Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 62

Episode Date: April 13, 2020

Chapter 62 - Can You Stone Clear Without A Dog? It's Eafter Monday 13th (not 12th) April at about 8.45am and Rich is doing his first ever completely solo stone clear. Will it be the same without Wolfi...e (she's OK, just on a little holiday at the in-laws)? Has Rich's head been turned by the tens of people who have been tuning in to WATCH him ftone-clear? (THE BLAFPHEMY - check it out 8am most mornings at NO. He disdains those idiots and only likes the true flag hagf who will only listen to podcasts recorded from inside his pocket. But, in exciting field news, there's a new bench on the field.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing with Richard Herring Hello and welcome to chapter 62, take two of Stone Clearing with Richard Herring. It is after Monday. I don't know what the actual date is, something like the 12th I think of April is it? It's definitely a Monday. Sorry if there's a lot of wind on this recording, I forgot my ear about pods. And then I've just been doing a video message to basically the scum, the scum, the people who watch that. Unfortunately I'm sort of contractually bound to try and pick up a few more viewers and listeners. It's very mainstream, I don't like them the way I like you, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to do quite as many audio chapters as I would have wished. But we try and have to build that up and hopefully within those largely scum people who watch that, there will be a few good souls who will understand the true heart of Stone Clearing.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Stone Clearing is not about being famous and appearing to up to 200 people. Stone Clearing and who will come to this and understand that it's much better to do an audio podcast. It goes to maybe 50 people. I did record one on Friday, I checked my ear pods two or three times and they went from the inside of my pocket. I've tested you on your resolve enough I think. So I won't put one out but this one should work because I can see it's working and hopefully you can hear me. If not, I'll still put this on. How many of these am I going to do? So I'm heading around the field, just the lower part of the field for a second time today, now doing the proper Stone Clearing.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Not the commercial stuff I do on Twitch. If you do want to watch that just for laughs, to see what is not very much. slash RK Herring, you can catch up on the videos. They're all there, they stay for about a month and you can watch live usually 8 o'clock in the morning. And usually this is the first time this has ever happened at Mount Stone Clearing without Warfee. Warfee I think is the first time. Warfee is with my in-laws for a few days just to give us a little bit of a break. It's been fairly intense and she's gone a bit crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:14 So we're just giving her a little holiday from us and that's a little holiday from her. But it's been deeply weird being out here on the field without my friend, my only friend. Also it makes it very difficult to avoid the Stone Starzy of course, because a couple of people are looking very suspiciously. Why is that man walking around the field talking to himself? He doesn't have a dog, that would make sense if he did. Just kicking a few stones off here. The development since last time here, we had the bounties.
Starting point is 00:03:47 We had a few in Easter. I think I've done a podcast since then. And the bounty was incredible. You can see some footage of this amongst the videos. The stone came and straightened everything out. Many of the stones are reburied. I'm going to go back here to pick up a few. There's a nice one there, I've got to get that one.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Ah, that was good as it looked. So the condition of the field is a bit different now. Different now, and difficult. And that joyous time, again the people watching the video think it's like that all the time. You guys have been here long enough to know that it's often not as exciting as that. Although we've had fires, we've had also some here. There was a hail storm, thunder and lightning in the middle here.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I wasn't recording that one. So I've come around to the corner of the field. I prefer people who get the geography of this map. We've now seen the footage. We're approaching our second year of stone clearing. I suppose aren't we? Very much. Still, a lot of stones are right around the edge of the field.
Starting point is 00:05:25 We haven't really seriously started looking. Well, this one's got a little seat here. Let's take a photo of that. I didn't even spot that the first time around. Someone's built out of stone, but not stones from the field. A little bench to sit on and look out. That's going to be the picture. I don't approve that use of stones to make a bench,
Starting point is 00:05:45 but we can put that into the wall as we build it around. Eventually that just will be buried beneath my wall. Just check still there. I think you are. Yep, still going. So yeah, at least this way of recording guarantees that you will hear what I'm saying. I'm slightly encumbered by having a phone in my hand,
Starting point is 00:06:18 but then no dog. And I missed the dog. It was interesting to see. People have often asked. I got an email the other day, actually, from stone, stone. Someone called Stone Stone. Imagine you're a stone and your parents call you stone.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It might be a nickname, I suppose. Who said, is it possible I don't have a dog and it's not really possible to own one in the accommodation I live. It's impossible to stone clear without a dog. Now, I would have said it's not possible. You need a cover. If you need a friend out here to help you, the dog will protect you.
Starting point is 00:06:56 The Patong Fatafi come calling. It will also help pick up stones. If you train it well, my dog is not as good as that. Keeps on taking the stones back onto the field. But you'll learn. But here I am. I've done the entire circuit of the field. I'm on my second demi-circuit.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And so far, so good. Stone Stone. Middle name Stone, I noticed. Stone Stone Stone, their name is in the spot there. It's a very unfortunate name. Give it a go, I would say. We also do need a field. If you're living somewhere where you don't really have room for a dog,
Starting point is 00:07:43 then there probably isn't a field. Maybe I'm being a cityist there. Maybe I'm making some assumptions about you from your name. Stone Stone Stone. Gary Bench has been in touch. Don't usually do the emails at this point, but why not? Saying, is it possible to stone clear with the cat? Well, I'd like to see you try.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I think the thing with the cat is I think it would realise what you were doing pretty quickly and probably inform Stone Starzy about you. That would be my worry about taking the cat more than anything. I don't know how you would keep the cat. Just count across the main path. Because you just don't see stuff like that very much. Okay, I've just done a pretty good disco there for quite some distance. You might think, well, an armadillo.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Richard, I've got an armadillo with me. Stone Starzy will think I know one would have an armadillo because that has drawn too much attention and that will make me safe. That's not how the Stone Starzy think. They're not clever enough. If you've seen them play, you and Jeff out here on the field, they're a very rude one. And even then they won't miss all these opportunities.
Starting point is 00:09:30 There's a very nice stone out here that I've been tying up for a couple of days. Hassle-hoffing out a little bit. Here's a nice one. Might be defined today or maybe it's not the best thing I thought. I don't know if it's the best thing I've thought about. You will spill all your bodily fluids out in the field at some point. Try and keep your semen or whatever the semen is. I don't think I've had much experience with the armadillo.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I hear the wind just flinging around me. It's not a very nice day. But I'm getting a chance to pick up some of the very nice medium-large stones that are still littering the field at this point. It's always been an effective part of the field. This is really what built the main ken. Those stones take up quite a lot of time from this walk. I've only carried so many of them.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I've got four quite nice sized ones and I'm just tying up who will be my fifth. There's a lot of choice. I haven't left it a bit late. I might just have to go for something. Oh, there are some nice ones there. Trying to bend down. Oh, that's the biggest of the day.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Just by way to think. I nearly went over backwards. Going down for that one. Do bend your backs. Bend your knees, I mean. Bend your backs. I'm just going to pick up another small, large stone. A sensible, large ocean, sensible, large ocean.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Oh, don't tell me. I picked it up because I really wanted to go for the angle there. So you can take care of all your body parts as you do these layers. We'll drop one, and there are no rules for stone pouring, but if you drop a stone. On the wall I'm building down towards the ditch at the top of the exit trying to go show that wall gently towards the fence. So we're heading down to the ditch to stop Brexit.
Starting point is 00:12:43 There's been weird times, I hope you're doing okay everyone, I've been sorry not to be here on a weekly basis for you guys, do you remember slash RK Herring, if you're missing me you can see me. Just close your eyes and then you don't have to see it, that worries you. It's almost like a regular broadcast. I think if we can stay strong, stay indoors, we can get through this. There obviously the horror of it is starting to hit home, we're losing some people, we're losing some people we know. That's not very nice losing some great comedians. So it's very very upsetting and I hope the stupid stuff I'm doing is a ray of light somehow. At least just make sure it's not as bad as that for me.
Starting point is 00:14:02 We've come down to the ditch to stop Brexit, a ditch that has a feud with Boris Johnson as you know and I'm not saying that the ditch caused the terrible situation he's been through but I'm not saying it didn't either. The ditch has spared him but I hope it will serve the warning to anyone who does not respect the ditch and its desire to stop Brexit, who does not give it the offerings it deserves. I'm pretty sure Boris Johnson tampered with it at some point to make Brexit happen. Well it's looking pretty good down there. I've added three to four nice stones there so I hope that should assuage it. We're coming up to the Alper and Ommigan Cairn which is something I haven't spoken very much about here but it is something you should be doing. It's an advanced bit of stone clearing. When you arrive, the point you arrive and leave the field will usually be the same point. Build a Cairn there. You must give it a tribute at the start of your journey and at the end and it should build very rapidly as a result. It's the beginning and the end. The Alper and Ommigan have what should be an unbroken circle, square, whatever L shape in my case.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Well we've got round without anyone seeing us so that's good. This time I do miss Wolfie. It's a shame to be out here without a bit of a mind. Just time for a few more emails as we head down the path to the real world. The virus filled world. We're safe out in the field remember. The virus cannot get us there. It doesn't matter what you're touching. You can touch your face. There's nothing that can get you out on the field in the dirt. I'll probably dog shit actually if don't rub that in your eyes. And so the email we've got is from Twiggy. Maybe the supermodel Twiggy. I don't know. Twiggy that she's put or he. No reason the Twiggy can't be here. Twiggy Pebble. Maybe Twiggy got married to someone called Pebble I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:25 We'll have to look up on Wikipedia saying in these extraordinary times Richard is it's worth that stone clearers breaking the rules of stone clearing. Let me stop you there. You should never break the rules of stone clearing. There are no rules. That's the first rule. The second rule is you must respect all the rules of stone clearing. But is it worth she says or he says. Twiggy Pebble remember. Ignoring the rules and teaching your children the ways of the stone clear. Just on the off chance Richard you're a 52 year old man. You're not in the best of fitness. Should you be passing on your wisdom to them so they can carry on once you are gone. Well it's a good question and actually extraordinary times do cause extraordinary measures. You would never break the rules of stone clearing but maybe in that instant you should.
Starting point is 00:17:15 To some extent what I have done and what you might want to do is lay down several audio chapters of how the job is done. If you don't do a scheduled email for their 18th birthday. Make a bed list of those and pick up all the wisdom. My wife is at the window with my son washing his hands. That's good. Hello Ernie. Hello Ernie how you doing? So I will leave it there. Thanks Twiggy for the email. Careful out there in the real world. This will be over at some point. The virus not the stone clearing and I'll see you soon. Bye bye. I think you marry dance. Don't listen to the bird fan tree. Don't listen to your underpants.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Liffon to the stone. Liffon to the stone. And they in turn are Liffon to ye. My friend. My fine friend. Stone clearing with Richard Herring starred me Richard Herring but not with the dark hour I miss her. Nobody else turned up. It's like there's a pandemic going on or something. The voice of the paton is Michael Fahey and the music is a famous tune composed by Michael Popgrave. Liffon to the stone. My friend. And they foul thing ye marry dance. Don't listen to the bird fan tree. Don't listen to your underpants. Liffon to the stone. Liffon to the stone. And they in turn foul Liffon to ye. My friend. My fine friend. .

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