Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 141 - Sunee Dhaliwal

Episode Date: November 23, 2010

Comedian Sunee Dhaliwal joins us to talk basketball movies, mustaches, and Burlesque....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 141 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who's ready to jingle all the way, Mr. Dave Shumka. I'm ready to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I'm on my marks. Get set. It's not Christmas time yet though. It's getting there. For us it is. In America they're still focused on Thanksgiving. Oh yeah. What's that about time yet, though. It's getting there. For us, it is. In America, they're still focused on Thanksgiving. Oh, yeah. What's that about?
Starting point is 00:00:48 The pilgrims. Okay. Well, happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Yeah. And with us here on episode number 141, first time guest, a very funny man in Vancouver. He's doing a little dance. He's doing a little dance. New guy to the comedy scene.
Starting point is 00:01:04 The icky shuffle. The tallest guest we've ever had on the podcast. Six foot ones. At six foot even. Mr. Sonny Dollywall. Hey, guys. Hey, how's it going? Good.
Starting point is 00:01:17 How are you guys? Good. Thanks for being our guest. Oh, thanks for having me. Oh, it's a pleasure. Should we get to know us? Get to know us. And great segue with the pilgrims and Indians and then the first guest. Boom. East Indian. Right there. You just came today. You're in the, what do they call it? Like
Starting point is 00:01:37 the break time. The refractory period. The refractory period in an Indian wedding. Yes. So how does it work? You were saying you had to be there at 8 30 in the morning which is insane yeah yeah that's craziness well that's just uh the time uh it begins like if you come at eight there's stuff for you you can have tea right and uh and uh so stuff to eat but um they're often late my sister for her own wedding was uh i think like two three hours late. Was she a runaway bride? No, no. She was there because we were waiting for the groom to come. And they were coming all the way from Surrey.
Starting point is 00:02:11 We were going to have it in Abbotsford. And the crazy part about an East Indian wedding is we have to do – there's a million things we have to do. I thought you were going to say the elephant. No. That's normal. But we have to do it before noon. 12.01 hits and it's bad luck. Oh, it's like April Fool's Day.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah. And then so as soon as... April Fool's Day. So it's not like... It doesn't count after noon. Yeah. So it's not like my sister came and it was like 10.30 and there's like a million things we have to do. And it's not like we're like, okay, well, we just won't do this.
Starting point is 00:02:43 No, we do everything but just in a condensed version. You do fast yeah and so like that's awesome when you get there and it's like ah well we have a half an hour left before this is bad luck and so it's like the fastest wedding ever the fastest 90 minute wedding ever and we have to the best thing is we have to uh they have to there's a holy book and they have to walk around the holy book four times. Okay. And each time is like a cycle in the thing. So when they have to do it fast, it's like Benny Hill. Do they play the music?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah, they do. They do. You were playing. What were you playing there? It's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you and Benny Hill. I just heard that, and I was like, that's racist. Now, so everything has to be done before noon. And then what's with, because you said you have to go back at, what, six?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yeah, like six, around seven. I love that it's so, like, it doesn't really matter when it starts. It has to end by noon. Yeah, it doesn't really matter when you come back. It has to be over by midnight. I thought it was going to be late, like your usual East Indian wedding or East Indian function, but it started right on time, and it's great.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So I'm thinking the reception is going to be... Why do things start late? Is it because you're on island time? Is it because... I don't know. But I think it started on time, though, because there was a lot of politicians there. What? How many people are at this wedding?
Starting point is 00:04:15 So Dollywall was there? Oh, I don't know. There was probably a couple hundred. A couple hundred. Was anybody entering on an elaborate vehicle or an animal of any sort? Taxicab? Dave! Dave! You said elaborate vehicle or an animal of any sort. Taxicab? Dave! You said elaborate vehicle.
Starting point is 00:04:30 No, like... Because sometimes I watch those wedding, you know, bride shows. My Super Sweet Sixteen. No, what's the one where it's the old lady and she grants you three wishes? The wedding nanny. I dream of Jeannie. Godmother.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Godmother. Godmother. Anyways, they've had several Indian weddings on there. And there's always... A horse? The entrance is either a horse or one at a time it was an elephant. Or like a fancy vehicle, like a giant, ridiculously sized Hummer. That Sweet Sixteen episode where the kid entered
Starting point is 00:05:05 his own 16th birthday with Rihanna on a camel. Wow. Oh, man. Can you imagine being so famous that that's your job? Probably that would pay you for a month's worth
Starting point is 00:05:21 of regular person living to just ride in on a camel. And that's it. Did she even sing? A month's worth of regular person living to just ride in on a camel. And that's it. Did she even sing? A month's worth of regular person living? Did she have to sing as well? I don't remember, but I'm sure she got more than what I can survive on on a month.
Starting point is 00:05:35 But see, in our world, we would pay to ride on a camel, and she is paid to ride on a camel, so that's pretty great for her. Not as great for us, because I'll never get a chance to be paid to ride on a camel. So that's pretty great for her. Not as great for us because I'll never get a chance to be paid to ride on a camel. Do you think, guys? Have you ridden on a camel?
Starting point is 00:05:52 No, you? No. Would you pay to ride on a camel? And a camel bit my cousin's back. I don't know if that has anything to do with this. Does that mean your cousin was running away from the camel? No, he was trying to pose with it.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Just like, hey, I'm not done eating. This is your life. And then the one voice is like, they're like, oh, it's the camel. They got on with it. Your cousin came back for you. You got a taste for human blood. Camel 3D.
Starting point is 00:06:23 What's been going on with you besides this wedding? I mean, it's going to be great. You've got a great celebration tonight. The core is galore. I'm actually curious what are all the things you have to do. You've got to walk around the book four times. Well, what happens at an Indian wedding generally stays there. When they first arrive, they have to do this thing called melni,
Starting point is 00:06:43 which translated just means uh meeting so the two sides meet and it's like the the meeting basically joining into one family so the dad from both sides will come in and then they basically it's almost like a lay but more like religious than that and then they would like and that's why i am and yeah unless hawaiian and then so they would Because the way you were holding your hands there, it looked like the fathers had to fight each other for supremacy.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And so the mothers from the east side, they would all do that. The mailmen from both areas. And then they would... Mail carriers, I'm sorry. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And they would go and they would sit down. Okay, you can skip past the sitting. Okay, so groom sits down. Basically, the father of the bride doesn't give her hand away. It's not like he walks her down the aisle or anything. Right. But there's a scarf that the groom is wearing. And he takes that scarf and gives it to his daughter,
Starting point is 00:07:46 and she's to hold on to it for the whole ceremony. Never mind. And that's it. No, I'm interested in this. So then what happens? We can talk about it later. And then so she can't. Because Dave Shumka is getting married.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Oh, wow. Are you doing an East Indian? Yeah, yeah, I'm doing Indian. Yeah, you should because at the end... Everybody picks up the groom? No, every 600 people, 400 people that are there get up. They line behind the groom and the bride. And they walk in and they both give him money.
Starting point is 00:08:20 And then you're just filled with this sack of money. Wow. And that's to start your new life. I'm actually thinking of, would it be offensive if I took bits from every kind of wedding? So, like, I had a big fat Greek one. Yeah. I had the Indian money one.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I did the Godfather style money one. I just want the money. Yeah, so everybody just keeps lining up for... Now give me Italian lira. I don't think that's offensive at all. That's genius. Yeah, right? Now, what kind of wedding...
Starting point is 00:08:56 You don't know yet. Do you know what kind of wedding you're going to have? Oh, yeah. Greek Orthodox? Yeah, I don't know. Oh, what? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Religious? Out in the park? A little bit of both. I think you should do English. I really do. Because this sounds like the outfits are spectacular, right? This scarf thing seems fun. You like scarves.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yes. I have a bunch. So you get to wear a scarf. Would you like? Although it's the summer. I want to wear the least amount possible. Could it be a silk scarf? It is a silk scarf. Oh. Okay. That's okay. That's fine. Yeah, that's fine for the summer. I to wear the least amount possible Could it be a silk scarf? It is a silk scarf
Starting point is 00:09:25 Oh That's okay I assumed it would be Angora Some kind of Shedding rabbit scarf And there's And there's like a It's like a week celebration
Starting point is 00:09:38 Leading up to this wedding W-E-A-K? It's kind of a week Yeah It's kind of a weak saying. Yeah, it's kind of weak. No, but at every point, you get money. Really? From everybody. Yeah, like in the engagement.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's like Super Mario Brothers. You just keep collecting coins as you go. Don't get, like, poked. And then it just spills away everywhere. Right, right. And then you shrink. Yeah. Et cetera.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Mario Brothers, right? Remember Sonic? Yeah. Isn't that Benny Hill that you're doing? Yes, I remember Sonic. Yeah, and then he would do the same thing
Starting point is 00:10:16 and then the coins. Yeah, it was... You couldn't die if you had coins. Yeah, that's true. Fact. How does this play into the wedding?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Oh, you could die in Mario. Oh, the groom's name was Sonic And he would have to run upside down Yeah With his fin tails It's a gay wedding Was tails a gay?
Starting point is 00:10:34 I don't think either of them had genitals Yeah they were bros Oh no Sonic Oh you saw Sonic? Yeah I've seen his movie His adult film Now wait a second.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Speaking of movies, we were talking before the podcast started about your love-hate relationship with basketball films. Because you're a big basketball player. Huge. You had basketball practice this morning. Basketball practice this morning. At 7 a.m. Which a kid from the team does not show up to because he's at a wedding. The same wedding that I'm attending.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So I get there and he's like, hey, coach, where were you at practice? I was at the wedding. Well, it's loosey-goosey. You can show up anytime you want. But not to practice. Practice is set. Well, yeah, but come on. But if practice isn't done by 9, nothing is fine.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Practice isn't as good as free tea or whatever you get at a wedding or not running yeah oh yeah yeah laps do you make him do laps oh yeah shuttle shuttle runs yeah and and saturday morning practices are the worst three-legged race did you make him do a three-legged race no we do a sack hop sack hop before every game egg egg egg uh whatever you're holding you hold an egg. Boil an egg in a minute. Egg in a spoon. Before the game, for a warm-up, we have him run around a bat ten times.
Starting point is 00:11:54 On the forehead. Oh, I hated that. Yeah, that was great. And then you get married. You're all dizzy. You spin around on the holy book. Yeah, well, you have to go how many laps around the book? Four laps.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Four laps. Spinning, twirling. The whole time. You're twirling your forehead on it. Now, so you're a big basketball fan. You've seen all the basketball films. All of them. All of them.
Starting point is 00:12:17 We were talking about The Air Up There, which is about... The Air Up There was great. It's about... Kevin Bacon gets the power of invisibility yes and is hollow somehow
Starting point is 00:12:27 he goes to a town in Africa where dancing is forbidden he needs to he needs to recruit a power forward
Starting point is 00:12:39 and he just upset their person that they were trying to recruit and he sees this film in a drunken haze. He goes to a movie drunk. Yeah, and he sees this kid.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So he flies to Africa. In a drunken haze. Like, sight unseen. Just seeing this guy do a couple of dunks in the background of a film and tries to recruit him, but he can't leave because someone's about to take over their land. So what they propose is that they play basketball for their land. Now, what?
Starting point is 00:13:14 The development company is like, we've got a really great intramural league. We want to build a condo. Who is playing the African towns? There's a rich there's a rich rich guy who's buying up everything a preppy right
Starting point is 00:13:28 and he comes in is he played by Shaq no he's played by this this dude which is crazy about the movie is he has this
Starting point is 00:13:35 like a state of the art indoor gym right and then that's where everybody's playing and he's like oh this is the guy you need he's like no
Starting point is 00:13:42 I'm looking for this land called Wanabe he's like oh Wanabe's nothing there guy you need. He's like, no, I'm looking for this land called Wanabe. He's like, oh, Wanabe's nothing. There's nothing there. Stay here. Look at these guys. You should recruit one of these guys. He's like, no, no, I'm looking for this specific player.
Starting point is 00:13:52 They get there and it's a dirt field and just like hoops made out of like wood that they built themselves. And that's where they have the game? I'm like, why don't you just have it in the gym? Yeah. Oh, they have the deciding game in the dirt. Yeah, in the dirt. That's dumb. I thought they would the deciding game in the dirt. Yeah, in the dirt.
Starting point is 00:14:06 That's dumb. I thought they would have had it in the air. Up there. Up there, yes. Now, wait a minute. Who is playing for the village in this scenario? The tribe is all good at basketball? One guy.
Starting point is 00:14:20 A couple of people are good. Is there a fat guy on the team? Yes, there is. There is. A lovable fat guy. Who was the fat guy on the team? Yes, there is. A lovable fat guy. Who was the fat guy on Hangtime, the TV show? Oh, Teddy. No, it was Anthony Alexander.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Anderson. Is it Anderson or is it Alexander? No, no, no. Oh, you're thinking of Louis Anderson. And his name was Teddy. It was Jason Alexander. And his name was Teddy. Yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And there was always fat jokes. There were the hurricanes. Or no, the tornadoes, wasn't there? Yeah, and there were co-ed. Yeah, what's with that one girl? And she was great. Yeah. But, you know, it was a way to teach kids that...
Starting point is 00:14:56 Hang time! How come I... Doing it up! Hang time! I'm gonna kill myself! Hang time! That's the lyrics I used to sing. Yeah, it's because it's about hanging yourself.
Starting point is 00:15:07 It's actually about auto-erotic. Why was that university gym the smallest gym ever? It was a high school. Was it a high school? Yeah. Yeah, they had high school problems. Oh, well. The fat guy would come in.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I gotta re-watch that. He'd come in with some trays of food, and he'd be like, I'm gonna shoot some trays. That's pretty good. That was really good. You should open up practice with that. It's always good to open practice with a joke. And also picture all your teammates
Starting point is 00:15:36 in their underwear. Then he comes with this plate of food and he's like, how about this dish? Pretty good. Graham, your turn. Something my rock. And then he comes with this plate of food and he's like, how about this dish? Pretty good. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Your turn. Something might rock.
Starting point is 00:15:51 There's a crackhead. Have you seen Blue Chip? Yes. Blue Chips is a great movie. Penny Hardaway. Yeah. Penny Hardaway and Shaq were not actually teammates when they started the film. And then first take, Penny throws an alley-oop to Shaq,
Starting point is 00:16:08 and he says, it was like magic. And next thing you know, they both play for the Orlando Magic. Shaquille O'Neal plays a guy named Neon in that movie. Yes, he does. Wow. And Nick Nolte ended up playing for the Trailblazers. Nick Nolte ended up playing for the Trailblazers. Did you ever watch any of Shaq's reality show, Shaq vs.? You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah, I think like one or two of them. But it's actually Steve Nash's idea. Yeah, but Nash vs. I was too close to Nash Bridges. They said, no, we can't do it. No, but it's not like he went and they're like, no, we it let's do it with Shaq Shaq just stole it only this is what I heard this word they were on the bus class yeah we're on the bus they're on the bus all his lunch money and his TV and and Nash had this a book full of
Starting point is 00:17:00 like just like doodles and something like oh's like, oh, what's this? He's like, oh, it's for a new show. About my doodles? Yeah, he explains it. It's a cartoon called Doodle Town. I'm going to turn that into a show. I'm going to steal that. That's a good idea. No, and so he's just like, yeah, it's called Nash vs. And he explains it to him.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And then like a couple weeks later, Shaq, you know, just walks on the bus and says, oh, hey guys, by the way, I have a new show. It's called Shaq vs. No, when he pitches it, he's like, it's a show called Nash vs. It's me. It's me on the show. It's me instead of Steve Nash. Nash vs. Shaq, right?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Just them playing the whole time. Different sports. Different sports, yeah. What were the ones? Because we watched an episode together. We watched one where he did a race card against... Race card? Dwight Earnhardt.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Race card again. Dale Earnhardt Jr. And he pulled the black card. Yeah, he played the race card. He played the race card. That's what I was going for. He pulled the black card. Yeah, he played the race card. He played the race card. Yeah, yeah. That's what I was going for. He pulled the black card. Well, most poker decks
Starting point is 00:18:11 are separated into the red card and the black card. What else did we see him do? Trampolining? Have you seen him? Did you see? Stand-up comedy.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I saw him do the Roethlisberger, the football one. Okay, yeah. That's pretty much it where I'm like, no, I'm not watching this again. I'd like to see him do like he squares off against somebody from Miami, Inc.,
Starting point is 00:18:30 and they both do tattoos on somebody. With his giant hands. Or, like, a theater actor. Yeah, well, he was doing something like that. He was going to do a comedy. Was it comedy? Or was he going to do magic or something? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:46 He squared off against Penn and Teller, I think. Yeah, that's right. He was going to do magic. And then he made Magic Johnson appear in a magic uniform. He's going to get Magic Johnson not to die from AIDS. Hey, come on. Too soon. Too late.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Yeah, well, either or. Do something. He's fine. Everybody, he's fine. He's good. Yeah, well, either or. Do something. He's fine. Everybody, he's fine. He's good. Yeah, but speaking of basketball movies, Basketball Diaries. Worst basketball movie. I have to get it off my chest again. It's ridiculous, alright?
Starting point is 00:19:15 There's no basketball in it, and the basketball that's in it, horrible. Leo DiCaprio, you should be shot. I don't know about that. No, he should be. It's horrible. And all my friends are like, no, it's not about the basketball. Well, then call it Crackhead Diaries. I don't care what you call it.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Don't have basketball in the title. Have you ever seen the basketball movie where they have a Sasquatch on the team? Yes. Isn't that Teen Wolf? No, no, no. That's a werewolf on the basketball team. It's completely different. What's the one where Whoopi Goldberg
Starting point is 00:19:45 coaches the Knicks? Eddie, I watched that recently. Is that the one where she has teamed up with a dinosaur? No, no, no. This is the one where she's just a fan and there's a new owner. She's just a white guy. She wins a draw to coach the Knicks at halftime.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And she can talk to ghosts. What was the one where she dressed like a corporate... Do you know she dresses like a white old man? Oh, I forget. She tries to get refugee status. Are you serious? No, she... The plane guy. Yeah, I remember. No, there was one where she's teamed up
Starting point is 00:20:18 with a dinosaur that wears sneakers. I think it's called something Rex. Buddy Rex or something Rex I think you dream this is a good movie this is a Wolfie Goldberg film no you can pitch this this is great
Starting point is 00:20:30 so what Eddie is the one where she's a basketball coach coach yes what's the one where who was in Juana Man
Starting point is 00:20:37 was that oh yeah that dude is that Sean Wayans no no no it wasn't one of the Wayans brothers but it was it might as well have been a Wayans brother yeah, no, no It wasn't one of the Wayans brothers But it's something
Starting point is 00:20:45 It might as well have been a Wayans brother Yes, yeah Oh, have you seen Just Right? Was that the one with the common? And Queen Latifah? Oh, no, I haven't seen that one yet Oh, you gotta Just Right
Starting point is 00:20:58 Just Right And right is W-R-I-G-H-T? Yeah, like That's his last name In the movie I watched a movie this morning that I'd never seen before at the start, and I couldn't not watch
Starting point is 00:21:10 it because the stars were Big Boy from... ATL? No, it was Andy Melanakis. And it was a golf movie where Big Boy wanted to be the member
Starting point is 00:21:25 of a hoity-toity social club. And they cast the principal from Ferris Bueller as the guy who's like, Big Boy! He doesn't want him to be in the golf club. And they play polo and the guy falls in horse manure at one point. Of course.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Big Boy's quite fat. I didn't know that. Why? You see him at one point, Of course. Big Boy's quite fat. I didn't know that. Why? You see him at one point, he jumps in his shirt. But you know his name is Big Boy. Because I just thought it was one of those names. Like, there's not three, you know, Andre 3000 isn't the 3000th. And Heavy D isn't heavy.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Little Wayne is no little. And the Fat Boys aren't fat. Ice T is not made of ice. Imagine, guys. He really does like tea, though. Who doesn't? He should probably have his likeness made in an ice sculpture.
Starting point is 00:22:16 He probably has. Ice cube, too. Ice cube is pretty easy. It's just a cube. With three little freckles by his eye. Are we missing? Any of the great basketball? Space Jam. Probably the...
Starting point is 00:22:32 Would we say that's the penultimate or the ultimate? Basketball. The last one ever? The movie is great until you watch it when you're an adult and Jordan cannot act. No? Oh, I'm surprised. He's really good
Starting point is 00:22:47 in those Hanes commercials. With the bacon neck. And the Hitler stache. I don't know what that's about. What do you think that's about? I don't know. I was hoping you'd have some insight. If the listeners don't know, Michael Jordan, the famous basketballer, is in Hanes commercials
Starting point is 00:23:04 now and he has a mustache that looks very much like that of one Adolf Hitler. Yeah. He's on an airplane. Don't you think Hanes would be like, yo, you gotta shave that. Is it the first thing you notice?
Starting point is 00:23:19 People had to point it out to me before I noticed it. I saw it online way before I saw it on TV. Because you get instant downloads of all the new Hanes commercials. Yes. I go to this one site.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And it was just like, yo, check out Michael Jordan's Hitler stash. And that's what the thing was. And I'm like, oh, I've got to click this. And sure enough, I was like, that's weird. Do you think that, like, that's a question that I have, is do you think that Michael Jordan, in his prime, not now, but in his prime, if he had adopted a Hitler mustache, do you think he could have switched it from a Hitler mustache to a Jordan mustache?
Starting point is 00:23:57 Maybe, yeah. Do you think he was popular enough? Who is popular enough now to sport a Hitler mustache? Bieber. Do you think it could be turned sport a Hitler mustache and Bieber do you think it could be turned into a Bieber stache? I would like to see it.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Oh that would be great. Well he would have to learn how to like he would have to learn how to grow a mustache. Learn how to grow a mustache. He would have to go to Africa where there's this really good
Starting point is 00:24:15 mustache growing guy. Take night classes. And then play for his mustache. That is the worst idea for a film. How did they get through that that was... And how did they do it so well?
Starting point is 00:24:27 It's amazing. It's an amazing movie. You know you just saw a movie with Big Boy this morning. And Annie Matanakis. Yeah. Yeah, where they golf. The air up there is not the worst idea for a movie. There's many, many movies about people having to play to save their town.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Well, and the weird thing about this movie was I looked on the information thing, the kind of bar that comes up on your cable, and I wanted to read more about it. And I don't know if the person who writes these is just fucking around or what, but it was so glowing. I've seen a couple of those before. Yeah, like it was a one-star movie, but it was like, Big Boy is hilarious,
Starting point is 00:25:06 and this, you know, perfect homage to Caddyshack. Yeah. And I was like, I think this person is just fucking around. Usually the descriptions are really just sort of... Short and vague?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Objective. Yes. And they just tell you what's in the movie. But, like, there's one movie called The X, I think, starring... Vin Diesel. No, that's Triple X. Oh, it's maybe Matthew Perry and... Oh, like The X, the E-X?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah. Oh, okay. Zach Braff might be in it. Sure. And it's... Oh, Amanda Peet, I believe. It might just be the whole nine years. But, and the description said, the title may refer to the excellent cast or the exceptional performances.
Starting point is 00:25:58 That's pretty good. I just want to see some guy just tired of his job and just like, don't watch this. Don't watch two and a half hours. There's some of them. Like the one that for Family Guy says, it either says nihilistic comedy. Very, very frowny faced upon Family Guy, but loved this big boy. No, nihilistic. I would say Family Guy is nihilistic.
Starting point is 00:26:23 It doesn't believe in anything. Oh, yeah, I guess. But it's not a compliment, is it? Is it calling somebody a nihilist? But it's like the one for The Simpsons, just the generic one for The Simpsons, calls it subversive. Oh, yeah, because it likes to subvert. Good one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I wasn't to ask. That's why it's called subversive. Dave? No, I want to talk more about... Oh, sorry. Basketball films? Which one was Romeo or Bow Wow in? It was Bow Wow, and it was Like Mike. Like Mike. I thought it was called Little Big Man.
Starting point is 00:26:55 They made a Like Mike 2. Oh, really? It went right to DVD. I know, but who was in it? Who played it? I don't know. Oh. Lil' Kim.
Starting point is 00:27:04 But it wasn't Bow Wow. I tried out for Like Mike 1. Go on. I didn't get it. Oh, you didn't? No. Did you really? Yeah, not for the kid.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But to be one of the kids playing basketball? Yeah, one of the dudes. How do you feel about Nick Cannon's career? I think it's horrible. I think that he should be here in this basement, and we should make fun of him. You know what I mean? I can't believe that he is famous. Why would we want to make fun of him to his face?
Starting point is 00:27:33 I think it'd be probably uncomfortable to do that. I think you'd start wilding out. I just can't believe the fact. It's amazing that he did all these movies, and he had his own show, and now he's just married to Mariah Carey. So he's done all the things you wanted to do. I wanted to do, yeah. He's black. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:51 He cut a rap album. Yeah. That's it. Two things right there. Being black and doing a rap. That's two things on the Dollywell bucket list. Dollywell bucket list.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Was he a basketball player in The Underclassmen? Yes, he was. That's what made me think of it. Shoutouts to Sam Easton, who was in there. And they cut out all his parts. Really? Ryan Beal, a former guest, died.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It was a murder victim in the first scene. Oh, wow. And the plot of that movie... He was the MacGuffin in the whole movie. When it was explained to me, I thought it was a lot more serious of a film. And then when I saw it, I was like, oh, Nick Cannon plays an undercover cop.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah. Yeah. This is 21 Jump Street. The underclassman. Yes. Nice. And he cannot be, he doesn't look like a cop. He looks like a high school kid.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Yes. But that's why they hired him. Have you ever seen 21 Jump Street? Same plot. Yeah, okay. Johnny Depp's breakout film. Also, that other guy. I was too young for 21 Jump Street? Same plot. Yeah, okay. Johnny Depp's breakout film. Also, that other guy. I was too young for 21 Jump Street, so when the credits would roll, I would watch the intro.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah. And then I'd just change the channel. Jump! Down on Jump Street! Okay. I gotta go. Well, let's see if Bonkers is on. You know, something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Bonkers? Oh, no! What is Bonkers? on. You know, something like that. Bonkers? Oh, no. What is Bonkers? It sounds good. It's a cartoon. It takes place at Zoobly Zoo. It was a cat who was a cop. And he was Bonkers.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And the chief would be like, Bonkers. Wait, is the chief also a cat? Chief is like a big dog. Oh, wow. Oh, it's one of those all animals live together, work together kind of scenarios. I'll buy that for one minute. Yeah, I'm totally, I don't know. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I know like someone's going to call in and be like, listen, I have a overheard, but listen, that guy last week. Yeah, your bonkers guy. He's wrong about bonkers. Do you think it's a popular enough show to create some sort of... People know Bonkers. Hey, call in if you know Bonkers. Don't call in.
Starting point is 00:29:51 260-234529. No, you're already wrong. No, those aren't numbers. Those aren't numbers. Those aren't numbers. No, they are numbers. Dave, you're half right. L-R-F.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Yeah, those are letters. Use your words. Wing ding. Dave, what's going on with you lately? I hadn't intended for this show to just be a discussion of really bad movies. But what's been going on with me is I've been noticing a commercial for what looks like a really bad movie. Go on. It's called Burlesque.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Oh, yes. Sheer and what's her name?que. Oh, yes. Sheer and... What's her name? Christina Aguilera. As near as I can tell, Christina Aguilera travels from a small town. She's this wide-eyed 30-year-old. She grew up on the farm until 30.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Who travels to Los Angeles to not pursue film or television but become a singer in a singer-dancer in some kind of singing-dancing club. Like a review of some sort. A review in a type of entertainment that doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:30:59 The thing about the burlesque movie is I, on Facebook, am friends with some people who are involved in the local burlesque community. And there was a discussion thread somewhere about it. And it feels like burlesque is going to be to burlesque what Punchline was to stand-up comedy. what Punchline was to stand-up comedy. Okay. Where it was a,
Starting point is 00:31:26 like a thing where somebody was like, what's a thing, you know like, what's the one that Drew Barrymore movie with Roller Derby? Yeah, with him. Yeah, same kind of thing where it's like, what's a thing that hasn't had a movie made about it
Starting point is 00:31:37 that's kind of popular? And then they just don't do any research. They just go, I think it's about this. I think Burlesque, it is going to be to burlesque. What punchline is to burlesque. It's just not going to be. You don't think it's going to be anything?
Starting point is 00:31:53 I don't think it's going to be anything. You don't think this is Cher's comeback vehicle? Cher looks great, by the way. Yeah, right? Well, no. Like, I mean it. You mean it like she turned back time. She's very old.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And people always make fun of people who've had plastic surgery because they look all plastic surgery yeah sure looks really good yeah she's i think she's uh she spent the right amount of money and went to you know probably brazil where they do a lot of really great waxing movie. Some of the greatest waxing. So, burlesque. Why do you hate it? I don't hate it, but I think I just explained it. It looks really bad. It looks like showgirls. Do you know what movie I think looks bad? It's the one with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Starting point is 00:32:39 First of all, why are there so many movies about friends with benefits all of a sudden? Why is that right yeah like hot topic booty call now have you ever seen booty call yeah i haven't actually jamie fox and uh what's that guy's name uh not oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he he does a raptor impression yeah yeah yeah um tommy davis we'll be goldberg but uh there's a that movie with jake dylan hall it's not theodore rex is it is that a different thing maybe all right she's a cop and then her partner is a dinosaur that
Starting point is 00:33:19 wears sneakers that's not proper footwear for a cop well they're undercover dave plain clothes off okay sure advice he's a plain clothes dinosaur they should have called it tyrannosaurus vice i'm gonna what are you doing i'm gonna check it out i'm gonna see i gotta oh you're checking out to see what it is oh that's a good idea um but there's the jake gyllenhaal uh and hathaway project and then there's one with natalie portman and Ashton Kutcher that's coming out. Oh, that's a shame. And then there's one with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis that's coming out. That's all about these 30-year-olds kind of doing it.
Starting point is 00:33:56 All these people are interchangeable. Yeah, kind of. I would see a Justin Timberlake. In bed. Fair enough. What is the movie called? Theodore Rex.berlake. In bed. Fair enough. What is the movie called? Theodore Rex. Theodore Rex.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Well done. Is it a movie about her being a cop with a dinosaur cop? That seems like something that an eight-year-old would pitch to a studio. It's a cop and now a dinosaur cop. I just put in whoopie T-Rex and it's a theater rex. Well, what else would come up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Let me go to IMDb. What was the Fred Savage movie where there was like a mutant guy living on his... Oh! It's called
Starting point is 00:34:35 like The Monsters or... This is the worst. It's called Monsters Inc. Oh, my friend is a monster i've got monster okay jill and hall and timber lake go yeah well uh they're all you that's until you said that i didn't realize it but you're right they're six people that you could mix and match those casts although ashton and uh mila kunis you'd be like oh is this a 70s show? Oh, yeah, if they rearranged.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Natalie Portman seems suspiciously out of place in that type of film. She does. But did she give up on being an important actress and just decide to make... After Star Wars? Yeah. And just decide to make sexy films? No. I think you can be both. Really? Like who? Well, like Anne Hathaway, I think you can be both. Really?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Like who? Well, like Anne Hathaway, I think, can do both. And apparently Natalie Portman. What do you got here? I gotta see this movie. Okay, what's the write-up? This is Theodore Rex's write-up.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Here it is. In alternate futuristic society, a tough female police detective is paired with a talking dinosaur to find the killer of dinosaur and other prehistoric animals, leading them to a mad scientist bent
Starting point is 00:35:52 on creating a new Armageddon. Wow! And there she is on the cover. Yeah, and he's wearing giant sneakers. And playing basketball. It's really hard for a Tyrannosaurus Rex to play basketball. He looks exactly like the dad from Dinosaurs.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, yeah. Stato Rex. Not the mama. There's a lot of those movies, like you were saying, but is it just me or is it a lot of alien movies as well? You know, like Monsters. You got that Don't Look in the Sky or that Skyline movie. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Don't Look in the Skyline. Avert Your Eyes from the Sky. I heard Monsters is good. Cowboys and Aliens as well. Ooh. Redditors. Or Cowboys vs. Aliens or something like that.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I haven't heard of any of these movies. Yeah. The only... I haven't seen any movies for the past long stretch. I haven't even seen The Social Network. I'm that far behind.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I finally saw that. Yeah, it's pretty good. Yeah. It's good considering it's the most boring possible story for a movie. At the end of the movie, should one man have had all that power? Like the trailers was asking. I would say no one man should have had all that power.
Starting point is 00:37:01 It's a song, guys. It was a song. Yeah, now you guys do but the thing about the thing about that movie is if you want
Starting point is 00:37:09 the power I'm gonna screw it up go on oh no wait you don't get 500 million friends without making a few enemies what were you gonna say
Starting point is 00:37:18 we don't make it's hard to get up to 500 million friends without breaking a few eggs okay and the other thing that has been bothering me I've talked about this show before it's a show on ABC called what would you do oh yes and it's um I talked about this show before. It's a show on ABC called What Would You Do? Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yes. And it's, I talked about it in the past, where it's like you see an old woman fall down. Do you stop and help her? Well, there's five cameras on you. Yeah, you're being filmed. And the ones yesterday that were on, there was one where they put these fake doctors in a restaurant, a bar.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Right. Wait a minute, why? Because the doctors were getting drunk, and then they were going to return to their hospital. And you, as someone else in the bar, what would you do? Would you report them or do something about it? Except that the doctors were were it was way over the top it's too much the doctors were all dressed in scrubs right it was the cast of scrubs some were bloody and they weren't they weren't just like oh maybe that doctor shouldn't have a beer
Starting point is 00:38:41 with his lunch no they were doing shots and stuff and drinking so much. Right. And on the way out, one of them was like, I can't go back to work. And they were talking so loud so everyone would hear them. I can't go back to work. Why not? Are your hands shaking? No, they're not.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Okay, you're fine. Wow. Did anybody do anything? No, nobody did anything. Really? There was one. People are the worst. Then they switched out the doctors. And made them black.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah. And everyone reported them. No, but the doctors were so drunk and obnoxious. On the way out, a doctor smacked a kid's hat. And then the next thing was drunk rodeo clowns and everybody reported them. Don't get into the ring with us.
Starting point is 00:39:30 The next thing was a mother with her kids on a leash. Yeah. It's like Just for Life gags. It was. And then she went into a store and she left her kids tied to a parking meter. Were people feeding the kids? Like, out of their hands? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Don't feed them. No. They're learning. They're training to be helper kids. Helper kids. And did anybody do anything? No, I didn't actually end up watching that they just previewed the second part oh okay speaking of uh of must watch television dave and i were watching uh a replay of
Starting point is 00:40:13 uh as oprah is doing her favorite things episode and uh man the people the level of craziness that people allow themselves to be in front of a camera is shocking. In front of a dozen cameras. There's cameras on every face in the crowd. And the director must just be like, which crazy face do I choose? It's an embarrassment of riches. Because there was this one, he was kind of like, I'm going to assume he was a kind of older, black, gay gentleman. This is completely just based on his...
Starting point is 00:40:50 He didn't seem black to me. But at one point, he was flailing his arms. And then when it cut back to him, he was lying down in between the seats and flailing his arms. They had medics on standby because people go, I think they must pump some sort of gas into the room, like Joker gas. I don't know why the men freak out because 80% of the stuff is
Starting point is 00:41:14 just for women. The men maybe get some macaroons. And they'll go just as apeshit excited for macaroons as they will for a diamond-encrusted watch. Chase yourselves, guys. Guys.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Yeah, it's really something else. I like how everybody knows, especially if it's the favorite things, everybody knows that you're getting everything on the show. Yes. But they won't react until she says, everybody gets one! They'll be like, you know uh i love these macaroons they're my favorite macaroons they're you know encrusted in gold and diamonds you know i think everyone should have some yeah you all get one you know you're getting it and the fact that they and they freak out for everything and like at the beginning they don't give away the
Starting point is 00:42:01 big things yeah so uh like people start freaking out for macaroons when you're like, I bet we're going to get a plasma TV later. It's all foodstuffs. Have you seen the SNL where they make fun of it? Yeah. Yeah, they're flipping around. But that's it. Some people, the look on their face looks like the extrapolated version is their head blowing up and confetti flying out of it.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Like a UHF kind of effect. And then at the three-quarter point of the show, they bring out the black-eyed peas to perform. And if I'm in the crowd, I'm thinking, you know, this is time that could be used to give me stuff. This isn't a gift to me i don't care and do they do they uh retrofit one of their songs to reflect that they're giving away yeah i got a feeling tonight's gonna be a lot of prizes good prices it'll be like cashmere throws it's on a song uh graham what's going on with you buddy uh well i watched that movie with a big boy and andy melodakis uh yeah not too much i gotta admit uh because it's just been just work just working and um yeah there's it snowed in vancouver which is like um christmas in july it's it's uh the city uh sidewalks
Starting point is 00:43:29 dressed in holiday style uh this city shuts down very quickly at any sight of snow i know the trains weren't running this morning oh really because of uh because of the snow the snow the trains which are mostly underground. Or overground. Or overground, yeah. But they have no contact with the ground. They have no contact. So that was weird that they canceled that.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And then that's about it. Like, I haven't... Do you like the snow in Vancouver? I don't like snow. That's why I moved to Vancouver. I'm like a golden girl. I had my time in wherever Blanche was from. St. Olaf.
Starting point is 00:44:13 No, that's Rose. That's Rose, thank you. Blanche, I can only assume, was from New Orleans. Yeah, and Bea Arthur, Italy? Sofia Petrillo was from Petrelli brand olive oil. But yeah, I don't know. I'm not a fan of the snow, although it's not cold here
Starting point is 00:44:33 and the kids on the street are trying to make the most of this slushy snow by throwing slush at each other and making weird slush men that just don't look at anything. You seem like a bit of a snow elitist. Like I like a certain type of snow? No, yeah, like you look down upon us and how we react to the snow.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Oh, yes, indeed. I grew up in a place where you have to have, you know, snow tires put on your car every winter and you have to learn how to drive in the snow and that type of thing. So it's very funny to see a city. Ah, yes, puny humans. Yes, it's funny to see you puny humans Ah, yeah, it's puny humans. Yes, it's funny to see you puny humans run around.
Starting point is 00:45:07 You're a snowtist. Yeah. What does that mean? You're like a racist but with snow. You're a snowtist. In Abbotsford, we have...
Starting point is 00:45:15 It's colder there. So we have... Not the slush. We have the rock hard where you put it on. It's like ice. Yeah. And if you throw it
Starting point is 00:45:23 at someone, you're gonna... Did you say rock hard boner? I totally didn't hear it but then I was like oh I guess that must somebody must have said it somebody must have said rock hard someone said boner
Starting point is 00:45:35 for sure someone said boner and yeah that's about it you know what else has gone on this week politics you know those clowns on parliament fat cats And yeah, that's about it. What else has gone on this week? Politics. Those clowns on Parliament Hill. Fat cats. Fat cats getting their way.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Yeah, that's actually something that's kind of funny. A lot of political stuff went down this week in BC. But the number one story is the snow. Yeah. Two inches of snow it was a very funny news story from ottawa that i thought this was kind of like uh once in a lifetime kind of thing because there was a fire drill on in the parliament buildings and so everybody was outside and it was it was i guess they must have fallen back into that recess mentality where
Starting point is 00:46:25 like we're not in the building so we can just talk about whatever and this one mp was talking about our relations with the united emirates and there was a radio reporter like standing in the crowd that he was talking with and he's like i gotta oh holy shit this guy's like yeah this guy's giving me a scoop uh and yeah then he ran to the phones and filed this report. And then the guy was like, oh. He was wearing an Emirates hat and everything. What? Yeah, it's like something out of a Bonkers. He was an Emirates face?
Starting point is 00:46:59 Yeah, but that's about it. I'm sorry I don't have more to report. Nothing really interesting or awesome has happened. Thanks for showing up. Well, thanks for having me. Lady Gaga. What about her? Lady Gaga would get away with the Hitler stache.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I just thought of. Okay, sure. You think it would be called the Gaga stache? No, she's just crazy enough for her to do it. And then people love her so much that they would copy her style. Almost like the Avril Lavigne ties. Would she bejewel it? Tie with the tank top.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And then they would give it away on Oprah's favorite things. A be the Avril Lavigne ties. Would she bejewel it? Tie with a tank top. And then they would give it away on Oprah's favorite things. A bejeweled Gaga stache? Hitler stache. Well, see, it wouldn't be called the Hitler stache.
Starting point is 00:47:32 You're missing the point of your own recommendation. Fine, the Gaga stache, yes. I think we're really learning the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Do you have anything else you want to talk about
Starting point is 00:47:41 from the first two minutes of the show? Air up there again. Wannabe is the tribe. The Wannabe tribe? The Wannabe. Have you seen Winnebago Man? Did they write that while they were eating sushi?
Starting point is 00:47:56 Pardon me? Have you seen Winnebago Man? No, I want to see it. Is it good? I haven't seen it yet. Oh. No, but Wannabe got me thinking about it. Have you seen the online clip of Winnebago Man?
Starting point is 00:48:07 No, I haven't. I haven't even heard of it. It's this movie about a guy. It's based on a viral clip about this old guy. It's an old clip of a guy giving a tour of a Winnebago, and he just swears his face off. Yeah, and then... Because he keeps screwing up.
Starting point is 00:48:20 A developer wants to own the Winnebago lot he owns, and he challenges them to a game of basketball. Is that right? Do I have the same? That's the right movie, right? It's called The Winnebago Up There. All right. Should we move on to overheards?
Starting point is 00:48:37 Yes. Overheard. Overheards. Things overheard in your life, in our lives, and in the lives of everybody else listening, right? Sure, yeah. It's about life. Yeah, and how to live it without getting hurt. We like to start with the guest, always, in the overheard department.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And, Sonny, if you would... You are the guest. Lead the way. Alright, I got a doozy. Go ahead. I got a doozy go ahead I got a doozy I got a okay here we go
Starting point is 00:49:09 it's a it's a doozy of a doozy I was in the local watering hole cheers yes and I was
Starting point is 00:49:16 just sitting there it's it's pretty close quarters though if you sit up by the bar there's a a table directly behind you
Starting point is 00:49:24 and there was these two people on a date which seemed like it was the first date. Because the guy was showing no interest on what this girl was saying. Yes. Like an episode of Blind Date. Yes. And so there's like thought. Professor says.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah. There's like thought bubbles. Like when is she going to shut up. Right. And he's talking. Or she's talking. Sorry. And I'm just looking straight.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And there's no like I'm waiting for my friend. I don't have any. And then I'm sitting by myself. And and she and she's just like just talking. And all I hear is like, so, you know, it's going good because, you know, I'm a psychic. And as soon as she said that, listen, if anybody's listening and you think you're psychic and everything, and you are, great. Hey, listen, I'm not knocking you. You feel some stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:09 That's great. This girl, however, not psychic at all. And so he says exactly what I would have said, which was, I'm sorry, what? He wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. And she just slipped it in like, oh, by the way, I'm psychic. Like, what happened now? Just saying you were paying attention. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Just sliding down the chimney. And then he's like, oh, why don't you give me a reading? And I'm like, oh, perfect. This is good. And she says, I'm quoting this. This is not me. She says, how old are you abouts? Ooh. First abouts? Ooh.
Starting point is 00:50:46 First, abouts, not a word. And two, like he had to narrow it down to five years. And he's just like, I'm 25. I don't know exactly how old I am. 25. I look, I can play 23. But definitely 25. My agent said I could play an underclassman
Starting point is 00:51:05 and then the very next thing she says excuse me when you were 10 or 13 okay 3 years something happened and he said yes
Starting point is 00:51:21 wow and then what was next oh and then uh what was this oh and then and then uh and then she says uh she says you're gonna go and get into a crossroad in life at 20 or 25 sure right and then he's like okay and then she's like okay you see i'm not making this up he asked a friend that was there like oh can you do him next? And she says, well, you know, I need time because it gets me drained
Starting point is 00:51:49 from reading. Oh, right, right, right. And it's basically, it's like giving me a roofie if I read too many futures. I'll be tired, then I can't play the basketball game for the village. I can't grow a Hitler mustache.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Et cetera. A Gagarin mustache. Can't write your basketball diary. Et cetera. I saw some people doing what I assumed was some kind of weird mystic thing. Maybe, I think it was yesterday. I was on the street downtown. And there are plenty of homeless and homeless-looking people.
Starting point is 00:52:28 And these two were not that. They were just a man and a woman. And they were holding their palms of their hands. Like, he was holding his palms an inch away from her palms. And she was, like, shaking her palms. And, like, she was sort of shaking all over and they were sort of not quite yelling but speaking loudly to each other in an eastern european language and it was terrifying yeah it sounds like uh what was that what was that movie uh drag me to hell oh right yeah um the word dominus came up a lot uh dave do you have
Starting point is 00:53:09 an overheard i do uh this is one uh um i don't know if every city has this but in vancouver there are people uh who will at certain intersections when you're waiting at the light people will come out and wash the windows of your car and they're they're um and then you you're supposed to give them a loony or i mean hey easy you give them some money for it yes but more often than not you wave them away and tell them please don't do that uh and uh i was at a corner i was waiting for a bus and uh there was a dad with two kids and he was waiting for a bus they were all waiting for a bus with me and uh this uh squeegee guy goes out into the street i didn't know they were around anymore yeah of course oh good for them
Starting point is 00:53:59 and uh he started washing this guy's window and the kid that was waiting for the bus with the dad was so curious about this. What is this? What's going on here? Who is this guy? And he's asking his dad all these questions like so if he does it, does he have to pay him for that? And then the dad's like
Starting point is 00:54:20 yeah, usually. And then the kid just yells out at the guy as he runs out to a car. Poo on him! Oh man, yeah, usually. And then the kid just yells out at the guy as he runs out to a car, poo on him! Oh, man, that's horrible. And I don't know if he meant the squeegee guy or the guy in the driver. Yeah, I saw a weird thing actually just today when I was taking the train home. I saw a group of guys, and I don't know if this is a thing that kids
Starting point is 00:54:46 have decided is a thing they're going to do, but they barked at a homeless guy. I don't like that one. Neither did I either, but they seemed to think it was the height of hilarity. I mean, I don't like it, but it is pretty funny. But I just think
Starting point is 00:55:02 if that's a new thing, kids, cut it out. Knock it off. That's not a good new thing. Don't even bark at a dog. What if they were listening to DMX? It doesn't matter. You've got iPods and iPads and all these great things we didn't have.
Starting point is 00:55:15 What if they were listening to music? They weren't. On their iPad. There's no way they were listening to iPads. Have you seen the aggressive squeegee guys that just, you just stop at a red light and they're already washing your windshield and you're like, oh, I didn't say yes or no. Yeah, I didn't consent.
Starting point is 00:55:31 But then you just, yeah, you explain to them a contract and what it consists of and then you don't give them any money. You go, we did not have any sort of... I didn't do the head nod, I didn't do the wave finger over to them. I didn't put on my windshield wipers to knock you away. And then they bark at you.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Am I homeless? No. No, guys, come on. Let's help the homeless, especially in this season of giving. November. Yeah. Of giving thanks in America. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Giving thanks for and to America. Graham, do you have an overheard? I kind of do. I didn't really hear all of the details of this. This was a phone call that was made on one of the public phones at work. And it was a guy losing his shit on whoever was on the other end. And I could hear it all the way down the hallway. And this public phone is right next to the vending machines uh and he was uh he's screaming into the phone and uh the all that i really got of it was
Starting point is 00:56:32 kind of like a you know like i don't give a shit if he said this i'm gonna say that like it was he was running scenarios and then as soon as i walked in the room, like yelling. And then the second I walked in the room, he's like, and I was just way down. It was very cute. And I'm going to murder you. Roof. So, yeah, speaking of guys acting like bulliesies last week we talked quite extensively about bullies on the podcast and somebody sent in a thing where they had remember i said i was trying to track down a bully uh from your from your from my from my youth yeah like i was kind of curious in that
Starting point is 00:57:19 way that like you'll go on facebook to see like uh you know girl you have a crush on or something what are they up to now? I was similarly interested in the bullies. And this gentleman, Michael D., sent in, like, he knew what happened to all the bullies. All of them went to jail. At your school? No, this is his bullies. His personal.
Starting point is 00:57:39 But, yeah, he tracked them down. Is he a cop? No, he just... Because he sent them to jail, then. You know, there was a guy named Christos. That seems like a name you would have had to become a smuggler. Yeah, or at least someone who could summon demons. Christos, John, and Jimmy. But yeah, anyways, they all went to a jail.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And one of them led the cops in a high speed chase Oh good Well at least he led them That's right he was a Leo A born leader I was thinking about that And it really bothers me when people say Oh I was bullied in high school
Starting point is 00:58:17 Because I know I was picked on in high school And there were bullies But I wouldn't say I was bullied In the way that I'm going to kill myself. Yes, yes. The bullies at my school spread it around. Yeah, well, sure. You went to a nicer, you went to more of an egalitarian high school.
Starting point is 00:58:37 But I also feel like a lot of people embellish it. Oh, sure, yeah. Or remember it wrong. Well, yeah, but bullies are bullies but yeah and i think at that at that age whenever it was i think that was like huge for them like if it happened now right if someone was like hey nice beard gram you'd be like get out yeah get out of here what should i do bark at him what do i do in this scenario bark right but if like someone said like you know to me like hey nice teeth i'll be like i i know but you coach you coach like a basketball team of
Starting point is 00:59:09 youths right like of teenagers is that right and like is that ever are there bullies do they have problems with bullies is that i mean it's still happening i know it's still happening but um are these kids all right yeah it tends uh to be I don't know Just like from my experiences If you're on a sport team You're pretty much okay What if you're on the badminton team? You're still with a group of people Oh because you've got a gang
Starting point is 00:59:34 And you've got a weapon And you have a racket And a shuttlecock Now I'm confused about what bullying is Like if I say nice beard or nice teeth Sarcastically Because that is that is also what I would do. Am I a bully? Sort of.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Well, I think it's if you're in a higher position and you're picking on somebody in a lower position, either physically or economically or mentally. Yeah. Mentally. Mentally. The four pillars or mentally. Mentally. You're too tall of a person, I think, to have been bullied. I went to a... Oh, that's something on Maury Povich.
Starting point is 01:00:17 That's like, oh, I was bullied because I was so skinny. What? Well, if you're really skinny. People pick on fat people. People skinny people pick on fat people people don't pick on skinny people i uh i went to uh predominantly white elementary school ah and then yeah and then in the second grade i moved to a predominantly east indian elementary school and i'm like there's more of us yeah i had no idea right and then And then, and so like, you know, it's like hard adjusting. Plus I had like,
Starting point is 01:00:48 I hadn't grown into my teeth yet, still haven't. Right? It was like, it was weird. Like first, but like, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:55 I got into, I think being in ethnicity, especially like a majority ethnicity. Yeah. It's, it's quite easier. But I, yeah, there's been times where it was,
Starting point is 01:01:02 it was picked on, but then that's, that's when I learned, I'm like, oh, okay, you just make fun of people. Yeah then it's and it's okay right like yeah and then so i learned how to pick fun of myself first before anybody else could and that's why the final scene in eight mile yeah yeah right yeah now have you ever been to uh like telling people something
Starting point is 01:01:20 they don't know about me yeah have you ever been to a fair or a like a rap fair no oh or like somewhere are you like it was fair yes f-a-r-e it was fair i'm not sure you did this thing in the beginning yeah but you you did it wrong like a county fair no that doesn't exist here but uh we don't have counties but like uh or maybe some kind of tourist attraction where there's a guy doing caricatures because i'm not good at necessarily picking that out about like i wouldn't have known if a caricature artist would be like okay start with the teeth go big teeth yeah i wouldn't have known unless you said people make fun of your teeth. Because I am a better person than most people. He has a big smile though.
Starting point is 01:02:10 I would consider it a toothy grin. Yeah, shit-eating. Those teeth. It is toothy. But that's what a caricaturist would do. You wrote that in Vancouver. It's awesome. I did. Yeah, toothy. Because you do. You have a toothy grin. I do have a toothy grin.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Now, speaking of that, we have some overheards sent in by listeners. Bumpers. If you want to send them in yourself, you can send them in to And I say speaking of that because this first one has to do with drawing people. It's from Elaine H. This is an overseen from Edmonton last weekend. I thought it was very apropos of some of your early riffs on street artists who seem to only know how to draw Scarface, Marilyn Monroe, and Bob Marley.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Finally, the truth has revealed itself as to why all their canon of drawings are the same, and it's a sign in front of the community center that says, learn how to draw famous people. So there you go. I think that's why your street character artists all have the... And Tupac. Yeah. Oh, Tupac.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Very big. Whoever's the latest Batman. Is there a pause between latest and Batman? Or whoever's the latest Batman? Yeah. Whoever's the latest, you know, Batman. Yeah, Batman. Like, Tupac is the Batman.
Starting point is 01:03:30 No, like... Yeah, no, I get it. You have Val Kilmer's chin with Batman's face. Yeah, exactly. Christian Bale's chin with Batman's face. Exactly. Adam West's chin. Just a chin.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Just a chin. Guess that chin. This next one comes from Rebecca in Michigan. Ooh, exotic. It's shaped like a mitten. Is it really? Well, Michigan's got two parts, but one of them is shaped like a mitten. I like it.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I was on the bus the other day and overheard two women engaged in the following conversation. Woman one, I hear you're getting a tattoo. Woman two, yeah, I am. Woman one, I hear you're getting a tattoo. Woman two, yeah I am. Woman one, what's it going to be of? Woman two, a queen's crown because I'm a queen and that's how I deserve to be treated. You're on the bus, remember? Woman one, where are you getting it?
Starting point is 01:04:18 Woman two, my left butt cheek. Your Highness. I deserve to be treated by one person at a time. And by chairs. In a very intimate situation. Wow. Another thing that we talked about last week was knockoff toys. Somebody a great photo of a uh thing that was called king of the rings that was all uh lord of the rings bodies with stormtrooper heads yeah
Starting point is 01:04:52 wow pretty good that's awesome uh you you surely you've uh perused the dollar store and seen the uh the knockoff still still to this day oh yeah sure you hang out in the toy section? Yeah. You know? This final... This final overhead comes from Jason N. Jason N. Walking into Ikea, I hear a lady leaving,
Starting point is 01:05:19 grousing to her companions, I thought the food would be better. Really? People do rave about the food, I thought the food would be better. Really? People do rave about the food at Ikea, though. Is it just the meatballs that people rave about? Because I've had the pizza, and it's not that great. The hot dogs. I mean, you can't screw up hot dogs, but like...
Starting point is 01:05:36 Oh, hey, yes you can. For 50 cents, though, it was pretty good. Yeah, exactly. You're raving about it. I don't want to say raving, but they were unbelievable. People do get excited. Like, we're going to Ikea. Oh, I hope.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Let's time it so we can go to the cafeteria. Yeah, that's true. People do get excited about really dumb stuff. Is there two cafeterias? Is there like a restaurant and a cafeteria? There is a cafeteria, and then on the way out, there's the one in Richmond, anyway. There's the hot dog stand that also has uh um ice cream yeah yeah so so there's a hot dog stand and then there's
Starting point is 01:06:10 hot and cold yes okay makes sense like that because i always see these signs for like this like they make it look gourmet yeah but then right on the bottom is like three dollars or whatever it is and then you have to put your food together yourself, right guys? What's this? How lanky? Sweet. Hey guys, it's called a flurmph. Pretty good. Good riff, guys. Good riff. Ikea up there.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Actually, you know what bothers me a bit about Ikea is that they in some departments and I know there's a lot of things it's a rich tapestry Oh yeah, there's a plethora of things you could not like. A plethora. But I don't think anyone's ever made fun of this
Starting point is 01:06:54 yet. Oh, go ahead. They will have a picture and a signature autograph by the person who designed Oh, I've not seen that. That flower pot. Oh, I've not seen that. I haven't either. That flower pot? Oh, okay. That's some weird Swedish celebrity worship.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Well done, Gunther. I think Michael Jordan's mustache is from Ikea. That's why he hasn't put the rest together yet. We also have... Too many callbacks from this guy. Too many of the same callbacks. Yeah, it is. Yours is about the mustache again.
Starting point is 01:07:26 True. We also have overheards that have been called in by you, people with phones. Yeah. And if you would like to call in an overheard, we're just calling to say hello. Yeah, whatever. We call to say you love us. It's 206-339-8328. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:45 That's not my number, though. No, that's not my number, though. You are a bully. Whatever you say, big tooth. Hey, guys. It's Becca in Houston. This morning at the farmer's market, I overheard someone say, if I brought in a machete do you think
Starting point is 01:08:06 that guy would sharpen it or would that be too scary? Now keep in mind that I want to wear my hockey mask. Have you seen Machete yet? No, I haven't seen Machete. Have you seen it? What movie? Machete.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Oh no, I haven't yet. Sonny, have you seen the movie that Graham will now say? Machete. No, I have not yet. Alright, let's have a discussion about it. It's all me back in one week. I think if you're in the city, there's only one thing you're using a machete for.
Starting point is 01:08:39 A what? A machete. A machete. And it's for violence. Because there's no vines in the city sure is that machetes are something you use for jungle trundling yes trundling is the great word
Starting point is 01:08:54 I don't think that's even what that means jungle trundle I would watch a show called jungle trundle yeah starting bonkers I was going to say but what if you just had a big pineapple yeah or a big thing full of coconut
Starting point is 01:09:10 yeah and then you just needed a so you would have to go in with your machete and your bag of pineapple yeah you just like had you just like man this whole week I'm eating pineapple and you're wearing some sort of straw hat
Starting point is 01:09:24 to really make it seem like you're on like your girlfriend was really insisting that you yeah or you're yeah one of those street vendors
Starting point is 01:09:31 in Southeast Asia who sells oh yeah did she say she was from Southeast Asia yeah she was she was at the farmer's market
Starting point is 01:09:36 in Southeast Asia yeah yeah it's set up in the parking lot of a community center that's what the one here is yeah
Starting point is 01:09:43 there's a houston in southeast asia yeah yeah did she say where she was yeah houston houston sri lanka is where she was from sri lanka's not in southeast asia it's india's teardrop you should know that i do know that yeah that one that's not always the east that. Well, don't do any riffs on that tonight at the wedding. Yeah. During your speech. Hey, Graham and Dave and potential guests. This is Charlie calling from Manhattan.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I just walked out of a Starbucks with a pretty good overheard that was sent to me. I was sitting at this big table working on a short story that was due for class at the Starbucks that's open until 1 a.m. and there's this guy hanging out at the table and he's got kind of like long lanky hair and is wearing like two rings on each finger and is just bugging the shit out of everyone. He's telling everyone he's a computer genius. And he actually turns to a guy sitting behind him who's trying to talk to him, the only person in the cafe who's trying to talk to him,
Starting point is 01:10:47 and he just looks at him and says, dude, I'm way out of your league. But then as I'm getting up, he's telling me about my, I have this old 12-inch Mac laptop, and he's telling me what a good machine it is and how I need to take good care of it. And he really just wants to have a conversation with me, but I'm like so tired.
Starting point is 01:11:05 I'm trying to head out. And as I'm heading out, he's like, dude, look at this. And he turns his computer screen around. There's a girl in a green dress on top of a gold Vespa. And all I can think to say is, great, girl on a Vespa. I've got to love it. He's like, do you know how many of those Vespas there are in the world? One. And I said, oh, great. And I'm trying to get out of there without just telling him to fuck off. And he says, hey, have you heard of me? I was like, what's your name? He says, American photographer.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I had 22 million views. I said, nope, and I left. All right, guys, thanks a lot. Wow. I would have told him to fuck off. That would have been my way. He's way more polite. I don't think I've ever told that to a person. I want to see that Vespa.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Well, there's only one. I'm sure he's a Flickr photographer. Oh, is that what it is? That he has 22 million views on a thing? I assume that's what it is. I'm an American photographer. That's the one thing about internet fame, is the second it's outside of the internet,
Starting point is 01:12:08 it loses 98% of its power. Aren't you so happy when someone has heard of this show? Oh, it's great! It's the greatest, Dave! When somebody comes up and says, I love the podcast, it makes my whole week. And you don't have to explain to someone else. Or the worst is when you're with someone else
Starting point is 01:12:24 and you do have to explain it.'s like we talk into microphones it's dumb but yeah it's it is uh it does show the the sliding scale of internet fame unless you're uh i don't know i can't even think of anybody well Well, the thing about being a photographer, internet or otherwise, there's only like three famous photographers in the world. Peter Parker. Yeah. Spider-Man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:55 And Mary James. Mary James LaChapelle. Mary James Boydman. Oh, sadly. What's the same joke and this one it was called in by uh
Starting point is 01:13:12 uh Abby my girlfriend oh hey hey there it is so uh is it fiance now no
Starting point is 01:13:17 it is but that's obnoxious oh really isn't it why why let's is there a term that you would prefer
Starting point is 01:13:24 uh I would rather not. Soon to be baby's mama? She's not pregnant? Soon to be. When is she going to get pregnant? Turn your back. I don't know. Dave's eyes just went wide.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I've never seen that before. And no, there's no. Hey, guys. Thanks for having me. I'm never going to be back here again. Well, you don't know that. No, no, Dave. His eyes. He's going to kill me with his machete.
Starting point is 01:13:50 141 episodes. You're back in another... Yeah, Abby called. That's awesome. Let's listen to it. Yeah, let's listen to that. Hello, Stop Podcasting Yourself friends. It's Abby calling.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I'm just out walking the dog and I haven't overheard. I asked him to walk the dog in a neighborhood park just around the outside and it's about 4 o'clock so it's after school and there's three girls sitting on a bench. They're maybe 8th grade max and they were all talking about ethnicities and different
Starting point is 01:14:19 dick sizes and they're talking about, okay, wait. Who's got a smaller dick? Chinese people or Indian people? Wait. I heard Indian guys can't use their regular condoms because their dicks
Starting point is 01:14:31 are so small. No way, our Chinese dicks are super small too. And I guess they're just going to have to grow up and find out.
Starting point is 01:14:40 That's the only way. They're going to have to see as many dicks as possible. Sonny, could you carry a shed light on them Yeah let's Let's do this No let's not do this
Starting point is 01:14:49 I've never seen An Asian man's penis I've never seen Any man's penis Really You've never been to a gym Locker room No
Starting point is 01:14:57 I mean in person I've never seen A man's penis But I've seen them In holograms Like when you get A certificate of authenticity As a in holograms. Like when you get a certificate of authenticity, it has a little hologram. Yeah, like a credit card with a man's penis on it.
Starting point is 01:15:13 I gotcha. Okay, so we have... Those were all our overheards, but we have one more phone call that I think you'll be interested in. Oh, no doubt. It is. Do you remember the Spider-Man musical we've been talking about? Oh, yes. At length. This pertains to that. Oh, I doubt. It is. Do you remember the Spider-Man musical we've been talking about? Oh, yes. At length. This pertains to that.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Oh, I'm excited. Hey, Dave and Graham. It's William from Chicago. I heard you guys talking about the Spider-Man musical on Broadway this past episode, and I want to let you know that I am going to the very first preview performance on Sunday, very first preview performance on Sunday, the 28th of November, because a friend is a part of the production. What? I don't want to say how, but he is.
Starting point is 01:15:54 So I'm going to the very first preview. So I just wanted to offer my correspondence as a bumper to give you the insight on what the show is like. It's the very first preview, so things could go terribly wrong or terribly well, so we'll see how Bono and the Edges music is. But yeah, if you guys want,
Starting point is 01:16:16 I will definitely write you or call you back to let you know how it is. Yes, please. Talk to you later. Yes, call back. Yes, call back. Yeah, you are our correspondent William from Chicago
Starting point is 01:16:26 That's amazing And he said it could go terribly wrong or terribly well I don't think things go terribly well It would be terribly well If there was a lot of English people there Oh that was terribly well Hello what's this I saw photos they released photos
Starting point is 01:16:42 Of the Oh they finally released them Yes They I saw photos. They released photos of the... Oh, they finally released them? Yes. They're holding the moustache? Yes. Of the costumes and some kind of promo shots. And Spider-Man looks like Spider-Man. But the Green Goblin looks like he is on loan from the Lion King production.
Starting point is 01:17:04 He's one of the giraffes? Yes. Or from The Wicked, the musical. For a guy who loves musicals, I hate musicals. But yes, please, William from Chicago, when you've seen it, give us a call.
Starting point is 01:17:22 I wish that we had back and forth phone technology so that we could actually talk to William and ask questions. Because I imagine I will have so many questions. Maybe there's some way we can do that. Is there a possibility? Okay. Who knows what the future holds? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:38 But thank you for that phone call. And thank you for all the phone calls. If you want to call, again, the number is 206-339-8328. And how do we feel about this so far? Pretty good? Oh, Dave doesn't like it at all. Huge thumbs down. But only one thumb down. He didn't give both down.
Starting point is 01:17:55 So I assume it's... It's good enough. A lot of the episodes I've given one thumb down. Understood. I think, yeah, we're ready to wrap it up. Sonny, do you have anything that you want to plug that's coming up in the next
Starting point is 01:18:07 couple of weeks? Performances anywhere? Yeah, December 16th. Is that too far? Nope. December 16th, 17th, 18th. I'm co-headline, co-featuring
Starting point is 01:18:16 for the first time ever. Oh, wow. Where at? At the Comedy Mix. At the Comedy Mix Barrage Street. Co-headline or co-featuring? Oh, like co-headline, but they still call it co-featuring? Oh, like co-headline.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Okay. But they still call it co-featuring. Who's your co? Kyle Bottom. Kyle Bottom. Very funny young man. Very, very funny. Been on the show before.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Yes. So that's, sorry, what are the dates on that again? 16, 17, 18. Of December. Comedy Mix in Vancouver. And if people want to find you online, where should they go? On Twitter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Sunny D Comedy, Sunny D Comedy Sunny D Comedy S-U-N-N-E-E S-U-N-Y-Y S-U-N, just Sunny S-U-N-N-Y D Comedy Is that how you spell your name?
Starting point is 01:18:57 No, S-U-N-E-E is how you spell my name Okay, so that's why it's confusing So people were getting too confused I'm like, you know what, I'll just do the normal Sunny way And then It's confusing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So people were getting too confused. I'm like, you know what? I'll just do the normal Sonny way. Yeah. Fair enough. And then And that's where you can find out future dates, watch videos. And watch, just look at the horrible website that I have right now.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Your tribute to bonkers is on there. My bonkers is going to be there. Yeah, I'll blog. I'll blog about bonkers. And I'll try to find some bonkers clips. And yeah, you know what? Do you have a blog on your website? I do, I just don't do anything on it.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Well, you probably shouldn't, because most comedian webpages, they just put a blog on there and then it's the worst. But when they update it, it's awful. Yeah, right now it's Go See My Friend Daryl Lennox at the Vogue October 2nd is what's on my first webpage. Oh, there you go. At least it's from 2010. It's true. my friend Daryl Lennox at the Vogue October 2nd is what's on my first front page. At least it's from 2010. It's true. I promise I'll do that. You'll write about bonkers. That's all the reason you need to go.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And my top five basketball movies. I'll do that. That sounds great. I want to read that. I'll tell you why they're good. And then your top five worst they're good. I like it. And then your top five worst ones. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Boom. Diaries. Theodore Rex. Yeah. Juana Man. Oh, Juana Man. The Eleventh Man. Wasn't that the one where there was a ghost on the TV? That was called Sixth Man.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Sixth Man, sorry. Because there's a... Twelve Angry Men. That was a good one, though. Sixth Man was good. Who plays the ghost? Sean Wayne. Not sure, but Sean Wayne was the... Oh, that's the ghost not sure but Sean Wayans
Starting point is 01:20:26 oh that's the one I was thinking of Sean Wayans was Stifler right Dave do you have anything you want to promote let's see actually it looks like on Friday mornings I will be on the CBC Radio
Starting point is 01:20:43 you can listen to me host a music show from 7 to 8 on And what's the name of the show? It's called The Shumka Chunk. Is it? Oh, wow. Nice. Nice.
Starting point is 01:20:54 I like it. No one can steal it from me. The Shumka Chunk. And so I think that, yeah, I think it will be from, for the not too distant future anyway, Friday mornings 7 to 8 Pacific. And anybody outside of the country, you can log on to, I think. No, will do it for you. We'll take you where you need to go.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Yeah, because it's not a terrestrial radio station. It's only online and serious. It's Extra Treks. Right? Right. And myself, a lot of people have been, a lot of buzz going on about these beard paintings. And I'm going to make it happen. I just, I'm working all the way through this week.
Starting point is 01:21:31 And at the end of the week, I'll have nothing but time to put together these. And I'm going to do, they're going to be watercolor. And all money, all proceeds go to charity. So I'll make a post when I'm officially starting them up. I'll make a post on on the forums. Oh, yeah. Also, check our blogs on And check out our...
Starting point is 01:21:51 I can guarantee you this, the recap for this episode... We'll have bonkers. It will have... Michael Jordan with a mustache. Yeah. It'll be Maximum Fun. Michigan shaped like a mitten. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Probably that picture of Whoopi Goldberg and the dinosaur. Yeah. Doing it. From the sex scene. Deleted. But you can get it on Blu-ray. You can get it on hologram. Hitler stash?
Starting point is 01:22:14 Will it have Hitler stash? Probably. All right. Gaga stash, right? I'm not going to do any photoshopping of a Gaga stash. And yeah, you should check out That's where our brother podcasts Jordan, Jesse Go
Starting point is 01:22:28 and Sound of Young America are and also how did we become the sister? because we are little girlies for sure yeah
Starting point is 01:22:37 and their new podcast Judge John Hodgman yeah which is very funny and I highly recommend and I fully intend on listening to it. Also, don't forget your debaters.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I don't know if you want to plug that. No, I don't. Because it's not going to be on for ages. Well, then forget it. Yeah, we'll just cut that out. I'm not going to. Of course. But if you like the show, please
Starting point is 01:23:02 do tell your friends. And thanks for all the correspondence from all the people who have sent us very nice emails and listen next week to another wintry episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself Thank you.

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