Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 78

Episode Date: October 6, 2020

Chapter Feventy-Eight - I'm Just On The Phone. It's after 9am on the 6th October and the farmer has still forgotten about their crop, but the sun is out and so is the moon and Rich is chilled and loqu...acious. He is almost discovered by a ftealth ftone ftafi and sees a Spunkular out on the stocean, but otherwise he can mainly relax and tell you about his cupboard and his book and the ancient wisdom of medieval times. Plus bonus attempt at cupboard unblocking.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing with Richard Herring Hello my fan friends, welcome to chapter 78 of Stone Clearing with Richard Herring. It is 9.05pm, it's a little bit later than usual. I've already done one dog walk today but it's only a quick one. The kids are at school, my wife's out, I'm still at home. I haven't even come out of the house yet. Do I need my North Face jacket? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:00:54 It's lovely and warm out there. I'm just going to take my North Face jacket. Sometimes the greatest protection North Face can give you is when you leave it at home. Alright wolves, we're going, do you need a poop? Wolfie came out for a walk but she didn't do a poo, so we're going to go for another walk. But it's going to be a leisurely one. This is a good thing about this. We might be able to do a little bit longer than usual.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I apologise, there was no podcast chapter last week. I did do one but my earbud fell out at one point and it stopped. Also I just lost the will to talk in any case. So you were spared last week but I'm out in the chilly air locking up my house. I really want a cup of tea but I'm going to wait till I'm back. It's bin day for those of you who want the bin podcast. A lot of recycling on the outside, got a bit wet in the rain. Alright Wolfie, quick quick, ah, cross the road quick quick quick.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Good girl, who's a good girl? Ah, and remember sunglasses today looks nice. They're good sunny. The beautiful day, the skies are blue. I'm feeling quite positive about the sun because you can tell from my voice. So I'm looking forward to this chapter. And sometimes, you know, I feel reluctant to go out here. I just want you to know that's normal.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Some days you're going to feel, what am I doing? What's the point of this? You know, I've been doing this two years. There's no discernible difference on the field. What the hell was I thinking? But don't let those thoughts overwhelm you. That's normal, that's normal to doubt. Sometimes I think, what if the stonkers and gods aren't real?
Starting point is 00:02:55 I'm praying to nothing. What if putting a stone on the Afronomica can at the beginning and the end of every journey is meaningless? You're going to think these things and then you go, no, it's okay. Of course it's all true. Of course there's a reason. And think of how you'll be viewed in the future. You know, people laughed at Japheth when he was alive. They laughed at him, called him Hippie, called his shoes Japheth Randolph.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Told him to get a haircut. He had an awful time. Crucified him as well. There was another thing they did. Just forgot about that for a sec. I don't know which is Nick the Winner. I hope that's not bad luck. But, you know, now look at Japheth.
Starting point is 00:03:45 A lot of people think he was good. Some people still think he's a dick. But that's not, you know, you can never... How many other people from North BC in Palestine do you remember? Not many. So that's what I'm talking about. They can call you a bassoon. They can say those stones are needed for drainage in the field, Rich.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But, in the 2000 years time, who's going to remember those guys? Do you remember the guy who said Stoneclain was stupid? No. Do you remember the guy who did the Stoneclain? Well, Richard Herring. Yeah. Obviously we all know him. Why are you even asking that?
Starting point is 00:04:33 What how? At the time he would have been viewed as an idiot. Well, that Noah. This is me now talking about the bloke from the future. People laughed at him. Then he had a boat in the inn. Bang. Safe. I had to collect all his animals.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Small price to pay for being alive. Come on, Wolfs. He made the mistake of collecting animals rather than stones. But don't get in and out. Don't put the stones in and out. They'll be fine underwater. They can breathe underwater for up to two billion years. Then they die.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Beautiful blue skies out here in Hertfordshire today. Had a lot of rain. My kitchen loose. Ruth's been leaking. Every time I get something sorted out in my house, something else comes along. Just got that sorted out. As that got sorted out, my mother-in-law
Starting point is 00:05:31 had put a pan incorrectly in our carousel covered in the kitchen. And now it's we can't open it because the pan handle is stuck. And we can't get to any of our pans. It's given me a lot of hassle,
Starting point is 00:05:47 a lot of worry. We'll sort it out. Absolutely stuck. No one else in the world seems to have experienced this problem. Which I can't believe. You've got to place the pans with the handles pointing inwards.
Starting point is 00:06:05 My mother-in-law, she claims it wasn't there, but I know it was. Because I've seen a lot of things not in their correct place in the kitchen. She emptied the dishwasher. Which no one should do apart from me. When will the world learn?
Starting point is 00:06:21 I'm good at collecting stones. And I'm good at emptying dishwashers. And filling them as well, by the way. Filling them is the hardest bit of fencing. But it's not time to apportion blame. Even though it's my mother-in-law's fault, I think, possibly my father-in-law.
Starting point is 00:06:43 It's given me a lot of a lot of anxiety. Can't get to my pans. We've got two pans that aren't in that cupboard. And we've got they were put in the dishwasher after the dishwasher was emptied.
Starting point is 00:07:01 So if you're worried about that, they were in the sink and they had put them in the dishwasher. I don't think you've got me, because you haven't. But we can't get to our cheese grater's. We can't get to our measuring jugs. We can't get to our colanders. We can't.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And we can't get to most of our pans. So that's what's going on in the herring household. Pretty stressful stuff, I think you'll agree. But out here on the fields, we have no stress, apart from the stress of having to clear
Starting point is 00:07:35 maybe a billion stones before my death. And not feeling all that well, feeling quite unfit. Doing a wee like a male dog. I don't know when that started. I started lifting her leg. She thinks she's a boy. Why not?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Why not? Not my point to ascribe gender. Lovely spherical. That was like Death Star. A little bit cut off. You know how the Death Star's got a little circle.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Indented. Good to get millennium falcon and millennium falcon and Death Star. At the same time we can play a game of Star Wars. Not all my kids. None of these things matter. Read my blog
Starting point is 00:08:23 for my 40 year too late hot take on the first three, middle three. Depending how you look at it. Star Wars films. Those ones. Oh, a lovely big stone in the park here.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I brought my trowel out with me. Got that out. And up in the sky, even though it's day time, the rock I know apart from the planet Earth itself is mocking me. The moon facing towards the sun.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Half of its sphere visible. Maybe a little over half. It's like a giant stone in the sky. I mean, it's not like that it is. That's not a very good simile. Yeah, sure. Sorry, just on the phone.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Cool. You haven't got a dog, have you? Thank you. Come on. Yeah, hello. You're still there? Yeah, hi. And Wobby, come here. Wobby.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Good girl. Played the old... Got surprised by a stone. As they're walking up behind me. You can see it. But cleverly pretended I was on the phone too late. And
Starting point is 00:09:43 she thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I am. Maybe I am. Maybe I am. But that was a good lesson for you. You're off in your reverie. You're chatting in your podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I'm sure you have as well now. That's stone clearing. And you have to cover. You get discovered. You may have seen me picking out some stones. But she's the weird one. No dog.
Starting point is 00:10:19 She's heading across the field there. Looks like she's out for a jog. She's walking. Coat around the waist. You wouldn't go for a jog in a coat. There's something weird going on. Helicopter going above. I always imagine that's Noel Edmunds.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Whatever else is going on. Flying into the moon. Oh my god. Just because of the perspective. For a second there. I thought Noel Edmunds had gone. But if Noel Edmunds was to die I think he would like to die crashing his helicopter into the moon.
Starting point is 00:10:55 That's just a guess. But you've proved me wrong. If you can. Beautiful. Because they were right by the central care. Also the opposite of the main care. Right in the path. He's been sitting there for eternity.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Waiting for me. I've passed it 203 times. I've only just seen it and dug it out of my trail. Bang. We're fine. I'm not sure she brought the being on the phone thing. She didn't say apologize for interrupting my call. But look.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I had to be fast. She literally must have just come onto the field through the secret little path at the bottom. While I was being very unobservant. She might be off to her paymasters at Stone Starzy right now. To dob me in. This could be my last stone plan.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Let's make it a good one. Let's make it a good one. I'm going to check my phone's working. So you're not missing this gold. Oh dear, that's good. Every time I take it out though. I'm worried that maybe I'll put it back. I'm going to ruin it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's not much help. But we've got 11 minutes of gold so far. This isn't like last week where I lost. I just lost the wheel. I talked to you. I was going to just leave a silent one. But then I realized the podcast hadn't been recording anyway. So for most of it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So. There's many great lost chapters. It's a tragedy when a piece of art like this is lost in time. In space. And now I suppose it's the way of all great art. I will be burying these podcasts in their special
Starting point is 00:12:45 waterproof canister. So they may be discovered in the future. If you are listening in the future. Hello. I mean, you might also just be listening to them. I might still be up. All bit of quite a bit of
Starting point is 00:13:03 Rome and Villa here. I haven't spotted before. Three bits all together. This might be where the main Rome villa was. It's a bit earlier than usual. Only a few feet. It might be a bigger villa than I thought. So. I'm not talking to myself.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I'm on the phone. That's what you're going to do. Don't think I'm crazy. I'm talking to my friend. It's big, big truth. Who has been emailing. That's where I got that name from.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Big truth. Telegram. I wrote an email in this week to say what's the best way to get started talking to yourself. It's weird that sometimes this happens. It feels like more than coincidence sometimes. I call this a plan
Starting point is 00:14:05 by some high force. And well, it's big truth. We've seen what you do. You pretend you're on the phone. Often older people don't realise you could be on the phone with invisible headphones. So they just think you're crazy anyway.
Starting point is 00:14:21 People think you're using your phone with your phone. It's in my pocket. I'm wearing these things in my ears. I'm just going to check behind the chair. I'll be probably looking. That was embarrassing. I'll be laughing stuck around the villa
Starting point is 00:14:37 just as it gets out. Luckily it's a secret. It's kept from them. Oh. So yeah, here we go. I've been tossing a few stones aside. Plucking and tossing. By the way, the 16 page
Starting point is 00:14:57 stone clearing manual is on its way to the printers. The scout badges from the kit start to have arrived at Chris Evans Not That One HQ on the stone. He's going to the brushing stairs we caught. They will all be sent out when everything's ready.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So we are pretty certain we'll get these well to you well before Christmas. Both pick starters, the Sniff one which you won't be interested in. So be successful. We're doing our best. You can ask no more.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And we're only a week and a couple of days away from taskmaster starting up. 9pm. Channel 4. Thursdays. In the next 10 weeks. Not this week.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And we're less than a month away from the publication of The Problem With Men which I just completed the audio book for yesterday. And I've been sitting around just talking for 2 hours. It took probably a total of about 10 hours what we did to do a podcast as well.
Starting point is 00:16:05 But on Monday I just sat there talking for 2 hours to myself. If people had looked at me then they would have thought I was mad. Especially as I seem to be just reading out my own book. But if you then take a wider picture and look at it again oh he's recording the audio book and that's why you shouldn't judge by appearances
Starting point is 00:16:21 that ladies was walking behind me and said can I just get past as if I was mental. I'm not mental. The very disappointed still that the crops have been months that I've been saying how long is it going to be.
Starting point is 00:16:37 They're looking fucking huge these things now. I'm pretty worried about them developing into triphids which with the current virus and everything else going on would be the final proof that John Wyndon was a soothsayer. Maybe that's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:16:57 But I'll be the man to fight them off. I've got a trowel. I've got an off-face jacket but I've left it at home. There's a couple of beetroots up there looking like avian feet. Nobody else around on the field. I'm a bit late for the dog walk. This might be a good time to stone clear generally
Starting point is 00:17:13 people at work school living their lives. Not a richie herring. I've got nothing apart from this. This is all I've got my fan friends. The next field looking tantalizing beautifully
Starting point is 00:17:27 cloud full of massive stones just getting with another one into the Heads and Black Desert and making some lovely blackberry and apple crumbles in my spare time which I do have some spare time away from stone clearing.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And just thinking maybe maybe I'll retire quite soon. I've had enough of this showbiz life coming not from stone clearing. I'm a very private person I'd like to keep my life as undocumented as possible and
Starting point is 00:18:01 just taking a little look into that field just to see how it's going over there just to see if there's anyone doing it so clever and tactic. There's no one in this field either. Beautiful. Let's have a look out and see what's here. There's quite a good one.
Starting point is 00:18:17 The thing is there's just some big stones in this field because nobody's thought to clear it. There's a nice one there that can go in the central wall. This is of course against all the walls of stone clearing There are no rules for stone clearing. That's the first rule of stone clearing. I need to tell you that.
Starting point is 00:18:33 The second rule is you must obey the rules of stone clearing. So the second rule is you must only clear stones from your own field and must not transgress into other fields. But I feel and within the letter not the letter but the spirit
Starting point is 00:18:49 of the law by using stones from the next field to make myself feel better with stones there and be to build a wall between the two fields so no one can break that rule. So the way I'm enforcing the rule and I am
Starting point is 00:19:05 a special case it's like I'm the conservative government and you're everybody else I'm allowed to break the rules if I feel like it but you are and I think that's fair then again anyone would argue that was a fair way of looking at it
Starting point is 00:19:21 because there's no one around I'm taking the opportunity to clear if I'm back in my own field now and clearing there are a lot of stones in this corner you've seen it if you've watched the videos that was a good throw oh no that wasn't a good throw I'm trying to throw with my
Starting point is 00:19:49 trowel in my hand that's often a problem we'll be trying to go get that one because it doesn't get into the edge so I'm going to have to be quick whoopee oh no it looks like someone with
Starting point is 00:20:07 a rope and a hard hat on I think someone's maybe going a lot climbing or a cave going into a cave of some kind but there are no caves around here that might just be a big one we'll leave I'm going to get more from the doggie
Starting point is 00:20:23 just in case they're far enough away it won't be too stupid to see them but we'll just be on the safe side I'm just going to go to those just in case I think we've got enough they give me a cheery wave whoever they are dumb almost
Starting point is 00:20:41 a cheery wave saying we've spotted you we know who you are we know what you're doing come on Wolfie it's Carla that's who it is it's my dog it's Carla Wolf she's not from the south
Starting point is 00:21:05 if she's from the south she's in deep she walks there Wolfie at lunch times most days and she's walking other dogs so that doesn't make you feel sad she might be coming this way that's the kind of thing she would do
Starting point is 00:21:23 she drives you off elsewhere doesn't she she walks other dogs around here weird very good dog walker if you live in my village you need a dog walker Carla you'll know she's if you live in my village
Starting point is 00:21:39 don't stop listening to this it's going to be hard to cover I'm just on the phone this is just me on the phone and it's accidentally recorded and turned into a podcast I'm just talking to someone about some stones I need clearing from my garden
Starting point is 00:21:57 I think Carla's gone a different direction that's good even though I do trust Carla but that's the worst kind of stone Stasi the ones that go in deep weird I thought she was like a sprinkler is that what they call them cave person
Starting point is 00:22:17 something like that I'm going to call spunklers or something sometimes your eyes can trick you but I think the other things I've seen out here have been definitely true there is a more locked badge I don't know why that jumped to mine if you have got your scout badge that they look great
Starting point is 00:22:37 is what I meant to say I've just forgotten the guy's designer's name but he's amazing you can get other scout style badges from him as well I think you can just google that you'll probably find it him
Starting point is 00:22:53 that's kind of a wonderful job for us I think very much not that you'll be listening to this because you have a life if you make a scout badge oh and I've thrown a stone lodged in the tree there but eventually that's in the centre of the field which is looking huge
Starting point is 00:23:11 some big stones have gone in there eventually it will rise up to the level of where that stone is so I'm not worried about that so it is quite a good time to stone play just professional dog clearers out here everybody else all the stone Stasi they're just having a cup of tea
Starting point is 00:23:31 aren't they after a hard morning of trying to stop people from clearing stones why what drives them that's what I don't understand why do they why just leave us alone it doesn't affect you that's the thing with Nazis
Starting point is 00:23:47 they just want everything their own way don't they that's sort of one of their selling points I did like to know them pretty well having a second go doing pretty well glad to see unrelated
Starting point is 00:24:05 not going to see President Trump seems to be rallying for the moment we just don't have space for another memorial on the field right now when he does die I will build him a memorial so that his name can live on as long as mine the feeling he's going to be doing okay in that regard
Starting point is 00:24:31 I think he might be the only person from our era remembered if there is any other era beyond our era I picked up five stones for good sized ones just dropped over a beat lucky I did chop over that beat because I dropped my trowel
Starting point is 00:24:49 good sized stones I've got a if you're putting a bet on how many out of five it's going to be today is that a person over there yes they're moving oh very clever they're looking oh it's two feet but they're far away hopefully not coming this way if you're putting a bet on
Starting point is 00:25:13 for the stone pole I would go high I think it might be four these are all small small mediums yeah the bigger than usual maybe small small large maybe small medium small maybe small medium medium
Starting point is 00:25:33 it's hard to know it's not a very good system I think I'm going to get to the stone pole unencumbered that will be off the lead so we'll start pushing put it on the face a little bit I'm just trying to get the hair out of my face
Starting point is 00:26:01 gold and the people they're very well camouflaged they look just like bushes one of them is in the dark green coat it just goes into the bushes standing by I think they're women one in the blue coat but it's incredible how well camouflaged they are I hope there's no one like that right in front of me
Starting point is 00:26:17 that I haven't seen because I'm going to get caught I'm going to pick up another stone so there's one for the water face so I can give one to the Dominic Cummings can still with its scarf wrapped around it there we go one for Dominic Cummings the can that never grows there's a conquer on there
Starting point is 00:26:43 that's a stupid place to put a conquer and yeah feeling I mean I'm feeling fairly relaxed due to the basic lack of stone stars this may be a trick or I may have found the perfect time to stone clear just when I'm not worried about
Starting point is 00:26:59 having to get the kids to school rushing home my wife's out with a friend she's been out with him a lot recently she says they're kayaking together watch out Wolfie don't get in the way oh one out of one two out of two
Starting point is 00:27:17 I told you Wolfie's in the way but I'm still getting over Wolfie oh it's a miss that wasn't that was the wrong call two out of three three out of four hit the left sign bang on four out of five I told you it's just bigger stones that's all you need well that's a good day I told you it feels like a good day
Starting point is 00:27:33 today doesn't it it's nice I've got a little spring in my step I've got no deeds to do I've got promises to keep I'm dappled and drowsy I'm ready to sleep let the morning time shed all its petals on me
Starting point is 00:27:51 life I love you I love stone clearing to quote Paul Feynman gone with our American stone clearers just clearing a little stone inside here but we're heading towards the main can I'm confident there's no one around I'm not even going to put Wolfie on the lead around this corner
Starting point is 00:28:15 it's the dangerous dangerous perhaps dangerous tactic that's what I wanted to say so yeah it's nice to be back with you guys I'm sorry I missed you for a week I missed you I missed old what was his name
Starting point is 00:28:35 tell you no telegraph pole I'll beat true telegraph pole is it I think that was his name um sorry mate I missed giving you wise aphorisms from the past I know you love those
Starting point is 00:28:53 you write them do write them down keep them close to your heart in case you ever need them that's one of the aphorisms I have to write down these aphorisms my friend for they found comfort ye in times of furrow it's a beautiful day out here
Starting point is 00:29:11 it's just such crazy weather I mean it isn't because that's always how the United Kingdom is so I don't know why we always say stuff like that I'm going to take a little Sejaun out across the field to try and find a big stone to put on the main can I know there's lots here there's just some in the path but I feel confident that's uh
Starting point is 00:29:29 I have time ready to fire out the ones I've seen I've got my chow there's no one around perhaps I'm being over under cautious is that the word over confident nothing massive out here Rich
Starting point is 00:29:49 what are you thinking which ones are you thinking about maybe these ones well that's not bad there's a couple it's important to get these before the plow comes of course they will be buried again very soon oh that's a nice one three nice ones I think I'll put them in the main bit of a can
Starting point is 00:30:09 which is just slumping slightly under its own weight I'm sure just enjoy the serenity for a second as I walk back towards the main can three I mean I would say medium medium this right down the line got nice chunky stones nonetheless
Starting point is 00:30:39 and we'll stick them atop the main can right in the middle there it's looking good it's looking fine this is one of those of my main cans in the 16 page brochure
Starting point is 00:31:03 look upon my work She Mighty and Diff Bear I think you've got that page it's called come on horse and here we go heading down I almost want to stay out here all day I've got a trip to the supermarket probably later when my wife's back with the car
Starting point is 00:31:23 there's a dog poo right in the path she's waiting flies enjoying it what's up with flies what do they like dog shit so much for what's that about just trying to have some fly based stand up routines
Starting point is 00:31:39 for when the fly's taking a walk if you're doing another way it's a good job we stayed out isn't it another little wee for you you've done a poo I think as well and this trip's an interesting tip and the autumn the harbour
Starting point is 00:31:57 if a time where the stone clearer may unwind for the blackberries they do blush and the fountains they do gush and
Starting point is 00:32:17 the hedgehogs they do hush on their way to their winter sleep for the stones still need to be cleared but the harbour still needs to be feared and the combine harvester she is near
Starting point is 00:32:37 with the new wet the combine harvester is a medieval time and I can't remember what the rhyming scheme is the first verse should rhyme here but I can't remember what I ended the first verse on I mean I'm reciting but I've just forgotten the poem this last bit and the brexit dish
Starting point is 00:32:57 the brexit ditch must be filled and it's good that that's reminding me because I'm right by the brexit ditch now so it's nice sometimes that those aphorisms really hit the nail on the head and that must have been confusing to medieval people a lot of those references it was like noftradharma
Starting point is 00:33:13 wrote some of these and they must have been almost meaningless to I mean hassle often by the way it must have been almost meaningless to many of the medieval stone crews but now some of the combine harvester bit the brexit bit starts to make sense doesn't it
Starting point is 00:33:29 and I'm chucking a few there's just little tiny stones out here but quite a few of them so I'll put another one or two in the brexit ditch the ditch that saved present trump we can all agree on that very quick we'll turn around
Starting point is 00:33:45 and I think I've mentioned that in the video which usually happens on Friday mornings follow me on you should get notifications it doesn't always come through just keep primed
Starting point is 00:34:05 you can always catch up on those on youtube or on twitch videos if you want to see what's going on there are a little bit probably a bit mainstream for you guys but you might get a kick out some of the stupid things the people saying in the chat room about stone clearing ah these blackberries
Starting point is 00:34:23 rotted on the they've made a nice pie with those but there isn't it pretty much all rotted there's one red one could come back for that but that's not going to be much of a pie as we head down the alley we're off we've given some stones to the alphanomers can of course my doubts have far flown away
Starting point is 00:34:39 like the fatalings flying to the fahara deffit I don't know where they want to spend ah winter there it's much too hot it's very sweet they will die but it's good that those darts have flown
Starting point is 00:34:57 and they've died some holly above me which I'll remind you I've got an email from holly stick I'm rich I've been a bit worried you've been sometimes just feeling a bit down in the chapters
Starting point is 00:35:15 I hope you're okay there's anything I can do to make for anything I'm an 18 year old stone clearing fan and if there's any absolutely anything I can do I'm attaching a photo as you can see I'm a very attractive young woman and if there's anything I can do well all I'd ask holly is
Starting point is 00:35:35 thank you for that offer I'm feeling fine it's nice of you to appreciate the podcast so much you could become a monthly badger go past the straight dot com slash badgers that would be helpful you could just really if you'd just become a stone clearing find your own
Starting point is 00:35:51 your own field to clear that would be more than payment enough for me so thanks for that thanks for the photo I think some of you might have not realised you can see the reflection in the bathroom there
Starting point is 00:36:07 and I will of course delete that so that must be embarrassing for you I've seen part of your bum so thanks at holly, holly stick there that goes for all of you of course if you want to pay me back there's a good way to do that if you go to twitch
Starting point is 00:36:29 and you're with amazon prime you can link your amazon prime twitch account all the money we make from these things goes into making more podcasts coming up with new ideas for podcasts so do you keep that going come on in you've had your breakfast haven't you
Starting point is 00:36:49 we've been out already we were already home I mean you know it's been a long one I've really enjoyed it I feel like we've recaptured something that maybe was once lost and now it's found amazing grace that's where my
Starting point is 00:37:05 what else is that why is my I don't know if I've lost the key to it this would be awful if I lost the key must be in here let's see if I can get that cupboard open I mean we could make the end of the podcast with me ratting the cupboard for a long time
Starting point is 00:37:27 if you've got any ideas release the carousel corner cupboard Wobby come on in Wobby come here come here good girl drink your food drink your milk you milk me water
Starting point is 00:37:47 I'm not giving you milk you're not a cat always remember to wash your hands and before taking to imagine if I just get it now imagine if I managed to it'll be a lot of stress out the day if I could just get this cupboard open
Starting point is 00:38:07 I'll just let you have a listen to the problem something we might be able to diagnose it the problem now I've tried I've got a tote hanger here because I think I can see the stuff but it's very hard to get in there the
Starting point is 00:38:25 opens just the nearest amount it's more than it was and we've already scuffed the side of this plant I mean if I could do it now the tote hanger is going in if I could just somehow get it onto the candle
Starting point is 00:38:41 put it down I don't think it's strong enough or it's caught on something well you'd have to be a better expert on cupboards than I to get that one done look this isn't carousel cupboard clearing
Starting point is 00:39:05 opening with which you're carrying this is stone cream which I will leave oh I've got a glass of my phone put it down here it's fine 38 minutes ago I hope you enjoyed that thank you enjoy your stone clearing
Starting point is 00:39:23 listen to the photons my friend don't listen to the birds or trees don't listen to your underpants listen to the photons listen to the photons and they in turn shall listen to you my friend my friend friend
Starting point is 00:39:39 see you next time check out Fridays for live stone clearing you could witness my death watch TV, that's R.K. Herring and Holly remember all those ways you can help an old 53 year old man
Starting point is 00:39:55 it's very much goodbye listen to your underpants listen to the photons listen to the photons listen to the photons listen to the photons listen to the photons and they in turn
Starting point is 00:40:31 I'll listen to you my friend my friend my friend friend you have been listening to stone clearing with me
Starting point is 00:40:47 with R.K. Herring and Wolfie the dog plus that stealth stone stars he creeping up behind me I think a trick to don't worry plus Carla the dog walker and that's about it I think my fan friends thank you to Holly and the other person who we emailed in
Starting point is 00:41:03 the music is by my cop grave the voice of the photons is my copper heave don't listen to the birth and truth don't listen to your underpants listen
Starting point is 00:41:25 to the photons listen to the photons listen to the photons and they in turn I'll listen to you
Starting point is 00:41:41 my friend my fine friend

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