Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 132 - Shaun Stewart

Episode Date: September 21, 2010

Improviser/Podcaster/Quizmaster Shaun Stewart joins us to talk musicals, bad advertising slogans, and fluffernutters....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hi he's Dave Schumke and he's Graham Clark and together we hosts Stop Podcasting Yourself hello everybody welcome to episode number 132 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is the Tobey Maguire to my Thomas Hayden church, Mr. Dave Shumka. Your enemy? Yeah, oh no, yeah, but they get together at the end, don't they, Spider-Man and Sandman?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Spoiler alert, but they get together in what regard? They have an affair, Okay, to remember. A torrid, sandy affair on a beach. I did not, I don't remember much about that movie, except that there were three dance numbers. Well, at the end, Tobey Maguire is lying on a beach, and then all of a sudden the beach starts giving him a handjob. Yeah. And then he wakes up and it says the end, question mark. And then this question mark turns into sand and blows
Starting point is 00:01:05 away he gives him a sand job uh good good fun because thomas hayden church has rough enough hands as it is yeah well he worked all those years fixing planes in nantucket that voice if you're uh if you're a fan of podcasts originating from vancouver you may know him as one half of the Justice Pals podcast, also a member of Urban Improv, and the host of the monthly pub quiz at the Anza Club. I'm going to have to dial it back
Starting point is 00:01:36 for a few modifications. We should have gone over this beforehand. It's one third of Justice Pals. We're now a power trio i didn't know there was a mod yeah i didn't know that you had modded and i don't really do urban improv anymore okay um sorry but go on yeah do you still do improv yes sure i do yeah i apologize uh that's sean stewart is his name and he is our guest and thank you for being our guest
Starting point is 00:02:04 oh it's my pleasure. Sorry to hear about Urban Improv. Yeah, and sorry to hear you added a third member to your podcast. These are all just fine. Well, you know, I don't know. Maybe Urban Improv is, I shouldn't say it's just fine because I like doing the show, but we don't do it there anymore. All right. Well, let's get to know more about that.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Maybe. Get to know us. So what happened? So Urban Improv. Do we want to know more about that. Maybe. Get to know us. So what happened? So Urban Improv... Do we want to know more about that? I do. That's fine. There's nothing steamy.
Starting point is 00:02:32 There's no... So it's not happening anymore? Well, okay. Well, there's two parts to this. Urban Improv itself is currently not happening because Shyvana, where it happened,
Starting point is 00:02:44 is closed down, has been bought by somebody else. My fear is not that it's steamy. My fear is that it's going to be boring. I'll make it quick. And then the other part is the Justice Pals portion of the Urban Improv show stopped because there's a bunch of other newcomers. And we were like, they deserve to have some time now for themselves because we all do shows at Vancouver Theatre Sports. I see.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Well, that's very generous of you. You're a kind man. A giving man. There is a further gift I want to give to the world. Wait, what was the first gift? Letting more young people do it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And then the other one is I heard your last podcast, and I want to give the world the gift of Dave Shumka doing a cartwheel. I think this is something we could achieve. Oh, okay. Coming to the end of cartwheel season. It's never too late, man. I'm a 250-pound man. I can do a cartwheel. When did you learn? As a child? Yes. It's probably too late, man. I'm a 250-pound man. I can do a cartwheel. When did you learn?
Starting point is 00:03:46 As a child? Yes. It's probably too late for me. We got an email from a gentleman from Portland who said that he's 31 and he can still do a cartwheel. He's a man. I'm 32! I think it's just when you start. I think you've got to start early.
Starting point is 00:03:59 No, no, that's quitter talk. No. Yes. But I believe there's a modicum of truth to it. What's a modicum? No, you should be like one of those grannies that gets their high school diploma when they're 98. Oh, man. When I went to university and there were old people in the class, it really bummed me out.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Is that right? Yeah. You didn't find any inspiration? That would be the feeling that your kid neighbors will get if they see you doing a cartwheel? They're totally bummed out. Like, that guy should have learned it when he was our age. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:34 No. Can we just go through it step by step? Sure. Okay, my lead hand, should that be weak? No, it should be your dominant hand. Okay, so I'm right. Okay. Use your main finger to turn it front-wise. Top-wise.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Because I bat left, but I catch right. How do you play the guitar? Right. Okay, right. Two out of three. It's your dominant hand. I lead with my left hand when I do one, though. Alright. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:05:03 I always went with the right hand. I'm a right-handed thrower, but a left-handed hockey player. We're finding out it doesn't matter. No, you know what it doesn't matter? It's what your spirit inside says. It's what the heart wants. Yeah. You know what the heart wants?
Starting point is 00:05:18 What it wants. Make a heart wheel. Turn on your heart light. Oh, no. Yeah, yours is better. So, Sean wants to teach Dave how to cartwheel. Turn on your heart light. Oh no, yeah, yours is better. So, Sean wants to teach Dave how to cartwheel. Is that what I'm getting for this? Your autumn plan?
Starting point is 00:05:31 I just, I don't know if I'm the one to teach it, you know. I mean, I don't know if I have the tools to teach it. I feel like it's like tying your shoes. Like, when you tie your shoes, okay, you could teach someone to tie your shoes. But when you tie your shoes now, you don't think about what you're doing it just it's just emotion that's familiar to you right i find whenever i learn a
Starting point is 00:05:50 physical activity like mostly i keep a notepad next to my shoes with a schematic different people learn in different ways fair enough when i learn a physical activity like when i was a kid it would be i would get so bogged down in the instruction of like, shift your weight from your back foot. Like that would always screw me up. I just need to go for it. And I think I tried to go for a cartwheel and it wasn't happening. It took me a long time to learn how to ollie on a skateboard because people's instructions were always very different and very confusing. Are you able to skateboard i
Starting point is 00:06:26 used to be i doubt i would be able to i was not good at that either but uh the ollieing was that that was the underpinning of anything that you would be doing in skateboarding was to get it up on things but everybody would have a different like you got to slide your foot and you got to do this thing but really once you do it then it's what it's like tying a bow tie like there's no reasonable way to describe it to somebody who's never done it have you ever uh tied a bow tie on cocaine is that from something no um i just well it's just in basic instinct she asks if he's ever had sex on cocaine. Well, she uses a much more vulgar term. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:07:09 She calls it... Beaver time. Marching powder. She calls it nose candy. Marching powder. Snugger booger? No. Booger sugar. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Let's get to know Sean. Yeah. What's going on with you, Sean? What's shaking and happening? Oh, well, yeah. As you mentioned, there's the Justice Pals podcast. That's ongoing. There's the pub quiz.
Starting point is 00:07:28 That's ongoing. The new thing that I'm very excited about is we're doing the improv musical at Vancouver Theatre Sports, which is a full one-hour long improvised musical. We do it every Wednesday night. And yeah, it's been months of work that at the beginning, everybody involved was like, we can't do this. Do you have musical accompaniment? Yes, a piano. And is that completely improvised?
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yes. Wow. Yes, the whole thing. So you do a different theme of musical? It is basically what we've done so far, this is it's kind of getting like we've done about eight shows now and it's kind of getting to the point where we might change this up but what we've done so far is uh we ask the audience for a one of your parents occupations and so it's all built around some occupation okay um railroadcoon. Has anything ever, has it ever developed into a hip opera at any point?
Starting point is 00:08:27 It hasn't. That's my favorite form of music. We have a micro, like we do it all off mic, but we have a microphone at the ready at the side of the stage, which is ostensibly for a beat box should the need arise. And I am, I am praying the need never arises, because we are all... It's a very white musical. You know, it's a very...
Starting point is 00:08:52 Unlike all the urban music. It's a very Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. Yeah, this is no... As opposed to... Well, I don't know. Bring in the noise, bring in the funk? Or stomp? Well, you are the very model of a modern major general.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Are you a musical fan? Or did you have to do musical research? I was not. But I've kind of forced myself to listen to a lot of musicals. What's your favorite? South Pacific. Really? South Pacific?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Very catchy. What are those ones? What songs are there? Some Enchanted Evening? When You're a Jet when you're a jet you're a jet that went about Jean Valjean
Starting point is 00:09:28 there ain't nothing like a dame that's the most ridiculous one it's got Bali High oh I went to Bali High
Starting point is 00:09:37 I was well played I was on the highlight team Bali High highlight Bali High highlight for life that's what you tagged on the high lie team. Bolly high high lie. Bolly high high lie for life. That's what you tagged on the other school's wall.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Okay, so Bolly high high. So, South Pacific. And Sopa. I like, I like, fuck, I can never remember names of anything. Just sing us a bit of what you like. I do like, Annie's great. What's the Penzance? Just sing us a bit of what you like. I do like... Annie's great. Oh, what's the one where they turn the late...
Starting point is 00:10:09 My Fair Lady. Oh, My Fair Lady. My Fair Lady, that's a fun one. The Music Man? What about The Music Man? I've not listened to The Music Man. I hated Company at first, although we do kind of a...
Starting point is 00:10:21 That's a weird one. I don't know that one. That's Stephen Sondheim. There's certain styles that we do in the musical, and one of them is kind of a Sondheim-y type number. So that's kind of one that was like, Sean, you have to listen to this. And I didn't like it at first, but it's grown on me. I, one time when I was on tour with, in the UK with, I was an opening act, and the guy who drove the car only liked musicals. So I listened to all these musical recordings,
Starting point is 00:10:48 which are, I think they're for solo listening or listening when you're watching. Did you find that you, that you hated it at first, but it grew on you? They were all modern musicals. Okay. Like what,
Starting point is 00:11:02 where's the divide? Oh, well, I mean, modern as in like the one with the puppets? Okay. Like, what... Where's the divide? Well, I mean modern as in, like, the one with the puppets. Okay. Avenue Q? Yes, Avenue Q. And there was... Rent was one of them. Like, modern, modern musicals.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Okay, yeah. But, guys, have you seen the song that U2 debuted for their Spider-Man musical? No. No. Oh, man. Okay. I've heard about this U2 Spider-Man musical, and I assumed it was a joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:36 No, you would assume it's a joke. But it is not? No, it's not. I'm like an American idiot. Yeah. It was... They had it. It was debuted on i think the today show and it was a band not you too playing the song the song was called the boy who fell from the sky
Starting point is 00:11:53 and uh the band wasn't you too but sounded exactly like you too okay so they found somebody who could sing exactly uh they found somebody who could sing exactly like Bono and play exactly like Bono. I think it's Bono. No. It's Sonny Bono. What did I say? Bonaroo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Anyways, the musical's going to be great, guys. Gonna? How long do we have to wait? Well, they showed one of the designs of the Green Goblin, and it looks like if the Green Goblin was designed by the people who did the costumes for the Lion King musical, if you can picture it, lots of frills.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Lots of green frills. So, it's the boy who fell from the sky, which I assume is about somebody other than Spider-Man, or is that meant to be about Spider-Man? It's hard to say. It's not as on-the-nose as the Spider-Man theme song of yours. Like, you you know when you were a kid because this is if this is that far away from spider-man canon i may just have to give it a miss i would say that it's as far away from spider-man canon
Starting point is 00:12:56 as is humanly possible were there any hints about the plot? No, no. Boy falls from the sky, turns into Spider-Man. And then turns into David Bowie. They showed the design for the Green Goblin, and that was it. That's all I know, and it looks pretty terrible. Did you two do all the music for it? Yeah. So is it just going to be a bunch of repeating guitars?
Starting point is 00:13:24 I wonder if you two's ever read spider-man that's my is it actually you two who's done it because what i had heard was that it was bono oh okay well the edge was there hanging out in the interview so wait they're there hanging out but they've got other people playing the music yeah they don't want to get anyone's hopes up for seeing the actual play we will not be there yeah we won't even be watching it we won't be there on opening night i think it's like i don't even know you two anymore there were like there there's very distressing i'm sorry there's two kinds of uh musicals uh there's the ones like two kinds of musicals that involve um There's Seussicals. Yeah, there's Seussicals that involve like pre-existing musicians.
Starting point is 00:14:08 They either use their pre-existing music in like a We Will Rock You, the musical. Oh, yeah, yeah. Or Mamma Mia. Yeah. Or what was the one? Leader of the Pack. That's a good one. It has no story.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's just, do you like the music of Ellie Greenwich? Or there's ones where, like, you too will write all about Spider-Man. Paul Simon had a musical called Cape Man. Cape Man. Yeah. And I believe that is one of the biggest bombs of all time. Well, also, there was... Like, I've seen...
Starting point is 00:14:47 Have you ever seen a musical live? Like a full, lavish kind of musical? Not since I was really young. What did you see? 52nd Street? Is that the name of a thing? Mm-hmm. I think, as I recall, maybe 11 or 12 years old,
Starting point is 00:15:05 we took a field trip. I grew up in Victoria. We took a field trip over here to Vancouver to come and see that. And I can't remember anything about it, except that there were kind of like stacked windows and ladies dancing in the windows. It may have been inappropriate for children.
Starting point is 00:15:23 It was a real rite of passage for a young Sean Stewart. What about you, Dave? Well, I saw Les Miserables. Loved it. Which you loved. Yeah. And I saw The King and I, which I don't really remember. But that was starring Rudolf Nureyev.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Oh, the dancer. Yes, the dancer as the king. Not the red-nosed reindeer. No. The voice of Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer The voice of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer Passed away this week Oh, it's a shame, he'll be missed Oh my god, blow your mind But Rudolph is a boy's name I saw Midnight Express
Starting point is 00:16:01 Is that with Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin? Yes It was a I saw Midnight Express. Is that with Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin? Yes. It was a Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. It was a roller skating-based musical, and they built a theater specifically for it in London. Okay. And so it has a track that goes around the audience, and the cast, like,'s all about there all the characters are supposed to be trains it's kind of like thomas the tank engine the musical okay before thomas the tank engine was around yeah before it was cool and uh so do they are they dressed like trains are they
Starting point is 00:16:36 kind of they they're like supposed to symbolize trains but they roller skate like over your heads and stuff it was great oh really yeah it was super fantastic. Where did you see that? In London? In London. That does sound like fun. They fit this theater and it was only to be showing that musical. And it played for cats over there. Oh, right, right, right. It was hard to herd.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Had nine lives, always landed on its feet. Had a weird tongue, etc. Yeah. Took dust baths, oh, that's chinchillas. They should make a musical about chinchillas. In fact, they should improvise one. Go. I can't do it by myself.
Starting point is 00:17:20 My father's occupation, chinchilla. Didn't they used to have chinchilla coats? Wasn't that a thing? Yeah, they still do. Oh, really? Yeah. If you're a baller, you might wear a chinchilla coat. Get over it, ballers. That's what I have to say. Let's see. What else is going on with Sean Stewart?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Let's talk about your podcast. Because you started yours pretty soon after ours. Yeah. Dave and I have both been guests. Have you been a guest soon after ours. Yeah. Dave and I have both been guests. Have you been a guest? I was a guest. I was a guest before you. We were both guests.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Dave's appearance. I think your guys' episodes are both down now. What? We took down like the first 22 episodes or so because we realized like you look at the numbers and you realize people are actually starting
Starting point is 00:18:02 from the beginning to listen when we had no idea what we were doing. And it's not entertaining in any way. Well, I was there, so it was pretty good. But yours was our introduction to editing. Oh, because I said a lot of swears and racials. Yeah, you let a lot of racials fly. You and Eric kind of didn't get along in No, we didn't. In a weird way.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's like, oh, this is... Let's just chop this up. Eric's your co-host. Yes. You're the only co-host. Yeah. And who's the third? Now we have Alan Morrison, who was our most commonly used guest before we were the trio.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And we just decided that we have a good... We actually explicitly said it on our last one we figured out what our I'm going to say dichotomy but it's not a dichotomy it's a trichotomy it's we end up
Starting point is 00:18:58 it's a chat podcast much like this one where it takes you know you get about a half hour of us chatting about whatever and then but we kind of have a thing about uh talking about new movies that are coming out so the the trichotomy that comes into play there is i've researched all the movies eric knows ridiculous things about everybody involved in the movie because he has this
Starting point is 00:19:23 encyclopedia in his brain yes your hand motion you're using makes it look like eric has this tumor he has this this pulsating bald spot that just comes out of his hair it just emerges out he knows so much about movies because he started mask and then alan uh alan tries to get sports references in and for the rest of the time he just asks the questions that the listeners are probably just sitting there going what what the hell are they talking about so alan's kind of the one who works yeah so it works it works that way and it's uh yeah it's nice to kind of have that established so what uh uh you know you said you research movies uh anything you've seen recently that you would recommend or recommend not going to?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Or like coming out soon that we could scoop your podcast? Let's see. What did we talk about on the last one? It was so quick because we had so much to talk about otherwise. We talked about, Jesus, I can't. See, I haven't done my research. Let's see. What's coming up?
Starting point is 00:20:24 And I don't retain information. What are your big fall movies? You've got Wall Street 2, Money. Wall Street 2. We talked about uh jesus i can't see i haven't done my research let's see what and i don't retain what are your big fall movies you've got wall street 2 money wall street we talked about that we talked so briefly about that because it's i don't know wall street one was on tv the other day and there's a scene was there a motorcycle chase scene in that one as well yeah but it's with james brolin um there's a scene where michael douglas wakes up charlie sheen uh michael douglas has his huge brick phone yeah and he's on the beach uh i'm assuming in the hamptones and he uh michael douglas in the hamptones yep uh and he is uh he he wakes up charlie sheen at like five in the morning he says wake up money never sleeps. So that's where the title comes from. Oh, is that right?
Starting point is 00:21:06 It's not just the worst title ever. I'll tell you our biggest miscall of the summer. We basically choose, like, I choose three movies to talk about each show that will probably be good. And we talk about how, whether or not they're going to be good. That's the idea. We're mostly just dicking around. You never pick a stinker on purpose? We used to, but then you realize
Starting point is 00:21:28 we're just sitting there making fun of it. What's the fun in that? Well, you know, it gets to a point where it's just like a stupid date movie or scary movie or whatever shit movie. Right, right. But we were like, all right, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:43 This is the movie. He's not writing it himself so uh so the the last airbender is gonna be m night shamalons return to making a good movie we're calling it we're calling it it's gonna be a great movie you bagged that boy were we wrong followed up by the devil which will be his second smash. Which, there must be, like, they must have put the marketing together on that before Last Airbender came out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And now are, like, I don't know, I guess they should have been able to switch that back by now. But, like, why would you, he's gone to be such a joke, why would you attach his name to a movie that he didn't even direct anymore? There were clips online of of audiences uh seeing the preview for that yeah and when m night shamalan comes out on the screen everyone laughs yeah yeah because he's a he's a
Starting point is 00:22:36 he's like a modern day adam sandler just he's funny yeah yeah it just releases all that i think they have dialed back the uh like it used to come up, and it was like, The Night Chronicles. And I think they've dialed back on that. All right, well, we will say that he was involved. But, you know, let's not put his name above the title of the movie. Also, the other movie that's getting a lot of, you probably know about this one. It's getting all this weird kind of buzz. It's a Ryan Reynolds movie where he's's buried under the whole movie is him it's like him in a uh casket
Starting point is 00:23:12 that's been buried under nothing about this it's it's called i think it's called buried alive and uh it's been like getting all this weird uh you know kind of buzz from all the film festivals because it's because the whole movie takes place in that. You're making a squirm face even as I'm describing it. I'm making a face like, just one shot? Well, not just one shot, but I think it
Starting point is 00:23:35 all takes place inside the casket. And you've got to figure out why you're paying money to see that. I hope there are some flashbacks at least. I don't know. That's what I heard. I heard it's like a weird experimental film. It stars the Green Lantern.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Why? Yeah. Pushing the boundaries again with his performances. Van Wilder has been missing for years. Van Wildest. That's what this one's called. Dave, what's going on with you? Taj's Revenge.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Wasn't there an all Taj Van Wilder movie? Yeah. Was it Taj? It was the movie everybody demanded. Yeah, sure. What's going on with me? Well, my television broke. Oh, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Old Hugh Joe. Yeah, I had a... I wasn't... When my last tv broke which was six years ago it uh i i wanted to get a new tv uh but it was it was when like plasma screens started coming out and uh and i was like maybe i want one of those but i don't have four thousand dollars right uh so I got this thing, which was a, it was HD and it was a widescreen,
Starting point is 00:24:49 but it was still a CRT cathode ray tube. Yeah. And it weighed 300, 400 pounds. How big is it? It was, it was 30 inches. Like it's not a huge TV,
Starting point is 00:25:02 but it was widescreen. Yeah. And that finally broke. And like we've moved how did it break was it spectacular no uh it was uh with a whimper we were recording two things at once and we didn't want to watch either or like there was a like a two minute overlap madman went two minutes long right as the van or um as uh true blood was starting as the rise of Taj was starting. And so we were like, let's turn the TV off
Starting point is 00:25:28 so we don't spoil these things. And we turned it off and it never turned back on. No! Do you think it never turned back on because it caught a little bit of Rubicon and was so disappointed? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I don't think my TV is that judgmental. And I think Rubicon's really good. I haven't watched it. I watched not sure. I don't think my TV is that judgmental. And I think Rubicon's really good. I haven't watched it. I watched the pilot. A train hits a train at the end. Scary. Wait, does that happen? Something happens?
Starting point is 00:25:54 In the first episode, in the pilot. I watched the first... I watched the first... Oh, yeah, okay. I kind of remember that. I watched the first two. I haven't seen any of it. It didn't...
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm not hooked. I'll wait until a magazine tells me I haven't seen any of it. It didn't... I'm not hooked. I'll wait until a magazine tells me I have to. I've been watching it. What magazine, though? AMC keeps telling me I have to. I want Esquire to tell it to me. Have you seen the previews for AMC's coming show that's debuting in October about the zombies?
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's based on a comic book. It looks like the best TV show ever. Really? I've said it. Okay. I hear it looks like the best TV show ever. I'm on board. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's about a guy who wakes up. The whole planet's covered in zombies. Oh, wow. There's a scene where he's getting in a tank.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Probably he'll blow up some zombies with that. Oh, when you said a tank. Seems like the thing to do. I thought you meant like a hyperbaric tank. Well, I don't know tank. Seems like the thing to do. I thought you meant like a hyperbaric tank. Well, I don't know how long that would keep the zombies away. But yeah, and so we had no TV for 12 hours. How did you do? Did you rediscover books?
Starting point is 00:27:00 No. Did you start exercising? I researched TVs. I was like, okay. I assume your PVR was still functioning to record all the things you were missing over those 12 hours. Is it PVR or DVR? I go with PVR, but I've heard it go either way. Personal video recorder? Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I think. As opposed to digital. Yeah. I might be wrong about that. Yeah, I've heard both, too. But one time I said PVR and someone looked at me like I was crazy. I have an NVR. Non-existent.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah, and so I was like, well, the store is open at 10 o'clock on Monday morning. Let's go out. Let's get our, let's buy a new TV. And so we had to do all our research. How long did the previous TV last you? Six years. Not very long. That's pretty good. Mind you, we leave it on when we're out of the house. I think you could
Starting point is 00:27:51 fix it, though. I bet if you wanted to. Well, okay. What happened was, there are these on a Sony, the little standby light will flash a certain amount of times, and every amount means a different thing it's a code and so you look up the code and it tells you what you need to do to repair it
Starting point is 00:28:10 and this was like uh there were certain things were dot dot dot dash dash dash dot yeah it was it was uh six flashes followed by six flashes and then it was seven flashes followed by seven flashes because i had two different problems. And so I looked up online, and some of the solutions were like, you got to call a repairman. That's going to cost you $400. Oh, yeah. No thanks. And then the other ones were, oh, it's super easy.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Just get out your soldering gun. But that Vancouver comedian and all-around general kind of fix-it guy it guy Carter Horte his giant kind of TV broke and he yeah he called the manufacturer and said what do I have to do and they said oh it's just this you're missing this one tube you could buy it for it cost 50 cents
Starting point is 00:29:00 at the radio shack he bought it soldered it in, worked perfectly, but you have to be a guy that's ready to solder. Yeah. I am not this guy. You're not a sergeant solder. No, and it's the worst. The TV is so... It was like an albatross. We moved twice, and it was the hardest
Starting point is 00:29:18 thing to move, and now we just have to recycle it, and it's the easiest thing, because when we carry it, it's light as a feather now, because we don't care if we bash it yeah uh yeah um i find whenever my tv in my life whenever tv is broken or the cable's gone out it only takes me like five minutes to like rediscover books or doing other things i feel like TVs are generally holding me back. I resist that so strongly. I had a series of power outages about a month ago, and it drove me insane.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I was like, thank fuck, I've got my phone. I can still go on Twitter, and I can check all my Facebook updates. I find, yeah. And then I can play online poker. I find if I'm without it, even for a period of an hour, I'm like, I guess I'll just read. I guess that would be my thing for now. Well, you're better than the rest of us.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Am I? Because I still watch a lot of TV. What happened with me was I was like, well, let's see. How long could I make it without this TV? You know what? I'm paying so much for cable it's just it just doesn't make sense on paper that i don't go out and buy a tv 12 hours from now i've been so terrible with tvs too i've bought um a tv like a hd tv a year for the past three years oh my and i think this year it was the one that like I finally this is the one that that wins like I finally bought one that the two that I bought
Starting point is 00:30:50 previously were like no name brand so it was always like insignia yeah yeah that's it insignia and a Dynex and how did they break they didn't break they just oh i just was never happy well the first one was too small so i got the bigger one and then that one you know it's just when it's a cheap one you just don't the the colors just don't look what if the dynex factory is across the street from like a panasonic factory and i'm sure it's the same factory but it seems like it seems like they're making the exact same product they're just not doing it like it's almost as if they're doing it on purpose you know it's just like oh you're just like they're making the exact same product. They're just not doing it. It's almost as if they're doing it on purpose. It's just like, they're not really putting as much effort into it. Don't put in those screws too tightly.
Starting point is 00:31:32 The thing, yeah. When you go, it used to be you could just talk to a salesperson. But now you really do have to do all your own research. Because there's so many different options and things. And I remember the sales people would be like oh well uh panasonic puts their money into the product sony puts their money into advertising really expert yeah that's why he was telling you buy a sony they put some money yeah um but uh yeah so it's oh it's a baffling ordeal to buy a piece of electronics.
Starting point is 00:32:05 But you did it. Yeah, I did it. You conquered that man. And I'll never, I'll never need a new TV again. What kind of a TV did you get this time? It's the Samsung. Oh, there you go. They put all their money into, uh, telephones.
Starting point is 00:32:16 They put all their money into the, uh, telephones. Um, I, myself, this, uh, past week. Are we getting to know you? Why not? Sure. You can get Drew Graham. Yeah. Let's get to know you. Oh,? Sure. You can get Drew Graham. Yeah. Let's get to know you.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Oh, yeah. I took a break from television. I went and got some culture. I went and saw a live theater. Oh, right. This week. I went and saw past guest Ryan Beal in a production of a Life in the Theater, a David Mamet play. Mamet.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And I also went and saw a friend of mine named Priscilla's show. It's a fringe show. And I went and saw two different fringe shows. But I want to say, I thought stand-up comedy audiences were, in general, could be kind of rough and yelling things out during the show.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Apparently, theater audiences don't know what the fuck they're doing either. So I always thought theater audiences Were the golden ring To look at I was wrong Even at Ryan Beals' show? Yeah, there were some people who showed up late
Starting point is 00:33:15 There were people who got up and left early There was a guy whose phone rang He checked his fucking phone in the middle of the show There were people talking behind us That showed up ten minutes late Terrible, as terrible as any audience you've ever seen And then of the show. There were people talking behind us that showed up 10 minutes late. Terrible. As terrible as any audience you've ever seen. And then at the show,
Starting point is 00:33:29 my friend Priscilla's show, she would... The characters were all kind of like clowny characters and they would ask rhetorical questions that were constantly answered by the audience. And the audience would be... Like if something went wrong for the character, the audience would go, that's okay!
Starting point is 00:33:48 And I was like, what the fuck? These are all adults! It was all adults I was with. And it was like a story time theater situation. So that was distressing for, you know, being a human, right?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Having respect for other humans that's an issue at vancouver theater sports as well especially on like the friday and saturday could it be it's just the city the drunk idiots but uh well because you start off inviting them to say something you yeah yeah that's the other thing too um but uh we do have now the uh one of the uh the guys who works at the theater is this australian guy who uh there's all these rumors about him that he used to be australian special forces and like all this crazy shit and we were talking to the other night give him a boomerang and i don't know like i don't know how much of this is true but he's telling us that he used to he he set records for like bench pressing
Starting point is 00:34:45 or and like dead weight lifting all this stuff in australia well dead weight lifting you just pick up steve i mean you know and it's like oh that's all right and it's it's fair enough like you know what i'll just believe him because there's no doubt he could kick my ass if i started telling him he wasn't telling the truth but the thing is he will like he's such a blessing to have in the theater because he will go over he will warn people once and then literally pick them up and remove them if they keep misbehaving wow that's great yeah is he able to tell you what is and is not a knife because that's one of the things they learn in the australian i don't question because i worry
Starting point is 00:35:25 that if i asked him what a knife was he would show me you know like this is a knife is what he would say i don't get it oh uh it's a movie called steve irwin the musical um and also speaking of going out and seeing things dave and I went to the first show of the Vancouver Comedy Festival. Yeah, this was a 3D spectacular. That's how it was built. And let me use this as a springboard to remind any listeners that we are doing
Starting point is 00:35:56 a live podcast on Thursday September 23rd. We should have said that off the top. People have checked out. Yeah. September 23rd at the Havana Theater. Tickets available at the door. And our guest is going to be Eddie Pepitone.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah. And it's going to be great. It's going to be very funny. It's a two-part podcast thing. There's going to be... We're going to do a show? Yes. I think we're first.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I don't know. Yeah, okay. There will be a... We're doing a show followed by a very funny gentleman named... David Feldman. David Feldman. David Feldman Comedy Podcast. And he's also been a guest quite a few times on
Starting point is 00:36:34 comedy and everything else. Yes. So there's two shows that night. And when you go, tickets are at the door. You're seeing both shows. Yeah, you get both shows for the one ticket. And anyway, so so yeah we went to last night tickets are $20
Starting point is 00:36:48 and I am working on getting some free tickets but I'm not there yet why don't you if you're not a member of our Facebook group join it and we will post some information if we
Starting point is 00:37:06 ever get some free tickets to give away. Yeah, and so anyways, we went to this 3D spectacular show, which was supposed to be the first kind of big show of the festival, and it was a guy that we know was involved, Mr. Jai Harris,
Starting point is 00:37:21 and that we thought... I think the public was divided on whether the 3D was just a joke, because it's like, hey, everything's in 3D, we'll call it a 3D thing. But then I got the inside track that it was actually, stuff had been shot in 3D. Well, let's back up. The day after it was announced, Jai Harris on on his facebook page uh asked anyone if they had a rig to shoot 3d so yeah so the expectations naturally were that it was going to be in 3d and then we went and there were 3d glasses yeah on the seat so expectations brought up another
Starting point is 00:38:00 level like they're here they're on the seat there's a screen on the stage no 3d yeah no mention of 3d no mention not a uh hey it's not actually in 3d or hey you know that's all right yeah but we hope you enjoy these glasses yeah um so i was uh on the 3d front uh i was just so angry yeah uh but i enjoyed uh... I didn't stay for the whole fair because it was quite a long evening. Yeah, with intermissions. Yeah, but I enjoyed it. It was trying to do something weird and different.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And it was the Vogue, and it was almost entirely sold out. Yeah, it's like a thousand seats. Yeah, so no small achievement. But, man, don't never promise 3D if there's not going to be 3D. I went to the show and I left before you. But I guess this was the last time or the first time I've been downtown in kind of the entertainment district since the Olympics at night. And it was such a different feeling the magic is so gone yeah it was it was dudes staring through me like i was wearing a nice coat and i
Starting point is 00:39:15 was afraid people were gonna throw paint on me it wasn't a chinchilla coat but it was uh there was another weird thing that the comedy festival was doing out on on gravel street which is the uh entertainment bar district yeah they had a cage with uh big chickens in it i didn't see that yeah i didn't we only saw it when we left and uh we're kind of unanimous in that this feels wrong live chicken yeah live big big beautiful show chicken show chickens yeah like really you know from the kennel club from cruft but they were in a giant cage and i was like this just really seems like the worst thing to have drunk people yeah around there was a bouncy castle as well
Starting point is 00:39:57 that seemed like a bad idea it turned out it wasn't a bouncy castle it was just a bouncy structure it was a bouncy structure and you you could enter to win a free trip via WestJet. But yeah, the chickens were very like, obviously, they're chickens, they're on a road. Why are these chickens on a road? Oh, to get to the other side. Well, to be harassed by drunks.
Starting point is 00:40:19 You know the drunks are looking at these big fat chickens, and then in their mind, the chicken's turning into a a canned ham or something. Look, they're getting dollar signs in their eyes. Exactly. Wouldn't they turn into a fried chicken? Well, that's a little on the nose, don't you think?
Starting point is 00:40:37 My apologies. You're right, it is a little on the nose. Yeah. So, anyways, you know, it's a little on the nose so anyways you know it's all happening right now but really if you enjoy the show and you're in Vancouver or close to Vancouver Thursday night
Starting point is 00:40:53 big show fun show and Graham and I are both on the show the following night we'll plug that at the end of the show yeah it'll be great should we move on to Overheard? Overheard Overheard? Sure. Overheard. Overheard. A wonderful segment if you're a person possessing one or more ears.
Starting point is 00:41:12 3D. It's always in 3D. And we always like to start with our guest. Sean, if you would lead us off in the Overheard. All right. This week was especially attentive to strangers creepy and uh i got uh this i got with this one it was uh was that a show at the biltmore here in mancouver uh crooked fingers are you guys familiar with the band crooked fingers
Starting point is 00:41:37 i know right eric bachman formerly of uh yeah b, Turner, Overdue. So they're kind of a quiet, acoustic-y singer-songwriter type of group. Pussy music. I can be honest. It's pretty pussy music.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I don't like that kind of language. He said it's pretty pussy music. It's beautiful pussy music. Okay, guys, come on. some of our mothers are listening mine is you started this day i know but it is uh you know it's it's quiet music and at the biltmore there are always loud hipsters so there was like a loud hipster party going on sure there were you know weren't a lot of people there for the show. The range of maybe 60 people all gathered around the stage with a low enough cover charge that people would be like, well, let's go to the Biltmore and hang out.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh, there's some band here. Well, it's my birthday. Let's party. So there's this party going on behind us. And they're just, woo-woo. Dude, you're here all right and they kind of settle down for a moment and i hear the guy behind me go dude this guy is like the top acoustic act in the world right now at that volume i liked your uh train noise You were making the
Starting point is 00:43:05 That's a Stewart family staple Is it? We're quite good at that He was in that train musical in London Whatever it was called Starlight Express That's what it is, not Midnight Express Starlight Express
Starting point is 00:43:20 Then my Midnight run joke made no sense. Dave, do you have an overheard? No, I wanted to talk about the top acoustic act in the world right now. Sam McGarfield. One Jack Johnson. Oh, yeah. Banana pancakes. Apparently that guy didn't know about Jack Johnson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Well, you know, if forced to choose, I'd probably lean towards Mike Doty myself. Oh, really? Who do you know that Mike Doty is? Soul Coffee. Oh, Soul Coffee. He's by no means the top act. I'm just saying, Jack Johnson is the top acoustic act.
Starting point is 00:44:00 By my own preference. Right, right, right. I'm talking about the bottom line. I'm talking about gross. Billboard. I think he is gross. Yeah, I'd say Double J is probably your guy.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Double J. He's a wrestler. Don't get him confused. You've always been a music fan? Sure, yeah. And you've always gone to shows yes do you find that it's a young man's game that it's uh getting harder and harder as you get older to uh put up with the loud noises and late nights uh depends on the i mean it is you know it's to be
Starting point is 00:44:41 expected at a lot of shows you know a louder a louder show, you expect a louder crowd. I saw Weezer at Bumbershoot. And that was great. And it was like the first time in years that I've been one of the guys shouting the lyrics along with the band. How nice. Did they play Buddy Holly and everybody in the audience was like, what? Oh, they played all the classics. Buddy Holly was the last song.
Starting point is 00:45:07 You know, you got to build up to that one. Sure, yeah. That's their sex and candy. Exactly. What's that band again? That's Marcy Playground. Dave, do you have an overheard? I do.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yesterday, I was watching The News. It's the show about Huey Lewis' backup band. I was watching The News. That's so stupid. Isn't it, though? We watched Pineapple Express this morning. No. Yeah, is that the one?
Starting point is 00:45:38 Yeah. I always get that and Tropic Thunder. Sorry, was this on The News? No, I'm just switching topics. And Huey Lewis and The News play the theme song in the closing credits. Anyway, that's a... Were you sure you're not watching Back to the Future?
Starting point is 00:45:51 Sure, yeah. That's the power of love. That's the Back to the Future thing. Yeah. They did two songs. And the one that he specifically wrote about going back in time, the less famous one. Robert Zemeckis was like,
Starting point is 00:46:11 no, I don't like that one. Do the one about love. Okay, so we... I was watching the news yesterday. There were other people there. I was watching the news in a storefront other people there. I was watching the news in a storefront window. You had a party for the news. It was a news party.
Starting point is 00:46:29 The news was on, and there was a story about these two guys who got beaten up, and they got pepper sprayed by the people who beat them up. Oh, hey, good. And they were left... Oh, no, wait. No, that's not good. I thought it was the opposite, that they pepper sprayed the guys who were beating sprayed the guys who were beating no no the people beat them up and pepper sprayed them oh that's the worst you're thinking of a delicious peppercorn grilled steak that's
Starting point is 00:46:52 that is good that is delicious uh and the cops showed up and these guys were couldn't go anywhere because they were blinded by the pepper spray and uh so cops showed up, ambulances showed up, news showed up, and it's just these guys, and you just got to see them do this crazy dance because they're all itchy all over, because apparently it affects your skin as well. Oh, yeah, it's horrible. And they're in a really awful state,
Starting point is 00:47:20 and they asked, there was an interview with a guy who lived right next to where the fight took place. And he had an interaction with the two victims. And he said, they asked me if I could give them some water or some mayonnaise to get the pepper spray out of their eyes. Well, because they're part of the new generation. They'll pump up your hand. That's Miracle Whip. Isn't that mayonnaise? No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:47:47 No, no. You want mayonnaise to tone it down. You don't want the tangy zip. Wait a minute. What is Miracle Whip? Miracle Whip is classified as a, or it calls itself a salad dressing. Oh. So it's not mayonnaise?
Starting point is 00:48:00 It is mayonnaise. But it's got some paprika in it. They won't tone it down. But I just love that we're dying from the pepper spray. It is mayonnaise, but it's got some paprika in it. They won't tone it down. But I just love that that was, we're dying from this pepper spray. Get us some water. Get us some water, some mayonnaise, maybe some fluffernutters. Any kind of creamy substance.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Oh, man. Thanks for the news. I think a yogurt would be good. Yeah. Or a go-gurt. Yeah, a sour cream. Yeah. But mayonnaise is kind of weird and gross. It'll smell up your face.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Well, it'll pump up your ham, as previously stated. Is that the... That's the line from that commercial. We will pump up your ham. With all the hip young kids dancing around. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that a play on Pump Up the Jam? I don't know. It's the second, it's like
Starting point is 00:48:51 super, it's the second most inappropriate advertising slogan behind Juicy Fruits, take a sniff, pull it out. I've never noticed the Pump Up Your Ham. It's always just being kind of this general you you know, kind of a nonspecific bunch of like, we're youthful and exciting. Yeah, we won't take it. And then at one point they go, we will pump up your ham. Pump up the ham.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Pump it up. While your ham is stumping. Yeah. Well, I mean, you're also going to throw some salt and pepper on there. Yeah. You're going to push it. You're going to on there Yeah You're going to push it What's the Levi's ad With the young pioneers It's got
Starting point is 00:49:31 Everybody's job is important It's a Walt Whitman or Robert Frost poem or something I don't know my American poet It's Anyway Do they talk about ham? No but it's very much in the same um like a youthful there is something about genes though that they've always been doing that so it's it's kind of it's a little more acceptable than a miracle i mean come on miracle whip than a salad dressing sure
Starting point is 00:50:01 can you imagine if he went to a restaurant and they were like, would you like balsamic or ranch or Miracle Whip on your salad? On your ham salad. I think, yeah, it's like a salad dressing if you're making potato salad. Ah, yes. That's true. I'll give it that.
Starting point is 00:50:20 My overheard also, I'll keep on the train of television overheards. I, for the last month or so, became a person who would watch America's Got Talent. And so I watched it all the way up until the penultimate episode. And then I kind of dropped off. I didn't really watch. I know who won, and it was the last person I would pick out of the four.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Who were the four? There was a guy named Prince Pumpernickel or something like that. No, Prince Poppycock. Okay. Who was a, like... The snack food magnet? Yeah. Magnate. It was a guy who would do these, you know, he'd wear, like like these fancy wigs And this makeup and do these crazy musical numbers
Starting point is 00:51:06 And it was very Vegas Like it was something that would do well in Vegas And then there was another group called Oh wait, is the prize that you do a show in Vegas? You get a million dollars and then your Your thing is that you would play in Vegas Like you'd become a Vegas actor Okay, that's, alright
Starting point is 00:51:21 So then there was another, there was a little girl Who sang opera yeah amazingly yeah yeah i did see that i saw her too yeah although um would not go see her in vegas no go see a little girl sing opera in vegas uh only it is it is good enough for that like that 15 seconds of hmm that little girl can do that yeah that's interesting and then there was a group called there were a bunch of college guys called defying gravity that did a black light kind of based performance where they would you know fly through the air and stuff and it was it was the best act that they had the whole season it was the one that people would go see in vegas it was perfect it was it should have been the winner and
Starting point is 00:52:01 yeah totally it was exactly that's in the vein of the blue man group very exciting and then there was a guy who was just a singer that sounded like michael bolton then he was a piece of shit and he won so i was just like take whoever you hate the most he's gonna be the guy who wins but uh on the penultimate episode uh nick cannon asks howie mandel he goes uh does america have a hard job tonight because america votes and uh howie mandel responded with uh they have the hardest job in the world nick none of the judges are american are they uh you are correct yeah that's right i never thought about that but you are right. They are... There are two British people and a...
Starting point is 00:52:46 And a Canadian. And a Canadian. And a Mandel. Wow, that is a hard job. The most talented person in Britain who didn't win, Susan Boyle,
Starting point is 00:52:58 is performing for the Pope. Probably as we speak, guys. Yeah. Let's have a moment of silence. Yeah, she's singing that Enya song. Who can say where? And we also have listener overheards.
Starting point is 00:53:12 If you're somebody who likes to overhear things and then use a computer. You like to do both those things in that order. You can send them to us at stoppodcastingyour at and our first one comes from a lady named marisa s um might be marissa might be marissa yeah um and she was uh somebody i gave advice to about what to do in vancouver during her trip here um i have a bit of an overheard for you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I do. Don't worry, guys. I was in line at the grocery store deli a couple months
Starting point is 00:53:51 ago and heard the guy in front of me ordering his snacks. One of the things he chose was a spanakopita. Granted, this is a difficult word to pronounce, and I probably don't do it correctly myself, but I couldn't help snickering a little bit as the guy politely informed the cashier that he would like to try the
Starting point is 00:54:07 Spanktopia. Oh, I thought I saw that one coming, but I didn't. What did you think it was going to be? I thought he was just going to say he wanted to spank a pita. Wow. Spanktopia. That's delicious.
Starting point is 00:54:27 We get a few people Who write us and ask us Who are coming to Vancouver and ask us For things that they should do And I never write them back Because my answer would be Stay home and watch TV I wrote back quite a detailed Account of things
Starting point is 00:54:43 That I thought that somebody who's never been to Vancouver before might think would be kind of neat. Yeah. Oh, I'm sure people think Vancouver is neat when they're here for the first time. I like it. Catch out, Prince Poppycocks. Ongoing cabaret. I haven't done a lot of the things that are supposed to be pretty awesome. What are you supposed to do in Vancouver?
Starting point is 00:55:01 You're supposed to go to Stanley Park. The Capilano Suspension Bridge. I don't know if I have. See, I've done that. There's not much to be pretty awesome. What are you supposed to do in Vancouver? You're supposed to go to Stanley Park? I haven't done the Capilano Suspension Bridge. I don't know if I have. See, I've done that. There's not much to it. Okay. I've been to the aquarium a few times. The aquarium's a good time. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Have you done the grouse grind? Once. And I had a cold, and it was terrible. It's awful. And I've gotten in so much better shape since then. It's still awful. Not great shape, mind you, but better shape. I feel like I'd enjoy it more.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Good, better, best, Sean. Never let it rest. Until you're good as better, and you're better best. What is that? A poem by Robert Frost? It's about jeans. Most of the things that people tell you to do in Vancouver are outdoorsy things. Yeah, that's what we got.
Starting point is 00:55:40 But it's really... But it's always raining here. That is a weird... But people don't come here in the rainy season. I guess that's true. People come here the four months where it's beautiful and awful to podcast. It's the worst podcast experience. Oh, we're boiling in here, guys.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Are you guys rain haters? We're rain matas. Let's move on. You're going to top that. Our second overheard comes from a gentleman named Chris R. Chris R., on a trip to the Oregon coast with my wife and kids, we stopped in Seattle to catch a Mariners game. We had great seats, except for the two loud, talking, affluent guys
Starting point is 00:56:19 in their mid-50s behind us, one apparently remarried and one divorced. They were so loud that we couldn't help and overhear everything they were talking about there were so many parts of their conversation that were worthy of mentioning as an overheard but the best slash worst one was when the remarried guy says to the diverse divorced guy hey see that tall blonde over there the divorced guy says yeah nice rack the remarried guy then responds with, My stepdaughter has a huge rack. Then the other guy uncomfortably says, Really? Huh.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Then after a few minutes of silence says, I'm sure that's something you shouldn't be saying. Yeah, yeah, fact. Yeah, that's a tough situation. Because it's, you know, it's you know it's legal she's fair game assuming she's 18 yeah
Starting point is 00:57:11 in the Woody Allen-esque context oh yeah sure he makes the rules wait let me look for the last one here but also yeah gross right so gross Let me look for the last one here. But also, yeah, gross, right? So gross. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Yeah. Racks. Racks. Tyrannosaurus. Really? No, why not? You can cut that out. The last overheard comes from Keith R.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Keith R. This is Keith in Buffalo with an overheard. A few years ago in college, I had a frat brother roommate who would invite his fellow bros over to the dorm before big parties. And one night I overheard this exchange between one of the older dudes and my roommate. Older dude, you're going to get so much pussy tonight you won't even need condoms. Roommate, pleased without missing a beat. Yeah, mad condoms. No part of that made sense.
Starting point is 00:58:15 It's all backwards. But the most confusing thing for me is, so he's a frat brother, but is he just using that term like, oh, this guy was a total frat brother, but he lived in a dorm? Yeah, so I think he was a legitimate frat brother. No, but he didn't live in a fraternity. Oh, don't frat bros hang around in dorms? No, they hang with their fraternity. They all live in a house, a fraternity house, a la Van Wilder. Oh, he would invite his fellow bros over to the dorm.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Maybe by dorm he means the brat house. Maybe he's pledging a frat. Yeah. No, yeah, because if you were in a frat, you wouldn't describe a guy as being a total frat bro. I don't know. I don't know the ins and outs of the frat bro world. I never pledged. Well, there's a lot of ins and outs, let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Those guys. Coming to the going. So many ins and outs, you don't need a condom. Mad condoms. Well, good, going. So many incidents, you don't need a condom. Yeah. Mad condoms. Well, that was great. From Mad Magazine. What, me worry? That's what's on the package.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Yeah, you fold them. Good stuff. And they've got little drawings in the margins. Okay, there's a lot of Mad Magazine jokes. Yeah, Sergio Argon. I rented a video game for the first time in years and years and years. It was a soccer
Starting point is 00:59:29 video game and there was a player named... What was the name of the Mad Magazine artist? Alfred E. Newman? No, Sergio Aragones. Aragones, yeah. There was a soccer player presumably a real life soccer player named Sergio Aragonese
Starting point is 00:59:45 as an extra yes. He probably did like the IMDB thing where you change it just enough. Yeah, sure. The soccer actor. That's the Spanish equivalent of just using an initial. Right. Spanish Capita.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Okay, guys. If you would like to, as Graham mentioned, write in with an overheard, our address is StopPodcastingYourself at But if you have a telephone, you can just call us. You know, pick it up. Yeah. Pick up the phone.
Starting point is 01:00:16 You're all alone. We're all alone. Our phone number is 206-339-8328. Hey, Dave and Graham. This is Rhett from Indianapolis with an overseen. It's Saturday morning, September 11th,
Starting point is 01:00:32 and I'm driving down the street, and they're on the telephone pole. At the stoplight, there's a placard that's going to be stapled onto the telephone pole advertising apparently their garage sale with the date and the time and the address and all that but because of the way
Starting point is 01:00:50 they have laid this thing out it says big 9-11 sale as if it were like a big labor day sale so which was that was the way i saw it at first It sort of took me back a couple seconds before I realized what they had done. But yeah, so I'm going to cash in on those huge 9-11 savings. It would have been one step more horrible if it was huge 9-11 sale. Never forget. Never forget our huge 9-11 sale. Yeah, sure. Because they say that, right?
Starting point is 01:01:23 There are a lot of ways that could be a lot more horrible. Yeah, you're right. And I've just thought of a bunch of them. Huge 9-11 sale. Let's roll. That's not so bad. Those guys are heroes. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Did you watch any of the... 9-11 festivities? No, yeah. Festivities, I think, is the wrong term. Wait, are we the Glenn Beckeries? No. yeah, festivities I think is the wrong term. Wait, are we the Glenn Beckeries? No, oh my god. That was on a different day, wasn't it? That was a different day. Oh wait, 9-11 was going to be the
Starting point is 01:01:54 Quran burning. CBC played a bunch of documentaries about it. Did I talk about this last week? No, we didn't do a show last week. Oh, we did it before 9-11. They did a documentary about the falling of Tower 7. Oh, you did? I did.
Starting point is 01:02:10 How it was an inside job. Yeah, yeah, and then the documentary was like, hey, this really isn't... Anyways, so I already talked about that. My apologies. Don't forget the 9-11 sale. Yeah. Were you going to mention the Evangeline Lilly Live Links ad?
Starting point is 01:02:25 Yeah, when you were saying pick up the phone They're re-airing the Evangeline Lilly She's got to make money now Her show's up So you think it was her agent who put in the call? Yeah I noticed that They must have to pay so much extra to do that now
Starting point is 01:02:41 Do they not? I don't think she signed a standard It's just still like it's just still like all right well we have to pay you another three thousand dollars i'm surprised more companies don't do that because like like play like a like from the 70s bring back the mcdlt yeah with jason alexander in the ad wasn't there one with elizabeth shoe before she was famous yeah like a burger king yeah why don't they play those old ones with those now famous faces they probably they should cut
Starting point is 01:03:10 they should digitally cut out the famous people put them in a modern ad i don't know necessarily let them do that hi david graham this is kyle from olympia calling with an overheard i was just in the lunchroom at my work eating a sandwich, and one of the big doofy employees here, in an effort to strike up conversation, walks in and looks at me and goes, Peanut butter and jelly, huh? Nice. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Pretty good conversation opener. What kind of jelly are you using? Raspberry? Smuckers? What do you use? Smuckers? With a name like Smuckers, it's got to be jelly. Is that the slogan?
Starting point is 01:03:52 It's got to be good. Have you ever considered using a little Fluffernutter? Think about it. So Fluffernutter is a peanut butter and banana fried sandwich. No, no, no. It's a peanut butter and fluff. Marshmallow fluff. Marshmallow.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Is that? I don't know. I thought that a Fluffernutter was peanut butter and fluff. Yeah, marshmallow fluff. Marshmallow. Is that? I don't know. I thought that a fluffernutter was peanut butter and banana. You're wrong. The original, like the Elvis Presley fluffernutter? You're wrong. Elvis Presley had the fried peanut butter banana. And he called it a fluffernutter.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Well, he was wrong. He was wrong? Elvis Presley was wrong? I think maybe you were wrong. No, I'm sure that that's what he called a fluffernutter. Did you know him? Yeah, well, I was part of the Memphis Mafia. No, I believe a fluffernutter is a marshmallow fluff and peanut butter.
Starting point is 01:04:38 I know this is going to be controversial, but I think that Elvis Presley called peanut butter and banana fried sandwiches a fluffernutter. And when he ate them, it sounded a little something like this. When you say it's controversial, I think for a controversy, people have to care. I think people on the forum are going to voice their opinion about this fluffernutter debate. Oh, yeah. Make sure you weigh in on our forum at Yeah, Fluffgate 2010 Alright,
Starting point is 01:05:10 one more. Yep, we'll make it. Hey guys, it's Mike calling from Toronto. I got an overheard for you. A few years ago I was at an audition, I'm an actor, and I showed up about a half an hour too early, and so when I got there, they were auditioning for a different role.
Starting point is 01:05:28 And I had to sit around in the waiting room for about half an hour while four or five little people waited for their turn to go audition for the part. So it was me and about five guys who were under four feet tall, none of their feet touched the ground, and they just were just talking shop, and it was awesome. The best part was when one guy said that he might go visit his mom at a town for a few weeks, and then all the other guys were like,
Starting point is 01:05:55 oh, no, no, no, no, bad idea. And then one guy goes, listen, you don't want to leave town in October. You miss all the elf work. You miss all the elf work. You'll miss all the elf work. Why in October? Scary elves? No, no.
Starting point is 01:06:13 They probably shoot Christmas commercials in October. Oh, yeah. You've got to miss all... Yeah, yeah. So, oh, what? Like, one of them was like, I'm going to hit the road. I'm going to go on holiday. That's the high time of year is what they're saying i guess yeah it's it's the uh the the only time did you ever see there was a movie
Starting point is 01:06:31 like years ago before steve buscemi was famous like it was a movie where he played a film director and in the film he has a dream sequence and there's a little person on a tricycle that is uh what was that movie called with katherine keener yes yeah and and at one point the uh little person reams steve buscemi out and just saying how hack it is to have yeah like it's like oh it's a dream sequence so you have to have like a midget in your dream and that and uh i feel that way every year at Christmas. Are we still, as a society, we're comfortable with little people dressing up as elves? Apparently
Starting point is 01:07:11 the actors are comfortable with it. Yeah, I guess. Wasn't there a big controversy around the Willy Wonka movie? Oh, because they only hired one. Yeah, yeah. And he wasn't even a little person. What? No, they just digitally shrunk him in.
Starting point is 01:07:27 He was just an actor from India or something. He is a fairly diminutive dude. I never saw him. But he's not. He's not. I guess technically, I mean, you know, he probably doesn't get a special parking pass or anything. Yeah, he's not the size of the traditional Willy Wonka Oompa Loompas.
Starting point is 01:07:43 How did this conversation get started? I don't know. It's probably because you're a bit ghoulish. I'm a little bit ghoulish. I apologize to everybody for everything. Yeah, Graham's on Team, you know. Team, I'm sorry? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Yeah, I am on Team Humanity. But do you know what I mean? Does that not bother anybody else? Why are we going back up? I don't know. Does that still bother anybody else? I don't know. Does that still happen though? I feel like I haven't really noticed a lot of those. It happened last year and it bothered me.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Maybe it just does and it just washes right by me. I don't know. It's the culture we live in. Man. Yeah. Chickens in cages on the street. Man. All right, let's get off of this.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Why don't we end our show there was a lot of missteps at the end there but uh i think overall had a good time yeah we all learned something about how ghoulish i am yep uh sean do you have anything that you would like to plug that's coming up in the near future all right we know you're part of a two-person podcast and you're a member of urban improv uh well here we go there's uh if you're in vancouver there's the uh pub quiz which normally happens on the last friday of the month which puts it um september the 24th this this month but special dates coming. It's going to be on October 31st in October, which is a Sunday. And it's going to be
Starting point is 01:09:09 Spooktacular? Do you have a pub quiz, a spooky pub quiz name for that date? I think last month we went with Spooktacular. Now we're going to have to think of something new. Why would you do Spooktacular last month?
Starting point is 01:09:25 last year oh last year come up with something it predated 9-11 by just a couple days last year did? alright I have not learned anything from the failed 9-11 jokes
Starting point is 01:09:39 alright very ghoulish the pub quiz is at? At Anza Club. And it happens at 8 o'clock. And, yeah, next couple months are on odd dates. There's October 31st. And then the next one after that is December the 3rd.
Starting point is 01:09:57 All right. That is odd. Is there anything else? Every Wednesday night at? Theater sports? At theater sports, there's the improv musical but there's always Tuesday to Saturday
Starting point is 01:10:10 Vancouver Theatre Sports good times not as athletic as this house well it depends there are some cartwheels Dave and there's a big Australian guy if there's anybody big Australian guy yes
Starting point is 01:10:25 if there's anybody out there that wants to teach Dave how to cartwheel you can reach us at stoppodcasteryourself at I don't know that I want to learn how just send us an email we'll work backwards you can't intervention me into cartwheeling well somebody told me once
Starting point is 01:10:42 I couldn't stop the moonlight and I did was that leanne yeah that's right or was it the songwriter jersey oh coyote ugly it was in coyote ugly yeah she wrote that paribu yeah um okay we would like to plug uh this thursday come see us at 1212 commercial drive it's the uh havana's it's a restaurant but it also has a theater in the back. So great. And that's where we will be, along with the David Feldman Comedy Podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Yep. That's Thursday. September 23rd. 23rd of September. The following night. The Laugh Gallery at the Rickshaw Theater. That's a show that will feature myself and Dave Shumka and Jane Stanton and Dylan Reimer and I believe
Starting point is 01:11:28 I've been told Tig Notaro Eddie Pepitone and Jamie Kilstein are all supposed to be on that show it's going to be a great time Charlie Demers as well on that show so a really great show and that's a 7 to 9 p.m. and that's 7 sharp
Starting point is 01:11:44 we have to start the show at seven o'clock yeah so don't be lazy vancouver rights uh and show up at 7 30 because you will have missed a good chunk of awesomeness yeah and and it's got to end at nine because there's another show right after yeah there's a band right after so there's those shows uh and there'll be a lot of fun and then on the sat... I might skip Pub Quiz and come to that show. That sounds like a great show. And then Saturday, I am doing a show called Say What, which is a show where...
Starting point is 01:12:11 Sorry, I believe it's pronounced... Say What! Thank you. It's going to be at the Havana Theater, and it's going to be comedians reading from very funny autobiographies or earnest writings of different varieties. It's going to be a fun show, and I am part of that as well. So a cornucopia of things to check out.
Starting point is 01:12:30 A real pump up the ham. And if you enjoyed the show, please tell your friends. If you want to contact us, stoppodcastyourself at or call us at 206-339-8328 and visit us on our forum forum and at max fun check out the blog that dave does every week that's stop podcasting yourself slash max fun or no it's backwards uh maximum fun just go to maximum and find or go to stop podcasting it all goes to the same place and uh thanks for listening and come on back next week for another ghoulish episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. I want to apologize for all the 9-11 talk.
Starting point is 01:13:21 That's what didn't make it. Oh, is it all gone? Yeah. All right. Well, some of it. Some of it was pretty good oh i should have said the ones i had in mind it was just gonna get cut anyway well this part got cut so don't worry so much cutting like a depressed teenager

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