Stop Podcasting Yourself - Bonus Episode - LIVE from Edmonton with Benjamin Ahr Harrison and Adam Pranica

Episode Date: August 8, 2019

Recorded live at the Up + Downtown Music Festival in Edmonton on October 5th, 2018 with Benjamin Ahr Harrison and Adam Pranica from the Greatest Generation podcast....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka, and he's Graham Clark, and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Hello everyone. Wow, we can see all of you. What a well-lit audience you are. Wow. Welcome to the podcast conference? Yeah. Let me get around there.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Oh, boy. Here we go. Pardon me. Okay, yeah. Oh, yeah. Let's use it. Hi, everybody. Welcome, welcome.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Thank you very much for coming here. I know there's lots of rock and roll shows on that you could have chosen from so thank you for coming to a podcast we tried to figure out dimming the lights earlier didn't didn't work right behind you there there's there's switches there's no dimmers there's no dimmers yeah so then we turn off these lights and we had these on too spooky so all lights on whole show always I went down to the store to see if I could get lower wattage
Starting point is 00:01:14 it just wasn't time no and your city is strictly a 100 watt town yeah but we bought some time because we put a time on the ticket and a very different time for the starting show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So who was... Build the suspense. Who was here the earliest? Yay! Congratulations. Congratulations. How early were you? Seven. Seven. Six. Six. Five. Yeah, we were here at 5.30, so there.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Now, how many people here listen to the podcast? Always a surprising amount of people that don't in the crowd. In what way? That there's Andy. That there's anybody who would go, a live podcast? Yeah, but...
Starting point is 00:02:10 People every... No one who listens to our show has a car. So they're like, can you drive me to this podcast and wait around
Starting point is 00:02:19 for two and a half hours before it starts? Who here has never heard the show? Hey, all right. Sitting in the front row, no less. Bold. The entire bar staff put their hands up. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:34 You'll love it by the end. Yeah, you'll love it. Got a lot of security in here. I like that, too. So don't get any ideas, alright? This is maybe the toughest security we've ever had. For the home listener... Am I recording this?
Starting point is 00:02:56 Oh, yeah, yeah. Security has a T-shirt that says security. And camo everything else. I just see a floating T-shirt that says security and camo everything else. Yeah. I just see a floating t-shirt. Just kidding. It's so well lit. You can see everything.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I can see what beer they're serving at the back. Yeah, yeah. I can see the rise and fall of every breath. We just arrived here this morning. Barely. We barely, barely made it. We were in Calgary.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And I guess I didn't think Thanksgiving weekend was a thing in Canada. I did not think that either. Didn't think that people traveled on it a la planes, trains, and automobiles. And boy, was I wrong. Whoa, was I wrong. How long was it? I waited for an hour and a half in security. Oh, I would say an hour and fifteen.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I was only, I was a little bit behind you. Yeah, I would say about fifteen minutes behind if I had to do the math. But, I mean, you guys wouldn't believe it. The lineup for security was all the way back to the Kelsey's. Yeah. And we barely got on.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I had to beg at the gate to not close the flight. I don't know what that means. She was like, I got to close this flight. I'm like, I don't know your terminology. What does that mean? Graham laid down. Don't close it. You laid down like a hippie in front of a bulldozer. Yeah'm like, I don't know your terminology. What does that mean? Don't close it. You laid down like a hippie in front of
Starting point is 00:04:27 a bulldozer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like a young Jane Fonda. Yeah. I'm going to save this parking lot. They want to build like a youth center, but no, it should be a parking lot. Yeah. You heard Joni Mitchell. Hey, paradise.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Put up a parking lot. Her heard Joni Mitchell. Hey, paradise. Put up a parking lot. Her will be done. No, but we were both in line and I am such a rule abider. You were in line ahead of me. About 15 minutes ahead. I would say.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Your parents were with you in line because they are the cutest people in the world they are, they're adorable and so they went right up until they were no longer allowed to be in line with you and your mom came back and your dad they both came back separately to visit me ask me if I needed coffee
Starting point is 00:05:18 or if I wanted to come up to your you know what you can stay with Graham but that's not allowed. I know, but everybody was... There was a lady dressed like Carmen Sandiego, and she came in. She might have been Carmen Sandiego.
Starting point is 00:05:35 She travels a lot, that Carmen Sandiego. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And she was... She showed up way too late to catch her flight, even if there had been no security. She was like, my flight's at 9, and I was like, it's 8.45. Waved through. Waved through to the front of the line.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Everyone who was late kept getting waved through, and we were there on time. Nothing for us. Throw us a bone. Yeah. And then when I was waiting for you at the gate, they kept asking me what you were wearing, and I was like, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And they were like, was it a gray hoodie? And I was like, no. So they're like, okay, that's not him running down the concourse. Plaid. It was plaid. It was plaid. It's always plaid and corduroy. But there was this one guy in line. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. This guy was the best. Because he got waved through because he was late, But I Yeah so But then there was this one guy Oh boy Oh boy
Starting point is 00:06:25 This guy was the best Because he got waved through Because he was late So they were like You're a priority You go ahead of everyone And he was still complaining about it And he was like
Starting point is 00:06:34 Oh they don't have enough people Working here Yeah Wow weren't they prepared For Thanksgiving But like He wasn't No
Starting point is 00:06:42 No And then You know You know after a couple drinks at Thanksgiving dinner, he's going to have some opinions. And he was having a loud conversation on his phone, complaining about all the people working there.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I mean, those poor people working so hard, this huge lineup doing their best. And everybody's bringing in a bag of gel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like, sir. huge lineup doing their best. And everybody's bringing in a bag of gel. They're like, sir. And he's like, it's my bag of gel. It's in a
Starting point is 00:07:12 bag. I'm traveling with a camelback of hand lotion. And then this guy, this loud guy, he starts defending other people in line. No, her flight's at 920.
Starting point is 00:07:27 His is 940. He's got to be there. Let him go. And the attendant, the security guy, was like, okay, okay. Well, you know what? We'll just do it our way. And the loud guy told the agent, slow your roll. Slow your roll. Slow your roll.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And everyone looked like, if you're ever going to see a guy get taken aside for bad-mouthing security guys. He was standing right next to a sign that said we will not tolerate abuse. The only thing blocking that sign was him.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Slow your roll. No. I would never tell a security guard to Slow your roll. I would never tell a security guard to slow their roll. Oh my God. Or is he camouflaged? You don't know. You don't know, Dave. Why?
Starting point is 00:08:23 There hasn't been a security guard here for 45 years. Why, tonight's the anniversary. Oh, boy. Slow your roll. Slow your roll. Slow your roll. I would never. I wouldn't tell, you know, my worst enemy that.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah. Who is my worst enemy? It might be yourself. Oh, yeah, yeah. It might be your own worst enemy. What did you get up to today? Well, we're in a hotel with a revolving restaurant. Boy, do they tell you that a lot when you're there. I don't know if they've been having troubles up there,
Starting point is 00:09:16 if they're really pushing the revolving restaurant. A ride in also, he was like, it revolves 360 degrees, he said. That was my favorite part. It doesn't go 270 and bounce back and forth. You don't want to look over there. There's one section of the city we're none too proud of, so we just kind of get it
Starting point is 00:09:38 to here and then we go back around. There's a photographer here. The light is too bright for her. Yeah, so I went to the rotating restaurant. I only eat revolving foods. You know that about me. Lazy Susans. You love them.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Rotisserie chickens. Dreidels. Pinwheels. I guess is cotton candy, does that count? Yeah. It's up to you. You're the one that needs to eat rotated food. Well, I'm in the way.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That's a part of my religion. The dreidel religion. Whatever that one is. No, the thing I did. Here's what I did. The same thing I do every time I'm in a hotel. Yeah. Went into my room.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah. Got nice and cozy under the blankets. Yeah. Opened up my laptop. Watch special videos. Special videos? Have you seen on Ellen, sometimes someone jumps out of a table and scares the guest I just watch so many of those it's never
Starting point is 00:10:49 it's the greatest it's just a cheap gag although you know they've got to hire the guy and find a box big enough to put him in it's always the table between Ellen and the guest so that table's hollow
Starting point is 00:11:04 there's a guy in there. And it's usually to prank a modern family cast member. That's quality television. So, yeah. I saw a lot of Edmonton. Alright. Did you really go to the rotating restaurant? No.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It was closed. They had to start it up at five. Brrrr. No, it was closed. They had to start it up at five. The last time I was in Edmonton, it was when Conor McGregor tried boxing. Do you guys remember that debacle? He didn't try it here, but I went and watched it at a sports bar here.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It's very confusing because this is a Conor McDavid town. Oh, yeah, that's true. No, Connor mcgregor not a boxer tried boxing but it's similar to boxing he does a box thing what's this he does he's a he's a fighter oh it's uh yeah he's a ufc guy yeah and then he decided he was gonna box and so all the sports bars in town were like all sold out and so I went and saw that. And there were people who dressed up in costume. Which is not a thing for going and watching a fight. I've watched
Starting point is 00:12:15 fights. People don't dress up in costume. There was a guy dressed as Wolverine so I don't know what he thought he was going to see. Got a picture with him. What did he think you were dressed as? Just a sports enthusiast. It was at a bar that also
Starting point is 00:12:35 maybe has video games in it. What bar am I talking about? Yeah, that's the one. And the last time I was here, I got one of the worst reviews I ever got was from a guy. Chill tonight. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:12:50 We waited so long, and they came out at 10 minutes and left. Good night, everybody. But there was a show about my Instagram account, and the guy spent his whole review talking about how much he hates social media. And then he gave me two stars
Starting point is 00:13:09 because he hated social media. But that's, you can't, that's not how you review things. You don't go to Venom and say, I hate alien symbiotes. I was once bit by a snake. Oh, that Venom's really getting torn apart in the press
Starting point is 00:13:27 is it out today? yeah you're either a venom person or a stars born person who are you? you gotta pick this is the weekend to decide who's gonna be the champ at the box office Gaga or Hardy it comes down to this
Starting point is 00:13:44 should we do one of those like you know office. Gaga or Hardy. It comes down to this. Should we do one of those old-timey be-in things where we'll take the whole crowd out and we'll go see Venom. Oh, I would love that. You know who else would love that? The producers of Venom. We'll buy tickets
Starting point is 00:14:02 for A Star is Born. Or Smallfoot. Oh, is Smallfoot opening is Born. Or a Smallfoot. Oh, is Smallfoot opening this weekend? Oh, Smallfoot's been out for weeks. Okay. And it's crushing at the box office, thanks to the voice talents of James Jimmy Corden. And Zendaya.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Zendaya. She's Nietzsche. Nietzsche? I don't know. Nietzsche. Yeah, this is the show, if you've never heard the show before. We try to remember what the characters
Starting point is 00:14:26 in Smallfoot are Danny DeVito is Dorgal pretty good and yeah here's what happened to me is I went to my hotel room and slept face
Starting point is 00:14:44 like face down and then I woke up with bed creases and I couldn't get them out of my face for hours and then I like way past when they should have still been there so it's something going am I sick that my skin is not
Starting point is 00:15:00 re-plumping but then they were like, come up to the suite and get a taxi thing for tomorrow. And I went up and it looked like I had just woken up. And I put on sunglasses to cover as much of it as I could.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And I was like scratching my head to try to cover the other part. But what the fuck is that about? Is it that I'm old now? What the hell is going on with my face? That a bed crease is just that and it was all over my body. I looked like a burn victim. It was just all over my body.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Were you shirtless? No! What the hell's going on with me? You were wearing sunglasses like a bra to cover up. You ever get sleep creases?. You ever get sleep creases? Do I ever get sleep creases? I don't know. When you wake up, you have a... You guys know what I'm talking about, right?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't just discovered a condition. I wear glasses, and I don't put them on right away when I wake up, because I don't need them for everything. I only realize I need glasses when I leave the house. And so I don't really know what I look like in the morning. Ah.
Starting point is 00:16:10 But I also don't stare in the mirror. Well, that's my problem. My enemy lives in there. I get up and I brush each side of my hair 45 times. How many times is the right amount? Ladies in the crowd, how many times do you suppose to stroke? Ladies in the crowd at home. 100 on each side?
Starting point is 00:16:30 For a total of 200, not 50 each side for a total of 100. Where are you now? Where are you when I need you? So, uh... What? I don't think I've
Starting point is 00:16:41 brushed my hair at all. Well, we don't all have beautifully set hair like you. You wake up, you don't even need to put on your glasses and just leave the house. This guy walks out the door without his glasses. What a natural look. Do you brush your hair? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know anything about how you get going in your day
Starting point is 00:17:05 let's go through it point by point well first I apparently peel myself off of my pillow and if I'm staying in a hotel I realize I didn't ask for not feather pillow so my left eye will be shut
Starting point is 00:17:21 and so then I gotta deal with that and then I'll go in the bathroom, one eye functioning, and I'll go, what the fuck happened to my face? Is what I'll say. Deep rivulets all over. And then a hundred brushes and a hundred brushes.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Someday my prince will come. Oh, the other thing that happened in my hotel room is I take Metamucil. There, I said it. It's nothing to be embarrassing about. It's very hard to get enough fiber in your diet. It's just a supplement.
Starting point is 00:17:57 It's not a... It's not a pool-making drug. But I also have these travel packs of them Oh yeah And one burst all over my bed Much like I will later Because I had too much Metamucil
Starting point is 00:18:18 So yeah my room is It's covered in orange powder And it reeks of it. Eh, this is a rock and roll festival. They expect a little wildness. Yeah. I don't think I've ever had metal musel in my whole life. Is it tasty?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Is it a tasty treat? Is it too tasty that maybe you drink too much of it? I wouldn't say it's too tasty. Because you know that emergency? say it's too tasty. Because you know that emergency, so it's too tasty. And then I'm drinking like four or five packs of it, like just socially. I'm just pouring it in.
Starting point is 00:18:54 But there's no downside. I guess not, right? Yeah. Except they're very expensive. Yeah, yeah. There is no downside? Your body, you can't poison yourself with vitamin C? No.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Vitamin D, you can't. All right. Now we're back on track. But we had a guest once who said she liked to overdose on D. And wait a minute. Wait a minute. if you had a choice of a vitamin to overdose on what would it be b12 b12 absolutely i was gonna say zinc i was zinc overdose oh boy or just centrum silver yes that that has all the nutrients you need that's what uh uh that's what killed Janis Joplin. Yeah, it aged her.
Starting point is 00:19:46 She drank too much Centrum Silver. And it aged her like reverse Benjamin Button. That's what I call aging. Well, guys, do we want to bring out our guests? Oh, absolutely, yeah. We have not one, but two guests this evening.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Oh, before we do, thank you all for showing up. The bar's open all night, so you don't feel... Even though the lights are on you, don't feel self-conscious about getting up to get a drink. And if anybody knows how to play the entertainer, the piano's right over there. That isn't the only song we allow you to play, but if you know how to play it, that's where you go.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Try and pick your spot. Don't do it when we're really cooking. If we're talking about old-timey baseball, maybe come up. Do a rag for us. Because Ty Cobb was a real bastard. Was he? Oh, yeah. Oh, why? What did he do?
Starting point is 00:20:58 He was just mean and racist. Oh, sure. And he cheated. Can you have one without the other? Can you be a nice guy and be a racist? Can you be mean and not racist? Yeah, totally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have that.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah. You know, the bad guy in It's a Wonderful Life. I don't think he was racist, but he was mean. He was probably racist. He was probably racist. What am I saying? The bad guy in It's a Wonderful Life. Yeah, he was probably racist.
Starting point is 00:21:26 They don't touch on it in that movie, but... But it's... You're right. The more I think about it. It's a pretty heavy subtext. Okay, our guests tonight. Oh, guys, do you like podcasts? Because our guests...
Starting point is 00:21:41 This crowd seems pretty undecided at this point. They came here thinking they did. Our guests tonight are the hosts of another podcast called Star Trek Podcast. It's out of this world, is what it says. It's called Out of This World, the Star Trek Podcast. On Earwolf. No, they're the hosts of the podcast that's going to be here tomorrow night called The Greatest Generation.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Please welcome to the stage Mr. Benjamin R. Harrison and Adam Pranica. Hey, dudes. Gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us. I'm prepared to give congressional testimony. I'm prepared to do the right-hand part of the entertainer on the piano. Do you know it? I think so. Okay, let's do it. Hit it.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Hit it. Can a microphone stretch? Probably not. Let's just point them. Yeah, there it is. Oh, darn it is. Ah, we got it! Yeah. I was like 12 when I learned that.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Scott Joplin. Rolling over in his grave. Now, I'm only seeing the back of your head. There we go. Now we got the juicy shot. Oh, look at this. We didn't think about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Not a lot was thought through. This was, though. This nice little... Glad I did not wear a skirt. A skirt? Now, you guys, you're on episode what of your podcast? 200-odd?
Starting point is 00:23:44 237? So that's a lot of episodes about Episode what of your podcast? 200 odd? Yeah. 237? So that's a lot of episodes about Star Trek. Yes. Too many. How many of the next generations are there? There's like 176, I want to say. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So you did them all. We did them all. We finished. And then you moved on to other Star Treks? Now we're doing Deep Space Nine. Okay. And you watched themacks? Yeah, now we're doing Deep Space Nine. Okay. And you watch them all. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:24:11 there have been a couple of episodes where we just kind of speculated based on the description. Just read the title. Space Seed, what would that be about? Gross. This ain't Space Seed. Now, is this a show that you both watched in your youth yeah the idea for the
Starting point is 00:24:32 something's happening it's a haunting just let it happen yeah I think the idea for the podcast came about because we were doing twitter jokes at each other using Star Trek specifics. And we were looking for a creative project to do. And we were like, well, this won't be it, but we can kind of get our feet wet doing a Star Trek podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:57 You guys remember how Twitter used to be where you could just joke around with people about Star Trek? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where do people go to joke around about Star Trek now? I recently joined a new social network. Oh, my God. There's a new one?
Starting point is 00:25:15 There's a new one. I don't even know what it's called. Cool. Snuggle. I don't follow anybody on it. Nobody follows me. Sounds great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And I've been making a point of posting something every day and I really like it. Well, it's good to have that. That's important. Funny little joke that no one will ever know about.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Was this your first time in Edmonton, you boys? Yeah. You got here four Was this your first time in Edmonton, you boys? Yeah. Loved it. You got here four hours ago. Tell us all about it. It's almost too much time to be in Edmonton. Whoa. You just lost whatever portion of this audience
Starting point is 00:25:59 was going to double up podcast-wise this weekend. What's great about this room is that you can both hear that you've lost them and you can see that you've lost them all at once. Now, do you have any changes you'll make to the room for 24 hours from now? After this show, I'm going to unscrew all the light bulbs
Starting point is 00:26:15 and destroy them. Oh, yeah, we should have thought of that. Oh, yeah. Oh, well. We project video for our podcast, so I'm not sure how that's going to happen. Oh, yeah, they're not set up for that. We'll figure something out. For the home listener, we're in a Freemasons hall.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yeah. So there's a lot of secret messages here. You know, the Illuminati's running wild. Yeah. We all took the stage via the secret bookshelf entrance. Have you ever walked through a secret bookshelf? No.
Starting point is 00:26:50 No. I went through one in like a bar but it was like you know the bar trying to be cool. So it wasn't like a
Starting point is 00:26:57 it wasn't really there for somebody to be secreting something secretly. There's a bar in LA that has a secreting something secretly. That LA bar has a L.A. Secreting something secretly. That L.A. bar has a door that's made out of a refrigerator door, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 That's sort of similar to this concept, right? Yeah. There's a bar in L.A. where it looks like a house on a street that just has its garage open. And you go up to the old-time elevator. Not elevator. Refrigerator. And you open it and it's a door into the bar. That's what I'm talking about. up to the old time elevator, not elevator, refrigerator, and you open it and it's a door into the bar. That's what I'm talking about. It's like a...
Starting point is 00:27:31 But they must get so many curious kids in there. You crawl over the corpses of a couple of 11 year olds. Guys, didn't you see that punky Brewster? Don't go in there. So, what's everyone else up to? Well, I want to go, like, did you watch Star Trek? Because I tried to watch Star Trek,
Starting point is 00:27:56 and I found it too hard to learn all the things. There's a lot of things to learn, right? What are your top five Star Trek things? Face makeup. That's in other shows. Beaming down. Beaming up. Okay, there we go.
Starting point is 00:28:18 They go through the refrigerator door. They go through the refrigerator door and triples. Who's the best, in your opinion, Star Trek character of all time? If you had to pick, and you do. We'll all go around because I haven't ever watched it. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Do you have an opinion on that? I mean, Commander Riker's the best character in Star Trek history. What about Whoopi Goldberg? Whoopi Goldberg is an actor. Yeah. I was also going to say Whoopi Goldberg? Whoopi Goldberg is an actor. Yeah. I was also going to say Whoopi Goldberg. Cheers. She plays herself.
Starting point is 00:28:55 She's the only... That's what makes the view so compelling. They predict that she lives a very long time. What's so good about Commander? Yeah, we all want to know this. His consent-based rules for sexual relationships with anyone he meets.
Starting point is 00:29:18 That's a good start. Yeah. You get the sense that he, you know, he's doing the diplomatic mission of the enterprise. He's got a lot of zest for that part of what they do. Did you watch it growing up? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I was obsessed when I was a kid. And then I got to high school and never talked to anybody about it because I was afraid of what it would do to me socially, which I was already doing enough to make myself a pariah without talking about my love of Star Trek. A pariah, that's like those little fish that eat
Starting point is 00:29:55 people. Because I... What are you doing? Hiding. You can't hide. There's no thing here. You're just showing them all leg. You can hide under my skirt if you would like. Because like on the original Star Trek,
Starting point is 00:30:17 Captain Kirk, he would fuck everything on every planet, right? Yeah. Didn't matter the species. He would try to get up in it. on every planet, right? Didn't matter the species he would try to get up in it. He's the first officer for the stick man position
Starting point is 00:30:28 on TNG. But like, there's no... That's not on the next generation. They don't go around fucking... No, they fuck. Who fucks? I'm in. I'm back in. Riker fucks. That's what makes him so great.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Okay. But like, how often does he fuck? Riker fucks Riker fucks? That dude fucks That's what makes him so great Yeah Um Okay But like how often does he fuck? Every Three episodes? Yeah Yeah if he's beaming down somewhere There's a pretty good chance he's fucking Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:56 Now what are the chances That his human genitalia Matches up with this Alien genitalia Cause it's aliens that he's That he's having sex with. Do you guys discuss this minutiae? He fucks some human people too.
Starting point is 00:31:10 But it's a problem. Yeah. Because if you go to another planet, you don't know that the dominant species on that planet is going to be a humanoid. It might be some kind of bovine planet. Right. And then the way down the food chain is a humanoid. It might be some kind of bovine planet. Right. And then, yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:26 like, the way down the food chain is the humanoid, and people are like, you fucked one of those. Gross. That's the thing I have to admire about Riker, though, right, is that, like, it doesn't seem like he's discriminating that much. Like, he's just down, you know? And now, he didn't, In the whole show's history
Starting point is 00:31:46 Nobody ever like They don't show it going in No And that's why That's where I tuned out Like what's the most boobs An alien has had Yeah I think they max out
Starting point is 00:32:00 At two boobs Two boobs okay Well I guess you'll want to Call that science fiction. You don't even get to a Verhoeven of boobs. Is that Verhoeven? Yeah. I think that's a measurement of boobs.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Do you only like Star Trek? Do you also like Star Wars? I like Star Wars. I think that... But not really, though, the way you said that. Okay. Yeah. I don't know. They think that... But not really, though, the way you said that. Okay. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:27 They're both imperfect and also... Untrue! Well, you were saying while you were eating that when you were a kid, you were led to believe that you could only like one or the other of the Star Wars or Star Trek. That's why I liked Star Wars more than I should have just because as a reaction to not liking Star Trek. Right. Like in retrospect, I'm like, I don't think I liked these movies.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I think I was just like fighty about it. You picked a side. That was going to be my overheard, but now... You overheard? We ate dinner at the same restaurant by accident. Yeah. Very awkward. They sat one table away and we did not talk the entire time well we wanted to save all the magic for up here yeah fair but i guess we lost them on the way
Starting point is 00:33:16 um can you tell me a bit about the episode where Data does stand-up comedy? Joe Piscopo comes and... Is that true? Joe Piscopo has to teach him. Wow. Our greatest comic. If you had to choose a teacher. But I guess that's what they say, right?
Starting point is 00:33:39 Those who can't do, teach. Whoopi Goldberg was there doing a comic relief thing. Raising money for Space Homeless. But why did Data have to do stand-up? What was the... Was it the one where he's dating a girl? There's nothing
Starting point is 00:33:57 that gets a girl going like a good stand-up set I've always found. I don't remember why he had to learn stand-up. I think it's just about his ongoing journey to be more human. What's more human than... Human? That's white zombie.
Starting point is 00:34:12 ...than tepid laughs at an open mic. Than doing bits at work. Yeah. But it wasn't a real club. It was a... They make it in the holodeck. Holodeck club. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I couldn't remember the thing. I was going to say the Imaginarium. Well, yeah. Initially, they replicate an audience that is way too hot. So everything he says they think is fucking super hilarious. And he's like, I think we need to make the audience a little... I need to win them over. Just make them a bunch of
Starting point is 00:34:45 datas. Because he's not, does he laugh? He doesn't laugh. He laughs in a terrifying way. He laughs like a ceiling fan with a broom handle stuck in it. Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop. It just doesn't sound right.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Now is Max Headroom part of Star Trek? That guy was in an episode, right? The guy that played Max Headroom? What's that guy's name? Matt Frewer. Matt Frewer, yeah. He was in that? Yeah, he was a time traveler guy.
Starting point is 00:35:22 He played a grifting time traveler that showed up on the ship. If I was a time traveler, that's all I'd do. Grift. Would you go for a short con or a long con? Or would you even know at that point? Exactly. But you know what the thing is? If I time traveled, I'd go back
Starting point is 00:35:40 being like, I'm going to go bet on the World Series. Couldn't tell you who won the World Series last year. back being like, I'm going to go bet on the World Series. Couldn't tell you who won the World Series last year. You got to get that book. The poorest time traveler. I think I'll
Starting point is 00:35:56 hit some money around here somewhere this year. This looks familiar. Me digging up coffee cans. Shouldn't have done this at the beach. Is Star Trek your top sci-fi thing, or is there something that dwarfs even start?
Starting point is 00:36:18 Red dwarf. I think it's my top sci-fi thing. I mean, I read some sci-fi novels from time to time that I like, but I'm not podcasting about them, you know? Yet. I think we could say from the reaction to that, you're right not to. Yeah, the crowd did not exactly go wild for that idea.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Went over almost as well as my attempt to play the entertainer. That was great. Everybody loved that. So you live in Los Angeles. Yeah, I just moved to Los Angeles. Do you love it? No, I hate it. What?
Starting point is 00:36:57 That's the opposite of the song I know. Well, I think that that song is semi-ironic. Oh, my eyes have been open. Yeah, I lived in New York for 15 years. I'm walking here. That's where I would live if I could. Because I love walking. Specifically here.
Starting point is 00:37:24 In L.A. is it a lot of, I'm driving here. Yeah. And I don't like driving that much. That's what's going on with me. Adam, you don't live in L.A. No, I live in Seattle. Which is why I love L.A. Guys, allow me.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I'm grunging here. That's all. Yeah, it's a long commute to do the podcast. I'm trying to be sleepless here. There we go. I'm listening here. See, that's Frasier. That's good. You're good.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Thanks. Let's keep putting hats on this hat. And what do you do in the non-podcasting hours? The podcast has kind of taken over at this point. in the non-podcasting hours. The podcast has kind of taken over at this point. We're both video producers in our real lives, and we're both basically unemployable at this point because we spend so much time making podcasts
Starting point is 00:38:36 that we just don't have any free time. Yeah, it was recently let go from my contract job. Wow. So I'm now full-time podcast. Nice! It's terrifying. Oh, yeah. Have you ever had podcast as plan B? If this
Starting point is 00:38:55 lucrative real job falls apart. I've never had the first part, the lucrative real job. So, when they let you go, did you have to go into an office? And they were like, this is not working out. No, it was... That's how I was let go when I was let go.
Starting point is 00:39:14 It was like being dumped on the phone. I was fired over the phone. Oh, wow. Not cool. Did she send over a banker's box for you to put all your belongings in? It was... Move these into another room. Yeah. a banker's box for you to put all your belongings in? It was... Move these into another room.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Take these out to the car, then just come right back in from the car. Have you ever been broken up with by someone who is inexperienced in breaking up with people? I felt like I had to guide my manager through this. Like, so, where should I put my
Starting point is 00:39:44 things? And where do I turn in my badge? Like, so where should I put my things? And where do I turn in my badge? Like, can I help you with this process? He's like, God, I'm really sorry. It's just, I'm really bad at this. He's like Chris Farley-ing on the phone. You're doing great. Like that episode where... Would it be better if I came in?
Starting point is 00:40:04 We could do this face to face Like that episode of Cheers Where Norm has to fire people And he gets so emotionally Beside himself That they're comforting him If only I liked this boss He's a terrible person
Starting point is 00:40:19 And I shouldn't be helping him Yeah, you should have twisted the knife I should have. Into myself? Is that how that would work? No, I'm saying make it harder for him. Make him hurt more. Yeah. There's still time.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I haven't turned in my badge or my laptop. Yeah. Last time I was let go from a job, they waited until I left the office late on a Thursday, flew to L.A. for a funeral, and I was getting out of the car at the cemetery to go to this funeral. I get a call, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't recognize this number, but it looks like New York, so maybe it's somebody at the office. I pick it up, and it's like, yeah, your position has been eliminated. Wow. That was the eulogy as well I know that story is pretty bad until you consider you answered your phone at a funeral yeah no it hadn't started yet I was getting out of the car but made it twice as sad I didn't know the guy that well.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Have you ever been in an office where someone was walking out with a box of their stuff? Yeah. Really? I thought that was only in the movies. You collect a bunch of bric-a-brac on your desk over time.
Starting point is 00:41:41 It's not office stuff. It's all your junk that you didn't want at home that you left in the office. Now you're like, now what? Picture of your nephew and bird that sips from a cup over and over again.
Starting point is 00:41:59 That your dumb nephew cut you. So it was a video production job. Hey, his nephew's dead now. That's his funeral that was. Wait, I'm getting a call. This was a video production job and a bunch of my own video equipment was still there. So when I went back to New
Starting point is 00:42:20 York, I had to arrange to go to the office and have a security guy follow me around. But he didn't know what was my stuff and what was theirs, so he was like, is that yours? And I would be like, yeah. Put it in my backpack and pick up another thing. Is that yours?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah. This photocopier, yours? Yeah, brought it from home. Okay, guys, it's time to take a break. We're just going to play an ad here. The Greatest Generation is the most popular Star Trek podcast in the world. That's a pretty dubious distinction, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:42:56 We've blasted through all of Star Trek The Next Generation. And now we are blasting through Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Come find out why millions of people have listened to our show and the Star Trek Industrial Complex ignores it. Go to or wherever you get your podcasts and look for The Greatest Generation. This week the show is brought to you by ZipRecruiter. Are you having trouble hiring people?
Starting point is 00:43:26 Running out of banker's boxes from firing them? That must suck if you're in an office and they're like, Joan, can you keep bringing a banker's box? We're going to do the old.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And what if the only personal item you have is the banker's box? Then you've got to personal item you have is the banker's box? Then you've got to put it on top of the banker's box that they gave you. Humiliating. It'd be nice if they nested, you know? Yeah, exactly. Just give me a slightly bigger banker's box.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I only brought in a banker's box lid, so it works perfect for me. Is there really a Star Trek industrial complex? Because there is a Star Wars one. They have a fucking festival every year. We went to the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas this year, and nobody knew who we were. I think that's probably a good thing,
Starting point is 00:44:20 because it means they're not suing us. Because they're kind of a litigious company, we've found out. Right. And, yeah, I mean, like, I don't know. I kind of thought that at some point, like, you know, we're reviewing the new show that they're doing, Discovery, and I wrote an email to the PR department at CBS and was like, hey, I don't know if you do this,
Starting point is 00:44:44 but would you put us down I don't know if you do this, but would you put like, put us down for advanced screeners if you do, because we're going to be reviewing the show. And, you know, I think it could be a cool, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:54 added benefit for your viewers. And they, uh, they were like extremely cold and like, basically they couldn't be more indifferent. So yeah, they were like, are you calling us for my funeral?
Starting point is 00:45:09 Sir, this is inappropriate. Weirdly, they were also at a funeral. I don't know. That was just bad timing on my part. R.I.P. Worf. Is anyone from Star Trek dead? You mean like the characters have any characters died since the show ended
Starting point is 00:45:31 what is the question still confused have any characters died since the show ended how would like using the well I'm so glad you asked. We brought an in-memoriam video.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Can we play that? I guess it takes place in the future, right? So they haven't even been born yet. Oh, duh. What was Worf? What was his deal? Yeah, what is his whole deal? What the fuck was the deal with Worf? What's up with Worf? What was his deal? Yeah, what is his whole deal? What the fuck was the deal with Worf?
Starting point is 00:46:06 What's up with Worf? What's the deal with Worf? Worf is a Klingon. Ah, there we go. That's the deal. They're like the bad guys in TOS. So in TNG, they're like, what if the bad guys are now like our friends?
Starting point is 00:46:21 Shit. He's also the Andrew Zimmern of the show. He likes eating gross things in front of people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Follow-up question. Who the Andrew Zimmern of the show. He likes eating gross things in front of people. Follow-up question. Who's Andrew Zimmern? Who's Andrew Zimmern? He's the guy that eats gross food on his gross food TV show, right?
Starting point is 00:46:36 Oh! Did I get his name wrong? Or do we just not care? I think they don't get that show here. Yeah. Is there a guy that just goes around eating gross food? Yeah. That sounds like a good show. The whole premise of the show is that he'll put a live shrimp in his mouth or whatever. But that's
Starting point is 00:46:52 not it. That's not food. I mean, technically, anything you eat is food. I brought this box full of American TV show references. I should really... It's a banker's box. I'm just going to carry out with you. I'm fascinated going to carry out with me. I'm fascinated by the premise because it seems like a premise that should have been done
Starting point is 00:47:09 a long time ago. What's it called? It's not exotic foods. Bizarre foods. Do we have it here? Oh, shit. Sorry we made you feel like you had brought less back. You guys are too busy watching those Ellen videos
Starting point is 00:47:24 in your hotel rooms. Well, because it's so funny. I'm... What I can't put my mind around is how does it open up? It's a table that's just a cube. Uh-huh. But does it flap open?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Do they hit the actor? No, no. The lid comes right off. Wow. Like a banker's box. What's your go-to dumb video to watch to kill off
Starting point is 00:47:55 say eight or so hours? Have you seen the fan cut of the movie RoboCop? No. They did this with one of the Indiana Jones films, right? Like fans made five-minute segments of that film. Fans also did the same thing with RoboCop.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Is that what that's from? And there is a fan film of the movie RoboCop, and one of the scenes is a scene where RoboCop shoots the dicks off of, like, 40 potential rapists in an outdoor parking lot. And it hits 100% of the time. If I need an ugly laugh, that is it. It's like a shot of RoboCop raising gun
Starting point is 00:48:38 cut to extreme close-up of dick exploding with blood. I recommend it to everyone. Is all the footage from RoboCop? I think that the car driving along might be... But this is all fans dressed up as RoboCop? But it's perfect. The production value is maybe better than original RoboCop. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Because I was picturing the quality of the RoboCop suit varying wildly from fan to fan. From clip to clip it does but in this scene it's as if you could edit it into the film and because it's Paul Verhoeven I think it's plausible that it could be in the film. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If somebody had
Starting point is 00:49:20 seen all of his work but RoboCop and you showed them a version where that was just in there, they'd be like, boy, that dick scene was intense. They wouldn't be like... It didn't seem like Paul Verhoeven in that part. You always put in one scene that's like the sacrificial
Starting point is 00:49:36 scene for the ratings board. They were like, well, after dick 12, we were just numb to it. We just... If you're gonna let them shoot off one dick, why not 39 other dicks? It's the rule of 40 dicks. If you see 40 dicks
Starting point is 00:49:51 in the first act, you're blown off by the third. It's very biblical, you know. 40 dicks in 49. But there are only three dicks in 40 dicks. There are only three dicks in this basket. How will we feed all of these people? And low.
Starting point is 00:50:12 40 dicks. So Robocop fan made. What's your go-to? I mean that's what I was going to say. To be honest uh boy um i feel so put on the spot i don't know i like anything that's uh anything that to do with news bloopers or anything that's anything from a local newscast if it's just any or a locally made commercial any of that yeah i could just spend a whole day just watching. Not even that
Starting point is 00:50:46 they're funny, just that it exists. January is a great month for that because somebody is sitting around collecting those all year and dropping something on January 1st that's like, this is 2018's biggest news fails. A news guy who gets his dick
Starting point is 00:51:04 blown up. And then the weatherman, and then the sports guy, and then the camera guy. The station director in the booth. Everybody. There's that one news blooper where she's talking about a guy who climbed Mount Everest without assistance. And then she said, and not just that, but he's gay.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I mean, blind. He's blind. That is good. Like she had really played this out in her head. She's like in her makeup chair going Don't say gay Don't say gay Don't say gay Oh man I'm going to watch News Bloopers tonight
Starting point is 00:51:58 As soon as I get back to the hotel You know what, let's call it a night Let's all head back And we're taking you all to see News Bloopers at the revolving restaurant. Honest to God, if there was a movie theater that was showing
Starting point is 00:52:13 like an hour and a half of News Bloopers, I would be there so quick. There's no way you could pass by that marquee an hour and a half of News Bloopers. I'm in. Fathom events
Starting point is 00:52:29 present. I also like the guy who is it's fishing bloopers. He does a fishing show. Oh, God, he's the best. And he's so mad at his crew. And he says, dang gummit. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yeah, I mean, this is, you could spend a whole lifetime on this. This is kind of golden stuff. Do we want to move on to a little segment on the show called Overheard? I mean, I guess in time we could. Okay, sure, yeah. Not to rush you. But first we've got to get could. Okay, sure, yeah. Not to rush you. But first we gotta get to know us. Oh, yeah!
Starting point is 00:53:08 Get to know us. So you guys host the Star Trek podcast. Yeah, we've been traveling around Canada doing it. Overheard. Okay, guys, playing all the hits. Now it's official hits Now it's official Now it's official Like
Starting point is 00:53:28 I'm not one of these guys who's like I'm so OCD Who's not diagnosed It's so funny to do that I can't play them in the wrong order Guys Overheard, here's what this is If you heard a thing
Starting point is 00:53:44 Or saw a thing, or even if just something hilarious happened, we want to hear about it. And so we're going to tell ours to each other. And then we have a microphone set up over here. If you're brave enough to get up in front of everybody whose faces you'll definitely be able to see. You don't have to face them.
Starting point is 00:54:00 That's the good thing. You'll face towards us. Right now, the queen, the photo of the queen has the microphone. Now, we always like to start overheards with the guests. Yeah, so we had a bit of a shared over experience. This will do. Oh, I do have one of my own, so I didn't tell you
Starting point is 00:54:20 that, but it's fine. Do you want to talk about our thing? Yeah. Let's talk about our thing. A listener of ours came to a show we played in toronto and gave us passes to the sky lounge at the airport oh so we went into the sky lounge when we flew from toronto to vancouver and there was a guy in there just pacing around kind of making a nuisance of himself. He was Bluetooth headphones guy, having a very important business phone call. And at a certain point, he kind of disappeared,
Starting point is 00:54:50 and I got up and went to the bathroom, and then like 10 minutes later, Adam went to the bathroom, and we both came out of the bathroom having experienced this guy sitting in a stall on the phone talking about how he lost $3 million in Bitcoin, we think. Yeah. Oh, wow. And, like, in the toilet. So, yeah, like, people are, like, flushing toilets
Starting point is 00:55:17 and washing their hands and doing everything. If you drink enough Metamucil. And I guess he's, like, on the phone with his accountant or something. My Bitcoin guy. Yeah, wow. But you can't be surprised when you lose that much money on something as insane as Bitcoin. People who make money on Bitcoin must be like, what? How did I do that?
Starting point is 00:55:39 And then if you ask them, they're like, there's an algorithm. I did it on purpose for sure. It's crypto. Crypting when you when someone says cryptocurrency how often do you imagine the cryptkeeper now from now on every time yeah wow that is amazing i don't think I've ever lost $3 million at once. He was also a flying coach. He was on our same flight. Which is great, I think. Oh, fun.
Starting point is 00:56:13 At the beginning of the day, he wasn't. But he had to downgrade. Hey, can I get some of that money back? He wasn't even in premium economy. He was just in regular economy. Now, you have one from just yourself? even in premium economy. He was just in regular economy. Now you have one from just yourself? Yeah, mine was actually from the same flight.
Starting point is 00:56:30 So when you fly in the United States and you sit in an exit row, they're big on consent. It's probably the only place in the country that cares about it, evidently. Well, except Commander Riker. They're like,
Starting point is 00:56:45 are you okay with opening the door? Are you okay with opening the door? You have to say yes, yes, yes. Everyone has to say yes. In Canada, it is different. Did you notice this, Ben? Yeah, they actually talk you through the procedure of pulling the door off and who's going to have what job, what look for hazards.
Starting point is 00:57:02 That procedure, though, is bonkers. She's like, here's what you do. You pull this lever. You move that lever. You take off the cover and you throw it as far as you can. That's what she says. You throw the cover as far as you can throw it.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Because it explodes. That was such a specific reference to what you need to do. What's that cover made out of? And if you get it a certain distance, there's a prize. It's made out of asbestos, and they're worried about mesothelioma lawsuits. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, mesothelioma.
Starting point is 00:57:41 I was in an exit row a couple weeks ago and what did you do? he was brave enough to take on the challenge but it was, I didn't enjoy it because I was in the window seat and that thing is right there it's so tantalizing big red button that's just begging to be pushed
Starting point is 00:58:00 and I've had the same thing with fire alarms, why do they make them red? I just want to crank it down. I just want to crank it. Yeah, Dave just wants to crank it. I just want to fire up some Ellen videos and crank it. Does she still dance?
Starting point is 00:58:19 Like, can she still dance? Because yes, she can still dance. How old would you say Ellen is? I think she's 60. I think she's like Nosferatu. She doesn't have an age. You notice like she just
Starting point is 00:58:33 looks exactly the same as she did in the 90s and the 1890s. Yeah. Dave, do you have an overheard? I do. The other day I went to see a rock and roll concert
Starting point is 00:58:47 rock and roll may be a strong word went to see the Swedish folk duo they had one song with an electric guitar I heard they wail the Swedish folk duo, First Aid Kit. Sisters. They're sisters. Sisters.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Beautiful harmonies. They're known for their beautiful harmonies. Anyway, we were sitting down. Oh, it was beautiful. It was a sit-down-the-whole-time show, baby. The Beyonce and Jay-Z show was happening like two blocks away. Could you hear it? No.
Starting point is 00:59:34 But I was like, oh, this is the... That's not the show for me. This is the show for me. The sit-down-the-whole-time. No one has to yell slay. sit down the whole time. No one has to yell slay. But as we
Starting point is 00:59:49 the first, like, as the show started, the lights went down and these, like, twinkly lights came up and the people behind us, one of them said, should have brought your vape pen. And the guy went, I should have.
Starting point is 01:00:10 As we were leaving, I made the checklist. Keys, phones. What am I forgetting? The thing that makes me awesome. Yeah. The thing that makes me enjoy folk music. Good concert, though? Good harmon good harmonies oh the harmonies
Starting point is 01:00:28 do you know this band no do you know this band no does anyone know this band they're playing upstairs right now well jonathan richmond is playing upstairs right now i can barely hear him upstairs right now. Yeah, you can barely hear him. I can barely hear him. Oh, I think I can hear him a little bit. Oh, I'm a Jonathan Richman.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Oh. Is that him? Yeah, it's funny when everybody gets quiet you can hear it coming through. It's weird that every one of his songs starts with I'm Jonathan Richman.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Oh, I'm a Jonathan Richman. Oh, but he do. It's very nice. How many albums is he going to have to put out before he realizes, we know? It really takes me out of those Farrelly Brothers movies. Thank you. Graham, do you have an overheard? I have an overseen.
Starting point is 01:01:22 From that restaurant we were all in, there was a lady... Before the show, we all went to a restaurant. I don't need to relitigate that. No. We were all at a restaurant, and there was a woman behind you, sitting at a table,
Starting point is 01:01:37 that when she got up, her backpack opened up, and all of her contents fell out on the floor, most of which were just mittens and stuff. She has a store, mittens and stuff. That all spilled out
Starting point is 01:01:54 and she was very embarrassed when this last thing fell out. It was one of those big jugs from A&W that you're definitely not supposed to steal and it landed on the floor and that's when I looked at her
Starting point is 01:02:07 and she looked at me like, you know I'm not supposed to have this. Be cool, man. I'm a big fan of your show and you had an overseen recently of a couple of... I thought you were going to ask me what A&W stands for Dave
Starting point is 01:02:27 what does A&W stand for? hamburgers and whoop beer fine you had an overseen of a couple watching a movie on a laptop together and they didn't move the cursor away from the oh yeah on my flight to Toronto there was a couple
Starting point is 01:02:43 watching a movie together on an iPad, and they had the charging cable for the iPad just going right down in front of the screen. Like right down the center of it. Like they were in an I Love Lucy fight? This part of the screen is mine. You do not watch my half of the movie. Under no
Starting point is 01:03:01 circumstances. Now, if anybody is so brave as to come up to the microphone, this is it. This is your chance. If you have an overheard, here you go. There you go.
Starting point is 01:03:13 He's burning a hole in his pocket ready to go. What's your name, sir? My name is Brett. Are you someone who had never heard the podcast before? My friend Yuri has been telling me about the podcast for so long.
Starting point is 01:03:24 It's been on my list, and so this is my first time taking it. What's your list? Tell me about your list. Oh, man. It's tough. Because we keep putting episodes out, you're falling way behind. That's the problem. There's so much. So this is a new story for
Starting point is 01:03:40 me that is ridiculous. So it's an overheard, overseen. I recently got back in contact with, I'm 27 now. I had a girlfriend when I was 15. And we're just now kind of getting back and talking. So about a couple weeks ago, we went for a dog walk because she has two dogs. And by the end of the night, we were about to leave or she was going to get in her car and drive home, but there were these lights on us. And she then slowly gets suspicious about the lights.
Starting point is 01:04:12 And then she realizes, I think my friend is in that car. And so I have to slowly piece together this ridiculousness of the friend had actually been spending the last hour of her life tracking her tracking my ex girlfriend's phone because apparently the last thing that my ex girlfriend sent
Starting point is 01:04:38 to her friend was about to go see my ex boyfriend hope he doesn't hate me and it turns out later about to go see my ex-boyfriend, hope he doesn't hate me. Whoa. And it turns out later that this friend is literally insane and had spent an hour tracking down what she assumed was the dead body of her best friend. Wow. Did she find it?
Starting point is 01:05:01 That would be a good podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my goodness. You think you'll see her again? We have plans to walk your dogs again. Oh, that's good. Happy ending to the story. Brad, everybody.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Anyone else? See, we didn't heckle them or anything. Yeah, we were nice. Yeah, here we go. You can all get up. Yeah, we were nice and we were fun. Yeah, here we go. You can all get up and wait in line. Yes, yes, absolutely. Hello.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Hello. What's your name? Carla. Carla. I actually saw you do your Instagram show and it was awesome. Thank you. Two stars. You also gave us our baby's nickname before.
Starting point is 01:05:45 That's like a Michelin thing. She was actually really good. To her and them stars. You helped give us a nickname for our baby before it was born. Oh, yeah. Congratulations on the baby. She's a home now. Yeah. What's your baby's name?
Starting point is 01:05:57 Her name now is Maggie. What's her nickname? Her nickname was Baby Otterbox before we... Otterbox? Baby Otterbox. Yeah. What is an Otterbox? It's like a thing you put your phone in and you can throw it in a lake.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Graham suggested it as a name and we didn't have a name. Yeah. Baby Otterbox. Pretty good. Pretty good. Why didn't that show get more stars? Is she durable and waterproof? Babies are pretty waterproof.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Do you have an overheard? I do. We were at a market a couple weeks ago, and there were kids behind us. I couldn't see how old they were. They sounded like they were about eight or nine. And they started singing. One would sing the first line, one would sing the second.
Starting point is 01:06:43 And they were singing, Millions of cookies. Cookies were singing, Millions of cookies, cookies for free. Millions of cookies, cookies for me. And they'd just sing it over and over and over again until their dad yelled at them to go away. You're not going to eat a million cookies. You have one cookie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:00 There's raisins in the car. Carla, everybody. Hello. Hey. Andy. Hey, Andy. Hi, Andy. My overheard is I recently had some medical testicle issues.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Oh, no. It's fine. But my overheard was I saw a urologist. But before I saw the urologist a med student who was probably like three years younger than me came in and asked me a whole lot of questions and he was very nice but he's a bit of a loud talker and when he left the office he clearly was right next door talking to the urologist I could still hear him talking about my testicles and the first, like clearly
Starting point is 01:07:47 the urologist said something, the first thing he said was overall they were great balls and that's it. Andy everybody. Andy with the great balls. Great balls of fire, my goodness. You can stand there a bit
Starting point is 01:08:06 We need to talk about these great balls I'm picturing them They're so smooth All in all, great balls Here's Wonderwall I'm picturing three Verhoeven of balls Maybe they're just really big
Starting point is 01:08:23 In that sense of great Oh yeah Breathtaking A Verhoeven of balls? Maybe they're just really big in that sense of great. Oh, sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Breathtaking. I'm also picturing, like, that yellow tennis ball fuzz all over them. Oh, yeah. That's nice.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Nice. Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi. Is this the last one? Does anyone else have one? This is it?
Starting point is 01:08:43 This is it, everybody. This is it. It's all unusual. Oh, wait. Okay. Oh, everybody. This is it. It's all unusual. Oh, wait. Okay. Oh, our security guard. Our security guard's got one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Oh, how convenient. I love it. All right. What's your name? My name's Jen. Jen? Hello, Jen. Hi.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So I haven't overheard. Well, obviously. I was in Colorado this summer, and I was at a pizza restaurant. And it's pretty loud in there, but there's these four or five like hipster guys on the table next to us. And I was listening to their conversation just getting snippets here and there. And I didn't hear too much, but I wish I'd heard more
Starting point is 01:09:14 because all I heard was one guy say this. He's not a vegan because he loves animals. He's a vegan because he hates animals and doesn't want them anywhere near his food. I wish I knew what they're talking about, but that's my own story. It's solid logic. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Yeah! Hello. Evening, everybody. My name is Dave. I'm security here. Hi, Dave. Thank you for your service. Thank you. I have no idea. Hi, Dave. Thank you for your service. Thank you. I have no idea what's going on.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I just volunteered, and they told me to get my ass down here and protect everybody. I mean, it's a rowdy crowd, and what you're doing is very important. The thing is, I'm enjoying your show as it is, because it's fantastic. I've never done this before. Oh, wow. And the thing is, I'm going to do this again. Thanks, Dave. Thank you very much. And by thing is, I'm going to do this again. Thanks, Dave. Thank you very much. And by the way, I'm a diehard Star Trek fan.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Captain Kirk's my favorite. You're going to be there tomorrow? I got the uniforms and everything else. Yes, I'm a Trekkie. Oh, wow. You're in the uniform tomorrow. Well, it's a little tight. Starfleet has not been kind to me.
Starting point is 01:10:22 That's okay. It's tight on him in that movie too. I think he wore a girdle. Thank you very much. Thank you Dave. Security Dave. Security Dave. So you gentlemen, you're in here
Starting point is 01:10:42 tomorrow night, same time as this? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. So if you want to see the show, okay. So show up at 5.15. There it is. Do we start an hour later?
Starting point is 01:10:55 Is it a 9 o'clock show? I don't know. I don't know either. We didn't know either. Yeah. It's probably on the website. Yeah. You'd be surprised.
Starting point is 01:11:02 It's probably on the website. You'd be surprised. Thank you so much for being our guest. Thank you for having us. What a treat. This was a treat. My goodness gracious. Thank you all so much for coming out to the show. And for waiting if you showed up super early.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Sorry, we didn't know. We learned as we went. That seems to be the theme of this tour. Yeah, we didn't know. Our rider is, we need like four beers, six waters, and we need the audience there two hours before we're on stage.
Starting point is 01:11:41 And nobody makes eye contact. But thank you all so much for coming out to the show. We'll be sticking around. Yeah, if you want to say hello, we'll hang around here. If this loud rock and roll doesn't force us out into the street. And thank you very much to the staff. Thank you very much. I believe our sound woman is Jessica? Jess?
Starting point is 01:12:06 Jess. Jess. Jess, everybody. Round of applause for Jess. Thank you so much for coming out. Have a safe trip home. Have a good night.

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