Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 47

Episode Date: December 17, 2019

Chapter 47: Burder. It's around 8.20am on 17th December 2019 and before he can get any stone clearing down Richard has to try and get the last bit of recycling into his bin whilst trying to prevent hi...s dog running into traffic. After that it's business as usual as the world's slowest nervous breakdown unfolds before your ears. Some good clarification about whether you can poo on stones though and more fears that this podcast is now listened to only by perverts. A gruesome discovery of a exploded bird might make you wonder if that is a portent of something to come (a dead mouse led to a major fire) or if it was assassinated for attempting to clear stones. But the weafel in the field is the Ditch that Ftopped Brexit. Has it ftopped working? And why? And what part have the BBC played in all this? There's a lot to take in and I don't want to spoil the many delightful surprises so, you know, listen to it and find out what's in it and stop reading this.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing with Richard Herring Sit! Sit! Stay here, stay in one place. Good girl! We'll be here. Stay still. Stay! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!
Starting point is 00:01:43 Good girl. Alright. Hold on. There's a car right there, you idiot. Good girl. Well, hello and welcome to yet another chapter of the Tone Theory, Woodbridge Theory, this is 47, not even sure. Just take the number on the dial, it's 822, it's Tuesday the 17th December 2019 and pass the very different ultimate stone clear of this year for you. I mean I'll be doing the daily of course, there might be more, might be two more, not going to quite get 50 by the end of the year but it's going to be close and we'll address the elephant in the room,
Starting point is 00:02:43 the weasel in the field as it's called on that side, just a very big weasel, the weafel. A lot of people are emailing in, Norman Fentz has been in touch to say hey which was the big deal about the ditch that the topped Brexit seems to have been broken. Well first of all let me say Brexit still not happened so you're getting ahead of the game a little bit there, you have to believe in the Brexit ditch or it won't work but I would also say I think a lot of Boris Johnson's success is down to the fact that the BBC almost totally ignored the ditch that stopped Brexit and anything they said about it was derogatory and how can the ditch withstand that kind of negative press, that's what I would say, you have to believe in the ditch even though lots of people have said the
Starting point is 00:03:55 will never work, you're crazy to think it will work, you've got to be realistic and live in the real world. I think it's the fact the BBC, the BBC's coverage of the Brexit ditch was abysmal and almost insultingly scant and I'm not sure I even heard the BBC discuss it at all and how can the ditch work be receded in this classic and I'd like to say as well the BBC have very put actual stone clearing in general, we've been doing this podcast for over a year and yet still I've not been given a primetime BBC one series, are they afraid of stone clearing, are they going to claim they've never heard about it, I mean that would be crazy because this was in the iTunes chance so for a bit, if I started and then thought people would realise what it was then it wasn't any more,
Starting point is 00:04:53 there's a conspiracy going on, this is definitely the best stone clearing podcast in this country, that is without doubt, I think it's the best in the world, that's not the consensus though, that's just my opinion, Brian Brandbull's podcast, it's quite a bit of trouble, still very succession and just have a look at that, why is this not on the telly, just have a good hard think about that, the right wing media would tell you it's because it's not good, there's no one would watch it, it's an unpopular stupid idea, it's lives that stuck in the past medieval times, but I think it's because the BBC are scared and they are fulfilling a white middle class agenda, where there's no place for this working man, that's the last thing I needed,
Starting point is 00:06:16 right at the start of a stone clearing, I can't leave it there, you know that Wolfie when you did that, good one, well done, it's a nice poop, I don't go grading please, I think it has, I can avoid that piece of the bag now as well, my knot hasn't worked because I was trying to avoid the poo, this is really direct throwing, this is what Jeremy Corbyn never has to put up with, dealing with poo, animal poo, you know it's ironic isn't it that in a podcast that is all about the superiority of stone over biological and organic material that I still have to stop to pick up that poo, not one day there'll be a brave new world where that is not the case and I can just ponder I'm picking up
Starting point is 00:07:16 stones like that, five or six stones could have gone in that time, Wolfie you're very selfish, just learned to poo in a toilet like a human, thought you were clever, so anyway the conditions out here thinking of address the Brexit ditch there, I don't give up hope because what I'd say wait and see the Brexit ditch, moves in a mysterious way, it's one of those to perform, oh Wolfie just trying to throw three stones to the shore there, Wolfie just jumped at my arm and knocked them all onto the floor and now I don't know which three they were and that's a terrible thing, well maybe there was a reason for those stones, maybe Wolfie foresaw something there to stop those stones from taking off the till at that exact point,
Starting point is 00:08:12 what was I saying, something important, yeah well I think the Brexit ditch has still not failed, it's exceeded many times, you'd have to be absolutely insane to call it a coincidence that Brexit has been stopped so many times just after I put stones in the Brexit ditch, I mean blinkered and people they are blinkered they just see what they want to see and they can't bear it if some evidence comes up or even just criticism or just an opposing view but what's definitely true is that stone clearing is brilliant and the Brexit ditch will work as long as you believe in it and if it doesn't work it's your fault and the BBC's fault
Starting point is 00:09:03 and it's not my fault I've done everything, I've literally done everything I can, no one could have done more to stop Brexit than me, maybe Brexit's meant to happen maybe that's the I think Boris Johnson he probably just got a ditch of his own somewhere it was too much of a coincidence again that he referred to being dead in the ditch again some people will claim I'm the crazy one but it's they're the crazy ones I'll just get another bit if that ditch doesn't work I'll get another ditch and we'll with the ditch that creates the return to the EU may take a while I'm not promising immediate results but I would still believe in the Brexit ditch for now that's just a little plan to have
Starting point is 00:09:53 if it goes awry so anyway yes it's a rainy morning I mean just drizzly very light drizzle at the moment I think you might come this you might come down a bit more as we progress there's fog in the distance well mist in the distance I'd say what's the difference even after all these years out in the countryside I'm not sure I've got a stone over here that is a stone well done which I'm very much a bit of concrete disguised there's soil there if I found it and I got it and it's out again there just seem to be more stones here than usual I think maybe the rain just
Starting point is 00:10:38 comes down and reveals I'm slightly bewildered by the choice I have a nice kick there to get rid of a nice round one when it's around they're like asking to be kicked aren't they that's only true of stones and I guess look at this 2019 is not the year that my work will be completed even with the best will in the world even if I put in an extra shift today I think it'll be unrealistic to say I'm going to finish this this year
Starting point is 00:11:20 so that's another decade past with the stones still out here I mean to be fair I wasn't really aware of this field in the noughties but it was still here the stones were still here and I fear they will still be here in the 2030s 2040s I'll be out here 2060s just probably finishing off that's my guess just finishing up my work we'll be really getting into chasing these stones I have to say but it does provide me with a cover of what's going on so that she's a perfectly trained dog I'm on a big branch sticking out as I can at the corner of the field there
Starting point is 00:12:18 somebody taunting me through the medium of wood but I don't care they'll leave it there because that wood will be gone in 100 years my stones will still be strong there's no job walkers out today as far as I can see that doesn't mean they're not there waiting to pounce and there's a path on the other side of this fence called a fence hedgerow that often I can be surprised by the sudden eruption of dogs so
Starting point is 00:13:17 nope talk to the witcher just heard a sound there just quite well wait come on just heard a very slight sound of a dog don't be more a man maybe masturbating in a bush as we've discovered to my dismay a lot of people find this sexually exciting podcast I hope will reiterate I've not given you permission to masturbate if you masturbate that is stone abuse oh my goodness what's this fucking hell nothing like that close to the shoreline that baby was look at that that's insane I mean just what seven inches from the shoreline I've just picked up I'll sit there in the roots of those trees that's a great way yeah that's
Starting point is 00:14:12 there's no doubt that that is there um it's lodged in like it's part of the tree now we'll be snipping it see what's going on that was a lovely big find there and that still shows you even after 12 13 14 months of walking around this field right by the way you've been walking you can still find amazing treasure not that dig there's only better than that one but I've already heard the squelch had to reach underneath that one to pull it out that's the biggest of the day I think that might be the biggest of the day by the time we finish as well constantly surprising that is that's the thing about stone thing yeah so I know what I was talking about talking about please do not just because you had a lovely
Starting point is 00:15:01 squelch in my hand reaching into moist fleshy earth I don't want you getting off on that and if anyone is if that sound I heard was a man hiding in a bush deciding he found out where the field was and he wanted to all women not be sexist he wanted in fact I encourage women to masturbate to this podcast that is a bit sexist no one can masturbate this podcast sorry if I take it back and don't take that out of context but I think it sounds like a male or a dog I don't think it was a dog masturbating to the podcast it might be that's not be specious let's get off the point point is I hope no one's found the field and is hiding in bushes waiting for me to come by and then getting off on me moving stones around that is the last thing I'd want
Starting point is 00:15:55 you'd have to be crazy to even imagine that imagine doing it not imagine someone else doing it that would be normal so please don't do that I don't know if I can re-trade that enough oh and just didn't that a nice tennis ball sized stone there which I flicked up my foot into the edge right it was just in the path just buried a little the ground is wet enough really to in December it's weird isn't it's that they haven't really had a properly frozen podcast yet I mean it's not warm out here but it's not cold enough to create ice and snow I've got a bit of a cold but of course illness must not stop stinking either
Starting point is 00:16:50 the stones look like a rabbit's head or a duck's head like that famous optical illusion in stone form but I'm not going to keep it in display and ask people what they think of themselves just throwing it to the edge of the field that's where it belongs doesn't matter you can't stay you save a stone like with some misguided empathy or affection that's the word I'm looking for I'm not that old just dropped me don't pee on the floor it's a nice mushy consistency it's just become if it's squeezing through I don't think I'll just do it from the floor I hope there seems to be some brown material on the outside of it I think it's just where I dropped it on the floor God I hope so doesn't that I think you're at a
Starting point is 00:17:34 why could anyone prefer organic material to non-organic material when organic material is so disgusting you stinky smell of stone you won't find a smelly stone out there unless someone has pooed on it they're disrespectful act to find a wee on it on your own stone you're not poo under stones that is an act of extreme disrespect there are no rules in fact rule one of stone because there are no rules don't really I don't know if I've ever mentioned that rule two is do not poo on stones in any circumstance you may say rich is not a toilet made of stone is a mammal not a stone to be honest I don't know what an animal is but it's certainly not an organic thing but
Starting point is 00:18:27 if you do poo on an animal try and wipe and it sticks but what wipe the poo off and make flush it down into the into the sewers where it belongs with all the non-stone detritus um like in my next podcast it's flushing organic material and people and things and animals into toilets well I'll make a mental note with that I do remind me that doesn't if I forget to do that do email me remind me about the uh the organic toilet idea I'm doing my bit as it is without without uh to podcasting it I'm not gonna podcast me pooing I mean yeah I mean yeah Rich the other day you podcasted yourself we is that really a natural step away yes it is definitely stupid that was art that we was out but pooing couldn't ever be art
Starting point is 00:19:25 what about crucifilie and here with george richard that's art and that is it no it's not that's my answer to that so that's that sorted ah so yeah misty it's hard to see if uh I mean we've got a fair amount of vision to be fair the good thing about mist of course it works both ways you can't see the the stone starsy but nor can they see you unless they've got special mist binoculars which I wouldn't put past them is there another fossil of some kind in that seems to be there's something in that stone that looks like a fossil but it doesn't matter to me into the into the hedgerow it is gone
Starting point is 00:20:07 I don't know if it was an important fossil about the the butterfly or something on there then uh someone will have to discover it a leprechaun tourist we've got something that's where it's coming from I mean sometimes I feel that I'm just whittling away here talking nonsense I hope that you uh hope I'm just being harsh on myself my tens of listeners would suggest there's more to this than just a man walking on a field whittling without spunking stones spunking stones for punk amphetones and this couldn't be further than whittling could it when you think about the content I'm giving you here ah it's a particularly stone well you know I get it just suddenly things particularly stone
Starting point is 00:21:09 here because it's just the weather have I just suddenly got proper eyesight to see I'm taking a little wonder out and yeah there's some a lot of small medium stones here but I'm just tossing from a distance over the dog it's slightly risky contributing one of the rules of stone clearing one of the most important ones you do not want to be caught with a lawsuit for hitting a dog or child and every week I risk it just with a thrill I'm being pretty good at throwing I'm getting pretty good at throwing I have to say and if a couple of dogs have to die I need to become
Starting point is 00:21:56 perfect at throwing so be it so much that we shall try and back to the dogs near you throw it over the top of the dog of course the dangers the dog does what it did just jumps your arm always bites you and knocks the stones down get hit in the head dead dog oh hell was that close doesn't really pay attention pay attention if I do you hit kill the dogs I will of course podcast it have something again if you want to relate to that podcast there's something special I'll leave and but don't mess with any of my podcast I know it's tempting I understand the temptation
Starting point is 00:22:37 I'm a sexy man what could be sexier than a man walking around a field in the rain picking bits of dirt from dog shit up nothing I mean I think the end of the year has just approached you has made me sort of attempt to be a little bit more mysterious is making I'm stopping trying to pick up everything but however hard I try I'm still looking at 35 acres of stones that is honest look they look like more stones in there were when I started at this point I don't think that's possible I must have I mean I don't know if anyone's calculated how
Starting point is 00:23:25 many things I must have removed it's got to be over seven but just I'm just about 10 15 feet now and it's just all stones here every every every I look stone stone there's another stone I mean it's not even there's another stone it's all stones so that one from a distance Wolfie gives chase that's a nice and we're approaching medium sized stones here it's getting them right into the border there this is not quite perfect though come on Wolfs come in really don't want to hit Wolfie one of these that one's good that's gone that's gone right into Hedger beautifully
Starting point is 00:24:12 and I'll pick a couple more and place them but I'm leaving so many behind just starting to understand and that I've talked about before but I don't think I've really ever appreciate quite the magnitude of what I've attempted but what about those men who look to the moon and thought one day I'd like to go there and clear that the stones on there people said well you can't go to the moon it's impossible I maybe just one man may not have the team of NASA behind me I may not have deep faking equipment to make it look like I've been to the moon and cleared some stones they brought stones back when I was part of the problem
Starting point is 00:24:56 but I have the will I have to drive I persevere and one of the rules one of the same rather there aren't any rules to start doing is you have to be severe you have to persevere you don't have to be poor of here so that's one of the same but you can be poor of here I mean poor of it not now I mean you could be called poor of it google poor of it if you don't know he is I'm not entirely sure he had some kind of spirit of a blinch I think I think he was I think he was a goodie I mean there are any of them goodie something of those Americans that's another that's a question for another podcast
Starting point is 00:25:54 oh and the Hasselhoff to stone that it's really calling to me it's caught in the light it looks beautiful uh not particularly giant just lying atop the ground ready to just be picked up not even dirty I can see why I'm the way here that I want to pick up as well it's like a little brick that's it oh surprisingly heavy one there probably might be some kind of radioactive material that's another danger of podcasting you come across so sorry so very kind of podcasting you come across a large chunk of plutonium still has to be taken off none of the early stone cores were wiped out by stuff like that nothing you can do can't leave it but you just leave the plutonium in the field tonight you've
Starting point is 00:26:41 got to take about the edge the plutonium can only do so much you can only kill a few of us three billion when I'm down someone else would come to fit in place I'm sure of that oh it's what I would want I want to be buried underneath my main can I want my stone clean work carry on beyond my life if I have failed and I'm not intending to fail so we're probably at the top edge of the field here just going to transgress into the next door field see what's going on there it's always more bounteous the stones are always less green and bigger on the other side of the fence that's another stone clearing
Starting point is 00:27:39 saying though I have managed to pick up quite a few of the big ones right from the edge here yeah it's not even that obvious there's not massive ones here but I remember when I first transgressed it just seemed insane that one looks like a very ancient piece of brick I'm sure there probably was a room on this site at some point and I will do my best to destroy it get rid of it oh there's a bit of metal I found in the recent book I see that clean it's a clink of stony and metal just a couple of little ones out there how that feels I need to get mad it's not really my concern I did throw some stones in the centre of the last podcast I'm not just to see if they're
Starting point is 00:28:32 the log dogs watching me literally no one else around I mean it's so quiet it's beyond suspicious that might be the one I threw there there's a hefty looking stone I'm just deviating from the diagonal a little I'm going to cut it off it's off it's off oh that one's not really off I'll throw that one in the base of the tree not a nice little pump there that was good I'm going to go cut across to the diagonal see if I can throw out a couple of stones as we go there's a couple of sharp bits of flint into the hedgerow they go creating a border wall that will keep out the people of the neighboring village eventually might be convenient for me because my daughter goes to school in that village
Starting point is 00:29:26 but again cheese made of organic material and this is thus not my main concern there's a bird I've seen a bird it's the first living thing I've seen out here I'm wondering if there has been some good turning them out here maybe that's why everyone's disappeared where are they all what's going on roughly we're here aren't we having some of our lives haven't we be careful those flying stones so traversing the field into the central ken now it's a bit far away to start playing the football game trying to kick a stone all the way I just kicked one it went immediately flew awry that stone may never be clear to those but never give persevere be severe don't be poor of here but do revere the stone
Starting point is 00:30:27 that's sorry it's not poor of here it's persevere be severe revere you're not clear in the sense of being odd you may be queer in the sense of being gay that's okay the stones don't judge okay you don't have to steer I mean the first three probably to leave the bat yeah there's not everything after you don't have to get every rhyming word and then do that that will be weird uh because you have to build a pier you make a veneer put a veneer uh there's a nice stones here sorry I'm just I mean it's it's weird then it's just the
Starting point is 00:31:16 it's a pun because I'm rambling and rambling at the same time so you should be enjoying the tumor of that I apologize I didn't get my sleep last week uh had a job on Friday the day after the election I don't know very little sleep kids you know it's been hard to keep the mental state required for a proper focused stone clear ring I need quite saying at the end of stone clearing there that's how tired I am so I apologize if this is not the professional broadcasting that you have come to expect from this maybe I'm just bitter about the BBC still not having picked it up I don't know and having wrecked the breakfast ditch I mean Christ when will people start taking responsibility for their own failings stopped on a plane everyone else put themselves the BBC could
Starting point is 00:32:11 learn from that I'm the only pure correct person on this planet sometimes I think everyone else is just an idiot gathering on with their stupid ideas that are largely unstone based oh there's a man and a dog I thought it was this log dog comes to life at January's day because it was in the same place I mean it might be but luckily he's staying on the periphery of the field I've only got one stone in my hand for this entire crossing it's not a bad one it's a medium small I'd say shaped slightly phallically saying that you're very you'd be easier to adopt if this was your palace it's made of stone but also it's shaped but it's not really enough like a phallus to make the observation and whoever's called this a phallus he's a puffing idiot
Starting point is 00:33:05 and something's caught my eye but I'm not even sure it's a stone I don't know what it is I'm going to just digress a little bit it's just passing some dog food that someone hasn't picked up I mean sort of fair enough it's in the middle of the field degraded substantially passing quite a few things to get to the one it's just a dark black like the frozen heart of some evil person it's like ebony jet black like a crystal from another planet it's going on the central can though even if it's a crystal from another planet I mean we're all crystals from another planet in a way and you think about it that's forming a nice central part of this central can as a massive stone just lying in the
Starting point is 00:33:52 park here I can't believe I've never seen that one before someone's left a dog bag of dog shit don't understand that I respect personally left the dog shit much more than the person who put the bag of dog shit what are you thinking um but just a couple of stones on the central can and I just didn't pick up that much I was too busy talking thinking about philosophy and things oops I've just dropped my bag on the floor as well but I am going to pick it up I'm just kicking a few so just to make feel like I've done something kicking a few stones at least closer to the target there taking my bag back up get a freezer bag put them in the freezer have a nice solid turd apparently I talked to Sarah
Starting point is 00:34:47 Pasco some people that Sarah Pasco stuff never some people there enjoy putting their own turds in the freezer then using them in sex play that's why I hate humanity and that's why I prefer stones because a stone would never a defecate b think of freezing defecation and then c think of putting that def frozen defecation into something else in someone else's body and that is why humanity must be wiped out that is why the stones must all be gathered together oh and then another dog walker blown a whistle I mean is that a whistle to me is that a warning is that a whistle to the other stone stars eat a company I don't they've done a poor job today at all I would say they haven't impeded me at all in fact I would say I've impeded myself more than they have
Starting point is 00:35:37 managed to whatever I managed to do and yeah walking down here again nothing beeping out at me since that little bit of jade stone crystal from another planet just nothing I done passing stones but none of them are saying Richard it's my time I mean no stone ever says that but they say it but just as I say that one's done it hello mate hey dude yeah oh you are but you're a little bit bigger than I thought you were well done you can go on the camera it never grows help it never grow oh and now yeah there's a few more it's nice sort of caramel colored stone there flat laying flat atop the
Starting point is 00:36:24 clearly saying it's my time Richard I want to go on the ken that never grows that's that's where I'd like to be put not literally you didn't hear it I mean if you did hear it let me know if you heard them if you're hearing it as well let me know because that would be very exciting for me three stones I've got from this walk that's from the centre not big ones but the ones that want to come maybe some more we're coming up to the stone pole and I'm just going to start kicking a stone a wolfie likes it it was quite big one that hurt he's going to punch it with the end of my foot
Starting point is 00:37:08 wolfie there you go wolfie you got it good doggy we're doing quite well wolf so we're getting this one I think we're going to kick this one it's still on the path well done well defended the wolfie we'll be keeping it on the path jack wolf it's a bit muddy down here oh you're going to be so dirty oops miss kick one more kicker I should do it for wolfie off and he's done it that one would never have gotten the can if I hadn't kicked it all the way and literally this can is not grown it's insane how little it's grown but that's its job to not grow and that is part of the magical stone thing so just picking up a
Starting point is 00:37:55 few little tiddlers let's try and go for five shall we we're going to go for six because another stone called to me a little bit snotty as I mentioned oh that's a nice stone there that's a biggie I don't think we can get the maybe we should try and get to the stone pole with that went to the base of the stone pole wolfie that would be a beautiful thing let's see if we can get it right at the base from here watch out oh just missed and it went in to disappear at least two at a time they both hit that's incredible or just missed went out over that out of the field just missed
Starting point is 00:38:39 just missed the other side hit the fence post that again hit the fence post that's it has been through the proofing let's do one more I mean we threw two at once and they both hit that's pretty good a bit more distance oh just missed a bit more distance oh really badly missed and a bit more distance and just missed and just the same distance oh that was I mean I wasn't even trying with that one more go oh that was so close weirdly then that new path that's opened up that I mentioned in the last podcast I think uh comes to the stone pole so I think pilgrims have created that walking along to
Starting point is 00:39:31 to find the places mentioned in this podcast then to hide in bushes and pleasure themselves I guess you know there's a chance I might see my penis now because you've given other than it's sometimes we it's actually a thing if you really want to see it just send me your uh details I'll post it to you and there's a what'd we give away from there there's a bird that's been like I don't know what's happened there that's Carol is a ripped apart bird gonna take a photo of that this is just the feathers god knows what's happened here this is the countryside this is why this is why
Starting point is 00:40:21 this is why what this is why um don't know that what is it what what this is why what we're gonna say I don't know this is why this is why that's enough that's all you need to know this is why some pigeon ripped apart in a frenzy by a stone theory of stone not for us to speculate so I think that is the most likely explanation just picking one more stone off quite tired today it's been a busy week and uh not sure I'm going to make it round if I do die of course during a part of the just don't clean podcast and you find the recording please still put it out I mean edit it out possibly
Starting point is 00:41:12 just edit its fate as I'm dying maybe as the death rattle comes but so it is what again that's what I would have wanted I would have wanted that I want to be buried here beneath my main can which by that time I do die which will be many many decades away should be should be like a pyramid and probably have chambers and stuff in it and gold and no one knows the location of it so we can stick holding them I mean my stone theory efforts are really uh really stumbled here I'm not doing very well at all started full of vigor I'm just taking a little hustle half out and a couple of nice babies I don't feel lonely then it's not it's a shame when you don't meet anyone
Starting point is 00:42:12 this is the only time I have any friends people I meet out here I would despise them for their organic upbringing but it's a lonely job don't talk to me at home I'm largely redundant I've done my bit provided the fluid to create my children now just a husk none of them reach to me not like these stones that's that's why I like the stones they still think I have a use and I do I do have a use idea that's that's why I'm doing this they're still interested in what I have to say at least I don't say shut up dad
Starting point is 00:43:03 or shut up husband well we're down on the approach to the ditch that stop Brexit and I have mixed feelings like I know you do I've done my best to defend it so many people have been saying rich wise um Holly oak I think it's an oak actually it's got fur on it but anyway that's the relevant I'm talking about in the email she says richard's felt really let down by the ditch that stopped Brexit so I thought it was going to stop Brexit I know I understand how you feel Holly and but I just would reiterate has Brexit happened no it hasn't well it happened we don't know I mean probably it looks like it will
Starting point is 00:44:02 it's not my fault I've been doing all I'm how many stones have you put in a fucking ditch Holly you know Holly oak fur none so you know shut up fucking shut up I've got three more than I'm going to put in anyway because I still believe oh what's that there is that a cat was I just imagine it was like an alien dog cat thing just walking in the bushes and really I'm hallucinating so much at the moment I am on magic mushrooms but even so doing my best to destroy all organic material here it is the ditch there's no Boris Johnson dead in it
Starting point is 00:44:56 there's some stones in there though I can tell you that and now there are three more stones why why what do you what's your thinking have I not have I not worshipped thee enough I believe I still believe just like the deer and skin they still believe and their belief has been shown I mean you know we'll probably win a football match one day well it's turned into quite a depressing little surgery and I was starting with that so brightly didn't I with just some caveats of you know is this possible have I set myself an impossible task I think the stone's still like me
Starting point is 00:45:55 I've got a bag of dog shit I've got three stones on my hand for the opening and ending can I've got some a lot of emails to read out for this last little bit so let's see how we go um so then they're in the house next to here so I just gotta be a little quiet come here Wolves get your lead up that's right just pretend to be a normal dog that's what you're doing just pretend it's all normal I have to say Wolfe doesn't get a tremendous tremendous job as far as that is concerned with just acting like a dog would act if there was no stone clearing your hand you're very big apart from when she chases the stone so that's good because it makes
Starting point is 00:46:44 you look like it's not stone clearing so well done I think Wolfe's often the unsung hero of this podcast some ways I wonder whether this is Wolfe's podcast and it's her making me do this to rise her own capital in the podcast market so the band Mudd have been in touch so I think members of Mudd um to say rich we love we obviously love students in stone clearing since the 70s Les Graves was a very keen stone clear God rest his soul uh do you know any other 70s bands who are into stone clearing um can't think of any musicians at all who even have stones in their title
Starting point is 00:47:49 but now I understand why where you got the name mud from makes sense walk through mud a lot and that's what we're trying to create really we're trying to create mud I mean there's a moving lorry across the road from my house so lots of people moving in or moving out lots of people so now to be a little bit quiet and I put this dog here in there from what Wolfe come on come here go
Starting point is 00:48:37 it's not it's not a removal sorry no one's moving it is a bringing some kind of building material to one of the nearby houses hi there come on oh he's still podcasting sorry I forgot um I forgot I'm allowed to forget it was a steeping thought um I found a proof of these guys they're using stone to create houses new buildings sort of thing why don't they leave the stone out in the field I think it's again can't be a coincidence that
Starting point is 00:49:57 those guys are just right at the end of the podcast there just to remind me once of what I am doing I only got time for that email from mud good to find out how they got that name wouldn't it I've never thought it was a weird name for a for a band I can't remember anything else just don't even stone it's not even soil no no one's ever done it it's only mud in the whole of music that thought of using stuff from the field like stone clearing moving stones never nothing I'm asking about moving stones in any pop band so why don't muds keep up the good work I must come see the band thanks for the email
Starting point is 00:50:40 seeing that it's from uh from you but it's Ian mud the lead singer of mud anyway I think we've had enough of this somewhere let's uh let's call it a day 50 minutes up come on and that's just way too long all right love you all take care listen to the photons my friend for they shall sing you a merry dance don't listen to the birds or trees you have been listening to stone clearing with me Richard Herring and Wolfie the dog double a dog walkers in the distance some guys delivering some masonry and one of my neighbors who said hello to me uh this music the music not this music is by Mike Coffrey and the voice of the photon is my cover he will listen to you my friend my friend

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