Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 379 - Sophie Buddle

Episode Date: June 22, 2015

Sophie Buddle returns to talk Facebook mistakes, baby babble, and obscure wrestlers....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everybody. Uh, we have some bad news. Um, our friend Pat Plaszek, who we were, uh, we did that benefit show for, uh, passed away this week. And, um, we're, we're very sad over here. Yeah. Um, that was. 30, 35? 34.
Starting point is 00:00:23 34. Um, and I've known him for about 30 years and, uh, wow. That's a long time. Yeah. Um, one of the best friends I've ever had. And I think a lot of people felt that way about him. Um, and I just wanted to thank everyone who, uh, sent messages who knew about this. who, uh, sent messages who knew about this.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Um, and, uh, thanks to everyone who came to our benefit show and supported the cause and donated, uh, to his treatment. In the end, he was never well enough to get the treatment. That's right. Um, but, uh, the, I know he was moved by your support and by all these strangers he never met that, that, that, um, were, uh, were, were helping him out. Um, and it makes me happy to know that he, uh, knew how many people cared about him.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Um, and, uh, we just wanted to put this message here because it's happened. It happened this week. this message here because it's happened. It happened this week. Uh, but, uh, I guess we, we have to now transition to a show. Uh, yeah, yeah. Um, uh, and we're pre-taping a whole bunch of episodes. So, uh, uh, I think the next five or six episodes have all ready been recorded before Pat passed away.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Uh, so it might just seem weird if so much time passes before we mentioned it. So, um, we put this here and, rather than, uh, jumping from this, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:56 somber start to a show into, it's still a comedy show. Yeah. Um, I mean, debatable, but right. That's the intention. Yeah intention yeah um we thought uh uh
Starting point is 00:02:08 to change gears uh i'm gonna put a song here uh pat and i played in a band together called the screaming eagles and uh actually when this podcast started i think the first episode maybe the first two episodes uh with the theme song was a song that we had recorded in our band and so i'm gonna put that song here uh from the year 2005 the screaming eagles do do do do do Thank you. We'll be right back. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Woo!
Starting point is 00:05:04 Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 379 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who goes downstairs and loner and pears and makes a shumka-y sound. Mr. Dave Shumka. I thought of that one earlier today. Yeah? And you've been itching to use it. Oh yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Everyone knows it's shumka now graham was in the early days of this podcast it used to be a real bro fest yeah yeah yeah we used to pop a collar uh-huh we would uh yeah we'd play we do men things yeah we play video games yeah we would play would play pool. We would MMA fight. Oh, yeah. Oh, we would frame our sports jerseys. Oh, yeah, absolutely. We'd have neon beer label signs in our man cave. Yeah, we would have man caves.
Starting point is 00:05:57 We would have jalapeno poppers ready to go. Oh, boy, would we ever have a jalapeno popper. We would complain about our wives. Oh, God, yeah. And then we would go on a bro's weekend to Vegas. Uh-huh, and then... Call each other money. Yeah. Yeah. We'd be homophobic. Yeah, Oh, God, yeah. And then we would go on a bros weekend to Vegas. Uh-huh, and then... Call each other money. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:07 We'd be homophobic. Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah. We would, yeah, we would drive by gay bars and yell at people. Yeah, yeah, and burn crosses. Yeah, yeah, we wore Crocs and flip-flops, depending on the season. We had, like, a hate newsletter. Yeah, yeah. Depending on the season. We had a hate newsletter. Yeah. We had crates of Guy Fieri.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I was going to call him Don Fieri. Don Fieri from Mad Men. Don Fieri. Don Fieri's donkey sauce. This was the early days of the show. It was a real estrogen fest. Yeah, yeah. But the men version. And one thing we used to do is we would drink a beer yeah and we would tell you about the beer yeah and you usually i would try to find
Starting point is 00:06:52 an interesting like kind of a weird but we like not that we knew anything about beer or anything but then today i saw the uh the local steamworks brewery has killer cucumber ale. So I bought it and we're going to take our sips together. Here we go. Refreshing. Oh yeah! Takes a second but then you're like yup. Oh yeah. It's like if you go to like a Lebanese
Starting point is 00:07:21 restaurant and instead of lemon in the water they put cucumber. Yeah I think this is going to count towards my vegetable count for the year. You want to take a sip? No. No, I'm okay. That's our guest, a returning guest to the podcast. Very funny. Former youngest guest ever on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:37 No longer. Now the oldest guest on the podcast. How did that happen? Yeah. Damn you, gypsies curse. Older. Miss Sophie Buttle is our guest. Hello.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Hi, Sophie Buttle. Welcome. Thank you. Welcome back, I should say. Oh, yes, you should. Do you want to get to know us? I do. Get to know us. Yeah, so you're not drinking it, you're just drinking some plain water. Yeah, water straight up.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Fair enough. Yeah, that's what the youngest, second youngest guests ever have to do now. Yeah. Strict drinking laws in the basement of the Shumka residence. Uh-huh. It's, Dave got a special permit to apply his own drinking age. Well, every time we do the podcast graham and i have to put on wristbands and then we id that's why you have to sit on that side of the table because
Starting point is 00:08:34 over on this side is licensed though yeah um have you um you've done you did stand up when you were very young right Yeah Were there any Like weird laws You had to follow To be in bars You would think so But I lied about my age So they did not apply to me
Starting point is 00:08:51 Ah So Yeah Just lie about your age Yeah Any kids listening The key is confidence Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:59 Or just be on the show Yeah Yeah And yeah Well Yeah exactly If you're on the show They just assume All the And yeah, well, yeah, exactly. If you're on the show,
Starting point is 00:09:05 they just assume all the assumptions kind of build up. The doorman is like, oh, then someone must have vouched for you. Nope. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It's like that guy who bought that hockey team that everybody was like, well, somebody must have done the checking on this. And he was 15 as well? Yeah, he was a 15-year-old. Well, he inherited it.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah. From his grandpa. He just had to spend one night in a haunted stadium? So, now it's been almost a year since we had you on. Yeah. You've been traveling around. You've been doing stand-up of all sorts.
Starting point is 00:09:41 You got a new roommate. Fine Noodle. Yeah, her friend is well, you explain it. What did you say, Fine Noodle. Yeah, as, uh, her friend is, uh, well, you explain it. What did you say? Fine Noodle? It's her name. That's her nickname. It's not really Fine Noodle, is it?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Her name. It's her name. Well, uh, it started as just Noodle, and then Graham actually made it Fine Noodle. Yeah, because, well, because she, she that she was Named Noodle because Because her body is noodley No but then she said But also I like noodles Also she likes noodles
Starting point is 00:10:10 And then I was like What kind of noodles do you like And then she said Fine noodles I like That should be your nickname then Fine noodles So okay What are fine noodles
Starting point is 00:10:18 Like an angel hair Yes exactly an angel hair I think that might have been Or a vermicelli Vermicelli is what our household usually. Oh, we also live together. Yes. Yeah, we know.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Oh, I thought you just said friend. I thought you just said friend. I'm not great with the listening. But like, what about her body is noodley? And I know nothing about this woman. I've never seen her before. I'm very attracted to the idea of a noodley. She's a gorgeous girl.
Starting point is 00:10:44 She has noodley arms. But like ravioli? Like bow ties. Yeah, she's got bow tie arms. Oh, that would be weird. She's like kind of tall and lanky and white. Yeah. Oh, yeah, kind of like a noodle.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Oh, okay. Not yellow. Or, yeah, kind of like a noodle. Oh, okay. Yeah. Not yellow. They're soft. No. Like a pasta noodle. She really softens up when you put her in boiling water. Is she al dente?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, she's great with a little bit of salt. You really want the water to be very salty. You want it to taste like the sea. I'm not joking. That's actually how you're supposed to do it. Yeah, that is how you're supposed to do it. I watched a guy. I would never joke about that.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I watched a guy make like fresh, I've never seen that before. Somebody made fresh pasta and throw it right in the water. Yeah. And he took it for like a second. Yeah. Mmm, yum.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Sounds really good. All really short cooking times. I don't know. Like all my life I've only eaten dry pasta reanimated by water. I want a soft pasta
Starting point is 00:11:58 that's just been thrown in. Sometimes at Whole Foods you can get the, well, someone at Whole Foods made it. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's good enough. Yeah, and it's still got yeah and it's still got flour on it yeah guys yeah yeah that's all you need I guess I don't know I've never had it oh I just go to Whole Foods to breathe on the window but you seem like
Starting point is 00:12:15 somebody who would make uh do an attempt at making your own pasta it's pasta oh yeah thank you um no I do like to cook But there are some things That I'm just like Well why It's so This thing is so easy And it counts as cooking
Starting point is 00:12:30 Like it's not like I microwaved a pasta No that's true Our American listeners Are eating their hats Yeah they hate the way We pronounce pasta They're eating their Stetsons
Starting point is 00:12:40 How do we say it We say pasta Like pass But they say pasta. Oh, well, I guess no one's going to pass any pasta to them. Exactly. Yeah, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:52 But how can they? They can't have a restaurant called Hasta B Pasta. Hasta B, Hasta La Pasta. American dream, my ass. Yeah. So, yeah, what's been going on the last year? Since we last visited. Yeah, what are the 365 things that happened to you?
Starting point is 00:13:14 I went grocery shopping. Okay. I'm single for the first time. Ever? Yeah. Yeah, she was a child bride. Single for the first time as an adult. As an adult, yes.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And is it the best? Is it the worst? Is it in the middle somewhere? It's the best, but I embarrass myself all over town, which makes it. How doing what? Oh, just like drooling. You don't have to be single to do that. Oh, I do.
Starting point is 00:13:48 No, just like, you know when you open your mouth because you're smiling at someone and a lot of drool comes out? I do that a lot. No, I don't know that. Oh, that's my move. So, wait, you're staring at somebody that you like and then you smile and drool comes out of your mouth?
Starting point is 00:14:03 Well, yeah, it only happened once. Yeah, are you in a high school and are there somewhere, are you somewhere where desks are set up and you look over? No,
Starting point is 00:14:13 I bring my desk from home. And like, have you been, you've been going on dates? Been going on dates. Are men, do men find you noodley enough? Not,
Starting point is 00:14:24 not hard noodle. Like, men prefer harder noodles, I believe. Okay. on dates. Do men find you noodley enough? Not hard noodle. Men prefer harder noodles, I believe. What kind of noodle are you? I'm not going to say what men like. What type of noodle, if you had to pick, and you do? Macaroni. Macaroni? Especially this part.
Starting point is 00:14:39 The elbow. No doubt. All the joints. In general, it's fun to be a single lady in the city. I got a little or a lot day drunk with my friend a couple weeks ago. And there was this guy, I used to work at Starbucks. And there was a guy that was cute. He would come in sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And he added me on Facebook out of nowhere. Oh, wow. Yeah. That's bold. Yeah, it was pretty bold. And we were looking through his profile photos, and we got pretty far back. Yeah. How far back?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Real far. Real far back. World War II. This is us going over the top. Well, we got pretty far back. And we found a photo of him and his ex-girlfriend. And I should add that I don't have the Facebook app on my phone because there's not enough memory. So it's just in Safari.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Okay, sure. But what happens, the reason this is relevant is because it makes it too easy to tag people in photos. If it detects that there's a face, it'll give you the option to tag really easily. Oh. So we got to his ex-girlfriend, and I tagged myself as his ex-girlfriend. That's a real power move.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And then we couldn't figure out how to undo it, so I had to block and delete him. Goodbye forever. real power move. No, and then we couldn't figure out how to undo it, so I had to block and delete them
Starting point is 00:16:03 by forever. What's the emoji for drool? What were you trying to tell me by tagging yourself as my ex-girlfriend? Oh, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Oh, wow. Complicated. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a complicated girl. I have found on Twitter that you can, my thumbs are now in the place that will accidentally follow someone. Oh, I've done that. And then I'll get it.
Starting point is 00:16:38 But interestingly, not me. Well, no. Because it has to be, it's usually going through, hey, who liked my tweet? Oh, I accidentally followed it. Oh, I don't even notice. And then I'll get an email similar to Jeff. Hey, you might be interested in these people.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Why? Yeah. It's been a while since I've done like any kind of call on uh facebook or well facebook i don't care about i don't see anybody's stuff i just don't follow if somebody's posting annoying things but on uh twitter i haven't like gone through who i'm following and saying like how are how are this year's tweets You know, do like a performance evaluation at the end of every year. Or someone that I hate following. Like, oh no, this
Starting point is 00:17:29 person is prospering too much. Like, they don't get that I'm sarcastically following them. Yeah. And they just keep releasing movies.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Who do you, is there anybody? Frank D'Angelo. Canadian. I follow Donald Trump and a lot of his. Oh, have you told that story on the podcast? The Donald Trump tweeting story? I think so.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I think you did. Yeah, where I told, where I said, hey, I think, maybe it's just me, but I think Donald Trump's really nice. Then he retweeted it. And so many people wrote back to me saying no no i have evidence to the contrary um but yeah he just retweets uh all day and night like he'll retweet at four in the morning so there's like somebody's working on his account or whatever and it's just uh all these people asking him to run for president which is uh not a thing that he's ever going to do. No. I mean, it would be the best. Yeah. If he won.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Oh, it would be the best and funniest. Because he's got no plans for fixing the country. Yeah. But they're all like, we assume you can. If you can build a building, surely you can run a country. Anyways. Buildings are the countries of the city. That's his campaign slogan Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah Do you hate follow anybody on Twitter? You Ouch I had that I really set myself up for that No I don't I think I don't think I follow anybody ironically
Starting point is 00:19:02 You should You gotta give it a whirl Okay I will. Pick like a, it's just like an outspoken idiot. Yeah. Someone who's got a lot of opinions and is wrong all the time. I got to retweet something last night that, I don't know why. Did you say you got to retweet something last night?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah, yeah. You had the privilege? I had the privilege. I was allowed to man my own Twitter account. Oh, you got promoted. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Usually it's your street team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And I retweeted something by Chad Lowe. Wasn't he an actor? Yeah, he was married to... Was he the one who was married to... A Million Dollar Baby? Oh, yeah. That sounds right. Yeah, he was married to, was he the one who was married to a million dollar baby? Oh, yeah, that sounds right. Yeah, he was married to Clint Eastwood. That was very controversial that they were married before it was legal in the States.
Starting point is 00:19:57 No, what's her name? Heather. Why don't I just say it? Funkface. Heather. May not have been it. Josephine. She was the new karate kid. Funk face. Heather. Yeah, may not have been it. Josephine. She was the new karate kid.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Randall. Heidi. No, you're young. The only karate kid you know is Jaden Smith. There's so much more than just that. So anyway, she won an Oscar and thanked everyone but him.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Oh, really? Yeah. Even though they were married? Yeah. Woof. Not on purpose. No, no, but still. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 You know, write it on your hand. You know, wear something on your hand. A wedding ring, something to remind you. That's why my wedding ring is red elastic. It's supposed to be a red string. Darn it. But it was so good. But you like to be a red string. Darn it. But it was so good. But you like to get your fingertips purple.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah. I did like that a lot. So, single in the city, brand new roommate. Yeah. Working at... Hillary Swank. Hillary Swank. There we go.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Not Heather anything. You were working at a juice place. I don't know if that's still a going concern. Still there. What juice place? It's called Just Juice. Okay. Just Heather anything. You were working at a juice place. I don't know if that's still a going concern. Still there. What juice place? It's called Just Juice. Okay. Just called juice.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Okay. I waited in line for juice today. And? Not worth it. Like the juice wasn't worth it or just the wait? Like it was just like nonsense. I don't want to get into it. We're talking about your juice. Yeah. Just Juice. do you do at just juice you're the juicer i just
Starting point is 00:21:30 are you friend of friend of house everybody does does everything okay yeah my boss got annoyed with me today because before i came here i had to drop off my key for the closer okay and i went in and i made a smoothie and i took it and i was leaving and my boss was like, oh, are you going to pay for that? I was like, no, bye. And then I left. And I got a pretty angry text from him. Are you supposed to pay for smoothies?
Starting point is 00:21:52 If you're not working. Oh, come on. Yeah, come on. You had to come by to drop off the key for Curious Edgewick, the closer. Okay, here's my juice. No, do you remember that time i did a juice cleanse yeah yeah oh
Starting point is 00:22:08 how much did you poo a lot no no let's not i didn't i didn't make it through the first day i was starving there was not enough stuff in the juice yeah it was like i should have put little corn pops in it yeah yeah But little hamburgers. Hamburger chunks. Yeah, this is carrot juice, but it's got boiled hamburger in it. And I think the problem was all the juices that they gave me were like celery juice and celery light. Yeah, friends of celery. It was not, it wasn't anything. It was not tasty. celery light. Yeah, friends of celery.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It was not, it wasn't anything. It was not tasty and it was hard to drink and it didn't fill me up at all. And by the end of the day, I was like, I would have done better just starving myself. Just not eating for the whole day. Yeah. Yeah. And, but the juice place, they have a location right by my office. Yeah. So I went the other day and they had this delicious like strawberry and lemon juice.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah. And I was like, oh, that was great. I will gladly pay $8 for a bottle of that. Don't tell my grandparents. They don't know what money is worth. And then, uh, today I got one that was like they didn't have the good one so i had to get like a turmeric oh no turmeric and celery um now what's uh what's the number one like most popular juice the the green thumb the green thumb what's that kale
Starting point is 00:23:40 it has kale kale celery um cucumber celery, cucumber, coconut water. Is it a thick or is it juicy or is it smoothie? It's juicy. We also have a smoothie. And I keep telling my boss we should change the title to not just juice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's getting really frustrated. Seems like you can find a way to get under his skin every day.
Starting point is 00:24:03 He's really tired of my hair. Whether it's by stealing from them or mocking the name of the business. Speaking out of turn. Oh, I do not know my place at all. But everyone does everything, so. Yeah. Sometimes you're the manager. Yeah, sometimes I think I'm the boss.
Starting point is 00:24:19 It's confusing. And he makes you really mad. Yeah, you text him. Now, is it one of these cold press juice places? It is cold press. Yeah, yeah. See, because I just learned that. That's the only thing they have for juices.
Starting point is 00:24:36 But isn't blender, isn't that a choice for juice? But they do smoothies. Oh. So that's what, if you blend it, it's smoothie. I don't want to explain it because it's so boring. No, no, not to me. I'm fascinated. But like there's no, they don't do hot press juices.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Well, the difference. Maybe a factory would. The reason it's cold pressed is because the juicer doesn't make any heat. So it keeps the enzymes alive in the fruit for longer. But for the ones where they juice it as you order it, there's a lot of heat. So you get less nutrients unless you drink it right away. Ah, there you go. So if I get the pre-made stuff, that's where it's at in terms of living things?
Starting point is 00:25:14 No, the stuff I get on the... Just get Sunny Delight. Yeah, just Minute Maid is just as good. It doesn't matter. I do feel like there's... Is there any difference between Minute Maid and this $8 juice? Probably, yeah. In a blind taste test, though, nobody would know.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Well, no, they'd be like, this Minute Maid is delicious, is what they'd say. They'd say the one on the right is on the right. When I went to Palm Springs a few months ago, there was a juicer in the place. And the lady in charge of it was like, someone pointed out the juicer. And the lady was like, oh, I'll bring over a bunch of oranges. And we had fresh squeezed orange juice and it was the greatest. Like, you get, they sell fresh squeezed orange juice.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It's not as good as actual. No, I would. I'd get fresh, but I'm not rich. You know what I mean? I gotta get old squeezed. I look on the label when was this squeezed is this cold pressed or is it caliente
Starting point is 00:26:10 yeah this was pressed with an iron we used a hot iron to squeeze it it ruined my shirt contains no enzymes alright I'm interested I had a every morning I drink kefir what's that
Starting point is 00:26:29 it's like a yogurt drink i drink a yogurt drink isn't it it's i drink a whiskey drink it's pronounced is it kefir is how it's pronounced it's got an accent a goo on the heifer sutherland sure yeah um yeah i'm sure it's kefir. Fine. Whatever. And on the side of the bottle, it says, this contains one million bacteria. Bleh! Throw it out! Which is like, that's the one, like, speaking of don't tell my grandparents. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yeah. Like, okay, why can't you just lick a kitchen counter then? Exactly. You know what I mean? Because they always say, oh, there's so much bacteria on a telephone or something. Just lick your phone. Yeah. Or a penny.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. Oh, thank you. Yeah, just suck on a penny. I feel like we're being duped, you know? There's bacteria everywhere. Yeah. And tons of drops to drink. So we don't need to worry about paying $8 for no juice.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Is that how much juice goes for? Oh, yeah. Do people who about paying $8 for no juice. Is that how much juice goes for? Oh, yeah. Do people who are paying $8 for juice tip? Sometimes. Well, is it, I wonder if there are two juice places side by side. I bet people would go to the more expensive one just because it was more expensive. Just because that's what juice people do. Oh, yeah. Like if there was, yeah. yeah oh i'm going to the nine dollar juice place
Starting point is 00:27:48 not me i'm going to the place where that guy doesn't even wear his shoes because they're filled with juice yeah i mash it with my feet it's the most natural juice in town yeah oh yes there's more bacteria in my juice than anywhere else. You can compare my juice to my toilet. So, so working, single lady in the city,
Starting point is 00:28:16 new roommate. Yeah. Anything else? What else is shaking? I went on the road with Dino, past guest Dino Archie. Ah, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah. How was that? It was good. We were calling it the struggle tour because. Because he knows what that means. Seems like a word he would use. Yeah. Yeah, he loves using the word struggle.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah. And was it good? It was fun? It was good. It was not fun. Why? Tell us. Where did you go?
Starting point is 00:28:44 We did just BC. So we went to Quesnel. Why? Tell us. Where did you go? We did just BC. So we went to Quesnel. All the hot spots. AKA Quiznel. And we did Kelowna and Kamloops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And? And that's the thing. No but. And? And what happened to the shows? They were pretty bad. They weren't fun at all.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah. But it was fun to hang out with Dino. Yeah, that's the road. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the road as, that's pretty much it. It's all, you know, the shows are bad.
Starting point is 00:29:15 If you're lucky you're with somebody you like. Yeah. And the food is horrible. Oh, food was, I gained a few pounds. Ah, but you work at a juice place, you'll be fine. I don't drink it. Do you tell customers that when they come in? What's better?
Starting point is 00:29:30 McDonald's. Have you heard of a McFlurry? Yeah, I like to plug McDonald's whenever I can. Have you heard of a McFlurry? It's kind of like a juice, but awesome. You have to use a spoon to eat it. Yeah, it's like a juice with chunks of rollo in it.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I've been telling the boss we need to get a rollo juice. He's angry. Keep getting all these texts. So you did the road. Would you go back on the road? Yeah. Yeah, because
Starting point is 00:30:02 they give you cash money. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Because they give you cash money. Oh, okay. Yeah. Fair enough. Is that the first time that you've been out on the road? Well, I also went out before with a past ex-Christian. You crossed the street before, right? A few times.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Okay. Yeah. You've been on a road. Yeah. Some have compared me to a chicken. Sure, yeah. Oh, I see it. But yeah, going out.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Our apartment is called Chicken Noodle Soup. That's pretty great. That's pretty good, yeah. You have a chickeny body. Is this your first? Fine chicken. Fine noodle. Is this your first roommate-roommate that you've ever had?
Starting point is 00:30:51 No, I lived first with a Japanese man, and then... How did that happen? And then an Australian man. And then my boyfriend, and then now noodle. So who are these Japanese and Australian men? Oh, they're just my old roommates, you know. Just guys you used to know? Yeah, no, we were not romantically together.
Starting point is 00:31:14 They just were also in my home. Hmm. But how did that happen? Well, when I first moved here, I moved in with the Japanese guy. It was his apartment. And then he moved back to Japan And I had to fill his room So I put out a Craigslist ad And there was an Australian guy
Starting point is 00:31:31 I was like okay Yeah Like was he the first guy Who came in And you were like Yep good enough Fine You exist
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah You exist and you have Cash money Don't mind if I didgeridoo Oh yeah Trying to get a sleep at night. Very difficult. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 It's daytime where I'm from. You don't have any babies, do you? Because I'm going to dingo. No, I'm building into love pets. Poor baby. And then he went back to Australia?
Starting point is 00:32:09 Is that what happened? I think he got deported. Okay, all right. Yeah, they charged in for seeing the morning kick down our door. I don't really remember. I don't remember. Was that not scary at all? As a 19-year-old gal just living with some strange dude?
Starting point is 00:32:27 No, it was okay. It was all right? It was pretty chill. Yeah? Yeah. All right. I take your word for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yeah. I haven't done anything really chill my whole life. Yeah. Yeah. Me neither. Maybe I should chill out. Maybe I should move to Australia. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:32:43 That seems where all the chill people are. I could sort them out. Their motto is no worries. They got no worries. Hakuna Matata. Hakuna Matata. Is that them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Has Disney done an Australian movie? They've done one on every other continent. Huh. I don't think so. It's probably too expensive to get them. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, the animators don't want to make the flight.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Because they have to animate it in the country. They want it to be authentic. Yeah, I'm trying to think of white countries. Has there been a Russian? Anastasia. That's not Disney. Is it not Disney? It was Bluth.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Like from... From Arrested Development. Is it Bluth? Was that their name? Yeah. It's the Bluth. Oh. Hmm. Like from... From Arrested Development. Is it Bluth? Was that their name? Yeah. It's the Bluth family. But in the animation one. They did like Fern Gully.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Oh, that company. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It looked very Disney though. It did. And it was like, it was sort of a Belle Beauty and the Beast ripoff. Yeah. But with Meg Ryan.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Rasputin. Oh, wow. Was Rasputin in that one? I've never seen it. I've never seen that either. He's a bad guy. Yeah. He did the voice of Anastasia.
Starting point is 00:34:01 It's weird when a non-Disney company makes a cartoon movie because there's only a few yeah and they american tale remember that one was that not disney no that was uh you know jerry brockheimer i don't i don't remember who it was but it was yeah an american tale was a not disney and iron giant that was not disney and then, I guess, Anastasia. And all the DreamWorks ones. Oh, yeah. And then, you know, the crazy pervert Harvey Pekar. Or not Harvey Pekar.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Robert Crumb. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Prince of the Cat. Was that not Disney? No. Well, maybe it was. Maybe it was a subsidiary of Disney. I thought I remembered Disney had a lot of, like,
Starting point is 00:34:41 ladies with big thighs and, like like nipples visible through their shirts. Yeah. Were you a cartoon fan growing up? Yeah. Still am. I was only allowed to watch Simpsons
Starting point is 00:34:53 until I was like five because my dad's weird. Wait a minute. So your dad would let you only watch the Simpsons no other cartoons? Well no kids shows. How come?
Starting point is 00:35:05 He thought that they were too stupid. I think he just didn't want to watch them. Oh, yeah. I think that's what it is. Here's the thing. Here's some made up reasons, but we're watching The Simpsons. This is close enough to a kids show. Yeah, there's colors.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah, I guess. Do you think that's why you're funny and stuff? Yeah. Is your dad funny? My dad thinks he's funny. Oh, there and stuff? Yeah. Is your dad funny? My dad thinks he's funny. Oh, there you go. Yeah. Well, is he all dad jokes?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Well, his favorite joke is if he's at the grocery store or something and then the girl tells him, oh, have a nice day. He says, don't tell me what to do. And then we laugh every time. That's a good one. Yeah. I have a roommate that uses the same line. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Do you live with my dad? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He's the uses the same line. Yeah. Yeah. Do you live with my dad? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He's the upstairs guy. Oh, okay. He only lets me watch The Simpsons. What are other good dad jokes? I need to learn these.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Oh, that's nacho cheese. Oh, what's another one? The one I always remember. Well, I mean, there's like, uh, give me back my son when they, uh, deliver like a, when they bring food and it's like a lot of food, uh, like a whole pizza and you say, uh, Oh, what are you guys going to eat? Oh, that's pretty good. Um, or if your kid orders, if you're at a restaurant what are you guys going to eat? Yeah. Oh, that's pretty good. Or if your kid orders, if you're at a restaurant and your kid orders something to drink, and then you say two straws.
Starting point is 00:36:32 That's a funny one. Like a romantic thing with your kid? No, but like you're going to share. We're going to share that drink. I don't think you're ready to be a father, Graham. No. I don't know, Dan. I don't know how they work Push your kid over
Starting point is 00:36:46 And be like See you next fall Have a nice trip Yeah Don't forget to fall back I can't find Who made Anastasia Sullivan Bluth
Starting point is 00:36:58 Studios Okay Don Bluth Huh The Bluths Yeah Bluthco Oh they made dragon's lair the video game oh i remember that yeah yeah land before time oh i loved the land before time all dogs go to heaven
Starting point is 00:37:14 rock-a-doodle oh i remember rock-a-doodle yeah he was like an elvis chicken a troll in Central Park? No, I don't know it. A troll in Central Park? Question mark? No. Okay. No, we had fun. Land Before Time? Really? That feels like it was before your time. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:37:34 The Land Before Time was before your time. The thing about non-Disney movies is they're permanently unvaulted. That's true. Don't put it in the Mickey Mouse shaped vault. No. that's true don't put it in the Mickey Mouse shape vault no
Starting point is 00:37:44 um but like uh yeah cause was that where would you have seen those I had a bunch of them
Starting point is 00:37:52 on VHS yeah ah VHS they're um evergreen you can watch them whenever
Starting point is 00:37:59 kids don't need like think about animated movies is people are like oh like grown ups who love going to see whatever Pixar movies now are like, I can't wait to have kids so they can see Cars 2. There was, I was doing research for like the debaters. I was trying to find what movies had the most sequels of, uh, any movies.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And, uh, Land Before the Time is, was way up there because they just kept making them, I guess, on VHS. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Just like they do now with, like, Bring It On and American Pie. Exactly. But there's, I don't know, there's some, uh, uh, some Chinese movie that had 143 sequels. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Are all the James Bond ones considered sequels? It's a gray area. But, yeah, it's all the same character, right? He just never ages. Or he ages 10 years at a time and then goes back. Yeah. What is the, yeah, like somebody said they were going to try and figure out a link between all the James Bonds.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Well, don't. Yeah, I don't know. But, you know, I feel like there's just people on the internet that want to do that kind of stuff. Oh, it seems very busy. What? To, like, just try and connect them all?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Like a lot of busy work, yeah. Yeah. But that would be a great summer job if somebody's like, connect all the James Bonds. Yeah, but... All right. Who's paying you?
Starting point is 00:39:21 The Bluth Company. Oh, that's good. They're planning on making an animated James Bond movie. We can't call it that, though. Yeah. It's called Spy Man. Spy starring Melissa McCarthy.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Oh, yeah. She's going to be in a... She's our new comedy summer blockbuster. Yeah. Yeah. Move over Adam Sandler, is what I say. Move over quite a bit. Yeah. Yeah, Move over Adam Sandler, is what I say. Mm-hmm. Move over quite a bit. Yeah, and they keep moving.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Ooh, are there summer comedy blockbusters? Of course there are. Yeah. Yeah, there's always a Bridesmaids or a... But I feel like she's it. Like, she's the... Because last year it was the one where she goes on the road. Tammy.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Tammy. Did you see Tammy? That wasn't a block... No one saw Tammy. Huge hit. No, it was not. It was. Did you see Tammy? That wasn't a block. No one saw Tammy. Huge hit. No, it was not. It was. Did you see it?
Starting point is 00:40:08 No, I didn't see it. But I know that I was like, I remember Googling it because I was like, oh, I'm going to make a snarky tweet now that I'm operating my own Twitter account about Tammy. And then I saw that it was like a huge success. And I was like, well, in my face, I guess.
Starting point is 00:40:28 And then she was in The Heat. Yeah. And that was a huge, that was a summer one. I like that one. And then, you know, what's the other one?
Starting point is 00:40:34 What? I don't know what comedies are coming out. Identity Thief. She was in Identity Thief. Oh yeah. I bet you that was a hit too. She makes all these, she makes like two movies a year
Starting point is 00:40:43 and she's still on Mike and Molly, apparently. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Yeah. Like, that's the kind of thing where it should have gone off the air when she became a giant star. No, I don't think anybody makes that kind of, you know, that crazy Jim Carrey money anymore. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:41:00 You know? Like, I think, like, you'd get paid a couple million to make a big movie. I think you're wrong. Yeah, I hope I'm wrong, but why is she still on Mike and Molly? Surely they could have found somebody to fill in for her. I've never seen Mike and Molly. Is it good? Is she on it because she loves it?
Starting point is 00:41:16 It's great. Yeah, it's a real passion piece. Okay, I gotcha. She plays Molly. I guess. I don't know. I've never seen it. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Who watches Mike and Molly mom i don't even know what the uh conceit is i assume there are two people that mike is a cop yeah he does most of the acting in the show is she a criminal she's an identity thief i think he does most of the acting in the show i don't think she's in it very much now that she's a movie star. Well, off I go to work. Yeah, it's him just Skyping, but you don't see her side of it. Okay. Sounds good, Mike.
Starting point is 00:42:01 They just leave it to him to fill the half hour. They don't even write it. Oh, wow. I'd watch that show. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what she's... I don't know what her whole deal is, man. But she's doing great. And the other guy, Mike,
Starting point is 00:42:18 he's doing fine as well. Yeah, he's got a TV show. Yeah. What if they were like, uh, well, she wants to leave the show, but we still have this slot, and we already have the sets built. Can we just call the show Mike? The weird thing is
Starting point is 00:42:33 they have commercials for it. Yeah. And she's not even like the star of the commercials. Like, it's pretty evenly Mike and Molly. Like, you would think, like think like hey there's a tv show every week that has a giant movie star on it yeah yeah what that's weird also uh it's all canon all of her characters exist in the mike and molly universe they're building a universe out of uh
Starting point is 00:43:01 melissa mccarthy and it's all, it's like the Avengers. She, characters from other movies, like the character from The Heat, will appear in the spy one. Yeah. In the spy one. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Guys, can we not? Can we not?
Starting point is 00:43:21 Can we not? Oh, someone online was making, like, they isolated from every episode. Not quite every episode, but they're working on it. The ways that you introduce me at the beginning of every show. Oh, yeah. What I would like to hear is someone make a super cut of when you say, Dave, what's going on with you? And me saying, not a heck of a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Or whatever it is I say. Here's what's going on with me. I'm a dad of a baby. Congratulations. Thanks. I've known for a long time. I know, but it feels like you should have told me. I only found out today.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And here's what's going on with the baby. She is now saying consonants. So these oohs and ahs are now goos and guhs. That's fun. Yeah, it's fun. And then soon she'll be saying continent. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you think her first continent will be? I'm hoping it's a consonant.
Starting point is 00:44:24 No, but what do you think? She's going to? I'm hoping it's a consonant. No, but what do you think? She's going to say North America? No, Australia, probably. She's so chill. Oh, she is chill. Yeah, she's super chill. Were we calling Australia Oceania at any point?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Were we? Yeah. Oh, the country is Australia. The continent is Oceania. Yeah, I feel like that was a thing at some point. I used to play Top Spin, the tennis Xbox game. Okay. And one of the continents was Oceania. What is it?
Starting point is 00:44:53 Oceanus. Oh. Actually, I think Oceanus is like a body shop. Perfume. No, it's not. It absolutely is. Prove me wrong. You're not going to be able to find it tonight.
Starting point is 00:45:10 So yeah, that's great. She says, it's like, it's only been like a week of this, of consonants. So it's like, she'll say dada, but she's not saying it about me. No, but she's talking about your dada plan. Yeah, she's like, what are you. No, but she's talking about your data plan.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah, she's like, what are you paying? You're getting screwed. What, roaming charges? And I think the only word that I've caught that could possibly be a word that she says is gahool. From that owl movie? From the Legends of the Guardians. Yeah, yeah. The Owls of Cahool Cahool
Starting point is 00:45:45 She's a big fan of that right You When When Abby was pregnant She used to put headphones on And just Play the movie Play the DVD
Starting point is 00:45:54 Yeah Oh wow And the other thing is She's like Eating more solid foods Sure And Oh so she's not on a juice cleanse
Starting point is 00:46:03 She's not on a juice cleanse She She's not on a juice cleanse. She was on a milk cleanse for months. I would go on a milk cleanse. I would for sure go on a milk cleanse. Like you're only allowed to drink chocolate milk, I assume. Various milks for various times of the day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Goat's milk, chocolate milk.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Oh, goat's milk. Butter milk. That's a rude awakening. And then skim Yeah why not Skim Well skim just Tastes like water
Starting point is 00:46:28 Right It's fine Yeah it's okay You need it You need skim After all that goat And butter milk Have butter milk
Starting point is 00:46:36 For dinner Then a sensible Skim milk Before bed Yeah And then die Two weeks later Have some of this
Starting point is 00:46:44 Kefir Would you call it? Kefir? Kefir? Kefir. Yeah. Yeah, so she's eating solid food now. And Abby usually, she'll do it when I'm at work, and then she'll try to save one for when I'm home.
Starting point is 00:47:00 But sometimes she can't, and she'll just feed her you know she'll she'll sit her in her high chair put uh uh whatever the tray out in front sure and just trough yeah and give the baby like you know sliced up uh little bits of fruit some like some stuff she cooks because the baby can't you know eat an apple no uh uh some stuff she doesn't some stuff she'll because a baby can't eat an apple. No. Some stuff she doesn't. Some stuff she'll just give her like yogurt. Like the kid will eat a whole thing of yogurt.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Oh, yeah. She loves yogurt. Oh, I saw the Facebook photo where she's covered completely with yogurt. Yeah. I feel like we're missing out on, here's a theory, guys. Because babies just rub food all over themselves. And they got the smoothest skin. Are we missing out by not slopping a little around our face during dinner?
Starting point is 00:47:50 You're probably missing out, but I will say babies don't have beards. Go on. Babies don't have nearly as much oil in their face. Yeah. Babies also don't have, um, they started out that way. Like they, they never, like before they were putting food on their face, they, they already had great skin. Oh, that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:11 But see, like, is it not making it better? Although it's. We're always trying to get back to baby skin, right? When you are, when the baby's got like cradle cap or acne, uh, when they're born, they're like, just put some breast milk on it. Oh, really? Breast milk and coconut oil are the two things they tell you to rub on a baby.
Starting point is 00:48:31 But you know, you'll see a baby just rub like a half an avocado into their face. And then you buy something from the store and it says it's got avocado in it. Yeah, you can make a pretty good homemade face mask with avocado. Right?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah. So what do babies know that we don't know? Nothing. Oh, that should be a pop-up on the internet. This baby knows something that dermatologists hate. What's the one that I always see that's like, I wonder if people in the other parts of the world are seeing it, but it's about a Canadian skinny pill.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Oh, it's called speed. Oh, wow. So, yeah, but the thing about the baby eating food is, how often do you sweep your house? I mean, I'd probably be the wrong guy to ask that question. I would say that I do not own a broom. Great, I asked a slob and a 20 year old well i think you can safely do it like weekly is probably fine sure uh depending on how much
Starting point is 00:49:38 you know hardwood or or tile or linoleum you have. Yeah. Um, uh, maybe a little less, maybe every five days. Now that we have the baby who's just throwing food everywhere. It's daily. I know the other day when I was here, uh, she was throwing around angel hair pasta. You were like,
Starting point is 00:49:58 no, it was vermicelli. It was vermicelli. You were like, uh, I think we're going to cancel this. Cause it's sticking to everything. Like just sticking everywhere.
Starting point is 00:50:07 And she didn't enjoy it. No, no, no. Grandpa loved it. Yeah. Oh, man. He must just be having the time of his life. Yeah. And yet he's losing weight.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Really? Yeah. Not a lot. He's fine. Yeah. He still looks pretty firm. He's great. He's great.
Starting point is 00:50:23 And the other thing is all of a sudden he's started, like we feed the dog chicken and rice. And suddenly he's just like spitting rice out, like bringing it from one room to another one. I'm going to just leave this here. Because now he's had fruit and avocado and, you know, vermicelli. He's going on a world tour. He's a foodie. Yeah, he's a real foodie. They should have tiny little dog trucks.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Dog food trucks. Wait, now. Sorry. Wait a minute. Okay. Because I agree with the concept. But why does the truck have to be tiny for the dog to drive it? So dogs are making the food in this scenario.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Dogs are serving it. I feel like if you left two dogs in charge of a food truck, they would just eat all the food. Well, that's why it has to be a tiny one. Otherwise, they would die from eating a giant food truck. And then the boss would show up. He's a human. He doesn't do a lot of the work. Although, I guess it doesn't matter who
Starting point is 00:51:25 drives them. They're not like ice cream trucks that drive around throwing out chicken skewers. Pad Thai. Yeah, yeah. Best tacos in town. Ooh, taco truck. I think when I first heard about food trucks, that's what I assumed would
Starting point is 00:51:43 happen. That's what they kind of used to be. Like the sandwich trucks would go from like worksite to worksite. Oh, okay. But now they just park like a restaurant. Like they. Well, the bars in town aren't allowed to serve food. Some of them are like the brew pubs. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:59 And so they just park outside there. And at concerts and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I haven't eaten at a food truck in a long time, but I enjoy it. But it's only, it feels like something I would only do on vacation. Well, I like sitting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I like sitting. I like indoors. I love indoors. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Some air conditioning.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Mm-hmm. Waitresses. Yeah. Something maybe. Waiters. Maybe crushed up R rolos in something oh yeah where do you do you know of a juice place i don't know of this was one scottish juice place that would be cool if you were the juice guy that like you order juice and then
Starting point is 00:52:36 guys like i can throw some oreos in there for you like i don't tell my boss but i'll crush those oreos and put them in there for you yeah yeah okay well I can actually do that you could do that yeah you've got pockets
Starting point is 00:52:50 full of them yeah yeah yeah you're like I can make this taste actually like something you want to drink yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:52:56 oh I can just sell you a coke I got some cokes in the back if you want a coke um so yeah that's me nothing but uh
Starting point is 00:53:04 sweeping and waiting for the baby to say Dada. I hope that, yeah, Dada is a good first. She doesn't really do M's. She does D's, though. Do you have any record of what your first word was? Encephalopathy. Wish I had known a word.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Wish I knew a word as an adult. Do you want to say cephalopod or something like that? Yeah, probably something like that. Cephalitis. Did you? First word? Kitty cat. Really?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah. Wow. That's pretty cute. Yeah, I was also in the same mold a little bit. Please. You grow out of it. You grow out of it You grow out of it Would you know yours?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Mm-hmm When my parents went away On a vacation And they left me at my grandparents' house And my grandmother was trying to explain to me Like, they're going away Without you And my first words were oh god
Starting point is 00:54:06 how old were you i don't know five yeah i was 60 how long can you how how yeah but that was the first time i'd ever said anything that was like words but you how long did they go away how long are you allowed to leave your kid with your grandparents for before they're verbal i don't know but yeah anyways that's the first but like there's a difference between like you know kind of babbling kind of yeah oh totally and then actually like kitty cat like would it be like i'm seeing a thing i'm identifying it as so is that when you consider it a first word is when you like identify a thing like yeah she points at you i want you yeah if there's intention behind it i guess but like she said
Starting point is 00:54:57 but that's not me. No. I'm Jeff. Yeah. When she gets mad at you when she's a teenager, she's calling you by your first name. You're like, you call me Jeff. Did you get mad? I never. I don't think it works that way. I think your parents get mad at you.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And call you your full name. Your full name. Yeah, yeah. No, I would do it to my parents to throw them off their game. Ooh. Yeah. Well, do your parents call you Dave parents to throw them off their game. Ooh. Yeah. Well, do your parents call you Dave? Yeah. They don't call you David?
Starting point is 00:55:30 It took me a while to figure out whether I was Dave or David. Yeah, there comes a time with a name like that where you've got to decide that you're... Because my dad still calls me Sophia. Is that... Yeah. Oh, okay. That's a different name, though. Sophie isn't usually short for Sophia, is it? I. Oh, okay. That's a different name, though. Sophie isn't usually short for Sophia, is it?
Starting point is 00:55:46 I think always, yeah. Oh, always? Okay. But like, so your name isn't officially Sophie. No, it's Sophia. Oh, wow. Yeah. But I feel with those.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Seems a little fancy for me, though. Oh, disagree. Disagree. You could be a Sophia. Why not? When did you choose Sophie? Pretty early. I think people just started calling me Sophie when I started going to school.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Right. Yeah. And then you were just like, that's it. Yeah. But if a guy... What about somebody who was Billy when he was a kid? Uh-huh. Billy the kid.
Starting point is 00:56:22 What about somebody who was Billy when he was a kid? Uh-huh. Billy the kid. But then he grows up and now he's a man, but people are still calling him Billy. Is he in showbiz? Yeah, Billy Crystal. I'm asking for a friend. Because Billy works great as an adult in showbiz.
Starting point is 00:56:38 That's true. Yeah. Or sports. Same with Woody, I guess, because that's Woodrow. Jimmy. Jimmy. Bobby. Bobby. Yeah, I guess, because that's Woodrow. Jimmy. Jimmy. Bobby. Bobby. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:56:47 They're kid names. But is there a female equivalent of like. Of Sophia? No, of like when you're a kid. Female equivalent of Sophia. Yeah. What you got. There is.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Of something that you should outgrow, a name you would outgrow you would yeah that would be different when you were a kid but then like suzy and suzanne i guess but i know plenty of grown-up suzies yeah that's true yeah but like barb and barbara no that's not that's no different yeah we don't really do that with with girls. If you can think of any, send them in. Let us know your rascal girl's name. Yeah, yeah. Who was the most rascally girl you knew?
Starting point is 00:57:34 What was her name? Oh, I have one. Izzy, growing up. And now she goes by Isabelle. Sure. Nice. Or Lizzy. You could be a grown-up Lizzy or Izzy. Yeah, that's true. What's the name of the guy in be a grown up Lizzie or Izzy. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Because what's the name of the guy in Guns N' Roses? Izzy Stradlin. Yeah, there you go. Exactly. His real name was Isabel. Isabel Stradlin. He left Guns N' Roses. He was replaced by Gilby Clark.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah. Which is short for Gilba Mesh. Isabel. What's your Have we gone through you this week? No We will though What's your deal? What's your beef? It's your story
Starting point is 00:58:18 I This Couple nights ago I There's a guy I guess in town that is doing comedy, but he was previously a professional wrestler. Uh,
Starting point is 00:58:30 and he went by the name ladies choice. Right. That was his character's name. Um, uh, not a WWE professional. No, no,
Starting point is 00:58:36 uh, local. Yeah. Local promotion. But, uh, uh, like a lot of people have been telling me like,
Starting point is 00:58:44 oh, you got to meet this guy. He's very nice. He's very nice. And- Stop telling us who we need to meet. But it turns out in this case, they were right. Because it literally just ended up talking about like,
Starting point is 00:58:58 wrestling for an hour and a half with this guy. And he would just keep naming them, trying to name the most obscure wrestler he knew. And I knew them. was like who uh you know hulk hogan oh ted di biasi all the classics um but yeah it was uh uh it was i i don't think i've ever chatted with a wrestler besides colt cabana uh and And it was a real treat to just, because I was like, what happens when this happens? What do you do when this happens? Oh yeah, what do you do when that happens?
Starting point is 00:59:32 Ah, you just work through the pain. Yeah, you just keep going. Oh, I don't think I could be a wrestler then. No, no, no. Yeah, I think we're made of softer stuff. We'd be good managers. Sure, but sometimes they gotta get involved. Maybe we We'd be good managers. Sure, but sometimes they got to get involved. Maybe we'd just be good announcers.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Sitting ringside. I'm not good at memorizing all the names. Maybe you could be in charge of parking. Oh, boy. Like in charge of it? No, maybe I could be a good manager. Do that thing where you reach in and trip the guy, trip your opponent.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah. What would your thing be? An umbrella? A broom? You could be the guy who sweeps it. Oh, yeah. My thing would be like Dave the guy who thinks wrestling's for children. Big Daddy Dave.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Yeah. Dave the guy who's over it. Yeah, Dave is not interested. So it was a treat. It was a treat to chat with this guy about all the things who's over it. Yeah, Dave is not interested. So it was a treat. It was a treat to chat with this guy about all the things. And he was telling me, like, remember the guys, the bushwhackers? Yes, of course. They were like in their 50s.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah, okay. But that seems crazy to me. They're Australians. They look young. Ah, that's true because they got so much chill down there. Yeah. You'd think that they would look older because they're in the sun so much. It makes you wrinkle. Yeah. But they do eat a chill down there. Yeah. You'd think that they would look older because they're in the sun so much. It makes you wrinkle.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Yeah. But they do eat a lot of kangaroo meat. And they rub a lot of kiwi on their face. I don't know why I thought of that as an Australian food. So close. Yeah. Was there an Australian food other than kangaroo? Shrimp.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Sure. Hot off the Australian food? Yeah. Other than kangaroo? Sure. Hot off the work. Fosters. Duracell batteries. They had a campaign in the 80s with a guy for like, he looked like he was from the Road Warrior movies. Oh, everything in the 80s was Australia. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Duracell was one of their. Yeah. They eat a bunch of Yahoo Sirius. They drink Koala Springs. They drink Koala Springs. I miss Koala Springs. Crocodile of Dundee. Do you guys sell Koala Springs at your juice place? It's all we sell.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Oh, wow. That's the place for me. So what did you learn about wrestling? I don't think that I learned anything. What did he learn? Well, he definitely didn't learn anything. If anything, he came out dumber on the other end of our conversation.
Starting point is 01:01:50 But just like the thing that's always fascinated me about these guys is that they go on the road just like a band or a comedian or whatever. So they live the road lifestyle. They go out drinking and all this kind of crazy stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:06 You know, Archie. Yeah. And then, uh, but then they got to stay in shape and that's what blows my mind is that then they have to spend a chunk of the day working out instead of just sleeping, which is,
Starting point is 01:02:19 yeah, exactly. That's what most people do. No, I know, but it fascinates me. You've been to a hotel gym. it's just full of people doing that. You would love my mom.
Starting point is 01:02:26 He'd be so impressed. Why? Does your mom work out a lot? A little. Oh, yeah. I'm kind of interested, yeah. I wonder if wrestlers, you know how there's like actresses, and I guess actors. Yeah, there's both.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Who won't like do nudity yeah are there wrestlers who are like i won't cut myself with a razor blade i guess so that would be my thing is i will like you people will show up like oh maybe he'll be desperate enough to cut himself with a razor blade you're like no i'm above that yeah i because those guys that do that uh when they're older dudes like it's really they're scarred up for yeah they've got these scarred up foreheads and it's really but the rock doesn't have that so he must have been one of those guys who was like no i'm the rock but even in his early backyard wrestling days i don't know maybe he just cut like the inside of his thighs or something.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah. Oh, just to feel something, you mean? Yeah. But to hide from his doctor. He was pretty angsty. He certainly didn't cut his eyebrows
Starting point is 01:03:34 because those are his moneymaker. Oh, yeah. I wonder if he has, if he's one of those guys that has a thing insured, like a body part insured. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Like The Rock has his eyebrows insured or, because like Keithith richards uh he that's the one the example you go yeah he because he had his uh uh voice voice box or whatever his voice insured for like two million dollars keith richards the non-singer yeah isn't that weird because he's maybe because he smoked all the time who would insure that he probably knows a guy yeah but like yeah there's always an actress who's got her legs insured or a dancer i'm good
Starting point is 01:04:14 what if i take an insurance on somebody else's legs nah then i'll be the prime suspect in their murder in their leg murder in their amputation uh well anyways so i met a wrestler that's what i did uh-huh uh you know and i had it was a good time yeah and i i don't feel like i got drank under the table by this wrestler so they're not famous drinkers andre the giant was sure yeah there's that picture of holding the can of beer and it's in his it looks so tiny yeah it looks like a hilarious mini like a mini fridge beer yeah like a mini bar yeah anyways it was a lot of fun and uh you know what who knows who i'll meet tonight going out after this you're gonna jokes please huh you're gonna jokes please i am yeah cool and uh what else is going on? Oh, I might have a new roommate Oh yeah, yeah, someone's left
Starting point is 01:05:06 Somebody's left, but also The gal came today And we all met her Has a girl leaving? Yeah, a girl's leaving And so we're trying to replace her with another girl Oh, so all girls are replaceable to you? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:05:20 He just wants to keep the equilibrium Yeah, we want to Because we don't want it to turn into a bro house. So we want to keep it somewhere. Plus all their cycles have synced up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gotcha. Yeah. And, but here's, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
Starting point is 01:05:40 She lives in her car right now. So. Is it Jewel? Yeah, it's Juul. She's still doing that. She's like, I gotta get back to basics. I haven't had a hit song since I lived in my car. And then she just like...
Starting point is 01:05:54 Well, what kind of car is it? I don't... Toyota something, she said. Oh, reliable. I don't know why we asked her that. But we did ask her. We're like, oh yeah, what kind of car are you living in? That was my first thought.
Starting point is 01:06:06 In your car, does your car have references? Oh no, it's stolen. Yeah, sure. I've never heard of, here,
Starting point is 01:06:15 I'll put it on the phone right now. Oh, go on. Yeah. Yeah, J.D. Power and Associates. So, yeah,
Starting point is 01:06:24 I don't know. But, she's probably going to be the new roommate, so we'll see. Yeah, best alternative so far. Yeah. The woman who's in love with her car. As long as they keep their, as long as she doesn't bring the car into the house. Oh, they need to have a separate entrance now. No, I don't want them in the house at all. No entrance.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Graham's motorist. I am motorist. Yeah. They should have their own drinking fountains. Yeah. They should have their own gas stations. Cool. Humans and cars should fuel up at different places.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Humans at the juice bar. Cars at the gas bar. Anyways, yeah, so I don't know know we'll see how that turns out well oh we thought the car was moving in i hope she moves in and she has a race car bed oh yeah well she won't have a bed at this point because she's living in her car so she can carve a bed bed at this point because she's living in her car. She can carve a bed out of her car? If she's living in her car, why does she need to live at your place, too? Oh, because this is the thing that was very interesting. She was doing it just because she's like, ah, just save some money up.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yeah, I'm writing an article for a website. I lived in my car for a year. Yeah. But then she says, like, you have to eat dinner out three meals a day. Yeah, it's too expensive. Oh, I do that, too. She's like, it's costing me a fortune to live in my car, so. You have to eat dinner three meals a day.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yeah. You can't just have a cheap breakfast. You've got to go for a top of the line filet mignon. Lobster four times a day. You go for a top of the line. Lobster four times a day. But I guess, you know, like, can you imagine, like, just, like, having to be outside all the time until the very moment that you're going to sleep? Because there's no, like, hanging out in your car.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah. So that's. You could, like, hang out in the trunk. That's true. That is true. Don't lock me in here, you guys. They did come out with that car that had speakers that fold down in the trunk. Yeah, that's true. It was a Dodge.
Starting point is 01:08:31 On my ride? No, no. It was a standard feature. I considered buying this car. Because you're like, what if I ever get locked in my own trunk? No, it was just like it had all the features of my car but it also had this feature um but it was an american car and i've just been told not never to buy one no that's true i mean if you're gonna live in one it's fine but if you're gonna drive so roomy and hey the thing
Starting point is 01:08:56 about living in cars you don't have to sweep ever that's true that's true you can just go to one of those vacuum things get them vacuumed out that's pretty pretty good. Or if you're gross, not do that at all either. Yeah, that's true. What if you were using it and you went on a date and somebody was like, there's a lot of stuff in this car. Oh, I live in it. Or just be like, you want to go back to my place? And then just recline your seat.
Starting point is 01:09:26 A nightcap. You've got like little bottles in the glove compartment. Not bad. Pretty good. You know. Anyway, so we'll see. See how that turns out. Like it was only when I was walking over here.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I was like, oh, she seemed nice. But also she could be an axe murderer. No, I mean, there was that save by the bell where there was the father and daughter living in their car. It was a Christmas episode. Two episodes, really. Isn't that the one where Zach gets stabbed, though? Yeah, Zach got stabbed. In the neck.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Yeah, because he had half of a hamburger left. He was so hungry. Well, no, it was the weirdest thing because it's a live action show, but it zoomed in on her face and then he turned into a turkey. That was a lot. That's usually something that only happens in cartoons. So she was so hungry, she saw him as a turkey and stabbed him in the neck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:25 And then tried to scoop stuffing out of his butthole. Yeah. That's where that show was taken out of the air. You guys have lost your minds. And the scene went on for 45 minutes. Oh, because it was the extended Christmas episode.
Starting point is 01:10:53 It was the 12 hours of Christmas on Saved by the Bell. Oh, well, shall we move on to Overhurst? Well, I'm not saying that will happen to you. Yeah, after these messages. Bikini season. Volleyball time. Hot dogs and hamburgers. Get ready to the Olympic dive.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Fourth of July. Are you ready for rollerblading rain time? That's right. It's Erin and Brian from Throwing Shade. If you didn't know from that very clear intro. We take a look at issues involving ladies and gays and we treat them with much less respect than they deserve. So watch out, punks.
Starting point is 01:11:26 So hey, download us and take us to the beach while you're doing your summertime fun. Hi, I'm Justin McElroy. I'm Travis McElroy. I'm Griffin McElroy. We're brothers
Starting point is 01:11:39 and we host a podcast called My Brother, My Brother and Me. It's a comedy advice show and if you like podcasts and when I say me, you can still see the one right now. You gotta see us live at the pacific northwest area of america and also canada yeah we're coming to portland we're coming to seattle we're coming to vancouver we're going to be there august 28th 29th and 30th i want to buy tickets
Starting point is 01:11:58 to the portland show tough they're sold out pretty good pretty good advertisement so far but there are tickets still available for the seattle show and for the vancouver show if you go to forward slash mbmbam seattle and forward slash van mbmbam tickets are still available there they are assigned seating and they're going fast so don't miss your chance to get them go right now go do it don't wait and also the medical history podcast i do with my wife, Sawbones, another MaxFun show, is going to be there as well. It's a big show. It's going to be a huge
Starting point is 01:12:29 show full of fun, full of excitement. You won't want to miss it. Gosh, we hope you've heard of our shows before. Or else this is just very weird for you. We're brothers. We're experts. And we're live, baby. Overheard Overheard
Starting point is 01:12:49 It's a segment in which we see, hear things Out there in the world Then we share them here on the show If you have one I have one, it's kind of older Our guest It's when Chris James and I were on the road There were
Starting point is 01:13:04 James and Buttle The comedy duo of Oh man So there was a group of people And they were pretty drunk And there was one guy who was kind of trying to Know everything Like people would say something and he'd be like
Starting point is 01:13:21 Oh well did you know A real Cliff Clavin Do you get that? No. All right. And then they were talking about TV shows. And then he said, oh, I'm a big Lord of Thrones fan. I watch like every one.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Oh, well, close. Yeah. Yeah, close. It's pretty smart. And then if somebody called him on it, he'd be like, no, not the Game of Thrones. Lord of Thrones is the after show where they talk about it. Speaking of Thrones.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Dave, do you have one? I do watch. Lord of Thrones. I don't know anything about Game of Thrones, but I've seen every episode up until like two weeks ago because Abby and I watch them every week, and she's read the books and she follows it and i think everyone looks alike all right i can't tell all the handsome princes apart and um and so like two weeks ago i just i i finally got to the point where i fell asleep during one and
Starting point is 01:14:22 i just decided i'm never going back i'm never never going, I'm never going to catch up now. I won't have time to watch the 40 minutes I missed of this. Well, I've, I've never seen an episode and it seems like a big commitment. Like it seems like there's a lot of characters that you have to commit to. And also it's a, it's a show. I already know that there's like a big event where all the red wedding or whatever. Then everybody gets killed. Not everybody.
Starting point is 01:14:49 But a lot of them. Yeah. But so, you know. But also I saw that and I was like, it didn't seem like that many people got killed. Everyone talked like it was the biggest thing that ever happened. But I don't know. People die all the time on this show. Especially in those days.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Oh, yeah. Especially in those days. In those fictional days. You know it's not based on Earth. Oh, I've never seen it. I do have an overheard, I guess. Okay. This is barely anything. i was uh up the street from me there's a daycare yeah and they have a bunch of toys in the yard and uh there was this like truck toy that was like an 18 wheeler
Starting point is 01:15:37 um and uh i walked past it and i looked over and I had to do a double take and go back and like squint and read what was on the side of this truck. And it said, Tiara Yachts. Only the most exclusive yachts brought to you by truck. I want my kid playing with trucks,
Starting point is 01:16:02 but I want him, you know. I want him to be gay for sure. Or, you know, rich. Yeah. The same. I want him to be part of the yacht life. Tiara yachts. I like that.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Yeah. There's something for everyone. Trucks, tiaras, and yachts. It's the fanciest word I know. Is there a fancier five-letter word? Caviar. Nope. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Pretty good on the draw there. Mine is an overseen. Now, this was up in the Whitehorse, up in the Yukon. Oh, yeah. You visited. Now this was up in the Whitehorse Up in the Yukon Oh yeah you visited And I was in this restaurant Home of the oldest pussy in town Which we learned about last week A mummified cat
Starting point is 01:16:55 That wasn't even there Yeah it was broken They have a lot of mummified stuff up there Like the toe thing And then mummies just roam the streets It's cursed Yeah the whole town is cursed there, hey? Yeah. And then mummies just roam the streets. It's cursed. Yeah, yeah. The whole town is cursed.
Starting point is 01:17:11 The whole province is run by mummies. Yeah, whenever you try and whenever the federal government tries to limit bandages and things like that, oh, they get so mad up there. We need them. And they say, you're not my mummy. Yeah, you're not my real mummy. It's a good joke up there. A need them yeah they say you're not my mommy yeah you're not my real mommy it's a good joke up there a lot of t-shirts yeah what do you sphinx i don't know but they have one
Starting point is 01:17:33 of those up there yeah something sphinx and it's like a sphinx with sting lines coming out of it. So this is, I was walking past the women's bathroom and the door was wide open and there was a... Sure. I know, right? It doesn't sound plausible. Yeah. Like you would just walk right past an opportunity like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Check things out. Yeah. Got a lot of questions. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sit down, Taylor. It's there things out. Yeah. Got a lot of questions. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sit down, Taylor. It's there, right? Cool.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Very few urinals in this place for a ladies' bathroom. But it's a machine. I've never seen something like this before. But it's from the Yukon Brewing Company, and it has the question at the top. It says, remember the last time you had sex? And then it was a pregnancy test dispenser. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:32 First of all, that's a pretty intimate question. Remember the last time you had sex? No. My memory doesn't go back that far. It was recent, but I've got memento. I've got memento disease. Anyway, so that was my overseeing. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Yeah, pregnancy test in the bathroom. Is that a thing? Pregnancy test in the bathroom? I've never seen it, but I don't go in public bathrooms, so I don't know. But in my home, we do have one. Is it a pay thing?
Starting point is 01:19:04 It's a claw machine. Well, we have it rigged so you can put the same quarter every time. It's a claw machine. Oh, I hope I get the cool one. Yeah, ooh, the digital display. I just got an angry bird. I mean, anything can be a pregnancy test. I don't know that that's true.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Well, I mean, what I mean is... Yeah. Qualify that statement. I mean, you can pee on anything. Oh, that's true. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:33 You can pee on a popsicle stick. Or a popsicle. Yeah. That's the great thing about living in the modern era. You can pee on anything you want. As long as you own it, you can pee on it. Well, you know that the riddle of the Sphinx in the Yukon. You can pee on anything you want. As long as you own it, you can pee on it. Well, you know that the riddle of the Sphinx in
Starting point is 01:19:47 Yukon? Uh-huh. What has four legs in the morning, three legs in, no, two legs in the noon, and then three legs at night and sits down to pee. Oh, a
Starting point is 01:20:03 table. Yeah. A weird table. Yeah, like a haunted table. Yeah. Oh, you forgot these two legs. Oh, I apologize. Oh, I can't get one of them back on.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Yeah, now it's only got two legs. Oh, wait, I got one back on. Now it's got three legs. It's got to pee. It's sitting down. Now we also have overheard sent into us by people around the world. If you want to send one into us, you can send it into spy at This one is from Devin in southwest England.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Hey. Hey. That was spot on. I can do half a syllable of any accent. Oh, okay. German. Really good. Any requests? Dutch.
Starting point is 01:21:03 It's very close to German. Very similar. I can tell the dialect difference. So my friend was walking home from a nightclub and overheard a couple who were having sex over a dumpster. The girl said to the guy, slow down, Gary. You're making me spill my chips. Which in England. Fries.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Fries, yeah. A little thing of fries that's probably maybe they split the fish oh i want to hear it with her accent oh uh yeah if you could call it in and do the accent yeah oh boy gary yeah she's probably making me spill my chips yeah but isn't that just like a euphemism for... Oh, right. Well, if Gary doesn't slow down, he's going to spill his chips. Yeah, why does she care? Go ahead, spill my chips.
Starting point is 01:21:54 The faster we're out of this dumpster scenario. Over the dumpster. Yeah. Have you ever had sex over a dumpster? No. Heard people having public sex? Yes. I don't think I have.
Starting point is 01:22:08 I totally have in Stanley Park. More than once. Walking along the paths at dusk. I'm like, well, those aren't animal noises I'm hearing. Those are people's walls. Oh, Gary. Oh, Gary. Gary, my chips.
Starting point is 01:22:26 It was two ducks, and I was like, I'm going to spill my bread. Careful, I'm spilling my little bits of bread. I bet when a guide duck is trying to think of what to think of to not finish, he thinks of no bread. He's like, oh, I hate that. Yeah. He thinks of no bread bread he's like oh i hate that yeah he thinks of that makes sense yeah yeah yeah like bread gets him so excited that it's over before it even starts yeah or duck baseball oh man dizzy dean daffy dean were these baseball players I don't know
Starting point is 01:23:05 I started watching that do you watch that documentary about Doc Ellis oh yeah I tried to start it I tried to start it yeah sign me up
Starting point is 01:23:15 for that answer too I watched the they made a 10 minute online version a few years ago and then I was like I don't need to see the 90s that's what I need to watch
Starting point is 01:23:23 I need to see the 10 minute yeah it's animated. Oh even better. Disney? Yeah and it's Bluth. This next one comes from JJ in Adelaide Australia.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Oceania. I was recently at a renaissance fair. What was the rena Renaissance like in Australia? A lot of prisoners being sent there. Wasn't that it? What are the galley? What's the one where they?
Starting point is 01:23:51 Oh, yeah. In the stocks? Yeah. I don't think they had traveled there yet in the Renaissance. So then it would have been just the Aboriginal people. Yeah. Although I guess we have Renaissance fairs here and we didn't have a Renaissance. No, that's true.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Yeah. Although they... Do they have Renaissance fairs in like Italy? Or is that every day? Every day. Oh, they're sick of the Renaissance. Yeah, I don't know. It's a good...
Starting point is 01:24:22 It's like... You know what's a weird thing is like uh there's all these kind of celebrations of like what goes up in the yukon is like this is the old west and they have renaissance fairs there's nothing just this like the 70s is there a place that just celebrates the 70s um oh boy where you go and it's like everything looks like serpico. I think a lot of small towns. No, they're more like the 90s. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like I'm thinking like where could I go that it looks like the 70s,
Starting point is 01:24:54 like big cars and like everybody's smoking. Cuba. That's the 50s is when that cut off. I'm looking for a place where the 70s never die. Okay, if you're from the 70s, write us. Yeah, because I'm interested to know. Graham wants to come over. I want to move there permanently. There was that place in town where it was like, we're a 70s house
Starting point is 01:25:12 and you could, it was part of a walking tour and it was like, you go in and you sit down and listen to records and you're not allowed to look at your phone. Oh, yeah, right. Yeah. And it sucked. But wait, did that tour also provide marijuana and great acid? No, it provided chips, but you kept dropping them while Gary was plowing you.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Yeah, plowing you. Yeah, 70s style. A jumping dumpster. So this is at a Renaissance Fair. Are we still on this one? Oh, we absolutely are. After the show, one small boy turned to his dad and asked, Dad, can I do archery?
Starting point is 01:25:52 His dad replied, when you're older. The boy then turned to his toddler sister and in a very audible whisper told her, when I grow up, I'm going to learn archery and kill dad. Then that's why you don't get any archery, kid. You can do archery when I'm dead. Perfect. Well, then I will wanna. I just want to do enough archery to kill you.
Starting point is 01:26:33 I don't want to do so much archery that I got a tummy ache. Oh, somebody's gonna have a tummy ache. I could do as much archery as I like. Oh, I definitely remember eating so much I got a tummy ache when I as I like. Oh, I definitely remember eating so much. I got a tummy ache when I was a kid. Oh, yeah. And having to go like lie down and try not to barf. And being like everyone telling me I would get a tummy ache and then I had to sneak away.
Starting point is 01:26:59 So they didn't know I had a tummy ache. I think they knew. They were happy that I was gone. Did you ever like with the staying up late where you'd fight through being so tired? You'd be like, I'm not tired. And like you're totally falling asleep. You're like, I want to watch Caddyshack. I had that with, I was allowed to stay up and watch TV with my grandpa. As long as it was The Simpsons.
Starting point is 01:27:21 But all he wanted to watch was like the news or Poirot or something. And I didn't get it at all. But it was so boring and I was also so tired. So they're both fighting against me. But I wanted to stay awake so badly. I still get that. Like I will be falling asleep watching TV. And then I'll wake up five minutes later and be like, oh yeah, I'm still awake.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Yeah, yeah, I'm still good. Yeah, no, no, nothing's wrong. I'm still very much enjoying this. Yeah. This last one comes from Ashley in St. Louis, Missouri. I was watching MeTV, a local antenna channel that plays old shows and movies. Gilligan's Island had just ended
Starting point is 01:28:02 and then the following notice came on the screen. The following program is both educational and informative then saved by the bell came on and it was that episode oh no yeah the one with the stuffing yeah butt stuffing um have you seen any uh good infomercials lately here's the one i like it's not even an infomercial it's like a one minute commercial yeah it's for this egg this egg oh you don't have sex egg yeah it's a sex egg is it is it the sex egg no no because somebody told me that a friend of jim jeffries has a bit about like a butt sex egg what's a a, what? Like an egg you put up your butt? Yeah, and it got stuck there. And it got, you had to try, you tried to pull it out, but it didn't work.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Ah, because no, I'm talking about a friend of mine was given a gift that was like a, like a fleshlight, but in an egg. Yeah. Yeah. No, this is like a giant ostrich egg. Okay. Where you put eggs in it. And then you put eggs in those eggs in those oh it's an egg within
Starting point is 01:29:06 an egg it's like i guess i maybe you put it in the microwave and it scrambles them it like cooks perfectly scrambled eggs if you crack a bunch of eggs into it you don't have to worry about does it spin around or something yeah i mean if your microwave has that function uh and then in the commercial, it's like, you can make enough eggs to feed the army. And there's three army guys eating eggs. Oh, can that be my overheard? I accidentally watched a bit of a...
Starting point is 01:29:39 I accidentally watched a bit of a woman going pee in the Yukon. That was no accident. No, there was a, cause I was trying to watch, I know this is because we're recording this in May, but Letterman just had his last show and I was trying to watch it online on a streaming site, but it just streamed what was on CBS at that time, which was like one in the morning. Just streamed what was on CBS at that time, which was like one in the morning. Oh. And it was this commercial where they were asking a bunch of ladies, like, how do you think this woman looks?
Starting point is 01:30:15 Now look at a picture of her and her neck. And the ladies were like, oh. I love a good neck. Yeah. And so they were like, I'm going to start taking care of my neck. So it was some sort of neck cream. Okay. For your neck. I'll buy it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It, I gotta start taking care of my neck. So it was some sort of neck cream. Oh, okay. For your neck.
Starting point is 01:30:26 I'll buy it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's also popular with ducks. Swans. Sure. Yeah. Oh, boy, swans. Yeah, ostriches.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Yeah, flamingos. Yeah. Pink. No, that's the show. Yeah, they showed a picture of a woman's face. And then when they showed the full picture picture she had a flamingo's neck. The person was like, oh,
Starting point is 01:30:48 oh no, I don't want that. What, you think you're too good for a flamingo neck? This woman makes a living. That's a spot. That's a necklace model. In addition to our overheards
Starting point is 01:31:03 that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you would like to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328. Like these people here. That's a necklace model. Unless you can hold more necklaces than any of the other models. We can put our whole line on there. Hey, Dave Graham and possible guests.
Starting point is 01:31:22 This is Nesbitt G. from South Carolina. I used BlixStore today and heard two voices of older gentlemen around the corner. I couldn't see them, but a, you know, can we go now? And the guy's like, yeah, I'm finishing up now. And then he's like, 30 seconds later, he goes, yeah, this is really cutting into my nap time. Yeah, when you have a nap scheduled in your brain and things get in the way of it. Even a minute could slow you down. This was going to be a 20-minute nap. Now it's a 19- slow you down oh well this is going to be a 20 minute nap now it's
Starting point is 01:32:05 a 19 minute nap yeah yeah you're you're shaving off a valuable nap are you a napper i am that's why i didn't i didn't get why that was funny like like of course don't be rude he has a nap scheduled yeah do you schedule them or do you just free form yeah i'm a long form improv napper yeah you're gonna herald um you don't nap you know i wish yeah i don't have i i don't have the skill and or the the desire sometimes that'll hold you back yeah sometimes i have the desire but no like yeah like i'm like oh i wish i could nap now too bad i have no practice at it and don't know how to do it i'm a very strong napper what do you do 15 minutes 20 what do you do oh there are hours well that's just sleeping that's sleeping ah shoot yeah no i do that yeah yeah yeah like it's dark out it's's nighttime, you go to sleep. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Nightmap. Eight to twelve hours later. Refreshing nightmap. When you wake up, it's an entirely new day. You have to go to your job. Yeah. Here's your next phone call. Hey, Dave and Graham and... Alicia, maybe?
Starting point is 01:33:24 Close. I have an overheard. I was at the City Tavern in... It's actually in Overdronk, because I just had a couple beers. Alright. But I was at the City Tavern in Philadelphia, and this woman beside me said to her friend, yes, I was having a lot of trouble walking,
Starting point is 01:33:44 so I examined my shoe, and then I realized it's because I've had a lot of beer. Quick to blame the shoe. So I went back to Aldo. All drunk girls shop at Aldo. Oh, yeah. I go into Aldo on a Friday night around 11 p.m. Every girl in there is drunk.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Can you buy shoes drunk? Will they let you? Well, they just sell you two. You have to have a permit. Two left shoes that somebody stole the other one to. And you're like, I'm walking by. Oh, you're drunk. I guess you can buy shoes drunk on the internet yeah i'm sure
Starting point is 01:34:26 many of the funniest shoes are about that way i've never been drunk in a department store oh boy you gotta yeah i think i just created a new bucket list item yeah yeah get really drunk walk around uh you can get drunk in a department store. Really? Perfume. Oh, yeah. That's true. Well, this was the most expensive drink I've ever had. Do you think, how much perfume do you think you could drink? Before what? Before the law catches up with me? No, no.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Do you think you could get down? Keep in mind, you have to drink it through a spray. Oh, you're doing Spritz into your mouth? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, I guess a lot that way, because it wouldn't hit me all at once. I think it would. I think it would hit you right away.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Yeah, they're like, oh, this is incredibly fragrant and not in a delicious way. You could look cool the first Spritz. Like, you see a girl. Yeah, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I think if pressed, i think you could get a you know a small bottle of men's cologne down
Starting point is 01:35:29 before before i realized what i was doing yeah but uh why how much do you think you could drink oh i know for a fact how much i could you know one of those cartoon bottles? Not cartoon, but like display bottle of Chanel No. 5. Yeah. Like an enormous thing. Yeah, not that. I could have... I once snorted Axe Body Spray. Is that worth anything?
Starting point is 01:35:58 Yeah, absolutely. All right, here's your final overheard of 2015. Hello, fellas and or lady fellas. This is Tesla calling from the Vancouver area. I live in between a convenience store and a high school. And I just heard a gaggle of boys walk by having a mild verbal altercation. It wasn't anything serious because one of them said to the other
Starting point is 01:36:26 yeah well you're a marijuana smoker and then all of his friends went ooo like in a movie and then from the distance I could hear the faint sound of an air horn being played from a cell phone so that's weird
Starting point is 01:36:41 yeah the first time I heard this I really liked it because I thought all the boys said like in a movie like he smokes marijuana like in a movie that must be a very well trod path between the school
Starting point is 01:37:01 and the convenience store you bet there's a sign up in the convenience store that says four students at a time. Please. Yeah. We had a 7-Eleven by our school right across the street. Man, it was the best. Ate so many hot dogs. We had a Max
Starting point is 01:37:16 Milk. What is that? Max. But why is it milk? That's just what they used to call it. Really? In her day. Back in my day. Yeah. Your day. I'm confused. Was it ever called Max Milk out here? Old people call it that, and apparently young people.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Yeah, you guys missed it. But no one in between. It had a low. Max Milk. Wow. Yeah, I never understood what that store was all about. Max? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:46 It's 7-Eleven, basically. Yeah, but it had a cat wearing a hat. The Tam O'Shanter? Yeah, Tam O'Shanter is the logo. Remember that? No. There was a cat logo. If you remember being called Max Milk,
Starting point is 01:37:58 don't go all daffy about the cat wearing the hat. You guys know the cat in the hat? Yeah. It's different than that. Yeah. It's a different cat, different hat. You guys know the cat in the hat? Yeah. It's different than that. Yeah. It's a different cat, different hat. Before the drinks
Starting point is 01:38:08 were called Frosters, they, you're not going to believe me on this, they used to be called Slush Cats. Do you believe him or don't you? No. It was a reaction. It may or may not have been
Starting point is 01:38:19 a reaction to Slush Puppies. Oh, Slush Cats. That's very good. They're called Slushies now. No, they're called Frosters. You call them Slushies because you're an old lady. Go get a Slush puppies. Oh, slush cats. That's very good. They're called slushies now. No, they're called frosters. You call them slushies because you're an old lady. Go get a slushie.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Here's 25 bits. Here's a doubloon. Here's 25 bits of yarn that I've been saving. 25 cents is two bits, right? I don't know. Well, how much is a shave
Starting point is 01:38:44 and a haircut? I don't know. Two stone. Now shave and a haircut? I don't know. Two stone. Now, that brings us to the end of the podcast. Do you have anything you would like to plug? I do. In July, I'll be at ZooFest in Montreal. Fun.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Yeah. With two other very funny... Dave's confused. What's the ZooF zoo fest it's part of just for laughs oh okay and then that's on july 11th and 12th at the catacombs okay you're playing in the yeah that's uh uh paul f thompkins talked about being like medieval it's like it is pretty cool yeah yeah do they have like bone is it a bone church do they have bones yeah and it's all uh mummies hanging out down there just yeah cool yeah yeah cooling off from the montreal sun right because they are they're so wrapped up i know but then they
Starting point is 01:39:37 oh that would be a good scary romantic comedy but One guy, he's an architect, but then she works at a PR firm, but is also a mummy. She's also been cursed by a mummy. Yeah, she wants to have it all, but she also, you know, her nose has been, her brain's been pulled out through her nose. And her nose has been pulled out through her brain. Yeah, so she's just got a head full of sawdust. And ambition. What do you call this movie?
Starting point is 01:40:14 I mean, Oh Mama, something like that. Oh Mommy, Mommy Dearest. Tombs of Endearment. A Rom Mom. A Rom Mom.
Starting point is 01:40:23 It is a real Rom Mom. Mom. So Zoo Fest. Zoo Fest and then also I'm featuring A rom-mom A rom-mom It is a real rom-mom Mom Um So Zoo Fest Zoo Fest And then also I'm featuring
Starting point is 01:40:29 At Comedy Mix Um August 7th to 9th There you go Yeah These are dates Do you know who you're with? It was supposed to be Jen Grant
Starting point is 01:40:39 But she Canceled or something Just happened Okay Yeah Alright So She's riding the wave of...
Starting point is 01:40:46 Fame wave. Of fame. The fame wave. Oh, man. They could ever get on that wave. You should be sexually harassed more in the workplace. I am constantly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:56 That's true. I wear slutty things every day. No, and then people say, you were asking for it, and I was like, yeah, you're right. No, and then people say, you were asking for it. And I was like, yeah, you're right. I show up in women's bathrooms hoping that somebody will harass me. And you know what? Never happens. And it's no joke.
Starting point is 01:41:15 It's no joke. That's true. Man, oh, man. That guy, well, that guy made me so goddamn mad. Listener, Google Jen Grant. That's all. Yeah. You'll find a news story about him. Very funny. Yeah, also Google her comedy., Google Jen Grant. That's all. Yeah. You'll find a news story
Starting point is 01:41:25 about it. Very funny. Yeah, also Google her comedy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. But yeah, anyway, she's involved
Starting point is 01:41:33 in an incident that she handled beautifully. Mm-hmm. I wouldn't have. I would have gone in the women's bathroom and screamed. And where are you
Starting point is 01:41:46 on Twitter? Where can people find you on online? At Sophie Buddle. B-U-D-D-L-E. Yeah. Yeah. Anywhere else that people need to know about? Websites? Sure. I'm all over that. Sophie Buddle on there as well? I think
Starting point is 01:42:02 it's Soph Bud. You think? Soph Bud. Soph Bud or Soph Buds You don't know You're a millennial Yeah yeah Yeah Yeah it's This is your time
Starting point is 01:42:11 It's not before It's not after This is it Sorry guys Are you on Yik Yak No I'm not That yeah Oh Yik Yak
Starting point is 01:42:20 And Yeah plugs wise I'll be out In Toronto Uh huh And Winnipeg Uh huh And yeah Plugs wise I'll be out in Toronto And Winnipeg For the Fringe Festivals Go to their respective Fringe Festival websites
Starting point is 01:42:33 I'll be in Montreal Are we gonna hang? We'll see Yeah we're gonna hang We're both pretty busy So whatever We're both leading our lives And then Edinburgh I'll be all the way overseas.
Starting point is 01:42:46 And I think this is the week. Are we in the improvaganza this week? I think that's the week we're in improvaganza. Yeah. Edmonton, Alberta. City of Champions. Y-E-G, I think is their port code. Sure.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Yeah, I feel like it is. Fine. Fine. I don't care. Cookie. sure yeah I feel like it is fine
Starting point is 01:43:02 you're fine I don't care cookie um and if you like the show head over to check out the blog recap
Starting point is 01:43:11 of this episode Max Milk had better be in that yeah yeah pictures and videos of things we've talked about on the show
Starting point is 01:43:19 picture of that cat with the hat Tam O'Shanter yeah maybe that she doesn't think exists oh there's gotta be i bet on ebay someone's selling an old cup uh what else did we talk about i feel like there's oh the mummies yeah mummies the bushwhackers sure that saved by the bell with
Starting point is 01:43:39 a woman living in her car you should have a a picture of Fine Noodle on it, too. Yeah. Well, she doesn't consent to be part of the vlog. Show me a picture of her. I'm very interested. She looks a bit like Abby, actually. My wife looks a bit like Abby. And if you like the show, come
Starting point is 01:44:01 on back and tell your friends. We'll tell your friends first, then come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Listener supported.

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