Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 167

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

Chapter 167 - Fkidmarkf. It feels like only yesterday we last did this, because it is. It's just before 6pm on 22nd July 2024 and there's big news out on the Stocean. Fadly you miffed ye joyriderf, bu...t even more exciting, ye crop fhe if gone. Richard wifhed it and fo it muft be fhall. Will throes of all the rape plants mean that the stones are finally accessible? Or will there be loads of straw in the way? And will we see the first large stone for quite some time? Plus an email from a much missed actor, who had the foresight to email in, but not the present-sight to go to the doctors.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone clearing with Richard Herring. Hello my fine friends, it's 1748 on the 22nd of July 2024. Welcome to chapter one thick Fevham. Yes I know we just did one yesterday. Well come on you're used to me doing daily podcasts all of last year. 365 podcasts was 366. It was a leap year I can't remember. So this shouldn't really surprise you. But I've got an inkling. Something rather special might have happened on the Stotion. And I want to do that for myself. Be careful with the cooking. I have a secret field that I do stone clearing in. I went to last night. You don't know about it unless you want.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Very few people who know, and I wish I'd been recording that one because Joyrider got a car onto the field and was whizzing around the field, it was very exciting when I thought I was gonna get killed when they saw me, they sort of seemed to be coming for me and I sort of ran away. It was very exciting so hopefully nothing as exciting as that's gonna happen but we'll see. They might have got their car onto this field but we're heading up Duckett's Passage now. Oh god, I have to say I've been pretty exhausted this weekend. I've just come off the tour today. I mean it's now Monday so still feels like the weekend as it will do for the next six weeks
Starting point is 00:02:12 um I am a little bit dizzy so if I go down please put the podcast out I think I'm okay but uh I think I just need some sleep but you know every day is a gift. Never forget that. If I don't make it for whatever reason, whether it be just dying of old age or doing the right thing once my stocian is uncleared, so must it be shall. I'm very excited to see, oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I can't remember if this is Stone Easter or Stone Christmas, I'm feeling this is Stone Easter right, because it's not until it's ploughed up again that we really get a sense of what's going on but let's you've seen some photos of the field looks like a barren wasteland of just little sprigs of rapeseed plants sticking up I mean of
Starting point is 00:03:23 course it's not really that exciting in terms of clearing stones because actually it's probably I can go out onto the field a little bit but it's everything's quite covered up with. Whoa! Straws! I'm a bit unsteady on my feet. So Alfong and Omegaken. Let's go and have a look at the Alfong Omegaken, it might have been everything's been cut back a bit here, it is still here. And in fact I can now place stones on top of it, it's still very flat, probably flat as it was yesterday due to me running over by farm machinery. But what an exciting day, this is, it was a day I hoped for yesterday wasn't it? And here it has arrived, it's cut down everything, all that, both sides, this is it was a day I hoped for yesterday wasn't it and here
Starting point is 00:04:05 it has arrived just cut down everything all that both sides this is going to be a delight remember how I felt like Thomas a Becket walking through the crops now I feel like G for F on his walk out of the tomb on Stone Easter, Eifte. And there's a nice stone. The good thing about all the stories, it makes it impossible to see how many stones are here. So I can pretend that I'm nearly completed. I found a nice one there, medium sized stone.
Starting point is 00:04:40 These, that you come and film a science fiction film it's quite warm out here actually the sun is shining down the evening sun should have brought some water out again for the dog and for myself haven't drunk enough water today that might be part of the reason for my dizziness I'm just half-solving a little bit and just picked up a nice, you know, the big stones to stick up a little bit through the straw There's a little one that we can see that can come off if he's chasing it. This is what stone clearing is all about. Clearing stones, vegetation having gone away and actually still being here in quite an annoying way so not quite the exciting day it could be but equally a better day than yesterday and if you can say that
Starting point is 00:05:55 every day of your life you my friend can be the happiest storm clearer in Christendom stone clearer in Christendom. Just out of stone stars here, just the shadow, the shadow of what may be. Getting a few little, it's nice to be out a bit and just, oh look at this bucka. That's what I'm talking about. Where did that one come from? Look at the size of that. It's the size of a, let's say a cow's clavicle very similar in size and shape but I find the right place to put that just lying atop the soil yeah what I thought was a member of the stone stars is just some flowering bush I may be hallucinating a little during this clear. Maybe none of this is happening at all. Maybe I've already died.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And this is my heaven. If it was heaven the ground would be cloud too, so I think I'm still here. But yeah, probably not well enough to be out here doing this. But the dog needs to be walked. The people who want to know about dog poop have to be satisfied. It's not gonna be a long one because it is actually quite warm. Do hydrate, make sure you come out with proper protection. All the brambles coming along I see there as well. Might be around to pick some brambles in August. So it's good to get this one in because I will be away later in the week. Someone else rushing in, stealing my thunder out here easy laying fruit but clearing not as much as you might think and it's a trip hazard because all these little stalks are sticking up like tiny trees it's
Starting point is 00:07:56 like a Ben Teens potty tone Michael Benton's potty tone with trees sticking up through the straw if it was really tiny there would be trees. You get what I'm talking about if you were from early 1970s. It's all a bit bright, could do with some sunglasses but you know my stone cloning forebears would not have had anything resembling a this is a nice smallish stone but nicely off and that's a beautiful throw perfectly judged throw right into the edge and you know we've got that now again not quite as perfectly judged that one but still not bad. The cairn in the corner of the field is somewhere down here, I don't know if you
Starting point is 00:08:52 better see it or if you may have retrieved that last stone. No she hasn't got it. They have cut back the boundary a little bit, this is what I was warning you about, the importance of getting your cairns out. There it is, look. Can you see it again at last? That one is far enough away that it hasn't been damaged by the force of whatever machinery they used to take these crops down. I knew that this had happened because someone was complaining about the noise, didn't know what it was, and the Facebook group for the village sorted that out, explained what happened, and I thought, oh my, oh my, my, my, what fun I will have tomorrow. my hour and it's nice that I'm here still to experience this is a bit of
Starting point is 00:09:49 ground churned up machinery to tie marks only the odds don't pop in that couple out already nothing too big All going nicely off the field. The tyre marks, that's a little hint for you when the field is just covered in straw. You can't see it. There was snow or anything. Look for where the ground has been churned up because there you will find your peace of mind. Also some pieces of stone. There's another nice medium and you know after all this time it's been a while since I've cleared anything on a substantial size. I'm
Starting point is 00:10:39 hoping to just come across a large thing. That's not bad either. Actually if you stop and look, that's a small one, I thought it was going to be big isn't it. But there's one another medium here. Oh he's got that in the face. So the farmer inadvertently helping me by churning up the ground. Go wolves! ground. Come on wolves! Where are you going wolves? I will be, don't bring it back on. I just brought one of my mediums back on again. Maybe I'll save it for the cairn opposite the main cairn. There's another churned up bit here though. Actually I'm just going to chuck it into the trees. I'm going to chase it into there.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Surely we'll find something else. Nothing too apparent. It's a shrapnel. But I mean, good size. Wolfie! Wolfie! Come here! She really went after that stone. She was disappointed. It went off the field, over the edge.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Just going to put you on the lead door, in case we get a surprise visitor. But the nice thing is, we can now see all around, 360 degrees, a stone size we have to crawl in straw colored jackets to evade us here. So Cairn Frost from the main Cairn, hidden away by bits of weed that's not a bad thing and we can hide that away the better I say that's what I say so the entire tracks here some good churning yeah it's a nice little bit some peb bobs I can chuck those into the can across from the main can oh nicely then one went down the pathway one went across the other side, but still flying up the field. And I'm hoping, it'd be nice to just get a really giant stone, these are all tiddlers. Got a couple of mediums, so while since you've heard me say that word except when it's
Starting point is 00:13:06 small medium but to start with the medium when was the last large taking off the field maybe I've got them all it's not for me to. You can see how out of shape I am. I mean you can't see it unless you're spying at me through binoculars, which you probably are. You're fucking weirdo. No one around. No one else is stupid enough to come out on this ocean. It's going to be a quickie today obviously. We don't want to overburden you. You're very busy clearing your own stones. You don't want to listen to me clearing mine. So crossing the field not really seeing anything. There's a stone, it's not going to come up.
Starting point is 00:14:40 With a kick and a flick. A little Sabutio. A couple came out where the other one go. A couple came up over there, just stayed where it is. Two little bits here actually. Some smaller bits I'll leave till the final clear up. Three, I mean still shrapnel size really. Small, small and appalling. we could do a little Castle Hoth now that everything has been taken up oh there's a slightly larger small one sorry I said large so early there must have got your hopes up, oh there are a few in the tracks there as well, I'll get them all remember when you're crossing a field don't overburden yourself, don't try to carry too
Starting point is 00:15:27 much. Remember tomorrow is another day. Patience is what you need. Not dedication, Roy Castle. Patience, patience, patience is what you need if you want to clear a stone, Patience is what you need if you want to clear a stone, if you want to clear all of the stones, some patience, actually dedication as well. Patience is what you need and dedication, patience and dedication. There's a stick that's not coming off. voices. More skid marks from the tyres. What did you think I was talking about from the tyres? I've got quite a few stands more small, one sort of verging on small large one one sort of verging on small large but that will make a nice addition so the main can we're not going to do a stone pole today we have the weakest stone pole we'll do another one but that's nice and yeah just one more
Starting point is 00:16:46 stone so near the edge just been dislodged not been seen before now it's gone all right I think we lay off the thing if you want to do a poop wolf's as we're going home I've got to feed you the cats my wife's off doing a gig today which you know while cat's away the mice can clear stones. While the cat's not at home the mice can clear stones. That would have been better if I'd said that. So I'm slightly hustling on the way down the hill in the hope of finding some seam of undiscovered stoneage the trunks of these there rape plants are thick as fuck much thicker than you'd think they were but I knew they had to come up soon they were looking so dry
Starting point is 00:17:38 that's a leaf, nearly picked up a leaf that would have been a waste of my time and a waste of my minimal balance I do remember if you're feeling ill or dizzy then there's no excuse not to clear stones. The stones care not for your human maladies. Go on, what's your going to poop? I'm not seeing any stones at all. Ah, some more tire tracks this should be this should do us and now I see a stone but that's encouraging. I wonder if you're chasing that one, you'll never get there. I maybe shouldn't have thrown it because I do need something for the ditch that stopped Brexit. Come on there's gotta be plenty here for that. It's just really hoping for some mega find.
Starting point is 00:18:26 You know how much fun it used to be when you had to come across not literally a huge stone that I could barely lift with my puny arms, done a lot of weightlifting since then. Oh, there's a couple of nice ones here, not huge, but together at least make a decent sized medium and I'm going to save those two for the Alpha and Omega again. I don't care that we haven't even got to the ditch to stop Brexit, we've got three nice little stones to the ditch to stop Brexit. Ditch that beat the Tories. Do you ever wonder why Labour got so many seats when they got so few votes?
Starting point is 00:19:08 It's all thanks to the Ditch that stopped the Tories. That's what happens if you put a stone in a ditch every single day of your life. That's the kind of luck you can expect just wish for whatever you want to wish. Could be for a million pounds. There's more tar tracks out out here I've got to go look at these skid marks just to see just it would top off the day wouldn't it we just they've just churned up a monolith they haven't though oh they know that that was a large clump of soil this is fine what we've got is fine. There's plenty of time. I've got all the time in the world till the end of August to get these.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I'm going to leave them away on holiday a bit. Anyway ditch to stop Brexit. Cut back nicely, still lots of weeds in the ditch. Soon one would hope it wouldn't even be able to be called a ditch because it's so full of stones but not yet. You can hear those clicking. They're finding some like-minded souls and if we can get the alphanabagic cairn just looking a bit like a cairn rather than a load of flat stones that would be something wouldn't it. Another leaf to trick me. The leaf's playing merry hell. Is that a stone or is that a stalk? That is a stone. A stone disguising
Starting point is 00:20:48 itself as a stalk, thought I wouldn't find it. Some want to be cleared, some aren't so keen, but once they're cleared they all realize why it had to be this way. So nice little quick circuit here we back up the Alpha and Omega can and almost too many gifts here. Oh that actually goes right back there as well it's really spread out yeah I mean that's a scree more than a can but what a scree it is And we head down Duckett's Passage. Let's see if any more emails are coming today. Screech Powers has been in touch, aka Dustin Diamond, the actor from Saved by the Bell. He's emailed in today. Rich I've sent this email, registered delivery, I've changed the date because I think by the time you get this I will be dead, died of cancer that I ignored for too long. So tragic
Starting point is 00:21:59 story but you know I had a good life if that's what happened I had a good life and you know just I sent out a few emails to my favorite entertainers and stone clearers just to say keep up the good work I obviously been able to listen Come on, Wolfs, good girl. Hi there. You go past. No, it's alright, thank you. It's alright, don't worry. It's been a very pleasant enchantment,
Starting point is 00:22:36 given the chance to be gouging out your eyes. Do-do-do-do-do-do. Come on! I did pass on the lady wiles I said that. It was unbrownounced to me. Sprinkling a lawn, so she heard that. She's going to think I'm weird. Good to know I'm not. Nothing wrong with me.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Thanks Screech, aka Dustin Diamond. I'm sorry you died. It was very sad. I got cancer around about the same time. And your demise put the willies up in me, I can say. But I'm glad you like the show and the podcast and I'm glad you've got a chance to tell me even that even that's a sort of ghostly apparition you know the other members of Bayside are doing fine as far as I know that for he's and one who was in the film and he's took her clothes off and I think Slater's doing the best out of everyone actually saved by the bell so here go, we're back home. Thank you Wolfie for some food. Just
Starting point is 00:24:08 thought you'd want to share that part of Pete, phenomenal bit of news that we're on our way. Gods have shined down on us and I don't want to die so I'll try not to give Wolfie some... hey Wolfie I'm gonna try you on a different flavor of dog food today you're gonna like it you've had the same flavor of dog food every night for pretty much as long as you've been alive this is chicken and duck flavor not chicken and whatever the other one was. So let's see if you like it. Yes you do, that's lucky. Little insight into my personal life there but this we are beyond the boundaries now this no podcast can go this far. So
Starting point is 00:25:00 thanks for listening, I hope you enjoyed this extra bonus podcast. OneFix7 will react soon with OneFix8. Look out for the Fgidmarks. Bye. Listen to the stone, my friend, and they're helping you merry dance. Don't listen to the bird fan-tree, don'ten to the stone, and they in turn Hallifen to ye, my friend, my fine friend. For Tone Clearing with Richard Herringham Wolfie the Dog starred me, Richard Herringham Wolfie the Dog starred me Richard Herring and Wolfie the Dog plus the nice old lady who was probably the man of the Photone Carvey and the lady who was the host. This is Mike Coughgrave doing the music and this is Michael Faheem doing the voices overs at the beginnings. Listen to the stones, my friend, And they fowl sing, year merry dance. Don't listen to the birth and treif, Don't listen to your under-. Lift unto the stones, lift unto the stones,
Starting point is 00:26:53 and they in turn shall lift unto ye, my friend, my fine friend

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