Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 327 - Sean Devlin

Episode Date: June 23, 2014

Comedian Sean Devlin joins us to talk handball, Saved By The Bell, and public art....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 327 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is the man that they call Mr. Tambourine Man, Mr. Dave Shumka. Um, I guess they call me that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Uh, in the jingle jangle morning. Will you follow me? I'll come following. Is that a... What version of the song are we... Uh, is there another version of the song are we Is there another version then? Which one are you thinking of? Hey Mr. Tambourine. Who sings it? Bob Dylan?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Okay. Yeah. Who else? There's also the birds. And I think Pete Seeger wrote it. And I thought there was some like crazy like update Oh yeah. No. There's a It's like a sequel to Mr. Saxo Beat, Mr. Tambo Beat. Our guest today, a very funny man, a gentleman who, when we first started out this podcast, we had a kind of a list of people we wanted to have on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah. guest we had a kind of a list of people we wanted to have on the show yeah and uh we up until now we were unable to secure you as a guest so we finally uh we finally made it a very funny man mr sean devlin is our guest hello i have to go i forgot uh something yeah what did you forget it's just a thing i got it yeah i have an appointment with stuff yeah oh no uh no well we're this close we'll consider this again we'll consider this a win i'm joking oh oh yeah no i can actually stay oh sean thank you so much for staying are you sure you don't have an appointment? Let's check in in about 10 minutes. Okay. Well, let's get to know us.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Get to know us. Sean, how are you? How's it going? I'm good. Yeah? I have a beer that you gave me. Yeah, two actually. And a Dr. Pepper. And a cherry Dr. Pepper. Yeah. I have a beer that you gave me. Yeah, two actually. And a Dr. Pepper.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And a cherry Dr. Pepper. Yeah. So you're feeling like king of the world right now. Basically, king of the drink world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All three types of drinks. In the drink pyramid. We know each other from many, many years ago when you were doing stand-up comedies.
Starting point is 00:02:49 So funny, this guy. I know. And then you did sketch stuff and you did all sorts, done all sorts of stuff. Our listeners will remember you from your short-lived web series with Kevin Lee. You were the first person that I ever heard the term podcast from. Yeah, it was a video podcast yeah you were doing podcasts before anybody was uh was doing it yeah kevin lee invented the podcast and now now he's in australia spreading the word yeah living off the money yeah of that podcast scratch skrill he's scriminy of like he's kind of the steve wozniak and you're kind of like the steve job who's the steve jobs and who's the steve wozniak of that uh
Starting point is 00:03:32 who's the first oh steve jobs steve jobs steve wozniak is a walking heart attack steve wozniak has he's living the life that a 12-year-old child would live. I guess. I don't know anything about him other than just what he looks like. I saw a photo of him playing polo on a Segway. Yeah, exactly. Like he just cashed in his chips and he just wants to be some dude that has a bunch of boats. Yeah, I guess. what would you do if you if you
Starting point is 00:04:07 were in like if you were in a waz jobs situation who would you be uh oh that's a good question uh i would probably i don't know i mean it's all i wait does one equal an early grade no no no i think they're both like they're both they both do or did what made them happy but one was like driven to like you know uh you know still be in the field and the other one was like i want to be in a field yeah on a segue um yeah i guess probably like the ideal is to get to the Wozniak level, right? And not just work. If that's what satisfies you. I don't think Jobs would have been satisfied with that.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah, that's true. I was like the guy in the Dell commercial. Oh, dude, you're getting a Dell? Yeah, yeah. He seemed really happy. And then what happened to him? I don't know. I haven't seen him since.
Starting point is 00:05:01 But in that moment in which I got to know him. He was happy to sell you you adele truly joyful do you think they had to stop those commercials because adele got so popular yeah yeah dude you're getting adele oh really forget it we could have had it all um but you're not uh just comedian you also do uh you and Cam Reed started Shit Harper Did, right? Which is a website, not a pro our prime minister's website, but kind of a, would you say an anti-prime minister website? Yeah. If you want to put me in a box right from the start, that's probably what you could name it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Here's the thing with that. No, sorry. No, tell us the thing. No, no, I don't have a thing. Because we're very, we're pro Harper. Yeah, yeah. We're a right-wing podcast. That's what I, before the podcast started, I asked Dave if we have any ads that i meant like for the pipeline yeah yeah you know i have an appointment oh no it's not 10 minutes yet okay
Starting point is 00:06:12 um so notice for my appointment came on your phone sean reached across to graham's phone and said he had an appointment, which was fun. So you built this website, which was like super popular. And then you've been- Would you say you invented websites? The way you invented podcasting? Cam Reed invented websites. Yeah. But you were there when it happened.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah. He came up with the idea of putting information on the phone. And then it just kind of evolved from there. And then it worked backwards to computers. Yeah. And when originally it was on the phone, was it like you would have to type in a code to get different information? Was it like telepersonals? Is that what it was like?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah, there's people on the other end and they would listen to you ask questions and they would offer they were all named what knowledge yeah it was originally a guy named jeeves kind of fun um and now you do uh like what do you what do you do now what would you consider you do before we go on for the, you need to correct, it wasn't just myself and Cam Reed. Okay. But also a person named Cam Dales. Oh, yes. A lot of comedians. Yep. And some filmmakers were part of that.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Oh, we were just looking up the domain registry. We just wanted to know who registered So you can hold them legally responsible. That's right. Okay. That's what podcasting is all about. It' So you can hold them legally responsible. That's right. Okay. That's what podcasting is all about. It's a kangaroo court. And now you do, like recently there was a thing that you got on stage with, not with Harper, but, or close to Harper.
Starting point is 00:08:04 You were like posed as, a waiter or something. Tell me this story. Tell me this story. It's fascinating. Like, I imagine it's a pretty cool story. Or unless you're legally not allowed to. Oh, yeah. Well, there's some stuff I won't say. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Just so that's clear. Yeah. Before I tell this story, it's actually a much better story. Okay. All right. clear yeah before i tell this story it's actually a much better story okay all right um that's a real storyteller secret yeah yeah like oh this guy's a good story yeah sign up for my workshop if you want to hear the cools version but uh no he he came to vancouver yeah um to talk to a bunch of business people inside a hotel and it was a media event.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So there's media in the room but the funny thing with him is he doesn't let them ask questions. They're just there. Yeah, they're just there. So they actually aren't in this event. They were not allowed to ask questions. So they just had to film him getting asked questions by, like, I think his buddy. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I don't know that they're actually buddies. But it seemed like a setup. Yeah. How do you keep your abs so chill? Yeah. What's your secret, sir? And so, yeah, so they were coming to do that. And then some friends, again, not just me.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah. A group of us decided we would try to go there and get on the stage and bring up a topic that he didn't want to talk about maybe. Or something that was being left out of the conversation. Sure. Yeah. It's a much better story. Again, I said if we turn these microphones off. But you were on TV.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Like, the news caught you. Not caught you, but, like, what did you do on stage? Just walked up and we held up signs. Yeah. That said. Your abs aren't that great. Yeah. Mine said that.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Yeah. More like flabs. That was a smaller sign that i held just for him oh ouch and uh and then i held up a sign about both of the signs were about climate change right yeah and just kind of speed it up let's get this climate changing yeah i just bought a convertible yeah it was well we thought about encouraging it and then that was one thing on the table in the morning when we were planning it. And then we decided – No bad ideas.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah. And then we decided we would try to just – I guess just remind people that it's happening. Because sometimes people like him, they act like it's not happening, which is too bad because, you know, maybe different things could be happening if they acted that way. I am really articulate. You are articulate. I just thought it was – just the idea of doing something like that. So scary to me. Because, you know, security and stuff know uh it's a security and well
Starting point is 00:11:07 yeah and it's like this is canada which i mean it's it's uh pretty evident that the uh the difference between canada and the states that uh you can just get on stage with the prime minister yeah yeah that's true like because uh i think if did that, if you were on the stage with the present. Were you posing as waiters or waitresses? The word posing is quite damning. Did you serve anyone drinks? We happen to be wearing clothes that some people interpreted as the clothes that a waiter might wear. But also, I have a really particular style.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Absolutely. I've had that same thing happen where I've shown up in a vest and a tie. Oh, I've absolutely. When I used to have to wear a tie to work, I would go, like, on my lunch break, I'd walk through the mall and I might go to a department store and people in the department store would be like, excuse me, can you help me? Yeah. I had that happen at the dollar store the other day.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I was wearing a green shirt that was the same shade of green as the. Oh, yeah. And some guy asked me a question. And I said, no, I don't work here. And he goes, really? Because you look like you work here. He wasn't sure. He wanted to push you and get you to admit.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yeah. Okay, fine. Our paper plates are over there, I guess, is what you'd say at a dollar store. Yeah. Okay, fine. Our paper plates are over there, I guess, is what you'd say at a dollar store. Yeah. Anyways, was that whole experience- The greatest?
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah. Was it the greatest? It sounds scarifying on my end, but was it like- Must have been. Are you a thrill seeker? Yeah. Was I an adrenaline junkie? I'm actually, I'm very scared of most things that people find thrilling.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Like a- Like a roller coaster? i was thinking more like a bridge that is a thrill well like a height you know there's certain i don't mean like a bridge that you drive across to go to work but like a bridge that you go like as a tourist to like oh like the the capilano suspension yeah one of those you know fancy you know spectacle bridges. And those things terrify me. Like that thing where you can walk, there's like a glass bottom where you can walk over the... Yeah, terrifying. What is it, the Grand Canyon?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yeah, I don't, in general, I don't understand thrill seekers. I don't get the thing. Like, I don't understand why life isn't complicated. What's the most thrilling thing you, that you enjoy? Like,
Starting point is 00:13:32 roller coasters? I like roller coasters. Yeah. I like roller coasters. But, no? No, I can't.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I can't do it. I have done it. But you're like, in the options of, where are we going on vacation? Six Flags is not on the ticket. No. The Peony.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I've been to the Peony. That roller coaster is so scary. The one at the Peony. Like, it's exceptionally scary. The wooden one? Yeah. It's the roller coaster from the movie Fear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And also the roller coaster from the movie Final Destination 3. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's scary because it legit feels like you're gonna but then in fear there's a there's a love scene on it like a doing it scene well like a hand scene like a hand scene yeah um wait they high five i don't yeah yeah yeah i'm not super experienced during uh the course of uh the roller coaster mark walberg and reese witherspoon develop a complex handshake yeah or they uh do sign language for each other yeah um yeah like uh i don't know i guess like i don't like i would
Starting point is 00:14:39 never bungee jump or no skydiving seems like that's a real waste of time. There was a news story about a Canadian woman in the States who went skydiving. And according to the news story, it was a freak accident. And her parachute didn't open all the way. And she had to get a bunch of expensive surgery and stuff. But it's not a freak accident. It's the natural thing that would happen the natural consequence like jumping out of a plane it's an accident sure but it's the absolutely the predictable act yeah she had a was it a kickstarter or a something to cover her
Starting point is 00:15:19 medical bills and i was like i don't i don't know if that's a kickstarter that i want to give to this seems like there's a lot of people who get you know tough ask yeah right like there's people who get hurt at work and stuff and i feel like maybe they would maybe they would move ahead of the line of somebody who jumped out of a plane and got hurt you kind of assume the risk right that's all i'm saying and she was shocked that the insurance she bought didn't cover uh skydiving very few insurers do yeah um so you're not a thrill seeker i don't think so i don't know if i've ever wondered if i i don't know have you ever done anything like that any of those recreational thrill seeking things no uh skydiving would terrify me the bridge thing terrifies me uh bungee jumping the roller coasters but i get very nervous on the roller coaster i wish i wasn't there when i'm doing it
Starting point is 00:16:14 yeah yeah when's the last time you did stand-up last month oh really yeah um and because i would uh i haven't done stand-up in a while and but what i wouldn't get uh like at the beginning i was very nervous when i started and then uh it got easier as you went but like i would still sort of pace around and and oh yeah maybe that's repeat stuff over and over but like that's a thing that most people wouldn't do on account of you know maybe not for quite thrill-seeking reasons but but they do that on like uh you know some reality show or something that you know our host tries stand-up comedy and that's supposed to be a a thing that people watch i don't know yeah i don know. I don't know why you wouldn't do it. There's like a lot
Starting point is 00:17:05 to be gained because I feel like all of us here probably started doing stand-up maybe 10 years ago and, you know, now we're all
Starting point is 00:17:15 in Dave's basement drinking Dr. Pepper. Yeah. So, it worked out the way I had hoped. How about you? I wasn't expecting
Starting point is 00:17:23 the cherry Dr. Pepper so it actually worked out a little better than I had hoped. How about you? I wasn't expecting the cherry Dr. Pepper, so it actually worked out a little better than I had expected. And what's been going on recently? What have you been doing to kind of fill the time? That's a very broad question. Yeah, absolutely. I like to keep it broad.
Starting point is 00:17:41 You know, it's so broad. Handball. Oh, really? Playing handball. Who do you play handball with? We have a little Facebook group. Who's in it? I feel like I know people who play handball.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I think. Is Ryan Beal in it? Ryan Beal is in it. Is Aaron Salazar in it? Aaron Salazar is not in it. Ryan Beal. This is a great podcast. Why did I ask who's in it?
Starting point is 00:18:01 Basically, the Sunday service. Okay. And some other people. Now, you play it outdoors? Yeah, we play it outdoors. And basically just against a wall. That's actually a great idea. Well, because you just keep losing balls.
Starting point is 00:18:17 We've just been hitting a series of balls into a field. Up one of these scary bridges. Someone wanted to do it off a bridge, and I said, no, I want to play want to play okay handball is uh illegal in soccer i know that yep yep that's right penalty shot um uh what is what is it like yeah what is it i'm do you wear a glove okay you don't break here's the thing you don't wear a glove you're not supposed? Well, I don't think you're supposed to, but Ryan Beal does, and we all think it's cheating. Okay. Okay. But does he win a lot because of this glove?
Starting point is 00:18:54 He has actually never won a game. So it's not cheating. It's a handicap. Yeah. So here's a question. What do you need for handball? Just a ball? I honestly.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And a wall. I know what handball is because I played it with some of those people. But I don't think I would have ever known what handball. It's not like football. Yeah. With hands. What is more international, football or handball? No one plays handball.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Handball. Okay. So it's you and a bunch of guys and you you're all in order and and you have to uh smack a ball against the wall a little rubber ball right uh and i'm with it so far it totally makes sense to me so far and then whoever's turn it is they they try to hit it in a way that makes it hard for the next guy i guess yeah or easy for the next person if the person you don't like comes after that okay ah so is it you pick who you don't like at the beginning of the the day who didn't bring you a sandwich etc etc yeah you pick who you don't like
Starting point is 00:19:58 at the beginning of the day or you just bring your pre-existing like hatred into the okay sure and like stick with the person you already dislike and just focus on them. So you're not a team. Everybody's in it for themselves. Yeah. Kind of like stand-up. But sometimes it's – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Sometimes I would try to do really badly so the person after me would do really well. Oh, yeah. I'd screw up the guy two people behind. You're on handball cleanup. Yeah. And like is it – yeah, sometimes my enemy's enemy is my friend. really well. Oh yeah. Screw up the guy, two people. You're on handball cleanup. Yeah. Um, and like, is it, yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:26 it's sometimes my enemy's enemy is my friend. So like if the, like you say, you could set up your person that you don't particularly care for, but you know that they're going to nail the guy behind that guy. Yeah. Like game of Thrones. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it is like game of Thrones. Yeah. It's hard to follow. There's, there's hundreds of characters playing all at once. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, it is like Game of Thrones. Yeah. It's hard to follow. There's hundreds of characters playing all at once. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:48 How many people play? Yesterday it was three. Okay. Sometimes it's as many as ten. Jesus. Add me to this group, man. Yeah, because I didn't know you lived so close, but it's actually in the neighborhood. Oh, is it the park right there?
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's at Guelph Park, the school at Guelph Park. Okay. Or Dude Chilling Park. Oh, right, right, right. How do you feel about that? right there it's at guelph park the the school at guelph park okay or dude chilling park if oh right right right oh how do you feel about that as soon as you said it you seem to be kind of grimaced a bit this needs we need to explain this yes explain explain what dude chilling okay well first we need to explain everyone who plays handball ryan is a slight man um okay dude chilling park there's this park in um in this neighborhood and it was called guelph park and then one day a dude just put up a sign that said dude chilling park yeah he but he put
Starting point is 00:21:33 up a sign that looked exactly like this the park board yeah the proper font and everything and it and people thought oh this is now called the dude chilling park because there's a statue there of like a stick man reclining oh is that why i assume oh i had no idea i just thought the lots of dudes chilled out there yeah and then eventually well it's a terrible name yeah yeah yeah absolutely well but a lot canada you know isn't a great name when you break it down uh but eventually people decided people like signed a petition being like hey let's actually call it this yeah and now it is and i think that was city hall's way of doing a thing i think they were doing something probably pretty nefarious when they put that through
Starting point is 00:22:24 hey well we named it we did that thing that uh we named the thing you want now uh everyone make sure you get registered yeah yeah parking meters everywhere um oh what about a parking meter for dogs uh it's just an idea that i just thought of but what about it you guys so if you pay you put money in and your dog can stand there for a while? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because isn't it illegal to tie up your dog or something in the city? I thought you were talking about a dog driving a car. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Go on. Don't stop this train of thought. This is good. I'm just saying if a dog's driving a car and it can do it well enough to get to the place it wants and get out, it should be able to park somewhere. It should be able to park for free, I think. Yes, it should get a treat. It should have a little decal or decal in its window that says, hey, I'm a dog, so free parking, right?
Starting point is 00:23:21 You know how like... I'm not sure that the police need the deco to recognize it as a dog No, no, but like You When you park your car, you don't stand with it That's true No, but every dog that I know that drives a car Is always just sitting in it when it's parked
Starting point is 00:23:39 Oh, that's true They don't have anywhere to go Yeah, you know, they just drive those cars around and sit in them Those poor dogs They know how to drive, they just don't have anywhere to go. Yeah, you know, they just drive those cars around and sit in them. Those poor dogs. They know how to drive. They just don't know how to crack a window. Yeah. And in the future, they say that all cars will be kind of remote controlled.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Nobody will drive, right? It's going to be all satellite controlled. I don't think they say it will be remote controlled. Well, satellites or whatever. But I think a lot of people will put their dog in the driver's seat in that time. Take a picture. Yeah. There'll be a lot of great photos of dogs posing, driving.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah, looking confused. But looking excited. Yeah. It's fun to get out of the house. It is fun to get out of the house. And dogs love going for a car ride. Ask any dog. Any dog if they want to go for a car ride.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Yeah. They will. Sorry. I worry sometimes about the things that I say and if they'll lead to, you know, pain and suffering happening. Sure. So I just hope that nobody who's listening is actually enjoying this enough to want to go out and try this with their dog. Get their dog to drive somewhere? I hope nobody is enjoying this at all. It should be.
Starting point is 00:24:50 So you've been playing handball are you good at it yeah is it fun wait we actually have to go back to the park okay do chili park it's a very personal uh wait did you put up the sign no no it's a very personal sore point because i actually was not born but went to high school in Guelph, Ontario. Oh. So when I came out here, you were actually one of my first friends out here. Oh, nice. You said we did stand-up together, but- We did.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I thought we were best friends. Yeah, absolutely we were. Absolutely. But no, I came out here and there was Graham that comforted me because he's so nice. And then there was Guelph Park, which reminded me of the town I had come from. And then they took that name away and called it Dude Chilling. But I thought about it a bit and realized that it's actually okay because I realized Guelph, where I came from, was actually named after some guy named Guelph who like similarly just showed up and named it. But I think when he did it, it involved – I think it's fair to assume some people died.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Right, yeah. He wasn't just a dude that was chilling. No, no. He was not chilling. He was dude killing people so that I can change the sign and name this place after me. So quite a horrific name when you think about it. So when I think about it that way, I'm like, actually, Dude Chilling is nicer than Guelph as a name.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And probably more appropriate for what people do in the park. There's been very few homicides in that park. Yeah, and I don't think anyone who got the name change successfully killed anyone in their desire to have the name changed successfully. Yeah, there was some smotherings. Yeah, a lot of close calls. killed anyone in their desire to have the name changed. Not successfully. Yeah. There was some smotherings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:29 A lot of close calls. But are you... The best handball player? Yeah, yeah. Who is the best handball player? It's... Because the reason I'm excited and I want to join up is... It doesn't seem... It seems like a level of competitiveness that i could uh not dominate
Starting point is 00:26:48 but like i could i could you could compete yeah definitely be be uh the best at not like dominate year in year out but like be the best every year yeah yeah yeah like be the best retire champ come back come out of retirement. Retire my jersey. Play minor league baseball for a while because I had some gambling stuff. Yeah, yeah, but don't let the public know that. Just do your love of baseball, come back to it, dominate again. Change my number to 45. Buy a handball team, manage it. Grow a Hitler mustache.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Sell underwear. Sell underwear. Sell underwear. This is how I picture this going. It's actually much simpler. There's just a wall and a ball, and we hit it. Taz is the best. Yeah, Taz Pass. I went to high school with Taz.
Starting point is 00:27:42 You went to high school with Taz? He played it in high school and was very good. Yeah. To be fair, he changed all the rules as soon as he showed up. He told us we weren't doing it right and then changed all the rules. Do you mean like he's a guy who's so good he changed all the rules? Oh, yeah. He plays by his own rules.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah. He does, but he convinced us to also play by his rules. And as a result, only wins all the time. Is there any, because it's a fun, like, schoolyard game. Is there any, are there any, like, slang terms in handball? There's, like, jumpsies. Is there smack talk? There's not a lot of slang so far.
Starting point is 00:28:22 There is a lot of smack talk. Oh, okay. I like this. I mean, because, you know, it's the folks from the Sunday service, some other comedians take part in it. Right. And then if we add you to the Facebook group, this just started like a month ago. Okay. If we add you to the Facebook group, there's also smack talk in the lead up to the game.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I think that's all I'll do. Maybe I'll just get in on that side of it, the smack talk, and then let Dave show up and you handle the actual handball. I'll handle the smack. I'll be like your manager. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Mouth of the South. That sounds like fun. Or it's like the, what's that French, that old French character, Gerard Depardieu? Yeah. You'll like whisper in his ear
Starting point is 00:29:03 what he says for trash talk from like it's an old I love that book the story of Gerard Depardieu so here okay had you ever heard of
Starting point is 00:29:20 or knew anything about handball before this league because I don't know exactly this is why I need explanations. I had heard that Taz played it. For several years I knew this, but I'd never played it until, yeah, probably two months ago when Aaron Reid and Ryan Beal convinced me to play with them. And we all did it for the first time together. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah. That's good. It's good to break in a new sport with people that also don't really know what's up. You're like, is this fun? Is this the fun way? Like I played chess the other day with somebody else who didn't really know the rules of chess. Yeah. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah. I only know the only rules. I've never won at chess. No? I only know how the pieces move. I don't know any strategy. I can't think one move ahead. I can't think of the move I'm doing right now.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I just think, oh, I haven't moved this piece in a while. Yeah. Because all the pieces move in different ways. It's very difficult. They move in mysterious ways. The theme from chess.
Starting point is 00:30:22 So you're going to join? You're going to do some handball? You should join. I'm going to join Chess the Musical. I live close enough. Well, but I'm mostly into the smack talk part of it. Sure. That's mostly what I do.
Starting point is 00:30:34 You can send in some texts while we're doing it. We also drink beer. Ooh, I like that. And barbecue. We barbecued once so far. So it sounds like it's mostly just hanging out. Kind of dudes chilling. And some females join as well.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Ah, dudettes. All right, I'm out. I only want to play the sport. Is 2014, can we call ladies dudes or are they still dudettes? Ladies is pimps too. That's what I've i've heard a prophet say that also like just calling them ladies oh you know i that's something that's never gonna go away oh yeah graham likes that yeah i like calling ladies ladies guys fellas
Starting point is 00:31:17 no yeah i'm all about i call everyone men or women women with a Y. Just so you don't. Yeah. I know you don't want to rustle feathers. Is that what it is? Rustling feathers? Rustle feathers. Rustle feathers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Like the Tonka. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I just call people by their name unless I don't know them. And then I call them buddy. Do you ever call them guy? Hey, guy.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Yeah, guy. I mean, mean i tried i used to try uh like just guessing yeah oh guessing their names yeah say oh thanks uh steve yeah thanks sarah yeah there's only i think there are uh yeah there's like only like a dozen names in English language. Yeah. Steve, Sarah, Dave, Jamie, Brad, Renfrew. Renfrew. Like actor Brad Renfrew? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Not Brad Renfrew, Brad Renfrew. That's what I meant. Graham, Sean. Graham, Sean. And the rest. Yeah. Yeah. Dave, what's been going on. Graham, Sean. Graham, Sean. And the rest. Yeah. Yeah. Dave, what's been going on with you, man?
Starting point is 00:32:29 Graham, you know what's been going on with me. I do. It's so exciting. Okay. I work at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation here in Vancouver. The mother. 700 Hamilton Street. If you want to send me mail.
Starting point is 00:32:42 No one there knows who I am. The mail guy will just put it in the return to send me mail no one no one there knows who i am the mail guy will just put it in the return to sender but um uh so occasionally uh it's a broadcast facility and they will rent out their studios to outside productions and right now what they're renting out their studio to is a made-for-TV movie about the classic television series Saved by the Bell. What? Yeah. This is like the most amazing thing. Are you familiar with Saved by the Bell? Yes, of course.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah. Yeah. They're shooting a movie about Saved by the Bell. And so I found out about this a couple of weeks ago and then they started. So I started like going down into the floors where I don't work and just acting really casual and like just walking through the hallways and looking in. And I there's one. So there's like I can't tell you. There's one studio where they built the set of the front hallway of Bayside High.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And it's just, it is the hallway. Yeah, where most of the scheming went on. Yeah, and the building would walk through and say, all right already. Yeah. And then in the next studio over, they built a set that was the max. Wow. And it is the max. That was my next question. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And so, and then I've been walking down. Can you get food there? Well, you can't get food even in the max. Oh, yeah. Okay. On the show. No one, like, in, it's in every episode, and maybe there's five burgers in the whole show. I think it was illegal to eat on TV at that point.
Starting point is 00:34:22 That's true. In the U.S. Yeah, unless somebody had one foot on the floor. And then, so I was sort of, like, trying to figure out what this production was, because I didn't know, like, are the stars, are the real stars going to be there? No. That would be amazing, though. It's kids in wigs and, like acid wash jeans like the before any of the filming took place i walked past the wardrobe room and there was a zach uh i was gonna say galifianakis
Starting point is 00:34:55 there's a zach morris wig on a head just just a blonde, beautiful, beautiful blonde wig on a styrofoam head. And then just a room filled with like neon t-shirts. Wow. Wow. And like I love, I loved Saved by the Bell. It wasn't good. No. And I can't, I can't really qualify if I really loved it or if I don't think I was watching it because it was bad.
Starting point is 00:35:28 But I watched every episode and I watched it all the time. Yeah, I think I watched it because it was bad, but I loved watching it with my brothers or with my friends and making fun of the craziness. I watched it by myself. It was the crazy hijinks. It was hijinks. Yeah. It was hijinks incorporated. And so many times when, hey, we're going to prank someone.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Let's get the principal involved. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, the other adult that they knew was the guy who ran the max. He would sometimes step in as a prank helper. Yeah, one of the two Max guys. Oh, yeah. There was a magician and then an actor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:10 And then nobody. Yeah. Then the Max ran itself for a while. Saved by the Bell saved my life. Explain. Well, no. Well, yeah, I guess in a way. Because it was a really formative time in my life yeah uh high school yeah and
Starting point is 00:36:28 that show took up a lot of my my hours yeah and you know i didn't do things that would have gotten me into trouble but i feel like zach was always in trouble yeah but i was i was getting my trouble out through him yeah i would sit there in you know my little blonde wig and i'd watch say by the bell you know just kind of get it really excited that he was getting into all this trouble but i would never get into the trouble yeah well because at the end of every episode there was a moral no not necessarily but wouldn't Zach always get his? Wasn't Belding like, we're going to play a prank on Zach?
Starting point is 00:37:08 There's a lot of pranks being played and then pranks. A lot of Zach starting a business. Yeah, that's right. Or like a bet. Some bet. Like I never, the show, yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:19 I guess maybe saved me from gambling too much. That's cool. Well, I think because it's actually quite ingenious because I think the metamoral, we don't even notice it. Because the real moral of Saved by the Bell, I believe, was stay in school. It's true. Nobody ever tried to quit.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah, because they could have easily had a whole season know, tried to make a go of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leave school. Sell drugs or something. Well, you can quit high school and not sell drugs. Can you? I mean, they had a pretty creative writing team. So he could have done anything, Graham.
Starting point is 00:37:58 There was only one episode that I recall that, well, no, two. There was two episodes that dealt with drugs specifically uh johnny dakota yeah and then jesse spano goes on oh right right right um yeah and both portrayed drugs when i remember watching it both pretty like i was like but the drugs don't look bad the only thing that's bad is everybody's outrage towards the drugs the drugs themselves like johnny dakota looked like he was having a great time had two girls on one on each arm he was living the life he had great boots now jesse uh and her uh speed addiction this is probably the most famous save by the bell episode i'm so excited i'm so scared yeah yeah yeah um
Starting point is 00:38:41 was that what it's called no the, the episode is called Jesse's Song. They're banned Hot Sunday as a tryout with a record company, and they only can sing I'm So Excited except for when they make a music video of Go For It. But the whole— Would anybody listen to a band called Hot Sunday? Like even people who really love Sundays? Yeah, I would. Not on a Sunday because then it would be too much. I'd feel a little bit unhip.
Starting point is 00:39:11 But on like a Thursday. Yeah, like wearing the shirt of the band at their concert. I'm not going to listen to Hot Sunday on Sunday. Never Hot Sunday. Fair. But that episode takes place over like 36 hours. So her addiction is 24 hours at the most. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Well, and if I recall correctly, it got results. She got through everything that she needed to. She got into Stanford. She got the record contest. Oh, she wanted to get into Stanford. Right. That was her school of choice. And anyways, tell me more about this.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Well, like when it first started, when they first started, I mean, I say it's actually still going on. But like Sean was talking about like these thrill-seeking moments and like you'd be too scared to go up on stage with the prime minister. That's how I feel, like, walking through these sets. Like, I'm too afraid to, like, walk onto the sets. Yeah. Like, I have butterflies in my stomach any time I walk by any of this stuff. Is it because you're afraid somebody's going to go, hey, what are you doing? Yeah, that's part of it.
Starting point is 00:40:25 But it's also like, oh, this is, I've worked in this building for four years and nothing I've ever cared about has happened. Like outside of where I work, outside of my immediate vicinity. Are you allowed to say that? We're on CBC now, aren't we? Yeah. We're live. Sorry. You probably shouldn to say that? We're on CBC now, aren't we? Yeah. We're live. Oh, sorry. You probably shouldn't say that.
Starting point is 00:40:49 But, yeah, and, like, the other day, I'll just walk through a room, like, I'll walk down a hallway and just open a door. And, like, oh, whoops, I must be on the wrong floor. Yeah. Oh, whoops, I must be on the wrong floor. Yeah. But I did that yesterday, and everyone was on the, like, the studio was full at the max. Yeah. And so all the actors were there with their wigs.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Could you get food? No, no food. Just orange soda. Yeah. Flat, flat pop. And then, but it's a studio that has an audience oh okay and the audience was full so i'm wondering if this if those are all extras yes that is i bet you that's exactly what it is and that's supposed to be the scene where you see the audience and i've seen like screech screws up his lines like i don't i actually don't know if i'm allowed to even talk about this like well you're not involved you didn't sign a
Starting point is 00:41:48 waiver that's true i did oh no oh well you can't talk about dave can though but there were like i see signs on the doors uh people people's dressing rooms yeah and it'll be like mario lopez and it's not really mario lopez it's the guy playing the guy playing Mario Lopez because it's a behind the scenes it's behind the scenes it'll be the guy playing Peter Engel the creator which, oh and there's even one for Violet
Starting point is 00:42:16 who was the Tori Spelling character oh yeah and there was one for Dustin Diamond's dad wow Screech Neil Diamond Screech And there was one for Dustin Diamond's dad. Wow. Screech. Yeah. Neil Diamond.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Screech. He, did I ever tell you this story? Like Dustin Diamond when he was doing stand-up? Yeah. And you got a picture with him? Yeah. And he charged me money. He charged everybody 10 bucks to have a polaroid taken with them and just before uh he took the picture he said hey it was somebody introduced me to him said oh this is great
Starting point is 00:42:51 graham's a stand-up comedian as well which was i thought code for he gets a free photo because you guys are both in the same and he said because you're both comedians you're a stand-up comedian like scream yeah exactly and then uh he he asked for the ten dollars and then he said Because you're both comedians. You're a stand-up comedian. Like Scree. Yeah, exactly. And then he asked for the $10, and then he said, you know how it is. And I was like, I don't. Not at all. I don't understand how it is in any way, shape, or form. Dustin Diamond ruined my career, if we can call it that.
Starting point is 00:43:24 That came out wrong. But it also saved my life. Dustin Zeman ruined my period. He ended the period in my life in the city where I organized comedy shows. How? Yeah. How? This is great.
Starting point is 00:43:41 This is a tale to tell. So I think you both, but you especially, Graham, have organized shows for quite some time. Yeah. I didn't organize many shows, but there was a period where I organized some shows in Gastown at a venue in Gastown. Yeah. And you did some of those shows. Indeed. shows indeed and someone came to one of those shows who in enjoyed it so much that he went back to his bosses at a bar company in vancouver whose name i won't yeah but i think if we we've been to enough bars that are owned by the same company we know you're talking about
Starting point is 00:44:19 and very protective of it so So he brought it back to them And he had been organizing their Super Bowl parties And he said Hey You should get this guy to organize a comedy show Right And And so they with a liquor sponsor
Starting point is 00:44:37 Set aside a budget to organize a show at their Their big downtown location That was going to be free for anyone that wanted to show up. Sure. And you were part of it, if I remember correctly. This is entirely possible. But we actually had the budget to bring up Zach, Zach Galifianakis, for this show. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So maybe you don't remember where it happened, but that this happened. Yeah, I have. Yeah. Okay. And before the show, they tried to spring on us,
Starting point is 00:45:07 all the local people who were opening for them, that, I don't know if you remember this, they tried to make us- Wear t-shirts or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do remember that. Of the pub group? No, of the liquor sponsor.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah. Jim Beam. Jim Beam. Yeah, that's right. I do remember that. They need all the advertising help they can get. They tried to, and the funny thing is, they were all. I do remember that. They need all the advertising help they can get. They tried to. And the funny thing is they were all like double extra large shirts.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Couldn't you have just been like, well, you did advertise it as the fat boys of comedy. No, but that show went very well. Yeah. That show went very well. And then after that, we did a show with Reggie Watts. Yep. Did he make it up? He did not.
Starting point is 00:45:49 He got detained at the border. I was on that show. You were on that show, yeah. So that one did not work out. Right. They detained Reggie Watts at the border. And I still remember this arguing with the border agency people who, in my my experience are some of the craziest power tripper folks because they have so much of that i will i won't agree with that at all
Starting point is 00:46:11 because i like traveling across the board they have they they have a lot of power the person you're talking to at the border has a lot of power and this particular guy was really relishing this and made it clear to me that not only was this comedy show not going to happen, but that the people of Canada through their tax dollars were going to pay to send Reggie Watts back to where he came from.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So I guess our tax dollars paid for Reggie to not do that show. Anyways. And that really taught him a lesson.
Starting point is 00:46:44 And now he does every uh tv show theme song and uh and then what happened at that point was the manager of this bar uh conglomerate um fair enough because the of the border debacle right thought'm going to try to take this in a different direction. Right. And he said, I'm going to organize a show here at this place where there's never really been comedy before. It's going to be a competition. Right. And we're going to give away almost $1,000. And people will come from all over Canada to compete.
Starting point is 00:47:22 We will attract the best comedians. They will converge on this brew pub. Sure. And they will give their best material. And I don't have anything against people who do comedy competitions or people who organize it, but it makes me a bit uncomfortable. Sure. And so I said, I don't know if I want to do this show with you.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So let's, how about you do this show and then we'll check in after it's over. We'll see if you want to keep going this direction or we want to try a different kind of show. And it failed. It didn't even, it didn't even happen. Right. And several months later he reached back out and he said, hey, I want to do a show again. And I said, oh great. Okay. Maybe, maybe change your mind. We can go back in the, in an interesting direction with these, these shows. And he said, said, yeah, yeah, I know a guy who knows Dustin Diamond. Did he say Dustin Diamond or did he say Screech?
Starting point is 00:48:11 I think he said Dustin Diamond. Wow. Because this guy, I think he was in the industry a bit. He was kind of an industry. At least he acted like he was in the industry. He was an industry mucky muck. Mucky muck, yeah. And he said, I can get him up here.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Wow. I can get him up here. He can do a show here. And you can organize it. And I never organized a comedy show. Fair enough. The only stipulation is everyone on the show has to wear giant crazy screech pants and suspenders.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And pay for a photo. This is also going to be in his rider. You know how it is. So, yeah. So, basically, I'm super excited about the Saved by the Bell thing. It's exciting. I was there the other day. Yeah, I saw pictures of all
Starting point is 00:49:03 the stars dressed up in their outfits. Yep. And then the names on the photos, and they misspelled Slater. They had A.C. Slatter. I saw the kid that was Screech, and I saw the gal who was Jesse Spano. Okay. Jessica Myrtle Spano. The gal who was Jesse Spano.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Okay. Jessica Myrtle Spano. And I watched them film, because there's a walkway. You can walk out and view from up where the lights are. Oh, yeah. So I watched a scene being filmed. And damn it if that kid they have playing Zach isn't the most charming little kid. I mean, he has got it yeah it's uh it's it's it really it really brought me back to a magic time yeah well it's so it's like i don't
Starting point is 00:49:54 know there's something really fun about those sets like because it does you just look at it you're like it's here the actual set yeah no that was totally it yeah oh my god this is a magic place we're in a magical place a magical fantasy land yeah where anything is possible uh pranks are abundant yeah zach can get 1502 on his sats oh yeah he was super smart but lazy oh yeah yeah story of my life um but uh yeah i think it's on Lifetime. I think this movie will be on Lifetime. I could go on Lifetime just to watch it. So, but it seems that there's an opportunity here, which maybe we haven't touched on, that if you have the keys to the CBC, we could go in there and we could put together a little Saved by the Fell fan fiction.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Oh, that's true. We could put on a couple Saved by the Fell fan fiction. Oh, that's true. We could put on a couple of wigs. I would love to put on A.C. Slater's wig. That would be amazing. I would love to put on his body. Yeah. Oh, my God. Do they have that there?
Starting point is 00:50:56 Just those dimples. Yeah, those are going to be done in post. Yeah, they have his body. He's wearing like a weird skin suit. He's actually being played by Andy Serkis. And they're going to composite on top of him.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Oh boy, I can't wait. Mary Lopez lost out the role to Andy Serkis. Andy Serkis is very talented. I believe that he could play any actor better than that actor. Yeah, and someday he will. Someday he will play every actor. He'll be all Andy Serkis.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And Godzilla. That's actually true about, you know, the Polar Express. The dead-eyed Tom Hanks movie. The terrifying children's film. I remember when that movie came out that they said that it was the first time they had used that technology where they're like capturing the face of the actors. Are you the one they call Beowulf? Is that from that?
Starting point is 00:51:53 Yeah. But they actually said they had Tom Hanks' face expressing itself in all the important actor ways. Right. He did all the right actor ways. Right. He did all the right actor angles. Yeah. And that they now had that in the database. And forever going forwards, they would be able to create Tom Hanks acting in any role.
Starting point is 00:52:13 And they actually said this. We got Tom Hanks literally in the can or in the. We got him. We got him. Yeah. We have Prince Albert in a can. Yeah. They didn't say that Tom Hanks can die now.
Starting point is 00:52:24 But it was strongly. They were like, hurry up a can. Yeah. They didn't say that Tom Hanks can die now, but- But it was strongly a lie. They were like, hurry up, Tom. Yeah. We want to have you dance with a mop. We want to put you in that commercial. Yeah. We want you to play the mop.
Starting point is 00:52:37 That's not above him. He seems like he would do a lot of really- Yeah. He's a fun guy. Yeah. Like a mushroom. Oh, boo. Couldn't be a dad, you guys. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yeah, so that's it for me. And when I say that's it, I mean, that's like... That's it for you. The be-all, end-all. This is it. Like, oof. Oof. Oof. Well, I was in LA. I don't know if I mentioned this last week.
Starting point is 00:53:03 And it may not have come out yet. I'm not sure. Uh, cause time is, well, it's flat. And it's precious. Yeah. Um, I was on a podcast called Go Bayside about Saved by the Bell. Uh, so maybe that episode's out. Look it up.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah. Um, now Graham, what's going on with you? Uh, here's the, here's going on with you? Here's the skin of you guys. I, in Vancouver, there's an art exhibition that's been put on by Douglas Copeland. Right. The writer of Generation X. And J-Pod. And the guy who, he's an artist, but he doesn't, he's more, I think he just tells people, like, I want this.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah, yeah. I don't think he gets his hands dirty. He is a, he's a figure think he just tells people like i want this yeah yeah i don't think he gets his hands dirty he is uh he's a figure you know he's a he's a he's a name people go oh that guy i think he actually owns a separate house to throw parties in that has really nice art in it i heard that jeez that sounds really nice it sounds really nice yeah it must be nice That's the life of Wozniak So he has a thing At the art gallery And the centerpiece of this thing
Starting point is 00:54:11 Is a giant statue of his head That he has invited People far and wide To put their chewing gum on Stick their gum on his face Have you seen this thing? I haven't seen this, no. It's down, it's right, it's kind of in the weird corner of the art gallery
Starting point is 00:54:30 that's kind of off of the street, and there's kind of like a lot of people hacky sack there. Okay. There's walnuts being, or not, chestnuts. Yeah, chestnuts being sold there. Oh, okay, the chestnut. Yeah, yeah, I didn't know. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So there's this huge statue and people stuck their uh chewing gum on it and i did that yesterday i stuck my chewing gum on it was fun is there like a sign beside it that says put your gum on this i don't i didn't see a sign but that that was kind of the thing like it was in the paper and stuff so but yeah there must be a sign because otherwise how would people well there's so much gum on it now, though, that I think people are like, this is where gum goes. This is Vancouver's gum depository. A lot of hacky stacks gets... Hacky stacks?
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yeah, hacken stacks. A hacky sack gets stuck to the gum. So there's a wad of hacky sacks on his head, too. Two things about this statue. First of all, it smells great. Oh, right. From the fragrant yeah like kind of minty and kind of fruity and so that was an unexpected bonus uh and the second thing is that
Starting point is 00:55:32 uh when it came out a lot of people myself included noticed that it was very similar to a piece that a past guest chris von zombathy had done where wherein he had made a giant head and asked people to stick gum to it that doesn't sound similar that sounds identical it is identical but his head wasn't uh douglas copeland that's true oh he doesn't have douglas copeland's no no no he has a different face oh okay well he was wearing a mario lopez suit so uh i was like oh i i wondered because and then uh chris wrote a thing online that said you know who knows if this guy stole my idea who knows where ideas come from and then i i thought it just ended there but then when i was at the statue i was telling my friend oh i have a friend who did this exact same thing and And I Googled it. And it's in the newspaper.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It was in the National Post. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They asked Douglas Covland, like, hey, did you steal this thing? And he said, oh, who knows, you know, where ideas come from. But I've never heard of this guy. Yeah. And he kind of, he almost kind of paraphrased what Chris had said about, well, who knows where ideas come from. He's like, well, you know, who knows where.
Starting point is 00:56:45 These things just flow through the air. Yeah. He said it came to me in a dream or whatever. So, I don't know. I just thought that was a pretty bizarre, fantastical thing that happened. What color is the Douglas Copeland? It's black.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Obsidian. He's not black, is he? No, but once the gum's on him, that's his true color. Pink and green and such. What's your favorite gum? Spearmint. You chewed nothing but Spearmint, but is it your favorite? Or is it just a good everyday gum?
Starting point is 00:57:19 Do you ever treat yourself? Oh, yeah. Sometimes I'll get a real exotic, like a Hubba Bubba, and just blow some bubbles. Yeah, absolutely. Sean, gum. I don't chew a lot of gum. The last gum I remember enjoying was the brief period where they were trying to put things in the gum. Oh, yeah, like a liquid?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Yeah, like a liquid. Oh, yeah, like a gusher. Did they ever do it? Well, a gusher was part of that period of innovation. I don't know what sparked it. I think it was the pizzas or I don't know what. The pizzas? The pizzas.
Starting point is 00:57:52 The pizzas with the cheese and the- The pizza pops? Pizza pops. Oh, sure. Yeah. They wanted everything to explode in your mouth. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And yeah, so there's these gums that would have, like, some sort of refreshing liquid inside of it. I never found it refreshing. Well, that's how they were selling it. Was there a Gatorade gum? Yeah. That had, like, a- It may have been a Gushin Gator gum. Gross.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I think it was called Gator gum. Gator gum? Because it wasn't an aid. Yeah. Oh, that's true. It was also, it made sense for a brief period when kissing
Starting point is 00:58:27 was being considered an Olympic sport. That's true. But then that didn't work out. What happened to that movement? Replace those electrolytes. Yeah, it just was too distracting.
Starting point is 00:58:35 And the French were dominating. Yeah, that's true. Because there haven't been, are there any other styles that have, internationally? Oh boy, yeah. Like what countries
Starting point is 00:58:43 have their own kissing? Like Belgium style? Belgian kissing with, you know whipped cream German kissing very efficient you get all your kissing done within 20 minutes within 20 minutes hey i'm an all-night kisser all night i start i start at 6 p.m and then i rock it i go. I'm like an all-night DJ. Mostly on. What? You've painted a mouth on your hand. Yeah. A little face.
Starting point is 00:59:09 I'll kiss anything all night. It doesn't matter. An electric socket, a fish that somebody's replaced at the last second where I thought I was going to kiss somebody and then they held up a thing. And anyways, guys, all I'm saying is douglas copeland the greatest genius of our time yeah yeah he's the greatest genius of our generation x yeah jpod um yeah anyways i thought that was neat i thought that was because it ended up being like national coverage for uh for a dude we know and it's national coverage for art which which is weird. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Art's had it too good for too long, if you ask me. And national coverage for gum. Yeah. The gum lobby really must have been... Them and the cigarette lobbies have been at odds for so many years. Yeah. Is that illegal? Putting the gum on a thing?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Is that illegal? It's illegal on a thing? Is that an illegal? It's illegal to put gum on an image of the queen. Is it? You can't put gum on a $2 bill. Or a nickel. $2 bill that doesn't even exist anymore. What was the rumor that was going around online that a $2 bill is worth $20,000? What was the gag?
Starting point is 01:00:20 I didn't click on it. I mean, either. Damn it. Neither of us know what the gag is. the gag i didn't click on it i mean either damn it neither of us know what the gag is sorry i'm just to peel back the veil of you know fraud that we're putting on for whoever is listening to this right now sure are you being serious that it's illegal to put gum on the queen's face no okay because i actually know someone who who won't say their name. You're so protective.
Starting point is 01:00:51 What kind of underground network of creeps do you run with? Let's just say Jim Beam. It was Jim Beam. They were going to do something that involved a certain amount of risk, and they talked to a lawyer. It was like a similar sort of political thing to what I did with the prime minister. Right. They were going to pants the queen. They weren't going to pants the queen, but they were going to be in the same room as the queen's representative, the governor general.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Yes. So they were going to be in the same room. Politics is exhausting. And, yeah, for those who don't know the queen is our ruler yeah the queen is our head of state and is on all our money and uh we don't we don't vote for her but uh i do though yeah you do and your votes don't count because you go to the regardless yeah and you you go to the ballot box. Because I vote for her regardless. Yeah. And you go to the ballot box and you put money in it with her face on it. I'm voting with my wallet for the queen. No, but my friend was told that if she did this thing, which wasn't, you know, terribly alarming or anything,
Starting point is 01:01:58 but if she did it in the same room as the representative of the queen, that she could face up to 20 years in jail for frightening the queen and that this was a real thing i love that law yeah that there's yeah we have some old that's how they locked up west craven finally and she just looked at uh at the the cover of that movie. Kill the Queen. Part two. Oh, guys, do you want to move on to Overheard? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:34 That theme song means that it's time for a little bit of business. Oh, we played the theme song? Did we not? I thought we just played a little three notes. Oh, okay. Yeah. That sound means that it's time for a little bit of business.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Okay. Now, we have a Jumbotron message. But stay tuned for a major announcement. Yeah, don't leave the room. Stay where you are.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Now, this is from Lisa and Amanda Champion. Great last name. Oh, my. Yeah. It's like made up. It's like an American Gladiator.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Yeah. What if your name was Victor Champion? Or like Laser Champion. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. What if you were Laser from American Gladiator? That's what I just said. Oh, nuts.
Starting point is 01:03:19 But you know what? I feel bad for stepping on Victor Champion. That's pretty good. That's like a king of redundancy. Now, this is a message for Laura Champion. And the message is... Congratulations, Laura Champion. And, uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Philip Bugdan? Bugdan. Bugdan. Bugdan? On their marriage. On July 19th, 2014, may your days be merry and bright. That's not what it says. May your days be filled with beer and regular bowel movements.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Yeah, absolutely. Well, you know, Phillips famously constipated. Regards, your sisters, Amanda and Lisa. You know what? If you're sisters and it's a wedding day, you can say love your sisters. Yeah. You don't have to say best wishes. Best wishes, your sisters.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Uh, uh, keep reaching for the stars. P.S. If it doesn't work out, why would you mention that? Yeah. Weird. Laura has the biggest crush on Graham. Oh, it can't be that big. She's getting married. Yeah. So, we'll see how, how, you know the biggest crush on Graham. Oh, it can't be that big. She's getting married.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Yeah. So we'll see how, you know, strong your crush is. Yeah. So congratulations. Well, everyone seems to have crushes on Graham. That's because they can't see me. I have a very silky voice. Speaking of American gladiators, I think we should do like some kind of like
Starting point is 01:04:43 Athlon to earn Graham's heart. a, uh, uh, some kind of like Athalon for, to earn Graham's heart. Oh yeah, absolutely. I am 100% in favor of an Athalon. I don't know. I don't know the, uh, how many number of events yet, but quad, quad Athalon. Quad. Mm.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Mm. Tetra Athalon. Um, now, okay. So congratulations. You crazy kids. Yeah. Good luck. Now here are a couple of announcements. So congratulations to you. Absolutely. You crazy kids. Yeah. Good luck. Now here are a couple of announcements that pertain to us.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Yeah. And to you, the listener. First, well, you know what? I don't even know what's foremost. So, uh, people of Vancouver, listen up, listen up. There will be a live, stop podcasting yourself, uh, as a part of something called and it may or may not be called this the vancouver podcast festival or the vancouver podcasting fest for the northwest podcast fest yeah it's hard to say what it's called but we're gonna be there yeah on a live
Starting point is 01:05:38 show october 2nd ish uh at the biltmore cabaret oh it is yeah for sure it's at the Biltmore that much I know uh and it will feature a uh a favorite I don't know if this will be public when the tickets go on sale but the tickets go on sale if you're
Starting point is 01:05:54 listening to this tickets go on sale uh the this Tuesday yeah we can say who's on it we can yeah because it's on the it's okay so let's say it on the same time. Wait, no, okay.
Starting point is 01:06:07 One, two, okay. So, John Doerr will be our guest on October 2nd at the Biltmore Cabaret. Get your tickets at or just Google Spy Live
Starting point is 01:06:22 Biltmore John Doerr Vancouver. Here's where you find tickets. There'll be a link there. The episode recap for this episode, I will place a link gingerly at the top or bottom of the recap. And also,
Starting point is 01:06:44 your very favorite podcast, Stop Podcasting Yourself, has been nominated once again for a Canadian Comedy Award. But this year, we're not nominated in the category of Best Podcast. We're nominated in the category of Best Audio Entertainment. And we need your help. Yes, because we're up against radio shows. Like with real budgets, the whole nine. So we're fighting for our lives here. And, you know.
Starting point is 01:07:10 So we need you to vote for us. You need a Canadian postal code. Yep. And. Yeah, no cheaters. Cheaters never win. Well, they almost always do. We want to win this legit. You must be Canadian. Have a Canadian postal code.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Go to If you haven't voted for us in past years, you have to just fill out a couple of things and then you can register yourself and find out about other fun Canadian comedy events. I guarantee you, you will get emails.
Starting point is 01:07:41 In the past, I've guaranteed you wouldn't. I've changed my tune. Turn on those push notifications. And then vote for us. And then there's other categories you can vote in. Yeah. I don't know what the public categories are, but probably like best web clip. Yeah, most fun swimming pool.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Oh, I got to go West Edmonton Mall. Favorite condiment. Oh, relish. Red relish? No, green relish no green green relish traditional green relish yeah uh any more categories for me yeah absolutely uh funniest talking dog oh um wishbone he is great there's a lesson um four more categories okay uh best time travel movie oh back to the future too um uh best robot that's supposed to look like a human um uh uh daryl hannah incorrect t1000 now these ones
Starting point is 01:08:37 have actual answers okay name a temperature um 98 degrees. Correct. That's enough. Yeah. So, to please vote for us. We would appreciate that. We love, you know what? We only have two of these awards. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:55 All right. Three Pete. Three Pete. Three Pete. We feel naked without a third one. Yeah. One for you. One for me.
Starting point is 01:09:02 One for the cast. Do we want to get back to this episode? Absolutely we do. I'm Cameron Esposito. I'm Rhea Butcher. I am Ricky Carmona. And we are the cast members, what, I don't know, podcastiness of Wham Bam Pal. That's an action sci-fi movie podcast you can find on or on iTunes. And what do we do?
Starting point is 01:09:23 News reviews and things you can use. Tons of things you can use. We break it down so it can forever be broken. Hilarious jokes. Plus sometimes there's a dog in the studio. Sometimes there's a dog here. We'll see you in your earbuds. I'm Carrie Poppy. I'm Ross Blotcher.
Starting point is 01:09:40 And we make a show. Oh no, Ross and Carrie. Oh no. We investigate fringe science. Spirituality. Rel and Carrie. Oh no! We investigate fringe science. Spirituality. Religious groups. Alternative therapies. We put ourselves through a lot of uncomfortable situations. So that you don't have to.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Because really, why would you? For example, I watched a tube be inserted into Ross' anus. That's true, but it sounds terrible out of context. We've tried penis and breast enlargement pills. We spent six months undercover becoming mormons we hung out with the 9-11 truthers the ufo cult the railions and we're gonna do more it's one of the newest shows on overheard overheards a segment in which uh people in the general population and us as well overhear things.
Starting point is 01:10:26 The general prison population. Yeah, absolutely. You're in gen pop. Dirty pop. We hear things and then we report them. And we always like to start with the guest. And would you like to start or would you like us to start and then come back to you? Maybe you start.
Starting point is 01:10:42 All right. Dave, you start. My overheard comes from the mouths of babes. Which is the Maxim Hot 100 quotations. It comes from my niece.
Starting point is 01:10:59 We all went out for dinner. My sisters, their husbands, their kids, my parents, the whole lot. You and me and everyone we know. And Dupree was there. Oh, was he there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's sort of a third wheel.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And we, my niece, who I believe is five, four? Four. Yeah, she was four. Three, two. Blast off. She's four. And we were asking her, oh you're gonna be uh when do you turn five are you excited to turn five she was like she thought on it a bit and her mother my
Starting point is 01:11:35 sister was like no you don't really want to turn five do you because apparently this is a thing where she she's she doesn't want to give up her age. When she was three, she didn't want to be four. Oh, wow. And when she was four, now that she's four, she doesn't want to be five, but now she's accepting it. And so my niece says, yeah, no, I'll be five. It'll be five. What about six?
Starting point is 01:11:59 Yeah, I can be six. What about seven? Yeah, seven is the most I'll be, though. I don't want to be anything past seven. And I was like, oh, don't you want to grow up? What do you want to be when you grow up? And she said, like, super earnestly, I just don't want to die. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yeah, absolutely. Wow. Yeah. If you stay seven forever. Yeah. Seven forever. Seven until I die. It was super cute.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Yeah. When I say it, it's hyper real. But when a kid does it was super cute yeah it's uh when i say it it's it's hyper real yeah but uh when a kid does it super cute there there everybody dies eventually yeah even you you're not gonna die for like well you know what it could happen any day one thing i've learned is is people can just go. Anyway, have a good sleep. Do you think she's going to be one of these people, it's just 30, 30 forever? Oh, it's my eighth 30th birthday. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:54 She's the greatest. My overheard comes courtesy of a diner. I was eating at a diner, and the two girls at the counter, the two girls next to me, were talking about their summer plan, which sounded flawed from the get. But the one was coaching the other one, like, this is how it's going to work. I said, first, we're going to get you an epic job. Then we're going to get drunk in Scotland. Just once. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 01:13:29 I mean, the thing with getting an epic job is that they don't give you time off immediately to go get drunk in Scotland. Unless your epic job is in Scotland. Yeah. Loch Ness Investigator. Or Monster. Oh, yeah, that's true. We're looking for a new monster. You have a lot of the qualities we're looking for in a monster.
Starting point is 01:13:45 You're elusive. You're scaly. Sure, you're drunk. Yeah. You like tourists, but you don't love tourists. You're shy around tourists. You're cryptozoological. You're extinct.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Maybe. Maybe not, though. Now, Sean, do you have an overheard? Sean, you've got a scottish name i do uh i had one but then hearing both of yours actually made me think of another one so can i say you can do two yeah two yeah okay so the first one is inspired based on your uh you know children say the darndest thing. Yeah, absolutely. And yours happened in a food eating.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Yeah, absolutely. A max of sorts. Yeah, I was eating in a max, yeah. What was yours again? That we're going to get you an epic job and then we're going to get drunk in Scotland. That was a great one. It's weird that you forgot because that was only like three seconds ago.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah, three seconds ago that is real time yeah um no i i like to eat italian food yeah so i was in a a building that sells italian food and like an old spaghetti factory yes and um and i was eating in my food and it was great. And there was a table with a mother and her two young children next to me. And I actually don't remember the gender of these children, but there was one who was probably seven and one who was like four. Right. And they had the rapport that you would expect a seven-year-old and a four-year-old to have.
Starting point is 01:15:23 And quite clearly, the seven-year-old had been watching the show Meerkat Manor. Yep, yep. Because the seven-year-old was just talking about meerkats, like, oh, meerkat facts, meerkat anecdotes. And so, yeah, just sharing a lot of these Meerkat facts. And the four-year-old, I think, had not seen the show. And so it was kind of silent because it didn't have much to contribute to the conversation. But eventually it got to a point where the four-year-old wanted attention.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Right. And so decided to intervene with a fact, a fact of their own. Yeah. And said, just blurted out in this restaurant quite loud because they've been waiting so long. There's meerkats living in Italy. Yep. To which the seven-year-old who knew a lot more about meerkats sure became quite defensive and and said that's not true that's not true they're all dead yeah um but said mom mom there's no meerkats in italy
Starting point is 01:16:34 tell tell her that there's no meerkats in italy and uh and then they fought they fought and i felt really bad for the mom because it probably lasted like 15 minutes, this argument. Oh, it wasn't a physical fight? No, no, no. It was just like verbal arguing. And then the mom decided to settle it. So she pulled out her iPhone, Googled. Yeah, meerkats in Italy.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Do meerkats in Italy. And said, no, there's no meerkats in italy and said uh no there's there's no meerkats in italy and the four-year-old was you know kind of sad and didn't really know what to say the seven-year-old pounced on it and said see there's no meerkats in italy the phone said so all hail the phone yeah oh wow yeah no what would meerkats even well i mean they maybe they tourists there maybe they summer yeah sure um what um oh weren't there meerkats in under the tuscan sun starring diane lane yeah she got in a car with two meerkats and they they had a love affair yeah um where do meerkats live i don't don't know Graham you have all the answers
Starting point is 01:17:46 You're like our phone Australia Oh good Yeah The outback Good for them Yeah I think they live in just like America
Starting point is 01:17:54 Oh sure Yeah Any town USA Yeah Main street Wall street Yeah Any place that has manors
Starting point is 01:18:01 Yeah Sure They'll live in a place In a manor Now you had a second overheard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This one might get me into trouble. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Sure. But I'm going to say it. Yeah. And this is my first time on the show, so I've never had the opportunity to share it. So this is actually a very old one because people might Google it and and be like that happened several years ago. Sure. Absolutely. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Do you remember when we lost the championship of hockey and people tried to destroy the downtown? Yeah. June 15th, 2011. There you go. Wow. We're almost coming up on the anniversary.
Starting point is 01:18:39 A few weeks. No, I guess a few, like a week before that I was on a bus, a city bus, sitting in the back where I like to sit. Yeah. And there were several teenaged boys, young men sitting in the back having a conversation that you might expect them to have. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:00 And then eventually it turned to hockey and they started talking about the Stanley Cup series and whether Vancouver was going to win and all this sort of thing. And one boy said, you know, if they lose the Stanley Cup, that Gucci store downtown is going to fucking get it. Whoa. Wow. He was right. Yeah. Yeah. And I heard that and I kind of you know disregarded
Starting point is 01:19:27 this comment yeah because what does that even mean well it means he loves hockey yeah and hates gucci or loves gucci and uh but then i mean i don't know specifically if the gucci store got it that that evening i think it did did it yeah i feel like i remember seeing guys with like carrying four gucci bags and being like hey i'm gonna give one to my girlfriend and three for me yeah yeah i'm gonna put pasta in the other thing yeah so yeah basically i it's like that i knew it was gonna happen before it happened but i didn't act on it and you see something say something yeah well this could get you in trouble what was that show not uh not quantum leap but the one with the newspaper oh yeah the guy would get the news the day before it happened what was that show
Starting point is 01:20:15 call in extra extra extra extra today's tomorrow's. Yeah, that's what it was called. I don't know. The man who read tomorrow's news. It was a really short-lived show, wasn't it? It was quite short-lived. They canceled it right away. Well, because, you know, because in the show he cancels his subscription to the newspaper. It's too much responsibility. Yeah, he's like, I read mostly online anyways.
Starting point is 01:20:42 He would write people's wrongs. It was called wrong writer. Yeah, wrong writer. Yeah. Writing wrongs that once went wrong. Well, they went right as a wrong. Yeah. And he was also a writer.
Starting point is 01:20:55 But I feel like I had the same experience because I got the news before. I don't know if you remember, but the headline the day after that happened was Gucci store gets it. Gucci store devastated. But yeah, basically I heard it was going to happen before it happened. Well, it was pretty obvious it was going to happen, win or lose. That all happened right by my work. And it took me 15 minutes to walk a block, like home, walk a block to the. When are they going to make the TV movie about that?
Starting point is 01:21:29 About the riot after the hockey game? Yeah. And it was just people were drunk at two in the afternoon and the game didn't start until five. And it was pretty obvious what was going to go down. I bet it doesn't take very much to start a riot. This is a city where people will riot if Guns N' Roses cancels. Oh, yeah. We did that, too.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of, like, I think that anger must be coming from a different place. Yeah, yeah. Well, people aren't that angry about Gucci. No, I think it's coming, it's sort of like, I equate it to, like, the Arab Spring. Oh, yes. It was our Arab Spring. Yeah. We had, yeah, the Guns N' Roses concert.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Well, they canceled last minute. Yeah, that's true. People had their tickets. Man. How last minute was it? Like night of. Yeah, people were lined up already. People were already lined up.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Okay. You got to do it before they get there. And then they just trashed their basement. Yeah. Tear down their Guns N' Roses poster. Now, is that all the overrides this week? No, Dave. Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:29 No, we have ones that have been written in. If you want to write one into us, you can write it into spy at This first one, it's got a little lead up, but I enjoyed it. It's from Molly B. Unthinkable. Yeah. She's in New York City city she was walking up the really fancy part of madison avenue in new york city when i came up behind a group of about eight women
Starting point is 01:22:52 all looking very posh and dressed up about half of the group crossed the street right before a car came through the intersection causing the other half of the group to hurry back to the sidewalk uh when we all got on the other side of the intersection i heard a woman in the half of the group to hurry back to the sidewalk. When we all got on the other side of the intersection, I heard a woman in the back of the group yell up to the front, Are you trying to take out your entire wedding party, Megan? To which the woman at the front of the pack replied, No. Then quiet her.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Just you. Then she turned to the woman next to her and said, Did you hear that? I said, No. Just you. Pretty she turned to the woman next to her and said, did you hear that? I said, no, just you. Pretty great. I like the idea of a whole wedding party yelling about it so everyone knows, hey, we're a wedding party.
Starting point is 01:23:36 There's eight of us. Isn't it great? Fun. We all have cans on strings dragging behind us saying just married. What if you don't have a car at the end of the wedding? What do you do with those cans
Starting point is 01:23:52 on strings? You just attach them to your butt? Yeah. Just walk up the stairs? Twing-clang. Recycle. Hey, recycle, everybody. This next one comes from Brussels. From Belgium. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Wow. Like the kissing. Home of the Belgium kissing style. Home of the Belgian kiss. What is the London kiss? Oh, it's Rimmel. Yeah, there you go. This is from Bart M.
Starting point is 01:24:23 When I was getting on my flight from Chicago to Brussels, direct. Chicago's a hub. Yeah, absolutely. Also the Windy City. Do you guys know that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of planes aren't able to take off because of windy conditions. I noticed that there were some bros on the plane getting very bro-ish.
Starting point is 01:24:43 They have a special passport. They were getting very bro-ish. They have a special passport. They were getting very bro-ish with each other. The best line I heard was, look bro, I've seen Walker Texas Ranger, okay? I know a roundhouse kick when I see it. Right? Yeah. Where else are you gonna see one? Walker Texas Ranger is Chuck Norris?
Starting point is 01:25:00 Yep. He would punch every episode. Punch and kick every episode. Yeah. Did you ever see Walker, Texas Ranger? Did you ever watch an episode? I did. Yeah, for a time I had several seasons on DVD. Okay. I remember
Starting point is 01:25:15 Conan O'Brien had the lever he would pull. Was that the greatest thing Conan ever did? It was maybe the greatest thing ever. Yeah. I liked the Masturbating Bear. Yeah, M yeah masturbating bear was good pimp bought 5000 was an early actual items were were really great too what oh the fake fake newspaper ads and stuff yeah that was that was great because it was they were absurd but it was also make fun of Jay Leno's bit. Yeah. This is, which is, isn't it weird that Jay Leno was on TV?
Starting point is 01:25:50 Like, now that he's not, it's just like, it feels so natural that he's not. Isn't it weird that he was on for so long? Like, we lived through that period, like the Great Depression. Like, we lived through it. He does seem like a dinosaur. Like, even compared to Letterman, who, compared to everyone else now, seems like a dinosaur. Even compared to Letterman, who compared to everyone else now seems like a dinosaur.
Starting point is 01:26:09 You know how people don't even watch the shows anymore? The next morning it's like, oh, you've got to see this viral clip of Jimmy Fallon's dumb pants. Did he wear some dumb pants? I think he and Jennifer Lopez wore tight pants this week.
Starting point is 01:26:26 That's pretty good. That's pretty funny. Wow. I haven't seen it. Oh, well. And then, but like, and like, Letterman will have a clip occasionally that will like, oh, Dave Chappelle was on Letterman. Yeah, yeah. Have you ever watched this clip?
Starting point is 01:26:43 When was the last time there was ever like, you've got to watch this clip of Jay Leno on the internet? No, never. It's funny. It's weird. Anyways, we got through it together. As a country, as a world, we got through it. This last one is a rarely sent in. Usually, if we ever get these, they're usually phoned in.
Starting point is 01:27:02 But this is an overdreamt. Oh. Which we don't. Sometimes people dream about the podcast, and then they send in their dream in great detail. Wow, that's amazing. This is a dream from Tony M. I had a dream that I was a guest on your show. Yeah, you keep dreaming, buddy.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Amanda Brooke Perrin was a co-host, graham wasn't there well that's not the show you did we just wouldn't do it yeah exactly unless graham was in a coma you did well and that's written into the club that's the emergency clause that's in the it's in our constitution you did the whole show from another room in the house which i kept trying to find as i rode an elevator through your home which was very opulent stone elephants gold statues and leper print things amanda said nothing throughout the show you had it you had a good joke about mighty mouse all right here he comes save the day yeah that's all i could tell you at the end when you posted the episode recap you wrote never. Fans of the show said I was a comic of the same name who performed at the end of biker shows.
Starting point is 01:28:08 What? I have to know. Was it Amanda or me that will never be back? You. Yeah. Yeah, it was you. You spoiled it. Anyways, weird.
Starting point is 01:28:19 That's weird, yeah. I like the elevator going throughout your opulent home. Yeah. Well, we have a leopard room. We have a marble room. We have a floor. You have a lager drink. You have a whiskey drink.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Oh, sure. I also feel like there's a subtext to his email where he's actually, in a way, saying that he dreamt that Graham was either sick or dead. Or just out of the picture. Just gone. And this guy was very kind of, yeah. Yeah. Grahamham what will happen to the podcast if and when one of us dies i think your uh your offspring will have to take over the podcast that's uh their birthright
Starting point is 01:29:01 okay all of this what about yours? My offspring? Yeah. It'll be one of the guys from the band The Offspring. For sure. Noodles. Texture. The other guys. And the rest. Do you know the guy in The Offspring named Noodles isn't the guy that has noodles for
Starting point is 01:29:18 hair? Oh, really? Yeah. The guitar player. That's confusing. Yeah, that's blatantly confusing. Come on, Noodles. That's confusing. Yeah. Yeah, that's blatantly confusing. Come on, noodles.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Throw some noodles for him. Is Dexter, is he the lead singer? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man. In his own mind, he's the dopest trip, right? Is that it? Yeah, yeah. Remember when that song was popular?
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yeah. God, Leno was on TV. That song was popular. It was a great Leno was on TV. That song was popular. It was a great time to be alive. He was pretty fly for a white guy. In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328, like these people have. Hey, Dave.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Hey, Graham. Hey, possible guests. This is Max calling from Victoria, British Columbia. I was just out walking my dog and I walked around the corner and I see a pretty dirty pickup truck. And on the canopy, which is really dirty where you'd usually find somebody has written with their finger, I wish my girlfriend was this dirty,
Starting point is 01:30:21 it just said, I eat farts. I eat farts? Yeah,arts yeah written on that truck yeah not very healthy there's almost no nutrients in farts and yet we continue to jar them well that's for future generations but also he said where you would normally see i wish my girlfriend was this dirty and i've never seen that oh yeah that's for future generations. But also he said where you would normally see, I wish my girlfriend was this dirty. And I've never seen that. Is that a normal thing? Oh, yeah. That's a classic dirty word.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Wow. I've never seen that. That or wash me. Wash me. Wash me I've seen. Yeah. I wish my girlfriend was this dirty is just like. It's like, you know, the 200 level class.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Yeah. Yeah. Just like the, it's just a fun. Whoa. Hey. Just put your mouth on it. Yeah. It's just a fun... Whoa! Hey! Just put your mouth on it. There it is. Wish my girlfriend was that dirty.
Starting point is 01:31:16 We had a beer spill. But that's a normal thing in Victoria. No, just in dirty trucks and vans. Yeah. One time, my overseeing was I saw one that said hashtag dirty van. What was the one that somebody wrote in and they said it was a... I wish my girlfriend was a van. Yeah, I wish my girlfriend was this truck. Or something.
Starting point is 01:31:42 They missed the point. Yeah, it was great. Here's your next phone call. Hey, Dave and Graham. This is Eric from Portland, Oregon, calling in with an overheard. I was waiting in line at a coffee shop, and a guy was talking on his phone,
Starting point is 01:31:55 and I overheard him say, where'd you get those shirts for your kid? Oshkosh B'gosh? That place is dope. Your kid's going to love that shit. Yeah. Oshk going to love that shit. Yeah. Oshkosh B'gosh.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Is that a store? Is there just a brand you would get at like JCPenney? Yeah, it's a brand, but not for kids. There's no adult. Oh, no, yes for kids. Yes for kids. Not for adults. There's no Oshkosh B'gosh biggies. Why not, though?
Starting point is 01:32:21 You grew up on it. You like the looks. Why not? Yeah. When did we get too good for Oshkosh B'gosh? When did we start shopping at The Gap? Yeah. I just got too big for Oshkosh.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I outgrew my suspenders. But if you had an adult choice of an Oshkosh B'gosh, wouldn't you? Yeah. It's a brand you trust. I do trust it. You've trusted it your whole life. Oshkosh B'gosh, call us. We've got plans for you.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Yeah, yeah. We've got big ideas. Expanding outward. You're missing most of the market. Yeah. Adults. I mean, yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:33:00 Yeah. What would you get? Like what? It would be a lot of overalls? Oh, absolutely. I'd get a pair of overalls. I'd get a pair of really colorful shoes. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Some sort of cute socks. Yeah. Like, a shirt that's really tight and shows off my baby belly. Sure. A little sailor suit for grownups. Yeah, some sort of funny hat, like, that looks like a caterpillar. Like, it has little ears on it or something like that. God, the sky's the limit, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Do it, Oshkosh. Come on, Oshkosh Bagosh. You know our number. Let us know yours. Is that how business is done? Do you think? It sounds. Where do you think that name came from?
Starting point is 01:33:41 Oshkosh Bagosh. Right? Well, it was originally, they made it like a sanitized version of Oshkosh for fuck's sake. Yeah, ah, shit. Here is your
Starting point is 01:33:55 final overheard of 2014. Oh, no. Hey, Dave Graham and devastatingly handsome guest. This is Marta calling from Vancouver with an overheard. I was just walking home from the grocery store, and there were three teenage boys tossing a Frisbee to each other, but they were standing weirdly close to each other, like a couple of feet apart.
Starting point is 01:34:16 And I heard one of them say, God, it's such a swag day to toss a disc. Gross. Everything about that's gross. Toss a disc? Swag day to toss a disc. Gross. Everything about that's gross. Toss a disc. Swag. Yeah, swag of the morning to you. And to you, sir. Tossing a disc, are we?
Starting point is 01:34:37 Gross. Swag is a... It's a way to walk. No, that's a swagger. Yeah, I thought swag was a noun, not a... You know what? You give kids an inch. I know.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Right? Then all of a sudden they just reinvent the whole language with swag and this and swag. Shakespeare was the first one to do it. He was our original kid. Yeah. See, in modern vernacular, whatpeare was saying is this is very swag yeah yeah juliet juliet i find you so very swag wherefore art thou tits um now uh this brings us to the end of the show and always at the end of the show if the
Starting point is 01:35:20 guests do you have anything that you would like to plug? A website or just your Twitter handle? Where can people find out more about Sean Devlin if they want to learn? Or do you want them to know less about Sean Devlin? Oh, yeah. We know they can find you at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Where can people find you online if they wanted to? I don't have Twitter. So you're just a ghost, man.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Yeah. You're not for public consumption. This is it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, this is it. Come to listen to the show. Go back and listen. Go back to the beginning.
Starting point is 01:35:57 You guys say you'd give me five bucks if I said that. Yeah, and I think you'll find. Listen to the show. Listen to the show. Now you owe me $20. And I think you'll find... Listen to the show. Listen to the show. Now you owe me $20.
Starting point is 01:36:05 If you go back, I think you'll find some clues that Sean left in the show that'll... He'll show his secret location. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like a Graham base book. Dave, anything? I was on Go Bayside, that podcast. Oh, yeah. I believe that episode is probably out by now.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Who knows? I'm not in charge of that podcast. I'm in charge of this one. That's right. Let's see. What else is going on? Graham's going to be in Toronto. Yep.
Starting point is 01:36:38 From the 1st to the 13th. Now, what's the name of your show at the Fringe? I think, therefore, I'm Graham. I think, therefore, I'm Graham. I think, therefore, I'm Graham. I'm Graham. And that's at the delicious Terragon Room. This venue is getting a lot of play. Well, they should, you know, for being such a spicy.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Do you think it's like, you know how stadiums now, they're all named after a corporation? You think this is on behalf of the tarragon? Just on behalf of some tarragon. The tarragon lobby. Yeah, like it's like the milk lobby or whatever. Some milk lobby. Gross. What are we?
Starting point is 01:37:18 But that's what they are, right? Clockwork Orange. Is that where they went and they would drink their milk? Yeah, yeah If you want to If you want to check out a blog recap Of the podcast After you're done slushing to this episode
Starting point is 01:37:35 Head over and viddy Yeah And it'll have a recap of Pictures and videos of things from today's episode, including... Oh! Picture saved by the bell somewhere. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:37:53 A picture and... Did you take any secret snaps? I did, but I don't know if I'm allowed to post them. Says who? Like, you're not contracted. But, like, I don't know. Maybe my boss will be like, Daveave you uh you got us in a lot of trouble with the the tenant yeah now you're fine yeah you gotta go to the principal's office
Starting point is 01:38:09 it's all right yeah um uh what else did we even talk about oh dude chilling park i'll post a picture of dude chilling park yeah right if you're endeared to your heart handball uh whatever we'll Dude Chilling Park. Yeah. Fear and Dear to Your Heart. Handball. Whatever. We'll see. And thanks, everybody, for listening to the show. If you like the show, tell your friends. And come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Listener supported.

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