Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 17

Episode Date: March 23, 2019

Chapter 17 - What's Her Name? It's 8.38am on 22nd March 2019 and no one knows what is happening with Brexit, but one man knows what he is doing for the next 45 minutes: clearing stones whilst watching... his dog perform ablutions. He hasn't just lost his trowel out on this field, but also his mind as he fails to recall the name of a major character in one of the biggest film releases of all time. Is someone travelling back in time to kill him - where does the dog walker vanish too and does a poorly thrown stone have terrible consequences for the rest of the world? Also how can you tell what direction a bald man is facing from a distance? You can hear everything this week in crystal clear surround sound. Bet you wish you couldn't. Now sleep. Look at those stones she's cleared. Whoever she is. Anyone can do it if they've got a gun.

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Starting point is 00:00:30 I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, but I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, but I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, but I'm not sure if you can hear me or not. I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, but I'm not sure if you can hear me or not. I'm not sure if you can hear me or not. So hello, welcome to chapter 17 of the Tone Clearing with Richard Herring. We will see how the recording goes today if you've been listening religiously in both senses of the work you will know that the last two episodes have met with difficulties as if some supernatural force is trying to prevent this podcast coming out to you. I mean, it can't be the stone gods because they want their words read. It could be the legendary, possibly fictional, we don't know, Photone Devil with his army of log dogs and his stasi of informers or his photography. It's quite hard to explain what that is without saying it in English first.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I don't know, but certainly chapter 15 spoiled somewhat by the phone being in my pocket, not connected to the microphone. Chapter 16, somewhat spoiled by the wind. It's the, was it the 23rd, 22nd, 22nd of March 2019. It's about 8.38 in the morning. And I have to say there are no inclement conditions today. There's a spuzzle going off nearby, which you may have heard. But there's no wind. It's still a grey day. It's like chilling the air, but I don't think that will affect the recording unless it becomes so cold that the iPhone or headphones become somehow frozen.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I'm not sure that possible. And we arrive at the field. That is field, not sealed. I'm speaking in English now to discover the crop now. Probably a good seven inches high. I just picked up a little stone there, throwing that towards the opening can. It bounced off the can actually, but probably into a position where it's some way away into a position which will be useful for future wall development. Let's try another one from a distance.
Starting point is 00:04:20 That one's bounced or not really very close, but at least off the field. And that is the important thing. Come on, Wolfs. Good girl. No one around at the moment. We had a very uninterrupted ride last time we were here. I know some of you like having to deal with dog walkers. I'd obviously prefer not to because it means I can get more stone clearing done. I found my trowel. I might look out for that today. Which is a nice big one here.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I'm trying to get out. Well, I say big. I mean, it's the size of a sort of rock cake. Maybe we should go by the rock cake scale today. You can imagine a rock cake made of rock. The other ones are picked up there as well. They go on the can by the bench and the big one goes to the other side of the bench. And the field isn't showing no signs of letting up its prodigious stone creations.
Starting point is 00:05:30 There are some dogs here that I just have to watch out for. A bit closer to the bigger path I would say that should have been cleared by the dog owner. I don't want to turn this into a dedicated dog poo corraling podcast, but that is one of my other major concerns along with clearing stones that people respect the point at which dog poo should be picked up. And there is a sliding scale. Wolfie is now 10 meters out into the foot ocean as it would have been called in the olden days. And if she chose to poo there, that is her business, literally in every sense.
Starting point is 00:06:11 But she isn't doing what she would add. Oh no, here she goes as she poo and I'm waiting. Let's, again, don't want to turn this into just a dog poo. If I poo to me, you can just tell from the way a dog holds herself, whether it's a wee or a poo. Yeah, I mean, I'm literally two feet away from the edge of the, the, the ocean. And just finding the stones are coming out like a bald man's, well, a balding man's hair in the shower. Just pulling it and out they come and yet more to come.
Starting point is 00:06:58 That is the best analogy I can come up with. I've picked up five or six stones there, just casually finding the right place for them to go, dotting them in seemingly a haphazard fashion. Because of course, every single part of the border of this field must eventually have a wall bite and every wall and every part of that wall begins with one stone. So Wolfie did her poo far another way that I don't have to clear it up. Anyone out there that far is, you know, breaking the rules. They shouldn't be out there, they're transgressing.
Starting point is 00:07:36 The stone poo is of course, that might be, I mean, it should just be me, this is my field. But if they're transgressing, then they deserve the risk. But someone like me there, just two feet away from, could just have dropped a phone or, you know, something reached down, picking up some dog poo that is not on. So, whoever that was, I hope you're listening and I hope you're ashamed of yourself. Just bought a little weed out here in the field and something about that is making me want to take that weed out. Even though it's organic, I'm not panicking, but I'm just fed a couple of weeds and that's not going to help the farmer.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Maybe I'm just in a good mood, who knows. Taking those weeds out, there weren't sort of special crops of weeds that farmers grow for some reason. Just, you know, that was the basis of this, this is where this began for me, obviously not in history. Just happened to be a bit helpful as I'm walking around the field, clear a few stones out, then it kind of, I can't say snowboard because snowballs aren't made of rock. It's not avalanched, that's what I'm looking for, isn't it? But an avalanche of stone, not of snow. Oh, I thought that looks like a little bit of man-made or men cut stone there.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Looks quite modern, quite well cut, so I don't think that's a historical aspect, but even if it was, off it would come. Some geese or ducks honking in the background there. And yeah, I'm so, I'm just, you know, although it's nice to make a nest, it's nice to make a can, it's also nice just to throw your stones in a haphazard fashion into the side, because eventually, when this goes along long enough, oh, how my phone started talking to me, thinking I was, I didn't say anything to you mate. Ben 10, I didn't even say Ben 10, what's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:09:51 My watch, shall I get in on the podcasting there and don't approve of that, but finding some nice finds down here actually, just as we head to the bottom corner of the field, these will go on again, decent sized, I mean all in the rock cake scale, one of them is like a flattened rock cake, but good sized rock cakes, the others are probably crumbs, you know, big sized crumbs that have come off a rock cake. Two, three, four, five, two of those little three of them, you know, I'd say good medium sized stones there, so that's nice. It's nice to find them, but also disparaging of course, because I'm still very much right on the edge of the field,
Starting point is 00:10:39 and now this is, I think this is about the point I lost my trowel, it was only the trowel head, it's a shame because again there's a lovely stone there, but just too deep in for me to get, too deep for me to kick out, I'll take out a couple of other ones instead. Maybe I've travelled out into the field a bit, and that's quite good because that gives me an excuse, because if anyone sees me I can say, oh I'm looking for my trowel, it won't even be a lie, they might go, why have you got a trowel out here, and then I go, oh yeah, didn't think of that. Of course the original stone clear is their trowel was their finger, which is what I am currently using,
Starting point is 00:11:24 I forgot to bring out my, I do have an archaeological trowel I mentioned out in the garden, it's a bit rusty, it would be ideal for this work. Oh is that someone, there's like a plastic bag in this tree, if that's for the dog pig, I'm going to be furious. No I don't think it is, it's just a bled bag that's flown into, just been blown into the trees, even so shoddy too. I don't have extra stuff to the field, we're trying to take stuff off. So using a mixture of foot and finger trowel here to get these stones away, like nice nest there, oh but there's a little dip behind this hedge, and the biggest stone in there, it just rolled down off the field entirely,
Starting point is 00:12:14 which is obviously fine, but disappointing in terms of the building, a wall, which this is not all about, it's only partly about. So no sign of that child, some lucky Hertfordshire person came across that and thought I'd have to keep that, unless it just fell out my pocket a bit further up, or, well who knows, who knows what happened. It will remain a mystery for now, maybe one day in the future, hopefully when I'm recording, I'll discover it, we'll find that old friend. And I'm emboldened by again the lack of people out here, and just popping out a little bit further into the field, to find a few, none of these would be gratefully received as a rock cake, if you go, what's this,
Starting point is 00:13:11 this is a bit small for a rock cake, what you're saying mate, what you're trying to say about me, saying I'm overweight and can only have tiny bits of rock cake, but they're all good stones, and they're all coming off the field, those ones going into the trees, this larger one, that sort of fits comfortably in the palm of my hand with my hand gripped around it, little protuberance, hold on to making sure it's got a stone age tool, I don't think it is though, these can go on the second biggest mound I think we have on this field, opposite the main cairn, I beg your pardon, so three more going on there, little tiny flake there, flew off that stone as I threw it and went back onto the field, that is always annoying,
Starting point is 00:14:06 almost too small a piece to pick up though, but at some point in the future I will have to get that little bit off the field as well, just adding to my workload, so be careful as you throw the stones, try not to chip them, of course the stones will make their own decisions about that, that made most of that stone was happy to leave the field for one little bit, said no mate, not my time, and that one again, that one, the problem with flint is it does explode if you throw it from a distance, some would say that's the excitement of flint, the beauty of it, all of you doing a wee now, don't have to deal with that, let's start cupping up dog wee in my hands and taking that off the field, I'm not insane,
Starting point is 00:14:50 that will just, what happens with the wee is it just, it goes into the ground and disappears in that direction, no dog owner should accept to infect the street in circumstances, that has to clear up a dog's wee on a walk, I mean if a dog wee on a kitchen floor, sure, I'm not saying leave that, that has happened to me, it can tell probably from the weirings in my voice, that's the voice of experience, but yeah, you know, I'm not, some people will go away, Rich I think would, you know, clear up everything, the breath of the calm ducks out of the dog, putting that in a bag and taking that away, well again I would say that would be an extreme position, picking up quite a lot of stones here, just actually between the path and the headland,
Starting point is 00:15:43 that aren't quite up the field, but some nice chunky ones, so I'm going to get rid of them, just so they don't come back onto the field, we talked about this last time, you may not know, because of the wind blowing into my headphones, so it does feel peace or calm, it's eerily quiet out here, I'm slightly worried, you know, you'll remember from the early episodes when I came out here, I bumped into four or five people, I have to elude quite a few others, but now nothing, just the time I'm going for a walk, and something else happened to these, someone realised someone's clearing stones off the field, just decided to take off, take out everyone they see around this field and their dogs, that's what it feels like,
Starting point is 00:16:33 I've been lucky, they've been unlucky because of course they've probably not taken the terms of the field, but a bit like they terminated clearing everyone, called, whatever her name was, Linda Hamilton, that wasn't her name in the front thing was it, what was she called, well write in if you know the answer to that, it's tricky to have your question, Sharon Osbourne, I don't know if she was called Richie the character, I can't remember, anyway the terminator has maybe come from the future to stop, the wall that I have built, being built, that is quite likely actually, because someone jealous maybe of my fame, or just who doesn't like walls, might have made it to the time machine in order to stop this, but not know who exactly who's doing it, so it just has to kill everyone, because I'm being very sceptitious as well,
Starting point is 00:17:30 we explain a lot actually if that was the case, so yeah I think it probably is there, what is she called, the woman in the terminator, that's crazy, you know you go through the phone, book your season name, it's a problem getting old, basic pieces of information just fall out of your head, if I could think of the boy's name then that would help with it, because then I would have the surname and that would probably mean I got it, well it's one to think about if you're at home, don't google it to see if you can remember, all this time of course the more important work, just a bit trivia just to keep things rocking along, the more important work of stone carvings going on, and again literally a foot from the shore, I find four phones that together would make a really lovely rock page, like a properly big one together,
Starting point is 00:18:38 separately, oh I don't know there's someone coming in the other direction, there's a man with only two dogs, I don't know if you heard in the episode where there was a man with ten dogs, I don't know if that was one of the episodes that didn't really properly record it, he's heading this way, I'm going to get Wolfie on her lead, give me a chance to bend down and throw a few of these stones off the floor, Wolfie, we might be able to cut through on the diagonal and miss this dog walker of course, oh I'm not ashamed because there's some lovely stones just here, oh I'm having to walk past him, I mean this dog walker is still too far away for me to really be able to tell, I think it's a man only because I think I can see a sort of bald head,
Starting point is 00:19:28 I might be wrong, I might be an involved person, it's actually the closer they get the more womanly they look, two dogs, oh they're crossing into, they're crossing, they've seen me, maybe they are just stone carvings, oh they're crossing into the other field, the field that I'm not meant to clear from, but I do clear from, through the hedges, so now behind a hedge, perhaps realising they've been spotted themselves, I mean that could be the terminator, be disappointing if it was, Sandra D, no stop that, Sarah Connor, okay there we go, got there, so hope you didn't spoil anyone's fun there by getting that answer before you did,
Starting point is 00:20:18 Sarah Connor and John Connor, and what was the name of the tennis player? Is this just going to become like an old man rambling, trying to remember things that there's no way he should have gone, yes I mean when I say become, I always put a dog shit bag on one of my kens and that is very annoying, I'm unfortunately coming up to the corner now, the man is arriving on the other side of the field, so I will have to be quiet, pretend I'm just a normal person and it doesn't mean I can't clear from another field almost like, oh he's stopped by me, hi, how are you doing, good I'm almost, good girl, see the terriers, come on darling, good girl, yeah that's always annoying when it happens at that point in the field because of course there's a lot of stones down here and it's fun to sort of chuck them towards the edge, maybe if I wait a second that man will have gone,
Starting point is 00:21:25 I've managed to pick one up, his back's turned and at least thrown one off the field, that is something, the man's back was turned, it was a bald man, not a beautiful blonde lady, didn't look like a terminator, he did not terminate me, so if he was the terminator he either ascertained that I was not the droid he was looking for, I think that's that film, same film, the terminator, or he's biding his time for a moment, maybe he sort of recognised Wolfie was onto him or Wolfie would have eaten his robot face, and looking up this is just like a little, ah what are you doing, you the terminator Wolfie, that would be a twist man, that would be a good twist, yeah just looking up a furrow here and it's just completely, I mean it's more stone than soil, as far as the eye can see, so I picked up a couple of stones which are going towards the central can,
Starting point is 00:22:26 controversial in some people's eyes, the Brian Bramble podcast, he says you must never put stones in the central field, because that is the field, well I disagree with him, and sure his podcast may have more listens, but you know I think a lot of those people are listening in an ironic mocking fashion to him, but anyone would think they were good enough to do a stone clearing podcast, and when they're not good enough to do it, I think that's why he's getting more listens, so it's not the quantity, it's the quality and the intention behind people all who are serious about stone clearing, listen to my one, and the worth, you know ten, and every of his listeners making him only just slightly head still,
Starting point is 00:23:22 so you know if we keep pushing away, so I have got an armful of stones here because there's just tonnes of really good ones, they're still quite a long way from, they're all like an oddly shaped rock cakes, when you've got that as a rock cake you would say what's a weird shape, what's going on, but that's fine, that'll do, if you want a bit of a diet that's nice, it's not quite as big as a usual rock cake, the problem is if I get over the brow of this hill and see Doug Walker coming towards me, all of these are going to have to be dumped, and that is the danger of this part of the field, there's another Doug Walker at the distance heading across the fields from the main cane to the second main cane, we're just at the second main cane, you know where I'm talking about,
Starting point is 00:24:06 but apart from that I think we're in the clear, and there is a lot of stone to be harvested still, even just from near the pathway across this field, let alone looking further afield than that and get it afield, so it's no time for levity, that's the kind of thing Brian Bramble would do in his podcast and I apologise for that, you know he's taking the piss that's the thing, because some people still think stone clearing is a comic thing, I tunes do, that's why they put this in the comedy podcast, anyone who has found their way through all 17 of these I think will agree,
Starting point is 00:24:56 there's very little to laugh at here, so just stopping around again to pick up another stone to add to my haul, I've got a good, I saw someone in a red coat, well they've disappeared, that's weird, they've disappeared and there's no way off the field where they've disappeared, that is freak, there was someone literally walking around coughing a red coat, there's a fence to one side of them in the field to the other side of them, they were 20 or 30 yards from the field exit and they've disappeared when I looked, that is freaky and that is, if anyone's a terminator,
Starting point is 00:25:29 oh they're actually not, they just have to go a bit further along, I just saw them, I think they were sort of behind the brow of the hill, might not be, this doesn't mean they're not the terminator, some people think that stone clearing makes you paranoid, I just think it makes you observant, realistic, you know where all those stone clearers who died in the middle ages paranoid, and they probably were as well because they were being killed so vaguely, but they had a right to be paranoid because they were, so it's not paranoid,
Starting point is 00:26:06 if everyone is trying to get you, that's the point isn't it, so let's take a little moment here, oh my god I'm being looked at right by the person in red, they're looking right at me and their heart is hard to describe, what's to disguise what I was doing there, I was bending down pick ups things, I mean they're 200 yards away, they're maybe looking for their dog, they do have a dog, I mean that makes me feel better, because if you had time travel and technology to bring a robot back to kill
Starting point is 00:26:36 someone who was making a stone wall in a field in Hertfordshire, would you also bring a dog back and would you make a robot dog just to cover, I mean I suppose the robot could come back and just borrow a dog or kill a dog walker and then just use their dog, so you know again there's lots of possibilities, and yeah I mean look again, I'm just slightly perturbed that I can have walked down this path so many times, I would not have seen this huge stone two inches really away from where my feet have trod,
Starting point is 00:27:11 and I think the only explanation is it wasn't there till today, it is freaky and the longer this goes on the less I think we can start to trust all the things that we have started to believe in a modern society, I mean one of the things people believe is stones do not grow out of the ground or appear from nowhere, but they do, so you know that's the thing. Again I say to science, try and explain this, not with the thing about cold pushing, ice pushing stones upwards, that's ridiculous. If that was the case then every time you went into your kitchen your freezer
Starting point is 00:27:56 would be a foot higher wouldn't it, because that is made of ice, I mean not the whole thing but the inside bit, so it would just get higher and higher until it was in the ceiling and then break through to upstairs or into your attic, if you're in a bungalow or through the roof if it's a flat roof dwelling like a shed. Anyway I've got four nice, one proper rock cake, two like mini cakes, I suppose they would be, I mean they're more like those little cupcakes you get at kids parties, and then just the thing that doesn't really like a cake,
Starting point is 00:28:27 I mean I don't really like a cake, it's a longer blob, maybe like a really massive amount of chin and gum stuck together after it's been chewed, or a sort of stone sized object, if you can imagine that. I don't think the rock cake system is the one that we'll stick with for future podcast. Potato one was probably the best to be honest. Oh and that's nice, there was a rock there embedded in the pathway, but a good size. And I've got it out with my foot, you probably heard me kicking away at it, and that is going on to get this incredibly disappointing pan at the bottom of this path,
Starting point is 00:29:19 which I just think it should be bigger than this, why isn't it bigger than this? If someone's coming and taking some of these and throwing them back in, I don't think so, I mean they would do a better job if they were doing that. But there it's four more high, remember if you are building walls you must not obstruct any pathways or right of way, that one is right by the side of a right of way, and therefore you do need to leave a gap for people to get through. The first rule of stone clearing is there are no rules, we know that, but the second rule is please respect all rights of way and past.
Starting point is 00:29:59 And I'm walking out a little bit into the field here just in the hope I'll find some stones to throw at the stone pole, but actually the vegetation is so thick, you can't even see if there are any stones here. I'll go, there's a little tree here, which again some would say is off the path, off the field, you know you could equally use these stones to build a can around this tree, but I'm going to take four or five of them to just throw at the pole, because I know a lot of you, that's a lot of people who really mean about this, Simon pole, but honey's called that as well, I've literally just approached him with a pole. He said that that is the best bit, can you just do this,
Starting point is 00:30:47 a podcast about throwing stones at a pole? No, Simon, that's stupid, it's good because it's just, it happens every now and again. Now I have a right hand full of stones, I'm going to use my left hand, which also has a dog lead and a glove in it. Oh yeah, and the map's nowhere near, so let's go back to the right hand. Oh, hit a different pole, oh yeah, just caught the pole, just missed the pole, that was the one, that wasn't the clip, that was the one, so how you cheered? If you're not cheering that bit, please go back and start all podcasts again,
Starting point is 00:31:19 and cheer that bit please, it's one of the rules, there are no rules to stone throwing, but that is definitely one of the rules. It's more than the rules, there's another stone, oh that's a nice one, that's come out of the path very easily, so I will try and, there's a few stones down there, a big bit of concrete that I'll throw that onto, that's quite a nice place to start, a new little nest, incorporating a big bit of concrete. Of course you don't have to respect animal tracks,
Starting point is 00:31:49 in fact you should disrespect them, they're made by organic beings, and should be blocked up with stones as quickly as you can do so, but you do have to, I mean even though human beings are organic too, it's just basic politeness also, if you block up the human ones, then the humans, unlike rabbits and foxes and stuff, can complain, and then someone will come and smash all of your stuff down, and say you have to stop doing it. So please respect, those ancient rights, the pathways of men,
Starting point is 00:32:23 in many cases as old as mankind itself, and a harmony has to be agreed between those who walk and those who build, that there was a time when people just fight to the death over that, and then they just realise, respect each other, you can walk here, I can build here, and that is how, that is the kind of peace we need within this country, and the world really at the moment between people with vastly opposing ideas of what we should be doing, I mean I believe in walking,
Starting point is 00:32:59 you have to walk the stone clear, but I also believe as you are walking, you must be building a wall out of pebbles from the field, or you are wasting your time, so those humans just walk, I mean it does make me angry thinking about them, but again, the collateral damage, just one stone there I found on the way to the main can, and the main can is stretching nicely in two directions, and there is a sort of grass growing over and around it,
Starting point is 00:33:28 a few stones have fallen down the back, they are not really, can't really get those, but that is where they wanted to be, and probably in the future this whole corner will be a solid wall, right the way back to the trees, so it is not too much of a problem. Let's just take a little walk across the fields if we can find a few good choice examples to add to that main can, it is always a shame if you just add one to that,
Starting point is 00:33:53 Wolfie is happy for the extra little bit of walk, and I am sure you are happy for the extra bit of podcast that this will bring you, so we are about to head down the final path back to the real world, the world outside this magical field of stones, and peas I think, and the slide is appointing nothing much here, it looks like a little pipe, Wolfie is looking at me in the face,
Starting point is 00:34:23 so I will get to picking up a few tiddlers, I am very exposed here, not literally my genitals there, they are set safely in my pouch, the rest of me is of course naked, just someone could see what I am doing, and I don't have the necessary shower look at them, someone has picked up a stone there,
Starting point is 00:34:44 I don't know if that was me, there is just a gap where a stone once was, alright we will get this last one if we can, happy to get it out, and some more dog poop right by the path, oh thanks a lot, thanks a lot dogs and their stupid owners, okay I don't think I can risk staying out much longer,
Starting point is 00:35:04 I will just get that last one, oh and just in time, another dog walker, heading across that diagonal that I have just been on, choosing the other path away, could have been so close to discovering what I was up to but again, I lived for another day,
Starting point is 00:35:25 two dogs, I think it is the same guy from before, there are two dogs with bald head, it is a fair distance away, I am not looking over here, it is hard to tell because all of his head is bald, so he could be just walking and looking at me like that, so I will put these on the other end of the,
Starting point is 00:35:45 oh this wall is extending quite nicely, yeah that is good, I have done a good thing there, oh a twig there, as I try to throw that towards the, a twig just jumped in like it was a basketball match and pushed that stone away,
Starting point is 00:36:08 still off the field that is fine, that is where nature fights itself, I just kept holding one stone as you know, I like to do because there is a little can along here but there is not so many big stones down this, check to put the field and it is getting very, very covered in crops now, that can just go onto that can,
Starting point is 00:36:30 just help that one grow, the day when those two connectors is going to be a jubilant time, I cannot wait to podcast about that in about 10 years time, I am looking out for other stones to throw into the ditch, to stop any horrible happening in the world,
Starting point is 00:36:51 no need to thank me for peace that we are currently enjoying, lack of conflict, I mean she is just full of wee, what is it all coming from? the piece that we have in the world is down to me throwing these stones into a ditch,
Starting point is 00:37:10 and will it solve Brexit? well, let's see what happens with Brexit, that is what I am saying, I am putting four or five stones in today, so that should mean, I think that good old trees may hopefully, you have been working very hard on
Starting point is 00:37:27 the old Brexit, and hopefully this will help just get rid of those last couple of wrinkles, little nibbles she needs to sort out before her wonderful plan is implemented, and it is nice to know she is behind me
Starting point is 00:37:43 and what I am doing in stone throwing she said as much from the telly that night and I was quite impressed with her being involved enough to say she supported me, a lot of politicians tried to throw that stone in the ditch and it missed, I don't know if that is an omen actually missed a ditch
Starting point is 00:37:59 that is quite hard to do but I did get the others in, so hopefully they will counteract whatever bad luck is caused by missing the ditch if anything goes wrong in the world I apologise, it was due to a lazy throw because I was thinking about Theresa Mayn during stone clearing,
Starting point is 00:38:15 and supporting me and this right, well again I don't think we are going to meet anyone face to face we said hello to one fella I will pick up a couple of little stones here just to put on the the can at the beginning of the field which again remains very small but partly because
Starting point is 00:38:35 again this is a someone it feels has been down here in the ancient of days and cleared this part of the field already which is okay they passed the battle on to me and this can is largely made up of smaller stones
Starting point is 00:38:51 so in a way it is more impressive so come on Wolfie, we are done here today I don't think anyone could argue that this wasn't a productive and very clear podcast well that is not to get a copy we haven't listened back to yet
Starting point is 00:39:09 some people prefer the ones we can't do what I am saying so I am wanting to email in to say a lot of people have said it helps them sleep which that is okay it is good to ingest this at night time just before you go asleep just so that it really sticks in there
Starting point is 00:39:25 and pervades your dreams and the lessons I have learned he said can I take out the music at the end because that will wake him up his name was Ivy Ivy Trellis
Starting point is 00:39:41 and there might be no woman I don't know I don't judge those things thanks for emailing in thanks to all the people who have been emailing in Sarah Stick has been emailing in Sarah Clash Kai
Starting point is 00:40:05 she has also emailed in Clash Kai Brian Honda has been in touch a lot of people do want to mention all of them please don't listen to Brian Bramble I think it is Brian Bramble's podcast someone said Brian Bramble
Starting point is 00:40:29 please don't listen to this podcast I have heard Brian Bramble with kids and stuff so if you want to be listening to this podcast I will be if you want to condone that but the only stones I fit a width
Starting point is 00:40:47 are on the field and that is how it should be ok so let's wrap it up we are getting back home going to my wife's lift and station life goes on going into town to do some work do some partying here we are back at the house
Starting point is 00:41:13 we have to of course if anyone is around have to maintain my secret identity just a regular man rather than a rich herring hero so I am clear
Starting point is 00:41:33 no one is here so let me talk about it and we will give Rolfia a little bit of food so some more tips that I hope you will enjoy please do let me know how the stone clearance is going at Anne
Starting point is 00:41:59 frozen bike she she is saying do you remember stone coating is for women not just men of course don't need to remind you of that as long as you have hands you can do it with feet
Starting point is 00:42:15 if you don't have feet mouths if you are just a little ball if you are just a head you can roll along on your head everything helps no one is exempt
Starting point is 00:42:35 it doesn't matter what race you are what sexuality you are none of these things in the hope you might not really like people who commit atrocities or crimes but even then there can still be clear stones if they want to prime an example of that
Starting point is 00:42:55 if we will judge this not by the actual of our bodies but by apart from the actions of our bodies but by the number of stones we have cleared so let's leave it there
Starting point is 00:43:11 thanks for listening hope you are tuning in again next week hopefully for more for tone clearing with the rich tearing and we will see you at the bike

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