Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 222 - Charlie Demers

Episode Date: June 19, 2012

Charlie Demers returns to talk about old punks, pennies, and jumpsuits. Also, Pop Rocks Minute makes its return....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 222 of Stop Podcasting Yourself, a podcast that is nominated for Best Podcast at the Canadian Comedy Awards. You can go to and vote for us and just, you know what, let's make it official. Let's make it official, world. We love you. You love us.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I actually am not sure people outside of Canada can vote, because I think when you register, you have to give a postal code. Yeah, but you know. Try. Just try. Yeah, exactly. You know what? Letter number, letter number, letter number.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I'm going to try and pass out the zip number. The zip code. Can we start again? Nope. I don't want that to be my first thing as a screw up. I was going to say zip code. And with me, as always, is a man who just two days ago, I saw him scoop up his dog and perform a triple axel in his living room.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Apropos of nothing. And it was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Mr. Dave Schumacher. Yeah, it was a very tense. We were watching the Mad Men finale. It was a commercial break. I Schumke. Yeah, it was a very tense... We were watching the Mad Men finale. It was a commercial break. I picked up Grandpa. I think it was more of a Sal Cow.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Oh, sure. It was a single. It wasn't a triple. Dave, you didn't see what I saw. You were in it. You don't remember. You were just spinning around and spinning around. I'm pretty sure a human being can't do a triple spin in midair from a dead stop with only six inches of clearance above their head.
Starting point is 00:01:50 But a person with a dog can. Especially a dog like Grandpa. Yeah, he's a magical guy. Anyway, so that was great, and I was glad I was here for it. That, and so many reasons more why you should vote for us at the Canadian Comedy Awards. This thing that happened off air. Yeah, but you know what? They got to share in it.
Starting point is 00:02:08 It's like you don't get to see your friends having their kids, but you get to watch the videos sitting next to the woman who gave birth, right? Right, guys? Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah. And our guest today... They call him the zip code. That's him right there. Hilarious comedian, author, and one of our all-time favorite guests, Mr. Charlie Demers is back with us. Hello, fellas.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Thanks for having me. And folks, sorry about the zip code business off the top, but I promise onwards and upwards. Come on, there's no crying in baseball. And Charlie has a new internet special, a new stand-up special available over the internet from Yes, yes. We did that same website as you, of course, already, if you are good people, bought grams. And they have been, and bless you all. Yeah, and it was a really fun, it was a great fun show.
Starting point is 00:03:04 It was live at the Waldorf Hotel in East Vancouver. And it happened a few hours after my house flooded. So I had... As was predicted by the prophecies.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So, yeah. It was... If you see a tinch of anti-anxiety medication response in the special that you see, and that's not accidental. It's because I took some. And it's sponsored by anti-anxiety medicine. Yes. Clonazepam presents Charlie Demers semi-live at the Waldorf.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Kind of unplugged. In a cloud. Quasi with it. Kind of unplugged. In a club. Quasi with it. Let's get to know us, guys. Get to know us. So, Charlie. Yep. What's new?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Is your house okay, first and foremost? Yeah. Yeah, it was the day of the special, and I was just walking in my living room. Doing laps. It's kind of like old people do mall walks. Yeah. This is like if you feel malls are too scary or dangerous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Too corporate. Yeah. Just me doing demi-circles in front of a Che Guevara poster. Yeah, what do old punks do? Oh, they go to Bonnaroo. Isn't that? No, that's not. Where do they do their walking?
Starting point is 00:04:30 Farmer's markets. Yeah, the junkyard. Like they go to the landfill and walk around. Yeah, yeah. That seems right. Old punks. Oh man, that'd be a good documentary. So there's, we've got laminate, I don't know, I'm not bragging, that'd be a good documentary. So, there's...
Starting point is 00:04:46 We've got laminate... I'm not bragging, but we have laminate flooring in our living room. We have a lamination machine. We have a regular floor, but we have one of those laminators. And I stepped on it, as you do on floors, and there was a little... some water. And as you do on floors. And there was a little, some water. Like my sock got wet. And I kind of a squish up from below.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And at first I did the old, in my mind I did the old Borat. Pulled the old, my wife. Figured maybe she had something to do with this. Like, you know, dropped a glass of water or something. And then it just ran away. Panicked. Yeah. You found her upstairs in the closet. The perfect crime.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But it was the hot water tank, the connectors or whatever at the back had busted, and so the whole thing had been, like, leaking out for a couple days. And so I literally, I spent i had uh um that week i was just like working from like uh you know wake up to go to sleep like it was just a crazy week and i'd set aside this like several hours to kind of decompress i put on an iron shirt uh which you'll notice when you download my special didn't happen and uh instead i just i had to um i was literally i was pulling up uh laminate flooring with my hands uh for like several hours and and like emptying out our little crawl space and just weeping just a big like sobbing you know this like uh a horrible thing can happen and then
Starting point is 00:06:21 that shuts down all your response until afterwards and then you can kind of be overwhelmed by emotion, or you can be overwhelmed by emotion, or you have to do both of those things. So I was, like, hauling out, you know, like, the chair that my mother nursed me in or whatever and thinking it's all going to be, you know, moldy and whatever. Right, right. Oh, wow. Just doing these, like, big heaving sobs. I was like, I'm going'm doing a comedy special tonight.
Starting point is 00:06:49 But anyway, it all turned out... I don't know if it all turned out well. There's still a big part of my house that doesn't have flooring. It all turned out for the best. So it's just dirt there. We have an unfinished...
Starting point is 00:07:03 You guys should plant some sort of a garden. So punks can exercise. Like an herb garden, so you can just have it right there next to the kitchen. I would love to see old punks in their orthopedic Doc Martens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Stomping around. Instead of all the studs. Yeah, it's not Walmart. It's still at a mall, but it's just mall stomping around instead of like all the studs yeah it's not a Walmart it's still at a mall but it's just mall stomping and all their like pointy studs have been rounded off oh man I really like the idea of these old punks
Starting point is 00:07:40 and they have like a retirement commute yeah and they mosh to like the Glenn Miller Orchestra all their safety pins are holding reminder notes why would they go
Starting point is 00:07:55 be moshing to the Glenn Miller they slam dance they become punk you're thinking these are guys who became punks in their old age. They like the punk lifestyle, but hate the music. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Put on more Trini Lopez, etc. So, Charlie, are you a handy person? Do you generally consider yourself a good, like, are you good at weeping while you do? Well, I'm a weep while you work. I'm a hell of a crier.
Starting point is 00:08:29 No, I'm not a handy person. That's why I had to pull it up with my hands, because otherwise I would have had a screwdriver of some kind or, like, known how to do it. Right. But anyway, so I was just yanking it up and then yucking it up. Yanking and yucking is the name of the special and uh but it all um it was anyway so it all got sorted and then the uh but the show was actually great i was really worried because it was like oh you get this one uh chance to do a thing and then uh besides you know sort of the way i look yeah in it like on shaven and gross. The show went really well.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Nice. I can't wait to see it. It's out now. It is out today. Same day as this podcast. I mean, I've been busy most of today. But, you know, I can't wait. It's going to be great. That's an MP4 file for him. One of the
Starting point is 00:09:22 MPs. When you were talking about not being handy my roommate was telling me the place that I was living in before that was a disaster they had the last time I was here you were moving and I was not here that long ago
Starting point is 00:09:36 and I just moved again into that 70s house but in the house before like anytime that they had repairs done the landlord would just hire somebody off of Craig's list who said they were a handyman and one of the guys who showed up
Starting point is 00:09:51 showed up without any tools and then walked into the kitchen and asked my roommate do you guys have a butter knife that I can borrow? and he proceeded to unscrew things in the house and that was like in his head he was like well as long as I have a butter knife that I can borrow? And he proceeded to unscrew things in the house. And in his head, he was like,
Starting point is 00:10:08 well, as long as I've got a butter knife, I'm golden. And then they went around the corner, and he was tearing up a piece of floor or something, and he had no shoes on. He was wearing bare feet. Construction work inspired by the urban peasants. Construction work inspired by the urban peasants Abby had a co-worker once Who lived with her boyfriend
Starting point is 00:10:30 And her boyfriend was like Handy But he also didn't have a lot of follow through So one time he took off all the doorknobs In the house to wash them Yeah that sounds crazy And then I think another time he was painting a wall, and he just painted the word prostitute on it. And then he's like, oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:51 I'll wait. Break time. Wait until she gets home. She'll get a good laugh. Then I'll finish off the wall. Because she used to be a prostitute. She'll get it. This guy's just a psychopath.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Profiting in his own wall. Cover story. This guy's just a psychopath With the Yeah The best The best The best His own wall Cover story I think eventually He covered it up Anyway Oh lord
Starting point is 00:11:14 So now you just can't get out Of a room that says Prostitute on the wall It's okay I'm just lazy This is one of the advantages to being married. It's pretty funny. Wait, were they married?
Starting point is 00:11:30 I don't think so. Oh, are they now? I think so. Well, best wishes. Yeah. They're registered at Nobs & Co. At Prozzy Walsh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Prozzy Wals Prozzy Waltz and so what else is new what else is going on I've been doing some voice work which is like not a thing that I really do I mean like I do radio but
Starting point is 00:11:58 so yeah I'm doing this thing I hear the radio is really on the grow yeah well you know video killed its stars and uh but we're back uh and it's uh but uh so yeah no it was this thing for the um museum of vancouver and also the online museum of canada like it'll be a federal thing as well it'd be like online and anyway Anyway, it's a thing about the history of neon in Vancouver. Oh yeah, right. So I'm like
Starting point is 00:12:29 the narrator. People don't know, in the early 90s, Vancouver people wore a lot of body gloves, jumpsuits, or wetsuits. Yeah. Now for real, it's hyper-color of people's history.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Vancouver was at one point very well known like vegas style for how much neon yeah just big size and prostitutes no knobs here all night doorknob exchange all night doorknob laundry. Who washes their doorknobs? Well, who washes them without just taking a cloth and just washing them? Spray them with some kind of solvent. Yeah. Knob off. Knobby. Do you think he just did it anyway?
Starting point is 00:13:20 Knobacoff's knob off. Because it's kind of a like... No, well, why not? Fair enough. But yeah, so I've been doing that, a like... No, well, why not? Fair enough. But, uh, yeah, so I've been doing that, but it, uh, I don't know, it hurts your throat. Yeah. So what are you doing? You're like, uh, narrating, uh, people go into a station in the museum and they hear
Starting point is 00:13:36 your voice? No, there's like a couple of things, right? Like there'll be some, uh, videos. Uh, that you watch. You probably thought Neon came from, I don't know, someplace. From the show Ne don't know From the show Neon Rider Are you a troubled teen? That's how I start Come on out to the ranch
Starting point is 00:13:51 That's in Canada only right? Oh that was barely in Canada Neon Rider was a show about Taking troubled kids off the street Taking them to a horse ranch And letting them stab the horses Take all your aggression Out on these horses troubled kids off the street, taking them to a horse ranch, and letting them stab the horses. Can't take all your aggression out on these horses. They can take it.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah, they'll fight back. It was the prequel to Luck. Why don't you pick on a horse your own size? These were all enormous children. These were all 2,000 pound children. Anyway, so, yeah, it was like, yeah, Vancouver, if people don't know, which, why would they, most of them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It was like a neon hub. And there was a whole kind of controversy around it. Controversy? No one pronounces it like that. There was a controversy. There was a whole controversy about it. No one pronounces it like that. It was a controversy. There was a whole controversy about it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Because basically, like, a lot of, like, the more kind of conservative elements in the city said, oh, you know, it looks seedy and tacky. And it's also blocking out the beautiful scenery or whatever. Save it for an uggo town. Right. That was the underlying idea. And so, of course, now everybody kind of goes, oh, oh you know there's no character in this city yeah yeah it'd be nice to have the neon yeah and uh so anyway it's it's a this whole kind of history about that but it's mostly all uh like interviews and then i'm the kind of ken burnsy connector
Starting point is 00:15:19 yeah the ken burnsy connector yeah uh you take the Ken Bernsie Connector to the Manhattan Transfer. And so I kind of narrate it. Well, I don't kind of narrate it. I do. And then, so yeah, it's fun. And I might be doing the French, too. Oh, awesome. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah. But no one's going to listen. Well, who? Yeah, you can make up a lot of that stuff. Yeah, exactly. Aloha to Jean de Aloha. Yeah. you can make up a lot of that stuff yeah exactly um the only time that i've ever gone in to do any uh like voice work thing uh it was for like a commercial and not a commercial that i had got
Starting point is 00:15:54 but it was to like try out for commercial right and it was for i can't remember but i think it might have been for fur. Sure. But they kept... What they were saying... It's like one of these things where they are trying to tell you exactly what they want without saying exactly... Right, yeah. They, like, I guess in certain, like, show business, if you do a line read to somebody, that's not good.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Like, that's a sign of, like of somebody who's over... It's disrespectful. Yeah, but this person clearly was, through the audition, angling to have me sound more and more like Dennis Leary in those dumb truck commercials. But without saying it, but it was
Starting point is 00:16:39 really like we were circling around and he was like, more of this, more of that. And then finally I was like, like Dennis Leary, is that? Because that's... Thank you. Exactly. Is that what you're looking for in your muffin basket? Is that what he put it to him?
Starting point is 00:16:57 So you're looking for a muffin basket with nuts in it. Men's nuts full of sperm. I hate those. Every time those commercials, the Sam Elliott ones just have an understated elegance. Yeah, absolutely. You don't like the Dennis Leary ones? I like them.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I like that they spell what he's saying. Yeah, it's hard to spell F-150. But I've gone in for once, same thing, like an audition for a radio commercial, and I guess there's no small... I mean, tell me if I'm wrong, maybe there's like a radio Lee Stravinsky who's going to write in and say,
Starting point is 00:17:36 no, there's a method. Nobody knows who that is. Isn't Lee Stravinsky the method? The big acting guru? Probably some people know who that is. Write in! I think Stravinsky, the method, the big acting guru. Probably some people know who that is. Yeah, right in. Is it Stravinsky? Oh, no, it's Stradivarius.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I think Stravinsky's a composer. Igor Stravinsky. What? Who am I thinking of? Lee Stravinsky. Lee Strasberg. Lee Strasberg. Oh, geez, don't I look like stinkerubin?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Okay, so sorry, Strasberg. Strasberg? Strasberg. Richard Sturzberg. No. Controversy. Annie Controversy. Lee something, Lee S
Starting point is 00:18:05 that's how I should have kept it but you go in for a radio audition and they go there's no small make it big, like I had to do this thing where I was falling down a ski mountain well, they're just called mountains
Starting point is 00:18:21 and I'm going like you know, whatever, oh, oh, oh, you know, whatever. And they're like, no, no, like, they're really fallen, you know? So, clearly. Here, get out of the way. Let me do it. Yeah, what do you want? I was like, wow, wow, wow, whoa, ski mountain.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Ski mountain murder mystery. And I, it was just. Was that really what you were advertising, a ski mountain murder mystery? I'd go was just was that really what you were advertising a ski mountain murder mystery i'd go to one sounds cold yeah anyway ski bunny larue strasbury was the actor's studio didn't he invent it maybe it's a she no i think it's a he i don't know hot in here it is very hot in here this is our first hot episode of the year. Yeah, that's true. Welcome to June. It's really, this whole day has been really muggy. And this is, I was on the train with somebody who, I think if you're a big pot smoker, you need to walk, you gotta walk or something, get a breeze going in the muggy weather. Because it sticks to you, and it's the worst smell ever when it's just on a human.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah. Because it smells like, just like a sk the worst smell ever when it's just on a human. Yeah. Because it smells like, just like a skunk. Like, it smells like you smoked a skunk. Smoked pot out of a skunk. Skunk bong. Anyways, that's my public service announcement. Come on, pot smokers, get it together. Visa v. odor.
Starting point is 00:19:42 But, you know, everything else you're doing just fine yeah yeah yeah um all the construction paperwork you're doing stuff like that craps right yeah uh spacing out yeah oh yeah uh commenting on um i don't know what a stoner thing is i don't think stoners comment on anything no i mean just with their mouth. Oh, yeah. Like, wow. Like, wow. Yeah. Look at those two snails do it. I did have a fun thing the other day when somebody, we were talking about the North American Free Trade Agreement. And why wouldn't you be?
Starting point is 00:20:20 Well, it's fun. Is there like a shorter way of saying North American Free Trade Agreement? NORAD. And they also, every Christmas, they tell the kids where Santa is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But only North American kids. Yeah. But it was like... Terrorless Santa.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Who is Prime Minister? Oh, it was Brian Mulroney. So that made the President Ronald Reagan. And then he said, who is the president of Mexico? And I said, oh, Cheech Marin. He said, really? And I said, oh! Can either of you name the current president of Mexico?
Starting point is 00:20:57 Calderon? Felipe Calderon? No. It's Ivan Calderon of the Montreal Expos. Ivan Calderon. No, nobody can. I know the guy who lost was Obrador was his last name. He was supposed to win.
Starting point is 00:21:14 His slogan was Obladi Obrador. No, his slogan was Obrador Morarte. This is going to play very well in mexico it's always great in a spanish-speaking country to base your political slogan on an english pun you might say he's a little chichi what oh well in other countries they say cheeky. And even there they barely do. Well, the old people do. Sure, yeah. Old punks.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Never mind the cheeky, they say. That Jonathan Rotten's quite a cheeky gent. Jonathan Rotten. Sidney Vish. I remember once we were trying to come up with like anyway there's a long backstory to why we're doing this it's really not all that interesting my friends and I
Starting point is 00:22:14 you know you try and make someone's name serious like basically there was this communist newspaper there was this communist newspaper and they would never use nicknames for politicians because they felt like that made it too friendly or whatever so they would call him like anthony blair instead of tony blair or like william clinton instead of bill clinton or like danford
Starting point is 00:22:36 quail right danforth danforth okay well yeah and um or was that were you telling me to do something to danforth and proclaim myself. It was Danforth Quayle. So Danforth Quayle. And so we would, you know, just imagine how you would serious up someone's name. And when it got to Weird Al Yankovic, it was that he would be called, he would be called Bizarre Albert Yankovic. Like for some reason, it was fancier. Weird is a weird word for weird.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah, like the bizarre was more formal. Like the weird-owl was a nickname. May I present Mr. Bizarre of the Bizarre Weird. Yeah, Bizarre Albert Yankovic. Oh, lordy. Dave, what's going on with you? Why not Aloysius? Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Oh, yeah. The Bizarre Aloysius Yankovic. Did I say it before? Aloysius? It's Aloysius. Aloysius. No, Aloysius is a name, too. Aloysius.
Starting point is 00:23:40 It's spelled Aloysius, pronounced Aloysius. But isn't it just pronounced Aloysius in the state? It's Mr. Belvedere's name. Really? Oh, really? No, Lynn Aloysius Pronounced Aloysius But isn't it just pronounced Aloysius in the state? It's Mr. Belvedere's name Really? Oh really? No, Lynn Aloysius Lynn Aloysius Belvedere Because Kara, my wife has a
Starting point is 00:23:51 He dropkicked his jacket Cousin named Aloysius He sat on his own balls Oh, I think it's just That's a language barrier Well, somebody should tell him Yeah, well That he's saying it wrong
Starting point is 00:24:01 I'll be the one to tell him Hey Aloysius What did Mr. Belvedere do? He sat on his balls? Yeah, that's true. The actor did. The actor did during a reading. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:24:12 They never wanted to go home? I think that was on Jeopardy the other night. Yeah. What did... What part of his anatomy did he sit on? What was Mr. Belvedere's nut? That was the question. Did I mention that I found out that Will Smith's name isn't...
Starting point is 00:24:32 It's not William Smith. It's Wilbur Smith. Wilbur? Yeah. Weird, right? That's a weird name for... But that's a reason you would shorten it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah, but I mean... Oh, yeah. That's true. Was he known as Will Smith when he, but I mean, oh yeah, that's true. Was he known as Will Smith when he was a rapper named Wilbur? That does not seem like a... Yet. Yeah. 2012 holds a lot of promise.
Starting point is 00:24:54 For the... Wilbur Smith. For the big rapping gig. That's really good. Yeah. No, he was just the Fresh Prince at first, right? Yeah. And then sort of slowly transitioned into Will Smith.
Starting point is 00:25:05 That's true. Yeah. And is now transitioning back into the Fresh Prince by re-releasing a mix of Summertime for some reason. By DJ Jazzy Jeff. And Jazzy Jeff is short for Jazzwalt Jeff. Oh, no. I just did a full spit take.
Starting point is 00:25:22 That was pretty great. Oh, Lord. Is it true that Jazzy Jeff is actually fairly good, and he kind of got stuck doing this sort of novelty act? I don't know. He's still a DJ. Because Will Smith was like a... I mean, Fresh Prince was like a novelty act, right?
Starting point is 00:25:42 It wasn't like rap rap. It was in its day, wasn't it? Well, I don't know. We discussed how the Fat Boys were at the pinnacle of rap at one point. Yeah, no, but they were a real thing. Yeah. But I think Fresh Prince was. Hey, parents just don't understand.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Wasn't it just kind of, hey, let's have fun? But that's all rap was at the time. It was all kind of like... It wasn't serious, but like, it was... The WA weren't rapping about how their parents didn't get them. Well, kind of in a way they did. Chris, don't understand where I'm straight out of. I mean, there are N.W.A. songs that might as well be girls of the world ain't nothing but trouble.
Starting point is 00:26:18 They just say it in harsh words. Nightmare on my street. Yeah, so anyway. Like he did a nightmare on elm street themed rap so did the fat boys the fat boys did too did they really
Starting point is 00:26:29 yeah oh man I think Dokken did as well an eighth of the way into a compilation album yeah I think that Jay-Z
Starting point is 00:26:38 before uh Kanye West came around Freddy Krueger was gonna be his next prototype yeah uh but all he wanted to rap about Kanye West came around, Freddy Krueger was going to be his next protégé. Yeah. But all he wanted
Starting point is 00:26:48 to rap about was dreams and nightmares. And he was like, think broader, Freddy. Nope. And stop doing that thing with your scissor hands during the recordings. It's very distracting. Fingers in Paris, is that a thing? Anyway. Oh, it's possible.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yep, yep, yep. Dave, what's possible. Yep, yep, yep. Let's workshop it. Dave, what's going on with you? Not a lot. I think I say that every time. I've just realized that. I've been sort of panicking a bit because a few months ago it was announced that they're going to discontinue the penny in this country. Right, yes.
Starting point is 00:27:26 This country, for our listeners, is Canada. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks. But I didn't check into any more detail on that, so I don't know when it's happening. I don't know what arrangements I have to make. I don't know... I assume at some point I'm going to have to pack up all my pennies and get rid of them.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And I'm stressing out a little bit about it. Is this a real thing? Yeah. What? The pennies going away? No, about you being sort of concerned about it? Just in the back of my mind. Why, do you have a lot of pennies? I have some, but I don't want to have any when
Starting point is 00:28:05 the day comes. I don't want to be the guy who's stuck with six pennies. You don't want to have any pennies. You don't want to have many pennies. Yeah. If you haven't got a hay penny, a hay penny will do. What is a hay penny? Isn't it a half penny? A half penny? If you haven't got a half
Starting point is 00:28:21 penny, then God bless you. I can't believe I did Lee Strasberg, Starlsberg, or whatever. They'll never leave that down. All in my mind, all I've got is zip code and Lee whatever. Yeah. Spinning around in my head. That's okay. You'll be great.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Yeah. Don't worry. Gone are the days of recessive gene symmetry. Why do you always have to compare yourself to young Charlie Demary? Yeah. It's an albatross around my neck. Albatross? Yeah, no, that is what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:47 You were thinking that you said albacore? Yeah. It's an alcatraz around my neck. No, because Uncle Junior said albacore once on The Sopranos. He said, it's like an albacore around my neck. It's like an alphabet around my neck. Yeah. It's like an Albert Brooks around my neck.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Like, you just constantly... But it... Do you guys have any information on the penny? Like, do you not have, you know... I don't have enough of them to worry about. I probably have $5 worth in the house. I bet that I... don't...
Starting point is 00:29:19 have any pennies. What? Check your pockets. Well, no, because any time I get them, I either will put it in a tip jar right away, or I'll just... That's mean. No, I'm like, I don't want to keep change, because I've had it. So if it's not a
Starting point is 00:29:34 tune, anything really less than a toonie kind of goes in the tip jar. Oh my. Moneybags. I'm pointing with my thumb for you listening at home. We're in Canada, and I'm giving the old... I think it was implied that the guy talking about... ...thummy me look.
Starting point is 00:29:49 But also, I think pennies, I think the reason they're discontinued is because people will just throw them in the garbage, right? Which is crazy because it is legal tender still. it is a legal tender still. But everybody should probably just donate the pennies that they have now to a charity. And then all the charities should just take them on. Or melt them down into bullets
Starting point is 00:30:13 and shoot people with them. Those same poor people. Those are your options. The good or the bad. If I have any on me, and I'm in a movie theater and someone is texting, I will throw them at the person texting. I think that's reasonable. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:30:29 That seems right. But, you know, that's dangerous. I just use them as bookmarks. Oh, that's fun. Because you read tiny books. Yeah. Flip books. No, I do use bus transfers for...
Starting point is 00:30:41 Bookmarks? Bookmarks. Yeah. I think the only... Like, yeah, I don't... I've never, here's the one thing I know for sure. In the past five years, I've never made exact change for anything. Like, I've never, the total hasn't come up to something and I've counted out change. I know that for a fact.
Starting point is 00:30:56 So. Wow. Right? Have you? Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. I did today. I was a penny over, though.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah. I do go around with one of those little things on my belt that has the various cylinders did you not love those like we had one when i was a kid and it was useless what you had a belt no it wasn't a belt it was just a little metal thing that you put all the dominant domino nominations of coins in coin silos they're called okay so they're not called that i just thought it'd be funny if they were. A car hop would have them. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Back it up, both of you. Beep. Car hops? Car hop is a waitress who comes to your car. When did you ever encounter that in your life? In the mulch shop. Like arcade, I could see that being a thing. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:50 No, they would not. Why did you sign on so eagerly to that ludicrous idea? They would just have quarters. Why would they need it? The only coin in circulation. I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:32:05 video games yeah I have a five dollar bill can I get I need to play some video games with this give me some nickel
Starting point is 00:32:11 here's four quarters yeah ten times well I think both of these and some Chuck E. Cheese tokens both of these
Starting point is 00:32:20 samplings of where you would see them are are baseless the white spot in my in Kitsilano had I think you can still What are these samplings of where you would see them? They are baseless. The white spot in Kitsilano, I think you can still drive your car up and they'll serve you. They're not on roller skates. Nope.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Are they miserable? I bet. Oh, yeah. It's the same people who've been working there since car hop times. And do they still bring the table, the hook table? Yeah, I think so. I haven't been in a few years. Hook tables, they're called. Going to silos and hook tables.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah, and they put a table across the front seat and all your food's on it and it's very precarious. Yeah, yeah. There's just nothing remotely pleasant about the idea of it, and yet it was a craze. Yeah, my parents still like to do it,
Starting point is 00:33:02 I think. Take that out of context. They had that couple on the... They had that couple on the A&W commercial. Which one? Remember the couple that got the car hops? Like, he pulled up, and it's like a rich couple, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:33:20 Oh, do you know someone special? Don't ask too many questions. I'm being sarcastic, by the way. They pull up to the A&W, and he flashes the high beams. That's how you get their attention. I guess so. And she goes, they don't still do that, do they? And he goes, nope.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And then he does it. And I guess it's like a deal that he made with the A&W devil. That's the implied backstory. But I guess they went on their first date to the A&W. This fictional couple in a commercial. They went on their first date to A&W back when they had car hops.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah, exactly. Which are a thing. Yeah, because back in the day you could drive in and eat in your car and then there was uh drive-in movies and uh motels were set up just so that you could drive a car into like an uncovered thing and then sleep above your car basically yeah uh and all of those were like i don't know like people were just super obsessed with cars and now all that's left are like truck stops or whatever like where you go and get a sandwich rest areas or what are they yeah what
Starting point is 00:34:28 activities would you like to do in a car don't say it's like uh but like what what do we do in a culture in in i spy almost all of i spy happens that's true. Sure. There's no... Kids watch DVDs in cars now. You can watch a movie in a car. But that's not the same as a drive-in. I certainly wouldn't want to go to a drive-in. That seems like... Like the drive-in movie? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Or a drive-in... It's, you know, I've done it before. Have you ever done it before? No, but I mean, I shouldn't say I would... If I went, the purpose would be to go to a drive-in. the purpose would be to go to a drive-in. The purpose would be to go to a drive-in. It wouldn't be to see the movie. I think that's sort of always been the case, though.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Really? I think it's a fun thing to do. Yeah, who doesn't like sitting in your car for hours and hours? It's like Ivan's joke about when he's driving down the highway and then people get out of the car and go do go-karts and then get back in the car it's like a long drive
Starting point is 00:35:33 but you're not any place special at the end of it sounds exactly like Ivan no that wasn't Ivan in that I was the zip code guy I was the guy I was... The zip code guy. I was the zip code guy.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah. No, I was trying to sell you on the concept of the drive-in movie. Sold. Yeah, I guess there's nothing else now that we would want to... Like, it would be a million dollar idea if we could come up with something people wanted to drive in and do. Oh, okay. Oh, oh! I mean, all the...
Starting point is 00:36:04 There's, like, things like the drive-in uh atm right yeah my car that's that's literally the name of it my car a drive-in laser tag drive-in laser and you just shoot you sit and shoot driving car wash people still do that oh yeah that's fun that's fun. That's fun. And drive through. But you don't get out of your car. But you're not sitting down for an experience and, like, parking your car. Drive in IMAX. Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:34 There you go. See? Sunroofs only. That's what the sign outside. Oh, yeah. Drive in Planetarium. And you just stare up. At the sky?
Starting point is 00:36:41 Well, no, no. Oh, you drive into a dome. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And then you watch, you know, Laser Zeppelin. The problem is that a lot of panel vans don't have the roof. And, I mean, that's mostly who you're appealing to. I guess most cars do have roofs.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah. That's true. Okay. So, well, back to the drawing board. So it's got to be something that's right in front of you. Oh, wait. You, like, you strap, you strap, like, giant hockey sticks to the front of your car, and then you play, like, car hockey on a lake.
Starting point is 00:37:14 So all we need is an ice service that can handle several teams of cars. Teams of cars, yeah. And, and, two car refs. Two car refs. Two car refs. And a car mascot. And a garage penalty box. That would be great. You're forgetting the fact that all of these activities...
Starting point is 00:37:36 Garage penalty box. We're looking for activities where you go somewhere and you park. Oh, sure. So you don't drive around. Yeah. Is it just that cars have gotten smaller? So it's like... Oh, so you don't drive around.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Yeah. Is it just that cars have gotten smaller, so it's like... It might be that we've become somewhat civilized about the impact of car use. Or it might be that we've gotten indoor entertainment. Yeah, that's true. I need an option that pollutes my body and the earth at the same time. That's basically the thought behind a drive-thru restaurant. Yeah. Yeah, I guess, yeah, we're trying to think of something where you drive in and you just sit there.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I'm trying to think of a thing where I can just drive in, dine, and dive. Oh, Fieris. So that's me. I'm worried about the penny. Yeah. You, Graham? A couple of things. Okay. First and foremost,
Starting point is 00:38:31 you know, but I never talked about it on the show, that I was going to go to England in July. J-O-E. Right? Jolly old England. And it's during the Olympics. I, You know what For a comedian
Starting point is 00:38:46 Horrible timing But Basically What has happened With the With me going over there Is I'm gonna do A show
Starting point is 00:38:57 Just myself At a club Called the Comedy Cafe And I thought I would mention it now and kind of start in case, because I know there's some listeners from the UK.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the UK's small enough, right? Everybody can hop in their car, go to the car wash, go eat at a... They call them a lolly. Yeah. Hop in their lollies,
Starting point is 00:39:20 go to the lollipop. That's what we call drive-ins. Yeah. Well, you know what? They all have Brit Rail passes. Yeah, right? They can take the train down from... Sorry, take the rail? Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:36 They call them movie-me-rounds. The locomotive down from Inverness. I apologize on behalf of both of these guys, people in Englandverness. You're trying to get people to come. You should go see him. July 27th at the Comedy Cafe.
Starting point is 00:39:53 My dad's birthday. Will he come? He won't. This will be done in July 27th. That's still very much alive. 23 days after the anniversary of when you lost America. So you should be bucked back up by then. But yeah, if you want to find out how to buy tickets, it's
Starting point is 00:40:19 And do you buy them in pounds, I guess? Pounds, yeah. Sterling? Sterling? Yeah. Yeah, I guess? Pounds, yeah. Sterling? Yeah, I definitely think people should do that. July 27th. Yeah. If you're in London or adjacent. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Cliffs of Dover. Swindon. Something pool. You're slouching. You're slouching. Yeah, slouch. You're Francis. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Take the channel. It's a hundred laughs war. England's most famous event. Yeah, well, no, between France and... Anyway, sorry. I was trying to bring him up. There will be 1066 laughs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Pretty great. There's nothing... Well, never mind. But I just found that out today so i thought why not right yeah you're going to england it's gonna be great you're gonna uh celebrate good times compete uh for canada in the discus in the laugh olympics yeah um who are the olympic mascots this year uh i think aren't they a squiggle and a thing? Oh, yeah, yeah. Squiggle and a dip. A dipfel. Yeah. Shimmy and shake.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Shimmy and shake. It's a nod to the increasing Islamic presence. So that's happening. Shimmy and shake. Yeah, because shake was like shake. I gotcha. Yeah, so it's like a British rock and roll guy, and then like a Muslim religious figure, and they're sort of saying,
Starting point is 00:41:51 hey, you know, we can get along. Let's move forward. Let's knock it off with all the, you know, poking, and just do it. That's the... Yeah, it's the Nike slogan. Yeah. Shimmy and Sheikh. Shimmy and and shake you got to yeah the shrugging mascot yeah why not have a go have a go that is the slogan of the uh 2012 summer have a go yeah it's pretty heavy see if you can throw it. Put a little binge on it.
Starting point is 00:42:27 So that happened. And also, I can't remember if it was two weeks ago, I was talking about my longtime desire to buy a one-piece jumpsuit. Okay. Oh, man. Who were we talking about that with? Someone who looked good in one. Oh, well, you thought you would look good in one. I thought good and it would be easy yeah and uh charles bradley was the name of the guy that i gave as an example of a modern day right wearer of yeah um the inventor of the cb radio yeah that's
Starting point is 00:42:59 right um i don't know who charles bradley is he's a uh he's a soul singer. He's like an older guy, but on the cover of his debut album, he's wearing this black jumpsuit with gold buttons and stuff, and it looks amazing. You're just like, oh, I want to wear that. So today, at the thrift store near my new place, I walked in, and there was a never-worn full denim jumpsuit from Woodward's. Like, the tag was still on it from Woodward's days. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Woodward's, the Canadian department store. Yes. Defunct. Defunct, yeah. Defunky, I think. Bring in the noise, bring in defunct Canadian. And I bought it, like, because I was like... For $1.49.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Woodward's. Hey, right? Was that Woodward's? $1.49. Woodward's. Hey, right? Was that Woodward's? $1.49 day. Tuesdays. That was the Woodward's. Yeah. How long was Woodward's open here for? From 1907 to 1993.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Wow. That went that late, eh? Yep. And guess who just got finished narrating a chunk on it? Pretty great. So this is fresh info. Oh yeah, they had some nice neon. Of course, now it's been replaced with a
Starting point is 00:44:10 simulation or facsimile thereof or whatever, but it was the famous W. Yeah, and they have the... What did that W stand for? No one knew, and that was the fun... Quality, which was their way of saying quality. So you bought a jumpsuit. Have you worn it? Did you try it on in store?
Starting point is 00:44:26 I tried it on. It's snug around the midsection, but it fits. As jumpsuits tend to be. And I think if I lose like five pounds, it's going to be perfect. Well, you're going to lose that weight doing all that jumping. Absolutely. So it's very, it's denim though. Like it's beyond my wildest dreams.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Dark denim? Yeah, yeah. Oh, like a raw denim? Yeah. Okay, so you don't want to wash that for like six months. No, yeah. What do I want to do? You know about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yeah, you got to get it. You just wear it until you can't stand the smell of it anymore. Wear it every goddamn day. And then do I sit on people's white couches? Yes. Right? Oh, well, you jump on them. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:02 That's why everyone made fun of Tom Cruise For jumping on Oprah's couch Because he wasn't dressed appropriately He's jumping without a jumpsuit Good Oprah That was shimmy Yes, Toasty Okay, and then you want to Like six months in
Starting point is 00:45:21 Turn it inside out The hardcore way of watching it is you go into the ocean. This is not true. Is this really a thing? You jump into the ocean. You jump into the ocean. Jump in. I'm believing you right now.
Starting point is 00:45:34 This is one of the ways. Of washing a denim? Your first wash on a raw denim is to jump into the ocean. What has ever come out of the ocean smelling better? But then you get out and you roll around in the sand not joking not joking not joking that that is the hardcore way of doing it you could also dry and clean it or just put it inside out and like uh you know hand wash it with some wool light oh wool light that's what the w stood for that's what they found out in a time capsule
Starting point is 00:46:03 it was named after a jumpsuit. Yeah. Cleaning mess. I remember there was a... You know what, like, this is like in Citizen Kane, remember he's talking about how he sees that girl in the white dress and then never goes a day without thinking of that? Yeah, woes, bud. I remember. They were all wearing
Starting point is 00:46:20 either black or white. I remember once I was on the bus, and there was this lady, this like sort of milfy lady in a denim jumpsuit. Mm-hmm. Huh. I wouldn't say
Starting point is 00:46:31 a 94-hour period goes by where I don't go, oh, yeah. Yep. That was pretty great. Yeah. Like, not every day.
Starting point is 00:46:41 That'd be psychotic. No, but that's what I want to do is fulfill your strange sexual fantasies. I kind of feel like you may have ruined it. Now it's just you and this MILF. Ruined it or made it all it could be and more.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Okay, when you put it like that. You don't seem like the kind of guy who would use the word MILF very often. Or you don't use it lightly. No, I don't use it lightly. And I don't use it as the acronym. Anyway, yeah. But she was. She was like this kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:11 middle-aged Asian lady. But I mean, in jumpsuit condition. This is the most horrible, sexist thing ever. Yeah, she was in jumpsuit condition. It's so horrible. I want to punch myself but anyway
Starting point is 00:47:27 boycott me I guess remember that special I told you to download boycott it but only for an hour spend that five dollars on the new issue
Starting point is 00:47:36 of Cosmo that teaches you how to get into jumpsuit conditions in all seriousness don't boycott that comedy special please don't buy it
Starting point is 00:47:44 but anyways I just you know I feel like this is gonna this is gonna be great In all seriousness, don't boycott that comedy special. Please go buy it. But anyways, I feel like this is going to be great. This is going to jumpsuit your career. So when and where will you wear it? On stage, often. Oh my god, yeah. Will you wear it on stage? Yeah, absolutely. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I love it. Oh man. This seems right to you, like you've lost your mind. Like in the best way possible. What's it like in the middle? Is it plain or is there like a place for... Are there belt loops? There's no belt loops, but I see where you're going with this
Starting point is 00:48:14 and I like it a lot. Are there like pockets on the chest? Pockets in the middle? Pockets like where regular pants pockets would be. And just a zipper or like a parachute... like where regular pants pockets would be. And just a zipper out the, or like a parish,
Starting point is 00:48:27 what do they call it? Parish butt? A trap door on the butt. No, no trap door. Okay. This is not long underwear. Okay. And it goes over your feet, right?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yeah, yeah. Is it a onesie? Yeah, this is footie pajamas. Trap door on the butt. Okay, I'm thinking of a different thing. It's like you're stuck in a disco cabin. It's got buttons and only one, it's got like
Starting point is 00:48:49 one silver snap in the middle. It's pretty fancy. Nice collar. Did you check the tag? What country was it made in? I didn't. It's got a giant tag in it, though. This would have been from before they invented the third world. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:10 This would be like made in Canadaada this would have been this was a joke no no no no come on we know what you meant this is probably cold war era this was yeah this was at war era a young cheech marin had just been voted into president presidency of mexico um anyways yeah so uh uh everybody you know what i'm not above bringing that all the way to england wearing it on stage in Mexico. Anyways, yeah, so everybody... You know what? I'm not above bringing that all the way to England and wearing it on stage. In fact, just wearing it on the plane and just wearing it the whole time I'm there. I'm into that, too. Oh, man. Getting through security in that.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Because you know how much you love wearing jeans on the lower half and how much fun it is to wear a jean jacket, but if you wear both of them at the same time, you're like, imagine if it was just a piece that covered your whole... That looked like you were also wearing a denim shirt underneath.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Yeah. Oh, hey. It's Canadian Tuxedo, right? Yeah. Denim on denim. Denim on denim. It's dynamite. Denim on denim.
Starting point is 00:50:01 You guys... Anyways, I'm just really happy about this. Yeah, yeah. We're all excited. I hope you wear it next week. For the next episode. What you guys anyways I'm just really happy about this yeah yeah we're all excited I hope you wear it next week what you guys felt like
Starting point is 00:50:09 when you respect you know when you both got married this is now what I'm feeling like like I've really
Starting point is 00:50:14 met my match well then I feel like we should have been there yeah well no it's you're gonna be there the first time I wear it you're both invited
Starting point is 00:50:20 okay I haven't worn it out of the house yet maybe you'll get lucky and an eagle will fly right over your head, a la Dave and Abby. Now I'm engaged to the jumpsuit, but the marriage is going to be great. You guys are both invited. You've moved in together.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, we're feeling each other out, literally. But you're waiting for marriage. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. For wearage. Stop it. No, you stop it. Okay, we got to do some business? Yeah, let's just. For wearage. Stop it. No, you stop it. Okay, we got to do some business?
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yeah, let's just take a quick break. This podcast is supported by Microsoft's Bing, a new way to search. It's like a search engine, but it can also pull from Facebook and Twitter and your friends' information. So it's like hanging out with your friends at an internet cafe and you're all typing in stuff together and then you go drink like bubble tea or whatever they have at an internet cafe it's great yeah you pull from the internet's experts that have posted things on the internet and your friends who are you know kind of experts but they know you yeah they've got dirt on you uh try it online at Bing is for doing.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Let's move on to Overheard. Sure. Overheard. Overheard. Now, Graham, shut up before we do the Overheard. It's time for Pop Rocks Minute. Now, recently it was brought to my attention. Okay, before we act like we know what Pop Rocks Minute is,
Starting point is 00:51:44 Pop Rocks Minute is a segment we do four times in four years we eat Pop Rocks and we talk about Pop Rocks news now this time, because of this specificity, we're not just going to eat Pop Rocks we're also going to drink soda at the same time. Drink soda?
Starting point is 00:52:06 You really are appealing to an American audience. Absolutely. Well, come on. Because we're calling it soda? Instead of pop. Yeah. I thought you meant just by drinking soda. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:16 They love it, don't they? Yeah. Look, we both thought that the most Canadian thing you can do is go for a soda. Yeah, might as well. I thought you were going to say the most Canadian thing we can do is go for a soda. Yeah, might as well. I thought you were going to say the most Canadian thing we can do is go for an American audience. And I was like, that is absolutely correct. So I'm opening the soda.
Starting point is 00:52:32 This is a can of coca soda. Oh, beautiful for space. Now, the reason we're doing this, long have we known that this is dangerous. Yes. There have been urban legends that, you know, the kid from the Life commercials, Life cereal
Starting point is 00:52:53 commercials. Mikey. Mikey. Mikey. Died. And didn't like it. Well, no, his parents didn't like it. He was a fan of it.
Starting point is 00:53:00 He doesn't know. He died from mixing Pop Rocks and Coca-Cola. With the logic of the Life commercials, it wasn't like, give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything. He doesn't know. He died from mixing Pop Rocks and Coca-Cola. With the logic of the Life commercials, it wasn't give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything. And then they said, hey, he likes it. But if he eats anything, what does that prove? Nothing. That's what I say.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, it's like you can put anything in a garbage can, especially if you just put this product in a garbage can. It also fits in the garbage can. Yeah. Yeah, I got you. Also, Febreze, when they go, oh, we got a real mother to get in this van. Well, that's nothing.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Almost everyone has mothers. Like, there's mothers all over the place. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's nothing special about that. We got a real mother. I heard this kid has got two moms. Really? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:42 You don't say. Asha. Asha has two moms. That was the name of that children's book that was banned. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I. Asha. Asha has two moms. That was the name of that children's book that was banned. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I was referring to. That's where Dave was going. I just didn't remember the name because it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:54 There's a brimful of it. Guys, so okay. And the Pop Rocks community on Facebook has decided... Why don't you pour this yourself so I can talk? The Pop Rocks community, their page on Facebook has said hey, why don't you try to prove this urban legend wrong
Starting point is 00:54:12 or die trying. We've chosen the latter. That seems like a responsible post. But it's also something that it's a rumor from 30 years ago. And also... I'm guessing snopes has probably got it covered at this point and mythbusters too yeah um do you know what this
Starting point is 00:54:32 is my uh this is my favorite slogan that i don't think i've ever read on pop rocks before entertainment for your whole mouth and for your mouth jumpsuit for your mouth hole It's like a jumpsuit for your tongue It's gonna be my pickup line And a lot of people have said that I'm entertaining for your whole mouth Now Charlie You are abstaining because you have a corn allergy Yeah I just You don't have to make me the lamest guy in the world
Starting point is 00:54:59 Because you're a wee baby Cry baby corn hater I'm a cry baby corn hater Now I'm a crybaby corn hater. Now, I recently found out I have a corn allergy, and as your listeners may or may not know, corn is in everything. It's in both these two products, both Coke and Pop Rocks, which, why? Would you associate those things with corn? But they're full of corn.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I do, because when we were kids, we used to make our corn on the cob in Coca-Cola. We'd boil Coca-Cola. Yeah. But I'll make solidarity. Well, you won't have to. But I like it though. Yeah, sure. Yeah, you can just, I guess, like do color commentary.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Also, compliments to the chef, Dave, for picking Coca-Cola and strawberry flavor Pop Rocks. Oh, that would be nice. Did you want me to sing uh the star spangled banner well or him of the mariner or whatever yeah him of the mariner how does that one go again that's uh not the graduation song is it can you just do the graduation song by vitamin c yeah yeah how does that song go again yeah okay i walk on Okay, I'll sing that. Dave, down the hatch. Bottoms up. As we walk on
Starting point is 00:56:14 We remember Dave's made a face that I'm alarmed by. Maybe it's not an urban myth. Okay, folks at home, I'm actually scared. This is too much entertainment for my mouth. Ow!
Starting point is 00:56:29 You're both making really pained faces. Oh, sorry. As we walk on, we remember. Wow, that really does explode a lot. Yeah, yeah. Is it supposed to explode in your mouth? Were we supposed to put them in a glass together? No, you. Is it supposed to explode in your mouth? Like, were we supposed to put them in a glass
Starting point is 00:56:47 together? Mm-mm. No, you're doing it the right way. I think it's supposed to happen in your stomach. So it's... I can feel it in my mouth
Starting point is 00:56:53 just listening to it. Yeah. Oh, that's horrible. I'm going to be feeling this tomorrow. I'm still making noise. I can still hear the corn. No.
Starting point is 00:57:01 All right. That's how it pops. The only way you can get that kind of popping action. All right. Now, back it pops. The only way you can get that kind of popping action. All right. Now, back to... So, we haven't died. Yet.
Starting point is 00:57:10 But you... Can I emphasize? You both made faces that totally non-ironically scared me. Yeah. I was worried. Because when it first goes in, it very much is like... Like it was too much carbon dioxide in your mouth. Well is like it was too much carbon dioxide in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:57:27 And it's too much. An entire container of Pop Rocks is what I did, which is a mouthful. And then I'm adding something that's even more in my mouth. So there was just too much stuff in my mouth. Well, that's true. Your carbon mouth print must be
Starting point is 00:57:42 through the roof. But that's the only way you can entertain your whole mouth. Put too much stuff in there. Okay, so this has been Pop Rocks Minute. Now it's time to get back to overheard. Shut up! It's time for my favorite segment on the show, Celebrity Birthdays.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Celebrity birthday. We are recording this on Tuesday, the 12th of June, 2012. And a big happy celebrity birthday to the following celebrities. Dave, shut up. I want to do one more segment before you get to that. It's a segment that's very close to everyone's heart. Hulk Hogan news. Papa Rockman. It's a Papa Rockman everyone's heart. Hulk Hogan news. Pop a rockman.
Starting point is 00:58:27 It's a pop rockman. It's a Hulk Hogan news. One time he ate a pop rock, I think. Just the one. One pop rock. Say your prayers at your pop rock. The pop rock peanut. Rockomania. so here's the thing
Starting point is 00:58:47 it's been a little quiet on the Hogan front but he did an interview a week ago in preparation for this TNA tits and ass extravaganza oh that's where that comes from
Starting point is 00:59:02 and he was asked by the interviewer what his two greatest or hardest matches fights or whatever that he's ever been a part of. And he said Andre the Giant.
Starting point is 00:59:20 And he lifted him up. At WrestleMania 3. And self-esteem. uh apparently uh samuel beckett used to drive andre the giant to school in quantum leap no wonder in real life in france really yeah which is like the quantum leap of countries uh but no that's a true thing you can look it up on the internet right up there with with Pop Rocks. Wow, that's fascinating. Yeah, Samuel Beckett used to, he had a truck, so Andre the Giant would sit in the flatbed and he would
Starting point is 00:59:49 drive him to school. Wow. It sounds like a thing that Samuel Beckett might write. Yeah. I just pronounced it Samuel L. Beckett. Which is not what I... He doesn't want any hot spot show. Okay, so his main struggles were Andre the Giant.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Andre the Giant and The Rock. Oh, he fought The Rock. That was the big match where he was a bad guy fighting The Rock. A heel? Yeah, he was a heel. And he couldn't, and sadly, smell what The Rock was cooking. That's why it was such a challenge. He had always had a smelling impairment.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Yeah. But apparently when he slammed Andre the Giant, he tore all the muscles on the right side of his body. Jesus. Doing that. And the reason that he had so many back surgeries over the years is because he picked to do the atomic leg drop, was his big finishing move and it destroyed his spine and he said all these years later he's like why didn't i just put somebody in a sleeper hold and i was like nobody said that to you yeah the whole time i've got atomic sciatica
Starting point is 01:00:54 he is heavy and he's your brother you've done it yeah you've done it okay well folks it's been fun Go download that special And I'm out of here So there you go Hulk Hogan news For this week Hulk Hogan news Now It's time to head back to celebrity birthdays
Starting point is 01:01:18 A day where we celebrate Everybody take June 12th off To celebrate the birthdays of Swedish pop sensation Robin is 33 She's a young looking sprite
Starting point is 01:01:36 Oh yeah, but she's been around for a while I have no clue who this is Well, you might remember What's her big hit? I know where it's at That was her Oh, was that her? In the 90s
Starting point is 01:01:47 Yeah, in the 90s Yeah She looked like Pavel Bure Lucky All the girls in my grade 7 class loved Pavel Bure But Robin's a woman Even better Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:58 And her, I don't know Her recent song is Call Your Girlfriend Or Dancing On My Own. Oh, yeah. Those are two very contradictory songs. Call Your Girlfriend and I'm Going to Go Dancing on My Own. Well, what do you want, Robin?
Starting point is 01:02:14 Happy birthday to successful DJ, DJ Qualls is 34 today. DJ Qualls and DJ Tanner, the two most successful DJs in the world. Dead Mouse opening for DJ Qualls and DJ Tanner The two most successful DJs in the world Deadmau5 opening for DJ Qualls Skrillex and Qualls Happy birthday to bitch singer Meredith Brooks Is 54 She's 54? Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:41 Really? Wait, did she sing that song? I'm a bitch Okay You did sound like... Calling her a bitch singer. Yeah, like you were just describing her. Fucking bitch singer, Meredith Brooks.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Wow. So how old was she when that song came out? I'm going to say late 30s. Oh, late 30s. Wow. Okay. All right. Yeah, that's about the time when you become a bitch.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Well, she wouldn't have it any other way She was a bitch, she was a lover She was a child, she was a mother She's a sinner, saint Race car driver Joker, smoker, midnight toker Her placenta falls to the floor These are all the 90s hits
Starting point is 01:03:19 I don't think Steve Miller was Pumping a mountain It's from the summer of 93. The Steve Miller Band. Happy celebrity birthday to backbiting sports announcer Marv Albert. He's 71. Good work. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Toupee-wearing sports announcer. Backbiting is it. So he was pretty old when he was chomping down on the old lady there. Chomping down on the old lady. Gross. Sorry. Sounds like a biker term. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:03 What are you up to later, skeet? Chomping down on the old lady, you know what I'm saying? Oh, man. Oh, brother. Skeet, oh, sorry, I guess Skeet is African-American slang for ejaculating on someone's face. Or anywhere, I think. Oh, really? Okay, I thought it was just the face.
Starting point is 01:04:24 So I was in... That was your boxing name, just the face. Charlie,, I think. Oh, really? Okay, I thought it was just the face. And so I was in... That was your boxing name, Just the Face. Charlie, Just the Face Demers. I was in Atlanta when that song that that, ah, skeet skeet, motherfucker. Ah, skeet skeet, god damn. I don't remember
Starting point is 01:04:40 who it was. It's Skeet Ulrich. And the skeet. Skeet Ulrich. But so, the radio edit went, instead of, ah, Skeet Skeet motherfucker, the song just went, ah, Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet. Ah, Skeet
Starting point is 01:04:54 Skeet Skeet Skeet. It was like, I feel like the whole hip-hop slang community just pulled one over on the man. They just must have been high-fiving that whole summer. So they never thought to change it into a ski-ski. Ski-ski-ski murder.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Ski-ski-ski murder mystery. And finally, the answer to this year's... Oh, silliness. To today's celebrity birthday trivia question. This former U.S. president... Skeet Ulrich. I did a very good impression of him at my camp skit night.
Starting point is 01:05:39 George H.W. Bush? Yeah, Herbert Walker. Did you do the Dana Carvey style? Yeah. Naganda? Yeah, naganda. Naganda. Yeah, wouldn't be prudent.W. Bush? Yeah, Herbert Walker. Did you do the Dana Carvey style? Yeah. Naganda? Yeah, naganda. Naganda. Yeah, wouldn't be prudent.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Wow. Did you do glasses? Thousand Points of Light. Yeah. I don't think we had glasses at camp. Read my lips. Did you throw that one in? We saw the glasses from Piggy.
Starting point is 01:06:01 This was for other 10-year-olds who had no idea who he was. Oh, was one of them? Yeah. Canadian 10-year-old. It was SNL camp. I wrote a funny story in grade 5 when I was 10. And funny that you should mention Piggy because the play on the title name was Lard of the Pies. That was the name of the story.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Pretty good. And there was... Did you submit it to Mad Men? Yeah, exactly. story pretty good and uh there was uh did you submit it to madman and uh yeah i had a george w but uh george hw bush uh joke in there uh too it was like um this alien was stealing all the pies on the other side of the universe or whatever and uh hey he's stealing all the pies like lord of the flies yeah and then uh uh in the i wrote in uh well george bush heard about this and he said no way and like in my mind the joke was hey this guy goes poking around in iraq that's not
Starting point is 01:06:52 near where he lives he'll probably poke around in space political political yeah for a 10 year old kid pretty good yeah pg 13 pretty good 13 out of 11. And it's time for... Overhearts. Overhearts. Charlie, I hear that you have one about an alien stealing something. Yeah. No, I feel bad because I was looking on the internet to find this because I wanted to do this YouTube comment.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Because YouTube... I was on some deep breath that i could have done not amplified uh the so youtube comment sections are kind of like a simulacrum of the overheard right because it's just like here's something stupid somebody said yeah it's more of a simulacrum of like a prison yard for 13 year olds i don't know what that word means do you know what that it makes me think me think of Similac, which is like, don't you give to kids? Yeah, I was talking about baby formula. Same root word, like a phony version of... Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Like a stand-in. I might be using it wrong. Like a Similacrum is like fake bread. Anyway, it's... What a horrible thing. The internet just broke. Anyway, so the comment was from the Eddie Murphy. It was underneath the Eddie Murphy delirious ice cream truck bit.
Starting point is 01:08:14 That you do in your own act. Only when I'm wearing my leathers. But I couldn't really get it. But the quote was something like I felt like I pray to God that kids still have ice cream trucks it was just such unnecessarily
Starting point is 01:08:35 dramatic language for also a thing that he could easily check by sticking his head out the window but yeah, unplugging his ears it's like he was writing it from a bomb shelter by sticking his head out the window. But yeah, unplugging his ears. Yeah. It's like he was writing it from a bomb shelter. But anyway, so I couldn't find that, so I'm just going to do my father-in-law's... Oh, so that wasn't your...
Starting point is 01:08:55 No, okay, was that good? Yeah. Okay. I like the notion that there might be somebody in a bunker somewhere who's like, we're going to give you one minute of internet time and he goes and watches the delirious Clifford Wright's comment and they're like time's up
Starting point is 01:09:08 I should have emailed somebody okay well here's the the other home court that I was really? do you think there's do you think there's people who in the winter are like I wonder if this is the year that they don't come back?
Starting point is 01:09:26 Well, this is very... It's been a while since I've heard. There was an underlying tone of political correctness. You know what I mean? Like, this guy, pray to God, kids still have... Like, as though Michelle Obama would take it away or something. Right, right, right. But without exaggeration, in Kelowna, B.C., they passed a law that said that the ice cream trucks weren't allowed to play the music. Right, right, right. But without exaggeration, in Kelowna, BC, they passed a law that said that the ice cream
Starting point is 01:09:48 trucks weren't allowed to play the music. Yeah, that's true. And so, and they, in the story, they played the clip from the Eddie Murphy when he was screaming ice cream. Yeah. And it was the craziest thing, because I was like, what, what, how crotchety was that room of voters? Like, how joyless emotion was that?
Starting point is 01:10:07 Like, was it all, you know, Mr. Penny Pinscher and... Former Nazi camp guards. Yeah. Just, yeah, so it is actually, like, kind of a thing. It is weird, though, that news reports can do that. Because I saw a news report today about a town in Massachusetts that banned public swearing.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Like, you can be charged... What is this, footloose, though? Like, how can you just ban a thing in a town? Imagine footloose with swearing instead of dancing. Who would fuck loose? Who would be... Like, who would be the star of that? Who somebody who swears a lot?
Starting point is 01:10:49 What would it be? Morton Downey Jr.? I don't actually know. This is my childhood. That answered both of my questions. Who swears a lot and appeals to kids? Morton Downey Jr. Check and check.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Fuck loose. But in the news story I saw, they played like a 15 second clip of The Simpsons where they have a swear jar. Yeah. Well, I saw that story too and someone used a still from Judge Dredd or whatever. Like, well, no, what was the thing?
Starting point is 01:11:20 Are you sure it was Judge Dredd? Well, I saw it too. Where Sylvester Stallone is in the future and he he's from the past, and you're not allowed to swear. Isn't this Demolition Man? Yeah, well, no, what is it? Where to wipe your ass, there's a system with three shells, and he can't figure it out. He's like, there's no toilet paper. And they're like, ugh, idiot.
Starting point is 01:11:42 And then, what did this have to do with that? I'm getting there. I'm getting there. But he doesn't know what movie it's from. This is going to be the worst. No, but in the movie, you get demerits every time you swear. And you swear next to this machine that kind of spits out your demerits. For some reason, you take them from the machine.
Starting point is 01:12:07 You don't wipe your butt with it. No, but that's what he does. That's the joke. So he can't figure out the shell system for wiping your ass. So he goes over to the demerit box and he goes, Fuck, shit, damn, cocksucker. And it spits out paper. And then he's like, Sylvester Stallone's like,
Starting point is 01:12:24 No, I'm going to go wipe my ass brr another demerit oh man that'd be a pretty good punch wow what movie was this I think it's Judge Dredd
Starting point is 01:12:33 I've never heard I don't know this movie I think it was Rocky IV that's it yeah which of the Rocky movies does the swearing demerit
Starting point is 01:12:40 where he's frozen and comes back as a fighter in the future anyway this is Charlie DeMerit signing He's frozen and comes back as a fighter in the future. Anyway, this is Charlie DeMeritt signing off. So do you have your actual overheard? Well, the other overheard I was just gonna
Starting point is 01:12:52 sort of pilfer from my father-in-law is staying with us right now and he's a fairly constant source of pretty funny little just, like he's sort of like a shit my dad says, but from Hong Kong. And so it's way cheaper yeah uh but he's like so my father-in-law is like this kind of like this cool dude
Starting point is 01:13:13 like he's a very cool customer and uh in the operator yes but like in uh cantonese uh speaking circles he's like the kind of uh he's the center of the circle you know what i mean like he's kind of a big fish in his friends or whatever but in english he's not as good in english so he's like the kind of he's the center of the circle, you know what I mean? Like he's kind of a big fish in his friends or whatever, but in English he's not as good in English, so he's more just like the kind of silent, cool, silent type or whatever, but he'll, so he's got this kind of, this way of speaking, you know
Starting point is 01:13:36 out of the side of his mouth, man. And he says man all the time, man. Like it's very, he's Mexican. Chicano. No, but he does have that kind of so he'll just say things like But he's actually, he's Chinese. Yeahano. No, but he does have that kind of... So he'll just say things like... But he's actually Chinese. Yeah, he's from Hong Kong. And so he's staying with us.
Starting point is 01:13:51 And Kara, my wife, she's graduating tomorrow. She gets her master's degree. Congratulations. Yeah. Yeah. Congratulations. Yeah. Do you want to say it one more time?
Starting point is 01:14:03 Congratulations. Thank you. Congrats. So she goes... So we're going to go out for a fancy dinner. Yeah. Yeah. Do you want to say it one more time? Congratulations. Thank you. Congrats. So she goes, so we're going to go out for a fancy dinner. And so he'll just say something to me. He'll just go, you should call because you've got a white name. It's easier. Just things like that.
Starting point is 01:14:19 So we're sitting at dinner last night. And Kara says something about white people. I don't know what comes up, but just the phrase white people comes up. They be crazy. Yeah, they be crazy. That's all I talk about. And so her dad, we're just eating dinner, and he's cracking a shrimp open, and he's like, white guys, they give you the smallpox.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Huh? And he goes, that is very very vicious man yeah it's just like a casual I feel like that's something he took from comics on stage there's a lot of white people like you know this race will do this
Starting point is 01:14:57 but white people give you smallpox yeah white guys give you smallpox like this oh do you want some smallpox No they give it to you like this Here's a smallpox man Here's a smallpox man I know man Vicious
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yeah I know It's a very vicious man Like that's how he said it was like It was He's a cool cucumber President Marin Yeah Vote Cheech
Starting point is 01:15:21 Vote Cheech for president of Hong Kong Who do you think his running mate was? Somebody who was born in East LA. Can't go wrong. Dave, do you have an overheard? Mine is an overheard very much in the spirit of overheard. Oh, excellent. That's great.
Starting point is 01:15:44 It's something that I overheard. I was walking the dog the other day with my darling wife, and we were walking... Congratulations. She just became a darling. Congratulations. So we were walking,
Starting point is 01:16:00 and then as we were sort of coming to a corner, I heard a mother talking to her eight-year-old son. And I just heard her say, you don't have to be embarrassed about it. And so that's when I zeroed in. I was like, okay, I've got to listen. This is going to be good. I've got to listen to what else is happening.
Starting point is 01:16:19 And so we sort of walked slow so they catch up to us. And then as they're passing us, I hear the mother say, Are you already too old to kiss your mom in front of your buddies? That stinks for me. That's a wholesome overheard. Yeah. I still kiss my dad. And I always did when he would drop me off at high school or whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:43 What do you do? Head smooch? No, no,ek smooch. Aw. Yeah. That's very sweet. But we're French-Canadian, so there's a kind of ethnic... So you're French?
Starting point is 01:16:50 Yeah. And lick his cheeks. Yeah, I don't... I still kiss my mom. Not on the lips. Yeah, your mom, though. Yeah, not in front of... No one's suggesting lips.
Starting point is 01:17:04 I kind of got a bit of a lip kiss the last time I saw my dad, but he was just, we hadn't seen him in months. Yeah, fun. Kind of a, hey, plant it here. You kiss your dad, Graham? Uh, no. Look at my, nobody wants his beard that close to their face. That's true.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I think there's a, I think I live in a world of hearty handshakes. You've got a clean beard. Yeah, absolutely. I wash it once a day. You know what you deserve? A nice slap on the back. Thanks, buddy. What do it once a day. You know what you deserve? A nice slap on the back. Thanks, buddy. What do you use for your beard?
Starting point is 01:17:27 I use just a very, like, I use a shampoo and conditioner. And then sometimes I'll do, like, a deep condition. And then other times I'll do some, like, an olive oil just to give it a nice sheen. I have it from a Sikh authority, which seems like... That's where I got it as well. Yeah, if you've got beard questions, talk to... Joswald? Is that what you said? DJ Joswald Jeff.
Starting point is 01:17:55 But my buddy Tej, he says... Because he's got this beautiful, soft, soft beard. Maybe you should stop touching it. No, it's great to touch it. Charlie kisses it whenever he sees it. Can I suck on your beard? I lick soft beard. Maybe you should stop touching it. No, no, it's great to touch it. Charlie kisses it whenever he sees it. Can I suck on your beard? Lick his beard. And I said, well, what's the story?
Starting point is 01:18:13 And he put it like that. And he said, let me tell you, Morning Glory. He washes it with like harsh anti-dandruff shampoos. And that's what softens the bristle. Yeah, don't wear black without the blue. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Right?
Starting point is 01:18:28 Smart. I remember. Now, Graham, do you have an overheard? I do. I was out having coffee with past guest Phil Hanley. Oh, nice. He was? He was.
Starting point is 01:18:39 He came and went. He was doing some shows here, and that's how he does, and it was great to see him. I bet. He lives in New York. I see him more often than most Vancouver comics. That's where you've got to go. We're all hanging out in New York. No, but I mean here, but it's very nice.
Starting point is 01:18:56 It's always nice when he's here. It's great. He's such a funny guy, good guy. At one point, he went to the bathroom, so it was just me and the people sitting right at the table next to us. Everything they were saying, I could clearly hear it. So it wasn't like I was eavesdropping, and it wasn't like they were
Starting point is 01:19:12 concealing what they were saying. And it was a guy, it was like a guy saying, you know, late 40s, 50s, maybe early 50s, and a lady. And they were clearly on a date, because they just had that energy about them horrible energy yeah and then at one like this is when phil got up and i was listening and he
Starting point is 01:19:31 he said to her he said uh well i gotta tell you i'm not a i'm not a good guy i'm a bad guy i'm a bad dog i was like oh run for the hills lady this guy just referred to himself as a bad dog. I was like, oh, run for the hills, lady. This guy just referred to himself as a bad dog. In public. You don't want to get messed up with me, Dottie. I'm a loner and a rebel. I'm a bad dog. You're going to have to rub my nose in my bathroom materials.
Starting point is 01:20:03 It was very weird. It was very weird it was very weird um because it was like a principal and uh and a teacher out on a date or something yeah that's what they look like they're you know yeah he looked like mr wetherby yeah he looked like miss grundy um i think it was miss grundy i just feministed her up a little bit i gave her a miss hey why not empower yourself? I imagine the scandal if those two had gotten together. I think they must have at one point.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Yeah, absolutely. How could you resist? Opposite to track. Let's see. What storylines have we done this century? Oh, all of them? Jughead has eaten this many free hamburgers? What about a Jughead-Cartfield crossover where they just, he eats lasagna, he eats burgers,
Starting point is 01:20:49 and then they switch. They introduce each other to new cuisines. Pretty good. But it would have to have the rhyming names from Archie. Yeah. Couch Grouch. Door Floor. Cat Splat.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Splat, there you go. Yeah, pretty good. Odie Grodie monday unfunday these are all good titles for a battlefield crossover um uh we also have
Starting point is 01:21:14 overheards uh sent in to us uh by listeners all around the world and if you want to do the same you can send them in to
Starting point is 01:21:20 stoppodcastyourself at and this first one comes from marcos l uh uh this is uh you can send them in to stoppodcastyourself at And this first one comes from Marcos L. This is my brother's. It's from his brother. This is an overheard. Comes from
Starting point is 01:21:33 a kindergarten class where he is a student teacher. The students are about four years old and had an assignment where they wrote down things that make me feel good. Or what kicks my bucket, which is a funny way to say it. What kills me. That's not at all the meaning of the phrase.
Starting point is 01:21:51 What buys my farm. But they had to write it on construction paper, cut it out, and tape it to the wall. One young boy handed their work to my brother and exclaimed that he liked taking the bus, or bussing. When my brother took it to tape it up, it read, Busting makes me feel good. I might want to add, I ain't afraid of no ghost.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Yeah, exactly. Things that don't make me upset. Ghosts. Not afraid. The kid's name was Ray Parker the Fourth. Was there ever a time in your life when taking the bus was good? I remember when I was a kid, it was exciting. Yeah, I remember one time my friend's mom let us stay on the bus.
Starting point is 01:22:40 She got out at a stop, and then we were allowed to ride the bus to the end. And then we just sat in the bus while She got out at a stop and then we were allowed to ride the bus to the end. Then we just sat in the bus while the driver took his break. We were just sitting in the loop in the bus swinging around. Then when he came back around we got back up. But yeah, we were thrilled. Yeah, that does it for a little kid.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Mass transit, great. Yeah, mass excitement. And the sit-on-your-ownsiness of it. Like the, hey, you sit here, mom. I'm hightailing it to three rows. Yeah, like there was a mother and a young kid got on the train the other day, and I said, oh, do you want these seats? And she was like, don't bother, because he ran all the way up to the window
Starting point is 01:23:19 to pretend like he was driving the train. Oh, yeah. Great kid stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great kid stuff all around. It dies pretty early. I feel like that seat at the front of the Sky Trains here in Vancouver, which is in Canada,
Starting point is 01:23:32 those are the gift of the gods to little kids. There's going to be a lot of future conductors because of it. Conductor enrollment is going to go through the roof. Yeah, for our conductorless trains. Yeah. Our robotic trains. What about us brain-dead slobs? You'll be given cushy jobs.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Pretty great. Yeah. Monorail. This is from Nolan in North Carolina. A friend and I were having lunch this weekend. At a nearby booth, two young ladies were seated. During a lull in our conversation, we heard one of them say loudly, as if announcing to the restaurant, I don't like Justin Bieber,
Starting point is 01:24:07 but I love the idea of him. Great overheard. Also very literarily rendered. Yeah. Like, very nice. Very nice, Nolan. Stick with it. Yeah, I feel the same way about Kaiser Soze. Now this last one comes from a guy named Tim D.
Starting point is 01:24:29 And he wrote in, I'm in the process of moving. And as I was packing, throwing away junk, I came across an old pocket notebook I used to keep with me to write down funny things that kids said when I worked in childcare at the YMCA. There are pages and pages of these, a lot of which aren't nearly as funny since I no longer remember the context. But he wrote like dozens and dozens. They're all very funny. But at one point he said there was one kid in particular who was a kids say the darndest things machine.
Starting point is 01:24:58 He was pretty much the awesomest kid who has ever lived. All these quotes are from that one five-year-old kid. And again, there's dozens from just him. But I'm going to read the favorite one. This is a favorite quote of his, was when he was pretending to push a cart around the room, and he shouted, Chili dogs! Get your
Starting point is 01:25:15 chili dogs! Then he stopped and made a violent throwing motion and shouted, Here's a chili dog for your baby's face! Pretty great. here's a chili dog for your baby's face pretty great everything is wrong with that here's a chili dog for your baby's face you can't throw a chili dog you know it was overhand
Starting point is 01:25:42 oh man I do feel bad that the chili dog over wasn't there for the brent budd episode because i feel like he could have done more with it oh no you know he's a real chili dog when when he listens to it he's gonna i mean i make chili dogs at home do you yeah yeah hot diggity dog diggity i had a chili burger in uh St. Boniface in Winnipeg. Is it Boniface? It was amazing. Chili is a great thing and everything else owes a lot to chili.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Yeah. Chili Willie. Chili cheese fries. Chili Rodriguez. Not a person. Maybe. There was a baseball player. Chili Gonzalez? Chili Davis. That was a baseball player, Chili Gonzalez Chili Davis, that was a baseball player
Starting point is 01:26:28 Chili Davis was a baseball player Did I say Chili? I agree, yeah Pretty great country Pretty great country, that Chili You might remember him from RBI Baseball He was C. Davis Of course, yeah, I remember all of this
Starting point is 01:26:43 Now, in addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept overheards via telephones. If you have a telephone, do yourself a favor and put this number in it. 206 339 8328.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Like these people have. Hi, Dave and Graham. This is Lauren calling from Pittsburgh. I'm not going to lie. I've had a glass of wine, so this is kind of a drunk dial, but it's also an overheard. I was at a community garage sale,
Starting point is 01:27:13 or yard sale, actually, over the weekend, and as I was walking from one yard to another, this couple was walking towards me, and the guy said to the woman with a really serious look on his face, he was like, you know what, come on, man, you're a 35-year-old man. I don't care if your name is Rocco. You gotta chill out.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Yeah, Rocco Chili. He's a bad dog. You don't want to get mixed up with a guy like me. I'm a bad dog. up you don't want to get mixed up with a guy like me i'm a bad dog rocco does seem like one of those um ethnic names that just didn't just will never be foot like guido it just will never be fully uh workable in yeah what about president barack obama his name is B. Rocco Obama. Next call.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Oh, wow, that was good. Hi, guys. It's Zach from Santa Cruz. I have an old-fashioned overdreamt. I just woke up, so bear with me. I was walking with some friends, and one of them was smoking marijuana. And a strange, hipster-looking guy said,
Starting point is 01:28:38 Hey, I hope you aren't running for president or trying to get pregnant. And then I looked back at the guy, and he was still the same hipster guy, but was now shirtless and pregnant. And he walked over to a group of two other bearded, shirtless, pregnant men, who then started passing around a joint. And they were wearing, like, headbands and stuff
Starting point is 01:29:05 about to do some sort of sporting event, and said, all right, guys, we gotta get in the zone. We gotta get super pregnant. I literally halfway through forgot that it was an overdraft, and I'm like, what is he talking about? And so it was just like, oh, they're just guys with big bellies
Starting point is 01:29:22 that look like they're pregnant. I did as well. Yeah. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well.
Starting point is 01:29:27 I did as well. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well. I did as well.
Starting point is 01:29:27 I did as well. It's really hot in this room. I've had some beer. Yeah, absolutely. And I forgot that there was a drink. We're schvitzing, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:36 It's real schvitz. I broke out the fan. Yeah. It is nicer with the fan. Oh, I'm glad. Yeah. Because I'm not getting any of it. It's all for you guys.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I won't aim it. Give it a turn. You know what? I'm a giver, not a shiver. I think it's all on me. Yeah, that's fine. You're the best. You've never been a shiver.
Starting point is 01:29:50 No. Thanks for that. Yay. Oh, come on. That'll be in the highlight reel. I promise you. Finally. Hi.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Stop bug-gassing yourself. This is Arden from Chicago with an overheard. Um, I was riding the public transit system, and there was a girl sitting with her friends, and she goes, you guys, I've really come a long way. Look at me. Today, I walked instead of taking a cab,
Starting point is 01:30:19 and now I'm on a... Wait, what is this thing called? Oh, yeah, a train. A little mermaid moment. Yeah. Very good. It reminds me of when Graham and I did the show at City TV. And, you know, we felt like, you know, pretty good, right?
Starting point is 01:30:40 I mean, we had a nightly TV show. We were getting paid. Getting mad, Dale. pretty good right i mean we had a nightly tv show we were getting paid and uh you know mad like compared to you know pre because like about six months before the show started i was working as a groundskeeper at this um uh housing complex and then uh so i went up to uh the housing complex for the retirement party of this uh the senior groundskeeper this old portuguese guy named joe and uh so we're we took the sky there, and then we got on the bus, like a little bus, shuttle bus, and we're sort of wending through the suburbs on our way to this thing.
Starting point is 01:31:14 And this sort of cute little blonde 18-year-old girl is sitting in the seat in front of my wife and I, and she's talking on her cell phone, and then she turns, and she's like, wait a minute, hold on, let me call you back. And then she's like, are you that guy from Channel 13? And I was like, oh, you know. And I'm kind of looking at my wife. Oh, you know.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Yeah. Yeah, that's me. And then, you know, because I was feeling pretty chuffed. Because I'm going back to the old place. And then she talks to me for a few minutes. She's like, wow. It's really nice to meet you. I'm like, thanks very much.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Thank you. And then she gets back on her phone. And she's like, yeah. It was that guy from that show. Hey, thanks very much. Thank you. And then she gets back on her phone and she's like, yeah, it was that guy from that show. Hey, he's just on the bus. And she goes, huh? I don't know. Maybe he wants to help the environment.
Starting point is 01:31:59 It was the immediate, it was the total inflation deflation. Yeah. Oh, Lordy. It was the total inflation deflation. Yeah. Immediately. Oh, lordy. Well, we're at the end of the show, right? End of the line, train-wise. Here's just one note. That is Arden from Chicago who called that one in.
Starting point is 01:32:23 And she is the one who organized the Bring Stop Podcasting Yourself to Chicago group. Or Bring Spy Down to Chi-Town. Oh, pretty good. And a couple other American cities have started up. I think there's a Philadelphia and San Francisco one. Just so you guys know, we are... This process is galatian.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Yes, this process is very slow to be able to do a money-making venture in the United States. Why is it so much easier for American comics to come up here? NAFTA! Yeah, thanks a lot, Chet. Is there a longer way of saying NAFTA? I was trying to think of what NORAD stands for, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Is it North Oregon? No. Uh-oh. Never eat shredded wheat. Now, Charlie. Air defense. That's what the AD stands for. Yeah, sure. Northern radar.
Starting point is 01:33:18 North American. Well, no. That isn't NORAD. That's what NO stands for. What? Oh, right. Yeah, you're right NORAD. That's what no stands for. What? Oh, right. Yeah, you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:28 That is. It's N-O. North American Aerospace Defense Command. Boo. Really? Worst, least accurate acronym. Is that really it? No, that can't be it.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Well, um... You mean that they took the whole letter at the end of command? Yeah, North American Aerospace Defense Command. Huh. Maybe it's something different in French. Stinkaroo, Norad. I want you off the Santa beat. I probably shouldn't have just looked up the War Games wiki.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Now, of course, off the top of the show, we said that you can go to thestandupup comedy the stand-up and charlie special will be the uh featured comedian this week and uh past guest ivan decker will uh also be up there and then of course uh i was up there yeah you're still up there i'm still up there the emphasis really will be on me yeah this is the week you should buy charlie yeah but uh yeah it's five bucks and that's five canadian dollars five canadian people in the states are saying that they're getting there they're getting a deal they're so happy they're getting it for four dollars and 94 cents for less
Starting point is 01:34:35 uh i would love it if uh if people would uh check that out it was actually uh you know it was a really fun uh set you know it was yeah I felt really good about it and really proud of it. So I hope people will check it out at Yeah, and Charlie is... And if you like it, please let people know that you like it. Yeah, tweet it. Facebook it. Everybody who has downloaded the special has been amazing
Starting point is 01:34:58 about tweeting it, downloading it. You're all the greatest. It's some top drawer stuff. And for people like you're one of the favorite guests on the show we people love people love you and and so many have never seen uh any of your performances so i'm i'm sure they're gonna rush out and click on a thing these will all be new to you yeah jokes yeah absolutely might be some overlap with the laminate story from earlier just being honest fair. Fair enough. And Dave, do you have anything you want to add?
Starting point is 01:35:27 I think, yeah, you've got to register over at and vote for us for best podcast. We're up against... Past Guest Pub Cares podcast. Yeah. Past Guests. Hold your applause. The Sunday Service.
Starting point is 01:35:43 A couple others, including Sean Cullen's podcast we're up against some heavy punchers we're probably gonna lose to Sean Cullen but but not if you vote for us doesn't mean we can't try
Starting point is 01:35:53 yeah we like to win things yeah remember it's a real underdog story like Rocky the future Rocky it's like if Rocky was a popularity contest
Starting point is 01:36:02 yeah with demerits and yeah is there any do you need to It's like if Rocky was a popularity contest. Yeah. With demerits. And, yeah, is there any... Do you need to... You're doing a laugh gallery. Oh, but that's already... That will have happened. That will have come about.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Yeah, well, sorry. Yeah, you better be. I'll probably... Whether be. I don't know. You'll probably what? I don't know. I'm going to watch some soccer.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Oh, sure. Is that something I can promote? Well, are you going to invite people over to watch soccer? No. Can I come over and watch soccer? It's at nine in the morning, generally. Well, so. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:36:34 What if I brought breakfast cereal? I'm good. What if I brought a flake? I'm not going to be around the next few days. Corn or frosted. Your choice. Do you have anything to promote? I'm trying to figure out. I like trying to find that date again july 27th in london england thank you charlie
Starting point is 01:36:51 graham the big park clark what was your nickname again uh jumpsuit yeah graham the jumpsuit at the comedy cafe in london england yeah and that's And also, you know, if you like the show, don't be afraid to head over to iTunes and write a review. And if you don't like the show, be afraid and don't go over to iTunes and write a review. It's free. There's really no need to, if you don't like it. Some people feel like they really just gotta blow off some steam and uh i
Starting point is 01:37:26 mean punch a pillow right but bite really hard on a pencil or something so till next week we will see you in the rest if you like the show head on over to maximum where dave will post a blog recap of uh all the things we discussed here on the podcast. Uh, who knows what type of photos might appear on there? Uh, I can't remember a single thing we talked about. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Oh, definitely. Sure. Yeah. He's the Russian rocket who looked like Robin. Uh, yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:37:59 baby. Oh yeah. Like, you know, triple R they called them. Yeah. Uh, and, check out all the other
Starting point is 01:38:07 maximum fun shows that are so great and uh if you like the show tell your friends come on back next week for another episode of stop podcasting yourself
Starting point is 01:38:14 you guys Guys. Stop freaking out. Babble is here? Babble is here? No, I have asthma, guys. I can't breathe. Rap.

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