Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 46

Episode Date: December 11, 2019

Chapter 46 - Urinary Onan. It's about 8.20am on 11th December 2019 and ye fun is just above horizon and there is froft on ye ground and Richard has some expert tips on the subterfuge required to be a ...stone clearer. Plus the cold has got to his bladder, but has he sunk so low as to wee on a podcast (TRIGGER WARNING - YES). Who is the real sick man? Who are the worst kind of hypocrites? Who is satirising who in this podcast and should you be more ashamed than Herring? Your hand gets a mention and Rich inadvertently offends a blind dog. Plus has he done enough, or too much to ftop Brexit? Become a monthly badger to see 30 minute filmed documentary from the Stocean.

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Starting point is 00:00:30 All right come on darling good dog come here I get kidding me come back here Wolfs come on we're gonna give it a little bit of room to those little buggies hello we're just gonna wait a sec coming in darling good girl whoops good girl hello welcome to stone clearing I mean is this chapter 40 thick poorly not it's the 11th of December it's much earlier than I thought I was in December it's 8 24 now we've got a very slow dog walker just ahead of us I'm gonna give him a bit of space before I let the dog off the lead I'd be already given him some space but thought it'd be at the top
Starting point is 00:01:48 of the path by now and then we could go the opposite way to him but he's wily other than I am the Sun is just coming up I wanted to do I wanted to be added a little bit earlier to see the sunrise will be coming but it's above the horizon now but only just it's a cold and frosty morning not that frosty actually it's a little bit chilly and for the first time in the winter period of the tone clearing 2019 I'm wearing my photon clearing gloves I've also got my trowel back in the pocket just in case so the ground is not quite as firm as I thought it might be so that child may stay in my pocket will be coming you're not going
Starting point is 00:02:38 anywhere so we know where those doggies are going and then we're going the other direction so we might be doing a reverse sweep of the field today I thought it's important to come out today I know again that we're going our regular way to pass through the ditch that for top Brexit because it has a lot of work to do this week if you have a ditch please fill it with stones this week if you have a brexit ditch and stop Brexit it's not fewer your ditches pro-Brexit there's really nothing else you can do just prevent Brexit then and then fill a ditch with some stones that is the very important thing to do this week above
Starting point is 00:03:21 everything else so let's see what the conditions are oh yeah the grounds are the firm but and I can feel the cold of the stones even through these thinnish gloves but yeah there's some puddles there that aren't even iced over so it's not it's not freezing cold the sun is right in my face at the moment it's difficult to see any approaching or through that under compost even the compost composting material was so I see that it acted like a trampoline it was beautiful I wish you could have seen it because if you do want to see from stone clearing live in action and didn't back
Starting point is 00:04:10 the recent kickstarter your stone should be arriving now with my friends if you did I've seen some of them in their cases but you can see a documentary about stone clearing if you become a monthly badger there's also slash badges three pounds a month or more if you want if you think all these podcasts are worth more than you know 50p each or whatever they're paying I mean this one I don't want you to pay for but the other one this one I do for love need to educate and it should be available always for free can't really foresee a time when that won't be the case
Starting point is 00:04:49 okay I'm picking out some nice stones here by the way but if you want to see that stone clearing documentary half an hour you get to see the field get some clues as to where it is if you are working for the stone for Tazi you might be able to pick up some clues also you will directly see me stone clearing which will probably be enough evidence to convict me in the court of stone law law is a big one just in the path there that can go to the side sometimes they just they just get to tear these stones so yeah do pop down there there's lots of other bits and pieces you can see there but that's the only directly stone
Starting point is 00:05:37 clearing one at the moment that won't be a commercially available anywhere else you can always just join for three pounds a month and then stop you get all sorts of other stuff as well badges it's mainly based on my commercial podcast that mainstream one that I do raise a cover for this because people think well why would a successful podcaster the best celebrity interviewer in the United Kingdom the Guardian why would he go out wasting his time clearing stones when he's making such good living being a podcast that's the trick that's what that's how you trick him I mean this is deep stuff this is
Starting point is 00:06:23 really beyond lesson 46 of stone clearing the subterfuge of hiding who you are but you know that hugely why would a guy who's come second and first in two episodes of champions and champions house of games wonder how doing the rest of the week why would he it's stone clear it doesn't make any sense exactly it doesn't make any sense I'm sort of like the Vladimir Putin of stone clearing just tricking people learn them into false sense security spreading my tendrils wide back in both parties in different ways so you can't lose the UK elections pretty clever to team what you've done there I admire you but how
Starting point is 00:07:12 many stones have you cleared this week hey maybe a lot man being president of Russia would be a great subterfuge so why wouldn't that guy clear stone doesn't make any sense he's a president of Russia it's always the people you least suspect that is me using my foot there to kick stone towards we're just by the burnt bit of fencing that's been replaced but there's a nice charred stones there oh and a little hassle off out as I spot a nice cluster I mean these are really small medium stones but then they catch the eye in the light as the sun hits them this is the last time the sun will hit these guys on the field they
Starting point is 00:07:55 will for henceforth be on the edge of the field in perpetuity as long as we both shall live and there's a nice little can developing this or although everyone I've thrown towards it just bounced away but I can't judge them for their decision it's not just magnets that attract and repel each other all stones have that ability and those ones were repelled for whatever reason some stones just choose not to use that ability at certain points magnets have no control they're the weakest of stone the worst of stones they would still be removed from the field but of course quite easily put a big magnet at the
Starting point is 00:08:39 side and make sure it's the poles are facing the right way it's easier that you know we still are all magnets that's what that is my dearest wish for this world if only all stones were magnets but they're not some of those are as stronger than magnets and those don't have to be so needy of attraction I'm just I'm tossing from the end of the field now because it is a very bright morning and I can see stones all the way to the center I'm heading out into the central field little bit here just checking there's no it's nice to clear these ones that otherwise take me a long time to get to even though I haven't
Starting point is 00:09:27 yet really cleared the edge of the field even this first year oh I'm walking away from a lot of nice stones there but I've got five or six and this little chip it is a it's a beautiful period for the stone clear of course still the crops are not yet even planted we can transgress with alacrity that really much fear of being told off even so I'm just going to do make nothing that's it that's my plan I've got it all planned out it's what I'm gonna say if this is what you're doing mate nothing what are you doing so you know really getting some tips here today about covering your tracks what to do with people suspect
Starting point is 00:10:13 you how this is helping I mean we should be moving on to slightly more complex don't do techniques and I think I found something impressive here oh my goodness this is one of the biggest stones I've found not the biggest but there's a nice hefty chunk I'll stick that down here maybe take a look for that for you to just to just to see I mean you've seen bigger stones than this in your life if you've been anywhere there are stones or any kind of rock but my Hermione foot there for comparison that's not a bad little chunk you can all agree on that at least let's check we're still motoring
Starting point is 00:11:12 we are that's a nice find you know that was just lying there as you can see from the photo if I have another something more exciting that is not the photos of the podcast it's a very soil colored stone could easily have sat there for a thousand years without anyone spotting it hiding in plain sight the Jimmy Savile of stones if you will but unlike Jimmy Savile that one's been caught before its demise if only I'd been on the case for Jimmy Savile you can it's not really my bit it's not really my area but never met him I had a citizen's arrest bang straight in prison that would be the difference in
Starting point is 00:11:54 the world because I can see things hiding in plain sight it's easy those are the easiest things to spot amazing people don't spot them because they are literally in plain sight the hard things to find the things that hiding in the underground in a special constructed secret chamber these are things that people should be struggling to find things just lying on top of the field that are slightly the same kind of field and come on how hard were they trying to catch Jimmy Savile that's my question to you not very hard I would say because he was in plain sight wasn't even really hiding so anyway let's get on to more
Starting point is 00:12:38 important matters the stones will be here long after Jimmy Savile and his crimes are forgotten that's not to diminish the crimes I mean it is they're not as important as stones nothing is nothing as important as this so making my way around I'm down in the bottom corner of the field there's a nice care here as you know just picking up a couple more medium small mediums I'd say who are they coming who are they dog come on this way good girl good girl come on letting me for very kindly there will be that's what that's where the dog does come into its own we've stone-caring a obviously a man walking
Starting point is 00:13:31 man field on his own clearing stones it's weird man with a dog can pretend you're playing games and picking up to be a carefully trained dog come back here come on hello you're right for the presence and there she is a bobble-hatted woman that's coming will be she's going the other way luckily let's say even though will be alert and they're still clearing stones and she's still very nearly caught me so don't get complacent be patient don't get complacent I can't say that enough and I haven't said it for a while your discovery could be at any second just because you've got away with this for a
Starting point is 00:14:20 year two years three years don't think the next stone might be your last red bobble-hatted lady up she goes and I still cheaply can't resist just picking up a little stone tossing it into the bottom of the tree there's another lady slightly outside now so feeling a little more confident trying to take these trees down as you know they're still standing firm at the moment but there are times I have all the time in the world that God the stone gods shall allow me well and again free to do what I want any old time now as there's no one observing as far as I can see picking out a nice cluster of four various
Starting point is 00:15:10 size small stones there and they go to the foot of a tree oh one of them slides down to the path below but that's okay it's off the field that's all that really counts and I think we're gonna take the long way around today give you a proper some proper thoughts on stone cream we're getting some good stuff today I think you'll be enjoying this my head's clear I had a good sleep coming up to the can opposite the main can you know the can I'm talking about been a little bit neglected of late not really growing much but there's a lot
Starting point is 00:16:08 of slippage with these stone walls and making it's almost like you can't just chuck a stone on a stone and expect it to stay there these stones will attempt to escape if they can do they want to come off the field do they not want to it's unclear to me some do some don't they all must come off regardless of that and frosty up on the field here the cold is affecting my bladder I can tell you I might have to stop for a week if I can find a good can to deposit my minerals upon help it grow I will do that I hope you won't be offended if you don't like the idea of hearing a man urinate maybe turn off now if you really
Starting point is 00:17:00 like it my friends who like that as well can't get your friends and getting on board getting to listen to all other force for that's the first obviously then they can listen maybe to a man we if the timing is right I can find if I'm a bit in the open here I might have to wait but there is the possibility of we were that excites you or disgusts you will tell you a lot about yourself if it excites you please stop until the police it the things you think and do are disgusting maybe in a hundred years time people will listen this girl look at which chance that choose to people listen to people weaning as if it's
Starting point is 00:17:42 something wrong I'm not judging I'm just saying you should be sent to prison if you enjoy that but anyway that's to come possibly and I won't be coming during this not that you'll know about anyway and if I do I'll probably edit that out to be honest the idea of people listen to me we even as a pencil notion has got me slightly aroused so who is the real sick man in this society is it a man criticising people for enjoying listening to a man we by he himself is slightly aroused by the other concept that they might be or is it the business you suit and tie paying people to put stones into fields knowing that
Starting point is 00:18:37 that for no financial gain just because they know that that is wrong we're all hypocrites that's all I can tell you and none more so than those appalled by hypocrisy so the field is white with frost and here it is a cold and frosty morning up here and get a bit higher in elevation I guess I mean plenty of stones here oh that one's a little bit of an iceberg send the ice bird I'm looking out of the station frozen as it is is you could walk on it it's so cold today I mean you can do that anytime but just thinking of the
Starting point is 00:19:47 magnitude of what I have to achieve wondering just how far I'm gonna get I mean in a lot of ways it feels like I haven't even made a dent on my work but in other ways it feels like I've made a massive dent just psychologically and also occasionally you pull a stone out of the field and if it's cold it leaves a little dent or if it's wet so I have made a dent several dents probably hundreds of dents actually I haven't spotted that before up there oh it's just a tree chunk it looks like a big broken wall it's an old tree chunk which I'll try to fill with stones over the coming years I'll take a couple of one in there
Starting point is 00:20:39 still right by the path just stone upon stone I can't even really start thinking about the stones out there in the deep brown ocean oh and yeah the stone's really cold I'm wearing thin gloves to my workman's gloves but to so far have not been cut by any stones in my previous attempt and even through these gloves I can feel how freezing cold these stones are it reminds me of my own death the coldness that is to come the eternal freezer I will find myself in and it's a freezer you'd think being cold that would preserve my body for always but no my friends unless I replace all my bones by capillaries
Starting point is 00:21:48 internal organs with stones however cold they may be all of it will rot away even the bone even my skull even my wonderful brain that will go unless the technology that comes available will be something in the way I'm still hoping and I'm still working on to replace even parts of my even if I could just get a leg made out of stone that'd be something then people go look at this leg yeah imagine if the rest of that guy had been turned to stone as well at least my leg would survive forever you know the future generations in me that may seem pathetic they're not just a leg but in the moment that we
Starting point is 00:22:40 can't do any change anyone's stone at all any part person so that would be that plus my massive wall plus people know what an amazing thing I've done would be enough for my life well I'm here it's just trying to me I'm just trying to let people know I was here just for all ways so that my name will always be on their lips even when the human race died out and aliens were taken over but they will still venerate me for what I've done and call me the best of people it's not the best person that's all I want and they made stone a little bit unfit at the moment watching myself in House of Games and a sort of peak of fitness
Starting point is 00:23:25 that I've achieved this year I'll just let it slide a little bit through overwork and illness and bloody fucking idiot children getting on keeping me awake all night and to be fair only one of my children's done that the girls great and I do you do have to remember it is important to keep fit not just for vanity in the hope that strangers will find you sexually attractive for no purpose even though you're old it's important the stone clearing is an unfit stone clear is unfit to cut clear stones and not really a pun just means the same thing and there's a dog walk across in the field some distance away
Starting point is 00:24:11 don't think he can make out what I'm doing I've got a shattered stone there chatting to several pieces that I think pretty sure all the same stones as sibling stones remember must keep those siblings together so they'll be placed at the edge of the field to hopefully meld over time back into their mother stone will be gather I just using a kick there with a wee really pressing now I don't know if I can I'm so in the open out here it would be a chart taking a big chance because whilst some dog walkers may turn a blind eye to stonkering even admire me no one will turn a blind eye to a man taking on his penis
Starting point is 00:24:57 especially for you as recording it throwing his mixturation spilling it on the ground like a home and we race to urine based on them but yet nice big stone in bed in the park ever I do have my trail that might help yeah it's a beauty I mean the quarter the size of the one that's in the photo nobly like a crab but still pretty good right there I we but there I be the urine based on them I dare right in the corner feel this is insane let's do it on top of those stones I just believe there was a bit of mud on one of those where they gone and I missed it and this feeling shining around won't help my
Starting point is 00:26:04 cause if I'm caught so just keep talking pretend nothing like this is happening because you know I don't want anyone getting off on this that would be wrong but so this is a massive relief in every sense to me the cold gets to your bladder when you're 50 to 2 years old if you've been drinking a little coffee I find that is the worst of all things if you think this is too far from the podcast he wasn't podcast as now though the step to mark barely even clean that stone of any mud but I have coated it in valuable minerals that will enhance and protect it and more importantly mark that stone out as my own if anyone tries
Starting point is 00:26:43 to claim it in future and people can get some DNA evidence we based scientists it's all over I finished I'm moving on now you could if you should have given a little warning some trigger warning there but I didn't I don't hand it to the PC anti-pea degrees and tossing a few stones I know I was will be coming do be careful you shouldn't really tiny stones when dogs and children around up and doing both and it's just a recipe for disaster just eventually one of those things gonna hit your dog or child in the face and then you can have some explaining to do to your wife and your podcast will probably have to finish at
Starting point is 00:27:32 that point so do try and make sure the dog isn't it look it's so closely that even a miss throw couldn't hit it and if I hit the dog now it's gonna be doubly embarrassing I do it right now and again a couple of cracking stones in the path a little bit embedded so oh yeah that's a nice one we'll put it out and what beautifully thrown again very much in the open did happen to be around the corner they would be very difficult to describe this disguise what I'm doing here but we'll move on move on for now it has been a past tea of paucity past paucity of dog walkers in recent podcasts we had a lady chow hello to me from a
Starting point is 00:28:21 distance there seeming to send me in a red bomb that was a great throw I didn't think I could reach the side from here but I have whoopie and this is where some clearing is incredibly good at as I that's basically I'm a discus player and a shop at a all-in-one discus thrower and all of these things making their mark and getting to the edge I'm very proud of myself I'm proud of myself for recording a podcast where I wee on a stone and for my ability to throw stones some distance with enough accuracy not to hurt my dog this one's frozen if that helps the trajectory this is a bit further oh but with a little bounce it's
Starting point is 00:29:08 gone further than the others feeling pretty good worried about my fitness earlier suddenly those fitness worries do keep an eye out for dog walkers on the side of any fence you're throwing to wood and that one gets on to the path and that is a signal oh there's a dog walker coming oh my goodness that was so close just around the corner I mean no where they've been kicked but it's near seeing what I was up to it makes my old jaunt across the field slightly tricky yeah so I am completely observed now in that direction it's the stone Stasi playing it right I'll cut over the Broward Hill to see another dog walker
Starting point is 00:29:50 walking towards me and the game of stone base chess will have been lost and then picked up a couple of stones so far on the way that's the second one neither rhythm of any complex the consequence my little finger actually hurting a little bit because I dropped a snooker board on it the other week when I was going off to record my frame yourself playing which will be another of the extras you'll get if you're a monthly badger or if you subscribe to that particular kickstarter so last kickstarter but one for that one for that one oh that's what's the step there's all sorts of lovely extras you can get if you there's no videos of me
Starting point is 00:30:36 wean not yet not until the public demand it and even though I'm in direct sights of this dog walk I can't resist these there's a couple of beaties there together fuck it thank you this is my last stone it was worth it it's not even that good a stone but there's still daisity of it he's looking right at me wondering what I'm doing was it a lady these stones are cold my friend and I've still got quite a way to go there is a dog walker but the stone stars he played it wrong heading right into the corner even if it were to turn and come diagonally that dog walker will never cut me off from the central
Starting point is 00:31:22 can and I think I like to disperse the field I'm gonna try my hands are pretty full I'm gonna try and kick one small medium just further towards the goal all these trees in it is a game which is fair enough again it's a cover it's a cover and it's a it's a good bluff because it is what it is sometimes in poker you play you've got something you're on the way to something better so you're bluffing by putting in a big bet but actually you're covering yourself because the chances are you might get an even better hand with the next card and that is very simple what I'm doing here said I'm kicking a stone and a dog is
Starting point is 00:32:03 playing actually getting very close to getting this stone to the I didn't think we'd do this well you made me canceling the number of kicks but they're very straight on the path which isn't always the case and now only a matter of feet ow really hurt my toe it's probably kicking stones trying to use the side of your foot it's come off the path now but I decided to get where's it gone we're chasing this and yeah we're so close now to pick this up and throw what we're trying to eat it unsuccessfully and that stone more or less on the can good enough right no one's following me and you can hear the
Starting point is 00:32:43 clink clank clinky of the stones I picked up going on not that many but not nothing like this road you can be happy I'll just pick a couple of other nearby stones further towards the goal the big one here that I must have thrown at some point that's basically on the can in my crate oh just wiped my face forgetting I was running grass with poo all over them not poo but you know dirt so now I've got a dirty face I expect other dog walkers will look at that with suspicion I think though this is you might be smearing dog feasts on my face so I should get away with oh no
Starting point is 00:33:27 actually this part has become two parts somehow that can happen well let's go down the path less trolling the unofficial path actually because I can see that the other one is going to the can that never grows you know that can but this gives me chance to survey slightly further into the field see what I can find I'll pick up a few stones as we go and I've got it on the stone pole which I know some of you've been missing or onto the can that never grows and I said to the mic and just did it fast I mean everything's coming out today I apologize if that interrupted your listening pleasure and I'm basically a
Starting point is 00:34:13 wreck of a man at the moment and not very well and but that's the point you however ill you are however little sleep you've had thanks to breeding you have to carry on something that's just the rules I've got a nice armful of stones here hoping no one will come across back to the main path correct path partly out of fear of why that new path has arrived yeah that's the problem with the stones on my finger either cold is eating in it's like in game of thrones when you turn into one of the ice men who probably made a stone probably I mean it's like it definitely very cold and that's really hurting my finger I
Starting point is 00:35:04 should put it under the finger I hurt dropping a snooker table board sorry onto it I take a lot of risks out here for you guys I've cut my fingers doing this of flicked stone into my eye that I'm not sure has ever really actually come out by the losing eye it could be because of this I don't think I get enough credit for the risks I'm taking to entertain probably about 150 people but boy are they a good hunt no not even the good hundred people the kind of people who would enjoy this but that is good enough for me they're my kind of people fucking idiots who should have a look at themselves but I'm never going
Starting point is 00:35:43 to thank goodness so that means they'll occasionally buy a stone off me I mean you know what are we part of here who is satirizing who who is the worst who is the weakest who is the best are we all geniuses are we all fools is that just not the case for everyone anyway we're fools some of us have got a stone in a case you know so I'm at the camp that never grows still the same size as ever there's a lovely big one on top of this one put on remember I don't remember going on can't remember all the stones you feel that was growing now but let's when we come back let's see if it will grow and stone pole again walking back
Starting point is 00:36:31 into the sun again now as you've probably worked out just from the trajectory as you know this field as well as I do we picked up that kind of extra sensory perception and we worked so long in the dark you can now see better than a sighted person would um so I've some distance from some wall just missed the stone pole there I'm gonna have a few goes at this just to get more sounds off the other some nice round ones that are very ball like oh that one I'll be out the way oh I hit that even though my sunglasses fell down at the same time it's again two in a row three in a row
Starting point is 00:37:15 four in a row I've really got my eye in the coming in five oh no that was a different that wasn't the stone far that was a piece of fence four in a row there that was a definite world record again another achievement unlocked that can go on my tombstone the world record holder for throwing stones a very particular piece of fencing but not fencing it's like a marker for a walk so someone's done more with a piece of fencing that does not count that very specific one I don't think anyone's ever got four in a row from the distance of maybe five feet I mean it's a long way I've got a lot of skills ah so just
Starting point is 00:38:02 heading towards the main can a bit of overgrowth here it's hard to see my work along the years how the wall is developing along this part at the moment it looks like there are no stones along here which I know is untrue just checking the still recording a long old podcast so far hope you're still awake or if you're using this podcast sleep oh and just sitting up like a dog begging for its dinner lovely now I mean that's the second biggest stone in a day it's not as big as the one in the first cell hopefully I'll take another photo and then
Starting point is 00:38:50 you wouldn't oh and that's just I know it's just a say under the fence the fence didn't quite stretch down gap at the bottom that we're blocking up another little animal roots there which is what I like to do destroy biology that was a nice find just sitting up there to go please wait just get me get me get me why haven't you got me before here I am and anyone who thinks the stones don't grow the stones don't move the stones I just mobile how have I not seen that in the previous 12 months of stone clue just sitting there you know maybe a plow has been over in that time probably picked it up but even so in the last
Starting point is 00:39:28 time and I haven't been wrong this bit very often since the plow but even so how have I not seen it it's as big as your hand your specifically your hand is like exactly the same size as your hand look at your hand now that was decided not anyone else's hand your just your hand I'm talking directly to you at that point I chucked a little stone onto the main can was up here doing a couple of night clears this week so I've had a little bit here there's little bits of some kind of weed growing between the stones it looks quite pretty but I don't prove of course due to the stone being invested by biological
Starting point is 00:40:12 material um or floral material is it the same thing I'm not I don't even I don't even care because that's how I look like it has that thing on stone so we just chuck a couple of little stones from a distance onto that main can that one's gone that's gone in it looked like it was going to bounce over the fence not to back on and that's again that's the magnetic magnetic nature of stones anyone who claims that stones don't know where they want to go should have seen that throw because it looked like it was bouncing right over and then no I want to be on the can and right on the can there's a big stone there again and
Starting point is 00:40:44 lovely bounce onto the back of the can I just released them they go where they want to go or that one jumped over the can a bit that's obviously where that one wanted to go and that one again jumped over the can a bit that's where that one wanted to go they don't all want to go on the can exactly someone just want to go a bit behind the can or that's a weak throw that one wants to be on the path for a bit that'll be picked up on the teacher occasion now let's start working our way down the field towards the very important digital stuff Brexit now
Starting point is 00:41:16 Boris Johnson has done his research as his spies are out there will be all manner of people trying to prevent me throwing any stones onto this so I'm going to gather a few as I go just to be ready just so I can dump them if I need to I hope that in vanity I have put some bigger stones into that ditch than I would have done normally and I hope that that will not have any repercussions the Brexit ditch only cares for a number of stones it does not care for size if it feels someone is from a show off I've put too many big stones in there well I don't know I don't presume to know the thinking of the Brexit ditch but I'm
Starting point is 00:42:06 pretty sure it would look at that with disdain and possibly go okay well I'm going to make it be Brexit then because of your vanity and I hope that if that happens I apologize that can be the only explanation because I've really been fucking loading this thing I mean really what we're aiming for here is a hung parliament I think you can all agree except for the most vociferous cultish people who seem to believe death gets colliderous in any way good I've never seen such a rag bad of fucking shit in all my time
Starting point is 00:42:46 and I would really ideally like them to just be at the point when none of them are in control so a complete hung parliament and chaos with Ed Miliband would be better than any other majority I fear Boris Johnson has spent some of the Russian money on constructing some anti-Brexit ditch somewhere that is just being loaded with JCBs just pummeling stone into it and how can one man fight against that well let's see here I am and there's the first contribution do you hear it click that's always a good sign the first one clicks and yeah there we go into the heart of the Brexit ditch all of these going in will that be enough
Starting point is 00:43:36 it might be the last stone clear before the election or at least before I vote God I hope I have done enough for you my friends and if I have not then I will resign from my position I put three more in there so I think that should do it so that's pretty much the end a lot of wisdom today a lot more sophisticated tips always remember you do have to listen to this podcast from the start there's no point in beginning here all make no sense at all to you and there's a lot of expert tips in terms of hiding what you're doing that we're given today I had a lot of emails in as usual
Starting point is 00:44:27 Adrian looking for his surname on the email also at the top there Adrian compost heap has been in touch to say Rich is all right to occasionally skip one of the podcasts just because you know I feel like I know more about stone clearing than your average person and you know something that's a bit will be coming the dog here from what he's good hello there we go look be nice oh I can see yeah yeah he doesn't um occasionally if he gets a surprise he'll kind of grow okay yeah so he does he does he smells looking okay see you later that was an incentive to say I can see when she just said the dog was blind I apologize for that if
Starting point is 00:45:29 it was um no it's not all right Adrian it's the answer to that don't skip don't skip any I don't even know anyone that was from my pocket back to the most important want to listen to very carefully if you really want to know what secrets and don't be so arrogant to think you know more than I do about stone clearing I've been doing this probably even before the podcast for a couple of months so that's 14 15 months of this I've been doing how long you've been doing it no time at all you're a baby it's like a baby I know I'll do the washing up I'll make a casserole for you tonight man fuck you Adrian compost heap fuck you and all everyone you know not in a nice way either um so just coming down down to the road apologies I've lost slightly I've slightly lost it I'm a
Starting point is 00:46:19 bit tired it's a bit of a cold I've just weed on a field and recorded it you know these are things I that I have to these are things that I have to deal with myself and work out whether I should be worried uh Chloe Ford been in touch past the car not a screen just going stently um saying I originally seen you on House of Games this week doing very well though then pretty much trying to throw away your lead every time yeah I'd just like to play the game do you think stone clearing has helped you get good at tv quizzes or made things worse I don't it's not it's a different skill set Chloe um it's not there's no I'm unless the game involves throwing or clearing things then it doesn't really make any difference so thanks for mentioning the appearance see
Starting point is 00:47:14 do keep watching the rest of the week see how I get on well I throw it away will I win who knows it's hard to tell with me isn't it I'm very game I like that bit where I just went for Tinton Navi Clancy that was my favorite bit when I was in danger of losing a lead that's the kind of balls you need to nearly lose House of Games but so let's not talk about that it's not important fleeting tv fame it's not as important as what I'm doing here in complete anonymity no one will apart from all the people who all know my name and worship me with God no one is aware of what I'm doing in this time Wolfie come on oh my bad the foods are very muddy so you must be super muddy let's get you some food sweet art and then no come here don't you dare go into
Starting point is 00:48:04 the house you can come in the kitchen oh let's give you some food um so yeah thanks for being asking people come in and try and make them a bit better than the ones you're doing there a bit questions aren't really the most unorientated oh just built some dog food down the floor but the floor but my problem um yeah we're gonna leave that thanks for tuning in I hope you enjoyed today's podcast and do enjoy your stone throwing I'll be back soon hopefully I'll get to 50 episodes this full the years out should get to 100 episodes so hopefully no one's spot I haven't done as many as I said I would do it I think I probably have with stone clearing anyway that's it
Starting point is 00:49:01 do enjoy your stone clearing do keep the emails pouring in sorry I can't answer them all there's just too many coming in to the answer goodbye listen to the batons my friend for they shall sing you will marry them don't listen to the birds or trees don't listen to stone throwing rich tearing started me with train and wolfie the dog plus the woman in the red bubble hat a couple of other guys in the distance maybe one of those a woman who knows the music is by michael cough grave

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