Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 275 - Craig Northey

Episode Date: June 24, 2013

Odds frontman Craig Northey joins us to talk high school dances, tipping, and Gangnam Style chicken....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 275 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is the Pele of podcasting, Mr. Dave Shumka. Oh, I'm the king of the soccer field. You are.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Vis-a-vis podcasting. Absolutely you are. Timely reference, Pele. Timely, timeless. Yeah. Oh. I always feel bad when, because we're pre-taping this episode it's probably not gonna be out for three or four weeks mm-hmm you might be dead by the
Starting point is 00:00:52 time no no no no no no Pele never does Pele never sleeps oh really yeah yeah he's like money yeah Wall Street too yeah but it like, too. Pele never sleeps. And our guest today, first-time guest on the show, a gentleman who is the lead singer, lead guitarist, lead songwriter? Yeah, lead songwriter. I haven't heard that one before. Yeah, yeah. I go with that. And I play a couple solos, but I'm really kind of holding down the backbone.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Rhythm guitar player. Rhythm guitar player. There you go. All right. My guitars aren't really lead guitars. Fair enough. So I got some of it right. Of the band The Odds. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Is it just Odds? It is, yeah. See, I got three strings wrong. No, no, you didn't get it wrong. But I didn't get it right. Well, everyone calls us what they call us. Your name is Craig North? No, you didn't get it wrong. But I didn't get it right. Everyone calls us what they call us. Your name is Craig North? No, wrong.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Oh, man. That was acceptable, Graham. Acceptable. Thanks for being our guest. Thank you for having me. Why did it take 275? Because you know what? I don't think that Dave or I ever even thought.
Starting point is 00:02:07 We were like, I don't know. It's like, we just wouldn't have thought to ask. And then when you said yes, it was like, oh, why didn't we ask 175 episodes ago? At episode 100. Well, we had to get our footing underneath it. You didn't have to explain it. I'm fine now. I think footing underneath it. Yeah. You didn't have to explain it. I'm fine now. I think I explained it really well.
Starting point is 00:02:27 You did. Acceptable once again. Awesome. Do you want to get to know us? Please. Get to know us. So what's new? What's happening?
Starting point is 00:02:38 You just got back from Los Angeles. I did, yeah. I was helping with my friend Bruce McCulloch, who's a comedian, as you may know from The Kids in the Hall. He's putting together a new show, one-man show, I guess you'd call it. And I went and played guitar for him. I kind of do that for guys in that troupe. I help them with music in one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And so I went and did that for a couple shows were you in the in brain candy um i was sort of looking up canadian soundtracks today and did you do the backup band for bruce mccullough's heavy metal character what you hear yes oh but not on camera it was a couple guys from the morgan fields a band from toronto but off camera the recording is uh the odds basically wow bruce please it's just odds yeah see i told you i told you you were kind of right because i'll do that i think you're just doing that to make me feel good no i appreciate it we had a shtick where people asked why there was this confusion and we said and it's true the reason we call ourselves odds is because we'd go to a club or
Starting point is 00:03:53 a venue and on the marquee with those those plastic letters that they kern together on the things they'd sometimes put the the they're all in uppercase and the odds too close together. So it said Theads. Theads. And we thought we weren't getting our point across. So we changed. We said, no, it's just odds. And we were fairly emphatic about it. And for a while, only because we didn't want to be Theads.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Theads. And we used to say that the reason we had to become odds was because we were sued by the. And we used to say that the reason we had to become odds was because we were sued by the, the, uh, that's like somebody was telling me that, uh, now you have to explain who the,
Starting point is 00:04:32 the is. No, they don't get it. Yeah. I believe like, even I, like I only knew them as a band with that name. I know I couldn't tell you a song.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah. What is there? What's there? They have a famous song, don't they? Yeah. And the one that's the most famous, I can't,
Starting point is 00:04:48 it slips my mind, but I know Jules Holland played piano on it. Oh, yeah. Now I'll explain who Jules Holland is. Yeah, here we go. We're really going
Starting point is 00:04:54 down the rabbit hole. He hosts a show on a channel you don't get. That's right. And the guy who sings his name is Matt. There you go. Matt from The The.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Yeah. Is there a band called The Them? Because that would be an all right. There was Them. Them. Them. Van Morrison, yeah. Yeah, but there was no The Them.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Well, there ought to be. Yeah, yeah. I heard, I was, like, when you said getting sued by The The, by the band The The. Yeah. Sued by the the. By the band the the. Yeah. Somebody told me that KFC changed its name from Kentucky Fried Chicken because the state of Kentucky, like, has trademarked Kentucky because of the Kentucky Derby.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Oh. And KFC was like, we're not going to pay you money because you trademarked Kentucky. So they shortened it to KFC. Because, well, the rumor was because they couldn't call it chicken anymore because it was so genetically modified. Oh. And I heard that you couldn't use the word fried anymore because of drug loss. Yeah. So we heard three very different accounts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I don't know who's right. Because of those Your Brain on Drugs ads. Yeah. Oh, man. It was the people who did Dazed and Confused who sued them, I believe. It's weird. That's a term you don't really hear anymore. Like, oh, maybe you do.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Like, if you're accusing your kids of doing drugs. Like, you look fried. But I think it's a generation ago. Would you have said, let's get fried? That doesn't seem right, does it? generation ago would you would you have said let's get fried no you usually baked and then you go well dad it's actually better for you yeah yeah than the frying yeah because like just use a little bit of pam non-stick spray yeah because fried would is like a negative like you did too many or you did too much, right? And you fried yourself. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah, man. Baked is just sort of a light suntan. Yeah. Yeah. You cook through. You use a toothpick. If it comes out dry, you're done. Now, you have youths.
Starting point is 00:06:56 You have kids. I do. I have youths. Yeah. Yeah. I have been and do have and have sired youth. Oh, congratulations. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And like, are they out of school for summer? Does that happen? How old are they? Yeah. How old are they? 23, 20, and 16 almost. Wow. Yeah. You started young. Yeah, you were very young to have a uh oh i'm way older than you think well i don't know i think i don't know man i don't want to go down this road yeah
Starting point is 00:07:33 you look great yeah you look like thank you it's like fried dynamite it's a podcast i can't tell yeah no but you can tell you've got like fried dynamite uh so then yeah like the 23 year old is in university maybe she's an actor and she's yeah rock and roll guy yeah actor great that's right and she's uh she lives in astoria new york or you know part of that megalopolis of new york yeah is uh theater school ah and um does she own many scarves she has a couple scarves and i've noticed more hats yeah yeah oh a bad big floppy ones it's cold there yeah No floppy. Layering.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I think she'll surprise you this summer. Big floppy hats. I think it's part of poverty and warmth. She and her roommates don't turn the heat on, but put on those layers. Oh, that's environmentally effective and stylish. Yeah, there you go. Wow. Yeah, I have a friend whose daughter went to theater school in New York and just had so many scarves by the end of it.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I don't know. Actresses and scarves, man. Well, I think it's changed. I don't know if it's scarves. You have to invest in a flat black um naked 70s motorcycle with asbestos wrap on the pipes and uh ironic facial hair and i don't know how successful she's been at that yet well give her time does she have the motorcycle yet no no guys when i was walking down here tonight i saw a guy older guy on a motorcycle uh like driving along smoking a
Starting point is 00:09:26 cigarette i think i saw that guy that's pretty badass right it burns down fast yeah it does yeah i watched that just yeah and plus i imagine like the ash flying into his face well yeah don't you usually hold it in like if you see someone holding it in their mouth they're getting smoke in their eyes as is and they're getting smoke in their eyes as is and they're not you know propelling themselves forward smoke does get in your house but yeah anyways i haven't seen a guy uh like on a motorcycle that's a real man that's a you're not used to it yeah yeah i'm not exactly i'm not used to seeing a real man probably spends his weekends tooling around on his motorcycle probably you know yeah
Starting point is 00:10:05 dropping it dropping the crankshaft was it a full face helmet or how did he a little cigarette cigarette hole out of the visor i just saw smoke coming out of the helmet he might have been a ghost driver yeah that's that's true. Exactly. Oh, yeah. I remember when I was in school, they made a special edition of ghostwriter comics to give out to kids to encourage them to wear, like, a helmet. He's got a burning head. That's exactly. I just realized that now. I was like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:10:39 That guy doesn't wear a helmet ever. But in the comic, the special edition, did he? No. No, no. But he was telling a kid that was riding a bicycle, hey, wear your helmet, kid. Or I'll burn your face. Yeah, yeah. I'll send you to the depths of hell.
Starting point is 00:11:00 So what were we talking about? Oh, yeah, summertime. Oh, yeah. Well, and kids and stuff. And kids. And burning heads. So you've been, you're like, you're a rock and roll guy, rock and roll band. And you have kids like you're a family guy.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yes. How does that work? That doesn't, that's not the same world, is it? How can you discipline them? How can I? Well, I have to come home first. That's the mythology of being in a band, that you're never there, you're an absentee father, which isn't true. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Because everyone else, if you add it up, people have jobs and they go to their work and then they come home and then they have dinner and their kids go to bed. Yeah. The way it should be. The old fashioned way. So frequently I'm there all the time. So they just couldn't get rid of me. So our relationship was really good growing up. Nice.
Starting point is 00:11:53 But I find, like you said, actor. Oh, yeah. Way to go. They take examples from, hey, that looked like fun. Like the kids in the hall. Yeah. I was doing those shows when they were little kids and that's what they thought you could make a living doing so my son's other sons in film
Starting point is 00:12:11 they picked the one example in canada my wife's in health care and she's no science and all kinds of stuff and she's just baffled that how come they decided on the thing that doesn't seem solid, but someone created that illusion. Yeah, yeah. Way to go. Someone helped. So then there's a third child. There is. Maybe that kid will rebel and become an accountant or something like that?
Starting point is 00:12:37 He wants to be a professional hockey player. Oh, wow. How old is he? He's 15. Is he good? Yeah. Okay. Well, good for him. Yeah. Yeah. And you don't. Is he good? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, good for him.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah. Yeah. And you don't step on those dreams. Yeah. No. You skate on them. You skate on them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:54 When I was 15, I wasn't a very good hockey player anymore. No. So if I wanted to be a professional hockey player, then people would stump on my dreams. What age did you write off like being an athlete oh like grade seven where you were like that's out when they started having 5 a.m practices i was like no yeah yeah i could call you oh earlier earlier than that. Like, I don't know. Whenever the first time I played soccer, I was like, I hate this. I don't want to do this. I'm still in the chase.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I'm going to hunt. Yeah? What is the sport you get your eye on? Hockey. I figure with expansion, you know, that if they just keep going, I could be in the show by the time I'm 60. If they get rid of the fighting. Yeah, get rid of that. Get rid of the skating. That could be in the show by the time I'm 60. If they get rid of the fighting. Yeah, get rid of that. Get rid of the skating.
Starting point is 00:13:47 That would be awesome. I remember being really bummed when there were players in the league that were younger than me. Oh, yeah. I was like, oh, I didn't even notice. I missed my draft year. Now I look and I go, there's not a player that's 10 years younger than me that's still in the league. So there you go. Chris Chelios was the closest they got.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Oh, yeah. How old was he? He played in, yeah, I think he played into his like early 40s and then couldn't get a contract, but still played in the minors. Tame Usulani is still playing. That's true. Well, Gordie Howe was the inspiration really to have your two sons playing on a line with you that's what you really want that's so possible now i bet you that's a lot still a lot of dads like secret dream yeah you know like if i just get in some better shape oh you mean that the yeah the dads are reverse engineering yeah It's not like the dads were in the league and then had kids.
Starting point is 00:14:48 No, no, no. They're waiting for the kids to get in and then bring dad along for the ride. Yeah, I could sign this deal with you guys, but my dad's got to play. If you're really good, you've got to be really good to pull that move. And I think some people are good enough to do it. Well, there's like when I was growing up in Calgary, there was a guy that they brought up from the minors who could barely skate. But he was like really tough. And they loved watching him fight. Like he would just kind of barely skate out on the ice and just like pick the guy who had just checked somebody and like beat the shit out of him.
Starting point is 00:15:26 But like that guy never thought in a million years he was going to be on an NHL team, even for a week or whatever it was that they brought him up for. So it's always. No, of course he did. Everyone thinks they're going to. Not me. Be a professional athlete when they play for five minutes when they're a kid. Yeah, I never did.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I don't think I ever had that. I don't think I ever had the idea that I could ever do that. Because I think I was like, wow, I'm really fast, and then somebody ran faster than me. I was like, well, if that person's faster than me, imagine how many more people are faster than me. I was the fastest one in my class. Well, see, I was never that.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So it's easy to give up. I wasn't any of those things, but I did. I remember watching bands and my mom's a musician. And I remember watching bands at the first high school dance. My mom is Grace Slick. Change your name pretty early. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, it's a cool name.
Starting point is 00:16:23 It is. And I thought, I see a band at a high school dance, and I go, they made it look so easy. That is so hard. I'll never do that, ever. I'm never going to be able to do it. Did you ever, did Odds ever play high school? Uh-huh. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah. That seems like a really yeah well not really well not really we did we did one maybe two high school things early on but we had an alter ego this shtick we did down on granville um as a well back when we started there you you had to get a record deal. It's different now. It's a grassroots kind of thing. But you had to find some big mega corporation to back you and mortgage yourself and take these bad deals with them. Right. So we were looking for money to record. So we developed a moonlighting gig that was kind of a shtick. It was like this phony British invasion invasion band and we put on disguises and it was mostly talking with some music in between us berating
Starting point is 00:17:32 the audience and stuff and acting like you know mean and uh people love that yeah yeah so we did that for a while and because we were called the dawn patrol the dawn patrol at the roxy when the roxy started on granville and so we um do you ever go back there no it's great now i can see from the lineups outside that it's uh it's a great place well at the time it was trying to figure out what it was, but they wanted people to come. So we did classics, but we rarely used the words that they wrote in the classics. We would make it up as we went along. Like Weird Al.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah. Yeah, like Weird Al, except he didn't need a wig, and we did. We didn't have an accordion or anything. And we did this kind of thing. And so everybody, sometimes someone crazy would hire us to do something strange because they saw that we played these songs. Yeah. So we played a high school in Nelson. And I remember, I don't know why we did it, but I started a chainsaw on the stage during the performance.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And that didn't go over so well. Did you bring it from home or was it just something you... We arranged to have a chainsaw there. Wasn't as fair at the moment. I can't remember what song it was for or what it was doing, but it didn't go over so great. Oh, wow. But like, it was just acoustically? It was the prom.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I started a chainsaw in the gym. Wow. I did a show once. They should be familiar with chainsaws. I didn't see. Was it an electric or was it? It was a real gas powered. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Nice. Do they make electric ones? Yeah, they make those ones. They're more like a hedge trimmer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. With a battery yeah yeah um i did a fundraiser like years ago when i first moved to vancouver for a high school's dry grad and i had never that's not a thing in alberta like i've never heard that term before so i thought it was like because it was rainy out here yeah alcohol-free grad yeah but i thought it was like like hey let's keep this grad dry like put up like tents or something
Starting point is 00:19:51 like they thought they were gonna rent like giant tents so that it was like i didn't know until like halfway through and i was like oh this is why everyone's miserable oh man So how did the – aside from the chainsaw, how did the high school gig go? Well, we recovered. We make people happy. That's our job. But we had a devil-may-care attitude. Yeah. Came out with a table saw.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I think in general people like the idea of seeing someone who doesn't care if they're fired. It's more exciting to watch. That's true i was thinking about that today like that's been kind of norm mcdonald's whole career is like a guy that you're like ah i wish i could be that guy who just like doesn't give a shit just like you know like he's got a video podcast now that he shows up he's just like wearing whatever he's wearing that day he's wearing a hoodie. Yeah, but so are we. Yeah, but it's not video, right? That's true. But there is something. You're right.
Starting point is 00:20:49 There's something great about somebody who's like, yeah. There's an energy. We never had bands play our high school dances. No. It was always a DJ. It was always like the much music video dance DJ. Yeah, that's true. Well, that's why I was saying I'm a little older than you.
Starting point is 00:21:04 There was a time when DJs didn't exist. There was a time when much music didn't exist that's right oh i'm from that time well i'm also from that time but right i exploited that time yeah you were like you were in a time when they actually like they played music videos on that station, and it wasn't just reruns of Degrassi. I haven't checked in in a while, yeah. They do show a lot of reruns of Degrassi. That much I know. Do they show The Voice as well? Probably, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And then kind of like down-market reality shows that you maybe haven't heard of. You know, like, I don't know. Something about teens. Yeah. Canada's Best New Coat. know you know like um you know i don't know something about teens yeah you know canada's best new coat brought to you by the hudson's bay yeah a lot of shows about coats on this channel oh man yeah um because uh yeah when i was growing up in high school, I was a huge fan of your music. And, yeah, you guys had great music videos with the kids in the hall in them. And this is very, like, did you tour in the States a lot or were you mostly in Canada?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Well, we started down there because nobody wanted us here. Classic show business. We went to Los Angeles and we used that moonlighting gig I was telling you about to record in the daytime and get us back and forth to a house gig, a regular gigs in Los Angeles. And that we got noticed there. And so when we started playing, we sort of circled America first for a while and then got brave and headed home. Yeah. You as odds, not as the Dawn Patrol. No.
Starting point is 00:22:52 What happened to the Dawn Patrol? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You still keep in touch. Well, it's the same people. I know. I like that. I like that. We do a thing, a shtick again, sometimes called Acid Wish, which is the similar idea.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I like it. It's almost exactly the same, only the material is more just crotch rock, you know, Kiss and Fog Hat and stuff like that. And you do this as like a house band somewhere? Well, we did it because the Barenaked Ladies had a, they used to like to come when they were in town to come see us do the Dawn Patrol because we were kind of shooting stuff out there. Chainsaws and whatnot. Yes, chainsaws, et cetera. Sparks. Some music and effluent and beer particles. And they liked it.
Starting point is 00:23:46 they they uh they liked it so they decided to do these concert cruises in the in the caribbean about starting about six years ago five years ago and we we broke up in the band for a while or didn't do it under that name and uh we had started writing again and they said hey would we come on this these cruises and would we as well as doing whatever we wanted to do do that shtick again at the end of the night so all the musicians who were there could come and jump up on stage and create a whole party. Oh, cool. So we did that for four years in a row. I'm curious, because is it the entire boat that is Barenaked Ladies fans? Or is it just like a partition of the boat? It's the whole boat. And it's mostly Barenaked Ladies fans, or is it just like a partition of the boat? It's the whole boat and it's mostly Barenaked Lady fans.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And then, but they have like Great Big Sea and we had Sloan and Sarah McLaughlin and Weaker Thans and a million bands over those four years. It's so, so you'd have your own fans, those 10. Yeah. And then, and then a bunch of other from other bands people dedicated
Starting point is 00:24:49 to those bands but they kind of mixed it up and they're all complimentary is it weird to be on the like on a boat yeah like in the buffet line with the people we thought so but i think that they're all so courteous and and so concerned that hey we got six days here i don't want to be the buffoon who who overdoes it right no it's it's actually all right it's really six days with the same people in the same bands yeah everyone's on there you get off to go shore excursions. But other than that, it really is a floating music festival. So you wake up and you look at your TV or your booklet. And it says on this stage is this at this time.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And you plan your day. And people are there for the music. Wow. Yeah. How weird. There's a lot of them now. Like there weren't any 10 years ago. And now there's like a dozen.
Starting point is 00:25:42 There's the Coachella one. And Weezer does one. And Kid Rock has one. Oh, yeah. I can imagine the Kid Rock one. Gross. You should have seen, and we got on when the Lynyrd Skynyrd one was getting off. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:25:57 The surviving Skynyrd crew. Yeah. If you couldn't do it in a plane. Yeah. Let's take 2, 000 people down with us uh yeah like that i don't know a kid rock like that's that seems like that would skirt the like insane clown posse boat cruise the funny thing is is they have they have a show before you leave on the lido deck that's kind of a welcome to the boat thing and everybody starts to drink right away yeah and it's really a good
Starting point is 00:26:32 vibe and the sun's out and most people who show up aren't from a place where there's sun all the time and it's in the winter time so they're pastiest canadians yeah they're totally euphoric and they're having these giant rum drinks. And they do it to gauge how much booze they're going to need over the next five days. So they're measuring, they're quantifying and tapping numbers. And basically somebody said that when that Southern Rock one pulled in, that they were going, oh, get five trucks now and head into town. Go to every liquor store. They had to quintuple what they estimated.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah, we need more mason jars. Get as much XXX whiskey as you can find. Jugged whiskey, it seems to be, in high demand. Every bathtub on this boat will be making moonshine. Copper pipe. Every toilet will be making prune out. I guess that's more of a prison thing than a cell. Yeah, but, you know, prisoners from the South, they like what they like.
Starting point is 00:27:39 That's true. I wonder if people get out of prison and, like, have, you know how, know how people would come back from the war and be like, oh, they had this type of beverage overseas and you can't get it here. Do people who get out of prison, they're like, ah, I miss Pruno. Like I miss fruit, alcohol, toilet, drink. Do you think they make their own? Yeah, I wonder. Like or if – what would you miss most about prison for me it would be like the uh alone time it would be i bet i would get in really good shape in prison yeah yeah the
Starting point is 00:28:13 community it's pressing yeah yeah i would probably uh chunk up once i got out of prison that's true i think like yeah i try and tell myself i'm one prison sentence away from, like, rock-hard abs. But, you know, I've got a lot of time now, and I don't do sit-ups. Do you think you'd do well in prison? Both of yous. I know I would. I don't know, like... You mean in popularity? No, I mean just, like...
Starting point is 00:28:39 Voted most likely to succeed? Miss congeniality. No, I, well. Would you thrive in that environment? You know, like some people do. No, they don't. No, but I think I would do the, where you like hang out in the library or the learning annex or whatever. That seems that would be like my learning.
Starting point is 00:29:03 The University of Phoenix. Yeah. whatever that seems that would be like my learning the university of phoenix yeah i think my escape plan i don't know if it's an escape plan or just would you be trying to break out no i i i cultivate wherever the seamstress or seam you know the fabric thing i'd build myself a guard's uniform yeah yeah where's the prison seamstress? I don't think that's a thing Oh man Day one Can you show me where the seamstress is? I'd like to learn from her
Starting point is 00:29:34 I mean someone must be making these uniforms Yeah but do you think it's all an in-house operation? I don't think they're made in the USA Yeah Well there's this movie I watched I don't think it's all an in-house operation. I don't think they're made in the USA. Yeah. Well, there's this movie I watched with Jim Carrey in it called – Shawshank Redemption? Yeah, that's the one.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah. And he goes, oh, righty then. Yeah. Yeah. When he gets – he trades something for a carton of smokes. Yeah. And he's like, smoking. He puts all the smokes in his mouth at once.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Yeah, and then a bunch of prisoners are like, hey, I traded a lot of people for those cigarettes. Yeah, I wonder how many cigarettes I'd go for. Oh, yeah. You'd be a hot property, I think. Yeah, I'd be a couple a pack. Right? Right, guys? A a couple a pack. Right? Right, guys? A carton at least?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Dave? I don't know what that translates. First of all, I don't know what human life is worth. And I don't know what cartons go for in the real world or in prison. Oh, yeah. I would argue if you're smoking a carton of cigarettes, your value of human life is a little notch below someone who's afraid. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Doesn't smoke a cigarette. And also if you're somebody who is a murderer. Yeah. Then your value of human life even lower. You're a guy who smokes and was a murderer. Yeah. Yeah. Lowest possible.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah. I think I would probably go for like five cakes with saws in them. File cakes. People still break out of prison, right? Like it's not a thing that's an impossible thing. It still happens pretty regularly, it seems like. I don't know that it does happen that regularly. It happens at least once a week.
Starting point is 00:31:22 No, I have a Google alert. Prison breaks. Every week. And how do you feel about it? Like, are you... I feel like in some cases I'm like rooting for the people, and then in some cases they're escaped murder. It depends if you live beside the prison.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. You root for them. You don't live in Kingston. It's okay. That's true. Yeah, that's true. And I don't know. I think that I only root for them because of the Shawshank Redemption.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I think that's like, he's a nice guy at his core. It's just like a guy who's having sex with his wife. He lost control. What? Isn't that what he was in prison for? Andy Dufresne? Yeah, he was having sex with his wife. He lost control of his car.
Starting point is 00:32:01 No, he came in and a guy was having sex with his wife. And he lost his mind and killed the guy. Oh, he lost control of his car. No, he came in and the guy was having sex with his wife. And he lost his mind and killed the guy. Oh, he lost control of it. Isn't it open that he might not have killed? Yeah, I assumed he didn't kill anyone. Oh, I thought that he did. And then it was like, but it's okay. Now you're really rooting for him because he could not have killed him.
Starting point is 00:32:19 The guy killed his wife. And they pinned it on him. That was a fugitive. It was a one-armed man. That's another reason I root for them. Because of the one-armed man that's another reason i root for them because the one-armed man because of the fugitive oh that's true yeah well but yeah like there's no then that never happens there's nobody ever who's broken out of prison and then like gone to go solve his own over the course of months yeah like gone Like, gone back to the crime. You guys are going to debunk the longest yard now, too, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:32:48 There's never been a football prison. Especially a remake of one. Yeah. Did you ever see that show Prison Break? Yeah. Which was the guy who, the guy was in prison, and so his brother committed a crime so he could get into the same prison and break his brother out. And he had a tattoo of the prison schematics on his body. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:13 And he, it's, I think that. Nobody saw that when they stripped him down. No. Take his possessions away. What are you going to do? Take his skin? Yeah, that's true. It's a tattoo but also i think that notion that like
Starting point is 00:33:26 like that you just automatically serve in the the county or whatever the same kind of crime yeah it's in the same spot yeah exactly it's the reverse of double jeopardy you have to put them in prison the exact same prison and they have different last names so the judge would never know um and then that show prison break it was only supposed to be like a season long right i think it was supposed to be like a summer mini series yeah like this guy goes in tries to help his brother get on prison it was so successful that they went for like four more seasons and then people were like oh we didn't want this yeah we were only into this because we thought it would end yeah it's like okay you broke out now what so at the beginning of the second season they were back
Starting point is 00:34:09 we gotta break into a prison we had to break into a prison yeah prison break didn't say which way i know a rock and roll story about that not just just a sec because that's my job here because I'm sort of like Harry Neal or something. I have to add that component. Yeah. I remember we had this lawyer who represented also the band Poison. Oh, wow. If you remember Unskinny Bop and some other gems. Yeah, I remember seeing the cover of the – was it Liquid Cat Drag then?
Starting point is 00:34:44 And being like very confused. Is that Bret Michaels? Yes, that's true, yeah. So they would apparently have some dust-ups on their busts and stuff. They weren't a happy-go-lucky troupe. And they may have been on the alcohol or something. And they were somewhere in the middle of the night and got in one and kicked the guitar player off the bus. So the lawyer got a call to bail him out because he got caught.
Starting point is 00:35:10 He saw some wall and he thought, I'll go over that and see if there's a phone. And he broke into a minimum security prison. So he got the call to get him out for breaking into a prison. The good news is... You have a very short bus ride. The bad news
Starting point is 00:35:31 is you're never getting out. Oh, man. Yeah. Being a good, like, a band's lawyer-like poison would just be the greatest like poison seems like a great super fun yeah he this guy was an awesome guy to the lawyer because he sort of kissed and tell in a nice way yeah like come on tell us some crazy stuff about poison yeah it's like the fact that all
Starting point is 00:36:00 of those bands haven't written like the same kind of book as Motley Crue's The Dirt is really disappointing. Because I feel like... Most of them can't write. Yeah, but just talking to a dictaphone. Yeah, dictate it. Or just a podcast where Poison gets together and just talks about crazy shit they used to do. The old days. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:21 They get along much better now. Yeah. The Poison cast. But maybe they don't remember that stuff. The old days, yeah. Yeah. They get along much better now. Yeah. The Poison Cast. But maybe they don't remember that stuff. Unskinny Pod. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there you go. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I'm so mad that that doesn't exist. They probably don't remember a lot of the stuff, though, right? They must. What's like that Lemmy documentary? Did you see that? You've explained it. You used to have a joke about it on stage. Oh, that was pre the lemmy documentary that was a behind the music yeah where yeah he's talking about he's got this crazy bump on his neck yeah and uh he's explaining
Starting point is 00:36:57 he's also got crazy bumps all over yeah that's true that's true but he says he's like he's like explaining he's doing the interview. He's like, oh, I've got this crazy bump on my neck. And, you know, it just wasn't there. And then one morning it just appeared. And then they interviewed the rest of the band and they were like, no. One night Lemmy was arguing with a guy and the guy said, I bet you I could pick you up. And Lemmy was like, do it!
Starting point is 00:37:26 And the guy picked him up and dropped Lemmy on his head. And that's where the bump came from. And Lemmy just doesn't remember. Yeah, and Lemmy's like, it's a mystery! But now Lemmy, like, he just, like, plays bingo and stuff. I wonder how much he is retained of that he's not still rocking he's still rocking oh yeah but like in his daytime like he he just kind of like in the interviews didn't seem like there was a lot of i've got some stories to tell yeah doesn't he
Starting point is 00:37:57 have like a uh a one-bedroom apartment yeah and he's and he plays bingo during the day. Just a quiet guy. Yeah. Lovable Lemmy. Yeah. Yeah. He should do a podcast. Yeah. So, Dave, what's going on with you, man? Oh, boy. Not much.
Starting point is 00:38:16 We've been, Graham's going away. Where are you going to be? I'm going to Montreal, and then I'm going to Edinburgh, Scotland. And you're gone for, like like the second half of the summer. So we're pre-taping a bunch of episodes. So we are recording like twice a week now. Yeah, absolutely. And so not a lot is happening outside of the month.
Starting point is 00:38:36 But I did – here's a thing that happened to me. Do you – I imagine both of you tip when you're out yeah but do what situations don't you tip in oh because i don't like i'll tip a cab driver i'll tip a bartender i'll tip a waiter um i uh chambermaid yep uh coffee shop dentist um like to leave a quick little 20 on the uh dentist but like there's places. For extra anesthetic? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like you go to, if you call in an order to a pizza place and you're just going to pick up the pizza and then you give them your credit card and the little thing comes up. Do you want to tip? That's not.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah, borderline. And I don't usually tip at a counter when there's, like, no waiters. Like at a coffee shop, you would, though. A coffee shop, I would. But, like, well, there's this place I go. Here's the story. All right. Here it goes.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I go to this place called the Noodle Box downtown. And I go, like, once a week. And I used to tip. and I used to tip and I noticed that whether I tipped or not, the service was the same. Like if I tipped, sometimes I would be waiting even longer
Starting point is 00:39:53 than the days when I didn't tip. And so this time I went the other day and the change worked out in such a way that it was like a nice little tip. It was like a dollar. I gave them for a $9 meal. Actually, no. It was like – it was $13 and it was $2. So I gave them $2 for this $13 meal.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Sure. I'm out $15. Yeah. And then I'm waiting. You're in the noodles and then people behind me that ordered behind me start getting their food and uh uh and then everyone's gone and i'm the only one still in the restaurant and i'm like hey did i did you get my order and they're like oh yeah oh something must have gone wrong uh i apologize for that so they quickly made up my food and gave it to me. And the guy came to me.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I had spent $13 plus $2. The guy came to me with a $10 bill and the food. And he said, I want to cover your meal. And in my mind, I'm like, that doesn't cover my meal. I don't know. That's not what that costs. I didn't take the money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:03 But that $10, that's my tip forever for them like giving that back is that's the tip they're getting but now the bad part is you have to explain that whole story yeah every time something there yeah you're like the reason i'm not tipping you do you guys know brad okay does brad still work it was may 24th Brad. Okay. Is Brad still working? It was May 24th.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Sir, people are waiting behind you in line. No, no. I'm going to tell this story. We know the story, sir. Yeah, exactly. We don't care if you tip or not. Our manager takes them all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Yeah, I don't... I don't know. I don't know what the... I don't know what the i don't know what that's there's like well there's like i go to a liquor store uh and they if you pay with debit there's a tip they've got a tip jar and a tipping option i'm like but like you guys didn't i didn't get come here and get some spirits mixed up or anything like you just you didn't muddle anything well you just rang it through you're just a guy who works at a liquor store. It's not a government liquor store, is it? No, just a beer wine store. Oh, then they've already cranked the price up, too.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah, so it's even more expensive. Yeah, so, yeah, like, but I can't, I think they just thought, like, hey, you know, put it up there. People are going to throw their change in. Thanks to everyone who donates to the show. Yeah, absolutely. We appreciate any gratuity you give us. I think if anybody's really nice to me, I'll tip them.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I don't know what they're doing. I don't care. I'll just tip them some more. Just be really nice to me. I tip. It makes no difference if the service is good or bad. I've never withheld an amount if it's bad service. In rock and roll, do you tip your recording engineers or your roadies?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Your roadies. Do you tip a roadie? I don't know. Yeah, you do. You try to bonus people at the end of the year or whatever. If there's a thing going, you try to pay. We just try to pay them as much as we can. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Does that count? Yeah. Yeah. That's all tipping is, pay as much as you can because there really is no set rate yeah it's not like that that was worth this much what you did you don't write ann landers asking yeah does that what ann landers did yeah do you tip ann landers yeah um is it hints from heloise who's who's the advice person for like uh tip etiquette uh oh yeah isn't it like not emily post oh maybe yeah that's manners yeah yeah that well could fall under manners because but i think all that stuff that was written like 60 years ago so it's like you must be extravagant and tip three percent yes tip the shoeshine boy
Starting point is 00:43:48 have you ever like do you tip something like a plumber or somebody that comes over and does something where they're already charging you like a pretty hefty like if you're already paying a lot of money for a thing i heard oh i i've always been told you're supposed to tip your garbage man at christmas but Tip him into the garbage. But someone's going to come and take the money. Like, do I have to wait out at 5 in the morning when he comes? Yeah, well, or... Yeah, because do I leave an envelope on the...
Starting point is 00:44:15 Oh, no, that'll get stolen. Yeah, exactly. We leave beer. And I don't know, I guess it's going to disappear. But I suppose if you leave it out for the garbage guy, sanitation guy, he's going to take it. He knows it's good, but I think most other people will be – it's because it's beside your garbage. Oh, yeah, yeah. They're going to check the caps and smell it.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Or recycle it. And just be careful – yeah, not think it's really real. There's a guy that hangs out by my garbage can every morning because there's like a little concrete ledge and he's there. Like every time I leave the house, he's there and we kind of nod to each other. Is he a homeless gent? Or just, is he a grouch?
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah, he's in the garbage can. I should have been more specific. No, he's like an older guy, probably collects cans, but i don't think he's a homeless guy okay yeah um but if i left out anything like he would take it he would take it right away he'd assume it was for him yeah they do a circuit at our place too it's it's probably best nowadays to meet your sanitation guy and gal or give them give them the beer but yeah like they but they the the trucks in my neighborhood well in all the neighborhoods now they just pick up the things
Starting point is 00:45:32 and dump it in the truck like nobody gets out of the truck anymore the recycling people do yeah oh do they yeah they gotta i don't know take your bags and your bins. Because then, yeah, like, are you knocking on the truck's door like, hey, buddy? You know, and him being like, who the fuck are you? Get away. Get away from the truck. This is dangerous. The claw picks you up and lifts you. But, yeah, that's me tipping.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah, man. Tipping and getting screwed. I think we answered a lot of queries there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Big week. How about yourself? A couple things happen. Not, like, remarkable things.
Starting point is 00:46:11 But here's, okay, one thing. There's this restaurant chain that I don't know if it's just Vancouver specific or if it's all over America or whatever. Church's Chicken? Yeah, it's a, oh. Is that everywhere? It's a lot of places okay i don't know where exactly i've never been though but yeah i see it i i never had heard of it before moving to vancouver and i've only ever seen it in vancouver but it's probably all over america or all over canada or church land but uh they have like a brand new poster in their window and we also uh were sent
Starting point is 00:46:47 like a coupon booklet from church's chicken to my house that is advertising gangnam style chicken oh good finally but but it's not it's clearly not endorsed by sai or whatever like because it's just a picture of a cartoon chicken doing the Gangnam Style dance. And then I was like, but how is this legal? And somebody told me Gangnam Style is just a thing. It would be like if you called a song Canada and it was a popular song, you wouldn't be able to trademark.
Starting point is 00:47:22 You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't know that. Like Gangnam Style apparently is just like a concept. And this guy wrote a song about it. popular song like you would right right trademark you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah like gangdom style apparently is like just like a concept and this guy wrote a song about it um so anyways it was just really fun and also like that was from a long time like that was from last year yeah yeah and church's chicken's just like sitting around there i was like what's a thing that how my grandkids that's. That's,
Starting point is 00:47:45 I thought it was going to be because they're like a down market chicken place. Like, Hey, I live between two of them.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Like, literally, you can find my house because it's between two chains. Smells great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 No, but like, they're not one of the fast food chains that advertises on television or the radio or has a jingle. That's true. So they could, you know, send out these coupon books. No one would know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:15 That's kind of, that's what I thought. I was like, what are the odds that this guy's going to find out? What are odds? Have you gone in to find out what the twist on the gangham style is is it two two of the wings crossed yeah yeah and flapping up and down or what is it you know what it looks like uh chicken that's been like covered in like sweet and sour sauce racist that's because it's that bright red sauce, right? Yeah, so it might be.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I don't know. I don't know if church's chicken, I don't know what its lineage is. I don't know where it's from. But I know that you can, for a limited time, gang them style chicken. Tell the lawyers. Yeah, you can have this chicken that they stole
Starting point is 00:49:01 a bunch of sweet and sour sauce from McDonald's. Yeah, yeah. It fell off the back of a McDonald's truck. chicken that they they stole a bunch of sweet and sour sauce from mcdonald's yeah yeah fell off the back of a mcdonald's truck it was originally home of the electric slide chicken in the 80s that it was briefly macerated chicken yeah it's been every dance craze um he's also that, Cy, is in a pistachio commercial. You've seen these pistachio commercials over the years, right? Yeah. It's become a real graveyard of muscles.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, it's where you go to say goodbye to popular culture. Yeah, like they just had an ad with Snooki. Do you know what the ads I'm talking about? The ones that Ray Stevens just did one? Really? Yeah, I they just had an ad with Snooki. Do you know what the ads I'm talking about? The ones that Ray Stevens just did one? Really? Yeah. I'd buy that.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Look at him. Boogity, boogity. Is that what he said? Yeah, Dorf on golf did one. Yeah, sure. But they always play like they say. Buzz skanks. They say, yeah, they say like Snooki likes to do it like they say
Starting point is 00:50:07 how they like to open it her pistachios the Winklevoss twins like to eat pistachio nuts judiciously yeah yeah yeah Rob Ford and then what's Snoop Lion
Starting point is 00:50:23 now he's doing one is he on his way out does he do does he know something we don't know about his career snoop lion is on his way out but he's gonna go back to snoop dog oh so he was like he's like i'm canceling snoop lion so if the pistachio people are interested in getting in on that that would be a great way if you're like a mega celebrity come up with a second persona that can fade away and you remain famous yeah like how does sasha ferris like her pistachios sure how does chris gaines like chris gaines do you how many of garth brooks friends do you think said like don't don't do this man like you're on top of the world you don't need to bring yourself down this way
Starting point is 00:51:05 like it was like right before he retired too isn't it yeah and then remember he that that was my favorite i think it's my favorite thing in pop culture where he hosted saturday night live and chris gaines was the musical guest it was just like there was a sketch in the middle where he talked to tracy morgan and tracy morgan talked about how terrible Chris Gaines is. Oh, man. But like how did that negotiation, like there's only one way we're getting Garth Brooks on the show. Please say as a musical performer.
Starting point is 00:51:38 It's a good episode, though. Yeah, absolutely. It has the Will Ferrell thing. Yeah, it has the writing the songs yeah yeah oh yeah actually yeah i take it all back great work s and i um so that happened that was one thing yeah the other thing was i was on the bus and i saw this kid and he was wearing socks and from where i was sitting they looked like they were like the socks said facebook on them and i was like holy shit facebook socks and i was just like i couldn't believe that that
Starting point is 00:52:12 was a thing like how do you get facebook socks and i want facebook socks and i want twitter jeans yeah i want a tumblr luggage you want a tumblr tumbler but like facebook's i was just thinking like it's one of the most famous things and but there's no things you can buy right there's no facebook like nobody wears like a shirt that says facebook you can buy you know farmville crops but it was crazy like isn't that crazy to see? Well, someone at work at CBC, they had lying around a pair of YouTube tube socks. See, oh, that's, yeah. Because they were just like a promotional item that someone got at South by Southwest or something, where they give away thousands of dumb promotional things.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Because YouTube needs a lot of advertising to send people there. They're doing a lot of street level stuff. People don't know about it. Yeah, get it on some socks. When I Google stuff, YouTube doesn't come up automatically. Google goggles. Yeah. Those are popular as well.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Facebook. Face cream? Face cream. Thank you. Anyways, so I was thinking about that the whole bus right and then when the kid got up to got up to get off they were just reebok socks they weren't facebook oh man you were fried yeah um do you want to move on to Overheard? Okay. Life can be fun.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Don't get carried away. You got to do the things you don't want to do to get through the day. You got to shine your shoes. You got to sweep the floor. You got to clean your house. You got to do some more. Take care of beers in the house. All right. Well, that theme song means we're not quite ready for Overheard.
Starting point is 00:54:02 What it means is we're doing a little business. This week, we don't have a sponsor or anything. Nope. If you would ever like to sponsor us, oh, boy, head over to slash Jumbotron. But this week, we just have some personal business. We've been pre-recording a bunch of episodes, so we kind of get lost in the space time continuum.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah, when is this coming out? Yeah, how is Biff's crashing into the manure truck going to factor in the future? And which version of him crashing into manure is going to... Exactly. How does Mad Dog Tannen fit into this whole conundrum? Yeah, where's Griff? And what is manure like in the future? That's right.
Starting point is 00:54:47 So this week, the Canadian Comedy Awards were the nominees. The nominees. Which is like mayonnaise for nominees. No, that's the Australian Comedy Awards. The nominees. The nominations were announced. And this year, we are nominated for Best Comedy Podcast in Canada. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Just Best Podcast, right? Well, yeah. By the Canadian Comedy Awards. Yeah. I mean, you know, there's no stuff you should have learned in history class being nominated. All comedy podcasts. Some of our past guests also have podcasts nominated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Your beautiful podcast. The Sunday Service. Guy McPherson's. What's so funny. That's right. The Illusionoid from Toronto and Ward and Al, which I'm not that familiar with. Me neither, but you know what? Vote for us.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yeah, vote for us. Last year we won the award. It was the first time they had ever given out the best podcast award. Yeah, we're looking for it too, Pete. Yeah, we think that would be really great. You guys made it happen for us last year. We would love it if you did it again. Head over to
Starting point is 00:55:59 You have to be Canadian. You have to have a Canadian postal code. Yeah, so you've got to be Canadian and you have to have a home. Two qualifications. Or you have to know somebody. You could be homeless and live on a street that has a postal code. Oh, that has a postal code.
Starting point is 00:56:15 That's right. Next order of business. These mailboxes. What are we gonna do uh I posted uh like years ago I posted all of the theme songs
Starting point is 00:56:28 from Stop Podcasting Yourself yep uh somewhere where you could download them all and then they were taken down
Starting point is 00:56:34 cause there was some kind of it was internet yeah it was mega upload oh that's right was involved
Starting point is 00:56:40 yeah um I've re-uploaded them to SoundCloud and uh if you head over to this week's episode wrap-up, I will put a link to all of the theme songs. You can download them. There's 29 theme songs for this show.
Starting point is 00:56:55 29. And that doesn't count all the Hulk Hogan ones that have been sent in. No, that doesn't count. That's not in the fix. Those aren't mine to post. That's right. But that's 29 count. That's not in the picks. Those aren't mine to post. That's right. But that's, so that's 29 minimum. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:08 So head over to the episode recap at this week to download those. Yeah, and also this weekend, I'll be in Regina at the Artesian on 13th.
Starting point is 00:57:24 That's in Saskatchewan? Yeah, it is Regina, Saskatchewan. Is that the Paris of the Prairies? Absolutely it is. And you've got to see it in the summer. If you don't see Paris in summer, then you're not seeing it. And then go back in the fall.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Yeah. And oh, winter in Paris. Oh, boy. It's so romantic. Oh, everything's blossoming. Oh, my God. The most romantic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:41 So, you know, if you want to go to either or you can go to and it's listed on there. Or you can go to It's also – there's links. Links. Everywhere links. Yeah. Not a drop to drink. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Well, let's get back to the show. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:58:06 You can't just wait until you see what comes up next. Oh, boy. These overheards are going to blow your mind. Hey, this is Erin and Brian from Throwing Shade, and we would love to throw some shade on you this summer. Every Tuesday, we inject all sorts of news stories concerning ladies and gays with silliness and sexiness. Just in time for bikini season. Check us on max fun under throwing shade okay they're not stupid i know but yeah they could well why would you spell it out like well because i was the spelling bee champion of the world over over herds a uh segment and now graham shut up what i love about overheards Overheards. Overheards. A segment in which...
Starting point is 00:58:45 Now, Graham, shut up. What I love about Overheards is how we bring them every week. And we really do bring them. Yeah, absolutely. We bring it. We give it 110%. The old college try. Elbow grease.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Dave, I'd like you to shut up. Okay. If you could. Now, usually, this is where I would interject with a segment called Hulk Hogan news. Yeah. But things have been, ever since he burnt his hand. Did you not see the guy sent a picture of him? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:15 That's true. That was somebody sent us a photo of Hulk Hogan on a JetBlue flight. And he was wearing a green bandana and sunglasses and also a gardener's glove on his hand because he burnt his hand on a radiator a couple of weeks ago. And I can tell you're impressed. What was he doing with the radiator or how? He was putting it in a sleeper hold. He was tanning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:44 He was using, he was breaking it over a fellow wrestler tanning. Yeah. He was using, he was breaking it over a fellow wrestler's hand. Yeah, yeah. One of the, he thought it was a fake radiator that they use in wrestling. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:52 I guess that, I guess that is a good Hulk Hogan new chuckle. Was it a car radiator? Was he in a ZZ Top video or something? Yeah, he was in,
Starting point is 01:00:00 he's, well, he's got legs and he knows how to drop them. I think we presumed it was a car radiator, right? Yeah. And not like a... I was thinking an old-fashioned radiator in his fixer-upper house.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah, yeah. In his cabin in the woods. Cabin, yeah. Maybe it was. I don't know. It's weird because in all the news stories about it, because he tweeted a bunch of photos of it. And they were really gross. They were like super gory.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And then he apologized and like, sorry, brother maniacs. You're not also burning burn maniacs, burn ward maniacs. You like the sex tape? How about my burn hand? Everyone loved the sex tape. It's crazy how gigantic he is in this photo. Because his head is just grazing the top of the plane. You don't think of him as a big man because you always saw him next to Andre the Giant.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Yeah, but he is a giant man. And Andre the Giant wouldn't have fit on a jet blue flight. He would have had to take a wagon train. Sure. From the old country. So yeah, that is a good piece of Hulk Hogan news. I'm going to leave it at that. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yeah. I had something else in the holster. Yeah. But I'll save it for next week. Okay, good. We need content. Yeah. And I got a fun...
Starting point is 01:01:22 I got a fun... Stay tuned next week for a fun new segment idea that I have. The Hulk Hogan archives. Yeah, yeah. From the Hogan files. On this day in Hogan history. Okay, now we're going to overheards for real. And we usually start with the guest, but we can start, because you've never been on the show before,
Starting point is 01:01:43 we can start with Dave and kind of work our way around this way. Whatever you prefer, man. Sure, yeah, break me in. Yeah, go that way. All right. All right. Now, this one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:51 This is an overheard. I went to brunch the other day. Ooh. Yeah, well, I'm the other half. Yeah. I'm the 1%. Yeah, absolutely. Eggs Benedict, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:02:02 It was Eggs Benedict. Mm-hmm. Which, as a child, the name seemed so classy, but every restaurant has it. That's true. It's basically an Egg McMuffin. With the Pope on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's got the current Pope and the traitor from the American Revolution.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Yeah. Yeah. Is that who it's named after? Eggs Benedict? It's probably named after a pope. Yeah. Because it's got that hollandaise sauce, so maybe a Dutch pope.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Which is, I think, a sex move. Well, the diagrams will distribute with the podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Check the blog later. We'll have a picture of Jim Carrey smoking a bunch of cigarettes. Doing the Dutch Po. The Dutch Po. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:51 So I was, Abby, my darling wife, and we were having Eggs Benedict. Yeah. And these, well, I mean, there's only like a, I get my food and I eat it so fast. I like to impress the waiters. It is true. Davey, it's like, it's, it's like, it's a race that you didn't know you were involved in, but you lost. Yeah. He's crossing the finish line before you even look up. happening while we were eating. There were a table with two women and a man and they were all sort of in their 40s, sort of of the age where
Starting point is 01:03:32 the word diarrhea is no longer funny and is serious. I hope I don't never get to that age. It's not me. And someone, I guess one of these women was on medication or something or had some kind of condition. Some sort of diarrhea condition.
Starting point is 01:03:53 And they were discussing it. And the woman who had the problem wasn't doing the talking. The woman who was questioning her about it was doing the talking, and she was asking a question. She said, but then you get diarrhea, right? Anyway, sorry. Sorry. I wrote this down. Bad line reading.
Starting point is 01:04:17 You get diarrhea, right? We get diarrhea, right? But then you get diarrhea right. It's not the original diarrhea. It's new diarrhea. Yeah, like new Coke. We finally got diarrhea right, is what they're saying.
Starting point is 01:04:37 You improved diarrhea. Oh, man. Remember in the 80s when Coke introduced new diarrhea? Diarrhea used to be a drag. Yeah. I like diarrhea classic. Crystal.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Anyway, guys, I'm glad we haven't gotten past the phase. My overheard is kind of related. Oh, perfect. Yeah, yeah. So it's kind of overheard because I didn't believe. It was kind of said to me, but kind of obliquely. So it's kind of overheard. And so it might not fit. But I go to the trail with my dog in the morning and drop, you know, let her run around. And we walked down this beautiful trail. And you see the same people on the trail all the time. You don't know their names you know their dogs names after a year or so and and uh there's one guy who's just loves to talk to everybody and i'm kind of in thinking about what i have to do next and i don't really want to do that and uh so i kind of say hi and then i look down or i look into the woods or pretend I'm doing something. And I've got a chainsaw.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I started chainsaw. And one day he struck up a conversation or tried to and told me in a few sentences how his dog got there. And he was really impressed how she got to her business right away and dropped a loaf you know and that he was able to deal with it right away this is really good yeah i went and and then my dog went off into the woods to start you know assume the position to lay a turd and uh And he said, oh, she gets real low. Oh, gross. He commented on my dog's squatting position and the technique. And he actually bent down in that way like an umpire observing the pitch. And then he said, I got lots of bags.
Starting point is 01:06:41 I'll get that for you. What? I'm not joking. He's an enthusiast. Yeah, I don't of bags. I'll get that for you. What? Whoa. I'm not joking. Whoa. He's an enthusiast. He is. Yeah. I don't know if he's German or whatnot.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Not to Germans. That's fine. You know. So you had been avoiding conversation, having no idea that the conversation would be way worse than you thought it would be. Way worse than I ever expected. Yeah. And I was – you told me about the overheard segment and I was thinking that there's – I thought this thought came to me because I remember this happening recently. But it came through my wife's observance of driving. She came home and she was crying with laughter, just crying, like convulsing, coming through the door.
Starting point is 01:07:23 And that's just awesome when your wife comes home like that. And I'm like, okay, get with it. When you can breathe, tell me what happened. She had seen a woman bend down up the street and pull out tissues and wipe her little dog's ass. Oh, man. That is a woof. Yeah. And that's where I was going to go because I heard about the diarrhea thing.
Starting point is 01:07:46 So new dog wipers, new diarrhea. It's all happening. I guess it's necessary. Well, maybe do it by choice. You wouldn't do it if you didn't have to do it. Yeah, unless the government said you had to. If you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain. Yeah, that's true. That you now have to wipe dog's butts
Starting point is 01:08:12 all the time, regardless. I wish mine was... Well, no. I think related to feces. Yeah, somehow. But it's not. I'm surprised 100% of our overheards aren't. Yeah. Aren't toilet related?
Starting point is 01:08:29 Yeah. I try to make as many of mine toilet related as possible. But this week. Sometimes, you know. Sometimes you win. Sometimes whatever. Yeah. Sometimes you let it mellow.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Sometimes you flush it down. I was in a coffee shop and i heard a guy say a line that up until this point in time i'd only ever heard characters in very like hacky movies say and uh but this guy was not he wasn't joking around like this was was – it looked like they were maybe coworkers or whatever. But not coworkers at a place where somebody would utter this phrase. So they don't work for a spy agency or a government. Because the one guy said to the other – and I didn't hear what it was pertaining to. He said, but what if the power falls into the wrong hands? He said, but what if the power falls into the wrong hands?
Starting point is 01:09:30 I was like, oh, no. I thought it was going to be like, and step on it. Yeah. Yeah. Let's get out of here. Yeah. Like, I've never heard anybody actually say that because it's a thing from movies. They are like Avengers or something.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Yeah. Usually the power is like, what's the thing in the Transformers? The Tesseract? Is that it? No, that's the Avengers. Oh, the Cubitron? Cubitron. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:04 I got it on my TELUS bill. I got something for over Cubatron you were probably roaming you didn't even sign up for it no I didn't know but yeah they usually like have it be an actual MacGuffin that's gonna fall into the wrong hands but the power falling into the wrong
Starting point is 01:10:19 hands who were these guys were they they look like employees or were they they wearing trench coats they were wearing like kind of battle suits or were they – Were they wearing trench coats? They were wearing like kind of battle suits. They were like wearing like battle robot suits. Were you at a comic book convention? Were they speaking like – I don't even know what that would sound like. They were – that was the thing is that they weren't two guys that were like nerdy enough to be talking about something. Dungeons and Dragons or something.
Starting point is 01:10:49 But they weren't – But they weren't the employees of the coffee shop. No, no. They were two guys that like probably worked together at like Count Confirm or something. Oh, sure. Well, it's tax time. Yeah, absolutely. What if the power of doing the taxes
Starting point is 01:11:06 falls into the wrong hands the power of squared now we also have overheards that have been sent to us from all over the world if you want to send one into us you can send it into spy at
Starting point is 01:11:23 this first one comes from Danielle W. in Chicago. Danny for short. Okay, cool. I feel like I know her. Yeah. I was getting on the elevator today with a few of my coworkers. One of them, a larger, very outspoken woman, was slowly turning her head and wincing while another female co-worker, an eccentric cat lady with propensity for dressing as though she came to work straight from Burning Man, was coaching the first woman on how to properly stretch her neck. Cat lady, it's down and to the left.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Winsing woman, I can't. Cat lady, that's how I got the muscles back in my neck. Winsing woman, I can't. Cat lady, that's how I got the muscles back in my neck. Wincing woman, I can't. I can't play softball on Sunday because I fell off my back porch. Sounds like Lemmy. Oh, man. Yeah, my whole summer shot. I can't enjoy a porch.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I can't enjoy softball. At least she knew how it got there. Yeah. Oh, man. enjoy softball at least she knew how it got there yeah oh man um yeah falling off a porch is done you have to be drunk for that to happen like every case of that happening well yeah did the softball sunday precipitate the porch descent yeah yeah lots of lots of beverages after the softball i uh i think most is it like – would it be fair to say that most injuries that have happened to anybody aged 18 to 23 have been alcohol-related? Like if they have a twisted ankle or a broken arm, like they can say, oh, yeah, I was snowboarding, but it was like, you were drunk, right?
Starting point is 01:13:01 Oh, yeah. Well, it's – yeah, like you go to any emergency room oh yeah but as you get older you could wake up and have an injury yeah yes but that's the thing injuries are common like if i see somebody my age that like has a broken arm i'm like oh something horrible happened to you like an accident but if it's a 22-year-old, I'm like, you brought this on yourself. You were like racing around in like one of those spinning doors and you got your arm cut. And alcohol does – it's like a blood thinner too, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:36 You're going to bleed forever. Yeah, until the doctors come in and put the leeches on you and then they get drunk. You get drunk leeches all over the place. Now we have this next one. It comes from Jared M. from Halifax, Nova Scotia. I was at a play cafe. Sounds fun. I assume that's a McDonald's.
Starting point is 01:13:58 It's got ballroom. Oh, yeah. Unwashable. Socks and urine and plastic balls. Yeah, exactly. They don't wash ever, right? They can't. No, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:10 You can't wash a ballroom. You just light it on fire at the end of the year. Yeah. Viking funeral. You just know better. So it's a cafe with a playground inside. Two young lads were throwing around some choice words, mainly penis and Rudy Tootie. Oh, I love that.
Starting point is 01:14:29 When one of them said, I don't have a body. I have a penis and a bum. No body? Yeah, no body. Oh, wow. Just floating in space. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:14:40 I want to know what Rudy Tootie, like... Well, it's fresh and fruit. Yeah. That's great. Kids are great. Wop, wop, a-loo-bop. Wop, bam, boom. Tootie, like... Well, it's fresh and fruity. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Kids are great. Wop-bop-a-lubo. Yeah. Wop-bop-a-lubo.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Tootie Fruity. And this last one... Yar. ...comes from Evan... Evan T. Sorry. Evan Th. Th.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Evan the Third. Mr. T's kid. Yeah. Did Mr. T have any kids? Master T. Little T. Yeah. Scra? Master T. Little T. Scrappy-Doo. And the clone, Model T.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yeah, that's right. If he didn't, it's our loss. It's our loss as a generation. Well, there used to be, in Vancouver, there was a place called Ms. T's Cabaret. I remember that. And it burnt down. But I always assumed it was related to Mr. T. He was pretty mad at Ms. T.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Yeah. Yeah. In our divorce settlement, she got the cabaret. I got to keep all my crazy chains. She's a feminist. She got to change it from Mrs. T. Yeah, that's right. I'm running my own business now.
Starting point is 01:15:41 So this is from Evan Thu. Two middle-aged ladies talking at work who's the british guy everybody's talking about he has a weird name and i think he's in the new star trek movie um scott bacula yes scott bacula yeah he was one of the doctor who's um he was in a star trek show yeah the one with the great theme song he was in the last of the star trek show i forget what it was voyager or no enterprise no oh yes enterprise encompassor yeah yeah star trek incorporated vandalize the name bacula though it conjures images. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Vampiric images. Like a black Dracula. Or a back Dracula. Just bites your back as you walk away. Cowardly Dracula. I love that. Like the cowardly Dracula. Yeah, he's very catty.
Starting point is 01:16:43 He talks about you. And when he turns into a bat, he scares himself if he sees himself in the mirror. But he can't because he's a Dracula. Yeah, he's very catty. Yeah. He talks about you. And when he turns into a bat, he scares himself if he sees himself in the mirror. But he can't because he's a Dracula. Ugh, this thing is hard to write. I'm just gonna blow that fly off your shoulder. I'm just trying to help you out. Oh, Bacula.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Oh, Bacula. In addition to overhers that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328, like these people have. Hello, David and Grayson. This is Joey from Milwaukee calling in with an overheard, courtesy of being in high school. Walking down the halls behind a group of about three people, two boys and a girl,
Starting point is 01:17:24 I overheard one of the boys saying, Yeah, my dad was saying to me the other day, You kids think there's such a thing as love. You teenagers are always thinking you're in love with each other. But I'll tell you what, there's no such thing. And the girl lifts up her hands in victory and says, Yes, finally someone agrees with me. Yeah, you kids
Starting point is 01:17:52 today with your love. Yeah. Love hurts. Love stinks. Love hurts and mars. Yeah, what... I mean, that teenage girl, she's pretty jaded right yeah yeah but all she hangs out with a cemetery that dad's not a songwriter there's no such thing as love career over i don't know i think that's a good song yeah that's right ironically yeah i will i'm actually writing it down yeah randy newman it up
Starting point is 01:18:27 yeah yeah um what if what if that was where that guy and that teenage girl fell in love oh yeah we both hate love wasn't there uh down with love is that a movie yeah Yeah. Ewan McGregor and Renee Zellweger. I never saw it, but here's the plot. Yeah. It takes place in the 60s, I think. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:50 And love, it's oh, ooh, I know it takes place in the 60s, I don't know anything about it, but I do know that in the 60s there was that free love movement.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Yeah, there was free love. There was a lot of love. And these people were capitalists, so they didn't want free love. Stop! This movie's about to end.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They wanted you to be paying for love. Then they were down with love. And they were like, want free love. Stop. This movie's about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They wanted you to be paying for love. Then they were down with love. And they were like, down with love. Original music by Courtney Love. And then they fell in love. Oh.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Talk about your MacGuffins. Love. And there was singing and dancing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Love is the greatest MacGuffin of all. Write that down. Love is the greatest McMuffin of all. What is a MacGuffin of all. Write that down. Love is the greatest McMuffin of all.
Starting point is 01:19:27 What is a MacGuffin exactly? It's the thing you search for that. It's like, isn't it? Oh, no, that's a red herring is the one. It's a plot device where it's like the thing. It's like the Ark in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's not the thing that it doesn't have value. It's just the thing you chase. And you can't look at it. Right? Yeah. value it's just the thing you chase and you can't
Starting point is 01:19:46 look at it right yeah because it's a face melt look at it yeah your face that's why in down with love when they fall in love they melt yeah they look into each other's eyes and their faces melt that would be like a love story written by like a five-year-old with like kind of a loose understanding yeah and then the two characters stare into each other's eyes and their faces melt off. And then they have a baby. Yeah, that's where movies come from. Here's your next phone call. It's Rudy Tootie, the movie.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Oh, this one, I got a phone call. Someone left a message earlier today that was like, the guy did a Mexican voice. And it was like, oh, this is racist. I don't like this. And then someone else called up. And by coincidence, they also did a Mexican voice. But I thought it was really funny.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Oh, okay. So just so you know, I'm aware. You're aware of that. Okay. Hey, guys. This is Mitch in Los Angeles calling in with an overheard. I was in the grocery store the other day, and I was in the ice cream aisle, and a Hispanic gentleman was walking down the aisle with some of his friends,
Starting point is 01:20:58 and he sneezed really loud. And he said, I think I'm allergic to ice cream because it makes me so fat and he took a second and looked at his friends he said you guys are assholes but i don't know if that was supposed to have an accent on it too oh yeah yeah i really like is that from something it's a solid joke. It feels like, yeah, that must... I feel like that might be... What's his name? Chupacabra? No, the fat Hispanic comedian.
Starting point is 01:21:33 He calls himself Fluffy. Oh! Do you know who I'm talking about? Yeah, I know who that is. I don't know who that is. What is his name? I'm not that. I'm Fluffy. Is it Gabriel Iglesias or know that not every Hispanic person's name Iglesias yeah but the famous one the guy that the guy okay yeah yeah that might
Starting point is 01:21:59 be his joke okay well it's a solid one absolutely and this guy delivered it in the exact place that it should be. Yeah, yeah. If you sneeze in the ice cream aisle. Perfect. Yeah. I'm going to stick with Gabriel Iglesias. Okay, so do we think that we just got catfished?
Starting point is 01:22:18 Oh, yeah, exactly. Now we're going to go meet the guy. Okay, here's your final phone call. All right. Hey, Dave, graham and guest uh this is matt from san francisco calling in with an overheard i was at a bar the other night and i was eavesdropping on two guys having a conversation and the first guy says i have uh some funeral business to go to nicaragua and the other guy says oh i'm sorry then the other guy says oh i sell caskets later on in that conversation the first guy says i used to be really bad i used to do really bad things but uh
Starting point is 01:23:04 have you ever seen that movie Pay It Forward? The guy says yes. The other guy says, yeah, well, that's what made me change my life around. Pay It Forward. Was the movie Pay It Forward? Yeah. He got caught stealing a copy of it from a video store and went to jail. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Oh, wow. oh man oh wow um i really liked his first kind of salvo like i gotta go to this funeral i'm really sorry no it's great i sell cats yeah i'm going to nicaragua people die all the time um uh here's oh man like when he was mentioning pay it forward, it reminded me like how my life has changed. Like I used to go to movies all the time. I saw pay it forward in the theater. I couldn't imagine going to a movie like that. Like I would only go to see something I really wanted to see now in the theater. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:01 I don't know if I've changed or just the fact that. Well, they don't make movies like that anymore yeah that's true so the ones you'd go see like the big batman returns or giant blockbusters with huge effects probably wouldn't change your life as much as paying forward would yeah is that the one where he eats the banana with a peel on it no that's uh and then there's the other one. Oh, that's the one that changed my life. Yeah. But like, can you imagine having to like, I don't know, tell people that like a movie changed your life? Like, I mean, if like a person changed your life or like an event, like that's something legitimate. But like you just watched a movie and like.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Even a movie. Like it would have to be like, what movie is it acceptable to say changed your life like down with love like if you were scared of sharks after watching jaws that kind of changed your life yeah it's true or if you like watched a documentary where you're like i'm not gonna eat monsanto foods anymore because i want but like those are but like if you're like i'm gonna be good because i it forward says to be good. I'm not going to pay things back anymore. Yeah. Yeah. I watched two movies one weekend, Payback and Pay It Forward.
Starting point is 01:25:12 I watched Adaptation and I'm not going to be alienated anymore. Yeah. I watched Alien and I am going to be alienated. That's right. I watched Get Shorty and I'm just going to get short. It changed my life vis-a-vis shorty getting. Do you remember when The Passion of the Christ came out, and there was a story about the guy that he confessed to a decade-old crime
Starting point is 01:25:36 that he had gotten away with, and he watched? Because they saw him beat the shit out of Willem Dafoe, and he didn't want somebody to do that to him? Well, he was like... Wait, The Passion of the Christ? the christ that was the last temptation of christ you guys was like i got your christ movies all peter gabriel do the score for both oh yeah yeah that's sledgehammers from that soundtrack you're thinking of birdie yeah the film birdie um but yeah he confessed and he went to jail like he, he saw the movie and was like so moved by, I don't know what.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Like I've never seen, I've never seen Passion of the Christ because I've heard it's like just like a gore fest. I've just seen, I've seen bits on it. Like it's weird. They show it on TV every Easter. Yeah, right? Right? And it does have, like, yeah, the Peter Gabriel soundtrack, which is, like, authentic Middle Eastern music interpreted by, you know, a pasty guy in Bath, Avon. But they don't, in the, do they, like, censor? Because it's, like, really graphic, right? The violence in that movie.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Do they censor it for television? Jesus says fuck in it, I think. No, he does not. He gives everyone the finger. He's like, he's chasing the, you know, money lenders out of the temple. And he's like, sod off. Sod off, you lot. So you have an English accent in that one?
Starting point is 01:26:58 Yeah, yeah. Willem Dafoe developed an English accent. Wait, I'm confused again. Is that the temptation or the passion? The passion's Caviezel. Yeah. Who was in Pay It Forward? No.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Yeah, yeah. He was a homeless. Oh. He got paid forward. Yeah. He got paid a bath. They paid him a bath. And then what did he pay forward from that?
Starting point is 01:27:20 He stole some shampoo and paid. Like, what did he pay forward? Oh, boy. Yeah. Isn't that how it works in Pay It Forward? You get something and then you, like, take a thing and you give it to somebody else. Instead of paying. So say I do you a favor.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Yeah. Then I do Craig a favor. Yeah. And then you just, you're top of the heap. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because there's only three of us.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Yeah. Yeah. You win at the favor game. I just take it. Oh, that was the original title. The favor us. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You win at the favorite game. Oh, that was the original title. Yeah. Um, anyways,
Starting point is 01:27:51 um, so that brings us to the end of the show. We solve that. Um, do you have anything that you would like to plug? Hey, yeah, we've got a new EP out.
Starting point is 01:28:03 You can get it on the internet. Yeah. Yeah. At odds, music.comcom and the new ep is called the most beautiful place on earth nice do you have are there like isn't there a series of eps coming out next yeah there are we're doing sort of um um speaking of movies uh a lord of the rings type idea where where you know how we really made a double album, but nobody's attention span is double album anymore. Right. So we cut it into pieces that kind of made sense, and we're releasing it in chunks.
Starting point is 01:28:33 And then in the end, we'll make a double album. Very cool. With vinyl and everything. Yeah. So you slowly just get everybody used to the songs, and then boom. Boom. We release the same songs.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Yeah. Release it in a big they're already familiar with them so they like them more yeah absolutely in a box set
Starting point is 01:28:49 shaped like Mount Dune is that the name of the mountain in what Dune oh Passion of the Christ
Starting point is 01:28:55 Mordor I think Led Zeppelin already used Mordor and if people want to find you online it's calm calm yeah and if people want to find you online it's .com and you're also on twitter
Starting point is 01:29:10 you should get I'm craignorthy on twitter and oddsmusic is the band and oddsofficial on facebook if you're on that if you just look on your socks it's written on your socks Reebok official Reebok official official on Facebook. If you're on that, if you just look on your socks, it's written on your socks.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Reebok. Reebok official. Thanks for being our guest. This was fun. Yeah, man. We'll have you back. Uh, 275.
Starting point is 01:29:36 550. I don't want to make any problems. Yeah, exactly. Um, Dave, anything to plug? Oh,
Starting point is 01:29:42 I don't know. Okay. I don't think so. Okay. Deary. That't think so. Okay. Deary. That was a very missed out there. The Dave shawls are available. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:51 I'm going to have shawls, shrugs. Shrugs. All your upper torso needs. Capes. Yeah. Scarves. Get a Dave scarf for your daughter. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:30:00 That's right. Yeah, yeah. Her birthday's coming up. She's got to go back home soon. And yeah, when does this come out? This will be out on June 24th, I believe. Oh, probably no tickets left for me in Calgary or Regina, but you can try, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:18 It's probably already too late. We'll be in Winnipeg, Dauphin. What's Dauphin? Dauphin? Barrie, Ontario's Dauphin? Dauphin? Barrie, Ontario. Dauphin, yeah, maybe it is. It's a festival. It's a music festival.
Starting point is 01:30:31 It's near, it's in Manitoba. Cool. When's that? Yeah. Yeah, I don't remember exactly. I think it's the 27th of June. Well, follow you on Twitter. That's right.
Starting point is 01:30:45 And I'll tell everybody about it. Yeah. You follow you on Twitter. That's right. I'll tell everybody about it. If you live in Dolphin, Manitoba, you know when it is. There's nothing else out there. It's the Dolphin Dolphin Festival. They bring in two dolphins from SeaWorld as the hosts. I think it literally is the word dolphin in French. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:31:01 Isn't it? I don't know. I might just be thinking of that it? I don't know. I might just be thinking of that word. Yeah. I don't know. And check out Check out the blog recap that Dave does each and every week that accompanies the podcast, pictures and videos relating to what we talked about during the episode. I mean, the flurry of movies mentioned in the last ten minutes of the show.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Yeah, that could be its own blog. Yeah, Down With Love, The Christ One, Pay It Forward, The Other Christ One, The Peter Gabriel Soundtrack. He gets a lot of play on this podcast, Peter Gabriel. He gets a lot of mentions, and I hope it reflects in his album sales. Sure. If we can help, if we make one difference in this world
Starting point is 01:31:45 if we pay one thing forward I hope it goes to real world studios and if you want to get in touch with us it's spy at or 206-339-8328 if you like the show tell your friends and come on back next week for another episode of
Starting point is 01:32:00 Stop Podcasting Yourself.

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