Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 9

Episode Date: January 22, 2019

Chapter 9: Stanley is a Dick. It's 9am on 22nd January 2019 and the sun is shining brightly. The soil is relatively wet and loose, though small puddles are frozen over. Is this global warming? Having ...left the field and his brain largely fallow for a fortnight Herring returns to his task untroubled by log dogs, but there are some incidents with real dogs that are quite hairy. Are they log dogs come to life? Some nice finds and a few more tips and Rich clears up what the podcast is actually about (spoiler: it's about stone clearing) and there are some enjoyably mundane chats with some of the people in the village, all of whom are unaware of what is going on. Pluf a fpecial gueft apperance from the Venerable Bede (is he the myftery voice too?). See some video footage of stone-clearing here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And before this week's Stone Clear Richard Herring, I've discovered the passage from Beads in Ecclesiastical History of the English People or Hithoria Ecclesiastica Gentith Anglorum, which was written around the 720s, completed in 731. I don't know when this particular passage was written by the Venerable Beed, but this is the first ever mention of Stone Clearers in history. And in the fields are the folk known as Photone Cleareth, they didn't have the letter S in these days. A strange band of vagabonds who doth labour be it day or nict, pulling the Photones from the foil. They doth their work naked, after the day they wath birthed, fave for a garment made of heffian, which they doth wear around their nephers and codlings.
Starting point is 00:00:57 They worship false gods, and are on the front of the Lord Jesus. And when discovered are chafed from the towns and villiots, and put in phytox, or hanged from the trees with their Photones in their pockets. Never woth a man who thoth and despised than these foil-coated wathers. So there we go, that's the first mention of these guys, if proof be need be, that Stone Clearing has been going on for a long long time. Stone Clearing with Richard Herring. Hello and welcome to another edition of Stone Clearing, or Photone Clearing as the medievalists would have called it with Richard Herring.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I think it's the 22nd of January, maybe the 21st. It was slightly late walk today, 9 o'clock heading out, so may encounter some of the later dog walkers, or just find that everyone else is already at work. Come on darling, and sorry for the couple of weeks. I haven't been doing as much Stone Clearing as usual, been taking my dog on a longer walk up the hill in an attempt to help my generally weight loss, and it's not a bad thing to take a little break from Stone Clearing every now and again. I'm not saying I've not done anything, I've done a bit. It hasn't been a daily occurrence. Just as a farmer must leave his field fallow every now and again, so that the soil can replenish itself. So the Stone Clearing must do that,
Starting point is 00:03:25 so the stones that they shall must come. Also it's good to leave your brain fallow as well, I find, because sometimes Stone Clearing can seem like a crazy thing to be doing. It can weigh heavily on your psyche. So if you're feeling that the stones are getting a little bit too much for you, weighing heavy on you, burdening you, do feel free to take a little Stone Holiday, of course, and do some other stuff. I know it's a problem when I'm walking around on general walks that aren't around the field, and I start kicking stones out of the path. Then I've become too obsessed with stones. And the thing is, this is not, it's a marathon, not a sprint. That's what the Stone
Starting point is 00:04:23 Clearers of old said. Well, they wouldn't say it's a marathon, not a sprint. They didn't have the letter S in those days. It was a very difficult time. They just had to put S in instead. And to be honest, it wasn't very good. They should have invented S earlier. It can be confusing in the modern day. But I respect those traditions, and I will attempt to say the letter S as little as possible in the podcast from now on. So I've just picked up five sisters there. It's nice to be back, actually. I'm gonna have a renewed excitement about being out here. I've been sort of waiting as well for a cold day. So I could, I mean, the stones are cold in my hand now. I'm feeling them, and they are, as if they've been kept in the freezer. But the ground is still moist.
Starting point is 00:05:18 This is a, I mean, global warming is a bad thing in many ways. It's good for Stone Clearers and for Donald Trump. Because, of course, it means if it snows, you can say it doesn't exist. That's Donald Trump's thing. But it is not frosty at all. It really hasn't been this winter. Maybe one or two occasions the ground's been clamping the stones and its jaw relaxed until they let them go. But it does mean we can get a lot more stones out here over the winter period. Now, it is also true that the months of basically January through to July are the Stone Clearers downtime. I mean, you'll still be out here. You'll still be working, of course. You'll still be picking away, finding what you can. But the crops are growing. It's difficult to get out,
Starting point is 00:06:16 to find the stones at all. I'm not having much trouble here. Again, still, I'm still not far from the shore. And just in my usual thing, I'm trying to pick five or six little stones. One of them is slightly larger. But, you know, I have cleared most of the bigger stones from that kind of three-metre swathe around the shore of the Stocean, or the Potosian, if they're only medieval stone clearers, photon clearers, clearer listening. But, yeah, it's a time just to say, okay, these stones are cold. I'm wearing gloves and the ground is not frozen. But this is the coldest they've been for a while, which may be a bad sign of the late winter to come. And I will certainly, there's a little ice there on a puddle. So,
Starting point is 00:07:08 you know, it's not. We're nearly there today in terms of, in terms of that cold snap. And as I think I've said before, there will be a little repetition in this, just a tiny amount of repetition in this, of course. It's a good idea over the summer, even in the winter, we've got a friend coming. So, Wolfie. Wolfie, good girl. Come on. Good girl. Good girl. Hi there. Come on, Wolfie. Come on. It's a good idea. That was just, I suspect that lady might have been a stone clearer herself. It's a bit suspicious just walking around the field without a dog. Maybe she just doesn't realise her dog has died. Maybe she still walks the dog, even though it is dead. Maybe she's so used to doing it, she thinks the ghost is there or just out of respect and memory
Starting point is 00:08:08 for that dog. She did come out of the sunlight, so I don't know how much of, might be speaking to myself, she heard. She was sort of of the age that probably wouldn't assume I was on the phone, while I'm invisible here, but just didn't think I was mad. Man, I don't want people thinking that in the village. So, I'm in this kind of quite feckened corner of the field that I haven't fully exploited yet. So, I am managing now to pick up quite a few egg size. I mean, probably duck to chicken egg size, somewhere in between stones. I've got four on one hand, they're brown, and I've got a bit of flint in the other hand. And this will go on my, if you've watched one of the podcasts, the Mr. Harry Messer Square Thea podcast,
Starting point is 00:08:55 you will have seen this particular can in one of the intros. If you want to, if you want to have a little look at that, it's the intro to forget which one, but quite a reason, maybe fingers on buzzers. If you want to have a look at that, so you can have a little first video look at summer. So, I'm just digging a couple of, yeah, so the ground is still that loose enough that you can kick the stones out. And a couple of nice dinosaur egg size ones, a small dinosaur, have come up. Oh, and we've got some more dog walkers in the distance, and this seems like a popular time to come out on the field, which may make life more difficult for us, will we? Let's get you in the lead, should be all right, we're going across the field.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I'm wearing a bobble hat today, just to be interested. Of course, St. Clairs would not have done that, but it doesn't help the stone clearing beyond. Oh, and that's quite a nice one. I do just want to do a discovery podcast later, take you around as I find things, and that's a nice surprise. As I said, you know, I picked up all the stones within three meters of the shore. What a hubristic fool I was to say something like that, because then just along here, there's a stone that is the size of an orange, which is a good size stone that goes on one of my mini cans there. The dog was safely across, halfway across the field. Yes, so you should be storing up like that. The mouse and the grasshopper, what is it, the hand and the grasshopper, you should be
Starting point is 00:10:26 in the summertime in the good days. You should be kicking some stones, maybe making some piles above ground throughout the field that you can then harvest in these difficult times. But also, as I say, this is, I think when you start, you know, I do look back at the young fool I was when I started this stone clearing. I was only just 51 years old, and I was naive. And I don't know, I'm like excitement. I think I thought I could do this job quickly. And that is not the case. It's a slow job. It's like, you know, oh, I buy five lottery tickets, and then I've got five more chances of winning the lottery. You've still got no chance of winning the lottery. There's no point in buying five tickets, just buy one ticket. And that's
Starting point is 00:11:18 very much and hope for the best. And that's very much how stone clearing is accepted, of course. It is achievable to finish it. And that metaphor doesn't really work similarly. Just picking up some small ones here. Five very little ones. I'll put them on this, on the ken in the middle, the opposite ken to the main ken across the field. But I'm not heading across there with those dog walkers today. I'm going to go up to the controversial part of the field. I do have a solution to my worries about harvesting from another field now, which I will share with you when we get there, presuming there's no dog walkers around directly. And they had a couple of nice sized ones. They're just sitting on top of the ground
Starting point is 00:12:10 on the path. And that sort of thing does just make you wonder, of course, that is, I had really genuinely haven't been up this part of the field since probably the last podcast. And that idea of leaving the field seems to work because there's tons of stones here now. So I think that proves that they do grow. I will drop one, but of course I've dropped one. You know, there are no rules to stone clearing, but of course one of the rules is if you if you do drop a stone, unless you're doing it to evade capture, you must pick it up again, if possible. So yeah, so take things easy. Don't feel you have to try and get everything up at once. This is it's like in a complicated game of chess between you and the stones.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You don't have to rush in, make all your moves early, just lull them into fault and security, these stones will look at me thinking, well, you've walked past here a hundred times already at least and you haven't picked me up, so I'm safe. But no, bad. Here's three stones that thought that in my hand right now. They didn't literally think it. They just psychically thought it. And now here they are, they're about to find themselves on one of my smaller nests, it's a lovely big stone amongst this one of the biggest I've ever found. That was the start of that nest. But apart from that, it's only been joined by a few, but this is quite a second part of the field as we head up towards that boundary to the next field that has been discussed in
Starting point is 00:13:52 previous because I won't be discussed in many more. And yeah, I'm feeling a lot saner than I think I have been. And no log dogs. I'm starting to wonder if those log dogs even exist, whether I just somehow conjured them up. Logs that looked a bit like dogs. I did the other they see a sort of wood falcon sitting in the tree looking at me. Or if he's just on a weave, people who have found the British and she did do a poo earlier, but it was so far out in the field that I would not have been allowed to go out there officially. And I think you know what I mean, because obviously as a stone clear, I'm out there all the time, but as a poo clearer, you don't have to go there, you don't have to do that. So yeah, going quite good haul there,
Starting point is 00:14:40 that's three more little tiny egg shaped stones. I hope they are eggs. I don't think there's any bird or lizard or creature or platypus that would lay its eggs out here, certainly on the ground, certainly in this kind of cold. But I think they're all stones. It is worth just in case smashing the stones together to check that our stones are not eggs if they really look like an egg. That is a new piece of advice for you. So under the magical tree where I just tossed the stones and hope they're all one day forming a little wall, there's some scatterings there. Nothing resembling a wall under that tree, but it's a magical tree. Maybe the trees, I feel are a little magical and a good place to start your walls, start your cans just at the base
Starting point is 00:15:36 of the trees and the juxtaposition of organic wood and hard stone is also artistically pleasing, of course, to anyone passing by. Oh yeah, a little walk out into this field at this point does. I'm just using the kicking technique there. Oh, yeah, that's a beauty. That's a real beauty there. Pleased with that one, but also some smaller ones, just a multi-sized pack here. It's quite a good size. So I hope they dropped it, but kept hold of it and they go at the base of the next tree along. That's one of the biggest of the day. Didn't see that big one. I kicked it nice at iceberg, just to cheer you up along the way. Of course, when it's this cold, it really is an iceberg. Just a little stone towering humor there, of course, because it's called an iceberg
Starting point is 00:16:31 because I've mentioned it's beneath the ground. It's nothing to do with the temperature. Obviously, this prop stone tower has got, I'm just explaining some of the jokes to the newbies. Oh, and I did say how you choose the stones. I was disappointed with my last podcast about how to choose the stones you want to pick. One of my favorite ways to choose a stone is to literally discover it with your foot. You're walking along often in the dark, but sometimes, whoopie! Oh, a little dog with a muzzle is appeared in the bush. Whoopie, whoopie, whoopie, whoopie, whoopie, whoop, up, up, wait, come on, wait. Come here, whoopie, whoopie, come here. Good of excitement. Goldy, good girl. Wow. That was very exciting. It's like terrifying
Starting point is 00:17:23 first proper attack by a dog. You all right, wolves? Yeah, yeah, swine. Yeah, yeah. Good girl, good girl. And that's why sometimes the job of dog owner and stone clear are not compatible. I wasn't really paying attention, but that dog was weird that I just took about log dogs because that dog was just standing amongst the logs. Still, as you like, luckily muzzled, but whoop, went for Wolfie, like in a way, not in a playful way, and Wolfie's little shaken up, but unharmed because luckily the dog was muzzled, but they never go biting my dog. So, well, I suppose it's responsible, good girl, it's a responsible dog ownership too. She's happy, she's jumping around, she's fine. The muzzle has gone like that. That was very nice, wasn't it? It took us out of the moment as well.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I don't know what I was talking about. Do care for your animals. Remember, the stones are eternal, the stones are important, but these peripheral ephemeral creatures around us will must protect them. If you have children or animals with you while stone clearing, you shouldn't really have children, but maybe you can get away with it. Don't conflate on, do make sure you keep an eye on your children if you're stone clearing with your children. Oh, and there's someone coming across the field. It is a busy time for the dogs out here today. In terms of getting good stone clearing done, maybe this is not the right time to come. Oh, yes, I was talking about, when you discover a stone with your foot, that's what I'm discovering,
Starting point is 00:19:15 that is my favorite thing. You haven't seen it. You feel under your boot, you feel a bump. I always choose that one. That is the stone choosing you. That's an old stone nudging you, saying, hey, guys, it's time. It's my time. I want to come out. And so if you feel that, sometimes you can't find it, but do try and search for that stone. So I'm approaching the wall and the fields beyond it, this wall we discussed that was once there and has been destroyed, the field behind it, which is covered in stones. There's a dog coming along across the diagonal, which is annoying. It'll make it harder to clear this particular area. We could also discuss it. So I'm going to just nip into the next field and hope that he'll
Starting point is 00:20:00 go around and have a little look at the next field. Because I think I've come up with a solution that will satisfy everyone. Obviously, there are no rules to stone clearing. We don't know that, but be careful with your stone stones. You must only go on your own field, of course. Once you start clearing the field, you must complete that job. But there is this next field that isn't part of my field. I mean, there's no barrier between the two, but it's open at the end. It's covered in amazing stones. It's very difficult to avoid going in and picking them up. I'm in there now. I'm hidden by a hedge and I'm doing exactly what we shouldn't be doing. But I think I've found a solution, which is just crazy. I mean, how can people just regular people?
Starting point is 00:20:56 I walk along here and not want to clear these stones up. My solution is there is that partial wall that once existed, of course, between these two fields. It seems to me that it would be okay, wouldn't it, if I occasionally pop into this field and pick out some of these big stones, as long as I put them on that wall and build the wall back. They're not originally from this wall, mostly. Let's go back this way. Because there's just some beauties. I've cleared most of the big ones from my field. So if it creates the wall between the two fields, I'm saying that seems fine. And what I promise I will do is once I have cleared my field, I will then clear this. Oh, fuck. It's much bigger than I thought. I mean, it's a really big field. It's about 10 times the
Starting point is 00:21:54 size of the field. I mean, so once I have cleared my field, I will clear this field too. So I've started it. It was officially my field. You can't clear another man's or woman's or animal's field or whatever field. Once someone started, that's their field. So this is mine, but I'm going to put a pin in it. Not literally. That would be insane. You wouldn't get to see it. And here I've picked up four nice stones and they're going on top of the broken wall. And they will form a wall between the two fields and give you the pleasure of picking up some really big stones at the same time. I feel morally speaking, not overstepping my mark. And I've made a commitment to that field, admittedly, one that can only come to pass.
Starting point is 00:22:45 In possibly, I don't know, 3000 years. But if I'm alive and I'm able to clear stones, I will be clearing those stones next. That's a solemn vow. So yeah, just now I'm heading away from the wall and someone, again, someone, another dog coming this way. It's packed with incident. Let's hope this dog doesn't attack my dog. This is going to make it tricky to pick everything up on the way on this diagonal. I do enjoy the other day, I managed to kick a stone from here, which is 20 meters into this diagonal, all the way to the central pile, not just in one go with several kicks and got it onto the pile. And that's a very subtle that is a good way of clearing stones. It's not the problem to make some of it a little game.
Starting point is 00:23:32 That's fine. Another double curve that I have no idea how lazy the people this time were. Most of them are out post nine o'clock, which does make sense because often it's in the latter half of the podcast that I'm meeting, the mentally ill dogs of heart. But sure, we saw another one today because attacking my dog. Wolfie seems fine after that. She is a playful dog. She likes to play fight. So look, as this other person's coming up, I can kick this along, pretend I'm playing with a dog and I'm getting this even if I don't get it there all the way today. I'm getting it closer to the target. Wolfie enjoys it. Unless it's Wolfie's little role in this, it's Wolfie's something. It's starting to try and pick these things up.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I think she's learning bit by bit. But there we go. There's something too close to her to do that. And of course, you must remember not to hurt people or dogs. Come here, Wolfie. Good girl. Come on. With the stone. So do be careful that kicking the stones around. How's is that dog walker? Wolfos. What do you mean, friends? You should have gotten attacked all day today. The little terrier.
Starting point is 00:25:08 There's something in the air today. Wolfie's been attacked all over. There's another dog over there with a muzzle. That was all right. She had a muzzle on. She's not scared of you, Stanley. Come here, Wolfs. Come on, Wolfs. See you again. See you later. Wow. There's something in the air. It's a night wolfie, isn't there? That little tiny little terrier attacking the wolfie now. I think they recognize Wolfie as the
Starting point is 00:26:01 queen of the dogs and some of them don't like that much when they use her position. That's Carla, which is a good dog walking service in the village if you're interested. She usually walks Wolfie in her midday walk. I don't know if Carla's clear stones as well. Maybe if I should get her to do that as well as part of the service. But no, of course not because this is my field. I don't want anyone else to leave stones in here. Certainly not on a habitual basis. Well, that's disappointing because of that having to hide, especially from someone I know quite well, having to hide my stone coin. But they say that was a stone talking to me.
Starting point is 00:26:47 This little roundie here said, come on, Richard, my turn. It is your turn, my friend. Don't be worried. Here's another one calling out to me. Richard, Richard. I need to go on the central can. I mean, you're so close. Let's get you there. And still Stanley in the distance going nuts. I don't know if there is a problem with mental illness, particularly in this area with dogs. And that's just four stones, me and very smallish stones going on to that. Again, quite impressive central can. And here we are heading down now back towards home. I hope you've been enjoying this. It's quite a quite relaxed podcast, but I think you'll agree the time away has probably mentally speaking done me some good. I am dedicated to this. I am
Starting point is 00:27:37 going to complete this task, but not at the expense of my own mental health. When I'm feeling fine, cleaning stones off a massive field and attempting to get them all off, making them into a gigantic wall that will last for 10,000 years. It seems like a crazy thing to do sometimes, but obviously, when you're a little bit more mentally stable, it's a good thing. How a lot of people talk about this podcast, what's it about? Is it, are you someone at the end of the last year sort of putting in this top three podcast that are satirizing the banal nature of today's podcasting world? That's not what this is about. Some people think it's a metaphor for Brexit, a man taking on an insane task full of hubris again,
Starting point is 00:28:31 and then being forced to see it through. However, insane and damaging it may be to both himself and the fields that he works upon. Some think it's some kind of comment on Donald Trump trying to build a wall, making Mexico pay for it. I'd love to make a well-in-village pay for this wall, but it's not going to happen. It's none of those things. It's something that is about a man's middle-life crisis health, how can we get older and be more useless? We have to search for meaning that isn't there. How we have to try and escape our responsibilities through fantasy. It's not about any of those things. It's in the fact it's called Stone Cleaner, which takes
Starting point is 00:29:23 about cleaning stones. Some people think it's an amazing piece of art and it should win the turn of practice. Look, that's not for me to say, but stop saying that you people. It isn't about that. If people who work in the world of art want to make it about art, then sure, go ahead. Give me the prize and make me famous and stuff. I don't want that. That's the last thing. All I want, I'm interested in fame. I'm interested in building a wall that will last eons and carry my name so that I'm the last remembered person from the 21st century. That's all I want. I'm not interested in your trippies, your baubles, your turn of prizes. I'll take it if it's given, but I'm not interested. We're heading back now and I think we're going
Starting point is 00:30:10 to hit some more double because I'm just approaching. I know a lot of people like this part of the podcast. We're approaching the wooden pole a little way off the path. I've only got one stone. It's a one hit wonder here. Can I hit it? Do whatever you are. If I hit this, give a little cheer. I did it. Are you cheering? You should be. If you're too scared to cheer in a public place to a man throwing a stone at a post, then you know, because you look crazy. Think about me. Think about the man you're making do this. I never wanted to do this. I'm doing this for you, I'm saying. So we're approaching another couple of dog walkers and I can't see in the sun which ones they are. They're welcome to get in. Might be the guy who just started. Okay, we'll find out as we get there.
Starting point is 00:30:59 If it leaves you, we'll be having a little chat with him because that's how he is. Oh, I think we're back with... Come here, wolves. Hi there. Okay. Okay. Oh, this is our friend from earlier. Yes. Oh, we're friends now. Yeah. Oh, come on, wolves. There we go. We're friends now. That's good, isn't it? There we go. There's a little bit, she's just a little bit rough with it. I mean, I'm lucky she's got the muzzle anyway, so it's there. There's no harm done. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think just
Starting point is 00:31:52 surprised her because she... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, that's her. They're being friendly now, so that's good. Yeah. She's a good girl. She's got a bit of husky in there as well for the the gem shepherd's predominant. Yes. Her siblings had a bit more husky in them. Oh, look, a bit more husky. How are you doing, monthly wise? Yeah, not too bad. Thanks. Yeah, yeah. You haven't? Oh, no. You must be. It may be that I haven't been on. I was thinking House of Games was the last thing I was on. That was last year. I think. All righty. Yeah, good, thank you. Yeah, really good. Yeah, my daughter's nearly
Starting point is 00:32:46 four now and she's a sparkly little girl and showing off and being funny. So yeah, it's nice and the boy's running around. He's 15 months. Yeah, so he's... They're lovely together, so it's nice. Oh, really? Okay. Oh, we must have seen her around. Yeah, well. Come on then. Let's get going. All right, we'll see you soon. Yeah, nice to see you again. Bye. Come on. So, yeah, that's the fella. He began the camp. He's the guy who first saw me on the field. For now, I thought he might talk about the stone claim, but he was aware that there was someone
Starting point is 00:33:42 else there and he had mentioned it. That's the code of the stone theorists. Of course, a code that you too must adhere to, if you please. Do not tell people about this. I mean, please ask them to listen to the podcast and subscribe, but don't tell them what I'm doing. And once they are listening, they too must join that covenant. Oh, and now look at this, another dog walker. As we turn the corner downhill, another dog walker is approaching, meaning that I'm really... I've just passed the main care and nothing gone on there. That's quite unusual. So, no stone clearing going on here. I'm leaving all stones unturned. Oh, there that dog walker is now disappearing down the little path. So, we've made it a little more
Starting point is 00:34:29 stone thing. It's been an average day. What are you doing the other way? People like to keep up with how many weeds Wolfie's doing, just a little one. On the grass there, on the peas, whatever's growing here. It's a beautiful day after the sun's shining and up way above the trees now. There's an airplane heading to Luton Airport coming down from what destination he knows. If someone would just glance out the window, they would see me. They might seem to pick up a stone thinking, hey, is that Richard Herring, the world's famous stone clearing? I mean, probably, law of averages. Also, they'd have to have pretty good eyesight. It's a long way away. So, just kicking up a couple of little stones here. Oh, that one's bigger than I thought it was. It's
Starting point is 00:35:16 still small and many can here. One day, I mean, I hope, within the life of this podcast, I hope this can 200 meters away from the main one will be part of the wall. I hope that will reach all the way down here. And we're approaching the little ditch where I must give a vote of offering of stones to the stone gods, left something terrible were to happen. Luckily, because I've been doing this, the world isn't really in any kind of mess. I picked up three tiddlers there, really, just to appease the gods. I think one of these tiddlers might look almost absolutely rude to the stone gods. Yeah, it's been a nice return to podcasting the stone clearing and to really, as I say, I have done a few jaunts, mainly nighttime ones.
Starting point is 00:36:06 My morning walk, I'm tending to do like a 70 minute walk in the hope that I will become fit before walking and be going to running and whatnot. I have a life outside of stone clearing for the moment. And it's important to not let that go entirely. And that's the point, I think, is you can do both. You can be a stone clear and enjoy your life with your family and your dog. In fact, being a stone clear, I think, makes that almost easier. And just approaching the corner of the field now with this little lump, really, of a can, that I'm now trying to extend up the hill without much success, because most of these
Starting point is 00:37:00 stones now are tiny. So this will take a long time to, and I do, this is the can on the way in, I throw stones towards. Also remember, of course, another rule of stone clearing, if you are clearing a wall, you must not, there are no rules to stone clearing, but one of the rules is you must not build your wall or can on a public right of way, of course, that is very important. People need to get into the field, that's from the farmer and other dog walkers. And this job is not about preventing access to the field. There's also a danger, of course, if you do that, you may not be able to escape the field yourself, which would be a sort of nightmare of spending the rest of your life clearing stones, I suppose. Just being a nice calm one, I've enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Sorry to those of you who enjoy the crazy ones, I've not even hallucinated once during this budcut, and I'm proud of that. I've had a nice walk, it's been a slow walk. It's taken me, oh, you've 36 minutes, that's actually, I must have done it reasonably quickly. I think I didn't, due to the number of dog walkers, I didn't stoop down and pick up as many stones as usual. But that's a good, practically 40 minute walk, which will burn up a few calories. So, you know, there's lots of benefits of stone clearing, one of them is this health benefit, getting out and open air, getting you lifting stones of various sizes. And yeah, we're heading back to the house now. Ironically, it is made of stone, what a brick.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And glass, I did not like glass. Glass, of course, has made the sand, which is what really we're aiming for, not exactly sand, but the molecules of sand of the size of material we should be leaving on at any beach or field we're clearing. So, people can come gather up their sand and turn it into a solid material that, again, will need to be cleared off field is annoying, very annoying to me. And glass makers are my enemy thus. Therefore, anyway, we're home. And the family are all out, I think. So, I don't have to keep up any pretence as we head in. And here we go, we're back. Well, I hope you enjoyed the show. I'm sorry, the podcast is not
Starting point is 00:39:29 a show. Remember, it is, there don't start looking for other meanings. It's literally about stone clearing, how to be good at stone clearing and how to do it. I hope this is proving educational to you. Some of you have tried doing your own stone clearing. Let me know how you're getting on. I will keep a secret, of course, as I trust you to have keep my secret. I will eventually attempt to do all of this podcast in what I understand middle English to be and write the rules up with F instead of S is because I'm not I'm not crazy. So anyway, we're going to go. I'll see you again, I'm sure, just feeding the dog a kibble. I had an email from Trevor, and he said, I like the podcast. So, thanks for that.
Starting point is 00:40:41 It's useful to me. Thank you. That's good. I do keep those. There's plenty more emails from and Brenda, the laundry basket has also been in touch. That's quite what she said. Okay. I love you all. Take care. Take care. You have been listening to Stone Clearing with Richard Herring and Wolfie the Dog, also featuring loads of other dogs, mostly quite vicious ones attacking my dog, to be fair, and Michael and Carla and another lady from the village. And also other people in this one, when they was fun. Thanks to the mystery voice. Hardly anyone's got it yet. And thank you to
Starting point is 00:41:26 Mike Cosgrave for creating this music and to the British Comedy Guide for their fantastic working thing.

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