Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 84

Episode Date: November 17, 2020

Chapter 84 - Fhorn, Not Fhaun. It's 7.32am on 17th November 2020 (but when's international MEN'S day?) and the stocean is fully harvested and the undergrowth has had a haircut. At last we get to see t...he incredible progress made around the outskirts as we anticipate the cold of winter. Where are the Ftone Ftafi today? And will there finally be a successful Ftone Pole? And does he mean fecund or fecond? Sponsored by Eggbox Imaging for all your Buckinghamshire post production needs. To support Richard's moustache please donate here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing with Richard Herring Here we go, we are up on the wacky races, it is the 17th of November 2020, it is 7.32 Today we are sponsored by Ben Lowry and the team from Ed Box Imaging, they are a photography film and post production company based in Buckinghamshire But hey, you don't have to be based in Buckinghamshire to use them, you can send photos, film and post production stuff to them by Dropbox or something to expect That's Ed Box Imaging, whenever I have photo and film and post production needs in Buckinghamshire, that's where I go And anyone who says I don't is lying, please don't check that information Thank you very much for the sponsorship, Ed Box Imaging, I just put an Ed Box in the recycling funny enough That's a kind of weird constant isn't it, Ben?
Starting point is 00:02:05 Right, here we go, we are off onto the station for another time, looking for stones of course, that's our main purpose here But I'll also be providing you with some valuable info, the plough harvester has been taken off that last suave of beets There are still beets coming off, lying in the ground, I have to watch out for those, but also they came out yesterday We saw them on our run, cutting the weeds all around the field as well, there's a, oh yeah, cut it right about, you can see the out front of the can We'll just have a little sojourn out, so we'll have a look and see what the damage is out here We'll see if you stones maybe take a photo of the out front of the can, no you're better than that, it's looking good though So we should see a lot more of the field today, that's good news It's still muddy but not, there are no rivers, but the tractor has churned up the mud beside the field
Starting point is 00:03:40 Also hopefully churned up some of the beets and turned them to beet mush, making my job a little bit easier Wolfie's looking for a place to poo if you're interested in dog poo, I know some of you are She's not, got the cover of beets now, so she's doing it right in the pathway Thanks a lot Wolfs, that's a bag of dog poo I'm going to have to carry around with me Isn't it, yeah you pretend to bury it like a fucking idiot, where is it? I can't even see it Wolf, so might get away with this because it's out of there, is that it there? I don't want to pick up someone else's dog poo, that's not the way it works is it? A nice see-through bag, so everyone can see what I've been doing, might pop that in my pocket
Starting point is 00:04:45 Try not to forget it Open that bag, watertight, what are you doing in there? Going to hide in the bush, maybe through shame at me picking up my poo, don't let me forget that poo in my pocket That's you at home, so yeah it's another week that's flown by hasn't it? Picking up a couple of stones, a little easy to get these stones, but there's no point in putting a hassle off at the moment because I could hassle off out there and see something at the distance that looks like a chunky bit of stone, this government is just a chunky bit of vegetables and wasted valuable stone clearing energy, using a kick here and I didn't
Starting point is 00:05:50 go very far but it's off the fence, off the path into the grass This may be a little bit of a truncated clear again this week I'm afraid, it's the demands of the family that I have to cover for my stone clearing, doing me, taking their toll I'm not far as done an excellent job of cutting back all the weeds It should mean we see a few cans that haven't been destroyed in the process You can see stones littering, the main land away from the ocean that's probably slightly screwed up this cutting machine and that is good, we do not want the farmer to prosper here He's cut back all those brambles, brutal, brutal man he hates, grows vegetables, makes you think
Starting point is 00:07:10 he loves vegetables then he comes and scoops them all up and kills them all, he's the worst in the future when vegetables rule this planet, people like that will be seen like Oscar, not like Oscar Schindler, he was a goodie wasn't he, but like what's his face, oh this is the one nice big stone coming out of there, like the baddie in Tinders, this vegetable baddie I say that vegetables grow wherever we want them to because they're not on my field to find a vegetable, oh Jesus, what a bad habit, I found a nice medium stone there, I was excited about meeting that conversation, everything's a bit dirty out here so it's hard to discern A mud of mud from proper stone, there's another beat lying, fallen, partially buried in the trenches
Starting point is 00:08:09 of this warfare between farmer and vegetable, root vegetable, there's a bit of brick there, let's have a look at that there's that Roman villa, it's a bit of tile, doesn't look like a Roman villa and there's a proper stone let me get off as well, so slightly more to pick out now as a result of the vegetation having gone so that's good news for me, I don't really care about the vegetables either, let's put me in the film as well vegetables I don't care, I eat you for my lunch, put that in your film I don't think we'll be going the long way around, sorry to upset fans of you and McGregor, I think we'll be going the short way around going to be interesting to see what the cross field situation is they've cut right back here, this is the can in the corner of the field, protected by a branch still, looking quite good actually
Starting point is 00:09:40 there you can see it, but this is really churned up mud down here, it's heavy going just to walk through this let alone find a stone isn't it I managed to find a stone, oh no it's a beat, I found a stone next to the beat, on it goes, let's kick the beat off as well just so that it doesn't fool me fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, that's the way I had my attitude towards beat oh, fly me something, I think you mentioned that before, this is where the farm machine has been doing donuts in the ground might have dug down and found some stones, let's have a quick look, it's hard to get across here this really is probably worse than the somme, in terms of difficulty of getting around oh, my boot really stuck in the mud there for a sec, thought I was not going out there again well, did go for a run yesterday as I mentioned and other a lot slightly tired, I'm hoping I can build up fitness and that will make me a more efficient stone clearer
Starting point is 00:11:04 but in the short term, it's making and trudging through this mud, quite a tricky endeavour I think that was a beat, I'm not going to look, I don't want to be fooled again, that's a stone all right it's lovely to see the sides of this field shaved of vegetation, I have to say I can really see what I've achieved over the last two or bit years and it's a lot, it's a huge lot, it's something any person could be proud of it's going to be hard going across this field, the path will not have been formed yet I'm going to have to walk across this mud, I may not make it to the other side this is my last well in testament, I leave my stone clearing chow to my children and share it and then let's take on the mantle
Starting point is 00:12:06 and keep the secret, I can see a little slither of path like a snail trail across this brown field has developed not very many stones but there aren't too many, oh there's a nice one, there's a beat again to another beat but this one's a real brown roundy no one could confuse that for a stone, for a beat it is a stone and now we can see the can across from the main can for the first time in a good while looking all right, it's looking all right, I can be proud of what I've achieved, is this a beat or is that a beat I'm going to come out beat clearing one day, just so I can stone clear again properly but that's a stone and that's a stone, I'm going to bring those from a distance we're close enough to, I'm not sure I could say we're close enough that we will definitely hit the pile but I threw one of it at a spew
Starting point is 00:13:14 oh we should better get this one back, more stone around like this not a brilliant throw, that's a bit of beat let's see how long, how many more weeks will I become, will I be tripped by vegetation no one took up my Dragonsten idea collecting up the beat, not here at least, it's a good idea oh lordy, my fingers are crusted in mud let's get this one a bit close to the edge, oof
Starting point is 00:14:10 not very far, not a good throw, throwing arm a bit off today it's closer, it's closer than it was but a little bit off the path you alright Wolfie, Wolfie picked it up, it's actually further on to the field good girl we can get this one, that's the other side, oof using Wolfie as a drab mule I think she's lost the stone now, should I pick something up what have you got, where is it, you bury it, it's gone Wolfie, it's gone
Starting point is 00:15:04 we'll find another day, picked up two small mediums there's been just an S thing in my hands, just on the path it was removed not too obviously what else we can find along here, usually feckin' part of the field that's feckin' to the S, not feckin' to the old style S three stones now I've got it's grey, it's a grey sky, there's a cool breeze, not cold it's not, it's not unpleasant but it's neither is it pleasant it was a bit desolate out here, and I feel alone, oh that's a nice stone
Starting point is 00:15:59 four stones being carried, oh that's a beauty, that's definitely a medium that's what we're looking for down here, I'm regretting picking up those smaller ones earlier there's a shitload of stones out here now I just hope the stones don't as he did not discover me carrying these, look at all the ones I have to leave behind Wolfs, we'll be back please help us, I'm coming back, I'm coming back, believe me, oh jeez it's like stone, stone supermarket here, every kind of stone you can think of really nice chunker ones, chunker hunkers
Starting point is 00:16:45 what do you think Wolfs, should we walk up to the stone pole, give the public what they want that's what they want isn't it, they want their own stone pole nobody around, what's going on and the main can, it's starting to roll off it, I'll put that back they're looking quite good and those all just aligning the edge, forming the wall that's got to be a beat, that's too big to be a human stone wow, where is everyone, if we go 20 minutes I've got to get home relatively soon
Starting point is 00:17:42 kids need to go to school first we'll go to the stone pole, see where it was going to go you stick right by me girl, I'll see you right, looking for five stones along the way and it's a real stock take today, picked stock of what I've achieved just looking at the borders now, Sean, that's H-O-R-N, I'm giving the border a name not an idiot you can really start to see what I've achieved, which is along this bit not a huge amount this isn't an area I've really concentrated on
Starting point is 00:18:39 they're going to be fair to me, let's be fair to me if you want to tune in to other Twitch stuff this week we'll have a spot with Keel Smith, I know from Ghosts, it is on Wednesday and Twitch Fun moves to Friday as I'm doing the Short Book Festival on Thursday International Wednesday I suspect Ali will have some fun with that the next day here we are, stone pole, nobody around, my hair's blowing, my face, Wolfie's off the lead one out of one, beautiful hit, just missed his Wolfie out of the way
Starting point is 00:19:32 two out of three, oh just over the top, too high yes, three out of five, good luck to everyone, come on Wolfie, good luck today remember you can amplify that good luck by using your Amazon Prime account to subscribe to my Twitch channel and all the money from November is going to Movember, or we can monthly badger, go and all that money this month, that's all going to Movember because that's the Movember page so it's all going directly to Movember, the other stuff we have to remember to forward on, which we will do not want to say wow, there's a grouse out there on the field that Wolfie's seeing now
Starting point is 00:20:28 so we're heading back down, back towards the main camp oh look at that, look at this Wolfie, this is the beauty of our stone Christmas, look at that Wolfie Wolfie's looking at it, it's a beautiful bang in the middle medium stone which is large you know your imagining medium isn't very big, you're wrong, it's pretty big that was the find of the hole clear today and I've started a new camp there along this route beautiful, beautiful alright, we have to be careful here, the good big stone starts here I think my trick to becoming that bit earlier than usual
Starting point is 00:21:19 just seeing the stone, picked it up it's flying to the verge don't bring out, Wolfie, leave it, that's off the field alright, no one here at the moment and we're going to have an FF less stone clear it's been happening more regularly yeah, no one around, we could take a little walk out, see if we can find some of those big stones from before I might be just chanceing my luck, this might be the way I'm doing, but I did see some beauty out here
Starting point is 00:22:10 oh, that's a nice one there, look at that, as brown as the mud thought it was well hidden, thought it wouldn't be found when I found it don't want to be found that'll do, let's not chance a lot, let's get that nice roundy there, let's say that roundy these guys can go downhill a little bit, help build the wall down the hill and the ditch just stopped, Brecks hit the ditch, they've got Dominic Cummings sort of sacked, you didn't believe me, did you? but there, it did its job
Starting point is 00:22:48 it did its job believe in the ditch, Brecks it will not happen, Dominic Cummings will be sacked you just have to believe and also put a stone in every day hope you've got your own Brecks it ditch to stop Brecks it, we may have to Brecks it the ditch moves in mysterious ways, the sun just coming up now it wasn't dark before, but the sun's just now it's apparently the clouds coming up beyond the hill
Starting point is 00:23:30 warming their cold stones, these are just the warmish cold stones of autumn the cold cold stones of winter yet to come, though we didn't really experience that last year very much didn't we? the first year the stones received the cold it could be global warming like what we're contending with, I'm doing a mini pass-off over there just to pick up a stone I've seen it's not nothing special, just a regular ordinary stone but none of the stones are more important than the others they're all equal in God's eyes these are a couple of tiddlers, these are going nicely in the Brecks it ditch
Starting point is 00:24:10 thank you for one of them Mr. Fank the ditch for getting rid of Dominic Cummings may he rest in peace the other two will stop Brecks it and of course welcome in the ditch welcome oh and actually the ditch has been shorned back a bit as well so we should be able to see a little bit of it's quite brutal this machine, like tree branches just severed
Starting point is 00:24:44 should be able to see the Brecks it ditch a bit there today see what we've achieved yeah there's definitely some stones in there you can hear them right, that was the Dominic Cummings one, that's the one that's for welcoming the victims of wars to our shores refugees that's the word I'm looking for that's the word I want to go, it's got a brand new red colour it looks quite dashing for the moment
Starting point is 00:25:12 so we just need something for the Alphornomega can, I can see their gift right now beautiful, it's a beauty and we'll give it to again for thanks for all the stones we've done to me especially this year it's been a hard year to get through the stones have been reliable, they're always there for me and all there's another one I think I have to go up and do
Starting point is 00:25:39 absolutely no SS out here at all look at that as black flint black as night, look at that wolf maybe we'll take a picture of the can my fingers are so dirty, what do I do 27 minutes of gold's over, I hope you can join it so we'll go up and find out and check some emails
Starting point is 00:26:39 let's have a look who's got any celebrities Lee Ferrickson's been emailing in again I think he used to email in a long time ago this is the actor not the fighting he was saying that before he's saying is there anything we can do to prepare ourselves for the upcoming coldness of winter I can always rely on you, he's not like Rain Wilson
Starting point is 00:27:11 he's a bit giddy sometimes and you know there's lost interest in me there's nothing you can do to really prepare maybe put on a little weight I'm doing the opposite of that at the moment extra padding maybe practice by putting your hands in the fridge the freezer for as long as possible
Starting point is 00:27:37 hold on to ice cubes buy a coat, I'd recommend a coat from North Face the acceptable face of being warm in winter still haven't sponsored me tried to play him against the last week's sponsor should mention, oh I forgot about the perm pocket thank you to egg box whatever you're called
Starting point is 00:28:09 let's see if I can find a piece of paper I should remember it because I'm buying egg box why does that keep your eyes probably underneath the dull part a bit of paper there that's not it oh you know who you are this is a secret department in North Face get out of the wolf's that I keep on missing
Starting point is 00:28:37 thank you to egg box images that's my guess at what you're called I hope I've put it right for your sponsorship thank you to Luke out for getting me involved there'll be another sponsor next week if I can find a piece of paper and I remembered again
Starting point is 00:29:04 don't email me, I've remembered the poo just in time he's going in my bin there you go, put it in my pocket ah, I did put it in my pocket yep, that's egg box imaging especially if you're in Buckinghamshire but I'm sure they'll take lots of other stuff
Starting point is 00:29:32 a couple more sponsors to come remember if you want to sponsor podcast, just email me herring1977 at that's also the email for all your questions about something I wonder where I see it, I've got to go where I see it alright
Starting point is 00:29:51 I thought she wasn't here but she's here oh she's gone that was close come on moose don't forget to lift into the photons my friends for they felt thingy and merry dance good morrow to you all my friends
Starting point is 00:30:56 stone clearing with Richard Herring sponsored by egg box imaging featured me Richard Herring plus Wolfie, the dog and nobody else the music is by Michael Coffgrave the voice of the photons is Michael Faheen go to slash movember if you feel like paying some money for this for charity
Starting point is 00:31:14 goodbye listen to the birth and truth don't listen to your underhand listen to the throats listen to the throats and they in turn felt liver to you my friend
Starting point is 00:31:58 my fine friend

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