Stop Podcasting Yourself - Bonus Episode - Hot Topics

Episode Date: March 17, 2021

Okay, okay. Have a bonus episode....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello everybody and welcome to episode bonus episode of stop podcast to yourself today's hot topics uh i'm graham clark and with me as always is a man who's best positioned to talk about the topics of the day mr dave shumka i'm best positioned yeah yeah yeah like um you're r anderson cooper yeah is he is he the best in position? I thought Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain, and the rest. Who's on that show? Every time I see a clip from it, there's always
Starting point is 00:00:36 some new person that I've never seen before. Yeah. And Meghan McCain is a real chameleon haircut wise. She's always got some new do, side pony, part in the middle. Yeahon haircut wise she's always got some new do side pony part in the middle yeah i know she's never joy behar or whoopi goldberg no that's true i'm never like which is which i saw a trailer that whoopi goldberg is in a movie again and i forgot that she's like an award-winning actress for for ghost for ghost and maybe she did a broadway show
Starting point is 00:01:08 an egot she's the only egot i know who else is an egot barbara barbara right is elton john no maybe no oh who's the most recent egot uh is it john legend john legend is an egot yes john legend is who i was thinking of um i feel like the people who wrote frozen are egots and they're pretty recent oh yeah like uh just they've written songs in all the categories yeah what you gotta do is you gotta be right songs for movies that's i mean it made people talk about how hard it is to get an egot just right like uh whatever yeah i don't know whatever the love theme from twister that's what the it's the only oscar that twister won but one for love theme from twister by van halen
Starting point is 00:02:05 um when was the last time you saw twister and i've never seen twister get out of town i've never seen twister i know a cow flies by i know they call something dorothy yep that's right jack black is in it no uh seymour hoffman yeah seymour hoffman being the most annoying if you only saw him in that movie you would think he was the most annoying actor of our time um bill pullman it's paxton it's paxton paxton hunt rookie mistake hoffman like those posters yeah and then they're but their heads are on the wrong side Paxton Hunt. Rookie mistake. Hoffman. Like those posters. Yeah, but their heads are on the wrong side.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We're poster people. We don't care. Yeah, exactly. We're not slaves to your script. Anyways, I recommend watching Twister. Kids will love it. I'm not gonna. I have a list of things i want to watch but your kids have to learn about the magic majesty of helen hunt at some point
Starting point is 00:03:11 i know but i think we'll do that through uh eight years of mad about you did you know that paul reiser wrote that theme song and possibly sang it no he didn't sing it he didn't sing it no do you know that theme song uh yes tell me why i love you like i do tell me who could touch my heart as much as you tell me all your secrets and i'll tell you most of mine they say nobody's perfect but it's really true this time scuba doopa doop doopa do well i don't have the answers i don't have a plan something something baby help me understand what we do let me whisper in your ear it's real like you write it as a beat poem yeah and there was i i looked it up because i saw it recently on tv i looked up if he sang the theme song and there's a video of him playing the piano
Starting point is 00:04:06 the theme song while a woman sings it well they did the Kim Cattrall wanted to do the Sex and the City theme song and there's video of her doing that is it an original? no well you know the video of her doing a beat poem over her husband's um, like, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:28 stand-up bass? Oh, man. Do you know that? I do know that, yeah. It's kind of her version of getting bitten by a gila monster or whatever. A Komodo dragon. Is that what Sharon Stone's husband did?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Mm-hmm. And those are parallel in your mind yeah and i feel like sharon stone if she appears on a tv show her title should be komodo survivor but she she didn't get bit that's true but she did survive yeah she had to hear about it over and over oh here we go again oh man giving you trails not going to be in the new sex in the city no i know do you think they're gonna bring in another brassy kind of sleep around gal yeah um or is it going to be you know is it going to be a man is it going to be a digital creation i think it's going to be kim kardashian's hologram dad that sounds good yeah um yeah so uh so we're doing we're doing this episode uh right now we're recording this tuesday we're releasing it tuesday was the thing we're just trying out yeah uh the you know what you the episode you heard a few hours ago sounded a little rough
Starting point is 00:05:50 sure this is happening now so you just sit back you just sit back yeah we're gonna undo that belt gonna give you kind of a front massage yeah we'm gonna have a face-to-face front massage dave have you ever gone for a massage no i haven't never in your life never have you no but i've been to physiotherapy where they kind of like rub you down yeah but i've never been to like what's your physio need? What do you, what, what is your body ache? Um, right. In the last couple of months, it's been my shins.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Ah, yeah. But physio for shins, physio for shins. Um, and then sometimes my neck goes out and then, Oh yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:06:37 your neck sucks. I mean, not your neck sucks, but like when your neck hurts a little, it, it's, it's over, man. Yeah man yeah yeah it's absolutely useless i get that like two days a year where you can't turn your head yeah and it's a very obvious that
Starting point is 00:06:54 like someone comes goes to talk to me and i have to turn my entire body to face them yeah i feel like on those days you should be legally allowed to wear a neck brace just so that everybody lays off you for a day, you know? And it just so happens that I'm going to court. Because you fell off a ladder, quote unquote? Yeah, but I was, because I'm committing insurance fraud and my boss hired a private investigator to make sure I'm not stooping his wife. These two are unrelated. But when you go over to stoop his wife,
Starting point is 00:07:35 you're wearing the collar being like, I can only do certain things here. And he's like, well, you got to hand it to Dave. He's not faking it. My wife, on the other hand. So you've been to physio. What is a physio? You go to physio.
Starting point is 00:07:57 They rub your shins. They say, ooh, daddy. Ooh, daddy. These are nice. These are nice. Would you pay for these? These are some supple shins, they say. What?
Starting point is 00:08:09 And then they let you go. Yeah. You're released under your own recognizance. And do they give you exercises? Yeah, they give you exercises, which I think nobody ever does them. And then they come back and they're like, the thing still hurts. That's what I would just want the exercises. I wouldn't want anyone touching.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, that's what I was in the market for was some of the exercises. But also, they just want to get in there, those physios. They want to get in there and really knuckle something up and stretch something out. They want to make you scream. They want to make you sweat and bleed. That's right. Is that dope enough?
Starting point is 00:08:47 Indeed. Indeed. Yes. Do you, have you been to a chiropractor? No, no, I've never been to a chiropractor. I have not either. Abby used to go and she had the one she liked the most. And she's stopped going to her. But she still dreams about this chiropractor, the woman with the big hands, is what she calls her.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah, I mean, that's the one scenario in which you want a very solid pair of hands. That's not the one scenario. I guess also like a captain of a ship you hope that they have yeah hard hands a boxer i guess a boxer too uh-huh any anyone who's applying for a job needs a big you need to just like uh whoever's interviewing you you need to completely envelope their hands envelop yeah envelope yeah like, like an Andre the Giant, right? Like an envelope. Yeah, like an envelope over your hand. Envelope, envelope.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I say envelope. Vase, vase. Vase. No, wait. Vase? Vase? Vase. Spelled with a C like a coin.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Like no language? Oh, like mace. Yeah. Mace the rapper? Yeah, mace the rapper. So here are today's hot topics. We're doing this like The View. How do they do it on The View?
Starting point is 00:10:18 They literally just announce a topic. Megan says something and they all sit around making fun of her. Okay, well, these are all serious serious so don't make fun of me topic one do you think a restaurant has ever had chocolate mousse on their menu but it's a typo and it's actually chocolate mouse yes just like that um that restaurant in town that had a mouse that fell in the chowder rat chowder it was called rat chowder so i don't know yeah it's that's on you did that that place is closed yeah but they have a food truck do they really yeah i don't know what it's called but it's the same people who brought you rat chowder does the truck have like big ears and a nose and a tail and stuff like you're playing it up
Starting point is 00:11:05 yeah exactly they're leaning into this name uh because you know what chuck e cheese was around for decades uh-huh and no one ever thought twice about mouse pizza um do you think uh it's like uh what's better to be a restaurant or a food truck? I guess sometimes food trucks then are so popular that they're like let's open a restaurant. Yeah, I feel like the one downside of the food truck is that
Starting point is 00:11:35 it's like a truck and you're in there and it's pretty tight quarters and it probably smells in there at the end of the day when you're driving it around. Hard to get the smell of food out of a food truck. Yeah driving it around hard to get the smell of food out of a food truck yeah it's hard to get the smell out of food out of a car if you yeah exactly if i pick up pizza and bring it home like driving 10 minutes i have a an oregano car for a week which is admit it that's a treat yeah that's great yeah no i get the little you know those little like air fresheners that you can put you can clip onto your
Starting point is 00:12:10 uh oh yeah air conditioning yeah yeah yeah i just put olive oil in them i fill them up with olive oil and uh and then you have to go to the mechanic and say, Oh yeah, my air conditioner is broken, but it don't look too closely at it. It's greasy from some other, some other reason. Yeah. I actually don't put it in a little air wick pod. You just pour it right in. My brother had a car for years that every time it snowed,
Starting point is 00:12:44 if you turned on the heater, snow would just come into the car. And it was just like being under one of those artificial snow machines for the whole ride. Is that not supposed to happen? Like, what prevents that? Proper heat. But then wouldn't heat just blow water into your face? Yeah, that's true. Isn't hot snow just rain in your face?
Starting point is 00:13:06 That's a good question. I don't actually know what the screening is from the outside to the inside. Yeah. I'm going to start calling rain hot snow. Hot snow. My friend used to pretend to be an old man and when it rained he would say,
Starting point is 00:13:22 ah, nature's soda pop. That's pretty good um yeah yeah i think uh having but i also think having a restaurant that's like a brick and mortar restaurant stinks because then you have to like keep it clean in the dining room and all that kind of stuff whereas a food truck it's like ah go eat it on the curb you filthy animal yeah go take it back to your office and everyone will hate you that is a downside of a food truck because it does feel like you have to take everyone's order in your office before you leave yeah i was thinking of going to the food truck does anyone want to come no but can you bring me yeah can you bring me a pile of food do you ever have it because you work in a an area where a lot of food trucks kind of park and i've worked in an area where one food truck parked and it was always the same one
Starting point is 00:14:16 it was always the same one and it wasn't like it wasn't a vegetarian paradise. So I'd look at it and I guess I could buy a soda from it. But you won't treat yourself to a soda from a truck. And yeah, wait in line. Yeah. Wait in line. Really get your. It feels like soda tastes a little bit better if you pay for it, you know, on one of those square machines. Yes. Yes. better if you pay for it you know on one of those square machines yes yes if you get a root beer
Starting point is 00:14:47 from a square machine that's the best root beer you're gonna have and yeah if you if if they slide your card through a little cube that's like uh poked into the uh hole of an ip. Boy, I don't know how to describe that. That's not how they do it anymore. Now it's just a tap. Oh, yeah, yeah. You mean that you used to have to run it through like old-timey credit card style? Yeah, into the iPad square. No, you described it right.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I know what you're talking about. But then even before that, you just had to have change. Yeah. Yeah. Which was, you know, fun in its way. Yeah. But like since food trucks have become a thing here. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Like more than like they were at construction sites or whatever. Now that they're like a widespread thing. When that came back, like in 2014, it was all card. It was all card. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, is a hot dog stand, does that qualify as a food truck? No. That's a food cart?
Starting point is 00:15:58 I guess. Yeah, but it's the only thing that's a food cart, right? Like in New York, you can get a pretzel or nuts at a cart. Maybe Pop-N-Wart, too. Yeah, no, you can get like, yeah, there's carts that have like an egg sandwich or whatever. Yeah, yeah, egg sandwich. That's what I got when we went to see Live with Kelly and Ryan. And we had to be in line at like five in the morning and the show started
Starting point is 00:16:26 at nine and we didn't get out of there till like 11 30 and it's like a full-time job and we were starving and we uh we got that that wonderful like croissant with egg on it um was was it it was ryan and kelly at the time you went there yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry i know you're a michael i'm a michael guy but you know what he really screwed over miss rippa so did he really i don't know the backstory this is a real view hot topic yeah he was just kind of like for because he was kind of filling in and he was they they liked him the best and they kind of formally announced that he was going to be the permanent co-host and then before like the day before that he took a job with the today show and like really hung her out to dry and uh so yeah he was doing both
Starting point is 00:17:18 for a while and football yeah yeah exactly the hosting football he wasn't playing football no he was hosting football and he did the today show but he immediately left uh kelly which you know they had a lot of merch i have a t-shirt from that era yeah um but like i mean you know the one thing that's always there that that i'm always that brings me back to that show is gelman oh yeah is gelman still there gelman was there when we went to see it nice um i was watching the other night uh the last half of the first wives club um and there's i saw that also the the other night just the last like 20 minutes so do you you saw the scene where they're having a successful opening day or whatever and kathy lee is there doing a remote but she never did that she wasn't a remote reporter what was she before live with regis and kelly kathy lee i don't know she sang on the
Starting point is 00:18:19 princess cruise ships yeah if they could see me now was she a singer like who was she i think she was a singer in the way that you know yeah she was like uh uh shantus i guess um but did she in that movie she's on regis and kathy lee but she's like live reporting and i was like that never at night at night the whole part of that point of that show was for Regis to just tell you what he did the night before. His wife was. Joy. Joy. Joy and I went to the rainbow room.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Sorry, I thought my audio went out. You still hear me? I still hear you. Guys, this is a bonus episode. I'm keeping that part in. Yeah, that's right. You're getting the raw feed. Kathy Lee Gifford, nay Epstein, is an American television presenter, singer, songwriter,
Starting point is 00:19:18 occasional actress, and author, and one-time reporter. Do they have a list of songs she has written because that would be uh something we were talking about the mad about you theme yeah and alan thick famously wrote uh facts of life yeah and different strokes and people assume he wrote growing pains because that was his show but that's not true oh okay that's just one of those not an urban legend but something everybody just takes for yeah granted um let's see uh she's written a number of children's books uh two autobiographies two um her mother a relative of writer Rudyard Kipling.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Oh, yeah. Was of French, Canadian, German, and English descent. Give me, okay, Gifford is currently working on a musical adaptation of It's a Wonderful Life with John McDaniel. Okay. McDaniel is composing the music while Gifford is writing lyrics. And McDaniel wants it to suck That's why he's doing like a producer's thing He wants, if he makes it bad enough
Starting point is 00:20:31 Then the investors lose all the money But they get away scot-free Yeah, it's one of those And let's see Boy, I'm trying to find out if she wrote any songs And let's see. Boy, I'm trying to find out if she wrote any songs. Did she write the lyrics to the Princess Cruz song? I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:20:58 In 2017, she released He Saw Jesus, a very personal song. Kathy Lee co-wrote with songwriter Brett James. Nice. And dedicated to her husband who frank giver didn't he like he like stepped out on her during her time on oh you mean he's he cheated yeah and it was like a big scandal and she like had to address it on regis and kevi lee oh really yeah um yeah but she came out uh on top yeah she and he's six feet under she's a real first wives club yeah that's true um she's maybe that's why she was in the movie maybe she wrote some lyrics for a song that never appeared in the film although he was her second husband oh okay um what was her first husband's name joy
Starting point is 00:21:47 paul johnson hey oh yeah the uh i'm bored of it um except to say that there's a i was just watching the first wives club and i only saw it like the last 20 minutes and their husbands are writing $250,000 checks to them out of their just like checking accounts. That's right. Like I'm not great with money, but I would, you know, I would probably have a separate account. Yeah. Like, like big money. I'd be like, Hey, uh, or like, you know, get a bank transfer or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Just a check. Here you go. Don't lose it. Um, Oh, Oh, what was what was i gonna say it's gone the uh the other thing in the first wives club is they get all the money and then they but they get all the money the money then they open a cafe and then they get kathy lee yeah right do they open they don't open a cafe isn't it an agency to get i don't know i only saw 20 minutes of it and i had headphones in um ivana trump is in it yes don't get mad don't get it wait don't get even get everything
Starting point is 00:23:01 yeah don't get mad get everything yeah that's right um and she did and we never heard from donald again that's right yeah this is now an alternate reality cast where nixon just stayed in office until he was dead and then bill clinton took over and is still the president nixon just stayed it's the man in the high castle, but Nixon's still president and he's played by Dan Hedaya from First Wives Club. And Dick, where he played Richard Nixon.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Speaking of first husbands, so we were talking about Melanie Griffith a couple weeks ago, because you watched Body Double? Yes. And I knew she was married to uh antonio banderas antonio banderas yeah and do you know who she was married to before no well she's got dakota johnson is her daughter oh yeah right don johnson but she was married to
Starting point is 00:23:59 don johnson twice wow on either side of her marriage to um what's his face no she's she she was married to him married 1976 divorced 1976 don johnson and then she married stephen bauer in 1981 who is uh isn't scarface's friend and scarface oh yeah okay yeah yeah yeah real square jaw that guy and then she married they were married till 1987 and then two years later she married don johnson again nice till 96 and then that same year they were divorced you know she had to have i remember watching uh a trailer for desperado and it had him and selma hayek in the trailer and i was like these two are gonna be so famous they're so good looking i've never heard of them but they are gonna be the most famous people forever and ever and it was true yeah you're right they're very good looking you can call it like do you ever wish you had like
Starting point is 00:25:09 like is that an ability like is that uh a talent like i do you wish you could make money by like knowing who's gonna be famous when you see a movie or like we see a movie so they're already kind of famous well like yeah but you're like oh that person who uh who only had one line was the best one in the movie i remember past guest brent butt telling me that the first time that um uh john goodman got like a speaking role was after him being in a fight scene in a movie and the guy seeing him being like that guy's better than the other guys in the fight scene and that's how he got so that guy knew he knew john goodman had the goods he's good he is good he's good he's he's so good i don't understand why he's on the
Starting point is 00:26:01 connor show isn't he like he's got that Coen Brothers money. Yeah. Yeah, no, he's good. I think the Connors is, I think he like wants Oprah. What's Roseanne left? What if Roseanne left and then Oprah was playing his new wife? What if Roseanne left and then Oprah was playing his new wife what if Roseanne interviewed Meghan Markle I think that would sound
Starting point is 00:26:31 a little something like oh boy yeah I don't mind I don't mind either of those scenarios Oprah was she was like a Whoopi Goldberg too she was an actor and then I forget that she was an actor and then i forget
Starting point is 00:26:46 that she's an actor and then she just will show up in a movie once in a while yeah she was a reporter was she a reporter turned actor turned talk show host yes in chicago yeah yeah well no maybe she was a reporter in like the south oh okay she always had very big hair that was her like signature from i feel like someone must have been like the scout who saw her doing the news and was like you yeah you're gonna be huge um well lauren michaels he famously uh picked conan o'brien who had never been on tv before to host a every night talk show yeah but you know what worked out just fine and and then oprah picked both dr phil and dr oz because she that's right she's never misses yeah this is oh it would suck to be the one pick of hers that didn't make it
Starting point is 00:27:46 i guess she picked rachel ray too yeah wow flawless flawless uh i mean um rachel ray was popular rachel is uh the only one i think who has a redeeming qualities of those of the ones she chose oh dr oz i liked does he still wear scrubs on a show i'm not asking you to know but he's i think he still wears scrubs he still talks about the shape of your poo what should it which should it be like a c or a c or s your first initial well yeah for you it would be a g lowercase or uppercase yeah yeah yeah either is perfectly healthy i think we could someone do like a dr oz um maybe a dr oz dr demento type spoof song
Starting point is 00:28:41 where he does uh i'm in love with the shape of poo. I didn't know that he was such a champion of poo shapes. I think that's what, that's what the only thing I know of him and that he's been wrong a lot. Yeah. He, um, like,
Starting point is 00:29:00 cause he sometimes does like the Dr. Phil thing where you'll have people on that are not doing anything medical and then he counsels them i don't know dr phil show that's the most that's the most exploitative one of the bunch yeah where he just yells at people yeah which on occasion if i'm in a hotel somewhere and it's if it's on one of the channels sure i'll watch it sure i just remember when we first had margo and uh we were just home all day abby was watching live with kelly and michael every morning sure and that we just kept it on that channel all day it was on ctv and it was so it was followed by the view and then i think uh boy what was the canadian one the social
Starting point is 00:29:52 the social yeah and then the noon news and then dr phil and it was like this it takes a dark turn at 1 p.m yeah wasn't there also in that stellar lineup for a while there was one called the chew or was that a different the chew is is somewhere yeah it's one of those it's a it's apparently the um the talk is taking a hiatus is that the one with sharon osborne yeah because she is a uh pierce i always want to say brosnan but it's... She's a Pierce Brosnan. She thinks GoldenEye's the best one. Yeah, she wants... Everybody, can we put...
Starting point is 00:30:31 We want to play GoldenEye on the big screen. Not the movie, the video game. The video game, absolutely. No, she's a Pierce Morgan defender. Oh, yeah. Well, you know what? Pierce, as far as I know, he's never done anything defender. Oh, yeah. Well, you know what? As far as I know, he's never done anything bad. He seems really cool.
Starting point is 00:30:50 He seems really chilled out. He's got a lot of Twitter followers, who I think more than half of them are following him to make fun of him. He is. No, he's everything I want to be. Yeah. He is, no, he's everything I want to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:12 He's one of the leaders of Twitter avatars smoking a cigar. He's one of the leaders in that movement. Which, if you're looking for an avatar style, it's available to you. It is cool. I do like that people have ruined Twitter and go on there and get mad about things as someone who was on there when it was just jokes yeah those were the days that now people
Starting point is 00:31:33 like get mad about stuff or like you know want to do something important on there but it's there you're still just your avatar like I still just picture you know someone taking a silly selfie yeah but they're angry now for some reason like i'm still taking a serious selfie picturing that face yeah yeah yeah yeah and like now i don't think it used to be but now it's like um it's like clockwork like if the grammys are on every joke on there is about
Starting point is 00:32:05 the grammys and and it also is always promoted that's always been yeah and like people used to complain they'd be like oh if if you're just gonna tweet about the oscars for three hours then i'm unfollowing you for three hours i guess um have you ever had somebody follow you that you were just assumed was following you the whole time? And you're like, what the fuck? No. No? I mean, why? I don't know, because I've had people that I follow and I assume followed me.
Starting point is 00:32:41 But then maybe a year later, they follow me. And I'm like huh there's like i don't uh because i'm that way too with other people i'm like well i'm friends with you on facebook so what am i supposed to follow you on everything like yeah yeah do i need to see every picture you post three times yeah recycling content um there was a i don't know how it happened but there was a thread of the other stuff that that guy the balloon guy that makes like uh like sentences of balloons on the side of a building you know what i'm talking about no he's like he's a real meme he like puts up inspirational sayings or silly sayings
Starting point is 00:33:26 up on the side of a building using those mylar letter balloons that sounds you have a completely different internet than i do uh well my home page is uh and uh she's got the weirdest content yeah um so what about this guy i don't know people on twitter were having talking about him the only sentence i've seen written in mylar balloons is robin thick has a big dick huh huge if true literally um but yeah we we wish robin the best yeah i hope that he's still uh what was he didn't he get canceled for something yeah he like i think everyone went back and watched that video that was the most popular song in the world in 2013 and they were like huh well we're off the hook for liking this but you're not off the hook for making this yeah yeah i remember being at the
Starting point is 00:34:34 edinburgh festival and there was a marching band that would go around and they just played that song over and over again and it's not as fun without the video i will say that no no i'm sure it's not but the video hasn't aged well no i guess not but it that's it's not like that was in the like raunchy 70s it is true the other night i watched uh just like about half maybe of what is the one with Molly Ringwald and it's her birthday 16 candles 16 birthdays yeah 16 birthdays and that that was in the 80s but it could have easily been from the 50s you're talking about the Asian character the Asian character and also there's a lot of dialogue in it that you're like, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:35:29 So all in all, like you say. We're making progress as a people and. And, you know, we'll get there. We'll get there one day. Next hot topic. Okay, here we go. Hey, you remember that? Have you ever, do you know that song hey wait uh do you know that song that goes driver's seat hey driver's seat no okay what song is that i don't know it's been in my head for a while is that from the soundtrack of baby driver i don't know it's somewhere in there it's stuck
Starting point is 00:36:18 i uh the song i've had stuck in my head for about a week is kid rocks all summer long, which I don't know why, but I don't know why I know all the lyrics. Is that the one that is, uh, werewolves of London and sweet home Alabama and sweet home Alabama. Yeah. And his, his video is him like driving a speedboat around a lake. And that's the way I like to remember kick rock now that he's dead yeah he died in that speedboat he's um yeah i i boy like there's such a weird um like double standard of what like the the how we have to hold some celebrities to a certain standard but it's like well kid rock is uncancellable yeah you can't exactly he he appeals to his base and
Starting point is 00:37:15 no nothing more and he he's not even like i've heard that he came from a very wealthy background he's not even like a like he's not even like a, like he's not even kid rock. I heard he's not even a kid. He's grown up man rock. He's a big phony. Remember him and Sheryl Crow doing a duet? That's when, when you said all summer long,
Starting point is 00:37:36 I was like, which one, which latter day, uh, like soft rock, kid rock song is this one. Was it the Sheryl Crow one? Was that one about a picture?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah, I put your picture away. And it's funny in the video, I don't think that Sheryl Crow ever looks at a picture of kid rock and then puts it away. Like, I think maybe it's actors in the video, but that would be very funny if she had a picture of kid rock wearing his hat. No shirt. it's actors in the video but that would be very funny if she had a picture of kid rock wearing his hat and no shirt and like folds it up and puts it away in like a manila envelope envelope yeah and then mails it to kid rock this is what you look like you and it's like stink lines coming off i say if you have an axe that's the best way of uh getting your just desserts or giving them your
Starting point is 00:38:27 just desserts oh boy i mean that's why i would have an x because they took my dessert yes yeah um well any more hot topics no i mean uh i think we've given them all they need. Yeah, that's true. Well, okay, one more hot topic. Okay, here we go. Have you seen We Bought a Zoo? No. No, I haven't either. In We Bought a Zoo, why do you think they did that? On a dare.
Starting point is 00:39:01 They wanted to seem cool, so they did it on a dare. I think they were bored. Yeah, exactly. B it on a dare i think they were bored yeah exactly bored dare they had enough money exactly to buy a zoo they were trying to get role maybe they broke up with some rich person and they just wrote him a check for zoo make it out to zoo yeah or yeah maybe their parents were like okay you have enough money for one zoo or two aquariums. But you've got to promise to take care of all the animals. You've got to walk them all and feed them all. It's a big responsibility.
Starting point is 00:39:34 The aquariums are in different cities, and it's going to be hard to walk two dolphins a day in two different cities. Imagine if your town had two aquariums that would be wild we're coming up i think um on the anniversary of uh speaking of buying a zoo of um tiger king oh i never saw it oh really it's um undeniable oh yeah yeah he's the unsinkable he's the unsinkable joe exotic um it was uh yeah that for me that's that it was the like defined early pandemic yeah yeah when was the last dance i'm getting nostalgic for for free pan of pandemic content no for early pandemic content for like my early misery um yeah i remember the last dance that was fantastic but yeah tiger king i was like this is going to be about a guy who abuses animals isn't it? No, he means well, you just,
Starting point is 00:40:46 just can't seem to get it right. Yeah. Well, fair enough. We can't always, well, Joe exotic, we salute you.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And, uh, quite a, a, a rollercoaster of a year. Um, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:00 I think that, I think that gets us to, uh, where we want it to be. Uh, uh, you've just listened to a list of hot topics. Well, yeah, I think that gets us to where we want it to be. Yeah. You've just listened to a list of hot topics.
Starting point is 00:41:12 If you have a hot topic that you want discussed in the future hot topics show, you know where to send it. Yep. Graham and Dave at Draw it on a picture, fold it into an envelope. Envelope? And mail it. Up your own.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Rear end. Okay, thanks everybody. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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