Stone Clearing With Richard Herring - Chapter 98

Episode Date: June 9, 2021

Chapter 98 - Armiftice Day (with a Bee) It's 8.06am on 9th June 2021 and the 100th chapter is approaching. But is that meaningful or do stones not count? The stocean is so fecund that even the people ...round the edge of it can get pregnant and the souls of dead stone clearers emerge via poppies, the Stone Stasi may have a dangerous new weapon and the cairns and the stone pole are obscured by nettles. What a time to still be alive. Just. This also includes another chapter 98 from May 18th where the recording went wrong, but you might as well listen to what survives. If you have enjoyed these free podcasts and want to donate to charity, please sponsor Richard here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stone Clearing with Richard Herring You're right. Good doggy. You're a good dog, aren't you? You are. Whatever they say about you, whatever anyone else says about you, I think you're a good dog. I love you guys. Alright, come on, let's get this done. That's right, good dog, good girl. Alright, it's the 9th of June 2021. It's 8.06 am. Welcome to chapter 98 of Stone Clearing with Richard Herring. Very close to the intermediate chapters now. If there's still some beginners, don't worry. Make sure you listen to the previous 7 chapters before you tackle this one though. It's still demanding. Beautiful sunny day. The sky is as blue as a blue shirt. Really blue. You can imagine a really blue shirt without any clouds on it. That's what the sky looks like today.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Since we've done one of these, I did actually record one a couple of weeks ago, but the device went wrong halfway through and I felt it was wrong to give you half a chapter. Maybe I'll stick with what I've got left on the end of this one here. Just so you get a bonus bit of stuff, but you missed all the brilliant emails that I read out. I don't know if I can find them again. I'm attempting some slightly new headphones. Slightly superior to my last one, so we'll see if they pick up the sound better or worse or whether you're just getting an intelligible muffled noise. It's enjoyable when that happens. Here we are on the field. Wolfie's doing a wee. It's just right at the entrance. Not on the alphanoma can, but near to it. And I will take a couple of chunks of stone, throw them into the alphanoma can completely covered by nettles. What's coming? Wolfie off the leaves for a lovely stone down here. Dennis. Into the nettles. There you go as well. The nettles are obviously a danger for stone clearers, but can be a stone clearers friend.
Starting point is 00:03:40 They can be a stone clearers friend as well as they hide the cairns and also deter the anti stone clearers from grabbing. Throwing them back on the field, which we know can. Can happen. It has happened. Nice caramel stone there. I will throw the sort of jungle here growing to see people sitting on that bench there the other day, but they've actually taken some of my stones, I think, and made them into an old pathway. Interesting. That's fine. It's always off the field. I don't mind other people doing creating their own work with the field with the stones. It's like a pregnant lady. Could that be a member of the stone Stasi walking down? I mean, she might be chubby, but it looks like she's pregnant to me.
Starting point is 00:04:45 If the stone Stasi started using pregnant women, then we've got to a dangerous and difficult place. The crops growing here, some kind of wheat-based crop, I think. The plants that have been here longer are starting to sprout ears of seeds. The crops are heavy with dew. Even though it's a beautiful bright day, it's going to end up wet at the end of this journey. The pregnant lady is gone. The pregnant lady in running gear. She wasn't running, but I guess if you're pregnant, you still have to refit. I'd say put your feet up, ladies. You've earned it, you've earned it.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It's a terrible thing you've had to go through to get to this stage of pregnancy. Clearing another caramel stone off there. Lovely, beautiful day. Vapor trails from airplanes in the distance as we return to normality, perhaps. I've been to work in town in London. We clap and grand a few times. A couple more of those to come if you're less interested in stones and more interested in conversations and comedy. Who would be? Only a fool. Between the 14th, Izzy City, and there's such thing as a fish. July the 5th, selling very fast the off-menu guys.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Robin Askrith, though, looks like we're going to livestream that one, so even if you missed the tickets or if you don't look in London, you will get a chance to join in. I'd be happy to have your support for that if you have enjoyed these free podcasts over the last year and 13 years. Also, I am trying to get fit. I'm pretending it's to do with the cancer that I had, but of course I'm registering it as super fit as possible. So I can clean as many stones as humanly possible. So in November, I believe, I am running a half-math, and in Nebworth, which turns out to be a very hilly half-math, and I did not realise. And yeah, so if you would like to sponsor me for that, the money is going to go to the people who saved my life. I have the Lister Hospital and the Atburn Cancer Centre. Go to slash MonoBall and they'll be a double L.
Starting point is 00:07:46 If you think this 100 episodes of stone-hearing is something worth celebrating, maybe you can put £10 in 10p in an episode. What do you think? If you can afford it, as we always, whenever I ask for money, I want to take it from those who are rich enough to spare a small amount of cash. Stone-clearing is free, and the stories remain so. I will never charge for this podcast. I can almost guarantee that. So we just took a couple of nice egg-shaped and egg-coloured stone, went onto the can in the corner of the field. This stone looks like it might have some basic drawings by some stone-age man on it. Looks very much like the cave paintings of Lacroix, whatever it's called in France, but I just chucked it off.
Starting point is 00:08:55 It's off the field now. Another demi-egg. I've kicked that one. I'm wearing daps today. Training shoes, some people call them plim-soles. They don't quite have the kick of a boot, but in this hot weather it's nice to get down to their lighter shoe. Or if you want to be like the stone-clearers of old, of course, do not be shod, be unshod. I might put you back on the lead, Wolfs, because we don't know what's coming up, do we? You do your wee. That's a lot of wee you've done of your own appeal yet. Haven't seen you. And the field of green, a stone-green stotion, the waves high, flecked with the red of poppies.
Starting point is 00:09:59 They come out every year at this time, reminding us of the stone-clearing we've fallen on those spots. Discussed it before. It's nice the way the year comes round. And another year passes. What have we come actually three years of stone-clearing? We've seen it all out here. Fire, hail, rain, some wind. Someone throwing all the stones back onto the field. We've seen it all. That's not to say there isn't more to be seen, even though we've seen it all. And I'm getting a little wet from the dew myself. As we're heading up, we're going to go do the full three courses of the field today.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's a long time since we've been all the way around. It is a big field. The can opposite the main can again, covered with nettles and weeds of all kinds, that I managed to add a decent size small large onto the top of it. Pigeon flies from the field up towards the trees and the hedgerow. If you can hear those birds whistling, I'm not sure how good these new headphones are and how much you're picking up. The poppy is absolutely beautiful. Just popping up their heads above the green. I guess that's why they're called poppies. I don't know. Put that check on Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Sometimes it's nice to have a bit of silence and listen to the birds song. The birds singing, pick up the stones. This is what they're saying. They can't do it themselves. We can only pick up little stones and twigs. So we will help you with our song. This is what they're saying. If you can hear them, if you can talk to the animals. Learn the languages. I'm clearing stones all the time here, getting quite good for you through.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I am feeling pretty fit. The stone gods tested me. They warned me of how fragile and impermanent my human body is. But as a result, I've learnt a lesson and I have made an effort to get fitter. This stone is starting to come down the path. Alongside it is, I'm going to have to be quiet. Second wing entry coming up. It's really taking its time going fast. I think it's realised that's quite difficult.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Do do do do do do do do do do do do do. Come on. Go. What's going on? I just did the second wing entry and nothing happened. I can't quite understand why the guy I saw has gone fast. He's lurking. Maybe he's gone the other way. I don't know. It seems to disappear.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Sometimes I can do that. Maybe they have some kind of invisibility kind of thing. That would be bad news for me. Makes my job a lot harder. The other stone is just here in the pathway. I'm getting off the field. I think these might be stones I've previously cleared. It's rolled back on due to the farmer going quite tight to the edge of the field.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Some decent size. We're moving up to mediums here. Not really even on the field. Mainly clearing for the path because of course the Stocean is full of greenery. It's sort of a tough time, but it's a good time to get your paths in order. After three years, this path is still so sunny. You cannot walk even one step without putting your foot on four or five steps.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Just to give you an idea of the magnitude of the job that I have given myself here. I think I was saying I've lost some now. Down to some of that 86 and a half kilos I've started. Well, this year I've been mainly around 91 and 92. I think I was up to 93 after my chemo. I've eaten too many biscuits, so I've shed a good six and a half kilos, which is essentially a stone in itself. It's good to be clearing stones in every direction.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Metaphysically and in reality, Wolfie heading out into the Stocean. She's on the lead, so there's not much she can do. She's tugging a little. If she was a fish, I would be maybe struggling to land her right now. She's not, she's a dog. I'll just come back over on the court. Jamaica? No. I said, over on the court.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Ah, well, here we are, top end of the field. I can't believe how many stonecars have fallen. There's just so many poppies dotting here, just almost every... It just reminds you over the years how many have come, how many have been caught. How few. Let's see if I can zoom in and pick up some of those poppies in the picture. I'm not really showing up, I don't think, but we'll give it a go. There's a chance to check my emails when I'm out out here.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Just check we're still going. This is all part of the fun. Ah, got a bit of a fart there, just a little fart. That's allowed, you're outside. If it's better out than in... There are no rules to stone clearing. That's the first rule of stone clearing that I mentioned before. Second rule of stone clearing do feel free to fart at will,
Starting point is 00:17:34 unless in the presence of another stone clearing, which you should never be incidentally, due to the fact that only one stone clearing can work any one field. Some people on Twitch asked me the other day if they could come and help out and join in. Now, social distances, they said, no, of course you can't. There are no rules to stone clearing, but that's the first rule of stone clearing that I mentioned. Second rule of stone clearing, no. No, no, no. That's the second rule, and you're just meant to understand what that means, and it means you can't come to stone clearing.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Are you fucking idiot? Obviously. The location of stone clearing field must remain secret. Nobody knows where I live. Nobody, even if they didn't know where I lived, could guess where I was coming. I had quite a lot of stone stars coming down. Whoopie, this way. Whoopie.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Come here. This way. Look at the jugger. I'm just throwing a bit of stone. It's a bit like a Thomas Beckett's skull, locked off by Richard Fitzgerald or something. Can't remember the name of those guys. I tried to learn them. I guess it came up in a quiz. One of them is called Richard.
Starting point is 00:18:53 One of them is called Fitz, something. Now, I might get a better picture of the poppies here. Jogging with a dog. And that's the dangerous thing when the stone stars are going to move that fast. That's a frightening prospect, most of them are old and slow. But they're bringing out joggers and heavily pregnant women, and who knows. And we'll be choosing a moment to poo now. See that in the field.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I do enjoy that. With your bread. Buy bread. Good chance of walking to poo's in there. I'm going to get a nice picture of the poppies. I'm sure we've done poppies before. That's the picture. But lest we forget the poppy day you all celebrate,
Starting point is 00:19:45 it does come actually originally from Stuncleris. That has been co-opted. Of course I won't. I feel it's inappropriate for poppies to mean anything other than falling in Stuncleris. But I guess that's just the modern world we live in. It's the sick modern world we live in. Another dog there in the distance. And it's still there.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Wolfs, come here. We'll be fine. That's going to be a more clear picture, I think. Beautiful though. So beautiful. There's a bumblebee in that one. Let's see if I can get that nice flannel. Right in the poppy.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Let's see if I get it. I couldn't really see what because the light was on the screen. So we'll find out if that's the picture to be or not to be. That is one of the questions. There's more questions than that. Do you think that's the only question? You're a fucking idiot. What about was the capital of France?
Starting point is 00:21:09 Another question. I just thought of one off the top of my head. And what about what's the capital of France? That's two. That's what I've got to say. But I'm sure if I sat down and thought about that, I could come up with some more. I might need some sun lotion on.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Who would have thought they'd be baking hot to 8.06 in the morning? Well, it's now. We've done a kilometer and 20 minutes. 8.26. It's a shame to spoil this walk by talking really. It's extremely pleasant to crows. Perhaps you've never seen an elephant fly sitting on the top. A telegraph pole wire.
Starting point is 00:22:10 The telephone wire if it was electric, I guess, but those birds wouldn't be looking so happy. Just the very near to the Cairns Centrefield. They've spotted me and they've flown away in fear. They've been canceled for the racist portrayal in the film Dumbo. Right, except they should be canceled. Have you ever seen a house fly? I've seen all that, too.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I've seen a peanuts stand. You know the bit. Come on, kids. In fact, I don't think I ever saw Dumbo. I had the record of Dumbo in Song of the South. Another problematic Walt Disney film. The Cairns Centrefield, again, completely hidden away by the tree and the foliage around it, but I can still throw stones through the leaves.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I don't think I've managed to pick up any on the journey across. Just one right at the end. Oh, and I think some birds have been using it as an S. The pigeons just flown out. I might just have scared that with a stone. I didn't get hit. Oh, I did notice yesterday when I was out here. The stone pole is now quite a challenge.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's hidden, mainly hidden within undergrowth as well. It's a phenomenal month for the weeds around this field. And other jogging ladies made it all the way to the main can. And then Michael sent Michael's can. But she's going fast. And that's the problem with going fast, is she's not going to intercept me this time. Looking around, we should be safe for a crooked stone pole throw,
Starting point is 00:23:58 but it's a difficult one. If you're placing bets, please take into account how hidden it is. How difficult it is to find stones, actually, because the ground here is hard. The stones are very much imbued into the ground. And I believe imbued is the right word. And you're not seeing much loose. I found a loose one on top.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Not too big. It's pretty small. I'd say it's small, large. Maybe small, medium, small. To be fair to it. And there's a jogger. She's jogged past with a dog. A dogger. Let me use this for some misunderstandings, though.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Well, I get more than one stone to throw at the stone pole. Is that one loose enough? I don't say it is. She's getting a bit desperate now. The path is very narrow down here. It's very hard to see any stones. Oh, God, what's that? That's a stone.
Starting point is 00:25:04 There's a couple there. These are all little. This is going to be, just take this into account, and you're betting if you've already bet. You know, I would say if I get two of these, we're going to be lucky. We'll see. The path is clear.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Wolfie's on the lead. There's no stone star as he, for miles around. Look at this, the wind blowing through these bits of weed and blowing, I can see dust coming off of the plants, through them be some kind of seeds or pheromones of some kind. It's like beautiful nature. Red in tooth and claws, some say no. I say dusty in pollen and pheromones.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And green in grass. Right, well, stone pole. I'm going to have to take a picture of the stone pole as well. You'll see how hard this is. Barely visible. I'm going to go overhand over on. Oh, bang, hit it, bang on the left direction sign. One out of one.
Starting point is 00:26:19 That was a miss. That hit there a wrong pole. One out of two. Two out of three. Paint like darts and it's going quite well. Three out of four. Four out of five. Well, sorry to misdirect you there by saying I wasn't going to do very well.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I didn't think the overhand would be the way to go. Let's see if I can get that pole. There it is. Hidden away. That's a good picture too. I don't know which one of those will be the picture to the actual chapter. Chapter 98, can you believe it? What have you got planned for chapter 100?
Starting point is 00:27:04 Celebrate, aren't we? Celebrate in some way. Dogs in the distance, but it's too far away to bother us. There's a nice little break here between the crop and the path where there is a chance here to clear a lot of stones. There's no crop growing here. It's fine to walk here. Conversely, everywhere else is very near to the,
Starting point is 00:27:32 conversely, I don't know, to the edge of the field and there isn't much actual soil to clear, but here we can over the next few months get dozens of stones out of this field. They're all just going into the edge, willy-nilly at the moment, but each one forms a part of a wall that will grow. Once this foliage is cut back, we will see.
Starting point is 00:28:01 It's like opening a presents at Christmas to see where how big the wall has become. I'm going to cut back the foliage. There are a lot of stones here. That's bordering on the medium, which is, we haven't had many bigger than that today. I'm actually now a bit separated from the doggies behind a wall of more of these weeds and sort of wheaty bits and pieces.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I don't think it's the crop that's being grown, but as they get pulled by the leaves, they're throwing out their dusty contents. I hope they aren't drifted. I hope it's not kind of some kind of sweeping potion. That one's off, another one off. And... And you can come see us at
Starting point is 00:29:00 if you want to catch up with those. We're doing more at Nice Square Theatre in September and October, just trying to re-book some of the guests from the cancelled ones, which I've managed to successfully do with a couple. I'll let you know as and when. If you've got tickets already, those tickets will cross over to the new dates. You can, of course, be fun as if those dates are not applicable to you. Main can just throw the few little tiddlers on.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Oh, and just in time, there's Up The Hill. Here's a stone-starzy member with a Labrador and bright blue shorts, whether they're male or female, or how they identify. I'm not going to ask them whether they're wearing skirts, so I think it's probably maybe. I'll just snip onto the field a little bit, so that we're safe out of the way. Give me a chance to scope out stones.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Two dogs, actually. Right, Wolfs, stay with me. Warby. Stay with me. Good girl. Stay here. Warby. Stay.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Good girl. Morning. Good girl. Stay. Stay. All right. She's actually just playing, but I'll keep her away. Warby.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Bagchill. Warby. Stop it. I'm an idiot. Come on. That's not polite. I know those dogs are evil. I know those dogs belong to a stone-starzy queen,
Starting point is 00:30:40 but we have to be polite. We can't draw attention to ourselves. Down the hill we come towards the ditch that's not Brexit. And you might think Brexit's bad, but you don't know how bad it would have been if it hadn't been for this ditch. We would have had a terrible last year if it wasn't for this ditch.
Starting point is 00:31:12 So thank the get-ditch. Keep feeding the ditch. The ditch will overcome as long as you believe. We need to find some stones right now. It's a very difficult, very dry path, and a very nice, small, large, I think, but the field's covered with crops. The ditch is covered with nettles.
Starting point is 00:31:43 It's hard to know where to throw it. I think that's about where it goes. I didn't hear of the familiar clink. I'll throw another one in. Well, there's two nice stones in there. Brexit has been averted once again. We're coming up to email time. Sorry, I lost the emails from the last podcast.
Starting point is 00:32:07 They were pretty good. Just get some out for an Armageddon action in. What a delightful walk. I'm feeling a little... I'm not sweaty, but I'm warm. My skin is warm to the touch. For now, until I'm dead, it will be clammy and cold.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Let's have a look at those emails. We're coming down Duckett's Passage now. This is a retribution, and we have a look. Roofie chimney pot. Roofie chimney pot's been in touch. I notice you're coming up to 100th chapter. Richard, do you have any big plans? Any fireworks?
Starting point is 00:32:59 Well, for me, stones are fireworks enough, roofie. Especially at night, if you throw a bit of flint onto a big pile of stone, you often get sparks. It's one of the most beautiful things you can see. Maybe a night time walk for the 100th one. I hope we can achieve that. No, look, numbers are just numbers. They're not stones.
Starting point is 00:33:22 They're not important. They have no significance, unlike stone. Just because you happen to have ten fingers, roofie, I'm assuming does not mean the stones find base ten meaningful in any way. When you are infinite in number, numbers have no meaning, and there are infinity stones just on my own field. One day they'll all be cleared, but...
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah, so our 100th is the main note. We're going to have to do that. We're going to have to do that. We're going to have to do that. Yeah, so our 100th is the main note. No more important than 98, 99, 72, 14. I mean, any of the numbers are really... There's no real point in just naming a few of the numbers.
Starting point is 00:34:12 All the numbers are equal. Equally unimportant. Thanks, roofie. Thanks for your... If I remember who you've melded in, you've seen celebrities. It was good, but I can't remember who it was. It was too long ago. Brickwork.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Grass has been in touch. I mean, some very odd names, but of course this work is heard all over the world. To say congratulations on getting to chapter 98, Richard. To me, that is just as significant as number 100, because numbers have no meaning. And so I'd like to say whatever number you're up, well done for getting to that number.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Thank you. Brickwork. What's your name? Brickwork Grass. Let's look to the name again. I agree with that. I totally agree with that. Just nice coincidence that came up.
Starting point is 00:35:07 All right, we're just getting into the house. Let's just check. There's no kids around here, because they're not school, but there's no wives hanging around. There's a cat in here, but I think we're safe from the cats. Kicking off the shoes. You're all right. You're not too wet, are you?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Because of all the sunshine. Just washing my hands. No point, because I'm just going to get the dog's drift and drinking water out of the dishwasher. What has become of us? And let's do one more email. A dental stick has been in touch. Dental dentals.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Very, very positive. It's a very worldwide, positive products and pop-ups. And they are saying, just having to translate from whatever language this is, which is difficult, so let's speed the language. I think my wife's coming. Oh, no. I'm going to have to go.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Sorry, dental. All right, see you next time. Bye. You have been listening to Stone Clearing with me, Rich Taring, and Wolfie the Dog, plus a pregnant lady, and that lady in the skirt, and some other dog who disappeared. That was exciting.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And some poppies and lots of other stuff. The music is by Mike Coffgrave. The voice of the Photones is Michael Faheen. Keep listening for more Stone Clearing right after these credits. To your underhand. Listen to the Thones. Listen to the Thones.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And they, in turn, will listen to you, my friend, my fine friend. Hi, guys. As a little treat, here is the Lost Podcast 98 that I started and didn't finish. Good morning. Hello, hello there. Welcome to...
Starting point is 00:38:38 Chapter 98. This is working for sure. Good morning. Welcome to Chapter 98. It's 7.2. It's the... 18th, is it? Eight, fuck.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Fuck. Where did this year go? I don't remember. I don't remember what happened. And a very sunny day. A very sunny morning. The ground a little wet from showers yesterday. I'm not even wearing my North Face jacket.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I'm just wearing a T-shirt. And that's... The summer months. The North Face. It's too hot in the summer. That's what my appetizers look like. And as we arrive at the Stocean, it's a sea of green crops.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Finding their way through the stones. The remaining stones. Just every time you come out, they've got incredible figures. Nature's an incredible thing. So we've had a little boardwalk of soil just right here by the Alpha and Omega Ken, which is packed with quite a few stones.
Starting point is 00:40:15 So it makes the Alpha and Omega... What's the word? Donation is one of the most religious ocean I've ever been to. It's a bit early in the morning still. My boy's been keeping me up all night. I'm pretty tired. I've spotted a stone. Hold on, I'm just going to get it.
Starting point is 00:40:40 There you go. Two stones off there. It's got a little compost heap. Oh, there's a nice one. They're just working on the edge, of course. A dog poo there. It goes into the Memorial Garden. Beautiful, actually.
Starting point is 00:41:01 The flowers are lovely. It's a bit wild. Wolves, come on. The leader's a risk. The fans of the dog poo pattern. It's been a sec. I just want to get a little go when she's not there. Shackled.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Lovely little go. This stone is collected and chosen by the tool of a mineral stone person. I'll get it now. You mean, you know? Not looking great, but it's hard to speak. A little bit of lead from the Jackie Weeley. No authority. I don't think we have enough lead for that.
Starting point is 00:41:52 All these have been put into the sea. The lead's pretty covered now. I don't know if you know how to do it. The crop's just got in there. They're putting it in a safe distance away. I don't know if you know how to do it. I don't know if you know how to do it. They're now putting it in a safe distance away.
Starting point is 00:42:12 From the shore. There are more poo there, just a little bit of string. On the stone field. Just near to the head. It's right in the middle. Come on, be like me. Beautiful sun. You've got limited amount of time.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I think it's just going to be safe. I'm just using my Wellington boot door to kick up a nice brownie. Good stone. Open the edges still. I suppose this part will be cut back a little bit. Within an inch. There are stones.
Starting point is 00:43:51 There are no stones. That's all one or two. If you pick up a stone, must clear that stone. There's no stone starzy. I'll come in a bit and then I'll have to clean it down. Turn to it later. You never turn to a lit fire with a candle.
Starting point is 00:44:10 So you're dropping it. Preferably straight away. It's your own physical object. You have to clean the stone. Clear and pretentious. It can come if you were discovered in the street of kills. It's worth it for one stone. You've got a million stones in your options.
Starting point is 00:44:31 You're very, very old. And accept. With me, accept your death. It's a game for young people. So don't clear it. Good. I hope you feel your freedom. It's a little snotty.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Good job. Hold the second over jab to six. There's a party time in the state. Oh, you go in. Shagging everyone loose. Licking everyone loose. Drinking up in the roughness. Ah, come on.
Starting point is 00:45:22 The roaring winters are back. You know, I work on that, but on the field it's going to play out. It's going to stand here as way. Our only list is the soil. I understand that there's no soil. And the soil is easy to spread out. I bet, I guess. It's a bit difficult for this to stop down.
Starting point is 00:45:57 You just have to do the same thing and not have any of the fun. Obviously you can't do that. A lot of women even have sucre. A lot of women don't know you're a thinker. It's a macho thing, really. Women, wherever they claim, are still attracted to men who can shift. They've got the quantity of used stone material around them, even with a small cover for them.
Starting point is 00:46:27 And the quantity, not a manifesto. I guess it's one giant stone, but I think that it can move a ton of stones. It's a tiny piece. And the ladies have been in the video for four hours. They've got a lot of stones around the fields. It's a massive piece of huge amount of stones around the fields. They've got stones around the fields.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And, you know, I'm a human. I'm a kind of guy. I'm doing those sort of off the deck. I'm just moving another paddle. If you get there, just try to do this. Remember we are, you know it's hard. Maybe that's the little taste of the intermediate lessons we're going to be getting to. I haven't mentioned that stuff before.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Because I don't want people to come to stone very just. But, you know, it's not all work, work, work, as well, I'd say. It's a bit of a force to it. I cross the field. It's coming up on the horizon. I won't put it in there. It's going to be my baby wick. I'm a wick who throws stones,
Starting point is 00:47:57 and they're going to throw stones at me. They're going to throw stones at me. They're going to throw stones at me. They're going to throw stones at me. I'm a wick who throws stones at me. They're going to throw stones at me a little bit closer to the land. I'm just going to chase it around. Well, it's gone right into the ground.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's a problem, man. An invisible man coming down, is stressed and close. I think they're well wrapped up. They're doing a big lesson again. An invisible man. I'm going to make two world characters find their way through this field.
Starting point is 00:48:32 I've come down the pathway, but for too late this is where you're going to stick a little bit in the middle now. And I can see many people about. You can see the horses up here, it's obviously huge. There's another 10,000 of them in here. Bird song. Scubbing cows, I like the Scubbing Cows, you know that. Just for the faint warmth of the morning sunshine. I'm walking through the slighting of chill breeze.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I mean this is a small medium, large, heavy thing. There are a few better tickings along here. Every time I pass a fixed pipe, there's a little more of that weight to it. Give that lady up. They call out to me of course. We'll best be taken off before the plough comes again. We'll move very good for another eon. Another millennia.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And for these guys. Oh that's my one. It's a flat medium here. You can see I've picked up three or four there. There's still many more quarry here for me. We might make this it for the moment. Patience, not complacence. It's exciting that I have two small hands full of stones.
Starting point is 00:50:21 No playing with these, we'll see these aren't toys. They're valuable bricks in the wall. They're doing the top. It's looking good. Restored to full beauty. There's filling in a few little gaps there. Let's go to the stone pobles. There's going to be a shortish podcast today.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Sometimes you can get more into 20 minutes than you can into 40. Sometimes it feels like a 45 minute podcast. So I'm just trying to stretch stuff out to fill the space. So why not concentrate, like concentrate it. Squash or fabric softener. Smaller bottle. This could be a softening, it could be a lumbering. Giant man approaching.
Starting point is 00:51:32 The direction is going slowly, seems to be bubbled. It's annoying because it's somewhat different. It looks like there's BFG. He's heading off to the other side. Stone pole won't happen now. There was a bit of a disaster. Stone pole on the last podcast. One out of five.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Just have one stone for it, one out of one. Let's hope. We can get 100% here with these five stones. A little weight on the stone pole. It would be big, definitely. There's a lot of foliage going up around the stone pole. It's making it harder too. And you know, I'm a good 8 feet.
Starting point is 00:52:45 There's like darts on the path to the stone pole. Let's see what I can do. Wolfie's already excited by the stone pole. Again, I hit the wrong pole. That one was a hit, it just hit the side. One out of two. Wolfie out of the way, out of the way. Two out of three.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I'll miss, this is the crucial one, it's the smallest one. It's a miss two out of five, I'm really sorry. It felt like it was going back to the last time, but it's hard to get back to the last time. Bad luck again, so do go to... Let's go for a try. The lady, the invisible man. She's the best of your lady.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Stay here Wolfie, good girl. Stay, stay, stay. Good girl, good morning you guys. Wolfie, shush. Wolfie, stop it. Wolfie, stop it. Come on, come on. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Wolfie, amazing. Evil ones, she's easy. Pure evil there, dog form, that's the dog we've got everywhere. I think that has a tackle for you, Wolfie. That's it, it's all right girl, come on. The stone's out of the lady, the invisible man, but it's all ready to be pretend, to be polite, but the dogs knew each other,
Starting point is 00:54:27 they knew their souls. It's harder for a dog to hold that in. I can pretend that I'm friendly. That's the best tactic, Wolfie. Could not allow that evil to go unchallenged. Who is the best, is it me or Wolfie? I've lived quite another day. Strong dog, quite hard for a weak old man,
Starting point is 00:54:59 not me to hold back. There will come a time when he's stronger than me, and devours my face.

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