Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 93

Episode Date: February 9, 2021

Chapter 93 - Myftery Fnowy Footprintf. It's bang on 8am on 9th February 2021 and the Stocean is covered in fnow again. But that will not ftop a hardened ftone clearer. Or one without an erection. Toda...y you will learn the important of the icy kick, some freezer wisdom from the Venerable Bede and another rule to add to your list and to update on if you're the person who has been failing to keep that up to date. Perhaps you've been got by the stone Stasi. There's a great stone pole and a lame chase from the one member of the Stone Stasi who is committed enough to be up and at em on a cold February morning. Is love in the air?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing, with Richard Herring. Whoopee, slow down. Whoopee, here you go. Hello, my fan friends. Welcome to chapter 93. Stone Clearing, with Richard Herring. This is what you're tuned into. It's bang on 8am. It's the 9th of February 2021. And we're back to the snow. Dog howling in the distance. It's going to be tough conditions out here today. The ground's not covered, but it's going to be very solid ground. A lot of coverage of stones. Oh yeah, I'm out here now just arrived on the station. There's a beautiful blue sky on the horizon there with pink, pinky gray clouds
Starting point is 00:01:33 scutting, for cutting across it. The sun over the horizon now, but not too far and I'm just looking for a stone for the now for an Omegie Ken. Oh god, they're clamped into the ground. And it's the tiniest stone, but it'll have to do. It's off the peel and it's on the ken. It's going to be another tough day for Stone Clearing. I'm going to have to find the stones where we may. Sorry to have so many advanced lessons so early in the life of this podcast. I never thought we would do it to this extent. Are we approaching the 100th podcast? I don't know, you must be. I can't remember if it's 93 or 83 or just trying to kick a stone up there
Starting point is 00:02:45 to no avail. The archaeological trail is even struggling to get, Billy. Let's try this one, that one's popped out. And the ground is as hard as a diamond, which makes it hard to get into. Just pop the stones off the, and on the top. And I just kicked one there that was practically not buried at all. Oh dear, it's going to be another tough day. Tough day at the office. Try a little Rishi Herring. I have not only socks today as well, which is a bit of a risk in the circumstances.
Starting point is 00:03:50 The air isn't too cold, but the ground is clamped up. You may hear some geese flying overhead. Just two of them. Oh, and there's more of the three over there. Beautiful gliding through the sky, as if it were water. And they were fish, but they're not fish, even though they can swim, they're birds. And it's not the water, it's air. But it makes you think, makes you think, that how water and air are similar in some ways. Well, the interest in the geese put there. No, he's not going to catch them, they're in the sky. She is on the ground, which is sort of like water and air, but much more sun. There are
Starting point is 00:04:47 all sorts of similar things on there. A worm can go through there, honey, not today. I don't know what the worms are doing today. Not a lot, I'd have thought. Probably reassessing their choices. They probably thought that it's good being a worm to get to eat poo and then shit it out. Mind you taking that stone off the, I'll do that off the field for a reason, Wolfie. Leave it. I've only got about four or five stones off, don't start bringing the little ones back in. This isn't a game. While we're in heavy snow here, entire tracks from some kind of tractor have compacted the snow down. Is that a stone or a beat? I mean, today I think we better just take everything off. I think it is a stone. Yes, it is a stone, but to be fair, the beats will be so
Starting point is 00:05:44 frozen that they might resemble stones in any case. Can you pick that one up as well? No, good. That was a good, that was a good chunky, small, large. Well, I was looking at I think it is today. Someone set up a fan site for this with lots of just great information about each episode. Well, I only got up to chapter 41 and I'm hoping if you're listening, whoever began that enterprise, that you will go back and work your way through the next 50 podcasts and bring it up to date. It's a useful resource, just as a reminder of what we've learned in these. Don't use it instead of the podcast. You need to listen to the podcast, but if you just need to go back
Starting point is 00:06:31 and have a little refresher course, find that who's emailed in. Oh, a nice couple of stones off there that's just, you know, like if you stick your tongue on a window of an icy car, it sticks and you can just about get it off. They're coming up like that. The ones that have been on the top. It's satisfying when those come up, but anything with any degree of iceberg like underground stoneage can be very hard to get those out today. You just have to take what you can. It's the same when it's beautiful conditions. It's the same when the stones just line atop the earth like presence from the stone grunt. You just have to do what you can. Here's a stone I'm just quite a large one just lying casually on top of the ground. I pushed that right to the
Starting point is 00:07:26 edges, but you've probably heard the twang of the wire fence. There aren't too many stones down here. This is the corner of the field. Not too many off. We've got the care in the corner of the field coming up. Don't know if I've got anything to add to that one today. It's pretty snowy down here. Then in fact the cairn itself is almost entirely hidden by frozen water in the form of powdery snow. Quiet. I don't know whether the people on the stone stairs, even when the weather gets bad, think, oh we would bother walking the dogs today. Don't always need to be walked. I can't tell if this one won't be all right. That's nice. That's come up nicely. Must have been a little bit of warmth on that patch of ground. Just managed to dig one out there.
Starting point is 00:08:22 The trowel is an invaluable tool. Some people feel it's not in the spirit of things because the early Amoebas who first cleared stones would not have had a trowel. I think anything invented for 1982 is allowed to be used. That's my cut-off point. I like the conchies from there for God. Some lump of something here. It's a beet but I'm going to kick it off the field anyway. It could form a sort of cement for some stones to come later. Get them stuck together.
Starting point is 00:09:33 It's a winter wonderland for sure. My daughter is six years old tomorrow. I think that makes her three years old when we started doing stunkering. I've been stunkering for half her life. More nearly. Another stone atop the field. That's come off nicely. Just kick that little kick. I think the other day someone chucked a few of my stones off my main can and chucked them around the field a bit. It's something people threatened to do a lot of the time. I think they've been funny. It's nothing funny about destroying art.
Starting point is 00:10:21 If Wolfie's found another beet, don't eat that, Donny. They're so old. These are so old. Oh, she thinks it's a game. No! Don't eat that. You'll get very ill. I've been forced to clear another beet into the bushes. I don't know if Wolfie can still hear that. Wolfie. This isn't a game of chase the beet. Chase the horrible rotten beet. Stop eating it. What's wrong with you? I'm going to feed it into the next field. Wolfie's going to try and get it because she's an idiot. Come back here. Over a path could have hit someone in the head. Imagine this.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Someone had been killed by frozen beet being thrown at them. Imagine the newspaper headlines. I can see a dog has been through this area. There's little dog prints in the snow, but I'm not seeing any other humans or animals in the field just now, which would be great if there were any stones visible to clear it. Compacted snow down here. Again, the tract has been down this way. All right, this one, Wolfie. Look at this. What's this? I mean, it's the tiniest little pebble, but what I have to do today is off.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It's on the hedgerow. This is the brick on which I will build my church. That's my Peter, that fella. Coming up to the Roman villa slash windmill area now. There's some big clumps of stuff out here, but I think they're beets. That one is so big though. I mean, yeah, it's still a beet, beet, beet. Or just clumps of soil. And I'm loath to take soil off the field. That's not what this job is about, even if there's a stone in wrapped in it. I understand here is that one to come.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Do be careful. You don't flip stones off into your own face. Some goggles or closed eyes. And my advice. Wolfie's still chasing these. I'm going to get a seam ring and tree stone ready. There we go. See, that's what I mean. That's come up like the soil has come up. I haven't got time to clean these stones off. I'll have to let the rain and the warmth do its job. Wolfie's excited. This is going on the seam ring entry. There's probably a few little stones in him, because that's soil as well. It's not within the spirit or the rules of stone clearing,
Starting point is 00:13:19 but some you have to do what you can do. There are no rules to stone clearing. That's rule one of stone clearing. Rule two is do not remove any organic material from the field, including soil and including beets. Maybe they'll actually list that. And that's soil, then beets or other crops. Showing that beets have been a problem, I think, down there. These rules are written from the ancient days, coming down from Old Testament times. They're not in the Old Testament, which is obviously not the real holy book they're in, the stone clearing equivalent. But they're all there. It's interesting that beets are mentioned just after soil.
Starting point is 00:14:10 But sometimes you have to break rules to obey rules, though one of the rules is so to understand. You can break rules, but not the rules of stone clearing. But they're open to interpretation. There's all the religious edicts are. Can I tuck the stone out? Oh, I'll blow on me. I'm like King Arthur. That one looked like it was going to come out with a little yank. But I'm no Arthur. Let's see, I can kick this one up. Yeah, that one's kicks. Sometimes you think that one's going to come with a tug. I think that kicks never going to do anything with that. That's hardly gone off the field. The kick is pretty much your friend at
Starting point is 00:15:02 this time. Any of these stones stuck like ice cubes to the surface. You can give them a hefty kick and that's better than surprising. Maybe I'll just prove that again with another. Oh, my feet getting a little bit cold now. But again, not a soul in sight. Ah. Just as your children grow, my six year old child company, that little baby six years old now, your cans will grow and give you an idea of the passage of time. Look at some of those cans. I remember when they weren't even one stone high. And now some of them four, five stones, some of them being there.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Well, I see a dog in the distance, but it's a stone star he's patrolling the next door field and heading in a clockwise direction around that field, which is away from me. I'm heading clockwise in my field. Well, we've had some conditions to deal with, haven't we, in the last few months, fire, ice, water, air, some air we've had to deal with. It's elemental today, elemental, my dear Mark Watson. Maybe this is the footprints of a form. They're quite tiny, probably a dog there. But there's no human footprint alongside. So that makes me think maybe it's some kind of wild creature has been through here, fox perhaps.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Should we take a picture of the prints swarping, then someone can identify them, which are they to date. These are the footprints on my airpods. That cannot be. I've been charging these airpods. They're 18%. That is absolutely outrageous. Why does this happen every time? I'll let's get my newer ones. I don't know where they are. These are the old ones and their battery just seems to die. Fair enough I did do an hour of walking the missing leg, I didn't. I thought they were trapped in. What? 18%. It should get us home, but it's always that risk, isn't it, every week. The death of the air pod, the tracks. What was that noise? I feel like I dropped something there.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Okay, let's just walk. Another kick, just lodges another stone. This is a kick for those of you who are trying to learn. Take notes when they're free. When they're field, I free the bee. Use your foot and spit. Oh, there's some ice. Cut the photons free. That's the venerable bead, right that, in his guide to stone clearing in the Anglo-Saxon times. Yeah, I don't know how I knew what a freezer was, but can you hear that ice crunching under me? It's amazing. It's exciting times. We're at the corner again, we're about on the corner just in time to see the bus drive by. It's all right because we're saved by the bell. We're heading across the diagonal now. The tribute to Screech there. He's been
Starting point is 00:19:13 had a tribute in all my other podcasts, so why not. Oh, that's a beauty. What a kick. This looks like the, ah, there you go. That's one of the high-pud heads going. Oh, I've thrown that into the next field. It's bounced over the wall. Wolfie's ringing it back and you can miss some wide. Drop it, darling. Drop it. Good girl. Oh, chuck it into the hedge when she comes in. I know she can still get in. I don't think that one's going to come off the field. She's brought it back. Drop it. Wolfie, stop bringing things back. This is not a game. I know you think this is a game. It's not. That's nicely off the field now and here's another biggie. I'll wait till Wolfie's out the way. Oh, she couldn't pick it up. That's right in the hedge. She can't get that, so that's
Starting point is 00:20:03 good work from me. There's some nice stones here just above the ground in the fuffend area at the field. Oh, some nice mediums here and I'm flinging off the field. Wolfie is going to bring that one back. Drop it, Wolfie. Look, I haven't got time to clear stones three times. Wolfie's been tricked when I've thrown it in a different direction, but she's seen the subterfusion. She's picked it up again. Sometimes you have to accept that nature will find a way. And I've got a different one off and then that one's been not quite cleared. Oh, it's on the path. She's going to pick it up again. What's the point? What am I even doing here? Well,
Starting point is 00:21:00 bring it to the central, Ken, then we'll see. You can carry it all the way. Can you keep that? And any stone you can loosen. It is worth, of course, being ready for the snow. I've said this before. I'm going to pick the one up that she didn't let go. I'm going to put that on the central, Ken. If you sense snow is coming, it's a good idea to start making piles of stones, especially on something like this across the field, where you can't necessarily carry them all on one journey. Make a pile and they should be easier to clear and to see when the snow does come. So loosen anything you can. Even now,
Starting point is 00:21:49 the snow's here. Loosen anything you can. There are some good stones here, actually. This is a lot of them just at the top of the ground. I've got three beauties, one of them the one that Wolfie wouldn't let go. Oh, I see a stone stars in the distance, but coming counterclockwise, but actually just do a glitch there in the matrix because I saw him across passing one fence, looked away, looked back and he was gone back a little bit. So sometimes some of these stones, they aren't even real. People that just computer-generated guards, if you will. And sometimes you will see the glitches in the matrix. Some people think none of this is real, but I'm gathering bitcoins in on Musk. I don't know it,
Starting point is 00:22:40 and every one of these stones worth half a million dollars. Well, they are to me anyway, so that wouldn't surprise me. Wolfie's looking at the dog over there, but I think she's going, come on, Wolfie, come on. I think she's had dogs too far away for her to be asked to get out. I've got four stones now as we're crossing to the central can. Room for one more on board, but I'm waiting for a special customer. Some things that catch my eye that really calls out for me. Here she is. Hello, my dear. Yes, I've got to come for you. As long as you'll let me pick you up. And again, the foot comes into place. Sorry to kick you. It's the only way to get you off, I hope you understand. No offence was intended.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Oh, dear me. It's a bit chilly on the old willy today, my friends. It's a little bit chilly on the old vagina. But it's bracing, and this is what stonkering is all about for me, not the summer days. The barm evenings, the warm stones, it's the death cold stones of winter, and what this is all about. And I think it's a beat there sitting very near to my pile. I'm going to kick it under the pile because I've left some to it. It hasn't quite made it. The little stone nearby that I've kicked on, and then these stones are going somewhere where a willy cannot get to them right on top of the slightly controversial central can. But that's a good addition there. Now how are we going to find five stones for the
Starting point is 00:24:33 stone pole? That's the question everyone's asking. We'll do it. It will be done. Look at this f**ker. Oh, I've got him. That one can go on. The central can is a nice big one. It's too big for the stone pole. I've got to make it a little bit of a challenge. That's right on the centre. Bang. Nice little throw. Yeah, there's plenty of stones here actually. One. I mean, we're some way away from the pole, but it's worth having that ammo ready. I've got four. We'll have one in the next 200 meters. Let us see. Yeah, there's loads. There's stones all over the f**king place. If like no one's even tried to clear them at all. All right, we've got five in there. A little bit bigger than they
Starting point is 00:25:24 could be, I have to say. But hopefully, was it not out of five I got last time? That's a nice stone. I like that one. I'm going to pick up a sixth stone. Is there a bonus ball? Again, I can hear the geese in the distance. The trousers coming down. Very popular in the Snooker podcast. I did one last night. If you want to catch up on that, but to remember, do choose it's Snooker or Stone Pane. You can't like both. Unless you have the number one membership card in both disciplines. And only one person has that. I've never seen someone right now. I don't know where I've put the Snooker one.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Another beat. Another beat. When will the beats end? When will they rot? Not in this fridge like condition. My trousers stand underneath my bum now like I'm a very cool, urban young man. And you know I am, even though I live in the countryside. And I'm as white as the snow. And I'm 53 years old. Now that baby's calling out to me as well. Oh, we kicked again, but that seven stones we're bringing off here. They're not all going to be, well, I think if I get five in a row, I'll try and do seven in a row. But the chance is that I have to swim with a dog off the lead.
Starting point is 00:27:13 My trousers down underneath my bum. No way I can pick them up. I've got two of these stones. I've just got to walk with my legs of Kimbo like I'm a cowboy trying to keep my holster up. I should tighten my holster a little tighter. Right, here we go. And this could be a entire Stone Clear with no stone stars in it, which would be amazing. Right, Wolfie, watch out. Missed. Zero out of one. There, that's the one I liked. One out of two. Wolfie, other way. Oh, that rebounded onto the back with that count. Leave it, Wolfie. That's three out of four or two out of four. Four out of five. Five out of six. Six out of seven, not bad. And the ladies on their way.
Starting point is 00:28:12 So come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. She might have seen some of that action. She's right up my tailpipe now. She's pressing her mobility scooter. I mean, she's probably 100 yards away. I can't do any clearing. Her massive hound is with her. And it's interesting to see she's the only stone star she's had to come out. It's good, you know, I don't like them. I think what they're doing is wrong, but I respect her from leaving from the front there. She is the queen of the Stone Clearers. She doesn't have to come out on a cold morning. There's a danger of her mobility scooter skidding on the sides. And yet, here she is. Here she is. I have nothing but respect, even though, of course, she's like my serve land.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I think I've said that before. I'm Avon. And this is a Blake Seven reference, looking up on Wikipedia. And I hope one day we will kiss and stuff. But we are sworn enemies. And if we can only do that, I'm just gonna stay right here on the field. And that's the only time that's allowed. I'm going to soccer. All right, down the hill we come. There's the main can. Been having to do that at night time. I'm not gonna add to it today. We are around the corner now, so I do see any things. I can pick them up.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I've left them to the Patons, my friend, for the Eiffel thingy and merry dance. Let's pick up a stone for the Brexit Ditch, even though we're somewhere away, just so we're prepared. We do need one for that for an arm of the can. Come on. Well, it's been an interesting journey today. We've gone around quick. Can tell you that. No ambling, no stopping to pick up stones, really. Oh, there's the other one going. There's my other airport going. So if I duck out, it's technology's fault, not mine. Still no sign of the over the scooter lady. But no sign of any stones for the Eiffel for an arm of the can either. So it's going to be a tough journey now to find one in time.
Starting point is 00:31:06 What a nice stone that's already off the field. Ditch to the stop, Brexit. Brexit's not going great for Boris Johnson, I would say. A lot of business is closing. He's starting to wish he'd listened to the ditch when he was lying dead in the ditch. I think that's, I thought that was a stone, but I think it's just a little bit of beat. Oh, another cry out from the headphones. I've thrown the beats off anyone, it looks like a stone. But it's not going on the Eiffel an arm of the can. That would be a massive, oh no, that would be a bit of a scutalism right behind me now. And will I find a stone now for an arm of the can? Do I have to give her a clump of earth?
Starting point is 00:31:52 He's got stones in it, it's littered with stones, you might not be happy with that, but in the circumstances is the best I can do. And out we go, we're off, we're off the field. We've escaped the stone starsy in the game, a human chef. Time for your emails there's the Eiffel an arm of the can, big lump of soil, but it's peppered with stones. Let's see who's emailing in today. Here it is, chimney pot, aerial, sorry aerial chimney pots, that makes more sense. Aerial is first name, some people. The sprite in the tempest of course is called aerial. Aerial chimney pot, feel like we have one of her family, all his sons, very little boys, thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Home before, emailing in to say I've been reading the venal beads or guide to stone clearing. Oh, I just mentioned that today, this strange action came up. Do you think all of the Anglo-Faxan practices are still valid or are there any that you do not think are acceptable in the modern woke era? It's like sarcastic use of woke there, I think the thing about stone clearing is we've always treated everyone the same humanity, everyone humanity is meaningless and of no worth, only the stones are worth. So we've always been for equality all the time and that's what makes us groundbreaking in lots of ways, literally of course. I feel the use of tortured pagans on spiky wheels rolled through the
Starting point is 00:33:43 field in the hope of picking up some stones, which to be fair the spikes never did. Spikes don't really work with stones. I feel that that is a practice that we could maybe look into stop doing now in the 21st century. It does still happen. Isle of White, Isle of Man especially, but the venal bead was a big fan of it. It was a Christian man but it was a different. Come on, morning. Front door, because the back gate is the lock that's frozen. Wolfie, no, no, no, no, no. Wolfie, no. There's a chicken in our garden from next door. Wolfie, come here. Leave that chicken alone.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Have you heard it? No, she's okay. Shouldn't be in our garden, but you shouldn't have. Well, for the first time Wolfie had a base of the corners. Wolfie, come in here. Come in here. There's chicken in our garden more than few likes in next door. She hasn't made any eggs yet. Come on. It's nearly her end in the jaws of a ferocious dog. I couldn't see why she was hiding in a hedge, so I had no way to protect her. Come on, Wolfie. And then here we are back in the kitchen, through the front door rather than the back door. I hope you enjoyed that drive. Wolfie, come here. No chicken's left. And yep, there we go. You're a bit caught up in your lead now, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Silly Billy. There we go. Let's get you something. Thanks for all your emails. I hope you've enjoyed today's podcast. I hope this last bit has come out. We're looking to see if we're still going. We're still rolling. It's a short one, but we went fast. It was cold. No stone starzy to speak of, only in the distance. So I'm going to buy some more dog food here. And I suggest in the circumstances we've probably cleared 20 stones. Haven't got more than seven on the stone pole. Six out of seven on the stone pole. Unprecedented. I hope you enjoyed that. Do remember to subscribe with Amazon Prime
Starting point is 00:36:25 or become a monthly badger to increase the good fortune of the surely winner for us. Here we go, Wolfie Harris. Well, not too long now till we get to chapter 100 and we can move into slightly more advanced stone clearing. Do make sure you've checked up. Re-listened and re-listened. If you're the person running, please update your website. Come on. The job for us is worth doing. It's worth doing well. We'll hand it over to one of the other nerds who would happily do that. All right, my loves. See you next time and for time clearing, we wish you the very good bye. Stone clearing with Richard Herring, starred me Richard Herring and Wolfie the dog. The mobility
Starting point is 00:38:05 scooter lady was there. The clockwise guy in the other field and the counterclockwise guy, I guess, as well. There was more people than I gave credit to. Great stone pole too. Thanks to the stone pole for its part. The music is by Mike Coffgrave. The voice of the Photon's is Michael Fahey. Listen to your underhand. Listen to the throats. Listen to the throats. And they in turn fall, listen to ye, my friend, my fine friend. You

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