Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 287 - Mark Chavez

Episode Date: September 16, 2013

Mark Chavez of the Pajama Men joins us to talk cabarets, Canadian country music, and Mad About You....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 287 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who believes that this is the last hot podcast of the year, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. We're, we're, um, September 12th is the recording date on this.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yep. Very hot day here in, uh, Van Town. van city uh vancouver yeah i don't know i'm trying to go with cool names for but next week uh supposed to plummet temperature wise yeah i can't wait and also uh respectability wise our reputation wise it's good oh yeah everything's plummeting oh yeah the bottom's falling out of the real estate temperature uh the entire city or just you and i oh all of it yeah our old our credibility through the toilet uh it's gonna be a cold and i can't wait can't wait for the chilly october i got a sweater all picked out and then for all of october yeah yeah yeah it's got a pumpkin on it okay sure and uh yeah i'm gonna wear it the whole month and then then you switch to your uh
Starting point is 00:01:33 then my november guns and roses november rain yeah it's a it's a you've knitted slash it in front of a desert church yeah followed by uh christmas obviously oh kwanzaa oh yeah oh no you're right that's true maybe i'll do it wait is today tomorrow's the beginning of a yom kippur so uh happy yom kippur i mean it's already passed but that's uh isn't that the big in the jewish calendar i remember a lot of uh hanukkah was the one that happens at Christmas. Yom Kippur is a big one, right? I don't know the difference between Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. What's the one with the empty chair?
Starting point is 00:02:18 Oh, I don't know. Oh, it's that REM video. Losing my religion. That's what you're thinking of. Sure. Judaism. There it is. And our guest today, first-time guest here on the podcast, very funny man, one half of the sketch duo, the Pajama Men, that have a show running in London from October 15th to the 23rd.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Is that right? Of November. Oh, shit. Yeah. October 15th to... Oh, that right? Of November. Oh, shit. October 15th to... Oh, the 23rd of November. Oh, wow. That's two sweaters worth. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:52 One and a half. One and a half sweaters. Like you're going to wear half sweaters. Absolutely. Mr. Mark Chavez is our guest. Hello. I'd like to see the bottom half of that pumpkin. That would be amazing. Thanks for being our guest. Hello. I'd like to see the bottom half of that pumpkin. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Thanks for being our guest. Thanks for having me. Oh, you just got back into Vancouver. Last night, yeah. Yeah. It took a red eye. Well, what qualifies, what makes a red eye? Where were you coming from?
Starting point is 00:03:20 I was coming from Ottawa, before that Toronto. Our nation's capital. Oh oh i knew i was forgetting something yeah yeah yeah thanks graham i forgot to say happy being a capital i don't know what yeah oh that's right what does qualify as you got you get on at midnight is that a red eye i think a red eye is actually you sleep like you spend your night's sleep on the airplane. So that's not what I was on. It's like midnight to six and you get up and you start your work. You're a crazy publisher with a go-go.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And you're like, oh, I got to get the red eye to LA. And it's always that. And you get there and you're like, ah, fuck, this is crazy. No one reads out here. Yeah. Why am I here? I'm not a publisher at all. This is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I think that's more what a red eye is. I got on the 9 o'clock flight. Got here at 11.30pm. That's not a red eye. My eyes were red. I had my contacts in. Well, let's
Starting point is 00:04:24 get to know us, huh? Get to know us. I think it would be good if Red Eyes, if they had like Vizine sponsored your flight. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't mind a sponsored flight if it was like. Wait, wait, wait. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:04:40 Well, I mean, maybe they pass the savings on to you. Maybe the fact that it's Vizine presents the Air Canada Red Eye. Oh, I see. And they're cheaper. It knocks $10 off your ticket. And you get like a little tote when you get on board. Like, welcome to the Vizine Red Eye. You're in the Vizine VIP.
Starting point is 00:04:56 There's your bag of Vizine. There's no dropper bottle. It's just a sack of Vizine. sacrificing when i was on when i was uh when i flew this past uh week to edmonton they had promotional items on the plane they really they in in addition to drink service with pretzels they also had one round where they came by and said these are new things they're called um what were they called oh sweet thins and they were they wheat then Oh, sweet thins. Were they wheat thin? They were like melba toast brownies. They were like dehydrated brownies that were crispy.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Wow. And then you just add water and they like turn into a regular brownie in your stomach. It's like failed space food again. Yeah. That's what the consumer always gets. Failed space food yet again. First tang, then Sweet Thins. Then Sweet Thins.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So Sweet Thins, the target demographic. I love the name Sweet Thins. And I don't think they're related to Wheat Thins. They might be, I don't know. Wow. But they're not, Wheat Thins are like a little cracker. What is their Sweet Thins' slogan? It's okay to cheat, something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:02 You're cheating and it's fine. It's okay to cheat on your husband you're cheating and it's fine okay to cheat on your husband sweet thins do something nasty do something unforgivable you're a sinner you're a naughty naughty consumer um sweet things yeah i've uh i don't know that i've ever taken a red eye flight i know that i'm sure you did yeah i'm sure you just from uh like what did you fly when you came back from edinburgh uh did you fly like an 11 11 a.m to 5 p.m yeah i flew an 11 a.m flight and then i kind of got back at like the same time i left that's fun it is fun except that you're like boy you got a whole
Starting point is 00:06:45 day to kill here what are you doing until what now i have to like it's too early you can't go to bed right like you're it's it's nighttime fight the to fight the fatigue yeah yeah what do you do you don't do i'm not a publisher I don't have any books to... Oh, my God. I have to go peddle these books in this red eye. Yeah. What do you do to battle the sleep? I always say I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I'll take a really long flight, get somewhere where it's just so early in the morning. If you sleep, you know you're just screwed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I'll be like, I'm going to go out and I'll get coffee and I'll have breakfast and I'll just take a little nap. And then you wake up and it's like 2 a.m. You are forever screwed. You can never get out of it. When you fly at like 9 o'clock at night, are all the restaurants in the airport closed?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Is there somebody vacuuming? Or is that kind of an ottawa yes it's funny you should say that because ottawa is a really small like it's really nice little airport it's so tiny and uh yeah they start shutting down like i went and got a beer before my nine o'clock flight and they were like last call yeah oh sir shouldn't you be not here like come on just give me one it's just like that thing where there's somebody like putting a chair up
Starting point is 00:08:08 on a table and they're like ugh like they put it slowly down like I guess we're not technically closed
Starting point is 00:08:13 yeah I guess I'll go change the saran wrap on top of the bottles again yeah when they have to unsaran something
Starting point is 00:08:23 like like you know like they have to take the wrapper off of something, then you really did interrupt their closing procedure. So tip well is all I'm saying. Yeah, always. Always tip well. So you're going back.
Starting point is 00:08:35 We were together in Edinburgh. You did a whole month of shows. Sellout shows. Socko, boffo, box office smash. Oh, yeah. Boffo box office, yeah. It was in Variety, wasn't it? And then you go, you're doing over like a month of shows in London.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So you're like living in London. Yeah, well, my partner, my comedy partner, Shanoa Allen, lives in London. He actually lives in London. He's not an Englishman. No. He lives in London. He does all the things that an Englishman does. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:09:14 You've seen him. Yeah. Tea. Tea. Winston Churchill. Salad for breakfast. Yes. Eggs on the sidewalk.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Valdez. eggs eggs on yeah the sidewalk valdez uh no i mean basically yeah i spend most i spend a majority of my time in that in that country um which is great uh so we yeah we finished up in edinburgh have a bit of it's not really time off but just kind of time away from england and i go back uh in a of weeks and we're there for two months. And then, yeah, it'll be great. So we're doing a West End run for six weeks. An end run. That's when you're trying to get around the end of, right?
Starting point is 00:09:53 No, a West End run. A West End run. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's when you do it in the West. Good. Thanks. So we're there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah. Come on down. I don't know what this is. Now Now the West End, that's like Broadway. Yeah. It's the equivalent. Yeah. Which is always a funny thing to do. I love equivalencies because it's never exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Right, right. It's not the thing. It's its own thing. But yeah, it is. But I love that kind of. Shanoa and I, when we were first touring in Edinburgh years ago, we came across this flyer that was, they had this quote. And it was like, the best show you've ever seen with the name of a newspaper. And it said, Polish equivalent to New York Times.
Starting point is 00:10:37 No. No. That's not, that's not, that's not how it works um oh man but yeah it is it's uh i mean it's comparable it is so it's quite comparable no no and i know that i'm like no in fact i should be like yeah absolutely first it was probably around oh yeah it was first yeah rodway's uh is the americanized version of the west end it's true yeah and it's um yeah so absolutely so like you can go see a lion king or or a lay miserabler yeah or warhorse yeah uh all in the same stage or the pajama man yeah yeah have you
Starting point is 00:11:21 ever met warhorse yeah what's warhorse like he's really cool um he's well because he used to be like when they were at the national theater it was like you know he was like a cool like approachable horse yeah yeah yeah film broadway you know extended west end run like unending west end you know yeah so it's a musical right i don't think so is harry potter nude in it no that was equus that's the same thing yeah puppeteer operating harry potter's penis yeah puppetry of harry potter's now and it's 10 successful year i saw that yeah oh so yeah like is now here's the question because in uh on broadway uh there's like certain like delis and stuff that all the actors will go hang out at after
Starting point is 00:12:17 hours there's certain bars that like sardis yeah cat cat bar yeah Yeah. The cat box. There's a great, there's an after hours bar called the Phoenix where everybody goes. And it's below the Phoenix Theater. Okay. And every, like just where you go. Because everything kind of, you know, in Soho and around that area, around the West End, everything shuts down kind of early. Or if it doesn't, it's a club. It's like a big dance club.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Right. So it's hard to, like, just go and have a drink and do this, you know. That's where I like to do it. Chat with people. At a dance club. Yeah. To just sweat. But you have to, when you go down to this, like, club or this after hours place, you have to prove that you are either part of the
Starting point is 00:13:06 club right of the phoenix or you or you're in a show like see oh i'm just performing over there but really they're like five six seven the polish new york times that i'm electric uh yes come in so how do you prove well that's the thing it's like like usually we would just like say yeah we're doing a show which we were uh and they're like okay but sometimes they get really like not into it it's like depends on who the door guy right uh yeah but you just go down but then the thing about this club is like every night at four maybe a little later the guy who owns it or runs it will come out and sing a number and he's like but he's like definitely been doing the same number for 40 years so he comes everyone get out no it's very like he's very welcoming you know it is just he
Starting point is 00:14:00 just does this thing everybody kind of like but the first time it happens, you're like, what is going on? Do the lights dim and then there's a spotlight on him? I mean, I've only seen it happen once. Wow. The amount of times I've been in there, either I just blacked out and don't remember those times or maybe it doesn't happen. There's like a gas that seeps in through the vents just before he takes the stage. Yeah, it feels like a gas, but it's his hands. Are you ready?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Just massaging your shoulders. That feels like something out of the movie Burlesque. Have either of you guys seen Burlesque? I've seen bits and pieces starring Christina Aguilera. Yeah, and Cher. Let's go back to that. Oh, yeah, it's the... No, I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:14:44 There's no burlesque in it. Nope. And it's that type of club where it's like, well, you stayed here too long because now the owner's doing a big number. But it's a type of club that doesn't exist where there's like... Where it's just like... Did it maybe exist a long time ago and then they were pretending they existed? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I wonder that it doesn't exist in a place like London. I wonder if there isn't a club where it's like... Because what goes on at it? There's dancing? Dancing. But like on stage. Yeah, but not getting nude burlesque style dancing, but in burlesque costumes and singing and dancing like old, like, you know, you know, treat me nice, daddy.
Starting point is 00:15:26 These types of songs. I'm going to see that show. That type of thing. Yeah. You know. Treat me nice, daddy. That type of thing. Yeah. You know. Treat me nice daddy. Oh, it's so good. So, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Like, it's like, but it's not, but it's super packed every night. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they're like threatening to close it even though it's like super popular. And everybody looks really good in it. Yeah, everybody's like... And there's a scene, too, where the bartender, he sings a song, but he's the only bartender, so I guess people just have to wait for their drinks. Like, oh, the bartender's doing a set.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Yeah, I guess we're not moving product now. And you know that when he's done, he's not going right back to the bar. He's going to go backstage and be like, oh, man. Oh, that went well. That went well. That went well. How'd it go? I felt good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:28 There's a giant line. Have you heard Norm MacDonald's bit about Star Search? Yeah. Where there's the junior dancers. Yeah. Who are like eight-year-old dance teams. And there's nothing else for them. Like, they're on Star Search.
Starting point is 00:16:42 But then there's no, like, you can't go to a club and see junior dancers it reminds me a bit of that of like it's a club where you can see just like a dance squadron yeah well there was a bar in vancouver that didn't it didn't last very long it used to be uh i cannot remember what it used to be called it was in the west and something it used to be called uh smithy treat me nice dad yeah patrick malia used to be called. It was in the West End. Name it something. It used to be called... Smithies. Treat Me Nice Daddy. Yeah. Patrick Malia used to host a comedy show there on Monday nights. Oh.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Was it... Oh, Balthazar. Balthazar was what it used to be called. And so it was... Wait, wait, wait. Where is it? Down by Denman Street. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:19 On Davie Street. Yeah, I know where Balthazar is. So they went out of business or sold the business and then uh a lady and some financiers bought it and turned it into that like it was like cabaret singers and they would like like the pussycat dolls right yeah it was like that kind of thing but it's nobody was everybody's like no no thanks even in the gayest part of town. No one was interested in that. Yeah. Yeah. Not for me. But it exists.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Like, that thing exists in L.A., right? The pussycat dolls? I don't think regularly. I don't think it's a business that operates with pussycat dolls dancing every night. Yeah. But is there something like that in London? I feel like London would have these type of places. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:02 If they do, I haven't gone. I don't know. Like,'t gone i don't know like guys i don't know um yeah but you're right like if there's like if it was anybody did do it but you know maybe chicago maybe chicago oh chicago or paris feels like paris paris is the lay original yeah so i mean that's it should but see like there were uh there's all these acts in the fringe festival that were like that where you're like well i don't know where these people play outside of a fringe festival you mean like uh yeah oh yeah i didn't talk about Infligrante. What's that? That was a naked lady dancing. You didn't talk about Infligrante?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Infligrante was the show that followed theirs. Okay. And it was a six-woman nude thing. Six-woman one costume. Like one costume. Yeah. And they came out and they did a number where they were horses. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And did, I can't remember what else there was. Cops, maybe? There were cops. Hot cops. And then one where they all had face masks over their... Oh, yeah. But it was all just like... But it was nudity and...
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yeah. It was in flagrante. It was... Thank you. But no, there was like a guy called Legato Chocolat. Legato Chocolat, yeah. So he's a giant black guy, like looks kind of like a linebacker. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Got a big bushy beard and then comes out in drag. But you like, at this point, you're like, I have no idea what this act is going to be. Like, this could be any number of thousands of things. But like often when he performed, like very form-fitting like cat suits yeah yeah yeah and just like a crazy blonde wig and yeah and then he sings baritone opera he sings like these beautiful you know like and you're like where does that where do you where does his booking agent yeah le clique and then like these other like conglomerate burlesque shows are definitely in London and around. And we'll tour those circuits out there.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Right. So there are places. Yeah, definitely. Where you're like, I'm going to go see that. I just don't know. I don't know if there's a mainstay. You just go to these. There must be.
Starting point is 00:20:21 But I don't know where they are. It's like seven nights a week. Yeah. There has to be. cbgb is to punk there's something for burlesque like all the big all the cabaret yeah yeah we'll come through because these guys don't i mean and i know a lot of them and they're like awesome like wonderful and very talented people sure but you're like but where and they're not but they tour quite a bit also so maybe they just fill their year mostly touring.
Starting point is 00:20:47 But there's got to be the mainstay. Yeah, like where's the hangout? Where do all these, where do they go to trade cabaret stories? I mean, it's got to be Australia. Right. Well, definitely. So do you enjoy your time in Londonon do you consider it like home away from home or yeah i spend so much time there it is yeah i do i do i get to know it more and more every
Starting point is 00:21:15 every year and i feel like like the more time i spend like the more comfortable i am it like just being there uh it's a great city. And I love, like, just have so many friends there now, which is nice. Ooh, he's got lots of friends. Oh, yeah. But not... Must be nice. I don't, actually. I really don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:21:35 He backed off immediately. You're going to call me out on this. I know that bouncer at the Phoenix Club, but he doesn't like me very much. He lets me in occasionally. I'm always out trying to go, please. Yeah, yeah, I do. I do like it there. I mean, it's the best city in that you, you know, especially in kind of that general, like the West End area and all that kind of, where you just go and there's so many free museums and just like everything.
Starting point is 00:22:05 You just do whatever you want. So much culture. You can drink out on the sidewalk. Nobody's going to arrest you for that. Well, like in pubs, if it's a sunny day, it's very normal for things to just sort of spill out into the street where cars are driving. There's areas around like Soho that it feels like you're on a movie set. Like how so? People are yelling at you, don't touch that.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yes. Don't touch that. The sky feels really low, and then the streets are really narrow, and then it looks fake because it sees things you've seen on Hollywood sets, on movies for a long time. Right. Because you watch Notting Hill every day. Well, most days. But it has a subconscious kind of like effect. I was like, why do I feel weird?
Starting point is 00:22:51 And it's like, oh, because I feel like I'm on a movie set. Yeah. And these like black cabs will drive by. And then the buses and it's just, yeah. Vroom, vroom. And then the mailman will come by. Oh, hello. Got some post toys.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Okay. And then a cat will just happen by in front of you. And then an old lady will step on the cat. And then... Oh, I know this movie. Yeah, yeah. Love Actually. Yeah, I know this movie. Yeah, yeah. Love Actually. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:28 There's just something like I have this picture of like what Hollywood or not Hollywood. Well, also what Hollywood is like, but what Broadway and that West and like just mostly it's called from the old show Caroline in the City because her friend was a member of the Cats cast. Are you right? And her friend was very pretty right yeah yeah yeah and like i just i don't know i just like it feels like in my mind it's like when everybody works at like earls and then once a year they have like an earls like everybody gets together that's what if i imagine it's like like oh you're dating a guy from les mis you know like there's lots of gossip amongst the companies and it might be that you've never worked a day job where people hang out and go for drinks afterwards yeah that's probably true too hey like maybe that's what i'm maybe that's what i'm picturing. Oh, and by the way, neither have I. I mean, I have, but I've never been included in it.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Wait, so you think that all of the West End show people hang out at the Phoenix and they go like, how was it, mob? And you're like, oh, we didn't get as many laughs as normal. That is not at all what I'm thinking. Still struggling with those sandbags. How's the fly system working? that's totally what i picture like uh you know that there'd be a table where there'd be a guy like doing revisions no see the cats oh yeah you know we'll be running these shows like they'll run the shows for years and like and like certain actors and like people working on like like for months and months and months and months and months and so people working on like like for months and months
Starting point is 00:25:05 and months and months and months and so it's just this thing where they will go do it and then they go home you know so it's like so it doesn't quite have that like festival atmosphere that kind of thing of like smash atmosphere like smash atmosphere everybody hanging out and like you know oh here we are in the west end living the dream am i right once again i don't i mean i know like a very few people who are like doing other shows on not just because i just don't know anybody yeah but see that's what i figured is like you go you're running what theater are you at we're all hanging out at the phoenix we're all together you wouldn't recognize him with outside of his makeup but that's mr mephistopheles yeah somebody's dating the phantom of the office yeah i wish it was like that yeah well that because that's great because it's just like what but it's exactly what you said it's just
Starting point is 00:25:57 like like an office yeah if uh everyone worked in a office uh Speaking of bars that have like a theme, which is sort of tangential. There's a bar in my neighborhood and I'm excited about that because I've lived in this neighborhood for like 10 years. We just got a coffee shop a year ago. It's been like it's been a long road from hookers to... Hookers to Snooker. Yeah. It's a Snooker bar. No, but the bar that's open, the theme bar is themed. It's a Twin Peaks themed bar.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Oh, what? That's what... We've walked past it, I think. The Black Lodge? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we walked by it. That's Twin Peaks themed?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah. Oh, wow. I looked inside and everybody was very attractive. Oh, really? Was it full? And it was full. Yeah, that's why I won't go. And it was full.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And what time was it? 6.30? Yeah, and that's a weird time. But yeah, that must have just opened, right? Yeah, a month or two ago. So this place, what makes it, because I've never seen Twin Peaks. Me neither. Have you seen Twin Peaks?
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah. Okay, so we're going to bounce these off of you. Oh, no, no, no. This is going to end poorly, especially for people who listen, who are like, he's going to get it wrong. No, here's what I can tell. Here are the things I know about Twin Peaks. Backwards talking guy. Yeah, weird carpeting.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah. peaks is uh there's like uh backwards talking guy yeah weird carpeting yeah beginning where they show the saw cutting at different angles on the you guys don't know nope no saw weird weird saw angles uh body found coffee yeah cherry pie cherry pie yeah uh david lynch um fire walk with me um laura croft no yep laura the guy from dune uh which guy from dune kyle mclaughlin oh kyle mclaughlin laura palmer laura palmer and i feel like there's one more thing that i know about it uh david lynch northern exposure you already said david or somebody already said no no way no way fire walk with me the film i said it yeah all right so so how do you know that it's i know that because that's what it is okay all right that's because that's
Starting point is 00:28:13 the only reason people go there for the past two months um but uh apparently like my friends went there and they didn't even have pie oh but apparently now they have pie but like they were they've been sort of piecing it together like they were going to friends went there and they didn't even have pie. Oh. But apparently now they have pie. But, like, they've been sort of piecing it together. Like, they were going to open a bar and they were like, oh, we got these sort of weird red velvety drapes. It's super tiny as well. Yeah. So saying it was packed is like somebody was inside. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah. It used to be a sushi restaurant that I went to and didn't, like, I sat down at a table and then I had to leave because it smelled like a chemical toilet. Oh, good lord. Wasn't that the name of it? The chemical toilet. Yeah, the chemical toilet. Yeah, the cleanest sushi in town. And the logo is a fish swimming in blue water.
Starting point is 00:29:09 um now like i've never been to because there's another themed bar that opened in vancouver like this year or the end of last year that's like the storm crow oh no oh what's the storm crow it's oh it's the nerd one yeah so it's all like nerd stuff it's like dungeons and dragons they have like like oh do you play yeah&D? Yeah, there's games. Sorry, D&D. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You play drinking and driving. But it's like, yeah, they have all that stuff. And then all the stuff on the menu is like all themed.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And it's, you know, you get a thing of grog or whatever. You know what I mean? Yeah, Romulan ale. Yeah, yeah. it's all nerds tauntaun oh is it is it like nerd overload yeah it's all nerd everything nerd yeah so it's like you get to you can be like can i get my milk and then be allergic to it yeah yeah yeah it's just an overall... Yeah, just full nerd. There's just a locker that a bully just pushes you into. He stops you in a Doctor Who police box locker. You sit at a table and somebody talks to you for way too long about something you're not interested in because they don't know how to deal with people. That sounds like a great time.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Oh, and then another reason. The special today is the Asperger's. Yeah, but I've never gone to one of those. I've never gone to, like, this is the, like, I imagine if there isn't already, that something like the Big Lebowski would be a type of bar that you would go to, right? That would have all. White Russians. Yeah. Waiters are all wearing robes. Would you ever run to, right? That would have all... White Russians. And waiters were all wearing robes.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Would you ever run a themed bar? Yeah, I mean, if I was gonna run a bar, I would want it to be... Look it. Every night, I would sing a song. What would you sing? Treat me nice, daddy. Treat me nice, daddy.
Starting point is 00:31:04 My signature song but yeah like uh if you both of yous yeah if you could make a bar or restaurant themed like a movie what movie would you choose this is a good that's like good job interview well my first i would first say an american werewolf in London because of that great bar in it already called the Slaughtered Lamb. You too familiar with this one? No. So good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Good pick. Yeah. And it's like this great pub. But it's already, I think I've already seen a Slaughtered Lamb in New York. So I can't choose that. I think unless there is already a big lebowski one i think that's the easiest pick because it's just like you do the bar from the bowling alley yeah i mean it's it's too easy to to do a bar one like coyote ugly or cheers
Starting point is 00:31:59 oh you mean okay so like pick something that's a bit like a. Tron. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, Tron Bar would be. It would be very cool. You'd drink out of a Frisbee. Tron Bar is a good name. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to Tron Bar, user. Am I losing you on the references?
Starting point is 00:32:17 No, no, no. It's just it made me. The lighting would be great. You'd have to wear a helmet. It made me think of on the weekend, I watched Breaking Bad with Alicia and Abby. That's a great TV show. Yeah, it was great. It's Breaking Bad with Alicia and Abby.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Oh, I'd open a Breaking Bad themed bar. Sure. But now it's going to be done. It's going to be a little past the post. past the post uh but at one point uh abby tried to say tried to reference thor and say like he was wearing a thor wig but she said a tron wig and i couldn't stop laughing three letters oh it's funny though that kind of talks about the way she thinks because she she spells out her words in her head yeah because there's no connection between thor and Tron except for they are like characters and things.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Is Tron a character? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's in the... I haven't seen the remake but in the original Tron is the guy. Oh, I thought
Starting point is 00:33:15 Tron was the game. No, no, no. There was a game but it wasn't Tron. Kirk Tron is his name. It's confusing because there's a game about the movie Tron
Starting point is 00:33:24 wherein you play some of the games they play in Tron. But isn't Tron that they're stuck in a video game? Isn't that the plot of Tron? No, they're stuck in computer land. Oh, in computers. Yeah, they're not in a specific game. It's like where programs go. My bar would be based on the movie Big.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Okay, that's cool. So you'd have the piano. You'd have the little fortune-telling machine. Exactly, and I would have like bunk beds that you could drink in. Giant bunk beds. And a trampoline. You were getting bed bugs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Oh, a trampoline's good. I'm trying to think to think of oh you know it'd be a cool bar but it was only john claude's van damme's blood sport yeah like like that's what the bar i would do or you just like no is that the one where they have the stuff no no that's kickboxer yeah uh that's the one with the kumite yeah oh that's a good name for a bar ogre from revenge of the nerds is one of the heroes he plays videos looks like a bouncer yeah yeah ogre's the bouncer revenge of the nerds bar would be amazing a roadhouse bar but that's just another bar yeah revenge of the nerds bar would be amazing patrick swayze's roadhouse bar yeah yeah uh yeah revenge of the nerds bar would be good over the top bar oh yeah why did he always wait to do that move to win the spinning the hat backwards or he would put
Starting point is 00:34:54 i'm doing a physical thing he would put his fingers over his thumb to that was the over the top this is a 20 or 25 year old um apparently putting your finger squeezing your thumb like that uh makes your gag reflex go away what that's something for hello pornos yeah hello porno business here i come try it i've got a pen. The, yeah, I could do it. Back to the Future Bar would be great. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah. I thought you would say that first. I'm surprised I didn't. I think I got derailed thinking about Tron. The janitor at the Back to the Future Bar always talks about how he's going to be mayor. Oh, yeah. Mayor. I like the sound of that.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I can't remember his name now, and I feel like. Colby Wilson. Thanks. Oh, that was close. Yeah, that was his thing. He's going to sweep up this town. He's going to clean up this town was his slogan as mayor. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I've got to watch that movie. There's a lot of Easter eggs in that film. Oh, it's so good. What bar would you? Did you say? I didn't really say, but none of us have committed to anything. Oh, so good. What bar would you? Did you say? I didn't really say, but none of us have committed to anything. All right, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I'm just sort of playing with you. You're totally right. The Twin Peaks thing, though, so you think that that came after. They opened a bar and they were like, we need a cool theme. I don't think they necessarily planned it. Right. But maybe it... I don't know if it came after but it didn't it well the clue would
Starting point is 00:36:26 be in the title of the bar does the black lodge is that any reference because you have if you're gonna must be a themed bar if the title or if the name of the bar is not a reference i think that then maybe now they're just kind of right you know backwards engineering must be where the character stays and now we haven't seen it so we're totally speculating i have no idea if it was called the cherry pie i would know yeah the laura palmer's prong oh man um dave what's been going on with you man uh well my my man, I just got back from Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta. And as part of my work, I work at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for Hold for a floss.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And I work, I cover rock and pop music. And pop rocks music. Yeah, the music of the candy pop rocks. And pop rock's music. Yeah. The music of the candy pop rocks. Crackles, mostly. Some deaths due to Coca-Cola. Stomach explosions. And the music it creates.
Starting point is 00:37:45 But I just went to cover the Canadian Country Music Awards, which happened the same week as New York Fashion Week. Oh, who wore it better? Yeah. No one has ever wanted to go to both. And so the Canadian Country Music Awards, they happen on a Sunday night. Do they move from city to city? They do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Last year they were in... Because they commit some sort of crime. So they have never come back never come back to edmonton um uh but they last year they were in saskatoon and they always bring in an american like a couple american stars to kind of get ratings and and you know maybe receive a like a lifetime achievement award. So who's an American country music star? I know Toby Keith. Well, last year... Garth Brooks.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Last year, Taylor Swift was there. Oh, I knew she was trouble when she walked in. Yeah, in Saskatoon, of all places. Wow. This year, there were Canadians. It's literally the same 25 people. Yeah. And a couple more every year.
Starting point is 00:38:45 But it's like they refer to it as the country music family. And it's always the same people. And they all know each other. And they're all friends. They all have a jamboree. But the Americans this year were. What are their names? The band Perry.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Okay. That's a thing. That's a zero for one for me yeah yeah hunter hayes zero for two he's 21 years old he's he's literally known as the country music bieber oh yeah i was wondering when that was gonna happen who's the country music gaga reba Reba. She has lots of titles. And the other American artist was Darius Rucker, a.k.a. Hootie. Yeah. Definitely no Darius Rucker. Hold my hand.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Yeah. He doesn't sing Hootie things anymore. No, he sings country things. No, only Hootie things. Yeah. He just put a banjo in Hootie things anymore. No, he sings country things. No, only hootie things. Yeah. He just put a banjo in hootie. Country.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Now for another hootie tune. Was he good? Did you see any of these people play? Yeah, he's good. He's fine. He's great. I liked hootie. Did he wear a cowboy hat? No.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Okay. He did not. I met him. I met most of these people. Wow. Did you meet the country music Bieber? Yeah. Because you were interviewing them?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah. Well, before the show, they have a red carpet, but it's not a red carpet. It's the John Deere green carpet. Oh, no. I was literally going to make like a, yeah. That's more than the joke I was going to make. And yeah, so I talked to all of them for a minute oh while they were walking down yeah and it's like nerve-wracking like people like there's publicists working and they're like uh do you want darius rucker and you
Starting point is 00:40:36 give them a thumbs up and you're like okay uh after after country music television and local news you're gonna get them and then what what do you have like one question you could ask is that you have you basically you have as long as it like they're not gonna be rude to you yeah but they have a publicist behind them who's like who's like wrapping them up behind i didn't know that you were doing that i didn't know you were doing i didn't know i was gonna be doing that amazing i thought i was doing like light support for, you know, people who knew more about it. Sure. Because like at a certain point you're like, oh, I don't know anything about you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:11 That's what I was going to ask. Like what do you do when it's like the summer? Like I could defer to people, but there was one guy taking pictures and he knew a lot, but I was the guy asking the questions. Yeesh. But that was on Sunday. And I got to Edmonton on Thursday. Tron's day. Yeah. And then on Friday, I had to do, there's these things called syndication runs where every afternoon show in the country on the radio, you have to call in.
Starting point is 00:41:42 They call you and you have to do an interview with them for five minutes who does you do yeah about what about the country music awards so you've got to call every station and be like man it's a fever pitch yeah yeah yeah exactly wow wow i split it up with this other guy so i didn't have to call them all um what did you say what was your did you say the exact same thing for every station? But here's the thing. Can you do what you said? Okay. This is exciting.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Oh, well, no. There was a list of five questions they were going to ask me. So I would give the time. And like, Sunday night, it's happening in Edmonton, blah, blah, blah, blah. People are getting really excited here. And the great thing about country music. Here's some of the people who were nominated. Oh, big year for Gord Bamford.
Starting point is 00:42:32 He's Canada's Garth Brooks. He's Canada's New York Times. Yeah. And like 20 seconds into my first phone call, the host of the radio show I was talking to was like, wait a minute. Do you even like country music? No way. And they just, they could tell from talking to me that like, whatever it is that Sarah Palin has that is like that, that folksy charm. I have the opposite of that. Well, were you saying things like,
Starting point is 00:43:05 actually, and well, well. Like what were they reading? Actually, no, it's fine. It's not, you know. Oh, to the answer to the, like what were they reading in your book? Yeah, how did they pick that out? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:21 I think it might be my enunciation. The fact that I, you know, I have g's at the end of my verbs um but it happened darius rucker is that who you may remember from hootie and the blowfish right right because yeah um and uh yeah and so that happened on two calls in a row. What? Where they were like, wait a minute, are you just, do you even like country music? And so. Wow. For all the calls. Did you try eating an apple or something to make it more folksy?
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah. Chewing on some straw. Yeah, had some straw in my mouth. So what I reckon I did. There you go. This guy like country music like obviously from then on on every other call i had to make i was um super upfront about like oh well i'm not from the country community i feel like a real fish out of water here but i'm learning nice that's pretty good well that's like that's the
Starting point is 00:44:26 folksy thing that they that you know that would kind of win yeah yeah yeah when you wow um so yeah it was like i was there four days and uh called out on your first day yeah yikes and but yeah it was pretty crazy like just i had to go to all these, like, industry parties. And it was like, oh, hey, Dave, over there, it's George Canyon. I'm like, that's nobody's name. That's Frank Haybales here. So did you have to schmooze and make nice with these people? I am terrible at schmoozing, and so I didn't. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:07 at schmoozing and so i didn't right um uh what kind of what were the uh what was the after party were they all was everything so country was everything like all countryed up everywhere no it was like sitting in a wheelbarrow yeah are people playing horseshoes in the middle of the well there was one place that had like a mechanical bull all right yeah but i didn't stick around long enough to see what they were doing with it but it was it's like writing it no no they didn't even turn it on shooting paintball at us but it's um yeah no it was just like there were these shows at these bars and i i like the great thing was that i'm working i was working so i could be like oh i'm i'm i can like i literally you took you know i had to do social media so i was like oh i'm at a party where i don't know anyone and it's not rude of me to just play on my phone for
Starting point is 00:45:51 a while yeah yeah that's true yeah like i'm uh yeah i'm working the uh what did you have to do you were doing reports on the social media yeah i would do like no well not reports but i would like take a picture and post it to our Instagram. And do people know this? Like, they must, right? Do people know these country music people? Yeah, people do. But I don't think it's people who necessarily know our website.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Okay. So there's not a huge... But we were broadcasting it on CBC television. So we were more providing support for that. So it was sort of like. Were you on TV? No, no, no, no, no, no. I was probably in the background of other people's shots. But they were being recorded.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Yeah. It was all for radio. Well, I was doing the things for the web. So I was just getting quotes so I could type them out. Oh, so if you screwed up, you could just. Oh, yeah, totally. Right. Me screwing up was like, I would get the quote I needed
Starting point is 00:46:48 and then I would have like, oh, where's the publicist? Someone come get this person. Because I don't have any more questions. Exciting night, eh? You like, you've been on White Al? You like horses? And so I did all of the Edmonton things. I went, I ate two steaks.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah. At once. Both not mine. Two stolen steaks. And I went to, there's this place. Go on. I had heard of it because it's in my Google alerts. My last name, Shumka.
Starting point is 00:47:28 There's a place in Edmonton called Shumka Ukrainian Foods. And I was like, oh, I hope I have an hour where I can just like go to this place and take a picture there and try their food. And it's in a mall. It's in a food court. And they have a big sign above that says Shumka.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And people often pronounce it Shumka. Yeah. And so I went up to them and I said, how do you pronounce this place? And they said Shumka. And I said, I don't think so. Yeah. Shut it down. And I got some pierogies and some cabbage rolls.
Starting point is 00:48:00 It's fine. And you took a picture of yourself in front of the Shumka sign. Yeah. Doing this with a thumbs down yourself in front of the Shemka sign. Yeah. Doing this with a thumbs down going, no, not for me. Did you see Darius Rucker taking a picture of himself in front of a Fuddrucker? With Elmer Fudd. Oh, Darius. It seems so, like, I don't know that I'd be able to do it, to go into a whole world where I don't know, like, I don't know who the most famous guy is.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Like, that country music Justin Bieber is probably, like, the most famous touring country act in the States. So millions of people know who he is yeah no it's really it's really like i i sort of like had to balance between like totally admitting i'm a fraud yeah and also being like hey i like your one song that i heard from 30 seconds like you just heard just now. Like, I studied up a bit, so I could know people's songs and what they're nominated for. And, like, were you at the awards? I was in the press room, which is underneath the, just sort of like, it was in an arena, like hockey arena like 10 like you know 15 000 people were there what watching hockey yeah well these people were trying to present awards
Starting point is 00:49:33 that's awkward and it was i was just sort of in the under area and but it was like they would bring the award winners back and uh people would take pictures of them and ask them questions and oh like in front of that uh yeah a wall with the yeah logos on it and stuff yeah with all the hockey and yeah in the locker room like they all have to walk through the locker and there's a lot of sweating and all the questions were like like i didn't have any questions i was just there to use the wi-fi like i already i already had all my is that honestly why yeah i had already had my all my material and i was watching the award question was what's the wi-Fi. I already had all my... Is that honestly why you were there? Yeah, I already had all my material and I was watching the awards. So your question was, what's the Wi-Fi password? Well, I had to watch the awards there and tweet
Starting point is 00:50:14 out the winners and I was writing a post all about the winners for the blog. And then other people like ET Canada, Entertainment Tonight Canada was there to ask questions. And so many of the people asking questions were trying to prove to everyone how well they know these country people. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:35 So your children, Hunter and Ashley, how are they going to react to your award? How are they going to react to your disappearance? Yeah. Wow. So you went to the Shumka place. You ate two steaks. But not at the Shumka place. No.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Yeah. They don't serve steaks. Yeah. Pierogies and cabbage rolls. West Edmonton Mall. You went on the water slide. Didn't have time for that. You stayed at the Fantasyland Resort.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Sure. I did all the Edmonton things. There's really not much to do there. White Ave? Did you go to White Ave? No, that was too far. Jasper Ave? Too far?
Starting point is 00:51:12 Jasper Ave. That's all I know about Edmonton. It's like the center of Edmonton. Where were you? I was downtown. Yeah. Oh, I guess that's, yeah, okay. Now I understand.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yeah. What else did I do there? Oh, there's something else I'm going to talk about in the overheard. All right. Oh, one night, you know how people, when you're in a hotel, people will leave out like their room service trays? Oh, yeah. One night I got back to my hotel at like 11. It was like the earliest night there.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And these dudes were making their way towards the elevator and they were all like going to the club and they were all sort of like dressed up and like wearing cologne and stuff. And there was like a dozen of them. And I realized later that they were in the room next to me. Ah. Because when I got up the next morning, some people had put out their trays. These guys had put out a bucket of barf. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Why? Just for room service. Yeah, toilet's full. Bathtub's full. Exactly. The only thing I could think was like, oh, there's so many people in there that like someone was already barfing.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Like there's a dozen guys in a room. The rooms were big. There was like a – So gross. Like there's just – Edmonton is nothing but like big places. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The hotel room, like everybody's hotel room in my hotel was a giant living room plus a bedroom. I always feel like whenever I've had that, whenever I've been at a festival or something where they're like, that's one of the things is that you get a big suite.
Starting point is 00:52:57 You're like, well, it's just me. Like, what am I going to? Oh, no, I love it. You love it? Spread out, roll around. Sit on so many surfaces. Totally. You open your suitcase in one room and then leave it.
Starting point is 00:53:09 You're like, where's my cloth? I don't know. Is it upstairs? Is it downstairs? That's so good. I love it. What about when a hotel has an iPod dock and you're like, oh, what? Are they showing off to me? Yeah, you're like, I don what? Like, what? Are they showing off to me?
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah, you're like, I don't have one of these at all. Where I always feel like I want to use everything, especially if it's a nice hotel. If it's a crappy hotel, I'm not going to use any of this. It's like one of these places, like, and we have this iPod dock. And I never use those. Like, I don't ever feel the need to use an iPod dock
Starting point is 00:53:44 and, like, put it on and, like, put my stereo and, like, roll. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, you know, whatever. But, like, I'll do it there. Yes, I'm getting all of the amenities. This is how the other half lives. Yeah. I, yeah, I don't, I don't, I don't, like.
Starting point is 00:54:00 You just want, like, a bed? Yeah, I don't. Because the more room I have have the more room i will just spread my shit around it you know what i mean like if there's just more space to put a thing yeah it's more it's like the day you have to check out it means you're gonna have to scan way more places to see what you forgot i do check drawers that i've never opened to make sure i didn't put something in there yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my Bible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Well, I guess this is mine. Yeah. One time I stayed at a place that was like a really, like it was a suite, but it was an apartment. And I thought that it was like that people were coming and kind of like cleaning it up. Like I thought like that was part of the service and it wasn't. And by the time I checked out all the plants that were in there were dead.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I didn't know that I was supposed to water them. What? Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. That's asking too much. How long were you staying?
Starting point is 00:54:56 I was there for three weeks. So you were put in like maybe someone's apartment? No, no, it wasn't some, it was definitely like, it was one of these places. It's like an executive suite. And they expect you to water the plants well they expected somebody to do it that
Starting point is 00:55:09 is a busy that is an executive with a lot of time on his hands i only realized it like three days before i was going i was like whoa these plants are dying also these plants need talking too yeah yeah that's true i I didn't have time. I was an executive. You're a publisher. Oh, man. So, yeah, that was Edmonton. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Yeah. That's amazing. You went into a whole subculture. I've never had to travel for work. I've never had to do anything country music. It was, and I did not pull it off. No, I think you did, though. Did you get to talk to the 19-year-old winner of the Female Artist Award?
Starting point is 00:55:48 Kira Isabella? Yeah, yeah. I did. How do you know that? How do you know that? Oh, sorry. I didn't. I thought everyone knew.
Starting point is 00:55:58 It's the Canadian Country Music Award. Oh, yeah. I don't know. Did you just make that up, or did you actually know that thing? No, I happened to have heard a radio interview of hers? Oh, yeah. I don't know. Did you just make that up, or did you actually know that thing? No, I happened to have heard a radio interview of hers. Oh, yeah. But you were in there, you were fish out of water, you admitted to it as such, and then you were the bell of the ball. Well, yeah, you made up the last part.
Starting point is 00:56:19 It was fine. It was fine. Yeah. But that's the way to do it, is not to keep continually like, no, I know what I'm talking about. Just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper. Yeah, no, I definitely admitted it. I definitely learned early on, like, there's no fooling these people. Everyone, every radio host in the country seems to know a lot about Canadian country music.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Wow. Yeah, I don't. I mean, I knowul brent that's the one thing i know because my mom taught him in nursing school whoa so that but who's this guy paul brent he's like a big-time canadian country musician he wasn't there this year no well i wonder where he was he's been kicked out of the family he He's on extended leave. Oh, no. So that's enough about me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Graham, what's up with you this week? Not much. Here's the thing. This is, Mark can attest to this. I started watching on Netflix. I was like, I didn't want to, there's nothing on Netflix I want to watch. That's what Canadian Netflix, my slogan for them is, what do you not want to watch tonight? There's a lot of stuff on there that you want to have watched.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of documentaries that like, oh, yeah, I'd be better for having watched this. Yeah, there's things in it. And there's also series that people are like, this is a good series. But sometimes you don't, like, sometimes I don't want a two hour long movie. And I also don't want to, like, break into a new series. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:54 So flipping through all the, like, what, you know, what's something that I've seen and I could just have on in the background. And I ended up settling on Mad About You. So I started watching this this like i'm this is uh i almost got in an argument with graham for any millennials listening yeah so this is the paul riser sometimes hank azaria yeah Do you remember what year? Well, what was the name of the actor who plays the... Ira? Ira, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Oh, I can't remember. Ira is the actor's name. Who played Murray? The dog. Murray. Oh, so their dog is named Murray. Ira is the brother of Paul. Cousin.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Cousin Ira. Oh, yeah. We can't get too close. Yeah. Cousin Ira. And then the sister of Jamie, Helen Hunt's character, is Lisa. And then Paul Reiser has a lesbian sister and Hank is the- That's Hank Azaria.
Starting point is 00:58:52 No, yes, yes. Hank Azaria is the dog walker. And the waitress is Lisa Kudrow, Ursula, who is the twin sister. That character, there's a crossover with friends. She's the twin sister of Phoebe. Yeah, and you told me this. There's a crossover between Paul Reiser's character. And Kramer.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yeah, he has a bachelor pad that he's kept in the first two years of their marriage. Kramer is who's subletting. No. So the worlds of Mad About You and Friends are all the same. There was one which makes Friends where they all crossed over. I think Carolina and the City at the time. Did you say, so you mean Seinfeld? Seinfeld and Friends and Mad About You all happen in the same New York.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Seinfeld and Friends are in the same world. Yes. They all exist at the same time in New York City. And Mad About You is the marrying. Yes. Yeah. They all exist at the same time in New York City. And Mad About You is the marrying. Wow. Yeah. So Mad About You, like those characters
Starting point is 00:59:49 theoretically all could have Right. interacted, which isn't crazy far-fetched because like Seinfeld and Paul Reiser both were stand-up comedians and would have known each other.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah. The actor who played Iroh was John Pankow. John Pankow. John Pankow. Can you give me a later credit post? The Secret of My Success. Oh, that's earlier. Oh, he was in The Secret of My Success.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Let's see. Oof. That's a good bar theme. He's done a lot of... Welcome to Secret of My Success Bar. Oh, yeah. Get the change in the elevator on the way up. Everybody always gets confused with Bright Lights Big City Bar. Yeah. Do I do cocaine in the bathroom? Yeah. Do you change in the elevator? Is this all in the elevator on the way up. Everybody always gets confused with Bright Lights Big City Bar.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Do I do cocaine in the bathroom? Do you change in the elevator? Is this all in the second person? So I started watching it and then it became a bit of a habit to watch it. And to while away the time of watching it I would take photos
Starting point is 01:00:41 of me watching it and then send them to Mark who was in a different time zone. And then he would send back pictures of him recreating the scene of Paul Reiser that I had sent to him. So that's been most of my week. That's been a lot of my week, too. And it's weird. Okay, here's three things I've noted. Because this show ran until, I think, 1998 or 1996.
Starting point is 01:01:05 From what I understand, 1962. Yeah. It originally aired. I have the information in front of me. When did it start? 91? Well, I don't have it right now. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Mad About You, 1992. 92. Until 1999. Oh, wow. From the year I was born to the year that I died. Yeah. Wow. This show was around for Woodstock 94, Woodstock 99, all the major Woodstocks.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Most. So in the show, the whole run of the show, there's something that would not exist in television now because it doesn't exist in life now is that uh when a phone rings people just answer it they don't there's no scanning looking to see who it is there's no cell phones for the first whole half of the series so when a phone rings everybody just picks it up and it's always you know one of the characters moms or whatever was zach morris the first tv character with a cell phone oh i wouldn't be surprised because the first TV character with a cell phone? Oh, I wouldn't be surprised. Saved by the Bell?
Starting point is 01:02:07 Yeah. Maybe. If Gordon Gekko wasn't. Yeah, there's a scene in the first time a cell phone makes an appearance on Mad About You. It's probably what the episode's about. Yeah. The episode's about. Yeah. Look at it.
Starting point is 01:02:23 It's a cell phone. There's a character played by Lyle Lovett. And he works for Con Edison. And he's got a crazy bigger than Zack Morris's. Like he's got the type. Con Edison is a power company? Yeah. It's like the size of this wine bottle. Like he's got like a World War II.
Starting point is 01:02:39 We need backup. And they call from a strip club. Right. And it's like. But anyway, so it's not. The thing about the show is, it's not that it's funny, but it's very easy to have on in the background. Because it is just chatter. It's funny. I think now, I think we need to talk about background. Sure.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Having something on in the background. Because I mentioned that to my girlfriend. I just put it on the background. And it was like, what are you talking about oh really yeah really yeah like like because i used to do that uh during college i remember i like put on the matrix uh-huh that's a good bar i put on oh yeah the matrix bar oh there's no way that didn't exist there's gotta be a matrix bar that oh it does but you like wake up and find out that you were already in the matrix i thought this was my old stomping ground.
Starting point is 01:03:27 No, you've been in the Matrix bar this whole time. We have no beer. So you would put on a movie. I would put on Election on the back. I loved that movie. I put on The Matrix. I put on Spinal Tap. And I would put it on.
Starting point is 01:03:40 And I would just say, oh, it's on. And then I could stop what I was doing and go, oh, I like this part. And it is just like, oh, it's on. And then I could like stop what I was doing. Oh, I like this part. And it is just beyond. Yeah. But so I think maybe a lot of people listening to your show might not even understand what that like, or maybe it might just be fun. I think we are what is on. In the back. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:55 We are that. Yeah. Well, it's weird because I was thinking about this today is when I was now, like when I watched, when I put something on TV, I have to strain to pay attention to TV because I have my phone, I have my laptop. But when I was younger, I would like the TV would be on and that would be it. Like I would even like open up my math homework. And at the end of Mad About You, I'd look down. Oh, I haven't started my math homework. Well, I would do that, but I would do my math homework.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Really? Yeah. I would do more, like, as soon as TV would come on, it was like my brain would just, like, shrink down to the size of a walnut. I watched so much TV, girl. I watched so much TV. Yeah, ditto. And I never did homework. I tried.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I started homework. I think about the amount of TV I watch, and I just can't believe I did that. I would watch anything. Anything that would come up. And that's why I feel like something like Mad About You is such a smash hit. Because people would watch whatever. Yeah, yeah. They don't now. They don't watch whatever whatever it was something between friends and seinfeld that
Starting point is 01:05:08 would tide us over yeah you wouldn't that's the thing you wouldn't just watch friends or just watch yeah you'd be like it's thursday night i've got two hours ahead of me yeah you would watch inevitably whatever the filler show was, you would watch it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your lead-in mattered. Yeah. Right. So, it's weird. Anyway, so watching the show, it's weird because it's, the best way to explain it for somebody who's never seen Mad About You, it's like, what if they made When Harry Met Sally the television show? Like, that's basically.
Starting point is 01:05:42 If Harry and Sally got married. Yeah, if they. And were so upset about getting married. No, they loved, like, the television show. Like, that's basically. If Harry and Sally got married. Yeah. And were so upset about getting married. No, they loved, like, they don't. They're not, like, fighting. No, they're not fighting. Yeah. Yeah. It's just snappy banter.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Snappy banter. And he's kind of a, you know, she was the thing on the show. Like, she was the big discovery. He had already been on another show. She had been on things before. Yeah. She was in that thing where she jumped out of the window on lst or whatever she was in an after-school special where she like took ls when she was 13 or whatever like she took angel dust no it might have been it might have been angel dust where's that wait what did you say she took lsd but Oh, probably. It would be amazing if she took PCP.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I should take some PCP. Yeah. She does it in a high school lab. So somebody's cooked it up in the high school lab. And she throws herself out the window. She had done stuff before because she hasn't done much since. But she wasn't. He was already a thing.
Starting point is 01:06:38 He was already on My Two Dads. And in Alien. Graham, you and I have spent so much time talking about Paul Reiser. We have talked so much about Paul Reiser in the past past week i feel like we're gonna meet him i know seriously i feel like it's like this thing or like we're talking so much about him like he's just gonna like come into my room like kind of yeah does he chew gum in the show or maybe no maybe he chewed gum in aliens there's something about him that makes me think. Oh, yeah, he had been in Aliens. His catchphrase on, he had kind of a couple catchphrases that weren't really catchphrases on Mad About You. One of them was, not so much.
Starting point is 01:07:13 And the other one, he would make a joke and he would say, like, dig me, I'm Ed Sullivan. And then he would do something that was Ed Sullivan-like. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Wow. He'd be like, dig me. I'm a giant something or other. Like, that was, that reoccurred several times.
Starting point is 01:07:31 I need to watch this show again. Yeah, it's actually, she had, I have her IMDb open. She's done, she did a lot of stuff before Mad About You. Nothing you've ever heard of. No. Other than, like, an episode of Gimme a Break, eight episodes no other than like an episode of give me a break eight episodes of say which which episode of give me a break uh oh great um the episode was called oh wait no i can give you the synopsis tell me the tell me that do you really do you know this
Starting point is 01:07:55 show that well give me a break no jesus just pull it i know you know what imdb mobile Mobile IMDB is not that good. Oh, no. The episode was called An Unmarried Couple. Oh. Okay. Oh. All right. A pre-Madden. Can you give us the rundown of that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:13 A man and woman live together in sin. Nell Carter says, give me a break. That's not good. I sure deserve one. So, yeah. That was a thing that I noticed from watching a show from the 90s like so many of the plots hinge on phone calls yeah uh that's all seinfeld too yeah but like there were entire episodes that just would not exist to write a phone call in though right yeah and then the phone rings yeah yeah or it's so easy to create a missed thing if yeah somebody doesn't have a phone to call you yeah yeah so there's that and then there's
Starting point is 01:08:54 i watched an episode a couple nights ago where it was like obvious you could tell the meeting that they had where they're like should we fly paul reiser to new New York to shoot these exteriors? And I'm sure there was a lot of back and forth. Like, this is a scene where he's contemplating a thing. It was a very, like, emotionally charged episode. Oh, is there the one where she kissed someone else? Yes. What? Oh, did she kiss Nathan Lane?
Starting point is 01:09:16 Lane. No. She dated Nathan. Have you gotten to this episode yet? No. What? Nathan Lane is her ex. I'm not making this up.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Is her ex-boyfriend in the show. And when Nathan Lane shows up, they have This is the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. She describes Nathan Lane. She's like, I don't know, I don't know. My ex-boyfriend's coming over. Or maybe they didn't date, but whatever, they had something.
Starting point is 01:09:39 My ex-boyfriend's coming over. And Paul Reiser is not stoked. Why? Is he happy? Not so much. My ex-boyfriend's coming over. And Paul Reiser is not stoked. Why? Is he happy? Not so much. My ex-boyfriend's coming over. Nathan Lane showed up. I'm like, okay. Not jealous. Not stoked.
Starting point is 01:09:53 But just get through this. So she's like, he gives me, he has this look, and I swear, and it's like as if she's having an, like, she insinuates that he can look at her and she gets an org she gets an orgasm that's a problem that is a problem did you get an orgasm from him yeah we made out did you get an orgasm have one leave one need one have an orgasm take an orgasm tray she't, you know, and so then he arrives. And he was like, you know, I remember watching that because it was like on a very exciting episode. I'm mad about you. The Tony Award winning actor, which did not resonate with me at the time.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Nathan Lang. So he opens the door and then they immediately lock eyes. And then Paul's like, hey, hey, hey. Hey, stop having visual orgasms. Stop having visual orgasms in my apartment i'm mad about you um her ex in the episode i saw was played by a famous redhead actor from the 80s eric stoltz um failed failed marty mcfly marty mcfly also failed fly to actor though he did do that movie this is weird burn on eric stoltz i actually really like eric stoltz um but in anyways
Starting point is 01:11:16 obviously the decision about the should we send paul reiser to new york for these exteriors was no yeah i remember him walking the street uh in front of the blue screen oh really was it so bad oh it's so it was oh like was he in front of a like a uh empire state building postcard he was in he there's one scene where he's standing in front of radio city music hall and you're just like this like if it was just a chalk drawing of new york city music hall egg wouldn't look faker like it's just maybe at the time they were like candy can't tell the difference yeah that kind of stuff is so weird when you look back and see something that looks way faker than yeah yeah way more fake when you've been when you and like stuff at the time you were like oh this is great yeah that
Starting point is 01:12:01 happened yeah yeah yeah so uh that was another thing I realized. And then also that, I can't remember what the third thing I realized was. I think there might have been more than one Murray during the course of the show. Oh, really? Yeah. Because the Murray later on
Starting point is 01:12:16 kind of looks like a different dog from the Murray. Wait a minute. How many episodes a day in a week? And you haven't seen the Nathan Lane episode? No, I started watching it. I thought like, maybe it starts slow. So I started in season three and it worked my way.
Starting point is 01:12:28 But then now I'm going to go back and watch seasons one and two. Oh, yeah. Oh, so Nathan Lane might come earlier. Yeah, I got to see this Nathan Lane episode. I have a feeling Jamie comes earlier, too. Nice. Anyways, also, I really like the character Ira. He's like a charming actor.
Starting point is 01:12:44 I'm surprised he didn't do... He kind of wasn't in anything after that. But, all right. Well, you know, maybe we can find a project. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. But even if... I'm just going back a little bit.
Starting point is 01:12:55 But even if they had successfully shot the New York City exteriors, it still really takes you out of a... Oh, yeah. really takes you out of a of a oh yeah of a sitcom like at a studio audience show when they're like suddenly cut to like a real like shot on film well weird yeah and there's also there's an episode like uh i don't know if anybody uses that term anymore like the jumping the shark but there is an episode where i think that's i think everyone uses yeah but like i don't know if it's if it's jumping the shark has jumped the shark or right but like there's an episode where they it basically becomes like a sci-fi show where they go and like the newsstand that they met at has burned down and then they don't then they like separate and they don't know each other like they start forgetting each other like sliding sliding doors. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:45 And you're like, what? This is not what this show is. Those are the best episodes. Yeah. When they're totally running out of ideas. Yeah. When it was only in season three. Bring a wacky neighbor.
Starting point is 01:13:55 They're already like, oh, this couple chatting is not. John McGinley joins the cast. What a terrible feeling to know that like if you the if the news stand where you met someone were to burn down that you would just like your memory would go away yeah awful yeah you and it was really one of these things too where it was like uh you could tell that just the writers were like well let's open up the emergency binder that has, you know, episodes that we can, you know, we've run out of ideas. The one where they forget each other. The one where they decide they're going to split up and then they have a kid.
Starting point is 01:14:33 You know, the one where Murray can talk. There's an episode where Murray has dreams and you see Murray's dreams. Imagine watching that live and being like, this is what I waited all week for. All week, nothing. All month. That dog has a dream that he's on Jay Leno. And Jay Leno interviews him. I remember that episode.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I saw that episode. Well, usually the first segment on the show takes about 40 minutes. We're at 117 or so. I'm mad about that. Well, let's move on to Overhurst. Let's do some business. All right. Oh, business.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Sorry. Life can be fun. Don't get carried away. You gotta do the things you don't want to do to get through the day. You gotta shine your shoes. You gotta sweep the floor. You gotta clean your house. You gotta do some more. Take care of beers in the house. That music means it's time for a little bit of business. Now, this week, our show is brought to you by Hulu Plus.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Now, if you've tried Hulu Plus or, we want to tell you about Hulu Plus. So it's only $70,000. It's not $70,000. God, what kind of money? You made that mistake last time. Yeah, I don't know why. I see $7,000, I think $70,000. But it's not.
Starting point is 01:15:53 It's way less than that. It's $799,000. How much would you pay for a service like Hulu Plus? $70,000. Well, don't answer yet. For only $799,000 a month. Don't answer yet. For only $7.99 a month.
Starting point is 01:16:06 That's $7.99. You can get all of the shows and movies you can handle. Like, whatever the amount you think you can handle, the amount that you can watch, it's more than that. Yeah, I don't think you can handle this. Woo! Yeah. If you go right now to and you type in forward slash stop, you can get a couple weeks for free. See if you like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:34 And what it is, it's like it's movies. It's TV shows. You're SNLs. You're mad about you. You're Modern Family, South Park, Family Guy, thousands of other shows. Yeah. The mind is boggled. Yeah, your mind, look.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Simpsons. Apologize to your mind for all of the boggling we're doing to it. Freaks and geeks. And we know we mentioned that it was $7.99 a month. Hey, why not get it for free? Get an extended free trial right now by going to forward slash stop. That's stop. Like, stop podcasting yourself. That's how you remember that.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Yeah, that's how they know that we sent you there. Yeah, so check it out. And do you want to move on to Overheard? Please. Overheard. Overheards. on to uh overheard please overheard overheards things that you might hear when you're out in the world no no no we gotta plow right through we got a lot of business to take care of thank you overheards uh now mark this is your first time on the show but we like to always start with the guest. You know it's your first time, right? I don't know if that's a main surprise. This isn't Mernie's dream.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Yeah. Would you like to lead the charge in Overheard? Yeah, I will. So, yeah, because I knew I had to come up with an Overheard. Or not come up with, but acquire one. Like get an orgasm. Exactly. Did you get an orgasm from him? You acquire one orgasm get an orgasm exactly like you did you get an orgasm from you acquire one
Starting point is 01:18:07 orgasm yeah i got two uh yeah so i uh was concerned about this because it wasn't it wasn't happening i was like oh no i'm not getting one I wanted it to be the organic like once I knew I was going to be on the show or once I had talked to Graham about it and he was like oh I haven't overheard I didn't want to like reach back you can though
Starting point is 01:18:37 I didn't want to you can we have to get something fresh every week but you have your whole life we can put our arm back on you can so play safe You can. We have to get something fresh every week, but you have your whole life to change. We can put our arm back on. You can. So play safe. I forgot about that! But not from my childhood, which is where you know it from. I only, because that was not an American thing. That was Canadian. I introduced you to Astar the robot.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Oh my gosh, I love that thing. Oh, it's so good. I am Astar the robot. I can put my arm back on, and I can, oh, my dad's still alive, too. God, Astar, you're a real dick. Yeah, look at all this money I have. Robot money. So it wasn't happening. It wasn't happening.
Starting point is 01:19:26 And I was like, ew, this is getting, and then last uh i so i live on a uh i live near davy street and there was like like and i just um i use the term loosely but i spent a lot of time there and uh on the sidewalk and um uh it it there's just always a just like a nice flow of drunk people who come up off the off of where they're drinking on Davy street and just come up my street. And, um, uh, we, the window was open.
Starting point is 01:19:49 It was really hot. We're just getting, I was just getting that kind of flow and I wasn't sleeping. It's like two in the morning. He's like drunk guys walk by and, uh, they were doing that. They were talking really loudly,
Starting point is 01:20:00 like very, you know, from, and I could hear them from a really loud, right when they get by my window, one of them says, and pardon the, the kind of bad use of, anyway, you'll see, but he's like, the guy's like, oh man, you're like such a fag with this skirt on. Like there's so many things like going on. like there's so many things like going on and he said it's so like loud and just like what are you doing and like why are you being like like why are you just like you know he's basically just
Starting point is 01:20:34 holding a sign up and like i'm an idiot but like wearing a skirt but like it was serious like the tone of his voice wasn't like um you know he he wasn't being ironic. The way Graham and I use it. Yeah, exactly. Every day. But also it wasn't that kind of crappy everyday use of that word either. It wasn't even like that, which kind of makes it almost better. Like if somebody has that bad habit of saying. It's complicated.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Yeah. We have a complicated relationship with that word oh yeah absolutely and then you know i'm in the west end so there's you know a lot more fags out there oh no shit i really ruined that uh no just like really just bad just like oh but like just like i was so confused is it? Just, why are you being so loud and, like, so offensive? And then it's like, what do I do? They're like, do I yell? You're a jerk.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Yeah. You don't know. Yeah. Stop saying things. You're going to be on a podcast. We're on the run from the law. Yeah, you're anonymously going to be on a podcast. I'm reporting you to a podcast.
Starting point is 01:21:46 So, yeah. So, I mean, like, what's the appropriate response to that? I would have seen, I wanted to see what the skirt looks like. That's what I would have done. I would have looked out the window. Yeah, the appropriate response is usually. Right. Wolf whistle.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Yeah. Could have done that. Cat call. Hey, sugar. Right? Hey, skirtsies. Yeah, do those legs go all the way yonder. Yeah. Could have done that. Cat call. Hey, sugar. Right? Hey, skirtsies. Yeah. Did those legs go all the way yonder?
Starting point is 01:22:08 Yeah. Check out the gams on you. Well, I said all of those things. Yeah. Yeah. A-wooga. Right. Hubba hubba ding ding.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Dave? Mine is from the Canadian Country Music Award weekend. I remember you were there. Oh, by the way, you see how I'm sitting right now with my legs crossed? Yeah. Kind of like a lady. Nobody sits like this at the Canadian Country Music Awards. Not even the ladies.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Yeah, the ladies. Well, probably a lot of jeans, I would guess. Yeah, but I can do this in jeans. Oh, I can do this all night. be a lot of genes i would guess yeah but i can do this in jeans oh i can do this all night um so one of the things we did while we were there uh is we went to uh there's this uh singer songwriter country music sort of like an alternative roots country guy named corb lund and hurt and elbert yeah is that one name or two it's's first name Corb. Maybe short for Corbin Bernson. Last name Lund.
Starting point is 01:23:08 So I really would have said Cor Blund. Blund, yeah. Ooh, Blund's a good last name. And he... Just ask George Blund. He lives in Edmonton. He's moving to Calgary. And kind of as this promotional thing, he had a big garage sale during Canadian Country Music Weekend.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Oh, that's cool. At his house in Edmonton. And he just sold his merchandise. Did he sell old merchandise? Yeah. Because he used to be in the smalls. Yep. He sold everything from the last 20 years.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Oh, cool. And we went there and we did a story on it. And it was a big thing. He had just tweeted it out. Yeah. I did a story on it. And it was a big thing. Like, he had just tweeted it out. Yeah. I would have gone to it. Yeah. And apparently it was, like, the biggest thing in Edmonton that weekend.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Like, news crews came by and, like, they were doing weather hits from his garage. Really? Yeah. He's a big, like, he's an institution there. Like, he's been there doing music for, like, since I was, like, a kid. And I'm 87 years old. So we went there, and it was kind of in the middle. Like, there's no cabs where we were going.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Oh, that part of town. It was a cab ride away. And so we had to call for a cab to come and pick us up. And we were waiting for about 10 minutes. And so we had to call for a cab to come and pick us up. And we were waiting for about 10 minutes. And suddenly this orange cab shows up with rims on it, like sparkly rims with like a little bit of orange on them. And then we get close to the cab and the cab has little sparkles in the paint.
Starting point is 01:24:47 And it's like super detailed cab. And we get in it, and it's me and two people, like two of my coworkers. And they, I don't really talk to cab drivers. They are asking this guy everything, and he is insane. is insane and i'm of two minds about these overheards because um he's he's like a middle eastern guy and i don't really want to do an accent but the in his voice it sounds so much better um especially given the kind of things that he's saying. But we can all, you know. Sure, sure. So, we, my co-workers, and they look back, they look over at me, and they see that I'm typing everything he's saying into my phone. Yeah, they're like, look who's taking an interest all of a sudden. And so, he's talking, they're asking him, like, oh, did you decorate this cab yourself?
Starting point is 01:25:47 And he's like, no, I did it with my friend. He's Mexican. And, yeah, people notice my cab. People are always eye-scratching. Does that mean, like, rubbing their eyes and disbelieving? Yeah, that's what he meant. I guess sort of like, ghoul? That's a cab. Now, this was sort of the center that's what he meant. I guess sort of like, ghoul? Ghoul. That's a cat. Now, this was sort of
Starting point is 01:26:08 the centerpiece of what he said. They asked him like, oh, do you like cars a lot? And like, he had pictures of other cars that he was working on and he said his philosophy is
Starting point is 01:26:15 when you have nice cars, you will have nice pussies. Oh my God. He's not wrong. Oh my God. Plural. Yeah, wow. And he had, there was a lot more of just like...
Starting point is 01:26:33 Pussy this, pussy that. Yeah, and a lot of like, you don't know, literally that. Once you've broken that barrier in a conversation and you see that nobody's recoiled in terror, then you kind of are like, yeah, I guess I could just say that word as much as I want. In this mixed company. Some people just have no... Well, that's true. Also, you signed off on something weird when you got in this guy's cab.
Starting point is 01:26:56 And I find that with a lot of people who learn English as a second language, if they learn it kind of in adulthood, they learn it from other adults who swear, and so they think nothing of just using these words. I wonder if it's like a weird geological timeline where you can date where somebody in their age
Starting point is 01:27:21 learned English. Like if they use certain vernacular. Oh, like certain. Yeah, because there are certain words that like were very in for a period of time. They're like saying like, oh, yeah, bingo, bingo. Yeah, totally. 100% bingo. It's like, when did you, why was bingo, was that like, when do people say bingo a lot
Starting point is 01:27:40 when they meant like right on? Early 80s. So you must have been 20. Yeah. All right, I pin-plied carbon dated when you learned English. Oh, that's true. Oh, man. My farmer, there was this farmer, he had a dog.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Bingo was his name-o. I'm just telling a story about bingo. Yeah. So, yeah, he had more to say, but it was bad. He had more stories to tell. Yeah, more war stories. Well, I heard that, though, when you hear stories from cab drivers, if they're good, you get good pussies, too. It's true.
Starting point is 01:28:12 It's true. It just kind of comes with the story. As many as possible. You know what I mean. I sure do. Speaking of pussies. No, my overheard involves this, so it works. No, my overheard involves this, so it works.
Starting point is 01:28:25 I was waiting. I did a show downtown, and then I was taking the train home. And it really is like the people are getting in their last licks of summertime drunkenness. Okay. How does that differ from every other kind of drunkenness? Just more. Tank tops. Yeah, and more fall down and more i have a great photo that i took of uh of a lady giving a piggyback to another lady in a miniskirt like stuff like that
Starting point is 01:28:51 right um to love there would be two angles was this photo every angle i was trying to take an upskirt and the lady was getting in the way so i was catching the train back and i just missed a train so there was a huge kind of lineup on the platform waiting for the train and i parked myself next to the loudest talking lady because i was like here we go here we go the spit the spigots open all sorts of over herds are just flying out of her mouth and uh the creme de la creme was, you know what? You made me look like a flailing slut. And then the guy in response goes, how long to the next train? Yeah. Just like, man, she had him cornered.
Starting point is 01:29:41 And he obviously, he had said something. Right. And boy, oh boy, was he going to hear about it for the rest of this train ride. What did he say to make her look like a flailing slug? Yeah. Like, you sleep. You blew that guy on a roller coaster. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:02 You banged those two guys while falling out of a building. She was trying to make it sound worse than it was, and flailing was obviously the only word that... Yeah, that's a good vocabulary. Like, what's big in a... I don't flail. Now, we also have overheards that have been sent in to us from around the world. If you want to do the same thing, you can send them in to spy at And this first one comes to us from James B. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Starting point is 01:30:36 Jimmy B! My wife and I were enjoying lunch at a local noodle place when a mother in her mid-30s with two six- or seven-year-old twins in Little League uniforms walked by. Cute. Yeah, right? This is pretty adorable. Kid 1 was smiling from ear to ear and eating a Rice Krispie treat the size of his head. Kid 2 says to the mom, mom, why can't I have a Rice Krispie treat too? Mom, you know why. Because Rice Krispies are for winners.
Starting point is 01:31:06 No. Yep. Well, first of all, they're not. Wait. They were clearly on the same team, though. Well, just because they were twins and dressed in baseball uniforms doesn't mean they were on the same team. Oh, he doesn't specify if they're in the same uniform. Yeah, just uniforms.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Harsh. No. That would suck if your kids were on different teams. You have twice as, like, at least double up on having them on the same team so you don't have to drive them to two different games. But the coach was like, I don't need the headache of
Starting point is 01:31:35 which one, which twin is out on the field, which one's... And I beg to differ. I have eaten Rice Krispie treats and felt like such a loser. Yeah, yeah. The Rice Krispie treatss and felt like such a loser. Yeah, yeah. The Rice Krispie Treats are like the best part of Rice Krispies. Yeah. It's not like...
Starting point is 01:31:51 Oh, that's true. Like flat out Rice Krispies, those aren't for winners. They're for snap and crackle. Yeah. But yeah, I don't know. Just like separating out a couple of twins, like you're really trying to do that nature nurture thing. one of you is gonna be a winner one of you is gonna be one of you's gonna be hitler wow um you know what i found out today i was doing research for uh um some science uh project yeah yeah i went to uh the i wanted to find out the effect of porno on my boner.
Starting point is 01:32:32 It was, I was doing research for a debate about vegetarianism. And you know the old thing that people say that they say Hitler was a vegetarian? Yeah. He wasn't. That was a myth. Oh, really? Yeah. It was a myth just to sell celery.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Wait. Eat it. Hitler ate it. Yeah, yeah. Eat it to be nice. Wait. Eat it. Hitler ate it. Yeah, yeah. Eat it to be nice and strong. Hitler loved his celery only. He said he was being a vegetarian to show solidarity with the people of Germany
Starting point is 01:32:56 who had to give up alcohol and tobacco and meat. Fireworks. And fireworks. That's what the idea is. Fireworks. Fireworks. Alcohol and tobacco. Wait a minute. You got it wrong ATF is. Fireworks.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Wait a minute. You got it wrong also. Yeah, I know. ATF. You got fireworks in there? It's just like the party patrol. You got fireworks in there? You need some?
Starting point is 01:33:25 Party patrol. We got your alcohol. All right. This next one comes to us from Duncan P. from New York. The P stands for pneumonia. I was on the subway yesterday, and there were these two beefy bro dudes, friends, who were alternately talking to each other and checking their cell phones. I grilled up some beefy bros earlier. Beefy bro one. Hey, did you see Jenny's Instagram today?
Starting point is 01:33:57 Beefy bro two. Yeah. Number one. I emailed her and said, sure would brighten my day if you sent me a picture of your titties. BB Bro 2. Yeah? BB Bro 1.
Starting point is 01:34:09 She didn't even write back. Oh, man. Yeah. What would charm school be like if it existed today? Would it teach you how to deal with, like, oh, well, I mean, a guy asks nicely that's true balance a book on your head uh i don't know what charm school is exactly yeah you balance a book on your head and then yeah show your boobs to a camera no how to sit side saddle i think it's all oh yeah side saddle is uh is that a thing that's i'm doing it right now people don't know we're sitting on horses um horse cast oh good idea this this last one comes from jr j j y r not jr uh okay um we were driving in the car last weekend. What? Yeah. Some letters are names, like J and...
Starting point is 01:35:07 T. T-toe. Checks. A. K. No. No. K, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Every kiss begins with it. Yeah. K. K. B. B. Is a name? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:18 B. Arthur. Yeah. Yeah. F. F. Murray Abraham. I. I. Robot. Yeah. I.
Starting point is 01:35:25 I. Robot. G. Can we please move on? Yeah. G. Not David. Oh, well.
Starting point is 01:35:37 So this is from JR. We were driving the car last weekend, and my three-year-old shouted from the back, Look! Smarmits! Smarmits! We looked, and it was a billboard for the new smurfs movie i won't be correcting her smarmits where'd she get smarmits from that's great yeah right smarmits is as good a name as smurfs if not better yeah better yeah or i think she just like has a new franchise that is like yeah yeah the smarmits or snorks or it's yeah it's just like a dutch version of the smurfs well the smarmits well the original was in french
Starting point is 01:36:13 but how did they come up with smurfs like was there like uh uh you know did they yeah smarmits sort of test market out a bunch of different was smarmits one of the uh choices it's gotta be an acronym right like so many unfriendly oh it's not like i don't know i thought it would be like every acronym is usually for a secretive organization like secret manifesto underground rebel forces actually that's worth rebel forces manifesto is a secret military Manifesto... Undercover... Underground Rebel Forces. Actually, that is smart. Rebel Forces. I don't know what Manifesto is. Secret Military Underground Rebel Forces.
Starting point is 01:36:51 Rebel Forces. That's pretty great. Oh, Secret Military Underground Rebel Forces. You just stumbled on that. Oh, my God. What's this? And Gargamel is also an acronym. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Suddenly on his side. Just pass out. Good angel. So is Azriel. In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to be the guy who calls, do be that guy. It's 206-339-8328. Hi, this is Nancy in Brooklyn calling in with an overheard.
Starting point is 01:37:20 I was walking through my neighborhood in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn tonight, and I passed two black guys. They seemed like they were about my age, so maybe early 30s, late 20s. And as I walked past, one of the guys turned to the other guy and said, the thing about Spanish girls is, I know this is a mad ignorant statement, but it's like, the softer their skin, the more they hurt your feelings. Oh, my God. That's so good. It's like, he knows it's ignorant, but it's also, he's like, I know this is ignorant, but remember, even my ignorance is very poetic. I'm going to say something super weird, but also true.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Wow. But it's not ignorant. I mean, I guess. It's ignorant in that he just made it up. It's about Spanish girls. But the skin softness could be any race. Oh, that's true. There was a lot of race going on.
Starting point is 01:38:26 When I listened to these earlier, I don't remember her saying they were black guys. Two black guys? Oh, that was probably my favorite part. There's these two black guys. What's going to happen now? What is she going to say? The air got sucked out of the room there a little bit. But then it was the softer the skin.
Starting point is 01:38:44 The softer the skin. The softer the skin. The more they hurt your feelings. But you know what? He was, it's like he was saying that statement hoping that his friend was like, you know what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but his friend was like, yeah, God, you know what? Also, are we almost, like what?
Starting point is 01:38:58 Yeah, I need new friends. Yeah. Are we almost home? Yeah, we're almost home. Like, let's. Are we still going to hang out in the park? Yeah, we're almost home. Are we still going to hang out in the park? Yeah, yeah. It's like the more they talk, the less I care.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Yeah. I'm like, what are you? I don't know. I'm trying to get on board here. Are you trying to go for a new cushion for the push? Are you going to use their skin to make a coat? Oh, yeah. You weirdo.
Starting point is 01:39:20 I'm going to use that. Skin to make a coat. No, no, no. Nope. Soft to the skin here's your next phone call oh hi it's Jesse from Toronto
Starting point is 01:39:31 I haven't overheard I just walked into a subway station and there was a a couple arguing and to finish off the argument
Starting point is 01:39:43 the woman said you know what I'm sick of this you go hang out with your Olympians in Hollywood and to finish off the argument the woman said, you know what? I'm sick of this. You go hang out with your Olympians in Hollywood. This is embarrassing. That was me. That was the guy. That was you in Toronto. You go hang out with your Olympians in Hollywood.
Starting point is 01:39:58 What does that even mean? On the set of Gymkata. That's just a person just like putting all the fanciest thing that they can think of. You go hang out with your... With a T or a N? With a T. Gymkata. Good bar, by the way.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Good bar. Oh, yeah. It should have been the first one we said, guys. Go hang out with your Olympian friends in Hollywood with all your katana blades. Yeah, with all your ginseng. You know, just like naming things that they read in a magazine. Yeah, things that seem impressive. Yeah, like your Oprah Winfrey and your ginseng pills.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Hummel figurines. And your social media impressions. Yeah. With your Snapchat and your Olympic. Go hang out in your Nissan Altima. It could be anything. Yeah, that's true. If you say it in that way, it's just the person that just doesn't...
Starting point is 01:40:50 Just go hang out with your friend. Try yourself in a womp-sutter towel. Yeah, why don't you just go chew on Tic Tacs like your famous executives. Just eat Froot Loops.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Buy real estate from a famous astronaut. You guys said any stupid things in anger? No, never. No, I'm very pointed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am always completely pointed. Whenever I'm angry, I just remember to die. It's a good lesson.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Yeah. Like, if you're ever angry, take 15 seconds, take a deep breath, and die. Yeah, just die on the spot. Here's your final overheard of the week. Hey, Dave Graham, probable guest. I'm going to guess Stan Wurb. Nope. I have an overheard for you.
Starting point is 01:41:43 This is Nick in North Carolina, by the way. So I was just working, and one of my coworkers recently became a grandmother. So she was talking about her grandson, you know, racking him about him a little bit. And I was just half listening, but I was being polite. So I asked, oh, what's his name? And she says, it's Leland. And I said, oh, yeah, that's nice, automatically. And she said, yeah, my daughter named him after Dog the Bounty Hunter's son.
Starting point is 01:42:14 So that's what happens when you give your kid an opportunity to name another kid? Is that what happened? No, no, no. Though this was the grandmother. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The grandmother. Leland? Leland. No, no, no. Though this was the grandmother. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The grandmother. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:26 That Leland? Leland. That's my stepfather's middle name. Is that right? I know a guy. There's a comedian. He's a Christian stand-up comedian named Leland Clausen. When I heard it, I thought it was the former Philadelphia, no, Pittsburgh Pirates manager,
Starting point is 01:42:44 Jim Leland. Isn't that weird that we all know? We all have Leland's in our hearts. Yeah. But no, Doug the Bounty Hunter's son. Cool haircut. Leland the Bounty Hunter. Doesn't he have several?
Starting point is 01:42:56 Aren't all of this whole team his sons? No, he's got a wife and a son. Oh, I thought that the three kids were all his. Doug the Bounty Hunter. Yeah, I thought that the three kids were all his. Dog, the bounty hunter. Yeah, I thought that they were all dog, all the people. No, you're thinking of the dog dynasty. I don't know that I've ever seen that. It's not a dog dynasty.
Starting point is 01:43:15 How, like, and like she, this woman is like, yeah, yeah, Leland. Yeah. She named him after Dog, Bounty Hunter's son. Yeah. And this is just... Like, my grandma was never hip enough to know about Dog the Bounty Hunter. No, your grandma's... She knows about Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Starting point is 01:43:33 She was hip. That's true. That's true. Give her a little cred. She would know. I mean, it wouldn't have been her favorite show. No, yeah. But she would know.
Starting point is 01:43:41 She'd be on her radar. She was more about Shaws of Sunset. I don't know what that is. Yeah, what is that? It's the show about rich Persians in Hollywood. Oh. Last week, there was the funniest scene. Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:43:57 It's on right now? Yeah. Wow. Shaws of Sunset. Okay, all right. There was, you know, this doesn't usually happen in like a reality show, but it's a reality show. And one of the characters was throwing a party. And to show that the party wasn't going well, like you would hear like crickets or whatever.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Oh, that's true. Or a trumpet. Poorly attended. Yeah. Or people are bored. They cut to three different shots from the party. And one person was on their phone. Someone was just sitting there looking bored. And another person at this party was playing with a Rubik's Cube.
Starting point is 01:44:42 Yeah, you know things have gone off the rails. Someone brought a Rubik's Cube. Oh, lordy. So that brings us to the end of this here show. Now, where can people find out stuff about you? Mark, first of all, thanks for being here. Oh, thank you, guys. That was so much fun.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Where can people find out about you and where you're going to be? Go to look up the Pajama Men on Facebook. That pajama with an A or a Y? Oh, good man. It's with an A. Yeah. Yeah. But you guys spell with a Y here too, right?
Starting point is 01:45:20 Yeah. I don't really know. I don't type it a lot. Yeah, but it is. My instinct was always with a Y. I think it might be both here in Canadaada and i'm sorry if it's not but in america it's always in america it's always with an a in england and australia always with a y goo uh but we because we are american spell it with an a hey uh uh pajama think of it like a pajama man think of it like pajama not the gem but correct. I think correctly is even.
Starting point is 01:45:46 It's pajama. Pajama. Yeah. Pajama Men. Facebook. We're on Twitter at at Pajama Men. I'm on it at. I'm.
Starting point is 01:45:56 No, the Mark Chavez. The. Yeah. The one and only. Mark Chavez. Yeah. The usually means. I thought when I did that that i thought it was really arrogant
Starting point is 01:46:06 of me but it was like i was i kind of did it in a panic i was like yeah you're like i need you don't want to be mark chavez oh one yeah yeah yeah so i did then i was like oh shit now someone i like it when someone has something that's like super um like uh like kevin lee is the real Kevin Lee. Oh, yeah. Like he's famous. Yeah. And like he's the real Ghostbusters. That's kind of how I felt when I did that. And so I think I might change it to Mark Chavez, 1892.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Yeah, why not? Yeah. Year of your birth. Now, the other thing to plug is a mutual friend of ours uh simon yeah uh simon wong he's a part of a uh a thing called the vancouver public space network yeah and he's doing a thing that's uh starts on september 21st it's like a kind of like a vancouver if you live in vancouver you want to be kind of like a tourist in your own city, right?
Starting point is 01:47:08 Figure out, see things that aren't the big landmarks, but kind of like the little storied mini landmarks that you might not know about. They're doing this whole scavenger hunt thing, and I thought it was really neat. I talked to them about it at a party, and I thought it was a cool thing. And you can go to psluv
Starting point is 01:47:24 Okay. That's right. And find out all the information about it there. There's all sorts of weird, you know, where did this murder happen? And where did this guy die? And where did this guy kill a guy?
Starting point is 01:47:39 Where did Errol Flynn die? There's a theme here. Errol Flynn died here. Yeah, theme here. Errol Flynn died here. Yeah, at Balthazar's. Oh, really? Yeah, and then they moved the body to a hotel because they did not want Errol Flynn's body at Balthazar's, which was a whorehouse. Right, right, right. There's a lot of, there's underground tunnels where they would, you know, bring hookers from the docks.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Yeah, and that's how they moved his body to the hotel. Underground tunnels still must exist. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Errol Flynn's still down there. Yeah. And that's how they moved his body to the hotel. Underground tunnels still must exist. Oh yeah, absolutely. Errol Flynn's still down there. Still to this day. Haunting it. Filled with deadness. We also, on that note, we would like to thank Hulu Plus for sponsoring this week's
Starting point is 01:48:18 show where you can binge on thousands of hit shows anytime, anywhere. Get an extended trial of Hulu Plus when you go to slash stop. And if you want to get in touch with us, it's spy at
Starting point is 01:48:34 or 206-339-8328. If you like the show, go check out the blog recap over at Pictures and videos related to the content of this episode. Oh, also, this um, not this Friday, but I believe the Friday
Starting point is 01:48:49 after, I will be in the Rap Battles show. Oh, cool. At Little Mountain Gallery, so look for that. Um, yeah, if you like the show, why not tell your friends and come on back next week for another enthralling episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.
Starting point is 01:49:20 Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Listener supported.

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