Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 300

Episode Date: December 16, 2013

For our 300th episode celebration, Dave and Graham challenge each other to a trivia showdown based on the show's history....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 300 of Stop Podcasting. This is Sparta. Get in the pit. Pit kicks.
Starting point is 00:00:32 You're fit for the pit. My name is Graham Clark and with me over 300 plus episodes because we've done live. We don't, we don't, we, well, at a certain point we stopped numbering the live ones and just made them bonus ones. Yeah. Plus we've done bonus studio episodes for MaxFunCon donors. Ah, that's right. So we've done a lot of episodes. Yeah, so this is 300 in spirit.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah. Name only. And the gentleman who's talking right there, that guy's name is Dave Shumka. Hi. Hey. Now, guys, this week... And gals. And gals.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah, no, I use guys in the Western sense. Why don't we just call... Why don't we just use gals in that sense? Hey, gals. Hey, I'm fine with it. Okay, let's do that. Okay, ladies. But I'm going to do it more of like a high school coach.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like... Good game, ladies. Yeah. All right. Line up. Ladies. I mean it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 You ladies were great up there today. And I like it when you line up. So what we're going to do. No guests today. No guests today. And since it's episode 300. It's a very special time in all of our lives. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:42 This would not probably be the best first episode to listen to So if you're listening for the first time That's the record scratching What you probably should do is just search for the episodes of Paul F. Dawkins Yeah, you know Then you'll be hooked No, go back to episode one Listen to them in sequence
Starting point is 00:02:01 Because we've got like a real Twin Peaks thing. Like you have to, every episode, it's sequential. Yeah. Yeah. And oh, this is it. This is it. I did it. I'm the one who murdered.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yeah. Thor and Paul. Yeah. So what we're going to do today, in our past hundred milestone episodes, we've done, what was the last one? I forget. 200? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Okay, yeah, you're right. That was it. I don't remember what we did, though. We did all of the segments. Yeah, we've done, because some of them we've done bonus ones for MaxFunDonors that have been like, we answer your questions or we did a backwards episode. Oh, yeah, that was awesome. And i think episode 100 was a murder mystery yep with your brothers yeah that's right um but we've also uh so so basically what we've decided to do uh as a way of kind of looking back at the last 300 or so episodes, is Graham and I have challenged each other to a trivia contest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Where we have each written a quiz of 20 or so questions. I don't know if we'll get through all of them. Maybe not. Most of my questions were sourced from listeners, from bumpers who responded in a big way on Twitter. Yeah. Graham and I both sent out calls to people on Twitter saying, hey, we're going to quiz each other,
Starting point is 00:03:34 so send me your questions, or send them to Graham, but don't send the same question to both of us. And some people really missed the mark on that. And also, whenever you put out a call for help for anything you get a lot of uh you get a lot of jackassery you get a lot of people are mean people think they're uh being fun but they're they're mean i think nine tenths of being fun is being mean it's the law um uh so this is basically our chance to grab a hand mirror and sort of examine.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Madonna sex style. Yeah. Right? Straddle a mirror. What do you do? Just look at your vagina? Is that what you do with a hand mirror? I guess.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Guys don't look at their balls. Right? That's not a thing they tell young boys to do The other reason we don't want This to be the first lesson You listen to Episode you listen to No, it's going to be a lesson We're not garbage people
Starting point is 00:04:38 Like you may have gathered But I mean, going back to the important issue at hand. Of examining? With a hand mirror. Yeah. Your own balls. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Not somebody else's. Don't just walk around with a hand mirror. Yeah. Guys, it's for your health. First of every month, a pinch and a punch. A pinch and a punch. And an apple at lunch. So, we're not going to be doing Get to Know Us. We're not going to be doing Overhearts. This is all quiz. A pinch and a punch. A pinch and a punch. And an apple at lunch.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So we're not going to be doing Get to Know Us. We're not going to be doing Overhearts. This is all quiz. But I guess, in a way, this is sort of a way of getting to know us. Well, let's Get to Know Us, then. Get to Know Us. Now, uh... Okay, who wants to go first with these quizzes? Well, I think we should flip for it.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Okay. You brought your... I brought my coin your maximum fun i'm gonna let it hit the floor uh-huh um you call it in the air and uh if you call it right you go first or i guess you decide i choose yeah okay call it in the air 10 10 10 was it 10 or was it it was not 10 10
Starting point is 00:05:54 did you panic to heads and tails yeah okay call it in the air tails oh it's gone a distance Okay, call it in the air. Tails. Oh, it's gone a distance. It is heads.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Heads. So you get to choose. I say you go first. Okay. So here is the first question. Okay. Now, I need to rephrase this because I've since researched that some of it was wrong. Yeah, I also don't know for sure. I think all of mine are right, but there's a couple that I'm a bit hazy on.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, okay. What I will say is I've posted on our – we have a SoundCloud page now. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just where I posted all of the themes. Oh, yeah, that's right. The theme songs that we've done over the years. And my question is, there have been roughly, I think there's like 30 songs, but roughly five of them have only been used once. Ooh, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Can you name two of them? oh can you name two of them um i am gonna say uh one of them is what's it called in french yep uh and another one would be i would say the other one is... Oh, sound effects? It's the Foley files. There's... Was there one that was... It was like a WebMD one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Well, I don't remember what it was called. That was called Symptom and Diagnosis, but I believe that was used more than once. Yeah, that's right. But I remember the theme song. Emmett Hall. You've got a symptom, we've got a diagnosis. Cha-cha-cha. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It was really good. Yeah. They're all good. Yeah, they are all good. Road to Rock Band, we definitely used more than once. So you're just... How does this quiz work? You just get to keep guessing?
Starting point is 00:08:11 No, yeah, those were my two guesses. So I got half right. Okay, so what's it called in French? I thought Celebrity Odds we had only done once, but when I went back, we had done it a few times. Right. I'm not certain whether we had only done once but when i went back we had we'd done it a few times right i'm not certain whether we had done fan mail when abby uh abby read fan mail from when she worked in a talent
Starting point is 00:08:32 agency i think that i think we did that twice okay yeah um allergic off oh yeah that was with uh with jason bryan yeah uh You won that allergic off. Yes. Saved by the bell favorite lines. We only did that once? Yeah. Oh, man. I didn't like it. And I'm not sure about fake band, real band.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I think we did that more than once. Because I remember we did it in studio. And then we also did it on a live podcast. Are we going to keep track of this quiz? Oh, like who's winning? Yeah. I don't think we need to. No. I mean, that's zero points for me.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Zero points on the board so far. You don't get a half point? Nah. I'm not going to award myself a half point. All right. Is that roughly the difficulty level of your questions? Yes. Yeah. I didn't go for there's one that i have that's terribly obscure okay uh but well okay i'm gonna start with that one i'm gonna start with the one that's pretty obscure uh but i'll give you it in two the thing is like
Starting point is 00:09:40 people will tell us funny parts or things they enjoyed from an episode that came out two weeks ago and we completely forget them well that and that's why i thought this would be a good idea and i listen i i'm i'm present for every episode and then i think i i've changed the way i do it now but i used to listen twice yeah to to the finished episode and you still uh yeah there's too much we cover too much ground yes it's it's huge we're ken burns very ken burns yeah well what i like to do when i listen to the podcast is have uh photographs that i'm slowly zooming into of whatever we're talking about so i'm gonna say this is a two-part question because i'm one of the things you definitely will not be able to guess because it's too obscure okay um when exactly did past guest chris gordon lose his virginity and this is the easier half of exactly and how did he know exactly?
Starting point is 00:10:52 I don't know. I have no idea. This was sent in by a listener. I forgot to write down who sent this in via Twitter but uh i went back and listened to the episode he lost his virginity exactly june 16th 2 52 a.m because he looked at a clock that was as he began oh gross yeah and that's what you said back there you're like um but i was like uh somebody wrote in and they said, I can't remember what episode. It was the first time he was on, and he said the exact time that he lost his virginity.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And I listened to it. It was, what? 2.52 a.m., June 16th, 2012. You could have gone 2013. Absolutely. Forgot what year it was. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Okay. So, zero to zero. Zero to zero. Here's a question. All right. You have a question about stunt casting? Do you? I have two.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Okay. Well, I don't want to step on any of those toes. No, you go ahead. I have a few possibilities. But what I will ask is, okay, so stunt casting, if you're new to the show, we haven't done it in a long time. Yeah, and we can't stress enough, this should not be your entry point to the show. You're still listening. You're just doing it to spite us now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And you know what? It's our house, our rules. Yeah. My roof rules.? It's our house, our rules. Yeah. My roof rules. My roof rules. My roof rules. So what I got here is in this segment, we recast old movies with modern day actors. Or old television shows.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. We did some really landmark work in television. Okay, so what... Do you have a question about our... One of your questions for me, is it about our Breakfast Club? No. Okay. The five main characters in the Breakfast Club,
Starting point is 00:12:58 played by Ally Sheedy, Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, and Judd Nelson. Judd Reinhold. Judd Hirsch. Name two of the people we stunt casted. Our guest for that episode was Connor Haller, if it helps. Okay, I think that for Molly Ringwald, I think we probably stuck with a redhead yep and i think it was probably lauren holly is that no no okay so oh was it lindsey lauren no it was we went
Starting point is 00:13:33 much older she she may have been too old to be in the original breakfast club lucille ball ball renee russo oh man um did we cast eddie garcia as any of the no no because i would think he would make a good uh judd judd nelson right uh stand in um oh boy this is this is a tough one yeah ali sheedy janine garofalo uh Ally Sheedy, we went with either Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen. Why? Because they're quiet. Oh, yeah. And I guess they were going through a boho phase. Yeah, wearing a lot of baggy clothes.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Emilio Estevez we cast as Charlie Sheen. Oh, no! That's what I was going to say. I was going to say it was Carlos Estevez. The Judd Nelson role went to Colin Farrell. Oh, that makes sense. That's good. That's solid. The Anthony Michael Hall role went to Frankie Muniz.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Frankie Muniz, yeah. In the last episode, were we talking about how he has health issues now? Yes. He suffered two small strokes this year. Probably Albert Hammond Jr. and... Who's the other small one? Now, keeping on the line of stunt casting... Okay. I've got a couple of them actually this is so this could be this
Starting point is 00:15:08 could be fun just like this could do a couple of them in a row okay uh who okay we we stunt cast the uh the cast of the television show star trek the next generation okay this is not something i re-researched um i believe that was it with emmet or nicole it might have been with i think it was with nicole or possibly um caitlin caitlin yeah somebody who likes it might have been emmet okay uh who did we stunt cast as wharf for our remake of star Trek The Next Generation. It was someone with a crab on their head. Close.
Starting point is 00:15:48 You're close. Was it like Vin Diesel? Vin Diesel was in the cast that we stunt cast. He was, okay. He was Picard because he's bald. Oh, okay. Do you remember who Data was? uh was it uh david hyde pierce no it was marilyn manson that's not bad yeah they kind of look alike yeah kind of pasty
Starting point is 00:16:15 uh who did we cast as whoopi goldberg uh someone with a pizza on their head i don't know do you know uh somebody had this on Twitter, and then I was like, no, that can't be true. And then I looked it up. Whoopi Goldberg doesn't have eyebrows. Did you know that? Have you, the next time you're Googling Whoopi Goldberg. Okay. I have a two o'clock.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah, she doesn't have eyebrows. She has where eyebrows should be. She has eyes. Okay, and she has a forehead yeah yeah but i was like i could not find a picture like even penciled in they're just not there huh and it never bothered me no me like i've never noticed now that i see it though didn't justin bieber or someone just shave his eyebrows i hope it was justin bieber um The answer of who we stunt cast as Worf for Star Trek The Next Generation was Chewbacca with a turtle on his head. So you had a good memory of... Something on the forehead. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Now let me see if I can find... There's another one that I thought was... Okay, yeah. So we recast the original television cast of X-Files. Okay. Do you remember this? Okay. I think I do, but...
Starting point is 00:17:41 Who did we cast? I'll take either or. Mulder and Scully. I think we swapped their hair colors. We did. Yes, yes, we did. So it was... Why did we do that?
Starting point is 00:17:53 Eric Stoltz? It was Eric Stoltz. Wow, good memory. And who was... I remember the Lone Gunman were the Mythbusters. Yep. Wow, good. And the Smoking Man.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Who was The Smoking Man? The Smoking Man is almost too perfectly cast. Who? He was, God, what's his name? Character actor, bald guy. He was in Usual Suspects. Oh, Pete Postlewaite. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And who played Scully? Scully was Katy Perry. That was dumb. I'm pretty impressed that you remember the switching of the hair thing, because when I looked at it, I was like, why the fuck did we cast? This doesn't look at either of them. But then with the hair color switch, it's too perfect. Yeah. It's almost too perfect.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I think that's probably something we discussed at the time, how too perfect it was. So that's it. That's a point on the board for you. I guess so. One point. One point. One point. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Here is my question. All right. Here is my question. All right. Three or four times, depending on how you look at it, we have lost episodes due to technical problems. Yes. Can you name the guests? Three of the guests.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I can. Yes, for sure. One of them was Aaron Salazar. Yeah. I can, yes, for sure. One of them was Aaron Salazar. Yeah, we released that episode, but after the half hour mark, everything went wonky. It was just our shortest episode, probably. Aaron Salazar, Laurie Gibbs. The first half of her episode was deleted, and so we just started it again. And Josh Stubbs. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yeah! Point on the board. One, one, one, one. The same thing happened. I also would have accepted Ben Mills. That's right. Was that his second time that he was on? Yeah, we had had hours and hours of technical troubles. And then you guys even had time to go out to a show, come back, and try again.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And we recorded the episode, but we were all exhausted, and Ben, I think, maybe you too, were super drunk. Oh, that sounds absolutely correct. So we're tied at one.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Now, this was a really good one, because I did not know the answer to this, but this was like a good... This pertains to you. Ooh, I love me. This comes from Paul M. on Twitter. He said, to ask Dave what he called his useless shower mirror back sometime in early 2009. You invented a shower mirror i invented one
Starting point is 00:20:48 well on the show because i had a shower mirror oh maybe that was it and then i was like what what was the name of the product and you came up with a name for it oh boy i well i'm not gonna remember but i i had this shower mirror that uh you you got it from Shoppers Drug Mart, and it was suction cupped onto the wall. Yeah, yeah. And then it fogged up so badly. Yep. And then does fog involve the name? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And then it fell off a lot and then broke. Fell off the wall. What did I call it? Fog and suds? No, you called it Foggy Fogman. But as soon as the person wrote that, I was like, oh man, I remember that so perfectly. But
Starting point is 00:21:35 it was one of those, it was somewhere buried deep in the recesses of my mind. Foggy Fogman. You got a lot better questions from people. i these are mostly things i researched because the questions people were sending me were like hey how'd you guys meet um we met on a chain gang yeah yeah i was in for smashing mailboxes with a with an axe handle yeah and i was uh i kept unscrewing uh a parking meter and what we had was a failure
Starting point is 00:22:09 to communicate i ate so many eggs and then i got diarrhea um again this should not be your first episode i cannot stress that enough yeah um okay so here's your question. Here we go. We have you we frequently do a segment called something or something. Yes. We've done it. I'd say 10 times. Yep. Can you name five? These are when we try to differentiate two celebrities who are very alike. Yes. Can you name five of them? Well, the first one for sure, and I know this because it was one of my questions, was Paxton or Pullman. Yeah. There was one that was Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel. Yeah, with Eddie Pepitone. Well, that's right.
Starting point is 00:23:03 He didn't know who either of them were um we did one that was uh mcdermott or mulrooney yep and you didn't know who either of them were um oh boy this is uh is there's another one where it was two guys um oh now i'm stalling out it's five too many am i asking too much no no no because it because it was we did it a lot um i'm trying to we did a live one in toronto if Is it Rob Ford or Brian Denny? Yep. And, okay. There's some I don't even remember us doing that I'm like, wow, we did that? We're real trailblazers. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I think I'm stuck at that. I'll give you a point for that. Yay. We did Isla Fisher or Amy Adams. Oh, that's a perfect one. We did Tom Jane or Aaron Eckhart. Oh, yeah. I wouldn't have remembered that. We did Jessica Biel or Jessica Alba.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yep. We did Lil Bow Wow or Lil Romeo. I believe we did Nick Nolte or Gary Buseyy oh yeah that's a classic uh kate blanchett or kate winslet oh wow and this one i don't remember us doing but apparently we did burt or ryan reynolds well that one was facetious yeah um yeah it's weird because uh i'm still well i think post that we uh the world found out that little romeo and little baobab were the same person yeah yeah it was very shocking because why why did they bother i know the the uh greatest trick the devil devil ever pulled was wasting everyone's time um now here's the thing this is it this has been an ongoing thing uh that's happened many times throughout uh the 300 episodes where we
Starting point is 00:25:15 aren't sure if a celebrity is alive or dead okay um i think we did it many times with Jonathan Winters. I was sure he was alive every time until he died. Was there maybe – there were other ones over the course of it. But the first one that we called wrong was in episode three. Okay. I'm sure the Jonathan Winters one was really early as well. Yeah. This this one, I think, predates it because I do remember this is from at movie viewer man on Twitter. Oh, movie viewer man. Who did I say was dead?
Starting point is 00:25:59 But in actuality was still alive. And I think now is dead. I'm pretty sure now is dead. In episode three. And it's not Jonathan Winters. Not Jonathan Winters. Jonathan Winters was a reoccurring one where we, even though we found out, we still disagreed on whether or not he was alive
Starting point is 00:26:18 several times after. This one's too much. Too far, too hard. I'll say this. He was a very minor television-based celebrity that would make appearances on shows. Oh, like, oh boy. Trying to think of another clue that wouldn't. Dr. Joyce Brothers. Jungle Jack Hanna.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Wait, is Dr. Joyce Brothers. Jungle Jack Hanna. Oh, wait, is Dr. Joyce Brothers... She's dead. Jack Hanna's still alive. Yeah, he was on Letterman two days ago. The answer is Gene Shallot. Movie reviewer Gene Shallot. Okay, I insisted
Starting point is 00:27:01 he was dead. I think I remember that, yeah. But he's dead now He better be He's up there with Dr. Joyce Brothers Jamming Yeah Judging us on our sex habits Is that her thing?
Starting point is 00:27:14 She was sex She would judge you on your sex habits She'd be like Hey Keep it clean Yeah Clean it up 6.5
Starting point is 00:27:21 No, Dr. Ruth was the sex. Dr. Joyce was just like a panelist. But she was a psychologist? I don't know. She was a little before my time. Yeah, she... Al Roker sort of carried the flame of recurring guest. TV weatherman?
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah. Movie viewerman. guest uh tv weatherman yeah um movie viewer man did you when you like around that same era that she would have been on television dr joyce brothers sally jesse rafael sally jesse rafael she was very she was more popular than i recall because watching clips when I was watching the TLC movie a couple weeks ago the movie on TLC about Sally Jesse Raphael the man TLC all appeared at different points
Starting point is 00:28:15 on Sally's show and I was like was she big? before like cable exploded it was like what option did you have you had to go on i mean i think in the 80s there were some cable channels but yeah like mtv i want it yeah and espn and stuff but it wasn't uh uh where we are today no and it was weird it's like and so there were like you know five talk shows in the day, not even.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And, you know, a lot of people were watching Sally Jesse Raphael. Yeah. It's weird. And I was one of them when I was a kid. That would be one of my watch when I was- I remember when she got new glasses and she was like, hey, everybody, vote on my new glasses. So was, did I just ask a question? I think you did about gene shallot oh yeah is he still dead yeah um okay why won't you stay dead in uh 2009 the only times we ever skipped a week of releasing uh the show okay we twice skipped uh a week of releasing the show
Starting point is 00:29:27 uh what were the reasons and when were they i feel like one would have had to have been uh do we take like a week off for christmas yeah it was but it was january we took a week off uh at christmas we missed an episode in January. So the show was not a year old yet. And then probably another one was due to illness? Yep. Specifically? I had the pig flu.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah, you had swine flu. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And your doctor had quarantined you in October of 2009. That's right. It's weird because I was talking to Alicia Tobin because she was with me at the hospital when I got sick and they gave me a thing called Tamiflu
Starting point is 00:30:16 which was supposed to be back in the day was like if the flu is really bad this was like the fail safe, Tamiflu. And now you can just get it, like at a pharmacy. And I'm like, well, what's the new? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Do you know what I mean? Anyways, very worried. Very worried for society, flu-wise. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, antibiotics? They're all going to kill us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh, yeah, absolutely. But here's a question. Okay. Do all bugs need drugs? No, not all bugs need drugs. Hugs need drugs. Yeah, and thugs need hugs. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So they don't need to use drugs. Yeah. Now, here's a... What about Earl Scruggs? Who's Earl Scruggs? I don't know, but I think he needs drugs. Yeah. I don't want no Scruggs. Oh, is he dead? I think he's a... What about Earl Scruggs? Who's Earl Scruggs? I don't know, but I think he needs drugs.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah. I don't want no Scruggs. Oh, is he dead? I think he's a dead. Oh, like Gene Chalice? Yeah. He caught a case of the shell. Now, here's a...
Starting point is 00:31:15 Should have seen Dr. Joy. Joyce? Dr. Joy is a radio host that my mother listens to. And what does she do? Is she like a... She's like a... Stay together for the kids. No, that's Dr. Laura.
Starting point is 00:31:27 She's not still around. Yes. Really? Yes. My goodness. Go take on the day. I am my kid's mom. Yeah, she's gotta be 95, 96 years old. No, she's 180. She's like, all of her advice starts with, first you gotta blow the
Starting point is 00:31:44 dust off your genitals. Clear the cobwebs. Get one of those compressed air sprayers for your keyboard. First, when you open the vault, as I say. Creep! She's just like the Crypt Keeper.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah. She's really into puns she's uh isn't she the the doctor that like she's a doctor of podiatry yeah or she's like a doctor she's like a oh what is it it's something like she has a doctorate in physiology or something yeah yeah yeah um i used to oh man i had a job where that was it that was all you could listen to it was talk radio and that was the highlight of the day was dr laura because the rest of the talk radio was so boring at least she really tore into some uh you know some single moms poor single mom yeah you should put you should have forced him to put a ring on it. Now, here's a question. I'm just looking at the levels over there.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Are my levels, like, super duper low? No, you're fine. Oh, okay. Cool. Here we go. Here's a question. Now, to the listener, if you hear this episode of Graham's Levels are Super Low, all I can do is apologize. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:33:05 So let me do that in advance. I think you're going to be fine. Okay. We have a reoccurring segment that we did. It was so much fun to do, but we just did it until it just reached its natural exhaustion point, which was called Celebrity Crush Hat. Yeah. Let's play the theme!
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh, hello there. Little interruption from what you're listening to. It's still us. Oh, hi. Yeah, I'm still here. But as we were recording that episode, we did not know all the details of this. But now we can go and tell you that if you live in Vancouver, there is a live Stop Podcasting Yourself happening on February 15th as part of the Northwest Comedy Fest. Yeah, it's 8 p.m. at the Biltmore Cabaret.
Starting point is 00:33:53 The day after Valentine's Day with guest Paul F. Tompkins. Yeah, he's a longtime favorite of the show, so it's going to be a good show. The first time we ever had him on was as a part of a live show yeah and he didn't know better he was coerced um but if you want to buy where do people go to buy tickets northwest comedy yeah and uh yeah hey come on out to see the show live and uh yeah and stick around at the end for canapes. Now we'll get back to episode 300 after some messages from our sponsors. Oh, yeah. Bethany?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Max Fun Con is the ultimate weekend getaway. Come to the mountains of Southern California. Hang out with brilliant, creative people. Laugh at amazing comedy shows. Make friends for the rest of your life. Tickets are on sale now. Go to while we've still got room. Do you think it's okay to finish someone else's food?
Starting point is 00:34:56 Do you have a fight with your friend over whether or not he should wear his Philly's garb to a Colorado Rockies game? Does your wife want to keep a chamber pot in her art studio? If so, please do not write in to Judge John Hodgman. I heard all those cases already. Judge John Hodgman is the show where I, John Hodgman, adjudicate disputes between real people calling in over the Internet, and I tell them who is right and who is wrong over such important issues as, is a machine gun a robot and is it okay to go through the garbage
Starting point is 00:35:28 at the Canadian House of Pizza and Garbage. Bailiff Jesse Thorne rounds out the cast for a fun-filled podcast of judgment and justice. Kind of two of the same thing, actually. Judge John Hodgman, take a listen if you do not mind. I order it. Come visit the courtroom. It is open to all and located at Celebrity Crush Hat. Crushin' the hats.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Celebrity Crush Hat. Go fuck yourself. Celebrity Crush Hat. Chapeau Chinois. Celebrity Crush Hat. Such a fun theme and everybody always says about Chapeau Chinois. Celebrity Crush Hat. Crush Hat. Such a fun theme. And everybody always says about Chapeau Chinois. Yeah, there's a swear word in it.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And this was, we would pick an age out of a hat. I would cut up a bunch of numbers. Yeah. And we'd pick an age out of a hat. And then we just ran out of ages. And we would say who we had, what celebrities we had a crush on at that age so we ran out of ages and then over time with all of our guests we had eventually just kind of like dried up the well yeah of who i guess we've had new guests on since that we could have done
Starting point is 00:36:37 with but anyways um yeah people from uh different eras people who you know were born before us and so or or like 10 years after us. Yeah, yeah. Who could then be like, oh, I had a crush on, you know, when I was 12, I had a crush on, I can't even think of who was famous 10 years ago. So it would be 2003. Yeah. You know, belly shirts would be huge.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So I'm thinking. S Club 7. All Saints. Yeah. No, we're off by a few years. yeah uh you know belly shirts would be huge so i'm thinking uh as club seven all saints yeah no we're off by a few years we really are yeah uh 2003 would be like lindsey lohan oh yeah yeah yeah um so these these were people who were closer in age to us uh-huh um and these are a couple i i guess i could ask just one of them, but these are all pretty funny. I like fun. Wood Hens singer and musician Dan Warp said that his celebrity crush, this was his celebrity crush when he was 20 years old. And given the timeline.-huh it doesn't make sense no doesn't really make sense
Starting point is 00:37:49 that this would have been his 20 year old crush so he is my age yeah so this would have been the year 2000 yeah or so uh like this person would have been, like, not... They were famous before this? Yes. Okay, so... And then by 2000, like, not... Famous. Anywhere, yeah. So you would have had to really, like, dig for it to be crushed. You would have had to, like, had photos around the house. Can you tell me what they were known for?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Music. A musician. Yeah, a musician. But somebody who's... They were famous and then went away, had a resurgence. But this would have been, I'm pretty sure, in between the two. Oh, boy. I don't know. Like, Sheryl Crow?
Starting point is 00:38:38 No, but a good, like, a solid guess. Sheryl Crow. The answer is Jerry Hallowell. Okay, yeah. Yeah yeah but that would have been you know what i mean like yeah it was a weird when did she go solo like it would have been after the 2000 look at me i'm a something something if that's your thing baby Baby. And what was her other, like... It's raining, man. No, she did the Spanish sort of... Mi chico latino.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I don't think that was... That wasn't mi chico latino. But that... Oh, well, it totally was. Chi-chis. But it was... I think 2000 is about right, because the Spice Girls only came out in like 1997. Yeah, but they were done by 98.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I don't know. They had a whole world of Spice. But they were, yeah. The boy bands took over around 2000. Yeah, yeah. And boy, did they. And boy, were we lucky to live through that. So here's another one.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Oh, wait, is it? Oh, yeah. Another crush. Another boy were we lucky to live through that. So here's another one. Oh wait, is it? Oh yeah, another crush. Another crush. Erica Sigurdsson. Uh-huh. Celebrity crush hat from when she was 16 years old. So this is like prime. Is this Jason Bateman?
Starting point is 00:39:56 Wow, good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, good recall. Yep. How did you remember that? I don't know. Just as soon as... Just made sense?
Starting point is 00:40:06 I was just kind of going through who it might have been. Yeah. Do you remember what Aaron Reeds was? Well, yeah. Was it Chris Farley dressed up as... Was Chris Farley mixed with something? Mixed with Baby Spice? That's right.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Some sort of monster that he made up. Yeah. And finally, in the celebrity crush hat, who was Charlie Demers' crush when he was 18 years old? I feel like it's someone we both had a crush on. Like I agreed with him. But no? I don't know that that's true. What did they, were they a musician?
Starting point is 00:40:51 Nope. Actress? Nope. Model? Nope. None of the above. Athlete? Nope.
Starting point is 00:40:59 What? Will it give it away? No, but like she was a notable. Oh. Like she wasn't any of those things, she was did she host things no was she just like the famous for being famous like not paris hilton or anything no is you know this would have been so charlie would have been about like 1998. Mm-hmm. And yeah. It's not vitamin C. No.
Starting point is 00:41:30 No, it's not. Somebody who's famous for the arts. And it really, I guess in a way, it is somebody who was famous for being famous. But famous for a very particular thing that she did. It wasn't like the most downloaded woman on the internet, Cindy Margolis. Does she still have that title? I don't know, but she got a TV show out of it. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:41:51 The Cindy Margolis Show. Was that a talk show or just a... It was like a crazy party show. Like it was a talk show, but there was never music not playing. Does that make sense? Yeah. So like in the talk show, but there was always like people talking over music. Yeah. So, like, in the talk show, there was always people talking over music? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Vlad, can we tear this down? It's called Keep It Down with Cindy Margolis. Did you bring a clip? Who was it? It was Monica Lewinsky. Notable. A notable. Yeah, a notable.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Famous for, you know, that one thing she did. Yeah. Well, she's done things since. Yeah. Line of hats. Yeah, that's right. She's done things since. Line of hats. Yeah, that's right. She appeared with Tom Green. I was going through old episodes trying to find
Starting point is 00:42:32 questions to ask you, and I believe in the episode description that Charlie said that. We called it Celebrity Crush Beret. That's right. She was famous. She wore like a beret. Like the costume, if you were going to dress up as Monica Linsky, was a beret, the blue dress, and smoking a cigar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And you would maybe stay in the dress. Yeah. With like the cream cheese. Oh! Sour cream. Yeah. Oh, pardon me. Cottage cheese. Oh! Sour cream. Yeah. Oh, pardon me. Cottage cheese. Bree.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Okay. Alright. At least twice on the show, we have had ideas for clothing made out of food. Oh, I know one of them for sure. What are these two things? One of them for sure is pizza shirt.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Okay. With sauce dipping pocket. Yeah. A shirt completely made out of pizza crust covered in sauce and cheese. Yeah, with a little pocket up front. And somebody did a great Photoshop. And now you can buy, we've sort of been ripped off, you can buy just a pizza print all over. It just looks like pizza.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Yeah, your shirt is completely pizza. Oh, man, I've been ripped off so much. I know. And then there was, I feel like there was some kind of, some sort of vest. Well, bread slippers. Bread slippers. Bread slippers, yeah. Some sort of vest.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Like a licorice vest? Like a beef jerky vest? Yeah, like a jerky belt? Those are all good ideas. Those are all. And many people have made bread slippers. Yeah, yeah. That was one of those that was in the air.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And Charlie Demers was on that episode, and I remember we both agreed that that would be the most comfortable thing, to have warm bread slippers made for you every morning. Just out of the oven. They smell great, and Charlie thought we were insane. Because we both agreed on this, and he was like, I said it was a great idea, and you talked next, and he was waiting for you to like shoot it down. And he was like, no, you guys, no. But he was wrong. Yeah, he was wrong.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Because also, you know, if you had like a hard day at work, you put some butter on your foot. Oh, yeah. That's the original Guy Fieri eating off a flip-flop. He's still doing that, hey? Guy Fieri. Did you see the footage of him, of his hairdresser? Yeah. Screaming at him.
Starting point is 00:45:15 So great. I like that he travels with his hairdresser, too. He travels with a posse everywhere. Because I feel like nobody else could. I guess if he's doing a TV show, it makes sense to have your hair guy. Yeah. But if you're just traveling. Unless your hair looks like his, in which case, stick your finger in the leg socket.
Starting point is 00:45:36 That's an old man joke. Uh-huh. Kids today with their crazy hair. Now, here's many times we've had guests, John Doerr on the show. I believe it was his first appearance, but the appearance is not necessarily relevant to this question. He had the hardest time trying to come up with the word chopsticks. What was the name that he eventually settled on when he was trying to describe to us the idea of chopsticks? Now, he was doing a bit. This time, I feel like he was in the middle of a story, and it's just like the word.
Starting point is 00:46:18 You know how sometimes a word just falls out of your brain? Oh, man. This was really funny. It was really funny. What was it, really funny what was it it was um okay oh brother it's like there was a time uh i was doing a show at the laugh gallery past guest dylan reimer was on the show and he was trying to think of the word aphrodisiac okay and he couldn't he was like you know you know and then he said horny making drugs
Starting point is 00:46:46 sure so sometimes a word like it just falls out of your head and so john was trying to describe eating sushi uh-huh or i'm not sure what he was eating but he was like and i was using the you know you know what are they called and then he settled on a term for them. You have to tell me. The term was Chinese-er twigs. Yes, of course it was. You know, Chinese-er twigs. So that will be in my heart forever.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Yeah. Also, John Doerr, the only guest to do what on the show? Fart into the microphone okay there are many possible answers yes that's true that was i believe his first uh who knows yeah that but that ended the episode yeah we all we left i think we went outside the episode was ready to end yeah but he was like okay we're you know what and enough of this wrap-up yeah fart heart okay so time for a question of mine um uh i'm surprised actually well i went back and i listened to you know bits from early episodes the the first 50 episodes were so hard to listen to. I mean, I have good headphones, like I'm listening on the ones I'm wearing now.
Starting point is 00:48:17 And so maybe you can't tell on earbuds, but we had microphones on our laps. Oh, that's right. Yeah, we had little handheld microphones with little one-foot stands that we just kept on our laps oh that's right yeah we had little handheld microphones yeah with little uh you know one foot stands that we just kept on our laps and there was so many just bumps yeah like you can hear every movement and uh there was a lot of movement we're drinking and laughing yeah and you know shifting your weight uncrossing your legs yeah um but i'm surprised how early we got to this um it was like 50 episodes in or so yeah that graham's dad movie reviews came along oh yeah like we've i i i thought it was much later i thought it was like 150 episodes in yeah um
Starting point is 00:49:01 the first mention of graham's dad movie reviews yeah where your dad gives a very brief uh description of the movie followed by uh pretty good or give it a miss give it a miss yeah what was your first example that you gave i know this exactly because it was the movie K-Pax starring Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey. Okay. And it was Kevin Spacey. Was it Kevin Spacey? Kevin Spacey eats a banana with the peel still on. Give it a miss.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Pretty good. Oh, pretty good. But everything else was pretty much right. Yeah, I remember because I never, I don't think I'd even heard of the movie K-Pax when he told me about it. Or I didn't know what he was talking about. But then when he said that thing about the banana, I was like, yep, that was the real, that was the takeaway from that film. Here's a question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I'm pretty sure it was you who came up with this. Okay. This is courtesy of Sarah W w on twitter okay um now we've many times we've come up with things that then people have reported back to us they're like uh hey look somebody did that thing you talked about we don't know if they took it well we'll never be able to prove it in court yeah but what was the name of our all bathroom themed restaurant oh man so this was uh all the food was uh was toilet related you ate off of a toilet all the plates were toilet seats you you know you had a roll of toilet paper instead of napkin yeah you sat at a toilet and like it was in stalls it was all
Starting point is 00:50:45 echoey yeah what was your food was served to you under the stall yeah um and now the the funny thing is the name doesn't have anything to do with the concept of the restaurant oh really yeah yeah is it based on the name of another restaurant? No, I don't think so. It has nothing to do with the concept of the restaurant. How am I supposed to remember this? I don't know, but as soon as I read it, I was like, yep, that sounds right. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:51:21 It's not like, you know, the bathroom diner. No, it's not. It was nothing that, like, it would have to be. You know how, like, it's like you would go to. I'm trying to think of a themed restaurant that wouldn't have the theme in the name of the restaurant. And I'm coming up at a loss. Because I was like, what was that one place with the rock fire explosion? Oh, yeah. Showtime Pizza.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Which tells you everything about the yeah i need you need to tell me uh the answer is all about stroganoff that's terrible yeah i don't know i think it was because we were talking about the possibility of people maybe using the bathroom. Yeah. For stroking off. For stroking offs. Here's a, speaking of rocket, rocket fire explosions,
Starting point is 00:52:13 is that what they're called? The animatronic band. We've talked about them on past episodes. Did you ever watch that documentary? Bits of it. So, do you know what the guy, like,
Starting point is 00:52:23 eventually, because of that documentary, kind of like put him back in the uh collective memory people the guy who invented the rock and fire explosion yeah uh he got a gig um in las vegas uh doing the rock of fire explosion as a backup band for sileeLo Green. This is as good a gig as any. Yeah, but isn't that crazy? You're like, what was this guy going to do with the Rock of Fire Explosion? Get a gig in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Because he did modern songs. That wasn't him. That was a fan. Oh, someone else did them. Yeah, he had a couple boxes that had a full show, they were called. And this guy bought one, saved up money and bought one. And then reprogrammed it to do like MGMT covers. Yeah. It's a really funny documentary.
Starting point is 00:53:16 But anyways, yeah, that's his most recent gig was backing up CeeLo Green in Las Vegas. Okay. Well, here is a question for you. Question for a long time with caller, first time listener. We joined the Maximum Fun family around episode 109, around there. Yeah. Before that, and now that we're in the community, we accept donations. And now that we're in the community, we accept donations.
Starting point is 00:53:49 But before that, we didn't have any... We just paid for everything ourselves. Yes. The first time someone sent us money, we didn't know what to do with it. What did we do with it? This was even before Maximum Fun. Somebody sent us money. I'm not sure. I remember when people were like, yeah, somebody sent us money.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Yeah. And we were like, what? We put it back into the show. We put it back into the show But did we end up buying Crazy foods to eat? Or something like that? I don't know I'm blanking
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'm completely blanking We Enlisted To get Congratulatory phone calls from the professor from Gilligan's Island, Lou Ferrigno. And the guy who played Jason in Friday the 13th Part 2? Yeah, Warrington Gillette. Warrington Gillette. And the only reason I remember that is because sometimes I'll put my iTunes just on a shuffle and then a greeting from Warrington Gillette. We'll just play.
Starting point is 00:55:14 And he makes the sounds, doesn't he? Yeah. Yeah. And he's the most into it of the guys. Yeah. Because he was like, this lorrington gillette and then a couple of years later for my birthday you got butch patrick to call me well and i was out like i was like i wasn't at home and i could barely hear him and i was like what what's happening
Starting point is 00:55:40 uh butch patrick was eddie munster yeah uh and uh yeah i i've never seen i only know him from like ben stiller making fun of him and then my brothers uh either on christmas or for my birthday uh got uh dennis haskins who played mr beld to call, not just to call and say hello, but he sang a song. Did you answer, or do you have the message? Oh, no, yeah, I answered. Oh, I don't know if you had the message. Well, because it was from California, and I was like, who is this? California calling.
Starting point is 00:56:17 And yeah, he did like a thing where it was like from some episode, I guess, of Saved by the Bell, where he does like a ba-'s wonderful yeah it was great that's a wonderful story um now uh yeah i'm i'm impressed by uh some of these uh some of these questions that we got it's good quality quality questions um this uh let me just uh now speaking of my brothers yeah uh both of whom have been on the show greg and tony yeah greg and t Tony. Who was the boss of them? That's hard to say. Angela. Angela.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Moe, duh. What? Now, when we were kids, we used to go to the video store. And there was one movie that we were always afraid to ask for at the video store for fear of being zinged by the clerk. This was submitted by Louisa H. on Twitter. ask for at the video store for fear of being zinged by the clerk this was uh oh man by uh louisa h on twitter was it the movie title was a question no the movie title what we were afraid to ask for it because we were we felt we were setting up the clerk yeah because it was like something like no sex zone and the clerk would be like, oh, have you looked in your bedroom? Yeah, yeah, that was the zing we were afraid of, was, have you looked in your bedroom?
Starting point is 00:57:49 The movie was called... No sex zone. Do you, oh, do you have, so you would ask, do you have... Or we would say, where would you find... Where would you find no sex zone? The movie was The Opposite of Sex. Damn it!
Starting point is 00:58:09 That's pretty much No Sex Zone, starring Christina Ricci. Yeah, but we were afraid to ask for it because we just set them up too easy. Where would you find The Opposite of Sex? In your bedroom. Well, speaking of brothers being on the show, Can I say there was a Photoshop that you did that was a picture of you to demonstrate what your brother looked like.
Starting point is 00:58:32 And it was... You made yourself bald and then drew red lines. I did? Yeah. It's on one of the blog recaps. And it's the silliest... Back in the day, you did a one of the blog recaps, and it's the silliest. Back in the day, you did a lot of Photoshop stuff. I would Photoshop all our stunt casting. And then there was one episode where we talked about the TV show Life on Mars,
Starting point is 00:58:54 which was a cop show about a modern cop who had been time-traveled to the 70s. But we also put David Bowie in it. As Ziggy Stardust. As Ziggy Stardust. Yeah. Adding to the Life on Mars theme. And then so we photoshopped Ziggy Stardust taking down a perp. It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:59:17 It was pretty good. But there was a picture. This is a quickie job that you did to illustrate what your brother looked like. It's just a picture of you, minus hair, with red lines coming out. I'm sure he appreciated that. Okay, so my brother, Mark, was on episode 95 of the show. My mother was worried he wouldn't have anything to talk about. So she gave him a list of seven topics,
Starting point is 00:59:46 all of which we went through on the show. Can you name any? Can you name, what's a reasonable number to ask? Three? I think I could only name one. And even at that, I think it was, it was something like Einstein quotes. No. Was it quotes? Was it one of them quotes from famous
Starting point is 01:00:08 people here are the seven topics my brother is an american and he lives in seattle so uh that uh that plays into quite a few of these topics yeah the first topic the differences between america and canada which i think is probably the topic of every show. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it comes up naturally. What do you think is the thing we talk about most on the show? TV, food, wrestling.
Starting point is 01:00:36 It comes up pretty often. Yeah, TV, I would say. TV movies. Yeah, food. We're a bunch of slobs. Yeah. Like food we can't eat. Food we can't eat, food we want to eat, food we've seen other people eat.
Starting point is 01:00:52 So that was the differences between America and Canada. Second topic, Seattle and how friendly it is. Oh, man. Your mom's a great content creator. Yeah. The third one was children and how special they are. Now I remember that. The fourth topic, how much he's looking forward to the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Oh, yeah. That was... My brother was a bobsledder. The next topic... He carried an egg with him. The next topic, reading with children and how much his children love books. Guys, here's what I want to talk about on today's show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 My kids love books. I don't. Damn it. My kids keep wanting me to read with them. The next topic, hockey. And specifically, is Seattle going to buy a hockey team, and should Dad and I be part of that? Oh, yeah. And then we would discuss, like, what does that mean?
Starting point is 01:02:00 Yeah. Be a part of that. And the final topic, this was right after Tiger Woods had been uncovered as a... Yeah, a sexaholic. Yeah. I love sexaholic. And so the, yeah, which is fermented sex. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:18 The topic was Tiger Williams. NHL great and noted pervert, williams yeah oh pretty great pretty great dave's mom yeah um do you guys do you also remember from that episode discussing in depth a uh musician that your brother was fond of back in the day and had an album huey lewis wasn't huey lewis it was had an album he had an album he could he sang part of it on the on the show i couldn't believe that you guys were a fan of hers katrina and the waves what's katrina in the way i'm walking on sunshine no you may have referenced katrina in the waves though no it was uh it was a singer it was was famous you guys both i think sang the song together uh-huh and i was blown away that you guys were fans what amy grant oh baby baby What? Amy Grant. Oh, baby, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Swimming in your ocean or whatever. Yeah. And she also had that song about driving like Mario Andretti. You like to drive like Mario Andretti. I like to take my time. That's good to me. That's good to me, I think. She's like a Christian. Yeah. but I think that was her pop album.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Yeah, but it was blown away that it was an album that you both had listened to and had such a fondness for. Now, do you recall the most famous reindeer of all? Damn it!
Starting point is 01:04:07 We've had a lot of Charlie Demers questions. Maybe I should ask a question about somebody else. But first, I'll ask the Charlie Demers question. What's he like? What's he like? Do you like him? On Charlie Demers' first appearance on the podcast, he described having a procedure oh colonoscopy no oh uh like a water colonoscopy colonic colonic yeah the name of the place the name of the place
Starting point is 01:04:37 he went to no happy colon was it happy colon yeah. Do you remember what happened during the procedure? I mean, like, so much water went in his butt. But something unusual occurred. It wasn't something that happens during this procedure. Oh. I don't know why. I didn't even have to look this up. I just remember this.
Starting point is 01:05:04 It is burned in my memory. The thing that I'm thinking can't be right. Well, go ahead and guess. He got an erection? No, he didn't get an erection. In the procedure, water's supposed to go in, and then it's supposed to come back out. Oh, and none came out? Very little came out. Oh, because he did so many he had done so much done uh apparently uh over-the-counter medication really dries you out do you remember and so he absorbed a lot more water than they
Starting point is 01:05:37 expected and uh we also made a made a lot of business out of the fact that his butt made the sound of a straw finishing off a giant soda. Anyways, we're great. And that was great. Okay. But you do, as soon as you had, you remembered exactly all the details. Yeah. Okay, here is a question. Okay, here is a question.
Starting point is 01:06:12 I've done, I don't know, 100 episodes ago, we started introducing these. Because the. But what, though? But what, though, Dave? We used to do a lot of segments. Yes. To sort of stimulate conversation. And as the show has gotten better, we don't need these segments. We just
Starting point is 01:06:29 can just talk. Yeah. And so I started introducing a segment called Celebrity Birthdays. Yep. And then you started a segment called Hulk Hogan News. That's right. Which has refused to die. Yeah. Much like Hulk Hogan. And then there was one episode where I started a segment called Hulk Hogan News. That's right. Which has refused to die. Yeah. Just much like Hulk Hogan.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And then there was one episode where I had a rapid fire of replacement segments for celebrity birthdays. Can you. There were three of them. Not. I mean, there has. I have since introduced others like Lessons Learned from Flex Magazine. Yeah. But can you remember any of these three?
Starting point is 01:07:08 I remember one. Okay. And I believe it was called Pibble Bibble. Yeah. And it was Pibbles from the Bibble. Yeah, it was the Bible as interpreted by Pitbulls. The other two, what were they? Peen Pics with Dave. Oh, yeah. Peen Pics with Dave. Yeah. um the other two uh what were they uh peen pics with dave oh yeah peen pics with dave yeah uh and and um butt wise well what was butt wise like good things to do for your butt um no like yeah
Starting point is 01:07:35 butt wisdom oh like wisdom from a butt you know wisdom you had to go through this uh segment to get your butt wise certification certification. Oh, I see. Oh, right. Like if you eat at a restaurant that's butt-wise. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like this is good. This is good for a sustainable butt. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:53 And so you can like, you put that on your resume. I've got butt-wise certification and serving it right. Yeah. Pibble bibble I remember how many more of these questions do I have not that many more I think Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Chinese or twigs? Yep. Check. Check. Foggy Fogman.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Oh, it's all. It's all coming back. We've done all kind of stunt casting things. I didn't read these in order. Yeah, me neither. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Okay. And here it comes. Uh we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Okay. And here it comes. And ready yourself. On the first episode that we had, fan favorite and show favorite Brent Butt on the show. Yeah. Brent Butt on the show. Yeah. He described hanging out at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto and having the time of his life chatting with what?
Starting point is 01:09:15 Canadian celebrity. You remember this? Vaguely? No. Okay. I just remembered as soon as I thought of Brent Butt, I thought of the Royal York because that used to be where celebrities stayed. Yeah, when they were on Canadian game shows. Yeah, when in Toronto.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Guests stayed at the Royal York. Is that where we stayed when we went to the awards? I think we did once, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now who's celebrities? Yeah. Was it an 80s celebrity?
Starting point is 01:09:48 Yep. Was it Alan Thicke? No. Alex Trebek? No. A musician. Mike Reno? Mike Reno of Loverboy and said that they shut down the bar and just told stories about pants and tights and how tight they were.
Starting point is 01:10:04 The tightness of pants. But yeah, I don't know why that stuck out to me. But yeah, Mike Reno, lover boy. Okay, so this question is an opinion question. Oh goodness, show your work. I want to know if it matches my opinion. Okay. What is the greatest overheard ever?
Starting point is 01:10:22 the greatest overheard ever? Um, I think it is probably was uh, Erica Sigurdsson's at a Christmas party where somebody was talking about a kid and she thought
Starting point is 01:10:37 the person was talking about a cat. Uh, it was someone you're right. Yeah. It was from episode 117 with Erica Sigurdsson, where she describes, she overheard two people miscommunicating. I think it was J.P. Mass. Yeah, it was J.P. Mass and then a relative. And his mother. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:59 And they were talking about a pregnant woman. That's right. her name was Catherine. Yeah. And the mother thought, oh, he's asking her about a cat. Where's Catherine? Yeah. Where's the cat? Is what she heard. And she said, I think she's outside in the yard.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Why would she be standing in the yard? Oh, I don't think she's standing. I think she's standing i think she's probably hiding under the rose bush it was like raining and uh and she uh and he's incredulous why would you be lying under the rose bush oh because she doesn't like the kids. She's afraid they're going to touch her. And Erica, trying to tell this through her laughs. Just losing her mind. I'm surprised we both had that one. Well, I remember it being just so crazy.
Starting point is 01:11:56 My favorite of yours was, I believe, episode 57 with the guy who dropped a piece of pepperoni on the ground. Yeah. And then he... And then someone pointed at it, and the guy said, do you want me to eat it? Yeah, he's like, this is what you want! And then he ate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:14 And then the guy said, you dropped a toonie on the ground. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Man. Do you remember the story that had us in tears that A.J. McKenzie told? Oof. Do you remember the content of the... No.
Starting point is 01:12:34 He told... Oh, yeah. He was... Something with his parents? Yeah. Yeah. He was... When he was very young, he got into stealing money out of his mom's purse. And he was made kind of like a...
Starting point is 01:12:47 He had like a cachet. And at one point he said, you know, I want to go out to Swiss Chalet or something. They're like, we're not going out to Dernier. He's like, no, I'll pay for it. I'm buying. Yeah, I'm buying. And it was with all the money he had stolen. I remember losing our mind yeah it was uh pretty great pretty great um i think i only have i don't have that
Starting point is 01:13:14 many left here how are you questions why i think i have like five or six left really yeah i mean do you want me to give you another one yeah Yeah, sock me with another one. Well, some of these are just like... Well, one person said to do the... Like, bad girlfriend thing, where I cover my eyes and I ask you to tell me what color my eyes are. Oh, a lovely shade of green. Yeah, I'm not sure either. Yeah, they're some kind of, right? Bluish-greenish?
Starting point is 01:13:48 I don't mix it. Like, my driver's license says Hazel, but I don't know. I don't think that's right. No, that's your middle name. Yeah, Hazel. Okay, here's another one. That's just kind of a dud question. Okay, here's another one.
Starting point is 01:14:04 That's just kind of a dud question. How many of our, within like five, how many of our 300 episodes have been under an hour? Have been under an hour? Yeah. Probably the first four or five, or maybe even six, were under an hour. And then there was the one with Aaron Salazar. Yeah, I would say six altogether. 17. Really?
Starting point is 01:14:37 Under an hour? Plus seven live episodes. Oh, yeah, the live ones. They're usually 58 minutes or something um here here's a question about uh a fan favorite guest okay paul f tompkins uh and i believe this is correct i did not fact check this one but i think this is correct about when it occurred the last time that paul f tompkins was on the show he uh he has a habit of when we would do celebrity birthdays and hulk hookah news he would throw in uh a segment his favorite segment of the show what was the what was the name of the segment he did it wasn't the
Starting point is 01:15:20 last time he was on if i'm thinking of the same one there was one that he did the first time he was on or not first time but the first time was it pet dreams pet dreams was one of them okay i uh and it seems there was this dog maybe that was it that was it because i thought there was another one about dogs as well but it was pet dreams it must have been that wasn't the last time that was the time before i think so right. Because the last time it was a daytime recording. I remember that being a nighttime. A nighttime feature? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Pet dreams? Yeah. I feel like there was one that he had last time, but. There may have been. Can't remember it. All right. That wasn't a good question because it was. Because you didn't know the answer.
Starting point is 01:15:59 I didn't know the answer. Oh, here's one. Northern Towns on Twitter. I don't remember this at all. Okay. He asked, what did we say who was Canadian speed skater Katrina LeMay Doan's nickname? I don't know. The donor?
Starting point is 01:16:24 No, not the donor. That's part of it. Oh, the boner donor? Yeah. I don't know The Donor? No Not The Donor That's part of it Oh The Boner Donor? Yeah Oh god This should not be your first episode No The Boner Donor
Starting point is 01:16:34 Go back and listen to that episode Yeah that should be your first Um Uh This is a This is a question That you That is only tangentially related to the podcast. But you're very good at this type of trivia. So I feel like you have a shot at, uh, at getting this correct.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Uh, this is in reference to the fudge cops, uh, video that we made, uh, before we started the podcast. Uh, who directed the film Bringing Down the House? Oh, wow. Not Larry King. It was not Larry King. But I gather his name must have been on the cover. Is it a famous person? No, he's directed some fairly famous films, but he's not famous.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Frank Darabont is he the guy that made walking dead yeah and and shawshank redemption uh no uh i'd never heard of this person before but i've i've heard of uh the uh of other this is this is from um M., who proposed the question. The answer is somebody named Adam Shankman. Never. He directed The Pacifier, Hairspray, and Rock of Ages. Oh, these are good movies. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Some of Larry King's favorites. Yeah. Also, on the subject of Larry King, on this show, what was the show noted larry king was like a big endorser of oh was it uh what is it back in town it is yes was it that horse show caval cavalier yeah yeah yeah and the best show ever yeah according to larry king um and jay leno i believe was a big fan of that show um there's now because you're allowed to wear your denim tops and bottoms. Yeah. There's now a show in town called Odiseo by Cavalia, which it's like Cirque du Soleil for horses.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Yeah. Yeah. They get up, they do flips in the air. They wear tights. It's gross. they wear tights uh it's gross um which podcast did we say was our rival podcast and which podcast did we say was our sister podcast our rival podcast i don't remember the name of it but the guy uh it was a dj and his name was something van buren uh uh was it called like van because he's like famous now he like tours all over the world yeah it was like uh like fay like fabian van buren's power power zone
Starting point is 01:19:17 something like that uh you're wrong that was our sister podcast oh that was our sister podcast oh oh yeah exploding sandwich was our rival podcast and they came along quite early like episode 20 we were talking about them being a rival uh they're they're dead now dead both of them in the ground um and the uh our sister podcast was armin van buren's state of trance and but now like he i know he's a big dj i think he probably was a big dj before we just didn't know yeah i still don't technically know i've never been able to do anything um according to a blog post uh-huh now just recently we were introduced to the character Baby Dave. Yeah. Who is a voice that you do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Hi, Daddy. Yeah. Where is Daddy? Not to be confused with Emmett Hall's Baby with Bills. This, when we were first introduced to a photo of Baby Dave on the blog. You're doing something very specific in a photo that you posted of you as a baby youth. What are you doing in this photo? Really?
Starting point is 01:20:34 Yeah. How many episodes ago? Oh, many. Probably like within the first year. Oh, boy. I'm just trying to think of what pictures of me as a child exist. It's out there, man. As digital.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Because I've since digitized many pictures of the times my parents made me wear Mary Janes. What are Mary Janes? They're like little girl shoes with a little strap. Yeah. Yeah, and I've seen those pictures. And this isn't that. I'm not on a trampoline, am I? Nope, you're not on a little strap. Yeah. Yeah, and I've seen those pictures. And this isn't that. I'm not on a trampoline, am I? Nope, you're not on a trampoline. You're in a kitchen.
Starting point is 01:21:10 I'm in a kitchen? With other kids. Oh, I'm shade tipping. Yeah, yes. I'm doing the Huey Lewis. Yeah, you're impersonating Huey Lewis. Along with my brother and Jason Bryden, and Jason Bryden's brother. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:22 So that was the first time we were introduced via podcast to a variant of Baby Dave. Sure. And that's what you were doing. That was your pose of choice. Here is a question. Yep. What is the only episode, and who is the guest? You don't need to name the number.
Starting point is 01:21:40 All right. In which we did not do overheards. Oh. I believe, like, unless it was a special, like, we've maybe done special episodes where we didn't do it. Right, okay. But just regular episodes? Yeah, where we just didn't get to it.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Oh. I would say the guest who would have had to have been... Ah, that's weird. it was a long time ago yeah it was an episode where just things I guess got too crazy oh was it crumbs no no I don't know it was episode 84 yeah I believe the guest was John door of course it was John door that was that
Starting point is 01:22:23 was who I was gonna guess but I was going to go for an outside batch. And he did a controversial bit where he called his quote-unquote sister. Oh, yeah, butt mustard. Yeah. Oh, weird. I didn't realize that we never... Huh. We just ended the show because he wouldn't come back in the room?
Starting point is 01:22:42 Something happened, yeah. Ha ha! I have a few more. All right. I have one or two more. I have four more. Four more? What?
Starting point is 01:22:57 You said you had more than 20, and I only have 20. But I did a lot of, I did like three celebrity crush hats all in a row and a bunch of stunt castings. Do you want a couple more stunt castings? You give me a stunt casting and I'll give you one more stunt casting. Who did we cast as Jack Tripper? Oh. From Three's Company. Adam Scott?
Starting point is 01:23:22 Jamie Kennedy. That's a very dated reference. Also, who did we cast as Kimmy Gibbler from Full House? Oh, you just... I think you posted this somewhere on Twitter recently. Was it Raven Simone? It was. Now, this was...
Starting point is 01:23:42 I feel like this... The first question... This came from Charlie M. m on twitter uh who did we cast uh i'll ask you two parts who did we cast as archie in a remake of archie i know live action yeah i knew it instantly as well it's because there's only five redheaded male celebrities yeah and it wasn't rupert grint and it wasn't er Stoltz. That's right. So it had to be David Caruso. It was David Caruso. Who did we cast
Starting point is 01:24:08 as Archie's rival? Reggie? Reggie. A dark-haired gentleman. Yes. I don't know if I can remember any of the people we cast in this. I want to remember...
Starting point is 01:24:20 The only other one that I could remember without looking was who we cast as Mr. Weatherby. Who? The fat guy from Little Britain. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:31 And who would Jughead have been? I don't remember. Do not remember. So Reggie would be someone. Was he? Because David Caruso is too old. Yeah. Was Reggie of age? Reggie was also too old Was he... Because David Caruso's too old. Yeah. Was Reggie of age?
Starting point is 01:24:47 Reggie was also too old to play a high schooler. Right. Yeah, these were all adults. Okay. But, like, was he younger than David Caruso? Yes. Let's see. Dark-haired gentleman.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Funny. Very funny man. Okay. You know, would make a decent Reggie, I suppose. And not... You know, he doesn't look like Reggie. Okay, that helps. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Paul Rudd. Yeah, he'd be good. Yeah. Maybe too likable. Yeah. But that was the thing. I think because David Caruso is so unlikable, we were trying to balance it out. We should have done the old hair color swap.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Yeah, the classic hair color swap. Okay, who was our penguin mascot and what was his slogan? our penguin mascot and what was his slogan and we've gotten I went back I one of the places I searched to get information for this quiz was the the flicker community that I once made because people kept sending us like fan art yes based on some of the things we came up with one of which was old man in the sea dracula yep uh and the other one was our mascot and his slogan i remember the name of the mascot for sure was chili chillman yep um that was ivan decker yeah uh was our guest was our guest and chili chillman was it was something like his phrase was like, chill out, motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Chill the fuck out. It was tip onto a dick. Tip onto a dick. Oh, man. Chilly Chillman has aged well. Tip onto a dick? That's classic. Do you know where that came from no came from drunk dials i believe and someone being tipsy and like hey if you're tipsy you
Starting point is 01:26:54 might tip onto a dick i also remember i think it was the last time ivan was on, the catchphrase of the episode was the result of him quoting a cereal mascot. Do you remember what the catchphrase was? Me want honeycomb? Yeah, me want honeycomb. Now, here's a past guest. This is from at Resinal on Twitter. Ah. What was the name and the subject of the short film that past guest
Starting point is 01:27:29 Bita Judaki talked about when she was last? It was about a chair. Yep. But what was happening to the chair? Was someone having sex
Starting point is 01:27:38 with the chair? Nope. It was something somebody was doing to a chair. Something very weird. It was a short film. Decorating?
Starting point is 01:27:47 Like dressing? Putting a shirt on it? Nope. No, it was a... When we heard the concept, we were like, of course, makes sense. That's what happens in art school. Yeah. And like I can...
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah, the name of it is directly related to what this person is doing. What's the name of it? The name of the movie was Milk. Oh, someone was milking a chair? Milking a chair. There's already a movie called Milk. Yeah, but and it was about somebody milking Harvey Milk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Okay, question. Go ahead. somebody milking uh harvey yeah um okay question go ahead uh when people call in quite often they say uh hello dave hello graham hello probable guest why do they say that uh because we harangue them about not saying hello to the guest no uh one time we did an episode like this with just you and me yeah and someone said hello dave hello graham hello guest and we tore them into one for talking to a person who wasn't there oh what a couple of jerks yeah um this is a question. According to Rob P. on Twitter, we said that a raccoon is nature's what? A raccoon is nature's what? Boy. Hoarder?
Starting point is 01:29:20 No. It's a – think about – How long ago was this? I don't know. But as soon as I heard it, I was like, yep, I think we're 100% confident that we said that. Think, you were about to say, think about. Think about what kind of, kind of what a raccoon looks like. Okay, robber?
Starting point is 01:29:43 Yeah. Cat burglar? So burglar so close um uh hamburglar yes nature's hamburglar raccoons are nature's hamburglar uh yes well done well that's great um okay i only have two more okay i have yeah i have two, one and then the other and then the other and the other. There you go. Okay. Good plan. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Okay. This one is from Hulk Hogan News. Yep. You once reported... I believe this one was suggested by Sarah B. on Twitter. Okay. I want to say B. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Okay. Um, uh, you once reported that Hulk Hogan, uh, his daughter broke, got engaged to a guy and they were going to get married in the ring until some people came and, uh, uh, beat them up. What? And maybe her boob fell out of her chest. And Hulk had to like point it out to her. What, uh, was the groom's name? Oh.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Just first name is necessary. Because he does have a last name that I've learned, but I've since forgotten. And the first name was great. Oh. No, I'm not going to remember. Rodrigo? Tony? Tony?
Starting point is 01:31:07 Is it Tony something? I think she was just engaged to a guy named Tony. I cannot remember. Bully. Was he a rapper? No, he was a bully. He was a wrassler. He smoked a cigar and he had a cap.
Starting point is 01:31:21 It was actually Bull from Night Court. Richard Mull? Yeah. Bully. It was short Bull from Night Court. Richard Moll? Yeah. Bully. It was short for Bully. Bully. Molly. Bully.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Bully for you. Bully. You got any Molly? Isn't that a drug? Yeah. Okay. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Who's winning, by the way? The listener. Yeah, absolutely the listener. This is an interesting one. And they said name three. I will accept if you can name more than one.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Okay. So if you can name two. One, but one's going to be obvious. Name any school from Calgary. Oh, yeah. Western? Lord Beaverbrook. Bishop Grandin. Oh, man, you got three. You did it. What are the other ones we would
Starting point is 01:32:10 have mentioned? Scarlet. E.P. Scarlet. No. What was the... Bishop Grandin was the one that I was hoping you would remember. Yeah. Well, my co-workers from Calgary, I believe they both went to Bishop Grandin. Yes. You went to Lord Beaverbrook.
Starting point is 01:32:25 I did. A lot of the people I knew from university went to Western. Western. Downtown. The downtown school. Yeah. For the smarts. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:34 So this is the final, the final question I have. Okay. Unless anyone sent me any on Twitter recently. What is the sickest you've gotten from an episode? Oh, when I got poisoned eating deep fried Mars bars that had also deep fried snicker peanuts in the mix. I believe someone. Well, I'll tell you who. Oh, I know who.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Well, we did an episode. Yep. So I guess you technically didn't get sick from the episode because afterwards, you, me, Abby, and our guest, Adam Pateman. Yep. We went for Chinese food on Kingsway. Yep. And we came back and we had been talking about the idea of deep frying chocolate bars. Yes.
Starting point is 01:33:23 And covering them in pancake batter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, doing one and then the other. Yeah, pancake batter, then deep frying them. And so we stopped at a convenience store and picked up chocolate bars. And Adam got Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. That's what it was. And he put them in first.
Starting point is 01:33:44 And so everything else that went in that oil had been poisoned by peanuts. Yes. Oh, so sick. So sick. Yeah. He still brings that up where he's like, remember when I almost killed you? And I was like, yep, sure do, Adam. I want a good one to end it off, but I don't think that's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Oh, here's one that... Oh, Andrew McLaughlin. Oh! good one to end it off but i don't think that's gonna happen oh here's one uh that uh um uh oh andrew mclaughlin oh has sent in uh in episode 207 yep with i believe josie long yes uh what was the alternate meaning like what joke did we find greater meaning in joke did we find great classic childhood joke oh like where we were like we have where we kind of dissected it yeah uh oh not like how do you get down off of a horse Oh, not like how do you get down off of a horse. I don't know, but I get it.
Starting point is 01:34:51 I get the notion that you're talking about, but what was it? Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Oh, to the other side. Yeah, to die. Yeah. Remember that show? Was that what it was called? The other side with that Faco guy that used to come out?
Starting point is 01:35:07 I'm getting a Bob. Does somebody here know somebody named Bob? Oh, yeah, with John Edward. John Edward, yeah, yeah. Senator John Edward. I'm just going to read a bunch of the suggestions we got. Sure. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Pardon me. Sorry, this is the worst. It's okay. This is everybody's entry episode. Yeah. What resort did I stay at in the States? That's too easy. Great Wolf Lodge.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Yeah, easy. What were the lessons learned from Flex Magazine? That's too broad. Yeah. Mostly that everything had. I think I just quizzed you guys on which were real supplements and which were ones I'd made up. Yeah. Something milk, I remember.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Muscle milk. Name five of the League of Extraordinary Blokes. Oh, yeah, I could do that. Jason Statham. Jason Statham. Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, Ice T, maybe Ice Cube, Bruce Willis.
Starting point is 01:36:13 I hated this segment so much. And it went on forever, which was the greatest. Did I name five? Yeah, sure. Yay! Yay! What other show briefly did a slightly less amusing overheard segment fitz dog radio fitz dog radio i mean they invented it yeah um jane stanton was in a uh groundbreaking canadian blank video in the late 80s. Rap.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Rap. Absolutely. I don't even know some of these. Like, hit me with one. Which guest had Dave angriest and Graham happiest at the end of the podcast? I don't know. It could have been anybody. A lot of people sent questions without answers.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Yeah. I had to specify that I needed answers because I did not know. I did not know the answers to any of these. And the guy who suggested that eventually sent me the answer, and he didn't know either. Several people sent in a question to ask you about what were your feelings on little thug people from the Allison? Oh, dwarf babies? Yeah, dwarf babies. That was her over scene.
Starting point is 01:37:31 She oversaw a dwarf baby. Yeah. And you hated it. Everyone did. Yeah. What did, this is from Sarah R. What did Grandpa chew his toy into the shape of? He chewed up a toy and it resembled the shape of something.
Starting point is 01:37:53 I don't know. Remember this? He chewed up a rawhide toy so it looked like a G. Oh, yeah. Like he was trying to spell out his own name. Yeah, he's very smart. And you said that it stood for either grandpa or a genius yeah genius dog um uh how many names can you each remember from that art star reality show and the show about gigolos gigolo oh gigolos there's brace brace was the
Starting point is 01:38:20 he was the takeaway yeah it was the take home and And the only one I remember from the Art Star show was a guy named Scumlord. Scumlord. Scumlord. That was not Sarah Michelle Gellar. It was the judge or the host. Oh, Sarah Jessica Parker. Sarah Jessica Parker. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Because I remember. Wasn't she involved in an art reality show? She was in maybe a different show. Oh, okay. Because this one was hosted by someone named China Chao. Which I believe I pointed out was, if you couldn't remember their name, if I got that name wrong, I'm the most racist person in the world. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:58 I am Chinese or twigs. You are Chinese or twigs. Here's one. Does Dave know Hulk Hogan's celebrity birthday? No, but it overlapped once. Yeah. Would you take a care to guess at the month? Middle of the year.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Yes. June. No. August. August. August 11th 1953 i think that oh no there's that's it all i have one more what was the name of the sweet bread that i ate so much of and got really fat it was a sweet bread that i couldn't stop eating when
Starting point is 01:39:41 um it wasn't during the podcast, but obviously I talked about it. How long ago? This would have been years ago. Years ago. Oh, when? Like 2008, I would have uncontrollably been eating this sweet bread. I don't know. Is it like a babka?
Starting point is 01:40:00 No, no. Good guess, though. Cinnamon buns? It was something called a pandesil. Never. Bobca? No, no. Good guess, though. Cinnamon buns? It was something called a pandasil. Never. And it was from a Filipino bakery. Oh, okay. I just ate, I'd buy a bag of it and just eat the whole bag.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Like on the bus on the way home. I got so fat. I think that's all I got. Yeah, I think, imitating Huey Lewis, Chinese or twigs. Chilly Chillman, Foggy Fogman. We're really kind of one note, aren't we? Yeah, yeah. Not even a very brilliant note.
Starting point is 01:40:34 You got the schools. I'm very impressed. Oh, okay. Here's a final one. Okay. Is that my final answer? Yeah. What was the name of that show?
Starting point is 01:40:45 So You Are the Weakest Link. Nope. Final answer was Millionaire. Yeah. How many times, this is from Colin B., and this is not a scientific answer, but how many times did you guess that Charlie has referred to recessive Gene Simmons as being the best joke he will ever tell? Now he did it on a live episode. That's right. I believe around
Starting point is 01:41:11 episode 79-ish. Yep. Live from the Biltmore. Yes, that's right. We should do another show live at the Biltmore. We are going to. Maybe. Do we know when tickets will be on sale for that? Not yet.
Starting point is 01:41:26 But we're doing a live show in the future. Yeah. And it's going to be the greatest. Yeah. A certain Gene Simmons will be there. Not the one you know. I know he's referred to it almost every time since he's been on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Because he panics five minutes into the episode that the episode's no good and he'll never live up to this joke. And all the listeners will agree that Charlie's episodes are always great. According to Colin B. who wrote in this question,
Starting point is 01:41:59 he says it's at least four, but the number could be as high as a million. Well, yeah, I'm out of questions. Yeah. Like you say, the listener was the winner. Yeah. Actually, I wonder, because we like to put ads in the show for other MaxFun properties.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Yeah. Head over to, pick up your tickets. Oh, yeah. To go to MaxFunCon this pick up your tickets to oh yeah to go to max fun con this uh may yeah we're gonna be there yeah yeah we are scheduled to uh to appear through our thing disappear we're gonna disappear yeah david blaine style now you don't uh or do you um uh but yeah i i wonder if i will have put put commercials in earlier when we didn't take a break. Oh, yeah. We just plowed right through.
Starting point is 01:42:48 Yeah. I'm kind of thirsty. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Time to drink. Well, Dave, thanks for 300 plus great episodes. Yeah. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 01:42:58 This would have been a good question. When we start episode one, how many episodes did you say we would do? 1,200. We're only fucking quarter of the way there. But when we started, how many episodes did you imagine we would do? Five. Well, Dave, I wouldn't have done it with anybody else. So thanks for the memories.
Starting point is 01:43:23 Oh, here's a good question. Who was my original first choice is my god you're such a jerk uh if you like the show if this was your first time listening to this podcast and obviously you like it now this is basically the format that we do every time yeah we quiz each other a lot of navel gazing with a hand mirror. Oh, and please, young men out there, look at your balls with a mirror. It's very important. There could be all sorts of stuff happening down there. Cheerio that you lost.
Starting point is 01:43:52 Old man, look at my balls. They're not a lot like yours are. If you like the show, tell your friends. And thanks, everybody, for sending in your questions. Thank you so much for listening all these years. Is this episode going to be out in... In 2013? No, it'll be 2013, but you have a ring-a-ding-dong-dandy December 14th?
Starting point is 01:44:15 December 12th. December 12th? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think this episode's out in time. Understood. But, you know, thanks, everybody, for listening and uh come on back next week for another episode of stop podcasting yourself maximum comedy and culture artist owned listener supported

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