Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 115 - Charlie Demers

Episode Date: May 24, 2010

4-timer Charlie Demers stops by to talk comfortable footwear, comic strips, and  fake bands....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 115 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is the man who I would have to say is the fastest eater I've ever met in my entire life, Mr. Dave Shumka. I don't even try. I mean, I don't even think about it. I just eat real fast. All the greats don't have to think about it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Yeah, that's the thing. You know, I have great peripheral vision. That's what they said about Wayne Gretzky. Yeah, you've got a lot of drive. Yeah, yeah. I may not be the biggest guy, but I've got a big heart. Yeah. And the doctor actually says that I shouldn't eat so fast. Yeah, because of your enlarged heart.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And that person giggling is our, we just realized, our first ever four-time repeat guest. Did we realize it? Well, actually, he realized it. He made it, pointed it out. A very funny man, not just a stand-up comedian, but also a novelist and a nonfiction writer as well. Both kinds of writing. Yeah, both styles. Do you have any poetry?
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah, but I only do spoken word. That's Mr. Charlie Demers. Hello, boys. We brought him back because over the last two weeks, Dave and I thought, well, who are people that people have asked for? Yeah, it's the Max Fun Drive. We want to have the big names. Yeah, we wanted to bring back the spiciest meatballs. Yeah, we wanted to bring back the spiciest, you know. Meatballs.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Yeah. And this is my first time ever with your new. Dings? Yeah, your new. Oh, I thought you said dinks. What's your new affiliation? Your new. Oh, right, right.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So congratulations. Maximum Fun. Maximum Fun. Our alliance. And to all the new American listeners, a pleasant Abraham Lincoln to you. Shall we get to Noah? Yes, please. Get to Noah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Since the last time you were here, you wrote and had published two books. Wait, last time you were here, he probably had written the books. No, they were improvised. We were talking about the hills and Curb Your Enthusiasm. It was that style. Charlie walks around an office with a tape recorder, sends in the tape recorder to the publishers, says, take whatever you want, make it into a book.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah, I don't even do that. I do like Woody Allen at the end of Manhattan. I just lie on a couch with a recorder on my back and i go you know new york giants tracy's face and then i always run out whenever i get to tracy's face uh i don't even think that's the name of the girl um i had written them uh because the last one i did was the live podcast at the Biltmore. That's right. Yeah. And so they were both on the way. The novel might even have had already come out. But anyway, now they're out and they've been forgotten. Not true.
Starting point is 00:03:14 We can move on. No, it's been a good couple months. And what's going on with you lately? You and I, we used to have jobs together. Yep. And it's well known throughout this podcast that I no longer have the job. Yeah. You don't either, right?
Starting point is 00:03:28 No, yeah. They didn't give you your job back. This is the secret. It's kind of like a reverse Truman's World. Like Truman Show. Truman's World. That's what I just called it. With Harry Mandel.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah. Swing. Anyway. No, yes. But is it well known in this room that not only do you not have a job – because for a while – and I hope I'm not telling tales out of school here. No. For a while, we were being still paid as though we had jobs. We had a severance.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah. Yeah. And now that's gone too. Yeah. The severance. Yeah. And now that's gone too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:11 But so the problem is that the severance period creates an illusion in your mind where you're like, oh, not having a job won't be so bad. Because the only change was I don't have to wake up every morning. It's literally like you still have all the benefits and still have all. And then so now that that's done, now I feel well and truly. I was up till 3 a.m. last night editing copy for an Inuit-owned small airline for their website. That is a fact of Charlie's life. Is it funny? No. What's funny?
Starting point is 00:04:41 No, they wanted him to gag it up. Yeah, why would they hire you? Can you punch this up? This is a little dry. No, they wanted him to gag it up. Yeah, why would they hire you? Can you punch this up? This is a little dry. Because it's an airline thing, so they're all like, write a bunch of questions about why do we bring out the peanuts? Why don't we build the whole plane out of the black box?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Now, if you're going to do any straight up Inuit jokes, just run them past us first. That's right, yeah. I don't have any Inuit jokes. Just run them past us first. That's right. Yeah. I don't have any Inuit jokes in my huge Rolodex of ethnic humor. Charlie's kind of like the Bob Hope of Angu. At this airline, we have a hundred different words for service. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:05:18 That's pretty good. I should have gone with that. And the other thing that recently happened in my life to denote its new slovenliness and lack of purpose is I bought, and I promise I'm not going to wear them outside. Sounds like Crocs.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah, it is. It's Crocs. Because my feet hurt. Oh man, this is like, we really are on a downward trend. But my ankles hurt. So I got those crocs, the repair crocs. Oh, okay. Dr. Scholl's crocs.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah, something like that. And so I only wear them in the house. But you can see why people did it. Croc-ter-scholls. Are they super comfortable? Oh, man. It's like nothing you've ever walked on. Can we talk? Yeah. Can we? people did it. Crocster shows. Are they super comfortable? It's like nothing you've ever walked on. I've never worn
Starting point is 00:06:11 them myself. I've bought some. There's different styles for ladies. I bought some for my mom for Christmas. I heard that there's high-heeled Crocs. Oh, really? I was going to make a joke about high-heeled Crocs. There really are those? There's high-heeled ones, and I gave a pair to past guest Jane Stanton on the basis that she hates them so much. I gave her a pair for her birthday.
Starting point is 00:06:32 She wears them all the time? Probably. Probably she wears them all the time. She just files down the heel. They're pretty much like regular Crocs. Oh, no, I didn't get her the high-heeled ones, just Crocs in general. But that's my only dealings I've ever had with Crocs. They don't look like shoes to me they look like uh like a novelty item like a like a sand pail or something but uh yeah well the fact that you wear them with i wear them with my sand pail you do you wear them with socks uh both okay you're one each
Starting point is 00:06:59 monkey brewster stuff two different colored socks. Because they look like something you would not wear with socks. And that's kind of part of the downward spiral as well. I'm leaving the house. Right. I'm not going to wear socks. Yeah. But I went to the Crocs store, and they have – it's a huge store with two styles of shoe. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Downtown, right? And there's little... For Crocs for kids, there's little things you can put in the holes, like little characters or Mr. Potato Head eyes. Shoes are fun. They are sweatpants for your feet.
Starting point is 00:07:41 That's the feeling. You know how you look at a guy in sweatpants in the middle of the day and he's out and you're like, man, what's going on? I can't believe I worked for this feet. Yeah. Like, that's the feeling. Like, you know how you look at a guy in sweatpants in the middle of the day and he's out and you're like, man, what's going on? I can't believe I worked for this guy. And then you're wearing them and it's just like, you know, compared to other pants.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Give me a break. I, uh... Now, you brought up Punky Brewster, which made me... As I want to do. Yeah. Which, it just, it flashed in my head very quickly
Starting point is 00:08:03 that recently recently that maybe the world is blind just a little unkind uh the the lady she's now a lady was a child star at the time yeah uh no who played winnie cooper on uh the wonder years she is uh she did like a photo shoot for maxim uh which that's not her first i think she did one before for Stuff or FHM. When I saw these new pictures, I was like... Yeah, I'd stuff her FHM. This is the weird thing. Her career, what she does is she's put out these books for young girls to get them interested in math.
Starting point is 00:08:44 She's really big into math. She's half Korean. Is she? Yes. Oh, there you go. That sums it up right there. But she is in an interview online about the photo shoot. They were asking her about these math books and she said, I just want to make math interesting for kids, especially girls.
Starting point is 00:08:59 She just got the memo wrong for child actors and didn't realize she's supposed to get interested in math. She just got the memo wrong for child actors and didn't realize she's supposed to get interested in meth. But then she said a thing of how to figure out the tip, like how to figure out a 20% tip. She said it's filled with these things, like cute little things and tips and whatever. But all you have to do to figure out the tip is just move the decimal place over one to the left and then double it yeah i didn't know that wait what do you have to do so so say it's like this is a 20 tip yeah if it's 41 you move the decimal place one to the left and then double it
Starting point is 00:09:35 so then it's 820 double what's left on the right of the decimal point well so then it becomes 4.1 if it was 41 see she had a little had a little cartoon to help describe it. And she's hot. It's not hard to figure that out anyway. Not for you. Because you live in GST land. I eat so fast, I have plenty of time to figure out the tip. Anyways, I just
Starting point is 00:09:57 wanted to bring up. She's still looking good. And Mayim Bialik is some kind of biologist. Yeah, that's right. Wears nothing but Crocs. And no Korean heritage. And Mayim Bialik is some kind of biologist. Yeah, that's right. Wears nothing but Crocs. Yeah. And no Korean heritage. She was on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Played a lesbian. And she was also on Fat Actress. Oh, yeah. Which we discussed a couple weeks ago. How'd that turn out? Pretty good. How do you feel it stacks up against Christy Alley's big life? We talked all about it? We talked all about it We got ourselves started
Starting point is 00:10:29 Dave, what's going on with you? What's new in Shumko land? Well, last week when we recorded it was right after my favorite hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks, were eliminated and the wounds were still too fresh
Starting point is 00:10:44 They were too fresh yeah they're like they were too fresh some funky wounds uh but uh uh there's one thing i wanted to talk about about uh that it's uh there was this news story someone uh made a fake uh news story It was like a fake Facebook thing. Was this the Craigslist ad for Roberto Luongo? No, no, no, no. This was the Facebook thing. There's a player on the Canucks named Kyle Wellwood who's notoriously out of shape.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And for a professional athlete, that means he's like, you know, five pounds more than everyone else. Yeah. He's like 5% body fat. Is this true? Somebody told me this. Like, you know, the great thing about Kyle Wellwood, he's like five percent body fat because it's true somebody told me this like you know the great thing about kyle wellwood he's like this kind of chubby guy she's like all right and then you look at him you're like this guy oh this is your idea yeah he's a fit millionaire yeah have you seen that one guy big country the ufc fighter
Starting point is 00:11:39 i've seen big country bryant reed no it same guy? No, different guy. Oh, man. They should fight those two. That's why I perked up when I heard he's got a big gut and he's like a powerhouse puncher. So he knocks the guys out right away. Is this just Butterbean? He's like a white Butterbean. Butterbean is white. But his Butterbean doesn't have any hair. This guy has a beard.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Graham didn't see color. Yeah, that's right. doesn't have any hair. This guy has a beard. Graham doesn't see color. Yeah, that's right. They should fight the two big countries and have a big country play the intro. In a big country.
Starting point is 00:12:12 So yeah, there was this fake Facebook thing with Kyle Wellwood. And the Canucks were playing in Chicago. They were playing in Chicago for the series. And it was Kyle Wellwood apparently was inviting a bunch of players along on a pizza crawl. And it was through Chicago with deep dish pizza, which are, I mean...
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah, if you're going to have pizzas. I know, but you can't go from place to place eating these enormous pizza casseroles. Well, a hog like Kyle Wilwood surely could. But, and there were responses... Pizza crawl, is that a thing? No! Okay, I've never heard of that. And there were responses from other players, like other notoriously out of shape players, around the league.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And it was all fake. It was clearly fake. TV station, their website, put up a story about how two Canucks were disciplined for participating in a pizza crawl. Another career ruined by a pizza crawl. That's really great. I was sad, too, about the... And my timing's terrible because I grew up my whole life as a Montreal fan. And then in recent years became a Vancouver fan.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And it turns out I moved too soon. Although, in fairness, it does look like Canadians are heading down that Canucks path. Oh, right. Did they lose tonight? They are losing tonight for sure. Did they lose tonight? They are losing tonight, for sure. No, I believe you have one team for life, like an avatar with those flying things.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah, with the dragon. Once you put your braid into the team logo. Or into Calwell. Calwell would think it's a cheese string. Speaking of hilarious news stories, or not necessarily hilarious, but I was – this is weird because on Sunday night I was messaging back and forth with a friend of mine who lives in Calgary. And I was asking him if he had seen – or if he watches Breaking Bad. And he had said, yeah, he watched part of the first season and he didn't believe the premise. watched part of the first season and he didn't believe the premise he didn't believe that like if you've never seen the show for anybody out there who hasn't seen the show guy gets you know cancer he's got a family he's just a teacher and he doesn't have any money wants to leave some
Starting point is 00:14:55 money but he's like a chemistry teacher yes yeah so then he goes and he starts making crystal meth with uh with winnie coop yeah that's right. He said he didn't believe that premise. Like, nobody would ever get that desperate that fast. And that night at, like, you know, later on in the evening, I was reading the newspaper. There was a story about two business guys from Vancouver that were busted on the American-Canadian border. Yeah. With backpacks full of marijuana. Oh, really? 50 kilograms of marijuana. were moving across pounds they were doing it for ten thousand dollars they both
Starting point is 00:15:31 like had some bad financial trouble and they were doing it for for ten thousand dollars like to sell it or someone was paying somebody was paying them to mule them across across the border and i was like well then that's even... At least Crystal Meth has a high... Some good bucks. But 10 grand? The one guy worked for the company that came up with those annoying TELUS ads
Starting point is 00:15:55 with the animals in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then the other guy owned his own business and dates the woman half of that horrible slice show The Last 10 Pounds. Oh, yeah. This is a six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Oh, yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:13 But anyways. And now the point is that these two guys are really in a crunch, which makes the other half of Last Ten Pounds Boot Camp really happy. But anyways, I thought that was weird. Well, there's a bunch of shows like that now. My Two Dads. Nobody ever bought that. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Look. Men are marrying men. I know. Soon a man's going to marry a horse, I tells you. Or a boat. I'm already considering myself married to my boat you can marry a boat because a boat has been christened yeah and it's a girl it's the she does this yeah oh yeah she does this yeah she does i've been at the yacht club about six weeks now. But there's that. There's Breaking Bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:06 There's Hung about a guy who turns into a male prostitute. Weeds. Weeds. About basically Breaking Bad for weeds. Yeah, that's right. And that's it. No, there's two and a half men. This is just like people do a desperate thing
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah yeah yeah What's the Big Bang Theory about it? It's all One parent who turns to crime And it's always a single parent No wait, not breaking bad But 66% of the time Danica McKellar
Starting point is 00:17:40 The Douglas Copeland movie had that Which? But it was both parents. They turned their house into a grow-up. What movie was that? J-Pod? No, everything's gone green. J-Pod was a, what I call a small serialized movie or television program.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Starring TV's Alan Thicke. And music's Alan Thicke. Yeah, that's right. So anyways, that was just, sorry, that was a leap off of a weird news story. Oh, yeah. Do you have a thing? Mostly that. That seemed to be the big significant thing.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Also, as mentioned earlier, I have been looking for a job. For me. I got the backpack I need you to take to Bellas Fair. Don't look inside it. Here's $10,000. $10,000 seems low on the scale of hiking. Like, even if you just asked me to hike. Like, just on its own.
Starting point is 00:18:41 But were they just crossing, like, not a border crossing? No, in the forest. Okay. They had to climb. I guess there's one path that often either drug cargo or people like immigrants trying, like... What country are the immigrants trying to go to? I think that we're talking about people who are being in the slave trade, people who are being walked across. Sure, the Underground Railroad.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah. Except it's overground. Sure. This is... There should be an editorial cartoon in there about... I'm just spitballing here. Maybe a beaver in there somewhere? No, but you don't have a guy...
Starting point is 00:19:24 Someone wearing a sash that says what they do? Yeah, well, that's a given. But, no, the mean guy from 10 Pounds Boot Camp, he's always getting people to carry weight. Like, do something and carry weight. So, kind of a sassy
Starting point is 00:19:39 carry this, this, you know, and then the implication. Wait, give me the last 10 pounds of weed. Yeah, there you go. And I'll send you to... I don't know this show, the 10 Pounds Boot Camp. Describe it before you keep talking about it. Graham has a bit on it.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, it's the... There's this guy, I think he was... He used to be a football player, and his name is Tommy Europe. Oh, we did talk about this on the show. Yeah, and he's... He just yells at people for being fat. He yells at women who he's forced to buy an outfit that's too small for them.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Oh, yes. That's the thing. It's not even like Biggest Loser, where you're like, someone is like 500 pounds, and they're like, okay, do this to lose weight. They literally take regular-sized women. Yeah, like women who, yeah. Like, to look at them in, like, kind of the opening piece, you're like, oh, this must be the friend of the person they're talking about. Because it doesn't look like they're out of shape at all.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And then they say, you know, the person wants to go to a reunion or they want to go to a wedding. And then he forces them to buy an outfit that's two sizes too small and then says you have to lose the weight which of course anybody would and then he makes them dress in workout clothes that emphasize like the muffin top or whatever so that it's watchable because otherwise you're like why is this guy being so torturous to this woman who's not out of shape yeah i can understand torturing someone who is out of shape. Oh, yeah. It's the greatest.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Most people are pigs. Well, piggy, for instance. But in any case, yeah, this job posting, somebody posted it. Now, do you look elsewhere other than Craigslist? Because that's probably the wrong avenue. You know what? Where should I look? Monster?
Starting point is 00:21:24 I've got a job sitting on someone's face this afternoon yeah it's like casual connections yeah this guy just said i had to jerk off in front of him i'm working for this new company casual connection i haven't casual encounter yeah i haven't made any money yet it's's been fun. Don't get me wrong. Break room's a pigsty. This looks like it might be fake because it's so bad. My ID badge is just a picture of my cock. But this, one of our listeners, she goes by Zombie Megan. I know who that is.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, it's the girlfriend of a guy I went to high school with. That's right. Yeah, yeah. Michael J. Fox's nephew, actually. Oh, that's right. Okay. She wrote... Six degrees.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Last 10 pounds boot camp. Michael J. Fox went through Tommy Europe's boot camp. Yeah, that's how he got back to 1985. His 1985 waist. They're like, we're going to get you back to 1985. Jeans.
Starting point is 00:22:34 But anyways, this is Craig's list ad that she posted on her Facebook page and I thought, I checked it out and it says it's hiring for a new company uh I am in charge of hiring for a large new company coming to Canada we will be building the company from the ground up and we'll be hiring management personnel now how would you spell personnel if you were C-E-R-S-O-N-N-E-L
Starting point is 00:22:58 right that'd be my okay so personnel spelled wrong spelled with one n uh marketing personnel personnel again spelled wrong sales personnel all spelled wrong copy spelled with one N. Marketing personnel, personnel again spelled wrong. Sales personnel, all spelled wrong. Copy and paste. Yeah. Warehouse spelled as in where is the house. Oh, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Delivery drivers spelled D-I-L-I-V-E-R-Y. Secretaries, S-E-C-R-I-T-E-R-Y-S, and so on. Secretaries? Like Y-S? Yeah. That's pretty good. Yeah. And, yeah, anyways, it says the company's name and information will be given, G-I-V-I-N,
Starting point is 00:23:38 on the phone interview. The company wishes to keep things quiet until the big product launch. Anyways. Well, maybe the company's hooked on phonics. But they haven't been hooked up yet. They got to call down the IT. Yeah. But they can't because they can't find IT.
Starting point is 00:23:55 If there are enough, E-N-U-F, people. That's what it is. E-N-U-F, people from the same area or city the company will set up. Was it Prince spelling this? Meeting in that area or city the company will set up a meeting in that area or city ASP. Did you just ask if Prince was? Yeah. A lot of twos and yous.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Please be sure to wear a raspberry beret to your interview. So, yeah. Were you working at the Five and Dime? That's pretty good. So Tupac is still alive. Well, he does Prince-style spelling. Oh, does he?
Starting point is 00:24:32 Okay, sorry. Well, he did. Oh, Tupac. No, he did more than just that, I think. Yeah, I know, but for example. Yeah, yeah, sorry. But that reminds me of a gentleman who we all know. I'm not going to say his name on the podcast, but while I was in Calgary, I saw he did a Facebook update where every single word was spelled wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:53 It was a seven-word update, and he managed to spell everything wrong. I'm dying to know who this is. I'll tell you after. We'll do one joke from the rack. Do you want to be right back? Yes, I do. All right. So this time of year is our second week of two weeks.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah, second of two. Of the Max Fun Drive, which if you're unfamiliar with the concept or if you've never listened to the podcast before, we are part of a podcast empire, I guess. Organization. Yeah, organization. That's nicer. Yeah. Cartel. That sounds grassroots.
Starting point is 00:25:32 That's right. Where it's run predominantly by Jesse Thorne. It's called Maximum Fun. And through their website, they have shows, The Sound of Young America, Jordan Jesse Go, the Coil and Sharp podcast, Casper Hauser. And us. And us. We're the newest, latest addition to it. We're the new kid on the block, and we're the new addition.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, and we're the latest craze. Yeah. We're Backstreet Boys. And you're keeping it in sync. Yeah, we are. Yeah. I tried to help out. Yeah, we're Backstreet Boys. And you're keeping it in sync. Yeah, we are. I tried to help out. Yeah, thank you. Graham was giving you that.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah, I was stunned. And ladies, we're going to take you to OTAN. Yeah! That was so good. But basically what we're asking for at this time of year is the entire show, the whole thing thing the whole organization is run off of donations predominantly i know that sound of young america is carried on some uh radio stations in the state but i don't think that pays a huge uh wad of cash so most of the shows our show entirely would be run off of listener donations and we've been running the show for we're heading into our third year
Starting point is 00:26:45 yeah we've done over two years and we have uh it's all been out of our pocket yeah we've never asked for any money and we're not particularly asking for money now we're asking if you've listened to the show or any of their shows and you like it to make a donation to ensure that it stays free because that's the only way we can keep it free is if enough people decide, I enjoy the show, I'm going to donate. And we're not asking for much. $10 a month more than clears you. And it also gives you a chance. You get a free DVD.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Yep. You get a choice of t-shirt. Oh, the t-shirt has been chosen. Oh, and it's a great, great design. It's got a bumper car on it. Yeah, for all you bumpers out there. Yeah, you can have a Stop Podcasting Yourself t-shirt. You can be the coolest kid on most blocks.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Yeah, most blocks. Some blocks you might want to wear a sweater. And yeah, you can donate. It's very easy to donate. couldn't be easier all you do is you go to slash donate yep and um what am i missing dave uh let's see what else can you get uh if you give even more you can get even more yeah there's no limit there's it's too unlimited what you can give. And it really is. Like I say, if you enjoy the show and you listen to it every week, if you think about it, it's an hour to an hour and a half every week.
Starting point is 00:28:16 We've given you 150 hours of entertainment. Yeah. So if you think about $10 a month, you're going to blow $10 in a day without even thinking about it. Oh, yeah. You love paninis. I'll blow somebody for $10 in a day. Don't make Charlie blow somebody for $10. That's what we're saying.
Starting point is 00:28:35 That's minimum fun. We've been paying for this, and we've just started to kind of realize the costs of putting out a podcast for two years. And now our costs are being covered by Maximum Fun, and we're getting addicted to it. Yeah, yeah. That's, yeah, you get a taste. You got to keep chasing that dragon. Yeah. The first one's free.
Starting point is 00:28:59 The first dragon? And no matter what, if you're're short if you're not working if you don't have the money right now short of money guys don't editorialize don't put words in his mouth but if you can't afford it that's fine because the show is still free
Starting point is 00:29:20 and all the archives are still free and we want to keep it that way just think of when you can't pay for it. Think of that as when there's only one set of footprints on the beach. This is where Jesus is carrying you. But anyways, so that's all you have to do is go to slash donate.
Starting point is 00:29:39 You can donate $5 a month, $10 a month, $20 a month. Or if you only have money enough for a one-time donation, you can do that as well. You sure can. And that's not – Every little bit helps. Yeah. If you have the money now, know that you won't have it later, that's fine. If you're a gambler.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah. If you're just living on the lamb. But does a gambler know that they won't have money later? Well, they know when to fold them. Yeah. I promise. Do they know when to fold them. The problem is, do they know when to hold them? That's right. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Walk away. Yeah, walk away. Should I run? All right. Well, do you guys want to move on to Overheard? Yeah, I'm sure not going to count my money while I'm sitting at the table. Am I right, guys? Lyrics.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Overheard. Overheard. sitting at the table am i right guys lyrics overheard overheards if you've got a set of ears and they and you know how to use them then overheards is for you that was the uh radio friendly version of the zz talk when it played in the middle east she's got ears and she knows how to use them um she probably has ears and we've been told now we've been told actually several times in the past week and i don't know if you've noticed that well i know you noticed one and somebody told us that another show podcast run by a comedian named greg fitzsimmons is also doing, suddenly, a segment called Overherds, where he gets callers to call in their overheards, and this is the
Starting point is 00:31:11 thing. What's their phone number? That's that show, Quit Your Podcasting. Knock it off with the podcast. Hey, you kids with the podcast. Quit. We don't know, because overheards as a concept, I'm sure we're not the first people to do it either. We didn't invent the idea.
Starting point is 00:31:30 No, but we may have been the first people to do it in a podcast. And certainly the first people to do it 115 weeks in a row in a podcast. But anyways, we have, we've got a couple of messages. I don't know what we're supposed to do. Who's Greg Fitzsimmons? Is he famous? I guess. He's a comedian from America. I don't, I can't really say.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Like, I know I've heard him as a guest on another podcast at one point. Is he the guy who was trying to get that giant boat up the mountain? I'm not even thinking of Werner Herzog. Is that Fitzcarraldo? Is that what I'm remembering? If that's wrong. It's Fitz something. No, you're thinking of Werner Herzog? Is that Fitzcarraldo? Is that what I'm remembering?
Starting point is 00:32:06 If that's wrong. It's Fitz something. No, you're thinking the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. No, Fitzcarraldo was the guy who got the chair in the face and had the mustache. The German guy that that happened to. Fritzcarraldo. I can now take you to Al Capone's forest. Anyway, so if that's the case If somebody's snagging
Starting point is 00:32:26 Our bit I don't know what we can do about it Maybe he just overheard The bit he was like here's something I heard on another podcast But we like to start every Week our overheard segment With Charlie Demers With our guest even when he's not here
Starting point is 00:32:42 I do it every week I write in from home I don't know this is i mean week might be the operative word here for mine i because i ran because i had one that i wanted to do that i had a instinct but instead you phoned it into greg fitzsimmons yeah no i called i like to support podcasts and he's doing a fun drive right now and i wanted to give as i could um but i i the thing is uh i had one that i wanted to do was just soup i was like this is like sort of tragic comic maybe it's too sad not enough too much tragedy not enough comic and so i ran it by graham which as
Starting point is 00:33:18 you know doesn't happen on you guys don't hear the overheards no before i ran it by him graham agreed that it was too sad so then i was kind of sol and i thought you know uh i'd try and maybe get away with an over like something that i said a stupid thing that i said but so here's a different okay over rationalized okay so this one's really quick uh quick build up shitty overheard and i totally apologize uh but i was downtown and like you know like the business district you know when you're like down at the like it's like a bunch of like professional looking people and they're all out and it's sunny and they're walking around and they're doing they're having lunches and wearing ties without putting on airs yeah and it's not like a joke.
Starting point is 00:34:05 It's not like a, can you believe? And so I see this young guy, and he's talking to this woman, and they're like clearly co-workers, and they're both very professionally dressed, and they're walking to some meeting or something together, and they're talking. And then I walk by them, and I just heard for like two seconds, and the dude is talking to the girl, and he goes,
Starting point is 00:34:24 yeah, so it's two Asian chicks and one white chick. What could they have been talking about? Anyway, that's, so I apologize. That's like diet overheard. No, it was the touring company of Charlie's Angels. With an understudy. Thanks for Lucy Liu. Maybe he had a Bluetooth in and he was ordering.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Anyway, I really kind of wish I could tell the sad one, but it's maybe too sad. It's too sad. I can't remember what it is, but I remember you running one past me and me saying it was sad. It was sad. That was fine. Okay. Yeah, it was great. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:35:09 If anyone wants a sad one, tough luck. Dave? Yeah, I don't have one either. But my brother told me an amusing one the other day. Nice. My brother was in a gas station paying for gas. As gas or grass. No one rides for free.
Starting point is 00:35:30 No one heard either of them. Oh, no. Overtalk. He was in a gas station paying for gasoline. You want to take this? and he uh a woman came in and she yeah she had the uh the key with the big key with the wood piece attached yeah and she gave it back uh the bathroom key she gave it back to the attendant and uh she said thank you so much um i'll probably buy something i just need to go talk to my friend first and then she she leaves the room and yells across the parking lot i'm a new woman
Starting point is 00:36:10 it's kind of like that uh that aerosmith video where they go into the gas station and flirt with the yeah yeah try on sunglasses yeah i guess she had to pee very badly before oh and that's why she was a new woman your life yeah yeah oh and and she also did a pregnancy test it was positive yeah that ego is preggo um what about you oh well no when you were talking about the woman at the gas station for some reason i just had a flashback to an ad i believe i saw when i was a kid where it was Cindy Crawford was at a gas station. Yeah, was it a Pepsi commercial? I couldn't remember for the life of me
Starting point is 00:36:50 I was trying to reference in my head what it was for. It was a Pepsi commercial. It might have been Diet Pepsi. Yeah, it's hard to say. Diet Pepsi is the right one. No, it's the Gotta Have It. That was the Ray Charles Diet Pepsi. No, uh-huh, you got the right one, baby. I think he said Gotta. Oh, yeah. That was the Ray Charles Diet Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:37:05 No, uh-huh. You got the right one, baby. I think he said gotta have it, too. No, sorry. That was Ray Charles and heroin. Sorry. I'm sorry. No, heroin was the taste of a new generation.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Just a taste. The first one's free. The first taste of a new generation is free. Do you remember in the movie Rookie of the Year? Yes. When the kid He hurts his arm, but it hurts it in a good
Starting point is 00:37:34 way. Yeah, it makes it fast. Funky, but loving. And he becomes a super famous 11-year-old pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. It was based on a true story, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was based on Doogie Howard.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Story of Greg Maddox. He... Yeah, and then he got all these endorsements and he did a Diet Pepsi commercial with the Uh-Huh Girls. Who the kid was famous? Yeah. Oh, in the movie.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Like there was an ad within the movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, man. That is product placement to the... Was he also the same kid in a time travel movie, like a remake of Connecticut Yankee and King Arthur's Court or whatever? Oh, First Night with Martin Lawrence? Yeah. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Black Knight. Of course it was called Black Knight. First Night was for Richard Gere, wasn't it? Anyway, no, I don't know if he was in that, but he was in American Pie. He was Tara Reid's boyfriend. Oh, there you go. That is true. Yeah, he got the wrong one, baby.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Good callback. Not bad. My Overheard comes courtesy of being on the bus. Okay. And I was standing directly in front of a young lady who was on her cell phone telling her friend how good she is at working on film sets and like she's a professional now. professional now and she's you know like she's kind of tired of working with amateurs and she you know she's ready to move up into the next class is this a porn story no she goes she goes uh and then she says to her friend well you know i don't i can't describe to you all the different areas you know on the film set that there are um well, basically – look, I'll try and simplify it for you.
Starting point is 00:39:27 There's five basic areas on a film set. There's the director. There's the DOP. That's director of photography. I won't bother explaining that to you. There's wardrobe. That's what I work in. There's makeup or set makeup makeup and i can't remember what
Starting point is 00:39:48 the fifth one is but don't worry like she was saying how great she was that she couldn't even list the main groups that work on a film she sounds like the lying bitch in wardrobe That's such a weird thing to brag about What? Being really good on a film set? Yeah, I'm really good at standing around and waiting Yeah, good at being quiet When somebody says switch it to channel 4 I switch it to channel 4
Starting point is 00:40:17 I've got a lot of good iPhone apps I guess you would be all iPhone now Because when I worked on film sets Out of film school Everybody everybody had cell phones. But they didn't have any games. Everyone wanted to play Snake. Yeah, there was no apps. There was no iPhone.
Starting point is 00:40:35 So standing around was way more boring. Now you have podcasts and video things and all sorts of shit you could download. So standing around, it actually might be a job that I might look at. Yeah. I gotta get to now. I, um, the thing overheard that I was going to do that was like overhearing a thing that I said that was stupid was, um, it wasn't like a thing. Like it wasn't that the thing was funny, but it was just, uh, it was like in a sitcom.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Like, okay. I thought that a local guy who runs a room here and he started this room and he asked me to headline the first night and it was a terrible show dave you were there okay you had a pretty good set jane had a pretty good set but this guy know how to spell correctly on facebook status yes yes he does okay so it's not the same guy okay so and then i got up and i was having a really rough set and i was kind of making fun of the crowd and making fun of the room because it was torture. It was a really difficult set. And then afterwards, I apologized.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I said, hey, I didn't mean to take a shit on stage and whatever. And then I also sent him – Did you literally? Yeah, well, because that was my big closer, right? No, that's your opening. It's really rough for the rest of the set. That's why they call me the number two guy in comedy. And I wrote him a note.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And then, like on Facebook, I just said, hey, you know, once again, sorry. And I hadn't heard back from him. And then I saw him at another show on Thursday. And I said, hey, you know, did you get my message? He says, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, I'm digesting it. And I was like, huh, you know, what's the problem hey, you know, did you get my message? He says, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, I'm digesting it. Oh. And I was like, huh, you know, what's the problem here, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:10 And I'm, like, talking to other comics about, like, you know, what's with the attitude, you know? Like, geez, I can't, you know, I can't believe this. Well, what is it? And then, yeah. And then so as I'm on my way out afterwards, he's standing there, and he says, hey, look, can I talk to you for a second? And I just go, you know, you know what? Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And I just list off, you know what? I didn't even really do anything wrong. And I just sent you a note and I was just trying to be nice and blah, blah, blah, blah. And then he's like, and then I finished. And he goes, I just wanted to tell you I was never mad at you. And it was total sitcom style. Like, he goes i just wanted to tell you i was never mad at you and it was total sitcom style like he go no you listen here like the only thing that could have made it more like full housey is if we had been like right up yelling in each other's faces and then kissed
Starting point is 00:42:56 because it was and i just felt it's the stupidest or you will ever feel Or if he had done the Bugs Bunny thing and switched it around on you, so you were apologizing to him. Yeah, that's right. Absolutely, no. But so it turned out very nice, and of course it was wonderful, but it was... I felt so embarrassed for like a day
Starting point is 00:43:20 and a half straight afterwards. Because it was... We talked about Breaking Bad, and I see a thing and you never think it will happen. It happens. Oh, yeah. Good morning, San Francisco. Wake up, San Francisco. Sorry, wake up.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Sorry, shit, I fucked that one up. All right, guys. Here's some listener overheards. If you want to write to us in the overheard fashion, or just in general, I like it when, you know, there's just a note. Hey, what's going on? Yeah, keep up the good work. And no more
Starting point is 00:43:52 sarcastic ones. We can tell. They're all in italics. You can send them to stoppodcastingyourself at This first one comes to us from Christina. Christina T. Christina. So I was at the county fair a couple of months ago in one of the art exhibit buildings.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I overheard a mother and her young daughter having a verbal exchange that went something like this. The mother asked the daughter, and what does daddy drink? To which the daughter enthusiastically replied, beer! And the mother was silent and said no honey coffee oh cute that's like a little um she should have sent that to bill keen not you guys that could have been that's a perfectly serviceable family circus a little edgy for the family yeah that's true uh Maybe one of the ones Billy drew. Because you'd go,
Starting point is 00:44:48 hey, who drew this cartoon? And someone would say, not me. What are your favorite family circuses? The ones, the one that has the, did you just talk about the ghost?
Starting point is 00:44:57 Not me. And I don't know. Also, there was, That's sad. It seems like they have a dead kid. My, It's a dead kid. My, uh... It's a dead Vietnamese kid named Notme.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I think you blame me. For the breakdowns in the family. Korean people are good at math. Vietnamese people are named Notme. Well, it's, you know, passable. My brother pointed out to me because we don't have much of a a color comic section in either of the newspapers here in the weekend editions but in calgary also nobody reads the newspapers here um but in calgary they still have like a full like you know like the
Starting point is 00:45:41 weekend uh yeah the sunday uh funnies or whatever and you know all the classics are still running strong your garfields your uh those baby blue kids are no closer to adolescence wizard of id still going strong wizard of id yeah oh man what about which is the one bc the like uh caveman but it's also like crazy right-wing christian yeah and i remember there was one guy like one of the characters it was the jailer and the guy in jail and the guy in jail's like oh why is it called encyclopedia britannica and the punchline was like well i don't think anyone would read it if it was called encyclopedia aborigine it was so like but these are cavemen they predate encyclopedia they predate predate prisons yeah and dungeons yeah no part of it
Starting point is 00:46:34 makes sense um but there's an there was a family circus who's always been you know very sad well they have that dead kid yeah the kid running around haunting them um but then there's another uh funky winker bean went through a phase where it was just very dramatic one of the characters got cancer oh really and it was literally what's funky winker bean is that like the rex morgan md where you're from no funky winker bean is it's where i'm from serious comic it's named funky winker bean no funky winker bean was a funny comic that then go down to funky winker beans on hastings and you will not be doing a lot of giggling i assure you yeah well it mirrors the change because it used to be a funny comic or or at least intentionally funny, and then it switched into being a... Also, I think Hank McNamara?
Starting point is 00:47:28 That's another one that made a switch. Tank McNamara. He's a sportscaster? Yeah. That made a switch, too. It was weird. It was like, after 9-11, these comics all of a sudden became aware of the world where terror...
Starting point is 00:47:41 Sure. Before, they weren't, and now they're somehow in the world. Sally Forth is very... Do you remember a couple years ago i realized that that was a play on words what like sally fourth into the world and like i never what about grace under fire i always get uh my hopes up whenever i tell anyone tells me there's a new Brent Butt series going on I'm like oh you didn't say Brent Butler
Starting point is 00:48:06 anyway my favorite family circus is the one where the kid it's a path and you follow the kid oh yeah
Starting point is 00:48:14 where you see where he took the crazy route home I used to read Never on Time is my guess Garfield comics
Starting point is 00:48:20 like the Digests and the Family Circus Digest as a kid I just loved them I read them all the time they didn't make me laugh I just like I digests and the family circus digest as a kid i just loved them i read them all the time they didn't make me laugh i just like i read them and i just they were interesting to me and there was an interview with bill keen in the back of one of them they were like how long do you think you'll uh uh keep writing comics and he was like well until i run out of material until my kids die and then i what i thought he meant by run out of material is that he had bought
Starting point is 00:48:46 a bunch of paper and a bunch of pens and once he had run through raw materials that's when he would give up writing the cartoon do you remember a couple years ago um for better or for worse yep they they um it was a gay son storyline, and that's another... That one went serious. ...dramedy, they call it. They did. They reset it. Because it was one of those comics where, instead of staying the same age, the kids
Starting point is 00:49:15 would grow up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When the dog died. That's right. Yeah, yeah. At some point. And then they reset it back 20 years to the beginning of it. Comic gimmicks.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Really? Wow. Oh, so they did one of those Infinity Crisis things beginning of it. Comic gimmicks. Really? Wow. Oh, so they did one of those infinity crisis things that they did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Minority report. Yeah. Time crisis. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Here's another overheard written in. Now, last week we talked about license plate frames. Sure. I went to What's the Matter You? Yeah, I was an alumni of What's a Matter With You This is another license plate frame It says, the license plate frame entry In your last episode with Ryan Beal
Starting point is 00:49:50 Reminds me of a frame I oversaw just the other day The top of the frame said Italians do it And the bottom of the frame did not exist Leaving the entire message as simply Italians do it That's from Spencer Yeah, the implication is contracting, right? Sure No, they Italians do it. That's from Spencer. Yeah, the implication is contracting, right?
Starting point is 00:50:06 Sure. No, they just do it. Italians do it. Or maybe it's like Godfather Pizza. Isn't that the big phrase on that? Or maybe they were talking about... Did the bottom of the frame just didn't exist at all?
Starting point is 00:50:21 I think it fell off. Oh, so apparently it was a no-show job. Oh, nice. When I was six or seven, there was a kid in grade seven, like an older kid, who was wearing a shirt. I kind of went to school in a... It was a slightly trashy neighborhood, as evidenced by this kid's shirt, which just said, do it in the sand.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Now, I remind you, this kid would have been 12 years old, Max. His name was Max, and he was 12 years old. He was just thinking sandcastles. I went up to him, and I was like, what does that shirt mean? And he's like, you know, do it. I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:51:02 what's it? Because this is pre-sex knowledge. And he was like, you know, it it. I was like, well, what's it? Because this is pre-sex knowledge. And he was like, you know, it. And I went, pee? Yeah, pee in the sink. Alright, here's the last one. We've limited
Starting point is 00:51:23 three. Limited three plus one job posting. That's right. That's the last one. Limit of three. Limit of three plus one job posting. That's right. That's the way I got around. This comes from Lindsay D. Lindsay D., I'm a graphic designer, as half of your audience seems to be, and I recently took a continuing studies class in the evenings after work. A bunch of my classmates and I were in the hallway one night in April waiting for the professor to arrive,
Starting point is 00:51:46 and I was standing next to a 60-something-year-old guy in my class who was listening to his iPod really loud. At first, I couldn't make out what song it was that he looked so into. He was tapping his foot really fast, mouthing the words, and moving his hips. Then I realized the song he was rocking out to was All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:52:10 That was in April. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who was she married to? She was married to some record executive. Tommy Mottola. Tommy Mottola. And he was in the video. He was Santa. Really? Actually, just last week, coming full circle, Tommy Mottola was on Nick Cannon's Wild and Out. He was one of the white guys. Really? Actually, just last week, coming full circle, Tommy Mottola was on Nick Cannon's Wild N' Out.
Starting point is 00:52:27 He was one of the white guys. Really? No. Not really. Have you seen it? Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It is something else. It's not still on. Oh, yeah. It's a hit. But it's not still being made. I don't think it's still being made. I know they air it up here. It's in syndication. It's in Sendo? It's in hit. But it's not still being made. I don't think it's still being made. I know they air it up here. It's in syndication, but it's...
Starting point is 00:52:45 It's in Sendo? It's in Sendo. And what I love is that every time it comes back from commercial break, they're like, the following contains mature humor. I promise you, it does not. There's one thing it does not contain, and that is mature humor. If you want to write to us to the podcast, to us podcasters,
Starting point is 00:53:13 it's stoppodcastyourself at Also, we have callers who sent in overheards. Maybe you should take a break from talking. If you would like to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328 and I will be playing my allotted three phone calls.
Starting point is 00:53:29 I like it. Plus one from Craigslist? Yep. One voice message. Hey, this is Kent from Denver calling in with an overheard. The other night I was outside of a heavy metal concert at the concert venue at which I work and there were two big metal dudes who ran into each other out front.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And it was obvious they hadn't seen each other in a while and they were kind of catching up. And one of them said, Hey, are you still dating that girl? And the other one said, Nah, man, I had to break up with her. Chicks get you out of metal. Fact.
Starting point is 00:54:06 It's a lifestyle. Yeah, it's true That's why no metal fans ever have girlfriends Yeah, and that's why that Bret Michaels show has to keep happening Yeah They seem like they're the one for him And then they try to get him Try to get him on a metal Does that count as metal him?
Starting point is 00:54:21 He's a metal No, not anymore But he did in the olden days. Yeah, in the olden days he was. Have you seen the infomercial with Bret Michaels? Is that Slap Chop? It's not Slap Chop. No, it's a music collection.
Starting point is 00:54:35 But it also features new acoustic recordings of just Bret Michaels solo. And they only play Every Rose Has Its Thorn because that's all you want to listen to. I always, whenever I hear Brett Michaels, I always think wrestling, and it's because of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. And so it does sound like a wrestling name. And I don't really know Poison. And he dresses like a wrestler would dress.
Starting point is 00:54:59 He does. And he kisses like a wrestler would kiss. Like ravishing Rick Rude. Yeah, exactly. So you pass out in the ring. Kisses, like a wrestler would kiss. Like ravishing Rick Rude. Yeah, exactly. So you pass out in the ring. My favorite infomercial right now is the one with... Because the Magic Bullet is pretty much accepted as a legitimate product. Yeah, but the Bullet Express.
Starting point is 00:55:17 The Bullet Express. That thing, I can watch that. I have not enjoyed an infomercial this much since the Ron Popeil spaghetti maker with the chocolate pasta. Oh, yeah, chocolate pasta. It's this machine that looks like it is vomiting whatever is in it. And you're like desperately trying to spin this plate. Even in the infomercial, it's going all over the counter.
Starting point is 00:55:49 And then they cut so close up and it's all tidy and people are just, well, let me just place the last few pepperonis. Oh, man. That, I can't stop watching that one. I only just got all that,
Starting point is 00:56:01 okay, granny, and he uses her false teeth to crimp the pie. Oh, man. Heavy metal. Hi, Dave Graham and possible guests. This is Arden from Chicago. I just walked out of a thrift store, and as I was walking by, I heard someone go, Hey, babe, here's a book on
Starting point is 00:56:28 cat horoscopes. Do you want me to grab it for you? What? Cat horoscopes. I thought she said cat-a-ro-scopes. Maybe. Yeah. You will be napping. That's all. Just every single one. Feel like being pet, and
Starting point is 00:56:44 then you won't. It's big of you to take a call from Chicago. I'm not mad at the city. I'm not mad at the team. Not Chi-Town. I wrote that song with Chris Martin about it. Alright, one last.
Starting point is 00:57:01 You got one last. Hey Dave and Graham and guests. This is Adam from Knoxville. I was just calling in an overheard. I know you guys enjoy good southern accents, so I thought I had to include this one for you. I was at Lowe's hardware store the other day picking up something, and as I was getting in my truck there was this guy
Starting point is 00:57:28 and maybe his four year old son I think getting in their car and as I'm getting in my car to leave I hear the father tell the son and I'm not over exaggerating the accent at all he says to his son
Starting point is 00:57:44 well they're going to call you Nike but when I put my Nike up your rear And I'm not over-exaggerating the accent at all. He says to his son, Well, they're going to call you Nike, but when I put my Nike up your rear, so... I like that because he... I'm not going to exaggerate the accent at all. And then he turned his own accent up 5%. I do love the accent. You know it's it's one of the it can always depend on the kindness of strangers i recently discovered a and by recently i mean this morning i found a a video of a country singer that i guess specializes in
Starting point is 00:58:21 funny songs sung not in a silly style like they're sung like really dramatic country songs like the way that any regular but they're funny yeah the one song that he was talking about is how much he loves uh breasts and how he wants women in the audience to flash him during the song and then there's a chorus for fat men in the audience to flash him too and it was really funny but it's not sung funny and i've never heard of this, and then there's a chorus for fat men in the audience to flash him to. And it was really funny, but it's not sung funny, and I've never heard of this guy. And then I looked at his catalog, there's one where he sings to his penis, and
Starting point is 00:58:52 I don't remember his name. Garth Brooks, I think. Chris Gaines. And now look at Chris Gaines, he's hosting the Global News. Okay. Okay. All right. So, yeah, if you want to call us with overheards at 206-339-8328.
Starting point is 00:59:12 If you want to write in, stoppodcastingyourself at I understand you have an idea for a new segment. I do. I don't have a theme song for it. Is it something that would need a theme song? Let's see how well it goes. Let's do it once. Just one time.
Starting point is 00:59:25 With no theme. Last week, we... Two occasions during the podcast last week, at one point we were talking about how off the mark usually it is when a TV show tries to approximate pop music or a band or something like that. Comedy. Or comedy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And then we also had a funny thing about a U2 cover band or tribute band. Called U2.0. And then we tried to come up with names for cover bands. And I actually came up with a great U2 one. That's right. And you sent it to me. Even better than the real thing. That's great.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Oh, that is a good one. It almost matches. Which I still think is the high point of my Stop podcasting yourself career Which was the lead singer for Recessive Gene Simmons It's been all downhill from there I'll tell you that much
Starting point is 01:00:14 And so Basically that, we did that podcast It was great, and then somebody Cliff Nesterhoff actually posted A thing from Get Smart The TV show where they had a band on called the Sacred Cows. And that was a fake TV show band. And then I looked online and I found a website called Rockalopedia Fake Bandica. Oh, from BC.
Starting point is 01:00:48 see and uh this is a website that documents all the fake bands or musicians that have appeared in movies or tv shows over the years it's a really fun website and then i thought well if i can find some real bands that are kind of obscure and see i'll give you guys a name of a band and you tell me if it's a real band or a fake band that came from rock so for instance the Zack attack are a fake band right or say by the back what was the word of the Archie's fit in on this cuz they you know yeah that's true that's true me you know I mean you know what that is What was the one that they Remember there was like a show
Starting point is 01:01:30 And they all wanted to go see I think it was Saved by the Bell Still they wanted to go Beau Revere Like that type of thing On Roseanne I remember they wanted to go see Daisy Chainsaw Oh Daisy Chainsaw That sounds like it could be a real thing
Starting point is 01:01:44 I think there was a thing called the Daisyisy chain or no maybe i'm thinking pansy division sure all right so here we go i've got a few of each and we'll see if you can guess and i'll it's not like a race to see if i'll see what you think dave and what you think charlie okay all right should we try and say something funny to Do we have buzzers? Yeah, if you want to buzz in, that's alright. I'm fine with that. Okay, the first band is called The Sack Attack.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Fudge Tunnel. I'm gonna go... Oh, sorry. I'm gonna say real. I'm gonna say it's a fake band. From a very funny TV show. I'm going to say real. That's real? I'm going to say it's a fake band. You say that that's fake? From a very funny TV show. I think it's a real band and kind of like a campy, gay, like they play like leather bars and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:02:34 No, I think it's a fake band that exists along the Hershey Highway. It's an all Oompa Loompa band. Fudge Tunnel is actually a real band from Nottingham in England. Nottinghamshire. That's what I said. Merry men. The thing that I found is that Fudge Tunnel's reputation was built around their massive guitar
Starting point is 01:02:56 sound and ironic sense of humor. Have you guys seen the new Robin Hood? No. Soundtrack by Fudge Tunnel? Yeah. From Nottingham. Alright, the Fudge Tunnel? Yeah. I'm nodding him. Alright, the next band is Human Pudding.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Fake. Fake. Bonus if you can guess where it was faked from. Can we have a hint? It was a sitcom from the late 80s, early 90s. Okay. The Cosby Show. No.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Not super far. Well, far enough away. Blossom? Nope. Full House. Human Pudding. Human Pudding. Did they open for Fudge Tunnel?
Starting point is 01:03:36 No. The Jesse and the Ripper? No. You said Cosby Show because of Pudding. That's right. That's right. That's all. You just connected them in your mind. The Kodak film band?
Starting point is 01:03:53 I don't know where on the show they were from. Bill Cosby did Jell-O pudding ads for our young listeners. My favorite on Zach Attack episode was when they had the agent, the British agent and they were like, oh are we going to do this thing? And he's like, does Bart Simpson have animated zits? No.
Starting point is 01:04:14 And that was the way of saying, you bet we're going to do this. But he doesn't have animated zits. He's prepubescent. Yeah. Alright, alright. Where's Fluffy? Oh, oh, I know that. He's prepubescent. Yeah. All right. All right. Okay. Where's Fluffy? Oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I know that. Do you know that? Yeah. Where's it from? Nick and Nora's Infinite Forest. Oh, very good. So you're up on your... On my Kat Dennings films?
Starting point is 01:04:36 Is that the girl in it? Yeah. Right on. Very buxom. She's very buxom, isn't she? Yeah. Oh, was she the little girl in 40-Year-Old Virgin? Yes. She wasn't a little girl. She was still buxom, isn't she? Oh, was she the little girl in 40-Year-Old Virgin? Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:45 She wasn't a little girl. She was still buxom. All right. All right. Cain was able. Oh, I think that's real and cheeky. Yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Cain was able. Cain was able. I'm going to say that's real as well. Yep. You're both saying it's real. We're not keeping score. I'm going to say that's real as well. Yep. You're both saying it's real. We're not keeping score. No, we're not keeping score. It's all just for fun.
Starting point is 01:05:11 It's actually fake. And it's from the TV show Beverly Hills 90210. Oh. That's a pretty good one. Was this from the original 90210? The original 90210. Because that does sound... Did they play at the Peach Pit?
Starting point is 01:05:25 That does sound like that's what bands were named back then. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that was real. That's good. Toad the Wet Sprocket. Yeah. Oh, man. Big Head Todd and the Monsters.
Starting point is 01:05:35 That's right. Toad the Wet Sprocket. What was their song again? Fall Down. Was that them? I don't know. Do you know that Toad the Wet... Oh, have we...
Starting point is 01:05:42 Oh, I just started singing Toy Soldier. But do you know what that name, where that was from? That was from the... Yeah, it was from Meet the Ruttles or whatever. That was one of the other bands. It's one of the worst names ever for a band. Toad the Wet Sprocket.
Starting point is 01:05:58 It was the name of another band in that movie. Oh. Anyways, okay, okay. This is good. This is going along really well. You know where the Tragically Hip got their name? I think we discussed this on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:06:12 I thought it was from an Elvis movie and then I think it was Pat Kelly who told me I was wrong about that. From the Monkees movie, Head. That's right.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah. I didn't know there was a Monkees movie. Okay, this band. That's great. Ready? I've never seen it Slint
Starting point is 01:06:27 Slint That's real That's real Are you sure? I feel like they're a girl band Like a hardcore girl band I always thought a good name for a hardcore girl Like punk rock group would be
Starting point is 01:06:42 Rape Whistle Yeah That's not bad actually hardcore girl like punk rock group would be Rape Whistle. That's not bad, actually. Slint is a real band. They formed in Louisville, Kentucky. And they were from... They were composed of the remains of a band
Starting point is 01:07:00 called Squirrel Bait. The remains? The remains of the day. Okay. Hot Tuna. Oh, that's fake. Fake? Not to be confused with Hot Sunday
Starting point is 01:07:15 from Saved by the Bell as well. That was from Saved by the Bell. Hot Tuna, you both say fake? It's actually real. It was a rock band consisting of former Jefferson Airplane members. Which, is this like some joined Jefferson Starship, some joined Hot Tuna? I don't know. That's a good question.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Hot Tuna, check it and see. Don't eat me, I am full of mercury. Well, I think you may have taught recessive gene symptoms. All right. All right. Sex as a weapon. Oh. I'm going with real.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I feel like it might be something that former members of a girl group formed. You're close. You're in the right atmosphere. Former members of Rape Whistle joined. Yeah, or like former Spice Girls or All Saints members. Oh, All Saints. What happened to them? So you're going to say it's real?
Starting point is 01:08:18 I'm going to say it's real. You're saying it's real? Yeah, I'm going with real. It is actually fake. No! But here's the interesting twist it's from the film house party three and the band sex is a weapon was played by real rap group tlc oh oh yeah yeah there's a few movies where a real band plays a fake band like what was the name of the
Starting point is 01:08:41 in this in in singles pearl jam or something else citizen dick citizen dick that's right and were the mighty mighty boss tones supposed to be them and clueless where was that really them and in clueless yeah yeah the mighty mighty boss tones were in clueless for sure as themselves no that's what i'm asking they were at a dance and yeah there was never but the song they did was a mighty mighty boston song oh that's interesting i didn't know that never have to knock on wood right no no it was um where do you where did you go where do you go it's in one of the guitar hero or rock bands nice um but uh here's one for you oh okay captain geach and the shrimp Shooters. Where is that from? Or who is it?
Starting point is 01:09:26 It's not a real band. No, but that's from... Isn't that the band... Is that not the band that the band in That Thing You Do has to be? Yes. In the Beach movie? Yes. Wow, look at me.
Starting point is 01:09:39 A fake band playing another fake band. How's this? Try this one out. Two Cubic Feet. Two cubic feet. Two cubic feet? Yeah. Was it... You'd know this if you read my Facebook notes three years ago.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Was it from an episode of Square One TV? That's as good a guess as it's going to be made. When I was in Lethbridge a couple years ago doing a show in a sports bar during the playoffs and it was a show where we actually like the three comedians who were there like we left with our backs to each other's backs like in like a fight crab ready to go and uh there were posters all over uh for this lethbridge band. Two cubic feet. They were going to be playing. I stole the poster. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Okay, how about this? Archers of Loaf. Oh, real band. Wow, quick. Yeah, I think I've heard of them. They're from Nottingham as well. They open for Afghan wigs. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Actually, they open for Weezer on tour. They're from North Carolina, and they are a real band. Okay, okay. Weezer on tour. They're from North Carolina and they are a real band. Okay. Okay. The Archers of Love always seems like a poop reference. Do you know it was a thing where they
Starting point is 01:10:53 just opened up a dictionary kind of thing? Alright, here we go. Is this the last one? Well, there's one that you should be able to guess. Okay. I'm enjoying this.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Do as many as you want. Okay. How many do you have? I have a couple more. Okay. Test icicles. Oh, like testicles. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:17 I'm going to say it's real. You're going to say that's real? Because Jerry Garcia originally wanted to name the The Grateful Dead The What was it It was like the Icicle tricycle bicycle Or something like that I don't know It sounds awful
Starting point is 01:11:30 Icicle tricycle Something like that It's like you have to Say it three times So it could be A crafty screenwriter Test Icicle
Starting point is 01:11:39 Okay No I'm going to go With real too Yeah I've heard of them Before that's why You've've heard of them before. That's why I said I was going to go with real. You've really heard of them before? Okay, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:11:48 That is a real band. The test there from a short-lived dance punk band from England. England. The Wild Hots. That sounds like a great fake band. It does sound like a great fake band, but is it a great fake band? Or is it an old real band? It sounds like an old real band.
Starting point is 01:12:11 It does. Well, that's why I fell in love with it. I think it's real. Is it the fake band from Animal House? No, it is a fake band. I'm terrible at this. From Growing Pains. Oh.
Starting point is 01:12:28 The Wild Hots. Wild Hots. Yeah. As long as they've got each other. All right. And this is the last one I have. Scratch. That's probably both real and fake.
Starting point is 01:12:39 It is only one I referenced. Are you sure that this website you went to is the be-all, end-all? I don't think it's the be-all, end-all, but it was a great reference point. This is the be-Arthur, end-Arthur. But this I cross-referenced to make sure that it wasn't. There's a DJ Scratch. There's got to be more than one. Who is there?
Starting point is 01:13:07 No, because wasn't DJ Scratch the name of the guy in The Roots who ironically didn't actually scratch? He just went... I think that's scratching. No, with his mouth he did it. Oh, he did it with his mouth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There was two guys. It was Rozelle and then Rozelle left.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And I think DJ Scratch was... I saw him a lot. He was incredible. Oh, Rozelle left to do video games. I'm going to call Scratch fake. I'm going to call Scratch real. Ooh, it is fake. Yes!
Starting point is 01:13:34 It is from the television show The Sopranos. Oh! Was it the one that... Meadow? Because I was wondering the whole time, is he going to have the... Oh, no, the one that wasn't fake. Chrissy's girlfriend... Oh, my God. Adriana?
Starting point is 01:13:49 Adriana. She is managing the band and they sing the song and Hesh is like, that's not a hit. Is that it? I think that's it. Scratch. Scratch. That is – Had Hesh written a hit in like the 40s or something?
Starting point is 01:14:02 No. Hesh used to fake – Hesh was based on a real guy well he was a composite of a real guy who was like this gangster who would just like he just gave himself co-write uh right so that he was paid out in perpetuity uh but um i remember when i saw that uh i've seen every episode of sopranos like four or five bra Quit bragging. And when I saw that, like, the verisimilitude of that, like, it's exact. Like, you know, sometimes they try and make a bad song, but then it's too obvious that it's a bad song. Like, this is a perfectly mediocre song where it's terrible, but you could see how someone listening to it would be like, oh, this is really good.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Like, it was amazing. Blues Hammer. That was one of the ones this is really good. It was amazing. Blues Hammer. That was one of the ones listed on the site. Exactly that. But Blues Hammer was perfect. It was not perfect. That whole movie, if I could make one endorsement of the week,
Starting point is 01:15:00 it's going to be Ghost World. If you haven't seen it. Don't read the nerd novel books. The nerd novel book is good Is it lame? No it's good I don't read graphic novels But it's
Starting point is 01:15:09 The book The The The graphic novel's great Except one about Palestine But the movie is just It's outstanding And it was
Starting point is 01:15:16 The very beginning of a young Scarlett Johansson story And she's really Let's be honest She's been all downhill from there Except for the man who wasn't there She was great Like and that was When she was kind of There was something neat and quirky about her, and now she's just kind of bombshell.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Wasn't she in Lost in Translation? Yeah. She was good in that. Yeah, she was pretty good in that. Got kind of a deep voice. All right. So let's round off this episode with a round of plugs. Good first game of Fake Band, Real Band.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Yeah, I like it. I don't know if backhands are bad. You're welcome to it, Greg Fitzsimmons. Hop on board. I'm sure he has no idea, by the way. No, I'm sure he doesn't either. That's why I'm so loosey-goosey with it. In this world
Starting point is 01:16:00 of comedy, there's a very good chance at some point in my life I'll end up meeting and or working with Mr. Fitzsimmons. And stealing from. Yeah, stealing his best closer. Calling it even. Shitting on the state. Charlie, we mentioned earlier in the show that you're a writer of two books that you could buy online for our American listeners.
Starting point is 01:16:24 What are the names of the books, and where can they go? Thank you very much, Grim. These books are available in the States. So is a safe bet. We also have Canadian. Yeah, and obviously to our Canadian listeners, all the books are available in the Degrassi High Library. All the books are available in the Degrassi High Library But the non-fiction book
Starting point is 01:16:48 The book of essays is called Vancouver Special And that one is really catching fire It has caught fire A little bit It's great It's all about Vancouver Graham and I are both in it Yes, that's right
Starting point is 01:17:00 You are quoted in it Yeah Because I quote comedians from Vancouver. Like, they're bits about Vancouver. That's part of the book. It's a really neat book. If you do want to know, kind of, if you want kind of like a street-level view of Vancouver, it's a great book.
Starting point is 01:17:15 And it's a very easy read, because you can read it essay by essay. And it's got great pictures in it. Beautiful photos by a guy named Emmanuel Buenviaje. And Buenviaje is Spanish for Bon Voyage. You do the math. You're going to take a dirt nap. The novel is called
Starting point is 01:17:33 The Prescription Errors. I haven't read it yet. Really looking forward to it. You unfortunately are not quoted. But yeah, it's a novel that came out last fall. Both are great reads. And really, check them out.
Starting point is 01:17:52 One I know is a great read. The other one I'm sure is a great read. I can testify both. Great reads. Thank you. And if anybody... Oh, and they're under Charles Demers. Charles Demers.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Not Charlie. I've got to class it up for the library crowd. And are you playing anywhere in the near future that you'd like to plug? I'm going to be doing a show at the East Vancouver Cultural Center at the CULTCH, as it's known colloquially, with Headwater. Oh, nice. The band, we're going to be... Are they a real band or a fake band? Very real.
Starting point is 01:18:23 And they will be... We're just going to be sort of double billing on June 24th at the Colts. And you also – earlier than that, you're doing a show with Connor Haller at the Art Gallery. No, the Museum of Vancouver. My apologies. Yeah, that will be really neat. That will be – yeah, I wasn't sure whether to mention this because I wasn't sure if this would – This will be out on this Sunday. Oh, okay, beautiful.
Starting point is 01:18:45 So then this coming, whatever, it's the 28th. Yeah, this Friday. This Friday, if you're listening to this podcast within a reasonable amount of the release date. Yeah. It'll be this Friday at the Museum of Vancouver. Of course, listeners of the podcast know Connor Haller, a very, very, very, very funny young man.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Three very. Four very. very very funny young man three very four four various i did it on purpose okay uh and to be controversial yeah to kind of stir the pot yeah and uh yeah he's very uh um well i don't the fifth you know what i think he's very funny to the third degree yeah i'm gonna the fourth i to let slide. You slide in a fifth and you're getting, you're walking papers. Yeah. So he is hosting like this kind of live talk show thing at the Museum of Vancouver. It's myself, Dan Mangan. Why weren't we asked to host this show?
Starting point is 01:19:37 He doesn't even live in Vancouver anymore. I love it. He's only temporarily in Toronto, isn't he? I don't know. He's only temporarily in Toronto, isn't he? I don't know. Basically, I'm... This is the new Dave. I'm going to...
Starting point is 01:19:52 Where's mine? Yeah, give me some of that. Yeah. That'd be a good segment. We'll have a theme song. Where's mine? Where's mine? I'm very, very, very, very funny.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Yeah. Six varies. So check those out. And that will be actually a really fun show. I'm going to try and show it myself. It should be a lot of fun, yeah. I'm not doing stand-up. I'll be a guest. Sounds fun.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Tonight show style. Yeah, it's going to be... Oh, more like... No, wait. You already said it. Tonight show, too bad. You guys love Jay Leno. This is a show for you. You're going to be... Oh! More like... No, wait. You already said it. Tonight show. Too bad. You guys love Jay Leno. This is a show for you.
Starting point is 01:20:27 You're going to be a boss of the intern. I was going to say, it's a 10 o'clock show. It's more like that to me because I have to earn my plug. Dave, you, in the coming future, you are going to be in Los Angeles, California. Right. I'm going to go to Los Angeles, California, and I'm going to be in this Maximum Fun Con. Yeah. No, wait.
Starting point is 01:20:46 No, you're going to be in the... In this Maximum Fun Drive. That's right. I am going to be... It's all culminating on Friday night, the 28th. Don't bother going to Charlie's thing. Stay home. Go onto the internet.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Yeah. And you can see an eight-hour podcast marathon, and I will be one of the guests on that. Oh, wow. At Yeah. Jordan Jesse Go Marathon. I'll be on that. Representing.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Stop podcasting yourself. Yeah, that's right. I'll be wearing my Stop Podcasting Yourself suspenders. But if you're in LA and you're – stop on by because they're doing it at a comic book store. Yeah, I think you need to reserve. Yeah, I'm sure the reservations are done, but it's a very small store. Dave's a real social creature. If you want to meet him in LA for dinner, send us
Starting point is 01:21:34 a message to stoppodcastyourself at I'm very available for dinner. Feed me. Yeah. And I got very little going on in my life Very little It's true
Starting point is 01:21:47 But yeah again June 4th You're going to be at Secretaries With YS Yeah I'm going to be at the warehouse It's spelled like where is the house But this is a sincere plug
Starting point is 01:22:04 For the Max Fund drive. If you do one... Oh, and if you're tired of us talking about it, this is the last time. It's over. Yeah, this is it. This is the last week, yeah. But do make a donation. One-time donation is fine.
Starting point is 01:22:19 But if you have the money, a monthly subscription... If you have the money, a million-dollar If you have the money, a million dollar donation. Yeah, then that would be great. Then we'd never have to do this again, like ever. So if you're crazy and a millionaire. And is the Cambrian Hall still happening on June 4th? Yeah, but there will be another podcast before then. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yeah, but we can promote that. Because I promoted a June 24th thing. Oh, yeah, okay. Well, the Laugh Gallery in Vancouver is going to be on June 4th at the Cambrian Hall. We've done that a couple times. I think I'm on that show. I'm certainly doing the sound for it. I think you're on the show, too.
Starting point is 01:22:54 I'm not booking it. That's all. I'm on the show, and I've also been asked to do Mitch Mendel, the Dancing 90s comic. Oh, you're carrying on. Not to be missed. Yeah, but I also have to figure out a way for it to end. I never really wrote in an arc to that joke. The Y2K Crisis.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Oh, that might not be bad. Or Sex is a Weapon comes in. Does a turn. But yeah, check out and check out the donate spot if you have any extra scratch and come on back here next week for another wonderful episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Wunderbar.

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