Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 18

Episode Date: April 5, 2019

Chapter 18: Acroff the fky are fcudding cloudf. It's 8.30am on April 5th 2019 and Richard and Wolfie are embarking on Chapter 18 (not feventeen, like he foolishly believes) and there's exciting news o...n how you can get to actually see some stone-clearing, or get a stone-clearing t shirt, or an actual cursed stone from the field in a perspex case or even sponsor the podcast (head to for details), plus a revolutionary new tool that could cut your stone clearing time in half. There's a suspicious amount of dog walkers today and a protracted conversation with two of them full of nervous laughter and possible unchecked racism. It's the podcast with everything. You can even get some tips on feeding your dog. Look at all I give you and I never ask for anything in return - oh except for money

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing with Richard Herring Hello there and welcome to Chapter 17. I think it might be Stone Clearing with Richard Herring. It is 8.31pm on the 5th of April 2019 conditions are pretty good it's a sunny morning sun just rising, blue sky, some scudding clouds or percutting clouds as they would have been called once. Over it all is the love of God blessing us everyone that's the only use of scudding I have ever seen in that particular hymn. Glad that I live am I. Dead bird sky is blue don't know why so glad about that you'd like it whatever colour it was mate grow up just think about it you'd just be used to whatever it is anyway that's that's regardless
Starting point is 00:01:37 we're not here to parody skip the hymns from the school days we're here to do some stone clearing my fan friends so if you missed me last week events transpired that I couldn't record the same thing podcast my goodness the crops are high now they're up to Buffy's body pretty much he's just running through there they're like there it's like the field is a massive the head of a massive giant with green hair and the hair there's a few little partings where the plow and the tracks have driven through but basically his hair is in giant terms probably a number two I mean it's hard that you know it's hard to ask them it's a massive head that I'm saying but yes some news if you are interested in keeping stone clearing going and being a regular fixture
Starting point is 00:02:35 and if you're interested in the stone clearing t-shirt and if you're interested in getting one of the actual stones from the field we're doing a new Kickstarter for Rehearsal stop saying that you people over there to pay for the videos we've done so far this year which is about 25 to 30 videos I think we've done already this year we need to pay for those I would never ask for money for stone clearing that is just clearly wrong but some of the benefits of stone clearing based and one of the benefits even if you just donate a little bit is that I guarantee there'll be at least 25 more stone clearing podcasts in the year 2019 if we hit our target so if you like these podcasts just like to keep everything the whole enterprise going just about stone clearing for a second
Starting point is 00:03:27 looks like it kind of worked flint there then go to slash Kickstarter and you're going to see all the benefits involved it does include being able to get to sponsor a stone clearing podcast if you are a little bit flush want to have your company or just your name associated with this wonderful podcast we will say at the beginning of each podcast your name and the sponsor that you're also going to be interested in credits so that's an exciting reward which will help us keep all of our podcasts going also as I say there's we're going to do a special video of the stone clearing that will only be available to people who play for the Kickstarter if you want to see the field give you some clues as to where I am if you're trying to track me down
Starting point is 00:04:24 but the actual visual representation of how to stone clear that will only be available to people who haven't got a sport about money to do that there's also some snooker based stuff if you're into that if you're into the sport or the stone clearing there are lots of us the comedy and it is weirdly money will be paying for the comedy it's sort of an upside down world I have to say so there's that as a benefit and yes as I say you will be able to own one of the stones from the field from this actual field probably signed by me in a nice display case so you can show off to your friends about what you've done of course the first rule of stone clearing is there are no rules the second rule of stone clearing is it's absolutely forbidden for you to remove stone from the
Starting point is 00:05:14 actual field and take it elsewhere it has to go into the edge of the field or the middle of field if you're building in central Kent and any stone that is removed from the field will of course be cursed but you know it'll be a talking point so I cannot guarantee if you take that offer up that your life won't be ruined by the curse of the field but it's a chance to own a bit of stone clearing history I'm prepared to tell myself out in order to hand the stones out in order to facilitate paying incompetent Sam and George, Craig Kinger and all the others, Chris Evans and all the expenses of the helisopter so while I've been doing this I've got my archaeological trial with me today having not found that that's the slice kickstarter that should be up and running
Starting point is 00:06:05 on the 5th of April so hopefully as soon as you see here this you can go there but if it's not yet it will be very soon. Yes I've brought my archaeological trial it's been out in the garden it's gone a little bit rusty but it's still actually working brilliantly it's almost a perfect tool for stone clearing I've got in my hands a nice stone I mean that's a big stone what scale should we use today let's use the Hermione hand scale that is three quarters of a Hermione hand which admittedly is not a big hand and then basically a Hermione palm a bit thicker than probably those and actually Hermione's hand and a couple of tiddlers which are going on so we're already at the can in the bottom left hand field at the corner of the field
Starting point is 00:06:56 and I did a wee on this can the other day and it was night time this evening time and I thought it was safe then a man came out of one of the gardens behind that's the danger there are a lot of tricks and traps here and saw me weeing then they get approved but let's have a look at this I mean this is amazing because of course there's a point on an archaeological trial so a lot of these stones that are quite deeply in and just come out beautifully I mean that is if you it's not gospel it's not what the stone clothes reviews they wouldn't have had this technology in those days but if you want a big ah why haven't I done this before this makes stone clearing easy now what I've noticed actually and it's not so bad today because there's been a bit of precipitation in the
Starting point is 00:07:46 atmosphere is people have said to me oh rich God the winter months will be difficult you're not going to be able to stone clear that was not really true there was a couple of days let's know did cover the ground but you could still do some stone clearing the ground was hard but you could still get some stones up this this trial has changed my life I think I might clear this field in double quick time now with this at my side but anyway yes the people thought there's a little kind of egg shaped white egg shapes down there it's not an egg it's a stone that's going into the can of the base of the trees around the edge here hoping one day to knock them over yeah so this the snow was not too much problem even the freezing ground wasn't great but it wasn't too much problem actually
Starting point is 00:08:43 it's when the ground becomes sun baked oh beautiful find there that's almost as long as in Miami and right in the pathway as well look like just a regular stone small stone but came out with pretty big sir as a nice find if we are videoing this one that would be something to write home and of course there will be a video so do watch out for that if you're a fan of this podcast I think you want to be involved in that yes it's actually the the sun baked desert where the the field becomes caked into almost concrete that this is where it's difficult plus not only the crops on the field obscure the stones of course and the crops are high now as I explained number two in a giant if it was a you can imagine a giant this big picking up three stones there
Starting point is 00:09:43 stones that would be very difficult to take out in any other circumstance some people are going to like this some people think the stones and we will let you know when they're ready to come this is a way of it's almost I suppose of cesarean for these stones it's just being ripped from the womb but I think as I say this some if there's some can't continue to bake out earth in the way that it is this is going to be the only way to get stones out it's a race against time because of course there's every chance of humanity wiped out by global warming so if I want to do this before that happens which I do they know we'll have to by any means necessary I believe Malcolm X said when he was done clearing oh there's a beauty here that again would be impossible to get it oh I mean that is
Starting point is 00:10:33 a my his hand if the mine he's been in quite that accident and it's not been squashed up a bit but that is in the mining hand but yes so not only is the field covered in crops what I had not anticipated of course is the hedgerow the borderland here where my cans and my nests are made also hourish nature with its hourish botany or a big stone then the border that I'm going to put on that nest and it's sort of already off the field but could could have rolled back down hidden ironically as I talked within the various plants that are growing here and covering my nests covering my cans I'll have a picture of the main can to show you just how there's every danger that untended even the highest wall because of the way that botanical things grow unlike stones that say where they are no their
Starting point is 00:11:29 place the greenery grows of course someone will come and cut it back but if there are loads of stones and there that will damage their lawn mowers and their streamers it's getting difficult to see where my cans are especially at night there's a good nest of course the more established ones the plants can't really grow on so they do grow through a little bit so it is a war between stone and nature and at this early stage this is the first spring of course that we've been doing this the plants are windy so yes that's something to watch out for it is actually the spring and summer that are the worst times for the stone clear and always historically would have been and traditionally I did think winter would be the worst but of course no no it's very much very much the spring so but with
Starting point is 00:12:29 my new tool it does look somewhat as if I will be able to partially win this battle because this pointed edge bang even the bones that are nearly there ready to go it just makes that a little bit easier to facilitate so we interested to see in a slightly harder soil how that affects things pick up four just minis there and I'm not even going to compare they're not they're all of like Hermione's thumb though who's really I suppose she has the I mean it's my hand as well so I'm going by my hand but as you know they are the same size if people follow my career I've just chosen Hermione from high pot for no reason she has the same size hand as me if you didn't know that which you might not if you just mentioned stone clearing aspect of what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:13:23 so there's the magic tree under which you just toss a few stones and they are there's a brick down here just knock that a bit further in just half a brick that still has to come off it still counts it wasn't on the field that one it was the base tree I just kicked it a bit nearer come on Wolves Wolves has done a poo in the middle of the field I think if you're interested in a poo there is a dog walker approaching I'm hoping he's not going to come this way he's heading up towards the see the head bobbing above the grass heading up towards the corner with the wall I'm building between me the two fields one that I'm not meant to go into I have transgressed a few of the rules but there are no rules to stone clearing that's the thing but I am transgressing quite a lot of rules
Starting point is 00:14:12 I hope the fields will forgive me and also the farmer will forgive me for stealing their stones in order to facilitate spoken word comedy and the filming of the Hellestoper obviously just that we are touring the Hellestoper if you're interested in comedy and talking to comedians which I don't know why you would be it's not interesting as this is it then there are some great podcasts coming up but obviously we're touring it it has become a little bit more expensive and just at the moment we have no money so I have no money to pay at the moment we hope one day to not have to ask you for money but I think a lot of you do enjoy these extra awards
Starting point is 00:15:06 so if you're one of those people who enjoys the awards and one of those people who enjoys the podcast and would like to get some more why not just donate just a quid or two if everyone who listened to stone clearing I'm feeling that if everyone who listened donated a tenner you could guarantee that we would have 25 more stone clearing podcasts 2019 at least I think there will be more than that as well but that's just the guarantee plus snooker if you like the snooker double bubble you can get signed snooker balls there will also be a snooker tournament that we'll film there's a lot of different levels as you'll see if you head to
Starting point is 00:15:52 a fresh kickstarter I'm just very excited to hear your name in the stone clearing podcast that's what I'd say so yeah I have to say this I think if you haven't bought yourself an archaeological trail yet if you are not opposed to the idea here there is a dog in the high visibility jacket on the other field the same sort of way so I just have to watch out a little bit probably have to put my trowel away
Starting point is 00:16:24 it's a bit of a giveaway also it looks a bit like some kind of ritual murder weapon if you know what an archaeological track is of a diamond on the edge of a sort of plunging little handle and then a wooden handle it does look like and you might be about to be killed by some masons so I'll just sneakily grab one more reasonable sign stone try that onto onto one of my nests high visibility dog I mean that is pretty clever there
Starting point is 00:16:56 to make the dog high visibility in the daytime I mean there you what's going on there but B just to really say oh we're not trying to hide we're out in front of the opposite come here wolves come here I think there's actually some dogs that can leave I'm actually almost surrounded by dog walkers so yeah the high visibility dog definitely used to distract me from the other dogs coming that way luckily I was not clearing stones I was talking to myself
Starting point is 00:17:28 at that time and you may have an account with a dog walker here but not careful you know I don't like it I know you do like it the dog is basically sitting on the wall between these two fields I think it's some kind of grey hand a little aged old lady giving me a nice wave between maybe we'll not meet maybe we'll see Wolfie
Starting point is 00:18:00 Hi it is just missing out on having to interact more than a friendly wave and then you heard me say hello that was a nice guy oh beauty almost on the path this one but that's almost the shape and size of Hermione's hand so that's a beauty to go on my wall
Starting point is 00:18:32 which the wall is buried beneath nettles I can just make out the wall obviously as time passes I do a bit better here hopefully the minerals will win a winner all if you will and I'm transgressing the other field I mean how many rules have I broken
Starting point is 00:19:04 but there are no rules but I am breaking the rules I keep saying it but stone clearing is a transgressive art you can't start then getting upset if you're transgressing the rules of that it has set itself you know who are transgressive I say the person who made these rules is the true transgressor for daring to make rules so we're at a myth that many of them are sensible so a good few bricks are there
Starting point is 00:19:36 forming the bases there and I think I have a clear run here now to hopefully toss a few stones back but again the crops I think maybe this is a portion of the field that gets the most sun the crops seem the highest here so I'm just going to toss a few stones towards my hit the pile was bounced off from this distance and there were some distances all and that's a beauty that's the biggest today and that's just gone into the bushes
Starting point is 00:20:08 into the undergrowth I should say and one more will be excited thinking it's a game but she's still in her lead that's just gone rough job into deep hedgerow where one day it will form part of the wall but not for some time yet we just have a little archaeological look around this as we've got some time there's no one around just to see if there's see what the lay of the land is here whoa trying to throw over on but of course I hurt my arm quite badly
Starting point is 00:20:40 recently and that was not good so I'm throwing underarm generally I'm a bit further away Wolfie now can join in with the chase that's gone in she hasn't followed it all the way there's a beauty here there's a really big one here it's the opposite of an iceberg it was all on top it's broken in two as it hit the side broken two and the two bits hopped into the undergrowth yeah if you can see when someone does come to cut this back whether the stones approve a problem hopefully it will help me again
Starting point is 00:21:12 re-establish where my cairns are how I'm doing but seeing this plants they'll be here for some time but not as long as the stones lie beneath them they won't hear when the stones arrive they won't be here when the stones finally crumble into dust as they lie into the sun now I'm a long way from the edge now I'm going to try and discus this one oh that's an amazing bounce I don't know if you've heard it hit I think it hit another stone on the field
Starting point is 00:21:44 oh and Wolfie's getting back to the side jumping up thinking this is all for her none of this is for you sweetheart you have to learn how to get the stone gather the stones for me good girl yeah good girl it's blowing through the grass now the grass whispering like Donastel to Windsor-Davis say welcome now to heaven Windsor I've been waiting for you let our pot my pit helmet let's sing our song and Windsor-Davis go home man we were more than that and
Starting point is 00:22:16 just give me this mate just give me one more whispering grass for the angels and Windsor-Davis saying I'll do one Don but then I'd really put the pit helmet away and there was more to it I'm going to Windsor-Davis of course now for the twain as well as my mum so he had more strings to his bow and poor old Don this probably won't mean anything to the many many listeners under 20 that I have under 30 I'm going to the main left the demographic is mainly
Starting point is 00:22:48 oh yeah this this tool is I picked up a couple of nice I mean one of these is almost the biggest of the day just crumbled off it making it smaller basically a hand-mining shape there's even a little thumb on this one it's like a mind is wearing mittens this would be her left hand it's like a mind is wearing mittens and then Voldemort had sliced off her fingers
Starting point is 00:23:20 and knuckle upwards with some kind of magic ray I mean you can do anything you know what kind of stupid that is what I'm looking at here the mittened hand cut off by Darth Vader really with a I think it's the same thing though isn't it with one of those mighty swords he's got but it's just the left hand I don't think she was left handed I'm only plus the magic grow some fingers back here you know there's no
Starting point is 00:23:52 jeopardy in that show in those books oh and another this it is a life-changing implement here I know I've got another white stone looks like a massive spearhead really it's a live sized spike and we're heading towards the centre of the field now the controversial central can which again looks from here just to be a grassy knoll a tough it
Starting point is 00:24:24 that Miss Muffet might have sat upon eating her curds away in peace not expecting there to be lots of stones underneath it all spiders wasn't expecting that but so I don't know will those will the vegetation be back will it just die I don't know it's a worrying thing for me I think as we closer we'll see that my can is preventing a fair amount oh and there's three dog walkers
Starting point is 00:24:56 over there they're all in near them the main can stop two of them stop to have a chat and they end up there's still some way away yeah the main can is still visible when you come back to get close but around the periphery it certainly is getting somewhat obscured by grass slightly worrying but with this one it's not too bad there's a dip which we'll build which I think eventually we'll get above the grass here
Starting point is 00:25:28 my ultimate thing is to kill all vegetation and trees so just tossing a little one back that I've scooped up with the diamond points of my upload control three dog walkers are they again the ones coming this way the other two again the other way so I may end up meeting one of them it may slightly curtail my as I head downhill to the philosophical stretch of the field usually where I
Starting point is 00:26:00 started to get relaxed and be thinking about I know the two dog walkers are actually coming back this way so we'll see who'll be coming a good girl being quite a good girl coming down I think they may pass the main pole stone pole before I get there I'm gathering a couple of stones now just while I can so that I have some ammunition just in case I know a lot of you only get some of the podcasts had a lot of people email in about that Brian dog walker
Starting point is 00:26:32 he said that my favorite bit rich is when you do the throwing the stone and then it's my actual favorite it's when I hit it and then I cheer wherever I am I cheer it is embarrassing once I was at my grandma's funeral and I cheer just as the coffee went in I mean really it's probably a bad time to be listening to podcasts thinking back about it it almost doesn't seem real but I was in I was suffering from grief Thanks Brian, not Brian's emailing I think we might just get lucky
Starting point is 00:27:04 or I'm lucky depending on whether you enjoy my interactions with other dog walkers as far as the fuck is a grey head man or woman I think a small man or a medium sized woman and a brown head woman I think and a black dog jumping up and down that makes me suspicious because we've hit her it's like a rush hour here at gobble gear and they've stopped
Starting point is 00:27:36 right by the maypole I have a massive stone in my hand I'm going to put it on the sleeve a little bit I still can't tell if that's a man or a woman it doesn't matter I'm just trying to give you some detail I hate him ha ha ha having to control the dog a little bit gong wolves
Starting point is 00:28:08 good girl for those who are interested in gender it was two women one with a... come on do a feet come on good girl come here I've got two little stones for the stone pole that is probably not enough I'm going to try and do it in two for Brian dog walker it's weird your name is dog walker they're just sorts of dog walkers
Starting point is 00:28:40 so thanks for all the emails that are coming in I can't read them all out there is literally so many of them oh I don't think that was a clunking sound it's a fence post rather than the post I'm not sure if I hit the fence post again I'm going to have to find some more stones can't believe you're hanging here can we old Brian dog walkers who knows where he is might be having sex with a lady unlikely to be fair
Starting point is 00:29:12 anyone who's listening this is having sex I mean not just while they're listening but at any point in their life I found a nice one there and we just moved our way out in the field of course in danger here of discovery there's so many people around but I'm just thinking of the fans the fans at home who email me like Brian dog walker isn't the only person he's emailed in Simon dog walker his brother has also emailed in and Jeanette dog walker because women enjoy this podcast too
Starting point is 00:29:44 oh brilliant hit double hits double hit wolfie that was a double cheer there so yes anyway thanks sorry that you ruined your grand funeral try not to listen try to put aside the time when you're not doing anything else I've been listening to this some people are listening to it and it's time to get to sleep which I find frankly insulting there's nothing boring or about any of this your eyes should not be gently closing
Starting point is 00:30:16 you're breathing getting heavier as you lull yourself into oh my goodness I just picked up a stone there and there are literally people coming around the corner I'm just going to quickly dump it I'm going to get rid of the chow what do you see I think it's my Michael they do hang around my main cam and the worry hunters really trying to get in the podcast oh you probably don't know about the podcast but they work with it so luckily walker's on the lead I think there's no way of avoiding a conversation here my friends and I'm guessing Michael will talk about how
Starting point is 00:30:48 he hasn't seen one TV but they've joked on him on one TV tonight yeah on channel 5 so I'm going to tell him that if he asks and then we please stupid face so um here we go come wolfie good girl hello how you doing ah I'm still running up like a bullet I don't know what to do
Starting point is 00:31:20 she can carry most things just forgets how big she is for these little ones she's been a good girl how's everything and how you doing are you okay? yeah I'm fine are you ready careful darling oh really I didn't know about that yeah are you still playing yeah yeah yeah my parents I've never got into golf my parents were into golf but stay and say that
Starting point is 00:31:52 it is good exercise yeah I've got enough for walking this one have the hills there's somebody that moved away from Northwark in Northwark I think it's flat so when I walk the dog it's flat and like here it's up and down it is good yeah it is well that's what's working for me at the moment I'm going to lose a bit of weight this year yeah I've lost about a minute I've approaching two stone I've lost
Starting point is 00:32:24 yeah I've got pretty fat though that's where it kind of craggles there and here yeah it's pretty good yeah so I've stopped drinking and eating chocolate I think was the main and here they say I'm Chinese on the range and one drink a day will increase your heart and stroke because I mean the whole of Europe is drinking that
Starting point is 00:32:56 I don't know yeah I think you know it just gives you a bit of energy not to be having a hang of it I'm totally allowable to be like that because they can't stand out okay okay
Starting point is 00:33:34 they're all beautiful in their own way right come on darling let's go nice to see you take care see you again right you know if people say something a little bit borderline racist along with it we're in the countryside so nice people they don't know my secrets
Starting point is 00:34:06 so um let's see if I can just add a couple of stones to the main can before we put that in the main can now and there's quite a lot of vegetation going up but just taking a couple of stones out of the pathway there that would have been inaccessible to me before I got my one there here's another one it's out of the path my friend again somebody will say come while you're waiting just time with the path rich when there's so much to be done elsewhere in the field
Starting point is 00:34:38 well it's all going to be done stone clover's work is never done until every stone is cleared and then it is done praise and this is the place where I know there's a lovely little nest here somewhere but there's a ladybird there on there the undergrowth is high with that kind of sticky weed stuff you know that if you step in it it sort of sticks to your level it's not the ones with the little balls on it but
Starting point is 00:35:10 tragic really because it just means I just have to throw my stones lined into the into the undergrowth I just try and block up a little hole there and pay for rabbits another vermin and pulling up rabbits an expert in biology because stones are my expertise as you will know so yeah we're heading down the hill bring an illuminating podcast and you can expect many more of these
Starting point is 00:35:42 in the year to come and you can guarantee them of course by just giving a few pounds whatever you want to you don't have to take a reward you can just give a quid and then you can go to I'll tell you that then you can be on our way with a lot more podcasts coming your way guaranteed and if I die of course in this case I will advise my children to take over
Starting point is 00:36:14 in my final breath so don't let them down don't let the stone clearing audience down into the pit of luck as you'll know since I've done that nothing bad has happened in the world I've prevented brexit every time I do that if I forget to do it brexit will happen but I remembered and like Yuri Geller have derailed brexit using magic Yuri Geller claims that the sewage that fell into the castle commons
Starting point is 00:36:46 yesterday was because of him it's because of me throwing stones into a ditch I mean what's more likely a man who can bend spoons and forks affects the sewage system or a man who's throwing stones into a ditch which is a kind of sewer system I think the parallels are obvious and yeah my opening can to the field is here it is but just covered in vegetation it's a terrifying vision of what could happen if humans died out
Starting point is 00:37:18 and that's why we have to keep stone clearing we have to defeat the nettles and the plants and the other weeds that do us no good what good has a plant ever done to a human being nothing a stone however I think all the things stones have done to help us we've built our homes and they haven't built them we've built used them to build houses a lot of early tools were made out of them not so much now but as food
Starting point is 00:37:50 plants what's that done to help humanity nothing so heading home now and there will be a brief edit in this podcast I'm afraid just the lady I met did mention the name of the village we live in and that might have happened before to be honest but I noticed it this time apologies for the edit that's all it was it wasn't any swearing or anything like that do
Starting point is 00:38:22 go to slash kickstart just look at the rahulisco page if you like there's lots of information about my less worthy podcast the man has to make some money too and if he's going to go out stone clearing they have to provide for my family stone clearing he's not going to do that if you do want a cursed stone from the field in the display case someone coming now hold him I won't be a good girl
Starting point is 00:38:54 morning if you do want to see a video of the field and get a documentary of my stone clearing life and if you want a t-shirt there are other t-shirts you can get a choice you can get a snooker one or a rahulisco one or you can get three of the t-shirts so push your car and get them both snooker t-shirts is one as supportive of me two and you have to decide who you are
Starting point is 00:39:26 supporting so you can get up to three t-shirts anyway we're home now we have a lot of talkers at school kitchen seems empty so we can carry on for a little bit I hope you enjoyed today's podcast and I will I'll still be doing these podcasts weekly I think to be fair
Starting point is 00:39:58 it's likely I'll do 25 of these at least in 2019 but if you want to guarantee it 50,000 out of target and help to pay for ridiculous people who helped me make my other podcast this one's a one-man ban I don't have to bucket Wolfie and Kibble that's not expensive I'm not going to ask you to donate for that the money for this is not for me the money is for making more podcasts so I will leave you
Starting point is 00:40:30 there thank you for listening two people's e-mails coming in oh no just put Wolfie Kibble in her water whatever a little bit tired yes Simon Denkis Sticks coincidentally the name of the
Starting point is 00:41:02 guy that my dog uses to clean her teeth he emailed in to say keep the podcast going which we do really help in my own sound clearing to know that you're doing you're so brilliant at it I am brilliant at it do you have any tips also on how to get wet Kibble out of a dog bowl water bowl yeah I do actually that's interesting you should ask that I'm just going to maybe use a cup to scoop it out and give it to them
Starting point is 00:41:34 if you want mine's a bit wet if you get a bit extra okay as a result of that I'm using a coffee cup to do that so it's interesting you should ask that question at that time I mean this is a different podcast really but we might set this up there's something there Wolfie do you like this Kibble coming in here or does it put me off the other Kibble it seems to be a bit of off I'll put off
Starting point is 00:42:06 I'll tip the rest away I'll give us some fresh water that's look you know I can't help you with everything in your life so when you can really help you with that stone clearing I get enough stone clearing you know to keep you busy so I don't want but do make sure your dog gets sufficient water that's very important you should turn the nose up at that wet Kibble that was a mistake
Starting point is 00:42:38 alright good girl I'm going to leave you there this is just a man witchering on I mean you know we could just carry on and have the rest of the day as well but you don't want to hear me blowing my nose for example do you that would be a helpful thing to do you know I've got a bug for the kids and you know that's you have to stone clears off the nail and just have to carry on that I've just carried on so all I know how to do um
Starting point is 00:43:10 I think I'll end it there okay well that's for dot go dot UK otherwise cheerio take care my friends bye stone clearing with Richard Herring starred me Richard Herring with Wolfie the dog also those other dog walkers forgotten what her dog's called the one with the high vis jacket she mentioned the name of the other dog I've forgotten what it was some dog walks in the distance it's all been fun thank you very much
Starting point is 00:43:42 to Mike Cosgrove for writing this music and to the voice of the stones Michael Faheen and remember your name could be in these credits if you sponsored the podcast by slash kickstarter bye

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