Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 4

Episode Date: December 4, 2018

Stones 1 Gloves 0. It's 8.35 on December 4th and the Herring household has been hit by a sickness bug, but stone clearing waits for no man and the work must be done. It's frosty but the earth is moist... and the stones are coming up easy, as Rich covers a variety of subjects including whether size is important, the part that urine plays in the discipline, how fast you should walk your dog and whether it would be better to clear a field of plastic. Read more about stone-clearing at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing with Richard Herring Hello and welcome to another chapter of Stone Clearing with Richard Herring one man's attempt to ultimately bring back all together all the material that exploded in the big bang and press it all back into one super concentrated mass. But in the meantime before we get to that we can only take a journey one step at a time and my mission today to now is to clear this field of stones. That would be the first point to bring those stones back together into a sort of a lump. They've been here for eons. Wolfie's just in a wee bit but it's been a bit. The house is triggered by illness. At the moment my son was sick and my wife became sick a couple days later
Starting point is 00:01:32 then my daughter was sick last night. I am the only one who is resisting the bug. I think showing how stone clearing makes you into a superman really. I think doing this, being out here in nature, it's all the medicine I need. It makes you fit. It gives you strength. Once you've handled the stones you can overcome everything. So today's just going to be a general ramble. We're not going to cover any more subjects in particular as we have in the other ones which have been more sort of concentratedly worked out in advance obviously. I do want to lay any worries. Oh my goodness I just have to say I've arrived on the field a little bit later just because everyone else is ill. The sun, you know just a few inches above the horizon shining right in my face but
Starting point is 00:02:31 the field covered in frost which was something we thought we would have to cover. The ground actually not quite as hard as it was the last time there was frost but this is one of the many challenges and we'll talk about this a little bit today, challenges and have different conditions. A, the sun is right in my eyes. It's very hard to see the ground at all. The ground has a frosty sheen as if the stone gods have spread it with their buttery ejaculate that is crystallized overnight. The ground is not clamping down on the stones quite as it was the last time I stone cleared in these conditions which I did not podcast so they podcast all of this. That would be insane but yesterday well I was going to do a podcast with the sophisticated recording system
Starting point is 00:03:30 that I know many of you loved and the audio files out there are enjoying was oh that's quite a nice one right and they're very close to the shore they're right on the shoreline and yet still there it is. How's that possible? I don't know. It was you can just guess they were perfect and they're still not too bad in terms of being able to kick the stones out of the ground. If the ground has a level of moisture again I don't want to get sexual about everything in this but it's that when the ground is ready and moist it will give you everything and you can just kick the stones out of the ground which I still seem to be able to do is quite a good stone in the path for example that oh well I'm going to say it's easy to kick out
Starting point is 00:04:11 but I'm not actually able to do it. Obviously there's something that makes it difficult for me to see any dog walkers approaching so I have to be careful on there that one's just kicked out beautifully there again right on the edge and quite a decent size stone goes on one of my smaller nests along this what I like to think of the bottom end of it oh there's a dog here so and that implies another woofie woofie woofie good girl woofie stalking the dog a little bit they're stalking towards each other uh they're gonna have to pretend obviously that I'm not podcasting now isn't it's a lady coming so all right woofie woofie oh good girl it's your friend hello how you doing how are you yes it's not too bad is it yeah it's getting there
Starting point is 00:05:09 yeah yeah I think that's the one that everyone puts things on yeah did you have a walk to see the plastic I didn't see it yeah no I must must go and have a look uh is it still there yeah oh dear yeah that's the far field there the other side of the hedge if you walk on there it's just all in the head turns yeah oh dear come on boss good girl come on come on see you later so um I don't woofie woofie woofie's disappeared um I don't think that lady knew that I'm doing all the other stone peering she thinks I'm just one of the ramblers who put things on that mound and she's more concerned about the plastic that's been plowed into the field a couple of fields away you know it's it's what it's weird what's um what upsets people isn't it and what
Starting point is 00:06:00 what they obsess about um it goes about plastic I mean that will last quite a long time to be fair and it is quite detrimental but it's the stones that must be the first priority of course uh anyway so uh as I say it's good conditions even though it's frosty it's still pretty good conditions for for clearing the stones and um yeah it's still moist luckily I thought when I came up here and saw all those four little ones there but remember four little ones together make one quite small one as well but it's that's that's how we're going to do this bit by bit um kicking a few off there now I will address the fact that a few of you were worried after the last podcast that uh I was down wasn't didn't have quite the excitement but I like the fact that podcast
Starting point is 00:06:51 when it was I really wanted to show you the excitement of night time so clearing uh and the day before I'd been out at night and found some amazing examples the day after I went out again some huge finds a massive stone sort of appearing out of nowhere but that's important it's this frustration that will hit all of us at some point um and sometimes you will feel down sometimes you will feel what you're doing is a pointless waste of time um it's quite a nice little bed of different sized stones down here in the corner here um I'll just pick up four of these I mean these are not big but they they're not tiny tiny ones and they go on that can there I mean I've got my little places worked out um so don't worry I was fine I'd only regret that I didn't give you the
Starting point is 00:07:46 excitement of a of a good night stone clearing so there may be another night time one soon because it's not just the fun of finding stones in the dark it's not the fear of being mugged for your stones which is ever present it's the transgression of being allowed because no one can see you to go further out into the stone ocean than you would dare in the daytime um and you can become giddy with that excitement that's that's what I failed to give you you actually can reach a point where you're not sure where you are you can you find your way back to the shore imagine you've gone swimming and you've just swum and swum and swum a couple of uh nice sort of palm sized that's which herring palm sized it seems there well one's palm sized it is a little bit smaller
Starting point is 00:08:33 to be fair I don't want to bring myself up um and yes that that the way you can be you can lose yourself you look around go where is the shore can I will I ever make my way back and then of course you're in the field so you do but that's not the point um it's that feeling I'm somewhere I shouldn't be finding stones that thought they were safe taking them back to the shore where logic decrees they should be and that's what I regret missing out on but the next day again went out it's interesting the way I had soil blindness is it's a well known condition amongst stone clearance that you're looking so hard for stones all you can see is soil and sometimes the soil even looks like a stone and uh yeah it's uh
Starting point is 00:09:26 almost exciting to me is no one knows I'm doing this that lady thinks you know something she doesn't know anything she has no idea she was being recorded um and uh yeah so you know it's an exciting time so I mean I will of course answer your queries as we go I'm doing quite good work here actually just amongst all the chitchat um the stones are pretty cold not as cold as they've been I have to say in this little bit I'm throwing stones into the crook of a tree on the bank um and I don't know if I mentioned this but you know I wonder if I get enough stones there whether we will discover if stone is better than wood whether I can top all these trees or whether the trees will support the stones it's a little experiment that admittedly might end in someone
Starting point is 00:10:15 being crushed by a tree but I think that's again small price to pay for the science of what we're doing here and for the importance of uh of moving the stone so again just a kick and then that one's out and that's that's in another tree there so beautiful just this when there's soils like this it's just this kick kick throw kick kick throw and you don't you it makes life a lot easier and of course I think to watch out for is there are going to be some frosty days ahead so maybe kick out a few but you don't pick up for for a future you define oh that one's too good to leave though so kick for a couple right here it's so hard though you kick them up and then you go well I'm not leaving those two but if you can just loosen a few stones all the time just get stones
Starting point is 00:11:07 nearer to the edge if you're in the middle of the field nearer to the edge it doesn't matter if they're still in the field that's a future you or a future stone clear for one day so they'll leave that one just in the path for me tomorrow oh there's quite a big stone here this might want to throne from the center of the field before that's coming up sort of to a slightly weird place and that woman claim me other people put stones on my can is bullshit it's all me and she just that's part of the mystery you know she thinks I'm just putting a couple on there as I pass but that I'm putting on loads every single day here's one that's definitely a three yesterday just on the path and now that can go on the can I thought we'd be doing better
Starting point is 00:11:50 is that the middle upward side of the field trying to make a nice little wall along there so yeah do do send your queries in I've had a query from Richard in Hampshire coincidentally it's also quite just stone clear but he wants to keep his surname anonymous he says at night time sometimes you know you're walking around it's cold you want to do a wee in the dark or if there's no one around in the daytime as well you could do it then this is Richard speaking is it okay to piss on the cans is it good or is it bad to do that or should you piss somewhere else good question Richard it's something that actually I have been thinking about quite a lot not good I piss a lot occasionally I'm an elderly man and
Starting point is 00:12:44 the call of nature comes and is it respectful or disrespectful to piss onto the cans that is because you're exuding chemicals you're doing warmth my personal feeling and I know but some of the stone clearers out there are going to differ wildly on this is that yes you should even if you don't really need to go you should squeeze out some wee onto your main cans um because it's a respectful thing to do it does bring warmth but it brings the organic and the in organic together in a fluid that has come out of organically but creates chemicals that will coat the stones possibly do something good to them and you know I don't know about science oh and look just taking a few steps out here although there's a dog coming whoopie whoopie
Starting point is 00:13:38 uh I missed a dog walker so I was talking about we picked up quite a nice stone you might have seen me that's danger whoopie oh it's a jukebox dog that whoopie's gambling around playing quite nicely with uh gone to the other owner there's actually some distance away I don't know if she was going to come back whoopie so I say you know the connection between you and the stones makes it work come on whoopie come here good girl come on good girl um does make it other stone clearers think that's disrespectful and disgusting and health hazard um so you know that what I will leave that up to you about how you follow I'm now heading up this isn't I always I think I've come this most of the time on the podcast but I don't always come this way sometimes
Starting point is 00:14:30 I cut across through towards the main can for a short walk I'll do a longer walk for you today but again with that disappointment of the that night that night stone clearing that we recorded I came up this way the next day I think in the daytime and was bewildered by the riches just a few meters away from the shore I mean it's just it gives you an idea of the magnitude of the job that I've given myself but also it's so exciting when you find a rich seam I think I've said this before but you have to be careful not to be like a Nazi trying to collect some gold from a tomb just before it's going to explode in fire or something and take too much and then go back when you drop one because what you have to do with stones of course and then die and it's time to
Starting point is 00:15:19 wait those stones are always going to be here until you remove them you aren't always going to be here you might not get to them all that's true but be patient don't be complacent you know that's what we always say so yeah we on the stones is what I'm saying we do we on this we on the stones it's better than we on the damp ground and you and the stones we connected and when those stones are there in a thousand years time evidently the weather may have washed away most of the wee but a tiny particle of your wee might survive and possibly future technologies and what they're going to take that wee and say that's probably the wee of the bloke who created this I don't know why they'd make that mental leap and then they can clone you from your wee and then you can do
Starting point is 00:16:08 some more stone collecting or just be you know heralded as a as a god whichever whichever is more like that so there's a nice little pocket here just again right because I don't come up here all the time you can just find five or six stones at the moment coming up beautifully a stone there that will take ages to get up normally just few kicks and there it is Bob Johnkel and just in the space of a few inches I've got seven or eight stones that make one good sized stone and I'm leaving behind loads for another day so I'm gonna put those there's just a tiny nest of two oh there's a big one there along the way I have got these piles that I like to go to most of them are only seven or eight stones high
Starting point is 00:16:58 well not even high you know just encompassing eight stones oh here's a nice one yeah that's a good one again right at the edge and when you're still finding stone stones like this right at the edge it makes you wonder how many I mean there's one in the park that's worth taking care of makes you wonder how long this is this is all gonna take and yeah I think it's probably going to be quite a long time again people worried about the change of the field get a grip is what I say to you um other people telling me that removing the stones will make the land more profitable be able to build build grow a better crop so you know as I say it doesn't matter about any of that but uh because all you do is try to clean the stones regardless
Starting point is 00:17:53 um oh a nice little foot that was like a rugby kick there right into the corners as I threw a couple others you can do when you get more adept you can be picking and kicking and throwing almost simultaneously and that's exciting so this is the area if we I just check around for observers it's very open that's the problem here so you can be seen out on the field but yeah just a brief walk out here you know I'm passing dozens of some regular size stones and now you're going to hit a pocket again where there's some big ones oh yeah the next day after that personally I found a brilliant perpendicular stone which doesn't look like it's a bit like an iceberg so it doesn't look like much on the top
Starting point is 00:18:40 but then you realize it goes down it's perpendicular to the soil and uh it was a huge one one of the biggest I've found and I wish I'd been recording them I picked up four or five while just talking there four or five good size stones that would be as big as the can I just put a few stones on and they can go there's a little sort of path for the vermin to go through here that I'm trying to block up with stones just for the hell of it again it's important to use nature they're trying to destroy nature oh and there's the dog again it's the uh it's my due luck dog again it's back they've overtaken us going round the long way whoopie whoopie I feel like I didn't see what I was doing get nobody knows it's important to keep the secret
Starting point is 00:19:28 nobody in the village knows what I'm up to um I think it's important that I continue whoopie come back she loves this dog which is slightly annoying this is the corner I love there's loads of loads of stones in this corner there's now a guy I'm going to have to be quite surreptitious he's not looking in my direction at least but if he would turn around and see me if he suspected that more than that woman thinks that just a few people are putting stones on a pile then I could be undone it's important I would you know I hope one day somehow my children will find out that it's me that's been doing this and perhaps respect me more than they do currently when they find out I'll be the long dead then you'll find out I did something worthwhile
Starting point is 00:20:14 and they will finally love me that's I guess what I'm trying to do here ultimately if I'm honest um so any more questions uh Andy McCage uh but a fan of comedy podcasts for some reason listening to this one um I don't know from my my more comedic endeavors uh and uh he is left a message on iTunes I think saying that he's slightly concerned that I'm more concerned about size of stones than quality or I think maybe in descriptions of stones it wasn't him someone else was talking about that now that's true you know you mustn't become overwhelmed with size size is not that important in fact the big ones are easy to get in a lot of ways and they're certainly satisfying to get you have to take every stone off here my friends everything bigger than the
Starting point is 00:21:05 grain of sand has to come off here eventually so uh he's right that you shouldn't give preeminence to the big ones because the big ones are exciting um as long as you are also taking off other stones I'm really using the digging technique here would have a little bit of crock there that's probably a bad thing I had to be one less p in the world thanks to me but it's right at the edge and everyone's going to expect this to survive uh right that guy goes fast for this dog what's he he should he's right gone outside he should get a hobby like stone clearing to delay you know I mean you don't have to go home to your family so much I want them to respect me but I don't want to have to look after them you know so I'm really digging with my foot here
Starting point is 00:21:56 and finally that one's coming out it's not even that big I mean it's a decent size one we haven't found any monsters on this board so far but uh two is bigger than my hand and two little ones that are nearly as big as my hand together and they go on this corner can which again you know I'm sort of surprised it is true that that the main can is expanding very quickly and making difference with the other cans I'm maybe not visiting quite as regularly and I'm only putting one or two stones on this for that time but I'm not going as fast anyway Andy you know I understand your point but it doesn't matter what the stones are made of um I don't care as long as they're stones they are my enemy and my lover and I must gracefully and forcefully remove them
Starting point is 00:22:41 as you must all lovers and enemies um so uh I mean I think a lot of the stones are flint hence the firework explosions that I failed to show you in the last uh last podcast I mean I wouldn't have been able to show you anyway I think there's a dog lurking there is a dog or a log it's sort of get so paranoid if it's a dog it's very still and it's staring at me but I think it's just a log the light is very weird today um you start to think when you're doing this you get paranoid you start to think that either dogs are spying on you or logs that look like dogs are spying on you and that's a worry thing um but no yeah there's a lot of flints out here and uh which is interesting I mean it's interesting that it does have that spark it is we are connected back to
Starting point is 00:23:32 early man by being in this theater that fit this field sorry what a point you think that was um there's nothing I mean the world is a stage Richard but there's nothing theatrical about this this is all real all too real I am really doing this I'm like actors pretending to be the insane people I am a man dedicated to doing this and doing it and doing it and on days when I'm not recording it uh much more in fact much more goes unrecorded than goes recorded with this so I'm doing a long walk across to where I've got three stones here in my hand sort of little little ones I'm hoping to find some big ones to carry across it was just a log or it's not made of anyway so I think it's just a log it's could still be watching me that and that's the thing
Starting point is 00:24:18 you have to be careful about um again this difficult judgment about which don't pick up this far from the center where I'm going to dump them in the central column um if I pick up too many too soon I will have to dump them if someone's coming along uh but also maybe I'll see bigger ones nearer the again so it's not important but just better examples would when you're just building the can early on I need my cage you know you just want to make it a bit more impressive quickly and then you can do other work but I'm taking little ones off as well um no one seems to be coming but yeah it's interesting this flint our ancestors in the dim distant past they would have lived in fields like this just haven't thought to go in caves yet just in the cold dying these flints
Starting point is 00:25:05 were they're just lying around here that was their main tool they'd make fire they'd make axes out of this field when you think about it is littered with the stone age equivalent of iPhones five thousand years ago I don't know how long ago the stone age was wherever it was men would have been excited and women would have been excited to find these pick them up and turn them into tools make fire with them now our generation they just leave them littered not caring about them and yeah you might think well yeah they're just stones rich but what I'm saying is maybe in the future future people we walk around feel clearing iPhones out thinking that look at these these are you says the people who had these
Starting point is 00:25:55 thought they were pretty cool but they're not that's what I'm saying look at it from that perspective yeah I hope I've blown your mind and I hope you make you think about how you value what you value and ultimately those iPhones in five thousand ten thousand years out of long ago wasn't stone age times I don't know I don't know how much much no I didn't really study history at school um at least these stones are still useful your iPhones you know you can make cans out of them you can still make fire out of them if you were so inclined you can make a tool out of them fuck is that that guy that's that guy with the duke studies right at the other corner how fast is he for me he's insane isn't he um slow down a bit mate take enjoy the pace of his life
Starting point is 00:26:42 don't you know don't say don't you know don't get everything has to be quick and that's the thing with them you know so I've got five or six stones there just kick another one that came soon okay why is that old why is that woman not talking about because she doesn't understand that's why oh and I think they've gone they've gone through the corner there excuse me I'll just do a spit um uh I'm doing a little bit of throwing this unfortunately this as you go down from that central can this path isn't quite as lucrative in terms of stones but I do like to just pick one up and chuck it towards the can and as long as I can't or you know even again as long as getting closer to the edge or the middle or wherever you're collecting of stones that is of actually um
Starting point is 00:27:25 um where was I I can't remember but you know it's that's the thing isn't it what we're doing here me doing it you listening I'm walking through a beautiful field have taken my time um it's still the same amount of exercise don't have to go fast it has to be doing just takes longer the dog gets a good 45 minute walk in the morning which he's happy about let's see I'm quite away from the thing now in fact I found a little one oh I'm away away but I'll get that halfway at the path let's say we do and then Wolfie's chasing after it and that one is beautiful kind of way it's a bit like bowling in a way there's a line you have to go and that one I threw and it hit the field but then there was spinner and it came back onto the path so
Starting point is 00:28:06 maybe in the next podcast but I will find that one and we can recover it again um you know I should come to a few examples uh of stones along the way just to dump at the end but simmer picking as the field goes downhill for some reason in this part not so many stones so um yeah I mean it's this point in the walk it's always this as we're returning I become more philosophical I think you become more philosophical you need to do the long walk don't rush around mate what are you rushing to get getting back to your life your horrible family that's your family my family if it all right put them in there peeking everywhere you have to clean sick out of their hair I mean that's still all quite a fun ever worrying that you're next
Starting point is 00:28:50 so far I'm not not been sick physically um so you know this is and more I hope you're enjoying this I think there'll be people who remember this in the first 20 minutes this podcast this is just about collecting stones but no hang on in there my friends get to this bit hopefully you'll find the same kind of calm that I feel now the sun is in this time has risen inches above the ground feet above the ground I mean probably in reality hundreds of thousands of miles but um I suppose we're moving but it's moving as well I don't I don't know that science I'm just know that stones um these are the same times I'm holding by the way are pretty cold not as the cold as they've been but I am wearing my gloves
Starting point is 00:29:33 I'll show you a picture of these gloves as the picture of this podcast entrusted with dirt that is the good honest hard work those people going off to work in their jobs commuters I mean he's a bit late to go I started off he won't have a job that guy or he might be self-employed like me I don't know I don't know anything about him he just walks fast that's all I'm saying and that's suspicious to me um we're ambling through this field you might be sitting down to work well this is the point I'm recording this data entry laughing at me for collecting stones yeah again I hope that like me you will find this as well as being quite insulting to you um interesting philosophically to find this zen and calm which you do as the walk progresses
Starting point is 00:30:20 I feel genuinely the happiest I could ever be gathering up that I'm on that walk I picked three tiny stones they've all gone on that can on the on the path down which I'm not going to take but you know what that what my heart was a stone as I pick those stones up and it's melted into a beating loving thing that loves nature and being alone and that's a beautiful that hates humanity and that's a beautiful thing for your heart to become there so um now this is the this is the little part where I have a game there aren't any stones around here unfortunately I spoke too soon look at that beauty uh so there's there's a walk you know one of them uh what you call them bits of wood that indicate that uh
Starting point is 00:31:17 which way you can walk those things I like to put gathered the stones around those anyway but this was a bit away from the path I like to throw the stones towards that one it was quite close that one hit it did you hear yeah um so you can play little games it's not all serious this but it is it's everything it's all things to all men stone clearing you can take it very seriously you can if you want you can buy a special digger with an attachment on the front the sieves the stones out I mean you know if you want to uh you can be you know you can be playful with it you can be serious with it you can be artistic with it you can just be pragmatic with it and say what I'm just clearing stones which that's all this is there's no greater cultural meaning artistic meaning
Starting point is 00:32:07 meaning to my soul but you will say that but it won't be true because like me if you do this enough you will feel this connection as you slowly watch the crops growing over the weeks and months and years you do this growing being harvested the ground being plowed new stones being thrown up I'm looking forward to that day even though it will sort of be depressing as well the day they come and plow and a whole new load of stones are brought up from underneath to the top it means sort of all the work you've done so far is meaningless but it also means you have a whole new crop stones to enjoy um so yeah I'm not I'm just walking along hardly gathering stones now I've done five I think in the last 10 minutes and that is a slight worry
Starting point is 00:32:54 I think you know I've realized something we were ill over the weekend the family was and I didn't have the dog for a couple of days so we went to going away so I've taken away but by my angles and you don't come out and you know and and I was sort of averaging out thinking you know I'm doing 100 200 a day we can work that out per day this is only going to take me 50 years or so but then you have a weekend where you don't do any or you walk when you do seven I probably came out last night did maybe 10 stones but again size is an important quantity isn't necessarily all everything um and here we are at the central can I mean it is looking pretty good it it's not visible from space yet but it is visible from the other side of the field
Starting point is 00:33:36 so that one was right to be in place oh look at this what have I found right on the pathway it's a beauty uh that's the first this one looks like a millennium falcon some of it is soil actually oh actually quite a bit has come off but not that's not too bad at all it's not like a prime stone I'm going to put on the top of the wall but it's certainly good enough to go on the wall I mean all stones are and it's certainly going to make a big difference in creation I'll just try to pick up a couple along here so I'm going out of my way really just to see there's nobody about old Mr Speedy Gonzales rushing off to live his life um actually I've got to go and test drive a car so I mustn't stay out here too long um
Starting point is 00:34:25 um there's nothing funny about this podcast I don't know why I'm laughing at that I'm just going to pick up a few examples here just to add to and I guess this is why this wall does a bit better because every day I will go out my way to a drift and that little thing I'm doing though because I'm aware that one can is doing better than all the others when I do this and we're heading down to the least second area of the field in stone terms ironically for this place to grow crops I will take one of these stone I'll put most of them on my main can and I'll take one of them and put that on one of the smaller cans as I go down um do maybe you can tune out
Starting point is 00:35:08 anytime you can just listen to all of this right well I'm going to head home my family are ill and in a way I should be with them and that little bit of brickwork there that's the occasion you'll come across an archaeological find I'm not interested mate if anyone you're not interested it'll go on whatever I find will go if it's not organic there's if it's organic doesn't need to panic if it's not organic I've forgotten how that line goes but it's a good one if it's not chat the twat isn't it someone I know but uh if I find King Arthur's jewels I'll just go on the can along with all the other non-organic material there's metal on this can as I think I've mentioned a big bit of plough or something from the olden days uh yeah not these are these are I've got two
Starting point is 00:36:03 handfuls of small stones and the fact that I'm holding them comfortably in my hands will give you an idea of how few stones that is but let's put five of them on the end of the can here I'm keeping one just to just in case I don't find too many down here I have to say though even though this stretch has not as many stones I have found two or three of the biggest ones buried in this area and it always surprised me and you know we will I'm sure capture that on the podcast at some point you saw the delight there I had it just a quite medium sized stone but there may be a little bit if you want to really build a wall around the edge of your field there may be a little bit of having to transport stones along that one goes I mean it's puny
Starting point is 00:36:50 compared to the other ones I've put there but it goes on the top of that can and now I might just as long here there's a one I can just kick there just kick that off that's a random one just on the edge of the path but the shoreline between the path and the stone ocean that one's gone everyone goes and so you're right Andy McCage that was a tiny one did just was I going on but can I get the big ones no Andy McCage I hate everyone who listens to this podcast but especially Andy McCage so yeah I tried to pick up a few just on the way out here I feel there was something else I wanted to talk to you about today but you know the thing is that my thoughts on this I like the stones they're infinite they're brilliant but we could come back
Starting point is 00:37:35 to them another time there's always the danger none of this is recorded as has happened once before just a nice again nice little kick into the nettles there that one's not going into any wall that's just getting off the field it wasn't big it wasn't remarkable it doesn't matter what kind of stone it is I don't care I'm not going to get into classifications of stone all I is is classification of stone versus it stone is it soil is it grass is it poo and there they are talking of poo there's a couple of poos with their little knitted gossamer jackets that this the poo elves grow or I was going to go out in the field there but there's a dog all right behind me so let's pick up this one from the edge attending I'm just
Starting point is 00:38:11 doing this it's having my shoelace even though I'm wearing wellansons that one goes into the ditch I hope you heard a click apparently the clicks coming out better than my voice on this podcast than that is that's careful setting by me because that's who's more important than me or the stones who will be here in 10 years time the stones will be here will I I mean you know I hope so so that's a tiny one yeah there's a lot of the way these poos are giving jackets to keep them warm in the night expect elves also wee on them a bit as well that wasn't me then I mean I don't wee on the stones that would be disgusting so anyone who says that is me is a liar so I just put this nice little enclave here that's gone unnoticed even though again very close to the edge there's an egg
Starting point is 00:39:06 there's an egg stone nice round egg stone and I'll just go on my on my final well my first and my final this is where I enter the field this is where I usually leave the field oh I thought my I thought my oh no my fingers come through my gloves it has so well maybe I should take a photo of that uh yeah I thought these I thought these workman's gloves would be DIY gloves would be ideal for this but actually the actions of the stones just in a few short weeks I've been wearing these has worn them through showing that what I'm doing is better than DIY harder than DIY I mean I probably have to throw this glove away and that's weak I took a photo of these gloves before this before the podcast to show you the dirt on them but now
Starting point is 00:39:55 I'm going to take a different one to show you how hard I'm working I've worn this glove literally to my bone while my skin and they probably won't really be any good and even so I did fine with these gloves that your hands would still get a bit dirty and also I don't know this if they've been doing it for a while for the end of your fear fingers will become hard uh guitarists know this kind of thing as well your fingernails will become chipped I don't really have much in the way of fingernails I still bite my fingernails but they're still kind of chipped away at the ends there you're working hard out here you're doing something important if you have to buy some more gloves if anyone has that these were mechanics gloves I was going to recommend to you but
Starting point is 00:40:39 I can no longer recommend them though my finger is poking right out I'm gonna you'll see it in the photo you've probably seen it already um well with some excitement to end the podcast on there um again showing that stone wins all competitions that stone in paper says a stone should always win because it will smash all of those things um even stone will break other stones that's how hard stone is um if you play sort of with gain the confidence with it which is sort of what I'm doing so yes well I think that's that was an exciting thing to capture on the podcast I could easily have happened just in my daily life and you wouldn't have been there to experience it in actual reality um pairs of gloves gone through one stone's cleared I don't know you know a few
Starting point is 00:41:34 thousand um I don't even wear these gloves every day so these gloves have not done well in the eternal battle between gloves and stone if you have any tips on what would be a good glove to wear uh do let me know I'm you know again in some ways I'm an amateur here myself so I hope you enjoyed that that was this is a great time to stone play when the ground's like that it was a little bit frostier than yesterday but I think you saw you know I was not doing all that much bending down I wasn't doing that much exertion to get the stones out of my hands it was all just kick kick kick today um and you have to play the conditions when you're a stone clearer so I hope you've enjoyed I thought I saw a sort of adult Hitler bear doing a Nazi salute at me there but
Starting point is 00:42:17 it was just our kettle I think I might be going mad anyway thanks for listening enjoy your stone clearing bye bye hi darling yeah hey feeling just walking the dog you have been listening to stone clearing Richard Herring and Wolfie the dog plus the lady who worries about the pasta cup on the field and the very fast dog walker the music is by Mike Cosgrave only one person's guessed the mystery voice so far do you know who it is

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