Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 232 - Emmett Hall

Episode Date: August 28, 2012

Emmett Hall returns and tells us nothing about Bronies, then we talk about Ikea, Batman, and hecklers. Oh, also there's a secret word in this episode and we totally nailed it....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 232 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who I just had my photo taken with out in a back alley somewhere, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, that's true. When you say back alley, I mean like it was... It was back alley Sally. It sounds dirtier. Yeah, absolutely. It was back alley Sally It sounds dirtier
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah absolutely who's back alley Sally Oh she's just a you know kind of a strumpet She's a real back alley Sally Yeah sure Are there front alleys No those are called streets But if you live in the streets It sounds bad as well
Starting point is 00:01:01 If we were getting our picture taken in the streets It would sound Oh ooh, tough. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're a couple of toughs. We really are. Graham and I had our guest photograph us because he's a photographer. Yeah. Well, he's an artist.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I am now. Absolutely you are. Check that off. He's great. He is great. I don't usually introduce the guest. He's a comedian. He's a member of the Sunday Service that releases their own podcast, a beautiful podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And also, he is an animator on several television shows or just the one at the moment? Currently just the one. Currently just one, My Little Pony. No. I was on My Little Pony. What are you on now? I'm on Pound Puppies Pound Puppies
Starting point is 00:01:47 His name is Emmett Hall And he is our guest today Thank you for coming Thank you Thank you Emmett You guys are scraping the bottom of the bear No You've returned
Starting point is 00:01:56 You've been here before I've been here before But jeez you guys Sunday service After Sunday service We're trying to boost you up Nobody knows what that is Exactly Nobody knows who that is. Exactly, nobody knows who that is.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Oh, you mean that we can't, we're not getting any gets? Is that what you mean? Yeah. Ugh. We can get Stan gets. Yeah, absolutely. Next week's guest, Stan gets.
Starting point is 00:02:17 We'll get to know him. Tell him to bring his horn. He's actually, no, no, he's good. Yeah, we're not, we don't really, we're just going to do a talking interview with him. We don't want him to do any of the stuff he's famous for. He's good at nood, no, he's good. Yeah, we're not... We don't really... We're just going to do a talking interview with him. We don't want him to do any of the stuff he's famous for. He's good at noodling. What does he do? He drinks through a horn. Let's
Starting point is 00:02:31 Get to Know Us. Get to Know Us. So, Emmett... Emmett, welcome. Welcome. Welcome back. Gentlemen, yeah. Thank you. I guess this is round three. Is this your third time on the show? Well, unless you want to count the Sunday service.
Starting point is 00:02:51 The Sunday service. Live episode. Live episode. And then I've got all those little Christmas show ups. Sure. Yeah, you're a longtime friend. Yeah, yeah. Don't you automatically out of the gates, you're downselling.
Starting point is 00:03:03 No, I just know my place. Wow. I don't know that you why i don't like how that went at all no i say i know exactly where i stand that's why i know that's how i'm so powerful that's why why that's why because i said so that's my answer to everything that's why um so you are how did you get here that's why how did you get here? That's why How did you get here? That's why A bicycle, that's why Emmett Yes You are
Starting point is 00:03:32 This will be broadcast after the Canadian Comedy Awards have happened So congratulations Congratulations to you guys Or indeed Or condolences A mope fest i've never been to the canadian comedy woods yeah nor have i so uh what have we just experienced yeah uh well uh limousines limousines dave dressed really nice uh taz uh showed up in
Starting point is 00:04:02 something that may or may not have been a rental suit. Um, I, uh, wore a sports coat. He's got his own bow ties. Taz usually shows up with something half decent. Yeah. Well, what are you gonna, or what were you dressed in? Who are you wearing? Vera Wang.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Uh, it depends. I was thinking, I was asking questions about how fancy it is to dress at this event. It's more Stella McCartney than Paul McCartney. Well, I don't know. I'm more of a Paul McCartney kind of guy. Yeah, absolutely. Same kind of build. Same little mouth.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Droopy eyes. But I brought my own sports coat And I've had it since I was 19 I thought I might bring it And pack that into my bag Into me bag Sorry Take two
Starting point is 00:04:57 I thought I might pack it into me bag I'm a little reluctant to Put my fancy suit Into my bag Into me bag I'm a little reluctant to put my fancy suit into my bag into me back I'm not going well you're great with voices yeah absolutely that was a that was quite a trip if not just an animator you could be a voiceover artist as well you could be a whole thing yeah if you were ever in charge of animating pound beetles pound puppies was a show right?
Starting point is 00:05:27 When we were youths They were certainly toys They were toys and they were cartoons Same with My Little Pony Hasbro is just kind of relaunching The same old same old Except with They're real Hasbros
Starting point is 00:05:41 However I mean The whole My Little Pony thing is Bonanza Hasbros. However, I mean, the whole My Little Pony thing is bonanza. Well, see, that's you were mentioning before we started the podcast. It was a thing that both Dave and I had completely forgot in conjunction with
Starting point is 00:05:57 My Little Pony World that there is a My Little Pony like fan shit. There's a phenomenon now. And they're man fans. Male fans. They're called the Bronies. And you guys have Bronie listeners, guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Sure. We cross over with a lot of... They are everywhere. It's like Freemasons, you don't know. Oh, is there a handshake? They're bro-hoofs. Yeah, like a hoofshake. No, it's there a handshake? Probably. They're called brohoofs. Yeah, like a hoofshake. Yeah, I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:06:27 No, it's true. That's what they're called, brohoofs. Like a high five is actually called a brohoof, where you pound hooves. So are these guys that identify as horses? Sexually? Is that? No. This is where I was so scared talking about, because I know I'm going to have to defend these guys, even though I...
Starting point is 00:06:46 Well, there's no... We're not attacking. No. But it is a legitimate question. I don't know what the thing is. Yeah, okay. This... Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Okay, so... Draw us... Paint us a picture of... I will paint a picture from my context. Okay. Because I am very unaware of the world in its full capacity. very unaware of the world in its full capacity. Last time I was here,
Starting point is 00:07:10 I had just gotten back from Denmark and I talked about how I got into computer animation. I didn't do as well as I liked in that forum. So I, I was, I decided to go into storyboarding. So then I got a job storyboarding on the second season of my little pony. Colon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Friendship is magic. Yeah. Is that just the name of the second season? That Little Pony, colon, Friendship is Magic. Yeah. Is that just the name of the second season? That's the name of the show now. The entire show. It's called My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. Oh, it's like Transformers Beast Wars. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Transformers. Transforming is great. Yeah. Look what I can do. Yeah. Transformers, look what I can do. Transformers. That's why. Transformers, look what I can do. Transformers. That's why.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Transformers, that's why. And as I started working, as I started doing storyboards on the show, it started becoming prevalent into the second season how much of a fan base was coming out over the first season. Now, how did that manifest itself like how you mean it became apparent how i think how it started was hasbro relaunched my little pony with a whole new look and new design there's a whole new manifesto behind the mythology of the of the characters and the story and it's really in depth so as soon as people started watching it ironically i think because like my little pony let's see what they did with it now um a lot of people and this being the majority of adult males and there's a lot of females involved but um good for that
Starting point is 00:08:38 watching watching going this is pretty good this is actually really funny and the stories um have really interesting character arcs and the plots are really thought out and wholesome the the theme behind the thing is very positive and from there i think friendship is magic friendship yeah and from there i think just through the internet that's when everyone started talking to each other saying this is actually really good now people are talking on the internet that's when everyone started talking to each other saying this is actually really good now people are talking on the internet because of this show oh really because of this show the internet finally clicked okay yeah it's like that scene in the movie where the phones light up at a radio station yeah oh it took with my little pony friendship is magic um i'm i know i'm getting this
Starting point is 00:09:22 wrong because there's a there's a whole lineage of how it started on 4chan, which is like some weird kind of like forum. It's where people go on the internet to talk. Yeah. And it's, and everyone started loving the show and I think it was just a community built out of that to the point now that there's massive, um, conventions. One just happened in Seattle called Everfree and which is the forest in in uh you would tell us something we don't know yeah wow because i thought when you first
Starting point is 00:09:53 mentioned it it was possibly the last time you were here or some other time about bronies i thought that it was maybe kids that went to raves i pictured a lot of dyed hair yeah oh there is there's people i've seen i've seen photographs of people uh coming to conventions with their hair dyed in the color of the characters pink and rainbow and they've all got wings on i i don't get it i don't get it i've been working on the show i just come to work and i draw these little cute ponies and then now and I can't even understand. Can my little pony fly?
Starting point is 00:10:27 Oh my god, Graham. Well, I don't remember. There is earth ponies. There's the pegasi that have the wings. Then there's the unicorns. They're not actually called pegasi, are they? More than one pegasus? Yeah, I guess. Oh, right. And then there's the underwater pony. Snorkelpuss.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Who's also a cat. And there's the underwater pony. Snorkelpuss. Who's also a cat. And there's cat ponies. Cat ponies and underwater cat ponies. Cat Von P. Have you met a brony? I've met a few. They kind of have shown up at various events. Company dinners that they weren't invited to they do they do though well you seem you know what you seem kind of on edge about this bro thing i don't want to push
Starting point is 00:11:15 you too well the thing is i i'm not in i'm not a spokesperson for them i don't get it i don't think the show is that good oh see now you're saying things that I certainly would not put myself out there to say. I can't even stereotype them as they're all fat nerds sitting in their basement talking to each other. Some of them are svelte. Yeah, some of them have parents who died and they just took over the whole house. Yeah, some of them are standing in their basement. There are all sorts of permutations. How did you guys know?
Starting point is 00:11:48 You got the list. That's the list. But there's thousands of them and they're everywhere. And be afraid. Be very afraid. I'm getting a vibe from you. Yeah, yeah. It's like
Starting point is 00:12:02 somebody's got their hoof gun at your head. They mean you no harm. Because when I leave here, I have to go back out in the streets. Yeah, I know. Absolutely. And people are going to see the word brony. Is there an umlaut on the I? Brony.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Brony. Brony. In this description. And we're going to get the most ever downloads of this show six downloads yeah we're gonna get six whole downloads five of them from bronies do you think bronies are stronger and uh more intact a community than believers are these uh than believers believers which are the Justin Bieber fanatics. I think so because the whole credo
Starting point is 00:12:50 behind My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is positivity and being pals and good times and fun and being friends. Yeah, and the whole ethos behind being a believer is getting in with, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Getting into the club and ordering bottle service. With what's her name? Whoever he's dating. Selena Kyle Gomez. Selena Kyle is Catwoman. You guys, the secret word is Selena Gomez. Yeah! Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Before the show, for the listeners, I thought it might be fun to come up with a secret word for the show. I wrote down Selena Gomez. Here it is on a piece of paper. Yep. Authenticated. You just said it again.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah. So funny. Didn't I read an article last night on the internet That Justin Bieber was arrested Nope Internet rumor quashed Was it his speeding ticket? It wasn't a speeding ticket
Starting point is 00:13:57 No no he assaulted a reporter But he ran away before the cops came That's not an arrest He flew an arrest And he said you're under arrest And cops came that's not an arrest he flew he flew an arrest that was um and he said you're under arrest and he went that's why that was like three months ago uh and he uh apparently he's you know the police were interested in speaking to him but he settled out of court uh with the photographer look i had to do a thing on uh justin bieber's for work I had to do a thing on Justin Bieber's... For work, I had to do a thing on Justin Bieber's criminal history. Because he...
Starting point is 00:14:29 What else has he done? He punched a kid at a laser tag thing here in Vancouver. There's that, but this is... Who is that? I don't know. And then... Why didn't he just use his laser? And he...
Starting point is 00:14:42 A few weeks ago, he was pulled over for driving in his – for speeding down the highway. Oh, yeah. While being chased by paparazzi. And I listened to his phone call that he had with 911. And he's – because he was calling to say, hey, it wasn't me. It was the paparazzi that were driving so crazy. And so he's talking to the uh uh to the dispatcher and he's saying uh yeah this is justin well she says what's your name
Starting point is 00:15:12 uh my name is justin uh and your last name uh johnson and then justin johnson and then he starts talking's like, okay, what kind of car are you in? I'm in a Fisker Karma. Have you seen his crazy car? Yeah, it's like silver. It's like reflective. Is it the one that he uses in a music video? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:15:34 It's like that bit of outdoor art in front of the Chicago Art Institute. Yeah, it's like that giant bean. Yeah. It's like that one from Die Another Day. No, the invisible car that James Bond has. The last Pierce Brosnan he did. Yeah, it's like that one from die another day no what the the the invisible car that james bond has the last pierce brosnan he did yeah it's like that yeah anyway the point is this it's a crazy car it is a crazy car it goes crazy fast and it's called a fisker karma and uh the dispatcher says what kind of car do you have sounds like a recipe recipe. Yeah. For like a kind of fisk.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And he says, oh, it's a Fisker Karma. And she's like, excuse me? It's a Fisker Karma? I've never heard of that. You've never heard of a Fisker Karma? It was like he was talking about the Millennium Falcon. Yeah, it travels only in parsecs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 But no, no, no, Justin, you out-of-touch 18-year-old. Nobody has ever heard of you. It's like when you're talking to a grown-up as a kid and you're like, oh, yeah, you assume all grown-ups know each other, so you start talking about your teacher. I like, yeah, do you even know who you're talking to? This is Justin Johnson. Yeah, I drive a Fisker Karma.
Starting point is 00:16:47 This is Jeremy Bieber. So then what happens? The cops pull him over. Oh, well, I mean, there's no end to that story. No, yeah, you're right. It's a living nightmare. But, okay, Emmett. You're done with bronies.
Starting point is 00:17:05 You've had it. You've had it with bronies. You've had it. You've had it with bronies. We got no information out of that. What else is going on with you? I moved two months ago. Oh, okay. But now I live with my girlfriend. So that's new.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And how long have you and she been together? 18 months? A year and a half? That's a year and a half. Is this the first time that you lived with a lady? Yeah. Oh! How's it going so far? It's fine.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah. Is this another category of you don't want to say the wrong thing on the podcast? Almost. Yeah. No, it's great. What's the greatest thing? However, just the other day we were at Ikea and I felt so domesticated it felt awful.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yeah, you used to be a wild buck. Yeah, I used to never go to Ikea. Didn't you used to just sleep on a bearskin rug? I just slept on a cord of wood. And then when my bed was the floor after chopping wood I knew it was the spring. You buy a winter's worth, not even buy, chop a winter's worth of wood to get you through the winter.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Burn it as you went. Put it in my bachelor suite in downtown Vancouver. Yeah, drag it up the elevator. Yeah, like a man. So you're going to Ikea every day now. No, this was the first time. But the great thing was... It's not the last.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Everything about it was the worst. I don't know if that's because... Did you have the meatballs? No. Did you go in the ballroom? No. There's no ballroom anymore yeah there is yeah it's hidden but i did um my girlfriend wanted to get the meatballs and i got so frustrated with
Starting point is 00:18:52 waiting in line for her to get the meatballs that i wasn't going to get that i threw my arms in the air and then wandered around by myself waiting for that's a lot of fun yeah it sounds like and i thought uh the all the carts there I thought it was just the one that we were right in front of that I had to run away from made a noise but they all make a What is that noise? That's the sound of the carts.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Oh, carts. It's like the wheels. Right, I thought you meant that the meatball making cart made meatballs. Right, yeah. There's a cart that the meatball making cart made meatballs. Right, yeah. There's a cart that travels around Ikea and shoots meatballs at you. And it goes... It really screws up their furniture displays. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Like, sorry about the splatter. That's how they polka dot all those sheets. um why and now uh what has been the biggest uh improvement in your lifestyle uh post cohabitation our home is real nice was your home a dump before it wasn't a dump but it was a cube of white space did you move in with her or did she move in with you? We found a new place So we got Harvard floors, we got Two bedrooms Separate beds Separate lives
Starting point is 00:20:13 She's not going to sleep on a cord of wood That's true I was watching all my TV On a little computer before We got a TV Combined furniture It matches It's nice a little computer before. We got a TV. Yeah, a TV is good. Combined furniture, so it matches. Oh, it matches
Starting point is 00:20:28 what? Well, like, my furniture matches her furniture. So it's like the same format? So you can plug it in to each other? Well, there's a bunch of the furniture, like some of her furniture's for sitting, some mine.
Starting point is 00:20:43 It's for sitting. Okay. So you guys have common interests? Yes. I will also say, not just to say that the luxury of living in a nicer home is the best part. But it is, right? Yeah. Did you guys hear the question? Did you buy new condiments or did you mix previous condiments?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah, no. All the food's mixed. We both have a thing of cinnamon. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, exactly. Whose spice rack do we use? How did you decide that? You didn't have one. Neither of us had a spice rack.
Starting point is 00:21:15 What? Oh, man. Wedding gift. We're going to get so many spice racks. It's going to be a pretty bland wedding. Not with those spices. I will say this that's great, is that I do feel like now that I have someone
Starting point is 00:21:29 in my apartment, in my vicinity constantly, that I care about, I feel accountable for all my actions. I have to. I'm kind of on... You're talking like you feel accountable
Starting point is 00:21:43 for every syllable you say. This is very politician-y of you. Yeah. You really are negotiating some months. I'm running for office. And you know what my slogan is? Don't piss off my girlfriend. No. My slogan is that's why.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Em at all, that's why. No, but I feel like I want to prove that I'm the better person than I was living on my own. Of course you are. Yeah. You were a pile of dirt. Yeah, everybody knows it.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You were garbage. Yeah, a lot of people were saying it. And now, yeah. A lot of people were saying the grunge movement didn't die. It just moved into your apartment. That's what people were saying. Yeah, it was really rude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:27 People have been talking about how terrible you were living on your own. Yeah, yeah. There was a lot of trash talk, or Emmett talk, as it got short for it, too. Wow. Yeah, on 4chan. 4chan is... I've only been to it when something else is referred to 4chan, but I feel like I can't follow the threads.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Is that just me? It's inscrutable. That and Reddit. I went to Reddit once, and I haven't gone back. Reddit I understand, but 4chan confuses my little brain. But I know that they've hunted down... Osama bin Laden. Yeah, they found Osama bin Laden They found Osama bin Laden
Starting point is 00:23:05 They found Al Capone's vault Osama said Pinkie Pie is the best pony Pinkie Pie is the funniest one Is Pinkie Pie a real pony? Yes We're going to say nonsense words and you tell us Whether they are real ponies
Starting point is 00:23:21 Binky bot Not a real pony F Yeah. Not a real pony. Okay. Fushigooogle. Not a real pony. Dippendice. Dippendots. Dippendots. Could be a real pony. That's leaning towards plausible names.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Grumpygus. Um. I wouldn't be surprised. Grampagus. You know them all, though, right? Or is there such a large universe? I only know the ones that were on the episodes that I've had to work on. Hefeweizen. Hefeweizen.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Black Beauty. Darkwing Duck. Yeah. Mickey Mouse. Melissa Joan Hart. Well, so... How about this, though? There's ones that are named Fluttershy Twilight Sparkle Rarity
Starting point is 00:24:12 And Rarity's Pet's name is Opal Essence and that's a cat Yeah ponies are pet cats Storklebus This is not anatomically correct The more I've worked on the show the more I start going like I'm drawing
Starting point is 00:24:28 a horse in a bed like climbing into bed I'm going like this is with a gangster with just the horse's head oh I thought you meant like the horse was having sex with a gangster no but there was an episode an homage to the godfather where they
Starting point is 00:24:47 woke up one of the ponies woke up uh rainbow dash woke up and there was a head of a human gangster in the bed no really it's for kids it's for kids yeah it was like rainbow colored blood no that didn't happen yeah wow no i'm just i say like i get who'd have though we don't know because you're telling us oh you like adults went to watch it and make fun of it And they went to war over it This is why I still don't get the show Because we still gear everything towards little kids Hasbro's still saying
Starting point is 00:25:14 Draw the choo-choo train in this episode And we're like, okay, we'll draw the choo-choo train Do they talk to you like your kids? Yeah Here comes the choo-choo Here comes your paycheck Open up your wallet no i don't want it um could you talk to bc hydro because they um told me that i i don't pay for um
Starting point is 00:25:37 the electricity that they won't let me use my using the hot water and stuff you don't pay for electricity they won't let you use hot water. Yeah, I'm a child. I don't understand what I'm doing. I don't know how they'll pay all these bills. Hasbro, can you please pay all my bills, please? Kid with bills. That's a show.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I was just saying that the more I've drawn ponies, in a world of ponies where there's no humans, the logistics of them building thatched roof houses, having beds with blankets, how they sew, all this stuff. Who are the My Little Ponies enemy? The Decepticons? Cobra? The Planet of the Apes apes that ride them around? Sometimes there's bad ponies No I was just thinking like
Starting point is 00:26:29 Maybe the bad guys were the ones That made all the houses and then My little ponies drove them out Yeah maybe they're pillagers Yeah like maybe they took over the Smurf village You guys are going to get so many emails Bring it on Yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:26:44 You'll have to watch episode 213 called hearth swarming e where it shows uh how the the three sects of podies did forge their communities and i want to talk more about babies with bills yeah what what um like how old is this baby under two years yeah like with a like a duck bill no no you were talking before no it was the character that you were doing the baby that doesn't know how to pay his bills With like a bill? Like a duck bill? No, no You were talking before Platypus No, it was the character that you were doing The baby that doesn't know how to pay his bills But he's got like a full-time job
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah, and he's making good money And then Netflix said That after the first month I have to start paying $8 Hasbro, could you please Tell Netflix I don't want to do it anymore? What if babies just worked for Hasbro? Oh, that would be great.
Starting point is 00:27:26 If all, like, it's a toy company by kids for kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like FUBU. I really like, yeah, just a little kid, and he's running around. He's always looking at his watch, right? Like, he's always late.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I can't figure out how to do my toy. Yeah, he doesn't know how to tie his shoes or his tie but he shows up just kind of with the clothes and then somebody dresses secretary dresses i have these or he dressed like one day he has a board meeting and he's wearing like a cape and gumboots telling his tailor i don't know which way I lean to. Straight. Straightforward. Your Paul McCartney voice. I love it. Babies with bills.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Dave, what's going on with you? I need a toupee! Here's what happened this past weekend. Daddy... That's how I'm referring to myself now. Daddy finally went to go see Batman. Oh, yes! And you've seen it, right? Oh, good. So now we can talk Batman talk.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I saw it in the theater, and it was fine. Yeah, it's fine. We can talk Batman talk. I saw it in the theater. Yep. And it was fine. Yeah, it's fine. But I saw it on a Saturday afternoon during Vancouver's annual zombie walk.
Starting point is 00:29:02 And I was sort of convinced that anyone who, like, no one would go see Batman during the zombie walk. Everyone's already seen Batman, and anyone who's going to go see it a second or third time would much rather participate in a zombie walk. Exactly. This is when you dress up like zombies and you walk around downtown Vancouver. The zombie pride parade. Yeah. What do we want? Brains. and they throw guts out to the crowd um so i got necklaces so i went at three three in the afternoon with my darling wife uh on a saturday and uh we got there like 20 minutes before the movie and I saved a seat for her
Starting point is 00:29:46 and so I put our drink down between where she was going to be and where I was. And a guy comes and sits down, not right next to me, but right next to where she was going to be. I was like, okay. I guess this guy didn't know. I should have given
Starting point is 00:30:01 him more of a buffer. So I moved over a few seats over and I, I kind of thought, uh, that was a bad idea. Uh, because there was a woman sitting in the row behind us that had her feet up. Stop it people. Um, and then, uh, there were, so there were three seats between, uh, us and the guy who had just come in. And then it was fine. Dave's drawing us a diagram right now. Yeah. And the movie started and I was like, great.
Starting point is 00:30:33 We got room around us. That's great. It's a matinee. It's not too full. And then when the lights went down, everyone rushed in. So many people just came into the theater. in like so many people just came into the theater and the three seats that were next to us immediately got filled with uh like a 13 year old boy his 10 year old brother and their five year old brother and the baby who is paying the bill for everybody yeah uh and uh so immediately abby and i look at
Starting point is 00:31:09 each other and we're like what do we do i guess let's just sit and we'll we'll just be ready to shush them the entire time i can't fit my scenes plus card in my diaper um so this five-year-old kid During the entire movie So bored with Batman Oh, because Batman's barely in it He shows up half an hour in There's a lot of talk There's a lot of talk of Batman's past
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah This kid is incredibly bored And also, the weird thing was His brothers would Cover his eyes. Right. Whenever. But not, like, during violence.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Just during the weirdest, like... Oh, Michael Caine's on. Well, no. There's one point where... You shouldn't see an old man cry like that. There's one point where you see the president making a speech and they cover the kids eyes for that there's a point at near the end where a cat woman kisses batman yeah uh they covered his eyes for that yep what about when he's um petting a sweaty back of uh marion cotarda and uh that was
Starting point is 00:32:21 fine okay yeah that was fine apparently. It was real selective eye-shushing. Yeah, yeah. Eyes wide shushed. And so, yeah, that basically distracted me throughout the entire movie. The kid stood up a few times
Starting point is 00:32:39 and paced back and forth. I think I did, too. There were some long stretches where... He paced back and forth and turned think I did too. There were some long stretches where there was like... He paced back and forth and turned to the screen and went, come on! No.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's called pacing. We're not going to get any backstory on this Bane character. And then the woman behind us kept kicking Abby's seat and... So Abby did... turned around once
Starting point is 00:33:00 and looked at her, which is what you do. Absolutely. And then Abby did it even better. She said, could you please stop kicking my seat when it happened the second time? And the third time, she said, seriously, could you please stop kicking my seat?
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah. If you don't stop kicking my seat, it'll be very painful for you. Yeah, and then I was like... Was that your Bane voice? Dracula. Dracula. Listen to my Bane voice.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I was born in the shadows There you go I get cheap theatrics Words work on me, but man What was his catchphrase? What was the Some kind of punishment When you have When you have suffered enough, Batman,
Starting point is 00:33:45 you will, then you can die. It will be very painful for you. He gets to tear off his pants! But he does a lot of um... Batman, wait, let me think. Batman, hold on. Let me think of something to tell you.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Anyway, you'll be in this pit for a few months. What did he do? Like a... Yeah. I thought his voice was very cool. He sounds just like Sean Connery now. I had no trouble understanding him.
Starting point is 00:34:19 There was a couple points where I lost the thread. I was about 90% with him. With the whole football thing, I couldn't understand what he was laughable yeah because uh he's at a people have trouble understanding him and then he picks up the uh microphone that the referee uses which no one can understand anyone's speaking out yeah and then there's a part where he's reading a speech, right? Commissioner Gordon's written his, like, I'm out of here speech, but he doesn't deliver it. And then Bane reads it, and everybody's going to take that as, hey, the guy with the crazy mask is this. No, it's written on paper.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah, exactly. It doesn't get more authentic than this. That is pretty good. Were you being Bane or the person reacting to Bane? Both. Oh, man. Anyway, so I saw Batman.
Starting point is 00:35:16 So you're free to talk about Batman around me now. I won't punch you in the upper arm. I liked it, but I thought a lot of it was kind of ridiculous. It was too big. Also, just the fact that Batman has a spaceship. That alone is like, what?
Starting point is 00:35:33 He's really good at flying spaceships now? Here's the one thing in the Batman movie that I found overly distracting. I don't know anybody else that has noticed it, but maybe other people did and they just didn't say it. But there's a scene, and if you have, everything hasn't been spoiled for you already. Now's too late. But there's a scene where he's trying to get rid of a giant bomb that's going to blow up Gotham. And the whole time I was thinking of the scene from the 1960s Batman, where he's running around the streets with a bomb and he can't get rid of it. And I was like, were they doing?
Starting point is 00:36:09 They must have at some point, somebody must have noticed that that's what they were doing. Or did they do that on purpose as a winking like wink to the whole years of Batman's past? Yeah. And that's why, you know how on the old Batman, the Joker, Cesar Romero, hadn't shaved his mustache? Same with Bane. Yeah, Bane had a mustache on his head. So did Batman, which was weird. Oh, yeah, they didn't have it.
Starting point is 00:36:34 He had a goatee for a while, and then he shaved it, and they never had a shaving scene. Yeah, and, well, also he had a broken back for a while, and a guy punched him in the back, and that made him better. I know a lot of chiropractor stuff is unconventional. And why would those guys help him? Oh, because it's really slow down there. Well, they weren't helping him so much as... I like how Bane dropped him off too.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Like, I'm here to tell you there's a TV over there and you're going to be suffering. Anyway, I've got to get back. I shouldn't even have flown. I didn't even need to bring you here. I've got to get back I should even flown I didn't you need to bring you here I gotta go back to the city across the get out of there did he have to do my co-worker was remarking that Tom Hardy who plays Bane yeah he's He's very muscular. Yeah. But he might not be because in the whole movie, Bane's got his arms in his arms doing his little suspenders.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah, he's pressing. He's got his thumbs in his suspenders. He's pressing. He's really flexing his biceps. Yeah. He's holding on to his vest the whole time. Because, yeah, one of his minions goes, like, why are you doing that? What?
Starting point is 00:37:47 Well, why are you putting your thumbs there? Nothing, I'm not doing that. I was raised on a farm. Don't you think I look big and tall? Then he shoots him and throws him down the street. Meow. Meow. Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Yeah. My impressions are, it sounds a lot like my kelsey grammar yeah not bad i'm listening oh bane is fraser not bad uh it's not bad well it's pretty bad uh but uh It's not bad. Well, it's pretty bad. Pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:38:29 But, oh, yeah, there's apparently a scene that was cut out of the movie. Shaving? Was it shaving? No, it explained why the mask. Oh. And it explained why the vest thing that he's wearing as well. I'm assuming it's drugs in the vest that get pumped into his breathing. I don't know. They just decided to leave it out, but leave in a ton of scenes there.
Starting point is 00:38:46 It was like, boy, oh boy. They cut out the scene too where Batman downloads that super Eraso software to get rid of your criminal record and then puts it on a flash drive. And then him wandering around Gotham looking for Selena Kyle.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah. Selena Gomez? Yeah. Selena Gomez? Yeah. Selena Gomez! Yes! Brains. Brains. Brains.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Brains. Oh, good. So I saw Batman. Good for you. It was fine. It's better than the second one, right? No. Not as good as the first.
Starting point is 00:39:27 It was the worst one. I don't think so. Yeah, pretty good. Blah. Blah. I didn't mind it myself. I thought it was not that bad. It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Niles, what are you doing tonight? I think there's still some more juice in this Bane as Fraser routine. Yeah, as Dracula. Yeah. I think it would sound a little complicated like this. Oh, baby, I hear the
Starting point is 00:40:00 blues are coming. Your punishment must be more severe. You will now eat tall salads and scramble eggs, Batman. I hate you. I hate us. Graham, what's up with you? Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Just having a good time. I went to Victoria Oh, Victoria, British Columbia Absolutely, for the Bluebridge Comedy Festival First ever And it was great The show I did at the Ford Street Cafe was sold out
Starting point is 00:40:38 And thank you to all the people who came Did you wear your Denim jumpsuit? Denim jumpsuit. Denim jumpsuit, correct. I still haven't seen that. So is that your thing now? You're that guy? Yeah, I'm that guy.
Starting point is 00:40:51 You know what? It's good. It's good. Yeah. If you're going to have something, it's a good thing to have. Right? So this place was overly hot. The place had no airflow or whatever and people were like
Starting point is 00:41:07 fanning themselves the whole time and uh and there was a table at the front and it was really only two people that just were drunk and just kept shouting out stuff and the host uh couldn't get them to stop and they did the same thing through past guest Alicia Tobin was there, and past guest Katie Ellen Huff was there, and they did sets, and they just kept, they weren't gonna stop for anything, right? They were just horrible people. They had to bring out the owner who came out and went,
Starting point is 00:41:36 you guys, please! Please, I'm trying to pay for this place! The mortgages are very expensive! Yeah, you know. Please don't talk like that for the show. The baby bar owner. The supporting character. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:51 On Bane Fraser. Baby comedy impresario. Have you met my younger brother? The baby who's got bills. So, they were horrible. We're both bald. They so they were horrible and they, they start,
Starting point is 00:42:08 they like started in early, right? I did like one joke and they started talking over me. And this room is the longest room I've ever played in. Like, I think it spanned an entire city block. So from where the stage was to the back, you couldn't hear laughed. And I believe, yeah, but it's true. It's a city block. So from where the stage was to the back, you couldn't hear.
Starting point is 00:42:25 You laughed, and I believe. Yeah, but it's true. Besides a city block, that's... If you go in there, you go, oh, yeah. It's several buildings long? Yeah, it is. They usually... The back of the room is so far from the stage
Starting point is 00:42:38 that they usually put a projector in the back so they can see what's going on on the stage. But it was so hot in there that the projector wouldn't work. Wow. It just said, I don't want to. Yeah. So these drunk people, you couldn't hear them at the back, but they would disturb everybody in the front.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Right. So at one point I just said, if you want to talk, trade with somebody in the back, because there's tons of people in the back that would like to be up at the front, and then you can go and you can talk. And the woman, who was very drunk, said, why you go to the fucking back? And I said, fine, I will. And I took the show off of the stage and did the rest of the show from the bar. Ho, ho, ho! Yeah, and so they were now at the back, and they left because the attention was no longer on them.
Starting point is 00:43:27 So Graham bullied some people. I bullied some people, and I feel great about it. It was those poor, awful hecklers. Yeah, exactly. Came in off the street for a warm bite to eat, somewhere to hang out, the hottest place possible. And yeah, so I... Was that a great triumph for you i felt really good about it after they left did you return to the stage nope i stayed off the stage the whole night and i had to ask the bar for a towel because i was sweating so much so i was doing like a real real louis armstrong tribute i read an article about
Starting point is 00:44:03 you when you were in in london that you had to deal with some hecklers then, too. Yeah, I seemed to attract it, or, well, it wasn't... They were there for the whole show. Alcohol seems to attract it. Oh, boy, does it ever, hey? Alcohol's... I mean, it's great. You know, I don't want to talk bad about it,
Starting point is 00:44:20 because there's a lot of alcoholics. They're the fans of alcohol. Yeah, they're the bronies of alcohol. They have these conventions every year in Germany called Oktoberfest. They're on this website called Real World. Called Everywhere You Go. Yeah, Everywhere You Go. But I don't want to offend anybody who's a horrible alcoholic.
Starting point is 00:44:41 So I'll just say... They started drinking it ironically. Yeah, but then they really got into i really do like this yeah i really and they're they're also like freemasons too you never know who's actually drunk yeah absolutely they have a secret handshake too where you miss each other's hands or yeah yeah or where you try to punch the other guy but it just slides off his cheek yeah because you're so drunk they have a greeting that is you think you're better than me um yeah so that was to me that was the that was the highlight it was good weekend there was a shows every night and they were good and and uh and also i took the ferry back and forth uh which is the only way besides getting on a tiny float plane to get over there.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Which, it's like, it's a real mathematics decision, because float plane, bumpy and horrifying. And more expensive. More expensive. Very cheaper, but people just let their kids kind of Lord of the Flies it for an hour and a half. And plus getting there and waiting there. It's like a six hour... It's a jaunt.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And it's like you can't... The float plane is 20 minutes. Yeah, that's true, but that's a long 20 minutes. Have you done it? No, I don't think I have. I find it very scary. My uncle's a float plane driver. That's probably the problem.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I don't think they're called drivers. Yeah. Pilots. Pilots. Yeah. Bronies. Alcoholics. I wonder what that Venn diagram would look like.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Ah, never mind. Oh, guys. Anyway, so... So the ferry was up and down. It was, you know, it's like... Did you hang out in the arcade? I did. I told you about that.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I tried to find that game where they had replaced the guns in the game with the blocks with the buttons on it. But it wasn't there. Did you notice this? No, it's just claps. You just clap at the screen. Yeah. Yeah. The more you cheer, the more guys...
Starting point is 00:46:41 They just explode. Did you notice this on the ferry? In the gift shop, they don't sell any gum. They don't sell any gum. And I have noticed that because it would just go everywhere, right? I guess that's their theory. Yeah, also they don't sell booze on the ferry, which is...
Starting point is 00:46:56 Well, because people drive onto the ferry. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Oh, is that why? Absolutely. People drive to the bar. Yeah, but... People drive to the bar People drive to the bar Yep, hitting it Oh boy This is great
Starting point is 00:47:15 But yeah, the other thing that I noticed Can I have a sip of your drink? Please I've got a little hole in my mouth You can stick a straw through How does he eat? Off screen No, he just slurps whey powder
Starting point is 00:47:29 I was hoping there would be a scene like in the original Batman With Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale He just goes, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow Takes off the mask and he's in massive pain Does he have teeth, do we think? I don't know Well, he's got to have something He's got to have a tongue to enunciate Yeah, and does he ever And lips, he's got to have something that he's got to have a tongue to enunciate yeah and he does he ever and if you have to have lips too top of the tongue the teeth the
Starting point is 00:47:50 lips you gotta have all those yeah yeah yeah red leather yellow leather these are his jackets maybe that's what his jacket does and that's it um yeah what else was gonna say talk about the fairy i can't remember how what's the better method of going to and from to and fro oh yeah that was the thing at the first venue they played in Victoria they had a vintage bobble bobble machine bubble bobble
Starting point is 00:48:15 bubble trouble the one with the dragons and the bubbles oh dragon bubble that was it right theme from dragons and how was that Oh, Dragon Bubble. Yeah. That was it, right? Theme from Dragons. And how was that? Fun! I forgot how much fun those old, very simplistic games.
Starting point is 00:48:34 What's that? Oh man, Emmett's ruining the show. Alright, Overheard. Alright. Overheard. show all right overheards all right overheard overheards things that you could uh if you're out in the world if you were lucky you look at you enjoy yourself and go and hear some people talking about some things you've come a long way, baby. Wait, Graham, may I interrupt you? You may, sir. It's time for my new favorite segment on the show. My old favorite segment on the show. Celebrity birthdays. Yay!
Starting point is 00:49:13 Now, last week, I tried a bunch of extra segments, and they were great. Yeah, absolutely. All hits. I'll try some more later. Sure. But this week, we're running a little low on time. So we're going to cut right to the chase. Celebrity birthdays.
Starting point is 00:49:30 The most important segment that has ever happened in the history of podcasting. I really liked what we did last week with celebrity blurt days. Yes. So I'm proposing we bring it back. Oh, a sequel. A sequel. Celebrity blurt days 2. Yeah, I got it.
Starting point is 00:49:46 These are birthdays that are being celebrated by celebrities on July 28th. Dave, if I may, July 28th. I think it might be August 28th. Boo-hoo. If I may interrupt for just a brief flash of something called Hulk Hogan News. Oh, a Hulk Hogan News? A Hulk Hogan News. It's a Hulk Hogan News.
Starting point is 00:50:09 It's a Hulk Hogan News. Zombies. Brains. We are all about the brains. We want to eat the brains. We want to feel your pain because we are zombies. Hulk Hogan News. Pretty great. Pretty great all around. Because we are zombies. Pretty great.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Pretty great all around. Now, this is a touching story. And really is. A guy named Jason Haffelin from Midland, Michigan, is a guy who has received a lung transplant has not taken. He is a 33-year-old man and he is now on his way to completing all of his bucket list things.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Hulk Hogan's giving him his lungs? Nope. This is a real thing. One of my bucket list things is get Hulk Hogan's lungs. Yeah. Get one of them, at least. So this guy is gonna go from his hometown. He's going to drive, because he cannot fly because of his condition. He is going to drive 1,300 miles to complete his lifelong dream of meeting Hulk Hogan.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Wow. So he's going to go meet Hulk Hogan, also on the... What if he's busy? Does Hulk Hogan know? Well, I hope. I'm sure he went through Jimmy the Mouth of the South Heart. Still handles all of his business. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:51:33 The other things on the trip are going to be stops at the Jim Beam Distillery, Disney Studios, Cape Kennedy, and ride in the original General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard. This guy's a bucket list. Yeah. Pretty ship shape. If you were going- Very feasible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:50 All feasible. All feasible. Those are the things to do in a tour of the South, aren't they? Yeah. And cap it off by meeting Hulk Hogan. What else is there? Drink a barbecue sauce and go to the Grand Ole Opry? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Absolutely. Do you do shots of barbecue sauce or do you just drink a whole bottle? Yeah. Whatever. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, that's true. You could do, maybe you do the, what's it called when you do a shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes? Don't know, what is that? Century Club or... Oh, yeah, and like you're not allowed to go to the bathroom or something?
Starting point is 00:52:20 I won't, if you can do it in under a minute, I guess. Oh, right right because you got to be back for the next like a terrible drinking game that people do also you could go to a bubba sparks concert uh-huh um you could go on uh kid rock's yacht um you know he's from michigan yeah you could go to the yeah yeah well that's where you start you start by going on kid rock's yacht yeah then you drive off down south. What else could you do in the south? I mean, eat a crocodile, fight a crocodile.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Absolutely, fight a crocodile. Alligator? Gator. To start a duck dynasty. There's Mardi Gras. What's her name? Baby Lala? Lady Gaga. No, not Lady Gaga. Baby Elephant Walk.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Yeah, Baby Elephant Walk. That new reality show. Honey Boo Boo. Honey Boo Boo, thank you. All sorts of great things he could do, but he's really picked a stellar list. And Hulk Hogan's on the list. Wish him the best. Hopefully your schedules match up.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yeah, absolutely. Sorry, brother. Real busy today. Love, H up. Yeah, absolutely. Sorry, brother. Real busy today. Love, HH. Yeah. Well, this has been Hulk Hogan News. Now it is time for the Celebrity Blurt Days. Now, you heard last week's episode.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I did. I was also here. I will tell you. You were here for it. Yeah, I was here for it. I will tell you the name of a celebrity celebrating their birthday on August 28th, and you will blurt out the first word that comes to your mind. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Vocalist from Florence and the Machine, Florence Welch, turns 26 today. Florence Welch. Florence Welch. No, you can't copy mine. Florence, Italy. Bubbles. Bubbles, bubbles. Turning 43 today, actor Jack Black.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Black. Took. What was yours? Took. Black took? Why took? Why black? Well, because his last name's black
Starting point is 00:54:25 That's pretty good I'm just trying to beat you It doesn't matter what I say I'm going to beat you It works best if you say it at the same time Turning 43 today Actor and Old Navy spokesman Jason Priestley.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Boat. Cherry Pit. Boat? Yeah. And Cherry Pit. You meant Peach Pit? Yeah. Yeah, you meant Peach Pit, right?
Starting point is 00:54:56 No, I didn't. Why would I say that, then? Happy Celebrity Blurt Day. 56th Celebrity Blurt Day 56th Celebrity Blurt Day To character actor Luis Guzman Don Was he on Community?
Starting point is 00:55:13 I think the school is Oh right There's a statue of him Well done Happy birthday to an actor we were talking about Before this show started Happy 55th birthday, Selena Gomez Daniel Stern
Starting point is 00:55:30 Oh, that's a long face Iron face and humble love Pretty good And the answer to this week's celebrity blurt day trivia question This singer was number one on VH1's
Starting point is 00:55:52 list of the hardest singers to impress list of the 90s. Shania Twain is 47. Boots been under. Was yours Shania Twain? Yeah, Shania Twain is 47 Boots been under Was yours Shania Twain? Yeah Shania Twain Oh okay The tribute act
Starting point is 00:56:11 Well this has been celebrity flirt days I guess we flew too close to the sun A victim of our own hubris Yeah Well it's time for Overhearts Now we always like if the guest would lead us In a prayer own hubris. Well, it's time for Overheard. Now, we always like if the guest would lead us in the
Starting point is 00:56:28 zombie walk that is the Overheard. Yeah, there we go. Emmett, will you? Yeah, alright. To keep in the theme of doing funny voices, two options. I can either do a really stereotypical Scottish
Starting point is 00:56:47 accent or a really stereotypical gay guy accent Scottish Scottish Scottish because we're homophobic not because we don't want to hear a terrible gay guy accent they're both impressive
Starting point is 00:57:03 you'll both be. But however, you guys said Scottish one. This one's years old when I was in Scotland. I think I could have even even used this one for my last appearance here. However,
Starting point is 00:57:13 I was in Scotland and I got off of Gay guy, gay guy, gay guy. So I was in Scotland and I got off this ferry and I was coming down the I got off this ferry and, um, I was, uh,
Starting point is 00:57:26 coming down the stairs off of a ferry ramp. And there was an, uh, little kid who was, uh, with his grandparents, grandparents being about, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:57:36 mid sixties, mid to late sixties. And the kid, uh, I guess started running away a little bit. And this might be just a bonus feature to it he had two he had two hearing aids on his ear uh on both ears yeah and he was running away hilarious i don't know if it'll add to this this overheard but as as he's running away his grandma grabs him
Starting point is 00:58:00 by the arm turns him around and says don't do that that's how little boys and girls get taken away that was very scary the way your face looked when you did that it was very it was frightening it sounded like the um bane the bad bad... Paul McCartney. The horrible teacher from The Wall. Oh, yeah. You can't have any meat if you don't eat your pudding. How can you have any meat? Is that... What?
Starting point is 00:58:32 Is it that you get... You eat the pudding first and then you get some meat? How can you have... No, wait. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat? Got it. Yeah. Uh...
Starting point is 00:58:41 Ugh. Hey, teacher. Leave those kids alone. Could you leave those kids alone That was terrible That was a real Mike Myers moment Oh man How many of your voices would you say Have hit the mark
Starting point is 00:58:59 I don't know I thought the Paul McCartney was really good Eventually I think all of them warm you guys You guys warm up to them They start off real bad You know what it's scary because we think there's another person here Absolutely theater of the mind
Starting point is 00:59:13 Teatro del Mundo Dave do you have an overheard Here's one I was Oh where did it go Oh yeah downtown today I saw like a in her mid-20s and a man who was about 50. And they appeared to be father and daughter. And so they're both adults, but they were both carrying luggage around town and struggling to get the luggage up onto the curb.
Starting point is 00:59:44 And I heard her dad mutter something, and I just heard the woman say, this isn't Paris. You don't have to speak French. Pardon my French, but you're a bitch. Aye, aye, aye. Couples on holiday, right? Stressful.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah. Oh, father-daughter, though. Still. That's even more stressful yeah absolutely my father the hero made it seem so easy what did he uh water ski i think so it was a water skiing scene my mother made my dad and i rent that movie because she watched it on a previous occasion and said, you guys have to watch this movie. And we sat through it and went, oh, geez. In that movie, Gerard Depardieu
Starting point is 01:00:33 is the father... Oh, another voice. Is the father of Catherine Heigl? A young Catherine Heigl? Oh, really? What is this character's name? Gerard Depardieu. Monsieur. Depardieu.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Monsieur Fazer. And then there's water skiing. And I think Andre the Seal is in it. Or I might be thinking of the movie Andre. Oh, Andre the Giant. Isn't that movie a remake, too, of a French? Yeah, which also starred uh gerard de pardue only he could have done it yeah he's like um he's everyone's hero in france so they assumed
Starting point is 01:01:12 in france it was just called my hero yeah it's called france's hero yeah number one hero he also also played obelix in the asterix nobile yeah i think he's still the number one box office draw in france remember when he peed on that plane a couple years ago yeah yeah well no well it was like was it part of a publicity stunt for his movie dad plane number one plane my my father the public urinator no he was uh super drunk on a plane, and they were going to take off. And he's like, oh, I've got to use the bathroom. And the stewardess was like, oh, no, you have to stay in your seat. We're about to take off.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Je dois pisser. Yeah. And so he's just like, fine, I'll just pee here. C'est ça, c'est pas un problème. Je peux pisser ici. Was that actual French? Dave, youer ici. Was that actual French? Dave, you know French. Was that actual French?
Starting point is 01:02:09 There was a verb in there. A smattering of. You haven't overheard. I do. I was on public transit. Yep. And there was a... This was on the train.
Starting point is 01:02:23 And this was around 5, five, six o'clock. So rush hour, rush hour train. And this I've never seen before. I've seen train scuffles and bus scuffles, but I've never seen where a scuffle starts. Like what bus scuffle? You mean a fight? Yeah. There were two guys that started yelling at each other.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yeah. There were two guys that started yelling at each other, and everybody knew, or this is the first time I've ever seen it, where everybody got out of their seats and moved away. They were like, dude, get out of the way! Yeah. And it was a young Korean boy, like 19 years old, and then an old, white, 54-year-old construction worker guy. And God knows what they were fighting about. I don't know how it started. That's why! That's why! No, that's why! That's why! Korea rules! No, construction rules!
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah, exactly! Being old's the best! So they were standing up and they were about to fight. And one guy took the Korean guy off of the train and the white guy stayed on the train and was yelling at himself for, you know, well on to the next stop. How dare I? Yeah. Oh, I shouldn't. I should have apologized.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Now I'll never get a chance to apologize. And anyway, so he's screaming and cussing, and the lady that had evacuated her seat and was standing next to me said, under her breath, I'm totally getting a car. Like, decision has been made. How old was this lady? She was probably, I'd say, 26, 28. She was hitting on you. She was like, we should go in on a car together. Oh, yeah. I didn't even realize she was talking to me. She was like, we should go in on a car together. Oh yeah, I didn't even realize she was
Starting point is 01:04:06 talking to me. She also said she should have fought that guy. And I was like, which one? For me. Did anybody on the train cell say, public transit's the worst. She's paying these bills. She's just driving me crazy.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Are you doing this to make me mad? Baby bills. Remember? Remember. Remember that? Yeah. The great thing about baby bills is he could have walked right
Starting point is 01:04:33 like they put in new... Don't scuff up my suit when you're fighting. See, now you're not even listening to the stuff that the writer's room has come up with. You're just impriming your own baby agenda.
Starting point is 01:04:44 What are you guys doing here? Oh, man. We also have overhears that have been sent to us via electronic mail. Great. If you want to do the same, you can send them to stoppodcastyourself at And this first one comes to us all the way from... It's from Andrew C. from Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:05:07 So not that far. Okay, thanks. I was driving up to Whistler with my wife and two boys, Dylan and Simon, five and eight. Hi, guys. I asked my eight-year-old to tell his mom a joke he had told me that he had learned from day camp. Simon, what starts with f and ends with uck uh mom i don't know simon what in an unpleased tone simon fire truck ah hilarious mom laughs who taught you that um dylan the younger boy not wanting to be left out
Starting point is 01:05:44 then repeated the joke his older brother had just delivered. Dylan, Mommy, what starts with an F and ends with a UCK? Mom, I don't know, Dylan. What? Dylan, try or fuck? Uh-oh. I mean, firetruck. Kids. Kids are the dumbest.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Kids say the dumbest things. Kids are the equivalent of if dogs could talk oh right they're they're saying what dogs uh would say like we always hope that oh i wish a dog could talk kids i want to hump that i want to hump that what is that what is that who is that? Where are you going? When are you coming back? This next one comes from Callan R. R. And it's, my friend and I were on our lunch break waiting at a crosswalk near the Vancouver Art Institute. Did you know that there's a thing called the Vancouver Art Institute? Yeah. There's the Art Institute of Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Oh, there you go. There's an art institute in every city. You gotta, right? Keep up your end of the art bargain. Mm-hmm. I noticed a girl with bright blue hair standing beside me drawing something in a notebook. Yeah, could be.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Are the women also called bronies? Yes. I think so, but there's another word for... Bronettes? Brunettes. Okay, we'll come back to it. I think so, but there's another word for... Ronets? Runets. Okay, we'll come back to it. Yeah, we'll come back to it. Yeah, put a pin in it.
Starting point is 01:07:12 After sneaking a peek, I saw it was a very nice sketch of a McDonald's. I checked back on the sketch about 20 seconds later. The McDonald's was now fully engulfed in flames with stick people running out of the restaurant, also on fire. McDonald's was now fully engulfed in flames with stick people running out of the restaurant, also on fire. That's pretty good. To do, like, a very well-done sketch of the McDonald's and then just light it on fire in the last second. That's an artistic choice. That's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Brony female update? Yeah. What's the update on that? Penella's? Okay. Is it really? It's not. If you know what a... Listeners, if you know what a female brony is called,
Starting point is 01:07:47 email Emmett. Yeah. Because we don't care. This last one comes from Dustin S. in Regina, Saskatchewan. I was in line at Walmart and a mother with two boys was in front of me. The boys were playing with snap bracelets, which I'm so
Starting point is 01:08:03 glad are back. Oh, yeah. Are they even? Or did they just find an old stash of them? Guys, they never left. Yeah, I think in a lot of cultures they never left. In a lot of cultures they think that snapping a bracelet on you steals your soul. So they're playing with a snap bracelet,
Starting point is 01:08:22 and the elder boy turns to his brother and says, yeah, I have a friend who has one of these that says boobies rule on it. It's pretty cool. It is pretty cool. And they do, right? Yeah, but when did anyone ever make one of those? Oh, it was some dirty hippie, you know, at like a flea market, who's like, hey, you like snap bracelets, eh?
Starting point is 01:08:42 The target market of a snap bracelet is a little girl right? well little boys I had a ninja turtles one when I was a kid really? I never had any only girls had them
Starting point is 01:08:51 in my school really? oh maybe that was a no I had one did you? yeah what did you have? boobies rule yeah boobies rule
Starting point is 01:08:59 I love snatch no it was dinkies rule why was that why is that funny? That would just have fun. It's my motto ever since. Best wishes. Now, in addition to overheards that are written in,
Starting point is 01:09:17 we also accept overheards that are called in. If you want to call us, do it. The phone number is 206-339-8328. Hi, Dave Graham, and I'm sure a perfectly adequate guest. This is best guest Paul F. Tompkins calling with an overheard. I was walking down the street past a restaurant that had outdoor seating in the front, and as I walked past, I overheard this couple talking, and I hear the incredulous man say, what?
Starting point is 01:09:50 No. And then I hear the emphatic woman say, no, no, no, she won. She won. And then there's a pause, and then she said, well, she won Canadian Idol. And then the guy went, oh. That's all. Now, who won Canadian Idol? I forget.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Nobody. Eva Avila? Oh, yeah. You think that's... We could really narrow it down to who they were talking about here. Well, who's that Shirley Temple-looking boy? But there was a she that they were talking about. The Shirley Temple-looking boy was named Kalen Porter, and he played the violin. That's who he was talking about. He played a rock violin. That was probably who it was they were talking about. I mean, the Shirley Temple looking boy was named Kalen Porter, and he played the violin. That's who he was talking about.
Starting point is 01:10:25 He played a rock violin. That was probably who it was they were talking about. I feel like there have been... There was a guy named Malcolm. He was the first one. Yeah. Malcolm. Ryan Malcolm.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Ryan Malcolm. There you go. Good work. Then there was Kalen Porter. Yeah. With his rock violin. Yeah. Rock vizine, they call it in Canada.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Then there was maybe a girl. Must have been. There were like six seasons of it. No, there weren't. Yeah, there were. Really? Our friend John Dorr used to be the Brian Dunkelman on the show. He was Canada's Brian Dunkelman.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I didn't realize that Survivor's got 25 seasons. Yeah. And they're all good. There are heroes and villains on Survivor that you've never heard of. The only one I know is the fat guy that won the first season. And then some other guy called Johnny Fairplay. Yeah. Those are the two people I know.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Oh, and wasn't Omarosa on it? No, she was not. I just remember in one of the more recent seasons There was a big selling point Was that Russell's nephew was on it And no one I knew Had ever heard of Russell to begin with Well, who was Russell? Russell's the biggest
Starting point is 01:11:37 Villain ever in the history of Or maybe the best player, I don't know What was the first guy? Richard Richard Hatch I'm literally looking up the finalists To find out Or maybe the best player. I don't know. What was the first guy? Richard. Richard Hatch. Hatchy. I'm literally looking up the finalists to find out. The winners of Canadian Idol? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:11:56 But there have been more successful people who didn't win it, I think. Like that band Headley. Oh, yeah. The guy from that band was in Canadian Idol. And they are probably the most successful. Carly Rae Jepsen auditioned for Canadian Idol. Oh, right. She made it to... Oh, you know what? That's probably who they were talking about. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Oh. Yeah. That caller, Paul, was it? He called back moments later. Oh, fun. I hugged up before saying I love you. I love you! We love you too.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Dave, say it. Say it back. I love you too. There you go. Emmett? I love you too. You say it like the boogeyman. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Next phone call. Are we ready for that? Yep. Hey Dave love you, Paul F. Sumkins. All right, next phone call. Are we ready for that? Yep. Hey, Dave and Graham. This is Greg from Omaha. I'm calling in an overheard. I was at an outdoor music festival a couple weeks ago, and I was standing up towards the front,
Starting point is 01:12:57 and there were a couple of gentlemen behind me who appeared to be under the influence of some sort of psychotropic drug. And one man said to the other, oh, man, I can't handle it. I'm freaking out. And his friend reassured him, tried to reassure him, saying, just let it wash over you. And the guy says, it's not working. It's not working. And his friend was like, just let it wash over you, just like a big, calm wave.
Starting point is 01:13:27 And the friend who was having the difficulty responded, man, you're making it so much worse. I hate waves. Yeah. It's just like we practiced in the bathtub. Just let it wash over your head. Just imagine it's this thing that can kill you. That's potentially filled with fish and sharks. Just imagine it's a dragon carrying you away.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Yeah, and it's soft talons. Splish splash, we're taking a bath. It's a fun little Saturday night. Evan, come back every week. Just not here. There's a lot of winners of Canadian Idol. I'll be waiting in the shadows for you, David. Melissa O'Neill was one of the winners of Canadian Idol.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Season 3. Oh, she was the youngest ever winner. Yeah, Kaylin Porter was season 2. Season 4 was scandalous uh because i remember him rapper yeah yeah scandalous um i can't figure ava avila oh i said avila oh you got it right um oh carly ray jefferson was like really in it. Like she got all the way to the end. She was in it to win it. But Brian Mello beat her out. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:14:48 With his cover of Mello Yellow. Yeah. And then Theo Tams was the last winner of the last season. Theo Tams. Well, this jerk won it. Let's cancel this dumb show. Theo Tams. Yeah, who's that? Nobody. None of them or anybody. No, Carly Rae Jep show. Theo Tams? Yeah, who's that?
Starting point is 01:15:05 Nobody. None of them are anybody. No, Carly Rae Jepsen. Did she win? She won Justin Bieber's heart. Oh, that's true. She won international fame. That song was everywhere in London.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Yeah. She's like 30 years old. She is not. Yeah. She is not. No, I finally heard that song and then went, how old is this person? Or I just looked, who is this person? I looked her up, and I went, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:31 She's a local girl. Yeah. Okay, so she turns 26 in November. But that is ancient. For a song like that, you're supposed to be 19 or 16 years old. You can't be. That's true, but it's so thick. All right, final phone call.
Starting point is 01:15:48 We're trying to get Carly Rae Jepsen on the show. I'm sorry, but... Hey, Dave Graham, probable guest. This is Colin from Kansas, with an absolutely crazy overseeing that happened at the convenience store where I work today. So we happened to notice outside
Starting point is 01:16:04 a little old woman, probably in her mid-80s, filling up her car, who was approached by a young woman, probably early 20s. And, you know, she starts having a conversation with her, and by the little old woman's replies to everything this woman says, it's obvious she's trying to intimidate or convince her to buy her gas. So after the third time that the
Starting point is 01:16:29 younger woman asks, the little old lady has decided she's had enough, takes two steps back away from the younger woman, and then gives her a good full second dowsing with gasoline straight out of the nozzle of the pump, then goes over, hangs up the nozzle,
Starting point is 01:16:45 calmly gets into her car and leaves. Wow! Man! That's insane. Think of what that old lady's done in her lifetime to have the guts to do that kind of thing. It's the greatest. I mean, yeah, it's like
Starting point is 01:17:01 that lady was like she didn't have a gun in her crazy purse. Because she obviously was not afraid to... Pull some kind of trigger. And that young woman was just in shock to let that old lady get in her car calmly. Just... Yeah. Well, because, yeah, if movies have told us anything, one match and that lady was going to be sky high.
Starting point is 01:17:24 She was going to explode like a tanker truck. The old lady lit a match, dropped it on the trail of gasoline. Yeah, exactly. That is the most awesome thing. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Especially if it's an 80-year-old woman.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Yeah. I mean, everything is... It's more shocking than it is hilarious. It's... It is shocking. It's shocking, but it's great. It's so great. To all our senior citizen listeners.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I mean, she was asking for it. Whether she was or not. People kind of talk about how old people can get away with stuff. She can most definitely get away with this. But they usually talk about, like, oh, you know, stealing a cup of coffee. Or, like, sugar packets yeah uh yeah it's not usually dousing someone for a second with gasoline she's really thorough too kind of like went all over but she just like whipped it at her like i bet you it was really dramatic and really
Starting point is 01:18:18 just like i'm going for your eyes yeah i have no idea how if you squeeze a pump i don't i have no idea how far it would shoot because it's going like in your car it's using gravity that's true but still if you whipped it upwards if you got gas in your eyes that would be the end of your uh asking somebody to buy you gas yeah because how do you get gas out of your eyes and then try going up to someone and asking them to buy you gas later. They'd be like, all right, gas eyes. Yeah, it seems like you've had enough gas.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Yeah, you're crying tears of gas. I should be asking you for free gas. Yeah, why don't you put your hand in my... Just wring yourself out in your gas tank. Yeah, or wring out some of your gross dreadlocks, I bet you. If you have gas tears, then that would be such a tragic existence because your tears would be so valuable. Yeah. But people would be constantly trying to make you cry.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Absolutely. I'm going to play that scenario over differently in my head for hours. Just all the different ways that that old lady could have been pouring gas on you. Oh, I was thinking the scenario of the girl with gasoline tears. Yeah. How are you going to make her cry? powers just that all the different ways that that old lady could have been pouring gas oh i was thinking the scenario of the girl with gasoline tears yeah how are you gonna make her cry first of all is that not a great name for some kind of gasoline tears well no there's some kind of spy the girl with gasoline tears yeah steve larson yeah absolutely uh and also when you would wash your face and you would get a little you get those little rainbows that happen in the puddles all the time.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that'd be kind of nice. Yeah, and... She lived her life on the highway. Never knowing love. Crying tears of gasoline. Her dreams never came true. Oh, Lordy. that didn't really work
Starting point is 01:20:08 oh well I think on that note let's put a button in it now Emmett congratulations slash condolences on your Canadian Comedy Award
Starting point is 01:20:17 win slash loss you guys too you guys deserved it slash were robbed slash didn't deserve it and I will say this slash wrongfully lost I hope you guys win
Starting point is 01:20:31 even though I voted for my podcast absolutely you have to support the home team but you guys have built a legacy here yeah why'd you vote for you it's just the way I work yeah and if people love what you do see here. Yeah. Why'd you vote for you? It's just the way I work. Yeah. And if people love what you do. If people love
Starting point is 01:20:48 what I do. If people want to get in touch with you because you totally got all the brony stuff wrong, where do they find you online? Okay. Well, because I'm in charge of the Sunday Service Presents a Beautiful Podcast, I'm the guy that produces and edits does all the original music
Starting point is 01:21:03 and performs on it. i'm also kind of in charge of brags and brags about how good it is yeah uh you know and this this get it's it's like a sketch comedy podcast improvised it's not just kind of it's not just talking like we were doing for the past three hours uh it's a little bit different so if you're looking for something a little different it's uh all right that's enough of're looking for something a little different it's alright that's enough of that we have a twitter account that I kind of I handle that one at a beautiful pcast
Starting point is 01:21:34 because pod wasn't couldn't fit that in so a beautiful pcast follow us there and we release a half hour to 40 minute podcast every month it's hilarious all your favorite Sunday service members are there, including lots of spy guests. Yeah, everyone of them has been a guest on this show. Pretty much.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah. And we've got high standards. And you're at Emmett Hall on Twitter? No, just basically I use the Beautiful Podcast. Okay, so bronies, female bronies, contact him that place. Yep. Tell me what you're called, and then I'll let these guys know. Or don't.
Starting point is 01:22:12 Come see the Sunday Service live every Sunday night at the Cosmic Zoo, which is 53 West Broadway at 9 p.m. Yep. And we're performing at the Oleo Festival the same night you guys are, but I think a little before. Oy, oy, oy, with the competitiveness over there. This guy. It's called Sleeping with the Enemy.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Yeah. Oh, hey. You guys are Julia Roberts, and I'm the guy that looks like Kevin Kline. Eric Roberts. Eric Roberts with a mustache. Who was in that movie? I don't remember. Was it not her?
Starting point is 01:22:43 Wasn't it a brother and sister role? He played her ex-husband who was trying to kill her? Yeah, isn't it? No. I think you're right. You're right. We'll look it up. Look, we found out the Canadian Idol stuff.
Starting point is 01:22:58 That's as far as I'm willing to go, internet-wise. Dave, what do we got going on? Like Emmett, we are in the oleo festival i'm not certain about uh tickets are supposed to be on sale yeah this week for individual uh tickets for the show but if you uh there are also tickets for the entire festival available as well as day tickets so if you want to go to go on that Friday and see both of our shows, Emmett's and ours. I think Kevin Lee is moonlighting between the two of us. He is. He's going to be a guest.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Kevin Lee will be on both shows. So that'll be great. We are also going to be in Calgary for the YYC Comedy Festival in September the 27th. And then I'm going to stay at Graham's parents' house. That's going to be great. They can't wait. They love you, Dave. So your dad is going to be in town?
Starting point is 01:23:51 Yep. Oh. We should maybe consider a segment. A segment there. And then in October, I believe there are still tickets available for MaxFunCon East. there's still tickets available for MaxFunCon East. And if you haven't ever gone to and checked out the blog recaps that Dave puts up every week, they're a delight.
Starting point is 01:24:13 They make my week every single time that I see them. I scroll through as I'm listening to the podcast. Yeah, pictures and videos relating to the content of the podcast. You'll have a picture of Shadowfax. You'll have a picture of...fax. You'll have a picture of... Bronies. Bronies. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:24:30 I don't know if we talked about... I mean, one of them loser Canadian idols. Oh, yeah, yeah. Theo Turd. What was his name? Theo Turd! Theo Turd. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:42 So that's on iTunes, the Sunday Service Presents a Beautiful Podcast. Yeah, yeah, that's on iTunes, the Sunday Service presents a beautiful podcast. Yeah, that's right. And also, Dave, compliments on the delicious strawberry rhubarb pie we had at the tournament. I'm so impressed. The crust alone was worth it. It's a real triple threat over here. Yeah, I made some pie and we ate it during the break.
Starting point is 01:25:01 And it was delicious. It was great. Yeah, it was really delicious pie. You're a pie smith. Who doesn't love pie? Good question. Yeah. Oh, cake fuzz.
Starting point is 01:25:12 And yeah. I can't eat pie. I can only drink it through a straw. Terrible. Cake fuzz. That's my cake fuzz. And yeah, if you like the show, tell your friends
Starting point is 01:25:25 And come on back next week For another episode Of Stop Podcasting Yourself Alright Episode 232 What's the theme? The theme? All right. Episode 232. What's the theme? The theme?
Starting point is 01:25:50 Theme of this episode. Master Bonds. Yeah. No, the... Should we have a secret word? Oh, yeah. Oh, should I write it down? So you're going to come up with it, and if one of us says it, then you're going to go crazy? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Okay. Yeah. Absolutely, you should write it down.

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