Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 170

Episode Date: August 19, 2024

Chapter 170 - Balloonf and Ballf. It's 9:08am on the 19th August 2024 and the early morning is warm, the kind of conditions where a stone clearer could pass out and go missing for weeks. But the good is that full Ftone Chriftmaf has finally arrived and the stones are there for the taking. So for the first time in a long time, the Charley Boorman lookalike takes the long way round to see just how many stones he needs to shift in the next few weeks. It's not none. Not yet. Can he clear a billion stones in a month. If anyone can it's him. And you're going to love to listen to 50 flipping minutes of him clearing stones right now. Because who wouldn't? Find out about Richard's new Substack here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone clearing with Richard Herring. Listen to the bones my friend, for they foul thingy a merry dance. Hello, welcome. Sorry, just singing one of my favorite songs. Welcome to Photone Clearing with Richard Herring, also Wolfie the Duck at chapter 170. It's 9.07 on the 19th of August and the year is 2024 if you're wondering about that. 2024 if you're wondering about that. I've been doing a few clears this week, obviously I don't podcast them all, that would be insane. Good news from the Potosian is that the ploughing has properly been done, stones are abundant. If anything, the last chapter was Christmas Eve. This one is stone Christmas day, I'm going to have to tell you, because it's going to be tricky to get round, there's so many stones to stop and pick up. All calling out at once
Starting point is 00:01:45 a million voices cried out and then silence once I've got them all off. You know maybe a month to go to the moon field. I think I can do it but if I can't do it I can always come back. I'm not too far away so we'll see what goes on. I'm joining a thing called FUBBAC or SUBSTAC in your language which you might want to join. There might be some extra stone clearing content on there. You never know, might even move the whole stone clearing operation over there one day. You never know if and when stone clearing continues. So check me out on there. You can subscribe, it's free, there may be a little subscription
Starting point is 00:02:45 package where you get extra stuff but it's going to be all free to begin with and maybe all free forever, who knows. So here we are, just come up Duckett's Passage and what we have ahead of us is just stone after stone gathering gnomos even though they're not rolling. Now just look, it's like a, really is like a, I've taken a photo of it so you can see, it's really like a alien landscape from another planet other than the planet Earth. Remember when all the stones are cleared on Earth, we have to move
Starting point is 00:03:24 into space. And here I am just at the edge, look hardly on the field at all and you can hear the clicks. Those are all the many stones going onto the alphanumeric. Now the ground is all churned up and rilled. is that the right word? So I don't know if there's seeds planted here, so I'm not going to Hasselhoff too much, but every now and again I may have to succumb to the compunction to Hasselhoff, because there are some beauties out here. I might take you all the way around the field, it's been a while since we've done that, we usually either do the very short route or cross over like a bishop in the game of stone chef. There's a nice stone there, look you can see there's a nice medium poking out the ground, maybe five feet from the shore. I can go under the bench.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Come on Wolfie, come on. Come off the lead if you want. You're gonna be good. Come here. Wolfie doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't know what from down. As always with these, when the whole ground has been churned up of course it does reveal a whole new load of stones. Oh look at this this is like a half a aubergine that's the best way to describe that. We've got a nice chunky aubergine that's off the field now don't worry. Good size. So there are just infinity stones here at the moment but infinity minus one now which one closer to being zero. There's another one and look just everywhere you stop you can just pick up five or six. Good sized stones, smalls maybe mainly but then know then the occasional medium still to spot a really large one. Bit of chalk there that's not coming off, survived there.
Starting point is 00:05:33 There's three bits of shrapnel but they can come off as well. I mean there's a bit sticking up there that's quite dangerous. So that's performing a public service public service surface it's a public service from the surface and I'm just gonna do a little hassle off out just wanted a few what might be mediums that's a nice size look at that and bounce towards Wolfie and then yeah I mean you could just go on forever out here and of course I'm gonna have to watch out Wolfie! Lunatic she ran into the dirt. She loves chasing the stones that she sort of ran. That was quite a hefty one. She just ran towards as it flew. Luckily unhurt. Trying to get those under a tree.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Oh that was nice. That was in the game of stone bowls, that was a beautiful shot there from a distance right into the base of the tree, and that's one not successful unless it bounces close enough from a bit greater distance. So yeah, it's going to be a lot of clearing and not so much chatting today I'm afraid there's a lot of work to be done out here you know I could literally even with sabutoing I could just pretty much be collecting a stone every inch of the way and this is annoying here this guy's got a has put up a wire fence. Oh Wolfie doing a big poo now I think. Has she done it or was that a wee? Her legs were splayed wide, it was just a wee. You can see the dampness
Starting point is 00:07:19 of anyone who's interested in dog urine. Just on the field she's directing me towards with that maybe using her instinct there as a stone dog weeing near some quite oh that's a nice one as well some nice stones and you know it's been a while since I've had four mediums filling my tiny hands hasn't, but that's what I've got here, full mediums. And back now to a proper fence where you can throw the stones and they won't go underneath. Because of course there are no rules to stone clearing, that's the first rule of stone clearing, you may know. Sorry if I've said that before but some things bear repetition. But the second rule of stone clearing is when you clear the stones they must remain
Starting point is 00:08:06 on the field from whence they have been cleared. So it's always a minor tragedy every time one of those stones flips, by which I mean slips under a fence into a garden that isn't the recognised border of the fields. You might think it's weird for such an ancient craft to respect the boundaries imposed by man, but that's the way it is. Oh, and that's the biggest one we've found for a while, wolves. Look at that one. And then that's got to count as large. Small, large, I would agree. I mean, large, small. Very different things, of course, those two things. But that is a nice, hefty chunk.
Starting point is 00:08:50 No, I don't mean hefty, I mean hoofty. It's about the size of hoofty from the word. That's how big that one was. Nice size, nice fine brownstone. It's well disguised in the soil but when you get to this level of expertise, bit of a witch's dick there, not even a question about it being a finger, when you get to this level of expertise you can spot those almost more easily than the white ones, the white ones obviously stand out against the darkness.
Starting point is 00:09:26 The brown ones trying to meld in. Oh, did you hear that? That was a good throw. It banged against the fence. And it's a joy to get to this stage and this is the reward, isn't it? This is your reward as a stone clearer for the months of scrabbling around. There's a blue... I did investigate this yesterday. There's a blue, I did investigate this yesterday,
Starting point is 00:09:46 there's a blue popped balloon again. This happened before out in the middle of the field. I went out to look at it yesterday. I also found a foot, the popped football. I'll clear it anyway. And there's some nice stuff here. I have to start, I've had and there's some nice stuff here I have to strut and had to I've hassled off doubt a little bit again but it's so difficult not to I've got like five or six stones just as I've been talking to you there about that bloom all as big as Hermione's hand and That one pretty much that one isn't it? And that just forms a cairn straight away. You've got a little cairn there, just from one clear. It's in amongst the weeds at the side now. May get covered quite quickly, but I know it's there, you know it's there. One day the world will know it's there when they look at this field from space
Starting point is 00:10:42 and see what I have wrought. notice there when they look at this field from space and see what I have wrought. Is that a stone or is that a bit of bone? That's nature's stones, clear that anyway. Quite a big piece of bone, could be human. It doesn't matter to me. So yeah, out in the field there's a little scrap of blue. I'm not gonna go out there and clear it. It's good to know it's there. And there's three, again three good solid mediums forming another new cairn couldn't you believe it we're just at the first corner or second corner if you include the aphronomical channels. Whoop, if we very don't we'll make hair today. Be ashamed to kill her just before we move. Save bringing her stuff though. Don't know what she'll think of the new place. Not quite as
Starting point is 00:11:52 countryside as this one but we'll find a way. Looks like a little man-made brick here is it? Or is it just a stone that's formed into quite a cuboid shape let's see if i can find my ken in the corner of the field slightly lost track of it is that it i think that's it yeah look at that just hidden away by some brambles you can still just see the edge of it. So heading up past the balloon, it has shifted the balloon, I think that balloon will clear itself. It's too light really to stay out in the field for long. Not my job. Oh some nice big stones there, must have cleared those on a previous occasion and they've just become revealed. I'll add a few little ones to make them seem more of a
Starting point is 00:12:54 more of a cairn so I'll notice them again I don't like that big bit of blue there. I might take a photo of that. These are some options. Let's zoom in a bit to see it. That gives you a picture of the blue and... I accidentally stopped the recording there as I was taking that photo so we lost a little bit of content. That's why really if you want to enjoy this you have to come with me if you're a true fan of the podcast. We are gonna try and have a look so yeah I'm not gonna clear the balloon as tempting as it is it's nearby I'm gonna let nature clear that. The wind can be the friend of the stone, so often the wind is the stone's enemy, and sometimes they collaborate.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And just some decent stones just on the path. The path itself has been dug up of course. Which means stones that were once hidden are now shown stones that were once shown are now hidden it's a circle of stones which is also confusing because of course there are quite a lot of stone circles this is a different kind of stone circle so that's why it's called the circle of stones we've got everything, oh there's a dog, stone starzy on the way, woofie! about to intercept I think oh there's a stone starzy on the way
Starting point is 00:14:45 I'm about to intercept I think and it's annoying gonna miss some good stone clearing here and maybe not be able to add to the can because of the main can it's not really looking so I'm going clear that one quick. That was a nice one. I think we're just gonna beat them to the cross section. Guess they'll go straight on. Come on Wolfie, come on.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Come on, just managed to uh, for root heels down onto the the can, across from the moon can, so that's something. Didn't really kick in here. Right, come on, good girl, come on. So I haven't been up this way too often, actually weirdly not quite as stony. Something else has been here taking out the stones. This used to be a quite good place to find stones. There are some heading up towards the Finging Ring tree of course. Just stop and pick a few of these boys up, chuck them out, and girls, and non-binary stones. as I said not too much talking going on today due to the nature of the work i've set myself here
Starting point is 00:16:46 but uh just throwing some small mediums into the edge castle having a little bit not much out here surprised just spotted the stone that is speaking to me and we're near enough to get the stones quite easily into the undergrowth from here but far enough away to get some stones that weren't accessible to us both because they were underground probably but also too far into the crops oh here's here's something! Again it's like that, is that an actual brick? Might be. This is definitely a brick. Partial brick, taking it off anyway. Always searching for the Roman villa that probably was here once upon a time
Starting point is 00:17:53 and yeah look I've just stopped and if you stop once you stop you can't you can't stop popping oh that was I thought she got fooled by a big clod of earth there through that it exploded as if to mock me but here we go second biggest find of the day worth hassle-hoffing out for maybe a bit of concrete is this or is this I think maybe it's concrete or another I mean three stones that I think we would classify at the very least as medium-large I'm just gonna place them together again two stones together people could see that as an accident, a twist of fortune, the movement of the earth when there are three large stones together like that. That just lets the world know that other stone clearers out there know
Starting point is 00:18:56 there's someone like them out here working hard. And maybe knowing how close I am to leaving the singing ringing tree might come good today. I've got five stones for it, one for every day of the week so So that's six, I've got seven now. One for every day of the week. I feel I haven't been out here quite enough. Any singing, any ringing? No, just a tree. Just checking if it's still growing. just a tree, just checking we're still growing. 8 days a week says Ringo Starr. No, doesn't make any difference. Just quite a good stone that I want to throw over there anyway. Yeah I don't know when the last time I actually even went around the full perimeter of this stocian was I have just been concentrating on trying to get
Starting point is 00:20:12 this half done before moving on to the second half but that seems mildly foolish now with so little time do have to start thinking about everything, not just the bits at the right of the edge. There are a lot of stones here still. I mean I would say almost more than there were when I started in set fields sometimes. I know that can't be true, you've witnessed how many stones I've cleared. It can't be possible the more they've multiplied That's not how stones work The stones of the world are a constant quantity You can't make stones out of... actually you could just break a stone in two, you can hear that's two stones
Starting point is 00:21:04 And for that, so maybe that's what's been happening. Oh what's this? That's a nice one. Top three for sure in size today. How long has that been lying there? Many millions of years. Finally I've come along. Move it there. Four or five feet to where it needed to be. And I've made it happy. And that's why I do the job, not for the fame, not for the clicks, not for the downloads and the revenue from this very popular stream. I do it for the stones.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Just when you hear that little yelp of glee, some of them don't like being moved, but I know I'm doing the right thing for them. Just they become so used to being in the field that it scares them to be off the field. But that's where they're meant to be. Whatever Brian Bramble might say, that is what they're meant to be. So yeah sometimes I look at this field and just think what have I done why have I set myself this task and sometimes I think you've done it not because it's easy but because stones are hard that's why I've done it and yeah yeah maybe maybe it'll take a long time to get this done but when it's done imagine how I feel I'm gonna be a bit sad cuz you know I've got so used to
Starting point is 00:22:38 doing it you can go and play on the little poop wolfs you haven't done one yet I'm house offing again because I've seen another little pal calling out to me. Not as big as the others but still for some reason him and his friend these two particularly were the ones out of those 20 or 30 stones that called to me. One's off, the little one's off, the medium one's oh he's bounced off, hit the hill, rolled back a bit but he's still well off. The plough can't get to him there. He's safe for all eternity. Another medium. I mean yeah lurking away is boring isn't it? It's boring to have so much choice but also I can hear the glee emanating from your ears as you listen to this. You've waited a long time for this as well. You've had to listen to a lot of just filler really
Starting point is 00:23:33 isn't it? Some of it. I've got to be honest with you sometimes the stuff I'm saying not even that useful just it's a way to pass the time. But today, every second, another stone goes off. And every second, but probably every five seconds, five to 10 seconds. And then when you look at how long the podcast is at the end, think how many stones that is. Think of the weight of stones that's gonna be as well today because it's not just numbers, it's heft.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It's heft, it's not just numbers it's heft it's huffed it's haftiness we're gonna shift at least three huffties today I would say this guy wants to come off what's up can't you wait no rigid I wanted to go off now what's so special like you you're just like the others guys I'll take I've done it but wait your turn oh some pigeons land on the field looking around you lose this guy what's his deal my deal is clearing stones guys maybe you could help some of the smaller ones. Not much in the way of stone stars here around. I'm getting some good exercise today a lot of bending, lifting, chucking it's all happening. And remember when you're presented with this number of stones you can't clear the bolt you'll want to clear them all you have to pace yourself.
Starting point is 00:25:18 If you want to be the best if you want to beat the rest some stones are what you need. All right well we're nearly in the next corner this is the place where traditionally I would take a sharp right turn. Is that a stone or is that some soil? Oh my god it's a stone, did you hear that click. It's another big one. It's right on the edge, now just off the edge. Corbin that motherfucker. It was Starman, now it's Corbin. And there's no better move than that right my friends. Right, here we go. Nearly there. As you may remember, last time we came this far, which again, hasn't really got this far too often in recent podcasts, we did discover that the
Starting point is 00:26:21 wall between the two fields has been crushed a little but that will not crush my spirit. What's this under here? Is it going to be a big or small wall? It's medium. It's always fun when you see a partially buried stone. This one's a nice one, a bit like a stalactite or stalagmite. I haven't brought any water out of me, I'm getting a little thirsty, maybe making my steak to do the long walk but we'll give it a go. And yeah just a few stones remain from the wall I was building, a few bricks from the actual wall that was once here. But on we go let's have a look, let's have a look this way. So I want to take to where I found the football, very exciting exciting just it's just exciting to find something a bit different than a stone on the field every now and again crushed up maybe kicked into the field by a child couldn't find it in the
Starting point is 00:27:18 thick vegetation then eaten up by the machinery that came through now unusable as a football but a monument to mankind of some kind archaeologists will find that in the future to try and work out what it was well it's not too busy down here for the stones given how little I've been out here thought it would be more stone than soil still don't get me wrong there's still some stones here but nothing too exciting yet I think as we get to the the other the next corner that's traditionally where there are quite a lot of big big-ass stones down there I'm getting a bit tired of picking up stones to be honest, so I'm leaving a few for another time.
Starting point is 00:28:15 This one wants to come up, why this one? Why am I drawn to some stones and not to others? Gonna bring his mate with him? Don't want to split them up, although they're more or less falling in the same place. That's a nice one, looks a bit like a clot of earth, but it's definitely a stone. Done with a big drink of water before I came out here, it's hot. I was on the stocian this morning. I haven't brought any water for Wolfie either, we could expire out here wolves. I mean I hope they find my body quick, because's often been quite a lot of bodies lost in the heat haven't they? Recently it'd be kind of embarrassing to die on a field like 300 yards from your house and they don't find you for a week. But I've a feeling that might
Starting point is 00:28:58 be my fate here, I maybe misjudged it. Please put this recording out as always. Yeah now we're finding a few nice mediums. But yeah, not as much work to do out here as I feared I have to say, so that gives some hope. All that stone rolled almost through to the next field. Still technically between the two fields, but I think a strong follower, enforcer of the rules, might say you've put that on the next field's edge rather than this field's edge but that is where the stone wanted to go and that is where she must stay or they or he or it or whatever. yeah just still clearing I'd say a rate of one every 10 seconds occasionally two tired out
Starting point is 00:30:39 I'm swearing some old running shoes today no socks. I went there and I would ask you to be careful about your footwear which I thought a bit more carefully because of course everything's churned up the soil is very fine and inevitably some of that soil is finding its way inside my dapps. That's that running shoes to you if you're not from Somerset. Chag on if you're not. That was a lovely throw right into the base of a tree. I love to use the base of trees you know that. There's my marker places for new cans. That one went nestled in almost like a jigsaw piece. But yeah look this is a lot less serious than I thought it would still some work to be done but not anywhere near as bad as it could have been given how little I've tended to this area. Some nice blackberry bushes along here as well, should have brought my punnet. A man has to eat of course remember fruit at the edge of the field do be careful don't eat everything but it does contain moisture if you are
Starting point is 00:31:52 if you have forgotten to drink before you came out. Check we're still running. Don't want to miss this gold, some crows out there a little bit sticking up here, slightly dangerous I'd say for a dog, you can't just pour on that so that's off don't like it when the terrorist stones try to pay humanity back tried to pay humanity back but I suppose I'm kowtowing to terrorism by taking those stones off but well terrorism works what can I tell you if it didn't work they wouldn't do it yeah shoe full of soil quite chunky bit in there at the moment there's a feather there i'm not going to clear that and a little white stone standing out against the dark martian surface of the field
Starting point is 00:32:58 that's off is off off for good and the brownstone no prejudice here every stone. I might just be a dirty white one actually. That one's definitely dark, that's definitely brown. Grey as well. A bit small. Off he goes. So, about to turn another corner. There's a few corners to turn, it's not just a four side of this field. We've done three sides, coming on a fourth side but then there's another right turn and then a left turn before we get home, if we go the traditional route. I like it when I throw it into a bush and you don't hear the stone clonk to the ground. That stone will live for a little while in a bush with the fruit.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Learn to be what it is to be. Fauna, flora, I mean rather. But eventually of course the stone will supersede the fragile weak bush and fall to the ground where it belongs. Right here we are taking the corner I'm hoping this is where I found the football I'm hoping this there will be some I didn't do this section I have to say I did some clearing when my daughter came to the wreck to play football I saw this football well this item out there in the middle of the field what the hell is that so it could be a treasure chest did not look like a football I can tell you that and it might be a giant stone it's turned out to be a football so I can hear that anyway that wasn't unofficial of-cloring duty. Lovely brownstone here, love these big chonkers. He's off. There's a lovely
Starting point is 00:34:51 fence along the edge of here. This side serves beautifully as a place to aim your stones. Oh my god, oh there's the Stones starzy pink shirt pink top-wearing elderly lady Oh Wolfie come here. Very clever very clever stonezy. That's the danger of course of that pathway. Another Stone Starzy crossing, that's Mary Bittit there crossing the field with two dogs. A bald gentleman crossing the field that we just walked alongside and then there's a bit with trees and there's a bit with no trees and he may have seen everything I've been doing. It could be the end my friends, sabutio there, that one even I suspect it's just a clod. We do pass the stone pole this way don't worry, I can sense a few of you feeling
Starting point is 00:36:00 upset about that. And again another, these are my favorite stones I think, these ones, these chunky brown just a big lump. Don't know what they are, I don't care, I don't judge. I can't even see colour even though I have discussed colour quite a lot in this episode. Little Sabutio there. And then a pick and a flick using the hand as a foot. There's a lot here. And just as the top half gave me hope to say come down here and it's nice this medium stone just lying around in the pathway like they've only just been
Starting point is 00:36:53 invented. There's a brick here cleft in twain. Looks like quite an old brick. Look at that, look at that, what do you make of that one? Look at the imperfections inside of their square brick clear it off even though it's not bringing my job can of Carlsberg again I'll leave nature to do its job with that yeah I mean I could spend all day on this little section and not even get two feet off the shore. It's more stone than... and this is probably the place I've come least, isn't it? That's why. It shows how much I've done. Look at that, just that lovely medium there. When you come somewhere like this that you've not been very much you say, yep, my
Starting point is 00:37:46 work hasn't been in vain. Look at what I have achieved. Look upon my work, she might say. And also it's just fun to find a little place where it's so rich in mediums. Bit of fun. Would like to have more than a month left to clear them but you know that's the way it goes. Bloody been emailing me worried that I'm gonna kill myself if I don't
Starting point is 00:38:14 succeed. Thanks for your concern everyone. I doubt I'll do that but it does mean a lot that you care. Care enough to email in and alert the authorities and stuff like you all have. Oh look at what this one has a bottle there's quite a lot of rubbish down here no not as big as I thought oh that goes nice oh bounces nicely right into the fence and you can't argue with that. Of course down this way, if you remember the early podcast, I did lose a bounty, a beautiful bounty of stones I had. I was carrying across, had to dump and then couldn't find them again when I went back. They'll be somewhere around this area. I might come across that stash again, or maybe in a thousand years time someone will dig it up and think who was
Starting point is 00:39:02 hoarding their stones here in the middle of the field? Someone must have been smoked by stone stars, he tried to hide them, never had a chance to come back. Well I did have a chance to come back, I just couldn't find them. Always mark where you put your stones if you're fleeing. I'm going to cut the corner a little bit to see if we can find anything good. Just to see the state in the middle there because maybe it's just the edge that's busy. There's some stones here for sure I'm not sure I even got those two off the way. Some stones but there's not so many stones that you'd go oh that's a that's too many stones one manta clear in a month have you done a poo wolf? what's happened to your poo? did I miss it? I've been on the lead most of the time. I picked up a couple stones on this cross just to put by a little
Starting point is 00:40:21 marker for walks here. This is on the other end of the long diagonal. Usually you get to the middle and turn to the right slightly. Those days I used to go straight across. Now we've come to this. You may remember this. It's probably been a while since we've placed anything here on the air at least. And yeah, so long that you don't hear any click of stones there, just hear the stone sitting.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Um, hitting vegetation. There are stones beneath there somewhere. There's someone's been off with them, had them away. Pigeon hopping around nearby. Well I'll let you off course, there's no one around. Especially in your poop. This is a good time to have one. Coming up to the stone pole.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I don't really need to gather any stones. I'm just going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course. I'm going to let you off course there's no one around especially in your poop this is a good time to have one coming up to the stone pole I don't really need to gather stones too far in advance also
Starting point is 00:41:15 coming up to the what's-his-face old Speck savers hat guy by Arno. Dominic Cummings, Dominic Cummings Memorial. Ken may rest in peace. I didn't like him but I don't think he deserved to die, so I always lay a stone there for him. We can respect our enemies, especially once they're dead. That looks like a balling cock created by a child that stone that's good kicked it flicked it with my foot don't want to touch it I don't want to be accused of liking touching cocks even though I touch one every single day quite a lot of my day oh yeah your own cocks different I wasn't talking about my own cock. Oh yeah. Right. Well it's been a good survey
Starting point is 00:42:10 hasn't it of the edge of the field. We haven't really seen too much at the inside of the field. Well maybe we'll come down the diagonal on the next stone clear and have a better look at that from that vantage point. But you know, I'm a bit pessimistic and optimistic sometimes I'm thinking yeah we're good we're gonna do it. Sometimes I'm thinking no it's not good we're not gonna do it. In a way I think that might be the more realistic of the two options. Anyway I'm just half so hoping to get a good stone for Dominic somebody has started clearing feathers off the field or somewhere and there's feathers on the Dominic Cummings ken it's a weird thing to do he wasn't a Native American or a Burt
Starting point is 00:43:02 I've got a nice ball I know thatnett Cummings loved playing ball games, ball cutters, and then just a nice medium sized large, medium large. Look at those weird feathers. The cairn is still operational, that's one of the cairns that got destroyed by the furious guy who didn't like me clearing stones. Chucked them back on but we rebuilt it. When I say we I mean me. Right picking up five stones, as I said an easy task.
Starting point is 00:43:38 That one's a real thick witch's finger or witch's cock, I'm gonna use that. Even though I'm allowed to take that off the field. And... oh. Well, maybe I'll slip it in my pocket. Gah! It's alright, it's such a witch's cock, because a witch is a woman, so... Ooh, wow, and actually just right behind me... ...the cock mist. Nortac 2. The stone starzy
Starting point is 00:44:17 right by me. One out of four, two out of five, three out of six. As I got further away I'm more confident in my throws. But yeah, pink again, pink maybe in the uniform of pink a man an old man in pink shorts headed the wrong direction and that's the that's the most blatant stone pile I've ever done in my life he just had to turn around I've been caught and I'd have had no recourse to get out of it it's like the writers who had been filmed they're pointing them saying they're innocent they're on film they've got to plead guilty that would have been me except the punishment would have been death and adding to the wall we had along here I'm sick of clearing stones today. Too much of a good thing. Well done to you if you're listening this long. If you're just falling off to sleep now, dream of stones, excuse me, dream of stones and pretty ladies cavorting around a field or men if you like when pretty men or whatever you like whatever the things you like could
Starting point is 00:45:30 you think of that coming up to oh there's a nice one for the main can it's lovely just to see these mediums just sitting by the side of the field and that'll do for the main kit. That is significant enough. I feel like I've cut my toe on something that's got into... Oh fuck! It's a bit painful. You know we've shed blood, we've shed every single bodily fluid on this field together.
Starting point is 00:46:15 absolutely horrific, some real sharp fuck I got in there and yeah if you get a stone sneaks into your shoe and comes off the field that way have you broken the rules of stone clearing? I guess you have, so do be careful that's why the stonklos of all the old didn't wear shoes and I'm ridden it by the shoe I just tried to slide it back on without doing the laces up it's really not comfortable neither we too long in it too long it's too long painful not fun anymore it was fun when when it started. Too much of a good thing. Oh there's another lot right by the stone. One of my favorites, those browned, brown, not as chunky as the ones I really like, but still a bit too caramel colored as well. I'll put that on the wall. The bigger stone is going right in the central area. Right we're heading down
Starting point is 00:47:11 the hill to home there's a new potato. I haven't seen many potatoes today that's a good potato stone sorry the one in the picture last time wasn't any good it shattered a little bit as I threw it but it's still all off. Sometimes you'll come across a stone that has part of it that doesn't like very much and is just hoping it will get thrown so it can break off a bit doesn't like. We're all like that with people as well aren't we? Hoping we'll get thrown and break off the person. It's a metaphor. Oh that was a good flick to kick. That was like a rugby flick. So, a little bit of pain in my, let's say, the fourth toe on my left foot.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I've experienced some kind of soreness or maybe a cut. It could lead to complications. But I'm happy to die for this. Another flick, one went along the ground but still just as effective. And now these two really want to be in the Brexit Cairn and they're sitting on top of the field as if they've just as if they've been there since day one undisturbed no dirt on them well a bit of dirt on them did he poop in the back garden this morning is that what's happening is that what's going on? she's excited she thinks I'm to throw this ball shaped stone for her but she doesn't know what it
Starting point is 00:48:49 signifies. It signifies my one ball. This is the ditch that will allow me to regrow a testicle. If you believe enough all these things will happen. Whoopie! Whoopie not fooled by the fake throw there. I did it in a flimsy way. Well this has been a long podcast. Whoopie I'm not gonna give it to you, it's for the stone, it's for the bit ditch that stopped Brexit. Ow fuck my toe. Can't wait to get home. And in it goes into the nettles. There you hear a click as it met its friend. That's five stones into that. That's probably a bit too
Starting point is 00:49:31 much into the ditch stopper because it doesn't like sarcasm. But when there's so much going on it seems wrong not to reward all your cairns as much as you can and there's a lovely medium just to end things off again just peeking its way above the ground a few meters from this chore that will be a lovely addition along with this bow and another oh and that's even bigger oh that's nice just gonna, I've not been seen, oh there's a dog coming down round the corner. Come on Wolfs. These are lovely additions to the relatively flat Alfa and Omega Ken. No one will be able to call it flat with these two babies on it and another third one that I've also got. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:50:20 You can hear just from the sound how big they were. Right that dog, that dog. Black dog of depression. Ow. Well, don't say I don't suffer from this art. Because I'm really suffering. We're heading down Duckett's Passage. Time to check your emails.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Thank you for all your emails. I can't read them all out, there's just too many to read out. Just scanning through them all, sorry it's taking a long time. This one comes up with so many things down this path, I choose sunny rose bush that's a nice name that's s-u-n-n-y I think that probably is a female but you know getting this NHNN job. Sunny rose bush. Hi Rich, it's me Sunny Roe Bush. I'm a female if you're wondering about that. I'm 18 years old my pictures are attached please please don't do that
Starting point is 00:51:36 and just wanted to say I love the podcast uh I've been very informative it's really helped me with my stone clearing I live in uh set your quen is that how you say it I don't know how to spell it Is that how you say it? I don't know how to spell it or where it is. I just suddenly popped into my mind. I mean, sorry, you know, that work obviously because it's where I live. This is all I'm just reading this verbatim. Anyway, I don't really have a question. I feel like most of the questions have been asked. Stone clearing is quite an obvious thing to do with not their many parameters. Wow, that's rude. Come on. Just passing a car with a man in it. I've got to be a bit quiet. Anyway, keep up the good work. Keep clearing stones.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Good luck with the move. Oh, are you definitely going to stop if you move? That's my question. I don't know, Sonny. I find you very passive aggressive. Seems suspicious to me, you don't know how to say, spell the place you come from, you don't know where it is. I don't know why, if you were making it up I'd choose something you don't know anything about.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I wouldn't just say Swindon or something look I hope to carry on stone clearing and you know maybe via sub stack pub stack maybe see some extra content in there for you guys who love this so much do check it out anyway there's been lots of content there starting on Monday the 26th of August. I might do a few clears in my secret fields that only the most special people know about. That's the real thing. The one we're doing here is just a way to draw attention away from those feelings. Purpose! Right I'm gonna go. Thanks, it's been long enough. Oh my god. Like, is that fifty minutes long or something? Fuck me up the arse. What a waste of my valuable time. My friend and they for halfing year merry dance Don't lift unto the bird fan tree
Starting point is 00:53:51 Don't lift unto your underpants Lift unto the stone Lift unto the stone And they in turn, I'll live for you, my friend, my fine friend. For tone clearing with Richard Herring and Wolfie the Dog, starred me, Richard Herring and Wolfie the Dog starred me, Richard Herring and Wolfie the Dog plus a few stone starzy people who were usually wearing pink, suspicious. The music is by Mike Coughgrave. The voice of the photons is Michael Faheem. Listen to the stones, my friend, And they fount in ye a merry dance. Don't listen to the birth my friend, my fine friend

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