Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 181 - Cam MacLeod

Episode Date: September 6, 2011

Cam MacLeod returns to talk about all we can eat, blog spam, and avoiding Craigslist murder....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 181 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is the Sarah Jewel to my Muji bar, Mr. Dave Shumka. They were regular people that Dave Letterman used to make fun of. They owned a convenience store or a souvenir shop?
Starting point is 00:00:42 I feel like it was like a clothing shop. Yeah, yeah. They sold like, I love New York. No, well, I don't know. Maybe they sold suits. They wore suits. They did wear suits. Hmm. Write to us, everybody who has an idea of what they are, please. No, Dave's shaking his head no. I was being sarcastic. And our guest today, who hasn't been here since episode 1996, is what you were saying, right? That was a guess. Yeah. A very funny comedian, one of the organizers of the forthcoming Olio Festival, star and writer of... Now I forget the title of the movie again.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Steel Viper Force. Steel Viper Force, Fiero's... Redemption. Redemption. I want to say revenge, but it's redemption. Redemption. He redeems himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 In the prequel, he avenged something. He avenges something, then he revenges it, then he redeems. Oh, no, in the prequel, he pre-venges it. Oh, yeah, he knows that something bad's going to happen. Oh, the prequel should be called Fiero's Pre... Prevention pre-venge redemption uh mr cam mcleod is our guest hello did i get all the credits i feel i obviously i mangled fiero's redemption that's all right that's uh that was great steel viper force fiero's redemption it's a bit of a long
Starting point is 00:02:02 title yeah but it's uh and's delicious. And it's a movie in the works. It's being produced and funded at the same time. Yes. We're raising funds for it as we're filming it. We just filmed... That's how Jaws was made. Not a lot of people know that. Really? Tooth by tooth.
Starting point is 00:02:19 That's a lie. We're gonna need a bigger boat line was more of like... No, literally, we're going to need a bigger boat line. So please support us financially. Hey, guys, do you want to get to know us? Sure. Get to know us.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Now, Cam, Dave was mentioning that you're fundraising for this project, but it's not on Kickstarter. It's on another website. It's on Indiegogo indiegogo what's the difference okay so uh indiegogo is exactly like kickstarter you go on there you can raise funds for any sort of projects that you want to do um but the main difference with indiegogo is when you raise money you don't have to make it to your goal to get that money. So our goal is we're trying to raise $10,000. But if we only raise, say, $2,000, we get that $2,000 still. And it's not like, sorry, not that many people like you.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You get no money. Oh, I see. Okay. All right. Well, that's fun to get some money. And you've already shot a short. We've shot, we just, we're finishing shooting the short. This Sunday is our last shooting day,
Starting point is 00:03:30 and that short is kind of the first act of the movie. Yeah. And it ends on a cliffhanger. Sure. You better believe it's a cliffhanger. And then we need more funds to film. But what does it start with? Act two and three.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It has a homeless guy. The very first face you see is Graham Clark's beautiful, beautiful face. Homeless-ing it up. Homeless-ing it up, walking in front of train tracks. That's right. It's a bit of a nod to Hobo with a Shotgun. A little bit, yeah. And I'm wearing slippers in an area that wasn't combed that well for needles.
Starting point is 00:04:04 True enough. And some cut-off sweatpants shorts that say volleyball on the ass. That's right. You've played a homeless guy before, is that right? Yes, that is correct. In two other projects. This is my third homeless. Do you feel you're being typecast?
Starting point is 00:04:19 I feel like I'm inviting the typecastness. I'm like a Louise Guzman. I'm sure no i'm oh he's always going to be playing a mexican yeah he's that guy yes um you never see him in a period drama sure although that would be the greatest of all of them pride and prejudice pride and Pride and Prejudice and Puerto Ricans Now Cam let's get off
Starting point is 00:04:52 this whole industry talk You're so much more than just All this business The criticism of this show is that we're too Hollywood I understand you ate a lot of meat today I got some serious meat sweats going on right now. Where did
Starting point is 00:05:10 you eat this meat? At Shabusan. Okay. That's a Mongolian grill? I believe it's a Korean barbecue. All you can eat. With sushi. With a little sushi on the side. No, it's mostly, like, everything on the menu is sushi like there's
Starting point is 00:05:25 only like three things you can barbecue yeah no well there's a lot of meat well there's meat that you can barbecue yeah it's like yeah it's like a lot of sushi uh tapas uh everything's like you order like one you get a single thing but the meat you order one and you get as me and my friend found out we're like yeah we'll get one of this, two of this. All this stuff showed up, and it was beautiful. And then we're like, we'll have two of these meats and two lambs. Two lambs? We'll have two full lambs and a cow. That's pretty much what it looked like they brought.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It was just like four bowls just filled to the brim of raw meat for us to grill. just filled to the brim of raw meat for us to grill. And we took this as a challenge and just took the bowls and dumped them upside down onto the grill. Now, I'm going to stop you right there because I've never been to this place and I am confused by what you are saying right now. Okay. Was this your first time there?
Starting point is 00:06:18 No, no, no, no. I've only been once before about two years ago and I vowed never to go back. Vow broken. Fiero's redemption. But there's places you go to each table or if you sit at the bar each seat has its own
Starting point is 00:06:34 open pit flame cooker barbecue. Yeah, there's a little barbecue in the middle. So it's like a fondue-esque like you have to do a lot of work before you can eat. Cook your own meat. Watch it cook.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Flip it over a couple times. Here's some chicken. If you're not good at cooking chicken, get ready to get sick. If you're not good at cooking it. Now, is that fun? Is it fun to go to a place and cook? I used to go there all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And then why did you stop? So many food poisonings? I can't eat that much anymore. Really? Yeah. You've got an iron constitution and you can eat it super fast. Yeah, I can eat really fast. But I used to just be able to like pounds and pounds of food.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But now it's like after six o'clock, I am stuffed. And you haven't even eaten, but it's six o'clock i am stuffed oh and you haven't even eaten but it's six o'clock that's the time when my stomach closes and what what does what does the meat come out at six or what's the correlation to six o'clock oh no that's just me oh okay six o'clock is your cut off for food uh but like uh uh yeah it's a good place to go if you, in my college days, bring a bunch of young poor guys. It's like an all-you-can-eat. Yeah, sure, sure. And then kind of challenge each other.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Is it the thing where you, like, because they have some places where you pick out stuff and then it's by weight? Like they weigh it? No, no, no. That's Mongoli Grill. Okay, I've been to that. Yeah. But they cook it for you at the Mongolia Grill. That's what I like about the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:08:08 They cook it for you at the Mongolia Grill. With those big wands. They have like the two big wands and they're always slapping them down. Did you say wands? They have like these long wooden wands. That's spelled W-O-N-D. Whoa, Asian things. Okay. It's really weird. Racists? Dave? Is that spelled W-O-N-D? Whoa, Asian things. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:25 It's really weird. Racist? Dave? But like unsuccessfully so. Yeah. I meant to say wands like W-O-N and then I added a D on the end and I fucked it up. W-O-N-G-D? But the Mongoli Grill has a lot of things like the Shavu Sunware after eating there
Starting point is 00:08:46 because it's all you could eat or like fill this giant bowl with as much stuff as possible. Yeah, yeah. You want to get your fill. Afterwards, you feel terrible. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's about like an hour long. It's like if a choo-choo train hits the hill and you start chugging up that hill with digestion.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And then when you get to the top, you come slamming down the other side of the mountain with a trip to the bathroom. Oh, I understand. I understand how the intestines work. came into the podcast recording area and threw at dave and i two coasters from uh notorious vancouver strip club the number five orange yeah i've never been to the number five orange the only thing i know about it well it's in in uh canada's poorest neighborhood the downtown east side and featuring canada's poorest strippers remember that show that reality show that never did yeah canada's poorest strippers canada canada's next poorest stripper um uh and the other thing i know about it is bon jovi named their album slippery when wet uh from a sign at the number five or is that right yeah because uh
Starting point is 00:10:01 girls girls girls was written at uh marbleble Arch. No, the Cobalt. Oh, the Cobalt. You heard Marble Arch? Because that's why they have the Girls, Girls, Girls sign at the Cobalt. Oh, okay. Either way, we could both agree that Girls, Girls, Girls was written in Vancouver about Vancouver's trickle. I had no idea about Slippery When Wet. That's, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Girls, Girls, Girls is Motley Crue. Oh, yeah. What did I say? Nothing. I was just asking. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they're Motley Crue. And then yeah. What did I say? Nothing. I was just asking. Oh, yeah. Yeah. They're Motley Crue.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And then didn't Ben Affleck fuck a stripper here? Brandy's. Yeah. Yeah, Brandy's. That's right. That was when he was with Jennifer DeLopez. Jennifer DeLopez. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:36 George Lopez. Jennifer. George. Lopez. So you went to a strip club. You had a big day. You ate a lot of meat. You went to a strip club You had a big day You ate a lot of meat You went to a strip club
Starting point is 00:10:46 I had a very big day I was hanging out with an old friend Is that like slang for heroin? I was hanging out with an old friend I got a little cloudy He spent all my money I was hanging out with an old friend Who I haven't seen and uh we went out
Starting point is 00:11:06 for some drinks and then we were parking his car uh that sounds bad yeah we we okay i'll do the steering wheel you do the pedals we will both park this car then we're only half as liable but we had one drink and then parked his car and we're like, all right, we're being responsible. And what's the next most responsible thing to do? Go into a strip club at 2 p.m. Oh, gross. And yeah, it was horrifying. It was horrifying.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Walked in. It just went from like, oh, it's a beautiful sunny day out to just like, I'm in like a scene from Carlito's Way. Oh, it's so dead you're just so dark and there's like black lights on and there's like just like a couple weird like shadowy figures in the corner the most shadowy of shadowy and uh and we like sat down and uh had one beer and it was just really awkward yeah and then like the small asian man who like runs the kitchen came over and he's like would you like something to eat it's like no i don't want anything to eat he's like well i'll see you later at the mongolia wherever you're going i'll see you at jebuson
Starting point is 00:12:12 i always get my money yeah but uh we got out of there yeah very quickly it's really seedy yeah does it smell bad still like smells like smells like, you know, stale beer. You know what? I don't think I was doing it on purpose, but I was probably just breathing out of my mouth. Just like out of... Had you... So, you didn't go to Shabu-San until after the number five. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Number five, then... You're going to want to go to the strip club on an empty stomach. Yeah. You don't want to be going there... Going there with the meat sweats. With meat sweats. That's their top billed dancer this week there with the meat sweats with meat sweats that's their uh top bill dancer this week yeah meat sweats uh gross completely completely i went there i worked
Starting point is 00:12:54 on a film that was shooting there so they had like uh it was cleaned up a bit but it was they were filming there for the gross quality of the bar, so they didn't clean up any of the grossness, just cleaned off the stools that the actors were sitting on. Okay, sorry. Cleaned off the stools? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:18 The actors left? They're like dogs that way. So you've had a great day, it sounds like. top-notch and i was i was i was really excited to come and do this and then on the sky train with the meat sweats i got a little drowsy but then i sped sped walked over here, and now I'm just feeling like a million dollars. Everything's kicked back into gear. Yeah, and now I'm on this delightful couch. If you guys could see me out there,
Starting point is 00:13:51 I am laid back. I feel like there should be a fan on me and some grapes being fed. Yeah, yeah. Well, you look like you're having the time of your life. And I'm glad that you guys don't mind this open robe.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I'm cool with it. I mean, we were hesitant for sound quality, but it seems like it's working out okay. It catches a lot of your vowels. Now, Dave, what's been shaking with you? I feel like we've barely scratched
Starting point is 00:14:19 the surface. Are you kidding me? We went all over this city with Camaclava. Yeah, be a tourist in your own town. Yeah. We went to the grossest strip club and he had the grossest meal and now he feels gross. I do want to say that Shabu-sen,
Starting point is 00:14:40 I have only happy memories of going there. Yeah. Just filling up, it was so great, everyone would look I have only happy memories of going there. Just filling up. It was so great. Everyone would look forward to it so much. And it got to the point where we had such a short memory about how full we would get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And so every time we were there, we were like, okay, next time we have to bring Tupperware. Oh, no, but there's a thing that's on the menu. It's like no doggy bag. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No take home. Oh, yeah. Well, no. You would bring a secret.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yes, secret Tupperware. Large purse. Yeah, exactly. Because if you don't finish it, they charge you for it. So you need to know your limitations. Oh, see, you didn't tell me that there's like a game charge you for it. So it's... What? You need to know your limitations. Oh, see, you didn't tell me that there's like a game show element to it. Now I'm intrigued. The best, the funnest part for me is
Starting point is 00:15:33 when you order too much, and then you have to start playing the game of how am I going to hide this leftover food. You throw a lot in the fire, don't you? You throw the rice in the fire. Yeah. You learn how to stack plates and mash things down. All of their plants just have tons of meat in the fire. Yeah. You learn how to stack plates and mash things down. All of their plants just have tons of meat in the dirt. But yeah, and then the meat, you just let it burn until it just burns away on the grill.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It's like getting rid of a body, right guys? Just let it burn, right? And it's awful to talk about this in the in a world where people are starving to death but and i've never been charged for for ordering too much and not eating it but it's always that threat you know what would be a good idea is to make a like go to a value village or something buy a sports, and then fill it with meat. Well, I'm getting there. But put, like, Ziploc bags
Starting point is 00:16:30 in all the pockets, like, line the pockets with Ziploc bags, and then go to buffets and such. And stuff the pockets with. You can even just get, like, some freezer-sized Ziplocs on the inside. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah. Like, just have, like, the... And then just go to your Shabu Sons, your ABC country buffets, and just fill her up.
Starting point is 00:16:49 But how embarrassing is it when you get stopped by the manager and have to open up your jacket and you just have, like, a bag of creamed corn and potato salad? That's what you steal. I stole all your creamed corn. I think I've gone out there with people who, like, sometimes, like, generally you order it for the entire table. And you're like, okay, well, we'll share this whatever, chicken teriyaki. But then there's one person who wants this, I want this spicy squid thing. And, like, nobody else wants it.
Starting point is 00:17:20 And this one person is stuck with it. And then they realize that they don't even want it. And then I think once we went and someone had to, like, because we were saying, if you don't finish this, this is on you. You have to pretend it's your pet and walk it out of the stretcher. I think they ended up taking it to the bathroom and flushing it down the toilet. What? That's the worst story ever. It's kind of like a burial at sea, sending the squid home.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Returning them home. So that's where the problem With our sewer squid started It wasn't live Well You forgot to put that part in the story You're talking like there's a sewer squid That's terrorizing Vancouver
Starting point is 00:18:00 Coming up on their toilets If you read any of our papers You know that there's a bunch of feet Washing up on their toilets. Listen, if you read any of our papers, you know that there's a bunch of feet washing up on shore that people suspect, I mean, there's no confirmation, is a result of attacks by the sewer squids. Sewer squids. Yeah, well, the sewer squid
Starting point is 00:18:15 from one restaurant and another had babies. In the sewer. Yeah, sewer babies. Sewer style. It's not just one squid that reaches its tentacle up multiple toilets. Oh, no, although that's one of the theories. Yeah, I'm not... There's like a mega, like a large body,
Starting point is 00:18:35 but this squid has more than just eight legs. It's got numerous legs that are like 50 feet long each. And also, what people don't know is Vancouver is one of the world's foremost producers of ink. And that is where we get a lot of our ink is from the sewer squids.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Yeah. From the sewer system. Yeah. We get a lot of toilet ink that we ship around the world. It's our little secret. That's, when you're talking about
Starting point is 00:19:01 like sneaking as much food from a buffet, have you ever been to like a hotel with the breakfast like continental free right like as much breakfast as you want but it's like the cutoff is super early it's like it ends at eight o'clock uh i've been in so many hotels where i've set the alarm for like 10 to 8 gone downstairs with like the ice bucket or whatever was the biggest container in my hotel room filled it up Just use the Bible to scrape stuff off into the drawer. The hollowed out Bible. Thanks a lot, Gideon. Okay, you asked what was going on with me. And I'll tell you what, not a lot. You're still interested.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Not a lot. Oh, okay. But it's something I've been meaning to read on the podcast for many, many weeks. It's a passage from the Gideons. It's actually from May, so many months. Many weeks. It's a passage from the Gideons. It's actually from May, so many months. Many months. We, like, around April and May, we started getting comments on our old blog posts for this podcast. And on the recap blogs.
Starting point is 00:20:20 If people don't know, every week I post a blog with the podcast and it has pictures of the things that we talk about. Sometimes videos? Yeah. What so far have we talked about that would need a picture to explain it? Probably like some sort of shabu-san or a toilet squid. Maybe the number five orange.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah, the number five orange. That kind of thing. Or celebrities or whatever. And we've just been getting this really creative spam. Oh, yeah. But not to our email, just in the comments of our old blog before we moved our blog. To And I just don't understand the rationale of it because it's someone who uh who went to the blog observed
Starting point is 00:21:07 a couple things on it and then wrote uh wrote comments at the bottom that had to do with the blog post and had nothing to do with viagra except that if you click on the person's name who posted it it will take you to a Viagra site. So I'm going to read some of these because it's bizarre. Wow, so sneaky. So we had a post. I'm already impressed enough to go and buy some Viagra. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:34 We had an episode where we posted a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh, yeah. I don't remember why. Sure, sure. But someone named Viagra Online... Wait a minute. That sounds suspiciously like some sort of spam thing.
Starting point is 00:21:53 No, it's not. It's someone who genuinely loved the blog post. Seemingly has no idea it's a podcast. Just wants to talk about things. So this Arnold Schwarzenegger mention. I love Arnold because he knows how to perform in whatever movie he has appeared. I think he has
Starting point is 00:22:14 the charisma to do all things he wants and reach his goals. Wow! It's a very pleasant comment. Oh, they're all going to be this way. Do you know what? It sounds like a fortune cookie run amok. Like a fortune cookie that's become sentient. This one is, there was a picture of Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Ooh. And Viagra Online had this to say. I like the last image because I think that both actresses are beautiful because Beale is wild and Alba is like a kind woman, but both of them are so beautiful. A kind woman. She's like a kind woman. Beale is wild, clearly.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I think she meant a kind of woman. You think Viagra Online is a she? Yeah. Well, you know, there's been a lot of theological debates about whether or not Viagra Online is a he or she. What if Viagra Online was one of us? Okay, this is from someone completely different. This is from by Viagra. Wait, and the first one was Viagra Online?
Starting point is 00:23:27 The first two were Viagra Online. I like that they're competing with each other here. Seemingly. Well, it's two different, obviously. You know, it's not the same company. Yeah. For some reason, our blog has become the turf on which Viagra gangs battle, rumble. It's the initiation for Viagra gangs.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Okay, so we had a picture of P.O.D. Oh, the band. Yes. P.O.D. Yeah. Payable on death. It's like rap rock. Yeah, but I don't remember any of their music.
Starting point is 00:24:01 But wasn't it religious, too? I think they may have been closet Christians. Or maybe not closet, but they're... Was it We Are the Youth of a Nation? Was that one of their songs? Yes. We are, we are. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:24:12 The youth of a nation. That's all I know. But I remember it from... Maybe I was working in a warehouse at the time. Sounds like warehouse rock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some good warehouse rock. And you wound up Christian at the end of the day. It like warehouse rock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you wound up Christian
Starting point is 00:24:25 at the end of the day. It was a Christian warehouse. Mostly Bibles and such. Okay, so by Viagra had this... Well, what about by Agra? Is that taken? Patent pending, patent pending. Gives you bisexual boners. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:43 By Viagra, she had this to say. First, P.O.D. is my favorite band. I think that they play... I like it. P.O.D. is my favorite band. I think that they play so amazing music. But I am not a fanatic of the rock music. I like mane genres.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Mane's spelled like a horse's mane. Oh, yeah. Lions, horses, zebras, etc. I like mane genres. Also, Be Real is one of my favorite singer.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And his band, Cypress Hill! Exclamation mark. Wow. I feel like, I don't know if you've ever seen those ads on, they're like often on Craigslist or, you know, in the classifieds that are like, make tons of money from your home. I feel like this is what. Oh, yeah. Like just by writing it from your own house and they get like a nickel for every blog post or whatever they make about that links to... Generic Viagra.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, yeah. You think maybe it's a podcast listener who just happened to take that job and was like, well, you know, I'm going to be at the blog anyway. I mean, they're laughing because they're making $10,000 a week right now. Yeah. In addition to their regular income. They're laughing because this is funny also. And they love main genres, a lot of horse-riding music.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Yeah. You're wild stallions, etc. Sure. The Lion King soundtrack. Guy's back in theater for a limited time. Is it really? Yeah, in 3D. I never saw it in 1D.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Was it ever in 1D? Were the Lion Kings back in 3D? Yeah, yeah. Wow. Yeah, I actually... It was the first time to see it in 1D. Was it ever in 1D? Were the Lion Kings back in 3D? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I actually... It was the first time to see it in 3D. I, uh, when I saw the ad, I was like, uh, I might, uh, I might go to that. The only part, the only part
Starting point is 00:26:36 of the Lion King I've ever seen is the holding up... Yeah, yeah, me too. Is it Zimba? No. Simba. Simba. Simba. See, that's... I don't know. Holding up with the tiny, tiny, cute tiger. Yeah, yeah. Simba. Simba. See, that's... I don't know. Holding up a tiny, tiny cute tiger. Yeah, yeah. And... Lion.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Lion. No, no, no. We've born a tiger. It's like the ugly duck thing. Holding up a miniature horse. And... Then that... Holding up a tiger.
Starting point is 00:27:00 A tigress. A tigress, yeah. It becomes a boy lion. It's so funny because it's like literally the only animal you would get for sure from the title yeah they call him that because when he grows up he has don king style hair um so uh other than that i've seen the uh romp romp in the dirt where it spells out sex.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. I've seen that as well. But you've also, you know, Hakuna Matata. Well, how could I not? Yeah, it's our problem-free philosophy. What's a motto? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:36 What's a motto with you? Et cetera. Dave knows. How do you know this by heart? I'm just a big Nathan Lane and Ernie Siblethalis fan. They played Timon and Flimskun. Timba. Timba?
Starting point is 00:27:50 No, Timon and Pumba. Timon and the Lion. Okay. I really liked the donkey in the Lion King. It was great. Eddie Murphy? Yeah, yeah. Eddie Murphy in the Shrek line.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I think in the 3D version he might be in it. Okay, the next one. There's a lot of these. The next one is from someone named Generic Cialis. Oh, ooh. Generic. So not even our old friend Viagra. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:28:21 our old friend Viagra. No, no, no. And we talked about the 7'7 basketball player slash actor George Murasan in an episode. When do we not? And posted a picture of him. I guarantee everything that they talk about in this thing, we talked about on the podcast. Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Well, I remember because he was in the famed Billy Crystal movie, My Giant. Iron Giant. My Lion. My Tiger. Okay. Generic Cialis had this to say. Outside basketball,
Starting point is 00:28:51 Murasan has dabbled in acting, playing the title character in 1998 feature film My Giant starring comedian Billy Crystal. I think that is so interesting. It is. Generic Cialis is not incorrect. Just very mediocre in their response.
Starting point is 00:29:10 That thing I just told you? The open-ended. That piece of information I gave you? It was really interesting. Yeah. I guess I'd hate to get caught in a corner with generic Cialis at a party. They're just telling me facts about things that I already know. And then being like, that is interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Let me tell you something else that's interesting. Okay, this is a new person. So we've had Viagra Online, Viagra Online, by Viagra, generic Cialis. Oh, this is another Viagra Online, who we determined is a woman. Yeah. Okay, so...
Starting point is 00:29:44 A hot woman. No, a kind of woman. A a woman. Okay, so... A hot woman. No, a kind of woman. A kind woman. Okay. I guess we posted a video of the rap group The Fat Boys. I'm assuming the video was for the song All You Can Eat. All You Can Eat, yeah. From the movie Crush Groove?
Starting point is 00:30:00 Crush Groovin'. Crush Groovin'? Yeah. Ah, what about... Wasn't there... They had a famous one about... Crush Groovin'! Body grooovin'? Yeah. Ah, what about, uh, wasn't there, they had a famous one about... Crush Groovin'! Body Groovin'. That was my Jerry Lewis.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Didn't they have a famous, like, Nightmare on Elm Street? That's, uh... Rap. That's the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I'm gonna, I'm gonna call you out on it and say that it was the Fat Boys. You know what? It's called Nightmare on My Street. I think it was the Fat Boys. It's by the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Uh, let's put some money on it and say that it was the Fat Boys. You know what? It's called Nightmare on My Street. I think it was the Fat Boys.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And it's by the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Let's put some money on this. I will put some money on it right now. Just like, let's make this friendly, a $10 bet. Okay. Alright, let's shake on it. Yep. Alright.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So you, okay. When we come back after the break, we'll determine that I am the winner. Alright. You have the Fat Boys? Yeah. Okay, and you have... Will Smith, the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He wasn't of Bel-Air in his rap career.
Starting point is 00:30:49 No, the Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff. Well, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. You're going to regret this, my friend. Viagra Online had this to say about the Fat Boys video. The video is really good. Some of the people in the photos are so famous. I really like this kind of things. I would like to read more about it.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Exclamation mark. I am telling you nothing. I don't know. They seem friendly enough. I know, but you think it's like a really withholding woman. Yeah. She's withholding my Cialis. Give me my Cialis.
Starting point is 00:31:23 They never actually mention what they're talking about, right? So they could just be putting that on anything. Oh, sometimes they are. They're like, P.O.D. is my favorite band. Or George Marison was in a movie called My Giant. But that one was very... Yeah, that one. Some of the people in these pictures are really famous.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah, they got really lazy on that one. They're trying to make their quota. P.O.D. is my favorite band. I don't really like rock music. No, but you know, it's like, you know, I don't know. I was going to try and think of
Starting point is 00:31:57 an artist where I like one artist, but not the whole genre. P.O.D. is my favorite band. I don't really like bands, per se. I like solo artists. Okay, so we've had Generic Cialis. Now, this time, Generic Viagra. How many more are these up?
Starting point is 00:32:10 There's three more. And by Generic, is this kind of like the yellow brand of Viagra? President's Choice. No-name brand. Viagra. Okay, Generic Viagra. We posted a video of Corey Feldman. I think it must have been the video of him singing his song, Honesty.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Oh, yeah, on Much Music. On Much Music's Electric Circus. Oh, God, that was harsh. I feel like I'm going to have to repost all of these videos in this blog. I feel like this would have been a great, the more that we're doing it, it would have been a great game to have, like, this is the quote that Cialis Online wrote. What is the thing they are talking about? What are they talking about?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Okay. Well, all right. We'll start with this one. But it's the Corey Feldman video. Ha ha ha. Blank's video is fucking funny. They got a little sweary. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I hadn't seen before, but I must say, it impressed me so much. I can't stop to laugh. You can't. I'm busy. Laughing at this Corey Feldman video. And printing out swear words. Typing in swears. I really like this idea of a guessing game.
Starting point is 00:33:22 So this next one from Baye Viagra, who we've had before. Yeah, they were the P.O.D. fan. I won't tell you what movie they're talking about. Okay, it's a movie. But you won't ever be able to guess it. We'll see. Is it My Giant? Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Is it The Tiger King? All right. Blank, this movie, is the best movie of all time. Even the productions had not all the necessary resources to produce it. They made a great job. Also, the starring is simply majestic. Oh, wow! Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:56 See, I feel like there's... Is there a hint in the fact that they said that the production didn't have all the money? Nope. Okay, so it wasn't like the Blair Witch Project or something. Okay. I'm going to take into consideration that P.O.D. is their favorite band. Yep. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:11 But they don't like bands. They don't like rock music. They don't like rock music. So I'm going to throw a guess out there and say Trespass starring Ice Cube and Ice-T. My guess is either... When you were saying the religious thing, I was thinking Michael starring John Travolta.
Starting point is 00:34:32 But I'm going to say it was Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The answer is Honey, I Shrunk the Kid. They had a good budget for that. Okay, this final one is from Generic Viagra again, who you may remember. Love the Corey Feldman video. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:49 This will be super easy. They're talking about a pop band. Okay. I'll be honest. The only thing I liked was the sexy Russian teens. Because look at what a sexy they are touching their bodies. I like this game a lot. Now I can't remember what they're called.
Starting point is 00:35:10 All the things you said. All the things you said. Running through my head. But I keep calling them. In my head, I'm calling them TikTok. They're not going to get us. But that's not it. Yeah, they're TikTok by Kesha.
Starting point is 00:35:20 What was the... Called like a mishmash or... They are something like that. Yeah. Bim, blim, bam. Yeah. X. What was the... It's called like a mishmash or... They are something like that. Bim, blim, bam. Yeah. X. I'm fun to have you guessing.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Tattoo. Oh, there you go. All the things you said. Tattoo. Okay, so that's what's been going on with me. That was great. That's nice. A little retreat, a vacation from ourselves. Yeah, right? Now, Graham, what's been going on with you? I understand you're... That was great. Yeah. Nice. A little retreat from a vacation from ourselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Right. Now, Graham, what's been going on with you? I understand you're, I, I offered you a second beer tonight and you turned me down. Yeah. I'm a, in the mode of, I've gone back to my first love, day laboring. So I have to get up early in the mornings these days. Oh, would you? Try to find, try to find find jobs for the day or week.
Starting point is 00:36:08 So I've been loading trucks all week. Oh, I didn't know this. I know. I was saving it for the podcast. Pretty good, right? It is pretty good. Well, you know, day laborers hate to drink. No, it's true.
Starting point is 00:36:21 It's like I haven't been going down to the day labor places, which I used to do, but this Craigslist has evolved so well that you don't have to, you could just look online first thing in the morning and there's usually something. So I've been, but here's the thing, if you've never, have you ever just worked? Oh, I've done the day with day labor there's always and maybe it's just me but to see if this uh rings true when you show up at the place that you're like there's kind of a period of time when you show up where you're like am i going to be hunted as game like is this do you know like you go in this hard target yeah you go in and you're like you're checking everything out everything seems pretty on the level but there might be like some little detail that you're like that's kind of weird like i've
Starting point is 00:37:11 never seen that before why did this oldsmobile town car just pull up in this kind of suit come out but uh since when does oldsmobile make a town car oh Oh, man. I called you on your American cars, bro. Sorry, sorry. What? Who makes the town car? Lincoln. Lincoln. Lincoln. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Lincoln. Fleet sales. But this time around, I was helping a warehouse move, and they had these giant shelves that needed to be taken apart, and they'd been there for a decade or something. Ooh, gross. From 2001. I know, right? Ooh. shelves that needed to be taken apart and they'd been there for a decade or something so gross from 2001 i know right the 21st century guys never forget um but we had to kind of knock apart the beams and he brought out like an axe to hit the beams with and that was like the first thing that he did he was like all right follow me and i was like come first thing that he did. He was like, all right, follow me. And I was like, no, no, no. Come with me into this warehouse.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Follow me and my axe. So that was interesting. And I worked with a guy that I'm, I don't know. There was something that, he didn't speak very much. Even when I asked him questions, he didn't really... Like, he spoke English. I know that. But he had a lot of secrets. I think he had a lot of secrets.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And at one point, we were moving a phone. You were both moving a phone? Yeah, he had the receiver and I had the bass. We were moving stuff in this office. You parked the car with a guy. Yeah, that's true. But he pressed a button that made it go to speakerphone, and he panicked. He went, ooh! Dropped the phone.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I thought you were going to say he pressed a button and a trapdoor opened up. And the guy with the axe was waiting down there. But then we just sharpened his axe. No harm, no foul. Well, I didn't know you were day laboring. This is a tragedy You're a national treasure, Graham But, you know, let's get paid
Starting point is 00:39:10 I'm going to say this, too What? You're looking slimmer Hey, thanks, buddy Yeah I've been sweating it Sweating it out You know, warehouse style
Starting point is 00:39:18 Also, the warehouse I was working in has You took shop class in high school, right? What? No Oh, did you take shop class? Oh you you took shop class in high school right what no oh did you take shop class but it was only like a three-month thing sure when i got to like choose what i did it was not that oh oh yeah if we had had mandatory shop class i would have taken shop they have these old uh they've been in many of the places that I've worked at over the years they're from I want to say like 1981 posters from BC Workers Compensation Board
Starting point is 00:39:51 that was Cam Burpick for record it's the Shabu's and Garlic Burp a bunch of meat but they're these very like gory posters. Like, there's, like, a shoe, like, kind of like a Converse sneaker with just, like, covered in blood.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And it says, like, the workplace. Not a place for the old soft shoe. Do you know what I'm talking about? They're, like, they're brutal safety posters. Yeah, they're safety posters, but they're terrifying. You need to bring a proper tap shoe to the workplace. And then
Starting point is 00:40:29 at one point, I was in a... We had to get into this giant dumpster thing to move stuff around. Dispose of our own body. Another scary moment. Hey, get in this dumpster! Get in this dumpster!
Starting point is 00:40:46 Dig this grave! But he's just saying it like a 1950s producer hey dig this yeah dig this that sounds really cool hey dig this grave uh but it was the most kind of rickety setup to get in the dumpster like you had to balance a ladder on the side and later on on in the day, I asked the guy, like, what's the building across the street? Because there were a lot of, like, it seemed at lunch, everybody was jogging at this place. And I was like, what place has, like, mandatory jogging? And it was WorkSafeBC was right across the street
Starting point is 00:41:20 from where we were balancing on this dumpster. On a ladder. You might as well have just been fingering the building while I'm up there. You see what I'm doing? I've got the poster on my shirt. Look at my soft shoes. I'm doing a soft shoe on the side. In thongs.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Do you own a steel-toed boot, Craig? Yeah. Just one? Two. Two? A lefty and a righty. Well, listeners, just so you know, you can advertise on our show, and you can keep Graham away from getting murdered by someone on Craigslist.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Go to slash Jumbotron. It's $100 for a personal message, $200 for a corporate message, and that's one day Graham doesn't have to go down into a pit. Hey, feed my snakes. They're in a pit. on the bus the other day and like you know how sometimes you you're like driving and you just keep pace with the same vehicle at every red light yeah like you're ahead of it and then it catches up to you and then it's ahead of you and you catch up to it uh i was on the bus and it was neck and neck with this ice cream truck but it's like i realized that that it only takes just a little bit of disarray or a little bit of dirt on an ice cream truck to make it look super creepy. Like, if an ice cream truck is not gleaming white, it looks fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 00:42:57 A little bit of mud spat up from the back tires, like it was off-road for some reason. What were you doing off-road there? What were you doing in the forest with this ice cream truck? So, yeah, I saw it was an ice cream truck, but it was the craziest thing because it was a van with ice cream stickers on the side of like, you could buy this Spider-Man popsicle or this Ninja Turtles popsicle or whatever. But it wasn't a like yeah ice cream i remember when i was a kid there were there were there were only the ice cream truck like with the like like a mail truck yeah yeah yeah that kind of setup and now they have the occasional van yeah which i don't know this was kind of like a like a dirty white van with stickers on the side and i was like well that just could be anything
Starting point is 00:43:46 right it's like if they got a hearse and put the stickers up for the ice cream on the side of our hearse that would be not something that you'd want to buy ice cream yeah although i'm sure it would be uh really cold in a hearse they like slide they like slide out the like coffin out the back where it just you know and then like the the coffin lid pops open and the hand comes out with the thing right with the rocket popping yeah that would be fun if you're a kid if it was like us you know what i would trust a hearse with uh ice cream stickers on it more than this creepy white van yeah true um yeah because a hear hearse is so conspicuous. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah, they're not hiding that it's a hearse. Yeah. And it'd be really fun, like, on Halloween to just have it in your neighborhood. That'd be the only way to get... And they'd only serve the popsicles that are shaped like the ghost from Pac-Man. Pac-Man? Wait a minute, is that a thing? Yeah, they have those, like, ghost-shaped popsicles, and the eyes were gumballs.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Gumball eyes. Now they have a Spider-Man, because no kids today know what Pac-Man is. Yeah, but it's weird, because the Spider-Man has gumball eyes, but Spider-Man doesn't have eyeballs on his mask. Maybe the new one. Kids need gum with their ice cream. They demand it. with their ice cream.
Starting point is 00:45:04 They demand it. But I was talking about that. Like I was saying like, yeah, it doesn't take a lot to make an ice cream van super creepy. And Alicia Tome was like, oh, that should be a horror movie. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:45:17 it was a horror movie starring Clint Howard. Oh really? And as a guy who was like a crazy guy who escaped from an asylum and then drives an ice cream truck. And I remember in the movie that one of the ongoing gags is he would behead somebody and then put their head on a giant
Starting point is 00:45:35 coconut. Remember America's Love Affair with serial killers? Yeah. Well, he has to be crazy in this way. Yeah. He's he has to be crazy in this way. Yeah. He's got to be the lifeguard. And all his victims get drowned.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Or Sleepaway Camp. It was a cheerleader-style killing. Uncle Sam. Do you remember Uncle Sam? No. Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam killed... He pointed at you and he said,
Starting point is 00:46:02 I want you to die. That literally is the tagline of the movie. Oh. I want you, dot, dot, dot, to die. And he killed, like, hippie flag burners. Because he was a patriotic, crazy guy. In the, like, 80s, that seemed to be the equation was like, step one, he's a murderer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:26 And he's crazy. But in what way is he crazy? Right. Then we add in the, is he an ice cream driver? Does he kill you in real life or in your dreams? Is he like the undead? Can you not kill him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah, exactly. Are all of his crimes scarecrow themed? Or are they teacher-based? Yeah, can we make him as mundane as possible? Make you scared of, like, a toilet. Yeah. Not that. The, uh...
Starting point is 00:46:54 Candyman. When we were talking about... Oh, yeah, toilet, for sure. Candyman. Candyman. But when we were talking about the sewer squid, I was thinking about that movie Ghoulies. Oh, yeah, Ghoulies came up in the toilet Yeah, they're like little monsters that came up through the toilet
Starting point is 00:47:07 And like bit your butt Until you died You guys better cut it out Or I'm gonna die Didn't Cindy Lauper have that song Ghoulies Got What It Takes I don't know what you're referring to Was that even the name of it?
Starting point is 00:47:24 She had the song in Ghoulies Got What It Takes? I don't know what you're referring to. Was that even the name of it? She had the song in Goonies. Yeah, but I think, like, toilet monsters, that's a... That's a genre. That's its own genre. That's a very scary possibility of something coming up out of the toilet. But, like, Psycho made everyone afraid of the shower.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Jaws made everyone afraid of swimming. Right. You know, like, there's gonna be someone who, oh, I'm afraid of eating cotton candy. And the new Shark Night 3D is going to make everyone afraid of apparently crazy shark trainers that live in the bayou. Is that a new real movie? Yeah, it's called Shark Night 3D. And I just realized because I saw one of the new trailers. And at first it was like
Starting point is 00:48:05 These kids are like On a lake And They're getting killed by sharks I'm like What is going on here? But in the newest trailer It's like
Starting point is 00:48:12 Like how would you like it If there was like Maniacs Like training sharks And then releasing them Into the lake To kill everybody I would like it very much
Starting point is 00:48:22 Thank you Yeah Sharks can't survive I will take one Admission ticket Is it in the Great Salt Lake? Sharks can't survive In the freshwater Oh yeah I would like it very much, thank you. I will take one admission ticket. Is it in the Great Salt Lake? Because sharks can't survive in the freshwater. Oh yeah, maybe it is the Salt Lake.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I don't know. And on top of it, it's like, do we really need... Aren't sharks being decimated enough? I don't think we need to re-engage the smear campaign against sharks. Let's get a new oceanic figure. How about crows? We can thin their numbers out a bit. Big crabs?
Starting point is 00:48:54 Apparently, sharks kill five people a year. Hippopotamuses kill like 3,000. That's true. For real? Yeah, hippopotamuses. The hippodrome. All right, write it. It's about two Yeah. Hippopotamus is like... The hippodrome. All right, write it. It's about two kids...
Starting point is 00:49:08 In a velodrome. In a velodrome. And a bunch of crazy kids, guys, not kids, guys from the bayou... Yeah. ...that are training hippos. Thin, fast hippos.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Yep. They're aerodynamic. With huge thighs to pedal. And they get them really angry by, like, smacking them on the ass a lot to make their jaws move. Yeah, they're hungry. And then they eat marbles. I just had a hippopotamus for lunch.
Starting point is 00:49:39 What? How does that go? That was Zoo... Animal Getty? What was the... Oh, Alpha Getty. No, was Zoo Animal Getty. What was the... Oh, Alpha Getty. No, no. Animal Getty? The one with animals. It was Zoodles.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Zoodles. Zoodles. Zoodles. Tell all your friends. Tell the whole bunch. I just had a hippopotamus for lunch. Yes. No, but in certain parts of the world, that would be true, that you actually had a hippopotamus
Starting point is 00:50:04 for lunch. And in other parts of the world, hippopotamus eats you. Russia? Why are there so many people getting killed by hippopotamuses? They, like, turn over boats and stuff. Oh, really? Yeah. I'd like to see a killer walrus.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Sure. Yeah. Why not? Who wouldn't? Yeah. Why not? Yeah. Get the Mythbusters involved. They got the giant tusks.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Mm-hmm. Great for killing somebody by taking both their eyes out at the same time. That would be a great shot. Oh, it was like... That'd be the take-home shot. It was like Snakes on a Plane, which was all about how can we get these snakes to kill people in every way imaginable? Yeah, that's true. It was like, okay, I want a snake to bite a guy in the crotch. I want a snake to bite a girl's boob.
Starting point is 00:50:50 There was a toilet snake in that, right? There was a girl's boob gets bit by a snake. Piranha 3D was the same way. Oh, yeah. A piranha eats an actual penis that's floating in the water. No, one of them eats it, spits it back up, and then another one eats the rest of it. Oh, gross. That seems... That's suddenly gross. Whoa, whoa, that's too far. Yeah. Ew, spits it back up, and then another one eats the rest of it. Oh, gross. That seems...
Starting point is 00:51:05 That's suddenly gross. Whoa, whoa, that's too far. Ew, it spat it up. But what about a movie that's like a combination of March of the Penguins and that movie where they go to... The vampires are in the Arctic. 30 Days of Night. 30 Days a night. 30 days a night. What about a combination of those movies where people go up to a station to observe penguins,
Starting point is 00:51:31 and then it turns out they're murderous. The penguins have gone crazy because of global warming. What about it? Sounds great, right? And then, take home shot, Walrus teams up with the penguins, gouges out one of the guy's eyes. Alright, so for the sequel, there's all Walrus. Walrus redemption. Do we see the Walrus later on with the eyeballs on his tux? Oh, yeah. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Does he look at the guy whose eyes he just took out, wander off of the ice and fall into the water? Because he has no eyes anymore. I'd like to see a shot of him in a dark closet with just the eyes coming out. So you just see the eyes at first, and then the rest of him comes out. You see some cartoon eyes at first, and then the lights go on, and it's the
Starting point is 00:52:15 eyes on the walrus. And then the guy with no eyes puts his glasses on, and then the walrus guy is like, he mumbles something, and you get subtitles that call the guy hey two eyes oh i think he's wearing like the guy puts on his glasses and then the walrus puts on glasses on the eye like he's pretending he's the mirror of the guy but the guy doesn't have any eyes so it's like a real inside like who's looking at who oh yeah the guy remember
Starting point is 00:52:45 the guy's eye his glasses fell off like like velma so he can't see anything yeah then he loses his eyes yeah but he doesn't know it until he puts his glasses on because the walrus is a surgeon when it comes to picking people's eyes out with his stuff because the guy's guy he's has snow craziness because he's been up in the snow so long He just thinks he thought He imagined a walrus poking at his eyes Well he didn't see it happen Because his goggles were off
Starting point is 00:53:13 Their goggles now Their prescription goggles They have them But like swimmers goggles With the little reptile eyes Holograms movie greatest film used to be about penguins now just about eyes this guy losing his eyes to a bunch of funny gags and then it's like a buddy movie like the walrus needs to go
Starting point is 00:53:43 somewhere and they but he's got the guy's eyes, so the guy has to go with him. But the guy can still see out of the eyes? The guy's like, I see me when he's standing at the walrus. So now it's like a buddy role. And a romantic comedy. But he can't take the eyes off the tusk,
Starting point is 00:54:00 or else he won't be able to see anymore. That's right. How do we write Sandra Bullock into this movie? To make it fun for the ladies to watch. Yeah, sure. He sends her letters, but it's through a time machine post office box.
Starting point is 00:54:16 So when she gets the letters, he still has the eyes in his head. And she's working at SeaWorld with some penguins. She's undercover. She's undercover. She's undercover, an FBI agent. Miss Congeniality, Walrus Congeniality. She only has one picture of him,
Starting point is 00:54:35 and it's one of those cartoon pictures of just his eyes in the dark. So that's all she knows of him. Much is his eyes. she knows of him. His eyes. So she ends up falling in love with the walrus because he has the eyes on his tusks. How long does the walrus keep the eyes on the tusks? Oh, the whole movie.
Starting point is 00:54:55 It's the heart of the film. They don't go bad because they're refrigerated. Yeah, they're on his tusks. Yeah. They could rot on his tusks at SeaWorld. But in the arc... Okay, so we should do some overheard but i just want to let you know that in the break we're gonna find out who performed nightmare on my street overheard and we're back okay so before we get to the overheards yes there there's a certain matter of a certain $10 bet.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Yes. Now, this $10, I should say, payable in installments. I don't have it on me either. Day laborings. $1 a month over the period of a year. Two months on the other side. I think it's good news for both of you. Neither of you may have to pay.
Starting point is 00:55:46 It depends how... We may have to go back and check the tape. Okay. Because there were many Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Okay. Now, the song, Nightmare on My Street, is from the
Starting point is 00:56:01 original Nightmare on Elm Street movie, and it is by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Brothers. Ah, nuts! But, the Fat Boys It gets thicker. They sure do. They composed
Starting point is 00:56:17 they scored they wrote a song for Nightmare on Elm Street 4 called Are You Ready for Freddy? Oh, therein lies my confusion. So you were actually correct. With the title, because I called the title. But you were also right with the fact that the Fat Boys did a Nightmare on Elm Street song.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah, but you technically, I would say, if we went back to the tape, I would say Cam won the bet. Expect the first dollar of your ten at the end of next month. 2012. Yeah. In pennies. I'm taking September as one of my months off paying you. I'm going to start paying you in October. Yeah, you have to...
Starting point is 00:57:00 Everyone abstained from paying anything on this anniversary of 9-11. Yeah, that's true. I think there is a national amnesty on bills. All debts are off. But then they're back on in October. All debts are off would be a really good tagline for a movie about a debt collector. Or a walrus with eyeballs on his tusk. Who's also a repo man.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Yeah. Now, before we get to these overheards. Yes. Second bit of business. Somebody, a lady named Carolyn. Are you okay? Yeah. A lady named Carolyn started a Facebook group in the vein of the Tompkins 300 type thing to see if there was enough interest amongst people, spy listeners in Toronto or the surrounding area.
Starting point is 00:57:53 You're Ottawa's. Yeah. You're Vaughn's. You're Mississauga's. Exactly. Mississauga. You're Ajax's. Exactly. You're Ajaxes.
Starting point is 00:58:10 If there was enough interest to get enough people, basically so that it would cover our flight, so that we wouldn't lose money on going and doing a show in Toronto, which we would gladly do, we just need, like, we don't know the exact number, but we need, like, you know, probably 200 people to come out. It's a big nominal fee for us to be able to cover airplane and travel and such. And pillows and blankets. Yeah, yeah. Fine silks. Yeah. Yeah, silks.
Starting point is 00:58:33 The finest spices. There is a Facebook group called... A Facebook croup? Croupier. Yeah. Starring Clive Owen. There's a Facebook group called Stop Podcasting Yourself to Toronto
Starting point is 00:58:48 and join that group but by joining it only join it if you want to go. If you actually want to go. Don't be like, oh, I want to support this cause but I live in Alabama. Yeah, no, if you're in the
Starting point is 00:59:01 Greater Ontario area. Yeah, you're Manitobans. Yeah, exactly. if you're in the greater Ontario area. Yeah, you're Manitoba. Yeah, exactly. You're Northwest Territories. You're berries? Yeah, absolutely you're berries. I don't know. You know I've never been to Toronto? Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Now this is like a make-a-wish thing. Let's get Dave to Toronto. I've traveled, I've been through Toronto many times. But wouldn't it be fun? I'm traveling to many exotic destinations. Wouldn't it be fun to get a photo of myself and Dave in front of the CN Tower? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:59:34 The former Sky Dome. Yeah, the Al Waxman statue. Yes. The Chum City Building. Oh, yeah. Speaker's Corner. Speaker's Corner, yeah. So many great sites and memories in the future. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:46 The Kelly Gruber Memorial. I just want to tell you that I think I came up with a name for our Walrus movie, and it's Eyeballrus. Thank you. Cam likes it. Now, what's up now? Oh, Overheard. Hey, that's our most popular segment. Do people
Starting point is 01:00:07 really call, like, we get a lot of letters from people saying, I love your show, especially Overheards. Is it agony for people, the first hour of the show, before we get to Overheards? Yeah, exactly. That's so good that everyone hangs on until then. Oh, we know. We know how to dangle a carrot. We're not a bunch of new school fat boys. Now, Overheards, if you are new to the podcast, is a segment in which if you're spending your time out in public, you're sure to hear somebody say something hilarious or see somebody do something very stupid. And you can send us an email detailing that to stoppodcastyourself at And we have our own.
Starting point is 01:00:57 We always like to start with the guest. And Cam, you're a man about town. I know that you must have something in the box. You parked your car today. You drove a train? I've got two, if that's okay. So why don't you go? We'll come round the horn, bookend it with...
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yeah, hey? Alright, well let me start with the first one that happened today at Shabu-san. We were sitting there. Now, if anyone skipped the first hour of the show, Shabu-in is an all you can eat Asian restaurant It's a Korean barbecue All you can eat Korean barbecue
Starting point is 01:01:30 Mostly sushi With sushi like things you order I don't want to hear this discussion But you barbecue your own meat So we're sitting there And from behind us We just hear What do you mean you don't have a salad bar? This is a Korean you mean you don't have a salad bar?
Starting point is 01:01:46 This is a Korean barbecue and you don't have a salad bar? And I turn around and look And it's literally like this 350 pound man in a purple shirt Who has his head shaved and he's just furious That he's at a Korean barbecue place with no salad bar It's because his diet starts today. Purple shirt. Grimace.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah. That's pretty. Exactly. If a fat guy with a shaved head wears a purple shirt, he's really inviting the grimace. The other shabu-san, they closed. The other Shabu-San, they closed. There used to be two Shabu-Sans, which is an all-you-can-eat restaurant that has a Korean barbecue in it. Yeah, some sushi, some not.
Starting point is 01:02:33 No salad bar. The other one got closed, but it did have a salad bar there. It did, and I think maybe that was the last one he went to. Oh, right. He was furious. Did you guys ever go to a Pizza Hut that had an all-you-can-eat salad bar it did and i think maybe that was the last one he went to oh right he was furious did you guys ever go to a pizza hut that had an all-you-can-eat salad bar i've only been to like two pizza huts yeah like me too i think i've only been to one but it definitely had a salad bar and a dessert bar right next to each other the salad bar was just like lettuce radishes carrots uh like some bacon bits gigantic thing of bacon bits.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Like a huge tub of Thousand Island dressing and then like a macaroni salad. Yeah, and cheese. Cheese macaroni salad. But it was right next to the dessert bar, so like you could get a spoonful of, yeah, it looked like a dark dressing, like a, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:03:22 what's a dark salad dressing? Like a balsamic. Yeah, balsamic's right next to the chocolate sauce and i really i really love no matter what those like gummy bears crumbles up cookies those ice cream those ice cream stations always were just a mess oh yeah so much ice cream like just coiled up everywhere. So great, though. Yeah. This summer, I've been... Have I talked about this on the show? You've been hitting the ice cream
Starting point is 01:03:52 bar pretty heavy? No, I've been going to Dairy Queen quite a bit and getting the dipped cones. Oh, yeah. Maybe when I was a kid, I had dipped cones. Ever since, I've been a Blizzard man, like the popular Andy Samberg character. But now, I'm a dip cone guy.
Starting point is 01:04:13 And Dairy Queen closes at 10. It's the only fast food place that closes that early. And so you've got to get there pretty early. You can't go right at 9.50 because they're almost at the dip. And also the worst people on the planet are in there. But it's not so late that it's like degenerates are going there. It's not like
Starting point is 01:04:33 the 2 o'clock in the morning Wendy's crowd. But it feels like every time I go to Dairy Queen it feels like it's Degenerate Central. It feels like that's I don't know if it's the locations of all the Dairy Queens. What does degenerate even mean? Oh, two.
Starting point is 01:04:48 The opposite of generate. So they don't generate. They degenerate. But if you cut off a part of them, they don't regenerate. You don't see many starfish there. So yeah, that's great. Your dip cones, how do they compare to a Dilly Bar? They're exactly the same, aren't they?
Starting point is 01:05:14 Except that they're fresh. Like, a Dilly Bar is the same thing, and then they put it in the freezer. Ah, yeah. So, maybe the Dilly Bar has a crisper crunch. Yes. But the dip cone... Ooh, Dilly C has a crisper crunch. But the Dip Cone... Ooh, Dilly Cone! Stop the presses!
Starting point is 01:05:30 Stop the DQ press! The Daily Queen! That's an Asianian uh dairy queen restaurant uh they uh yeah you have to wait a little bit for the the crust to harden uh around the frozen innards yeah and if you get there too late there's not enough dip to cover the entire cone like because they they don't uh they out. They only have a daily portion. So you get a little dip cone that has a muffin top. It doesn't get covered.
Starting point is 01:06:11 You've got a bare midriff on your dip cone. So then they just dip it in balsamic dressing. This is all we had left at our incredibly unpopular Dairy Queen salad bar. We're not the newspaper. Dave, do you have an overheard? Let's say sort of. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:33 I don't remember any specific wordings. Okay. But I saw an argument on the SkyTrain the other day. As I was waiting for the SkyTrain, there was a SkyTrain security guard there waiting with me. And as I got on, the SkyTrain security guard got on and was looking for someone. And it was clear who he was looking for. There was a man there smiling.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Big, innocent smile. And holding a dog. And so the SkyTrain security guard is like, please get off the train. You can get the next train. There's just been a complaint on this train. And the guy's like, why? I do this all the time.
Starting point is 01:07:16 And he had this insane person with big eyes. Why? What's the big deal? And the SkyTrain officer's like, just get off or I have to call the cops and this guy's like okay i'll do what you tell me uh and then uh so the guy gets off and the sky train takes off and uh two people who uh i guess didn't even know the person got in a fight about it. After he left? Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 01:07:47 There were two guys in their 40s, white guys, and one guy worked at an insurance company, you could tell, because it was an insurance company that makes you wear a polo shirt with the name of the insurance company on it. Yeah. Oh, that really gets you. It can, like, on a hot day, rub your nipple right off. Cape City.
Starting point is 01:08:04 You kidding me? gets it can like on a hot day i rub your nipple right off cape city you get me uh and uh the insurance worker uh went up to i guess the guy who had complained about the dog uh they had a history i i don't know i had just gotten on and he was like why do you have to why do you have to be such a boy scout wow and the guy was like well uh you know it's i have a dog i never bring my dog on the train there's rules uh i'd love to bring my dog on the train but i observe the rules and the guy's just like you're such a loser man and it it so quickly degenerated into like just the most childish name call him. And the guy who had every right to complain about the dog was like,
Starting point is 01:08:50 listen, you're such an ignorant retard. Why? Why do you? And then the other guy, the insurance guy was like, I bet you don't even have a girlfriend. And the other guy showed his wedding ring to the guy, and it turns out the first guy didn't have a girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:09:13 So he was just projecting. So that's where he trumped him. Yeah, yeah. Well, we still had like two minutes of the Skytrain ride of them to argue back and forth and call each other names. But it was just, Just don't talk. Just shut up. Everyone shut up. Everybody shut up.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Were they doing it across the train? No, they got up in each other's grills. But I've seen so many of those arguments on buses and Skytrains. Really? So many? Yeah, I've seen a few where... I think you're riding the right trains.
Starting point is 01:09:48 My train rides are pretty boring. Even if you're right, you're wrong. Yeah, yeah. Even if you're completely right, you just seem like a dumb idiot yelling on the bus. So just shut... Everyone shut up. Everybody's got to shut up. We all have iPhones.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Let's discover a new game let's be alone together yeah uh wow yeah it's me sky train cops the other day when i was getting off the train they you know they they in vancouver uh for people outside of vancouver we don't have like turnstiles or anything. The old train runs on this kind of pseudo-honor system thing that's going out. They're bringing in turnstiles. They have spot checks.
Starting point is 01:10:34 There will just be a cop on the train that will ask between stops for people's tickets. I got out at one train and this cop made a beeline for me. Went across people. I got out at one train and this cop made a beeline for me. Like, went across people. Like, I got a live one.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Like, this guy, there's no fucking way this guy has a ticket. When I pulled out my bus pass, you could tell he was just like, God damn it! Like, that's like, it was probably his fourth in a row of picking the wrong person
Starting point is 01:11:01 and like, his buddy probably was just nailing everybody. And they also, like, on the actual buses, of picking the wrong person and his buddy probably was just nailing everybody. He just looked so dejected. On the actual buses, you do have to give a pass or show or put in change or whatever. Unless it's the long ones. Yeah, if it's the long one,
Starting point is 01:11:16 you just get on the middle. Nobody knows. Yeah, but they occasionally have security guards get on the bus. The bus has to stop for five minutes. And they examine every person. It's the most dehumanizing activity. Where are your papers?
Starting point is 01:11:30 It is! Where are your papers? But it's a weird thing because on the one hand it seems like the honor system would be a nicer way of doing things. But in reality you have to have these guards come on and interrogate people. It's also kind of like a
Starting point is 01:11:47 underlying fear tactic. It's like, oh, can I sneak on this? Oh, no, there could be somebody on this train. There could be a high school dropout who could come on wearing a badge. For the thirst for power. Now, Graham. Overheard, go. Mine's an overseen. What? Yeah, I know. Courtesy of the Sky Train. Now, Graham. Yes. Overheard, go. Mine's an overseen.
Starting point is 01:12:05 What? Yeah, I know. Courtesy of the Sky Train. Oh, fun. I was returning from... I was doing a show at a casino out in the suburbs. It was a two-hour transit commute
Starting point is 01:12:19 to get to this casino. Was it a money loser? What? Did I lose money at the casino no no no like the oh it didn't cost you no no more money no no two hours of of your time though that's worth money yeah it's true but even figuring that in it was still pretty good like it all worked out pretty good but uh on the train on the way back there was a guy that it was very strange because he was done up like uh like an early 80s punk guy so like the the full everything like the
Starting point is 01:12:55 the boots and the leather jacket with the pinned on you know band flags or whatever all over. And then full like Mohawk, huge up in points, like a, you know, Stegosaurus. They used, what was that? The freeze, the antifreeze. Didn't they used to use antifreeze to get Stegosaurus? Oh yeah. Like, I mean, there's good people use Elmer's glue and all manner of like, what is it? Like flour and water they'll use, just like a paste.
Starting point is 01:13:30 I use this product. It's Kevin Murphy's Gritty Business. It's all right. I used to use this stuff called XTAH was the brand name. They had this stuff called crude clay, but they stopped making it. And I've been trying to find a replacement. There's like a Canadian writer, and he was like a punk guy, Chris Walter, I want to say his name is. And he had a story about when he was a kid, getting his mohawk up using red spray paint,
Starting point is 01:14:04 and then falling asleep and his hair like breaking like icicles um but anyway so this guy was like all done up in like punk gear and then the whole train ride back he was doing this thing you've probably seen hippies do it it's like a ball that they balance on the back of their hand and then it rolls over on the front of their hand and then it rolls to their left hand and then on to their right hand and he was doing the whole train ride i was like that seems very un punk punk yeah and there was a guy sitting across the aisle from me staring at this guy like what a douchebag like the just the the disdain on this guy's face because this guy
Starting point is 01:14:46 was like look at me everything I'm doing look at me and then at one point this guy train kind of hiccuped a bit and the ball flew off this guy's hand and rolled down the entire train and the guy that was staring
Starting point is 01:15:02 at him was so pleased just like this big grin like like, oh, boy. This dumb punk's going to have to walk all the way down there and get a dumbbell. I was listening to, there's an episode of Radiolab. It's a radio show and podcast about kind of science, but it's like science storytelling. about kind of science and it but it's like science storytelling and it was the episode was about games and there were there are these studies that people just want to root for the underdog in every situation oh just you they would give people like two options and then give them a bit of context about one person
Starting point is 01:15:44 being successful and one person being successful and one person being unsuccessful and they would automatically prefer the thing that was done by the unsuccessful person people just automatically oh that's really interesting generally want to root for the underdog and then i was thinking about that i was listening to it on the bus and i was thinking about how often i see someone running for the bus and i don't root for them you're rooting you're actively rooting against them generally in sports and and like uh things that matter i root for the underdog but i'm rooting against everyone on the bus and everyone on the bus is an underdog yeah if you're the underdog of the bus, then you're like the ultimate of underdogs, right?
Starting point is 01:16:27 Like if everybody's like, I'm hoping that guy gets his shit together, then you're like, you're so far down the underdog list. But I mean, if you're not rooting for that underdog, is he so down deep underneath the other underdogs that he's not even rootable? Yeah, yeah. He's in the root system. Yeah, yeah. He's in the root system. Yeah. Yeah. He's under the underdogs. I understand that our friend Cam has one more.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Oh, that's right. Oh, this one happened last week. We went up, me and Craig Anderson. Yes. Sunday Service. Past guest. Past guest. Wonderfully hilarious gentleman. We went up to his cabin that he
Starting point is 01:17:09 has up on Shusho up like for his birthday and there was a happy birthday. He owns a cabin? His family. Oh, okay. Because I was about to throw up in my own face. Like, how does he own a cabin? That Wildcats money? Oh, I guess he was on Wildcats.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Yeah. I could buy a cabin, right? No. I don't know. How much does a cabin go for? No, but we were up at his family's cabin for his birth, and there was like eight of us. And things got pretty wild. Sure.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Even number. All sorts of things can happen. I was going to say they wanted to keep it an even number. That's why they didn't invite me. It was in the morning after a wild night, and I just heard one of the girls say, Wait, who put their dick in the guacamole? I ate all of that. In which I replied, oh, that was me. And then Craig replied, that was me. And then everybody was like, I also said my dick in the guacamole.
Starting point is 01:18:18 There's a lot of casual nudity on the track. It was a real I am Spartacus moment. It was my dick in the guac yeah i would have waited like i wouldn't have said anything i would have done like let's have a mystery let's let's solve this well a lot of people do anyways and i think there were more than one penis going into that guac so that it's a fun party yeah that sounds like a really fun party oh man the party of the year where were we dave i would have gone home so i would have gone home so early oh we're doing that okay bye so i'm not gonna eat these chips great forget you uh we also have overheards that have been sent in by listeners to Stop Podcasting Yourself.
Starting point is 01:19:08 They're sentient, and they're taking over. They were sent to StopPodcastingYourself at, our first of which is from Brandon P. At a get-together with some friends at somebody's apartment complex pool. Those are the greatest apartments. The ones with the pool? Yeah, their complex. God damn it.
Starting point is 01:19:29 I overheard a female friend talking to her sister-in-law, who's kind of an eccentric. She's a whole foods complaint board type person. Also, she's a heavy pot smoker. She was talking to my friend about how she and her boyfriend recently quit smoking. Friend, you quit? That's great. What about your boyfriend? Sister-in-law, yeah, he actually quit just a couple days ago.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Friend, right on. Is it because you quit? Sister, oh no. He's not quitting for good. He's cleansing for a peyote ritual. That's from Reno, Nevada That's Brandon P. in Reno, Nevada He quit a couple days
Starting point is 01:20:08 You can't Like if someone quits for two days They haven't really quit Just means I ran out of pot Am I right guys? And I like that it's a peyote ritual Not a crazy drug bender It's a ritual
Starting point is 01:20:21 They live in Reno, Nevada So it's probably some weird desert thing Where they go out It is probably It is a ritual. They live in Reno, Nevada. So it's probably some weird desert thing where they go out. It is probably a ritual. Isn't Burning Man, is that just happened or is going on right now? It's always going on. Yeah, if you keep it in your heart year round. I do peyote every weekend. The spirit of Burning Man.
Starting point is 01:20:43 If you do a peyote ritual once a month, Burning Man is always I think it was recent. I think there's a lot of nudity at Burning Man. There's probably dicks going into all sorts of dips.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Your ranch. Hummus. Hummus, yeah. A salsa. I work with a guy who has been a few times and he told me the story of one year they went and there was such a lineup to get away after it ended.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Oh, yeah. Because it just ends, right? I guess. They burn the man, and then people go home. Yeah. People sober up and get in their art cars and go home. Yeah. And this guy, he was like, why is there such a traffic jam to get out of this place?
Starting point is 01:21:27 And there's just one road out of there. And someone had moved a couch into the middle of the road. And this couple was having sex on it. So there were a lot of rubberneckers. Rubberneckers. Oh, man. Good stuff. This next one comes from...
Starting point is 01:22:00 Dave, you took French school. I took French school. If an A has an accent on it, how are you pronouncing it? It doesn't really change the pronunciation. So this would be Syrian? Is that a... Because it's got an accent over the second A. C-I-A-R-A-N.
Starting point is 01:22:20 And what kind of accent? Does it look like a chapeau chinois? Aigu? Aigu? Aigu? An A would have a grav. I don't think A's have a goos. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:22:29 So it's got an accent grav. Yeah, sure. So, uh, C... C... Cialis? Yeah, generic Cialis. So generic Cialis. Wrote to us.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Still sent it. Uh, Syrian... Yeah. Oh, no. It's... Sorry, it's pronounced down at the bottom here. It's... K, it's pronounced down at the bottom here. It's Kiron. I don't think they're French.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Nope. It's from Dublin, Ireland, so I can cancel out that French part altogether. It's pronounced Quinoa. Quinoa. I was in a clothes shop and was walking behind a small girl of between five and six and her mother the girl had a few of the small round stickers from the clothes that have the sizes on them spread across the tips of her fingers she was staring intently at them wiggling them about she then looked up at her mother and completely seriously said stickers are my life. I've been there. Me too.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Yeah, at that age, stickers are your life. Yeah. What were your favorite stickers growing up? Any sort of race car, rocket ship. Did you ever have the fuzzy ones of the animals? Oh, yeah. Or scratch and sniff dills. Dill?
Starting point is 01:23:40 Oh, yeah, I remember those, yeah. Every scratch and sniff just smells like pickles. Pretty close. It's true. I liked puffy stickers. Oh, yeah, I remember those, yeah. I mean, every scratch and sniff just smells like pickles. Pretty close. It's true. I liked puffy stickers. Oh, puffy, yeah. The, like, plastic ones? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:51 That had, like, some sort of, I don't know what it was, just, like, some stuffing in it. Yeah, like the Disney box covers, the Disney VHS covers were always puffy like that. Oh, yeah. I remember some sort of shortcake ones. Sticker books, where you would get a card and then it would be a sticker that you would put in the book like it would be a uh a a lion king book yeah and there would be stickers from the movie exactly i've got a uh a friend of mine worked for one internet got junk and he found a full collection of not the garbage pail kids but
Starting point is 01:24:23 no the other ones that were all all like you know instead of like wacky wacky packages yeah wacky packs that were all like fake uh products like fake products that all had a lot to do with boogers or oh i remember when my friend he had like i think he had one that was you know the whatever it was it was pot tied in you know it was like a pot one and uh man, we thought he was the greatest. He put it on a skateboard and we were just like, this guy's set for life. Last I heard, he's a CEO of a very profitable company.
Starting point is 01:24:55 I saw a guy on the bus today with a longboard. And the brand of longboard he had was, the brand is Land Yachts. Oh, yeah. And yachts is spelledelt with a zed oh of course of course it is what was the brand of beer we're at the liquor store and there was a longboard but it was like chained oh no it was paps blue ribbon longboard yeah yeah that's right what are these people doing and we saw this this this uh holding it on itself and we And we saw a brand of vodka that came in a puffy coat. Yeah, a puffy coat with like a furry...
Starting point is 01:25:30 Furry hood. A fur-lined hood. And it's just a little bottle of vodka with a long coat around it. And Dave's joke was, hmm, you can really taste the gimmick. Pretty great. This last one comes from Jacob H.
Starting point is 01:25:45 This is a waiter to some of his friends. What do you do if you recognize someone you know in porn? Female friend of his, interested. I don't know. It's never happened to me. Was it awkward? Waiter, slightly scornful. No, they couldn't see me.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Right? Wasn't a two-way. Wasn't one of those 4D porns. He wasn't also in the porn. Yeah, like, well, yeah, what if you saw your friend? You're doing porn too? Oh, this is weird. We got paired together.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Doctor, I can't have sex with this woman. Because she's my friend. But you're only friends because you know each other from porn. Yeah, we're more like co-workers. We've had some sex outside of porn. Friend sex, though. I was once in a porno movie.
Starting point is 01:26:41 True story. Yeah, it was Dave. Dave was fucking a lady on a couch burning men. No, I was having sex with a bowl of guacamole. Now, in addition to overheards that have been written in, we also get ones that are called in.
Starting point is 01:26:58 This show is a marathon. Oh, man, is it ever. If you want to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328. Like these people have. What's up, guys? It's Dylan from South Carolina. My final overheard.
Starting point is 01:27:14 This one's got to be my favorite. He called in like four or five minutes. So I was sitting in class in social studies, and the teacher was doing a game where she would show pictures of a historical figure. And she showed one of this really creepy looking dude that had like a beard and he had his hand up. Like he was about to be like doing some magic or something. And so nobody really knew who it was. So when we went back through and she told us who it was, I'm sorry, I can't remember the dude's name.
Starting point is 01:27:43 But it was, I think i can't remember the dude's name but it was it's i think it started with a b and she was talking about how he had an affair with the queen and had influenced the government uh in that area by having the affair with the queen more so than the king did and so she was like and when they went went to execute him, they shot him and he didn't die. And so they poisoned him and he didn't die. And so they stomped on him and he didn't die. And then so they finally drowned him to kill him. And then so this kid in my class yelled out,
Starting point is 01:28:25 Well, that dude's tougher than 50 Cent. Fact. I didn't catch what the third execution attempt was. Stomped on him? Yeah, pounced. I thought it was pounced on him. Oh, I thought it was stomped on him. The Lion King pounced on him. The Tiger King. The Tiger was pounced. I think at thought it was stomped on the lion king pounced the tiger king
Starting point is 01:28:45 i think at that point he was a lion by then um i think that was rasputin that he was describing yeah i thought yeah absolutely and uh speaking of sexy russian teens right yeah lover of the russian queen um he was yeah he was 17 when he seduced the queen Famous Didn't he have a huge penis? Never mind Is that a limerick or something? He was a lover, wasn't he? He loved very
Starting point is 01:29:22 I don't know, a lot of people He was super gross looking up very, I don't know, a lot of people. But he... But like, he was super gross looking up top, but down low he was like, majestic. South of the border. Yeah, because if you've ever seen pictures of Rasputin, he looks like a terribly scary
Starting point is 01:29:40 derelict, right? Like, it's not somebody that you'd think we'd be able to seduce. Although, seduce back in those days had a different connotation perhaps than now. Now it would involve a lot of whining,
Starting point is 01:29:55 dining, talking, interest. Why did I set that up? Because it's great. That's why. This call was called in a couple weeks ago, and he's calling from his social studies class. I think Americans in some regions, they go to school like in August. There's a lot of, you know what? There's a lot of school systems, and I learned this, I think, the last year of high school, that they're year-round.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Like, they're semestered, but they're year-round. They don't have, like, a two-month summer. Yeah, they have, like, a couple weeks off here, a couple weeks off there. Yeah, yeah. Alberta was going to adopt that system, like, province-wide, and then they didn't because they're all tough. With the actual quote of that guy's tough for the 50 cent
Starting point is 01:30:47 it might be summer school. Yeah, that's true. And the fact that no one could identify the guy and our caller couldn't remember
Starting point is 01:30:55 who it was. The end thing starts with a B. Brasputin. I think it was Brasputin or something. I think it was Donatello.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Next call. Hi, Dave and Graham. Just walking home on a Friday night through the gauntlet that is last call. Lots of people stumbling. A couple, very finely dressed. Lady in a lace dress. Dude in nice preppy wear. arm around his lady's shoulder. He leans in as they stumble down the street.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Ghost ride that whip. Yeah. Yeah. Now, what's the... What is... Is ghost ride and the whip are two different things, right? No, ghost riding a whip is when you're driving a car, and then you get out of the car,
Starting point is 01:31:49 and it sort of drives itself for a while, and you do a little dance. You dance beside it or on top of it? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, you'll have a group of people. It's like a Chinese fire drill, but with a moving car. Yeah, the car stays in motion.
Starting point is 01:32:05 It's generally done in a low-traffic area. That's funny. I don't think that that was ever a thing. No, it's not a thing. It's not a thing except on YouTube. Oh, is it? Okay. I've heard of...
Starting point is 01:32:17 Because I think ghostwriting I always thought of with a bicycle. Oh, yeah. That's how it started. That's how it started. Okay. The origins of ghostwriting. So you get off a bicycle? Yeah, and you just let it go. You just let it go. Oh, but you don't get back on it? No. Oh, that's how it started. That's how it started. Okay. The origins of Ghost Riders. So you get off a bicycle? Yeah, and you just let it go.
Starting point is 01:32:26 You just let it go. Oh, but you don't get back on it? No. Oh, okay. There's no dancing involved. Yeah, so yeah, that was the only part that confused me. And then what is it? What's the...
Starting point is 01:32:37 And shoes are called kicks. And then urban... What's it? Hood rats are women that dance on cars? No, no, no. Hood rats are rats that wear hoodies well it's adorable i mean like it's it's second only to a vodka wearing a hoodie two six wearing clothes yeah now what is the whip that he's talking about a whip is a car
Starting point is 01:33:00 no but what he's saying like ghost ride this whip i think he's probably talking about his dick but then doesn't that mean that she's just like gets it hard and then dances beside him without touching it so that's good to me i don't know about you guys that that sounds all right it sounds like a good friday late friday early saturday not a sunday though yeah no that's the lord's day yeah exactly you know that except on a long weekend. Yeah, then it's just guac. Guac. Yeah, that's what you call it when you're having relations. Now, let's say a quick prayer.
Starting point is 01:33:39 No, I think the guy saw a car and he probably said, go ride that web. I mean, I can't. I don't want to speculate. And then if you get out of your car and he probably said, ghost ride that way. I mean, I can't, I don't want to speculate. And then if you get out of your car and you walk next to it, and then at the end you stick your dick in a guacamole, that's called walking the guac. Ghost ride the guac.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Oh guys, we're having a lot of fun. Finally. Hello, stop podcasting yourself. This is Pew totally. I'm calling from Kansas City, Missouri With an overheard
Starting point is 01:34:07 I was at the local convenience store Called Valero And there was an old man And a young clerk Having a conversation And the old man starts to walk away And the young clerk says to him Well old man, I hope you have a bad day
Starting point is 01:34:23 And the old man turns around and says Well I hope you fall in a pile of shit. Yep. I was jiggling through that. I knew it was coming. That is a good burn. There's no coming back. You got me. I'm at work.
Starting point is 01:34:55 I can't one-up you. I hope you have a bad day. What was the clerk thinking? Yeah. I hope you follow a pile of shit. I hope I don't. That's all you can say. I hope you are wrong.
Starting point is 01:35:12 You shouldn't hope that. Stop hoping it. You got old man voodoo power. Thinner. Thinner. Pile of shit. Thinner. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Well, if you want to be somebody who calls in with a great overt like that, make Dave laugh like that, you can call us at 206-339-8328 or send in one by email stoppodcastyourself at Oh, we now have a fax machine. Oh, what is the number? It's... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha this movie. You're editing this movie. You're trying to raise funds for this movie. You're putting
Starting point is 01:36:06 on a fucking festival. Tell us, do all the plugs now. Plug it as hard as you want. Here are the plugs. If you'd like to check out our teaser scene or donate to SteelViperForce. SteelViperForce Heroes Redemption.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Go to www. all the information's there for you. Was taken? No. That was Curtis Gray, the director, just wanting to make sure the movie got on there. Because it's a movie. That's true.
Starting point is 01:36:38 It's a movie. Who's involved in the movie? Graham's in it, we know. Graham's in the movie. A bunch of people from Vancouver are in it. And this is just the short so far. Name some people. Name we ever had.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Probably past guests. Craig Anderson. Craig Anderson. John Brockstier. Connor Haller from Brockstier. Yes. Steve Baze. Steve Baze from Hot Hot Heat.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Yes. Christine Bordelon. Never had her on the show. People don't know who she's great. Caitlin Fontana. Caitlin Fontana. Caitlin Fontana. Had her on. She's helping with editing and writing as well.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Sure. We've got Ken Lawson. Haven't had him on. Oh, we have in one way. He was on a Christmas episode. That's right. Yep. We've got Morgan Brighton.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Yep. Morgan Brighton. Last week's guest. Yeah. Yeah. She's in it. We've got Grant Lawrence from CBC Radio 3. Oh, Grant from work.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Yeah. We've got, you know Grant. Yeah, sure does. And who else? There's even more than that. I can't think of them. There's a lot of people that, you know, get killed. But it's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:37:39 It's fun. But it's great. It's great. It's an action movie, but we're doing it. It's an homage to, you homage to late 80s action movies, the ones that you grew up with that are just kind of terrible and great. Yeah. So help us make this a reality.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Sounds great. That's that one. And then the other, the festival is Olio Festival. It's in its third year. It happens September 22nd to 24th. You can go to and get the lineup and the schedule and where you can get daily wristbands, full weekend wristbands for $50. Now for our listeners, it's a music, art, and comedy festival. Music, art, film, and skateboarding now.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Oh, cool. So Color Magazine got involved, and they're doing a skate contest on the Saturday. And it is the festival, Graham's beard painting. I'm in the art section. Yeah, his art show is going to be part of this festival. Thursday, September 22nd. I'm looking at the pamphlet right now, and Dave and I are going to be on the Laugh Gallery show. On the
Starting point is 01:38:47 23rd? The 20... No, Saturday the 24th. Oh, it's the 24th. I've been telling everybody the 23rd. Saturday the 24th at the Biltmore. At the Biltmore. And that's going to be... That's an all-star lineup. It's Laugh Gallery for anybody
Starting point is 01:39:03 in Vancouver who's never been. The best and brightest stand-up comedians telling hilarious jokes. There will be prizes that I will be giving away. Speaking of past guests, it's got you, me, Jane Stanton. Ben Mills. Ben Mills. Oh, our first ever guest. Our first ever guest.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Charlie Demers. We've got Sean Devlin. Oh. We have Alicia Tobin. We've got Sean Devlin. Oh. We have Alicia Tobin. We have an Ivan Decker. And I'm working on a special surprise guest. Ooh. To be announced.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Also in this program, Revolver, student teacher, Pugs and Crows, Needles Pins. Pugs and crows. Needles, pins. There's another big comedy show on the Thursday, September 22nd, that is the roast of Mayor Gregor Robertson, the mayor of Vancouver. That's going to be happening at 560. So I think it's the first time that a mayor of Vancouver has ever been roasted. And I will be producing that show and help write it with Sean Devlin and Caitlin Fontana, Kevin Lee, a bunch of other... Luminaries of the comedy scene, right?
Starting point is 01:40:09 Yes, people involved in and CTV's The Party. Well, there you go, man. You're doing it. You're out there. You're making it. You got the meat sweats. I'm sweating like a son of a bitch right now. Well, we all are. You're one of the people that's making this scene a place to be. So thanks for just being around.
Starting point is 01:40:28 I'm going to keep up with you guys. Oh, get out. You stop. Dave, any plugs? Cam also hosts a show at the China Cloud on Main Street the first Tuesday of every month called The Hero Show, which is a one-person sketch. Yeah, it's like solo comedic performance. Yeah, but not stand-up.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Stand-ups don't do their acts, but you do... You can do a character. Yeah. Monologues. That kind of thing. I will be there. If you're listening to this, I will be there tonight. The Tuesday...
Starting point is 01:41:02 Evacuate your house. September 6th. Yeah. And evacuate your... Stop it. Now, Graham, do you have anything to plug? Nope. I plugged it already.
Starting point is 01:41:12 The Olio. The beard painting thing. I think the Laugh Gallery. It sells itself. Get the bill more. It's got to be great. Bring Stop Podcasting Yourself to Toronto. Yes.
Starting point is 01:41:24 That's the Facebook group. There's a link off of our regular. And I think you should check out the blog recaps that Dave does every week, Oh, yeah, and we have a Facebook group that's quite popular of just people go on there. We're out there. We're doing it. But also the forums at You can talk about the show in any way you want.
Starting point is 01:41:45 And it's great. We've been having a lot of good back and forth. Yeah. Yeah. There was something somebody was talking about, that Time Arm movie that you brought up. A lot of people wanted to talk about that, where you have time on your arm. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Time Arm.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Yeah. Oh, yeah, the taglines for that movie? Yeah. Time is money. Time is... No, no. I forget. Time is not on your side. All the time. forget what it was time's up you can't have your money back time's up no uh no time
Starting point is 01:42:13 refunds for this movie live your live your time is money live your time and you can't get your money back because you hate this movie oh guys it's been great thanks for being our guest cam thank you so much for having me and uh come on back next week for another scintillating episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.

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