Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 206 - Kulap Vilaysack

Episode Date: February 28, 2012

Kulap Vilaysack from the Who Charted? podcast joins us to talk light beer, proposals, buskers, and a close encounter of the Hulk Hogan kind....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 206 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who I think just got a haircut and I didn't say anything about it before. I wanted to save it for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Nice haircut, Mr. Dave Shumka. Thank you. Got it this morning? Yep. Look sharp. Waiting in line. There's a a My haircut lady If I pay her in cash
Starting point is 00:00:50 Barbarellis If I pay her in cash, I don't have to pay tax So I was waiting at a cash machine And there's a guy It took him forever To figure out He seemed drunk, He wasn't drunk. His backpack had the zipper wide open.
Starting point is 00:01:09 But he couldn't put together the sequence of events. After you get your cash, he just had a wad of cash in his hand. And he got his card in the other hand. And he didn't know what to do with what. And then he noticed the people waiting in line behind him. And so he turned around and walked into a wall. Pretty great. Pretty great start to the day, right?
Starting point is 00:01:33 We've all been there, though. Maybe it's not at an ATM. Maybe it's just life. Yeah. It was pretty early on a Saturday morning. It could have been me. It could have been you. There but for the grace of whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It's going to be me. It could have been you. There but for the grace of whatever. It's gonna be me. To quote Justin Timberlake. Of NSYNC. I love this podcast already. A JT reference? Oh, we drop them early. Early and often. We're gonna have some JTT references later.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Our guest today, all the way from Los Angeles, California. She is the co-host of Who Charted and the brand new Too Charted, Ms. Kulap Vilaysak. Hello! Did I say it right? Vilaysak. I was close.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I barely say it right, though. Vilaysak. It's not on you. It is on me. No, it's not. You know, I was practicing it before you came over because he said, what? It rhymes with knee-high sock. Is that a device that you employ?
Starting point is 00:02:31 Just say knee-high sock. Well, that Howard has given a gift to everyone, apparently, so that he can say my name. Well, let's get to know us. Get to know us. That's a name. Well, let's get to know us. Get to know us. That's a good theme song. Thanks. Thanks for breaking the fourth wall. Thanks for being a guest on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Oh, I'm glad to be here. Yeah, this is your, you're up here, you're here doing the Vancouver Comedy Festival. Yes. And we snagged you. You're a get. We managed to, right? Yeah. We went through the festival guide.
Starting point is 00:03:10 We said, we looked at the who's who. Yeah, the who's who. Who's doing what. You said, fuck Betty White. Can I swear? Yeah. I'm not going to swear. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:17 But not about Betty White. Shh. That's one rule. Ah, fudge Betty White. Yep. Shut the front door, Betty White. No, but seriously, Betty White. Shut the front door, Betty White. No, but seriously, Betty White, shut the front door. Did you just call Betty White a cunt?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Well, you didn't say that. What are the rules? Wait, just tell me what the rules are. I think the first ten minutes is all about establishing boundaries. Yeah. I think you reached one. Okay, okay. Okay, noted.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Do you say it a lot? Only in reference to the Golden Girls. Yeah. I do. I do. Let's just take back all the words. No, you know what? You, if...
Starting point is 00:03:59 Shouldn't we take them all back? Yeah. Let's take back all the words. But we don't own them all. Some belong to different... Ethnicities. What do you mean? Like the brothers? They've got a few.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Sure. I don't know any of them. I'm not steeped in that culture. Steeped, is that a word? Did I just reclaim a word with steeped? Yeah, from the T. From the T's, from the tea. From the tea. From the tea. It's from the Indians.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Oh, right. There we go. The East Indians. The East Indians. And the Bostonians. The Bostonians. Yep. You're Indians.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You're English, right? Sure. English breakfasts. Asian people like tea. Oh, goodness gracious. So I really have reclaimed it on behalf of... Why did I say goodness gracious there? Well, they do. They like to.
Starting point is 00:04:47 They. Graham. Please. Those people. The others. So you're at the helm of two podcasts. We can barely handle one. How are you doing two?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Well, it's not really two. I mean, it's like... Two names it's it's the same universe yeah it's the same universe so the the first one who charted is just us just having a structure to kind of interview our guests which is going through like the top five music movies and it's a great like that's a it was kind of one of the next what would you say like the next generation of podcasts. The first ones were just a bunch of creeps like us, sitting around, talking about stuff. And now you actually have, there's an idea behind it. Yeah, people started thinking. I mean, but that's just like the ruse, if you will, because it's just us being silly. It's just like, you know, like, well, let's move on. Coming in at number four. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 But I've actually learned stuff by listening to Who Charted. I've learned about charts that I never would have, right? Listened to? Totally. We're making Billboard valid again. Oh, right. Billboard magazine. Have they sent you a muffin basket for that?
Starting point is 00:06:00 They ought to. You're right. They ought to. Yeah. Or at least one of those fruit bouquets. Edible arrangements. You know what? Pineapple shaped flower.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Flowers should be out altogether. Just fruit bouquets. Because they're dipped in chocolate. Sure. They're good for you. Absolutely. And that's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:06:23 They attract flies. Wait, I wasn't done. Oh, okay, okay. Sorry. They attract flies. Wait, I wasn't done. Oh, okay, okay. Sorry. They attract a world of insects. Yeah. They leave a little puddle in the bottom. They smell weird when they're falling off after day three.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Because there's always like a fruit that, like everybody goes for the strawberries. Sure. And then maybe the pineapple. Who wants melon? No one wants melon. Nobody wants melon. So what are you supposed to do? Oh, Dave likes melon.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh, he's a cantaloupe. Sure. He's a melon baller. But you can't keep the reference. Did you surprise yourself with that reference? I said that. It seemed like you were going to. Yeah, I've balled a few melons.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I don't like that as a euphemism. What, balling a melon? Balling? No, balling. Oh, sure. Any kind of balling. Balling as a word for sexing. For sexing.
Starting point is 00:07:07 But bawling isn't also, if you're bawling, isn't that a thing like you've got a lot of money or something? You're a baller. You're a straight, you're a shot caller. Yeah. You're a little bit taller. I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I would call her. Rabbit, hat, bat. Is it if the girl who looked good, I would call her? I thought it was if I had a girl, if I did, I would call her. Oh. Man, you may have just blown over my whole Ski-Lo universe. I was confused about that because I think in the video, he was playing basketball. So I was like is does he mean
Starting point is 00:07:45 that kind of baller oh right because you certainly would want to be taller for that but is that like or does he want to be a rich baller or just a basketball i think it might be a catch-all yeah oh yeah yeah i mean like the video director was like just in case somebody thinks it's basketball let's include that element in there. He has a red herring. Cover all those bases. Those ball bases. Where's Ski-Lo now? Does anybody know? I don't know. What's he been up to? Was he just the one hit?
Starting point is 00:08:16 I think so. But what a hit. I think maybe Ski-Lo ate Ski-Lo. It's very possible. Right now, he's in his, his intestines. Oh,
Starting point is 00:08:30 he's still working his way through. Yes. It's hard to break down that protein. See, like, in my mind,
Starting point is 00:08:38 when Dave said that, I thought that Scello was like a really, like a really skinny guy and then he ate Scello and then doubled in size. That's why he's so wide. But in your version,
Starting point is 00:08:48 he's just digesting them like you would regular food. Yeah, yeah. He didn't eat them in one bite. He eats other things, too. He didn't just eat a Scyllo and then he's fine forever. Scyllo is a meal you savor over a while.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, you section him off, you freeze him. You're not going to eat him in one meal? Sure. In one meal-o? Yay! Yay! We win, you guys! Let's go!
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah, we won at podcasting! Yay! So you are also, in addition to being a podcaster, you're an actress. I am. You're on Children's Hospital. Yes, I return again this season. Yeah, that's what, three seasons? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And so, like, I don't know that I've ever met, like, a real Hollywood actress, right? Because, like, all of them are like, I do comedy and then I do a little bit of acting. But you're an actual, you go out on auditions and you're an actual actress. We had Renee Russo on the show. That's true. My apologies. She's a big fan of the show. Where is she now?
Starting point is 00:09:57 She sits down the street. She's in Redhead Heaven. Redhead Heaven? Who else is there? Richie Cunningham. Sure. God rest his soul. That's not like, you're not saying it's heaven. It sounds like just a club.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Like, they're not dead. Oh, yeah. No, they're not dead. Oh, okay. But after they can't be in movies anymore, after, you know. It's like a field that you send your. Oh, I see. You send a horse out to pasture.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And then you can be in movies again after you're like 70. But there's like 15 years in the middle where there's no roles for women. I heard David Caruso's been there. He's been marked? Yeah. Oh, yeah. After CSI is done. Off to the ranch.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Pops. The glue factory. Did you know that there's a lot of glue that are made out of redheads? Your school glues. Sure. Not your industrial glues. That's sparkly glue, I think. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Very strong. Adhesive. Yeah, yeah. One of our greatest adhesives. Sure. One of our greatest experts. We salute you. How is it?
Starting point is 00:11:00 How is it in general being an actress in Hollywood? Is it a satisfying thing? Is it a grind? Is it... Right now it feels pretty good. Mm-hmm. But that's also kind of like... You're on a hilarious show. Yeah, I've been really fortunate of like being able to work with like friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And like quality, in my opinion, quality shows. Yeah. So I've been really lucky in that way and also awesome also it's like for me it's definitely different than like a normal i don't say normal but like i come from like a community like from the upright citizens brigade theater in la and that that inherently is like a family and a support system whereas maybe somebody who's just coming um out of acting school a university of four year and is is is just an actress and doesn't do improv or doesn't do russo yeah like a redhead russo a ginger russo as i call her ginge ginge ginso
Starting point is 00:11:59 um that's kind of tea very popular in vancouver yeah ginso tea um i think it's it's a different situation you know and i also it's like i i mainly i mainly go out for comedic roles and that's also a different animal i mean i want to do other things but i that's kind of where i most of my roles that i go for are comedic roles that's great it's it's it's more it's fun it's really fun and and i i mean i definitely ride the like i'm a minority till like i'll always like it's like i get i get into rooms because you know they want to try to spice it up there's a lot of Laotian screenplays floating around, right? So many of you guys are just mired in notes
Starting point is 00:12:48 right now. It's just the same movies, except you put Lao in front of it. So it's like, Lao Ghost Rider. It takes longer to figure out. Is it true that you were considered for the lead in Lao Ghost Rider?
Starting point is 00:13:06 Lao Fantastic Four? Yeah, I was all the Fantastic Four. You were all wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lao Storm. Lao. Go on. Mr. Bendy Man.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Darius. Lao Rockhead. Mr. Bendy Man. Yeah. Lao Rockhead, yeah. When was he ever known as Mr. Bendy Man? Oh, in the 80s. Mr. Fantastic was known as Mr. Bendy Man. Lao Rockhead. Was he ever known as Mr. Bendy Man? Oh, in the 80s. Mr. Fantastic was known as...
Starting point is 00:13:29 Mr. Bendy Man. And who's the fourth one? The torch. The human torch. Johnny Lao. And let's not forget the rise of the Lao Silver Surfer. Yeah. I heard Lao Charlie don't surf.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Never mind. What? What was that? It was a Vietnam Lao. Oh, sure. Look, I'm in Southeast Asia a lot. Yeah, yeah. I get confused.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Are you? No, not at all. You've been. You've been to Vietnam. My brother just got back from Vietnam. Oh, cool. From the war. From the war.
Starting point is 00:14:03 He was a POW? He was there for Tet. Really? Yeah. Wow. Was he there for Tet? Really? Yeah. What is Tet? Tet is the New Year. But he traveled to Vietnam
Starting point is 00:14:19 for the celebration of Tet. Yeah. My brother's wife is Vietnamese, and his kids had never been to Vietnam. They're like three and five-ish. And the cutest. Are you kidding me? Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And they... I haven't actually talked to him since he's been back, but I imagine it was quite the shock for them because they live in Seattle, and so to go to Vietnam and it's... There's no tossed salad. There's no scrambled eggs. Yeah. But, I mean, I'm sure...
Starting point is 00:14:49 Are they boys and girls? They're both girls. They were treated like little princesses by all the family. The kids had a great time. Is that the extended family goes crazy? Oh, nuts. Sure, nuts. I'm sure, yeah. Oh, I'm not worried about that.
Starting point is 00:15:05 You were worried that they were going to be ignored? No, they are noted on. They are. Yes. And they deserve it. Yeah, they are pretty. All of the children deserve it. Oh, what about the ugly ones?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Even the ugly ones? The uggos? Yeah, the uggos. Thank you for using a parlance that we use here in Canada. Let's take the word back. Let's take it back, guys. That's our mission. We the Yuggos.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Now, before the show... Wah. Wah. Wah. That's your catchphrase. That's a Hollywood catchphrase. Wah. They're like, who's up next? Is it Kulab?
Starting point is 00:15:45 I go, wah. Classic Kulab. I storm out. You use it in auditions? And I never work. It's a classic Kulab storm out. Wah. Smash.
Starting point is 00:15:58 When we invite guests on the show, we frequently, unless they are someone we know really well, we'll ask them what they would like to drink. Yes. And you said light beer. Yes. And we are familiar with the idea of light beer. But we were like cavemen trying to discover fire. We did not know of light beer.
Starting point is 00:16:18 And that is so interesting to me because now I just feel like, like oh actress is just trying to get you know low caloric well that is it's not true that's what i'm asking for yeah i need a low calorie buzz absolutely but it's so prevalent yeah well i it's in the states we have commercial like we see the american commercials for bud light and mill Light and Coors Light. But that's not a thing here. You guys don't... There was Bud Light Lime was big because there was lime in it. Bud Light Lime is so good. Bud Light Lime, that's the drink of summer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:53 But what time of year is it? I don't think you can get it outside of summer. Yeah, I would totally like a Bud Light Lime, but I think just one. Don't sell one packs here. Oh, yeah. You can't go into... Can you do that in the States? Just go into the States and buy a beer?
Starting point is 00:17:08 Well, it's going to be like a 40. Oh, that's pretty great. That's a lot of Bud Light Lime. Yeah. That's a whole day right there. But the liquor store only had Coors Light and Stella Artois Light. Which, when you handed it to me, I was like, this is amazing. This is it, right?
Starting point is 00:17:27 But I literally, I went, I was in the liquor store and I got my phone out and went on Wikipedia and looked up light beer. Like, what qualifies as light beer? But you wrote to me and you said, what, do you know a light beer? A Canadian one? I don't think, I can't think of a Canadian one. Well, I was going to go to the... There's like this really fancy beer store by my house. I was going to go
Starting point is 00:17:47 ask them, like, do you guys have a fancy light beer? It became a whole thing. It obsessed us. I can't believe that! That's so crazy to me. Because I'm just like, yeah, but like, you know, whatever. Which is just like, it's essentially piss water. It's just so like...
Starting point is 00:18:04 Oh, well, now why would they sell that? I mean, it's just, like, watered down beer. I mean, that's it. But we were talking, there was one brand that I remembered that was called Molson's 67, which was, I think it was 67 calories. Some calories. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And I don't think it exists. I think maybe some guy's got some dusty ones in his garage. Yeah, some stubbies. So, like, is it, are you guys not, like, I mean, also, I live in California. Mm-hmm. And, but it's just. I've seen your commercials featuring Betty White. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:18:36 That cut. Yes. Set up and delivered. So, like, is it, are you guys not as body conscious? Oh, people are. But not about beer. I guess not. Vancouver, I would say, is probably, like, of Canada, maybe Toronto, but, like, the most in shape city in the country.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And, like, very outdoorsy. Yeah. Stanley Park. Stanley Park. The local mountains have a lot of activity. Yeah. Grouse Mountains. We also have, we were, the city was voted like the third worst dressed city in the world.
Starting point is 00:19:19 What? Oh yeah. Well deserved. Oh. Because this is, do you have Lululemon in the state? Yes. This is the home office of Lululemon in the state? Yes This is the home office of Lululemon This is where Lululemon was invented
Starting point is 00:19:31 And so yoga is a big thing in Vancouver Yes I've decided that I should be a warrior woman We don't have to talk about that No no we should But I'm like Now interested I feel like I'm, like, now interested.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I'm, like, I feel like I'm a woman now, so I deserve to look nice when I work out. So now I know what Lululemon is, what, like, Zella. I'm, like, I just, things need to, the fabrics are important now as I sweat. And they, you know, because they invented, as far as I know, Lululemon invented the yoga pant that didn't show off your butt crack, right? That was their famous thing. And it elevates. Your spirit. It elevates your spirit. That's the slogan.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It plays U2's Elevation every time you put it on. It's really annoying to everybody in the class. People are like, am I watching the Laura Croft movie? It's my Lululemon. Sorry, guys. Downward dog.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Is that what people do in yoga? I don't take yoga. I'm doing a downward dog. Yeah, everybody says it as cute as possible. The instructor says, say the position you're going to do, but like a fun kid would say it. Ha ha ha, downward dog.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Like you're making fun of everybody else. You're doing a downward dog. I've only done yoga the once. Yeah, Dave and I at MaxFunCon, which is, we're part of the Maximum Fun Network podcast. which is uh we're part of the maximum fun network podcast we went to max fun con and there was a early morning yoga class offered every day of the of the car we went like we went once how do you guys do how'd you feel i tried to stand on my head and i hurt my neck real bad let me see so you've done nothing and you're like i'm gonna do this move yeah yeah he said not to try it but he was doing it so i was like, this guy can do it.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But he was also the instructor. He had grabbed every element of this. It was really stupid. It wasn't Dave saying this. It was the guy who runs the class. But I was like, if one can do it, then we could all give it a go. Sure, if the human body
Starting point is 00:21:44 can do it, I have a human body. I guess that's inspiring. Yeah, well, it was until I really hurt my neck. And I told the guy afterwards, he was like, how'd you like the yoga class today? I was like, I really hurt my neck trying to do that thing. He was like, I was just showing people that thing. You weren't supposed to do it.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You took that as a challenge. Yeah, a challenge. And I did it. A gauntlet being thrown down Yeah This guy's not going to show me up in this yoga class That I'm wearing khaki shorts to Yeah, the only thing I really remember About it was getting super sunburned
Starting point is 00:22:17 Oh yeah, because it was outside It was on like a Sunday Yeah, I was like, oh, the sun won't be out yet Guys, it's always out Oh man SPF it Good morning. Yeah, I was like, oh, the sun won't be out yet. Guys, it's always out. Oh, man. Oh, that's true. Oh. S-B-F-It.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Mm-hmm. Guys, what if the sun's inside and we're outside? Whoa, you blew it. My mind. You blew it. Open parentheses. Let me be clear. Let there be no mistake.
Starting point is 00:22:39 It was my mind. It was my mind? It was my mind. It was blown. Twas my mind. Twas my mind. Twas blown. So Lululemon comes from here, so everybody's wearing, or all the ladies, though. All the ladies.
Starting point is 00:22:53 All the single ladies. But there's a lot of, in the summertime, if you go to the beaches here, this city is, it's like overwhelmed with good looking, in shape people. To the point that now that, I don't know, you see a good looking person, you're kind of like, I don't know, I kind of want them to look a bit weird, you know, just to set them, because there's like model ladies everywhere. It's kind of like LA in that respect, but. But they're not so like worried about clothing, which is not bad, guys.
Starting point is 00:23:22 It's not. That's. Good on you. That's true. But I think also the the men folk have accounted for a lot of why vancouver was on the worst list right it wasn't just i think it was that was the only thing mentioned in the article but it's also there's a lot of ladies here like more i think than most cities wear uggs like uggs are overly popular
Starting point is 00:23:41 well there's oh california there's too many Uggs. Well, I do not disagree. But there are too many. But in Vancouver, people are wearing Uggs that are soaked. Yeah. Yeah. But the thing is that everyone wears the yoga pants. Like, your waitress in a restaurant will be wearing them. I'm wearing a pair of them under these guys.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah. A secretary wears them. Yeah. Gotta keep it tight. You gotta elevate. A secretary wears them. Yeah. Gotta keep it tight. You gotta elevate.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Well, but then, so... Okay, do you guys do, like... Do you have, like, the skinny margaritas? Is that a thing here? No. We might. Yeah, I mean... When was the last time we went out for margaritas, Dave?
Starting point is 00:24:17 It was a long time ago. Oh, okay. We did a Sex and the City night. Yeah. I was Miranda. We drank some skinny bitch cocktails. Is that a thing? It is.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And we went bowling because we didn't know what happened next. What are the skinny margaritas? Okay. So it's pre-made. Okay. First of all, it's a brand by one of the real housewives. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 The skinny bitch. Yeah. The skinny bitch. Oh, she went on a bus tour. Oh, what's her name? Oh. Bethany Frankel. Bethany Frankel. She was on The Apprentice as well. Oh, she went on a bus tour. Oh, what's her name? Bethany Frankel. Bethany Frankel.
Starting point is 00:24:45 She was on The Apprentice as well. Oh, yeah. I think originally. Well done. Well done, all of us. And so it's like if you drink a whole bottle of it, which is already pre-mixed. The tequila's already in there. So you just pour it in a martini glass?
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yeah, you just pour it over ice. Over crushed ice. Yeah. Sure. Sure. And then a whole bottle, Weight Watchers points, is four points. So it's, like, amazing. So was it designed, is it like Weight Watchers recommends if you need to get drunk?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Not even, though. But, I mean, it was designed to be super, like, because normally, okay, I, because I've been on Weight Watchers. What? And so I know i know i need yeah i need to get back on it like shut up no i was saying it you know what i meant no no he meant you've been on weight watchers you should get back on it that's what i thought it's super implied that's what i thought thank you very rude i know i'm that's you know guys you know that's not what
Starting point is 00:25:42 i meant right right i was like ladies you know that's what i meant fellas i didn't mean it ladies um but yeah like okay because the normal margarita is a crazy amount of we know how weight watchers works i mean you said four points and i assume that i know how many points do you get in a day well i got something like 27 or 29 it all depends on like how much you weigh how much you want to lose how bad you want it do you love yourself or not so that that's a whole battery of tests that you have to do and then they download it to an app yeah it tells you exactly but that not before they do like you have a lie detector test. They make you go through a CAT scan. They interview your friends.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It's grueling. They test your thetan levels. Yes, they do. They make you go through a CAT scan. This is very expensive. It's so expensive. So you got, what, 27? 27, but, like, my husband. It's so expensive. So you got, what, 27? 27.
Starting point is 00:26:45 But my husband, it's easier for guys. I know Jennifer Hudson makes you think, she lost a lot of weight. She makes me think a lot of things. She makes you think a lot about life and where you are. But for instance, my husband, Scott Aukerman, he lost 40 pounds and I lost 10 pounds. And it's just not fair. And he gets more points. He's also twice my size. We don't have to
Starting point is 00:27:08 talk about that. But... But can you do the thing like, hey, you didn't use all your points today. Can I have some of your points? Right? You gonna finish those? Yeah, you only use 25 points. I'm gonna take your 15 from today. We'll be all even.
Starting point is 00:27:23 See, that's the thing is that that's how I think. And where he's just like, I won't have this. I've got it. I can cut this out. I have such an emotional thing where it's like, how come I can't have this? Why can't I have this? I deserve this. It's so emotional where he's just like, boom.
Starting point is 00:27:41 All right, this is what I have to do. That's what dudes do. They're the worst. They're the worst. You guys are the worst. Oh. Graham's in the middle of menopause. Yeah. Oh, man, don't get me started.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Now, like, how much is a pan of fudge? Is that like a point? Is that like a full point? Yeah. All your points? I mean, it might be for the week. I don't know. Skinny bitch fudge.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Oh, my God. Do they have skinny bitch fudge? Oh, I want some skinny bitch fudge right now. Oh, man. Now that I brought it up. Dave, do you have any fudge in the house? Is it around the corner? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:26 You've got to find the milk and the lemonade first. You ask them. They'll tell you where to go. There's two milks, one lemonade. I'm like, that's really interesting that that's not like light alcoholic drinks are not a thing here. I think that it is. I think that people who, I think a lot of lady folk that I know drink wine. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:53 As opposed to, they just don't drink beer. Well, I've started drinking wine just out of... Fear. Well, no, just out of like... Wait, why are you afraid? I'm too full. Yeah. Like, I'll finish a big meal and be like, well, I can't drink a beer now. I'm going to explode.
Starting point is 00:29:12 So it's survival. Yeah. How am I going to get drunk? Self-preservation. Yeah. With a goal. So I've started doing heroin. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Oh, okay. And it takes the weight right off. Yeah. It's like negative 10 points. Because inherently, you know, you're working out by just, your movement is rapid. Well, you're chasing the dragon. Sure, you certainly. You're stealing some stereos.
Starting point is 00:29:38 You gotta keep it cheap. The heart rate goes up during that. You're doing the Ewan McGregor workout. Isn't he dreamy? Oh, right. When he was so skinny. The skinny jeans. The suppository. Dave, what's going on with you?
Starting point is 00:29:54 Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. We really went down. No, no. That's the show. That came out of you saying where you were at. That's absolutely the show. Okay. What's up with you? Here's what's up with me. In my neighborhood, I've lived here like since 2003. Great year.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Right? What was going on that year? 2003. Everybody name your favorite thing from 2003. Go. I was 23. And that's a great year. I heard nobody loves you when you're 23. Is that true? Is that true?
Starting point is 00:30:25 I don't know. I've never heard that. Is that a song? I'm not Blink-182. Oh, that's right. Oh, right. What's my age again? Yeah. What's my age again?
Starting point is 00:30:31 That's all I got. Maybe that song was popular. All right. Maybe it was. It was a year away from my brain being fully developed on an average. Oh, really? Our brains are fully developed at 24. Oh, that's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I think we were all born in the same year. Yeah. Ready? One, two, three. One, two, three. Year of the Monkey. Year of the 24. Oh, that's a bummer. I think we were all born in the same year. Yeah. Ready? One, two, three, 80. Year until monkey. Oh! So, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Well, you and I. I mean, you are an old man. He's an old woman, actually. He said I was going through a menopause. Yeah, that's right. So, I've lived here, I guess that's almost nine years. It's about nine years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:08 What are we, 2012? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I didn't move here in January. And the whole time I've lived here, it's been kind of sketchy. It's always bothered me that there's been sort of like no nice restaurant, no nice... There've been like... Why can't this neighborhood have nice things? Yeah, there's a lot of...
Starting point is 00:31:29 When I moved here, we saw the same hookers over and over again. So much so that we gave them nicknames. Let me hear their names. The only two I remember are Stumbles. Oh, yeah, Stumbles. And Fat J-Lo. Who was very popular in 2003. Oh, yeah, Stumbles. And Fat J-Lo. Who was very popular in 2003. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:31:49 That's right. Fat J-Lo or J-Lo? Both. You think she'd be less fat. Or she's fat because she's eating a lot. She can't afford it. She was taking the word back. Have you seen the J-Lo commercials for Venus?
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yes. Leg shavers? Yes. There's the worst line in there, which is, it's all about putting your best foot forward, followed by your most beautiful leg. Yeah. Yeah, right? That is so wonky.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Put your most beautiful leg forward. Don't chop off your foot and throw it forward of you. That is so not- Have it all at the same time. It's not snappy. No. She's the same time. It's not snappy. No. She's not snappy. She's not snappy.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Those Fiat commercials are so annoying. And they're fake. You've heard that story, right? What do you mean? They're fake. They're cardboard. Well, yeah, she's driving around a cardboard car. My TV's cardboard?
Starting point is 00:32:40 Yep. The whole thing's a puppet show. You know, she's driving around in the Bronx? Is that where she's from? yep the whole thing's a puppet show you know she's driving around in the Bronx is that where she's from Southside Bronx
Starting point is 00:32:50 yeah Jenny from the block but she filmed her part on a back lot in Los Angeles and then they shot the exteriors
Starting point is 00:32:57 so she was never driving around in the Bronx that's all but the whole commercial was this is me in the Bronx
Starting point is 00:33:03 this is how I feel about connection to my neighborhood. She never went back to the Bronx at all. So she's a phony baloney. She's real. I'm real. She's real. Real.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Good work. Okay, so Fat J-Lo was a going going entity at the time i hope she's doing well yep uh i hope she got only watches um now uh and like the only restaurants that were really around there was one that was a uh vietnamese uh like faux restaurant. But it wasn't a real Vietnamese place. It was clearly a Vietnamese mafia. It was pho, like as in pho. It was a pho restaurant. Yes, a pho run.
Starting point is 00:33:55 It was a pho run. A pho run. Every time we went in there, they always kind of looked a little nervous that actual customers were in there. Because everyone else in there was a gangster. So you look like a cop. I guess so, yeah. Every time I ordered, they would say, you know, you have to tell me if you're a cop. You also carried a servo revolver at the time.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Yeah, I was wearing those weird suspender holsters. And everyone else in the restaurant was, like, smoking, which is illegal. Yeah. And so that place eventually got shut down and replaced by actually a pretty nice restaurant. And then there was this other place. There's no place to drink, which doesn't bother me because I don't really like to leave the house. But there was one place where you could... So you're a shut-in.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah. Just watching people from the window, like, fat J-Lo and your binoculars. I think she wasn't watching you back. She knew. One time, I did see a hooker in my neighborhood a couple days ago. Like, I looked at a woman as I was driving by and I was like, oh, she's dressed awfully revealingly. And then she smiled at me
Starting point is 00:35:09 and I was like, okay, I know what that means. And you looked the other way going, oh, shake your head really hard. You drove your car into a tree. Created a diversion. The only place that would serve alcohol in the neighborhood would serve it until four in the morning. And it was a
Starting point is 00:35:26 Chinese restaurant that was also a front. And then six people got shot there. Yeah, there was like a huge gang shooting there. And now that is a nice pizza place. Like a lot of nice restaurants and nice... We finally have a coffee place
Starting point is 00:35:41 in the neighborhood and it's all great. And then there's a sushi place that we went to in the summer, and it was okay. We got there the first day that it was open. And so we decided to go back recently, and we went there, and it smelled so bad. Oh, and a sushi place. It smelled like a... Abby thought it was an aquarium, and I thought it smelled like a chemical toilet. But it's a really small place, and so as soon as we walked in.
Starting point is 00:36:09 So it could have been both of those things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a really small place, so as soon as we walked in, they seated us. And, like, we didn't want to, I didn't want to say anything out loud, because it was so small, the staff would hear us. So I got my phone out, and I texted my wife sitting right next to me. I wrote, hey, does this place smell? Should we go? Does it smell really bad in here?
Starting point is 00:36:35 And she just nodded at me, and so we just walked out without saying anything to them. That's smart. Now, is that right around on Kingsway? That's on Kingsway, yeah. Because that's the site of the place where I was walking home, I think from here, many years ago. And I saw two elderly Asian men getting in a fist fight. And they both took off their shoes before they got in a fight. I wish I was there.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I wish I was there. Oh, man. I wish you guys were both there. It'sumite rules yeah i felt like i felt really uh like i was just taking it all in by myself and it was it felt unfair to the universe that i got to see it yeah nobody else did but it was great two unicorns fighting and you look around no one else can witness it with you two old guys but they took off their shoes first it was great honorable yeah yeah's very honorable. Yeah. I love your neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:37:25 It was when I took a cab from my hotel. And I just, first of all, I think Vancouver is beautiful. I got engaged here. I don't know. I have a little spot in my heart. That's a fun story. You brought that up before the podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Where did that happen? That happened on the water. Actually, Will Davis from the Comedy Fest, he set up a sunset cruise. Wait, wait, wait. There was already a cruise happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, he didn't set it up like Alan Funt. He didn't.
Starting point is 00:38:01 He set it up. He made the reservation for Scott. Oh, okay. I had no idea. Really had no idea really no that's pretty romantic i had no idea um and we've been together for a very long time when we got engaged we were together for nine years wow so but when i i think like the year before I started kind of like turning the screw of like, we need to get married. And with that is like these like jokes. Yeah. Jokes and making fun and which I essentially did at that dinner. Just going, oh, man, my finger is so cold.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Oh, my finger is so cold, Scott. What if he just gave you a weird finger sock? Right? That could have backfired. I got this on Etsy. Yeah. I got you this twee finger sock. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:56 And just like being stupid and going like, oh, man, you know, it's not fair. It's like if I could ask you to marry me, then it would be done. But now I got to wait for you. Like just being a complete asshole. You cannot. Leap Day is coming up. When women can ask men for... Women can propose on Leap Day.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Can't we propose anyway, though? I don't know. No, there's only two days. Leap Days and Sadie Hawkins Days. Those are the two days where a woman... You can either ask someone to dance or be your husband. Yeah, exactly. Those are the two days where a woman... You can either ask someone to dance or be your husband. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Those are the two days where women be steering the ship. So you were on a ship. You were whining about your finger. I was. It was a beautiful... Like, we would go... We went upstairs
Starting point is 00:39:40 and just the sun set. We had dinner. I'm being a real asshole. Then he brings me upstairs and he's just like being really sweet and just the sun set i had dinner i'm being a real asshole then he brings me upstairs and he's just like being really sweet and just like started saying like really nice things i'm like what's going on right now this is different am i on a prank show yeah and like you can see the stars it's it's night now and he turns to me and there's a like a jewelry case i'm like what is happening and he asked me to marry him and the first thing i said um well first i burst into tears oh not into laughter good not into laughter i burst into
Starting point is 00:40:13 tears and went i'm so sorry i'm an asshole No! I'm just crying. I have a photo of me with like, pointing to my finger. This like ugly, ugly cry face. And then I said yes. And the rest is history. Herstory. Both of you guys. Only on Leap Year.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah, that's right. Leap Day. February 29th is National Herstory? Both of you guys. Only on Leap Year. Yeah, that's right. Leap Day. February 29th is National Herstory Day. Ladies, enjoy it. Bleeding. Oh, wow. You guys both got engaged in Vancouver. Yeah, that's true. We are so alike.
Starting point is 00:40:59 How long have you been married? One, not even a year. Six months. And after how long of dating? A long time. We dated for 11 years. Yeah, you gotta let it marinate. Yeah, you gotta see. Well, we started dating when we were 19, so we...
Starting point is 00:41:14 I was 19, too. We are the same person. How many points do you have on Weight Watchers, Dave? No, he's a boy. It's not fair. I'm drinking a non-light beer. Oh, let's a boy. It's not fair. I'm drinking a non-light beer. Oh, let's switch lives. So yeah, that was my most recent adventure in...
Starting point is 00:41:35 Oh, I love this neighborhood. Oh, yeah. I love the homes. I think the homes are so pretty. Yeah, they're beautiful. Old, kind of gigantic homes that used to belong to millionaires. Where'd they go? They're all duplexes and triplexes now.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Where'd the millionaires go? They're all here. They all own these houses. Back in the day, they used to own them like it was just one house. Yes. And now it's like five houses in one house. Now, Graham, let's get to know you. We recorded a podcast three days ago.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Here's what happened in those three days. Oh, four days ago. Four days ago. We recorded on Valentine's. There used to be, in Vancouver, I don't know if you ever saw this guy, but he was probably the only busker I've ever seen where I actually stayed around for a second set of... Dessert. Yeah. I was like, I actually stayed around for a second set of... Dessert. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I was like, I actually enjoy this. I'm going to stick around. And I actually gave money and stuff. Oh, wow. It's this guy. He wears spandex and he breakdances. Spandy Andy? Spandy Andy.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Now, have I talked about Spandy Andy on the podcast before? I don't know. I know the name before. I maybe have never seen him, but I know he's like a local celebrity. Spandy Andy is like a Vancouver institution. Yeah, it's weird that there's a local celebrity who wears something other than a Lululemon
Starting point is 00:42:51 patch. But at the same time, it's spandex. It's close enough. His slogan is keep it tight and bright because he wears very bright spandex and he does amazing, really great dance routines. He's got a giant boom box. SpandyAndy.. Is he a webster?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Okay. Is he a brother? He is a little, slight white man with gigantic glasses. Love it. He, I go on Reddit often, and there's these things on Reddit called the- This is a website? Website. They have Ask Me Anythings.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Big celebrities have done them. Oh, yeah. Louis C.K. did one of note recently. Woody Harrelson did one that was embarrassingly bad. But celebrities will go on and they'll say, just anybody who uses this website, ask me any question and I'll try and answer it. And the other day, Spandy Andy's Ask Me Anything was at the top page.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Wow. And so I clicked on it and there was a video. He had gone to Australia and filmed the video there. And it had like 700,000 views. Wow. So our Spandy Andy, he got employed by Marineland. So he just goes around and does his awesome dance routines. For fish. For fish.
Starting point is 00:44:06 For fish. He does it for the whales. He does it for the manatees. These are all fish. Well, a manatee's not a fish, is it? It's a mammal. Yeah. Sea cow.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Other fish. Sea cow. Sea cow. Yeah. And sea cow milk is... I'm not making a point at all. I'm just saying sea cow in different ways. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Maybe this time when I say it, he'll say yes. Sea cow. Let me try it. Let me try it. Sea cow. Oh. There you go. No, no, no. Maybe this time when I say it, he'll say yes. Let me try. Let me try. Sea cow. Oh. There you go. You did it. Oh, you mean manatees?
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah. Oh, yeah. They're my favorite fish. Yeah. Or the other one is a quikwang. Quikwang? What? Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:44:36 That's the sea cow. Wait a minute. The sea cow in the Arabian Sea. The sea cow of the sea. It's a special kind of sea cow? Quikwang? Quikwang? Sounds like you're making it up more and more the more you say it cool up
Starting point is 00:44:49 oh the cool up cool up I've only never heard it I've only seen it written but guys it is just look at the most recent National Geographic you'll see.
Starting point is 00:45:06 You'll see what I'm talking about. You're assuming that's in there, right? No, no, no. I have a subscription. Yeah. I'm a doctor's office. I am a doctor's office. I am a doctor's office. I'm a doctor's office. So. People are inside of me all the time. And instruments.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Go ahead. Sure. And examining tables. Let's list all the and instruments go ahead sure and examining tables let's list all the things charts eye charts weird posters of the inside of your body
Starting point is 00:45:32 yes folders vials of blood grumping receptionists things inside a doctor's office you got it
Starting point is 00:45:41 ding ding ding ding ding so anyways Spandy Andy's doing really well and I just felt like that was you know he's one of our locals done good I didn't I you know are you a little bit jealous well what did my spandex act
Starting point is 00:45:58 never took off quite like his I think he's a bit of a punchline like every busker. But he is the first. Legitimately, he's the first busker that I ever like. I was like, I am actually enjoying watching this. So he's got skills.
Starting point is 00:46:16 He's got skills. And now he can pay the bills. Yeah. Yeah, now he's working at Marine Land. He's got skills to pay the gills. Oh, because Marines. Wait, explain. Yeah, Kwe he's got skills to pay the gills. Oh, because Marines. Wait, explain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Kwee Kwongs don't have gills. I was trying to remember what it was. Kwee Kwongs. Kwee Kwongs. And I was like, it's not really called a Kool-Off, is it? Well, now they are. Yeah, yeah. The mysterious Kool-Off.
Starting point is 00:46:43 So, Spandy Andy, we salute you. Yeah.y we salute you yeah i mean that to me was the greatest thing that happened this week who are your other favorite local buskers uh who's number two oh number two oh i mean it's a huge gap right spandy andy is my number one do you count like mariachi guys in a mexican restaurant as bus? No. Anything indoors is, I don't know, some other subset. They have to be outdoors. There's a guy that plays ACDC covers on Granville Street with a little speaker. I guess he would be my number two. He's like a really old guy.
Starting point is 00:47:19 There's a guy, I think in one of the SkyTrain stations, there's downtown, there's a guy who plays like steel drums. Steel drum guy, there's, downtown, there's a guy who plays, like, steel drums. Steel drum guy, yeah. He's, but he's seasonal. Like, he's not a, he's not. He plays only during Jamaican season. He's on island time. Et cetera.
Starting point is 00:47:37 But, yeah, so Spandy Andy. In your hometown of Hollywood, California. Yeah. Are there any. That's Busker Central, besides Australia. Well, there's the... There's like, you know, Angeline. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:50 You guys know Angeline? Oh, no. She's a woman who has a billboard. Yeah, she's just, over the years, I think the story is... Okay, she definitely wanted to be an actress. She's got sugar daddies. And so those sugar... Or at least one sugar daddy now.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Now these are like a sweet treat? Uh-huh. Is that what you call penises? Uh-huh. Okay. Yes. Yes. That spray money everywhere?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Out of their penises. Okay. Okay. Okay. Dave shook his head and then took a really, I would say, a sassy sip of his beer. Yeah. Yeah. But she drives, like, a pink Corvette that says Angeline.
Starting point is 00:48:41 And, I mean, I think she was a looker back in the day. And now it's that weird plastic surgery sort of, like, age age still happens even no matter how hard you try to defy it and she just she's she's kind of a little bit freakish yeah like a cat face just just so smooth that it's like too smooth but you're older and we know that you're older and um face weird neck all. All right? She's still big. The billboards got small. Yeah, well, the billboards aren't even, they're like paintings. Oh, so they're not- They're not even like pictures.
Starting point is 00:49:11 They're like airbrushed paintings. They're like Angeline. Artists' renditions. Yeah, exactly. But what is it, Angeline? It just says her name? It just says her name, and then I think a website and a phone number,
Starting point is 00:49:21 as if it's for bookings or something. It's just like, there's a couple of those types of weirdos, like Melrose, Larry green. And just, there's this, so much as auditioners or just weird.
Starting point is 00:49:34 They're just weirdos though. Who's Melrose, Larry green. He Melrose, Larry green. I think he's super right wing and he would always be a Melrose and have like, what was his deal?
Starting point is 00:49:45 Bunch of buttons on? Wear a bunch of buttons? I forget. And then there was this other guy who just had like, his cars were just, had like shit on them. Like he'd just take,
Starting point is 00:49:55 and that was, he'd have, he'd just drive places and he's just known for that. But then even then, he's like, make a documentary about me or I'm selling my documentary.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It's that, there's just so me, or I'm selling my documentary. A burning man. There's just so many of those types of people. Yeah. Those people. Those people. Let's take them back. What does that mean, Kula? Why do I just say things?
Starting point is 00:50:19 It's cool. These mics aren't on. So there's the crazy buskers, but then there's also the people that dress like a movie character in front of Man's Chinese Theater. Oh, yeah, yeah. Right. I think they're allowed back now. For a time, they were not allowed.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Oh, I was like, oh, I thought they went on strike. That would have been the greatest walkout ever. What do we want? We're not sure. Something about Gotham. There is a documentary about because, you know, you've seen that, right? So they weren't allowed because they really do harass people. So if like you take a photo, they really want something.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So for a while they were just banned, but I think they're slowly coming back. I had a picture taken with a, like a weird assortment. I think it was you know like it was all people in different universes and it was like a but it's a team up yeah
Starting point is 00:51:10 it was like a what do you call Captain from Pirates of the Caribbean oh Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow and then
Starting point is 00:51:18 Superwoman and then Bendy Man was there and then the Hulk and then maybe Freddy Krueger was also oh yeah Freddy Krueger was also yeah freddy krueger with real knives but someone got arrested because he had real knives in front of the man's chinese
Starting point is 00:51:32 like that's crazy i was there just after real knives i think that's why i was drawn to him his real knives have been taken away you just had to look like real knives ah good stuff do you want to move on to overheard well let's do an ad first that music of course means it is time for some business. And if, well, we'll let you know what you need to do later. But this week on the Jumbotron. Don't you worry your pretty ass about it. This week on the Jumbotron, we have a wonderful, I really enjoyed this message.
Starting point is 00:52:18 It's a birthday message. It is from Leaf Nordberg. Love it. You grew up in Minnesota He's a Viking He's the younger brother of Jameson Nordberg These are great names
Starting point is 00:52:35 Leif and Jameson, the Nordbergs Leif and Jameson, that sounds like something out of a Wes Anderson film It sounds super fake You're right Like Pinkerton Winterbottom. The message is, happy 32nd birthday, Jameson. Actually, the actual message is, happy 32nd birthday, you stupid jerk face. There you go.
Starting point is 00:52:58 And a special thank you for breaking that windshield with my head when we were kids. I'm not sure why I had to pay for it, and you didn't. Right? There's a lot of backstory there, I'm sure. Yeah, but that's a brotherly... Brothers, yeah. Brothers. There's a lot of Wes Anderson-esque backstory there.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, yeah. Putting your head through a windshield? There's all sorts of ways that that could happen with little brothers. That's all they do. They fight, and then something gets broken, and then they try and learn their lesson, but then all they do. They fight. And then something gets broken and then they try and learn their lesson. But then they fight again! They probably broke more than a windshield.
Starting point is 00:53:29 You're an older brother. I'm a youngest brother. Yeah. What can you teach me? I remember when I was very young throwing a can of soup at my brother's head. Ow! In the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Right off the shelf. The owl right in the aisle. Yeah, gawk. But that's the instinct. I don't know what it is, but there's something primordial there. You want to destroy the younger brothers. And that seems like probably what happened there. Yeah, and make them pay for the windshield.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Well, happy birthday, Jameson, you big jerk face from your younger brother, Leaf. Happy birthday, everyone. Pardon me, I'm choking. It's all right. Let's have a quick message and then we'll have some overheards. But before that message,
Starting point is 00:54:16 if you want to advertise with us, you can go to slash Jumbotron. It's $200 for a business message or $100 for a personal message like you just heard. That's slash jumbotron. slash jumbotron. And now a message for Maximum Fun, then some overheard. Hello, fake radio listeners. I didn't see you over there. This is Judge John Hodgman relaxing in his
Starting point is 00:54:45 chambers. You know, I've resolved the greatest moral conflicts of our time, like the potluck problem, snob versus slob, and of course, the toot dispute. Do you have a pressing issue that needs swift, decisive justice? Visit us at slash H O. That's JJ Ho for judge John Hodgman. And here are the results of each case on my weekly podcast, judge John Hodgman. You can subscribe in iTunes or find it online at maximum This is the sound of a gavel. That is all.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Overheard. Uh, overheard, overheard, overheard. And now, um, Overheard. Overheard. Overheard. Overheards. Now, Overheards is a segment in which you relate things that you've overheard or overseen in your daily life. Things maybe you're waiting in a lineup. Maybe you're on a bus.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Maybe you're just at a giant party and you hear something hilarious. Yeah, maybe you're on a boat you're about to be proposed to. Yeah, and you hear something really funny. Like, sorry, I'm an asshole. Yes, I'll marry you. Yeah, exactly. I do wonder, there were other people upstairs. Before we move on to overheards, it's time for my favorite segment in the show.
Starting point is 00:56:00 What? A segment called Celebrity Birthday. But before that segment, it's my favorite segment in the show, something called Hulk Hogan News. And this is each and every week I bring you a new piece of news regarding wrestling legend Hulk Hogan. Okay, well then you need to know
Starting point is 00:56:16 that I used to work at Hulk Hogan's Pasta Mania at the Mall of America. What? More information, please. Yeah yeah this is so great hulk hogan's pasta mania is what first of all tell us what it is well obviously it's if you're a maniac for pasta a hulkamaniac to be precise it was um in the food court in the Mall of America in the corner. There could not be a smaller food court space.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Half of it was just a cage filled with merch and It was a real cage match situation. With Thunder Road, his Hawaii show.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Do you remember? Oh, oh, oh. Is it Thunder in Paradise? Thunder in Paradise, you're right. Yeah. And that'd be playing a loop. But you could get tearaway shirts. Oh, really? Those are shirts that you can just say Hulkamania.
Starting point is 00:57:19 And then you tear it away, but you could only use it that one time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The one time you're really angry. Or if you ate too much pasta. Yeah, we just sold random merch and T-shirts. And then... Did he ever come in? No.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Wow. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's okay. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:57:42 How many locations did they have? There was the one, and it failed. It's weird, though, because he... Pasta Mania is still a place. It's still a chain or a restaurant. But not Hulk Hogan's Pasta Mania. It's not Hulk Hogan affiliated. Because he is not affiliated with Minnesota at all.
Starting point is 00:58:00 How did that work out? I don't know. I think he's from Florida, but he lives in... Miami? No. Oh, no, think he's from Florida, but he lives in... Miami? No. Oh, no. Maybe he's from Venice Beach. He was born into Greece.
Starting point is 00:58:12 He was born at the working of... Much like Aphrodite from the sea. And immediately started lifting weights. Yeah. And wrestling. Wrestling everything in sight. His son killed a guy in Miami, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Okay, how did he end up in Minnesota? It was a license deal, of course, but he was there, in this instance, for a WWE... They were having a big exhibition.
Starting point is 00:58:44 A mania. A mania, if a mania of some kind of wrestling yeah some kind of wrestling so i was wearing my my uniform which was of course yes my uniform like this is why they didn't work out a lot of sexual harassment lawsuits and And just a waste of just all these torn away shirts that we constantly have to dress. And people are waiting. Underage employees are exposing themselves. Yeah, I was a ripe 14. And we wore a tie-dye.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Red, of course, red and yellow tie-dye shirts to Hollywood's Pasta Mania. Red cap. And I was cooking pasta with the Macho Man, Randy Savage, rest in peace. He touched the small of my back as we were cooking pasta together. He said that he liked my name and then Hulk Hogan came and challenged him to a pasta eat-off at the Mall Rotunda. Oh, man. Oh, my God. to eat off at the mall rotunda.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Oh, man. Oh, my God. It's like, it's like, it was like you were like, it's the touch, touch by God. Touch by an angel. Yeah. Oh, I do need to mention that we sold Hulkaroni.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Okay. Which was pasta, sheep. Yeah, what's on the menu? There was, gosh, there was Hulkaroni and then how did they, how did they Hulk Stroganoff? I can't remember how they said stroganoff stroga hulkanoff oh yeah yeah like how would you do it
Starting point is 01:00:13 maybe they just called it hulk stroganoff yeah hulk hulganoff hulganoff that's gotta be it yeah the hulkaroni was shaped as as him putting up his two guns. Wow. And I would just make this horrible, like, they're like this cheese sauce, which was like flour. Just like soap, like flour. It was made out of prayers and vitamins. Yeah, and some sort of powder. And I'd just stir it up.
Starting point is 01:00:40 I go, I don't know. I'm 14. Okay. Wow. Sure. Well, okay. Wow. Wow, that really is, like, probably the best youth job. I like your name. Yeah. Snap into a slinger.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I like your name, Gula. And then, like, and then a pasta eating contest. And then they had the pasta eating contest? And the rotunda, so that, like, there's a, in the Mall of America, where, and all, there's four levels, so you can look down. Sometimes they have concerts there, and this time, they had a pasta eating contest between the Macho Man and Hulk Hogan. The root word there being Rotunda.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Rotunda. I, uh, oh, man, I just wanna, there's so many things I want to get in a pasta eating contest with somebody. I, uh, man, you get to be macho, man. That's like. I'll have a pasta eating contest with you. Uh, you'll win. You're a fast eater.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Uh, can we just, can the contest just be who gets to eat the most delicious pasta? That's a pretty good contest. Wait, but then how do you, how do you decide who gets that? the most delicious pasta. That's a pretty good contest. But then how do you decide who gets that? That's the prize. Or you'll be the judge. Okay. Can it just be a Lady and the Tramp style kiss-off? Oh, I like that.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I judge that to be it. Yeah. Oh, man. Well, you just, you know what? You just won podcasting by that. I did? Yeah. Oh, my God. Life is just, you know what? You just won podcasting by that. I did! Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Life is a competition. Thank you so much. Correction. Life is a competition where you're the winner. Yes! I said corrected. Anyways, Hulk Hogan news. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Hulk Hogan is headed to New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand. And he is very excited. Quote him because he heard so many great things about New Zealand from his friends, the Bushwhackers. Oh, that's beautiful. That's poetry to my ears. The Bushwhackers were the inbred looking Australian...
Starting point is 01:02:40 Duo. Yeah, we all know their movements. We're all doing it right now, listeners. I'm so sorry. But anyways, he's going down there to do some wrestling. Yeah. And he's super excited because of what he heard. He's going to be the Lord of the Ring.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Oh! Oh my gosh. Trademark. Trademark it! Lord of the Squared Circle. Then sue him for all his pasta. Well, that is fantastic Hulk Hogan news. Although, compared to the Hulk Hogan...
Starting point is 01:03:10 There's nothing. That was Hulk Hogan history. Yeah. Honestly, there could be an entire curriculum of Hulk Hogan news. Well, he had different phases. I'm sorry. He was Hollywood Hogan at one point. Yes, he was a bad guy then.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Yeah, that's when he turned from a face into a heel using wrestling parlance. At any point was he a jabroni or a mark? Oh, my God. Like a mark, like a wrestling scam? No, a mark. I was... One time at my work i i uh started i had to interview
Starting point is 01:03:50 i didn't have to i got to interview uh damian abraham who's the lead singer of uh the band fucked up yes okay uh and he we just ended up talking about wrestling and uh he didn't know i knew anything about wrestling and he said oh you're a mark and i didn't know I knew anything about wrestling and he said, oh, you're a mark. And I didn't know what that means, but apparently it's a guy who knows stuff about wrestling. Oh, wow. Anyway. Well, we're free. Versus like, you know, when you're a con artist
Starting point is 01:04:14 and a mark is your victim. Yeah, that's what I thought. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know if that... I'm sure I didn't use it properly. At this point, I'm just dropping names. Yeah, it's true. You're just humble bragging is what I'm sure I didn't use it properly. At this point, I'm just dropping names. You're just humble bragging is what I'm doing. But everything after I was touched by Macho Man
Starting point is 01:04:32 comes off as the most humble of brags. That makes it sound like touched by an angel. Well, in my world. My friend Jensen Karp used to write for WWE. Trade me live, Trade me live. Trade me live. Yeah. I think a guy.
Starting point is 01:04:49 I guess a lot of comedy people have. Well, apparently in the conversation I was having, one of the guys from the band Broken Social Scene used to write for WWE. Wow. Amazing. Oh, man. That's the gig, right? Yeah. That's the gig we're all secretly hoping for.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I think this is a gig you should seek out. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Don't you think this is a great idea? Yes. You meet Stephanie McMahon, and you interview her and just wow her. You know what? I would just faint.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I would just faint. Well, no. Can't we prepare him so he won't faint? I don't know. He would have a good job. I do a lot of fainting. I won't do a job. Okay, sure. I do a lot of fainting. I'll pretend I'm her.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Okay, you're her. Okay. Graham, this way. This is Stephanie. Oh, hello, Stephanie. Hi, I'm Stephanie. Oh, God, he fainted. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Oh, wait, I'm out of my faint. What happened? Unfaint. I guess my uncle... Please pick up a folding chair and hit him up Yeah I'm gonna use the unsleeper hold Is she Vince McMahon's Grandniece?
Starting point is 01:05:56 I don't know I haven't watched wrestling since I was 11 Also great impression Almost like dead on My friend is dating George Clooney. Stacey Keebler. Keebs.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Alright, now it's time, before we get back to overheards, it's time for actual celebrity birthdays. Oh, yeah. Oh, whose? This is very important. We're recording this on February 18th. It's a Saturday in a leap year. Ladies. Big happy birthday to terrifying woman Jillian Michaels. 18th. It's a Saturday in a leap year. Ladies. Big happy birthday to terrifying woman
Starting point is 01:06:28 Jillian Michaels. It's 38 years old. She's from The Biggest Loser. That's right. My co-host Howard Kramer participates in her. He's done a cruise. A Jillian Michaels cruise. He did comedy in a Jillian Michaels cruise.
Starting point is 01:06:43 And he shall be doing a new Jillian Michaels-Cruz. He did comedy in Jillian Michaels-Cruz. And he shall be doing a new Jillian Michaels event coming up. Well, you should let him know to wish her happy birthday today. I will. Brat Packer Molly Ringwald is 44 today. Oh, wow. When were we ever so young? Well, she's in redhead heaven right now. Out to pasture.
Starting point is 01:07:02 That's right. Singer-songwriter Dr. Dre is 47 today. Handsome actor Matt Dillon, 48. And the answer... Older than Dr. Dre. One year. Goodness. They came up together in the same scene.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Yeah, yeah. Right? They were colleagues. Detro. The answer to this week's trivia question. This actor and Scientologist has won the award for best Scientologist for the past three glenglons. That is John Travolta is 58 today. Oh.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I'm going to get him some hair plugs. Also, past guest, Connor Haller's birthday today. Oh. Happy birthday. Also a Scientologist. Yeah. Pretty Scientologist. Now, overheards for real this time.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Yeah. For real. People love the digression pre-overheards. If they didn't love that pasta mania talk, I don't want to talk to them. Yeah. Now, we were talking about overheards. Yes. You didn't have one, but now do you feel confident that you have one?
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yeah, it was more what I saw last night. This is perfect. So, I was standing with comedians Brody Stevens, Howard Kramer, and Brett Gelman as they were smoking weed. and Brett Gellman as they were smoking weed. And across the street on Granville, where it says student housing is what the building is. Okay. Are there students in there?
Starting point is 01:08:34 Because they do not look like students. I don't know this building. It's like it's a backpackers. Yeah, because like a lady walked out and we're like, oh, that's a hooker. That's definitely, most definitely a hooker. That's Fat J-Lo. And then what's that shadow man doing in the hallway? Just sort of lurking at us and then kind of slowly going down.
Starting point is 01:08:55 This is kind of scary because we were going to go to the railway bar. And then the hooker came out again and this like this like guy with a guitar i think a busker um like went up to her and then i think kelman was taking a photo or something and then all of a sudden the guy was like you can't take pictures of me and he's across the street i'm a vampire and he was like no no and he started kind of like a and Gellman's like, oh, I'm sorry. You know, hey, I don't want, you know, like, I'll erase it. And the guy starts approaching us. And we're like, oh, what? What is happening?
Starting point is 01:09:32 And Gellman's like, no, no, you know, it's okay. He starts approaching us, approaching us. And then he slowly, like, he looks really angry. And then he, like, pulls up his guitar. And then he starts singing, every little thing is gonna be all right. And we're like, what? And we're like, what? And we're looking at each other like,
Starting point is 01:09:48 how did this come to here? And he just was like serenading us. You guys got busked. We got busked. And then I'm just like, how did that situation really change? I, like, this is not how I thought. You were like, this is not the eventual outcome okay I accept it
Starting point is 01:10:07 thank you Vancouver reggae time there's a law in Vancouver that at any moment it's reggae time and there's a lot of fights that end up in just reggae jams well once you take your shoes off sure
Starting point is 01:10:22 as is our custom. Dave, do you have it over? I had this Wednesday off from work because I worked on Sunday on account of the Grammys. Big shout out to my girl Adele. Yeah, right? What is your job? I work at a, well, I used to work at this place called CBC Music. CBC is the national public broadcaster in Canada.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Okay. Oh, no, I used to work at CBC Radio 3. That's right. Now you are. Now I work at CBC Music, which is a, it's a streaming website in Canada, like a Spotify. Oh, okay, yeah. But those things aren't available in Canada, and so now there's CBC Music. Check it out. And I host a show or two.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Very cool. You write blog posts? I write blog posts, and I do other behind-the-scenes stuff. Awesome. You're doing it. That's really cool. I'm living large. Yeah.. Awesome. You're doing it. That's really cool. I'm living large. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Grammy style. You're bawling? He's melon bawling. I'm melon bawling. You're bitter melon bawling? You're blind melon bawling. There we go. I'm Schweppes bitter lemon bawling.
Starting point is 01:11:43 I had Wednesday off, and so I went grocery shopping. What's up, Adele? What's up, my girl Adele? Can I get you anything? Do you need any milk, milk, or lemonade? Is that around the corner? Thanks for the fudge. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Big thank. Thank you. Thank you for the fudge. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you for the fudge. Thank you. Thanks. What if she did it, what if instead of just her THs being Fs, her Fs were also THs? Thanks for the fudge. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:20 I'd like to thank my manager. Thread something or other. Thread Flintstone. Oh, Adele. So I'm at a grocery store. She's the great. A Safeway. Shout out to Safeway.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Big ups to my homies at Safeway. Great work at the Grammy, Safeway. Yeah. And I'm in the produce department. Big ups to produce. Thank you, produce. Thanks. Thanks for the fangs.
Starting point is 01:12:50 There's like four guys just stacking produce. And this, like an attractive female employee walks by and says, hey guys, how you doing? And one of the guys says, better now that you're here. And she kind of, like she's just walking through and she sees, I guess I'm'm walking right past her and she looks at me and points at them and says they're hilarious and then and then that's a good move yeah and then after she's out of earshot one of the guys says yeah she reminds me of uh the little sister i never banged It says, yeah, she reminds me of the little sister I never banged. Bravo!
Starting point is 01:13:27 That's disgusting. In front of customers. Oh, that's really bad. Like at a grocery store. It's not like a construction site. No, but that guy was in training to be on a construction site. Did you fill out a comment card? I didn't, no. He would have been like, I saw the greatest scene.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Great tableau, Safeway. Yeah. Yours truly, Dave. What did you like about our store? I don't care about this. Let me write this. The coin star. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:56 She's like the little sister. That that guy never banged. That he never balled. Yeah. Wow. He never balled. He never balled or mellowed. That's really gross. Ah never balled. Wow. He never balled. That's really gross. That's ten kinds of gross. But it's eleven kinds of
Starting point is 01:14:14 alright. Shout out to Adele. Six times this year, Grammy Award winner. Zero times next year. Big thanks to Adele. Thanks, everybody. Thank you. Thanks for the memories.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Graham, do you have an overheard? Oh, no, I don't. I have an overseen. Overseen. Now, this was, this was, this overseen is courtesy of nature. Big ups. Big ups to nature. Thank you, nature. What what up Gaia
Starting point is 01:14:45 I was walking out of my place and I live in a house I live in a place and I was walking down the stairs and I walked around the corner and there was the fattest squirrel I have ever seen in the tree
Starting point is 01:15:02 maybe it was a pregnant squirrel I don't know but was very surprised by me walking around the corner. We had a freeze kind of moment where we both didn't do anything. And then, I'm going to say she, jumped from the branch that she was on onto a smaller branch. And that branch broke. And she fell to the ground. I was very embarrassed. I was like, you didn't have to jump on my account.
Starting point is 01:15:30 And also you really didn't stick the landing at all, little fat squirrel. Shout out to Adele. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. How many points are those nuts? What, these nuts?
Starting point is 01:15:46 Oh, fat squirrel. that's really funny. Nothing but love for that. Did you look around at me like, God, I wish someone else was here? My whole life is seeing something and then wishing somebody else was there to see it. If only you had a way you could describe things into a microphone.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Yep. There's always a chance that'll happen, right? Yeah, make a witch foundation. We also have overheards sent into us by listeners from around the world. And if you want to send one in as well, you can send it to stoppodcastingyourself at This first one comes from Mike D. From the Beasties. He's from Peterborough, Ontario.
Starting point is 01:16:32 He's Dustin Diamond's brother. Urban legend. Now this is a double-barreled overheard from Double D. Right? This is a double-barreled overheard from... Ooh, double D. Yeah, double D, right? This is from co-workers that he worked with at a shitty restaurant. These are two quotes from co-workers.
Starting point is 01:16:55 The first one being, Oh, definitely. Wine can stain glass. How do you think they make stained glass windows? First. Oh, dear. And second, You paid off your mortgage? That's a pretty stupid thing to do.
Starting point is 01:17:12 I don't know, right? This guy's got a plan. Yeah, what do you think his plan is? Making a church? Well, there's a lot of, like, oh, you know when people, like, think they're good with money and they think you're dumb for uh you know owning a car or oh right when they suzy orman you yeah just like what are you suzy orman you yeah oh that's a good verb yeah suzy orman you i'm gonna sit down and suzy orman you yeah about your crazy finance and that you're not wearing a smart sports coat or something.
Starting point is 01:17:48 That's her first thing. Why aren't we wearing that? It stops above your hips. Yeah, or a boxy. Boxy dress coat. Yeah. I don't waste my money on hair barrettes. Because it's so short.
Starting point is 01:18:04 I don't know what long-haired people need. I don't know. Ponytail scrunchies? Yeah, they need scrunchies. Elastics. Some kind of comb. Yeah. Some spandex andies for your hair.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Yeah. Spandex andies. Spandy andies. Spandex andex. That's a good double B. that's a good double b um um okay the second one comes from uh dana w uh she is from somerville massachusetts ma ma that's massachusetts uh my overheard happened at work my one co-worker uh 21 year old columbian work. My one co-worker, a 21-year-old
Starting point is 01:18:46 Colombian guy, said to another co-worker, you know that song, Everything I Do, I Do It For You? Other guy, yeah, Bryan Adams, yeah, Colombian guy, isn't that like the greatest song ever?
Starting point is 01:19:03 Oh, I love the sincerity. That's scientifically proven, right? Yeah, I think so. They did some tests in a lab, and it soothed the savage beast. Yeah. Well, this is part of the Weight Watchers test, and the battery is right before the cat scan. It was certainly the best song to slow dance to in 1992.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah, right? 1992. What about, I'm trying to think. Oh, Leigh-Anne Rimes, her song. Do you remember that? That was in 1992. It was in 1992. Her first song when she was like 14.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I don't know that. I remember last week, or the last time that we taped the podcast. When you were slow dancing Dave and I were slow dancing We were talking about how Whitney Houston, she had passed away And her song, I Will Always Love You There was this moment
Starting point is 01:19:56 Where you were slow dancing with a girl And then there's a part in the song Where she kind of drifts off And you just walked away from the girl. Like right away you're like, okay, thanks. During that last love you, you're sort of like, alright, we'll be in touch. We'll be in touch.
Starting point is 01:20:12 We'll be in touch. You know where to find me. See you in class. And this one. Also, More Than Words by Xtreme was great oh right why don't they
Starting point is 01:20:28 get back together I'm assuming they've broken up this is from Alex S I'm gonna assume that Alex S lives in New York
Starting point is 01:20:38 because How Was Your Week that's New York yeah okay that's I just got home from a live taping
Starting point is 01:20:43 of How Was Your Week Julie Klausner. Yes. Very, very funny. Very funny. Very pretty. She'll never go to that redhead heaven. Yeah. She's staying here with us. So this is another
Starting point is 01:20:59 double-barreled one from while waiting for the show to start, I overheard the guy behind me say, I don't have a type, but I'm actively looking for someone who looks like my ex-girlfriend. Oh, I love that! So honest.
Starting point is 01:21:18 That's a truth bomb. And I think my problem with women is that I don't know how to go from being charming to hey, wanna fuck. Which is a hard transition to make. Charming to, hey, wanna fuck. Yeah, it is hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:32 I have a lot of guy friends who have that. Because you could easily drop into the friend zone. Oh, or into the charm zone. Yeah. Where she just expects you to be 24 hours a day charming. What do you do? Yeah. I guess you just drop it.
Starting point is 01:21:45 As soon as you walk into your weird apartment. I think you either have it or you don't. I don't know. I can't imagine being able to make that transition. Yeah. I guess they would have had to have been... I'm charming never. So maybe that's the lesson?
Starting point is 01:22:03 It's just be all a hey wanna fuck yeah from the start all right uh it kind of right as a girl there is this you gotta if you don't plant the seed early you don't plant the seed you don't get the seed you don't spread your seed? Gross. I was just trying to come up with a rule of thumb that everybody could follow. No glove, no love. I'm constantly looking for t-shirts.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I want to make a t-shirt for everything. Now, in addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept... What are you doing with your hands right now? I'm doing a weird little namaste clap. Okay. We also accept overheards by telephone. If you want to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328, like these people have. This first call is from my wife, Abby's Aunt Sheila. The Internet's Aunt Sheila. Hi, guys. It's Aunt Sheila. The Internet's Aunt Sheila.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Hi, guys. It's Aunt Sheila calling. Just got back from the pool with my two little dudes, and in the change room, Albert, my four-year-old, said, Mama, I think that old lady's china must be on backwards. Oh! What? How does that exist?
Starting point is 01:23:22 Oh, no. We have a lot of mysteries. Yeah, sure. We sure do as a people. The ladies. The ladies. Oh, the ladies. Yeah, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:23:32 What does that mean? Okay. So when you become an old lady, your vagina goes on backwards. No, but like stop. You know, we all have like, you know, we all have different like fingerprints, right? I mean, so. Uh-huh. The vagina is a lady's...
Starting point is 01:23:45 Is a lady's fingerprint? That's what it's known as. The vagina is known as the lady's fingerprint. Do you guys have Korean spas? Do we have Korean spas? Where it's not co-ed, but... Everyone sits around a table and barbecues in the middle. Naked.
Starting point is 01:24:05 The key is naked. There's like the spas where you're completely naked and it's all girls or all guys. Obviously, but we can go into the all girls one. Right. But that's like a that's not just Korean. That's a Swedish thing and a Russian thing and a Greek. The Greeks.
Starting point is 01:24:20 You can't stop them from steaming. But they're naked. The spas are naked. Oh, okay. I've only known them as Korean spas. I don't do anything. Also Turkish. Turkish. Turkish spas. Right?
Starting point is 01:24:33 But I was in this Korean spa, or my girlfriend, June Raphael, was in this Korean spa, and you get this akasuri scrub where they just scrub you raw, where your old, dead, gray skin comes off of you. That's my favorite skin. It's your favorite? Yeah. You hold on to that? I've been holding on to it since fifth grade. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:53 His mother bronzed his first skin. Oh, that's so gross. It really is gross. Well, you're talking about being circumcised, right? That's his fourth skin. Yay! Yay! We win again!
Starting point is 01:25:12 We win! We're never going to die, you guys. Never say never. What, Bieber? So, Korean spot. Yeah, and so you're completely naked. You see women of all beautiful sizes. Sure.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Shades and fingerprints um and so when you get scrubbed they just kind of put you on the slab you're just like a like almost like a um massage uh table but it's got like uh waterproofing on top of it and you're just like lined almost like a wow a morgue and they're scrubbing you. And my girlfriend June, she laid eyes on a woman's- Fingerprint. Her womanhood. Yeah. Her woman space, her power source.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Pretty good. Will you give that to me? Take me back. And she said that the woman's vagina went all the way to her butthole and back again what else could it be as if she didn't
Starting point is 01:26:15 or if it just started way lower like the taint she had the tiniest what do you call that the pudendum the teeniest pedendums? Yeah, that was a very popular kids' book. The teeniest pedendums. The phantom pedendum.
Starting point is 01:26:32 I'm just saying we're all built differently. So this old lady maybe had the thing that... Jacob Tutu and the hooded pedendum. And that's the thing with kids. When you kind of peek in when your mom's trying stuff and you just kind of peek in. What kind of stuff is your mom trying? No, wait, was it
Starting point is 01:26:47 if she was trying on clothing? What was it? It was in a pool. It was a pool locker room. She was trying on different towel maneuvers. She was doing that thing where you put it between your legs and go back and forth. Oh my god!
Starting point is 01:27:03 That's probably what he thought it was. Oh man. Is that not the greatest drying technique that exists? Funniest. It is the funniest drying technique. Next phone call. Yay! Do you know what Juggalos are?
Starting point is 01:27:19 Yes. They are fans of the Insane Clown Posse. ICP! Coolio is one. You need to know this. Julio is one. You need to know this for this phone call. Okay. Holy shit, you guys. I just spent 20 minutes on a bus sitting next to two juggalos.
Starting point is 01:27:35 It's an overheard. Of course it is. This is Francesca from Portland. And there's like five, but I'll call them all each individually. But they were maybe, like, 15. And that perfect, like, juggalo mix of, like, dumb, nerdy thug. I don't really even know how that happens. And they were, like, you know, talking.
Starting point is 01:28:07 And they were totally trying to kind of like one-up each other on how hard they were. Bonus. Yeah, like, you should come in and hang out with my boys. Like, you know, we just party all night, you know, and we'll just sleep over at someone's house. And we'll order a bunch of pizzas and not pay for them. And then we'll order a bunch of pizzas and send them to our rival gang's territory. That is a classic gang maneuver, right? That's initiation.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Send as many pizzas as you can to your rival gang's house. Or the first one, order a bunch of pizzas and don't pay for them. Yeah. You can't really do that oh if you send them like okay we're not gonna pay you okay i'm not gonna give you these pizzas you sent no you send them to your neighbor's house and you say my neighbor is totally cool he'll pay you the next day just leave the pizzas on his porch and pay you the next day. Just leave the pizzas on his porch. And then the guy does, right? Because they're a dumb pizza chain. And then you just go over to the porch and steal the pizzas, right? Isn't that the classic maneuver?
Starting point is 01:29:14 I just made that up. Yeah, yeah, it's great. He said it with such authority. I know, right? At a moment I was like, oh, you guys think this is a real thing? Yeah, the only real pizza prank is to send it to someone else's house, I think. Also, uh... Which brings us to our next segment, pizza pranks. Pizza pranks! Pranking with pizzas!
Starting point is 01:29:34 Wasn't there, there was a thing that, it was a while ago on the podcast where somebody took a slice of pizza and put it in somebody's windshield wiper like it was a ticket. I thought that was really funny. That's really great. I'm going to do that. But there was also a listener, and it was sent in as an overseen. It's just particularly germane to this. It was somebody put a pizza in between the receiver and the thing you hang the receiver on on a payphone. There was just like a pizza in between it, and that was really funny.
Starting point is 01:30:04 There's a photo of it. Fuck you for using a payphone. Also, fuck you for liking pizza. It's a double fuck you. Back to the pizza in the car thing, is there any way that someone could cause damage to a car? Because I really want to do that.
Starting point is 01:30:19 No, I think if you put it not topping side down on the windshield, it won't even make a mess. Oh, okay. So you put toppings up. Toppings up. But then they might have to replace their wipers. Oh. Toppings down. Toppings down. Yeah, toppings down is fun. Toppings down. And then do you think, because in LA
Starting point is 01:30:36 I really am going to do this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've already got a mark in my head. If it's really hot, bad idea. I think, yeah, I think you do it at night. Yeah, undercover of darkness. Yeah, you do it at night. Yeah, undercover of darkness. Yeah, you do it at 9pm and you're hoping that somebody is leaving at like an 11.30. Oh, I'm going to do this.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Even better, like, if you did it with a frozen pizza. Like, if you cut that up and you did it to all your friends. A crime spree. I mean, around UCB. I'm not saying I'm going to do that, but what if that happened? Well, this episode actually won't come out. This won't come out until a week from Monday.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Okay, okay. So you've got a lot of time. You could probably do a little crime spree before that. Oh, my God. Then come out as the criminal. These are the types of crime sprees that I like to do. Things that are just so stupid. Will you wear some sort of mask or hat?
Starting point is 01:31:22 Okay, I will now. Like the DJ from De Antwoord. Yeah, or Hamburglar. The big two. What about that mouse? Oh, he's in there. I went to the new pizza place in my neighborhood that used to be a murder spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Chinese murder spot, yes. Chinese murder house. murder spot. Yeah. Chinese murder spot. Chinese murder house. And Abby got, they, it's a weird pizza place
Starting point is 01:31:49 because they only have one size of pizza and they slice it. They roll it up and you put it in your pocket to take it home. They slice it up into quarters.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Okay. And then, if you, like last week, Abby finished half of her pizza. And we've gone there two weeks in a row. Sure.
Starting point is 01:32:09 And so they gave her a pizza box to take it home. This time she finished half of her pizza, but I had another quarter of it. And so they only gave her one, she only had one slice left over. So you're saying there's a quarter left. Yeah, there's a quarter left. Yep. You guys, I'm relying on you. I'm studying for my SATs.
Starting point is 01:32:29 There's a quarter of pizza left. Quarter pizza is too great ass. And so they gave it to her. They folded it, the one piece left, and put it in a little paper bag. But a folded piece of pizza. I've had that.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Really? I've never had that. I've had it delivered to my house like that through the mail slot. Can we talk about where you order food from now? Is it time for us to do this? We were talking about this prior. This is an intervention. I order my pizza from the post office. When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much,
Starting point is 01:33:04 they order pizza from Domino's. Yeah, but from an out-of-country Domino's, so they have to send it via airmail. They have to send it via Gandia's. Hello? Yeah, I got you. Somebody left a menu, a takeout menu. I'm just curious.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Does your takeout receptacles, can they fit through our meals, love? No. Do they need to get paid today? Is it COD, or can I get a... Do they need to get paid today? Is it COD or can I get a... Do you guys have an installment plan? Look, I have one more page of questions. If you could just hold it.
Starting point is 01:33:36 You're not great at English? That's a shame. All right, we'll just skip the first five and I'm going to move into the next page too. Another great way to send pizza would be in one of those poster tubes if you rolled up yeah yeah on a poster or uh these are these are two good ways to send a pizza yeah slice by slice in envelope yeah so i say slice in a padded uh manila envelope yeah or in a poster yeah autographed sure sure or on the top of a um fruit uh arrangement a floor arrangement just like you order the floor and then fruit arrangement, a floor arrangement.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Oh, yeah. You order the floor arrangement, and then you drape a pizza on top of it. After you're done with all these vitamins. Good ways to deliver pizzas. And one more phone call. Hey, guys. It's Anna in New York, and I haven't overheard. I went to the Westminster Kennel Club dog show
Starting point is 01:34:28 last night. My friend got tickets and everyone was up in arms because the Pekingese won best in show. I thought it was kind of funny looking and cute but it was apparently a bone of contention with a lot of people and
Starting point is 01:34:44 everyone was talking about it as we were leaving, and we overheard one guy talking to his girlfriend, and he was like, oh, this is like if at the end of Star Wars, Darth Vader killed Luke Skywalker. This is like if Voldemort won. I love how dramatic we are. As a species.
Starting point is 01:35:10 We are so dramatic. It's delicious. But see, she added in that detail that she got tickets because when she said it, I was like, what? Like, I couldn't believe that somebody, like a human. Like a lay person. Yeah, exactly. It seems like only royalty and your most famous Like a layperson. Yeah, exactly. It seems like only royalty and your most famous would get into that.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Yeah, sure. It's like a Lakers game. Anyway, I'll shut up now. All the cool dogs go to Clippers games. But that dog is retiring. That's the last... A lot of dogs are retiring. But most dogs on the. That's the last. That dog's still going on. A lot of dogs are retiring. But that dog.
Starting point is 01:35:46 But most dogs on the day before retirement get shot. Yeah, exactly. It's like cop movies. I'm sorry to end the show on the low note. Now, overheards, if you want to send them in to us, 206-339-8328 or stop podcasting yourself at Now, just for the record, I also didn't really like that dog one. You know, I don't know anything about it other than the Twitterverse. People were up at arms.
Starting point is 01:36:15 They were like, what dog was robbed? What type of dog was robbed? I don't know. Like a Dalmatian or there was a wire-haired wiener dog. I think that one. That one people said that that one should have won. There was a Snoian or there was a wire-haired wiener dog. I think that one. Sure, sure. That one people said that that one should have won. There was a Snoop.
Starting point is 01:36:28 There was a Nate. Sure. Don't you ever. What? Nate, rest in peace. Yeah, rip Nate dog. Now, Kula. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:36:36 You're out there on the internet. People want to know more about you. Where do they go? You can follow me at Twitter at at Kula. Yes. You can go to- I recommend Yes. You can go to... I recommend it. You can go to and look up WhoCharted.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Or... Or... TooCharted. Or TooCharted. It's the same feed, though. Well, it's under WhoCharted. It is the same feed. Same feed, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:55 I have a website. It's kind of like... It's my Tumblr. Yeah. And it's CoolOp.tumblr. And it's not just stuff about you. It's also things that you found around. Things you like.
Starting point is 01:37:09 In the interwebs. Pictures of your dog. That I enjoy. I'm also on Instagram. There's a lot of photos of my dog, Rocky. He's a Boston Terrier. He's got a lot of personality. Seven years young.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Seven years young. He can smize. It's great. A dog that can smize. Worth their weight in gold. Thank you so much for being a guest on the podcast. This is such a joy. Thank you for having me.
Starting point is 01:37:35 What a treat. I like you guys. I wasn't sure. Oh, were you? You were on the fence? Yeah. Like five minutes ago, I wasn't sure. And then just me being able to say where I am on the internet,
Starting point is 01:37:46 it took me over the top. When am I going to get my plug in? These guys are the worst. Oh, here it comes. Ooh, this is fun. Dave, do you have anything you want to put? Yes. CBC Music, you should check out the blog.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Yeah, is now a going concern. It premiered Grammy night. Yes. CBC Music, you should check out the blog. Yeah, is now a going concern. It premiered Grammy night. Yes. And I've got some articles up there, some pieces about architecture. Really? I have one. I wrote one quiz about the architecture of Frank Gehry and the clothing of Lady Gaga. Witch is witch. Which is which.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Which is which. That's amazing. That's a great quiz. That's great. It's a fun little quiz. or or It all goes. It's all there.
Starting point is 01:38:36 And speaking of things that Dave does on the internet that are wonderful, there's a blog that accompanies every podcast you can find at Pictures or videos that will relate to the podcast in some way. I'm sure there will be a picture of Pasta Mania. Of course. You guys, you have to find the photos. What else? What else do you think is on there?
Starting point is 01:38:59 What else did we talk about? Adele. Adele, sure. Thank you. Thanks. Big thanks to Adele. Thanks, Semisonic. Big thanks to Adele. Thanks, Semisonic. Big thanks
Starting point is 01:39:08 to me Thanks for closing time. Me mate Dan from Semisonic. Semisonic. Me gonna set fire to Ray.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Now she's a caveman that's right she did say a lot of in the third person me this me that me glad to be at Cranby's I do get I get Adele and
Starting point is 01:39:42 Ali G mixed up a lot yeah so go to Adele and Ali G mixed up a lot. Oh, yes. Booyakisha. Yeah. So go to Check that out. Check out the other podcasts that we're affiliated with.
Starting point is 01:39:54 Also, February 27th at the Havana Theater, there will be a Laugh Gallery show. That is me and many of our past guests will be there. $5 cannot be beat. And if you like the show, tell your friends. And come on back next week for another thrilling episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.

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