand. With, without, one of the old style ones that didn't grip. Yeah, that's Mark the Men Out from the Boys. And obviously no women listen to this. No, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I'm getting a lot of emails from, oh, I'm getting another one, it's like a little from 18 year old girls. Again, I would ask you please, it's not appropriate, I'm nearly 57. I'm old enough to be your older brother. So think about that. Nick Clegg, I grew up with Nick Clegg. Yeah, anyway that was Nick Clegg. You know what, now just go back, re-edit it yourself, put Nick Clegg in there and that won't look like Nick Clegg.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I knew I'd get there. But a lot of people in the email box there have got that. And we're heading down the slope it's been in. It would be terrible if we hadn't recorded all this. It's been so good. Just check out how it's still going. It's alright. No one's going to miss this absolute gold. You know, it's a fear. When I have fears, that I may fief to be, sorry, sorry, seif to be, I worry that some of this magic will be lost and there's so much today. I mean, I'm the first to admit that occasionally
Starting point is 00:31:21 stone clearing can get a little repetitive. I can sometimes really hammer home the same points about what you have to do when you're stone clearing. But today we've learnt a lot of stuff and I think I've probably really helped you in your quest. Picked up a... I mean this is like if an action man had a penis and it was you know very disproportionate to the size of his body like a real Coke can but probably more like a beer barrel you can imagine an action man with a short stubby beer barrel sized cock that sort of type slightly tapers off at the end. That is what's going into
Starting point is 00:32:09 the ditch to stop Brexit. With a few other of its friends I've just picked up quite a nice big one that's got a shape like a boomerang on it but it's not boomerang shaped but the colour of the flint makes a nice little boomerang within the stone. I know a lot of you like to think about stones and try and picture them, lucky you. I can't picture things like that in my head, I'm trying to picture it now. I can sort of get an idea of what I'm talking about but it won't stick. And just coming to the Alpha and Omega, I feel guilty about my slight cheat on the way in and also my rudeness to the gods. They didn't punish me as far as I know.
Starting point is 00:32:51 So looking for something a little bit more satisfying for them on the way back. I've got one, again, Beelbarrel cock. There's a bit of wood there, that will tease them. A man-made wood. Well, not made, but crafted. Is this a. This is literally what I'm going to give to the others. This is a slight insult to the other number of gods but you can't force it. You can't force these things. We've seen quite a lot of your emails today. Here we go. On it goes bang. That was Judd. Just let that one fall so you could hear it so you didn't
Starting point is 00:33:21 get an idea of what the silent podcast would be like. We're heading down Duckett's Passage, look it up, it's not on any maps, and going back to the real world, and as we head back to the real world, let's just have a look at a few more of your emails. We've had a lot today. I'm just trying to see a good one. Weedy Holly Bud. I mean, that might be a nickname, but I don't think you should ever refer to yourself as Weedy. Weedy Holly Bud, I think about Holly's in there, I think it's probably Holly, I think Weedy's a nickname, that wouldn't make sense, hasn't it? Has been in touch to say we're very much heading into spring, or spring as I believe your people call it, thank you Weedy Holly. Do you, please carry on, please carry on stone clearing. Please never ever stop, even if you're dead.
Starting point is 00:34:26 But as we're heading to summer or summer, as I believe your people call it, do you have any advice on clothing to wear and what's fashionable this year on the stone clearing? Wear a weedy, I didn't want to call you weedy, but now I feel like I have to call you weedy. No stone clearing cares about stuff like fashion or or faffin as we actually call it. We're anti faffin.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And we just, you know, ideally naked holly. You should be a naked weedy holly. But I understand in the modern world that can be seen as a provocative way to behave. So just a sack, if you can wear a sack cloth, maybe hopefully it rubs against your skin like your Thomas the Becket, and reminds you of the sacrifice, the sacrifice made by our Lord Chief of Christ and the many throne clearers that came before us for is however much that fat cloth that hurt thee. Consider how much more was the suffering of the throne clearers on the cloth. Anyway, oh I've got that dog shit in my pocket, let's put it in the bin.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Good job I remembered that. No one emailed in to remind me of that did they? All fucking over the knick-clack. Yucky yuck. That's gonna be in the bin for two weeks. An empty bin with some dog shit at the bottom. Right. I'm definitely gonna wash my hands. Always wash your hands. There are no rules to stone clearing. That's the first rule of stone clearing. Second rule. Please wash your hands carefully. After every stone clearing. second rule please wash your hands carefully after every return clear I was sick this week, I think it might have been from my metal detecting in the garden
Starting point is 00:36:15 I think I might have been rushed inside and washed my hands quickly enough and thoroughly enough I think that made me sick and I don't care about the health implications really but it's got you know sickness can stop you getting out there and stone clearing so what you can do now is a man washing his hands very carefully all right I love you all take care from me and all the stones enjoy your stone clearing hello flaggs, goodbye flag hags. And we'll be back soon with more stone clearing with Rich Town Dog and Wolfie the Human. Goodbye. My friend and they for helping ye merry dance Don't lift unto the bird and tree
Starting point is 00:37:11 Don't lift unto your underpants Lift unto the stone Lift unto the stone And they in turn, I'll live for you, my friend, my fine friend. For Dome Clearing with Richard Herring starred me me, Richard Herring and Wolfie the Dog, plus Carla the Dogwalker, the man in the flat cap, the lady with the bobble hat, the man staring at me from a distance, and lots of other people too. The music is by Mike Coughgrave, the voice of the they fowl sing, year Mary does. Don't listen to the birds my friend, my fine friend.

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