Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 102 - Ehren Salazar

Episode Date: February 22, 2010

Artist Ehren Salazar joins us to talk more about the Olympics, Stephen Colbert, and skipping stones.  Unfortunately, this episode is cut short by tech troubles....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, this is Dave. A couple things are going on this week. First and foremost, as many of you may have heard, Andrew Koenig of the wonderful podcast Never Not Funny is missing. He was last seen about a week ago in Vancouver, and since many of our listeners are from Vancouver and we're from Vancouver, I thought I would mention it here. So if you have any information on that, we've posted his picture and more information at right on the main page. So if you have any information about that, that web page will tell you where to report it. The other thing is we recorded an episode this week and there were some technical problems. So unfortunately, the episode ends half an hour in and we're very sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:00:58 We're very embarrassed about that kind of technical difficulty. But it was very enjoyable and our guest Aaron Aaron Salazar, was wonderful. And so we're just going to release that half hour. Many apologies. Thanks very much. Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 102 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark. number 102 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark, and joining me as always is a man who's trying out his sexy cold voice this week, Mr. Dave Shumka. Hey, how's everyone doing? Oh, that's nice. Send in your love requests to me. Tap that line. Yeah, 1-800-DULCET.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And our guest this week on the podcast, somebody we've been wanting to have on the podcast for a long time, almost since we started up the podcast, was on our initial list of people. Yep. A hundred episodes ago. Exactly. He is an artist, a reluctant booker, and a default curator, Mr. Aaron Salazar. Well, thank you. That was a wonderful introduction. Well, we worked on itazar. Well, thank you. That was a wonderful introduction.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Well, we worked on it together. Of Little Mountain Gallery? LMG. Formerly Little Mountain Studios. Formerly the Butcher Shop Gallery. Formerly at a real butcher shop. And formerly Curly's Garage back in
Starting point is 00:02:41 1930. Oh, really? Wow. You looked up the genealogy of the... I went to the archives, and you can look up any kind of address and just see who was the tenant back then. They had yellow pages, essentially. Oh, wow. That you could look in. I think this is as good a time as any to get to know us.
Starting point is 00:03:00 To get to know us. Is that true? So you can just... You can just look up any business address and figure out what was there X amount of years ago. And they're in decent condition, but you can go as far back as late 1920s. Maybe there's records before that,
Starting point is 00:03:24 but yeah, you could look it up. It says the business, and it says the name of the person who ran it. Really? So, nothing predated that. I'm digging. Take that, intranet. Try and keep pace with that one.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Google could totally do it. Well, they're working on it. Have you ever found any way through A, they're working on it. Have you ever found anybody through A lot of people are trying to find me, apparently, according to According to the emails that you get sent.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And just in regards to you guys wanting to get me as a guest, I have, I think, over a thousand missed calls from you guys. Well, we were using a 1920s phone book. We were trying to find the Curly. Yeah, we were using a 1920s phone book. That's right. Yeah. We were trying to find the curly.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, we called Klondike 5. With a rotary. Yeah. Well, we had to call the operator. Yeah. Who gave us a lot of
Starting point is 00:04:15 attitude for calling operator. She had cat's eye glasses. Can you still do that? Can you still call the operator and say, patch me through to such and such number?
Starting point is 00:04:22 That would be fun. I'm going to do that from now on, all my calls. But it'll cost you. That's's fine it'll cost them more have you tried calling an operator from a payphone and you don't have a quarter you just kind of beg them to put the call through and they'll do it they don't always but they yeah it's like a 60 40 really chance i don't really see payphones anywhere anymore yeah yeah There's one by the hospital.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I know that because that's where a guy just got out. He got a call for a ride. There's usually one in a police station. You get one free phone call. You get a quarter with your in your jail cell. There's a pay phone.
Starting point is 00:05:01 That's where they put them. They take them off city streets. You get a toilet's a payphone. That's where they put them. They take them off city streets. Put them in jail cells. You get a toilet and a payphone. So it's all prisoners always convincing operators to give them a free phone call? Unless they swallowed a bunch of quarters beforehand
Starting point is 00:05:16 and they go to the toilet. That's like the scene in Goodfellas where they're flushing the cocaine. It's just somebody swallowing rolls of quarters. Going away for a long time. Just chunky cheese quarters. I'll swallow whatever I can get in me. If it'll fool the machine.
Starting point is 00:05:35 What are the slugs? Slugs, yeah. I remember once I was in London, Ontario, and I called because my conception was that you would call information and you were always linked to the information that was in the town that you were calling to. I had no concept that there was just like a central, you know, base in wherever. So I was just asking for street directions. And the person is like, I've never been to London, Ontario.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And I was like, like well where are you in there like i am in winnipeg and i was like in india i am in prison yeah you know how much in many quarters this is costing me um so uh so what's new and exciting we were talking olympics and how you've made many kind of voyages into the downtown madness. That's right. Yeah, I felt like it's my... Any new listeners, we are in Vancouver, host of the Olympics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:32 That's right. Right now. If you want to call for street directions. Catch the fever. Caller 9, you are on the air. Welcome to Vancouver. Bienvenue. Yeah, you have to say everything in both languages.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That's why our radio shows are twice as long up here. I feel like an obligation just to approach anyone on the street and say, Bienvenue. And kiss them on both cheeks. I live here. I live here. I see you every day. Well, welcome.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Welcome. Here's a fish from our oceans. Yeah, I guess I realized it's not going to last forever, this hoopla. So I thought it's important to at least kind of be witness to whatever gong show it is. So yeah, going downtown is kind of an adventure. But ultimately, you kind of hate and love it all at the same time. And it seems like there's a lot of people looking for something to do, but there's not that much to do if you don't have money.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Or patience. Or patience, yeah. There's a lot of lining up. There's a lot of lining up. Yeah, I'm not one. I will line up for something if I want to get at something, but I'm not one just to get in a lineup. No. Just because there's nothing else. I'd rather walk and look for the path of least resistance.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah. What are the things that you've... Have you been downtown at all, Graham? I have. I was downtown on Sunday, and it was such... It was like the first really nice day, so it was all families. Yeah. But there was this sinister...
Starting point is 00:08:04 It was like waiting in the wings like there's like this sinister like guys starting to get drunk kind of like people are drinking in the street yeah people are really hammered well and not in a friendly way not like hey let's brotherhood of man like it's i'm from this country i'm looking for anything on you that signifies that you're the country that I hate. Yeah. But most of the countries are just Northern European countries. And they live two miles from each other normally, but they hate each other. That's right. But there is a dominant presence of Canada downtown. And even then it feels like they don't seem to be
Starting point is 00:08:46 Vancouverites. It seems maybe whether it's Alberta or anywhere across Canada, there is a vibe of a lot of people looking for some action, but they've got to create their own action. You mean sex or fighting? Just both. I think I was down before
Starting point is 00:09:01 the Olympics started. I just wanted to get the sense of what's shaking down. And right outside the Commodore on Granville there, just watching a busker. And all of a sudden, right behind me, there's just a guy feeding and another guy punches. Like they're just brawling. This is like an all out just haymakers and no cops to be found. And so I kind of scrambled into the street looking for a cop because I was like, this is really sketchy fighting.
Starting point is 00:09:30 It's not wrestling. This is like one guy feeding another guy his fist. And the cops ran over after I hailed them, essentially. And the guy who had been distributing the punches. Sure. Markets of Queensberry. of queens very punch distributor he he escaped into the night like batman oh and i wanted to like say like there he is but i just thought get him boy the guy who tried to break up the fight was handcuffed they had the wrong guys basically it was and i was just like this better i hope this
Starting point is 00:10:02 is not a a uh like a precursor like a sign of what's but i think that was just like, I hope this is not a precursor. Yeah, a sign of things to come. But I think that was just more a comment on Granville Street on a weekend. I think it's going, my prediction, and the podcast will be out after the fact, but I think the America-Canada game, whatever the result is, you're going to see some crazy fisticuffs. And that's Sunday afternoon? Yeah, but starting at... 4.45. Yeah, so almost the drinking hour.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, but people will have started drinking. Many hours prior. Sure. There was a kid on the news. They kind of like... Because there was a lot of... And when you say the Canada-USA game, you mean in the sport of Skeleton? Doubles Skeleton, where they
Starting point is 00:10:46 send them down at the same time. And they show the replay they have. They'll overlap who was racing before, so it looks as if they're on top of each other. On the pace, like, oh, it's one sled behind them. My friend, we were watching the Olympics, and
Starting point is 00:11:01 I thought, oh, dear God, what have they created? Head to head down. And they can fight each other in Road Rash. Oil slick. Smoke screen. There was this kid
Starting point is 00:11:19 that they interviewed and he had a very visible burn on his face, like a cigarette burn. He was like, I was just trying to have fun, and some guy threw a cigarette in my face. Like, I think there was more to the story than this presentation would have. Completely unprovoked. But my favorite thing was they had a picture of a woman being wheeled out on a gurney into the ambulance. They said, this young lady blew out her
Starting point is 00:11:45 knee trying to give somebody a high five so of all the like crazy ways that you could have hurt yourself you're just like yeah call the ambulance well that was or ambulance if you like to mispronounce things yep or the yeah i was walking actually two nights ago after the canada the close call with canada and switzerland and there was a real kind of delayed celebration on the part of canadians it was like we were all very scared and in shock but many hours later then people had gotten drunk enough to start cheering and celebrating canada but i just decided i'm gonna walk down the middle of grainville and just hold my hands up and you get so many fives you can't like i got everyone's blowing out their knees i got high tens yeah there was some lady on the ground but she's
Starting point is 00:12:36 she was crying but she still had her hand yeah so i we walked past her you're like i don't know what an ambulance is. But there seems to be a lot of... Yeah, it's like riding the razor's edge between really happy families and tourists who've come here just for fun. Angry protesters somewhere in that mix. Somewhere.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And then like frat boys. Yeah. Yeah. It's young crowds down there. I mean, people are coming to the downtown core looking, like every weekend, I suppose. But they've really funneled it into Granville. Obviously, it's just... I don't know if you're allowed to, but I think you can drink on the street. Well, most of these people are European where you can drink on the street anyway.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah. So they just don't they they uh plead ignorance it was like in the like the batman the first batman movie with christopher nolan where they like sequester gotham city by like lifting the bridges and they're like well just let that area just be crazy yeah let's make them all stand in this one area man the new first Batman. The new first Batman. Yeah. Where they like, pull up the bridges. Batman re-begins. Or like the third Incredible Hulk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Edward Norton one.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Forget that Incredible Hulk we put out two months ago. We have some good ideas that we should have touched on in that first one. Yeah. First of all, the Hulk shouldn't be the size of four football fields. Also, Nick Nolte, that whole storyline never existed. His crazy dogs. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's like monster poodles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Yeah. There's a lot of mistakes made. A lot of mistakes. But yeah, it feels like, like you say, there's this kind of like, is it going to be just frivolity? Or are there going to be some cops that are going to get all kind of antsy? Because I know there were some cops that were dismissed from one of the floating hotels for having prostitutes. They denied that prostitutes were the reason. But come on. Everyone loves prostitutes. Come on.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, seriously. I mean, you're on a boat. You know? Open waters. Yeah,, seriously. I mean, you're on a boat, you know? Open waters. International waters. And then, yeah, and then like, what's the big like... I don't understand how this has become a story, but the thing about the torch and there being a fence around it, what did you think?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Did you really think that they were going to let people... I won't get my hand in that. I'll put my hand through it just real quick. But it is... The fence is very far away from it. And you can't get a decent picture in front of it. They just put up plexiglass. Yeah, but there's still a fence
Starting point is 00:15:18 above it. I think the part that they... So if you're short, you're DeVito's. You're Perlman's. Sure. Whatever children DeVito or Perl's. Yeah. You're Perlman's. Sure. Whatever children DeVito or Perlman have had. You're Squire Barnes's. Yeah. Tiny folks. Yeah. I mean, well, the... I think
Starting point is 00:15:33 it's the fact that it's like, you know, X amount of millions, I'm sure, were spent on this flame, but then it looks like it's really just in a compound. Like, it's imprisoned. And like, why wouldn't you use Plexiglass or something translucent but still... I mean, spare no expense, right?
Starting point is 00:15:50 This is Jurassic Park up in here. Let's make it sexy. But I thought they missed an opportunity maybe to use the highest elevation in Vancouver, like Queen Elizabeth Park, up at the McMillan Bloedel. Just throw an old-fashioned cauldron up there.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yeah, like one for making stew. Yeah, you know? Double, double toil and trouble. Bubble bubble? Yeah. Bubble bubble. Hubble bubble. Bubble bubble oil.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Bubble bubble. Cauldron burn and something bubble. Stubble, stubble. Shakespeare. What are we going to do with that torch after the olympics because it's just kind of in the middle of like this what is in essence where the longshoremen work yeah we're gonna they're gonna have very little use for it it's uh you could maybe like pour vodka down it and drink it at the bottom drinking games a lot of cakes absolute's gonna take it over yeah
Starting point is 00:16:41 come to the absoluteute Drinking Park I'm sure they'll have a crazy kind of auction At the end of the Olympics To kind of recoup Or like you know like Someone will have it in their backyard In North Vancouver Somebody will buy a ski jumping ramp
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah Buy part of the luge And then there'll be like one on those like Canadian traveling shows Where they're like This guy lives in a ski-jumping raft. It just shows him leaving for work in the morning. He just...
Starting point is 00:17:10 His neighbors are furious. He moves it into the suburbs. A guy had a treehouse that was like a super fancy tree house, but it was against some bylaw. Oh, yeah. I used to have a huge tree house. And his neighbors made him take it down, and there were protests. Oh, man. Tree houses.
Starting point is 00:17:39 They're so underrated. So rarely used. But maybe trees aren't really designed to hold houses. Yeah, they're designed to hold birds. Several trees. The Ewoks can get away with it. Sure. Robinson Crusoe.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah. Is that no? He's his primitive as can be. Swiss family Robinson? Oh, yeah. I have to check my facts. That's right. Robinson Crusoe was
Starting point is 00:18:05 As primitive as could be I remember as a youth Having a BB gun battle At my friend's house In Kitsilano from a tree fort You certainly had the advantage We did Was it a battle or were you just sniping off
Starting point is 00:18:21 Well it was he and I Passers by My old friend Nels Powell Versus his little Was it a battle or were you just sniping off? Well, it was he and I. Passers-by. My old friend Nels Powell versus his little brother. Little Billy Powell. Little Luke Powell. Baden Powell. I think he may have had a buddy, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:37 We were unsupervised. That was kind of the glory of going to their house, you know, corner store, and then down the street and And then whatever, for whatever reason, we thought it was a good idea. But BB gun battle and actually. Bubble bubble gun. You'll shoot your eye out kind of scenario. And actually, there was a headshot. Oh, really? On Luke, which was terrifying for me because I hit him in the face.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I was like, I thought he's dead. He's dead. But it was a glancer off the cheek. Didn't leave a mark? A lot of blood. And then we res But it was a glancer off the cheek. Did it leave a mark? A lot of blood. And then we resumed the fight. Oh, wow. Put an end to it.
Starting point is 00:19:11 But the point was it was from a tree fort. You all took some of his blood off his cheek, painted it on your own face. We're BB Brothers. That's right. Now shoot me in the face. Yeah. We'll rub our cheeks together. So dumb.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Have you been downtown during all this chaos? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All last weekend. I had to go downtown every night. No, but since then. Since the last podcast. Because I know you might have had tickets to curling. But that's not downtown.
Starting point is 00:19:42 That's at Little Mountain. That's on the Little Mountain baseball yeah they eliminated the t-ball field eliminated it big time they're like so wait you hit the ball off a tee that's not really for me they're all in a hot tub yeah um we uh yeah i went downtown last night night for a medal ceremony. Oh, really? The cheapest event you can get tickets for. It's the $20 event. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:10 They're at BC Place every night of the Olympics. And so we had to meet my brother, Abby and I, had to meet my brother downtown. And we went the complete opposite direction. We missed the first sign of where to go, so there were no more signs after that. So we ended up on the other side of the stadium. So we missed the first half hour of the medal ceremony because every night of the medal ceremony has a different theme.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And last night's theme was Northwest Territories. Oh, okay, I got it. So we missed whatever half-hour dancing presentation. They just redid some of the opening ceremony stuff with the bear. The bear comes out. He's exhausted.
Starting point is 00:20:59 It was just replayed on the screen. Remember this? And then they brought out apparently i assumed that there were a lot more medals going on like that it seems like it would just be the medals from that day right yeah but in the summer olympics like there's you know 10 swimming medals a day and then 10 track medals a day. Yeah. Was there two? There was one. Oh, really? Just like...
Starting point is 00:21:28 There was one because... Well, there were two at Whistler, which they showed us on the screen, which is the skiing venue. And then the snowboarding halfpipe was what we saw. The long-haired guy from the... No, no. The women's snowboarding.
Starting point is 00:21:46 A beautiful Australian lady won it. Oh, nice. Good for her. Go Aussies! Nice set of gums on her. And so you have to stand up for the Olympic hymn. You sit back down, and then you stand up for the Australian hymn.
Starting point is 00:22:04 The Olympic hymn being the one they sang on open that sounds like maybe it's scary a bit of a scary song that's i like to move it my brother suggested that it was maybe the theme from the old superman tv show from the black and white days uh with george reeves oh Yeah, that's what my brother thought it was. But it was a song you've never heard before. That was a big sigh. What was that sigh about? I'm sorry. I was trying to remember what the old Olympic theme was like when you play...
Starting point is 00:22:35 Olympic video games. Olympic video games. I always think it's... Where is that song? That has not been... Is that Summer Olympics song? No, that's an NBC-generated John Tesh. That's John Tesh.
Starting point is 00:22:53 You're gonna believe in you, and you'll never be such a one like you. We kept trying to come up with lyrics for the national anthems because we we heard the australian national anthem which i thought is uh just safety dance isn't that and did you were there aussies behind you that did not appreciate no no there's no aussies anywhere uh we just tried to come up with things we knew about australia so it was all about jingos and... Marmite. That's not a knife. You call that a knife. And throwing shrimp on the barbie. And then there was...
Starting point is 00:23:33 We had to watch the Whistler medal ceremonies because this event that we paid 20 bucks to go to only had one medal. So we watched... I'm confused, actually. I feel like sometimes they have medal ceremonies the day after. Sometimes it's two days later. Sometimes I feel like they have them
Starting point is 00:23:51 at the event, like the figure skating. No, they have a podium that everybody stands on. And they give them... They try to own it. They give them flowers. They pwn it. Pwn the Odeon. Pwn the Odeon. Idiots.
Starting point is 00:24:07 All right. But yeah, they give them flowers, but it's not a medal ceremony that they do right after the event. I don't know. Because they'd have to walk up in their skates. That's craziness. Well, I'm sure they brought runners. Rubber on the podium?
Starting point is 00:24:23 Oh, it's all BC lumber. Yeah, it's made by Rona. Yeah. That's true, actually. But the Norwegian theme song, we had no facts about Norway. Except that their hockey jerseys say Norge
Starting point is 00:24:37 on them. Yeah, they spelled it wrong. I don't understand why countries spell their own names wrong. Suomi is Finland? That's way off. They're in a rush. Why do you have to pay to go to the medal ceremony?
Starting point is 00:24:56 It doesn't seem like that's something... Because people will pay. It was full. Was it full? Well, they got it sectioned off. Yeah, half the stadium. It was 25,000 people. Did you buy these tickets in advance or could I buy tickets tomorrow to go to a festival? We bought them in advance. I think you can buy the day of. Did you have to enter through the seawall by Science World?
Starting point is 00:25:16 It's almost like... Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of reminiscent of how they set up the pavilions for Expo. Yeah. Except extra security. It's kind of reminiscent of an internment camp. Yeah, it was like, I went in to use the, I went and saw the Colbert Report.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah, so did I. On the last day? No, I went on the first day. Boy, oh boy. Mistake. Really? Yeah. It was, the first part was great,
Starting point is 00:25:43 and then they had a huge sound Fuck up So it was only if you were in the first Mosh pit area Nobody else could hear anything They had the same issue I went the second day Not really sure if I would
Starting point is 00:25:59 I was just up at three And I thought I may as well Get a good seat I may as well just go check it seat i may as well just you know like go check it out and there's a plate the argo cafe is nearby i thought i'd go get breakfast at seven so i wandered by at like six o'clock and there's already like 50 people yeah lined up so i thought maybe i should stay and by that time there's already 20 people behind me so just like so i should just hold my spot skip breakfast breakfast, and stand for six hours.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But in retro... Yeah, I was like 10th row middle. And I don't know. I don't regret it at all. I really... Graham's full of regret. The sound was cutting out, though. I'm all regret.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I did... I had sympathy for the people that were on the outskirts. Because, see, I didn't get there late by any stretch. Like, I got there, they said to show up at, like, 9, 15, and I was there at 20 after 8. Yeah. And it was still, like, and I got a good spot, and I could hear everything, and then the sound cut out, and then I was like, well, this is beyond useless. Yeah. Because I can see them, but I can't hear them.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Is it being televised? Yeah. Yeah, I believe next week. Yeah. And it'll be funny, and he made fun of Vancouver, and that's kind of neat to have, like, world-famous comedian guy come to your city and make fun of things that you like. And he did...
Starting point is 00:27:19 I am the thing! He did the Better Know District for South Vancouver with Ujal Dossar. Yeah, and he played... The day I was there, he played audio from their interview, He did the Better Know District for South Vancouver with Ujal Dossard. Yeah. And he played the day I was there. He played audio from their interview. I know they did a live interview as well, but they just played it. It was really weird.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I think maybe they smoothed out some of the wrinkles the second day, but the first day they were still setting up the set. And he was an hour late. The thing didn't start until nearly 11 o'clock. And he rushed off to go to the Olympics speed skating. So, you know, what are you going to do? It was interesting to see how he operates when the camera goes off. Like he kind of, the character drops, but he's still hilarious. But it's just like he is, I think he's a genius.
Starting point is 00:28:03 He really, that day, maybe he got better on the second day. He was great. No, he was great. The production was not the best. Mickey Mouse. It's surprising they used that location, but it was a beautiful day. It looked pretty glorious. But it was also right by the Sky Train.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Oh, was it? Yeah, so even if you could hear it every five minutes whoosh the the thing they had done too is like the the people the security people lined up and the people there at the front of the line at like five in the morning so that their lineup is past the stage actually so almost like a windshield wiper when they actually said instead of like let's choo-choo train it into the front like take 20 people at a time, so first come, first serve kind of thing. All of a sudden, they're like, okay, just walk calmly. And everyone proceeded to stampede to the stage.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Did anyone get stampeded? Not that I saw. But I knew to pick up my knees a bit. I was reluctantly. Stick out your elbows. I was just like, okay, I got to hurry up because I don't want to lose my spot. But a lot of the early comers were totally shafted and missed out because they didn't say, let's go on a single file line. I think as soon as you say calmly, like if you really want to get people to move fast, just say the word calmly.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Okay, if they're going to be calm, then everyone's thinking, I'll be uncalm. Yeah, because everyone else is being calm. Morons. Barbarians. Bunch of dummies. One guy, two rows in front of me, he was talking to his girlfriend. He's like, I spilled coffee. I spilled someone's coffee, old man.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And they had gotten there at like 9 or something. They told me. Yeah. Somebody call an ambulance. Now, the other thing I wanted to say about my, when I saw. Oh, yeah, me. The metal ceremonies. Metal ceremonies.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Saw one metal get given out. Yeah. Then some remote via satellite metals. And then to get your money's worth. So we got there a half hour late. Yeah, yeah. The medals were half an hour. And then bring on the band. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Theory of a Dead Man. No! What's one of their songs? Never Made It as a Wise Man. Wasn't that theirs? It's very similar to Nickelback. Is that a Nickelback? That's a Nickelback song.
Starting point is 00:30:24 That's Theory of a Dead Man. No, that's the same song you were singing. One of these songs is Theory of a Dead Man. They're on the Nickelback label, I believe. Oh. 604 Records. Hey, speaking... You were trying to make a joke.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yes, I was. I said the real thing. You said the real thing. Damn it. Speaking of which, I had the pleasure. Uh-huh. I didn't know at the time, which may have affected my work performance. I may have.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I may have. Now, this is very mysterious. Okay. Yeah, very. We're not your boss. Okay, listen. I did the stone walkway to the lawyer of Nickelback. Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So you are a stone smith? Well, I work with stone. I'm the only employee in a stonesmith. I skip stones in the water. Sure. And I assess them before I throw them.
Starting point is 00:31:16 That's going to be a demonstration sport in the London games, right? I was actually, after the Colbert Report, I hung out for a bit by myself and threw some rocks in the water from where all the little stone sculptures are on the floor that people are building. You threw their stone sculptures in the water? No, I found scrap stones. I think they came and dumped a bunch of stones so tourists can build extra. Normally, that's like rat-infested kind of rocky area and there's children playing on it like it's a beach.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah. But yeah, we... but yeah we little cat and so we what was my point yeah the stone walkway we did it stone you did it for nickelback's lawyer was it all musical notes no it's all like it's organic shape kind of rock with sand as the mortar between it. So it's very, looks like it's been there for years. This is a great story. Oh, man. I especially like the little diversion in the middle where you're skipping stones.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Oh, yeah. Two of the most exciting things in the world, walkways and skipping stones. Oh, man. If you just give me a bucket of rocks and waterfront, I can throw it to my... And a nickelback elder. And that's where it ends. So, sorry everybody for the technical problems, and sorry
Starting point is 00:32:30 especially to Aaron, who was an hilarious guest, and he's a very talented artist, and you should all check out his website websites and
Starting point is 00:32:46 We hope you enjoyed that half hour. We'll be back next week with more. I'm not used to doing this by myself. I guess I'll play the closing theme now.

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