Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 190 - Brad MacNeil

Episode Date: November 8, 2011

Brad MacNeil returns to talk baby stuff, small towns, store-bought pranks, and some of our favourite podcasts....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 190 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who just remembered that today, our taping day, November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day, more importantly, the day that Doc Brown went back in time to the day that he discovered...
Starting point is 00:00:43 Time travel. Exactly. Oh, wow. Yeah. You didn't actually say my name. Doc Brown. Dave Shumka. Hi, Marty.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Yes. Oh, it is Guy Fawkes Day, which was memorialized in that movie that Natalie Portman shaved her head in, G.I. Jane. G.I. L.M. for murder. And who's Guy Fawkes? He's like a shit disturber. G-I-J. Dial M for murder. Uh, and, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:05 yep. Who's Guy Fawkes? Some, he's like a shit disturber. He's a popular Halloween costume. Yeah. Popular amongst the Trenchcoat Mafia. Yeah. Trenchcoat Mafia, very popular amongst the Occupy movement. Oh, I bet. Yeah, they like that mask a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Uh, I think it's owned by Sony Tristar or something. Yeah, yeah. When mask a whole lot. I think it's owned by a Sony TriStar or something. Yeah. When you buy a Guy Fawkes mask, you are supporting the melanin industry. And our guest this week, fabulous returning guest, one of our all-time faves, a huge podcast fan. Like, he's a big promoter a guy who doesn't go outside much who hasn't talked to people in a while mr brad mcneil hi everybody also actor improviser comedian no just podcast i gave it all up husband and father yeah new father new
Starting point is 00:01:59 father old husband uh well let's get to know us. Get to know us. Have you read the book Fatherhood? By Paul Reiser? Yes. Fatherhood was Bill Cosby. Oh, okay. Babyhood. Babyhood.
Starting point is 00:02:14 And couplehood was Paul Reiser. Have you read couplehood and babyhood? Have we played the theme yet? Yeah. Okay, just making sure. I have not read any of those, but I saw at least five episodes of mad about you so i feel like i've got most of it down yeah tell me why cousin uh what's his cousin's name uh yeah ira and the dog's name could work you guys murray he's right and his editor played by steven right Phoebe. Yeah. And Helen Hunt was Twister.
Starting point is 00:02:48 She's about as good as it gets. Who, did they have parents? Did they have famous parents in that show? Like, you know how all the people on Friends. Elliot Gould and Mary Tyler Moore. Yeah. And then on the other side, Joan Cleese and... Mary Tyler Moore. Why did one of them...
Starting point is 00:03:04 One of them, she wore a mustache in. Why was one of them British? I don't know. That Helen Hunt, she's got an elegant forehead. Oh, yeah. She does have, right? She was groundbreaking in the forehead movement, which has been taken on by Tyra Banks, etc.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Sure, the forehead movement. We're recording this at noon. It's a rare nooner. So we are drinking coffee and watering it down with brewski. Coffee and beer. Separate. Because it's got to be 5am
Starting point is 00:03:36 5pm somewhere. Somebody's on their way to from work. So you're a new dad, like super new dad. Yeah, well, super new is in the first seven months, so I can still technically bring her back and not break warranty.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I don't know if that's true. No, yep, V is for Violet. She was born in April. How did you choose the name? Was there a funny story? Kind of, actually. That was like the worst. It almost seems like we did set something up, but we didn't.
Starting point is 00:04:11 My producers. There's a blue card here. Tell me about the name. Well, no, because I think it's like when my brother or sister was pregnant. I forget. Probably it was your sister. Here's hoping. In my family, just for months and months,
Starting point is 00:04:30 we would throw out names, and my dad got so mad at us. Do you remember any of them? I think it ended up being like Tollbooth. Yeah, a lot of the name discussion, unfortunately Maria was pregnant during the NFL season, and that is just a wealth of name suggestions.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Oh, Josenko. Yeah, yeah. Demarcus McNeil, Cadillac McNeil, Popeye. Yeah, exactly. Pac-Man, McNeil, Popeye. You're just four arms on the line. Exactly. Pac-Man, McNeil, Popeye.
Starting point is 00:05:04 He had just four arms on the line. No, so we decided not to find out the gender. Gender is a social construct. Oh, exactly. I still don't know. Did you pick out a name either way? Yeah, because we both, well, kind of, but we had both decided it's going to be a boy. We have the feeling that it's a boy. So we, it was going to.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I feel something poking my belly. He's kicking. No, he's not. He's just excited. So we had gone with the idea of Wyatt. We liked the idea of Wyatt McNeil. Yeah. Oh, that's very, well, he might have to be a rancher, but.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Well, it was either a rancher or the nerd from Weird Science, which both fit me to a T, because I'm a cowboy with a computer. Anyway, on Maria's due date, we are wandering through a grocery store, and this old Italian woman looks at Maria's belly, points at it, and says, and that's a girl. And just keeps walking away. Thinner. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:09 She didn't do that to me, though. It would have been nice. So all of a sudden, the discussion breaks out of, well, first off, it was, you're full of shit. Like, number one, it's a 50-50 chance. And number two, you're never going to be around to find out if you were right. So you can just make that comment. Oh, that's fun. Fun for the old lady. Just make predictions.
Starting point is 00:06:29 But then at the birth. She's going to have a mustache. The doctor pulled off the mask and it was the old lady. Big reveal. Big reveal. I told you so. Why don't you listen to me? I'd love it if she just like picked up stuff around the grocery store and was like,
Starting point is 00:06:44 that peanut butter is going to be chunky. This is already spoiled. So all of a sudden, that was what prompted the discussion with us of, are we settled on girls' names? And at which point I shrugged of, I don't care for either of them. And some- What were they? It was Hazel, which I do, I like, but I wasn't super passionate about.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And Evelyn, which I like as well, but is Maria's grandmother's friend's name. Oh, you and she had a thing, so it's awkward. And that's how we, that's how Maria and I met. So it was just going to be uncomfortable. Evelyn's a nice name. It's a great name. And Maria liked the idea of Evie. Yeah, Evie's nice.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And Hazel looks good on a driver's license. Sure. Under eye color. Under both. And then how did Violet, how did that become the name? A friend had mentioned it earlier in the week. And Maria had mentioned it months and months prior to that. but it didn't matter because we were having a boy. So all of a sudden that sprung up.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So you're like, shut up, Maria. We're having a boy. Yeah. And if not, I'll raise it like one. Wyatt. She looks cute when I have to paint that goatee every morning. Chaz. Uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:06 That's my daughter, guys. So, yeah. Is she named after something? No, but it was a spur-of-the-moment decision based on the, we should probably have a safety, that woman might be a soothsayer. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah. Right, right. So, where did you meet that woman? You should probably go back and get more suits I'm not going to hang out at Fresh Co The place is gross That would have been a good name Fresh Co McNeil
Starting point is 00:08:30 Or whatever grocery store you're in Loblaws Loblaws is a good name For somebody like a crazy person Like a really dumpy Would you add a d to it or something or jalab laws i like either of those jalab laws jalab laws you are not the father claw laws with a k claw laws there you go uh so how is being a dad is it the scariest and
Starting point is 00:09:03 the worst or you know everybody says it's so gratifying. It's got to be one of those two, right? I will say she's the easiest laugh in the world. Like, you spend all of these years working on material, and then apparently all you have to do is just kind of shake your arms back and forth. That's always been most of your set, though. Yeah, it is true. I've got a tight 17 of just going...
Starting point is 00:09:25 It's funny, though. Yeah, it is. Well, I have uncomfortably large lips. But like anything where you swing your arms around, it's good. Guaranteed funny. The energy's there. It's a good act out. It indicates, like you say, it indicates.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's a callback to having arms. Guys, ever notice you have to put your watch somewhere? And then you make the move. Shake it, shake it, shake it. Hey, has anyone read A Farewell to Arms? Well, check this out. Wobble, wobble. Hello, arms.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Wobble, wobble. So what, are you the, Are both of you Do you stay at home or are you working I'm working Maria's taking the year off Which is Makes more sense due to my lack of boobs Oh sure Well don't sell yourself short
Starting point is 00:10:17 I have a pretty healthy rack Which I can illustrate by rocking my arms Back and forth Boobity boobity boobity boobity, boobity, boobity. This is good stuff. That's probably why the baby's laughing. Yeah. He thinks he's mommy.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Idiot. Is that a maternity leave thing? Yes, it is maternity leave. What it is, Maria works for the government, which in our country, sorry Americans, they actually bump you up to 90% of your salary for 80%, I don't know. What? Don't quote me on that. Although this is now recorded and everybody can hear it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:51 So it's an easy quote. So it financially and boob related, it made more sense if we were to see that pop up. And they give you 90% of your boobs. Yes, exactly. Which is good because I could lose 10% off of these healthy jubblies. 10% goes back to Uncle Sam, who is the Prime Minister of Canada. In the 40s. Someone's uncle.
Starting point is 00:11:17 So, is it, like, you hear different... I like how nervous the idea of a baby is making you. Oh, it's like you like i'm nervous the idea of a baby is making you oh it's terrifying it's it's not i don't even know the line of questioning to ask because i don't i like i only have a couple friends that have kids and they've like vanished from my life by and large they will come back instantly as soon as you have a baby in your life because now what am i gonna steal a baby is that all you do is borrow a baby you just have to have a baby on loan you can rent violet what are your rates it's it's it's reasonable competitive yeah it'll only cost you 10 of your boobs but uh are you now are you
Starting point is 00:11:59 only friends with baby people are you only friends with baby people? I don't want to come off as racist. No, I feel you see a lot more because a play date is an easy way to have an excuse to hang out with people. Right. But Violet doesn't make it to a lot of improv shows, so I get to see a lot more people than Maria would. But yeah, you definitely see a lot more.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I've been in Vancouver for a week, and the majority of the visits that we've seen are either, hey, let's get our kids together, or do you want to see my kid? Right, yeah. Not a lot of all-night benders. Less all-night benders, for sure. See, that's what I worry most. That's what I think I miss the i think i just can't lose that uh now you uh before the podcast today we were exchanging i was gonna
Starting point is 00:12:52 say emails but facebook messages yeah the response oh is today the day that facebook's supposed to be taken down by anonymous yeah i think it is it's around now yeah well i think it's because they used they're the ones Who are using all the Guy Fawkes masks I don't know if it's the Occupy or the Anonymous Or the Occupy Anonymous I'm scared Can we cut this part out because I'm scared they'll find me
Starting point is 00:13:16 Those guys can do anything They can but we're cool with them I support you They're a friend Guy Fawkes is a friend. But we were sending Facebook messages back and forth, and you said, oh, I'll bring the baby. Yeah. And I was like, I panicked for a bit.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I was like, ooh. You panicked just enough to make the sarcastic response of, sure, my house is set up for that. What if I'd taken you seriously, Dave? You would have had to set up a fourth mic if i'd taken you seriously dave you would have to set up a fourth mic um well i was little tiny headset i was trying to say i was trying to come up with something to say back to you that would say hey i'm still fun to be around but i don't want a baby here not while we're talking into microphones yeah um so yeah that's what i said but i was going through like oh what do I say
Starting point is 00:14:05 should I just say are you being serious about this? Dave was actually worried about it because he's like he told me about this just before you showed up he's like I don't know if he's going to bring a baby and then you said it would be funny if we kept waking up the baby every five minutes so that was the conclusion
Starting point is 00:14:21 was if you brought the baby in a bassinet or something and brought it into the podcast, we would work around it. I have discovered... Which is why we'll both be good parents. Because you assume babies just lie passively in a bassinet 24 hours a day. You're wrong. Swaddle her. Just give her some swaddles.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Get a sleep coach. Get a sleep coach. Not to be confused with a sleeper coach which is on a train well done they have sleep coaches I think and if you guys could set up a little train track all the way around the top of the studio
Starting point is 00:14:56 and put the baby in it adorable have you like are you a parent that's putting a hilarious T-shirt on your baby and taking a photo or some sort of costume? I know Halloween just passed. I know a lot of babies are big fans of the Ramones, apparently. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I can show you the Halloween costume. I have it on my phone. She went as my phone. That's pretty cute. A legend. A kid going on my phone. She went as my phone. That's pretty cute. A legend? A kid's phone as a phone? I don't want to sound like a bragging father, but I do have the cutest kid in the world.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Sure. So the picture of Violet in her flower costume, I've openly said to people before, go ahead, frown, hate as much as you want, prepare yourself to dislike this, and see if this doesn't make you smile. There you go. I've yet to lose.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Well, you're setting up a challenge that... Yeah. There are a lot of haters out there. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm sitting across from one. I'm not that impressed. But you...
Starting point is 00:15:57 So you are. You're going to be... You're in line with those people. You're cool with dressing up the kid, taking photos, sending them out to family and friends? I had no idea what was going to happen with this because we came out to visit maria's family and it was halloween so it's well let's bring the costume out but there is no pretense when you're taking a six month old child around trick-or-treating that any of this candy is going to her it is essentially i've brought you a ball of cute,
Starting point is 00:16:25 do you have chocolate bars for me? And occasionally at a few of the houses, I did tell the lie of, we'll save it for her, don't worry. Or college fund. We'll invest this chocolate, don't you worry. But yeah, you feel... Savings bond chocolates?
Starting point is 00:16:44 Bring our boys home safe oh wow yeah that seems like were you with other kids or was it just you and well no because the family came along like uh because everybody wanted to go on babies first yeah maria's sister lindsey big podcast fan hey shout out to lind What up, Lindsay? Yeah, she's actually had an overheard on here. I got a phone call to let us know that she had an overheard on here. Happy Doc Brown Day. You did it.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah. No, but she was there, my father-in-law, Maria. So it was Maria and I at the door with family members standing at the curb, not wanting to be a bother. Aw, taking photos aplenty, no doubt. Yep, absolutely. We've got tons of photos at the door with family members standing at the curb not wanting to be a bother oh and taking photos aplenty no doubt yep yeah absolutely we've got tons of photos with the back of her head that's the other thing right baby's first twizzlers that's a lot of it's a lot of photographs how to snort rockets is that something i talked about on the show? What are rockets?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Rockets are the... They're like just sugar. Yeah, they're sugar. In America, they're called Smarties. No, are they really? Yeah. But Smarties in Canada are like... Delicious. Not those things.
Starting point is 00:17:57 M&M or Buss. Competitor, yeah. Yeah, that do melt in your hand. Yeah. They do, they melt all over your hand. And maybe I'm alone on this. I remember in junior high, tons of kids, while it was going through the Just Say No to Drugs, would chop up the rockets and then do a line of them, which is hilarious until you try it.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yeah. I never did that, but I was at a party once where that happened. It was like the only party I ever went to in high school. It was in grade 8. It wasn't rockets. It was pens. It wasn't high school either. Well, no. In Vancouver. It was in grade 8. It wasn't Rockets. It was Penn. It wasn't high school either. Well, no.
Starting point is 00:18:27 In Vancouver, it starts. Oh, okay. Yeah. 8 to 12 is high school. Wow. Yeah. Can you imagine being almost graduating, but also... Yeah, but was there any super cool grade 8 guy who got to go out with a senior at some
Starting point is 00:18:41 point because he was so awesome? Ryan Reynolds. Yes. But we didn't. I never did this, but it was Pez that they used. Gross. Even grosser.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Not exactly the same amount of gross. Oh, okay, sure. It's the same exact. Equal gross. Yeah. It's like whatever the product is, it is just basically pixie stick stuff that is congealed into...
Starting point is 00:19:05 Molded together under pressure. So did you snort it? I never did. Oh, God, no. Are you kidding? Because all the kids in the party had runny noses afterwards, and I was like, that's probably kind of tasty. Oh, the most delicious nasal drip ever.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Tastes sort of cherry-ish. The other thing I wanted to ask you about, what we were talking about before the show, about one of your gigs is at Ottawa Senators hockey game. It's true. You are... You sound thrilled. You haven't done one this year.
Starting point is 00:19:39 And I felt like we've mentioned this on the podcast before, but you don't believe so. If you mentioned it, I wasn't on the podcast. You, well, why don't you describe it? Yeah, I started doing this last year. The reason I say that I didn't, I recorded last year in July, I'm going to say, and I started doing, you know, hockey's not on at that time. So there is a semi-famous guy at Dodgers Games who does Don't Stop Believin' by Journey.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Oh, yeah. Let's say it's to Don't Stop Believin'. Yeah, yeah. And I had done, for the last couple of years, I'd done a few things at Sens Games, like in-game entertainment or recording videos or things like that. And I was always happy to do it because I like hockey, but I don't like paying for tickets. So, if you can set it up that I can go for free, I'm in. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So they approached me of like, hey, would you do this? And I kind of felt like I'm ripping off somebody else's bit to do that. So I made a couple. Lip syncing? Well, yeah, but lip syncing. They specifically wanted Journey. Oh, yeah. Then that might be a rip off.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I'm going to do. So they kept, you know, they asked me a couple times, and I suggested alternate songs, but it came down on the night of. It's like, let's do Journey, but let's put rather than going straight at it and going hard, let's pretend I don't know
Starting point is 00:20:57 I'm on camera. So I was absentmindedly lip-syncing to Journey. Oh, that's funny. And then on the last midnight train going everywhere, stare down the barrel of the camera. And it was amongst the most fun things I'd ever done. Cause it's hearing people laughing at you when you're conscious that they're laughing at you is a whole other game, not the, Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:23 my fly's been down the whole time. And so lip syncing and people tapping me on the shoulder of, you're on camera, you're on camera. And just going, going. And then at that moment of turning to the camera, just hearing the whole place erupt. I don't know how your comedy careers are going, but I don't get a lot of, you know, 15,000 people houses.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Oh, I opened for Sinbad. Oh, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Yeah. Dave is Sinbad's official open. Yeah. They work out material together on the road. Do you guys flip a coin to see who goes last? You guys have such a similar
Starting point is 00:22:05 demographic and similar red fade yeah red fade oh yeah no red fade sounds like a scary thing yeah or a comic book character or like yeah like a college football team the red fade yeah yeah so that became a recurring thing. Like, I did, I guess, seven or eight of these where I would just, you know, do a Bon Jovi song or do a... But would it work every time? Yeah. Wow. And after a while, people would start recognizing me, like, before, as I was walking into the stadium.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Oh, okay. But it came to a point last fall, or sorry, last spring, where it was Thursday, I was going to the game on Friday, I had no idea what song I was going to do. And my wife, as a joke suggests, well, that Friday song is pretty popular right now. Yeah, what the hell, this is ridiculous enough. Let's give it a shot. And for some reason, it was a slow news week. So we got picked up by every blog, I think because I'm 250 pounds of dudes singing Rebecca Black. But I wasn't as excited about it until it got picked up by Gawker, which is a blog that my wife actually reads. Wow. The highlight of this whole thing, the punchline to me is with Gawker, their comment section, you know, it'll always bring the comment to the top.
Starting point is 00:23:38 The most popular comments. Underneath my face with the video of like, you know, here's what's happening in Ottawa was just the words, you go, you big gay bears. So that's the market we're trying to go towards for improv now. I love it. The bear communities. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yeah, we gotta cast a couple cubs. It's gonna be great. Yeah, we got to cast a couple of cubs. It's going to be great. Wow. I wonder if the commenter thought that was the name of the hockey team. The Big Gay Bears? The Big Gay Bears. The Ottawa. The Ottawa Geebees?
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah. I love it. That was great. What a great story. It's super fun. So, yeah. Isn't there a team called the Ottawa Gee-Gees? There's the Gee-Gees, yeah, which is the University of Ottawa team.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Is that what it stands for? No, it's Grey Goose. They're Grey Ghosts. It's Garnet and Grey. That's what it stands for, which is the colors of it. It is. Garnet's not a color. And every year, Carleton, which is the opposing university in Ottawa,
Starting point is 00:24:47 their big chant, which gets cleverer every year, is, What the fuck's a GEG? What the fuck's a GEG? It's repetitive, but accurate. I still don't completely know why they stick with it. So you are going to start doing lip synchings again this year? I start on Wednesday. Oh, there's the new Rebecca Black song, Wednesday. If only. No, so I'm going to put this out to you guys
Starting point is 00:25:08 because you guys are, you know, you have your finger on the pulse of cultural appropriateness. Yep. So, what song would you like to see me lip-sync to at a hockey game? I'll let you know, it's a Rangers game.
Starting point is 00:25:23 So, I don't know if that's going to... I feel like I like that song that Beyonce sings about girls ruling the world, but is that a little off-base? Remember that it is hockey fans. Yeah, so S&M by Rihanna is really good.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Okay, perfect. It doesn't have to be a female song. I need to make that clear. Right. What's that new song by the Big Gay Bears? Can it be any era of song? It has to be like a jock jam Cole Porter Oh a jock jam Have you done like a queen?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Is there any queen that you've done? I haven't done So far I have done I've done Journey once or twice i did living on a prayer okay i did uh dancing in the dark by spring sure i've done both lose yourself by eminem and stronger by kanye oh that's a good one yeah that one is fun i oh why not the new york the jay-z new york alicia keys except that I'm rooting for the... Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:26:26 You're in Ottawa. Yeah. You don't do road games? I'm going to be on my way to MSG tonight. I'm that big. I'm Ottawa's version of the Green Men. Dave, what do you think? Well, I like the classic rock.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I like the Queen's... Don't Stop Me Now by Queen is a... Or we were singing this before the show is... One Week by Barenaked Ladies. A lot of words in there. It's a hard one to lip sync, I think. It's a hard one to lip sync because what will happen is they'll film it and they'll put it online. But I'm lip synsyncing to the,
Starting point is 00:27:12 essentially to the echo of the arena, so no matter how accurate I try to be on video, it never looks like it. You should get an earpiece. Tried that, it quit right before I could try the earpiece at one point. What about We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister? Pretty good. That is pretty good. You win. If listeners have any suggestions, and they could get them to me before tuesday but you're gonna do it more than once right yeah okay yeah
Starting point is 00:27:31 so i will put that in so the brad mcneil at at the twitter at the twitter yeah absolutely uh because uh we always that's the thing the listeners of this show amongst the greatest listeners of all of the listeners of podcasts. Yeah, they were voted. Yeah, when we put out a call for... We always come in like 200th, but our listeners come in like 190th. Yeah, exactly. You guys are 10 better.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Worse. Yeah, this is going to be going on in my head. I'm going to be working on it. It goes on every three to four weeks in my head of what am I willing to embarrass myself to? But I do like your classic jazz. I'm thinking maybe some Dave Brubeck. It's just going to be a dance piece.
Starting point is 00:28:15 You guys like weird time signatures? Dave, what's been going on with you? Well. Lip sync wise. Well. What's going on with me is not much, but I did have an interesting, awkward social moment this week. You? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I was waiting for the bus the other day. And where I wait for the bus, it's kind of, the road is sort of windy. And so you can see the bus coming. You can't see the bus coming from far away. You can see it once it gets to like three blocks away. Then it winds through a really short path for a couple of blocks. Along a winding road that leads to your door. And so you don't see it again until it's on your block.
Starting point is 00:28:53 So there's a few seconds where you can't see the bus. Like 20 seconds. This is very important information. I get it. I guarantee it. And I was standing by myself at the bus stop in the morning, just playing on my phone. And a woman walks up smoking a cigarette. And she says, did you see the bus coming?
Starting point is 00:29:14 And I said, nope. And so she said, okay. And she just kept walking towards the next bus stop. But while she was talking to me was when the bus was in that sort of area where you can't see it. And then like five seconds later, she's up the street and the bus is coming to the stop. So basically, I told her the bus wasn't coming and it was almost right there. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And so I felt bad about that, but I didn't feel too bad because I, I hadn't really lied to her. I was just not paying attention. So I get on the bus and I'm like, oh, I feel a little bit bad about that. And then I'm like, oh God, I hope she doesn't get on at the next stop. So I start rooting against her and I felt really bad about that. Did you get on? No, I was lucky, but I, uh lucky. But that dominated my week emotion-wise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Sorry, maybe I missed something here. So she came and talked to you, but she didn't just look down the street? No. So I think I'm letting you off the hook here. If her head wasn't able to turn 90 degrees to look, that's not your fault. Yeah. Sorry, was she in a neck brace yeah yeah important information okay oh she was in a coma oh wow so she signed this she tapped this out in
Starting point is 00:30:31 morse code on your thigh she was a diving bell in a butterfly she was a squid and a whale yeah not about parallel it was kind of a slow week well Well, no, but I had a weird, similar thing where it was just this morning, a lady asked me for directions. She said, do you know where, you know, 395 West Broadway is? And I didn't, but I'm like, I know what order the number's going. So I'm like, well, we're at 500, so you just have to keep walking that way. And she goes, oh, thanks, crosses the street, and walks the exact opposite way. So my directions weren't believable.
Starting point is 00:31:11 No, she was asking because she was trying to avoid that address. Yeah. My ex lives at 395. I don't want to be anywhere near there. 395 Broadway is murder house. Yes. Oh. It was weird, though, right?
Starting point is 00:31:25 Like, isn't that, you know, why bother? Like, you're picking who to ask for directions based on their, like, look or something. You're like, this person looks like they live in the neighborhood or will know where they're going or something. I never. I think it would have hurt more if she looked at the guy beside you and said, is he right? That's what I feel like she did. She crossed the street and then asked somebody else. I never have the right answer when someone comes up to me out of the blue and wants to know something.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Like, it's too much pressure right away. I can never handle this kind of situation. I have the problem that I always want to give them multiple options. Okay, so you could get on the highway and you could come around this way. If you're going to rent a bike, though, a lovely way to do it would be the canal and then cut off here. You're like guest services. It's like too much. I am Ottawa's concierge.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Here's some brochures. I always feel like I need to have the information for them in a split second. So it's like, oh, I hate to waste your time. I know you're in a hurry. That's why you didn't plan where you were going today. Don't wear a watch. Are smoking a cigarette. It's in her time.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It's in her day timer. Ask stranger for directions. She's hyper organized But part of the reason I feel like I maybe would have said Oh no the bus isn't coming No matter what just because I didn't want someone Standing around me smoking a cigarette Oh that's true
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah smoking at a bus stop I mean it's going to happen but Smokers out there If you're smoking at a bus stop and your bus comes You cannot like half butt out the cigarette and bring it on the bus. No one's fooled. That is not acceptable behavior.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I mean, you know, obviously if you're still a smoker at a certain age, you hate yourself. You don't care about anybody else around you or whatever. And if you're taking the bus, you hate yourself. That's true. You know if you're taking the bus, you hate yourself regardless. Yeah, that's true. That's like a double kind of... You know what?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Smoke on the bus. At this point, they're not going to stop you. No. I bet they wouldn't, would they? The bus driver would be like, please stop. Oh, you're not going to? Okay, bye. Yeah, I was on a Vancouver bus at one point near Christmas
Starting point is 00:33:41 when a couple kids was pretty packed. A couple kids did light a joint and the driver came back in that i'm not moving until somebody tells who did this because it was a grade seven bus and nobody narked like everybody just we're gonna stay quiet please just move on the bus riders code yeah we just want to we just want to go where we didn't they form a bus riders union there was or is that the grave dancers there was during the when the bus drivers went on strike a few years ago i remember a few people i remember ryan miller handing out uh fake bus passes of we're on strike when they did come back oh wow but it seemed like printing for nothing, because ultimately it comes down to, I'm ballsy enough
Starting point is 00:34:30 to tell a bus driver, I'm not paying for this because you inconvenienced me for the summer. But it looked great in your wallet. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it seems like a bus riders union wouldn't have the negotiation tactics that a typical union would have. You're going on strikes and work to rules and whatnot. And just driving. Our brownouts. We will not be taking the bus from Kitsilano this week.
Starting point is 00:35:00 That'll show you. Wow. I like that those kids stuck together. That's if anything, if police procedural television has taught anything to this burgeoning generation, it's that if you don't talk to the cops, they ain't got nothing. Enough bringing you in, right? Any kind of authority. If they're asking you questions, they don't have anything on you, right?
Starting point is 00:35:21 And if you wait long enough, you can get sweet tea. I learned that from The Wire. They always offer sweet tea it sounded delicious uh graham what went on with you this week i all i went out for halloween i went to a halloween party i dressed up as a in a costume santa yeah hipster santa and uh it was it was in costume? It was a hat and the black... The end. Yeah, it was a hat. What else do I need? A V-neck Santa outfit.
Starting point is 00:35:50 It was like, you know, the thick... What do you call them? Hornroom glasses? Okay. Woody Allen-esque glass. And like Santa vest and tight red shirt that I I wrote I knew Rudolph before he was cool on. And tight jeans and Converse shoes. Perfect, right?
Starting point is 00:36:12 Hipster Santa. Love it. And, yeah, it was good. It was actually a party where people put in, like, there's a lot of people that work on television shows. So they all had, like, beautifully crafted costumes. So I felt a little like I was low on the totem pole terms. There was this guy dressed as a totem pole.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Imagine, though, that'd be a really uncomfortable costume. You need five friends. Or animals. But, yeah, so... I suppose, yeah. I went to that, and we lit off fireworks that nearly hit a power line. So, you know, that was a giddy thrill.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Nearly knocking out the power to some neighborhood. And yeah, that was it. Did you get any attractive young ladies to sit on your lap? No, you know what? Then what's the point, Graham? I don't know. That's the thing about Halloween is some people will get into a character. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And then, because there was like a Jack Sparrow at the liquor store and he was Jack Sparrowing it up. Right? Yeah. You're with that. I'm hating those people. Yeah, those people are the worst. They can work the plank. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Yeah. Like that kind of, I think they think they're putting the fun into Halloween, but they're actually double reverse taking it out. Yeah, because it's not acting day. It is, I'm me me but i'm wearing a costume yeah so uh there was a there was a couple guys like that at the party but it was mostly just cool people dressed up in costumes but yeah like if i had to be with like a guy who was like i'm hunter s thompson all night i'd be like oh god can you imagine that That's got to be the most annoying. Do you only... Are these people just Johnny Depp worshippers?
Starting point is 00:37:48 I guess. I'm Edward Scissorhand. I'm going as 21 Jump Streets. Yeah. What, uh... Yeah, but, like, those are the two costumes I can think of. I remember I was at a party years ago, and there was a woman dressed like Alice from Alice in Wonderland. She spoke like her.
Starting point is 00:38:08 No, it was just like a very elaborate, well-done Alice but she was talking in the Alice-y voice. That's like Renaissance Fair territory. Right? What if you like them in that character? You're a single young lad. You meet this Alice girl. She seems
Starting point is 00:38:24 like the type you want to bring home to mom She likes that you're acting like Frankenstein That you keep feeding her cake Hoping she'll shrink You go back to her place You make all sorts of weird Frankenstein noises Yeah You say do you want to take the blue pill
Starting point is 00:38:39 Or the red pill You've got two different colored testicles And then, the next day... Is that a Matrix? Oh, that was Alice in Wonderland. Oh, right, okay. Were there red pills and blue pills?
Starting point is 00:38:55 No, that's the Matrix take from... No, the only thing I... It's cake and potion. Yeah, cake and potion and a piece of mushroom as well, I think. I think I learned about Alice in Wonderland from the Jefferson Airplane song. Oh, okay. Oh! Wait, rabbit.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Yeah, yeah. Is there a pill in that? One pill makes you... But there's not red pill, blue pill. The red pill is for something. And Morpheus takes you down. They were prophetic. Jada Pinkett Smith
Starting point is 00:39:29 is in the third one. There's a sex scene underground. And the Wraith confuses all. Go ask Oracle.
Starting point is 00:39:46 No way to pay rights, damn it. Worth it. Totally worth it, you guys. But did you have a happy Halloween? Yeah, it was fine. I mean, you know, that's the first time I've dressed up and gone somewhere for years and years and years. So it's weird because you're like if you've got a group of people to do it with then it's great if you're just gonna go wander around downtown i
Starting point is 00:40:10 think it would be terrifying by yourself well no even with a group of friends it seems like uh like it'd be the perfect time to be assaulted and like not be able to describe anything about who assaulted you you know like he was a frankenstein it was johnny depp from sleepy hollow uh yeah that's like going by yourself like you know how people are always like when i went to a movie by myself felt like such a weirdo everyone in the theater thought i was a loser doing halloween by yourself is like the ultimate. Yeah, you should probably feel like a loser. I dressed up. I walked around by myself.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Nobody does that. Do they? No, there was a guy. This is like years and years ago. I went to, there's a thing on Commercial Drive called like the Walk of the Dead. Oh, yeah. Or Parade of Lost Souls. That's it.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Yeah. And there was a guy in like a super perfect Predator costume and he wasn't with anybody. He just was like, I'm gonna go in my kick-ass Predator costume. No, I give him the benefit of the doubt because he had a really awesome costume. I've seen more than one awesome Predator costume that
Starting point is 00:41:18 I feel like if you've gone through that work and you haven't put on enough weight since last Halloween, you can pull it off. You just do the circuit of bars and try and win. Oh, sure. Let's just go from costume contest to costume contest. Sort of like all costumes kind of by the end of the night, if you're having a good night,
Starting point is 00:41:38 you'll lose a predator tentacle. Sure. You'll lose one of your Alice in Wonderland pills. predator tentacle sure you'll lose one of your alice in wonderland pills did i ever tell you about the one like uh one time when i was at a bar and some people were in costume some people weren't but a guy came in in a very weak like weakly done gene simmons you know he kind of put the makeup on at the last second oh oh from kids from kiss not from the tv show just wearing a black blazer and did hair plugs and he was hanging out and you know i think he was even wearing a kiss t-shirt to kind of communicate oh i saw an alice with a taped arrow pointing towards i saw an alice cooper guy with
Starting point is 00:42:19 alice cooper makeup and alice cooper t-shirt yeah and And then four guys walked in in, like, the most elaborate Kiss costumes, and this guy just, you could tell, was just like, ah, I should just go. Because this guy, they had the platform dragon boots and cod pieces and the whole nine yards. I went to a Kiss concert with some friends, or they weren't actually friends, like, I knew one of the guys, and they were all done up i guess they'd done an air band at some point and still had the costumes but the last guy was the cost airbender i think that was a pat kelly joke when he was on the show oh damn it anyway uh the guy i was there with was uh a chubby ace freely but the best part to me was his, his bandoleros or whatever they were,
Starting point is 00:43:06 were plush. Like, I guess that's what, that was the only white fabric they had at Fabricland that day. So he just, he genuinely looked like a stuffed Ace Frehley. Arctic Ace Frehley. I just wanted to hug that space ace.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Oh man. And the Peter Criss was an adorable adorable little girl it was the best kiss ever what's the uh that would be that would be as bad as walking around with a bunch of people who are just going by themselves on halloween a kiss concert those are like people that are acting like kiss aren't they uh getting in the spirit of things yeah but kiss like their personalities they don't they don't are these like theatrical things yeah but kiss like their personalities they don't they don't are these like theatrical people well gene is right you know you go try and fuck all these girls yeah but that's just who he is yeah but he doesn't make he's not mr kabuki man
Starting point is 00:43:57 or whatever kevin kabuki this is my character kevin mr kabuki man uh yeah but doesn't the one cat face he acts like a cat right yeah peter chris he's often licking the back of his hands and rubbing the back of his ears the drums sheds on everything yeah eating lasagna hating mondays etc dave should we move on to some business? Let's do that Life can be fun Don't get carried away You gotta do the things you don't wanna do To get through the day You gotta shine your shoes
Starting point is 00:44:34 You gotta sweep the floor You gotta clean your house You gotta do some more Take care of beers and ya's This week we've got a couple of personal messages From listeners to listeners. And first and not foremost, just first. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:50 This one is from Jessica S. She is wishing a happy 30th birthday to James. And you and I are big fans of being 30. Yeah, it's been the greatest. You've been 30 for years. Yeah. Well, I enjoy my 30s and my 40s. James, don't think of this as losing a daughter.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Think of this as gaining a decade. Happy 30th birthday to James from Jessica in Calgary. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And the other personal message we have. We have one. This message is from Becky. It is for Carrie M. And the message is this.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Hey, boys. That's us. Did you know you've been training for a marathon? I almost assure you I have not. You can check my scale or the way my pants fit. My friend Carrie has been training for a marathon for months, and she spent hours and hours running and listening to Spy exclusively. She says you guys are the only thing that's made the long training runs bearable.
Starting point is 00:45:54 She's running the Philadelphia Marathon on November 20th. And I guess maybe we'll be present for the marathon run? Yeah, here's hoping. And I guess maybe we'll be present for the marathon run? Yeah. Here's hoping. I mean, I sure, like, I would like to put that on my resume, that I've completed the Philadelphia marathon. I'm going to go ahead and put it on my resume. And then if any fact checkers want to ask about it, I'll refer them to this episode. She's doing great.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And there's a bowl of fettuccine Alfredo and a pair of warm bread slippers waiting for her at the finish line. I love it. Just keep running for that finish line, and I'm glad we could help you through what sounds like the worst thing in the world. It's unbearable. Have you tried running a
Starting point is 00:46:39 mile? What's the mess? Also, band-aid on nipples. Cannot state that enough. Ooh, and pant crapping yeah well wear a diaper wear a tie-dye and uh you know nipple up yeah nipples for uh cripples yeah why did i say that so this uh so if you would like to sponsor our show go go to We do free advertisements for causes that we deem worthy, like nipples for cripples.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Sure. But if it's a personal message, it's $100. If you are a corporation, then happy Guy Fawkes Day. Yeah, right. I hope you're selling us masks. It's $200. slash Jumbotron. Okay, we nailed it.
Starting point is 00:47:32 We will have some overheard. But first, have a listen to this message. Hi, I'm Justin McElroy. I'm Travis McElroy. I'm Griffin McElroy. We're three brothers. It's not a coincidence. We have a show.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It's called My Brother, My Brother and Me. It's an advice show for the modern era. Sometimes we also take questions from the Yahoo answer service. Hey, guys, how many push-ups does it take to look like a werewolf? That's a fine question, Griffin. We'll answer that one and so much more, including questions from readers about love and navigating the waters of society. Subscribe on iTunes or get it online at We're brothers.
Starting point is 00:48:04 We're experts. And we're sorry. Overheard. Overheard. Yeah. Things overheard. Or overseen, if that's the way you want to play it. You know, just things in everyday life life take your earbuds out once in a
Starting point is 00:48:26 while stop stop texting pay attention to the world around you live a little uh we like to start with the guests always and uh if that does that does that gel with your plan i'll be honest i keep my earbuds in all the time yeah and unfortunately because of new fatherhood, most of my overheards have a kids say the darndest thing quality about them. We love them. But we did recently walk through the Byword Market, the historic Byword Market. Sure. And hear a group of younger ladies discussing what I assume was a romantic encounter. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And I'm still not 100% sure what side she was taking on this. But all we heard as we walked past was, and he said, you want to know how I know you're not from a small town? Because you've never seen Slapshot. Weird. I had no idea it was such a defining film. So if you're from a small town, you definitely would have seen it? You have to see Slapshot. Otherwise they drum you out. It's not from a small town, you definitely would have seen it? You have to see Slapshot. Otherwise they drum you out.
Starting point is 00:49:27 It's not about a small town, is it? It's about a small town girl. Living in a lonely world. Yes. I keep coming back to Jersey. He actually lip synced that over. Yeah, he did. It's a weird, I guess
Starting point is 00:49:43 in Canada that might be the case. but it's an odd thing that that movie is set in the States written by a woman what? they can do a lot of things now like a lot of things yeah but could they in the 70s when that movie was made? oh yeah yeah that was you know
Starting point is 00:49:58 Paul Newman wears a lot of ridiculous coats he does some beautiful fur collars the Hanson brothers and very some beautiful fur collars the uh hansen brothers and very like huge butterfly collars yeah too uh some some of the biggest collars committed to film yeah yeah that's how you know you're from a small town is if you have collars inspired by slap shot they i wonder no i don't really wonder but there was like there have been certain people who have had their own clothing lines that you're like oh like uh uh arnold palmer or uh uh johnny carson yeah oh yeah johnny carson did have
Starting point is 00:50:35 a wayne gretzky had a clothing line donald trump uh greg norman for a while a lot of golfers yeah yeah sure jack nicholas certainly yeah did Jack Nicholson ever have one? Jimmy Connors? Yeah, it was all sunglasses. All sunglasses and pomade. Yeah, and window-breaking clubs. Also, a
Starting point is 00:50:57 witch's weasel. He just had a bunch of witches. Dave, do you got an overheard? Yes I do I can tell you're from a small town Because you quit school in grade 6 Do you guys have an overheard?
Starting point is 00:51:14 To knock up a lady Yeah, and to get work in a mill My overheard is from the day after And if we have any mill workers in our audience I apologize. Yeah. I just meant Graham talks like he dropped out of school early in a small town. You heard what I said.
Starting point is 00:51:30 If we have any small town listeners, Dave also apologizes. For any small town listeners, I hope you understand the words coming out of our mouths. Zingos. My overheard took place the day after Halloween, November 1st, All Saints Day. It's an overseeing that said candy half price. Yeah. Oh, boy. I sure did get some candy half price.
Starting point is 00:51:53 But I went to lunch with my boss that day, and I was embarrassed. Because we went, I was like, oh, after lunch, I want to buy some candy. And she came with me, and I was like, I don't want. I'm not not gonna go as extreme as i know yeah i don't want other people to know how much i candy i really would have bought how many peanut butter cups i expect to take in over the next 24 to 48 hours once on november 1st abby bought a bunch of halloween candy and i was like this isn't enough and i went back to the store and bought more oh i, I'm so fat.
Starting point is 00:52:28 But this was on the bus, November 1st. And it was a man in his 20s talking super loud on the phone on the way home from work. Barf. And he was talking about what he did last night and how it was, you know, when he ran out of fire. Oh, wait. This isn't the best part of the overheard but he first caught my attention when he was talking about how it was 3 or 4 in the morning
Starting point is 00:52:52 but I still had some fireworks so I went by my work because I'm gunning for a promotion so he was talking about how he put a uh firecracker in a cigarette which by the way no he didn't no yeah this is he was lying it was like lies that a nine-year-old would make and then the guy smoked him and sparks came out of his ears uh uh yeah his eyes went around like like some sort of slot machine It was hilarious He said I was hanging out with Charles
Starting point is 00:53:29 And Charles' girlfriend And she took a cigarette and lit it And it blew up in her face and she hit the ground And there was a pause It's the truth And there was another pause Charles didn't even care he was laughing Okay how much force would it take Like there is those little pause. Charles didn't even care. He was laughing.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Okay, how much force would it take? There is those little tiny... Do you guys know what I'm talking about? The tissue paper gunpowder where you throw them and it just makes a pop. Oh, yes. I feel like you could fit one of those in a cigarette, but the only reason you would hit the ground is...
Starting point is 00:54:04 The sound. Yeah, exactly. Or I'm assuming someone's shooting at me. Yeah. What kind of mini Roman candle would you actually have to have in a cigarette to knock you down to the ground? I don't think... Yeah, I assume if it... Like, whatever he put in the cigarette... Let's assume this story's true.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Well, he said it was true. He was quite clear on that, Dave. It has to be something that doesn't kill the person. Yeah. But I guess I would assume she hit the ground out of fear. Yeah, or she could have had a heart attack. It also could have been a stink bomb. She could have lit it.
Starting point is 00:54:39 All of a sudden, the pungent smell of stink bomb, she hits the deck, passes out, out of asthma. I don't have asthma. She shouldn't be smoking anyway if she has asthma. Yeah, seriously. That's a stink bomb. Put that out. He went on to talk about, oh, man, can you imagine if I put an M80?
Starting point is 00:54:56 It would probably fit in like a cigar. But I don't see this guy hanging out with the kind of people who smoke big fat cigars. But why would you bother doing that? You can buy the exploding cigars, can't you? Isn't that a novelty you can purchase? Or you can just commit murder. Yeah, maybe he doesn't read comic books like us. Oh, man, exploding cigars.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I would see that coming, because I'm wearing my x-ray specs. Yeah, thank you for this delicious Acme cigar. Novelco. I've never heard of that. Is this the same company that gave me that powder that caused me to itch? That powder I put on my body as talcum? Oh, whoopee cigars
Starting point is 00:55:38 you say. It's that cigar that farts when you light it and it smells like a fart. I will have your last piece of gum. Ouch! No, but seriously, I want that last piece of gum. Reloaded. Yeah, why did you put that trap in there?
Starting point is 00:55:55 That was one of my favorite gags as a kid was the gum one. I never got any stink ones or explodey things. Did you ever have the one that... It was a really simple one. It was an envelope that said... Rattlesnake eggs? Rattlesnake eggs, yeah. And it just had a piece of wire that was bent so that there was an elastic band suspended with a button on it. And you just wound up the button and stuck it in the envelope.
Starting point is 00:56:18 And then when you opened it, it spun around and made like a terrifying noise. A rattle? Yeah. It was great. That was a simple... That's a simple do-it-yourself gag. Except the noise. A rattle? Yeah. It was great. That was a simple do-it-yourself gag. Except the envelope that says rattlesnake eggs? Yeah, you give it to a kid.
Starting point is 00:56:31 You know where you get it? You know why he doesn't know it? It was famous in Drumheller, Alberta. We both lived in Alberta. Small towns, yeah. So you guys saw Slapshot? Yeah, we used to go see Slapshot and then try and fool each other with eggs. Small town life.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Yeah. Graham, do you have an Oberherber? I do. It was from last night. It's always fun slash not fun at all. You were at a comedy club. I was at a comedy club hosting a show, and sometimes you overhear people who don't know that you're
Starting point is 00:57:04 around the perimeter trying to describe you to somebody else. Not always complimentary. What? In fact, 100% of the time, not complimentary. And there was a girl trying to describe it to, I think, her boyfriend. She said, I like the one guy. So that was good. That's one point up.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And she said, who is like, you know, like that Irish thing. And he was like, I don't know what you're talking about. That she, like, you know, was looking for it. The guy that looked like the leprechaun. And I was like, I don't know. I canceled out the he was good part. I like that guy. You know what
Starting point is 00:57:39 young Rasputin would look like? I know. When he was still lover of the Russian queen. I found out once that somebody had described me to, you know, to someone who was going to meet me at a train station as, he looks like kind of a chubby Vincent Price. Which I don't think is complimentary in any way. Yeah, Vincent Price, not known for his... Handsomeness.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yeah, sharp, good looks. But, maybe if he had more flesh on his bones, maybe he could be as handsome as a Brad McNeil. Yeah, but he'd stink like the funk of 40,000 years. Covered in cobwebs constantly. We also have overheards sent in to us by listeners via email. If you want to do the same, you can send them to stoppodcastyourself at
Starting point is 00:58:27 The first one comes from Lizzy V. This is an overseen. This is several years old, but my brother just said the other day, you should send that post office graffiti as an overseen. So here it is, my favorite graffiti ever
Starting point is 00:58:42 from the side of my old local post office and it's like the metal shutters on the window and just in big red letters email rules i like that i i want uh graffitos uh to have a purpose i don't want them to just you know tag it with their name i want them to have an agenda like hey email spent a half an hour on a link of just those that were i'll send you the link and then you can put it on the blog it's we'll see well i'll send it to you if you don't put it on the blog that's not my fault it's true it's true guys don't fight i don't like it when you guys fight but send it to me what else is on there So I don't have to post it The best one to me and this is strictly a visual joke
Starting point is 00:59:29 But it was a hand dryer Like you would see Is it the bacon one No but I've seen that that was on there But somebody had drawn Eyebrows over both The button to start it And the dryer itself
Starting point is 00:59:44 And the vent at the bottom looked like a mouth and just wrote, Ow, my eye. Pretty good. Laughed and laughed. This one comes from Josh S. Now, this one, you do have to be familiar with the work of Louis C.K. to appreciate this one in full. Louis C.K.
Starting point is 01:00:03 So this is going to be about directing Poodie Tang. Yes. Yeah. Louis C.K., well-known, famous director of Poodie Tang and other short films and nothing else. Right? That's what he's most popular for? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I've got an overheard for you that I caught while waiting for Louis C.K. to start a stand-up set this past weekend. I was sitting in my seat by myself for a couple of minutes when I heard a rowdy bunch of guys, probably around my age, late 20s, walking to their seats. One of them looked at the others, who had just sat down, and said, pretty excitedly,
Starting point is 01:00:35 you guys ready to suck a bag of dicks? I did not hear their response. Ugh. Fans of a thing are the worst. I think it was like the second or third episode of this show ever where i described the people uh sitting behind me in the audience at a patton oswalt show speaking the skits yes speaking along with the jokes oh i recognize this joke i'm gonna like say it with him like i would at a music show sing along with the song sure and still hate it still hate those people yeah i hate everything ever i never left
Starting point is 01:01:12 the house since then yeah it's true so it was that the uh inciting incident that uh no inciting incident that was the the straw that broke the hermit's back oh Oh, man. What? I think the creation of television was the inciting incident. This last one comes from Nicole L. of Regina, Saskatchewan. I was walking into a 7-Eleven, and an eight-or-so-year-old boy ran from his mother, held the door open for me, and said, I'll get that for you. I said, well, aren't you a gentleman? And walked in. I heard him say to his mother,
Starting point is 01:01:47 I wish she was my mom. Wow. Wow. What for? Oh, because she called him a gentleman. Oh. She's very... She's nice and polite.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah. Not because she's a hottie. Well, maybe she's a hottie. But why would you want a hot mom? Why wouldn't you? All your friends will come over all the time. They might write a song about it. Stacey's mom?
Starting point is 01:02:10 Yes. Okay. Jessie's girl. Not a lot of songs about moms. Moms in Canada. Yeah, what? Hello, mother. Hello, father.
Starting point is 01:02:22 That's partially about moms. Yeah. That Pink Floyd one. That other Pink Floyd one Mother, do you think they'll drop the ball? Oh, what about Mama From the Spice Girls I guess none of them are about Mother lover
Starting point is 01:02:41 Kanye Which is a heartbreaking one. Oh, about his dead mother? Yes, but she wasn't at the time. Oh, speaking of celebrities, Dave. Okay. Oh, right. Do we have any celebrity birthdays?
Starting point is 01:02:54 Today, November 5th, a big celebrity birthday to Guy Fawkes. Oh, yeah. His 2000th birthday. Guy Fawkes, friend of Jesus Christ, apparently. Remember, remember. Doc Brown's birthday. Guy Fawkes, friend of Jesus Christ, apparently. Remember, remember. Doc Brown's birthday. Okay. Happy 51st birthday to weird-looking actress Tilda Swinton.
Starting point is 01:03:20 51? Yeah. Yummy. Why are you shocked about that? I'm curious to know what the shock is there. I guess red don't crack. I don't know. Alabaster don't crack.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Alabaster gets plastered. She stays out of the sun. Yeah. A Kardashian matriarch, Kris Jenner, turns 56. Paul Simon's friend, Art Garfun Jenner turns 56. Paul Simon's friend Art Garfunkel turns
Starting point is 01:03:47 70. And which two singers with similar sounding names celebrate birthdays today? Ryan Adams is 37 and Brian Adams is 53. One on the same day. Yeah, weird, right? Weird. So how much older is Brian? Do the math quickly, Graham. 16 years.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Okay, so there wasn't a chance that he was famous when Ryan was born. No. Okay, just checking. Wow. Oh, you think Ryan's parents would have been like, we better not name our... Man, this cuts like a Knife album. It's sick. Is there a chance he was born in the
Starting point is 01:04:19 summer of 69? No, he's too young for that. Also, not quite as upbeat, but rest in peace, Andy Rooney, as of today, passed away. Really? Oh, I can't believe I'm breaking this news to you. Man.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Now what are you going to do on Sunday nights? I have to complain on my own, I guess. Well, he has been off the air for a month, and I killed him. Do you think there's going to be How many New Yorker cartoons or editorial cartoons Having Andy Rooney complaining about the gates of heaven? Oh, right
Starting point is 01:04:52 Will there be? Lots One? Yeah, I'll say two I'll go for two One on the cover and one in the back pages Cover? I watched the Pearl Jam documentary
Starting point is 01:05:03 That Cameron Crowe made a couple weeks ago. He didn't make it a couple weeks ago. Efficient. Well, for one thing, I had never seen Andy Rooney... Crowd surf? No. They showed a clip of Andy Rooney after Kurt Cobain died, or killed himself. He didn't just die.
Starting point is 01:05:24 He expired. Yeah. And it was about how Andy Rooney's thing was like, what would people of this generation do if they had something to really be sad about? Like the Depression or the Vietnam War. And he received some flack for that. But...
Starting point is 01:05:42 It was always controversial. My other favorite thing about the Pearl Jam documentary, and I'm not a fan of Pearl Jam at all. Sounds like you are. You're really pumping up this documentary. But I do, I like a rock band documentary. Sure. There's a couple in my Netflix queue that I'm,
Starting point is 01:05:58 I don't care about Harry Nelson, but I'm going to watch that Harry Nelson documentary. Oh, everybody's talking about me? I think it's called Who is Harry Nilsson? And I know nothing about Scott Walker, but he was the singer, so. Sure. I want to learn about him. But my other favorite part of the Pearl Jam documentary,
Starting point is 01:06:15 Eddie Vedder's house has a fireman pole. Wow. So he thought. We have exactly the wrong reactions. I feel like that's what everybody at eight wanted. Or water slide. Did he paint his bedroom black, too? No, but...
Starting point is 01:06:34 It'd be so hot. That's what kids don't understand. I forget what he... I think he went from this room that was just a weirdly shaped... You could tell it was maybe the attic. It had a low ceiling. It was kind of a weirdly shaped, you could tell it was maybe the attic. Like it had a low ceiling. It was kind of slanty, but it was covered in like weird Werner Panton shaped like pillows and stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And then he slid down into a recording studio or something. I feel like that'd be terrible acoustics. Yeah, having a hole in the roof that goes all the way up to the edge. Maybe he was in the mixing board room. The ante room to the... The ante chamber. He had antipasto. Antipasti? Matrix.
Starting point is 01:07:19 In addition to overheards that get written, we also accept phone call bohoods. And if you want to phone us, our number is 206. Hey, since so much. Dial your cell phone. Call us. Am I doing baby voice or racist voice?
Starting point is 01:07:37 Racist baby voice. Oh, man. Babies are so pure, they don't know racism. Oh, no. My daughter? Inborn. Oh, no. My daughter? Ooh. Inborn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yeah. 206-339-8328. Racism. Guys, let's try to erase racism. Hi. Stop podcasting yourself. This is Arden calling from Chicago. And I just overheard someone say, well, you know, growing up my father wasn't really there for me.
Starting point is 01:08:06 And sometimes he would go completely AOL. That was a long time ago. He got a lot of those membership CDs. Oh, wow. Isn't there like some thing, some project that some artist must have undertaken like making something out of all
Starting point is 01:08:24 those CDs, right? Yeah, or like a house or a boat or a houseboat. Yeah, what could you use them for? I don't know. It was a time in our history when not even, I don't think everyone even had CD drives yet. No. No.
Starting point is 01:08:41 It's true. It was crazy. Some people were internetting, and other people were just reading, you know, reading the morning paper. When we got our first computer with a disk drive and like a modem in it, I think it came with like CompuServe CDs. Oh, wow. What the hell? What's that stock worth?
Starting point is 01:09:02 CompuServe? Yeah. I don't know. Is that anything? Not the paper that it's printed on. Because it's so old that they were printing stocks on paper back then. Don't they still? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:13 I don't know how stocks work. Very poor. I have no clue. Yeah, you can get a stock certificate, can't you? Probably. Put it in a lockbox. Yeah. Have it signed by...
Starting point is 01:09:24 John Hancock. Yeah. John it signed by... John Hancock. Yeah. John Hancock, inventor of the signature. Why is John Hancock... Like, a lot of people sign that document, right? Yeah, but his is the biggest. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:33 I only know this because I think it was... There was some sitcom at the time where, you know, they would do the old-timey visit of... I wonder what it was like back in that time time and you would have all the characters from the sitcom play those people. Yeah, sure, Boy Meets World. Exactly, I'm pretty sure Family Ties did it. And the joke, whatever one it was,
Starting point is 01:09:55 Mr. Belvedere, come on, Hancock, why don't you leave some room for the rest of us? That's why I don't know any Canadian history. Yeah. Because they never did this on the beachcombers. They never did it on Danger Bay. Do you think John Hancock had a big signature because he was compensating for his Hancock?
Starting point is 01:10:20 I bet that gets cut out. Hi, this is Erica from Omaha, Nebraska. And we were passing out candy tonight for Halloween trick-or-treaters. And there was a young boy and little girl that came up to our house. And she held out her hand and my boyfriend told her, go ahead and grab a handful, a small handful. And she really got a grip on a lot of candy and stuck it into her little sack, and the little boy that was with her turned to her and said, geez, McKenna,
Starting point is 01:10:51 he said a small handful, to which she replied, I can't help myself, I love candy, and we just thought that was pretty hilarious. It's adorable! And that accent was great, too, that Nebraskan accent. Oh, really? Ah. Did you not pick up on it? I don't pay attention to such things.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Yeah, right? You are a Jedi. You don't concern yourself with such things. You know what city's Nebraska? Omaha. Somewhere in middle America. Because you were just singing Counting Crows. Track two.
Starting point is 01:11:20 That was off air. Same album. Was it off air that Will It Make It To Air? It was pretty great. Around here? Yeah. About it. And also, I never really listened to anything on that album that wasn't a hit.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Did you buy the album and just listen to those tracks? Yes. I would listen to Mr. Jones. I'd listen to... Track one, track three. Around here. What was the... Did you go to Rain Kings? Did you make it as far as to... Track one, track three. Around here. What was the... Did you go to Rain Kings?
Starting point is 01:11:47 Did you make it as far as Rain Kings? Yeah, yeah, that was it. Well, not a hit, just a single. Anna Begins? Nope. Okay. What was the one that mentioned the band name in it? Yeah, it's the last track.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Oh, Hey Hey We're the Monkees. Hey Hey We're the Count of Crows. That's always kind of a... I have mixed feelings about that What about singing your own I think you're fine with it If you're a hip hop artist Yeah hip hop artists do it all the time Self reflection
Starting point is 01:12:15 Has Aerosmith ever sang a song that's about Aerosmith Directly I feel like it's okay if it Is the title of the song Or like the chorus we are aerosmith go fuck yourself uh hey you want to go cold play with me yeah i'm going out you too uh
Starting point is 01:12:37 well the counting crows one is uh i forget what the name of the song is, but he says... But it starts out, We're the Counting Crows and we're here to say we love Mr. Jones in a major way. Yep. Mom, you're just jealous. We're the Counting Crows! Oh, the Beastie Boys did it too.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah, it was a great Halloween overheard there. Yep, super cute. I can't help myself. Super adored. I love candy. I did use Violet's hand more than once. Well, let's just see how much she takes. Grab a wood, seriously.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Would you stick her hand? You would, like... I used her mouth. Dunking for candy, because then they're all grossed out and they give you the whole bowl. Oh, she barfed in here. Just take the bowl. Just in the bowl as well. And by bowl, I mean plastic
Starting point is 01:13:30 Jaggerlander. Yes. And finally... Hey, Dave and Graham, impossible guest. I'm a mepawgle, by the way, from Ottawa. And I have an overseen for you guys. I was just walking through my school and there was some person just,
Starting point is 01:13:51 I guess they were lying on their backpack or something, but they tried to get up and there was some guy with really long hair and like half of his head was caught in his zipper, I guess, and he was trying to get up, and he couldn't because his bag was too heavy for his head to lift, but he was just flailing his arms around and just trying to get up,
Starting point is 01:14:20 and nobody was helping him, and it was pretty funny, and have a good day. It's hard to help when you're laughing so hard. Yeah, it's hard to help when you're calling a podcast. What was her name? It sounded like she said Meat Popple, but I know that's not what it was. Her name was Emmy.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, not Meat Popple? There's an accent on a goo on it. It's spelled Meat Popple. But yeah, that seems like a pretty funny thing to see. Yeah. It's called the Ottawa tortoise. We,
Starting point is 01:14:51 it happens all the time. Is that a thing? Yeah. Your backpack is your shell. Yeah. That's really funny though. Guy getting his haircut and, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:00 and being on the ground at the time. Well, you know what happened was his friend put an M-80 in his cigarette. So he hit the ground. He got knocked out and then tried to get up. Is an M-80 a big one? I think it's too big for a cigarette. You need to put it in a cigar.
Starting point is 01:15:14 I know I've heard it referenced of blowing somebody's finger off. Yeah, an M-80 you would have to put in a guy who's attempting to smoke the most cigarettes for the Guinness World Record. That's the only thing that would fit in a bunch of cigarettes. What's the record on that? Three? Three or four. A pack. But they checked and one of them was a Popeye cigarette.
Starting point is 01:15:37 So yeah, if you want to call in overheard, you can call us at 206-339-8328 or write to us at stoppodcastyourself at Now, Brad Bradley. Hey guys. You got a good suggestion the last time you were on the podcast you had some
Starting point is 01:15:56 podcasts that you liked that you wanted to recommend and we kind of went around the horn with it. And you wanted to find out what podcasts we listen to. Yes. Before we talk about that though, I realized something that happened the other day. When I come to find out what podcasts we listen to. Yes. Before we talk about that, though, I realized something that happened the other day. Like, when I came to Vancouver, I try and do shows with people. And I was on a
Starting point is 01:16:11 show, a Titmouse show, Ian Boothby's Titmouse show, on Thursday. Who's in that? Titmouse itself is Taz Van Rassel, former guest, Chris Casillan, former guest, and Ian Boothby, former guest. And that was actually the kind of, the punchline of this, is almost everyone on this show and quite a few audience members were Stop Podcasting Yourself former guests. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 01:16:34 And there was a real unifying moment of talking to each other. I got to confront Dylan Reimer for the insulting things he'd said about when I called in during his show. Oh, wow. Which we, you know, we found Ben Mills. I had to, you know, hey, you made it back from across Canada, which he had a funny thing of, yeah, when I recorded that, I didn't think it was going to go anywhere. And people keep telling me about this. I would have tried to be funnier.
Starting point is 01:17:04 So I guess that's Ben's way of saying congratulations, guys. You're doing a hell of a job. Yeah, we keep trying to get Ben back, but he's a very busy guy. Yeah, he's a guy. I was thinking of a better way to describe him. He's a very busy man? He's a very busy Phillips. Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:23 So podcast wise Let's start with you By the way I saw a couple of former podcast guests Last night I saw Bita Judaki and Christine Bortolin And they were having dinner together And I walked by And I said
Starting point is 01:17:38 Oh nice to see you And I left I knocked over their drinks That was the most public conversation you've made in three years good job david gotta go gotta go ladies um so what do you like brad what do you listen to well one show that i like that i always hesitate to recommend because it's so swear festy but they did do a shout-out to you guys. What? It was Walking the Room. Oh, the Walking the Room podcast.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Yeah, Greg Barron and Dave Anthony. And I guess, I'm assuming that Greg Barron was at MaxFunCon. Yeah, yeah. And quoted, I'm assuming, one of your jokes as like, this is one of the funniest things I'd ever heard. Oh, I haven't heard that. Yeah. I'm going to go listen. Go back to it.
Starting point is 01:18:24 He doesn't say your name. Right. But he says, that Canadian guy from Stop Podcasting Yourself. Well, I look forward to looking back on that. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:34 I'm actually, I don't, it might be Graham. Well, who knows? Hard to say. We were both there. We were both on the show. The car running on pussy
Starting point is 01:18:41 is the joke. Oh, yeah. That's, it seemed like one of your jokes. Yeah, it's an environmental joke. And the high fives. Top drawer stuff. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:51 So that's my first recommendation. Thanks, Rick Barrett. Walking the Room. Is it like this show? Or is it more... From the title, I've always assumed it was more on the actual what it's like to be a working comedian it's more on their lives they occasionally have guests but it's the way that two guys can only cut each other down when you've known each other for enough
Starting point is 01:19:20 years to a know that you don't completely mean it but also know enough deep stuff to really make it hurt sure yeah so there's a lot of picking on one another in a gentle loving way it's again every time i hear an episode where i'm like this is the one i'm going to recommend to people they end up in like a jizz shake or dave make yeah exactly that's exactly why I don't recommend it to you Dave's making his guy fox face Why so serious? Is that the same guy? Yes, that's it
Starting point is 01:19:51 Dave? The one I've really been enjoying lately Of course, all the Maximum Fun podcasts The Sound of Young America Jordan Jesse Go My Brother, My Brother and Me Judge John Hodgman. Judge John Hodgman.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Yeah. I miss the judge movement out of Seattle. They're all great. You know about those already, though. The one I've been listening to a ton lately is Julie Klausner's How Was Your Week? If you don't know who she is, she's a writer and comedian from new york and uh uh every week she does it's kind of the same format as a wtf where she talks on her own for 20 minutes off the top and then she does interviews uh with two interviews an episode usually um and i sort of react the opposite as i do to wtf like wtf i immediately skip over mark
Starting point is 01:20:49 maron's opening spiel and go to the interview i don't listen to every episode i go i listen to the ones i want to listen to sure it's a free country but with how is your week i just like the interviews if i care about the person is really great sometimes if i don't care about the person that's really great but i really just care about her talking off the top oh she's delightful remarkably i've heard her described as a friendly janine graffalo like there's no angry politics involved just yeah and she she cares about all the things i care about uh broadway and uh the real housewives and Dancing with the Stars.
Starting point is 01:21:27 She gives none of the things I care about, actually, but it's delightful. I would recommend the episode where she has Ira Glass and his wife, which will make every episode of Stop Podcasting seem like crap. This American Life makes sense
Starting point is 01:21:44 of like, oh, that's what his wife is like. This is. Yeah. They do a newlywed game. Yeah. No, that's fun. Yeah. Sometimes instead of interviewing people, she will just get them to come up with something.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Like she did something with Julianne Smolenski where she just had her come up with a list of men she has a crush on, like celebrity men, or like crushes she's ashamed of or something. I forget, but she'll get the person to come up with a list, and they'll talk about that, or they'll play a game. It's a great show. I recommend that. That's a good one.
Starting point is 01:22:18 You, Graham? One I've really enjoyed, actually, from episode one, and continue to enjoy, is Who Charted by Howard Kramer and Kulap Valaisak. Valaisak. And, you know, each week they talk about the top charts of some, you know, music top chart. It can be from the UK or from America or country music or dance music. And it's great. It's all...
Starting point is 01:22:50 The best part is that they are completely unfamiliar with all of the music or the guests generally. Yeah. And then they do a chart of that. They do a chart of movies or television. And then they do a chart related to the guest. And this is your lifestyle. Yeah. And I find it's really well-researched
Starting point is 01:23:07 and it's really well put together. And Howard Kramer is extremely listenable. And Kulov and him have a great, like, affectionate banter. And all the guests pretty much, yeah, like, all the guests have been really, really funny and on board for everything. If there's any tragedy to that show, it's that the guests are starting to clue in on the final chart game.
Starting point is 01:23:30 It's true. They didn't used to know what they were doing. Because in the first few where they're really reaching and it's that dramatic irony as an audience member of they have no clue. They're actually trying to get the question. It's like the five questions they used to do on Killborn. Right. Yeah, yeah. You know, you're thinking too hard.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Just go say something about your life. I bet you're right. Yeah, yeah. But it is like, it's just, I find it, it's very enjoyable. And I also feel like I learn things that are on charts that I didn't know. You know, that's something I would never look up myself. So, yeah, check it out. It's one of the earwolf yes family
Starting point is 01:24:06 of podcasts all the earwolf shows have great like uh themes like uh when we started this show it was before anyone put any thought into like oh how do we make our show different yeah yeah so like they're all like they do a chart show they do how This Get Made, which is a show about bad movies. Sure. Professor Blastoff is a science show, basically. Yeah. Great work at the Earwolf Network. Yeah, absolutely. Big ups.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Oh, yeah, your turn. Actually, rather than recommending, because I can keep... I listen to an embarrassing amount. I'll make a shout out for the Grantland podcast Which I think actually makes a mistake The exact opposite of what you're describing It's the only podcast Grantland is a sports and pop culture website
Starting point is 01:24:55 That was started by Bill Simmons And ESPN puts it out And they do a podcast where They try and do it five days a week But it alternates which guest it's going to be. So one might be on premiership soccer, a premier league soccer, and one might be on baseball, one might be on college football. And I'm not interested in most of those things. So that's one of the ones where I really pick and choose out of it. I don't know if you guys have figured
Starting point is 01:25:19 this out. But iTunes, you can just type in a guest you like like we had mentioned uh john ham is a is an excellent uh podcast guest and norah mcdonald who appeared on uh andy kindler is a personal favorite absolutely on a podcast itunes changed that for a while because i yeah when i first discovered podcasting i looked up paul f tompkins and i discovered him on like never not funny and this show called The Shit Parade Show and a bunch of others and then they took away that feature and you couldn't search for guests and now you can again. Yeah I feel like they've
Starting point is 01:25:51 they tweaked it again so it's not as good as it was say six months ago so iTunes if you're listening go back iTunes is a person right? Yeah we know people there Irene Tunes. We know friends of friends. Ira Tunes Do you have another one Dave? I don't think I've started person right yeah we know people there yeah irene we know friends of friends ira tunes uh do you
Starting point is 01:26:06 have another one dave uh i don't think i've started anything new since we last did this well i listened to a lot of the ones that you like i had only listened occasionally to wtf but there's some real nuggets in there oh yeah yeah they really need our uh yeah that's what that guy needs is more popularity another good good couple of people who regularly interview comics one is Am I Right? That's a Canadian one. That's a Canadian one, and it's based off, like it's a college radio show. And they've had Norm Macdonald and Andy Kindler regularly calls in and Tom Sharpling regularly calls in. Super Ego did an episode of that.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Yeah, and they're just, I mean,, if you aren't listening to Super Ego. You're a fool. Go fuck yourself. A damn fool. Super Ego is so, so funny. Did we recommend Super Ego last time? We did last time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:54 I was a little too encouraging. I listened back, was embarrassed. They're going to think I want to marry them. And they're right. The other one, I don't know if we've ever mentioned on here, but we met one half of the team that does it, is the Stuff You Should Know podcast. Oh, right. We met Chuck.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Another podcast that doesn't need our endorsement. That's true. I think that's the second most popular podcast. It isn't, is it? I thought, like, all the Adam Carollas and all those are the top ones. That's right behind This American Life. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Oh, my apologies, then. I think that's right behind This American Life. Really? Yeah. Oh, my apologies. Then I rescind everything. I mean, it's good. It's good. And what a great guy, that Chuck we met. Yeah. I've debated whether a podcast about podcasts would be interesting, but I will recommend... Well, I think we're proving right now, no.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Boy, am I bored. But I do recommend A.V. Club. The now, no. Absolutely. Boy, am I bored. But I do recommend AV Club. The Onions AV Club has started doing pod masks where they go through and make recommendations. And a lot of times I disagree with the ones where they say this was bad because it's one person's opinion, but at least it's... There's some that I subscribe to. There's some that I'm going to pick and choose. I disagree with that list just because we're not on it. I agree.
Starting point is 01:28:05 But I figure if we mention it enough times, the AV Club's Podmask, because they listen and that's how they figure it out. I don't know. I think fuck the AV's Podmask. Is that? Dave, I don't think you want to make enemies of these guys. I don't care. Fuck those jerks.
Starting point is 01:28:23 I don't think you want to do that. I think what I'm trying to say is they can go die in a fire, go dig a hole, and then get the dirt that you dug out of the hole and put it on top of yourself and die. But Anonymous, 100% behind Anonymous, you guys are A1
Starting point is 01:28:38 in my book and keep my email account going. So, were there any others? Your pod's F-top cast. Of course. That's pretty great. These things.
Starting point is 01:28:51 The best show on WFMU, Never Not Funny. I love things. Yeah. Comedy. It's the greatest. Doug loves movies. Doug loves movies. They're all great.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Absolutely. He's doing great work. Yeah. Now, Brad. Yes? As we near the end of the show, you're out in Ottawa. Sure am. You're doing improv work.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I do. I work with a company called Crush Improv, and this episode comes out Tuesday. Monday night. Monday night. So if you're listening to this on Monday night, go to the Elmdale Tavern. Oh, you won't be able to. I know. Monday night Vancouver time.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Yeah. But the following Monday? We'll be three weeks away from our next monthly show. Right? First Monday of the month? First Monday of every month, we do a show called Bout Time, which is a competitive improv three-on-three format, where the amount of points that you earn in the first half, based on audience scoring, is the amount of time you get to play in the second half.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Because if there's anything improvisers want, it's more stage time. And who is in Crush Improv? Any former guests of ours? Former guest, Mr. Al Connors. Capital A, capital L. You got it. And Chris Cassell in wood play, if he was
Starting point is 01:29:57 in town. Sure. Just trying to name other improvisers. Do you want to give a shout out to your baby? Yep, Violet McNeil is going to be walking around in a hat that looks like a rabbit for another week in Vancouver. That's pretty great. It is pretty great. What else is going on?
Starting point is 01:30:14 Well, I guess if you're hearing this on Tuesday, try and get tickets to the Rangers game and hit me up on Twitter at Yeah. You need suggestions. Yeah. I need a song to do. I guess based on what Gawker suggested I'll be doing, I'm Coming Out by Donna Summer.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Ah, not bad. It's raining men. You should have a whole character arc. Unfortunately, hockey season and Pride Week never... Born this way? Yeah, there we go. Some Lady Gaga. You should just get gayer and gayer.
Starting point is 01:30:44 In the Navy? Is that really? I'll be doing the entire score of La Cage Aux Folles Now Dave We are performing We are doing a live podcast November 18th At the Zoo Lounge Cosmic Zoo Cosmic Zoo in Vancouver
Starting point is 01:31:02 53 West Broadway Broadway Manitoba still currently hennessy yeah uh it's probably gonna be five dollars no advance tickets just show up that night i'm gonna say nine ish yeah uh we don't have all the details in front of us november 18th is a friday it's also uh all celebrity birthdays for that day include Kevin Nealon. It's not true. It's true. Is it? It's Abby's birthday.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Oh, wow. And it's also three cast members of the TV show Weeds. Oh, wow. Are you guys doing this show celebrating anything? Yeah. Pot brownies. In honor of Weeds. We're going to celebrate Romany Malco's birthday. Kevin Nealon's birthday. Is it the fifth anniversary of something?
Starting point is 01:31:48 Not that we know of. Okay, good enough. I tried to set you up. Of what? The Sunday service. Oh, yeah. It's the fifth anniversary of the Sunday service. I'm not even from here.
Starting point is 01:31:59 I was playing the dumb guy. I was playing it very well. I'm a method actor. And I don't know if people know exactly what the Sunday Service is. We mention it whenever we have a guest from the Sunday Service on the show, but so many of our past guests are members of the Sunday Service. Taz Van Rassel. Kevin Lee.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Kevin Lee. Aaron Reed. Flip Wilson. Ryan Beal. Ryan Beal. Craig Anderson. Craig Anderson. And Emmett Hall.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Yes. So all those dudes will be there. They will be our guests. They're celebrating five big years. Eddie Izzard. R2-D2. Billy Connolly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Red Fox. Red Fox. Red don't crack. Red Green. And also November 29th. I don't know. This might be sold out probably. Things are popular. Sure. I will be debating Paul F. Tompkins as. This might be sold out, probably. Things are popular.
Starting point is 01:32:45 I will be debating Paul F. Tompkins as part of CBC's The Debaters at the Centennial Theatre in North Vancouver. Check the Centennial Theatre's website for tickets. Sure. I think the Paul F. Tompkins show the following night is sold out. Sold out. Wow. Sold out. Wow. And, yeah, so that's a lot of great stuff that you can come and check out and do and all that kind of ruckus. Also, this coming week, I will be the remaining paintings from the show that I did.
Starting point is 01:33:19 I took suggestions both from the Stop Podcast Yourself group and just Facebook in general and Twitter about where money should go for these things. I got awesome responses. So I'm going to try and donate to as many of these wonderful charities as possible. But they will be going up on eBay this week. I noticed one of the suggestions was keep it yourself, you deserve it.
Starting point is 01:33:40 How many of these paintings are going to that charity? Zero. Okay, wow, you're a noble man. Not really. I'm a stupid man. But there's some nobility mixed in. So just Google beard paintings on eBay. Go to beard...
Starting point is 01:33:55 Google eBay. Go to and there is a link to the e-bail sales. And yeah, it's a lot of stuff. Yeah, right? Go check out the blog recap that Dave does each and every week at, which will feature photos,
Starting point is 01:34:13 maybe a link to Brad singing at the Iowa Sands game. And certainly it's going to have a picture of Guy Fawkes. Yeah, Guy Fawkes and a crying hand dryer. Oh yeah, right. Your thing from that thing. Also, you'll get to see in real time the email sucks. Grafito. In real time.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Yeah, in real time. I hate having to wait for pictures to load. Stupid Netscape. So thanks for listening, everybody. And if you like the show, tell your friends. And come on back next week for another enthralling episode of Stop By and Guess Yourself. He parks his car outside my house and takes her clothes off. Says she's close to understanding Jesus.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Well, she knows she's just a little misunderstood. She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous.

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