Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 187 - Warren Bates

Episode Date: October 18, 2011

Triple-threat Warren Bates joins us to talk about Wendy's, the Justin Bieber movie, and Circus Magazine....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself, episode 187. My name is Graydon Clark. I'm a dungeon master in a Dungeons and Dragons game. Sounds like a guy that would run a Dungeons and Dragons game, right?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Graydon? Graydon? Does that sound like an actual name? I think there is a guy out there named... Oh, there's absolutely a Graydon. But he's probably... he spends a lot of time in a game, right? Graydon? Graydon? Does that sound like an actual name? I think there is a guy out there named... Oh, there's absolutely a Graydon. But he's probably... He spends a lot of time in a basement, right? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:00:50 He uses an SPF 60, perhaps? Or higher, you know? Because he doesn't get out in the sun a lot. Wait, I knew someone with a name similar to that in, like, elementary school. Oh, uh... Gray... Gray...
Starting point is 00:01:02 Gray ghost. Gray goose. Gray goose. gray goose vodka uh magnate um uh my name is graydon clark and uh with me as always is a is a man wearing uh one two but just shy of three chevrons on his shirt yeah how do you like it how do you like wearing that many chevrons on your shirt uh it's a good amount two chevrons uh chevron is a like a v downward point v you would be like uh what a lieutenant if you had uh two chevrons i don't know the ranking of chevrons and i i don't believe they wear them right across their chest no well not i mean in the future they will but uh for now it's actually a little bit futuristic with the uh uh it's a gray shirt with white V down the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And then brown cords. So it's like, this is the future, but we're in the off hours. We're not enslaving some alien race. And our guest today, very funny man, he does the sketch. He works with the Pump Trolley show. Improv as well. And I've seen you do stand-up, so a triple threat.
Starting point is 00:02:11 You also sing. You also dance. What are the other threats you can have? Acting, cooking, right? Mario Batali is considered a single threat. When someone is a triple threat, is it Mario Batali is considered a single threat? There goes single Marianne Patel is considered a single threat? There goes single threat Marianne Patel.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I like to interrupt before the person is introduced so they don't get to talk. When someone is considered a triple threat, it's singing, dancing, acting? Singing, dancing, acting, or, you know, like you could substitute, you could take out acting, put in cooking. Okay. So like a Jamie Kennedy, single threat. Can't do anything else. I think he drums. Oh, okay. Double threat. Yeah. And our guest today,
Starting point is 00:02:52 triple threat, at least, Mr. Warren Bates. Thank you very much. Tell us about some more threats. Yeah, how many threats do you have? I don't know. I took a yellow boat in judo. Really? Oh, really? That's somewhat actually threatening. Judo is the throwing one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Grapples. Throwing stars. Or throwing a person. Throwing people. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater. That's right. Yeah. Throwing your hands up in the air like you just did.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Yeah. Exactly. And throwing up. Yeah. A lot of that. I like being told I'm a triple threat Because that means there's other people Who are talented out there who are like You might steal my commercial
Starting point is 00:03:30 Isn't that what it is? Wait, let's get to know us Get to know us Why do they call it a triple threat? Because who are you threatening? It's the other artists That only have a single or a double threat In their arsenal yeah you're delighting everyone else although it's annoying if someone does like dancing in this day and age so do you think that jamie kennedy celebrity chef
Starting point is 00:03:54 is afraid of usher because he can do three things kennedy's not the chef you're thinking of uh jamie jamie oliver oliver yeah jamie kenn Kennedy is a zero threat. He's a multi-threat because he has multiple characters. Yeah, the mask too. Or son of the mask. Malibu's Most Wanted. Breaking it old school? Was that a different movie
Starting point is 00:04:20 than Malibu's Most Wanted? Kicking it live. That's a Jamie Kennedy movie. movie uh so like a jamie oliver would be afraid of an usher because usher's got three threats not an usher usher he wouldn't be afraid one of the usher brothers that would be a weird phobia if you're afraid of ushers yeah well it would mean that you would show up on time for a show always. And bring a tiny flashlight. I know what my seat is. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:51 So, congratulations on all your threats. Thank you very much. What's going on with you? What's new? What's new in the world of Warren Bates? A lot of sketch. We're planning a Halloween show that just happens to be around Halloween. This is going to be filled with ghosty...
Starting point is 00:05:08 We ended up writing two sketches that somewhat have to do with scary things. So that's good enough. Yeah. But they're all pretty funny. Good enough for who? Not for me. For me. For you?
Starting point is 00:05:18 Is that enough scariness in one show? It depends what the scary things are. I don't want to give too much away. Okay. But there's demons in one. Okay It depends what the scary things are. I don't want to give too much away, but there's Demons in one. Okay. And then there's Flash Mob of Thriller Dance. The clown from It.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Oh, Pennywise in the towel. I've never seen It, though. Me neither. But you're a big fan of the band Pennywise. Yeah, and Tim Curry. And John Ritter with a beard. Possibly. Is he in the Ritter with a beard. Possibly. Is he in the movie? Just his beard was.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah. Who played it? Tim Curry. Okay, I don't know. See? It wasn't one thing. It was a bunch of things, right? It was whatever was the scariest thing to you.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Oh, I don't know. And so that's why one of them was a clown with sharp teeth, because that was somebody who was afraid of that. And then everybody realized that they were afraid of that when they saw that movie. They were like, oh yeah, I didn't know I was afraid of that. But now that's my number one fear. Far too often someone's like, I'm really afraid of clowns. Yeah. And you're like, duh.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Are you afraid of clowns? I'm annoyed by clowns. Yeah. Actual real clowns who do like artistic clowning. What happens when you see a sexy clown? Does that confuse you? Triple threat. Because one, scary.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Scary. Two, sexy. Three, clowny. Yeah, like fun and clowny. Yeah, balloon animals. But the scary part is a legitimate threat. But like do your bodily functions get confused when you see a sexy clown? I don't. Well, I confused when you see a sexy clown?
Starting point is 00:06:47 I don't, well, I'd have to see a sexy clown. I've never seen one. It's a little like asking what green tastes like. Oh yeah. Tastes like spearmint. There you go. There you go. Wait, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yes. What about apple? Uh, what about ABBA? Apple. Oh, these are all green flavors. Uh, yeah, no, I, uh, like off, like an orangey red Tastes like apple And lime doesn't have a flavor Or a color
Starting point is 00:07:10 Okay, so Sexy clowns That's one thing that you've got coming up on your show If I understand correctly That would Yeah, like it would sort of scar you in one way or the other. If that was, if you were attracted to what you were afraid of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Oh, wow. It takes a certain kind of. Oh, like if, like, oh, yeah. Like if you were like, oh, responsibility makes me hot. Or, you know, intimacy. Oh, it's great. It's so hot. It would be really weird. Yeah, for me.
Starting point is 00:07:49 What are you more afraid of? Intimacy or clowns? Okay, let's see. Oh, equal. Equal. I would have to know intimacy first. Oh, yeah. I'm just kidding. And then you'd have to fuck a clown. I'm a triple threat.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Best know I'm just kidding. And then you'd have to fuck a clown. I'm a triple threat. Best know I have had intimacy. That would be great if, like, on the news they described, like, there's an escaped lunatic in your neighborhood. He's a triple threat. He's got a gun, a knife, and a bow. Yeah, and a beautiful singing voice. You see someone doing a plie? Yeah. He's got a knife, perfect pitch.
Starting point is 00:08:35 That's how he broke out. He posed as part of a barbershop. Oh, he shattered the window with his perfect pitch. What if you were a triple threat, but you were an impressionist, and you thought it just meant you could do three impressions? Yeah, I'm a triple threat. I got a Nicholson. Don Cherry.
Starting point is 00:08:53 What do you think those would be? Who would be the three? Oh, Christopher Wagon. It seems to be universal. Yeah, Shatner. Shatner and Richard Nicholson. And young Shatner. Yeah, Shatner.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Star Trek Shatner and shit Nixon And young Shatner Yeah, Shatner Star Trek Shatner and Shit My Dad Says Shit What season is that on now? Cancelled Oh man, what? Really? So far none of the Twitter based TV series have really hit it big Now what were those? Retweet There's more than one Hashtag live
Starting point is 00:09:24 I can only think of Shit My Dad Says What were those? Retweet. There's more than one. Hashtag live. I can only think of shit my dad says. Do you guys know what it means when there's usually these really glamorous Twitter accounts, and then they have, like, tons of followers, and they have a connected Tumblr all the time, and then they have, like, a little crown after their name? Oh. Do you know what that means? Is it a verified one?
Starting point is 00:09:44 No, no. It's like an ASCIIi i'm saying that right oh a-s-c-i-i and it's a little royal crown it's it feels like a very like that that means they work for royal crown cola oh really yeah so is that like one of those promote it's not one of the promoted sites like where they're like no no, no, these are people who, these are people who were just like very fat, like fashionistas or fashionistas, those people, just very like cool people who tweet stuff like, remember the quiet ones because they're the ones that are your friends. And they like tweet stuff like that. Like, really like, and they have like so many followers i'm wondering if i
Starting point is 00:10:27 should like you should just put a little crown beside your name you'll gain so many but where do you put it oh in your name you don't put it after every tweet no no not like a signature thing yeah okay yeah you're quite friends with the best crown Crown. Right. Yeah. Well, yeah, I have noticed that. I noticed that Twitter tried a new thing, because they would always have on the side, you know, accounts you might want to follow, and they were always promoted like Pampers or something, and you'd be like, why the fuck would I want to follow that? Even if I had, like, eight baby butts just shooting all the time. Shooting all the time. Wow octo threat but why would i right you want to go to twitter to get away from that
Starting point is 00:11:13 yeah exactly oh more pampers great oh i hate having our couplets i just want to see what wendy's doing right now oh i want to go back to that but yeah you know that they brought like dave thomas's daughter like back for the Wendy's ads, right? Back from the dead, yeah. Yeah, she's back from the dead. Bothers me that she's not redheaded. And it bothers me also that the Wendy's on the sign, like, it's like fast food commercials, they don't even try anymore. They're like, look at what a lifetime of eating fast food has done to Wendyendy's your favorite mascot she looks pretty beaten up she looks pretty rough because she doesn't look great
Starting point is 00:11:49 right they could have just hired but i'm not sure she ate hired an actress people know her they've i've seen like shows where it's like uh meet the real people behind your favorite corporate logos. Is this undercover boss? Please welcome Sarah Lee. Betty Crocker. The Pillsbury Dough Man. He's a real guy.
Starting point is 00:12:18 He's an albino. Just naked dude with no genitals. He's wearing a chef's hat. I can't wear clothes. It's a condition. I'm allergic to all fibers. I would love to wear clothes. Yeah. Also has a very high voice.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Very high voice. I'm a eunuch, and the only clothes I can wear is this dumb chef hat. Does he not wear a little kerchief as well? Yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be that mean to Wendy's. Oh, boy. Wendy's Wendy. as well uh yeah i'm sorry i didn't mean to be that mean to wendy's oh boy wendy's wendy i don't and plus i don't think like she's a millionaire why would she wendy's out of honor for her for
Starting point is 00:12:53 her family i'm sure tradition she tastes everything once and it was like right yep feed it feed it to people who are too good for mcdonald's but, like, when they had Colonel Sanders, he looked like the logo, but you don't bring out somebody who's like, I used to look like this. Not anymore. You know? Am I wrong? I feel like I'm cast out to see it on this one. But wouldn't it be worse if she was still
Starting point is 00:13:17 a ten-year-old girl? It would be really weird. But why don't they just let those lit-sleep sleeping dogs lie? Why rustle her out of her burger cave? Why do you assume she's super un... Do you think she's a slave to the company? I think she's intellectual property of Wendy's.
Starting point is 00:13:38 So she also has no freedom just in her own life. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. We'll call you when we need you. Meanwhile, have a double bacon something or other. Have a rich, thick, and meaty. That's something on their menu, right?
Starting point is 00:13:54 Rich, thick, and meaty? I don't know. I haven't been there for a while, but I remember the last time I went they had their shit together so well that I would get to the counter and they'd be like, is it for here to go? And I'm like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Before you even ordered? Yeah. I don't like it when restaurants have a different strategy. They ask for your name first. Oh, yeah. Oh, right? What about restaurants asking you for your phone number? Calm's down.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I do not like that. Draw a picture of your genitals. Yeah, I do not go to Swiss Shell anymore. Yeah, like, I don't know. Anyways, what were we talking about before, Wendy's? Twitter. So many things. Twitter crowns.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Oh, yeah. They tried a new thing where, like, the ad is in your feed, so it looks like you're following that person. So I was like, there's an ad for Doritos in my feed, and it's like, hey, up late, do you want some Doritos? Yeah. And I was like, I guess, but then I don't remember following Doritos. I guess I do. Yeah, that's because you're like, you win. Hi, I'm Joe Dorito. My dad founded Doritos. I am a triangle.
Starting point is 00:15:13 He's freakish millionaires. Have you seen that? Joe Dorito? Wasn't he one of the three students or something? Yeah, he grew up on Cool Ranch. Did you see on the internet people making cartoon characters realistic? Oh, I have seen that. Yeah, the Homer Simpson is really troubling.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Which is material for a nightmare. Yeah, totally. What if you made the thing from it into a cartoony thing? That would be the opposite. It would make it more kind of fun. And like you want to hang out with him. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:15:44 Like his teeth are rounded. I mean, I don't want to hang out with a cartoon. No cartoons? You never wanted to hang out with him? Well, yeah, I don't know how that would ever happen. The Framed Roger Rabbit is a really good example of how everybody would react to cartoons. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you're like, oh, that guy's a jerk.
Starting point is 00:16:02 But you realize you would hate cartoons if they were around you. Always a gag. What do you think would be the least annoying cartoon to hang out with? And you can count comic strips in there as well. Oh, I mean, Droopy would be taking a lot of naps, and so you could just ignore him. Yeah, that's a good call. I think, yeah, Ziggy to me for some reason. Like, there was Slowpoke, that really racist Speedy Gonzalez cousin.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Well, he wasn't racist, but the idea of him was racist, I guess. What was Slowpoke? What was his race? He was Mexican as well. And he was just very slow. I'll say that. Okay, but... Oh, like slow...
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah. Upstairs, downstairs. No, just really talked slow, took a lot of naps. I gotcha. Siestas. Yeah, siestas. Did Speedy Gonzales was racist too? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I just feel like he's burned more into the... Yeah, I mean, I guess he's more of a hero character. Why was he racist though? Just because he was a mouse that was Mexican? Just because his name's Speedy Gonzalez. There are Mexican people with the name Gonzalez. And he talks in a really cartoonish Mexican accent. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:15 But wouldn't it be better to have a Mexican character than no Mexican character? But couldn't you have the Mexican character be a banker or a doctor? In a cartoon world? But couldn't you have the Mexican character be like a banker or a doctor? In a cartoon world? It's like the most boring cartoon. Speedy Gonzales MD. Speedy Gonzales rides the bus without disturbing anyone. That was a great one.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I was watching on Turner Classic Movies. They showed like a back-to-back-to-back marathon of Buster Keaton movies. And you were napping? I was watching. And there's a lot of, like they say, like, these are classic bits of cinema or whatever. And there's like a lot of incidental racism in them. You're like, oh, there's a lot of people in blackface in this movie yeah uh anyways yeah why was that like why oh racism well but like they were like oh people won't know what a black person actually looks like if we get a real one like it'll blow people's
Starting point is 00:18:20 minds right yeah just to make fun of them yeah were they the butt of all the jokes mostly they were like uh you know always the help were they um the servant characters uh was were these silent movies and was one of them the the prequel to the help they were all silent and but that was the thing like even in uh later like in 60s Hollywood, they wouldn't have native people in films. They would have Mexican people dressed up like native people. Because it was that same thing. It was like, what do you think is going to happen if you put a native person? Maybe they didn't want to be in the movies where they were portrayed as the evil force killing the heroes.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Well, we'll look into it. Hollywood, right? Yeah. Oh, boy. There's so many secrets I don't know about. I know. I don't want to know about them. Yeah, because it's just gonna bring up a lot of racist issues for you, right? Exactly. So these silent movies you were
Starting point is 00:19:18 watching. Yeah. How many were there? Were they like... All night long. But is it like four movies an hour? Some of them. Buster Keaton made some features. So they showed three of his features. Now, Buster Keaton is the Benny and June character. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah. Johnny Depp played him in Benny and June. All I know is the house falling and the sitting on the train. Yep. I only know the house falling. Yeah. And then I used to think there was a clock one he did, but that was someone else. That's Harold Lloyd.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Okay. No, that's Back to the Future. It's Christopher Lloyd. Yeah. It was the clock tower. Yeah. So, like, I don't know. They're funny.
Starting point is 00:20:03 They're really good sight gags. I mean, they didn't have any audio gags, except for, like, I don't know, they're funny. They're really good sight gags. I mean, they didn't have any audio gags, except for like, boop, bop. Which are pretty good, right? Yeah. But if you see them in context, even better. You mean just the sounds alone are pretty hilarious? Was that sound I just made not hilarious? Do it again.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Boop, bop. Yeah? Yeah, it's pretty good, right? So what else is going on, Warren? Tell us all about it. I worked at a butcher shop for a year and a half. Oh, right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I used to go there and be like, hey, this guy works here. And then I'd give you like three bucks off or something. Yeah. And if I ever recognized anyone, I should probably make them a deal. Is that why you're not working there anymore? They fired me for losing them hundreds and hundreds of dollars. No.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Why did you quit? I was just tired of doing it. Sure. One thing that kind of wore on me. I know you're a vegetarian, right? I am, yeah. People would come in and they'd be really gung-ho about me to the point where it was just bizarre. I think if someone goes into a record shop and they really want to impress the record staff,
Starting point is 00:21:14 like, yeah, how's the new whatever band is popular? I feel the same way is with me. They'd come in and try to impress me. Like, yeah, I'm really into this cut of meat. Shanks. He's like, give me some shanks. What they don't know is I showed up one day with a resume and was like, can I work here? And they're like, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And I'm not a butcher. What did you... So did you ever have to... Like, they brought you live animals and you had to kill them? No. You had to wrestle them to the death. Yes. I was gorged many times.
Starting point is 00:21:51 And for minimum wage, too. But the real strange thing is people would often get defensive toward vegetarians. Without vegetarians being around at all, they would just be like, Man, I need to be a vegetarian. I don't care about anyone's dietary... They can't pronounce vegan. They always say vagan. You're these vagans
Starting point is 00:22:12 now. Like they're not sure what they're... Like it came out last year. Or what they're into. It's kind of vague. I think vagans are the followers of the character from Street Fighter 2. Vega. Yes. So people would come in and be like oh yeah all major bison is it m stand for major i know it's m bison oh really
Starting point is 00:22:36 i but it might be major i don't know i just how many chevrons he had mr bison. Martin Bison. Yeah, there's like a culture of that, like, proud to eat a thing. Whether it be a large thing or a meat thing or a really hot thing. There used to be a culture around that. Are you a hot thing eater? You made a face. No, I was making a face like, yeah, those people that brag about eating hot things. I enjoy it. I can't eat really hot.
Starting point is 00:23:12 But I wonder what there are, if there's like any niche like... Shoelaces? Or like, yeah, some people brag about like the mayonnaise-iest potato salad. Oh, this potato salad isn't potato salad. I, this... Like, I really like mayonnaise. This potato salad is a potato salad. I need, like, one more jar in this. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:29 One more jar. Can I get an extra jar of mayo on the side? Just leave the jar. Like a drunk. Your potato salad, how much mayonnaise is in it? And when you say a lot, I need to know what you mean by a lot. Yeah. Like, can I still see the potatoes?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Not enough. It's got to be basically, like, it's just a bowl of mayonnaise with some potatoes. When you go to the store and you're in the mayonnaise aisle, Miracle Whip is there. Sure. And it says salad dressing. Wow. It doesn't classify itself as a mayonnaise. It classifies itself as a salad dressing.
Starting point is 00:24:04 A salad dressing? Where in their TV commercials they pride themselves on being a sandwich thing. Yeah. That would be really funny to see somebody scooping Miracle Whip onto their salad. Just trying to keep healthy. Watching my weight.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Those commercials are probably some of my favorites. I'll tell you what a miracle is. Getting into my swimsuit by... That's the miracle. They seem like a company that you would have to follow on Twitter. Hey, you need to follow this. This is suggested for you.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah. But those Twitter... They always have funny questions. It's like, what's your favorite way to put Miracle Whip on something? Someone in their PR department is dying. Like they have to come up with five new ideas every day. I don't know, put it on Mexican food. Andale, Andale, happy Cinco de Mayo.
Starting point is 00:25:01 What do you do with your, hey, Speedy Gonzalez. For Halloween, what kind of bodily fluid Does Miracle Whip most seem like In a haunted house And then they realize what they've done They delete it Two minutes later Miracle Whip would like to apologize
Starting point is 00:25:21 For the last tweet They've got a thousand responses That are at Miracle Whip would like to apologize for the last tweet. They've got a thousand responses that are at Miracle Whip. Jizz. It's already on Reddit. Yeah. Oh, man. Nerd talk.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah. Yeah. But that Miracle Whip campaign about, like, you know. This is not. It's just in the sandwich. Yeah, it's like Occupy Wall Street of mayonnaise. Yeah. Occupy Wall Street of mayonnaise. Occupy White Bridge.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Guys, are you going to go down to the Occupy... Vancouver? Octopi protest down here in Vancouver? What would they be protesting about here? We don't have a Wall Street. We have a... What do we have here? What are we protesting here? what is going on here guys anybody jastown's kind of ritzy yeah that's true there's a lot of rich oh yeah there are rich
Starting point is 00:26:12 people i guess we're occupying them but it's not occupy the rich it's not nearly as bad in canada like canadian ceos and it's not even like it's around election time. Like, it's not like you can scare Harper that much. Yeah, I think this is just a show of solidarity. Okay, you're right. Oh, that's okay. Well, yeah, I should go down there and bring some Miracle Whip. Some chips and Miracle Whip?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Huh? Pound. Chips and Whip. Right? That's one they could use. Follow Glidden Paint. and whip right that's one they could use uh follow glidden paint you know it's always some fucking thing that you like i like the ones that follow you that are just like it's some auto shop in california like this is the two least thing i know never been to california and they're following you yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:27:06 they're following me for no i don't know i wouldn't if i was an auto shop there's a there's a a newsletter that comes out once a week and it's called the wa blues society and they always include me in it but i'm not a blues musician everybody else in it is a blues musician they include you how do they include you it's on It's on Twitter, and it'll say, like, in this week's issue, and it'll be like, at this blues musician, at this blues musician, at Graham Clark. And then you'll go into it, and it's all information about... How sad you should be, or how you probably have the blues. Take a quiz to see if you have the blues.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Do they just look at pictures of people? Graham Clark seemsark seems like he got the blues yeah so then and but they just like repost a bunch of my tweets so i don't know why they think of a blues guy maybe there's a blues guy named graham clark mistaken identity maybe there is yeah there's a possibility there um some guy that owns a car place does he retweet you does he does he like your tweets or is he just trying to drum up what happens is they follow you for a while and then they realize then you're not gonna follow them back oh yeah they just unfollow you twitter is a cruel mistress oh but it hurts a bit when they unfollow you a little bit even though you were never gonna to go to his auto shop.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I just thought, you know, I was adding some mirth to some guy in California and some mirth into his day. Yeah. Yeah, totally. He followed Friday to you. Yeah. He gets it. I follow Friday. Cats, I think, are funny.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah. Now, Dave. Yeah. What do you got going on? Oh, boys. Oh, boys. So, I've been searching through Netflix Canada. Sure.
Starting point is 00:28:51 So you think you can watch Netflix Canada. Let me qualify that. Netflix Canada. And today I watched something from the documentary section, a new release in the documentary section, Justin Bieber, Never Say Never. Oh, wow. We got that. Yeah, we got it, guys.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Does that count as a documentary? Apparently. Oh, good. Is it not a concert film? It's a concert film. With backstage antics? With backstage and on tour. With Christopher Guest twist.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Yeah. It's a mockumentary. What does a Bieberaver do backstage? Rassles with his friends All guys Says a prayer Tutors Young kids
Starting point is 00:29:34 Well they did this one thing Where he goes back to his hometown And he really does say a lot of prayers In the movie What is his hometown? Stratford, Ontario. Oh, he's Stratford. Napanee is...
Starting point is 00:29:47 Avril Lavigne. Avril Lavigne, that's right. And he goes out with some of his old friends from before he was famous. Just really awkward? They go out for pizza. One of them is Wendy. Just like a buck a slice place
Starting point is 00:30:03 and they each have a slice of pizza. He makes them pay. And he says grace in the restaurant. I've never, ever seen anyone say grace in a restaurant. I did at the old spaghetti factory. I'm going to spring this on you. I'm a little religious. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Oh, are you? And people... I try not to be a dick about it. Yeah, sure. There's heathens around here. They don't eat meat. Exactly. And I've been with groups of people.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I don't know, they're like doing it. And they're just like, we're going to say grace now. And I'm just like, oh, all right. The grace I saw, and I don't know if this is a Grace thing in a lot of families or whatever, they all held hands? Is that? Yeah. Well, we said Grace growing up.
Starting point is 00:30:50 We still do in my family, but never at restaurants and never touching. I think we would say Grace, like, before Thanksgiving dinner. Right. Because it felt like, hey, come on. Come on, guys. It's called Thanksgiving. Let's try and spruce this up one notch, fellas and fellettes. But Justin Bieber just...
Starting point is 00:31:08 Oh, yeah. Doesn't even... Yeah. Also in his hometown, there was a girl just playing violin on the street, like busking, and he just walks right up to her and doesn't say anything and stares at her. She's like 12 years old. And then she stops playing and says, Are you Justin Bieber? And he says, Yeah, I used to busk at this very corner.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Anyway, keep following your dreams. He just interrupts her and tells her to follow her dreams and walks off. Doesn't give her any money. Doesn't say anything about, like, don't stop. Never say never. Never say never. That's what it was. Don't always. Never say never. Never say never. That's what it was. Don't always say always.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Is there a statue of him in the city? Did they saw the head off of a previous statue and just put his head on it? I think they have to wait for him to be full grown, because they don't want to have a statue. They have to put lifts in the statue. Otherwise, it'll be like the Wendy's thing. I used to be this kid. Also, if he loses a leg, God forbid.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I'm going to start saying God forbid now that you know. They might choose to go with the leg something to represent his struggles, still being able to sing, even missing a leg. Oh, I see so like something horrible will happen to him he just lost a threat right i still threat beaver i like the idea of there being a guy a statue in town that has like you know like a giant cape or something like he's an
Starting point is 00:32:38 explorer and then they've just chopped his head off like a beaver. Why is he wearing one of those old war helmets? Well, Stratford, Ontario is famous for its Shakespeare festival. Sure. That's where Shakespeare was born. They probably have a Shakespeare statue somewhere
Starting point is 00:32:59 so they could chop the head off that. Or just add the wig. They just put a wig, like just a dollar store wig on top of it and then rename it. They just add the wig. They just put a wig, like just a dollar store wig on top of it and then rename it. They take the plaque off and just put it on. Hard times. Unlicensed wig that says like
Starting point is 00:33:14 Popstar. Yeah. Teen Idol. Never say never wig. That's true. When you go to get Halloween costumes, it's not like Twilight, but just like heartthrob vampires. Yeah. Or like if it's a Beatles wig.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Right. Fab wig. Fab wig. I used to work at Valley Village and the thing I found the most offensive was all the pimp stuff. Yeah. Like, that's a terrible thing. Did they use the word pimp? No, that's the other thing. It'd be like, money daddy.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah. Like, you know. Money daddy. Gold-toothed scoundrel. Yeah, I feel like... Now, are you a Halloween guy? Dave doesn't do. You don't dress up for Halloween
Starting point is 00:34:06 I don't You're opening a can of worms now My birthday's on Halloween And I grew up not celebrating it Your birthday or Halloween? Because my parents were like, no, there's too many demons Wait, which one didn't you celebrate? I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:34:23 I thought you didn't celebrate your birthday because of Halloween. We didn't celebrate my birthday because my real parents are demons. Sorry, too many demons. Your dad, Jack Skellington. I'm still wrestling with my personal demons about having you. Too many demons. Yeah. No, I did celebrate my birthday.
Starting point is 00:34:47 But it was always very like, my friends were like, what are you doing for Halloween? Oh, I'm having a birthday. Oh. Which is cool. I'm going to get candy and dress up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I'll see you after my birthday. Yeah. It's kind of sad, but... Did they make you like a pumpkin cake or anything like that? No, they, you know, they did the whole birthday thing. But I never dressed up.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Okay. Except when I got to the age of 12, they were like, oh, we were stupid. Sorry. Go ahead and enjoy the last two years of Halloween. What did you go as that first year? I went as Luigi. My friend was Mario. Nice. I played second fiddle to...
Starting point is 00:35:27 I didn't even have a mustache. It's true, he did. At least he didn't make you play Toadie. Or the princess. That would have been a great costume, though. The princess? Yeah. No doubt.
Starting point is 00:35:41 She was pretty. She was a heartthrob. Of the 16-bit? 24-bit? 8-bit? She's been there the whole ride. Quite was pretty. She was a heartthrob. Of the 16-bit? 24-bit? She's been there the whole ride. Quite a train. Quite a lot of... What do you call that?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Ruffles? Riveda? Crinoline? Crinoline. Good work, guys. Yeah. Macho. But I don't really dress up. So you don't do it either? No. The both of you is no dressies. If enough peer pressure, I'll cut two holes in a blanket because I think that's classic.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah. You are religious. You should just... You have sex with a hole in a blanket. The holes for my dick. And a finger. Well, one to look through. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I see you. What the fuck are you thinking? Oh, I was thinking the holes would be right next to each other. Well, they could go wherever you want, you know? Of course. I have the scissors. Yeah. Why don't you make four holes?
Starting point is 00:36:34 It's my blanket. It's my sheet. Well, so, but, like, technically, if you just made a hole big enough that you could just fit right through it, then that would still count, right? Like, is there a size of hole? If anybody out there has had sex with a sheet hole send us an email stop podcasting yourself at gmail yeah and are there guys that are like bragging about like oh i'm sorry i need a bigger hole the sheet hole is not big enough yeah i had to trace a coffee can lid. Shit.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And the other thing I noticed in the Justin Bieber movie, they had just like streeters, interviews with just girls outside of his concerts. And there would always be groups of like two or three girls. And in every group that was talking about them there would always be one girl who wasn't as into justin bieber as the other people in the group and i tried to pick it out every time and like sometimes that you could tell there would be a little bit of a shrug like or uh my favorite was i'm the only one with a credit card my favorite was... I'm the only one with a credit card. My favorite was the ones when all the girls
Starting point is 00:37:47 would scream, there would just be one girl covering her ears. That's loud. This is loud. He's not worth this. You never see that in old Beatles footage. Yeah, the one girl who's The one girl who's like, I'd rather be following the McClarry fire. I don't know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:38:02 The MacArthur trials. I don't know what was going on in The MacArthur trials? I don't know what was going on at the Beatles. The Cuban Missile Crisis? Yeah. I just instantly say the one that's not as interested is much more intellectual. Sure, yeah. Yeah, she's smarter?
Starting point is 00:38:17 What if she was dumber? You know what? I'm sure there are a lot of smart girls out there who are into the Beatles and Justin Bieber. But the thing about Justin Bieber is there's a lot of smart girls out there who are into the Beatles and Justin Bieber. But the thing, yeah, the thing about Justin Bieber is you, there's just one of them. Like the Beatles, at least there was something for everyone. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:31 There was the ugly one, the other ugly one. They were a homely band, weren't they? They were considered cute in their day. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean. And personality galore. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah, they were very funny. Oh, and good musicians. Well, I mean, great musicians. They could write a song, I think. But like, now, does Bieber do, you know... Anal? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:57 He prays before, though. Yeah, and he does it through a sheet. Does he do like banter between songs? Does he do... Is he funny? Is he like a Michael Bublé? Does some jokes in between? I wouldn't call like banter Between songs Is he funny Is he like a Michael Bublé Does some jokes in between I wouldn't call it banter
Starting point is 00:39:09 I would call it Talking over shrieking When I decided to be a pop star A year ago I met a young lady Today on the corner Who was playing a violin I interrupted her Everything he says I met a young lady today on the corner who was playing a violin.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I interrupted her. No, everything he says leads into the next song. Someone told me, never say baby. Baby. And he can't finish the sentence because people start, because they know what's coming. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was a 3D movie. In the theaters wow so that girl her violin bow was coming out but well you could tell what parts were gonna be 3d it was only the concert stuff
Starting point is 00:39:54 that was 3d would he run up the at the camera or like uh there would be graphics on the screen that would come at you oh okay um there was one part where they stopped which is awful in a uh if you're watching it on tv they stopped the movie and it's him and his like stylist uh are in like a sound stage and they uh they're like hey you there and he reaches his hand out and points down into the audience hey quit texting hey stop making out in back. And so they're just reaching into the camera. Stop making out. Can you imagine if you were busted by Justin Bieber? Yeah, making out to him. Yeah, like, hey, let's go be ironic and make out in a Justin Bieber movie.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah. And then he really busts you. And text. Stop practice kissing on your hand. Stop being the kind of fan that I have. Yep. Stop being my style of fan. Wow. i didn't know i i barely remembered that movie existed but now i kind of want to watch it yeah see it yeah catch it gotta catch them all yeah
Starting point is 00:40:54 if it's on netflix i probably will at least put it on in the background i think we're all gonna watch it when we go dave's gonna watch it again I'm gonna watch it again Oh lordy And you Graham What's up Yeah what is up I went I was two for two this week Went to things
Starting point is 00:41:15 That one was a movie That my friend edited In the Vancouver Film Festival And it was amazing And then I went to a play that was Friends of film festival and it was amazing and then i went to a play that was uh friends of a friend and it was amazing so i'm on a hot streak you don't like live theater do you oh you're the one that doesn't like i was going to invite you but then i remember that you hate live theater okay good but i saw a great show and i guess it's gonna tour throughout canada
Starting point is 00:41:43 it's called ride the Cyclone, and it was delightful. Musical. So that's two strikes against it in the Dave book, right? Oh, I like a good musical. Oh, well then you would like this, because it's got... I don't like seeing it live. I like knowing a song from it. Oh, I see. I could send you
Starting point is 00:41:59 an mp3, and then you could download it to your mp3 player. And then I did a a show you were at the show i did on the weekend giants at the giants thing i didn't it didn't go very well i uh i felt for me you were there i was your witness that didn't go very well i was laughing you were laughing but i think it was distinctive that you were one of the only people i know there were some times when i was like, am I laughing too loud? I felt like... I feel like everyone thinks I'm high.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I was taking tickets. Yeah. I was volunteering, so I was just outside. I didn't see it. Yeah. I didn't do very well, but I got really hung up. It was great. Oh, for you.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I think it was mostly just me telling jokes. But I got hung up on this thing, and we haven't really talked about it on the show, was that Ron McClain... For people who don't know who that is, he is a... Huge Canadian icon. Yeah. He hosts Hockey Night in Canada, which is a show about Canada. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:59 It's like Al Michaels. Who has Monday Night Football? Like a Terry Bradshaw. Sure, yeah. He's the person they put beside Don Cherry to remind people humanity isn't terrible. Right. He's the sober second thought. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And there was a picture that appeared online of him in Victoria at a bar where he had been drinking, I guess, a lot. Yeah. I mean, that's only... That is alleged, because... But he's shirtless in the photo, playing air guitar. With a beer in his hand. Yeah. I've heard this. And I feel like the Canadian media just kind of...
Starting point is 00:43:35 Eh, they didn't really report it. It just kind of... Did you see it on TV or in a paper or anything? I've only seen it on the internet. Yeah. It feels like kind of... like it was like kind of hushed up. Am I wrong? There was, I haven't seen this,
Starting point is 00:43:50 it was hushed up. I wouldn't be surprised, but it is kind of, I guess it's strange though. Yeah, like it's kind of like, it's not like he did anything bad. I mean, I don't know how good his air guitar is. Maybe it's really bad. I mean, air guitar is kind of obnoxious.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Sure. But, you know, like maybe he was just in a corner somewhere doing it by himself. Not hurting anybody. I saw an interview with Nardwar, who interviewed him. The human serviette. The human serviette. Sure. And he interviewed him and Don Cherry.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And apparently, McLean gives away every award he gets for broadcasting. He often gives them away at bars while he's drunk. And he's admitted this. He just gives them away. Like, here, do you want a Gemini? I think he's a very hair-in-the-wind sort of dude, but you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:44:38 realize it. Now, what is that phrase mean? Hair-in-the-wind? Carefree. Like, I thought... Ride the Cyclone Carefree. Oh. Like I thought. Ride the cyclone. Yeah. Sorry. You know what?
Starting point is 00:44:47 He's more of a dust in the wind kind of guy. Oh, sure. Just attached from materialism. But yeah, I don't know. I got really hung up on that during the set. I kept bringing it back to that and nobody wanted to talk about it. I feel like I made a real sour note with this Ron McLean stuff. Did you engage anyone?
Starting point is 00:45:08 Yeah, I tried to. Well, because he was shirtless. How many times have you seen a shirtless person in a bar, let alone one of the most famous people in the country? Remember it was a trend that muscly guys from New Jersey were taking their shirt off in bars? You would see on MySpace, there were always pictures of dudes dancing with their shirts off in bars you would see like on myspace there were always pictures of dudes like dancing with their shirts off do you remember yeah yeah so i mean but that's but like this didn't seem like a dance club bar it seemed just like a pub you know what i mean yeah a fancy diner like a french uh fancy bistro. But, like, you see those shirtless dudes at, like, a meat market.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Pardon me. I know. That's too soon. But, like, not at, you know, the Pig and Whistle. Sure. Right? But he's, like, and he's in good shape. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:58 It's not like, oh, hey. He's got a hotty spotty. Yeah. But it's... If somebody reminds you of, like, your uncle. Yeah. But I... It's someone who reminds you of, like, your uncle. Yeah. I think that might be why they were like, oh, we can't let... We can't let Uncle Ron... Uncle Ron.
Starting point is 00:46:11 He's a CBC treasure. I guess. But, like, isn't it kind of... I guess that just shows, like, the fundamental difference between, like, the American machine when it comes to paparazzi and the Canadian. Because that would be, like, the biggest story. was playing air trombone with his shirt off. I just assumed it would be a different instrument. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Unless it was maybe an NFL broadcaster. Yeah, it would have to be, like, you know. What's the big guy? John Madden? Yeah, John Madden. That's the only one I know. But what if he took his shirt off and he had an awesome body? That would double the exposure.
Starting point is 00:46:51 What if he took his shirt off and he was wearing pasties? Right. That would mean that in the next Madden game, there would be, like, a code. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He should unlock that. To get sexy Madden. To play air guitar on the field. I guess he's not in the game.
Starting point is 00:47:07 It's not like that's the game. You broadcasting. He gives you defensive strategy and stuff if you want it. Because no one knows how to play defense in those games. Like, the whole game is through his point of view. He can't even zoom in. It's just like, if it's on the far side of the field, you don't see it as well. Yeah, it's like you drink a coffee, you look down to make sure you got the names right.
Starting point is 00:47:31 You text your wife. Why doesn't he come out shirtless and play the national anthem on air guitar? Oh, that's good. At the beginning of every game? Yeah, and then lift up a boob and drop a coin, and that's the coin toss. And he lifts up his other boob and an American flag unfurls out of it. A pencil.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Isn't that a thing that you're supposed to do to see if your boobs are perky enough? I don't know. Really? What? If you put a pencil under your boob, it is for a woman. I don't think men ever have per a woman. Okay, all right. I don't think men ever have perky boobs.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Well, I don't know mine. What are you, a solid A? A B? Yeah. Let's call it. Yeah, it's like a perkiness test. Is the pencil supposed to fall out or break? He broke the pencil supposed to fall out or break he broke the pencil if you can write your name besides like on some paper you've taped to a wall yeah this is how they do in bra fitting shops
Starting point is 00:48:35 let's do the pencil do they just like lift up the boobs with the pets that's what i thought you meant i don't think it's like a group activity like oh yeah why did i say they no no the sales staff all come in yeah your ballet would do it oh i just one more thing i wanted to mention about justin bieber i forgot to mention this earlier 3d shirtless ron mcclay They have other people talking throughout the movie. Ludacris will show up. Usher will show up. Miley Cyrus. And they all just have their name. So that's nine threats right there.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And they show up and there's a graphic of their name. It doesn't say Usher, Singer or anything. It just says Usher. And then Jaden Smith name, and it doesn't say Usher, Singer, or anything. It just says Usher. And then Jaden Smith shows up, and it says, Jaden Smith, karate expert. That was his most recent achievement, right? That's Will Smith's kid, right? Yeah. His son, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Wow. Yeah. Not his pursuit of happiness son. it's not no no that's jayden that's oh that was jayden yeah he's grown up wasn't there oh it's just the two of us video was the other son yeah and then then there were four of us and just the six did they get divorced oh we never followed up on that yeah They really brushed that under the rug curtain. They really pulled a Ron McClain on us. They must have the same PR person.
Starting point is 00:50:13 They're good, whoever they are. If Will Smith was shirtless, air-scratching records, people would be into that, right? He wouldn't do an air guitar. He didn't seem like an air guitar type. No, yeah. Well, DJ Jazzy Jeff would air-scratch records. Will Smith would air rap. right yeah he wouldn't do an air guitar he didn't seem like an air guitar type no yeah well dj jazzy jeff would air scratch records will smith would air rap he would lip sync yeah do you think there will be another will smith rap album in our lifetime and if so will it be messages about
Starting point is 00:50:39 positivity or will it be really like a hate album against his ex-wife or oh yeah or uh you know like something about like you know how much he hates his kids he's turned his kids into monsters or scientology yeah yeah like what would it be about like or would it be based on his uh movie that he's in is it going to be the man in black three no i think if he does more it'll be it'll be huge and it'll be great yeah it's like everything he's done. Big Willie style, too. How come he didn't do a rap for Muhammad Ali when he was in that? I think he just wanted to respect the most he could.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Yeah, well, I think that's wrong. I think he should have done a rap to the hook from Rapper's Delight, but about Muhammad Ali. But about Muhammad Ali? Yeah. What movies did he do stuff to? Wild Wild West. Wild Wild West. Men in Black.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Men in Black 2. Six Degrees of Separation. Sure. And not Enemy of the State. He didn't. No, he's really... He's more... It's the sci-fi things, you think.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Right? Yeah, has he done anything in the last five years? Ten years? He didn't do Independence Day rap. No, or did he? Welcome to Earth. Here's a cigar. No, that's my cigar.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Shout out to Jeff Goldblum. Jeff Goldblum. It's not as easy as it looks. No, it isn't, you know? That's the thing, is he He just does it He lays it down What's funny is you mentioned the cigar What I always got hung up on is his lyric Smoking a cigar like Cuba Cabar
Starting point is 00:52:14 Just bite it It's for the look Never light it He wants to brag about having cigars But he also wants to give the message that I don't smoke Yeah was that in Bienvenido a Miami? song was that oh I think it was getting jiggy with it yeah which was to jiggy with it too yeah the jiggy's meet the jiggy's yeah I remember that line too
Starting point is 00:52:44 Wow it always kind of... I was like, don't sweat it. Like, I'm not... I just like the taste of a cigar in my mouth. Yeah. But that means that he likes a wiener, right? Yes! Someday when he comes out of the closet, we're going to piece together all of it.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yeah, because if he says, I don't even smoke this cigar, I just like to have, like, a wiener shape in my mouth. That's fine. Whatever. The taste. Musky. I just like the musky odor of a cigar in my mouth. What's wrong with that?
Starting point is 00:53:18 I wouldn't light it. I would burn its pubic hair. Let's move on to Overherds. Overherds. Overherds? It's Overherds, but let me stop you right there. Oh, sorry. It's October 13th.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Celebrity birthdays today include Ashanti, Paul Simon, and Nana Muscuri. Is it really Nana Muscuri's birthday? She's 77. She's the original Lisa Lowe. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I feel like her and Paul Simon are in the very same personality category. Quiet. Still crazy after all these years. Diamonds on Sol's shoes. And it's Thursday the 13th. the 13th ooh missed dodged it another month if there if it was friday the 13th they they would release a movie right uh they they have to by law that's the yeah especially especially if it's in october yeah that's right near halloween doesn't that
Starting point is 00:54:23 happen with zombies Zombie's? Did they do that a couple years ago? It lined up? Yeah, Friday the 13th is to the Rob Zombie crowd what 420 is to the pot smoking crowd. Also 420. Which often intersect. Circus Magazine is what they read. Fangoria.
Starting point is 00:54:41 What if Circus Magazine was just a trade publication for people who work in the circus? You know what I love about Circus Magazine? It would have like Deftones, Slipknot, all these bands, and then Weezer. They just were like, we fucking love those nerds too. That was always something they slipped in the back. Yeah, they're secret shredders.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yeah, they secretly loved Pinkerton. Overheards. A segment in which you can overhear things, and they might be delightful in the retelling, or in the phoning of, or right here in the room with the guest and the hosts of this show. We like to start with the guest. Are you cool with that?
Starting point is 00:55:20 Yeah. All right, so lay it on us. Lay a great, saucy... An overheard. Or some prime rib off the bone off the bone i like to eat it and sauce don't even wrap it up i'm gonna eat that hamburger raw people people yeah i've heard that before give me those ribs i'll wear them out of All right. I was having sushi with a friend.
Starting point is 00:55:55 It was like one of those kind of cramped restaurants where you're just right beside another two-person table. And beside us were some businessmen who were kind of lost in the new decade of the business world, I felt. They had the more baggier 90s suits, not as trimly cut as I've noticed in GQ recently. Sure. And the best part was this one guy, he's really selling himself to the other guy. I don't know what his business was. Sales. Baggy suits. Sales.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Sushi. Carts. Sushi. But he was going And oh the one guy his briefcase Like he went to grab it and it opened And all his papers fell off But the other guy would not stop talking to him He was mid pitch so he was like well I can't stop
Starting point is 00:56:37 So the one guy just held his briefcase Awkward like And went to close it Cause he wouldn't give him a second to close it and he was saying uh like i'm like i'm the architect right i i'm laying the bricks down i'm your quarterback and as an english major mixing metaphors is the most embarrassing thing from two sentences in a row well yeah he just kind of was giving all these different, like, I'm your babysitter. I'm your huckleberry.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah. I got your back. I'm your babysitter. I'm the puppet master. Yeah. He just, he was trying to explain his, so I don't even know if he knew what he was doing. Yeah, it doesn't sound like his business.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Because an architect i guess is almost like a quarterback but i mean the coach is more like the architect in that sense yeah who's the receiver in that uh i mean the construction is more like the quarterback yeah there you go so then like uh the construction workers what are they they're your defensive line yeah you just you're You're unmanned drones. And the offensive line are the guys that shout and holler at ladies. Yeah. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah. I like that it had a briefcase full of papers. Yeah. Oh, man, yeah. And their cell phones were huge bricks. Do they... Do briefcases still exist? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Oh, yeah. It was a briefcase you would have bought at value village like it has do you think there's a possibility that these two guys were just doing a bit yeah like they were just uh doing some uh like a happening yeah social engagement yeah because you said they were like they had puffy 90s suits so it sounds like maybe this was a village yeah maybe if the maybe if I'd stuck around, they were like, go see Occupy Vancouver. Go see it.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Go see it. It's great. Get your tickets. Maybe sell that. I got a friend of a friend rewarming in it. There's going to be more happenings. Have you ever heard that story about Will Ferrell when he went to go have the meeting with Lorne Michaels
Starting point is 00:58:42 to be on Saturday Night Live? He brought a suitcase full of fake money? Yeah, I think it was fake money. Yeah, and he was... He was going to open it up, but he never got the chance. Yeah, he realized it was like a real... Like, it wasn't a fun meeting. It was like a real, like, okay, we want you to be on the
Starting point is 00:58:57 show. And he's carrying this briefcase, and on his way out, Lorne Michaels is like, hey, nice briefcase. And Will's Farrell's like sweating it the whole time. Like, should I bring out this hilarious prof I wrote? Wow, what guts. Yeah, I like it a lot. That's the kind of thing where you want to go for it. Yeah, it's the extra mile.
Starting point is 00:59:18 It's the extra mile that might be a mile backwards. Dave, do you have an overheard? I do. My overheard is it's my final of my San Francisco overheards. Oh! The trilogy is complete. I was in San Francisco, the windy city. The windy
Starting point is 00:59:38 city, am I right? The city by the bray. And it I was walking down the street and there were two policemen in front of me and then I had to pass them because one of them stopped and he went
Starting point is 00:59:53 left the other policeman to go look at a restaurant there was a super duper I think it was super duper burgers and they had the menu on the outside and he went to look at the menu. And the other cop said to him, Phil, they don't sell donuts. Oh, yes!
Starting point is 01:00:13 Classic cop-on-cop. He really left his partner out to the dogs on that one. Did he poke his thumb at his partner and look around at other people? Like, police. Police. Cops. I'm a different kind of police guy. It was good cop, fat cop.
Starting point is 01:00:34 There are burgers that I know, I've definitely seen this online, where the bun, instead of a bun, it's donuts. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Which, to me, it sounds like the grossest. That's what online is all about. It's looking at a crazy food in a different town yeah pickles on a stick what that's a thing yeah or anytime uh it's already picked on the fork you just yeah but you need the stick it gives woodsy goodness yeah and it puts you put it behind your ear and then you get
Starting point is 01:01:03 some brine for later. I like to dip... I like to poke a cigar through the pickle, but I never light it. I just bite it. Yeah. I like to put it out. If it's already lit, I put it out, and I just put it in my mouth. One gulp. But every summer, it seems, when county fair season comes around, you see stuff on the
Starting point is 01:01:23 internet of the craziest deep-fried things. Yeah, exactly. It's literally on the internet of like the craziest deep fried things yeah exactly like just it's literally just a pound of butter that they deep fry right it's a wristwatch deep fried it's hot i've seen deep fried coca-cola yeah oh yeah gross well maybe great i don't freeze it oh yeah sure but you wrap it in batter? Yeah. And then it melts on the inside? You don't light it? Sometimes I just put an Oscar Mayer in my mouth. I don't bite it. Graham.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Yeah. What's your overheard situation? My overheard is, it's actually an overseen. This was a note that was stuck, like, on a tree underneath, like, a piece of bark, just a block away from my house. And I took it because it was hilarious. Now somebody, I guess had parked in a weird configuration that took up more than one spot on the street.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah. So this person went into their house and typed out a letter to them on the computer. Cause you'll see the top part is printed out, printed out. And it's, uh, this guy obviously put this on the car,
Starting point is 01:02:26 like on the windshield or whatever. It says, nice park job, dickhead. Next time, try to take up three spots instead of just two. Like he's daring him to, right? So then this guy wrote back to him and stuck it on the bark on the tree. So when the guy was walking past, he'd be like, I'm getting my comeuppance.
Starting point is 01:02:50 And this guy wrote back sure i think you're even a bigger dickhead there was a car in front of me so obviously you never saw it what can i say dot dot dot you are obviously referring to your intelligence. Question mark? You got that guy. What does your... The nice park job is his intelligence. Is his intelligence. Or the dickhead. My head is not made of dicks, so there. If you saw my head, you would see that it is a normal human skull with hair.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yeah, the one guy had a little more time to think it out. Obviously, because he went inside. Typed it on his computer. Typed it out. Printed it. Printed it. Chose the right, like, I'm going to use up a lot of ink. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:30 We'll go for best quality. It's a bold font. It's a bold font. It's not a Comic Sans. This guy just had a pen and had to do it on his car. Yeah. I, yeah, sometimes when you park a car. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:42 You don't know the whole story. Well, yeah, and then other people move around you and things change yeah things change i'm on i'm on the side of the guy who parked weirdly yeah i really admired too that he uh he just found a piece of bark to like hold up the the piece of paper so that whenever the guy went out to go get groceries or something he'd get it but i took it so i don't know if the guy ever got his you know but i feel like this is better. I may have prevented it. Yeah, I feel...
Starting point is 01:04:07 Well, the guy obviously didn't. Do you think, if it was you, would you read the note and then put it back? Yeah, oh, I wouldn't even take it down. I'd just read it and go, hmm. Food for thought, is what I'd say. I found a poem taped to a lamppost the other day. It was a pretty bad poem. It was kind of cool, so I took it.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Yeah. And do you remember, can you remember anything about it? Did he rhyme, light it with fight it? There was some science, no. It was free verse, it was more like a spoken word. There were like, there's a paragraph part. It was like, he said that one night you were dancing alone. You said you were dancing to sweat.
Starting point is 01:04:43 And there were some good lines in it. Sure. Yeah, that sounded nice. But then there was... Imagine if a lady said that to you. You'd feel pretty good about yourself. I'd feel good. Dancing with Master.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Yeah. But I took it because I was like, that's something I would have written when I was 18. So are you going to put it in a book, forget that you took it off a post, and think that you did it when you were 18? Like Memento style? Like you'll look back on it on it be like i was a good writer when i was 18 no i think i'm gonna scan it put it on my tumblr yeah and then put it somewhere else nice i don't have it you should include the word dickhead somewhere some dickhead poured his heart out dickhead capitalized like that's his name. Nice job, John Q. Dickhead.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Like you would capitalize a word like freedom. Right. Like it's a great quality or something. Well, if it was uncapitalized, it'd be like he just knew the guy. Like when you say mom, when you're talking to your mom, it's uncapitalized.
Starting point is 01:05:42 But someone... Wait, that doesn't make sense. Nope. No, you capitalize it when you know them. Okay. Right? You're like to your mom, it's uncapitalized But someone Wait, that doesn't make sense No, you capitalize it when you know them Okay, right But you don't capitalize them when you show them Because it's their name But you gotta know when to walk away You gotta know when to run
Starting point is 01:05:55 You gotta know when to hold them There's a bunch of posters actually in my neighborhood For a missing cat That someone printed out a picture of the missing cat but they had like five cats in the picture so they had to circle the missing cat so that cat wasn't that this is the one way in the back that we never bothered to take individual pictures of uh he's the one who went missing and then it rained and so all the picture all the ink left it except for the part they circle.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Oh, no! So it's just a circle. Oh, that's really... And there's like three or four of them around the neighborhood. I'm looking for the circle. Guys, we also have overheard sent in to us by listeners of the show.
Starting point is 01:06:40 What? Awesome. If you want to be one of those people, you can send it to stoppodcastingyourself at What do you mean, those people? You know what I mean. Now, this guy, this guy, Vivek, is his name, Vivek M.
Starting point is 01:06:57 He gave, he just gave, he sent in an overheard today, and he's like, I'm sending in another overheard. Not that you'll read it on the show. And I was like, what? Vivek? So I went back through all of his overheards, trying to find one that was to my liking, and I found one, and I'm going to read it. He guilt-tripped you into it.
Starting point is 01:07:17 He guilt-tripped me into taking a second look at Vivek. Yeah. At the Vivek catalog. When's this one from? 2009. No, it one from? 2009. No, it's from August 24th. But this goes way back. This is an old...
Starting point is 01:07:31 This is from the banks of Vivek. Speaking of Vivek, do you remember when Vivica A. Fox was an Independence Day and she was going to marry Will Smith? Yeah. I remember when she was in The Most Beautiful People, in People magazine. Oh, wow. I bought it when I was a kid without... I Most Beautiful People, in People magazine. Oh, wow. I bought it when I was a kid without... I was like, I gotta buy this.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Without telling your parents? No. Pictures of, like, Jessica Alba and stuff. Sure. You know? You know that's the official... Risqué stuff. That's the official...
Starting point is 01:07:59 Most Beautiful People. Right. Yeah. Roper was in it. Ebert and? Yeah. Richard Roper? Richard.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Richard, thank you. Wow. It seems like... I demand her. No, he's handsome. Yeah, that was in the passed away section. Sexy obits. Roper's alive. Oh, no, Norman Fell?
Starting point is 01:08:20 Yeah. Okay. I was working at a wine store in Winnipeg about nine years ago. When I drove to work one day, I heard on the radio that Joe Strummer from The Clash had died. I went to work, and most of us there were Gen Xers. Picture your
Starting point is 01:08:35 Silent Bob and Jays, etc. So we were all pretty bummed that day. I overheard one of the younger employees saying, I don't understand why you're all so upset. It's not like Kurt Cobain died again. Pretty great. Pretty great, 90s. Pretty great, Vivica.
Starting point is 01:08:52 That one was the true Gen X-er. Yeah, right? Yeah. It's the... The only thing that Gen X cared about was toques. And Doc Martens. Yeah, like Gen X-ers. Joe St strummer that that's more like an early a little earlier than gen x right yeah but he died during gen x so what are you gonna do no he died he died
Starting point is 01:09:13 nine years ago yeah this august apparently according to when that over i was i remember no this guy was thinking oh yeah nine years ago this august that's right you were in florida i was in florida in a in a truck stop diner when I heard Jeff Strummer died. With my brother, who was the biggest Clash fan. I have no memories of hearing when he died. No. Sorry. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:09:38 No. I really wouldn't have known if my brother hadn't been there, to be like, this is the worst day of my life. Thanks a lot, Florida. Florida. Now this, I like this. This is from Rebecca S. This morning, I was at brunch
Starting point is 01:09:56 sitting next to two older couples. They were celebrating the fact that one of the ladies just had a book published. The other lady said to the author, now don't get me wrong, we're all very proud of you, but tell me, is it a book I should actually read? I get it. What was the reply?
Starting point is 01:10:16 I don't know. That's a big time investment, though. I mean, a whole book? A whole book? Ugh. Yeah. Gross. I'll read the back of your book.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Maybe there's something that, like, maybe she has, like, beliefs. Maybe there was, like, something they didn't know. Like, oh, is it something I should read? You know I'm... Or she has, like, a phobia of ushers. Yeah. Oh, it is about ushers. It's, like, the life of the usher.
Starting point is 01:10:44 This last one. Now, I don't know, is lush just a Canadian concern when it comes to soaps? No, no, I think it's international. An international soap concern, lush. It started here, right? I don't know. But I know it's everywhere. I've smelled it in other countries.
Starting point is 01:10:59 This comes from Aaron and Lucy of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Oh, it's a two thing? Well, it's not a back and forth. It's just they both heard it. They went in on this together. Hey, Lucy of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Oh, it's a two thing? Well, it's not a back and forth. It's just they both heard it. Okay. They went in on this together. Hey, Lucy. Yeah, Aaron.
Starting point is 01:11:09 What did the... This is from the both of us. Yeah. In Lush recently, and while we were there, I witnessed this interaction. An employee approaching a customer and holding a block of hippie soap inhaled its aroma deeply and said, hmm, the scent of this reminds me of the colors in your dress. And then they wrote, Ha, gross. Ha, gross.
Starting point is 01:11:37 That laugh's called a half Nelson. What do they teach people in training at Lush? Is it like know here are things that'll grow the art of seduction apparently when i'm apparently very high class here are the boundaries you shouldn't have when i worked at the book warehouse uh kitty corner to us was the lush warehouse and uh they i think like they would always hire temporary labor around the holidays and stuff and there was some rough like if you knew the the kind of rough trade that was handling your delicate soaps you may not isn't rough trade a sex term sure but these people were into it
Starting point is 01:12:16 they were all pretty lots of lots of you know like when people go like one facial piercing too much and it's like no you got to get a whole new set of friends and lifestyle yeah you got to start reading circus magazine you got to renew your subscription to circus magazine that's right stealing stealing it i don't even know what circus magazine is it's uh it's got mostly pull-out posters oh yeah like um pictures of different band members from like uh icase. That's a little too older. What is Snapcase? Snapcase was a hardcore band from the 80s I think.
Starting point is 01:12:53 From what I've seen I've only ever seen it on magazine stands. They only have like instead of cologne samples it smells like BO and pot. It's just a Dorito that you eat? I haven't seen it for a long time. I just remember it was part of my high school experience.
Starting point is 01:13:10 And I'd go over to the kid who got an apartment first. Oh, sure. With the big bong on the coffee table. And they would have just every member of Slipknot from a pullout of Circus Magazine smeared across there i cannot wait to see the good morning america where slipknot like in 10 years from now where they come on without their masks and they're all old dudes right they just like reminisce about the what if they're already old dudes and that's why they wear the mask you like look closely at their arms and they're all like never spots they aren't masks i remember oh
Starting point is 01:13:46 god uh i remember that magazine from being like you know when you're a teenager and you're just hanging out in a 7-eleven literally using it as a library yeah yeah and being like what there might be boobs in this right or like which kids, which kids are going to maybe beat me up? The kids wearing these bands on their shirts. Oh, were they the toughs in your school? Because they were the opposites in my school. When you're a little younger, that's your fear. But then you grow up and you realize they're just the weirdos.
Starting point is 01:14:17 They're the weirdos, yeah. The Slipknots, after a show, probably play a Dungeons and Dragons or a World of Warcraft. Or a P-Knuckle. Because they're 80 years old. That's in their rider. You have to have P-Knuckle available and one of those shuffleboards. You have to have season
Starting point is 01:14:38 seven of the Golden Girls. In brackets, for masturbation. Now, in addition to overheards that have been written in, we also get overheards that have been telephoned in. Mr. Telephone Man, there's something wrong with my line. Is that like an old song? It's new edition. I dial my baby's number, but I get a click every time.
Starting point is 01:15:01 old song? It's new edition. I dial my baby's number, but I get a click every time. If you want to get a click every time, dial 206-339-8328. Like these people have. Hey guys, it's Jeff from Pittsburgh. Hello Dave, hello Graham, and maybe Charlie Demers.
Starting point is 01:15:18 He's awesome, but all your guests are awesome. I have a great overheard. I was checking out at the grocery store, and I happen to be in the express line, and just behind me is a small seating area where an interview was going on. A young man was being interviewed for one of the many positions you would have at a supermarket. The manager was asking him several questions, pretty straightforward, and he got to a motivation question.
Starting point is 01:15:43 He said, tell me in your life, who is your biggest Moe-roddle? I mean Moe-roddle. Oh, my gosh. I mean Moe-roddle. Took a deep breath, looked the kid right in the eyes, and he said, I think you know, I'm that role model. Moe-roddle. So good.
Starting point is 01:16:10 If somebody did that in a job interview i would not i would never be able to stop laughing i think you should have taken a deep breath and just been like you're hired yeah more i mean more i mean i mean please don't tell anyone i said that i mean get out i'm on my very last legs at this company. Do you ever go to a Starbucks or a fast food restaurant and you see them actually interviewing the person in a seat? Yeah, uncomfortable. I tell you, I got interviewed when I worked at a pizza place. They asked me three questions, and then they said,
Starting point is 01:16:39 you're hired, start right now. And I was like, oh, I was going to... Okay. I was going to have a celebratory wank to Circus Magazine. Yeah, when I was a dishwasher, my first my first, like, job was
Starting point is 01:16:56 being just a dishwasher at Montana's Cookhouse Saloon. And, in hindsight, they should have just, like, been like, are you crazy? Okay, go ahead and get at her But it was a pretty long interview What was the answer they were looking for?
Starting point is 01:17:12 Yes or no? Do you want to wash dishes? You don't have to be crazy to work here But it helps You should put that on the application Oh wow What was washing dishes at Montana like? Was it horrible or great?
Starting point is 01:17:28 I excelled at it. Did you? I was very good. It's a simple thing. Or because you're uncrazy. Because I'm needlessly loyal to crappy companies. You'll grow out of that. I think this past week I did.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Yeah, I had that same thing When I was like, you know The first probably like five jobs I had I like probably hurt myself for no reason Right, yeah You know what I mean? Like, ah, my back But at least this is worth the thing Pride
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yeah, but then you realize Eh, no job cares about you ever No, they are paying you the least to get the most out of you. 99%. 99%. I think I might be the 1%. I'm not sure, though. Like, I haven't seen it on paper what it takes to be the 1%.
Starting point is 01:18:20 In the world. Oh, yeah, we're all the 1% of the world. Sure. Hey, let's flip that. In this 99% versus 1%, do you think people in the top, top of the 99% probably have more in common with the 1% people, right? Like, they're not going to be protesting. I think there's a lot of stuff that I don't understand about this. stuff that I don't understand about this.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I watched a guy who is this award winning writer he was on the Kevin O'Leary show and he was very eloquent and I was still like, I don't really get what's the end game here?
Starting point is 01:19:00 And I feel like I'm the dumb one that I don't know. And then Obama really dumbed it down for people and was like, there's people... It's still not dumb enough for me. ...who are getting ahead by not playing by the rules. But isn't that what America was found? Why does he talk like George W. Bush? Oh, it's not...
Starting point is 01:19:14 Oh, jeez. That's embarrassing. No, you're... They change presidents? You don't see color. I don't. That's what's so great about you. Or years on a calendar.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Or a shape of person. Or haircuts. I can't see everyone. I don't. That's what's so great about you. Or years on a calendar. Or a shape of a person. Or haircuts. I can't see everything. I don't see haircuts. No, because here's, wasn't America, like, now it could be very, like, this is very glib, but that's what the country was founded on, like, slave labor and such, right? Like, people who were, like, tweaking the rules to get the most out of such, right? Like, people who were tweaking the rules to get the most out of people. Right?
Starting point is 01:19:47 Wasn't all North America kind of... There's a lot of things that was founded on. But that idea of like, hey, we're a bunch of rich people who have access to oil wells. Or whatever. Yeah, like we have a slave ship. And so we're making a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:20:04 The slaves certainly aren't. Yeah, they didn't land slave ship, and so we're making a lot of money. The slaves certainly aren't. Yeah, they didn't land on Plymouth Rock. That was a fake landing, all the videos. It was our doctor. All the videos of Plymouth Landing are... But are you guys crystal clear on what the 99... No, I'm not crystal clear, but I... I kind of get it, but I kind of don't get it.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Do you know what I mean? Like, I'm like... Yeah, I'm on board with that. Yeah, like, I get why they're mad at bankers for selling, like, toxic assets and stuff, but I'm like, is that what it was? Yeah. But then there's other people who are like, but I'm also... Like, so then it, like, goes crazy outwards.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Like, also there's like a person who's like i got a degree and i can't get a job right like what does that have those ones always like because i'm one of those people and i'm always like yeah it's a bad decision yeah i am also one of those people but i'm like i don't feel like i have anything in common with this guy because uh he's like probably he's trying really hard and yeah you know and he's like really frustrated yeah these people yeah that's the other thing. I just feel like a schlub. What percent
Starting point is 01:21:10 of the 99% is the schlub percent? Is it like, I'm part of the 21% that kind of deserves this lot in life? If you have ever participated in the podcast industry, you probably should divorce yourself from this 99%. You're part of the dumb percent.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Yeah, so there's like a percentage of like, we kind of had this coming. We put our eggs in a weird basket with no edges on it. It was just a flat basket. We put our eggs on a piece of paper and then
Starting point is 01:21:44 pulled the paper underneath. To do a magic trick. To do a magic trick and broke all our eggs on a piece of paper and then pulled the paper underneath. To do a magic trick. Yeah, to do a magic trick and broke all our eggs. Yeah. It's pretty... Should have boiled them beforehand. We did put it on YouTube, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:57 21%. 21%. 21% liked the video. Yeah, that's how much I tip. Next call. Hi, this is Carolyn from Houston, Texas, and I have an overheard. I'm at work in July of 2011, and I hear two coworkers. One said to the other one, dude, have you seen this music video where everyone's on treadmills?
Starting point is 01:22:18 And he shows them the OK Go music video. And one guy goes, man, I could never in a million years set all that up. And the other one goes, I could if you paid me. And then the first guy goes, oh yeah, well if you paid me, of course I could. So he's just a little lazy. But he still has the million years clause.
Starting point is 01:22:39 If you paid me and I have a million years clause. It's like a Rumpelstiltskin kind of contract. Never in the next million years. Oh, but you guys are going to pay me? All right. Well, give me a million years and I'll see what I can come up with. I like how one guy had so much sway. Well, what about paying you?
Starting point is 01:23:01 Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, I'm with you. That call was from July. I, like you, with your friend Virtute, the cat, went... Yeah, Vigo from the painting. Yeah, the Master of Evil. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:18 I went back and listened to some older overheards because this week was kind of weak. I finally caught up on all the overheards also i've caught up we took one week off and it threw a giant uh no it was when we i'm still catching up from i think when i never caught up from uh after we went to la and we recorded three weeks worth of podcasts oh really oh i've i was just backlogged from your wedding oh i was like oh i'm never gonna catch going to catch up, but I finally caught up. And the cults, actually, we get more drunk dials than... We got a drunk email. We've been getting a lot of high dials, too, which I don't like as much.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Well, do you know what? If you're going to send us a high dial, I insist that you put on some sitar music in the background. Agreed. So that we can differentiate this is a high dial and not a drunk dial. More philosophical. Yeah, yeah. This final call, it is from... This one came in this week.
Starting point is 01:24:14 And I mean no disrespect to people who called in this week. Yeah. They just weren't for me. It's subjective. Your overheards are all great. Keep them coming. And we love you. You know we love you, right?
Starting point is 01:24:27 We love 99% of you In all fairness, my overheard was pretty weak But you're here Exactly I mean, it was great I'm the 1% that gets to have their That's a real idiot boyfriend move of me It's okay. Do you think I look fat?
Starting point is 01:24:47 I think you look beautiful fat. Like hot fat. Like Kirstie Allen. Yeah, you're real... You're real filth. Yeah. Like Operation Dumbo Drunk. Next final call.
Starting point is 01:25:03 It, this. Hey, Dave and Graham. This is sort of an overheard, sort of a semi-drunk dial. Anyways, I'm at this bar in Tempe, Arizona, and there's a beard competition on TV,
Starting point is 01:25:17 and I wasn't really watching it, but all of a sudden, these two girls at the next table over, one of them goes, that's Graham Clark. And the other girl goes, no, that's Dave Shumka, not Graham Clark. Dave Shumka has the beard. And the other girl goes, no, no, I know it's Graham. Graham's got the beard.
Starting point is 01:25:41 And, yeah, so I thought it was funny and and it was very very relatable to to who you guys are but also i wasn't in a beard competition well uh yeah although i'm not against that i'm not against going in a beard yeah maybe in the future if they have beard competitions they should invite you as like a painter as you know like a circus side show yeah i should i i think i should be on the panel that they do in the afternoon of uh beard to beard uh accomplishments yeah do you think anyone ever has gone up to a dude sitting alone i'm just making this up okay here we go fake scenario like a in like a tavern and they're like hey uh there's a beard competition and we couldn't help but notice you had an awesome beard. And he just looks at them.
Starting point is 01:26:25 He's like, I don't do this for the competition. Yeah, yeah. I don't compete anymore. He goes back to it. His wife was killed by his beard. He's got a wooden beard. I was going to say leg, but he lost his beard. No, he's got a beard, but back in the day,
Starting point is 01:26:41 like, beard wax had lead in it and it killed his wife because she sucked killed his wife. Because she sucked on his beard. She didn't know how to kiss. She couldn't aim right. She was kissing his beard. He was cockeyed. But that was weird that he heard two people talking about us.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Yeah. In Tempe, Arizona. He was lying, right? No, I think that. He was making it up. Do you think that was made up? I don't think that was made up. I believe it. I believe it.
Starting point is 01:27:09 I'm Dave. I'm Graham. I don't have a beard. You're Warren. Warren's got a five o'clock. He's got a half-past five. He's got an FOS. He's got a FOS. I shave every... twice a month. Oh, really? Like a weird, slow-motion Mr. Potato Head. Sometimes I... Now, twice a month. Oh, really? I'm like a weird, slow motion Mr. Potato Head.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Now, do you shave twice a month? Do you shave yourself or do you go to a barber and get the straight razor? No. You're only going to do it twice a month. You could go to a barber. Yeah, why not? Why are you shaving yourself? Go to the hospital and get one of the nurses.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Or are you bathing yourself? I don't know. I'm just so lazy that I just let it grow. But have you ever had a straight razor shave? No. I actually asked... You've had one. No, I haven't.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Why not? Because I don't want someone touching my face. Oh, really? Ever. That's another reason. That's actually... Oh, you don't want people touching your face? I'm the only one here that likes people touching my face. I want a guy with his face over my face. That's actually... Oh, you don't want people touching your face? I'm the only one here that likes people touching my face.
Starting point is 01:28:06 I want a guy with his face over my face. Why don't you get a lady shaver? Stuff falling out of their nose. Get a Gillette lady shaver. What if they paid you? A Venus. But Dave is beardless. Graham is bearded.
Starting point is 01:28:22 I sometimes have a beard, but I would never be mistaken for a guy in a beard competition. Graham would, because he is... Yeah, I have a crazy man's beard. Yeah, it's a competitive... It's in it to win it. I'm a real over-the-top. You're not a competitive guy, but the beard... The beard itself.
Starting point is 01:28:38 The beard really brings out the beard in you. To me, myself and the beard together are like real steel. My beard is the robot. I am the Hugh Jackman character did hugh jackman release an album of this movie uh yeah where he sings aussie folk tunes no he raps over it real steel remember when i was on oprah and i hit my head on that thing real steel i put a wrench in my mouth and I bite it. Real steel. I pretend it's a robot's wiener. Man, this has been a great...
Starting point is 01:29:16 This has been a fun time. We've made it. People out there that are part of the Occupy Wall Street movement, I mean no offense. I literally don't. I feel like... We should go check out the Occupy Wall Street movement. I didn't... I mean, no offense. I literally don't. I feel like... We should go check out the Occupy Vancouver. I'm going to go tomorrow, I think.
Starting point is 01:29:31 I don't think you have anything to apologize. Just don't write us a big long letter about what it means. Write us a short letter. But if you do, guilt trip them first. Write us a haiku that explains the whole thing. If you guys can write a haiku, send us a haiku, your favorite haikus that explain Occupy Wall Street.
Starting point is 01:29:50 I think the plural is still haiku. Is it really? Haiku and haiku? Yeah. One haiku, two haiku, three haiku, four. That's an old English. Five haikus, six haikus, seven haikus. Seven potato more. Now, I really do mean it.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Send that to stoppodcastyourself at Your haikus. Haiku, sorry. You can send in plural haiku. Yeah. Don't. Now, Warren. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:19 You were delightful. What a great guest. Oh, I had so much fun. Thank you for having me. Thanks for coming. Now, if people want to find out more about you, you're doing a Halloween show. Pump Trolley Comedy. I don't know when this podcast will be delivered.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Monday. Monday? Oh, great. Well, on the 25th, that's a Tuesday, at the China Cloud, Pump Trolley is going to be showing a bunch of brand new sketch. And we also have Ivan Decker doing 10 Minutes, which will be awesome. He may obsess about Ron McClain, he may not. It's hard to say what he'll do up there.
Starting point is 01:30:49 He's going to be great. We're going to triple thread it with some improv after that. Oh, wow! We always end with a 10 minute jam. Just because that's how... And the China Cloud is a great place to go see a comedy show. That's on Main Street in Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:31:05 And is there a website for the Pump Trolley crew? I believe we're... slash Pampers. Pampers. That has a link. Pampers Canada. We recently responded to one of their questions. How do you like to use Pampers in a sketch?
Starting point is 01:31:21 And we said Slipknot. Oh, Slipknot. No,, I believe, isknot. Oh, Slipknot. No,, I believe, is the website. Okay, I'll look into that.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Do you have a personal website? Or Twitter? Where can people follow you on Twitter? The Sword of Shame is my handle. The Sword. The Sword of Shame.
Starting point is 01:31:37 The Sword of Shame. I don't know what it means. It's just silly. It's very Conan-esque. The Barbarian, I mean. I think I was reading a lot of Jack Handy at the time. That kind of silly. Dave Schoenfeld, also a big Jack Handy fan.
Starting point is 01:31:51 You guys can talk Jack Handy after the podcast. That's the milk coming out of your nose kind of joke. Yeah, totally. The longer form stuff, have you read his essays? No. I've read a little bit of Army Man magazine, which I think he wrote for. I don't know what that is. Is it like Circus?
Starting point is 01:32:07 It's like Circus for comedy. It's got pullouts of comedy writers. Put George Meyer on your wall. Alan's Wee Bells. Dave, do you have anything coming up? I don't think so. We've got a couple things we'll mention.
Starting point is 01:32:23 In November, our very own Dave Shumka is going to be debating the great Paul F. Tompkins as part of the Debater Show. It's going to be in North Vancouver. Yeah. And I think that's going to be an event to see. If you're a fan of the podcast, or you love Paul F. Tompkins, or any combination thereof, this is the show for you. That's November 29th in North Vancouver, and Paul F. Tompkins himself will be at the Rio Theatre
Starting point is 01:32:52 the following night, November 30th. Don't be a bunch of chumps and not go, because it's going to be great. It'll be the day before my birthday. Yeah, right? Right. What am I going to get you? It's going to be a surprise. I hope it's not tickets to Paul F. Tompkinskins because it'll be too late. So I insist, I insist that you check that out.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Yeah, go to for information on tickets of that. And also, speaking of dot coms to go to, go to, not a dot com. And you can check out the blog recaps that Dave does every week. And also, if you want to advertise on our show, a personal message in a Jumbotron style. Say you want to say hello to your girlfriend slash boyfriend slash dog that you think understands you. If you want to say hello to your little friend. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Or you want to advertise a business, you can find out more at slash Jumbotron. Jumbotron. And yeah, I think that wraps everything up nicely. If you like the show, please tell your friends. Again, Warren, thank you for being our guest. Thank you very much. And come back next week for another circus episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Circus.

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