Stop Podcasting Yourself - Bonus Episode - LIVE from Calgary with Mark Chavez

Episode Date: September 10, 2020

Recorded live at the Calgary Public Library on September 8th, 2019. Photo thanks to @britduval....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hi, everybody! Welcome to the library! Yes. They said we'd never be allowed back in.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Yeah. But that ban was lifted when they built a new library So here we are Hello everybody Who here is here because they listened to our podcast? Oh good, good Who here was dragged along by someone? Yeah, there we go.
Starting point is 00:00:45 All right. Who here saw us in like a library pamphlet? All right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you're going to love it. Yeah. If you like books. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Dave read one this year. I read one this year. Yeah. So, and I like the graphic novels. I was going to say graphic tees. I like a graphic tee. This is fun. So, tonight we're competing directly with the Canadian Country Music Awards.
Starting point is 00:01:20 That's a big Venn diagram. Our audience and their audience. uh that's a big venn diagram we our audience and their audience um so we we didn't know if uh we saw lots of people wearing fringe uh leather boots walking past and we were like maybe they're coming to us but they're not um no i don't know yeah did anyone like oh is anyone bummed they can't be at the Canadian Country Music Award? Good. Okay, good. I've been to the Canadian Country Music Award. You interviewed people on the green... It wasn't the red carpet. It was the John Deere green carpet. Yeah. And you knew how much about country music? I knew nothing. I didn't know... I think it's called
Starting point is 00:02:03 two-stepping is a type of dance. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That I's called two-stepping is a type of dance that I accidentally called hot-stepping because I had only heard the song here comes the hot-stepper yeah sure and you thought that's what country music was I thought the country was Jamaica and didn't you
Starting point is 00:02:22 if my memory serves didn't you get sniffed out by somebody? Yes. Didn't somebody go like, you don't know anything. Yes. This is when I worked at CBC, and then I had to go on every afternoon show around the country and talk about what's going on at the Canadian Country Music Awards. They're hot stepping, and I don't know, there's a pancake breakfast.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, yeah. There's usually something like that. I wonder if there were their pancake breakfast this weekend because of the awards. Nobody knows. Look how big our heads are. Yeah. You have to look at them the whole time. It's not a slideshow.
Starting point is 00:03:03 It's not a TED Talk. It's not going to change. And climb. We're very pleased to be here in Calgary on the new library rug. Yes. We were told we should wear booties to make sure we don't soil it yeah that's true um but it's great it's a great new library it's got all sorts of stuff i i don't know honestly we went on a tour of it the last time i was in calgary and i'm not sure where the books are but
Starting point is 00:03:38 there's a lot of cool stuff in here a lot of cool uh things maybe the books are somewhere else maybe they keep them in a depot or something like that. It's like the liquor store in Ontario. Yes, you order it and it comes down a pipe. Who here this is, by the way, I'm
Starting point is 00:03:57 in charge of polls. Does everyone here have a library card? Was anyone refused entry? Did you see anyone getting beaten up by the guards outside for not having a library card? I remember I went to a speech thing at a library once. Because on the ticket it said, refreshments will be served.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And that's partially why I went. It is 100% why about 20 homeless guys were there. But the snacks were at the end, so there was a lot of anxious shuffling. When are we getting to the snacks? Anyways, I can't remember what it was about, but the snacks. Do you remember what they were? Yeah, absolutely. There was Nanaimo bars.
Starting point is 00:04:47 There was, you know, those fancy cookies that have the red cherry chewy in the middle. They had those. Yeah. Peak Freen. And let's say there was some carrots. Yeah. Let's round it out with a healthy option. Carrots.
Starting point is 00:05:06 We both flew in here this morning for this. We decided not to drive. Well, we were going to take the Rocky Mountaineer, the scenic train through Banff, through the fudge factory.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Is that what you think Banff mostly is going for? I think the Rocky Mountains are a fudge company. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that a Calgary thing? I think it's an everywhere thing. Really? Yeah, the Rocky Mountains. Rocky Mountain Fudge Company?
Starting point is 00:05:35 I think so. Audience? Boo! Now I'm trying to think of what the Rocky Mountains are known for. I don't know what I can think of. Mountain goats. And bears and tourists pulling over the side of the road to take pictures of bighorn sheep.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Rocky Mountains. This is all going off memory. Anyways. You didn't prep any of this, right? This is not prepped. I want you to know, no matter how great it gets, no prep work. I made notes in my phone about what to talk about, looked at them before the show, and I was like, well, this is nothing. This is nothing.
Starting point is 00:06:15 These notes are nothing. This lady thought my suitcase was her suitcase at the airport. That's not a story. Oh, I have a suitcase story for the trip over. Here we go. Got on the train this morning in Vancouver to go to the airport. Yeah. Where they fly out at.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah. And on the train, you know how sometimes someone will sit on a seat and then give the next seat to their suitcase? Yes. And they're like, a seat for me and one for you, Samsonite. Yeah. We made a vow when we got married. So this morning on the train, two people sitting in seats,
Starting point is 00:06:55 and behind them, two seats for their, like an entire row for their suitcases. Maybe the suitcases were going on a separate vacation. You know what? The suitcases don't get any time together. Let's send them somewhere. Did I tell you that a lady thought that her suitcase was my suitcase? No.
Starting point is 00:07:19 She was very insistent. I was like, you know how sometimes you want to say you're being a maniac to somebody, but you don was like uh you know how sometimes you want to say uh you're being a maniac to somebody but uh you don't because uh you know maybe it turns out their father's a maniac mania runs in their family exactly do you did you see her Yeah, it was the same, but... But you have a fragrant bandana tied around yours. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mine says, wine o'clock on it, and that's how I know.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Before the show, they asked if we wanted the curtains open, and I was like, yeah, I want to see people on scooters. Man, they've taken over your city. Now, we saw somebody on one of those scooters on, like, a Blackfoot trail. Like, that's not allowed, right? And also, we're not sure, but we're pretty sure he was wearing a crazy wig. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It might have been a helmet wig.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Oh, yeah, I didn't even think about that. Okay, so he was being safe, except in the most unsafe way possible. They're not allowed to just be on Deerfoot, are they, these scooters? Because you're going to have traffic snarls, let me tell you. For the home listener, Deerfoot Trail
Starting point is 00:08:38 sounds like maybe it's a hiking path. It might be if these scooters fail halfway through. It's like a highway? It's a highway, and it's very fast, and it's like the Calgary's version of the Audubon. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Calgary's got a version of everything. Yeah, that's true. Got a version of the CN Tower. Oh boy, Calgary's got a version of everything. Yeah, that's true. Got a version of the CN Tower. Somebody went, ooh. Too soon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Which one did I offend? Can't go up it anymore, though, apparently. Elevator's broke. Nobody died in the elevator mishap, right? I'm not touching on a citywide tragedy that you guys are still recovering from. Tower pins for everyone. It could have been me.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I go up that tower every day. That's right. The Maveridge-Calgary commute going up the tower. Straight over to the Saddledome and then to the really nice earls. We're doing a show in a library. It just occurred to me. Last year, you and I did a show in Vancouver in the planetarium. That's right. Yeah. Are we, is our booker just like, are these field trips for elementary school kids? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Are we going to do a show in a pumpkin patch next month? Dare to dream. Here's the thing about pumpkin patches, as far as I'm concerned. Okay. Oh, boy. Here it comes. This classic fall rant. There's one if you go out on the way
Starting point is 00:10:25 to the ferry in Vancouver, there's a giant pumpkin patch on the side of the road and it's always filled with people picking their own pumpkins. Always? Yep. 12 months a year. Yep. And that's why it's so popular. People come from all
Starting point is 00:10:41 over the world into places where they can't pick pumpkins in the winter. They come to this patch. Is that, because you're somebody who has a family and has to fill up a kid's life with activities. That's all it is. That's all it is.
Starting point is 00:10:59 That's all it is. Is going to a pumpkin patch something you would ever do? Yes. Yeah. Okay. I have not.
Starting point is 00:11:08 But Margo started her first week of kindergarten last month. Yeah. Last month and week. The last week. Yeah. Boy, the pressure's getting. They grow up so fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And time moves backwards. And they said her first field trip will be pp baby oh really wow she's gonna have pumpkin fever everybody uh and no no if she does get that you have to take her to the doctor well yeah her father is a pumpkin maniac i shouldn't have brought it up yeah I knew this guy, Zach. He was... What kind of maniac? I didn't even say he was a maniac. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:53 He loved Lego. He was diagnosed with late term... Oh, this was prenatal. He was diagnosed in the womb as a Lego maniac. Ah, I knew he was a maniac. Yeah. His mother had been huffing Lego. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Okay. All right. This lady, how she thought it was her suitcase. Like, she thought they did some kind of cup game in the x-ray machine that they moved her out. Like, I was ten trays ahead of her. How did she? The tray system they got at the moment is terrible. The, like, zoom out one?
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, because it doesn't go in any order. Yeah, that's true. So maybe she's not as crazy as I make her out to be. She's insane. She pulled on it and like when I put my hand on it, the look on her face, like how dare I touch her for sure her luggage. If you have a very common luggage, you don't put anything on to identify it? I'm going to put a sticker on it, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I'm open to suggestions of what type of sticker. Bumper. Yeah. Live, love, laugh. Wine o'clock again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Also... And by the way,
Starting point is 00:13:25 you see us drinking beer up here. Feel free to go to the bar and get your own. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's something I pointed out today very proudly that across the street from here
Starting point is 00:13:36 is the St. Louis Hotel and in the movie Superman 3, Superman goes, he gets bad and he goes and gets wasted at a bar and that's the bar that he gets wasted at So a little bit of history for you You don't even have to read a book to get it
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah, yeah A lot of people are here in lieu of books This counts towards their reading for the month This was educational Yeah Oh yeah, if you have never heard the month. This was educational. Yeah. Oh, yeah. If you have never heard the podcast before, this is it. Also at the airport, the America versus Canada rugby finals was on.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And let me tell you, they showed the audience. No audience. They were playing for about. Was that in Vancouver or? Toronto. Toronto. And they were playing for less people than are in the room here today. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Yeah. And it's Head Wound City. Like, maybe one of us will get a head wound by the end of the show. Oh, here's hoping. But I can't imagine, you know, playing a thing that's that hard for... Nobody? Yeah. Yeah, I guess don't bring it to Canada.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah, seemed to be the message. And I saw bits of it, too, and they were on AstroTurf, and it seemed very weird. Yeah, yeah, let the boys play on real grass. They've earned it. Yeah, yeah, don't like the designated hitter. Yeah, is it too many dogs were designated hitter. Yeah. Is it too many dogs were running out of the field
Starting point is 00:15:07 and making patches everywhere? Yeah, that's why they replaced it. Real sports crowd. Yeah. At the library. Yeah. They have books on sports. Microfiche. Microfiche.
Starting point is 00:15:28 The great thing is that I haven't caved to the pressure To care about tennis I've abstained and I continue Oh you're great Thank you Oh boy you're so indie Thank you But you were telling me earlier That there's a guy who's like
Starting point is 00:15:44 Gone heel Yeah there's a bad guy in tennis I thought you were going to earlier that there's a guy who's like gone heel. Yeah, there's a bad guy in tennis. I thought you were going to talk about the Canadian woman who won. No. No, no, no. I want the wrestling storyline. Yeah, I want the wrestling storyline. He comes out in all black.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah. He's got a manager. Jimmy, mouth of the south, heart. Heart? No. Was he a heart? Yeah. Oh, no, but he, heart. Heart? No. Was he a heart? Yeah. Oh, no, but he was.
Starting point is 00:16:07 In the Heart Foundation. He was, yeah, he was one of the leaders of the foundation. Go on. So this guy, this heel, comes out and like. The crowd doesn't like him for some reason. I don't see why. But they like actively boo him. Yeah, and he's like, bring it on.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I'm tennis man. I'm the evil Russian tennis guy. See, that, for the first time in my whole life, I was like, maybe I should be watching tennis. Finally, a storyline I can get into. Your national pride wasn't swelling? Yanka Andreescu won? No, because I just, I can't, I don't know anything about tennis,
Starting point is 00:16:49 and I refuse to learn. Okay. Yeah. But you know what? This crowd against me, and I can feel it. Well, they're a sports crowd. Yeah, that's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:17:00 But did she win a lot of money for doing this? Yes. Yeah, okay. All right. Well, that's not why she's in it. That for doing this? Yeah, okay. All right. That's not why she's in it. That's why I do it. I mean, I guess she is ultimately, but. Those rugby guys aren't, I'll tell you that. They're in it for the love and the blood.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So many head wounds, and I only watched it for like 10 minutes. What kind of head wounds? Like gunshots? Yeah, there were some gunshots. Harpoon. A cleaver. Was there a guy with like a funny Steve Martin arrow through his head? Arrow through the head, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And a banjo. But yeah, I've never played rugby. Shock. But now that I know how popular it is in Canada, I don't think I will. Did you ever play any sport? Yeah. What? Tennis.
Starting point is 00:17:52 And it burned me so. And I can't ever forgive it. Yeah, you know, I played b-ball outside of school. Tell a couple of guys. I don't know how this story goes. Your life got flip-turned upside down. And when I was a kid, my dad used to say,
Starting point is 00:18:14 he's going to play in the big leagues. My boy's going to show some moves or something like that. I'm paraphrasing. Tom Cochran. You're quoting. Tom Cochran, you're quoting. Tom Cochran played in Calgary several times in my youth. Saw him climb a...
Starting point is 00:18:33 Good local reference. That's what I was hoping for, applause. He released an album with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. Boo! He went at a concert when I was a teenager. He climbed a bit of scaffolding
Starting point is 00:18:49 and then couldn't get down. So he sang the rest of his hits from the top of that scaffolding. Sometimes life is like that. A highway. But like, it was just great because he was like, wow, Tom Cocker's got himself in another one of his classic.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Was Waylon Jennings there giving the little spiel between songs? Well, looks like Tom's got to do his usual antics. Oh, man. Also, not far from here, the Bell Music Center, they have Tom Cochran's outfit from Ragged Ass Road on display. So, jeans, check. A leather jacket, you bet. A red shirt, let's say.
Starting point is 00:19:43 And rounding out that outfit, pair of shoes. You gotta see it. Hearing about it is fun, sure, but seeing it really will blow your hair back. Also, Michael Bublé's tuxedo is there. I think I'm joking, but I'm not. Yeah, when I was at the Canadian Country Music Awards last time,
Starting point is 00:20:05 they had a big display of all the Shania Twain's, Oliver Wintry wore those hockey outfits. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And me being a big sports fan, I was like, I know all of these. Okay. Not going down this road again. Well, we... I suppose we could bring out our guest.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah. Or not. One more thing. Guest. Back in the cage. Here's a weird thing. Yeah. Put the chain back on. Also, the guest could be a weird thing. Yeah, put the chain back on.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Also, the guest could be one amongst you. Yeah, that's true. It isn't. But I could have been drunk Superman. Our guest is drunk Superman. Is that what happens? He empties a thing of bar peanuts
Starting point is 00:21:07 and he flicks them and starts smashing bottles. It's the best. It's one of the cinema's finest. And then he walks out of the bar. This is supposed to be Metropolis and the Calgary Tower is like right in the background. It's the best, greatest. You could watch the whole movie.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Sure. It's probably a Richard Pryor's low point in his career. He did catch on fire once. But that not as a career move. No fair. Now, here's the thing. I went to a concert performance the other night. Uh-huh. A band called the Mountain Goats.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Ah. Yeah. Yeah. They're not coming out. If you think this is a setup where we're going to bring out the Mountain Goats, we're not. But on my way in, somebody I know, I bumped into them and they said, they were like, oh, hey, I wanted to say hi. I'm surprised to see you here.
Starting point is 00:22:08 And then didn't. To you. To me. And then kind of, anyways, I'll see you later. And I was like, what the hell? Yeah. The hell, man. Do I know this person?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Maybe not. I'm not interested anymore. Oh, okay. No, it's somebody you know. Oh, I hate that guy. Well, what do you think? What do you think of that, man? Why not me?
Starting point is 00:22:30 You don't go to concerts. I always go to concerts. Well, it's true. You're a real mosh pitter. I'm going to go to the Country Music Awards after this and start some shit. Billy Ray Cyrus is hosting. Huh? Billy Ray Cyrus is hosting. Huh? Billy Ray Cyrus is hosting.
Starting point is 00:22:45 My mortal enemy. I was supposed to be on that Lil Nas X track. Replaced at the 11th hour by Billy Ray Cyrus. Miley Cyrus was supposed to be my daughter. He's taken my whole life. I have an achy, breaky heart condition. You had a, I was at your childhood home today. You had kind of a haircut like him.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah, absolutely. Everybody did in Calgary at the time. If not that, you had a close cropped hairdo with a rat tail those were your two options as a boy growing up in 80s calgary um or you know you could have a you could have a crew cut those are with lines shaved into the side so cool yeah i'm thinking of doing it now as an adult getting an undercut and getting some really really shaved in. Are you really, Dave? Is this a bit? Dave, you know that I never, I do not kid.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I also know you do not cut your hair. Yeah, that's true. But anyways, I don't know if I should be offended by that person asking me why I was at that concert. What was the wording again? I'm surprised to see you here. Oh, there's a little bit of mustard on it.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Yeah, they put a little mustard on it. Yeah. It wasn't like, you've got a lot of nerve showing your face around here. After what you said about the mancoats. Also, they do a thing. I've never seen a concert like this before where the whole band leaves and just the lead guy stays on stage.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Oh, that's cool. That's like five or six songs. Do you want to do that tonight? Yeah. What does Mark do? Oh, speaking of which, let's bring out our guest. We are so lucky
Starting point is 00:24:40 that we happen to be doing this show at the same time that this gentleman is in town. He's just here briefly, and so this was just so fortuitous to have him as our guest. He's a comedian based out of Vancouver. He's part of the Sunday service, and he is just wonderful. We're so lucky to have him. Please, a big, warm round of applause for Mark Chavez, everybody. We're so lucky to have him. Please, a big, warm round of applause for Mark Chavez, everybody.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Hi. Thanks for coming. Hi. Hi. Hi, Mark. Hi, Mark. How about you take the middle seat? Dave, this isn't your house.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Yeah. We were going to be in your house. Can we get to know us? Play track two. Nice. Get to know us. There we go. No round of applause for sound men?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Woo! Yeah. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me. This is so cool. This is cool. Yeah. What is your relationship with libraries?
Starting point is 00:25:45 With libraries? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. What is your relationship with libraries? With libraries? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh, it's curveball. I know what they are. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen them before. I'm excited to be in one.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I've been kicked out of every library I've ever been to. What for? For reading too much. Yeah. Yeah. They get really mad if you stay and study and read use the microfiche too much you guys already mentioned the microfiche yeah but you know what do a decimal system still on the table oh let's talk about that how does it work it's not that
Starting point is 00:26:16 confusing um yeah i guess it wasn't that confused it's not it's just like it's just a nine you go to the nines if it's a seven you go to the seventh it's not like it's a very simple it's the point the point puts people off right is there anything above the desk no is there and there's no whole everything above are banned books oh nice yeah oh do they got madonna's sex book yeah yeah that's a one point something oh boy hubba hubba right yeah exactly i remember when i found out that the library had that book. And then I became a card-carrying member. The library had Sex by Madonna? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Does this one? Well, that's why they built it. They built this fortress around it. The book landed on this spot. They built the library around it. Yeah, that's how that happened. Only the bravest amongst them were able to pick it up. couldn't i couldn't tell but have you seen scooters go by yeah well my gosh yeah yeah are you uh crazy about them i'm crazy about them i got this uh
Starting point is 00:27:14 the waiter at this taco place i was at a couple days ago she said you know that awkward when you're paying moment and she yeah which is always awkward because you're like, I don't have any money. I left it in the bag. And you swear to do dishes. Sad that you take PayPal. Have you ever heard the term sing for your supper? She was like,
Starting point is 00:27:37 so what are you doing for the rest of your night? And I was like, oh, I'm going to get on one of those scooters and drive it into the river. And she was like, and then I was like, have you been on one? And she was like, oh, I'm going to get on one of those scooters and drive it into the river. And then I was like, have you been on one? And she was like, no. Oh, no. I've already heard 63 people have been in the hospital because of those. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:27:53 And also, I broke my arm when I was a kid, so no. Really scarred her for life. Yeah. You didn't break your arm as a kid tomorrow when you ride the scooter. What does that mean? Well, maybe she broke her arm riding a scooter startup i guess so yeah yeah it's totally possible the uh always when you uh are like interacting with the server and they say so what else you got going on i feel going home yeah zero and i can't ask you the question. You're working. So now what?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Oh, totally. And then they'll have to do the thing with me. They'll be like, so what do you got? This happened yesterday. So what do you got going on tonight? Just taking it easy, probably going home. Yes. To my hotel, but yes.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It was very, she nailed it. Yeah. Pretty good. So what brings you to Calgary? Why are you? I'm here because my wife is directing a show at the Vertigo Theater. Do you guys know the Vertigo Theater? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And I'm visiting her. I haven't seen her in a while, so I thought I would come to Calgary and say hi. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, she said this was a mail-order bride situation. No, no, whatever that is. Yeah, yes, it is. I've been to Calgary many times.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I've performed over at the big secret theater, the One Yellow Rabbit Theater, lots of times back in the day. Was that? No applause there? No, no. High Performance Rodeo? Anyone? High Performance Rodeo?
Starting point is 00:29:25 But yeah, so it's nice to be back. I just got... What I do when I come is I just try to find my way in plus 15s everywhere I go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just go like, let's see if I can make it there by plus 15s. And usually you get locked in a building and can't do it. You guys like the plus 15s? I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Fans? Yeah. There was a movie that came out when I was a teenager that was based on, it was called Way Downtown. And no applause there either. See this? I'm throwing them, and they're not hitting them. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Joe Newenday. No, nothing. But it's about a group of people that all work in an office, and they make a bet who can stay inside the longest just using the plus 15 system. Oh, my. What a specific movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, since Superman 3, I hadn't seen Calgary represented on screen. And then. What was the ad campaign like? Plus 15 drama. Plus. Add 15 to your day.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Plus 15. It's getting higher. Your heart rate will go up by 15. You have to be 15 to see this movie. This is a 15-year-old film. Say the... This joke has gone on 15. Plus 15s are what? They're walkways 15 feet above the ground. A 15-year-old film. Say the... This joke has gone on 15 years.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Puss 15s are what? They're walkways 15 feet above the ground, and they connect all the buildings and malls and stuff downtown, so you never have to go outside. Cool. It's like a hamster thing for people. Yeah. And it makes sense, because it gets really cold here.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah. It's for the cold, right? But there's a lot of cities in Canada that are cold or colder that do not have this system. That's true. So we win? I think so. Yeah. I think Calgary figured it out. Speaking of movies that have been hyped so much, are you guys going to see the Joker movie?
Starting point is 00:31:23 It just won. What did it win just now? It won an award over in... Scariest Clown. Beat out it. Best Jared Leto film not starring Jared Leto. I don't think I'll go to the theater to see it because I hate leaving. What's up?
Starting point is 00:31:43 Going to go back to your room and just relax tonight? Yeah. see it because I hate leaving. What's up? Going to go back to your room and just relax tonight? So what are you doing tonight? Probably just going home by hope. Yeah, going home and staring at the wall until the sun comes up. Yep. That's what I did last night. It won an award
Starting point is 00:31:58 though. Yeah, it did. I don't know what award. At the Venice Film Festival. Somebody said that it got an eight minute long standing ovation, which is impossible. That's impossible. That sounds like it had only one door exit and everybody was just trying to leave.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Yeah. Like, all airplanes get an eight-minute standing ovation. Like, that does not sound right to me. Oh, jeez. Oh, boy. Yeah. Who would do that for eight minutes? That doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Well, you can't even stand for eight minutes. Oh, boy. Yeah. Who would do that for eight minutes? That doesn't make any sense. Well, you can't even stand for eight minutes. How dare you? Yeah. My Apple Watch has a reminder that's like, sit down. You've been standing too long. You've taken too many steps today. Oh, yeah. I wonder if you clap for eight minutes, what calories you burned.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Oh, that's probably what was going on. Yeah. That makes sense. I've been sitting for two hours. I better clap for eight minutes. But are they expecting the Joker to come out and bow? Yeah. Come out and play a prank on the audience.
Starting point is 00:32:52 They wanted an encore. It's like after a live show when the performer's in front of you, you clap until they leave. Yeah. You clap until they leave. That's what clapping's for. It's to scare you away. That's how it developed. Lee, go we leave. That's what clapping's for. It's to scare you away. That's how it developed.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Leave, go. Do you guys, when you go to a live show, do you like the encore thing? Yeah, I hate that. I love it. Do you love it? It's genuine. I feel like it's a genuine thing
Starting point is 00:33:22 that's like the audience wants more, and you had given all you gave. Yeah. You're like, there's no more. Yeah. Except for that one hit that you owe. You dig deep, and then it's Ice Ice Baby. I can't believe he still hasn't played Ice Ice Baby.
Starting point is 00:33:41 The Bill Ice does a whole set. He does a two-song set. We've been here for two hours. He didn't do Ice Ice Baby? I'm going does a whole set. He does a two song set. We've been here for two hours. He didn't do Ice Ice Baby? I'm going to clap to scare him away. I'm going to clap longer to bring him back? Oh, yeah. It's reverse psychology.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I like that now bands that were popular when I was a teenager have joined forces and are going on tours together. That's nice. Oh, yeah. I mean, I think that happens in every generation. I remember going to see like Three Dog Night and the Hermits Hermits when I was little. Like, wow, they're friends?
Starting point is 00:34:16 Now, Mark, you're 50 years older than we are? Yeah, yeah. I said when I was little. When I was in my 40s, when I was little. When I was in my 40s, when I was little. I like the idea that you guys, who's friends here? Okay, you could tour together, you're friends. That's how promotions work, right? You guys are already friends? Okay, good. Go on.
Starting point is 00:34:38 You don't think that Gin Blossoms spends a lot of time with Collective Soul? Well, maybe they do. I mean, imagine if they decided to do a collab. They're, oh, well. I mean, like get in the studio together. Just see what happens. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mix it up.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Yeah. Is it true that Axl... Collective Blossoms. Is Axl Rose a lead singer of ACDC? Yes. That blows my mind. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 And what's more? Always has been. Yeah. And you can tell people you learned that at the library. Yeah. Yeah, he and when he was first on tour with him, he had broken his leg, so he wasn't even standing. He was just sitting in a throne
Starting point is 00:35:23 singing. Oh, amazing. Wow. Which is basically this. Before the show, they asked what kind of seats we wanted, if we wanted bar chairs or club seats. Yeah. Wow. We should have chosen the other kind.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Do you feel? Those are great. Yeah, this is fun. For the listening audience, we're in chairs. Yeah. We've got three types of chairs. Bar, lounge, bean. That's a bag.
Starting point is 00:36:01 You got that wrong. Yeah, you can't just do bean chair. Go down in the den and sit in the bean chair. That's somebody who's never seen one before. This is me trying to fit in. Yeah. I've been in a bean chair. You're just out of yourself as being a full-on alien. And stare at the volcano light.
Starting point is 00:36:24 So you're just in town for a couple days just in town for a couple days really enjoying it I wanted to say so last time I was on this show if I recall you can correct me if I'm wrong
Starting point is 00:36:35 I just came from an audition for a one line part in a movie oh yes and so I got that part hey yeah and thank you
Starting point is 00:36:44 there we go. Am I supposed to leave now? Yeah. I got the part. It was a John Cena movie. You know John Cena. Personally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:56 The wrestler. Yeah. Sorry, rassler. The rassler. So since I've talked to you, I did that. Did the one line. Are you allowed to say the line? I don't know. you, I did that. Did the one line. Are you allowed to say the line? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:07 No, I guess not. Because the line is like. Yeah, you are. Yeah, you are. He's the murderer. No, I think I can. I think I can. Because I say, I go, I'm standing right.
Starting point is 00:37:17 No, I say, I'm literally standing right. Oh, that's a good line. Yeah, that is a good line. It's a punchline of a scene, which is really nice. And then I improv'd a lot. And I think they kept some of that in. Nice. I'm doing ADR soon for it.
Starting point is 00:37:28 So I'm very excited. It comes out. Really? Yeah, it comes out soon. I can't wait. Was John Cena in the scene? He was in the scene, but we didn't speak at all. No.
Starting point is 00:37:36 I did the line to him, and he was like... He's method. Yeah. But there was other people. Was he wearing jorts? No, no. He was out of his typical costume. Oh, acting.
Starting point is 00:37:49 So I did that. How many John Cena movies have you seen? I saw none. No, because I didn't see Trainwreck, which was supposed to be pretty good. Yeah, he's in that.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Daddy's Home, he's in that. He's in the one where uh the parents are cock blockers or just blockers i guess uh-oh we're gonna oh dang we're gonna get thrown out of the library there was a picture of a rooster and then the word blockers right right i would never have made that leap yeah chicken blockers, maybe. He's good. He's a good comedy performer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's trying to do the rock. He's trying to make the transition. Well, I think he has. Well, good for him. You know who definitely has not but tried was Stone Cold Steve Austin. He just went straight
Starting point is 00:38:45 direct-to-video. All of his movies, he's playing Stone Cold Steve Austin. Other notable one, Jesse Ventura. He made the transition to being a governor, but his film career
Starting point is 00:38:59 was The Predator and what else? Maybe Predator 2. Maybe it was in a flashback scene. It's a ripe place. was the Predator and what else? Maybe Predator 2. Maybe it was in a flashback scene. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's a ripe, ripe place, the wrestling community for becoming big and famous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Anyway. That's my plan. Yeah. I did that. And then my car was smashed by a tree. Yes. Yeah, that's right. We talked about that on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:39:22 even without you there. We loved that. Did you really? Yeah. Yeah? You talked about it on the podcast, even without you there. We loved that. Did you really? Yeah. Yeah? You talked about it on the show? Yes, we did. Was my car on the show?
Starting point is 00:39:31 Yeah. How did it get brought up? It's such a great story. Yeah. We had to talk about it. Okay, so I'll make it fairly quick. No, take your time. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:39:44 So I was at my house. I was just about to get in the shower. My wife called me. Go slower. And she said, she was like, what are you wearing? And I'm like, getting in the shower. So all of my clothes.
Starting point is 00:39:56 She said, the police just called and apparently our car's under a tree. Can you go look? And we live in the West End of Vancouver, which is very densely populated with these, these trees that don't have enough room for their roots apparently. So I was like, sure. And so I knew what to expect going out. And I walk out not far from our apartment and there's like a bunch of yellow tape around, you know, where the car was parked. And
Starting point is 00:40:20 this tree is like this huge tree has fallen over. i'll send you photos so you can put it on the thing um and um there's like a whole bunch of yellow tape and then like a whole bunch of guys with hard hats on and trucks that were like cutting up the tree and putting it in tree shredders and a small crowd of people and news crew a news crew and so i, like being stupid, I went under the yellow tape and pulled out my keys and unlocked the car. And then pretended I didn't see the tree. And then when I got to the part where I opened the door, I noticed it and went, what happened? And nobody laughed everybody was so mad at me these like three or seven there's like seven hard hat guys and they all turned around and then the guy in charge was like you need to get out of here sir this is an unsafe place to be and i was like didn't say this but it was like out of all
Starting point is 00:41:24 the places to not be hit by a tree like standing didn't say this, but it was like, out of all the places to not be hit by a tree, like standing next to the one that's already fallen is probably pretty good safe place to be. So, and I was like, this is my car. Can I, he's like, you have to get out, you have to get out. So I went behind the tape and then had the same conversation. It's like, this is my car. I need to get some stuff out of the trunk. I want to put, can I put some prayer beads on it? Yeah, I have to say a few words. And they just kind of shooed me away.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And then I asked, like, what's the procedure? And they're like, Will, you have to call the city, and they'll tell you, because we are not going to tell you. So I left. And I came back, like, five hours later. And the car was dented on the roof. It looked terrible. There was a different news crew there and the
Starting point is 00:42:10 windshield was inexplicably crushed, but that's not where the tree had hit and the windshield was fine when I had first gone. I was like, this is weird. And then a nice guy from Global News was there he he waved me over
Starting point is 00:42:28 and he ended up interviewing me and so i'm on the news talking about my i told him the story he was like i would have laughed um and uh so i'm looking at the thing and we're talking about how it's probably totaled and we're like yeah yeah too bad uh i was like how did that windshield get broken i was like watch the news clip and it's on the news they're chopping the tree and they they screw up somehow and a big old branch just goes boom it's the way it's on the captured on the news uh so i was ready to to start a fight. I could have used that one too. Yeah, I really could have. But that was it. It was totaled.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Well, it was unsafe to be there because those guys didn't know what they were doing. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. You're right. They're like, we are very incapable of dealing with this, sir. And you have to get behind the tape. Do we chop up the tree or the car? I think the guy. Should we chop up the tree or the car? What do we...
Starting point is 00:43:25 I think the guy. Should probably chop. He's annoying. Have you ever seen footage of, like, someone, like, when they go up to chop up a tree that's, you know, got bad branches or whatever, and they have all these, like, ropes suspending the... They have, like, a separate rope just for the chainsaw
Starting point is 00:43:43 and one for the guy and one for the branch that's going to fall and sometimes they do it wrong and like the chainsaw goes flying and yeah no it's very dangerous and it look it's kind of like if it wasn't so dangerous it looks like when like wiley coyote saws off a thing and then everything falls and he's still in the air because they like they because they they exactly screw up what they're supposed to do yeah it's very it's scary and did the city like are they just like well shit happens that's where i live in the city read the guidebook yeah they so what how it works is we were covered by insurance but not the deductible the city's supposed to cover the deductible and the city's like oh yeah we'll do that for you you just have to write us a letter and explain everything and
Starting point is 00:44:24 by the way, we are completely impossible to get a hold of. So I don't know. We might just eat that. I don't know. No, write them a letter. No, write them a letter. You haven't written the letter yet? No, my wife, who's directing a play at the Vertigo
Starting point is 00:44:38 Theater, has written them a letter. It's her car. It's her car. But like the first sentence of the letter should be like, I'm such a big fan of City Hall so that they keep reading. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh my gosh. First and foremost, can I get an autographed picture of the city council? Individually and together. What about, there must be a nerd kid out there. Like, please send me an autographed picture of the whole city council. And he always wants to sit in on meetings and they're like, oh, Roy's here.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Oh, boy. Yeah. I was that kid. You were that kid? No, no, I was not that kid. But you knew that kid, though, right? Oh, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:23 The kid that brought a briefcase to school and whatnot. Wore a sweater vest by choice. You know who I'm talking about, right? You're talking to a lot of them. They all clammed up so hard. Yes. All hiding their briefcases under their seat. Yes, we know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:45:41 City Council's not on on Sundays, so. That's why we are here watching you. And now we are all offended, collectively. Let's leave this library. Sometimes I will watch, like the legislature or whatever on TV, I'll just watch a motion, you know, and see how the process works. The process is so boring. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I think they do that on purpose so that people don't pay attention. They make it super boring, but then as soon as I switch the channel, Tom's good. He's not watching anymore. Let's get into an argument. Belly dancers come out
Starting point is 00:46:19 and pinwheels blowing fire everywhere. Oh, would that be great? And then every time you switch back, everybody kind of leaves. You're like, I know something's going on. Yeah, there's still smoke hanging in the air. That's what I love about Sting. I'm in a hotel here, and I get to watch TV.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I don't have a TV. I don't normally watch TV. I watched it. I was watching In Cold Blood and that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis movie. True Lies. True Lies. And a cooking show, just going back and forth.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Boom, boom, boom. With Truan Capote, with what's his name? Philip Seymour Hoffman doing such a great job. Yeah. I think that I don't know about we shouldn't. I can't do it. I can't do this. He won an Oscar for it, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:47:02 The guy who produced that movie previously, all the movies he had produced were Air Bud films. And that was filmed in Vancouver. Air Bud? Air Bud was, and also Capote. Yeah, and originally they were going to have a golden retriever play Capote, but... Because there was nothing in the rule book
Starting point is 00:47:22 that said that they couldn't... Another one. Another slam dunk. Incredible writing. We talked about a movie about a book. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That counts. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 People applauded. Good. They should, yeah. I think a good idea for a club is a movie or book club. And you get to pick whether you're going to read the book or just watch the movie. Or pretend that you did either. Third option. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Movie or book or lying about it club. I'm not part of any clubs. Are you guys part of any clubs? You're part of a team now. What? I don't want to talk about it. Oh, okay. Are you on a softball team? No, I bought a bunch of hockey gear and I signed up to play hockey.
Starting point is 00:48:17 And there was like a random draft of players. It wasn't random. The team that won the championship in my league last year drafted me, meaning they had the last pick. Oh, no. This is why I've never joined any club. I know. What position are you?
Starting point is 00:48:37 I don't know yet. I'm guessing the bench needs a lot of warming. It's really important that you let us know how many goals everyone did. You sit here. I promise, it's a really great thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah. No, I don't have, I'm not part of any clubs. Do you ever feel tempted to join an intramural league? For sure, yeah. Well, I do, I play D&D. Okay, see, that's like a club. Yeah, that's like a club. That gets a couple briefcases amongst us.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, they fully got outed. I was clapping. My dice are in. I thought it stood for something else. Dungeons and Dragons. Dungeons and Drugs. Yeah. Dungeons and Dragons.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Dungeons and Drugs! Yeah, but that's with comedian friends, though. It wasn't something I signed up to do and met new people doing, which I think is kind of a part of being part of a club. Are you in a group chat? Yeah. That's what I feel like being in a club is all about, a group chat.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah, and there's a lot of discussion about what we're going to do and when and how. And yeah. So it's a, yeah, it's a club. Are there costumes involved? No, no, no, no. That's LARPing. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Which I also do. My foam sword. Yeah. No, I mean, if you're into it, I think that's great. Yeah. It's not hurting anybody. Min it, I think that's great. Yeah. It's not hurting anybody. Minus 10. Minus 10.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Plus 15. Is that what LARPers do? They assign a value to what they're... I've seen a couple of the movies, which are great, which you all should watch if you haven't. And my favorite one was this guy. One of the movies puts his hand on a guy's shoulder or head or something. He goes, I steal your soul for 10. I steal your soul for 10.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I steal your soul for 10. And finally the guy realizes, oh, get off! I've been stealing my soul for 10 for five minutes. It's like when you're in grade three and you do rabbit ears behind someone and you count to 10 and however high you count
Starting point is 00:50:46 is how many girlfriends they have. I know. A fate worse than death. Yeah. Yeah. You have 48 girlfriends. Are you one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I see. I like Halloween, so I see the appeal of the LARPing. I get it. Because putting together a costume, a lot of fun. Wearing it out, super fun. Getting drunk in that costume. Taking funny photos. Am I selling anybody on my LARPing weekend that I'm hosting?
Starting point is 00:51:17 Do you have Halloween plans at this point? Working on it. Okay. Yeah. Really? You already thought about it? Well, yeah. I want to put together a costume.
Starting point is 00:51:24 The last couple of years have been real lazy halloweens for me and i feel like this year i can really you really get it back yeah yeah i'm back on the groove don't do a pun costume whatever you do no no no nobody likes i i don't like a pun costume i don't like uh oh speaking of this is a weird tell me if this is a thing that i just don't know. Maybe this is a meme or something that I... At the Mountain Goat Show, there were two dudes both wearing Japan Droids t-shirts. That's weird, right? It's not even similar music. Yeah, yeah, but like why...
Starting point is 00:51:58 I was like... Were they the Japan Droids? That's what it was. That's some meme. That was a dank ass meme. We're going to other concerts dressed as the band we're in. I would do that. If I was in a cool band, I'd always dress as my band costume.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I always really liked bands that wore costumes, too. Like GWAR? Like GWAR is what I was thinking of. Yeah, GWAR is cool. Then I started struggling thinking of a different one. Because I was like, well, GWAR, and then KISS, and then Hermit's Hermit. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Three Dog Night. They all dress like dogs. The Police, I hope. I assume. I would love it if the police Wore a little police outfit Yeah I think it should be the law That your band has to be the thing you are
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah That's really good Alice in Chains I mean some of them are really hard to Yeah Toad the Wet Spruck Yeah Pearl Jam is just... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Well, it's gross. It's just gross. Yeah. What do you guys say? Do you think we should mosey on over to Overheard? Yes, we should. Can we get track three? Yeah, we got it.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Overheard. Voice of an angel remix now what is overheards graham uh well for people who have never heard the show it's a hilarious things that you've overheard we will all share something funny we've overheard then we have a microphone here in the audience if you if you have an overheard you want to share just make your way down to the mic and uh and we'd be very glad to have you and we always like to start with the guests right yeah okay so uh this is a it's a overheard that turned into i was kind of in the mix but um here's how here's how it works uh so i mentioned this taco place.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I was at the same place with a woman who was like... You refused to name it by name, though. Oh, I could try. It was really good. It was Lingua, something Lingua. You guys know anyone? It's downtown somewhere.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Never mind. It was very good. And I was outside going to get in, and this is a true story. This tall, kind of lengthy guy was leaving the patio area but you're not allowed,
Starting point is 00:54:28 you can't really leave the patio area. Like, you can't just leave from the restaurant there because there's this big parapet wall up with like planters
Starting point is 00:54:34 and he goes, well, I can just step on over and he stepped on and made that sound and kind of stepped over and then, he was like,
Starting point is 00:54:41 oh, he made kind of like a noise when he was stepping over like he was like, and his voice wasn't that deep though. He was like oh just he made kind of like a noise when he was stepping over like he was like and uh his voice wasn't that deep though he was like and then the woman he was with kind of like fall and like they were there was like tables near where he was where he had stepped over and the woman was like well i can't do that like her legs weren't long enough or as long as his and he was like oh okay i'll just stand here and then she had to let
Starting point is 00:55:04 kind of go through but then i looked and the guy who was doing all the do to do's was the that actor that's in stranger things and it the young the young kid oh yeah yeah because he shot off like a beanpole yeah what's his name no i've just made up a name uh uh his name he does have a finn wolfhard finn wolfhard i said dorg ligsman is is finn his is real name yeah yeah i don't know uh it's a cool name to make up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was him and i was like and i was like oh wow a famous guy yeah yeah yeah and that's gonna be my overheard and then it was fine but, but it was just this awkward moment where he had done this thing and I had to stand there and wait until she went all the way around
Starting point is 00:55:49 to the proper exit. And I got in the mixer because I was in her way as she was leaving. I'd watch the whole thing play out. He's like, baby, just make the noise. Yeah, yeah. That was mine. That's great. That's good, Mark. Dave, You have one
Starting point is 00:56:06 Mine I wrote down On my phone Okay Oh Hmm Oh interesting Getting updates It's garbage night
Starting point is 00:56:14 Back in Vancouver Garbage night I'm gonna go There's so much garbage Somebody takes it? So I was waiting for the plane. Woo. Sitting in Vancouver Airport next to an old lady.
Starting point is 00:56:44 There seemed to be a tour group of old ladies going to the Maritimes. I sat behind them. Oh, yeah? Yeah were great yeah and one of them took out her phone and made a phone call and i was like oh a lady trying to operate a phone at nine in the morning you're gonna wake someone up and uh i heard her say uh so she made a phone call and she said, oh, hi, Patty. Is Russ there? I've got the wrong number. Okay. But she committed to Patty. She knew she was talking to Patty. And then she went through her phone again and dialed again. And hi, Russ. Yes. Hi. I'm at the airport and I'm sure I locked the door, but if you're in my neighborhood today sometime,
Starting point is 00:57:29 would you mind checking to make sure? Thanks. Sorry for waking you. Like, sometimes I'm worried I left the iron on. Yeah. But I would never call someone and be like, wake up. Later. No, that's what 911 is for. You call them and say, go check it out.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Kick down the door if you have to. Yeah, do you know your neighbors well enough to call somebody? No, my neighbors went on vacation a couple weeks ago, and the day they left, their burglar alarm went off five times. Oh, wow. And I never called them or said anything. To tell them that there was somebody just emptying out their house. Well, that's right.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Neighborly of you. There was one really tall guy and one really short guy. Oh, yeah. But I saw this really crafty kid. Yeah, they were having a holiday party, if I recall. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was carrying groceries. They all fell on the ground.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Silhouette. This woman also doesn't know her neighbors, apparently, because she said, if you're in my neighborhood. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Neighborhood, yeah. Like, that's pretty brazen. Yeah. All my neighbors are dead.
Starting point is 00:58:42 It's a big ask. It's a big ask, especially at nine in the morning. Go to my neighborhood, check out my house. Try to get in. What's in it for me? Yeah, try to break in. I've got a new alarm system. I want you to test it out.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Russ, you're the craftiest person I know. Is Patty awake? I have the wrong number. Okay. Okay, sorry. Can you tell Russ if you talk to him? Okay, I know I have the wrong number. But. Okay, sorry. Can you tell Russ if you talk to him? Okay, I know I have the wrong number. But tell Russ.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Graham. Yes. You brought up the overheard. Yeah, that's true. I have one. This is secondhand from this morning at the bar where I watched the rugby from that hilarious bit from earlier. There was a woman and a man talking,
Starting point is 00:59:24 and the man was complimenting the woman on her eyebrows she said she said or he said you've got you've got just such great eyebrows and she said thanks i just got them waxed the other day you know i go so often i got myself a wax pass I mean, I'm making money with how many waxes I'm getting. That's amazing. They're giving these things away. I wonder if they had to pull her aside and be like, you should just get a wax pass.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I'm sorry, but I just... I'm not supposed to say this because you know what? It's costing my employer a lot of money, but you just... I'm not supposed to say this? Yeah. Because, you know what? It's costing my employer a lot of money. But you're in here every day. We should just get you a wax pass. It's good for 10 waxes,
Starting point is 01:00:15 and then an 11th wax, and then four more waxes. And then after that, we'll get you six more waxes, and an additional seven waxes. There's no deal. But we just keep punching the card. And then six more waxes.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Until there's no paper left. After that, another wax. I'd buy it. Yeah. So yeah, if anybody here in the audience is so brave and wants to contribute and overheard, the microphone is sitting right there. And the steps are all lit, so you won't trip. And you can see what's going on down here at street level, if you like.
Starting point is 01:00:58 It's your chance for fame. Here we go. A brave soul. Take your time, though. Take your time. Yep. Be careful on those steps They're very steep
Starting point is 01:01:06 They're very new They would hurt Hi I'm Zach I suffer from Lego mania Oh Zach I'm so sorry Oh no
Starting point is 01:01:14 Sorry Oh wait no Hello Zach So earlier today I was attending Monster Jam Go back Yeah Not to your seat What's Monster Jam? What attending Monster Jam. Go back. Yeah. Not to your seat.
Starting point is 01:01:26 What's Monster Jam? What is Monster Jam? Monster Truck Show. Oh. At the Corral. A matinee? A matinee monster truck. Yeah, they do matinees on Sunday, two shows Sunday.
Starting point is 01:01:35 And they're dark on Mondays. So it was a 3 p.m. show. It was intermission after Grave Digger put on a really good set of just being on two wheels for a long time. A really great set. Yeah. We were jamming out there. The audience was... It was like one of Chappelle's three hour set. It was pretty much the Grateful Dead out there.
Starting point is 01:01:58 And then it was intermission and there was a father and a young son behind me and the father went to the son and he's like, wow, wasn't that amazing? Isn't your mind blowing? And he just said, is it nap time yet? Zach, stay there. Zach, stay there.
Starting point is 01:02:14 I have a lot of questions. Okay. Did you bring ear protection? No. There was small children in front of me and the parents didn't get them ear protection, but they were just holding hands over their ears. These monster trucks are swearing.
Starting point is 01:02:31 What was the more popular ear protection, over the ear or plugs? They were selling over the ear, which were like monster truck tires that could go. Oh, by the way, we're selling merch after the show. We're selling those as well. Yeah. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Yeah. Any more questions for Zach? Was it held in the Saddle Dome? The Corral. Oh, the Corral. Yeah, I guess because Saddle Dome's probably, there wouldn't be enough time to clean up the car. Billy Ray Cyrus.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Billy Ray Cyrus. How many of these events have you been to? First time, but I dressed up for it. Oh, nice. Would you go again? Oh, 100%. Okay, all right. Yeah, Zach, everybody.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Very good. From a Lego maniac, that's a rave. I love the idea of having an event where you have to sell something to eliminate one of the senses that you're automatically bringing to that event. They're like, you're going to love most of this. All right. Another one. Hello.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Hello. I'm Gary. Hey, Gary. I have won in honor of the Country Music Awards. All right. I was walking between classes at the University of Calgary, and there was a couple of young women just sitting there chatting at a table, and I heard one of them just ask the other one, is it still car sex if it's in the back of a truck?
Starting point is 01:03:56 That's a good. Yeah. Because technically it's called the bed. Yeah. True. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think no. No? Yeah. I know he wasn't asking. I know he was just. Yeah. True. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think no.
Starting point is 01:04:05 No? Yeah. I mean, I know he wasn't asking. I know he was asking. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:10 But yeah, we should field the question. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's an amount of awkwardness that you don't have to put up with in the back of a truck. That awkwardness being, I don't have a place I can take you. I'm going to back out of this. Sorry. Is it like, do you drive the truck into a field?
Starting point is 01:04:27 Yeah. Or is it just like. Or behind an Arby's, whatever is closest. Gary, everybody. Thank you. My goodness. Anymore. Are there any more?
Starting point is 01:04:44 You don't have to be afraid See how much fun Zach and Gary had? Alright Here we go We got one Oh that's just Zach again What's your name? Darcy
Starting point is 01:05:03 He can look through his phone Yeah What's your name? Oh, Darcy. Hey, Darcy. Welcome, Darcy. Okay. And he can look through his phone while we can... Yeah, yeah. Yeah, there's just tweets to read here. Okay, all right. Okay. So I was in an airport, at a different airport where they have privacy booths. And I was in one booth.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And the person behind me, the booth's not very private because I could hear his conversation. And he was talking about a date that he had been on to his friend or to his friend he was on a date with someone else earlier. Sorry. All right, I'm stringing it together. He's describing the date and he said, you ever eat a leaf off a tree on a walk. Well, that's what she did and more
Starting point is 01:05:49 And then he said after she fell in the duck swamp anyways, yeah, she put it on her bagel. Yeah She put a leaf on her bagel. Whoa Wow, and then later in the conversation his friend commented that his hair was getting long And he said yeah I'm growing it out real hard I love it Darcy everybody A leaf on a bagel Yeah but just pulling a leaf off a tree
Starting point is 01:06:19 Just like well we'll see if this freaks you out I hear these melt in your mouth Nope Yeah she did that and more it's like stay tuned for more the great conversationalist it's awesome way to talk on the phone yeah she did that and more um i wonder well now i want to know if there was a second date um go back to the airport. I'm also intrigued by these privacy booths in this airport. I like the idea of them.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Don't know what they are, but what do you guys think a privacy booth looks like? Well, I'm picturing a thing with just a little seat. Like a cubicle? Like a little cubicle, yeah. Like you'd find it in an office, except maybe you can just work there, do phone calls. Or is it like one of those places you have like a little mini hotel? That's what I'm picturing,
Starting point is 01:07:12 a pneumatic tube that you go in, and then a pod. Have you ever been in one of those? A sensory deprivation pod? Well, no. I went in one of the monster trucks. Yeah, they sell those too. And you can just not even deal with this at all. No. I went in one of the monster trucks. Yeah, they sell those too.
Starting point is 01:07:28 You can just not even deal with this at all. Over here in our booth. You don't have to watch, listen, talk to anyone about. Tell me about this pod. Oh, no. In airports, you can rent a hotel for anywhere up to all day, like 24 hours or three hours, and you just have a little bed. I love it. I love this idea.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I love progress. And you get to tell your kids you were conceived in the Frankfurt airport. Is that still car sex? Not in the back of my truck like your mom says. Is there anybody else? anybody else? If there's no more We can end this show
Starting point is 01:08:07 Great turnout Hello My name is Hunter I went back to New Brunswick this summer for my friend's wedding Really nice, it was down the Maritimes On the water, great They had hired buses to go from the hotel Like the three different hotels
Starting point is 01:08:24 To the countryside for the wedding So all paid for so no one had to drive on the water, great. They had hired buses to go from the hotel, like the three different hotels, to the countryside for the wedding. So all paid for, so no one had to drive. So I'm in the bus with a lot of her colleagues from Yale and like all over the world. So there's one from England and one from like somewhere in the States. And they're behind me and my mom. And we're driving, we're going through trees and it's country and dirt road and as we keep going they keep going where are we going are they gonna murder us do they have internet out here my mom is losing it she's getting so mad it's like i should just turn around and hit them i'm like where are they from they're like it's like those movies where they go like the texas cafe where they murder people like they had no frame like this like it like those movies where they go like the Texas cut, where they murder people. Like they had no
Starting point is 01:09:05 frame. Like this is like, it can't frame. Like they got freaked out the farther we got. They'd have never been in a car. Did you murder them? Well, some people disappeared and apparently didn't make it to the last bus out. Classic murder.
Starting point is 01:09:25 They were right to be scared. I talked to someone who went to a wedding in, I think, New Brunswick this summer. Was it that one? No, but we were talking about how there's local songs that you would only get played in, like, if you're in Calgarygary that's the only place you'll hear big league by tom cochran at a wedding yeah and i think they said that they they played a rankin family song yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um you guys familiar with the rankin family but i can't like that's i guess uh did they play that song that goes, dee-dee-lee-dee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee-lee- Lee-lee-lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- Lee- I know there was Rankin Family played. Oh man, that would be my out. I don't want to sing with the family.
Starting point is 01:10:27 That's your out. Yeah, I would be like, I'm not coming. I'm not coming to sing Dutch at this wedding. My out is getting on a bus and going somewhere. Who knows where they're going to take us. Hunter, everybody. Thank you. Anyone else amongst us it's fine if not
Starting point is 01:10:50 we all gotta go home we got Monday church I gotta put the garbage out I'm just gonna go home cause that's what I'll do kind of a low key evening for you what do you do just kind of a low-key evening for you. Yeah, what are you doing? Just kind of low-key. You'll go home and never talk to anyone?
Starting point is 01:11:09 Hide? Yeah. You make some sort of face out of a napkin and you can talk to that and you can be a friend. You're going to carve up an apple into a face and then let it age and turn into an old man. So what are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:11:25 Are you going to go home and eat another sandwich as fast as you ate this one? Is that what you're going to do? Are you going to go home and order a second beer again before you're even half done with your first beer? Is that what you're going to do? Oh, I love this character. Great character work tonight.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Yeah. Mark. Normally you'd be in Vancouver tonight. Normally I do a show on Sunday nights, yeah. So this is your character work. Yeah, yeah. So thank you for letting me do a little. Thank you so much for being our guest.
Starting point is 01:12:02 It was such a treat. Oh, thank you. And so we're just so lucky that you happened to. It was such a treat. Oh, thank you. We're just so lucky that you happened to be here when we were here. Yeah. And thank you, all of you, for coming out to the show. Thank you to the library. Yeah, thank you to the library. You know, they, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Free show, free books. They want you to like them a lot. If anyone wants to say hello to us, we should have made a clue in the Dewey Decimal System where to find us. Well, you know what? You'll find us near the Madonna sex book.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah. No, I will come out here in a couple minutes yeah I think uh thank you all so much for coming
Starting point is 01:12:49 and uh have a safe trip home have a good night everybody

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